#friend-ship shenanigans
anthrophobixx · 3 months
Well, I did cook a couple things for my privtwt acc :o
Still learning how to draw them o(-(
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boinky-spoinky · 7 months
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🌙 Going to bed, will finish digital art shenanigans tomorrow night, night! 🌙
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motherofplatypus · 2 months
Grimpulse headcanon: Impulse once thrown himself onto the bed with Grian on it and it launched the poor guy across the shopping district. Its been three weeks and he's still sleeping on the couch.
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queenofthebeast · 3 months
Hear me out guys. Soundwave and Shockwave are probably either. The best friends ever, enemies or dating. I also feel like no matter what they would start out as enemies no matter what.
Soundwave, Megatron's most loyal subject, eyes and ears of the Decepticons.
Shockwave, the mad scientist who only helps Megaton for his betterment and would kill Megatron if he wanted to or if he simply found no use for him.
Now if the war never happened, best friends. But because of their views and who they're loyal to or lack of loyalty. It would totally change their perception on each other.
Like Shockwave wouldn't give two flying fucks about Soundwave. But still keeps on eye on him just as much as he does for Megatron if not more. And knows that if he kills Megatron he has to kill Soundwave to and has plans just incase.
Soundwave if fully aware of Shockwave and his agendas, same as anyone in the Decepticons. But let's say Soundwave haa more intel on Shockwave then even Shockwave himself knows. He is the 'Eyes and Ears' of the Decepticons after all. Which means he's already 5 steps ahead; he has a counterplan for Shockwave's, and not only that but multiple back up plans.
Their ordeal mainly consist of overly complex insults that are hard to pick up on, and passive aggressiveness at every waking moment.
Eventually the two realize how illogical it is for them to be so spiteful towards each other. And at some point start to get along. Eventually they start getting really close and share intel while sitting closely. Face Timing each other while they work when they can't accompany the other. Subtle yet complex flirting. (Yeah, they'd be a great bundle. Whether they'd be friends or lovers.)
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canongf-archive · 2 years
i don't know how to explain it just right, but there's something so special about your f/o using the words us and we. they send you a meme and caption it 'us.' you're talking about movies and they say 'we have to watch that one together.' you're telling them about an adventure you went on with them in a dream and they say 'that sounds like us.' playing a game with them where you're on the same team and they say 'we're so good at this.' things like that. those little reminders that you have a life together. little reminders that it's you and them.
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 3 months
Random SCOGUE headcanon because I need to vent and don’t feel like writing coherently I’m sorry 🥲
Angel’s Wings
You know how Rogue and Scott were in that Music Store in 5th Avenue when they overheard some customers talking about Angel?
And Scott was listening to something and seemed into it before Rogue nudged him?
Well…*cracks knuckles to share stuff no one needs or wants to hear*
She was sharing with him her favorite goth alternative music.
Performed by her favorite musician:
Scott had never heard of her. Rogue then explained that GOBLIN QUEEN is less of a mainstream artist and more of an underground/indie/anonymous one. She goes on to gush about her favorite songs (ex. A Nothing Being in a Nowhere Place) and albums she managed to buy/burned onto cds (ex. LIMBO and ANODYNE), but laments that she’s never been able to find the one called INFERNO.
By sheer dumb luck (aka contrived coincidence à la me), Scott manages to find an authentic copy of the album INFERNO later on. Did he get another cd Rogue liked by another goth band she liked beforehand for her? Of course he did. But he saw how her eyes sparkled and how animated she was talking about that singer. Also, the music he had heard was pretty cool. So he was always on the look out for it.
Unserious (?) sub-headcanon based on what Josh Whedon once said about Buffy Summers from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer:
Scott and Buffy Summers are cousins on his Dad’s side.
They probably were initially on “Christmas Card” terms with each other (maybe their parents had a falling out (Did the series ever mention if Buffy’s surname came from her mom or dad?) or something and that’s why they didn’t reach out after the plane crash that killed Christopher and Kate and separated Scott and Alex or they only took in Scott for a little bit before giving him to foster care.) and barely speak.
He probably reached out again via a video chat during some holiday occasion (some time after the events of Apocalypse), both of them going the usual “how’s life? fine, how ‘bout you? same old stuff. cool, cool…” (bc she doesn’t know he’s a mutant and he doesn’t know she’s a vampire slayer). He offhandedly mentioned the INFERNO CD by GOBLIN QUEEN that his friend really wants and joked that his current Christmas wish was to find it…only for Buffy to comment that one of her friends had that album. Cue Scott begging Buffy for more information on how her friend got it, and he successfully obtains it for Rogue.
At this point, Rogue is dating Gambit (are they serious? is it casual? do they both genuinely like each other but are both knowingly distracting themselves from their unresolved feelings for others?) , while Scott and Jean are either still together (happily or is it strained bc they are starting to want different things in life and each other but are hoping to make it work regardless of each other’s clearer and conflicting focuses) or have quietly broken up.
Scott finally either found a lead via the previosly mentioned sub-headcanon or something else. Either way, it leads him to a random goth girl who looks oddly familiar, though he cannot for the life of him figure out why.
Scott: *trying to place where he has seen this girl before despite most likely never having met her in his life*
Mysterious Goth Gal: you’ll have a better chance of asking me out if you actually use your words instead of thinking them, chum 😜
Scott: ?!
He noticed she is has a tattoo that says GOBLIN QUEEN. He pointed it out and asked if she liked her music. Is unsure why when she answers yes she is grinning at him like she knows something that he doesn’t. She asks him if he’s a fan, or if there was a pretty goth girl he was trying to impress, winking at him.
Cue Scott talking about Rogue, anything and everything about her (save the mutant part), partially how she introduced him to the GOBLIN QUEEN’s music, but then evolves into how even the little things that she does or says he muses about with quiet admiration and fondness.
Mysterious Goth Gal: …*already jumped ship from making moves on him to shipping him like crazy with this girl he’s so obviously in love with like what*
Scott: *mid unconsciously simping for Rogue* and I wish I could find that INFERNO Album for her, but—
Scott: Huh?
Rogue was dumbstruck and ecstatic when Scott presented to her what he jokes is her belated Christmas gift when they meet up, asking multiple times how he got it.
He mentioned that it was autographed, so she opened it:
GOBLIN QUEEN: To Rogue: -insert obligatory autograph stuff- + PS. I wanted to give this to you for free, but your boyfriend insisted on paying full. What a boy scout. I’m rooting for the both of you! ;D
Rogue: ………………
Scott: ? What did she say?
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creativesplat · 8 months
ok... so Lambert x Eve...
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Eve and the two Blaiddyds
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Lambert and the two Fierenes
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The step-siblings
@blaiddydbrokeit and I were talking, and they have now sent me down the wonderful rabbit hole that is Eve and Lambert getting married and looking after their children.
#Dimi desperately needs a good mother figure (y'know rather than his idealised image of Patricia who never really loved him and didn't pay#attention to him no matter what he says to himself (you know only having that one memory of her where she was looking out the window and ig#ring him) and then tried to murder him adn his whole family) anyway#Eve would be good for Dimi#and Lambert and Alfred and Celine would get up to all sorts of shenanigans#but also Lambert might be able to help Celine understand and overcome her fear of other's deaths#Dimitri in particular would be able to understand that fear and sympathise with her#and alfred is just having a great time with a new brother and dad because everything is awesome all the time and his old dad would have lov#d his new dad and he tells alear all about it and she's like ooh!#anyway an adorable meet the step-dad step-brother situation for the couple (you know my alflear loving heart can never resist an opportunit#anyway#other tags were originally messaged to a pal when we discussed the idea but I thought they would work under the picutres too:#crack ship or not Lambert and eve are adorable in my brain#lambert egitte blaiddyd#queen Eve#fire emblem engage#fire emblem three houses#anyway maybe in a heroes universe or something; or dimi revives Lambert using some sort of magic and then Lambert and eve meet up in a Fodl#an and Elyos meet and greet sort of ball and they become friends and then they discuss being widowed and through a long series of meet ups#realise a political marriage between them both would be good for Fodlan and Fahrgus and good for Fierene and Elyos and they're also in love#anyway they both visit each other's spouses graves on the anniversary of death#like they would both really respect their partner's deceased spouses and not be jealous at all when the other gets upset and is like#I really miss them. Because they both get it
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Owange... 🧡🍑🧡🍊🧡🥭
Had to complete my heart eyes set with the ones I had for Valentine's and Norman's birthday week.
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When you're Ray and this is your canonical internal monologue about your two best friends:
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(Chapter 93)
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widevibratobitch · 9 months
ive been neck deep in fitzconte the last few days and it's amazing the things people can do with a character who has 4 minutes of screentime, says like three lines in total and also never actually directly interacts with the character the fandom decided is their bestie their pal their sweet cheese their good-time boy. and lover.
the cheetah is a homoerotic allegory yes yes we know.
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aeons-domain · 9 months
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2023 me slayed here's to hoping 2024 me will do the same!!! 💖 ⭐️🎀🍒
(ok to reblog! 💖)
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hp-fanfic-archive · 1 month
1,000 Points From Gryffindor by blithelybonny Pairing: Harry/Draco Rating: M Word Count: 25k The story of how Harry Potter single-handedly lost Gryffindor the House Cup while attempting to have a “normal” year at Hogwarts. Featuring Harry’s suspicious nature turned up to eleven again, a new DADA teacher who is so not here for Harry’s fame, multiple detentions, Slytherins being sneaky, Hufflepuffs being sneakier, and the mystery of Draco Malfoy’s hoodie because seriously Hermione who gave that to him and is he wearing it just to torment me? This is ridiculous!
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eternallovers65 · 1 year
The fact that q!forever got rejected by q!philza so many times to the point he gave up on love and decided he will only committ to the grid, but now has two guys fighting for his attention and love its truly romcom peek
yaoi smp strikes again
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sukalaap · 1 month
Hi there, just wanted to say your art is fantastic. I'm happy to see other people headcanon Timon and Pumbaa as LGBT+ as well. I got yelled at by somebody on Deviantart a long time ago for headcanoning Timon as gay. Even suggesting they were more than friends used to get a lot of backlash and seeing how accepted it is now is really cool. Peace.
Sorry I took so long to respond to that one, procrastination is admittedly one of my greatest weaknesses, haha.
Just wanted to thank you for this lovely feedback, I genuinely appreciate it! Yanno, seems to me these experiences were about alot more than just pairing up two fictional characters of the same gender in a romantic context, it's more so about how society has come to accept LGBTQ+ representation in media, as well as the community itself within the same world. Granted, there's still plenty of discrimination to this day, but compared to how it was before, I say it's definitely heading to a more prosperous future.
It's just straight up beautiful man, what else can ya say?
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Anyway yeah! Ya can definitely expect some more gay stuff in the future!
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shot-by-cupid · 9 months
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Who told you that
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november-rising · 10 months
This post from @cruciomione got me thinking thoughts.
It’s fascinating that a ship with canon evidence of sexual intimacy hasn’t made as much hoopla as us with every lingering gaze, check in, awkward quip/conversation, family turmoil, sudden loss of knowing about UPS and acceptance (Carmen, Natalie, and Ritchie encouraged Sydney to say, “Let It Rip”! LET IT RIP! THE BLEEP!). And, when I do think about Carmy/Claire: The sex scene, though showing how sensual Carmy is (to me), it was the hues and lighting that were interesting. All I can recall is Blue. There’s a well written post by @thoughtfulchaos773 that examined color choices. What I like to mention is that the hues or filter or insert the technical term moving forward are so tightly connected at the beginning of Omelette.
Deep Blues of Intimacy (opening scene) to the softer tints of blues and greens of Sydney’s chef (stained) white jacket in the following scene are important. I capitalize the DBP because, for me, this scene was obviously hitting on something... It was stark and intense and hollow. It feels purposeful – hard hitting in an expectant way. The transition to a lighter blue/green filter to Sydney preparing with her stained chef white jacket feels significant. It’s about Sydney trying and trusting.  
And then THE alley scene with the same pale, cooler color tones. Carmy is trying to manage through the "warmth" (warmer tones) of his past that is actual chaos. And then there’s Sydney. Cooler, calmer, more his speed in the sense of recognition of same knowing same. There something so...wholly complicated and knowing about Season Two.
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syrcus · 27 days
I wanted to make a visual for Soley's parents so I did
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Left: Árni, right: Salka
A little lore I'm strongly considering under the cut
The two of them decided very young that they were very much in love and resolved to leave the forest in order to live their lives together. They travelled a little, and as both had a fondness for the sea they naturally found themselves gravitating towards sailing jobs. Whithin a few decades, they had amassed enough wealth to acquire a ship of their own, and set about establishing their business sailing passengers and cargo between otherwise-hard-to-reach locations, eventually finding their rhythm on a route that more or less spanned the globe - they would sail from Othard, to Vylbrand, and then on to Tural, and then back again, picking up passengers, crew, and cargo (and dropping off old ones) along the way. By the time Soley was born the Torunns and their ship, the Aalto, were one of the foremost names in the business.
They'd pledged their lives to one another young, though, long before either had really learned who the other was going to become, and the stress of parenthood and the natural isolation of a seafaring life wore on them over time. Salka in particular became bitter, and angry, mostly towards her partner. Her family and crewmates saw a side of her that nobody on land ever did; cold, controlling, and sometimes violent. This energy was never directed towards her son, who only learned the truth of his mother once he was old enough to understand how one-sided his parents' "fights" were. Árni, for his part, became ever more distant from those around him, especially his son - who so resembled the woman he'd once loved, and now hated - and devoted himself entirely and wholeheartedly to the maintenance of the ship as a means of creating time by himself.
The pair of them were lost at sea, presumably having gone down with the ship, shortly before the Calamity. Soley had stayed in Tuliyollal at the recommendation of a family friend and, upon hearing the news of his family's disappearance, found that he wasn't especially sad about the loss of his emotionally unavailable father and selfish, domineering mother. He still wonders, sometimes, whether that makes him a terrible person.
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