#friends: blackevans
startanewdream · 1 year
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Summary: When James Potter grows up as friend of Severus Snape, and on the first day of Hogwarts, Sirius Black befriends Lily Evans, some things change, but fate is inevitable.
Chapter 27: Sirius and Lily
‘Ah, great,’ Sirius interrupted, causing James’ hand to fall. ‘Really great.’
Lily sighed and turned to him.
‘No. You two stay here, keep each other company, keep your little secrets as always. It's not like I care.’
(Or read from the beginning)
Just in time for #blackevans bff week ❤️
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florenceafternoon · 10 months
Lily: walks into the great hall for breakfast and makes eye contact with Sirius
Lily: uncontrolled laughter
Sirius: WHAT?! Is it my hair? Please not my hair
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annabtg · 1 year
So I went to check what smutty stuff you’d written (guilty) as I love love love your fics, but I was shocked to see your smut is only Lily/Sirius. No hate! It’s fantastic but I’m curious, why haven’t you written any Jily smut?
Hi anon! Thank you so much for the love! 💕 I appreciate you trusting me enough to check out a different ship!
I expect that, since you're sending an ask, you're looking for the long answer xD so here it goes! Cut for length!
First of all - my most active years in fandom before I got back were between the ages of 15 and 20. I wasn't even able to consume smut legally for the better part of my stint (my old fandom had restricted 18+ access), plus I had no experience and frankly, no interest in smut.
When I got back, older and more experienced 😁, what hadn't changed was that I still was most interested in Jily getting together. Some of my fics don't even have kissing - I tend to write about teenagers discovering love, and that's usually more innocent and less physical. So there was no space for Jily smut there. Jily as an established or married couple are not as interesting to me.
Now, Sirius/Lily came a bit out of left field - I hadn't thought about it until I read fic about them as friends and it got me thinking that they'd make a good couple. So I set out to write a fic about how they'd make a good couple, which then became a fic about how a relationship can be beautiful and loving and still not mean you'll stay together forever. So I had to follow them closely through their relationship.
Ngl when I reached the point where they have sex for the first time, I was ready to fade to black. I had never written smut before and I was afraid the Sirius/Lily action would cost me basically all my Jily readers. XD Yet I thought that showing them discover sex together the way they'd discovered love would be important for the story; so I plunged ahead. There are three sex scenes in My Best Friend's Girl and I think none of them are gratuitous. They served the story, so I wrote them.
And now for the spicier confession - I think Lily and Sirius are hot together. They are two good-looking individuals with great chemistry (headcanon, perhaps, but I stand by it) and there's no point in depicting them in a pre-relationship stage because they don't get together in canon. With Jily, you can end a fic with a kiss or even just stop it at flirting and then canon does the work for you - you know that in the end they get together and they're happy. But if you're going to write about Sirius and Lily being romantically involved, there's no satisfaction to be drawn from it unless you actually see them together. Hence, I'm more interested in Sirius/Lily *as a couple* (which is not only for smutty reasons, but also because I find a good challenge in having them together and still not ruining their relationships with James) and that's why you find me writing more Sirius/Lily smut than Jily smut.
That is not to say I am opposed to writing Jily smut! In fact, my WIP Nom De Plume (which has been stalled because of my eye surgery) is planned to contain explicit Jily smut, as the plotline isn't resolved until some time after they get together. And the smut will greatly serve the story there too. ;) No idea how it will come out, mind you, buuuut... XD
Thank you for this so interesting ask, anon! I hope my answer satisfied you :) Stay tuned! ;)
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love
This is so sweet thank you @harryissuchalittleshit 🥰🥰🥰🥰!!
1 & 2. Boys Don’t Cry and We Can Be Heroes - the first is about the prank, from Sirius’ pov and the second folles on from that and is canon marauders (Jily and Wolfstar) from post-prank to Halloween ‘81, except with a different ending (which is canon, the other is a ridiculously angsty AU, from that fic writer who that wrote Cursed Child fanfic, yeah, I know…!) which I am very happy with 🥺😘
3. Maybe I Waited Too Long it’s Wolfstar and Jily as doctors with dark secrets that catch up with them… drama and romance, obviously with happy ending. Sirius works in the Emergency Department, Remus is in Endocrinology, Lily is Respiratory Medicine and James is in Psychiatry (and I stand over this!)
4. Nah, He Didn’t fluffy Blackevans brotp comedy - Lily tells a random, cute black dog about her feelings for the Quidditch Captain…
5. This Is The Way The World Ends okay it’s angsty af and most of you would hate it because sad ending, but it’s one of my favourite things I’ve written 🤷‍♀️ (Remus’ lycanthropy catches up with him)
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
Written for @mppmaraudergirl and BlackEvans BFF Week! Day 4: Being Bros
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"Go on, Evans." Sirius Black muttered softly.
Lily slid her desk mate a disdainful scowl and ignored him.
"He cursed a fourth year," he continued. "The poor fellow was laid up in hospital for three days."
Lily waited until Professor McGonagall's back was turned before whispering, "If you want to get back at Mulciber so badly, why don't you do it yourself?"
"Because I know you want to."
Continuing on with her notetaking, she purposefully did not acknowledge this assertion.
"And because you cast that nappy rash jinx better than anyone I've ever seen."
The corners of Lily's mouth twitched but she kept her eyes on her parchment.
"C'mon..." Black crooned. "He'll think it was me anyway. What have you got to lose?"
"My badge?" Lily shot back.
The look he gave her was alarmingly earnest. "What's the point of being Prefect if you can't get away with something every now and again?"
Her gaze darted across the room to where Mulciber and Avery sat heads together and muttering in the back of the class. She was loath to admit that Black had a point. Ever since the start of term, those two had been especially brutal. It would feel so good to give into the vindictiveness coursing through her veins.
The longer she stared at the Slytherin boys, the more her resolve crumbled.
Silently, Lily slid her wand out of the inside pocket of her robes and laid it across her lap. Sirius' eyes returned lazily to the front, the picture of nonchalance, but a sharp smirk lingered at his mouth.
She turned the wand slowly in her hand, the incantation barely a quiver on her exhale, followed by a soft whoosh from beneath the desk.
Lily didn't watch to see if her jinx had landed. Instead, she returned her focus to her transfiguration notes and waited for the inevitable.
It didn't happen right away, just a slight rustle from the behind them. Then, after a few minutes, the rustling turned to fidgeting which turned to downright squirming.
Lily listened to the escalating discomfort while clenching her teeth to keep from giggling.
Next to her, Black's shoulders shook with silent laughter, until finally, there was the clatter of a chair and Professor McGonagall's steely stare whipped around to take in Mulciber hopping from foot to foot while violently scratching his jock.
"Fuck's sake, man," James Potter blurted from the table behind Lily and Sirius. "Have some dignity."
The entire sixth year class burst into sniggers and cackles.
"Mr. Mulciber!" McGonagall clipped sternly. "You will stop fapping about this instant or you will leave my class."
Mulciber's replying grunt could hardly be considered coherent, but he seemed to realize his situation was beyond help or explanation. He cast one last hate-filled expression toward James and Sirius and then rushed out the door with tears in his eyes.
Professor McGonagall attempted to call everyone's attention back to the front, and Lily had to cover her mouth with her hand to hide her snort.
Black nudged her elbow and muttered, "Nice one, Evans."
"You know," a low voice interjected from over her shoulder. Lily glanced around to see Potter leaning forward over his desk to look between them. "I'm not sure I like the two of you being friends."
"We're not friends," Lily hissed, but to her eternal mortification there was a fondness in her tone of voice.
Black raised a sardonic eyebrow. "Allies, then?"
Shaking her head, she bit the inside of her cheek to hold back a grin.
"Whatever you call it," Potter added quietly, "It's unsettling to see the two of you working together."
His expression looked anything but wary. He looked positively giddy. Lily's breath caught at the sparkle in his eyes, followed by the involuntary smile that seemed to take over her face anytime his attention was solely focused on her.
She internally chastised herself for her ridiculous response to his proximity and attempted to quash the feelings heating her middle.
"Don't get used to it."
"I'm not so sure, Prongs," whispered Black smugly. "She's had a taste of delinquency, now. I think she's one of us."
Potter's eyes widened in mock fear. "Absolutely terrifying."
"Potter!" McGonagall cut in harshly. "Sit. Down."
James shrank back into his chair and mumbled a quick, "Sorry, Professor."
McGonagall gave all three of them a pointed glare, then began her lecture again as if there hadn't been an interruption at all. Lily felt somewhat scolded by the expression, but the satisfied retribution settling into her bones far outweighed it.
Something else lingered in the space between her lungs as well.
Something like camaraderie.
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missgryffin · 11 months
Trick or treat!
Thanks, Chessi! A little BlackEvans ficlet for you 🫶
“You know,” a low voice rumbles near her ear. “He wants to go out with you, too.”
Lily twists sharply to face the boy in the stands beside her, eyes narrowing in suspicion as she sees him take a covert sip from his flask before flashing her a cheeky grin and holding up said flask in offering. 
Fighting both a smile and the heat building in her cheeks, Lily accepts without second thought and takes a pull of Firewhisky. 
Which must be why her mouth then says, “How do you know?” 
Sirius erupts into a barking laugh that causes multiple people nearby to look confusedly over at them, but he’s entirely unbothered as he slings a casual arm around her shoulders while his eyes track all the movement in the air.
“Because I’m his best friend,” he tells her, breath spicy with drink. 
She returns her own gaze to the commotion in the sky, finding the lone figure she’s been watching this entire match.
“And he told me.”
Her breath hitches; familiar, giddy butterflies stampede in her chest. But before she can even think of what to say, the crowd around them erupts in excited cheers. Sirius’s arm falls away; Lily’s hands fold over her mouth, feet bouncing in anticipation as she tracks the streak of billowing burgundy in the sky, darting and zipping through cobalt opponents until he sends a blurry Quaffle sailing through a distant hoop. The stands explode in deafening cheers; Lily jumps and shouts with the rest as she watches his victory lap, drinking in the way he moves. 
“The staring’s also a bit of a give-away,” Sirius teases, back in her ear. 
Lily sends him a sideways glare. “Shut up.”
He doesn’t. “You should kiss him tonight.”
Dizzy heat bubbles into a blushing grin before she can help it. Sirius bumps her shoulder playfully, but mercifully drops the subject as he turns to talk to Remus on his other side. Still, its damage is done: she’s positively buzzing, burning up despite the harsh autumn chill and so drunk on the sight of Gryffindor’s captain that Sirius Black’s suggestion actually sounds like a good idea.
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You've Got A Friend In Me - 1/5
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Written for @mppmaraudergirl's Blackevans BFF Week. Part 1/5. Sometimes friendship can be found in the unlikeliest of places, with the people you least expected to befriend...
If there was anything she hated more than she did her sister’s ability to whisper-call her a freak without her parents – being in the same room even – overhearing, it was the sight of the two Gryffindor boys – the banes of her existence – standing just outside McGonagall’s classroom. One’s presence was valid, the other’s aggravating and – she didn’t doubt this for a second – orchestrated so as to maximize her trauma. She was about to serve, after all, her first ever detention and if she knew anything about the two classmates that were waiting for her, it was that they had mastered the skill of gloating, had practically turned it into an art form. “Please don’t make things worse,” one of them - the 15-year-old bespectacled wizard - begged the other. His hand tugged at the curls on top of his head, while he looked at his friend with a degree of most uncharacteristic solemnity. “If I’m to have any chance whatsoever, I –” “Evans!” Sirius Black, wearing a positively shit-eating grin, exclaimed. Potter – for some reason or other, she couldn’t fathom it being out of any sort of embarrassment related to his causing her to get stuck in detention with his best friend – flushed, his mouth pressed into a thin line now. “How lovely to see you! You seem even more foul-tempered than usual, may I add.” Black included the latter as if it was a compliment of the highest order and not the clear insult she knew it to be.
Read on AO3 HERE!
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
Padfoot's Nose Knows
Written for Blackevans BFF Week, Day 3: Padfoot Knows
There's a strange scent in the air that Sirius just can't quite put his finger on. Until he puts one and one together and makes three.
Read it on AO3 or below the cut. 728 Words.
Something strange hit Sirius’ nostrils when he entered the newly wed Potter’s home. He was used to his keen canine senses picking up on all sorts since the lads had managed to successfully achieve their animagus forms several years previous. Subtle cues in people's scents that indicated their mood, changes in the weather, that sort of thing. But this one was new and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. It was faint, not like something that had been and since gone and lingered in the air, it was a constant presence. He sniffed hard trying to identify it - perhaps Lily had changed their laundry detergent? No, that would be stronger. Something new in James’ spice drawer? No, not that either. 
He pressed forward into the little house, finding Lily and James pottering about the kitchen. “Mornin’,” he greeted, shucking off his overcloak and taking a seat at the kitchen table. 
Lily made a disgruntled noise of acknowledgement (she’d never been much of a morning person), while James offered him a plate of breakfast and coffee. He opened the fridge to retrieve the milk, unscrewed the cap and was about to pour it into the steaming mug when Lily screwed up her nose. 
“That milk’s off. Don’t use it.” she grumbled. “I’ll have to pop down to the corner shop.”
Sirius tilted his head in confusion. Lily was as far away from James as he was, and he couldn’t smell it as off (and she didn’t have Padfoot’s nose). James lifted the jug to his face and sniffed it, swirling the contents. 
“Smells fine to me?” said James. 
“I’m telling you it’s off! I’ll be back.” Lily huffed and exited the kitchen. James and Sirius exchanged a look. 
“She’s particularly chipper this morning.” Sirius noted, tilting his head towards the door. 
“I don’t think she slept well. She’s been feeling run down the last couple days.” James replied. 
With Lily gone the scent Sirius had picked up on began to fade. Ah, so it’s her, he thought. Maybe she was coming down with something if as James had said, she was feeling run down. Though it hadn’t smelt like sickness. That was usually bitter or sour and left a nasty feeling on the roof of his mouth, this scent was sweet and tangy. His suspicions were confirmed when the smell returned with Lily and the new bottle of milk. 
They shared breakfast and went over final preparations for their latest reconnaissance mission before Sirius excused himself to use the loo. Exiting, he found Lily hovering outside the door waiting for her turn. She’d paled which was saying something when her skin was already fair. 
“You alright, Evans?” he asked. 
“It’s Potter now, remember?” she offered him a weak smile as she passed him. A flurry of that scent going up his nose. “Just tired.”
Sirius paused in the corridor on his way back to the kitchen, a lumos thought striking him like a freight train. He backtracked and barged into the bathroom shutting the door behind him, startling Lily who was at the sink brushing her teeth. 
“Bloody hell, Sirius!” she scolded, though it was muffled with a mouthful of toothpaste.  
“You’re pregnant.” Sirius answered hastily. 
Lily spat her toothpaste into the sink. “Excuse me?” 
“I can smell it on you. Which means before long he will too.” Sirius pointed in the direction of the kitchen. “It makes sense. You’re tired, you’re cranky, you think the milk smells funny but it’s not off. How late are you?”
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Sirius. I’m not late, my period is due…” Lily paused. “...yesterday.” 
“Test.” Sirius insisted. 
Ten minutes later Lily joined Sirius and James in the kitchen. He locked eyes with his friend and she nodded. “James…” Lily said softly. 
“Yes, love?” He turned in his chair and caught sight of the plastic stick she held in her outstretched hand. “You’re not…” 
“I am.” Lily admitted. 
Sirius didn’t need to see his best mate's face to know that it had broken into a wide grin. The scent of fear and simultaneous elation was rippling off the pair of them. James leapt from his seat and picked his wife up in his arms, burying his face in her neck. 
“I told you! The nose always knows.” Sirius laughed, tapping the end of his nose with his finger.
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chdarling · 11 months
Hello <3 huge fan of TLE, its incredibly dear to me. So I have silly lil question-turned ramble but I really would love to hear your inner swiftie thoughts on this:
Which taylor swift song would you assign to blackevans, remus/lily and wolfstar respectively?
For james and sirius I think seven suits them well bec at its core its such a heartfelt and lovely song about childhood friendship plus this part: “And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why. And I think you should come live with me and we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry or hide in the closet. And just like a folk song our love will be passed on”
(ps. love your lily’s arc tswift playlist so much!! I was just listening to question and its very jily coded, could also fit in with chap 48 bec of their first kiss but then the lyric “did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room and every single one of your friends was making fun of you but 15 secs later they were clapping too” came up and I squealed with delight, because i can’t stop thinking how all of their friends are quite literally or figuratively going to be applauding them for finally getting together when they do)
Wow I’m so sorry this has been sitting in my ask box for so long!! 😭 I love bringing out my inner swiftie!!!
That’s so interesting about seven because that has always been a Lily and Snape song to me! But it works well for Sirius and James too!! Which got me thinking about all the parallels of their relationships and how Sirius and Snape are so much alike…
Ok song assignments let’s gooooo
Blackevans = Mean and This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Remus & Lily = Forever Winter and It’s Nice to Have a Friend and Snow on the Beach but platonic.
Wolfstar = Renegade and Haunted
I note that you did not ask about Snape and Lily (😂) but this feels like a great time to reveal to tumblr that I have a super secret ✨🐍✨Snape and Lily Friendship Breakup✨🌸✨ playlist and it looks like this:
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i've definitely never thought about this before nope no sir not me
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padfootswhiskers · 1 year
some h/c for day 4 of @mppmaraudergirl’s blackevans bff week! (A few hours early but I’m going to be busy tomorrow 🫠)
“There’s something…” she murmurs, before trailing off. Dumbledore had warned them not to tell anyone, not even their friends.
But Sirius is different, isn’t he? He deserves to know. He agreed to be godfather, after all…agreed to take responsibility for Harry if something were to happen to the two of them…
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eastwindmlk · 7 months
Thank you for the tag @kay-elle-cee, this actually made me think of what I have laying around and what I should be finishing.
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
(Alrighty, so we know my main focus for the foreseeable future are my 2 AUs, but I'll throw in some smaller fics that might get worked on here and there)
The Boy (in the bedroom) Next Door -- No Voldemort Jily AU, forced proximity, potioneer Lily, emotional hurt/comfort
Echoes of Tuning Hearts -- Modern band AU fic. Another forced proximity fic. With a dash of idiots in love and a lot of marauders+Lily friendship.
Curses and Caves -- Cursebreaker Dramione rom-com.
To Strike a Match -- Modern Muggle Jily AU, Speed dating, Matchmakers, chance meetings
The Cat's Cradle, 8th year Dramione that kicks off with the death of Draco Malfoy.
Upcoming Scenes and Details
There is this really cute BlackEvans scene in the second chapter of Echoes that I am editing at the moment. There are a few in the fic that are just precious!
Drunk truth or dare goes awry. That is all I am saying.
I have a list of blonde famous people that Hermione calls Draco while they are working together. Some of them are hilarious. Actually, all of them are.
Shocked Pikachu Sirius at James's birthday party.
There is this super heavy fight, but it is super quiet and a lot of hurt I may or may not resolve.
Now, obviously you are free to ignore but I am tagging you anyway. @charmsandtealeaves, @gertrudecc @so-scarlett-maroon @madameindemnity @pia-bartolini @petalsinwoodvale @practicecourts @uncertainwallflower
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tinyluminaryzombie · 1 year
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Evergreen and Pine Read on ao3 | 1,058 words
For @mppmaraudergirl's Blackevans BFF Week! Prompt: Padfoot Knows
Lily Evans is stuck in a closet with Sirius. All Sirius wants to talk about is exactly what she's trying not to think about: James Potter. Or: A seven minutes in heaven that's more like seven minutes of sweet sweet integration ft. Lily and Sirius.
Read on Ao3 or below the cut
No matter what anyone will say tomorrow, Lily Evans wanted to have fun tonight.
It’s just that being stuck in a closet with Sirius Black wasn’t included in that plan.
“You know I’m not kissing you,” Lily half-whispered.
“Evans. Chill. It’s not like I have a death wish,” Sirius replied, deadpanned. “Though on second thought, I might. But I certainly don’t want a vengeful Prongs being the last thing I see,” Sirius added.
“You sure about that, Black?” Even now, Sirius wouldn’t drop the act. On some level, under annoyance and bitterness, Lily was slightly impressed. He will never stop being the ever-loyal friend, continuing the joke with no audience to hear.
“The fact that he would kill me or that I don’t want his fist in my face to be the last thing I experience?” Sirius replied.
Lily sighed. “Either. Both.” Honestly, she just wanted Sirius to stop acting as if his best mate’s in love with her. The unrealistic part of her brain has been running wild. It might not be his fault, but she needs Sirius to stop fueling her false hopes and daydreams.
“You don’t have to keep up appearances for me—”
“Yes, I know you always keep up appearances,” Lily quickly interjected, stopping Sirius from hijacking what she was about to say. “You don’t have to pretend that James still likes me. Or that he’s really that stupid to fight his best friend and his—and I quote ‘brother from another mother’—because of a silly, little, juvenile crush three years ago.”
Sirius started laughing the second Lily finished. It made her want to scream. Despite his thoughts on the matter, nothing about this was funny.
“That’s a lot of adjectives, Evans,” Sirius said. Lily felt an unreasonable need to stomp her foot and whine. Instead, she decided a glare would have to do.
“And yes,” in an overdone grave tone, Sirius began again, “I am 80% sure that Prongs would at least plan my murder if I ever made a move. Don’t worry though, you’re not my type.”
Now they were getting somewhere. Ideally, Sirius would have just admitted James’s lack of feelings. It would sting like hell, but then maybe she could move on. But that wasn’t going to happen. So, steering the direction away from James Potter was the next best option.
It would also probably slow her rising heart rate.
“...So you have a type?” Lily managed, feigning casualness.
Sirius just swatted her arm before sinking to the cool floor. He cleaned his throat, smirked, and then said, “This is officially a Lily Evans intervention, warmest welcome.”
Damnit. Lily rolled her eyes and plopped down next to Sirius.
“You’re the smartest in our class but—”
“Are you really staging an intervention to deflect from my question?” Lily asked. Yes, she was the first to deflect. But if she couldn’t get away with it, neither would he.
“It’s my time. You can detective all you want afterward. Anyways, you’re the smartest in our class but you’re so oblivious,” Sirius said.
“So when does my time start?” Lily asked, all innocence.
Sirius turned his head to directly look at her. “You don’t have to keep up appearances for me, Lily.”
Well, shit.“What appearances? I’m just trying to get through these seven minutes so I can go back to Marlene, Dorcas, Alice, and Remus,” Lily said meekly.
“And James too, right?”
Oh, next time she finds Sirius out after curfew she is not looking the other way.Lily’s mind raced. Sirius was doing this right now, right here. If Sirius knew, then James knew, and if James knew...
“I see you practically oozing hope every time he looks at you,” Sirius’s voice pierced her thoughts. “About five seconds later you freeze when you remember you’re supposed to hate him. But you don’t hate him.”
At least 60% of her wanted to punch him. Or to scream, to yell. But pretending was taking so much energy. She was just tired enough to entertain the idea of honesty.
Sirius decided to continue his little speech.  “I saw you almost set three scrolls on fire after he walked into the common room, shirtless after Quidditch. Which by the way doesn't make any sense because everyone was looking at me.”
Bloody hell. Sirius was set out to ruin her.
Lily thought she hid her feelings well, only allowing them out when no one else was the wiser. But that night she couldn’t not look. The James Box Lily locked in public kept slowly opening. And when James got butterbeer on his Cupid’s bow she might have decided to lower the facade. Just a tad. And just for herself.
Wait, no. It’s Potter. Not James. She has to stop calling him that if she wants to move on.
Potter. Not James.
Really, all Lily could do was slide down to the floor and feebly laugh.
“Evans, come on. You know you’ll be Minister of Magic one day, or head healer or top auror, or the goddamn queen. But don’t fool yourself, we all know you’re going to be Mrs. Potter – or you know, Evans-Potter, or Potter-Evans, or whatever, you, Evans, married to James Potter,” Sirius said.
“Are you finished,” Lily asked.
Sirius shrugged, waiting for her response.
“Okay.” Lily took a breath, needing to center herself. “Okay. Maybe I have some feelings. Some non-platonic, messy feelings for him. You’re honestly confusing me right now, which isn’t fair. Because I have been working on it! Just like how you're ‘working on it,’” Lily said, using air quotes at the end. 
“Bloody hell, Black!” Lily exclaimed as she stood up. These seven minutes were lasting forever. “You can’t just do that! Anyway, it’s my turn. So, do you want to tell me whose face you do want to see at the end of it all? Who you are always fawning over? Buying sweaters with extra long sleeves so he can use the cuffs like mittens?” Lily asked.
The closet was suddenly too silent. Lily moved towards Sirius, sliding down. Quietly she whispered, “Tell me I’m wrong Sirius. Tell me Remus Lupin isn’t exactly your type.”
Sirius took a moment, running his hands through his hair. “So...you’re right. And I’m right?” He looked at her again. “Oh my god, Evans. We’re both fucked.”
Lily had to agree.
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kay-elle-cee · 1 year
HI! Do you have any SiriusxLily or BlackEvans fic recs? Canon or au, I'm thirsty for it all!
Hi friend!
As much as I love Sirius/Lily, I don't read too much of them. What immediately comes to mind is:
My Best Friend's Girl by @annabtg (which is still Jily endgame)
This microfic by @bronzeagepizzeria
The Broken Band and the Missing Puzzle Piece by mariusmoonbeam
Prophecy by @alohaemora is a wonderful platonic Blackevans fic.
And then I've read some Jilypad (but they're uh....all smutty. So putting them under a cut in case that's not of interest!)
Wish I could give you more! 😅
what we had become (before we ever had begun) by @takearisk-ao3 is one of my favorite fics period.
Mirror Call by Evander
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A Lily Evans and Sirius Black friendship fic.
Description: Five times Lily Evans and Sirius Black had one another as whatever they wanted and needed: rival, ally, friend, advisor, godfather, family + 1 time they didn't. For the BlackEvans BFF Week.
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artemisia-black · 8 months
A cauldron full of friendship?
My Blackevans fic. Potion's partners to friends.
Sirius is used to being the best at everything and then during his NEWTS he gets a partner who challenges him and he will not be outdone.
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alohaemora · 2 years
Ten Lines Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @merlins-sequined-hotpants, this was fun ❤️
Rule: Share the first lines of your ten most recent fics and tag ten people. If you've written less than ten fics, don’t be shy — share anyway!
1. Charcoal bloomed across the parchment, lines tracing and overlapping. Dean paused, furrowed his brow, and shifted the angle of his pencil. —Like Pearls (They Shine), a ficlet collection spotlighting characters of color in the Harry Potter series
2. Victoire hummed under her breath, leaning back in her armchair and gently rubbing the small curve of her stomach. —Thirteen Days of Christmas, a collection of holiday-themed Next Gen one-shots
3. Sirius woke to the sound of crying. —Prophecy, a bittersweet BlackEvans friendship fic set during the Potters' last Christmas
4. Sirius paused in the doorway to the drawing room, which—thanks to his and Molly's combined efforts—hardly resembled the gloomy, miserable dump it had been just days earlier. —Reminiscence, a one-shot set during OotP in which Sirius watches Harry fondly and misses his best friends
5. The Firefly Inn was lucky to get five customers on a busy day. —The Firefly Inn, a story about Hogsmeade's least popular pub (or, the story of James Potter's stag night)
6. “It’s two in the bloody morning, Albus. Couldn’t this wait?” —Odds and Ends, a collection of drabbles featuring a wide array of canon characters and eras
7. The air in their house smelled stale and dusty after the many hours they’d spent inhaling the astringent scent of over-cleanliness that permeated St. Mungo’s. —Twenty, the story of James Potter's twentieth birthday
8. Delia Creevey woke up that day with an uneasy feeling in her gut, though she couldn’t put her finger on why. —Petrified, a one-shot set during CoS in which the Creevey family receives some horrifying news
9. The air was ripe with fear and anticipation; Bellatrix inhaled it blissfully, her dark eyes locked on the dim outline of the castle in the distance. —Revenge, an exploration of Bellatrix's determination to prune her family tree
10. Jess had been working at the Holly Bush since the day after she'd dropped out of uni five years ago, which meant she'd been around the block a few times. —Holly Bush, an outsider POV on Remus and Tonks (circa the summer between OotP and HBP)
tagging @incalculablepower, @ashesandhackles, @thecat-isblogging-blog, @constitutionalweasleymonarchy, @indigo-scarf, @kay-elle-cee, @celestemagnoliathewriter, @evesaintyves, @pebblysand, @charmsandtealeaves
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