chaosineverywaysblog · 9 months
I am ending one of my friendships and I really really don’t want to. He has no feelings for me when my feelings are hurt.
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k47w · 1 year
It was a Friday when you decided we’re not friends anymore. I still remember when the realization struck. I was petrified. Can we go back to ninth grade and the way it was before?
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sunsetstories · 4 months
Friendship Breakup
In the days following our decision to part ways, I found myself reflecting on our time together. I remembered the laughter, the late-night conversations, and the adventures that once felt so exhilarating. I wondered if he felt the same sense of loss and confusion. It was difficult to reconcile the joy of our past with the pain of our present. I realized that friendships, like all relationships, are dynamic. They grow, evolve, and sometimes, they fade. This doesn't mean they weren't real or meaningful. Our friendship, with all its highs and lows, was a significant chapter in my life. It taught me about vulnerability, trust, and the beauty of connecting deeply with another person. As I worked through my feelings of sadness and started to accept the situation, I found comfort in focusing on myself. I let myself fully experience the sadness, but I also began to rediscover what makes me happy outside of our friendship. I've been spending time with other friends, picking up old hobbies, and reflecting on what I need and want in my life moving forward.
Looking back, I see that our friendship, though it ended, was a gift. It enriched my life and taught me lessons that I carry with me. I learned the importance of communication, understanding, and respecting each other's emotional journeys. Most importantly, I learned that it’s okay to let go when a relationship no longer serves both people in a healthy way. To anyone going through a similar experience, know that it’s okay to grieve the end of a friendship. It’s okay to feel a mix of emotions and to take the time you need to heal. Remember that ending a friendship doesn't erase the good times or the love that was shared. It’s simply a part of life’s flow.
As I move on, I'll hold onto the memories of our friendship, not as a burden but as a cherished reminder of our meaningful, though brief, time together. And I look forward with hope, understanding that every ending is really just a new beginning in disguise.
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panchaalis-blog · 1 year
Guys there is something so very sad about watching a friendship fall apart right kn front of you.
The helplessness of it all, because you have actually done everything you could’ve possibly done.
It has a good bitch laid up in bed, screaming crying throwing up just thinking about the void left in my life.
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cursedcountess · 2 years
Why Are You Hurting Yourself? (poem)
"Why are you hurting yourself?"
- My ex-best friend burned my love of my life, bathed him in the hot, scorching fire...
"And again, why are you harming yourself with these types of stuff?"
- He actually felt good after it...
"Furthermore, why are you hurting yourself?"
- Because of the things I've done in the past, it still haunts me...
"Once again, why are you hurting yourself?"
- Visioning very emotional, sad scenarios with my love of my life...
"Please stop this, find the bright side-"
- And that's what chief said but where now that he cremated my love and left me?
"Why are you doing this to yourself? If you continue, you'll break yourself..."
- Break myself? I 'm a l r e a d y b r o k e n . . .
- Cursed Countess
Poem meaning - that one time where my ex-best friend cremated my love of my life, how he felt good after it while I was just devastated and sad as MCR - The Black Parade TwT well, there's a whole story behind the breakup but it hurt me the most
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lolgen792 · 1 year
lyrics i've been loving from new jams
Today is a lovely day in May. The trees are bright and green as the light streams through my window. I’m relaxing on my couch. Honestly, I’ve been feeling a twinge of writer’s block and I’m in a reading slump, so this was supposed to be a books & songs post, but now it’s not. I feel like for the past few days I’ve been scrolling a bit too long. When I come back to reality, I just feel…
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v5learning · 4 months
💘 End a Friendship 💞Pt-2💞 A Miraculous Ladybug One Shot Texting Story
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candygirly06 · 5 months
Did I love you a little too hard? 💋
My Dear Upper East Readers,If you remember in my previous posts I mentioned my friend, D, who is one of my very dear friends, and this post is entirely dedicated to her. We met a few years ago before my very important test that was going to make or break my life. She was the sole reason that I used to get my ass up every single day study for 12 hours and go to sleep and study again. Now I know that the way that I studied back then wasn't healthy, but time was running short and I needed to get my grades up. She was there the entire time, not once had she backed out on us.
I was really good at the artsy subjects and I used to help her in that and she was really good at math and helped me in that. We both chose to study in different colleges after that year and I think that did create some distance between us, but we were still really good friends. We used to speak for at least 6-8 hours every single day and it was the kind of high-maintenance friendship that I needed at that point. What I hadn't realized was that our bond was built on one of us being passive, and the other always being active and that person would never be me.
Yes, we argued about it from time to time and she always tried her best to overcome these issues and I tried my best to communicate about it. But as the years went by and I made more friends and learned the standards of friendship, this one kept haunting me .I knew I had to talk to her about it, but her college kept her really busy and if there's one thing I've learned from friendship breakups is that they hurt like hell, and I would never want anyone to do that to me during any important phase of my life, so I simply waited, of course, I still respected my feelings and kept at a distance but during exams, I never failed to help her out.
 Now this may seem like I'm being a huge people-pleaser and maybe I am, but one very important thing that I would like you to note is that I never did this at the beginning of any relationship, if you have proven your worth to me and I feel that I can trust you, then you truly get all my love and affection. It might seem rude or uptight but I had to go through a lot to understand that I need to protect my peace before protecting anyone else's feelings. I'm a kind person, not a nice one. Coming back to the present, this post was essentially to explain to you that friendships need to be measured by their standards, not by time. D is a lovely person with a great personality, she has never done anything to hurt me ever, not intentionally at least.
She is the sweetest friend to the right person, and I wasn't that for her and she wasn't that for me, not anymore. I am still her friend and we talk, but she will never go back to the same status that I had given her before, and she knows that as well, communication is the most basic building block for any relationship but it is the strongest foundation for an argument. I would never ever give a person the silent treatment without letting them know that their actions have hurt me. I would never let a person sit hurt without explaining to them that I'm willing to talk it out. My dear Upper East readers, if there's anything that you need to learn from this post, it's that always put yourself first, in every friendship, relationship, or just anyone in general. You are the only person who will stick with you until the end, never give up on yourself.
It has been delightful writing to you,
Until the next post Stay chic and candy
Candygirl 💋
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swifteainthesummer · 1 year
🌔 I know life has phases, just like the moon, but I didn't know you'll leave so soon. 🌒
#poetry #writer #heartbreak #trauma #bpd #selflove #friendship #zahra #friendshipbreakup #life
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jjaysontodd · 3 years
sometimes friendships can be crap. making you feel like you're the clingy loser. but walking away from friendships like that, you should be proud of yourself. It doesnt matter what that person thinks after you left them. It was toxic after all. if you think about it, this incident is probably 0.0001% of your life. One-sided friendships? leave them, better people will come. Take care of youself
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to-unlove-you · 4 years
all i ever wanted was you. i wanted your mind, body, and spirit. your love, your hand in mine. i wanted to give you every part of me and in return recieve every part of you.
but i never got what i wanted.
i don't know what to do now.
i really really don't know.
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pinkfeathergurl · 2 years
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xowondererxo · 6 years
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This is so hard, and something I’m currently going through but it’s really true some people just aren’t meant to be in your life forever 💔
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mageruler · 7 years
I am such a shitty person.. but I needed her so badly to stay by my side.
I can’t stand this sorrow, I just want her back. I miss her friendship I miss telling her about my day I miss her going on about her girlfriend and her cat and her Sayaoko roleplay, I miss it all so horribly.
I just want her back. I’ll do whatever it takes to get her back.                           
I’ll stop. I’ll stop being so horrible towards her, I will prove to her that she means so much to me
I wish she didn’t have to leave me, stop being my friend... it doesn’t feel like she cares, but I know she does, at least a little.
she was my best friend. the only person I was so clung to and always to excited to talk and speak to.
now I’ve gone by so many days without seeing her or speaking to her normally. I JUST WANT HER BACK
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