#from OPERATORS twitter manga
koplakever · 1 year
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you can see the joy radiating from them
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Is that— bells ringing? Keyboards clacking? The sound of two thousand stressed writers pancing furiously about the floor? Ah yes, Yuletide.
Hello. MCYTblr. I am back again.
You are looking fine today as we move towards the end of the year. Is that a new cologne you're trying? New shirt? New glasses? It's working for you. How have I been? Well.
*I smack the wall, curtains spring aside, revealing my flip chart presentation that I've had lying in wait*
It is time for me to talk to you about Yuletide again. I was here earlier during tag nominations, but it's sign-up time, and I want to make sure everybody has a change to participate in this if they want to.
What's Yuletide?
Yuletide is an annual mega-exchange for small and rare fandoms. It runs in the close of the year, with a 1000 word minimum for gifts, with gifts revealed anonymously on the 25th of December and de-anoned on the 1st of January. It is easily the biggest exchange in multi-fandom-exchange-world, and last year more than 1,350 people signed up.
Why does everyone sign up?
Well, it's tradition, for one. There are a lot of people that only do Yuletide as their big exchange every year. It's a big holiday spectacle, it's really fun to see it operate and see pinch hits come out and get nabbed in minutes, and people kind of put on their holiday outfits and turn out for it.
For another thing, if you are in a small fandom, it's the one exchange where you can actually have a shot of getting a gift for an obscure manga fandom, or an out-of-print book, or a tv show from the eighties. If your fandom has five people in it, the odds are higher than average that two of them are signing up for this exchange, and hey presto, suddenly you're matchable in your fandom for an obscure podcast.
For another, and this is the biggie, the fact that this is an exchange for small and rare fandoms has led to a certain tradition and vibe for the fandoms that people nominate. People bring their most obscure and fun ideas, going, "hehehehe wouldn't it be fun if someone wrote a story about this", and into the tag set it goes. There is SUCH a spectrum of fandoms in the tag set.
This year there are 4,263 fandoms and 16,735 characters in the tag set. Let me just skim through and look at some of them.
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There are commercials, web sketches, art pieces, songs, music videos, board games, podcasts, a dizzying assortment of anthropomorphising different places, items, and ideas, and RPF from a marvelous variety of historical periods (so, y'know, historical fiction if it was published professionally). There are people who nominated tik tok sketches. Twitter threads. A bridge. Book binding techniques. You ever wanted to write a romance between Knitting and Crochet? That's in the tag set, and someone wants to prompt you to do that. Happy Yuletide.
So if you are at all the sort of person who likes a prompt challenge, BOY is this one just a MARVELOUS one. I know I personally am going to be signing up for Humans are Space Orcs (tumblr post) and Fandom Exchanges (Anthropomorphic) amid my more traditional fandoms.
And as for my more traditional fandoms, and the reason why this post has the tags it does (I would get to it eventually)— there is a lot of MCYT in the tag set! I put out a post saying GUYS, the smaller fandoms might apply for this, and BOY did people show up for it. I scanned through it, and the MCYT (and adjacent) that made it in is:
Karmaland SMP
Legacy SMP
Lifesteal SMP
Moonlight SMP
New Life SMP
Outsiders SMP
Rats SMP
Witchcraft SMP
Pirates SMP
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe
SBI Rust
Generation Loss
You could make an entire sign up, 3 minimum requests and 4 minimum requests, and only select MCYT fandoms. The wild thing is that you can only select a max of 10 fandoms to offer, so you actually couldn't offer all of the MCYT. ZombieCleo Witchraft SMP is in. Tommyinnit SMPEarth. Clownpierce Lifesteal. Tubbo SBI Rust. Oli Rats SMP. A wealth of options for the block folks.
So come, join me! What's that? You say this sounds excellent, you're in? You want to know how to sign up? Well this post is already long enough so I'm putting the rest below a cut.
You sign up on the collection here, using fandoms listed in the tagset here. Before you do so though, I'd recommend you check out the blog, especially their "how to sign up" post here, because even if you're used to exchanges, the way Yuletide works is a little bit different. Let me do a quick breakdown here.
# of Fandoms
You have to select a minimum of 3 fandoms that you are Requesting (a gift that you want made for you), up to a maximum of 6 fandoms. Each fandom has to be unique. For each fandom, you can request between 0 to 4 characters in that fandom, and 0 means "literally you can hit me with anybody", and the up-to-4 characters are the people you definately want to show up in the fic.
This is one of the things that Yuletide does differently, because most fandom exchanges do "or" matching, where they match you on either characer A OR character B, (maybe you only offered character B) and you can pick among any of the selected characters on the person's request to write for. Because Yuletide does AND matching, you will only be matched if you offered every single one of the characters the person has selected, and then you get to write for every single one they have listed in their fandom, unless they say differently in their letter. If they requested character A and Character B, you get to deliver a gift that includes them both, according to the rules.
Bu like, in practice, a lot of people are a bit more like "you can pick only one of these guys if you'd like", because that is how everyone is used to things running in most other exchanges, plus people don't want to be too picky, so you can specify in your letter if you definately 100% want characters A, B, and C, or if you're fine with just A, or just A and C, or whatever constellation of characters you're chill with.
This year they have added optional freeform tags you will click on, that will specify either A) use every single one of these guys I selected. B) I have specified in my letter which guys I need for sure and which ones you can swap, C) Dealer's Choice Of Guys Go Crazy.
DNW and Optional Details
Yuletide is an "Optional Details Are Optional" (ODAO) exchange, so technically you could request (or receive) an offer that just has the characters and then you get to go absolutely buckwild for the two month writing period. Most people, however, do not want to do that, so that is where you'll put in Do Not Wants (anything that would ruin the gift for you, from major archive warnings to kinks that you don't vibe with to headcanons you loathe), and some prompts and/or likes for your person to jump off of.
DNWs absolutely must be abided by, and breaking a person's DNW is grounds for getting turfed from the exchange. Following a person's prompts or lists of likes is technically optional, but definately best practice, and y'know, part of the whole spirit of the exchange. Most people are doing their best to adhere to both the DNW and the Optional Details when they do their gift.
You can just format your DNW and Optional Details on the Ao3 signup page (easy, fast), or you can link them offsite in a letter (fancy, you can do formatting, people do them in google docs or dreamwidth pages (the traditional and more accessible option)). There's a tradition of people posting their letter links here, so that people can get an idea for what sort of prompts and signups people are offering, and make sure they're matchable to people with especially fun ideas. Note: you do have to duplicate the data if you're doing a letter, cause if you put your DNW in your letter but NOT in your Ao3, the mods won't enforce it.
And while we're here, that last link is to a community blog that includes a place where you can promo your fandoms to lure people into signing up for your guys, or participate in mini-challenges within yuletide for people who specificially want poly relationships (Three Doves Challenge), or characters of colour (Chromatic Yuletide), or horror/darkfic (Crueltide), or smut (Yuleporn), or art (Wrapping Paper), or even more. There's even a poetry challenge!
# of Fandoms
You have to sign up with a minimum of 4 fandoms, to a maximum of 10, for fandoms you are Offering (a gift you are willing to make). You must offer at least 2 characters for each fandom, to a maximum of 20— but there's also an "any" tick box if you want to go full "hit me, I like a challenge" and you'll write anything (in the tag set) within a fandom. Each of your fandoms must be unique.
Writing Period:
Signups are open through the 21st, with assignments out by the 23rd, and then you have until the 18th of December to deliver your gift.
Important Notes
You must be 18 or over to participate in Yuletide (because you might be matched with someone who requests smut), and signups close on 9pm UTC on Saturday, 21 October.
There's a known issue where the safari browser isn't letting people sign up properly, (when you get an exchange this big sometimes things break), so they say to either sign up on mobile or use a different browser. So that will be fun for me.
And that's it! Yuletide! Just under a week left to sign up, and 351 people have signed up as I write this letter at 1:30am. I just refreshed it and now it's 352. You can sign up on the Ao3 page here!
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destiny-smasher · 4 months
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(plus bonus alt pose for Nemona when it was WIP)
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The Area Zero Crew, redesigned after a timeskip for my postgame fanfic, Operation Comet Punch. Featuring Scarlet Koito, reimagined from the PokeSpe manga a the 'player protag.' Redesigns by me, artwork was fantastically done by VORP4LDANCE! Twitter cross post is here.
Little rundown: Arven's studying to be a master chef and for now is saving for chef school by working his own food truck! Letty is a Paldean Champion who's a globe-hopping freelancer, running mercenary work, guarding duty, and... less savory business as needed... Penny is the lead software engineer for the Paldean League, and is madly in love with Nemona, savoring getting to raise her Veevee babies with her girlfriend. And Champion Nemona, the story's most 'lead' character, is cutting ties with her family's money to prove to herself she doesn't need their priviliege to succeed -- after years of studying directly under Bea of Galar (and Professor Dendra), she's become a capable fighter with her own two bare fists, and in tandem with her Pokemon! As the newly appointed Chief of Security of the Paldean League, she's got a hefty weight on her shoulders... but is wild about her girlfriend, Penny, who helps lighten that load off her mind, and distract her from her very uncertain future... You can check out the recently started fic here if you want!
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samasmith23 · 1 year
Why do some people think that stories portraying darker subject matter is always an inherently bad thing?
I’ve recently encountered this weird mindset in regards to certain online fandom spaces, wherein people will argue that fictional characters experiencing intense trauma and pain is somehow inherently problematic and negatively reflects on the creator’s skills or ethics. This feels like such a narrow-minded and shallow understanding of a piece of media, since characters undergoing hardships is often a necessary element for them to grow and develop as the narrative progresses. Plus, while some stories can indeed be more intense and graphic in what types of trauma is depicted, it’s mere inclusion doesn’t automatically make the story or it’s author inherently bad. For instance, even though I personally haven’t read the manga series Berserk by the late Kentaro Miura (May he Rest In Peace…), based on what I’ve heard from others while the series does include graphic depictions of sexual assault which the main protagonist Guts suffered from in his past, said-assaults are NOT framed in a gross or exploitative way, but are instead utilized to analyze and discuss the character’s feelings of physical and psychological trauma derived from said-horrible events, and heavily factors into Guts' overall backstory and development as a character as he tries to heal from the violent trauma of his past and discover some sense of happiness in a bleak world.
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And yet despite this I’ve encountered a few people accuse Berserk of being “pro-rape” or even outright stating that Miura “deserved to die” (which is an absolutely disrespectful and disgusting thing to say!) simply because he included these darker elements in his manga. Like... that's as stupid as someone claiming that Quentin Tarantino is automatically "pro-murder" simply because his movies include lots of scenes of characters killing each other.
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I’ve also encountered far less overtly toxic examples of this kind bad faith media criticism in comic circles. Awhile I was incredibly confused when I saw some people on Twitter arguing that Saladin Ahmed was “ill-suited to writing teenage characters” simply because of two scenes in his Miles Morales: Spider-Man & Magnificent Ms. Marvel runs respectively, which involved Miles being tortured by the new supervillain, The Assessor (who would later make clones of Miles as a result), as well as the final battle between Ms. Marvel and her evil robot-duplicate Stormranger getting quite brutal at times (you could see blood from the impact Stormranger’s punch).
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In regards to the Miles’ torture scene, I've seen a small number of people argue that the scene's existence was inherently inappropriate due to Miles' status as a Black minor, going as far as to label it as "dehumanizing" and "really insensitive to the real trauma of black boys." I'm not sure how I feel about this as those labels feel a tad extreme due to the fantastical nature of Miles' stories. Like, as brutal as the scene with the Assessor is, it’s at least given a more ficitional sci-fi vibe due to the high-tech laboratory, the Frankenstein operating table, and the fact that this whole ordeal leads directly into Miles' own version of Spider-Man: Clone Saga after The Assessor acquires Miles’ DNA in the process. So it feels less grounded and not as reflective of those real-life traumatic experiences Black men and boys unfortunately go through in the U.S. like I saw a few critics of Ahmed’s run claiming. Plus, Ahmed had Miles be rescued by both his father Jefferson Morales and Uncle Aaron Davis teaming-up together. So the narrative frames the Assessor’s torture of Miles as a bad thing whilst depicting two older Black men actively putting aside their personal differences in order to save their son/nephew as a major narrative focus as well. How exactly is it "dehumanizing" or "inappropriate" then?
And it seems like this bizarre criticism isn’t just limited to Twitter comic fandoms, since a certain Lily Orchard recently made an AWFUL video which outright accused animation fandoms and creators of “fetishizing the torture and abuse of POC women” in cartoons like The Legend of Korra, The Owl House, and She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. As soon as I saw the thumbnail for that video I knew it was going to be an absolute dumpster fire.
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In it, not only does Lily engage in those similar types of arguments like the ones I mentioned earlier about Saladin Ahmed’s portrayal of Miles & Kamala, but Lily went multiple steps further by outright accusing various scenes from The Legend of Korra, The Owl House & She-Ra of being “literal torture p*rn” and “fetishized abuse against POC women.” With Korra, Lily accused the scenes of Korra brutally poisoned with the Red Lotus’ liquid metalic venom, Korra still being significantly weakened by the poison during her final battle with Zaheer (causing her to fall and tumble down cliff-sides) and Zaheer trying to use his air-bending to suck the oxygen right out of Korra’s lungs (the same technique he previously used to assassinate the Earth Queen), plus the Unalaq fight from the Season 2 finale where extracts the Avatar spirit from Korra and kills all her past lives one by one with a water-whip as “white centrist writers being turned on by the trauma and torture of a woman of color.”
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And in regards to She-Ra, Lily accused Catradora shippers of being an example of fandom going “full mask-off” simply because she found 2 or 3 random comments defending Catra’s abusive behavior prior to her gradual redemption arc in the final season simply because they found the Adora & Catra fights “hot” (which I know for a fact does NOT represent the entirety or even majority of the She-Ra fandom & Catradora shippers).
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It’s just… I honestly don’t understand why Lily is describing these scenes as “torture p*rn” or “abuse fetishizing.” Like, it’s not unexpected for characters to undergo traumatic crap during their story arcs, and most often it’s for the purposes of raising the dramatic stakes of the conflict or to have said-characters eventually undergo some sort of positive change arc (which is what happens in both Korra and She-Ra btw). While the abuse Korra suffers at Zander’s hands is indeed violent, it’s intentionally disturbing and off-putting in order to increase the viewer’s suspense and fear over whether or not the main character will get out of this alive. Personally, when I first watched the Season finale of “Book 3,” I was on the edge of my seat and constantly worried for Korra’s survival, and while she is left physically and psychologically scarred by the whole ordeal I’ve heard that the entirety of “Book 4” (which I still haven’t seen BTW) focuses on Korra healing from her trauma and becoming more spiritually enlightened in the process. YouTuber and MarySue author, Princess Weekes, though had some interesting analyses about Korra’s portrayal of overcoming trauma and how its heavily rooted  in East Asian philosophy, despite Weekes' overall mixed feelings about the series in general:
And while I can’t comment on The Owl House (again, haven’t watched any of it), I can say that Lily’s characterization of Catradora as “torture p*rn/abuse fetishization” is 100% wrong since the show frames Catra’s behavior towards Adora and others throughout Seasons 1-4 as toxic and unhealthy, and Season 5 is all about her fixing herself on her own volition after realizing the harm she’s caused, and it’s only AFTER all of that when Adora & Catra become lovers. But the way Lily describes the scenes in Korra & She-Ra (which are honestly pretty PG in their levels of brutality despite being fairly dark for family-friendly animation) you’d think she was talking about some over-the-top violently explicit tentacle hentai or something, as she even goes as far as to compare the Korra & Zaheer fight to FREAKING The Passion of the Christ (seriously… Lily actually compared Korra to Mel Gibson's antisemitic guilt-tripping exploitation film which unnecessarily stretches out Jesus' torture and crucifixion; which in the Bible occurred in just a few brief passages instead of 2-and-a-half hours like in the movie).
Geez… given how Lily so inaccurately mischaracterizes these scenes from Korra and She-Ra, I’d honestly hate to see she’d react to Neon Genesis Evangelion, which is heavily centered around the characters suffering from intense depressive episodes and experiencing emotional breakdowns, whilst also including lots of psychoanalytical and disturbing imagery. Knowing Lily, she’d probably ignore the fact that NGE’s director Hideaki Anno was suffering from severe depression while creating the series (which heavily influenced the show’s overall production and themes), and instead accuse all the depictions of depression and trauma in EVA of being “unrealistic” and “inaccurate” since according to her all fictional depictions of trauma are inherently inaccurate since there’s no one universal depiction of trauma (Lily actually said that in her terrible video), and accuse all of the series’ violent and sexual imagery of being “torture p*rn” whilst calling Anno a “perverted abuse-fetishizing creep who is turned on by torture” (which feels incredibly SWERFy on Lily’s part, as well as needlessly hostile towards people who are into BDSM or sado-masachism and practice it safely and consensually) just like she did to the creators of Korra, Owl House, and She-Ra (even though NGE and especially the movie The End of Evangelion is highly critical of exactly that kind of gross and toxic behavior within Japanese Otaku subcultures).
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So my overall question is this: why do Lily and some other people think that including intense trauma or brutal torture scenes in comics or animation, even when said-scenes they're framed in the story as bad things are inherently “problematic,” “dehumanizing,” “fetishistic,” or “torture/trauma p*rn”? It's like... I can understand not wanting to stomach intensely violent or depressing scenes if they can't handle them, or being critical if they feel unnecessarily mean-spirited or exploitative, but often times having darker elements is an unavoidable aspect of giving a story a sense of conflict. Conflict is necessary in order to have a plot or to develop characters, except it feels like a lot of people on social media believe that the mere inclusion of any type of darker conflict or subject matter is inherently ethically dubious regardless of how its framed within the overall narrative.
I just don't get this kind of mentality and why it's become so prevalent online these days... I really don't...
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jungkookschin · 1 year
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operation true love!
thirteen: y/n and heeseung's death 😄 (maybe)
*reading this chapter is crucial in understanding the plot for the rest of the story*
Since when did a celebrity go to your school? Heeseung's walking towards you, and everyone is acting like he's walking down the red carpet.
The thing is, Heeseung looks as nonchalant ever: clad in ripped jeans, an oversized black tee, socks and slides, with his backpack lazily slung over a single shoulder. Heeseung doesn't even have the courtesy to look up from his phone as he nonsensically approaches you.
He doesn't look at anyone but everyone is looking at him.
His mere presence parts the crowd of students as people cluster around him to avoid getting in his way- as if the mere thought of inconveniencing him was the worst thing in the world.
Heeseung was just on a different level- and as much as you hate socially constructed concepts like popularity, Heeseung amazingly drew the attention of everyone he walked past.
He finally looks up from his phone when he stops at the bench you're sitting on. "Hey Y/N," he greets with casual indifference- the bored expression on his face obviously indicative that he wants to get this interaction over with.
He lazily shuffles through the unorganized binders, notebooks, and folders in his backpack before he fishes out a sealed envelope. He hands it to you, giving you quite the judgemental expression when all you do is owlishly blink at him.
You shake your head, snapping out of your trance. "Sorry- I don't mean to be weird. I've just heard of you a lot from Jungwon. He-he was devastated after he learned he wouldn't be playing with you- um- anymore," you explain, even though he didn't ask for an explanation.
A smirk creeps onto his face as he eyes you.
"I know you too, Y/N. I actually started watching Blue Lock because Jungwon mentioned that you liked it during practice."
"Jungwon talks about me?"
"He did when we played together, but I haven't spoken to him in months so I wouldn't know." He shrugs his shoulders and you decide that you don't want to cross his boundaries so you press your lips into a tight line and nod.
You hand him your own envelope with the payment for the Nagi photocard and he gladly snatches it from your grasp. Opening the envelope, he shuffles through the cash. It's exactly what he expects: four 100's and one 50.
But he quickly notices one more thing hidden in the envelope. He pulls out a decorated toploader from the envelope, neatly decorated with soccer stickers and cutouts from the Blue Lock manga.
He gives you a skeptical look, but you don't even notice because you're too busy admiring the Nagi photocard. Heeseung holds back laughter at the way your eyes are practically sparkling at a literal piece of paper.
"What's this Y/N?" he asks, pulling you from your trance.
You blink at Heeseung, who is holding the toploader with two fingers.
"Oh, it's a toploader. I thought we could be friends since we both like Blue Lock- but if you don't want it it's fine," you respond.
You're met with silence.
He stares at the toploader, eye twitching before he trains his pupils on you, then the toploader, then you again. He seems like he's having some internal battle before he gives in with a groan.
“Fuck,” he sputters out, tossing the envelope onto your lap. “Just take the photocard for free. I'll take the toploader as payment."
He plops down on the vacant spot next to you, groaning again as he pulls out his phone and scrolls through his twitter feed.
"Wait what? I thought this was an expensive photocard."
Heeseung scoffs. "It is. But I got it for free at the pop up event. I don't even collect photocards so you can have it- I just wanted some extra cash."
You hesitate, deciding not to pry any further. "Thanks Heeseung. That was really nice of you," you smile at him and he looks from his phone to you.
He returns the smile. "You're welcome Y/N."
So that's how you ended up sitting next to Heeseung at the assembly. You awkwardly fidget besides him, hugging your backpack to your chest while Heeseung looks as indifferent as ever.
He doesn't even seem to be impacted by the fact that everyone is literally staring at him and whispering about how handsome he is.
"If you don't want to be here, I can give you a rundown of what happened," you whisper. Heeseung looks at you with a small frown on his lips.
"Why would I want to leave?"
A blush creeps onto your cheeks. "Well- people are talking about you so I thought you might be uncomfortable," you quickly respond.
"Oh." Heeseung looks around the auditorium. "It's fine. I'm used to it," he shrugs.
"Oh okay-"
"Welcome business students of HYBE University!" a voice booms from the speakers, and a man with blonde hair makes his grand entrance onto the stage.
You uncomfortably shift in your seat, redirecting your focus towards the man gallivanting on the stage. Heeseung similarly turns from you and onto the man.
The man is.. quite the figure to say the least. He's parading around on stage in a bright green suit, golden shoes, and a bright red bowtie.
"I'm a representative from Marang Entertainment! And I'm here to offer you..." he points his index finger towards the audience, but for some reason you feel like he's pointing directly at you and Heeseung. Heeseung feels the same, because he nudges you with his elbow and gives you a skeptical glance.
"...a business opportunity!" he finishes, throwing his hands up into the air.
You clutch onto your backpack even tighter.
"I haven't done my research, but I know for a fact that each and every student here knows of Marang Entertainment. We're home to the world's biggest stars: BTS, Blackpink, Enhypen, Justin Bieber- any singer you like? They're under our brand," he continues.
"But today, I'm here to reveal why Marang's artists are so successful!" he exclaims, jumping up and down on the stage.
"Marang Entertainment uses the most advanced, state of the art, and exclusive technology: the quantitative love meter!"
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Pointing to the powerpoint slide, he continues to explain. "The quantitative love meter tells us how many love points you have. You can acquire a love point if you've made someone's heart flutter, made someone shy, made someone jealous, or made someone fall for you! Basically, any form of love given to you will boost your love meter by one point!"
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He pauses and moves on to the next slide. "The number on the left tells us how many times that has happened during your life span, and the number on the right tells us the potential of love points you will ever receive!"
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"Let's analyze one of Marang Entertainment's biggest stars: Jeon Jungkook. The amount of love points Jungkook has received in his life is around 3 and a half billion. However, Jungkook has the potential to receive 100 billion love points in his life! This is why Marang entertainment quickly acquired him as a talent and debuted him in BTS!"
In awe of the presentation in front of you, you don't even realize that Heeseung is aggressively shaking your arm. "Y/N, Y/N.. Y/N! Why the fuck are we the only ones in the auditorium?" Heeseung whisper shouts into your ear.
As if your body is frozen, only your eyes can scan the auditorium and your heart nearly stops in your chest when you realize that you and Heeseung are the only ones left in the auditorium.
Panic erupts into your system, and Heeseung grabs onto your clammy hands, forcing you up. "Let's get the fuck out of here," he urgently expresses, and you gulp, following his lead.
"Heeseung? Y/N? Why are we leaving the party so early?" And just like that, the man appears right in front of you, as if he teleported from the stage and into the audience.
The man scoffs, weaving a hand through his hair. "If you don't want to listen to the presentation, then let's get straight to the point," he spits out.
He snaps his fingers, and suddenly, you and Heeseung are magically strapped back into your seats.
"What the fuck?-"
"Lee Heeseung. Within the entirety of Marang Entertainment history, you have the highest love meter score in the world."
Heeseungs jolts in his seat, trying to escape, but he can't. He's chained onto the seat by whatever spell that man put onto him. "And Y/N, you have the lowest love meter score in history. Ze-ro," the man makes the point to enunicate, making a zero with his hand as he mocks you with his sadistic smirk.
You're horrified. Your heart drops in your chest and you're sweating profusely. You don't even realize that you're crying until the lubricant of your tears hits your palms that are glued together on your lap.
"I'm here to strike a deal with you two," the man exclaims cockily as he grins at you. "Heeseung. Join Marang Entertainment-"
"I said that I wouldn't," Heeseung seethes menacingly, "you've had people stalking me for months and I've already said no!"
"Would you do it to save Y/N's life?" the man responds with a cocky tilt of his head.
Your breath hitches in your throat. What?
"I've come to HYBE University to give you an ultimatum." He strolls around the room casually, as if he didn't just mention your potential death.
"We will kill Y/N if you don't join Marang Entertainment, Heeseung. Y/N, if you can raise your love meter, then Heeseung won't have to join us."
Your body begins to shake violently at his postulation. "If neither happens within the next month, then you both will die."
And the next time you blink, you're suddenly at the top of a skyscraper. The man smirks at you before he pushes you off the building, and the second you hit the floor you open your eyes again and you're back in the auditorium.
He hands Heeseung his business card and snaps his fingers.
With the snap of his fingers, the auditorium has returned to its original form. The students are back in auditorium, as if nothing had ever happened. You recognize your fellow classmates fighting to stay awake as the dean of the business school drones on about credits.
You whip your head to Heeseung, who looks as distraught as you are. He's holding onto his backpack, wheezing as his pupils fill with terror.
His eyes meet yours, and he quickly laces his fingers through yours, dragging you out of the auditorium.
"Let's get the fuck out of here."
And as you're mindlessly letting Heeseung lead you away, another realization hits you.
This means that Jake never liked you.
taglist: @curly-fr13s , @viagumi , @gyurtl  , @haechansbbg  , @vexstrils , @flamiricky , @lomzy5 , @loves0ft , @ilymarkchan , @paragonofroyalty , @whippedforbeomgyu ,  @duolingofanaccount , @rikizm
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A mini character analysis on Twilight/Loid/[redacted]
As much as I am a tiny bit sad that Loid is still not having that reflection I want him to have after the last arc, I think I will have to remind myself something I posted somewhere else:
“The problem is, Twilight is inching towards his hidden self, [redacted], instead of running towards being ‘Loid’. As much as we want to believe that [redacted] is closer to ‘Loid’ in nature, and that he could have become ‘Loid’ if war didn’t happen, ‘Loid’ is still a work persona created by Twilight to complete Operation Strix. This persona allowed Twilight to ‘love’, but it is also a constant reminder that it is a facade. ‘Loid’ was a middle ground for Twilight to get back in touch with [redacted]. But now it has become a battleground where Twilight and [redacted] are having a standoff.”
I’ll be as patient as I can be.
(Manga spoilers ahead: and an analysis of ch.77)
I see people on twitter saying that everything we love about Loid has gone downhill since ch.62. I don’t necessarily think so because we have ch.68, but it is kinda true he doesn’t seem to get much development on the dad/husband department since the end of the cruise arc. To a point that people started to be angry at him and Endo since ch.75.
Loid has been in this utter confusion since the cruise arc. Before that, he doesn’t realise he has this confusion - he has been able to use the excuse, you know, Loid “for the mission” Forger, to justify everything. The cruise arc is really the first time he’s not on the mission. Basically it takes 50 chapters for Endo to finally ask Loid this important question, “What if it’s not for the mission?”
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This poor man has been confused ever since, like in ch.76:
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This is, of course, just this stupid man’s way of asking if he’s a good enough father for Anya for the mission. But it doesn’t go away easily. He has been a spy for more than a decade. And before that he was alone for years. Being a Forger for only three months is not going to reverse that many years of trauma.
But his true self is winning. Has been winning since ch.62. He still tries to rationalise everything using his spy radar, and somehow he ends up being absolutely genuine.
In ch. 62, right after this scene where he deliberately reminded himself that this is “Loid’s” house:
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He somehow chose to be a real dad instead of being a good spy:
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And the same thing happened again in ch.66:
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Sandwiched between all the spy-talks he had in his head, there is this transparent bubble. This is also the bubble that convinces me that he knows she is keeping secrets, but somehow he doesn’t care. But this is for another day.
His head says spy, but his actions always speak otherwise.
Endo loves to play with the idea of misinformation. He blatantly said in the fanbook that the info Franky has on the Garden is an exaggerated version of it, and is not accurate. The more obvious example would be the Handler’s arc in Ch.63. This is a story about secrets and lies, but there is a grain of truth in all the lies these characters tell us. Especially Loid “for the mission” Forger. From day 1 we knew Twilight’s a liar and a very cool one. But somehow Endo also makes him to be this genuine and sincere man. And he also needs therapy.
So Endo shows us how much he really needs therapy, just look at all these similarities, like this:
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Or this: Ch.77
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But the real fear is always this: am I worthy for the family? Does she feel that I am worthy enough?
Ch. 77
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For Loid “for the mission” Forger, this basically translates to, my wife and daughter are upset my mission is failing because I’m not good enough I’m a bad spy. He has hit himself with this “bad spy! bad spy!” mentality so many times, it’s basically a running gag now.
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Okay I give up finding every single panel of him panicking because it’s too much. But I think you get it.
Mr. Austin is so obviously a foil for Loid. As the therapy unfolds, we were trying to figure Loid out just as Loid tried hard to figure Mr. Austin out.
Loid even asked the same question we want to ask him:
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Isn’t that exactly why people are mad at him now? Is he lying to himself when he says for the mission, or is he just lying to us the whole damn time? 
I think the problem is that we are all expecting Loid to be his actual persona. And it could be. But Ch.62 is also reminding all of us that “Loid” is something invented by Twilight. Even Twilight is something invented. By [redacted]. We love Loid. We kinda like Twilight, mostly because he’s hot af. But do we like [redacted], the man with all the flaws and merits Loid and Twilight have?
You see, like father, like daughter. Anya and [redacted] really don’t know what normality is. In Ch. 76:
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And in Ch. 77:
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They really don’t know what it is like to be a normal family, although they are already in one, and they sure feel very loved.
Remember back in Ch.10/Ep.7, when he said this: “I wonder what it’d feel like to have a real family.” This really is Endo asking [redacted] the same question, “What if this is not for the mission? What if you are in a real family?”
And [redacted] still doesn’t know the answer, although the answer is really there right from the start. He is this stupid, stupid man, who’s also absolutely traumatised and utterly confused. But you know what? If this is a story about recovery and rediscovery, then:
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𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒔 𝑮𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒊 13 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 (𝑩𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉) 𝒑𝒕 1
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Features: The blue lock characters (including the manga characters) in an AU where they are members in the organization called Gotei 13 present in the anime Bleach.
IMPORTANT: I DO NOT OWN THE ART, credits go to the original owner (the original artist: @/fun1_fn on Twitter). This post is inspired by the art work above! I found these and thought it'll be fun to write about a cross over of my two favourite anime!
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Role: Dealing with Soul Society law and monitoring the other divisions. Even subordinate members of the First Division are considered model Shinigami.
Characters: Noel Noa, Lavinho, Chris Prince, Marc Snuffy, Julian Loki
Explanation: All members of division 1 have great strength and power. They hold authority over the other divisions. As these characters have enough knowledge and experience to serve as coach/masters and guide the other players, they would definitely be first division members.
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Role: They handle all undercover operations regarding Seireitei security. Members are tasked with assassination, policing, detention and message couriers.
Characters: Chigiri Hyoma, Asahi Naruhaya, Eita Otoya, Tabito Karasu
Explanation: These characters are known for their skills which will be benefit them to carry out assassinations.
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Role: Responsible of the act of sending out shinigami to gather information. They are also the ones that sort all outgoing and incoming information.
Characters: Meguru Bachira, Jyubei Aryu, Alexis Ness
Explanation: Bachira and Aryu are energetic characters that would love to go out to gather information while Ness seems the type of guy to gather info convertly.
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Role: They are responsible for both treating the injured and doing most of the manual labor, such as cleaning the Seireitei. The 4th Division administers emergency first aid to injured division members.
Characters: Okuhito Iemon, Nijiro Nanase, Yo Hiori
Explanation: These characters have a gentle nature, which is best suited for the 4th division.
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Role: They are responsible for all sealing and magical workings inside Soul Society, as well as recording and storing any new kidou.
Characters: Reo Mikage, Rin Itoshi
Explanation: Being a member of this squad requires an in depth knowledge of Kido. High level Kido is something not everyone can perform, so these characters are well suited because of their academic level.
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Role: They handle all of Gotei 13's internal affairs, such as monitoring shinigami activity and handling any disturbances. They are responsible for apprehending shinigami that breaks Soul Society laws and detaining criminal offenders until they are judged.
Characters: Kenyu Yukimiya, Sae Itoshi
Explanation: These characters have a good head on their shoulders, they will do well in this division.
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Role: The 7th Division maintains peace between Seireitei and Rukongai. When souls have complaints/suggestions/questions, they sent to the 7th Division where it is read, ignored, taken into consideration and decided upon.
Characters: Zantetsu Tsurugi, Ranze Kurona
Explanation: They are smart enough to handle diplomacy issues.
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P.S : Ahhh I so happy I wrote this! This was on my mind for quite a while now and I finally wrote it down! All the above information was taken from the blue lock/ bleach wiki pages as well as some other sources as well. Btw did you guys know that in bleach, only the 6th Division members play actual football? Toshiro did play once but only in the beginning.
Part 2
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tatertotcosmonaut · 4 months
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In light of the ask you send me a few days ago, I wanted to ask your opinion on takes like this I've been seeing around. Like people saying ch 261 is exceptionally revolting and dark, in particular for a shonen and compared to anything else we've seen in jjk. I mean it is revolting, it's supposed to be exactly that, it's a big change in Yuuta's character, but the pearl-clutching of some people seems a little too much in my opinion. They have their right to be disgusted by it, but I don't see this being such a no-go for shonen. For WSJ maybe, although they have Chainsaw Man under their wing. But for example in Attack on Titan the mc tries to commit genocide and Dai Dark has the mc skinning kids alive and selling corpses. It's not such a rare thing or as boundary breaking as they make it out to be. Sure, not every story does this, but generally most shonen magazines seem fine with it (I mean they did publish it). The "think of the children" attitude seems a bit much here, not to mention that WSJ like many other shonen magazines isn't just read by kids/teenagers.
Ah yeah I saw this thread on Twitter but I did not fully read it. If OP had stopped before that last tweet I would have just nodded my head and agreed (except for them saying “it crossed some lines”).
Challenging social taboos or purposefully taking advantage of social taboos (such as filial piety and the sacred nature of dead bodies) is something used a lot in manga, usually to show a lack of morality or moral degradation, a kind of “this is how this fictional society operates, it’s not a nice place.” Sukuna is an example of this, he’s full of behavior that, at the time of the Heian Era, were complete social taboos (and still are).
I went back and read the thread, I read the tweets they gave in example of how some in the Japanese side of the fandom are feeling about this chapter, and even some Japanese people have QRTed their thoughts. I can’t fault them for feeling that way, although a sense of sacredness over the dead isn’t as beat into us in the west, it is still very much a thing or superstition, especially in minority communities (I’m black creole, we have huge superstitions about treating the dead with respect so they don’t come back to haunt us or get revenge). But I feel like it’s still pearl clutching that is unnecessary- the disgust is very much the point.
I also feel like the “think of the children” thing is odd. Beyond just the examples you gave, shonen manga is rife with sexual jokes, pervert tropes, busty women, and graphic violence that would’ve made my mom probably ban manga from the house completely if she caught me reading it when I was in middle school lol (she actually did attempt to bar me from watching anime though). It’s just weird that after all the things JJK has depicted, THIS is the boundary that can’t be crossed.
Again, I don’t want to come off as some westerner telling others to “not be so offended”, I understand their feelings. But at the same time, the offense was the point.
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angeldeviloshi · 4 months
(Transcript from my twitter thread yesterday with some adjustments and additions.)
I'm thinking about the tumblr post talking about how angels are essentially divine machines and how it relates to the Angel Devil's role in the narrative again. But now with the Denji parallels, the way Denji's name was actually based on Tenshi 天使 (Angel) since he fights devils. (Jump Festa 2021 Interview)
Denji written the same way as Tenshi in kana but with dakuten 濁点 (consonant dots). Incidentally, 濁り means "muddy/cloudy" fjmt stated that he went with Denji as a "muddied" version of Tenshi to fit with the image he had in mind for Denji as a character. (Coincidentally, "Chainsaw" in Chinese is pronounced diàn jù [电锯] )
Applying dots can also be read as "daten" 打点 which is also how you pronounce 堕天 (fall from heaven) making Denji a fallen angel (Datenshi) the Lucifer symbolism in ch81, Denji's fall and the birth of the (Chainsaw) Devil.
Power bringing the birthday cake, Makima figuratively popping the cracker with a bang to celebrate its birth. The chainsaw as a piece of machinery operated by God (Makima) a designated tool to serve God and be God's proxy.
Obedience/adherence to the role intertwined with identity, purpose and meaning. Makima leashing Denji as her dog by fashioning herself as his goal in the narrative of part 1.
The Angel Devil being Makima's mirror and subordinate while also serving as a tool for the state represented by Makima that he internalises. (His claim of being a "Devil before an Angel" despite feeling for humans and granting one a merciful death of his own accord. Stay Tuned for my write-up expanding on this when I get to it.) Makima herself being a collared agent of the state. (The irony of Makima being born from humanity both in her as a devil based on human construct and a product of the state, yet unable to connect with humanity because of what humanity made her to be.)
Both the Angel Devil and Denji countering what Makima represents while sharing core aspects with her. Fallen Angels but still Angels in the image of God. Their capacity and desire for a loving, equal relationship (Angel Devil's bond and compassion towards humans as a devil, Denji's desire to be in a loving, nurturing relationship, Makima's desire for a family that completes her as an equal, Pochita's desire to hug someone without hurting them) The perceived chaotic solitary existence of Pochita as the Chainsaw devil contrasting Makima's calculated solitary existence as the Control devil.
Angels bridging God and human (divine beings in the shape of humans) just as the Angel Devil and Denji also bridge devilhood and humanity through their identity and background. (Angel Devil through his village/Denji through Pochita) Makima herself being the Control devil operating the narrative while looking human herself but disconnected with humanity. The resemblance, the proxy!!
The Angel Devil's tragedy of not being able to be anything but the proxy of God (narrative device operated by Makima but also csm itself as her mirror in the way Makima subsumes him into the role of her "divine machine" by erasing his past so that he fulfills his role as a devil under the state's belief system.)
The way the Angel Devil's skin serves to distance him from humans not unlike how the Chainsaw devil can't "get hugs" because to touch is to kill. Makima subsuming the Angel Devil into this 'God-given role' through that skin of his by killing his village through his touch!!
The way for the duration of his appearance in the manga, the reader mainly sees the Angel Devil serving this role unable to deviate even when he shakes free of Makima's restraints.
The way??? He foreshadows the "Hero of Hell" to Aki who in part 1 semi-functions as the audience surrogate, which he also brings into fruition by leading Aki to his death to bring about its "birth" as prophecised?? In accordance with the manga's story beats and Makima's machinations contained within it.
The way part 2 deals with Denji's disorientation with regards to his role in the aftermath of part 1 trying to find his place in the world and meaning to his existence while stuck in this state of in-between where he can't seem to be one or the other. The ghost of his role as a device both metaphysically and literally haunting him in the absence of God.
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Links to the posts
Jump Festa 2021 Interview transcript (non-translated)
Or the live interview itself clipped on niconico douga (also untranslated, start learning Japanese!) *if you get an error page on NND it's because the site is under maintenance
Credit to the metaphor of Makima popping a birthday cracker with a "bang" from this JP csm fan blog analysing chapter 81.
Also check out my other threads/posts where I think about the themes wrt the characters lol.
brainrot & shitposting 天使くん推すううぅぅぅ : I'm constantly thinking so much about this it's... (tumblr.com)
brainrot & shitposting 天使くん推すううぅぅぅ : This is just a micro sample of a bigger train of... (tumblr.com)
brainrot & shitposting 天使くん推すううぅぅぅ : brainrot & shitposting (tumblr.com)
brainrot & shitposting 天使くん推すううぅぅぅ : More Angel Devil Makima parallels thoughts from my... (tumblr.com)
(I also wrote a brief thing about Makima as the demiurge smth smth Gnostic themes in csm, in a reply to someone but I'm not gonna get into that rn lol. Also Makima as a false god not just meta-narratively but also her representing the state + how false godhood is intertwined with Japan's socioeconomic history and landscape through religion, politics and capitalism which you can learn about in this 1 hour long video about why god-slaying is a common trope in JRPGs and its relevance to CSM's themes!!)
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catgirlcrisis · 11 months
arknights 4.5 anni stream recap
haven't seen anyone put a full recap anywhere, which is a shame because there's so much going on in this one! so i'll be posting everything you might have missed in text-form, for anyone who wants that kind of summary.
credits to @AK_CN_Shitpost on twitter and Kazdel Team on youtube for translations/hosting, community members in my discord, and my friends on twitter so i know whats going on. putting this under a readmore because it'll be long:
stream starts off with 4.5 anni congratulation messages from several CN VAs, including:
we get a PV featuring Viviana and Arturia about a new event taking place in Leithanien. we're getting several new ops, including:
Bassline, a 5* Guardian Defender
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Lessing, a 6* Dreadnought Guard
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Viviana, a 6* Arts Fighter
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and Arturia the Virtuosa, a Limited 6* Ritualist Supporter.
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her e2 art, like all other limited operators, will have Live2D.
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the new event will be called Zwillingstürme Herbst (roughly something to do with the fall and possibly the twin empresses)
new skins for several operators! it's an epoque line this time. theme is "Life," and keywords are "Past/Story".
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Gwiazdcytro (Meteor), Noon Twilight (Absinthe), Lances Off (Ashlock), Royal Guard (Bagpipe)
two new animated Live2D skins:
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Wdali (Mlynar); the text says "'Fear neither hardship nor darkness'... Ah, an era that is not worth remembering, a dream which is too awake." (credit to @/lingtranslates on their twitter for this translation)
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Wingbreaker (Texas the Omertosa)
there's a new QoL update: players will now be able to auto-farm stages up to a maximum of 6 times per run
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new red cert shop operators
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new archive drops for operators, including:
new operator modules:
nearl the radiant knight
new themed furniture sets:
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there's a brief overview and explanation of the new operator skills and gameplay, but i won't go over that here because there's still a lot to get to. however, gamepress usually releases a review on these operators after release, and youtubers like kyostinv will upload showcases pretty quick after they drop, for people who are curious about them
there's a very cute PV about kjerag! it goes into the history of the country and some cultural celebrations about kjeragandr, as well as development of the country and such. it's pretty cute (and sorta wes anderson-ish)
AK is adding a german and russian dub for their lethanien and usran characters, respectively
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we'll be getting a new event in rim billiton with amiya and the dr
new sargon-related teaser
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we're getting more reclamation algorithm! this time you'll have the ability to "save" and not have to restart from the ground up every time it seems
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we got a teaser about the next sui sibling! from @AK_CN_Shitpost:
Next spring event will take place in an agricultural production city, Zuo Le who is sent to rest got involved in farming issue. So the next spring event will involve Zuo Le and possibly the agriculture Sui brother?
there will be another R6S collab. supposedly we're also getting a rerun for Operation Originium Dust, but this will also involve a new collab event.
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other assorted notes:
new trailer about a cute, comedic series that involves ceobe, popukar, ethan, bubble, and mountain update: it is called kay's daily doodles! a translated trailer has been uploaded to the official EN AK account here
perish in frost trailer (CN dub)
AK artbook announcements: Arknights Animation Artworks Vol. 1 and Arknights Official Artworks Vol. 3 are being released, with Vol. 3 being teased with an art of the 3 abyssal hunters(!!!)
release of a book that seems to be about the in-universe lore and worldbuilding of Terra, including maps and wildlife
a new manga about Silverash and Gnosis's pasts
release of the first 123 Rhodes Island?! volume, along with new merch featuring Kal'tsit, Rosmontis, Amiya, the Doctor, Blaze, and Ch'en
official boardgame. looks like you will be able to collect supplies, build or move shelter?, and there's various cards with different operators on them (we were shown Liskarm, Kal'tsit, Silverash, Dorothy, and W cards). it is called Nomad City: The Founders.
new figures: 1/7 scale figures of Angelina and Mostima (Fitness Time Ver.) prototypes, 1/7 scale Kal'tsit figure, THRM-EX figure prototype, mini figure prototypes of Lessing, Virtuosa (Arturia), and Viviana, as well as 6 more designs of those character-in-a-recruitment-bag figures of- rhine labs edition! featuring Muelsyse, Magallan, Dorothy, Silence, Ifrit, and Saria.
IchibanKuji x Arknights collab Gunfire in Darknights featuring Amiya and Ch'en (Londinium sprites) on the promotional artwork.
AK Cafe with Chongyue, Ines, and Goldenglow on the promotional artwork in Shanghai and Chengdu next year (AK X PrismLand), called Sweet Zone
AK collab with the Nanyue King Museum (yes, really)
new merch promo that shows what looks to be different plushies (originium slug, chibi nian in dragon(?) form, bunnies), character-in-a-recruitment-bag sora, and figures of Eyjafjalla (swimsuit skin ver.), Shining, and Amiya (these are not new, it's probably a sale or a re-run of some kind)
lowlight breaks eggs with the lethanien icon on them. with a giant hammer. yeah
promo for something that's called My First Story, looks like it's an animated song PV featuring W, Amiya, and Kal'tsit
lore about The First Catastrophe and a timeline of Terran history. the twin empresses are revealed to be Hildegard and Lieselotte (yes, really); the witch king is Herkunftshorn
there's some more extra goodies (like a Monster Siren Records promo, what looks like a new season of CC, a new Joint Action banner with Mizuki, Suzuran, Surtr, and Pozyemka, new ops now available in recruitment like Flint, Eunectes, and Acid Drop, a new free skin - maybe from a record restoration? - for Flamebringer) but i think i'll hit tumblr's picture limit if i include all of those.
that's a wrap!
(shoutout to discord user @/nobowo) who also gave a short stream recap in my arknights LGBT discord server)
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bangtan-yujin · 9 months
↳ ❝ [ 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒] ¡! ❞
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˗ˏˋ꒰ birth name — lee yujin ( 이유진 )
˗ˏˋ꒰ english name — violet lee
˗ˏˋ꒰ nicknames — global it girl, bighit’s future, diamond maknae, nation’s pirate, dance machine, ace of k-pop, aussie princess
˗ˏˋ꒰ birthdate — january 26, 1999
˗ˏˋ꒰ age — 25 ( international ) 26 ( korean )
˗ˏˋ꒰ zodiac sign — aquarius
˗ˏˋ꒰ birthplace — sydney, australia
˗ˏˋ꒰ hometown — newtown, sydney, australia
˗ˏˋ꒰ nationality — korean-australian
˗ˏˋ꒰ ethnicity — south korean
˗ˏˋ꒰ languages — korean ( 100% ) english ( 100% ) japanese ( 80 % ) spanish ( 100 % )
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↳ ❝ [ 𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒 ] ¡! ❞
˗ˏˋ꒰ height — 5’2ft | 157.48cm
˗ˏˋ꒰ eye color — dark drown
˗ˏˋ꒰ natural hair color — black
˗ˏˋ꒰ modifications — multiple tattoos, brown freckles, boxy smile, multiple ear piercings, ( used to have a lip and tongue piercing )
˗ˏˋ꒰ blood type — o
˗ˏˋ꒰ face claim — kang seulgi ( red velvet )
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↳ ❝ [ 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐑 | 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 ] ¡! ❞
˗ˏˋ꒰ stage name — YUJIN
˗ˏˋ꒰ positions — lead vocalist, main dancer, sub rapper, female maknae, visual
˗ˏˋ꒰ representative emoji (s) — 🐧 / 🍓
˗ˏˋ꒰ debut date — june 13, 2013
˗ˏˋ꒰ solo debut date — october 13, 2023
˗ˏˋ꒰ group — bangtan sonyeondan | bts
˗ˏˋ꒰ tv shows — the walking dead ( 2010 - 2022 ) cobra kai ( 2018 - present ) euphoria ( 2019 - present )
˗ˏˋ꒰ dramas — love letters ( 2015 ) train to busan ( 2016 ) playing cupid ( 2017 ) hey, miss devotion! ( 2018 ) sweet home ( 2020 - present ) my first love ( 2021 ) all of us are dead ( 2022 )
˗ˏˋ꒰ movies — grown ups 2 ( 2012 ) annabelle: creation ( 2017 ) hubie halloween ( 2020 ) the adam project ( 2022 ) spider-man: across the spiderverse ( 2023 ) five nights at freddy’s ( 2023 )
˗ˏˋ꒰ personal instagram — @sprinkleshakes
˗ˏˋ꒰ private twitter — @ttaljin_bts
˗ˏˋ꒰ ost — red swan ( aot | season 3 ) lost in paradise ( jjk | season 1 ending ) stardust ( twenty-one twenty-five ) love me back ( operation: true love )
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↳ ❝ [ 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 | 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎] ¡! ❞
˗ˏˋ꒰ mbti — intp-t
˗ˏˋ꒰ family — mother
˗ˏˋ꒰ positive traits — kind, empathetic, responsible, respectful, funny, loyal, humble
˗ˏˋ꒰ negative traits — impatient, too quiet, oversensitive
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↳ ❝ [ 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀 ] ¡! ❞
her family is from bisan-dong, daegu, south korea, the same district as taehyung
yujin originally wanted to debut solo but when she grew closer to her members she decided to stayed in the group
yujin is a big manga reader and anime watcher, her favorite is one piece
yujin was originally a a trainee under sm but she auditioned for bighit because
she wanted her stage name to be robin after her favorite devil fruit user in one piece
her relationship with stray kids’ lee know was confirmed on january 1, 2021
yujin’s favorite snack is apples with peanut butter, she forced hoseok to try one a few years ago
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thank you to @btshoseong for the inspiration :)
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tariah23 · 1 month
Ppl on twitter have been going on about the misogyny in jjk but literally, if you have any sort of comprehension skills at all, and have been reading it since the beginning, then you’d come to acknowledge that Gege has always given the same treatment to literally every character regardless of gender so I’m always like “wtf are you people talking about m….? Did we not just read the same manga?” I feel like it’s easier for this topic to be approached with the “jjk girls get treated like shit just like female characters in any shounen,” because of there not being a ton of female characters, especially ones that are currently active within the story, so I can understand the complaints from this particular standpoint but again, it’s just… as someone with a brain, I just never got what people were going on about tbh.
Characters who got fridged (like Tsumiki), I can also understand why people would be annoyed with how the female characters are treated in the story (but he literally gives everyone the same treatment so it makes me look at the whole case with Tsumiki as a “well, he did mention somewhere that he wished that he could’ve did done more with her.” The way that she was written like a prop always annoyed me because you can tell that Gege probably had something much more important set up for her but eh… and he did get sick around the time where the writing had started to fall off quite a bit. The payoff wasn’t that good to me and I’m not looking forward to that being animated tbh 😭!)
I’ve talked about Shoko a bit and I don’t feel like doing all of that again but recent stuff has been talked about by other fans (shippers have been annoying about it but I am happily looking the other way 🙂‍↕️-) but the misinterpretation of her character by fans and the way that Gege plays around with her importance to her friends has always been insanely annoying.
Other characters like Nanami could be considered to fall into the same lane as her as well… it’s just the way that Gege kind of pushed her into the role of being “the girl,” (she’s not to ME 🗣️) (probably because she’s a noncombatant sorcerer too so it’s not like he’d have many opportunities where he could fit her into the story as much since jjk always gets straight to the action and horror of what it’s trying to convey…) but the way that fans who push her to the side for shipping purposes is kind of a result of Gege keeping her out of sight, out of mind, and downplaying her importance to her peers. Especially Gojo. Gege got her fucked up actually well 👎🏾😭.
People go on about what happened to Yuki but she’s always been a pretty cool character and I’m still DEVASTATED but she did what she had to do… my only issue with her is that Gege got ride of her as soon as we got to actually see her being a REAL sorcerer 😭… why so soon!!!-!/$:!.&.&z she was still raw!!!
There were other female characters who operated as fodder/ side characters but it was literally just your run of the mill, villain of the week shit in the same vain that their male counterparts were used as.
And people forget that misogyny has been a topic that’s been brought up on multiple occasions within the actual text of JJK. Jujutsu society within itself is literally built upon the conservative, patriarchal values and beliefs of old men who refuse to get with the time so again? Did we not read the same story 😵‍💫…? Like, I’m not even defending Gege because he could’ve given us more than he has but it’s never been as bad as the way certain fans have made it out to be if I’m being real 😭… just talking just to talk.
They’re especially annoying whenever they bring up Nobara and make the same ole’ “Gege can’t write female characters and hates them so much!” Threads sksksksl. I still remember ppl saying that Nobara got the “Sakura treatment,” before I’d gotten far enough to learn more about her character back when JJK was still new to me and after reading ahead, I was so lost like eh…? Nobara was so cool and written insanely well to simply be a female character trapped in a shounen of all things. I got my friend to start JJK not too long ago and she herself had even stated that Nobara was pretty well written from what she’s read so far and that you typically don’t see female characters written like her since archetypes such as hers are usually given to male characters anyway. Gege did her bogus but while she was still in the story, she ate every scene she was present in and I’ll always appreciate Gege for giving his female characters actual personalities outside of simply being the girl in the gang (outside of Shoko… again, it has more to do with the fact that she wasn’t as present throughout the story as a character vs her counterparts… which sucks a whole lot) who is also the love interest all of a sudden. Nobara was so fun, man. I wished Gege could’ve put us out of our misery sooner by confirming that she’d really DIED instead of waiting this fucking long to do soansjN. I’d been waiting with baited breath for eyepatch wearing Nobara to make her debut for YEARS now *jumps*
Maki is just…. 😨👍🏾!!! applauding for the rest of my life… her whole story is literally tied to the fact that she is a girl, with a big part of her mistreatment being the result of her also being “disabled,” in the eyes of a sorcerer. That’s not the word that I’d like to use since she isn’t actually disabled, but in the world of Jujutsu, and especially from the likes of her clan, you’re automatically seen as inferior if you aren’t born with cursed energy and so on. You’re literally nothing and if you’re a woman, you just keep your mouth shut, keep the house clean, cook, and have kids. It’s a mess. Maki was so cool, man. She really came up and I just really loved how Gege handled her story… I’m not looking forward to THAT arc being animated because of how sad the ending was… I cried and I get so emotional whenever I think of Maki and Mai 😭😭😭👎🏾.
People can’t even use Momo and Miwa as an excuse since Gege kind of didn’t do anything with the Kyoto students at all outside of Todo’s cool ass and Mai was sort of only important because of Maki’s importance to the story but even so, I still enjoyed Mai on her own. I guess I’m really sensitive about Maki and Mai since I’m also a twin so it’s just 😭…
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destiny-smasher · 4 months
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Scarlet Koito, 5 years after the events of Pokemon SV from my timeskip AU fanfic, Operation Comet Punch, where they are in the role of 'player character' in the game's storyline (remixing a character from the manga into the game). Redesign by me, artwork by su1zide, who did a fantastic job! Twitter upload here. Definitely will be comming more of the characters from them!
They are a freelance mercenary, a Champion Rank trainer of Paldea, and travels around the world wherever the pay is good, running oddjobs, doing dangerous work and making it look easy.
Until one day, a job brings them back to the Great Crater...
You can check out the ongoing fic here!
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chatonarya · 7 months
Original thread on twitter.
Looks like I was right all along: NCO was 14 when his parents died, and he's in his 30s (32 as of RS, and 29 in BI).
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Am I right or am I right, eh?
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Wait, he went to Victoria only a year later?! At age 15?! Wow, based on his comments during the BI flashback about waiting for Enya & Ensia to grow up, I'd thought he'd stayed in Kjerag longer before leaving... explains why he looks so young in the manga now.
And it makes sense that he stayed in Victoria an extra year to set up trade routes etc with all the deals they made at the Harvest Ball before going back to Kjerag.
(Trio lived together for a year—sorry what)
So if NCO went to Victoria at age 15 and met Gnosis again a time later (we know they spent 4 years together), now we know why their reunion was so dramatic: THEY WERE MELODRAMATIC TEENAGERS LOL
17 year old NCO and NCS:
"Ur an asshole now"
"U 2"
You're both brats.
Also 21 year old NCO buying Degen. Degen like: "This CHILD is the 'Kjerag VIP'?"
The part I was wrong about was NCO and NCS being apart for 4 years. Counting the last year in Victoria post-Ball as one of the 4 years they spent together, they were apart for 3 years. Makes a nice parallel with the 3 years between BI and RS.
(Though they weren't apart the same way since NCO becomes an operator post-BI as well, but I think we can safely say Gnosis was away from Kjerag for 3 years.) Also, Degen being with them since the age of 21 explains very well why she's protective of her kitty.
Another reason NCO & co may have remained in Victoria a year longer is for Gnosis to finish his degree, come to think of it (unlike NCO himself).
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cousticks · 8 months
7 12 and 23 for the ask game for beast chuuya after realising i didnt send numbers
Okay cool swag I can work with that! I was fully prepared to just go through the whole list ngl
7. What's something the fandom does with this character that you like?
That particular flavor of art where its Beast Chuuya hanging around skeletons that are implied to be Beast Dazai. I live for that.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I believe that, as opposed to main timeline Chuuya, Beast Chuuya doesn't really drink ever? Like maybe he still collects expensive wine, but being the strict bodyguard of the most half-dead guy on the planet is a full-focus job and I don't think he likes to compromise that, no matter how much he personally wants Dazai dead. Beast Chuuya doesn't take breaks and doesn't have fun, he's far too strict on his guard detail.
I also have the headcanon that he's the main face that actually deals with the day-to-day mafia operations. Beast Dazai spends all his time planning and scheming and maybe hands orders down, but as far as normal operation, I think as the right-hand guy, that ends up more of Chuuya's deal.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Unfortunately my actual favorite image is from an animation someone posted on twitter a couple years ago that has since been deleted and I don't want to repost the images. Runner up is any of the beast manga artist's work I loooooooooooove the art style so much
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ask game
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firstagent · 2 years
Digimon Top Tamer Tournament- Anime Bracket
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The spirit of pointless March Madness-inspired brackets brings a pair of tournaments to determine the top tamer in Digimon! Spanning the length of the franchise from Adventure to Ghost Game, 132 characters have entered either the anime side or the video game/manga side. Following the poll earlier this week, first round matchups are primarily within each series, with Adventure getting isolated pods to winnow itself down a bit before being unleashed upon the rest of the world. Also when we say Adventure, both the original and reboot are included… with different round one matchups! Let’s get into it:
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Courage Field is one of the 75% Adventure regions, which means a possible third-round match between original and reboot Taichi. But first one may have to fight his sister in round two while the other finally gets the scrap with Yamato we all sorely missed in 2020. In the movies pod, Wallace gets to meet Menoa Bellucci and Meiko awaits the winner of one of our four play-in games. These will open up today and will narrow the field down to 64 before the tournament begins next week. It’s a thing the actual March Madness does because money. Here it’s a way to make sure everything works.
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The top of Miracle Space is Zero Two’s domain, and no doubt the Sweet Sixteen poll between its winner and the other half of Adventure will be hotly contested. But first note the two matches between future spouses. Since we haven’t seen the reboot kids as adults, feel free to headcanon a third or even a fourth in the 2020 matches with Takeru vs. Hikari and Mimi vs. Joe. Outside Adventure, the Lee family squares off in one of three sibling matches and Tagiru will see either friend or foe depending on the outcome of the second play-in game.
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Because it’s the closest thing Takato has to a crest or spirit. Here we’ll see DATS operators Miki and Megumi battle in a play-in for the right to meet work husband Tohma. On a related note, Frontier’s Junpei is already slotted in against Izumi and Haru will see his best friend Yuujin. In Xros Wars land, the loose team of Ryouma and Airu face off while Zenjirou finally gets his rematch against Taiki. There are only two crossover matches in the first round, and this one between computer whizzes Rei (from Appmon) and Kiyoshiro (from Ghost Game) promises to be a treat.
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Fire District goes straight to the gut as Frontier gives us one match between actual brothers and one between surrogate brothers. Another sibling fight awaits the Amanos Nene and Yuu. Speaking of siblings, two precocious little ones will meet in the other crossover match: Chika from Savers against Hajime from Appmon. Another Savers-Appmon battle will happen in round two and it will be a punch-fest if Masaru and Eri survive their first round opponents.
The First Four matches are now open and will run for a week! Once that wraps up, the Courage Field and Fire District brackets begin play on Monday with Miracle Space and Hazard Zone starting Tuesday. Polls will run for a week on both Tumblr and Twitter, with votes combined. The next round starts a day later. Also make sure to check the Video Game/Manga tournament running concurrently!
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