#from ppl who make me uncomfortable
themoonking · 1 year
when people bring up the racism, homophobia, transphobia, romanticization of domestic abuse / rape / pedophilia / incest, literal actual written porn of literal actual real life flesh and blood children, et cetera et cetera on archive of our own, one of the ao3 stannies’ main defenses is “you can just filter out the tags if you don’t want to see that!” when that defense has no fucking legs to stand on.
ao3 is not an archive, it is barely even a website: a rant <3 (very long)
ignoring the fact that it’s a problem that all of that is permitted on the site in the first place (i guess child porn and racism are fine, and the people who allow it on their platform are fine, as long as i, personally, do not see it), that defense literally means nothing. it’s assuming that every little thing on ao3 is tagged properly and it absolutely is not, and if you think it is you are dumber than rocks. i mean for fuck’s sake, just touching on archive warnings and not tags, “creator chose not to use archive warnings” is literally a valid option for fic authors to use when it should fucking not be.
if someone is a freak who thinks that pedo shit is hot, they might not tag it as “rape” (archive warnings OR tags). i’ve literally seen underage father/son rape porn with no trigger warning tags but “child abuse if you squint”. IF YOU SQUINT. if someone thinks that domestic abuse is actually cool and sexy when attractive people do it, they might not tag it as “abuse”. if someone is a freak who likes incest, but bends over backwards to justify it by only shipping adopted family members, then they tell themselves that they don’t view it as incest, and might not tag it as “incest”. if someone is a racist, a homophobe, a transphobe, et cetera and they wrote bigotry into their fic (or else wrote a deliberate troll fic to trigger people on purpose), do you really think they’re going to tag it as racism / homophobia / transphobia / et cetera? and some people get kicks out of writing purposefully triggering content and either leaving it untagged or mistagging it so that people will read it unsuspectingly.
even for just general content tags, it’s a mess. people just forget to tag things all the time. people deliberately won’t tag the endgame ship of their fic because “it’s a spoiler heehee”. people use the romantic or sexual “x / y” tag instead of the platonic or otherwise “x & y” tag, sometimes by mistake sometimes on purpose. it’s a joked about issue how people will tag characters or ships that appear in their fic for two sentences.
there’s no standardization of tags, which is a pretty obvious problem. what first comes to mind is the “dead dove: do not eat” tag which should just not be a tag at all because it just has no meaning. depending on the individual fic writer using it, it could mean anything from “literally the most sickening and depraved thing you’ve ever read in your life” to “horror w/ gore”. but it applies to other vague tags too - different fic writers will have different ideas of what the tag means.
in addition to that, what is and isn’t made a filterable tag, what tags are made synonymous, et cetera, is entirely up to the whims of the site staff. as an example, if you’re trying to look for fanfiction of a singular animated disney movie, the infinite crossovers with other disney movies will not actually be counted as crossovers (which they are) because they’re classified as the “disney theatrical animated universe” (which isn’t a fucking thing), so you can’t filter them out the “exclude crossovers” way. if you try to filter out the fandom tag “disney theatrical animated universe”, it’ll show up with zero fics because that tag is synonymous with every disney animated film (regardless of if the fic author actually used the tag “disney theatrical animated universe” or not), thus also filtering out the one you actually wanted to find.
and do not get me fucking started on the “all media types tags”, which also just shouldn’t be a thing because it makes it fucking impossible to find the specific fics you’re looking for. some people use it in place of tagging a specific canon / adaptation when their fic very clearly draws from one specific canon / adaptation, and you can’t filter it out because it’s synonymous with every fandom tag under its umbrella.
as an example of the issues of both the “all media types” tag and mistagging in general: as a fan of the witcher books, it used to be a fucking ordeal to find fanfiction specifically for the books (post netflix show release). some show fans would, for whatever reason, tag their fics with the book fandom tag in addition to (or even in place of!!) the show fandom tag when their fics were unquestionably show-specific, meaning i could not simply search only in the book fandom tag. i could not simply filter out the show tag, because some show fans would, for whatever reason, tag as fucking “all media types”, when their fics were unquestionably show-specific. and alas, i could not filter out “all media types” and the show tag, so that i see only those fics which have been deliberately and exclusively tagged as the book, not only because as mentioned some show fans would tag their show fics with only the book tag, but also because the fucking all media types tag filters out the book tag as well, leaving me with zero fucking fics REGARDLESS of if the author actually used the “all media types” tag. now, thankfully, i’ve thankfully seen this issue in this specific fandom lessen, but it still occurs in other fandoms and i guarantee that it didn’t lessen in the witcher fandom because of any fixing of the site on the part of ao3 staff.
another common defense of ao3 freaks is that it’s an “archive”, and therefore can’t get rid of anything anyone posts, and disregarding the fact that that is not how archives fucking work, they don’t just allow anything and also ao3 DOES get rid of fics... when they say that they don’t like proshippers, apparently, archives have... you know... archivists. they have someone or a team of someones making sure that everything in the archive is *properly fucking categorized*. they have someone or multiple someones making sure that everything they recieve (1) belongs there and (2) is properly labeled and organized. same for libraries. meaning that if ao3 really were an archive and not a sub par fanfiction website, they’d have something like that in place. something as simple as a report button for fics with a review team that will see if something’s been mis- or untagged. they’d have some kind of standardization of tags (especially the warning / trigger tags) and have proper tagging enforced in some way. and then they could also do something like stop being spineless racists, queerphobes, and pedos have the barest minimum of content guidelines saying that you can’t post fucking hate speech.
if something is mistagged or untagged, the most you can do is leave a comment politely asking that the author fix the issue, and then hope and pray that they do that. and if that person thinks [insert form of abuse] is hot, or if they’re just straight up a bigot that wrote bigotry into their fics to be bigoted, or they’re a troll that gets kick out of deliberately traumatizing people by tricking them into reading their mis/untagged fics, they might not! AND if you see a major tagging issue on an orphaned work, or a work that has an inactive author / hasn’t been updated in forever, good fucking luck getting even a negative response.
you can’t permanently block tags (i mean even tumblr.hell has that), meaning that if you would like to search for fic without coming across something troubling, triggering, or just something you don’t like, you have to either (1) do a work around by having a bookmarked link for every fandom you’re in or every character you like with all of your tags already blocked, (2) download browser extensions that do the work for ao3 because they can’t be bothered themselves, or (3) input every individual tag every time you search ao3 and don’t forget that all of those options only fucking work at all when everything is tagged properly, and we’ve already established its not. you also can’t actually block people (you can only prevent them from commenting) meaning that if there’s a specific person you’d like to stay away from your fics or a specific fic author that you don’t like and would like to stop seeing their fics clogging up the tag, you’re out of luck (though for the latter you could insert “-[username]” into the “search within results” box, but then uh oh we’re right back around to having to input that every time or have a bookmark)
their archive warning system is shit. first of all it’s functionally useless because, as mentioned, “creator chose not to use archive warnings” is an option. what’s the fucking point of special required archive warnings if you’re going to allow people to opt out anyway. second of all, aside from “chose not to use warnings” and “no warnings apply”, the only warnings are “major character death”, “graphic depictions of violence”, “rape/non-con”, and “underage”. disregarding the fact that they shouldn’t be allowing porn of underage characters in the first place (but i’m talking to a brick wall on that issue) and that “non-con” (and “dub-con”) as terminology needs to die, it’s just fucking rape lets not use weasel words... this is a paltry list of possible warnings. there’s no official warnings for depictions of: domestic abuse, animal abuse, depictions of racism / homophobia / transphobia / et cetera, suicide, self harm, et cetera et cetera. and we return to the issue of standardization of tags. in your required archive warnings at very least, there should be a standardization of what these mean, but ao3′s own faq is just like “ehh... you decide. we’ll leave it up to you”. what qualifies as graphic depictions of violence? two people may write the same level of violence, but qualify “graphic” differently, and make different decisions regarding their warnings. and we also return to the issue of: if a freak doesn’t see something that is clearly rape as rape, they might not tag it as such.
this website gets a disgustingly large amount of money every year that it doesn’t fucking do anything with. it’s been over a decade and they’re still in fucking beta. features that would actually be useful, like an actual block system, don’t exist. they technically have a report system for abuse and harassment and such, but apparently what they qualify as abuse and harassment is fickle. ao3 defenders seem to be very proud of the legal work they do for fandom / fanfic authors, but they set aside a very small amount of the money they get every year for legal advocacy, and they actually use even less of that, because it’s not the early 2000s “anne rice hates fanfiction” era anymore - you aren’t going to get fucking sued for writing fanfiction in the first place. based on their own self-reported yearly cost of upkeep, they literally already have enough money to run the site as they are now for the next twenty years.
once again: ao3 is not an archive. it is not a library. it is barely a even a website.
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
…what have tinhatters done to Millions
oh yk it hasn't been so bad recently but there used to be a day where you couldn't scroll ur dash without seeing jokes (among more serious theories) abt how millions is about (and directed at/a dig at) frank/frerard specifically. bums me out when ppl engage with frank and gerard's solo work through frerard goggles and settle for shallow out-of-context readings of certain lines/songs bc it's just...so reductive and deliberately obtuse yk? obvs all of gerard's lyrics are open for interpretation by design and when enough ppl choose to interpret them in a tinhatty way it starts being considered fact in some circles. there is so much more to engage with in this art...and millions definitely got the worst of that which is kinda sad bc it's such a vulnerable and meaningful song and is sort of the centrepiece of a lot of hesitant alien's themes about navigating fame and dehumanisation, success and expectation, martyrdom and survival. millions literally has a line that is, imo, a pretty explicit statement that continuing mcr would've killed him (the "wake up breathing" part), but to so many ppl all it is is "oooh the frank-getting-rejected-by-gerard song...so cold..."
like it's just kinda annoying to see ppl insist there's No Other Possible Interpretation of the "william it was really me" verse than a catty dig at frank when...hesitant alien is very intentionally an out-of-time britpop album and that is a smiths reference and britpop notoriously helped normalise musicians being seen as personalities, not just artists, by the media, with publicised and sensationalised fueds, fallings out, etc etc. gerard grew up listening to britpop and reading those interviews alone, then consciously emulated some of those ppl during his career, and in millions it's like he's looking at that from the other side of fame...etc etc i could go on. not saying this is the only interpretation either, just that there is so much context there (outside frerard fan theories) to consider and engage with and for a while so many ppl wouldn't acknowledge that haha
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vizybs · 1 year
a little rant this is not targeted at any specific users, i quite literally cannot name users who have done this off the top of my head but, i see it happen a bit too often so here we are.
guys i beg of you… stop making our little demon brat “feral” it is weird he is a passive aggressive well spoken little guy who has murder tendencies when provoked or when he assumes he’s been wronged okay?
Damian’s not some animal they put on a leash and go “aw shucks no biting!!” —absolutely not, he is a sophisticated little brat who takes action when he feels he needs to and he must be respected! Like seriously the lowkey jokes at him bein feral make me wanna start swingin hands
This is not pointing at any specifc fics or posts btw its just… no. its jus disappointing his character has been boiled down to this sometimes hes not even amongst my top fav characters in dc but i still feel so wronged whenever i see him being reduced to that.
Theres a thing about growing up and learning to ignore things you dont like, but i just.. this is like. gross. I wish people viewed characters outside ‘haha mom friend’ ‘haha feral one’ ‘the sad one!!’ because most of the time they start putting characters in these boxes so often they end up entirely misinterpreting them and their whole character w/o even noticin.
Yes Damian tends to be the one shown as the first to throw hands but that doesnt mean he is the ‘feral one’—a brat and a menace sure but he doesnt act without reason, he has a very streamlined thought process and is an intelligent little dude whose figuring this new world out, albeit absolutely not in the best way but thats what makes characters interesting!!
Please dont take characters at their face value and make that their entire personality. Damian is arguably one of the most complex and well written characters in the batfamily—please dont water him down just to make him ‘feral’ for a half-baked joke
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bardicjustice · 8 months
Astarion is one of the first characters where I love him so much and cannot fucking stand the fandom's take on him. I cannot go into the astarion tag or I will be filled with an unspeakable rage
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opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
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#hello to anyone who happens to b interested in the saga of my life... also maybe the irl person i gave my url to... hopefully my blog#didnt freak her out too much lol. anyway so its been a busy week? 2 weeks? month? year? life? its been a lot. my parents helped me move#across the country from the desert to somewhere that's beautiful and green. my dad is so jealous of me lol its so so so pretty and theres s#so much to do. will i do any of it? that remains to be seen but im gonna try to be better about that sort of thing. try to get some help#with the thoughts in my head that keep me from doing and enjoying most things. its weird like im decorating my new room which i love. the#location and living situation seem ideal and i really hope i can stay here all 5 years of my program but i was picking a lot of bright#colors and now it feel uncomfortable. like if i wear things that r too bright or my room is too bright without dark contrast it feel weird#like if im wearing it it kinda makes me feel sick. idk what thats abt. anyway. ill try to heal my brain and im just so happy to b out of the#southwest. i was so so so excited when we were leaving thr city and even more so when we left the state. i cant believe im here. in December#it felt like a million years away and i really truely could not fathom how i was gonna survive that long. my thoughts were so distorted. but#i did and here i am. and in like a month i should b starting my phd program and my parents were telling me how excited ppl r for me and#jealous of where im living and im glad. im glad they're excited. i think i am too but its under a layer of: if i get excited it wont happen#im not allowed to b excited or it wont happen. which is irrational but ya kno. anyway so that's yeah. im so happy to have a fresh start and#the town seems super cool. a liberal blip in a sea of... not that so theyre very visibly pride forward haha and i think itll b way easier#for me to get around without driving. and im gonna try to make friends. i need someone to tell me where to get tattoos haha. so yea im happy#but exhausted and i dont wanna go back to work and so so greatful to my parents for being wonderful ppl idk how bc both of them had fucked#up childhoods. like my mum will say the saddest shit and im like bro this is y i don't wanna talk to my grandma fuck her and my dads parents#r so fucked. like my nana is the reason im so fucking control freaked out but i kno i have issues and she has no insight and thinks shes#better than everyone. anyway hopefully i can get back to drawing a posting more now. ive been drawing it its been in a sketch book#like an actual sketch book for sketching big ideas thst r gonna take fucking forever to draw 😭#so that's all. just uprooted my whole life. thats all. but in a good way :-]#unrelated
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spamsandsuch · 1 year
In my mind i dont think swatch necessarily hates spamton but spamton does think they hate him
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
All I can say abt them wanting me to care abt Penelope or polin is sorrows sorrows prayers
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badolmen · 7 months
Wrote out a big long phone call rant to have with my mother later because as much as I hate it she is my closest irl spiritual confidant 👍 here’s hoping her response to ‘hey I’ve been spiritually depressed and disconnected for like 8 months and for some reason these last two weeks advocating for Palestine has me feeling alive and burning with divine passion and love in a way I’ve never felt before in my life’ isn’t like. ‘Talk to your psyche abt your meds hun’
#ra speaks#personal#religion#oh god these tags got out of hand. look away I’m rambly today.#outing myself as deeply spiritual and devout on main oops#‘aren’t you gay and trans and -‘ listen Israel the person received that name after literally wrestling with gd in the desert#I’m allowed to put my faith leaders in a spiritual headlock for past and present crimes while I live my joyful life#maybe a physical headlock too. I’m down to body slam some wueerphobic racist pos who claim to be faithful while never exercising such faith#also lmao of the idea of a queer leftist being deeply spiritual makes you uncomfortable…bro everything about me makes ppl uncomfortable#I’m bi gender I consider myself a trans gay man and a nonbinary dyke at the same time. I’m disabled and ugly and autistic. im not palatable#accept the inherent apparent contradictory nature of the varied human experience and move on.#sorry thought about that post complaining abt observant jews being excluded from the conversations about queer jews like#you don’t have to get it. you don’t have to think it’s real! but it’s real to me! it’s important to me!#so are you gonna be my transphobic uncle and call me sick and deluded the same way he talks about trans people?#or are you gonna keep your mouth shut accept that you don’t have to understand someone to respect them and move on with your life.#anyways uh. here’s hoping I don’t lose my voice or start crying like I did while typing the script up.#vocational woes
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hey kiri :] so as you maybe definitely know from all the notes ive been scrolling through your blog like its my dash lol & i was wondering if you could rec any pjo fics ? romantic not romantic percabeth or whoever else im just curious as to what your favorites are + its been too long since ive read a pjo fic lol
idk if this is beige flag or something but i dont read percabeth fics 😭 or like percy jackson fics in general? 😭
idk what it is but i feel like i just have such a specific understanding of percabeth and percy jackson characters in general that a lot of times doesn't map on exactly to the fandom versions and that's true for any media i consume but it like weirdly irritates me a lot more for pjo? i guess bc i care sm about it so it makes it a lot harder for me to search and sift through pjo fics to actually find ones that suit my tastes specifically and also any like slight changes bother me more?
or just when im reading the fic its really hard for me to feel like its coming from percy/annabeth because i think they feel like real people to me 😭 so its weird to see them in fanfiction because like. they exist in the world of the pjo books as People to me and so in fanfiction theyre just Characters that feel more like imitations of their Real Selves than fics usually feel like to me
and also rick has such a specific way of writing them both like its clear he really really understands them (bc theyre based on him and his wife awwww <3) and so even if the writing style is different i just feel disconnected from their pov in the fic. and on that note i feel like the books themselves read as fanfiction to me like MoA and HoH percabeth????????? godtier why would i literally read anything else. so usually when im craving that i read the books or i listen to seaweed brain podcast and talk aloud to myself about how i would have written things differently or added things or watch the show bc its also sort of fanfiction thats canon bc of how well it understands the characters in terms of their overall People selves instead of just a jumble of common tropes and attributes that sometimes fandom percabeth can feel like to me
i think its also because i tend to read fanfiction when i feel like there is something unfinished in the narrative or like when the source material didn't understand the characters as well as the fandom/me because i get really intrigued by hidden potential and also tragic storylines and fix-it fics and to me it's just a lot harder to see percabeth in an au??? or scenarios outside the book???? idk what it is because most of the media i enjoy is adjacent percabeth type relationships because i love the dynamic but when it comes to literal percabeth i just. can't deviate from the text unless it's seaweed brain pod or my imagination 💀
sorry that was a long rambling of me trying to pick apart my brain and figure out why i dont read percabeth fics LMAOO i do enjoy fics with other pjo relationships though, specifically non-canon ones like pipabeth or valgrace because they have a lot of potential rooted in the text and in the possibility of dynamics that make sense with the canon characters+backstories+traits but also go beyond the text bc they aren't actually part of the canon (so i can separate fandom leo from how i see canon leo if that makes sense)
anywayyyyyyyy, ive heard that percabethfeelsfandom writes good percabeth fics if you want to check her out, and ill let u know if i come across any good recs in the future :))))
x kiri
#this is also sort of related to my frustration with the tropification of ships like percabeth that im noticing more and more lately#like a lot of guests on seaweed brain pod say oh yeah i like percabeth bc slowburn or bc friends to lovers or etc. etc.#and its like ABJDKFLBJFADLKBJ NO. percabeth is a good couple not bc they are smart girl x dumb boy or serious x silly or whatever#because first of all they literally ARENT. THATS AN OVERSIMPLIFICATION THATS PROJECTED ONTO THEM BASED ON PRIOR STEREOTYPES OUR SOCIETY HAS#THEY ARE SO UNIQUELY COMPLEX BECAUSE OF THE SPECIFIC EXPERIENCES THEY HAVE INDIVIDUALLY AND TOGETHER#AND ALSO BECAUSE OF HOW THEY SHAPE EACH OTHERS WORLDVIEWS AND IDEOLOGIES ABOUT SYSTEMIC CHANGE#AND HOW THEY UNDERSTAND THEMSLEVES VS HOW THE OTHER PERSON SEES THEM VS HOW THEY SEE THE OTHER PERSON#VS HOW THEY ACTUALLY WORK TOGETHER#BECAUSE THEY ARE COMPLEX PEOPLE THAT HAVE AN IMPERFECT RELATIONSHIP THAT'S ALSO SO EXACTLY SUITED FOR EACH OTHER#this is why i get so mad when people say like percy is silly and annabeth makes fun of him and thats their dynamic#NO.#annabeth likes percy because of the way he sees the world and the way he cares about people and his HUMOR is ONE WAY that he cares for peop#HE MAKES HEr LAUGH IN TARTARUS TO HELP DISTRACT FROM PAIN!! HES MAKING AN EFFORT TO BRING JOY AND LEVITY TO THINGS#HE MAKES JOKES TO HELP DEAL WITH DIFFICULT SITUATIONS ITS A COPING MECHANISM AND A PART OF HOW HE INTERPRETS THE WORLD AROUND HIM#and annabeth Respects percy for that!!!! and she makes fun of him bc she feels uncomfortable showing affection and keeps ppl at a distanace#but she also MATCHES HIS BITS!!!! SHE IS NOT A SERIOUS OLD LADY SHE IS LITERALLY A SILLY BILLY AND BOTH OF THEM POKE FUN AT EACH OTHER#AND THEY KNOW ITS OKAY BECAUSE THEY RESPECT EACH OTHER SO MUCH#AND THEY KEEP EACH OTHER ACCOUNTABLE BUT ALSO THEYRE JUST BEING UNSERIOUS SOMETIMES#everything the fandom stereotypes about these characters are actually the fronts they put up for other people and the whole reason why#percabeth works its because they both understand each other BEYOND THOSE OUTER MASKS THAT THEY BUILT IN CHILDHOOD TO PROTECT THEMSELVES#(ie. percy humor bc of tough growing up and no friends and smelly gabe but trying to keep a good face on it for his mom and himself#annabeth growing up too fast and being taught never to show emotion and that she has to be Capable for people to love her)#AND THEY BOTH UNDERSTAND THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE MASKS AND ALSO THE FACT THAT THEY AREN't SIMPLY MASKS LIKE THATS ALSO NOW BECOME AN INTEGRAL#PART OF THEIR IDENTITIES!!! percy IS silly!!!! annabeth IS capable and prepared!!! those are part of who they r but its not ALL they are!!!#and also they dont fully understand each other or themselves!!! percy still has insecurities about annabeth liking him#and puts her on a pedestal and annabeth similarly has imposter syndrome and also doesn't realize the extent of percy's insecurities#and thats okay!!!!!#they love each other and will continue to grow to open up and understand each other more and more every day !!!!! together!!!!!!#i dont know who i am arguing with right now but something possessed me to write a whole dissertation on percabeth in the tags and. welp.#hope u enjoyed i guess??
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getting intense joy from painting my nails wasn’t an expected outcome of my day but it is definitely a welcome one!
#in todays episode of ‘oh dang cis ppl can also get gender euphoria huh’#the more this happens the more I am convinced that gender expression is rly a personal thing#bc like. my roommate would NOT like to paint her nails or wear hairbows or skirts. she doesn’t enjoy them.#but she considers herself very feminine in her own right by the colors and styles of the shirts she wears and how she does her hair#I didn’t used to think I liked looking particularly feminine at all bc I found so much of it uncomfortable#turns out girliepop had sensory issues and the ‘beautiful lace dresses and nylon tights and makeup’ wasn’t doing it for me#but when given the chance to choose how I look. I find that I actually enjoy some of the stereotypical feminine stuff a lot!#and also enjoy some stereotypically unfeminine things bc they make me *feel* more like a girl even if they’re not like that for everyone#like my Minecraft socks! and t-shirts from the men’s section at Meijer. and button ups with loud patterns! and my undercut 🩵#also a lot of it I think is just. I am expressing what I like and enjoy. and part of who I am is a girl. so having the ability to express#myself in my clothing means I feel more like me. which includes feeling like a girl. which is v cool.#like I have other nail polish but I don’t like it bc it’s smth my mom picked out for me and it’s not rly my taste.#I have a ton of jewelry but only some of it is smth I would ever actually wear. bc I got it from my great grandma. who had different tastes.#but my Minecraft socks and patterned skirts and graphic tees and hairbows are all things that show what I like!#even if it’s not super matchy or coordinated. I look like me!#and now I have nails in my favorite color and I’m gonna try and get my hair dyed again in colors I like#I just. have the agency to look like me. and I keep surprising myself by how much I love that.#instead of copying what my family considers to be ‘good taste’
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pepprs · 8 months
ok so. today i am going to
fly (and travel at all) by myself for the first time since making the emergency return home from br!ghton bc of c0vid 4 years ago (extremely distressing and scary experience). and fly by myself two weeks after a mixed bag of a conference experience / plane ride home that included a massive scary depressive spiral that i had someone there to help me through as much as they could but it wasn’t enough which was absolutely not their fault but was deeply distressing to me at the time. so im about to be in a very similar environment but this time that person won’t be physically with me and it’s going to wreck my brain in multiple directions in part bc i have not yet recovered from the depressive spiral. i am still in it. lawl <3
ride in an uber by myself for the first time. ride in an uber at all for maybe the 5th time. as a very short young woman. which i have been expressedly warned by my parents not to do. lol <3
check into a hotel by myself for the first time
walk in a big city by myself for the first time (technically slightly untrue bc wjen i was last in ch!cago 5 years ago i did power walk from the hotel to the conference venue (like a block away) on the last day bc i was pissed about a situation but that was like… a block and i saw ppl i knew walking in that area. this time i will be in the same city and know no one at least for today
give myself a self care evening at the recommendation of my therapist…. for the first time. (maybe after i take a walk which i will do specifically when it’s still light out to see what the area is like). tonight no one i know will be in ch!cago yet and i have no plans to do anything. im going to play video games and draw and sing and give myself space and time to just enjoy being by myself and see how it goes
#purrs#conference tag#chicago#im very very very scared. that i won’t be able to handle it. i have craved solitude but also don’t know if it’s something i actually want o#if it’s a product of my circumstances. i am not used to being completely alone like that like whenever ive had it there have always been#other ppl in the building that ive had to be cognizant of and that will be true of a hotel too but bc i don’t know the people i will feel#less responsible to them . like obviously im not goi ng to sing at the top of my lungs but i will feel like i can sing which ive never felt#like i can do when ive lived with roommates or at home kinda. idk. my therapist was challenging me to experiment with fear by asking myself#if im really in danger or if im just uncomfortable / about to experience something ive never done before and right now im so extremely#anxious but what i am about to do is not inherently dangerous and i need to recognize im just experiencing something new and do it scared.#like im literally terrified i can’t describe how scared i am in a way that does it justice. but i am going to be okay. and when i tell#myself that i make it so.#trina vega voice im a woman…… [about to be] in ch!cago….. who’s SCARED!#i also have no idea how to be in a big city and be safe. like what do i do if im followed or if someone tries to attack me or something.#obviously the chances of that are extremely slim but ive had it hammered into me that if i am alone in a city that’s what’s going to happen#to me bc i am such a ~weak and defenseless small young woman~ lol. but bc i believed the fear and have had very little experience in citie#i have no idea how to navigate them or to be safe which creates the problem. like it makes it true that i am weak and defenseless bc i have#been shielded from being able to learn how to be smart and strong and cognizant of my surroundings. and i am so angry about it and hope tha#i will SHATTER that sense when im there and come away from it w confidence ive never had before#like i don’t have… pepper spray or anything like that. idk if that’s a thing ppl actually carry on them or if it’s just a thing ppl say. i#genuinely have zero idea at all. and i really really hope i won’t be in a situation where i’ll wish i had some. i doubt i will be but still
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boyslugs · 1 year
tumblr stop recommending me terfs challenge! yes i am a feminist, but i am also hugely trans and believe intersectionality is the only way forward. yes i believe in deconstructing gender and gender roles but i also know how important gender is to people's sense of self, and that it's impossible to try to categorize gender more specifically than "a [gender] is defined as someone who identifies as a [gender]" without excluding someone, just like when in metaphysics my professor asked "define what a chair is" and then pulled out so many examples of "okay, by your definition a stool isnt a type of chair" and "what about bean bag chairs" or "that could be a table, which implies that all tables are chairs"
terfs and swerfs could be fighting for and with everyone against the oppressive systems we live under but they're so set in their ways that they refuse to see how the patriarchy harms men too, or how even if the porn industry has a lot of problems, many people of all genders enjoy sex work and are fulfilled by choosing it as a career path, or how a lot of the things trans people are fighting for would result in a better world for everyone- but it's easier to just say "rights for me but all men are evil oppressors and trans people are either traumatised or are evil and anyone doing sw is coerced or damaging our fight"
i could go on about this for way longer but i already have a bad feeling this might end up spreading further than i'd like so TO REITERATE:
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
deathstar shippers stop going out of ur way to tell me you hate dominator being a lesbian and that you’re homophobic asf challenge (impossible, apparently)
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#(cw: put under a read more for homophobia & transphobia 😬)#LITERALLY went ''lemme say the quiet part out loud'' BRO THIS IS LIKE THE 6TH(????) TIME I'VE HAD SUCH AN ENCOUNTER#except i will say that this is the first time it wasn't unprovoked. i did @ them first to ask why they were leaving replies on my posts-#-saying hater's crush on dominator is creepy bc they 'look like they have an age gap' meanwhile they've liked AND MADE#-comments elsewhere shipping her with men that are way WAY older than her and sometimes visibly so like. hater and her are the same agegroup#so i was like. what is going on here huh??? ANFD THEN THEY JUST SAY THIS SHIT why am i ever surprised anymore lmao#shout out to this person for adding transphobia to their shittiness for Spice ig /s 🙄 eugh...#i should've seen it coming bc they were referencing a page on the woy wiki THAT USES STEVENSON'S CORRECT NAME & PRONOUNDS#AND YET THEY WERE ADAMANT ON USING HIS DEADNAME AND SHE/HER PRONOUNS LIKE.. I SHOULD'VE EXPECTED THIS I SHOULD'VE EXPECTED THIS but still 🤢#i dont ever wanna stop giving ppl the benefit of the doubt but oh my god do These people test me. every time. goes like this Every Single T-#on god only like twice or smthn have i seen [REDACTED] shippers be like.. very decent to me and literally just ignorant#and they were from here and i just ask them to not interact bc it makes me uncomfortable and they're like i dont get it but ofc#and i never see them again#AND THEN EVERY OTHER PERSON WHO IS INTO THIS SHIT I HAVE *EVER* COME ACROSS#FUCKING JUST... JUMPS INTO MY MENTIONS OUT OF NOWHERE. LITERALLY I DONT EVEN?? DO ANYTHING I DONT GO NEAR THEM BRO#THEY FUCKING SNIFF ME OUT OR SOME SHIT FOR HAVING A DNI ON OTHER SITES AND GO#''OH SO YOU THINK I'M WRONG FOR HAVING TO REIMAGINE GAY/LESBIAN CHARACTERS AS STRAIGHT SO I CAN ENJOY THEM?'' LIKE- WTF? YES? IT IS#also i kid you not this is an actual thing someone has gone out of their way to look me up and yell at me over for like an hour straiught#on twitter. it was unhinged. like they were convinced straight ppl are oppressed any time gay characters exist#bc gay characters existing makes them unlikable and unrelatable and unconsumable to straights like damn ok if u feel that way die abt it?#it's just so unhinged like bruh GO AWAY LMAO??? SHUT UP! I DONT CARE LITERALLY JUST KEEP UR FREAK BIGOT SHIT TO URSELF GET OUT#again that specifically doesn't apply to this person who technically WAS @ by me first bc i was like.. hey... hey what's going on here HUH#but oh my god they turn out to be vocally homophobic every single time. i was always hoping i was like...#over generalizing these people as being fucking homophobic just bc 1) the vibes r always like that 2) it's faster to say#BUT OH MY GOD THEY REALLY ARE HOMOPHOBIC AS A WHOLE WHAT THE FUCK I LITERALLY ALWAYS WENT OUT OF THE WAY TO BE LIKE aint no way ahah BUT NO?#BRO???? GET OUT OF HERE THIS SHOW IS NOT FOR YOU Y'ALL ARE CREEPS#THEY FEEL SO EMBOLDED TO SAY THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD EVERY SINGLE TIME WITHOUT PROMPTING. I ALWAYS MAKE FUCKING SURE TO NOT ACCUSE BIGOTRY#AT MOST I'LL JUST BE LIKE yeah so straightwashing is a thing that's homophobic so don't do that IF ANYTHING. I NEVER CALL THE PERSON THAT#AND EVERY TIMEEEE THEY JUST GO MASK OFF WITH ''BTW I DONT LIKE THE GAYS'' I OEIUFKGEJRHGUKJDFS EVERY TIME EVERY TIME WTFFFFF#usually being right about things is epic. not this THIS IS JUST.. GWORLS WHAT HE FUCK
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le-fruity-fool · 2 months
There truly is no feeling like another person pressing their face into your shoulder or resting on your lap.
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yardsards · 1 year
adulthood is just visiting ur friends, saying "damn bitch, you live like this?" (affectionate) and aggressively helping them clean up while they politely tell you that you don't have to do that. and then having friends do that to you when they visit your apartment.
#eliot posts#one of my friends often does not make his bed and sleeps on a bare-ass mattress so i INSIST on at least putting a fitted sheet on#(and then normally just fully make the bed too bc might as well)#i tell him to ''stop rawdogging the mattress''/''put some protection on that nasty thang''#bc i of course must use the most cursed language available#it only takes like 5 minutes to do and is very worth it#and then i have this second friend who takes this to a whole nother level#he does my dishes every time he visits and lemme tell you. the dish situation around here gets DIRE.#he did like 4 sinkfulls when he was here last#and motivated me to clean the rest of the kitchen while he did that#it took like an hour and we ran out of hot water#but WAY faster than if i had tried to handle that shit alone#and we had fun and jammed to 80s music#another person i'm only loose friends with but i helped her clean a ton of trash from her dorm last time i visited#bc she was on the tail end of a depressive episode and i KNOW how that is#this only works w certain kinds of cleaning tho. you can't tidy up/organize other ppl's shit‚ for example#bc you don't know where anything is supposed to go and you'll likely make things more difficult in the end#amd it just requires you to handle all their personal belongings and open their drawers and shit#and there's a 90% chance that'll make them uncomfortable and like you're violating their space#but shit like dishes is generally very much fair game and won't make them uncomfortable#tho sometimes you gotta ask if there's a specific way they like their dishes washed bc some ppl are picky abt that#ANYWAY#is it obvious my love language* is acts of service?#*(tho the 5 love languages thing is a VAST over-simplification and things are not actually clear cut like that)
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turtletoria · 1 year
#hi sorry for bein a downer but i just want to make clear that im blocking mcyt blogs on sight bc i curate my own online experience and i -#Do Not want to see that ever. theres been an uptick in ppl rebloggin my old mcyt art and while i very much appreciate that i rlly dont#want to see that shit ever!!!! i hate all my art from that era for real for real!! ive never felt so Bad!#i just really dont like the mainstream mcyters and i just remember feeling very manipulated and hurt by both the mcyters and the fanbase#i think their content is immature at best and downright hurtful at worst#so sorry if you got blocked dont take it personally i just dont want my notifs covered with art of ppl i parasocially despise#sorry i could go on and on abt how much i rlly dont like these ppl but u didnt come here to get a moral lecture from me so i'll just stop#i love the block button so if u r a mcyt blog run while u still can and please stop rbing my old mcyt art#and also. when i say downright hurtful i mean it in the harshest way. to the point my younger siblings (who r in the target demographic for#this kind of media btw) felt uncomfortable watching them. like honestly that boils my blood a little#theres fun cringe and then theres bullying cringe and i put mcyt in the latter. thanks for reading#and blah blah i know theyre not all bad every fanbase has good and bad eggs whatever man. i dont want to engage with that so i am kindly#telling yall to get out.#sliding them onto a paper with a cup and releasing them (derogatory)
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