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findmeinshattrath · 10 months
I'd love to see Frosthold again
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jackyoung0012 · 1 year
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gamexplode-gxp · 2 years
In the world of Frostborn mod apk, the player will not just feel like an observer but try on the armor of famous Scandinavian warriors. At the beginning of the game career, you will have to get into the role of an inexperienced but surprisingly brave young Viking. He has to gather as many resources as possible to succeed in his combat journey. It’s complicated to defeat your enemies without good…
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imasyd · 6 months
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I've been practicing my lizards
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legendweaver · 6 months
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"Hush" an aquatint inkprint based off a copper etching I did, featuring Deagre, the Warden of The Woods, a nature spirit form a DND Campaign I'm working on called Frostborne.
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Ever since the butler suit came out I’ve been trying to picture Kristi as a mob boss.  But I realised, Kristi isn’t the boss, Kristi’s the muscle.  Azar is the boss.
The FrostDream Gang
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tabbycatreads · 2 years
Me at 1am describing my gay vampire character:
He was a vampire but not in a traditional vampiric way. He looked like a nobleman turned pirate but, yassified. Sir Frostborne looked like the type to drink mimosas and watch drag shows with your one aunt who’s been unmarried but lives with her friend for a suspiciously long time. 
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byteartisanhex · 1 year
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Oh look I CAn add text here
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littlejuicebox · 3 months
Summary: School is not going well for Gale. Astarion and you rush to pick up your child after an unfortunate event leads to his injury. This is really just a little bonus blurb to the other piece I posted earlier today titled “Camping for beginners.”
Tags/Warnings: Dadstarion, Astarion being Astarion, parenthood, childhood, school bully, injury to a child, minor angst, this is unedited so there may be grammatical errors etc
Traffic on Wyrm’s Crossing is at a standstill. The two of your are in the carriage, rushing to pick up Gale after a sending spell announced recess went terribly wrong. Your eldest was injured by another child.
“Gods below, can we go any faster?” Astarion complains before sticking his head out the window and pounding angrily on the roof of the carriage to catch the driver’s attention. He barks an order and then ducks back inside the caravan just as the vehicle is forced into high speed.
Wyrm’s Crossing isn’t particularly long, but in this moment, it feels like the crossway between you two and your son’s school is further than a mere 2000 feet.
You sigh as you attempt to placate your husband, “Astarion, we have to try and be reasonable when we walk in, we can’t—“
“Reasonable!” Astarion hisses with a wry laugh, turning to look at you for the first time since you two rushed into the carriage, “Is it reasonable, darling, that our son has been attacked for the second time this year?”
“Of course not! But we have to—“ You start, but your husband cuts you off with a seething glare. You are not at all used to being on the receiving end of his vitriol; it’s shocking.
“I wanted tutors, but you insisted it would be good for Gale to be with other children closer to his age and look how bloody well that’s going, Tav!” He snaps, his hand slamming against the side of the carriage again in his rage.
That stung. Tears begin to well in your eyes as a reaction to your husband’s cutting remark.
Astarion groans and then pinches the bridge of his nose with a leather-gloved hand as he works to regain control over his emotions. He sighs and rubs his hand down his face before opening his eyes and looking at you, “I’m sorry, my love. That was unfair. I just— gods, let’s just get Gale and take care of this.”
You nod, still blinking away tears and unable to say anything further as you turn your face away from your husband and gaze outside the carriage window.
Astarion closes his eyes and chastises himself as he leans back into the carriage seat. The rest of the journey is made in silence.
When the two of you enter the headmaster’s office, you immediately spot Gale holding an ice bag over his eye. Astarion rushes to inspect the six year old and instantly fills with wrath, spinning on his heels to address the headmaster.
“Who did this, Alaric?” Astarion questions, stepping far too closely to the half-elven headmaster and jabbing an accusatory finger into the man’s chest, “Who did this under your watch?”
Headmaster Alaric Frostborne is no stranger to upset parents; he’s been in charge of the school for nearly fifty years. The half elf calmly holds his ground as he addresses Astarion, explaining he does not know who gave Gale a black eye but is working to find out.
You pull your six year old into your lap and help him hold the ice pack against his eye as you whisper a healing spell. The damage is done, and surely the school nurse has already used more than one healing potion, but you do it regardless. It might not help heal the bruising past this point, but you hope it will at least comfort your child.
In the safety of your lap, Gale finally begins to cry. The tears are silent, apart from the occasional sniffle, and you pull your eldest tightly against you, whispering words of comfort into his ear. He continues to weep as his father speaks to the headmaster.
“This is the second time this year, Alaric. I am sure I don’t need to remind you that my wife’s name is on an entire wing of this school,” Astarion continues, far too measured for the rage boiling inside as he spits his words at the headmaster, “So unless the Ancunins are to pull the donations you so desperately solicit from us each year, I suggest you work harder to fix this issue.”
Astarion turns and reaches for your son, knowing himself well enough to realize that if he does not leave the situation now, Alaric Frostborne will have a shiner matching Gale Ancunin’s.
You release the boy from your grip, allowing your husband to hoist the child into his arms and carry him out of the office. You watch through the window as two silver-haired heads enter the carriage.
You stand and linger for a moment longer, turning your cool gaze to Alaric as you assess him.
“I am a patient woman, Headmaster Frostborne,” You begin, your arms coming to cross your chest, “And perhaps viewed as more kind and less reactive than my husband… so let me be explicitly clear here. Should this problem continue, I will have you removed from your role faster than a Leviathan swims. Because should this matter continue, you’re clearly unfit to keep the students of this school safe. Understood?”
Alaric nods, his lips pressing into a thin line.
“Is that a yes, Alaric? Am I clear?” You press, your eyes narrowing at the half-elf as you struggle to control the growing anger inside your own body. Sparks of magic threaten to fly from your hands before you regain control over yourself.
“Yes, Counsellor Ancunin. Crystal.” The headmaster responds, “We will continue our investigations until the matter is resolved.”
You nod but do not say anything further before you exit the headmaster’s office and breeze out of the school to rejoin your husband and son.
Hell hath no fury like a mother scorned.
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the-gnomish-bastard · 6 months
Cool titles to give your big ass monsters in DnD
Serpent of the Fell Flame
The Blazing Sky
Thunder Scourge
Eternal Blizzard
Blizzard Lizard
The Swamp’s Vengeance
The Winged Shadow
Dragon’s Bane
The Cloud King
The Storm’s Wrath
Frostborn Titan
The Lumbering Glutton
The Infernal Colossus
Crater Maker
The Mountain’s Child
Krakens or other sea creatures:
Devourer in the Deep
The Hungering Maw
The Depth’s Fear
Ship Taker
Lord of the Waves
Wrath of the Sea
Aberrations and other cosmic horrors:
Secret Stealer
Star Devourer
The Forgotten Terror
The Dreaming Nightmare
Mind Feaster
The Endless
The Inevitable
Wrath of the Stars
Bane of Creation
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clockys-soul · 3 months
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Here’s my human ocs of my Souls of War story (the dragonrider story) as Wof dragons.
Metis Ardor and Ymir are the parents of Hel, in my story Ymir is part of the ice dragonrider family and Metis is part of the fire one, they had Hel accidentally when they were still teenagers.
Metis is a Sky (obvi) and nightwing cuz she has black hair and her Wyvern has black scales. She has a fiery temperament, but loves her family.
Ymir is an icewing which is also self-explanatory. He is kind and loving, a very good father.
Hel Ardor-Duratus, daughter of Ymir and Metis, she’s a skilled fighter, likes to sketch and eat. Shes obviously a Sky/Ice/night. Shes one of the 2 Main characters of Souls of War.
Themis and Chronos Ardor are twins, They are Sky/nightswings, Ardor are the fire dragonrider family, hence Sky, night because Chronos has black hair and their dragons have both black scales here and there. Themis is the younger twin and she is much more introverted than her brother. They are Hels cousins.
Pyrrha is special, in my story both her and her dragon are flameborns which translates best into firescales, so Skywing. She’s related to Hel, Metis and the twins.
Gwendolyn Duratus is related to Ymir but just calls him uncle, she is very short so she’s a small icewing. I love lil Gwenny.
Styx Ardor is also related to the twins, Hel, Metis and Pyrrha. When she was young she had her throat slit which never healed correctly so now speaking more than a few words is uncomfortable for her and her voice sounds off, like a persistent whisper. She has black hair hence the nightwing blood, the sky is obvious.
Dione Duratus is Ymir’s mother. Once again, obviously she is an Icewing. She is kind and thoughtful.
Hades Ardor, is Metis' father, he is very loving towards his daughter and was very worried for her during her pregnancy (in the Ardor family exists a genetic condition which causes a deformity of the womb, usually resulting in either the death of the child or mother or both during birth if a miscarriage hasn’t occurred) but was delighted to have a grandchild. He is a Skywing for obvious reasons.
Aquilo and his elder sister Skadi, their father is a Duratus (he’s this century’s Frostborn) and their mother rides a night/Bloodreaper hybrid (Bloodreapers have frills) so Ice/night/Rainwing hybrids, their mother being the night/Rainwing hybrid. Their parents are loving and Skadi adores her lil brother and he likes nothing more than spending time with his sister.
If you take any significant inspiration from these designs for your own please credit me, these are important to me even if this isn’t their original design as they are human.
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reilliane · 2 years
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✤ Universe: Remedy ✤ Concept: To save he who is damned to the deep a/n: four simple words, lovelies; chasm archon quest, beta!xiao. aditionally, fluff! ROMANCE! WE'RE TALKING BETA XIAO GO GET SUM-/smacked. angst is only for like, the first few hundred words.
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Who would've thought? A Yaksha such as he...
The cold wind embraces him in the harshest of manners, the sensation a desperate pull towards the depths of the Chasm. He can almost chuckle.
... Finally falling to his demise.
It's peaceful. The thought is saturnine but he isn't lying by any means. He feels much more peaceful than he initially thought and he, daresay, is fine to go this way.
After all, he has saved the Traveler and the group of misfits along with her. He has at long last ascertained the identity of the nameless Yaksha, he has no lingering regrets nor dampening worries.
Oh, what a lie.
He has one regret; [Name], Frostborne Beast, Subduer of Curses.
A fellow Yaksha.
His lover.
It is unlike him to leave his post without any warning, but the moment he learned about some suspicious—marginally supernatural—activity in the Chasm, he rushed.
Whilst fully cognizant of his plans and urgency, he only ever alerted Zhongli and the Goldets of his exodus. Now, it isn't like he didn't want to inform his comrade, but it's more of a case of couldn't.
[Name] wasn't in Liyue, an uncommon thing to consider for a fellow Adeptus and Yaksha. She visited the land of Mondstadt for a personal mission pertinent to her background and hasn't returned since.
And Alatus can't afford to wait. The best he can do is to relay his message to the Goldets. Then he left.
Look what's gotten to him now.
He's rather upset and, to be frank, in pain.
A usual occurrence, but his discomfort as of the moment leans more unto heartache. He can't bear to imagine that he's actually leaving without so much as a goodbye.
The feeling is extra bitter, more so since he promised a life of sincere tries; to try and love despite the karma, and to try and love despite the danger it brings them.
He's longed and pined for centuries and here he is, fleeing, vanishing—dying.
He will reunite with his brothers and sisters, yes.
But what of [Name]?
That reclusive, surprisingly endearing woman, to be left alone as the last Yaksha? The thought brings him immense guilt and he realizes for a fact that... this isn't how he wants to go.
Not in this state.
He doesn't wish to die this way, without having seen her.
He doesn't wish to die this way, leaving her to carry on the memory of her comrades alone.
But what can he do? He's emptied the reserves of his power and exhausted his might. All until he's but a puppet being cast deeper and deeper in the tenebrosity.
The surface light is but a small speck now, even. It's too late.
Alatus can only whisper his genuine apologies and heartfelt confessions in hopes of them being carried to his lover as he feels the surge of darkness start to gnaw from within.
With a final murmur of her name, he shuts his eyes.
But then it has gotten cold—no, the Chasm's always been cold—to the point of getting shivers. It feels like winter has arrived.
And it has.
Alatus opens his eyes to the sight of a myriad of snowflakes kissing his skin, splaying frost from the tips of his fingers toward his bare torso.
It might appear like a normal sight if not for the fact that he's falling down fast, yet the snowflakes are falling somehow faster. As if it is being willed to.
The gasp is barely able to leave his lips following the rise of his realization, for amid the ribbons of silver and sapphire, a ghost-like figure is summoned.
Beckoned from the call.
Arms appear from the envelope of frost around his form and strands of [c] billow from the snowflakes gathering just beneath his chin.
It all happens in the blink of an eye.
“I'm here.”
He is enraptured with the atmosphere of winter, held in her embrace until he becomes feathery light—then everything is turning white.
The very next second, he's perceiving the touch of solid ground, though he can't quite wrap his head around it yet. For still, he finds himself trapped in the lasting press of the serene snow.
It's bright, he realizes after a moment. He's at the surface.
He's not dreaming.
“Alatus.” he hears it a second time.
With a quick swivel to his right, his eyes turn owlish, stupefied as his breath leaves him. Even though he's seen the same being for the past centuries, his heart never fails to race as though he's laid eyes on her for the first time.
Snowflakes are just starting to dispel from her entire mien, cascading into nonexistence from her [c] tresses and leaving a touch of blue in her [c] eyes.
He can still feel her wintrous aura. One that's more fervid than cyclonic, which is a surprise in itself.
[Name] does not hide her displeasure under any circumstance, and despite this situation being likely to result in her fury... she does not encompass any ire of some sort.
Instead, the most telling of her chagrin is the crease between her brows and her pursed lips. She strides toward him with clear intent.
“What were you thinking?” she chides, voice low and icy, “If you hadn't called my name- archons, you're so-… !”
Ah, Alatus notices after a timid pause. He did say her name- he did not expect to be heard, however. As far as he knows, she wasn't anywhere near Liyue to begin with.
Oh, but then again, he knows not to underestimate the might and capabilities of a Yaksha. Especially her, someone he's bonded with on a level much more profound than simple camaraderie.
With a swipe of his tongue over his lightly dry lips, he works around his disbelief and works up a smile.
“Well, I did! And you saved me, right?” Alatus beckons his lady to come closer with an open hand, only for it to be slapped away in haste. “There's nothing to be-”
“You're an idiot as always!”
He yelps when his bicep is smacked, left mildly stinging with a warning of frostbite, though it fails to deter his elation. In fact, he only resumes his bout of chuckles.
Dropping his joy is not in the plans for now. There is absolutely no way he's going to slip how he's actually spooked at the idea of having escaped death.
Really, he'd hate to dampen the relief on his fellow Yaksha's face.
Lost in his bubble of thought, reality reels him back in the form of a particularly heavy slap on his arm that has him flinching with a pout.
“Ow, okay, that's actually beginning to hurt- woah!”
Alatus is unprepared for the brusque pull that sends him careening to the woman, almost sending them to the floor if not for the secure hold on his shoulders and his hand on the asphalt.
His exhale is shaky as he blinks and stares against the narrowed [c]s mere inches away. He can't start to wonder about the close distance when he's still astounded at the sudden careless action.
He dips his head down an inch, their noses almost touching as a frown surfaces on his face. “What was that for- mmph?!”
Heavens, he isn't prepared.
The spike of heat in his abdomen, lurching to his heart and creeping to his neck and cheeks- it's all too sudden. A feel of apricity covers his lips, tender at best.
Almost immediately, he no longer mulls about the stygian cage of the Chasm.
Enjoyment lasts only for a brief second—even though the kiss lasted longer—what with his delayed reaction, and [Name] pulls away. She no longer appears exasperated, just relieved.
“Thank you,” she breathes, “For calling me.”
For some reason, she's wearing her emotions on her sleeve today, and just seeing it causes butterflies within him.
It is usually the other way around. Not like that's what his mind is geared on as of the moment.
Still dazed from the kiss, he locks onto a single thought.
To satiate his wishes, Alatus chases to close the distance again, tingling lips desperate to get a feel of the nipping cold and make it warm.
He has no explanation for his impulsive craving, maybe it's because it's a long time since he's kissed his lover? Or perhaps because it's the first time she initiated the display of affection?
Regardless, he desires more and he surrenders into it—but the finger against his lips forbids him from getting what he wants.
“Don't get ahead of yourself,” the austere bite has him sighing in defeat. “Might I remind you that we are in a public place, still? And you've some business left to do. The Traveler is coming.”
Resigned, Alatus withdraws to fall on his bottom, his second sigh one of playful hurt. “I'm inclined to say that my dear is much more important business.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.”
He huffs in protest. “It did! Took me five centuries, though.”
[Name] rolls her eyes with a scoff, and although the gesture comes off as sardonic under the first impression, he knows it to be untrue.
He isn't blind to that smile, no matter how small!
The tiny curl is mirrored on his face.
Then, in the silence, he takes his lover's hand in his and squeezes it in gratitude. He just knows that If he decides to depend on his voice to convey his message, it will take him until the next morning to finish. So he resorts to his touch.
Even if neither of them voices out their own fears of the situation prior, it is perfectly understood and quelled in the assuring entwine of fingers.
The sound of rushing footsteps rips through the heartfelt moment, however. It incentivizes them both to stand and pat themselves off any dirt to appear presentable just as the Traveler and Paimon turn around the corner.
Lumine has a face of utter relief when she sees the pair of Yakshas, and Paimon's already begun to exclaim things in hysteria.
Alatus flinches at this, prepared for the floating pixie's sermon, to which [Name] chuckles at.
Their hands part away, heavy with reluctance but alas, there is business left to do.
“Hey,” he whispers, “Before I get told off, can you-”
Aware of what he wants, the female Yaksha turns away with a firm and frosty, “No.”
Her cheeks are pink, though, and Alatus snickers at the pretty sight.
Chagrined for the nth time, [Name] sends him a frown and says that a sermon from Paimon is the least thing that he should worry over. After all, he's had it coming after that stunt he pulled.
He doesn't understand something, though.
“'Least thing I should worry over'?” he echoes, genuinely floundered.
The statement only implies that there's something else, something greater that he should be concerned about. But what?
[Name] glances at the approaching Traveler before setting her gaze back onto him. There's a fire in her usually subdued eyes that tells of her repression, then, with a tap on his chest, she snarls.
“Fret over it when daylight has faded. The night is long and ours, I'll be waiting.”
She disappears in a burst of snowflakes before any question can be risen, leaving the man in a tiny world of wonderment.
Lumine arrives before a screeching Paimon does, confusion evident on her face. “What did [Name] say?”
Humming, Alatus crosses his arms over his chest and shrugs.
“That I should worry when evening-” he pauses, the cogs in his head twisting and turning until- “... Ah.”
“The night is long and ours. I'll be waiting.”
Lumine doesn't know why the Yaksha lets out an undignified squeak, face suddenly a shade of red that puts jueyun chilis to shame.
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a/n: yes, something is definitely implied in the ending. 'poor' alatus? ;)
I drew something for this from Lumine's perspective!
@cherryflushz @e7t3 @scarlet-halos @lordbugs @nebulaera @annoying-and-upset @hanniejji @applepi1415 @tjjjrsj @azirajane @hey-comrade-hold-stil @limelightsuperhero @chloeloe @loptido @windyventi @nejibot @ganyuqrt @justrinnn @yasunamilk @alana5021 @koi-chairowo @uwu-dreams @01-407 @yvechu @mininji
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gamexplode-gxp · 2 years
Frostborn Mod Menu
Frostborn is a survival simulator cum action RPG created by Kefir! Studio. Here, the gamers play the role of a hero who is the main character and must survive in a dangerous and vicious world. In the Frostborn Mod Menu APK, developers added a full-fledged online mode to the game, making the game be like an MMORPG. The game entails subduing the powers and abilities of the gods and confronting the…
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
You mentioned reading alot of found family on Ao3? Could we have some recommendations? (I am starving for some good found family fics rn)
// This took so long because I had to compile my absolute favorites for found family 😌 everything here is complete, everything here wrecked me. TW DO NOT READ WHEN YOU'RE BUSY BECAUSE I GOT HOOKED. OP I'm so glad you asked me-
Song of Resistance: Frostborn Loyalty by TheOpticalMouse
Song of Resistance: Flames of Defiance by StrangeDiamond
// Diluc and Kaeya and the rest of Mondstadt. The Fatui takes over Mond and they band together forming the resistance to take it back. They should be read together!!, includes a lot of other beloved characters, they're actually selling a book for it with illustrations by @f-ai-n and I'm planning on getting it (if it weren't for the shipping fee that costs more than the book). There's a specific order to read the chapters to make both stories fit together, please take the time to read it!
The Burden Of Memories by The Optical Mouse // series // DILUC GETS AMNESIA bc of the abyss AND THINKS KAEYA IS STILL HIS BROTHER. A LOT OF ANGST. WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED?? made me sob at 2am twice.
Watcher of the Night by nacaratskies // series // the reincarnation-turn back time AU with Diluc. He dies at 22, wakes again as a 17 y/o. Everyone notices he's changed. 17 y/o kaeya is worried but diluc doesn't give af. (lots of angst and screaming. poor kaeya, poor diluc, poor everyone, made me cry)
no love lost, not for him by li2 // series // familial hanahaki disease with Kaeya who doesn't believe he's loved and is dying from it. lots of comfort, unreliable narrator
Lost in the Underground by Quontice // series // for the horror lovers out there <3 Kaeya goes missing and something sinister lurks underground. Diluc tries to find him.
Home is Where my Brother Lays by Trashbin2020 // series // I CRIED. Two different timelines crashing. Kaeya "dies" and "lives again" in a world where Cavalry Captain Diluc lost his brother. Whereas, Diluc is desperate to get him back.
[COMIC] Voices in Ice and Snow by 4dango // art, comic // albedo gets corrupted by during, angst and action. made me love albedo, and fall for diluc even more.
The call is coming by actualromeo // fic // what if the chasm quest which affected the hilichurls also affected kaeya?
And here are some similar works that I've yet to finish but has the potential of being a favorite:
Oh, How Inconvenient by DiamondDove / series
The Rise of Diluc Ragnvindr by @richardgraysonpercyjackson / 4 arcs, a rollercoaster
Can Everyone in Mondstadt Just CHILL OUT For a Second?? by Anonemoni / series
Dawn's Alibi by Primarina / series
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figdays · 10 months
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Frostborne Dice Set for DnD // UnnaturalOne
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