#ft remus
Remus in the Films: Your mother was there for me when no one else was. Your father? Oh yes, him. I think we were classmates, I'm not quite sure tbh, Harry.
Remus in the books: You had a mother? Who cares about her? Let me talk about your father...Your father was perfect, the handsomest man to ever man handsomely, he could do no wrong, the second coming of Merlin he was, I'd have suck his cock if he asked. Sorry, pretend you didn't hear this last part, Harry.
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keepin-it-on-the-d-l · 9 months
I’m gonna say something and I need y’all to hear me out
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Same energy
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breadcat-xx · 8 months
17.01.2024 - dream - 403 words
Sometimes, James is afraid all of this might be a dream.
He’s always lived a pretty happy life. He grew up in a warm, loving home with parents who were well-off. He had the best of friends back at Hogwarts and keeps in touch with many of them even now. He likes his job, married the love of his life and they moved into the cosiest of homes a few years ago.
He truly hadn’t believed he could become any happier. And then Harry was born.
James can’t put into words how overwhelmed he feels with love and affection as he watches Regulus feed their boy spoonfuls of the baby food he prepared earlier.
Harry’s chubby cheeks are covered in the green sludge, and his husband has seemingly given up on cleaning them in between bites. James can’t blame him. It’s a rather useless undertaking.
Regulus hums interestedly as Harry babbles nonsensically, and all James can do is watch him in silence. His lover is tired, he can tell, but being the amazing father he is, he puts in unshakable effort when it comes to caring for their son.
It’s inspiring. James finds himself falling in love all over again as he watches him flourish in his role as a parent.
Once the bowl of food has been emptied, Regulus wipes a satisfied Harry’s cheeks one last time and then lifts him out of his seat.
“Let’s go pick out an outfit for Teddy’s birthday party, huh?” He says, smiling at their son as he leans against his chest. “Oh, Jamie, let’s put him in those little overalls we got him, Sirius is going to lose his mi— Are you crying?”
James blinks rapidly in an attempt to get rid of the tears that have started to form in the corners of his eyes. He knows it’s silly, but it’s almost like becoming a dad has made him so much more emotional.
Regulus walks up to him, and when he comes to a stop next to his chair, James wraps an arm around him and allows Harry to reach for his glasses.
“I’m just really happy…” He whispers.
Regulus huffs and looks rather amused by his explanation. “You’re a huge sap, Potter.” He says, but he does lean in to press a comforting kiss to his forehead.
This time around, James is one hundred percent certain; this is what peak happiness feels like.
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del-stars · 2 months
need an olympic au with james + sirius as a beach volleyball team asap
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zeherili-ankhein · 7 months
Do you ever think if the marauders understood hindi they would enjoy the song Har Ek Friend Kamina Hota Hai or is it just me?
I mean their friendship dynamic is A LOT different. But still.... Would they???
Pt 1, 2, 3, 4
This is part 2 of my Bollywood x Harry Potter fic ideas
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constellationgrayson · 3 months
The next chapter of Dog Days of the Upper West Side is out!! Check the tags for a fun not-spoiler spoiler
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burntambrosias · 9 months
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"The raven crows, flings the water from its feathers and lifts its body into the air with a powerful beat of its great wings. For a moment, it takes the shape of something nearly holy; he can imagine this creature as the bird Apollo sent to spy on his lover Coronis, all pearly feathers obscured from the sun’s light, the scorched black cousin of the barbary dove."
hiiii this is a little snippet of a (wolfstar) life is strange au i've been rolling around in my head for a while. i'm a bit nervous to post this because i don't consider myself the best writer, but,,, here we are.
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starchaserdreams · 2 years
Wolfstar Microfic: Justice
Hermione was on a roll. 
“The injustice! Wizards treat them like servants - No! Worse! Like slaves, who aren’t even paid, and make them grovel at our feet. It’s outrageous!”
Remus could feel a smile playing at the corner of his mouth, but he tried to suppress it. He glanced up at Sirius, and found that Sirius was looking at Hermione and nodding emphatically. 
Hermione reminded him so much of a young Sirius Black sometimes. 
He’d been just as passionate about standing up for those who needed help. Never house elves, in his case, but that was probably because he’d never considered that there would be an alternative for them. 
All through their Hogwarts years he had fought to be the protector of the younger students, and to stand up to bullies. He’d fought for the muggle borns too. 
“And we don’t even pay them!” Hermione went on, “They don’t ask for it because they don’t even know it’s an option!”
Harry and Ron were pointedly facing away, ignoring her as though they’d heard this rant one too many times, but Sirius was still attentively following along. 
That had been Remus for so many years. Listening when Sirius just needed to get it out, pitching in ideas when he wanted to be productive and make change. Hermione needed the support now just as much as Sirius had needed it then.
It was nice to see Sirius could be a support for her. They both needed each other in that moment: someone who gets it, and fights along with them so they don’t have to feel alone.
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stubborngods · 2 days
when will a remus lupin writer come along who wants to pull the SILLIEST prank ever. (please give me wolfking threads i miss them)
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ophiuchus11 · 9 months
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“Love comes and goes but the big black dog, he trails along, Am I the only one who knows him now?”
Little Padfoot & Moony tape doodle bc Wolfstar
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znowubolimnienoga · 9 months
i have a vision for a rero musical and it would be so cool guys i swear. like itd be written in drama and itd have character sheets at the beginning and id write songs for it like itd be so cool guys i sw
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ax3-e0ns · 2 years
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You thought I was a giant bird lady. But it was me, Remus!
Read more for extra illustration:
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xdaisyhookumx · 8 months
where: rosa lee teabag. who: daisy and remus; @wolfinsheepsclothes.
People were surprised to find out when Daisy and Remus started dating all those months ago. They seemed like a pair of opposites. Remus was very secretive and Daisy put everything on the table. Daisy was super outgoing while Remus was more reserved and held close to only his close circle. Why would they be together? Answer: there was attraction. It was a physical attraction but, moreover, they respected each other and there was an attraction to who they were as people.
They had a lot of fun together and tender moments. Daisy loved the attention he gave her and always hoped he loved how she doted upon him. Daisy was enamored by who he was as a person. She could learn a thing or two from him and she did. But as time went on some things began to shift. His life became even more secretive. Daisy would ask questions around the same time each month -- even if they were only together four months. Suddenly Remus put the brakes on their relationship and ran leaving Daisy in the dust. She was hurt. Her heart broke and her brain couldn't understand what he could hide from her that she couldn't handle. She spent nights crying. She and Remus didn't have enough time together -- that's probably what hurt the most. She expected more and got less.
The past three months had been a healing process but she was getting better. Her heart still ached when people talked about him, but she was open to creating new relationships as long as they were slow. Daisy didn't think she could handle something intense right away but knew she had to move on.
One morning before work Daisy stopped in to Rosa Lee Teabag's for a tea and croissant to start her day. All of a sudden she heard a familiar voice and her stomach dropped. It was Remus. She wasn't sure if she should turn around but she couldn't stop herself. As she waited for her tea she turned slowly and saw him standing there.
All she could do was blink and choked out an inaudible, "Hi."
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atrickrtreat · 1 year
@thefvrious cont from here
"Well, Lulu helped raise you so to speak from what I gather so I'm more than certain she has some embarrassing stories to share," she smiled and then thought about her own family. How she hadn't seen any of them in well, years and it made her smile falter just a little bit. "Maybe we could invite them here too, for the holidays, I imagine Lulu loves Christmas. I could decorate the apartment and make it all festive?"
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satinssheets · 10 months
Closed for @lemonadecabaret Lily & Remus
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Frank Sinatra bellowed from the record player as aromas from the dinner Lily was preparing wafted from the kitchen, and if she closed her eyes she could almost imagine she was in her childhood home, safe and loved, without a care in the world. Back when Petunia would giggle beside her as they watched their father twirl their mother around in the kitchen, and she would hope to have a marriage just like theirs. There was entirely too much food for just two people, but Lily had been intent on making everything her mother had for Sunday roast, aided only by cookbooks and memories of all the time's she'd helped as a girl. "Dinner's ready, my sweets!" Lily called, still wearing a frilly apron over her dress as she leaned across the table to fill two goblets with wine. Hearing the first few notes of The Way You Look Tonight, she paused for a moment, a dreamy look glazing over sparkling green eyes. "Dance with me?" A wide grin dimpled her cheeks as she offered out her hand, wanting to keep pretending that all was right in the world just a little longer.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
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