#ft. cypress
saxifraged · 11 months
who: @voteoakes when: the day after the group received emilia's 'secret' via email where: dom & em's apartment
though the sun had been pouring into emilia's room for hours, it was the pounding of her head that woke her. a hangover, maybe, from the wine she'd had a bit too much of, or perhaps just the headache that comes from someone airing your dirty laundry to your peers. none of it felt real to her - the cryptic message, the responses from the group, even the secret itself. not that it was even true, but of course, only dove would know that. as for everyone else, their perceptions of her - that she'd worked so hard to curate - would change.
when she'd given it to dupont, she never expected it to see the light of day. just another lie to add to her spreadsheet, one that should've been relatively inconsequential. and yet, here it was, laid out plainly for public consumption. emilia turned over, tangled up in her sheets, and reached for her phone on her nightstand. rereading the message for the hundredth time wouldn't help the dull throbbing in her head, she knew, but she couldn't help herself.
last night, after she and dom had arrived home, she'd immediately excused herself to her room. behind her locked door, she'd drunkenly reanalyzed both the email and her spreadsheet, reviewing her story over and over and over so that she wouldn't forget it moving forward. she'd probably need to do it again, she realized, now that she was sober. but first, she needed to take care of this headache.
she ventures into the kitchen to find that it's much later than she'd normally allow herself to sleep in, and pours herself a glass of water so she can take some ibuprofen. said ibuprofen, though, was nowhere to be found. digging around in the medicine cabinet was yielding no results, and before she can get much farther into her search, she hears the familiar click of dom's door announcing his presence. "i can't find the ibuprofen," she says, feeling quite helpless. "can you help me look? my head's killing me."
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plasky · 1 year
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ofconflations · 11 months
a starter for @voteoakes
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aileen had been watching her boyfriend sleeping for a moment, admiring how peaceful he looked when he wasn't carrying the weight of the world on his well built shoulders. to think, she was about to lose what they had for a meaningless fling with tallie bernal. it definitely had nothing to do with the piercing adorning his nose. in fact, the nose ring was a bonus to his charming good looks. "good morning, mi amor," she murmured softly, pressing a bunch of feather kisses to his face to wake him up gently. after last night's shit show, she wanted to make sure he was okay. more importantly, she wanted to make sure they were okay. "how'd you sleep?"
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luna-eclipse2000 · 2 months
You wearing someone else’s cologne (but it’s actually just one they don’t wear)
Ft: Eren, Armin, Jean, Levi, and Hanji
Some suggestive themes so MDNI
- You come out of your shared bedroom and walk past Eren
- He instantly smells the cologne and sees red
- He prefers musky smells, so why on earth do you smell like that?
- He grabs your wrist. Not too hard, but hard enough for you to turn around and ask him what’s wrong
- “Whose cologne is that?”
- You are instantly confused
- “Don’t play dumb, (Y/N). Whose cologne is that?”
- “Eren. I bought this for you for your birthday.”
- He instantly feels embarrassed
- “Oh… Sorry…”
- “But I do like how jealous you got over it.” You say, wrapping your arms around his waist
- “What can I say, sweetie?” Eren says. “I don’t like the thought of anyone else getting to touch you.”
- “You’re the only one who would do it right anyway.” You say
- He instantly throws you over his shoulder to show you just how right you are
- Armin always waits for you to get up before he leaves for work
- He’s never been late and he loves seeing your face in the morning
- But today he had to go in super early thanks to a batch of new people who need to be trained
- He was absolutely heart broken having to leave without getting his goodbye kiss
- But then he had an idea so he eagerly texts you
- “Hey, how about we meet up for lunch at your favourite restaurant? It can be my apology for not being able to see you this morning.”
- He anxiously waits for you at the restaurant, the food already ordered since the wait staff already know your orders by heart
- When you enter the restaurant, his eyes light up, as do yours
- “(Y/N)!” He says happily as he gets up from his seat to greet you
- “Armin! How’s your day going?”
- “It’s going good, how about yours?” He asks
- “It just got better.” You answer and then give him a kiss
- When he pulls away to give you a hug, he smells it
- The faintest smell of cypress, vetiver and black teakwood
- He feels his heart drop a bit
- You never wear this kind of smell so it’s definitely not yours
- Then whose is it?
- He pulls away and hides his worry extremely well
- You never know when he’s upset until he physically can’t hold his emotions in anymore
- You’ve always told him to tell you how he feels but he hates making you worry over him
- This is slightly different, though
- If he expresses his worry, he’ll be practically accusing you of cheating on him and saying that he doesn’t trust you
- You can tell that sometimes wrong though because he’s not really engaging in the conversation. Just nodding his head and giving short responses
- But at this point you know he’s not going to tell you the truth until he can’t handle it anymore
- He gets home before you and starts pacing through the whole house, not able to sit still
- He never got the same kind of attention from people that Eren or Mikasa did so he’s still pretty insecure
- No matter how many times you tell him how much you love him, how pretty he is, how happy he makes you, there’s still a voice in the back of his mind telling him that you’re lying
- So when he hears the door open, he finally freezes
- He wants to run to you and give you all his love
- But he also wants to confront you about the cologne
- “Armin, there you are.” Your voice says from behind him. “I’ve been calling your name for a few minutes.”
- “Are you… seeing someone else?” He finally asks
- “What? Armin, what gave you that idea?”
- He turns around to face you and you finally see the anxiety in his eyes
- “I could smell that cologne on you.” He tells you, playing with his fingers nervously. “I’ve never smelt it before. I know I’m not very tall, or confident, or handsome, or even funny. So I get it if you want to see other people.”
- You smile sadly. All that lack of attention really messed up his confidence
- You’ve seen photos of him and his friends from high school, which he was absolutely humiliated about
- He had glasses, a decent amount of acne, and would wear a lot of anime shirts
- To say he was a nerd would be an understatement, but you thought he was cute
- So you walk up to him and gently cup his cheeks
- “Armin, my darling. The cologne is yours.”
- He’s absolutely stunned. He would’ve remembered if he had something that like that
- “Mikasa got it for you for your birthday. You didn’t want to hurt her feelings so you just put it in the drawer and forgot about it. I’d never cheat on you. I love you too much to do that to you.”
- He looks down feeling embarrassed that he ever thought you’d do something so cruel
- “I’m sorry.” He apologizes. “I never should’ve-“
- “Hey, no.” You say softly. “You never wore this before so it makes sense that you didn’t think it was yours. Now how about we go downstairs, put on a movie, and cuddle for a while. Does that sound good?”
- He nods with a small smile on his face. “I love you.”
- “I love you more than you know.”
- He comes home from work before you and decides to make your favourite food for dinner
- But first, he needs to take a shower
- He heads upstairs to your shared bedroom and smells something… different
- It smells like smoke, but with a hint of sage and sandalwood
- He wonders if you got him a new soap
- But if so, why can he smell it when he’s not in the shower?
- He shakes his head, wondering if he’s going crazy and heads into the washroom to take his shower
- It isn’t until he gets out and heads to the dresser to get a new set of night clothes that he finds the culprit behind the smell
- A bottle of cologne that seems to have a few squirts taken out of it
- He picks it up and looks at the brand
- It’s expensive and definitely not his
- His mind starts racing
- There’s no way you’re cheating on him
- You’d never do that
- You probably bought this for him because you thought it smelt good
- But then why isn’t it full?
- He decides to confront you about it when you get home
- He quickly gets dressed, grabs the bottle and heads downstairs so he can start cooking
- If you are cheating, he’s gonna cook you a meal so damn good you’ll instantly regret your decision
- Then he’ll probably remind you why you’ve stayed with him for all these years after your finished begging for his forgiveness
- He’ll make you beg even more
- He plates the food and sets it up at the table and sits down
- About five minutes later, you walk through the door and instantly smell your favourite food
- Ever since Jean made it, no one else’s has even compared
- “Mm, something smells good, Jean!” You say as you walk into the dining room and see him waiting for you.
- “You like smells?” He asks
- You just give him a confused look in response
- He then puts the cologne on the table rather dramatically, like he just found your secret stash of drugs
- “So… You wanna explain why I found some random cologne in our room?”
- You blink a few times. “Excuse me?”
- “Don’t play dumb, baby.” He says. “I can even smell it on you from here. Whose damn cologne is this?”
- “Ok first, let’s stop with the cop attitude. You’ve been watching way too much NCIS.” You say. “And that cologne was a gift from your mother when you got promoted.”
- Heat spreads across his face when he realizes that he’s been jealous of himself for over an hour
- “Oh… Well… I’ve never smelled it before, so why isn’t it still full?”
- “Because you wore it twice before exiling it to the back of the draw.” You explain.
- Jean clears his throat. “Well then… Never mind, I guess.”
- He’s checking everyone’s cleaning job when he comes to you
- You smell different
- But it couldn’t be you
- You don’t have anything that smells like bourbon
- And he doesn’t drink
- It could be the cadet your cleaning with
- So he walks up to you and takes a sniff
- Yup, that’s definitely you
- “Oi.” He says, looking over at the cadet. “Get lost.”
- “Yes, sir!” The cadet complies and quickly leaves, bringing the broom with him
- “What is it, Levi?” You ask
- “Why do you smell like that?” He asks
- “Like what?” You ask. “I took a shower this morning.”
- “You smell like bourbon.” He says. “So whose cologne is that?”
- “You’re not serious, right?” You asks. “Levi. This cologne has sat on your bathroom counter for months!”
- “Oh…”
- You start laughing
- “Tch.” He clicks his tongue. “You get to clean the stables now, too.”
- “Wha-? Why?!”
- “Because you laughed at me, brat.”
- “Hey, Han!” You exclaim as you walk into their lab. “Whatcha doing?”
- “Working.” They answer absentmindedly as they swirl the liquid in their beaker
- You walk up to Hanji and peer over their shoulder
- The smell of vanilla and patchouli practically smacks Hanji in the face, causing them to immediately look away from their work
- “I know you’re working, silly.” You say. “But what are-?”
- You get cut off by Hanji very audibly sniffing the shirt you’re wearing
- High key sounds like a dog when they smell something new
- “Whose cologne is this?” Hanji asks. “Are mine not nice enough to wear?”
- “Huh?” You say, clearly a little confused
- Hanji then realizes that the shirt you’re wearing isn’t one of yours. It’s a big too big. “And whose shirt is this?”
- “Hanji Zoe.” You smirk. “Are you getting jealous?”
- Hanji removes their glasses and places them on top of their head
- They grip your waist and pull you in close to them
- So close that you can smell their body wash
- “Don’t toy with me, love.” They say lowly. “Who. Do those. Belong to. Don’t make me punish you.”
- You blush a bit, but want to see how far you can take this
- Hanji doesn’t get jealous like this often so you want to have a little fun
- “What will you do if I don’t tell you?”
- “I’ll make sure whoever is trying to take you from me knows that you’re mine.” Hanji answers. “I’ll mark every bit of your skin, and I’ll make sure you scream my name.”
- You wrap your arms around Hanji’s neck
- “Han. This is your shirt.”
- The look of surprise and confusion on their face is adorable
- “This is also your cologne.” You explain further. “I spilled dirty water on my top, so I found this at the bottom of your closet. And because I didn’t want to smell gross, I grabbed the first bottle I could find.“
- “Oh…” Hanji says simply. They start looking anywhere but at your face out of embarrassment.
- “You can keep your promise of punishing me if you want.” You say. “But you’ll need to make up for thinking I’d want to smell like anyone but you.”
- “Fine by me.” Hanji says. “I just gotta finish this experiment, then I’m all yours.”
- They turn back to their work, but you quickly spin them back around in their chair
- “Part of your punishment is not getting to finish… if you catch my drift.”
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I was so disappointed. I found this gorgeous pink 1868 Victorian, with a mansard roof and a belvedere, in Providence, RI, and the interior has nothing pink. 5bd, 2ba, asking $915K. They restored the home, but there are things that need to be improved upon, which is probably why it's priced under $1M. Let us do a critique.
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Beautiful original doors and stairs, plus floor, (a bit patched), in the entrance. I wish they hadn't painted the molding and stairs that mustard color, though.
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Interesting. Notice how they left whatever original floors were probably salvageable and replaced the rest. I've never seen that before, but I like it.
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So, there's a large double sitting room, but clearly, if this is an 1868 home, the fireplaces were removed.
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There must've been a magnificent lamp or something on top of that post, I've never seen one that tall. I don't know what's going on with it, now. I'm not lovin' seeing the washer/dryer when I walk in the front door.
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Here, they made a family/TV room, and it's outside the kitchen. I really hate the colors of the doors and moldings. The lighting looks original in all of the rooms, so far.
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Maybe this was the formal dining room? It has a slightly bowed window, it's large, and there's a fireplace.
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Aside from the hideous modern blue chars, this kitchen looks semi-original. It's an odd configuration, which I like, and the beadboard backsplash must be original. Also, the floor looks original, too. I don't mind a painted floor in the kitchen.
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Now, we're talkin' - an original brick fireplace.
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AND, this MAGNIFICENT original stove. Wow. You know, I hate the cheap doors on the cabinets, but it looks like the narrow depth of the side panels are original. I would keep them and just replace the doors.
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Nice railing and some more original flooring.
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Nice large room- look at the narrow shelf & drawer unit in the entrance. That's unique.
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Across the hall there's another large room. This one has its fireplace, unless that's a fake one. Not sure.
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Looks like this bedroom is used as a den. It would make a nice library, office, or studio.
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This room is cute.
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Bathroom with an alcove. Interesting.
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There's the toilet & sink, which is kind of weird. So, it's not 2 baths, then, it's 1.5.
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This vintage 3 pc. is the only full bath.
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The gardens are beautiful and they have a large patio with a pergola.
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Lots of container gardens.
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This is nice.
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There's no garage, but there's a long pebble driveway with parking on the 9,000 sq ft lot.
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dumplingsfordays · 11 months
Reading 30 Strales and omg Blade smelling like citrus sounds amazing. I've been playing for about 3 weeks and after fulling catching up on the trailblazer quests I was like dang blade kills people a lot right, he probably smells like blood 24/7 that's so gross. All this to say... reject logic, I agree that blade smells like citrus. Do you have thoughts on what any of the others would smell like?
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what the hsr men smell like
ft. blade, gepard, jing yuan, dan heng, luocha, and welt
cw!: mentions of blood, no pronouns for reader mentioned, implied relationship, cuddling, swearing, super fluffy :)
note - thank you so much for reaching out to me omg 🥺 i reject logic too so that's how the whole citrus thing came to be ajsjdk. also i know absolutely nothing about colognes/fragrances so i'm sorry if i mess some of these up ;-; hope you're having a great day/night though pookie <3
and as always, thank you for reading :)
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~ as mentioned above, def smells like citrus and bergamot.
~ sometimes you can catch a little metallic-y whiff of (cough cough) def not blood (cough cough), but it never lasts for long - when he hugs you, the smell of oranges invades your senses like a light summer breeze~
~ and don't get me started on how obsessed he is w this scent. if he stays somewhere for even 1-2 days, you know he's bringing along his 3 freakin citrus-scented candles!!
~ please run your fingers thru his hair when you're hanging out or cuddling. please. he will melt from headpats and your fingers will smell like his shampoo for the rest of the day, and since you love the scent of gentle lime, why not?
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~ omg this man!! he's totally giving cashmere + hot cocoa for some reason??? he doesn't really use cologne/fragrances and prefers his natural scent, but does use cashmere and vanilla body wash + shampoo.
~ like sure, after a busy day at work or training he'll kinda smell like sweat but will immediately take a shower when he gets home. he hates being sweaty and thinks it's icky if he does for too long-
~ and when you snuggle up to him for cuddle time on a day off, you just wanna stay there forever bc his scent envelops you like a blanket on freezing winter nights <3
~ overall very comforting and warm, just like Gepard himself!! (cries in human heater vibes)
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jing yuan
~ musk + cinnamon + a little bit of spice, and def uses cologne.
~ actually wants to smell nice and puts in the effort!! changes his sheets, washes his clothes, showers every day (but washes his hair every 3 days or so bc haircare)
~ speaking of haircare, this man's big on it. most of his haircare products smell like the aforementioned musk and cinnamon, but he uses this one cream that smells like cloves and you freakin adore it. sometimes you borrow it so that whenever you're going out and he's busy with his big boy general duties, it feels like he's with u <3
~ and ughhhh his bedroom smells like him so whenever you guys have le cuddle time you fall asleep almost immediately. ofc he eventually does too (bc he loves how u smell too pookie, don't tell him i said that though he would kill me aksjskd) and you're so warm and soft and how could he not fall asleep??
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dan heng
~ very ocean-y (salty?), small hints of eucalyptus and cypress as well. when he uses cologne he uses very, very little, but he actually has 2 separate colognes, one for the ocean-y cypress, and the other for the eucalyptus
~ i feel like this is kinda a bold statement but he uses bath bombs. like he gets a bath bomb that smells like mint, gets in the bathtub w it, and glides his thumbs over its surface bc he likes the texture-
~ he might not be the cleanest man in the universe, but he sure does smell like it!! something about eucalyptus and cypress and mint and a hint of ocean breeze is chillingly refreshing and tbh you kinda dig it :D
~ mornings w dan heng. omfg they are ethereal bc he literally smells angelic??? like a gentle freshness yk and the pillows smell like him too so lazy mornings are def a thing that you guys love sharing <3
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~ oooo he's kinda a wild card imo, but personally, i think that he smells like jasmine + honey (not just bc of his idle + technique!! pinky promise)
~ he lowkey smells a little like freshly-cut grass, very light n refreshing. however, jasmine takes center stage, and if you really bury your face in his long-ass hair, you can catch a whiff of chamomile :))
~ super big on herbal teas and honey as well - i hc that he brings a water bottle w him that's just green tea n honey so when you're close to his face (cuddling, hugging, etc) the honey adds this sweetness that blends super well w the aforementioned chamomile + jasmine <3
~ like jing yuan, super involved in haircare!! he does use less products, but you still freakin adore this chamomile shampoo that he uses. avid believer in aromatherapy, prob uses essential oils (not for curing cancer ofc)
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~ coffee and amberwood!! both are deep and rich scents and he probably uses cologne in very small amounts aksjdks
~ coffee addict and the scent faintly lingers, so the amberwood is really more prominent, but overall i promise he doesn't smell like dust or smth, he's not that old he takes good care of himself :))
~ burns incense in his room bc it helps him relax and concentrate on his drawings, so he does have a little resin smell to him, but you don't mind bc it's actually quite comforting. he once almost caused a fire bc he dropped a lit match onto the carpet but we don't talk about that-
~ loves to hug you so whenever he does, you always feel so cozy and loved and aaaaa ya'll are so cute i can't <3 and since he's pretty tall he sometimes rests his head on top of yours and hugs you from behind like that and you melt immediately bc it's like a blanket!! but smells super nice!!
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taiturner · 1 year
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YELLOWJACKETS OCTOBER ◆ Horror Elements OTHER TAI, ft. quotes from Tawny Cypress
“When I took this role, they told me that Tai is the success story, that she’s the person who wasn’t touched. They never even brought up Other Tai. All they said was that there are three levels to Tai: the success; the love for her wife and her son; and then underneath everything is a darkness that she doesn’t even know is there. Other Tai explains that darkness."
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claredanko · 9 months
sitting in the smoke circle feeling like stephen stills hanging out with cypress hill on the music video set of armada latina (ft. pitbull)
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Children's Python Shopping List
If you've decided on a Children's python (Antaresia childreni) for your first pet snake, you're in for a treat! These lovely little pythons are awesome pets and fun to watch and interact with. You can expect your pet Children's python to grow around 1-1.5 m (3-5 ft) as an adult, and they can live to be over 20 years old with appropriate care.
Enclosure setup shopping list:
You will want to set up your enclosure so your snake has room to stretch out, climb, and explore! You will need to set up a temperature gradient of about 32-25 C (90-78 F), and Children's pythons need a humidity level of around 50-60%.
Enclosure. For a baby Children's python, a 20 gallon is fine, and a 40 gallon works well for yearlings. As an adult, your snake will need an enclosure at least as long as they are, and ideally with vertical space to climb. A 120 gallon enclosure is a good minimum, and bigger is always better!
If your enclosure has a screen lid, two sets of screen clips. Never bring a snake home without screen clips!
To retain humidity, if your enclosure has a screen lid, cut a piece of cardboard or plywood to cover at least half of the lid to help keep humidity in.
A dome heat lamp with ceramic sockets. Any big reptile brand is fine - Fluker's, Zoo Med, and Exo Terra are all trustworthy brands here. Make sure your dome lamp is rated for the wattage of bulb you will be using - 150 is usually a safe bet.
Heat bulbs. I use ceramic heat emitters for my Children's pythons. You can choose to provide halogen light and UVB if you'd like, but as these are nocturnal snakes, monitor your snake's reaction to visible light - some individuals won't adapt well to it, and that's okay! Arcadia makes high-quality heat sources your pet will love. The wattage you choose will depend on your enclosure size and the temperature in your home.
A thermostat to plug your heat source into. Vivarium Electronics thermostats are excellent but pricey; you can go as expensive as you like but here is a cheap one I swear by.
Digital thermometer/hygrometer reader with probes - Zoo Med and Exo Terra make great dual gauges. Avoid stick-on dials!
At least two identical hides, one on either side
A container to make a humidity hide. Simply cut a hole in the lid, fill with damp moss, and you're set! Providing your snake with a humid hide will help them have perfect sheds every time!
A large water bowl
(Insider tip: if you go to the grocery store and buy a pack of black plastic food storage containers, you can easily make hides, humidity hides, and a water bowl out of them! Here's my go-to option, you can easily take care of all that for one baby snake cheaply and easily!)
Sphagnum moss for your humid hide. Make sure your humid hide is always moist!
Substrate. Children's pythons can do well on a range of substrates, but options that help hold humidity are best. Cypress mulch and coconut fiber are good options.
Climbing branches and other decor - climbing is a must, and vines, rocks, and tunnels made from cardboard tubes are other great options. Children's pythons love to climb, so be sure to take advantage of vertical space!
General care:
Feeding tongs.
Food for your snake. Your offered food should be about 10% of your snake's body weight.
A soldering iron, believe it or not! A cheap soldering iron will serve you well throughout your snake's life - you can use it to easily melt holes in bowls and containers to make hides.
A small snake hook can help you with handling your snake, especially if you're nervous.
If you're Australian, be sure to check your state's laws and make sure you have the appropriate license before you buy your snake. Be sure to include any associated fees in your budget!
And some common beginner mistakes:
Don't move your snake to a separate enclosure to feed. It's a myth that will make your snake "aggressive" - it can actually cause more mistaken feeding bites as they associate handling with being fed!
Don't worry if your snake spends most of their time hiding, especially while young. A hiding snake is a happy snake!
Don't be concerned if your snake is a little jumpy or defensive when you first bring them home. Children's pythons can be jumpy babies, but this will improve with gentle handling and time.
Don't over-handle your snake, and always give them at least a week to settle in before offering food for the first time.
Never handle your snake for two days after they've eaten - that could cause a regurgitation.
Children's pythons are awesome pets! They're uncomplicated to care for and are generally very hardy and not too fussy. If you take care to set up your enclosure well, you'll be all set for many happy and fun years with your new buddy!
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jessamine-rose · 2 years
ʚ✿ Ubi amor, ibi dolor ✿ɞ
“Where there is love, there is pain.”
♡ Jessamine’s masterlist for Genshin Impact
♡ Italics for nsfw/ suggestive themes!!
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♡ How do the Yandere! Harbingers Comfort their Darlings?? - Pantalone, Dottore, Pierro
♡ Part of Your World - Capitano, Pantalone, Dottore, Pierro + notes
♡ Under the Sea - sequel + mermaid lore
♡ Orca! Mermaid! Pierro and aquatic diets
♡ A Lionfish! Mermaid for a darling??
♡ Requiem for the Damned - Priest! Dottore x Demon! Darling
♡ Angel’s Tears - Guardian Angel! Capitano x Nonbeliever! Darling
♡ Red Sky at Night, Shepherd’s Delight - Priest! Arlecchino x Devotee! Darling
♡ Faustian Bargain - Demon! Pantalone x Contractee! Darling
♡ Annular Eclipse - Cartaphilus! Pierro x Guardian Angel! Darling
♡ Window to the Soul - Thank you for sharing the Captain’s eye color, Mika :’>
♡ Drunk s/o calls Capitano a stapler
♡ Happy New Year!! - a romantic start to 2024
♡ Capitano warms up his lover on a wintry day
♡ Ribbon Knots - a daily routine ft. corsets
♡ Yandere! Capitano imprisons his Fatuus! Darling - inspired by jymwahuwu
♡ Capitano’s lover takes the lead this time
♡ Ardor of a Lover - Yandere! Vampire AU
♡ Blessing of Aphrodite - Yandere! NSFW
♡ A small act of love from the Regrator
♡ Pantalone with a gun - inspired by zhongrin
♡ Happy Pocky Day!! - Pocky kisses with Webttore and Primettore
♡ An Experiment in Procreation - Yandere! Dottore’s thoughts on babytrapping
♡ The Golden Ratio - Akademiya romance
♡ Ladyttore - Introduction ๑ Dottore’s jealousy
♡ Happy Valentine’s Day!! - a special present
♡ Dottore’s lover mourns his Segments
♡ Coffee Break - a date with the Segments
♡ An Unlikely Fitness Consultant <3 - Dottore helps you with your physical exercises
✿ PIERRO ✿  
♡ Surgeon! Pierro comforts his patient
♡ Aoede - Yandere! Pierro x Singer! Reader (Modern AU) + EXTRA
♡ Smoke Break - a shared vice
♡ Ghost Heart - Yandere! Wanderer x Reader
♡ Scaramouche’s regional tea preferences
♡ A Candlelit Dinner - Yandere! La Signora’s darling copes with the death of their wife
♡ Mental image of Neuvillette wearing lingerie
♡ Househusband! Zhongli headcanons
♡ Kakegurui AU inspired by Kirari x Sayaka
♡ Faceless - Yandere! Faceless Ayato
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♡ I Love You, Darling - official masterlist for my Yandere! Harbinger longfic series. Click the link for more content  ꒰♡ˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈꒱。゚
♡ Darling Crossover - Part One ๑ Part Two
♡ Artifact Set: Beloved Darlings - lore + extras
♡ Herbarium - Il Capitano x f! reader
♡ Fairytale - side story, Capitano’s POV
♡ Forget-Me-Not - epilogue, Capitano’s POV
♡ Astilbe - epilogue, comfort from Capitano
♡ Laurestine - epilogue, Fatui report
♡ Viparyas - epilogue, ft. Aranara
♡ Housecat - Pantalone x f! Reader, pt 1
♡ Alea Iacta Est - part 2, Pantalone’s POV
♡ Happy - alternate ending written by Anon
♡ Chemistry - Il Dottore x f! Reader
♡ Magnum Opus - side story, Dottore’s POV
♡ About Time - epilogue, Dottore’s thoughts on marriage
♡ Disjecta Membra - Pierro x f! Reader
♡ Chess Piece - side story, Pierro’s POV
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♡ Il Capitano x Little Dove! Darling
♡ Herbarium - chibi doodles, my own design for Damsel (Capitano’s darling)
♡ Happy 1.4k followers!! - Capitano x Damsel
♡ Housecat - chibi doodles, my own design for Kitty (Pantalone’s darling) - OLD ๑ NEW
♡ Happy 1.5k followers!! - Pantalone x Kitty
♡ Chemistry - chibi doodles, my own design for Assistant (Dottore’s darling)
♡ Happy 1.6k followers!! - Dottore x Assistant
♡ Disjecta Membra - chibi doodles, my own design for Savior (Pierro’s darling)
♡ Happy 1.7k followers!! - Pierro and Savior
♡ Happy 2k followers!! - Wanderer x Doll
♡ Fan art for When the Cypress Tree Wilts
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omegaremix · 4 months
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Spring 1995 Mixtape:
N.W.A. entire discography
Cypress Hill Latin Lingo
Mobb Deep “Shook Ones Pt. 2″
Common “Resurrection”
Green Day “Longview”
Jeru The Damaja “Mental Stamina”
Sam Sneed “Better Recognize”
Cutmasta DC’s“Brooklyn’s In Da House” 
Lost Boyz “Jeeps, Lex Coups, Bimaz & Benz”
Method Man “Release Yo’ Delf”
Mobb Deep ft. Raekwon & Nas “Eye For An Eye (Your Beef Is Mine)” 
M.O.P. “To The Death” (Buckwild RMX)
MC Ren “Do You Believe?”
Naughty By Nature “Feel Me Flow”
Total & The Notorious B.I.G. “Can’t You See?”
Ol’ Dirty Bastard “Brooklyn Zoo”
World Party “World Without Love”
Sponge "Plowed"
Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine
Weezer "Buddy Holly"
Hole "Violet"
Green Day "Longview"
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Princess Galatea Cypress, Lady Whitemarch
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“Legend of the Cryptids - Caella reg.” © Applibot Inc, accessed at the artist’s gallery here
[The yang to General Abdalla Aulorian’s yin, this character is definitely @strawberry-crocodile​‘s darling, the main NPC in the one-on-one Pathfinder game she’s running for me. The stats and flavor-text have been written with her approval. I find it delightful how we both brought a lawful evil, deeply resentful, character to the table, but they both have very different approaches and personalities despite that. Like Abdalla, I do intend to have more stat blocks of Galatea in the future, but she has changed less so far in the game.]
Galatea Cypress CR 12 LE Humanoid (human) This woman is statuesque, with blond hair reaching down to her waist and piercing indigo eyes. She is beautiful and youthful, but her face is as hard as the sword on her hip.
To Galatea Cypress, to love something is to control it. Her father, who doted on her and followed her whims until a runaway wife soured his mood. Her brother, who can be guided and manipulated like a dog. Her servants, who follow her orders on threat of punishment. And most of all, her wonderful toys, glimmering porcelain automata that obey her to the word. And anyone and anything she cannot control? Well, they can be discarded or destroyed.
Although Galatea is a skilled duelist, she typically fights with her rapier only to toy with an opponent or to put something out of her misery. She’s used to getting her hands dirty; in a fit of pique when she was fourteen, she stabbed her father’s prized stallion to death. Still, she prefers to stay in the back ranks, using spells to debilitate and distract enemies until she can finish them off, or one of her allies can do it for her. Galatea’s most treasured minions are her squad of porcelain soldiers and her right hand monster, the sahkil Baetrachulltchum (but call her Betty). Galatea would not hesitate for a second to sacrifice any or all of her followers in order to save her own life.
Galatea is the eldest daughter of one of the most powerful families in the Whitemarch province of Taldor, giving her the titles of Princess and Lady Whitemarch. Because of her gender and the Taldan legal code, she has no claim to her family estate, and has always felt deeply bitter towards her younger brother. She currently schemes for ways to usurp the power of her house, or at least redirect its wealth and prestige to supporting her projects alone. She is terrified of death because she has a sickening certainty about where her soul will go when she dies. As such, she is experimenting with combining construct and living creatures, with the ultimate goal of living forever in a magnificent porcelain body. Most of her humanoid testees/victims have not survived her ministrations, but rumors of a captured Chelish officer, a tiefling woman who survived a great fall with only a shattered ankle, have given her the idea for her next experimental subject.
Porcelain Construct (Simple Template) Galatea’s favorite medium for crafting constructs is porcelain. These creatures are beautiful and easy to control, but are somewhat more fragile than the average construct. “Porcelain construct” is a simple template that can be added to any creature with the clockwork subtype. A porcelain construct loses its vulnerability to electricity, and does not need to be wound. It gains vulnerability to sonic damage, and is treated as a crystalline creature for the purposes of shatter, shout and similar spells and effects. A porcelain construct uses the Craft (ceramics) skill instead of the Craft (clockwork) skill, but otherwise has the same cost and construction requirements.
Galatea Cypress           CR 12 XP 19,200 LE Human aristocrat 1/wizard (enchantress) 12 Init +6; Senses Perception +8 Defense AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 deflection, +4 armor) hp 48 (1d8+12d6) Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +12 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee +1 rapier +9/+4 (1d6+1/18-20) Special Attacks beguiling touch (7/day, Will DC 20, 6 rounds), shape emotions (12 rounds/day) Spells CL 12th, concentration +18 6th—greater dispel magic, greater heroism, serenity (DC 21) 5th—silent crushing despair (DC 19), dominate person (DC 20), mind fog (DC 20), rapid repair 4th—charm monster (DC 19), dimension door, fire shield, silent hold person (DC 18), overwhelming grief (DC 19) 3rd—inflict pain (DC 18, x2), lightning bolt (DC 17), suggestion (DC 18, x2), silent touch of idiocy 2nd—bear’s endurance, cat’s grace, demand offering (DC 17), disfiguring touch (DC 16), invisibility, oppressive boredom (DC 17), scorching ray  1st—charm person (DC 16), crafter’s fortune, disguise self (DC 15), mage armor (already cast), magic missile, shield, unprepared combatant (DC 16) 0th—daze, detect magic, light School—enchantment (manipulation subschool) Banned Schools: divination, necromancy Statistics Str 10, Dex 14, Con 8, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 17 Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 26 Feats Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item (B), Defensive Combat Training, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Poison Use*, Scribe Scroll (B), Silent Spell (B), Spell Focus (enchantment), Weapon Finesse Skills Bluff +20, Craft (alchemy) +14, Craft (ceramics) +14, Diplomacy +19, Disguise +13, Heal +5, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (arcana, planes) +16, Linguistics +8, Perception +8, Ride +6, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +17 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal SQ bonded object (amulet of spell cunning), enchanting smile +4 Gear headband of mental prowess +2 (Int, Cha, Intimidate), amulet of spell cunning, circlet of persuasion, tunic of careful casting, poisoner’s gloves, vambraces of defense, +1 rapier, cloak of resistance +1, noble’s outfit, signet ring, 500 gp worth of nonmagical jewelry, alchemist’s lab, masterwork potter’s tools, surgeon’s tools, 1500 gp worth of miscellaneous poisons, spellbook (prepared spells plus planar binding, geas/quest, lesser planar binding, magic circle vs. good, magic circle vs. evil, magic circle vs. law, magic circle vs. chaos, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, make whole, cantrips)
*Poison Use can be taken as a feat. The prerequisites are Craft (alchemy) 3 ranks.
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ofconflations · 1 year
a starter for @voteoakes
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after the events of the cathedral and the banquet hall in general, aileen had been avoiding dominic until she finally mustered the courage to show up at her boyfriend's door. she didn't know if he would forgive her for being horrible to him that night, but she hoped he would at least hear her out. "dom, hi," she whispered as she wiped a stray tear away from her face. "can we talk?"
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endreal · 1 year
According to sources there are two recognized herds of naturalized (feral) Colonial Spanish Mustangs (distinct from other breeds of Spanish mustangs) descended from horses brought over by early Spanish colonists who released them from ships that had run aground on coastal shoals. Today we saw some of them in the dunes and I promised @quannaix I'd take pictures!
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ft. lost shoe (~artistic~), uncovered cypress stumps at the tide line, a laughing gull, and 376 metric quarts of suncream slathered onto a human person (...we think).
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dutifullylazybread · 6 months
Thank you so much for the tag @darkurgetrash. This was so much fun!
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(Tav, during the events of BG3 (minus the armor)
NAME: Tav of the Dock Ward
NICKNAME: Soldier (Karlach), Love (Gale), Cub (Jaheira), Dear (Rolan)
GENDER: Cis!female (she/her)
STAR SIGN: I am trying to remember the birthday I gave Tav! I either wrote that she was born on the winter or the summer solstice. I'm also having a hard time finding D&D zodiacs. So probably a Cancer?
HEIGHT: Hmm... I always want to make my characters my height, but I don't think Tav is as short as I am. Hrm. 5 ft (she's an inch taller! :D)
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Illuskan Human from Faerûn
FAVOURITE FRUIT: strawberries
FAVOURITE SCENT/S: Rosemary, lavender, cypress, cloves, old paper, river water
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea all the way. She definitely took advantage of Waterdeep's trade connections and tried teas from all over
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Prior to game events, if she was deep in a commission, she might get anywhere from 4-6 hours a night. During the events of BG3, she likely got about four hours a night. After the events, she starts by getting about 4 hours and gradually worked her way to 8.
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs. Scratch was her baby. And then the Owlbear Cub (who she named Widdershins) made her realize how much she loved owlbears. Though she would have adopted Myshka in a heartbeat (and, like, there might be a fluff one-shot where she does, because why not?).
DREAM TRIP: She'd love to visit the Sea of Fallen Stars (both the one aboveground and in the Underdark). There is something very appealing about it being where The Pirate Wars took place.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: How many can she reasonably fit on the bed? Add ten.
RANDOM FACT/S: She worked as a glassblower and a stained glass-artist for the artisans' guild in Baldur's Gate, and while she worked there, she wanted to expand the guild's focus out to enchanting/artificing items. She had no luck in this pursuit.
@drizztdohurtin, @voloslobotomyservice
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lilygoat · 8 months
Cypress Hill ft. Psychopathic Rydas - Illusions (Remix)
"Some people tell me that I need help
Some people can fuck off and go to hell"
..best opening lyrics!!!!
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