#fuck Kim Reynolds
danepopfrippery · 1 year
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Im so angry i have to be proud of iowa fuck me
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“Ultimately, parents and kids will decide if they want to work or not,” Reynolds has said favorably about the bill. “It teaches the kids a lot. And if they have the time to do it and they want to earn some additional money, I don’t think we should discourage that.”
You heard it here first, folks, child labor "teaches the kids a lot." She's got three kids and eleven grandkids and I doubt any of them have or ever will go near a factory. Probably won't have to go into the service industry or an unpaid internship, either.
At this point I almost wish these people would just say "I hate poor and/or BIPOC kids and I sold my morals to child abusers to buy a reelection." It might be less nauseating.
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eissimare · 1 year
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Hey so I make stickers and thought to promote them! Feel free to reblog + share elsewhere.
The Trans People are Here to Stay profits will go to Iowa Trans Mutual Aid Fund, and I’m 12 stickers away from meeting cost of creating these stickers. I want to do more as an ally and think this might be at least something I can do.
Here are the Etsy links to both listings:
✧ Future’s Grim with Kim Sticker ✧
✧ Trans People are Here to Stay Sticker ✧
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I will refrain from reblogging anything Deadpool and Wolverine related until this weekend, but let me just put it out there that this was the first MCU movie since Endgame that I've been genuinely excited about and it did not disappoint.
No spoilers, but this was a love letter made with the finest and genuine care for the characters. And I'm still in awe. Can't wait to watch it another time in cinemas :D
For all my fellow Stays, the only thing I'll say is to pay attention and wait until the second song on the credits. The feeling of seeing their names in the OST credits is UNPARALLELED.
BTW, I don't think I've admitted this a lot, but Hugh Jackman is someone I've had a fan crush on since I was around 16 and. Yeah. The mouth waters at THAT scene. Watch Deadpool and Wolverine guys!!!
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widebruh · 1 year
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Not looking forward to the phone call I’m going to get from my mother later for clapping back at her transphobic aunt in my Facebook comments. I feel sick; this is why I don’t defend myself or other trans people because I deal with lashback every time.
Fucking hate this state.
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degenderates · 8 months
Exhausting ass day
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paigina · 1 year
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Some highlights
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Starkid als WIDM24 (compleet!):
Joey Richter als Rik van de Westelaken (@wekiaamtoo)
Jae Hughes als Babs Schutte (@thebugthatruinsyourpicnic)
Kim Whalen als Jip van den Toorn (@mudpuddlenl)
Lauren Lopez als Justin Mooijer (@mudpuddlenl)
Mariah Rose Faith Casillas als Anna Gimbrère (@wisdomsdauqhter)
Jeff Blim als Kees van der Spek (@majestic-salad)
Esther Fallick als Rian Gerritsen (@mudpuddlenl)
Mary Kate Wiles als Tooske Ragas (@wisdomsdauqhter)
Bryce Charles als Rosario Mussendijk (@mudpuddlenl)
Joseph Walker als Jeroen Spitzenberger (@wekiaamtoo)
Jon Matteson met een plaksnorretje als Fons Hendriks (@wie-de-fuck-is-de-mol)
Dan Reynolds en Donna Daggit als presentators van MolTalk (@thebugthatruinsyourpicnic)
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awkwardturtletrash · 1 year
An egregious rant about celebrity culture and I am not even sorry
I feel like I'm going insane, I want to claw my eyes out and eat my phone and burn every cord I have in my house. How is everyone okay with celebrities? The concept? The payoff? The whole fucking charade of these people? They're not real anymore, these aren't genuine connections, this is the most dystopian existence I can imagine and you're all just fucking eating it up???
There is not fucking benefit to these people being in my face 24/7 ??? I cannot find a single piece of genuine emotion besides annoyance and anger whenever I see the same fucking picture of Kim Kardashian (I had to fucking google the spelling) in that dumb pink shirt and everyone losing their mind that she incorrectly styled a piece of clothing that they will never touch in their god damn lives. It's the most insane, mindless, pointless use of an existence I've ever seen. Why are you all so fucking obsessed with the CONCEPT of people? She has a stylist. She has a whole team. She doesn't do her makeup or hair or outfits or accessories. You are following this handcrafted existence, this portfolio of makeup and cloth and you just??? (This is not a personal attack on Kim Kardashian, as much as I do not care about her life this is not her fault and I do not want it to seem this is a rant against any specific human, they are still people and cannot control society as a whole.) Fucking do it day in and day out? You genuinely care about who Taylor Swift is dating or if John Mulaney got Petunia in the divorce or if Zendaya is engaged or if Henry Cavil's hairline is bad now or if Kendal Jenner can walk well or if Jenner Lawerence got face work done???
(And don't say you don't "genuinely" care when you spend HOURS online tweeting about it and talking about it to your friends in person and 'finally getting into football lol' over a single woman who went to a single game and hung out with a single guy. You put in the hours, you are pathetically genuine.)
What fucking purpose is there? What benefit? The world is in fucking shambles and you bitches have stan accounts dedicated to an actor??? Where does the self come in? Your own life? I cannot pity anyone more than someone who so desperately needs to know Ryan Reynolds's favorite color or what Bella Hadid eats in a day. Did I sometimes watch these kinds of videos, seeing famous people describe mundane stories or do the most boring secret talent? Yes...In middle school. Something clicked one day that every interview is a job, that this is an advertisement, that they are selling themselves as a byproduct of a film or show or whatever they were up to. I am being sold human beings as a product for a temproary creation.
How are none of you ripping your hair out everyday over this? That cute little game on Jimmy Fallon? An ad. Oh she's doing a panel? An ad. Oh they're doing a Reddit AMA? An ad. Literally at this point their whole social media accounts are ads. Their appearances are ads. Everything is a fucking ad. Their existence at this point is an ad. Oh she's the face of Prada, oh he's the face of Gucci. THESE ARE WALKING ADVERTISEMENTS FOR LIFE NOW. The amount of people who keep track of who works for who and which dresses they're allowed to wear make me nauseous. Do you care about your friends as much? Do you notice your family as much? Do you care about your health as much as you care about a Met Gala look from 2013?
And again, I used to do this all the time. I still do! I'm forced to have an opinion on who Ariana Grande is dating. I'm forced to have an opinion on an Andrew Garfield interview. It's absolutely impossible to not have celebrities in your face. Everywhere is merch of their face and photos of their face and quotes from their work with their face tied to it. They are ads. We are paying for people. You pay to meet them. Pay for a photo. Pay for their signature. Pay to see them naked. Pay to see behind the scenes. Pay to see them on a panel. Pay for them. Pay. Pay. pay. pay pay paypaypaypaypay.......
And yet. Here we are. "Anne Hathaway looks so gorgeous for her age because she's unproblematic." "Elon Musk looks hideous and malformed and terrible." Assigning moral value to appearance. Caring about their outfits and hair and "face card" and whatever the fuck else we are cursed to think and see and hear and PAY.
My theory is that everyone hates themselves. Everyone, everyone not on a red carpet or famous on TikTok or not in an ad resents that fact. Everyone wants to be seen, famous, loved, beautiful, attractive, followed. Everyone feels so fucking ugly that they retweet random screenshots from a movie of an actor purely because they're attractive. That looking at someone else, praising them being beautiful is some form of twisted wish fulfillment. And it's sad and it's weird and most importantly it's always turns sexual. It's always "this actor is secretly a bottom" or "this actor could spit in my mouth."
It's the most obscene shit. Imagine a classmate showing you a photo of another classmate and saying the most raunchy, salacious comments. Imagine your uncle showing a photo of a shirtless teenage boy and saying how submissive and breedable he is. Imagine standing in a coffee shop and a barista starts loudly exclaiming how wet they are over a customer. How is it being twitter and a famous person better? Less insane? I find celebrities attractive, but I am not going to make a fucking twitter account roleplaying as a character they played, use only photos of them, and INTERACT PUBLICALLY. Y'all are fucking insane. Absolutely disgusting.
And this doesn't just apply to fucking Twitter trending whoever is hot this week or putting down anyone in a bad pair of jeans. Tumblr sucks too! It's obsessed with actors! Misha Collins???? Why the fuck am I supposed to care about his opinion??? Did I like his performance? Yes. Is his life interesting? Sure. Do I need daily updates about him? What the fuck are y'all on? Reblogging just pictures from magazine shoots? Having entire gifs dedicated to someone just being hot. At what point is it not unhealthy? At wha tpoint are you not feeding a machine of self-hatred and devotion to pixels on a screen that you can only see in person because you fucking paid for it? At what point do you lose yourself?
This is horrible written, doesn't make sense, and is definitely out of order. But I don't care. I'm tired and upset and done with parasocial relationships. Everyone always complains "now is NOT the time to say 'this is why you dont praise people'" YES THE FUCK IT IS YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT WHO NEEDS RESTRICTED INTERACT ACCESS
You don't know these people. They have entire TEAMS dedicated to their image and their interviews and their social media and their entire fucking personas. You are getting fed a product and you stupidly fell in love or trusted it or even gaslit yourself into thinking it saw you back. A product cannot love you back, what makes you think it even notices you?
Markiplier could come out as a horrible person tomorrow and as a longtime fan of his channel and an active watcher/listener of his podcast I would stop watching and I would have negative feelings but not a single one would be disappointment. Because I never once assumed I was his friend who knew him. This is a stranger. It's the same feeling if a stranger on the street said something horrible. It's the thought "well I'm not associating with that" and that's the only correct one.
Get a life! Become someone! Who the fuck are you if you exist to talk about someone else? What is your purpose? They already exist, they don't need you, you need you, please for the love of god get off Instagram and find a passion that isn't someone else's success.
and yes I am certain I have evidence of the above in my tumblr blog. I am not different I am not some special little person. I am simply insane and angry and tired. So deeply tired of society.
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cleopatrachampagne · 2 years
i’m really anti celebrity worship/culture and i think the lack of privacy they’re afforded is gross but at the same time i have to admit that it can be cleansing as fuck to read some dumb tabloid or clickbait listicle and pretend for a few minutes the most pressing news around me isn’t the deterioration of the earth and violence and exploitation but is instead the current state of kim k’s instagram account or the fact that ryan reynolds was spotted taking his own trash to the curb. like, it’s news but it’s all so meaningless, i care about none of it, it goes away the moment i stop reading it and that’s a nice chance of pace on this dystopian bitch of an earth.
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squid-ichorous · 9 months
this fucking ghoul has the audacity to cite an "epidemic of childhood obesity" as to why the state isn't participating in a summer food program and honestly as a favor to me she should jump into saylorville lake and never come out
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cauldronofmorning · 1 year
Top 5 fucked up character dyamic/ships? 😜
Laura you're excellent, but I'm gonna put this under a read more:
Roy Family Sickness: the poison drips through! Kendall being the caged dog inside Logan's bedroom since he was seven, while Shiv and Roman are the inside looking in, interpreting possessive touching as love. the way Shiv is replacement for Ken when he's squirmed away but is tossed aside whenever he comes back. the way Roman is greek chorus for all this but still wants it anyway. dog pound, cruises, no real person involved, the camera has lost interest in you.
The Reynolds Implication: the funhouse Roys! Dee and Dennis and all their shared trauma and loving each other and hating each other and literally being chained together. Barbara grooming her son and making it her mission to destroy her daughter. Frank pimping out his kids to the point that Dee gets pissed off enough to rip his clothes off instead, Pop Pop having no affection for Dee at all but groping her anyway.
Chuck/Jimmy: love can be very close to slavery if you play your cards right. Mabel the book being next to Chuck when he dies. Chuck's soul is sick and he can't stop hurting his brother. Why was I attracted to Walt? Because he was like Chuck. I haven't slept in the same room with a guy since I was twelve. The centre of it all - Chuck. The only one that mattered in the family was Chuck. Howard and Jimmy are both victims of Chuck.
Kim/her mother: Kim would rather kill herself than become her mother and she did both for a while, she knows what's happening with Jimmy and Chuck because she's had it happen before, the way she needs to control, the way she'll never actually force Jimmy into anything, the way in Florida she thinks she doesn't deserve anything better than Red Cloud.
The Mess In Sharp Objects: at this point just watch the damn mini series.
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nightwhispcrs · 1 year
lil event starter call + short info for each muse during event ! ( under the cut )
roman roy / 36 yrs , succession — ( 2/5 ) : bob belcher , elliot alderson
sir will be drinking heavily in his bar and letting it be a refuge for those who also want to drink and pretend none of this is happening , or gossip and throw out drunk murder theories
katniss everdeen / 22 yrs , thg — ( 3/3 ) : mags flanagan , annie cresta , eurydice
with all their memories back , they finally thought no more surprises were looming in the distance . too bad katniss . she'll probably be on edge and getting into fights for no reason
jack shephard / 35 yrs , LOST — ( 2/3 ) : amelia shepherd , carlisle cullen
just a surgeon who wants to help any injured . serial killers , he can wrap his head around . magic ? no . anyone who says the word magic will be met with an argument .
craig manning / 23 yrs , degrassi — ( 3/3 ) : ahkmenrah , molly montgomery , j.t. yorke
terrified . probably barely leaving his apartment and only coming out to find some food in the brightest time of day .
naomi pierce / 32 yrs , succesion — ( 1/3 ) : kenna de poitiers
became violent during the valentines event and is scared to hear that others might be falling victim to that again . in denial publicly and visibly , just going through her days normally unless someone comes to her to gossip about the mysteries
adam newman / 33 yrs , young & the restless — ( 2/3 ) : faith newman , olenna tyrell
this is bad but adam is just chillin . he doesn't think any of this affects him or is any of his business . drama is normal to him , and strangers dying is no concern to him .
mac mcdonald / 44 yrs , it's always sunny — ( 1/3 ) : dennis reynolds
truly delusional dumbass . thinks he can singlehandedly fight every murderer in town . may try to assert his help if he thinks you are in danger ( odds are ... you're not , and he's just annoying you . )
enjolras / 26 yrs , les mis — ( 2/3 ) : flynn rider , killian jones
died during last event but completely unaware that he's now died twice . thinks no murder will come for him and will debate the moral philosophy of killing fellow man with you
charlie dalton / 21 yrs , dead poets society — ( 2/3 ) : todd anderson , josh washington
will try to lighten the mood with jokes and being a clown
eli joseph stock / 22 yrs , along for the ride — ( 2/3 ) : benjamin , auden west
is absolutely terrified for their partner as well as their friends . probably hunkering down somewhere . was murdered during last event and remembers it all
francesca slytherin / 33 yrs , harry potter — ( 1/3 ) : rabastan lestrange
believes she can use her magic to defend herself , so not too concerned . she is worried for her children and friends though , so may be cruel and accuse others of being suspicious if they get close
zoe rivas / 24 yrs , degrassi — ( 2/3 ) : yelena belova , alexandra chen
carrying a knife with her everywhere and lowkey scared ; acting tough and confident and will roll their eyes at anyone visibly worried or speculating
cedric diggory / 23 yrs , harry potter — ( 3/3 ) : reggie peters , hermione , cho chang
boy does not want to die again . will also comfort and protect anyone who needs it
michael guerin / 31 yrs , roswell new mexico — ( 0/3 )
drinking and practicing his telekensis fervently . don't fuck with him unless you want to be thrown into a wall with his mind ( and a verbal lashing )
irina denali / 28 yrs , twilight — ( 3/3 ) : jasper hale , edward cullen , eric northman
using this chaos as an excuse to feed on human blood for the first time . girly is done being a vegetarian
shego / 29 yrs , kim possible — ( 3/3 ) : olivia valdovinos , patia por'co , iorveth
bitch is having the absolute time of her life ! conspire with her , hate her , fight her who cares . she will be laughing through the town
evan speck / 35 yrs , good trouble — ( 1/3 ) : cordelia goode
my guy is just ... so fucking lost and confused . he finds small talk worrisome on a normal day - now he has to wonder if someone means 'im gonna murder you' by 'nice weather , huh ?'
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degenderates · 8 months
Fuck Kim reynolds
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months
should i fight kim reynolds?
Who the fuck is Kim Reynolds?
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