#fuck Nestlé
lordzannis · 1 month
Additive-Free Homemade Chocolate Milk
1 cup milk (dairy or unsweetened non-dairy milk)
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1-2 tbsp sweetener of choice (maple syrup, honey, or sugar)
1/4 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
Pinch of salt
Add all ingredients to a jar or bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Shake vigorously for 30-60 seconds until fully combined and frothy.
Taste and adjust sweetener if desired.
Serve chilled or over ice.
Use high-quality cocoa powder for the best flavor. Dutch-processed cocoa will give a richer, darker chocolate taste.
For a thicker, richer texture, blend all ingredients together in a blender instead of shaking.Add a tablespoon of melted butter or coconut oil for extra richness.Substitute some of the milk with strong brewed coffee or espresso for a mocha flavor. Top with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, or a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg.Make it into a milkshake by blending with ice cream or frozen yogurt. This recipe can be doubled or tripled as needed. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 3 days, shaking well before serving.
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disabledopossum · 2 months
Nestlé, the same company that wants to have full control over the worlds water supply. Threw a fit when people said no and now this.
Nestlé is a horrible company.
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onlytiktoks · 27 days
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akajustmerry · 1 month
it's so weird to go on social media and see non-Palestinians police Palestinians on what they should be posting???? like hello? In what universe is a grown white woman going off at a Palestinian teenager for eating McDonalds on tiktok helping to stop the genocide of Palestinians by Zionists?? get some perspective. I'm not Palestinian either, but I'd be caught dead before trying to tell any Palestinian what they should or shouldn't be doing while they're experiencing a genocide. I can't imagine the audacity, entitlement, lack of empathy, and god complex someone has to have to even try that bullshit. The free Palestine movement is so Palestinians can be FREE from their oppressors, not to fucking add to their oppression.
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la-tache-rouge · 2 years
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The fact that a company like Nestlé still exists after everything they've done is outrageous and should be addressed more often.
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nando161mando · 7 months
Nestle | Blipvert
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area51-escapee · 8 months
Can somebody smarter than me explain how smaller brands are often owned by bigger brands so you can’t really boycott that one smaller brand you have to boycott the whole big thing
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fuckingheavenly · 2 years
some anti-nestlé memes
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odpadkreativity · 1 month
So, apparently you all like gifs. Well, here's one I made:
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And here's a gif of how I made the gif:
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I planned to film some "behind the gif" of the actual stop-motion text but I forgot, so here's at least some footage before (sorry for the Nestlé snack, it won't happen again).
If you want this gif with better quality I uploaded it on Tenor. I put there most of my gifs so they can be used in discord. Feel free to use them and have fun :) And also watch the film where this is from. It's the first claymation full-feature film and also one of the best....
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mana-liz · 1 year
Nestlés Lügen Exposed
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just-jammin · 1 year
i had some rly good cereal a while ago
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^^ good shit
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If you're boycotting Nestle for Palestine, or just in general, here's something you should know!
Nestle is the parent company to a huge swath of other food and pet-care companies.
The biggest products under this list you may be familiar with are:
Coffee Crisp
Quality street
Hagen Daz
Fuck Nestle, the company that owns most of the world's fresh water, uses child slavery, steals water from Canada's indigenous communities, supports Israel, and makes huge profits while people starve.
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strawbeerossi · 8 months
Smarty Pants
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Pairing: Gender Neutral!Reader x Spencer Reid
Description: After you and your boyfriend get into an argument over some trivia questions at work and he acts high and mighty when proven right, you have just the way to set him straight.
Content/Warnings: Mentions of an argument, not too explicit smut, dumbification, sub!spencer, dom!reader.
Word Count: 0.6K
Kinktober Day Seven: Dumbification
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You were in the middle of neglecting your work while doing trivia with the others who were crowded around your desk. “Which country consumes the chocolate per capita?” Emily asked, looking over the index card in her hand. You didn’t even know what prompted this little game but you and Derek were going up against one another and so far, you were killing it. That’s made you so confident about your answer.
“Easy. Germany.” You responded while leaning back against your chair, only rolling your eyes as you heard a soft scoff from the desk across from yours. “It’s right!” You huffed while causing Spencer to look up. “Actually Switzerland is the country that consumes the most chocolate. How did you not know that? Chocolate is literally something they are known for.” The male asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Switzerland is actually  renowned for its milk chocolate, the most consumed type of chocolate. Did you know that in 1875, a Swiss confectioner, Daniel Peter, developed the first solid milk chocolate using condensed milk, which had been invented by Henri Nestlé, who was Peter's neighbour in Vevey?” 
Like most info dumps Spencer had been known to give, this just made everyone stare at him with blank stares, besides you.. You were fucking livid. There was no way he was right. Just this once, he was wrong. There was no way.
“If you don’t believe me then you can look it up online.” He stated in a simple tone. He more than likely wasn’t meaning to but he agitated the hell out of you. So bad that you decided to quickly type up the trivia question in the search bar. Sure enough, he was fucking right. The look on your face made him smirk from being triumphant, turning back to the stack of files on his desk. “I told you so.” He stated, proud of himself.
The rest of the day, you were annoyed. You wanted to break his glasses, make hi blind until he could get his hands on contacts. You kept your composure through the work day.
Until you got home.
That’s why you were here now, perched on his cock while he was a blubbering mess on your living room couch. “You really felt so smart earlier but now you can't even form a coherent sentence. What happened to Dr. Spencer Reid, the genius who knows everything?” You’d taunted, hand having his hair tugged back to make him face you. His eyes were glossed over, the amount of edging you’d been doing for the past hour making him desperate. 
He’d been reduced to whines and begs of more, unable to even process the words that were being spoken by you. “Look at you, smart little Spencer Reid being fucked dumb. You don't have another statistic?” You taunted, now it being your turn to be satisfied as he was unable to respond. That IQ 187 had dropped to a staggering two as he had his glasses fogged up, sweat dripping from his forehead from all the stimulation.
“My beautiful, dumb baby boy.” You cooed, moving to cup his cheek with one hand. “Can’t even form the words to speak because I’ve turned that pretty brain to mush.” It was like the words went in one of his ears and out the other. “If only the office could see you now. Fucked to the point you can’t even process what I’m saying. Then again, they don’t deserve to see you like this..” You let your hand slide to his neck now, wrapping it so gently around his throat before giving it a squeeze.
“I like when my big and cocky smart boy is nothing but a little dumb fuck toy.”
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cleolinda · 10 months
(For our purposes, listen to it without the visuals first.)
I wasn't going to keep posting about Unreal Unearth, but something happened yesterday.
It's been five months since I first heard this song, and I'm still astonished by it. You know the tiktok skit about the Star Wars wedding music, and the guy is grooving along until the Imperial Death March filters in, and then he's kind of alarmed, like, wha—? And then he realizes it slaps anyway and he keeps dancing? That is "Eat Your Young."
It's the morning of March 17th. The EP with the first three singles from the new album has dropped. I've got my phone blasting the song on the bathroom counter, I don't understand half what the man is saying nor did I expect to, I'm cheerfully mumbling along in the shower, grooving along,
wait they did what for a war drum
Get some Pull up the ladder when the flood comes Throw enough rope until the legs have swung Seven new ways that you can eat your young Come and get some Skinning the children for a war drum Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young
What the fuck, this song goes so hard. That's the chorus. The conceit of the whole album is that it loosely follows Dante's Inferno, so this is the third circle of hell, gluttony. Hozier himself says that he wasn't specifically thinking of Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal—
“I don’t know how intentional the reference to Jonathan Swift was in this. That essay [Swift’s 1729 satirical essay A Modest Proposal in which he suggests the Irish poor sell their children as food] is such a cultural landmark that it’s just hanging in the air. I was more reflecting on what I felt now in this spirit of the times of perpetual short-term gain and a long-term blindness. The increasing levels of precarious living, poverty, job insecurity, rental crisis, property crisis, climate crisis, and a generation that’s inheriting all of that and one generation that’s enjoyed the spoils of it. The lyrics are direct, but the voice is playful. There’s this unreliable narrator who relishes in this thing which was fun to write.” [Apple Music album notes]
—and I believe him. The song's not a suggestion, a proposal; it's an invitation to atrocity in progress. I also believe he probably wasn't thinking of Greta Thunberg's iconic speech at the UN Climate Action Summit, not specifically, but that's what I hear in the song, like the flip side of a coin:
You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you! [...] You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency. But no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that. Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil.
I feel like on some level, even coincidentally, "Eat Your Young" is the answer to the question, what would you sound like if you were that evil? Who would you be? I can think of a dozen possibilities just off the top of my head or looking around my blog, from something as petty as studio executives mangling trees to deprive striking workers of shade (while hoping they lose their homes), all the way up to the US school-to-prison pipeline. The National Rifle Association keeps politicians in its pocket while the US has more mass shootings than days in a year, Nestlé fucks shit up around the world as a way of life, even ChatGPT sucks up water while threatening jobs—and for what? And yet, I promise you most of these things weren't the inspiration for an Irishman’s song—some of them hadn't even happened yet. There's just that much fresh You Would Be Evil to go around. I am certain that Hozier wrote the song partly about (as one article puts it) "Ireland's housing crisis: Millennials, a generation sacrificed," given that time back in the day when he helped occupy a building—a housing crisis happening in multiple countries. There's so much of the world I'm not touching on. I can stuff a paragraph with links and it's utterly inadequate.
I haven't even mentioned war.
There's an overwhelming sense this decade of the future being fed into a meat grinder. That sense is in this song. What would it sound like to be in the head of someone who didn't give a shit about anything but profit? Well, it might sound like this.
And if you haven't heard it, well—I'm going to sound absolutely out of my mind after saying all that, but "Eat Your Young" has a beat and you can dance to it. It's sexy. And I'm certain that's on purpose. You get seduced into the sound of it, as if by something demonic, something that enjoys sucking down the future and is not going to stop. And the sheer fucking catchiness of the song keeps you listening to it—thinking about it—when maybe you push away the dry headlines we get everyday. If you let this song stay in your head, it becomes a lens. Five months later, I still think about it when I read the news. Maui was on fire and tourists stayed. Within days, the prospect of developers swooping in to buy up land reared its head. If there's something still to take, there is ground to break, whatever's still to come. Get some.
I was born in 1978 —I'm late Gen X. In my forties, I'm young enough to worry about the future still; I’m neither so rich that I can just plan to retire to Mars, nor so old that I can know I'll be safely gone before the world might go up in flames. But I'm also not my nephew, whose school year just started back up, or the neighborhood kids who race him home down the sidewalk in the afternoons. Yesterday, he had his very first mass-shooter lockdown drill. He’s six.
I think music can put the feeling back into numb fingers, and I think that's why "Eat Your Young" works so well—Hozier calls the song fun and playful, and I think you have to have that, something you can live with rather than just switch off for your own mental survival. We need music to feed spirit at protests; we need something to keep our feet moving. Don’t give up, don't close your eyes and slip away. Those kids, they have dreams we could try to steal back for them.
Since I mentioned Maui:
Why Hawaiian sovereignty has undeniable context for the Maui fires
The Climate Crisis and Colonialism Destroyed My Maui Home. Where We Must Go From Here
How You Can Donate and Help Support Maui Communities Right Now
The Maui Strong Fund
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Do you use child slaves like Nestlé?
No. We are different from Nestle in a number of ways:
Nestle does not give its profit to charity. Nestle gives its profit to shareholders, who are almost all already wealthy, which is weird, because why do THEY need money?
Nestle's coffee sucks.
Our coffee beans come from small farmers' collectives who we pay directly. It's perfectly roasted, comes in compostable packaging, is fresher than any coffee you can buy in a grocery store, and tastes fucking amazing.
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