#fuck barnes and noble
totally-bing · 6 months
forgot you existed honestly
doubtful considering who i am
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kodiescove · 6 months
I say this without any moral judgement, I wouldn't be pirating if amazon/B&N would just let me export my fucking books.
I'd MUCH rather just go through the process of hitting "select all/x amount to download onto PC" then having to re-search EVERY SINGLE BOOK /I'VE ALREADY PAID FOR/!
And you might be thinking "well then kodie, why don't you just pirate from now on?"
And my response to that is: I like giving artists (i.e writers) my money.
Like. Like I will literally make myself broke giving artists my money for the sake of art. I don't even care if it's bad art. When I want something for free, I will go to the library, so long as the ebook isn't one of those "everyones waiting for this book so you only have 7 days to read it" situations because lord howdy Idc how much I like a book, unless it's a VERY short book, I'm not getting through it in a week.
It's just so frustrating. Because the reason I want to back up my books is because, at least amazon has done this, I don't want to wake up one day and find out the app holders no longer have the license to carry my books, and then that book isn't available for me to read anymore! If I own the fucking book, then I should OWN the book! I should be able to make a copy on to my computer, to whatever I want with. I should be able to share it with my friends as I please, without having to log them into my kindle/nook accounts. I should be able to make harddrives full of books and be able to create my own digital library! /Because I paid to own these books/! And if that's not the fucking case, which it doesn't feel like because I CAN'T DO WHAT I WANT WITH /MY FUCKING BOOKS/, then you should be charging me less.
I will keep buying copies of books, but I will absolutely be pirating what I can and saving them for my digital library.
Fuck you Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Edit: and before anyone says anything, I buy an ebook version for myself and a physical version to donate to local psych wards for the patients to be able to read. I think that's more than fair compensation for having a free digital copy.
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quillsinkwell · 1 year
do you ever think about how Michael probably hated being compared to his father, yet in both Watsonian and Doylist terms, that's all he ever was
like in watsonian ways, all the animatronics targeted him and attacked him because he looked so similar to his father that they were the same people to the children.
and in doylist ways, the only thing that defined him was his quest to defeat his father.
like, what in canon has clued us in about Mike's personality? That has nothing to do with his family or animatronics? it's that he likes a show called the immortal and the restless.
that's it.
everything else we have given him in fanon.
he spent his whole life trying to deal with his father to prove he wasn't him, yet he's entirely defined by his father.
and without him, he's barely a character.
it adds a sort of horror to his death in pizza sim. like when he attempted to lay his father to rest permanently, the universe laid him as well, because it had no purpose for him outside of his father.
it also kinda makes glammike a little fucked up if you think about it this way, even if he either moved on or his spirit lingered in the pizzeria. his father rose again and the universe either dragged him out of the afterlife or kept him in the basement because what else is he if not his father's watcher
do you ever think about that despite his best efforts to not be his father, he's entirely defined by the man
do you ever think about that
or are you normal.
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been forced to start welcome to night vale. I am side eyeing my bestie. This is officially weirder than the Magnus archives
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frootbyethefoot · 2 months
every new piece of information i learn about the book of bill makes me feel like this
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wolveria · 3 months
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peachdues · 27 days
not related to fic shit at all but my god do I want to fist fight Sam’s family
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Look I am so sorry to that Barnes and Noble employee that just had to deal with me five minutes before closing, covered in dirt from softball, looking like I’d been crying, and asking for the Book of Bill. I am so sorry random B&N employee I know this probably won’t reach you but goddamn that was an experience.
And yes I had been crying don’t worry about it I’m better now that I have my BoB
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elusive-outhouse · 20 days
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i am twelve years old again and kicking my legs and giggling my feet
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embie-the-buttercup · 11 months
I'm sick and it might only be the fever but I just had a thought that we could've named Stucky Barnes&Noble instead.
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totally-bing · 6 months
a book about dying. a book about thrones. one about children and one about bones.
odd poetry
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This is your friendly reminder to seek out local bookstores for the sake of your own pocket AND in support of local small businesses!
I just went to the small independent bookstore in my town, and my favorite thing about them is that they buy used books AND you can get either cash or store credit for that!
I have sold SO many books that I don’t plan on rereading. I’ll typically keep my all time favs and then sell whatever I’m done with or what ever I didn’t like. BUT THE POINT IS that this has allowed me to accrue store credit to buy MORE books. Like just the other day I bought Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros. WHICH WAS LISTED AT 30 DOLLARS HOLY SHIT. And I did not spend a dime.
So, rather than buying books at large bookstores like B&N, consider supporting your local small businesses. It keeps them open! And it may also save you money!
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cowboy-robooty · 11 months
dude can you please do a face reveal i need to see what you look like. or draw yourself. im so curious im sorry ok bye have a good day
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yes i do look like the most sterotypical asian man imaginable. yes i am a biology major. yes i use reddit. yes im an incel. yes my favorite subjects are math and biology. yes i wore polo shirts through all of middle school. yes i am blind without my glasses. yes the lenses are so fucking thick they stick out of the frames. yes i have racist huge front buck-teeth. yes i am abnormally short. yes im a shitty driver. dont ask me about my penis.
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devilfic · 3 months
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stood in line for an hour at barnes and noble just to get my precious
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nicollekidman · 2 months
did you see the UO marie antoinette limited vinyl?
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i literally just started crying i owe you my entire life savings
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arceus-ex-machina · 10 months
how many more gay things are gonna happen in the rwby manga anthology that NO ONE'S GONNA TELL ME ABOUT
anyway if anyone has the page right before the "but for you, maybe I'll try ❤️" wr moment pls send it my way. also the part immediately following "miss smokin body" bc HELLO????
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