#fuck your plane crash episodes of tv
strawberry-graveyard · 9 months
loving the sound of planes vs beinf so. so fucking paranoid about flying. who will win
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somehow-a-human · 1 month
Moonlight Serenade & Good Omens &... Lost...?
First off: I am a certified former band kid. I've been playing the trumpet for 17 years. I did marching band in high school & college, I served pep band march madness basketball realness, I'm a bona fide concert hall bitch, and I considered becoming a professional musician.
Because of this, the music of good omens is something I have been ACTIVELY avoiding! The risks of hyperfixating and spiraling into it are HIGH!!! I spent so much of my life deeply entrenched in music, all genres, all time periods & It's hard not to have a proclivity toward it. But I also expect it to be a huge topic and a deep hole to inevitably fall into.
But could I hold out forever? no. and something finally pushed me over the edge. Wait for it..... Lost. Yep. The fucking TV show Lost. WAIT WAIT, don't leave! STAY WITH ME!
Why Lost? And what does it have to do with Moonlight Serenade and WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH GOOD OMENS?! Well my lovelies continue under the cut with me and keep an open mind...
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Okay so... Lost. Yes, the insane 2004 mystery plane crash island adventure drama. It's a wild ride, and a masterpiece and a little bit crazy, but overall pretty damn good. I've been on a rewatch spree and wouldn't you know it... parallels between lost and Good Omens kept popping up in my brain!! I mean they are both detailed intricate mysteries so it makes a tad bit of sense but there was one little detail that *might* be a *clue* so I figured I'd make a post cause why not? I promise you don't need to know anything about Lost to follow this!!
First off, what are some of the recurring themes of Lost the TV show you might ask?
Life & Death
Timelines & Time Travel
Literary Allusions (Catch-22, The Bible, A Tale of Two Cities)
Prophecies & Premonitions
Symbolism of Black & White
Yeah okay, that tracks, but look there are 121 episodes of Lost and 12 episodes (so far) of Good Omens so there's bound to be some overlap for these two ineffable mysteries.
You'll be thinking about now, "BUT WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH MOONLIGHT SERENADE?!" I'm getting there, shhh, lemme pet your hair gently and keep giving you background information to build it up shhhh...
If you've never seen Lost there is a very good chance you're mighty confused at this moment, so let me reassure you, you don't need to know anything about it to understand the connections I'm going to make. A brief synopsis is: Oceanic flight 815 crashes on an island. The plane crash survivors quickly discover the island is more than it seems to be and holds many secrets and mysteries. A lot of people die, most of them are murdered, it's giving Lord of the Flies. That's honestly all you need to know.
Time Travel & Alternate Timelines
Time travel is cannon in Lost. It's super confusing and I'm not even going to try to explain any of it here. It's honestly just not worth it. If you'd like to try and read about it, the abridged version is here, but I don't think the details are important. Just know it's real and confirmed and exists.
Okay so, In Lost season 2, episode 13 "The Long Con" two of the plane crash survivors are trying to find a signal on a radio they've found. While scrubbing they come across a signal playing Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller. One character mentions it must be from somewhere nearby, but the other counters that this type of radio can pick up signals from anywhere in the world. There is a beat and then another character jokingly adds "Or any time. Just kidding, dude."
It's later confirmed that the Lost characters in 2004 are indeed picking up a radio signal from 1940 that is playing Moonlight Serenade, a product of time travel.
Congratulations, you've made it to the point where I'm going to bring Good Omens into the mix. In season 2, episode 4 "The Hitchhiker" we open seeing Aziraphale driving back from Edinburgh late at night/early morning. Uncomfortable with the darkness and silence he asks the Bentley to "play something that's got a bit of swing? I'm in the mood for something modern."
The Bentley obliges the angel, as she always will, and we are shown a shot of the radio specifically lighting up, so we know she's tapped into the radio to play this for Azi.
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But hold on. Aziraphale asked for "modern"? Moonlight Serenade is most certainly not modern. It was recorded in 1939! I'd say in 2023 it's anything but modern, maybe not in Aziraphale's long lived opinion, but certainly in the Bentley's opinion, given she's only a 97 year old car.
I think you can see now what I'm saying here. I think the Bentley picked up a radio signal from 1940, maybe 1941? Episode 4 is of course our 1941 blitz magic show bullet catch flashback extravaganza, so... it makes sense. I know we like to headcanon Crowley and Aziraphale listened to A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square in the bookshop in 1941 after the bullet catch, but what if they heard Moonlight Serenade on the radio instead?
What does it mean?
I think it could be a *clue*. A reference to this small moment from Lost and a nod to the first hint of the canonization of time travel in that series. We know Crowley can control time to some extent and we can see some evidence of time discontinuities and possibly time weirdness in season 2 so is it a hint that timeline funkiness IS happening? Do I want to get into the fact that the main character in The Hitchhiker, the Twilight Zone episode this episode is named after, is actually dead? No I don't, not now anyway.
SO! There it is... weird little connection that I couldn't get out of my brain. It just seemed a bit too... ineffable.
As always this is all for fun and all for fans! Don't ask Neil about these things, they're for us to have fun with. And something else that I don't think some people on here understand about meta-analysis; the goal of it is not necessarily to be correct. It can be, if that's your thing. Refuting peoples posts, theories, analysis, and headcanons because you personally don't agree with them and telling them they're wrong and stupid doesn't achieve anything. Meta-analysis is an exercise in critical thinking and creative writing. You could write meta about how Spongebob is a critique of the loss of christian values in modern society and you wouldn't be right or wrong, you'd just certainly be a person who wrote that for sure though. Just, be kind to each other, share ideas, you're allowed to disagree with someone's ideas or have different ones of your own but don't be cruel in saying so, don't call someone stupid, that's just silly.
Love you all, do something kind for yourself today <3
ps. The moment I see Michael Sheen with blonde hair come January I'm gonna bark like a dog, that's all. Thanks.
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simptasia · 5 months
Tell me all about LOST all I know is from Dane Cook
that is. such a funny sentence
aw shucks, its tempting, but i don't wanna give ya spoilers. and there are truly things in lost that must be experienced by your own flesh
...yes im aware of what my blog is like
so i guess i'll give a vague spoiler free overview
so. a group of plane crash survivors find themselves on a mysterious island and have to deal with the strange happenings + their weight of their individual traumas
the show is serialized and one ep more or less flows into another, so literally no ep can be skipped (no matter what anybody says) or else you'll miss something
its a large ensemble cast, ranging from the 13 to 20s range, all in all i think theres like 35 main characters
the show follows a flashback structure, each episode dedicated itself to a main plot on the island intercut with flashbacks to one character. we call these centric episodes. eg. this is a jack centric episode. sometimes an ep will have multiple characters have flashbacks in one ep. while this show didn't originate the concept of a large cast or flashback storytelling, it did popularize it in the early 2000s. so a lot of post 2004 shows wanted to be lost so bad and it shows
at first lost was a survival show but they gloss over this very quickly and its more about the weird shit going on. as time goes on, plots and mysteries stack up. this is to create intrigue, as the shows main focus is an endless parade of character studies. with the added bonus of some cool and twisty shit going on too
but because lost had so much plot, over time it got accused of being confusing and convoluted and Not Answering Questions and well. your mileage may vary. but i think its confusing if you watch it too slowly. like, it aired over a 6 year period, no wonder people got confused. its better to watch nowadays, way easier to handle
the genre of lost is: drama mystery action paranormal sci fi romance with a dash of comedy. lost is full of the saddest fucks you'll ever meet but the show contains enough levity and great colouring to make it not a huge misery fest
pretty decent racial diversity. next to no LGBT rep. more women than the average tv show. then and now
the score FUCKS
not a single bad actor in this entire show, the performances on display are fucking outstanding. and every emotion is like up to 11, which is great for my autistic brain
for those of you who find sex scenes to be tedious, i have a bit of trivia for ya: all sex in LOST happens off screen. not a single sex scene to be found. pre sex, yes, post sex, yes. making out, yes. but sex itself? footage not found. i'm neutral on the concept, i just thought that was something to point out
i highly recommend lost to, like, anybody. ever. its a masterpiece of television. even the low points are better than most shows. sometimes i take lost for granted and then i watch any other drama series and im like "oh right, lost is incredibly good"
its my third favourite show. and thats only cuz star trek and doctor who exist, and nobody is beating those fuckers
anyways do you like to see beautiful people cry and scream but it isn't cringe?* well, i've got a show for you! *okay there is some cringe. as a treat. the leading man of this show has the social grace of a cold pancake (affectionate)
thank you for your time
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aceofwhump · 6 months
Ace, what is some underrated whump in your opinion? Thank you for all of your gorgeous gifs!
Oh okay do you mean like specific whumpy scenes/shows I think are underrated or like tropes? I'm gonna answer both how about that lol. Also thank you!! i'm so glad you like them!
Okay so some tropes I love but I think are totally underrated are :
A good lip quiver when the whumpee is trying not to cry
The aftermath of a near drowning. So often a character nearly drowns and then they're fine. Where are my chest infections and secondary drownings and coughing and all that comes with inhaling a shit ton of water
checking a whumpees fever by placing the back of your hand against their forehead
historical whump!!! of any era!! But i'd love to see more of like post Industrial Revolution whump (so after like 1840)
plane crashes
being ostracized from a group can make for great emotional whump
royalty whump
whumpees who get aggressive during recovery
incompetent caretakers. just caretakers who have no fucking clue what they're doing but you know they try
being impaled ut it's gone through and trapped the whumpeed to the wall or ground or something
sleepy!! sleepy whump is the best and so underrated
Riley Poole (National Treasure), Jack Carter (Eureka), Will Gorski (Sense8), Dwight Enys (Poldark), Mon El (Supergirl), Pete Lattimer (Warehouse 13), Fergus Fraser (Outlander), Jack Robinson (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries), Michael Westen (Burn Notice), and August Booth (Once Upon a Time) are underrated whumpees. I am in desperate need for more whump fanfics of these characters.
As for tv shows: Eureka is highly underrated whump show. I wish more people watched this show. Not only is there great whump for a bunch of characters (Jack is always getting whumped tbh) but the potential and fic ideas are GREAT.
Forever is also a whumpy show that is severely underrated! I mean that dude literally dies nearly every episode. The whump is amazing and I need content even though this show has been over for ages now.
Legend of the Seeker is also highly underrated as a whumpy tv show. I miss it so much.
And can we talk about period dramas because they got some good whump too.
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fandomtherapy44 · 14 days
Castiel x reader Chapter 15
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Summary: SEASON 5 WHOOOO!!!!!!!! LET's GO! So I am so excited for this season so many great episodes. There are going to be a lot more Cas and Y/n scenes. And more chapters too. I do recommend that you read my first book so you get the full Y/n Winchester build-up. Okay with out further due enjoy the second book of Love War and Grace.
Paring: Castiel x reader
word count: 3,506
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season five of Supernatural, Y/n getting hurt emotional and physical.
I got the divider from
Firefly Graphics
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Chapter 15: Sympathy for the Devil POV (Y/n) 
All my life I believed in what I could see and what I read because that led to what I could see. Getting all my information from my Dad, Bobby, my brothers, and lore books. I never would believe in a million years that I would be standing here in an abandoned convent at age twenty-four with the Devil ascending from Hell and my best friend being an Angel who I would slap silly for making me leave.
The whole building shook more and the light beaming more bright as he approached the surface more and more. “COME ON GUYS!” I shook them out of the staring gaze and we ran to the doors that of course slammed in front of us. “Oh come on give us a Damn break!” The three of us slammed our hands on the doors. Trying to get it open. It was no use the force was trying to keep us here. “I LOVE YOU GUYS!” I shouted over the shaking. “WE LOVE YOU TOO!” I closed my eyes to not be blinded before my death but it never happened. 
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“What the devil is your name” “Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Yo-Yosemite Sam.” “Is that freaking Lonney tunes?” I opened my eyes and on the little TV was indeed Lonney tunes. “What the hell?” Dean questioned and rightfully so. We were on a fucking plane. “Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Ellicott City, on our initial descent into Baltimore—” “Guys we were just in IIchester.” “So if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time to—” The pilot was starting to say but then the light beam came up almost crashing into the plane. The masks came down and we all grabbed one I was in the window seat and I was forced to look out to the world and the horrors that were about to unfold.
We had rented a car that we were probably never going to give back. And it seemed the whole world had seemed imploded in five minutes. “—saying it's very unlikely an abandoned convent would be a target for terrorists, either foreign or homegrown.” Never say never. “Change the station.” Dean said not wanting to hear. “—Hurricane Kinley, unexpectedly slamming into the Galveston area—” Again changed. “—announced a successful test of the North Korean nuclear—” Again. “—a series of tremors—” “—swine flu—” I reach forward and turn off the radio.
“Dean, look—” Sam didn’t even address me I don’t why. “Don't say anything.” “It's okay. We just got to keep our heads down and hash this out, all right?” Pause. Sam looked like a scared kid caught he kind of was. “All right, well, first things first—How did we end up on Soul Plane?” “My guess angels right it has to be of course Cas would save us.” They both looked back at me unsure maybe it was it wasn't that was what made it scary. “Well, whatever. It's the least of our worries. We need to find Cas.” Dean finished eyes focused on the road. And then a feeling came over me like it had never come before, extreme worry.
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We arrived at Chuck’s house and we slowly arrived inside our guns raised. “Chuck…” Everything had been thrown around like a tornado. Sam was turning the corner when Chuck came around and hit him with a toilet plunger. “Geez! Ow!” “Sam.” Chuck said happily. “Yeah!” Sam responded with a little sarcasm. “Hey, Chuck.”  Dean and I greeted. “So...you're okay?” He asked Sam cautiously. Sam held his head in pain. “Well, my head hurts.” “No, I mean—I mean, my—My last vision, You went, like, full-on Vader. Your body temperature was one-fifty. Your heart rate was two hundred. Your eyes were black.” Dean and I were both shocked to hear that. “Your eyes went black?” Dean asked. “I didn't know.” Great that's just great. “Look let's just talk to Cas bout this I'm sure he has an answer, So chuck where he is.” I asked sounding so sure.
“He's dead. Or gone. The archangel smote the crap out of him. I'm sorry.” As soon as the words left his lips it felt like the world had titled and that the words speaking were fuzzy. “You're sure? I mean, maybe he just vanished into the light or something.” Before Chuck could answer I interpreted. “Chuck… where is your bathroom?” He pointed upstairs. I slowly made my way upstairs kind of in a zombie-like state. My brothers looking at me worryingly. I entered the bathroom and just stared at the mirror. “Cas you stupid motherfuc-” I breathed in deeply trying to keep everything in but it didn't work.
The more I stared the more I got angry he was gone and I let him go. I punch the mirror and it shatters in big pieces I pick it up and look down at my broken image and end up cutting my hand. “Shit, fuck!” The pain reminded me that this was real not a nightmare. That I couldn't wake up and call for him and he would be there. I didn't have time to wrap it before I heard voices downstairs that were not there before.
But one, in particular, caught my attention fucking Zachariah. I walk back to it looks like the Angels threatening them. “You had a chance to stop your brother, and you couldn't. So let's not quibble over who started what. Let's just say it was— —all our faults and move on. 'Cause like it or not— —it's Apocalypse Now.” They then notice me. "Ah, Y/n finally joining us I see.” I was seething with so much rage that I couldn’t muster out any words all I could do was just tighten my fucked up hand. “Huh usually you have a comeback. Aww your bestie dying really upset you huh now that's adorable.” “THATS IT” I jumped to do what against an angel I don't know what but I was going to do something. Before anything, Sam held me back. “LET ME GO!” I threw back my head hitting Sam. “Fuck- Y/n you can't touch them!” “I can try!” Zach looked very happy to see my reaction.
“NOW that’s the Winchester fight I was looking for!” “Now Dean back to you, we're back on the same team again.” Dean heavily scoffed at that. “Is that so?” “You want to kill the devil. We want you to kill the devil. It's...synergy.” “And I'm just supposed to trust you?” “Cram it with walnuts, ugly.” Zach started to look annoyed. “This isn't a game, son. Lucifer is powerful in ways that defy description. We need to strike now, hard and fast—before he finds his vessel.” It makes sense he is well was an angel. “His vessel? Lucifer needs a meat suit?” Sam questioned.
“He is an angel. Them's the rules. And when he touches down, we're talking Four Horsemen, red oceans, fiery skies— the greatest hits. You can stop him, Dean, but you need our help.” “You listen to me, you two-faced douche. After what you did, I don't want jack squat from you!” Yeah, Dean! Stick it to the Angel. “You listen to me, boy! You think you can rebel against us? As Lucifer did?” I then noticed Dean’s hand and realized his plan. “You're bleeding.” Zack now realizing. “Yeah fuck head it's in case you of you showed up.” I pulled the door sideways and slammed my hand. a burst of white came through and the angel's screams went with it. “Learned that from my friend Cas, you son of a bitch.” I looked around with tears still stinging my eyes. “This sucks ass.” “Yes Chuck it really does.” I wiped my eyes and started to walk out.
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We had found a shitty little motel where probably more dead people had been here than alive but it would have to do for now. I was going over any Lucifer lore I could find which was a lot while Dean meticulously cleaned his gun which was his way of doing dishes to keep something off your mind. Sam had entered throwing something at Dean. I looked and it was a hex bag. “Here. Hex bags. No way the angels will find us with those. Demons, either, for that matter.” I stood to get closer to it. “Where'd you get it?” I questioned seeing the details. “I made it.” Dean and I both gaped at Sam.” like no offense but how” Sam timely glanced down and answered. “I...I learned it from Ruby.” He answered hesitantly.
“Well, at least she was somewhat useful instead of just being a lying snake bitch.” I tried to lighten the convo well in my way. Dean just asked Sam the question that we had both been wanting to ask. “Speaking of. How you doing? Are you jonesing for another hit of bitch blood or what?” “I-it's weird. Uh, tell you the truth, I'm fine. No shakes, no fever. It's like whoever...put me on that plane cleaned me right up.” Well that’s… convent. “Supernatural methadone.”
“Yeah, I guess.” “Guys-” “Sam. It's okay. You don't have to say anything.” Dean answered but I really didn’t know what to say. “Well, that's good. Because what can I even say? "I'm sorry"? "I screwed up"? Doesn't really do it justice, you know? Look, there's nothing I can do or say that will ever make this right—” “So why do you keep bringing it up?! Look, all I'm saying is, why do we have to put this under a microscope? We made a mess. We clean it up. That's it.” Sam nodded but I knew there would be more to come. “All right, so, say this is just any other hunt. You know? What do we do first?” “We'd, uh, figure out where the thing is.” I suggested. “All right. So we just got to find...the devil.” Yeah super easy.
I was still looking through lore and Sam was rereading Dad’s journal for like the thousandth time while Dean had the news on that was reminding us that the world was ending. “How would you then explain an earthquake, a hurricane, and multiple tornadoes, all at the same time, all around the globe?” The guy that was the scientist was trying to make sense. “Two words. Carbon emissions.” “Yeah, right, wavy gravy” Dean scarasacally replied. There's a knock on the door and we weren't expecting anyone so Sam goes to open the door with his gun ready. But uh there's someone there that we definitely did not know.
“You okay, lady?” “Sam...is it really you?” Sam looked back at us confused as hell and a little scared. This Becky steps in the room bewildered to be looking at Sam holding him tightly. “Uh, do I know you?” She let him go. “No. But I know you. You're Sam Winchester. And you're—” She looked to Dean and was Disaponited. “—not what I pictured. I'm Becky.” Then she saw me. “And you are Y/n Winchester let me just say that I aspire to be as badass as you every day.” She shook my hand hard. “Uh thank you.”
“I read all about you guys. And I've even written a few—” A few WHAT? Maybe I don’t want to know. “Anyway, Mr. Edlund told me where you were.” “Chuck?” “He's got a message, but he's being watched. Angels. Nice change-up to the mythology, by the way. The demon stuff was getting kind of old.” I wish I could pick which monsters I fight day to day. “Right. Just, um...what's the message?” Sam questioned. “He had a vision. "The Michael sword is on earth. The angels lost it."” She repeated dramatically.
“The Michael sword?” Dean asked. “Becky, does he know where it is?” “In a castle, on a hill made of forty-two dogs.” “Becky, what the Fuck does that mean?”   “It doesn't make sense, but that's what he said.” Becky stepped closer again to Sam. “I memorized every word. For you.” She hugged Sam tight again. “Uh, Becky can you stop hugging me?” “No” “Okay Becky thank you.” I grabbed her but she had a bit of a death grip. “Becky Let go!” “Never!” 
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We had finally gotten Becky outside but holy shit she could be a contender for a strong man contest. There’s another knock on the door and thankfully it wasn't a crazy fangirl. “Hey Bobby” It was good to see him especially after... Cas. When I went to hug him something felt different maybe it was the situation but it felt muddy hugging him. “Good to see you kids all in one piece.” “You weren't followed, were you?” Dean checked with Bobby. “You mean by angels, demons, or Sam's new superfan?” We all chuckled. “I heard, Romeo. So...sword of Michael, huh?” “You think we're talking about the actual sword from the actual archangel?” “You better friggin' hope so.” Bobby opened a lore book to a picture to the Archangel Michael.
“That's Michael. Toughest son of a bitch they got.” “You kidding me? Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett.” Dean committed. “Well, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, believe me. He commands the heavenly host. During the last big dust-up upstairs, he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. Did it with that sword.” “So if we can find it…” “We can kick the devil's ass all over again. All right. So, where do we start?” Sam finalized. “Divvy up and start reading—try and make sense of Chuck's nonsense.” I go back to the lore while Bobby asks Sam “Kid? You all right?” “No, actually. Bobby, this is all my fault. I'm sorry.”
Dean and I look at each other In what’s about to happen. “Lilith did not break the final seal. Lilith was the final seal.” “Sam-” “I killed her, and I set Lucifer free.” “You what?” Bobby was confused. “You guys warned me about Ruby, the demon blood, but I didn't listen. I brought this on” Oh Sam. “You're damn right you didn't listen. You were reckless and selfish and arrogant.” “I'm sorry.” “Oh, yeah? You're sorry you started Armageddon? This kind of thing don't get forgiven, boy. If, by some miracle, we pull this off...I want you to lose my number. You understand me?” What the Hell!? I understood that he messed up but he’s Sam our Family I would have to talk to Bobby later. “There's an old church nearby. Maybe I'll go read some of the lore books there.” “Yeah. You do that.”  “Sam I'll come too.” “You sure?” “Yeah let’s go.” 
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The church was kind of abandoned everyone had gone home to their families with all the horrible shit going down. The books had dust covered all over them. “Um I'll start here and I'll start here.” Sam pointed a direction for me but I think he needed a different one. “Sam what Bobby said he didn't mean it.” “Yeah sure he didn't.” We sat on a table. “We just all are scared.” “Y/n why haven’t you said anything to me about Ruby?”
“Well, I don’t think me saying I told you so would help anything.” “But aren’t you angry at me? Hate me.” I was shocked at that. “Sam of course I'm… angry but I could never Hate you.” “Really?” He stared at me tears welling up. “With Dean dying last year and… Cas I don’t think we have time to hate. Why would I waste time hating when I could love the people who mean the most. Sam, you're human you made a mistake now you get to make up for it.” I smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “You're the best sister a brother could ask for.” “And you're the best big brother a sister could ask for.” We hugged. “Okay let's actually look.” Sam sniffled and went to the books.
While I somehow made my way to the front of the church sighing and sitting on the pew. “Ha, I can't believe I'm here again.” “Look, God, I know me talking to you is kind of insane you know I didn't even believe in you until a prayer was answered. By an Angel who saved my life.” The tears came rolling down. “Castiel you can't be… dead there I said it you can't because I'm still here because of you so you have to be too.” I wiped the tears. “Y/n you okay?” “Uh yeah let's go”
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We walked into chaos Bobby was on the floor bleeding out. “NO!” “Heya, Sammy. You miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you.”  A woman demon said. “Meg?” FUCK “Hey N/n I heard you had an angel on your shoulder where is he?” She tilted her head in amusement. “Oh, you asked for it Bitch!” I punched her square in the nose. “I see you got better at fighting good I like a challenge.” She kicked at my feet but I dodged it and threw her against the wall. The three of us cornered her and she smoked out like a coward. “Bobby!” I applied pressure to the stab.
We had gotten to the storage room after dropping Bobby at the ER even though we wanted to stay. We entered and there were two dead demons on the ground. “I see you told the demons where the sword is.” “Oh, thank god. The angels are here.” “And to think...they could have grabbed it any time they wanted.” Zach peered at Dean. “It was right in front of them.” “What do you mean?” “We may have planted that particular piece of prophecy inside Chuck's skull, but it happened to be true. We did lose the Michael sword. We truly couldn't find it. Until now. You've just hand-delivered it to us.” I glanced around seeing no sword.
“I knew you were ugly Zach but not blind.” I practically spit out to him. “We don't have anything.” “It's you, chucklehead. You're the Michael sword.” “What, you thought you could actually kill Lucifer? You simpering wad of insecurity and self-loathing? No. You're just a human, Dean. And not much of one.” “What do you mean, I'm the sword?” “You're Michael's weapon. Or, rather, his...receptacle.” “I'm a vessel?” “You're the vessel. Michael's vessel.” “How? Why—why me?” “Because you're chosen! It's a great honor, Dean.” Zach is being a huge ass. “Oh, yeah. Yeah, life as an angel condom. That's real fun. I think I'll pass, thanks.” “Joking. Always joking. Well...no more jokes.” Zach raises his hands like guns. “Bang.” And suddenly my leg is broken. “AHH” So is Sam’s.
“You son of a bitch!” “Keep mouthing off, I'll break more than their legs. I am completely and utterly through screwing around. The war has begun. We don't have our general. That's bad. Now, Michael is going to take his vessel and lead the final charge against the adversary. You understand me?”  “How many humans die in the crossfire, huh? A million? Five, ten?” “Probably more. If Lucifer goes unchecked, you know how many die? All of them. He'll roast the planet alive.” “There's a reason you're telling me this instead of just nabbing me. You need my consent. Michael needs my say-so to ride around in my skin.” “Unfortunately, yes.” “Well, there's got to be another way.” “There is no other way. There must be a battle. Michael must defeat the serpent. It is written.” “Yeah, maybe. But, on the other hand... Eat me. The answer's no.” “Okay. How about this? Your friend Bobby—we know he's gravely injured. Say yes, and we'll heal him. Say no, he'll never walk again.” “No.”
“Then how about we heal you from...stage-four stomach cancer?” Dean doubles over spilling blood. “No.” “Then let's get really creative. Uh, let's see how...Sam does without his lungs. And Y/n no heart.” He snapped his fingers and I felt my body stiffen up. “Are we having fun yet? You're going to say yes, Dean” “Just kill us.” “Kill you? Oh, no. I'm just getting started.” There was a burst light then talking but I couldn't make it out. Then the pain stopped I looked up and It was Cas standing over me putting his hand over my heart. “Cas….” Then everything went black.
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“CAS!” I woke up in a hospital bed. “Woah woah take kid take it easy your heart literally can't take it.” It was Dean. “Dean, what happened?” “Uh, Cas came in saving us he healed you.” “Where is he?”I dont know.” “The doctors said that you probably wouldn't have made it if you had not the CPR aka the Angel healing. But they want to keep you for observation.” “How's Bobby?” “About to find out you just rest kid we have lots to tell you after.” “Kay” He left and I am left to think. But I knew whatever what was going to happen it was going to be okay. With Cas alive everything was okay.
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AN/ Ok everyone that was the first chapter in season 5 I hope everyone is as excited as am for the future. And don't worry we will have a proper Cas and Y/n meet up next chapter. Thank you for reading! see you yawl xoxo Gossip Girl ;);)
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itwoodbeprefect · 2 months
catching up!! watching 911 season 7 episode 1!! let's goooo
the first three minutes of this episode are like "athena watched a cruise ship disaster on tv and it affected her for life. here's a cruise ship disaster we're putting on your tv (hehehe)."
i briefly stop watching mayday/air crash investigation episodes, only to STILL see a plane crash into a house. let's get greg feith and his excellent colorful ties in here asap
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okay not actually technically relevant but. i googled "greg feith ties" and found this:
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and the answer is no!! shut up!!
anyway. bi buck and his bi saw! (i may be too early.)
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ahhh, the face i've already seen a dozen times:
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buck was missed. <3
god, i love chimney. presumably this honeymoon life plan of his isn't going to work out perfectly smoothly, but it's adorable.
athena's dress is great, but this is a prime Just Talk To Bobby Please sort of worry she's having. i mean, literally, talk to him, and she'll probably find they do have things to talk about.
THREE DATES A WEEK. yeah, there we go (affectionate), that's gonna be a mess. very sweet, very stupid!
a spreadshEET. i love themmm. still very stupid though!!
"except only in one case is there underlying sexual tension [sprays using phallic looking object at hip height]" is definitely a little insane, you were all correct. also EXTREMELY a conversation that feels like they knew what they were doing, considering i now know where this is going
eddie is a nester! he nests!
christopher doesn't get this from eddie, implying he gets it from buck somehow. feelingssss.
god. buck taking save the trees a bit too figuratively:
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throwing the champagne glasses to the side while you're in the pool is i guess a cool carefree no fucks given thing to do in theory, but it's going to be so much less cool and carefree when you step in the glass while walking around barefoot later. i mean, on top of the waste of a perfectly good glass
i HAD seen the angsty mom-left-us (and eddie is listening in) part of the buck&chris conversation, but not the entire part before it with buck very earnestly trying to find his way through this parenting talk eddie enlisted him for, and it's great, i love it.
"i feel like you're trying to avoid me." < thank you for Saying The Thing, bobby.
lola is resting..... this man has blood behind his ear...... this is 911...... he killed lola?
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"i don't think we're gonna see much of lola any time soon." oh, she's VERY dead. and/or locked in their cabin, which would potentially be good and dramatic when the ship starts sinking
he made a list!! love you, bobby
athena going full "norman peterson murdered his wife!!!" and bobby being very convinced that he didn't and athena is making things up to avoid him is a) finally a funny turn for this subplot and b) even funnier in light of bobby's behavior in the rear window episode.
"... o-or he murdered his wife." i love when this show does comedy and the timing is just right. thank you, peter krause
one of the things about this show that i still think was a terrible writing choice is the way they killed shannon, so i'm glad they're at least dealing with the impact all of the parental shuffling and absence had on christopher. it's great that they brought the actress back for that one moment.
"did i read the spreadsheet wrong?", reminding me of the spreadsheet, and "did something else happen on a call?", meaning maddie immediately knows what would have changed chimney's mind again - maddie and chimney are flawless, no notes.
THEY took lola!! so that's how the ship activity manager or whatever that guy with the weird vibe's job is will turn out to be evil and/or in evil cahoots with lola
dongle. i haven't heard that word in forever. didn't know they were being used for bitcoin
oh, 911. just a ship in a weather-related emergency isn't enough, we also need terrorists holding everyone hostage. at times i could almost start to think i was watching h50
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les-pompiers118 · 11 months
The road home
9-1-1 ficlet | 2x03 coda | 1.3K words | rated Teen
I'm back with my little asphalt truck full of words to fill in the cracks between episodes, for @911hiatus' Week 4 prompt, "refuge." We were truly robbed (robbed!) of seeing the scene when Buck meets Chris for the first time. So here ya go: the first ever Buckley-Diaz Family Moment.
“So, you made it through your first natural disaster,” Buck says to break the silence in the car. The radio’s off, the road is practically empty by L.A. standards, and the power’s still out on a lot of blocks. Staying quiet just makes the night feel that much eerier.
Eddie huffs. “You say that like there’s going to be a lot more of them.”
Buck steers them smoothly around the curve of an offramp. Okay, maybe now isn’t the best time to suggest that disasters are going to be a regular thing, while they’re on their way to pick up Eddie’s son at his school after a big earthquake. Even though he knows Christopher is safe, Eddie’s not going to be alright until he lays eyes on his kid. Buck gets that.
“I just meant that it was an intense day for someone who’s only been on the job for a few weeks. You okay?”
“Not my first rodeo, Buck. Warzones, remember?”
Eddie’s smiling in the dark beside him, Buck can tell, which means he’s not offended. “Yeah, but earthquakes are a different kind of warzone. The only enemy here was, uh—”
“Gravity?” Eddie finishes for him.
“I was gonna say tectonic plates, but yeah, gravity was definitely working against us today.”
“That elevator, man. Crazy.”
“Pfft, yeah,” Buck agrees.
“How many disasters have you worked, exactly? You’ve only been doing this for, what, a year?”
Buck tilts his head in acknowledgement. “This would be my second. There was that plane crash last winter, the one that went down right off the beach by LAX. Not a natural disaster, obviously, but a major incident.”
“Oh, wow. That must have been something.”
“It was… pretty bad.”
Eddie doesn’t say more, and Buck thinks he’s done with this particular subject, but then he asks tentatively, “What did you do afterwards? I mean, after your shift ended? How did you deal with it?”
Buck shivers, remembering the cold water and the smell of jet fuel that clung to them all on the ride back to the station. He remembers Bobby’s uncharacteristic silence and how his own thoughts kept going back to Abby and that call she took from a passenger on the plane. She was the last person that guy talked to, a faceless voice coming through his phone, and there was nothing she could do to help him.
“I, uh, took a long, hot shower and got myself cleaned up,” Buck answers after a long pause. “And then I went home and watched TV for a few hours, I think. Sitcoms, reality shows, dumb stuff like that. Anything but the fucking news.”
“So you just try to put it out of your head as quickly as possible?” Eddie asks, sounding skeptical.
“And sleep. That helps too.” Buck grins over at him in the light of some oncoming headlights. “Isn’t that what you guys did in an actual warzone, when shit went down?”
Eddie chuckles. “Sort of. It was a little bit harder to take off the uniform and drive away from it all at the end of the day, though. And the sleeping part wasn’t always as easy, depending on where we were.”
“I bet. Hey, we’re almost there,” Buck says, bending closer to his phone to look at the GPS map. “Should I park in the lot?”
“No, just pull up to the front doors. They said they’d be waiting for me right inside.”
Buck has barely put the car in park before Eddie’s out and running towards the school. Leaning across the passenger seat, he watches Eddie’s silhouette against the brightly lit hallway beyond the glass doors, his impatient little shuffle while he waits to be buzzed in. And then he’s through and down on his knees to hug a kid who looks impossibly small next to the teacher standing there.
Buck’s throat suddenly gets tight and he blinks hard. He can almost feel the relief in that hug, the fierce love. God.
Eddie talks with the teacher for a minute, then scoops Christopher up and carries him out. Through the open window of the Jeep, Buck can hear Eddie’s voice, reassuring and cheerful, as they approach.
“Where’s your truck?” Christopher asks as his dad opens the back door and sets him into the booster seat.
“Some bricks fell off the back of the firehouse during the earthquake and broke the windshield,” Eddie explains. “I’ll have someone come fix it tomorrow, but tonight we get a chauffeur. This is Buck. He’s a firefighter, too. Buck, meet Christopher.”
Buck twists around to see into the back seat better. Christopher smiles right back at him under the dome light, all baby teeth and brown curls. Something grips the inside of Buck’s chest, both painful and sweet.
“Nice to meet you, Christopher,” he says. “One-way trip to the Diaz residence, coming right up.”
Chris cranes his neck a little to talk to Buck as Eddie gets him buckled in. “You and my dad work together? At the firehouse?”
“Is he doing a good job so far?”
Eddie bursts out laughing and wraps one hand around Christopher’s head to plant a kiss on top of it. “Are you asking for my report card, kiddo? I don’t think it’s time for me to get one, just yet. And Buck’s not my captain.”
“He’s doing great,” Buck assures Christopher. “He’s taking to it like a duck to water. Just jumped right into the pond with a big splash and started swimming.”
That earns him a giggle from Christopher and a barely-concealed smile from Eddie.
Buck gets their address and they set off again. Thankfully, they don’t have far to go and none of the streets are blocked off. Christopher tells his dad about his extra-long day at school and what they got to do after the earthquake instead of their usual subjects. It sounds like the teachers pulled out all the stops to make sure the kids weren’t scared while they waited to be picked up—movies, games, and music in the gymnasium.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come get you sooner,” Eddie says over his shoulder. “There were a lot of calls coming in today.”
“It’s okay, Dad. You were helping people. And I got to make a volcano with the science teacher!”
“See?” Buck says to Eddie across the front seat. “Another natural disaster already.”
“Two in one day. I’m gonna need a few extra sitcoms tonight, I guess.”
Buck glances into the rearview mirror, where he can just see Christopher’s face in the booster seat, and tells Eddie quietly, “I think you have something better than TV to help you put the day behind you.”
“Yeah, I think you’re right.”
Buck can tell he’s smiling again.
It’s almost 9:00 PM when they pull into Eddie’s driveway. Buck expects to reverse right back out again and make his way to Abby’s apartment, but Eddie turns to him after he shuts off the engine.
“I know it’s kind of late, but do you want to come in for a bit? I can make us something to eat after I get Chris to bed. It’s just frozen pizza, but you’d be welcome to it.”
Eddie sounds tentative, Buck thinks, maybe because he’s a little embarrassed about the pizza (which Buck would gladly devour right now), or because they don’t really know each other all that well yet. Until this morning, Buck didn’t even know he had a kid. And now here he is at the end of the same day, parked in front of Eddie’s tiny Spanish-style stucco house and being offered dinner.
“Come on,” Eddie coaxes. “It’s the least we can do to thank you for the ride.”
“Yeah, come inside,” Christopher chimes in eagerly.
Buck looks out at the house again. This is Eddie’s home and refuge, the center of his life outside the firehouse. He and Christopher are inviting Buck into their little world tonight, if only for frozen pizza. There’s a cricket singing somewhere in the bushes, and the porchlight casts a cozy, golden glow over the lawn, beckoning him.
“All right,” Buck says at last. “I will.”
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demadogs · 11 months
Do you know any good wlw movies/ TV shows on netflix? I've watched a few, I am not ok with this, Carol, duck butter, but im LESBIAN DEPRIVED!
unfortunately almost all my favorite sapphic shows have been canceled especially the ones on netflix but i do still think theyre worth your time. but it might also kill you bc the story isnt finished. all these shows are also just amazing plots too. like i would love them just as much even if there wasnt wlw relationships.
heres what i got for shows but not all of these are on netflix.
the wilds. this is an AMAZING SHOW. its on amazon its about a staged plane crash where 8 girls are stuck on an island but they dont know that its all a fucked up social experiment. a lesbian relationship became established before it got canceled after s2.
cable girls. this is on netflix and it actually DIDNT GET CANCELED HALLELUJAH. its an amazing show but it actually doesnt really count as sapphic bc one of the characters in the wlw relationship ends up being trans. but its still a great queer love. this shows spanish and set in late 1920s madrid at a telephone company. its one of my favorite shows ever literally every season is better than the last plz watch it.
everything sucks. this is on netflix and it did get canceled but the lesbian relationship was mostly established before the end of the first season. its set in the 90s and its just a really cute show im mad it got canceled.
paper girls. this is on amazon and ngl this is one of the most painful sapphic show cancelations ive ever suffered through so if you dont wanna watch it just bc of that i dont blame you. its about these four young girls who accidentally time travel from the 80s to current day and meet their future selves. the gay girlies are heavily implied and foreshadowed but they dont get together before the end of the show :(
the last of us!!! not canceled its still going!! this show has an episode that shows a past sapphic relationship with the lesbian main character but the first season doesnt introduce a new relationship yet. the second season will tho. im sure youve heard about this or already watched it but its about a zombie-like pandemic from a deadly fungus and its total post apocalyptic. also AMAZING found family father/daughter trope. dare i say i actually think i like them more than el and hopper.
i really need to find more great sapphic movies.
my favorite lesbian movie of all time is portrait of a lady on fire. its a french period piece and its just beautiful and THERE ARE LIKE ZERO MEN IN THE WHOLE MOVIE. i think the only line a man has is “bonjour” and thats it. MY KINDA MOVIE!!!!! INSTANT 5 STARS!!!!! i love this movie. the initial premise is that a woman needs to be painted but she cant know that shes being painted so the other woman has to just study her while hanging out and then paint her from memory. it ends up being much more than that but gaaahhh if you only watch one of these make it this movie.
another iconic sapphic movie is but im a cheerleader. way different tone much less dramatic and more comedy but still never gets old.
you didnt mention books but im gonna give you book recs anyway.
seven husbands of evelyn hugo!!!!!!! im sure youve heard about this. i dont think its overrated at all it really was such a good book and dont let the title fool you its gay as hell. if youre really not a reader tho this is going to be a netflix movie soon.
an amazing duo book series is criers war. i LOVE scifi and fantasy and this is my favorite sapphic scifi story ive ever read/watched. i want this to be a movie or show so bad. its about a world where some people are people and some are what they refer to as “automa” which are essentially cyborgs but they look just like humans. crier is an automa and the daughter of a king and ayla is a poor human and she has a vendetta against crier bc her father was responsible for her familys murder but crier doesnt know this! so then ayla gets the job as her maid for the goal of killing her basically but of course it gets super gay instead. its such an interesting take on the enemies to lovers trope bc its one sided, cryer has no idea ayla considers her her enemy. also neither of them are white i think crier is brown and ayla is black.
i hope you like these! and if anybody else has lesbian story recs plz put it in the replies or rbs cuz i also need more lesbian content!!!
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oogaboogaspookyman · 6 months
Doh- uhh- hey paisanos! My name's Mario! But you probably knew that already
Now you may be wondering-
Sorry- who are these guys again?
(behind the scenes)
Right, right-
(back to the show)
A-anyways, so you and your friend here have arrived at a very crucial moment!
Say, how would yous two like to be on the new Nintendo Mania's first episode, ah?
That's the attitude! Let's get it rollin'!
Welcome to the new Nintendo Mania, broadcasted live on the big ol' screens!
How do yous two feel about being seen by many?
*holy shit dude*
Today's plan used to be another, just a look into the new craze game Super Mario 64
*whar thar fark*
(But i don't mind changing plans just this once, as a treat for you, paisano!)
*look ma i'm on the big screen!!!!! :D!!!!!!!!*
What could we try for our first episode?
Could it be an interview?
I don't know about you two so would you like to answer some questions, boy?
*holy shit hell yeah i'm gonna talk with the real legit Mario himself fuck yea*
Let's start with an easy one, then, since you're so inclined!
What's up with you both these days? Something about yous two tells me you're something else special!
*oh okay sooo that brunette babe is my girlfriend, she's hot when she fights no cap-* hey what the hell is going on with the tv on your desk??*
I'm sorry, Luigi
I'm sorry, Luigi, i swear i tried my best
I tried my best but corporate is just too strong
*what the fuck is going on this time WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED TO THE BACKGROU*
[PROM07I0N c
*holy shit what a drug trip- yo what the fUCK is happening to Mario*
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*god damn bruh that's rough hey what if you take a break, it's clear you're having burn-out*
*the fact that you gotta control me to speak to the player says a lot about your issues*
*soooo if there's any equivalent of therapy in your world or something like that, you should get some, it's clear you need help*
*anyways yo player don't be surprised about the ending of the mod definetly*
*it's sooooo nothin' special noooo not at all haha*
*i like this kinda thing, the way songs use the same piece from the start for the ending*
*only banger songs do this, i'm telling you, my only proof is Manual Blast dude trust me*
*Author's note: girlfriend is hot when she fights no joke like- hi ma'am yes please beat his whole shit up that's so hot
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s11e7 plush (w. eric charmelo, nicole snyder)
not the most promising start. offbrand donnie darko bunny
DEAN Really? I mean, really? SAM You ever hear of privacy? DEAN Hey, you want privacy, close your door.
as ever, privacy being invaded really hurts my heart. absolutely dean has a point and sam should have closed his door, but dean also had a shitty fucking smirk on his face and that nasty tone and i'm ready to punch him. i don't pray, i've never believed in anything, and i'm horribly hurt and offended that he'd act like this. i know their history and the dumb plot shit makes prayer not the same thing as it is out here in the real world, but come fucking on. he's still being a raging asshole about sam taking the chance on believing even just a tiny bit that it's god behind the visions.
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DEAN Thought we talked about this. SAM Yeah, we did, Dean. But why is it so hard to believe that God could be sending me visions about the darkness? DEAN You kidding me? He didn't feel the need to show up for the Apocalypse. Why would he give a crap now? SAM I don't know. Maybe because she's his sister? What do you wanna do? Sit back? Ignore him? Do nothing? DEAN No, that's -- that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying, don't count on God. Okay? Count on us.
count on us (so when you gonna tell sam your secret huh DEAN-O)
glad they let donna wear a uniform that vaguely fits and maybe dropping the fat jokes. maybe. (of course not)
BROCK Not much, man. I mean, I was just hammering my bi's, gettin' all swole,
please no and thank you
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s11e7 rita / true colors (1990-1992) brigid brannagh as katie davis
whoa okay so i definitely know this person and i think... it's from.... true colors?? which is yet another tv show i haven't thought about since the early 90s. wild
surely couldn't let sam's clown phobia not make an appearance in a killer ghost possessed child entertainer costume episode. was it purely so they could subject sam to a clown :p it's never gonna beat this post-clown interaction though
7x14 plucky pennywhistle's magical menagerie
dean heartily laughing and sam with his arms outstretched absolutely coated in glitter (i wanna paint it some day, so sparkly) will make me smile every time
also, i love this line
from 2x02 DEAN Planes crash! SAM And apparently clowns kill!
okay anyway. rehashing the good clown phobia moments :P (he did say the clown fight in 7x14 was therapeutic, guess he needs more exposure therapy [beating])
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taking another moment to appreciate how much better his hair looks this season, especially post-scuffle
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she is so very cute
DONNA I don't have time for insubordination. SAM Or is it maybe that you're treating new Doug like old Doug and not even giving him a chance? DONNA You know what I think? You need to mind your own beeswax. We have a case to solve.
saw her line comin a mile away
outsiders with sibling issues are evergreen
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*staring into camera*
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crack treated seriously vibes
SAM I keep praying to God because if it is God -- and I know you think it isn't, but if it is -- then he's showing me something I don't know what to do with. DEAN What? SAM The cage. DEAN Lucifer's cage? SAM Yeah. What if he's telling me I have to go back? What if he's saying that's where the answer is to beating the Darkness? DEAN Sam, no. No, okay. I don't know if these visions are coming from God or PBS or what. But we've been down that road. Anything having to do with that cage is -- it -- it's suicide. And you of all people know that. So, no. Just…Not gonna happen. SAM Okay. DEAN Okay.
actually okay? they both have a habit of agreeing and doing whatever the fuck they were gonna do anyway. i mean if dean isn't gonna come clean then whatever anyway. bitterness rising again
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X-Files, Season 2, Episode 10: Red Museum
This episode is opening up with beef, like me at every family gathering.
For those reading this that don't know me, well, I'm a vegetarian. Seeing ground beef or cuts of meat in the grocery store, my mind can't get past the fact that that's flesh of an animal. I mean do you. Just not for me. The opening scene reaffirmed all that.
Oh shit, we got us a peeping tom. Fuck sickos.
This dude just called his brother a butt crumb. 90's teenager insults are so bad.
This episode, with the beef town, makes me want to read Preacher again.
Why are all these people dressed like Ahhnold Schwarzenegger in that one scene in Total Recall?
There's the sicko again, lurking in the shadows, looking like Neil Hamburger....based on like only catching a glimpse of his eye...
Scully housing a rack of ribs is pretty hot, not gonna front.
I feel like the dog this girl found is a dog only found in 90's TV shows.
Now the girl is hopped up on goofballs, thinking roaches are all over her. SMH stay away from drugs, kids.
No matter how you feel about someone's animal views, throwing animal blood on someone is foul as fuck.
I don't know why this seemingly random plane crash is so funny to me. The dumbest shit makes me laugh.
"Howdy" gets you a bullet in the face for your troubles, geez.
They found the sicko's hideout in the house
They done killed the sheriff's son.
This man put a whole pistol in an empty trunk lmaooooo that bitch is going to be sliding around. Take a turn too hard and that shit will go off.
The sicko peeping tom was the landlord? And the motherfucker was recording little boys!?!?
Oh shit, they're shooting children up with alien DNA.
Mulder needs to be quicker with the trigger. Scully would have shot this dude.
Decent episode, good lore dusting. Next episode is Exculsius Dei, whichI think is a Harry Potter spell.
Rating: 🛸🛸🛸/🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸
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chansaw · 1 year
Hey there! Hope you're hanging in there :) I'm someone who's constantly juggling project ideas and WIPs in their head, so I'm guessing you've got a lot to think about. But if you don't mind my asking, what are some aspects of your WIPs (any you want to talk about) that you're excited about? Scenes, or arcs, or themes, or whatever! Thank you!
HEY ANON!!!!!!!!! sorry this has been sittinig in my inbox for like EVER but its just because i have so much to talk about that my brain just kind of overheats like a macbook that's dying a slow and painful death.
okay first off: those of you who are familiar with my fics (shameless self plug) already know how much i enjoy writing existential horror, and i hope my yellowjackets animorphs au pays homage to that! applegrant (that is, k.a. applegate and her husband michael grant, who wrote the GONE series) gave me a deep appreciation and fascination for fucked up body horror stuff so i hope no return reflects that.
as for rottweilers: daniel waters' original pitch with heathers was "what if stanley kubrick wrote and directed a john hughes movie?" this is most evident in the cafeteria sequence at the start of the movement where veronica helps conduct the lunchtime poll; the whole scene was inspired by and pays tribute to the mess hall scenes in full metal jacket. heathers was probably the first movie to depict high school for what it really is: an active war zone.
yellowjackets challenges the viewer to consider "are the survivors the way they are because of the wilderness, or were they already monsters before the plane crashed?" personally, i think it's a little bit of both. however, one thing that's different between YJ and RW is that the yellowjackets already had an element of social cohesion before the crash - they went to parties together, jammed out in the locker room, etc. the westerburg girls are much more stratified, so the dynamics of power shift far more radically once their plane goes down. im excited to explore these tectonic shifts over the course of the story!
rottweilers is the most ambitious project i've ever decided to tackle - decidedly the longest. that's why i'm hoping to write at least four or five chapters in advance so i can drop them on a planned schedule. bc another part of what makes yellowjackets tick is its episodic nature, so hope that the end of each RW chapter/"episode" leaves you reeling the same way the cut to credits on yellowjackets does!
i'm also looking forward to weaving together the 1988 and 2013/14 (25 years later) timelines; it's such a fun narrative trick but it'll be challenging to pull off, even more so without the visual storytelling cues a tv show or movie would afford.
ANYWAYS SORRY this was a super long brain dump but i just love talking about my work so much so if you have any more questions ill try to answer them the best i can!!!! i love you anon and godspeed - we both got this o7
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thegeminisage · 1 year
tlou tv show thots (under a cut for spoilers):
GOOD: sarah opening section 11/10. absolutely brutal to put things in her pov for an extended section and then have her be the one who died. i thought you know ive seen this a zillion times it wont get me! but it got me. also like. the rising dread with the coughing and people showing symptoms because you know and she doesn't?? ooouuggghhhh
GOOD: tommy hot. sorry it must be said
GOOD: the thing with the blurry old lady scared the shit out of me. i got like horror movie scared
BAD: don't like the tendrils. apparently they are using these instead of spores and there's no biting off chunks of people anymore. they look like vampires drinking blood. really loses something imo
BAD: again, i was constantly anxious about no gas masks. AIRBORNE PANDEMIC AND NO MASKS? you all deserve to get eaten by zombies
GOOD: the 60s show set at the beginning. when they said that thing about the earth getting warmer CAUSING IT i nearly spat out my dinner. like legit screamed. that was the scariest part of the whole show. some jerkoff in 68 going well what if for some weird reason the earth became warmer? then cordyceps could be real. FUCK YOOOUUU
BAD: the exposition. it wasn't like. THAT bad but it got a little annoying. especially when the characters pointedly called each other by name to introduce each other lol. be more subtle
BAD: some of the edginess was a little over-the-top. why a plane crash instead of a car crash? why the big production about the public execution? you don't need big shit like that to shock audiences. tlou is a thing built on subtlety. let it breathe
MIXED: i wish tess had gotten to shoot robert bc that's so cool and fun and sexy of her but i understood why they sped through it. he truly is just the tutorial
MIXED: joel looking for tommy??? i feel like this really glosses over the "this ain't boston lay your hands on me again and i'll fuck you up" thing. why is tommy even still hanging out with him. it's good shorthand for the whole thing with the car battery i GUESS but like :/
GOOD: ellie and joel are both perfectly cast. ellie's potty mouth and joel's gruffness are both perfect. also i LOOOVE that marlene's VA gets to play her irl too i love when they do that shit. she is so beautiful as well it must be said
GOOD: radio smuggler's code. i love how quick ellie figured it out and i loved ending on funky 80s music. was not expecting that at ALL
BAD: ik a tv show can't throw you directly into the action the way a game would, but some of the pacing felt absolutely GLACIAL. i feel like what they were doing was worldbuilding maybe but then why rush through the robert section? even the sarah section was just the teensiest tiniest bit too long. this was an hour and 20 minutes. let's trim some of this down, people!!
GOOD: marlene like you don't have a fuckin ear on your fuckin head kim. so true she literally doesn't. i feel like tlou the game relies on ellie for most of its comic relief and since she wasn't in most of the episode they had to find it in other ways but they did and thats good
BAD: ellie wasn't in most of the ep??
GOOD: they had my tilted building which i love sooo much. i hope they go in it next week
anyway don't let this post fool you while i did have a few notes i mostly had a great time. ABSOLUTELY relieved let me tell you
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lovestuckyhatemarvel · 8 months
My bastard boy cat was a bastard child to my old lady cat and just kneaded a blanket while yowling as if he’s the one who was put upon. Anyway, here’s Stranger Things Season 4 Episode 6. Let’s see what’s dumber: the show or my cat.
1.) Patrick’s corpse looks too goofy for me to feel bad for Jason right now.
2.) “Eddie is a vessel for Satan.” Lmao this was a dude who like last episode swore he didn’t believe in the Supernatural. Not to tell him his business but I would not be jumping to Satan even when I was a kid who believed in that shit.
3.) Also, maybe the cops should be worried about a teenager who already hunted down Eddie once when he’s being like ‘EDDIE IS A VESSEL FOR THE DEVIL’. Like I’m gonna be real with you, small town cops will put you in psych ward against your will for less.
4.) I need everyone to understand that even though America’s military fucking LOVES torture, torture does not work. It does not work. It will get you a false confession long before it will get you a real one. Part of the problem though is that media fucking looooooooves torture. Like this isn’t bullshit ‘media makes you violent’ nonsense. Congress literally cited the show 24 during talks about whether torture works. Because it always worked in the fictional bullshit garbage TV show 24.
5.) The shot of El walking down a hall with a team behind her while Brenner talks about how she had a LITERAL STROKE is hilarious.
6.) To be clear, you do not repair broken or dead connections in your brain. Once those are dead, they’re dead forever. They do not come back. You create NEW routes.
7.) Can we talk about how Kali has not been mentioned once? Did the Duffers forget she exists? Like Brenner sucks but he’s not an idiot, so he should be aware that someone is killing people from the fucking place.
8.) Sneaky Eddie steals a walkie with his tongue out.
9.) I love that Robin talked about Eddie’s doe eyes.
10.) The cops releasing Eddie’s name and photo as a ‘person of interest’ in this town based on Jason’s stupid testimony that sounds insane is B-B-B-Bonkers.
11.) Poor Eddie is like, very close to a breakdown and I do not blame him.
12.) Why can’t they just tell Argyle that Suzie’s family is Mormon.
13.) Okay no one ever mentions people are being bonkers in Suzie’s house. Also there are so many kids.
14.) Argyle has a mega crush on Eden that people also never mention.
15.) I’m glad Joyce and Murray survived their plane crash but how did they do that with zero injuries.
16.) Oh, the traitor is still alive too.
17.) I will say that leaving someone in the middle of nowhere tied to a tree is actually killing him. Lmao Like not to get into ridiculous semantics, but just because it wasn’t directly 100% by your hands doesn’t not make it murder.
18.) Yuri decides to help them though because the show can’t actually have either of them do anything terrible.
19.) Oh Antonov is like, catholic or some shit.
20.) What is with this feast?
21.) Hopper was doing SOMETHING on the floor during this rando telling people about upside down monsters.
22.) Hopper was the first dude to figure out the last meal shit????
23.) has anyone edited this plinking scene with El to put a horse into it?
24.) Brenner saying One didn’t exist is hilarious. Like, no kids, we just started at 2 for funsies. Like maybe just say he died or something.
25.) Oh now they finally mention Kali, but still no mention or attempt from anyone actually in charge. Just a memory of a mention.
26.) “We should have just told her the truth”. Sirs, I don’t think you actually know the truth.
27.) When exactly did Steve practically invent Skull Rock as a make out spot?
28.) Lucas is so goddamn sweet.
29.) Why would Robin of all people hint that Nancy and Steve should get back together???????
30.) Robin and Nancy are cute.
31.) Dustin’s dads calling him a butthead is great.
32.) this town hall is bullshit.
33.) Oh god, Jason and his stupid crew. I hate his stupid face. Also suddenly he’s not giving details. Probably because no one would actually believe him. Why doesn’t he just say ‘vessel for Satan’?
34.) Oh suddenly some of the people in the crowd realize their kids are accused cult members.
35.) Jason I wanna beat you silly.
37.) Jesus Christ, Powell, you are 5 minutes late and a dollar short.
38.) why are they lying to Susie oh my god.
39.) I love Eden.
40.) Karen, don’t call the cops, oh my god.
41.) “The thing I do now, apparently. I ran.” This implies that this is a new development for Eddie.
42.) Dustin’s gate reveal.
43.) Steve pointing out they can’t put Eddie in danger via a walk in the words.
44.) I’m gonna be real with you, technically Eddie’s statement is nonsense since the Shire isn’t burning into after everyone gets back from Mordor.
45.) IDK who needs to hear this but putting extra black people in the show just for most of them to be background or killed is like, not actually representation.
46.) It’s actually kind of nonsense that Henry is so obsessed with El in the past.
47.) Yuri has a point. He doesn’t need to need to do anything to them at this point. Either they succeed or they die.
48.) Ohhhhhhh Murray is now Yuri and Yuri is now Murray. That’s smart. Maybe. If they’d actually established that no one knows what Yuri looks like, which they didn’t do that first.
49.) Antonov is kind of right about hope. Also, people can absolutely defeat a demogorgon. Hopper should know that. So man I hope this is a distraction or something, because damn, otherwise what are you doing?
50.) Oh Hopper and Antonov got taken out.
51.) I also don’t know how they got a demogorgon here.
52.) Oh, Hopper did have a plan. Good job, bud.
53.) Okay I know what the internet is and I know how I got access to it in the 90s, but I just realized I don’t know how Suzie’s household has it in the 80s.
54.) Oh, Eden and Argyle were getting high.
55.) Maybe one of you two cops could have actually done something about Jason before he became a riot inducer. Maybe when he accused Eddie of being an agent of Satan.
56.) Robin would put Nancy in charge.
57.) “Miss you already.” Robin, you’re the queen of my heart.
58.) What’s with the bully group of kids?
59.) For real why do these kids fucking hate El?
60.) El literally does not know what happened?
61.) Nancy watching Steve and Robin watching Nancy and Eddie watching Steve. Also, Max approves of Steve’s chest hair, almost guaranteed.
62.) Merman Steve Harrington. He can hold his breath for at least a minute.
63.) Max distracting the cops.
64.) damn he really does get just yanked across the ground.
65.) Nancy jumps in. Dustin gets caught by the cops. Robin follows. Eddie calls it stupid and then follows seconds after.
66.) Steve’s first time in the upside down. And he gets to fight mutant bats with an oar and immediately get his ass kicked as he’s strangled. There was like, definitely a version of this where he died.
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cephalofrog · 1 year
succession s4 ep3
everything is going awesome!
- “episode 3: connor’s wedding” wonder what’ll happen in this one
- making roman fire gerri. how very logan of you logan
- mini gregs
- greglets
- gotta feel bad for gerri. sacrificed for a logan powerplay over roman
- roman is cut up over this. it’s unusual to see him actually giving a shit about anything
- kendall hair reveal (it looks normal)
- coordinated greg cruelty from the ken rome shiv squad
- oh huh, is something happening with logan
- ken and rome getting this aggressive about his care is giving me flashbacks to season 1
- what if logan dies right now
- surely logan won’t die right now....... unless....?
- “I can’t forgive you” good kendall
- they think he died???
- surely not
- I remember when I started I had no idea if he actually died at the start of s1. like I’d seen a good number of posts about succession talking about the show but wasn’t sure if the logan stuff was like, flashbacks or whatever to kinda give backstory or something like that
- ken what do you think calling the pilot will do. are you gonna demand that he crashes the plane into a fucking hospital
- I considered that maybe this is an insane psychological warfare play by logan but I don’t think so. not his style at all
- logan roy is dying, reblog this post to make him die faster
- it is brutal that they aren’t bothering to get connor
- congrats to roman on remembering connor
- honestly, fair reaction from connor
- “I never got the chance to make him proud of me” showing your insecurities a bit there huh
- I’m with roman here in that I don’t think it’s over till it’s over but I have the advantage of knowing that it is a TV show
- kendall put the call on speaker
- they stopped the CPR?
- I still don’t believe it
- did you not prepare a statement in advance
- will someone PLEASE think of the market????
- gerri must be absolutely celebrating her ass off internally
- finally. kendall is thinking of the market.
- how old are the kids? I’d guess late 50s for connor but he’s rich so maybe he’s in his 60s or maybe I just don’t have good perception of age? logan was 80-81 at the time of the show so it seems like he had them pretty late. I don’t remember if there was a number mentioned at kendall’s birthday earlier - 40 maybe?
- so is this how logan actually dies? huh. very sudden but that makes sense - it’s a realistic show, his death isn’t gonna be a dramatic poetic conclusion to his character or whatever.
- the sibling moments kinda make the show for me. the contrast between the obvious bond the kids (especially shiv + rome + ken) have as siblings vs. the horrible business bullshit is extremely effective.
- I guess rome being the only one to go see him makes sense - he was the closest to him after all
- the episode title was correct after all! congrats to the happy couple. wonder if they’ll manage to beat shiv + tom?
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 25
"Everybody Loves a Clown"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: So a ghost clown? Demonic clown? to quote Brian David Gilbert “Who has ever watched a clown and thought to themselves ‘boy, I wish that thing never got tired…and I’m not saying clowns are terrible. Clowns serve their purpose: they’re creepy a-and sometimes good and…You know what? I do take it back. Clowns don’t serve a purpose.” Little girl. Little girl!! Why are you letting that creepy clown into your house late at night? Or at all? No. (I would live. You couldn’t pay me to let that clown in)
Stop giving me so many recaps…like, there’s doing some small recap of things that are going to be important to this particular episode and then there’s doing a full recap of the last two to three episodes like I didn’t JUST watch them this week
This clown is also giving clown box from the MBMBAM tv show? You can’t just take clown box’s hand and not expect bad things to happen. Same with this clown. IT STALKED YOU HOME!!!
Dean, you’re not okay. Sam’s MORE THAN allowed to check in and want to process John’s death, especially this soon after it happened.
Dean hits way too close to home for me some days. The way he’s looking at practical things he can do to fill his time rather than process his emotions? Ooooo baby, been there
Oh, ELLENNNNNNNNNN. And Jo! (Look. It’s been a WHILE since I’ve watched.) Also forgot Ash existed.
I can’t tell if Dean is playing a longer game with Jo here or if he’s really backing off. I’m keeping an eye on that…
Though it might be moot because they’re goin to the carnival. “At least I’m not afraid of flying!” “Planes crash!” “And apparently clowns kill!” Ah, sibling fights
I mean, if you’ve got 51 hours to waste, might as well investigate killer clowns
Is this kid gonna save his whole family by not paying attention to the fun house shit? Ah man, you had every opportunity to just keep playing your video game, but now?? Good fucking lord no no no nononono!!!!!
Sam’s enjoying this a little too much, but damn these carnival workers are not letting up on Dean’s choice of words. No wonder he made Sam sit in the clown chair
The fact that Dean now wants better for Sam sure is something. Before, he wanted Sam to stick with him, keep up the family business. But now that John’s gone, he wants what John and Mary originally wanted for their boys for Sam, even if he can’t want it for himself
These kids dooming their whole families for what??
What a stupid idea heading into the fun house you’ve never been in before to get something to kill the monster who’s been working this carnival for decades
Though I guess if it’s stupid and it works, it’s not stupid
I forgot how great Ash is. His response to Sam’s incredulity that he went to MIT? Ooo yes. Please talk down to him, tell him “it’s a school in Boston” like you’re surprised he’s never heard of it before
"Been On My Mind...": there’s romantic tension between Dean and Jo, but it’s not gonna work out, not now
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