copias-juicebox · 6 months
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scusi?? 😳🥵 x
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aweisz · 3 months
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three old zephs and a new one 🤭🤭
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sun-e-chips · 18 days
Are there any flotation devices people can lay on? What happens if kids fall asleep on them?
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Yes there are complementary tubes for guest at the waterpark but besides the big waterslide multi person tube they don’t really have much else lounging wise. Also external floatation devices can only be used in the main pools for safety reasons. (Arm floaties and swim vests are of course the exception) :)
If a kid falls asleep anywhere in the park staff will see to it that they are reunited with their parents (your park band will give you a buzz if an animatronic is currently trying to reach you)
Children will be well looked after until one of their parents arrives (don’t want anyone getting sunburned ;)
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bloodfin · 18 days
I personally think that Catholic-in-life Phantom Ghoul has the best curse alternatives. See below:
Stubs toe: "Lucifer's taint!"
Annoyed: "For the love of Satan's sack."
Angry or surprised: "Son of a six-winged-harlot!"
Disappointed: "You muppet."
Instead of the fuck word in pleasure, has been caught saying:
Dew had to take 5 the first time Phantom called his cock splendiferous. Rain and Swiss wouldn't have believed him if they weren't in the room to hear it.
Will also unironically use movie/pop culture/vine references instead of expletives ie:
You hamster!
Eat my shorts -
Will never say christ, only Chrysler
You are ✨️StIlL A PiEcE oF gArBAgE✨️
You're killing me, Smalls. (Dew hates this in particular)
Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow.
Way to go, Paul. (Aether is so confused, no one in the entire ministry is named Paul)
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slavghoul · 2 years
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© Mick Hutson
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the1975foreva · 2 months
*takes a long drag of a cigar* so, i heard some taylor swift fans who try decoding her recent lyrics need the 1975 fans for intel
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the-punforgiven · 1 month
My brother pisses me the fuck off
#see it sucks because he's a nice kid#like he's a genuinely cool dude#but I don't think he realizes he's god's fucking specialest little boy#like the thing is that he's just fucking SHOWERED in opportunity all the time everywhere he goes#like there have been several times where we're just out on a walk and people have literally just WALKED UP to him and offered him a job#even a store that I'd applied to not even a full week before when we went in the owner asked him if he wanted to work there#this boy found a band and was playing gigs within a month of first picking up an instrument#I don't know how the fuck he does it#especially since I spent three years scouring the town for other musicians to play with and never once found enough#but the thing that sucks shit is that I don't think he understands that he's some weird supernatural anomaly#and like#the world doesn't fucking just shower everybody in career opportunities and money like it does for him#so every time he talks about us he's got this tone of condescension#like he thinks we're all lazy and incompetent#since we didn't take the job some random fucking guy on the street must have offered us sometime#and I have no idea how to explain to him that he's fucking blessed by the gods of capitalism#that he's Mr. Monopoly's fucking mary sue oc#that life doesn't fucking work like that for normal people#and he's also as mentioned prior really chill and nice so it's even harder#Boy's got capybara energy I don't want to fuck his day up#y'know?#pun's text posts
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calamitoustide · 2 months
I swear I've tried to write like 10 over all my time here but I can't it's like impossible for me i swear but yes reg would want to send all the angry tweets back but also James would absolutely not want that at all
Like in my head Reg is not in the spotlight at all like no one knows who he is since Sirius got famous before meeting him again in adulthood and actually being brothers again so Reg has always been kinda distant to all of that, and Sirius isn't like shoving him in the fame especially when that's something Reg has specially told him he does not want like it isn't made for him he likes a quiet life so he has a twitter account he never uses sure but no one cares about him Sirius doesn't even follow him because he doesn't want Reg to get flooded with people wondering who he is
So Reg is the one person James can be with and just be with he's normal he doesn't have this big life and James loves that so fucking much it's relieving it's a comfort. He knows Reg has nothing to do with the world that chewed him out and tried to shove him away so they have their little bubble and it's kind and sweet and he wants it to stay that way. He likes sitting on the floor with an old guitar and playing for Reg and Reg only. He likes living in their house without fearing for fans to be outside their door every other day
And then the video leaks and well Reg's voice is in the background telling James he loves him and there are pictures of him on the wall of James kissing his cheek as clear as day and people find him. Fast. His account is flooded and people are suddenly caring about him and wanting to know everything about him. And James feels so fucking guilty because Reg didn't want that life he didn't want any of that and now James gave it to him.
Reg of course, only cares about James and doesn't care if people know who he is fuck them. But then he sees the tweets for the first time and how they're all making James out to be this villain and he fucking snaps he wants to go scream at all of them and post every sweet little video he has of James to show them that he's kind and lovely and could never do something heinous or selfish ever, but he also wants to keep James under his chest and never show him to the world again because they don't fucking deserve him
He comes so close to just making a tweet screaming at people to stay away from James he's so fucking close to just telling them all to fuck off and let them live their lives but James is already a mess and having panic attacks again even though he hasn't had them in months he's been so good. So Regulus just shuts off his phone and tries his best to mend their little bubble because James needs him to. James needs to be in a little fort of their own making and make all that other shit go away.
Sirius on the other hand would be making angry tweets and telling the entire world to get the fuck away from his brother and best friend.
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daydadahlias · 9 months
luke is getting his ass back… it’s over for ashton
ok so earlier today i got an ask that was like "what's something you've wanted to rant about but haven't been given the chance to" so i'm gonna cash in my chip w/ this one because this ask made me furious on multiple levels <3
firstly, the whole "luke lost his ass" shtick is fucking stupid as piss and i don't want to hear any of you talking about it (because ive heard?? several of you do it??). it's rude, weird, untrue, inappropriate, and it's also simply not funny <3 how can his ass come back if it never fucking went anywhere? why do you think it's even a good joke to make? Quit that shit now.
secondly, "it's over for ashton" dude ?? fr ?? i dont know why you think it's appropriate in any facet to try and put down another member of the band (especially THIS member of the band to THIS blog user) and try to say one of them has "superior" features?? ashton's ass is great, luke's ass is great, everybody's ass is great, can you please shut the fuck up and just appreciate all the ass the band has to offer?? bc, i promise, it's a lot of great ass!!
thirdly, why did you send this to an ashton blog? if you want to make a joke, consider learning how to be funny! and the first step to that is knowing your fucking audience!!
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waugh-bao · 2 months
also i’m wondering if you’ve seen this interview of keith before! he’s fidgeting and twitching around more than usual which makes it kinda amusing to watch… and it also features him very aggressively petting his dog
(remove the brackets since i can’t send links)
Awww, that is a very patient and well trained (unintentional) emotional support dog:
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And I love how, when the dog wanders off, Keith starts playing with his own hair instead:
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Video Link: Here
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bioswear · 1 year
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I peeled my saniderm off and didn’t cry 😂
Update to my DrakeNieR iconography sleeve that I’ve been patchwork designing into a cohesive sleeve. I have a strong vision and I’m determined to see it through.
Thinking about tackling my elbow next and just getting it over with LOL 🥴
Black Box + Lunar tears: Tattooed by Ella Baer
Final Song Flower Band: Tattooed by MourningMisery (IG)
Ornate YoRHa Hand: Tattooed by Giulia Covelli
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peachcitt · 9 months
Was just wondering if you knew if Olen (armors) has ever toured/played outside of (North) America? Thanks a mill (and also for introducing me to their music in the first place)💞💞💜💜
as far as i know olen has only ever done american tours 😭😭 since he’s still a small artist, tours are few and usually extremely limited
im happy you like his music though!!<3
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queer-reader-07 · 8 months
you mean to tell me that most people don’t get irrevocably attached to the media they consume??
they just watch a show and what? MOVE ON?! i call bullshit.
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anotherpapercut · 8 months
the other day one of my friends (who only knows my proper name not my legal name) came over and picked up one of my prescription bottles and said "why do you have someone else's prescription??" and I was like that is literally my medication that was prescribed to me Jacob
coincidentally I DO have a couple of pill bottles w someone else's name on them given to me by an old punk in a bar when I told him I have chronic pain but that's besides the point
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fagpatrickstump · 3 months
NOBODY PUTS BABY?#!$#?$?#?$?#?_?$?$?
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91cmspoilers · 13 days
📣 A song for when my muse is upset or angry 🌠 A song for our muses !!!
📣 A song for when my muse is upset or angry
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Don’t you tell me what you think with such a weak voice
So shut up, you small fries, don’t tell me what to do
I’m a monster, I’m a genius
The reason’s clear: I always Break you down
🌠 A song for our muses !!!
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Don’t forget, we’re always by your side…This song is always with you (??)
No matter what we are connected by a chain of fate (??)
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