#full-time would obviously be the ideal but foot in door foot in door
pearl-kite · 6 months
I just got a part-time curriculum and instructional coach position
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ladylilithprime · 2 years
Every Time A Bell Rings
Summary: Wherein there is an angel in the kitchen, but the bell is about dogs.
Pairing: (Platonic) Destiel
Notes: Quasi-sequel to "Wer Zu Liebzeit gut auf Erden". Happy (belated) birthday, @jupiterjames !
(Read on AO3)
IT WAS THE smell that caught Dean's attention first. One hand still on the door knob and his foot barely over the threshold, the smell of warm caramelized sugar and vanilla hit him square in the face, and like Pavlov's fucking dog Dean's mouth immediately began to water. He stepped into the cabin the rest of the way and closed his eyes, breathing in deeply to savor the scent and caught notes of bourbon and cinnamon and clove under the vanilla and caramel. He knew that smell, knew it like he knew few others, deeply and with a fierce love that spanned years and times long gone by and memories he could never fully forget no matter how faded they became, and if this was somehow a dream he might actually cry.
"Sam--" he croaked, then stopped and cleared his throat, raising his voice. "Sammy? Cas?"
"Dean," Castiel answered him from the direction of the kitchen. Dean opened his eyes and looked to see the angel standing in the doorway with an apron over the top of his borrowed jeans and t-shirt. To Dean's complete lack of surprise, the apron was still near pristine, while Castiel himself appeared to have gotten flour in his hair and a smudge of something brown on his cheek. "Welcome home. You were successful?"
"Easy peasy," Dean answered with a shrug. "Honestly, this could'a been done faster with a trip to the post office, but you know Bobby."
"It is not paranoia if they are in fact out to get you," Castiel intoned solemnly, though a moment later his lips quirked up in a small smile. "Bobby is lucky to have such a trusted and efficient son for his choice of courier."
"Not like I didn't appreciate the chance to get out on the road a bit myself," Dean mumbled, discomfited by the praise but not feeling comfortable denying the truth of it outright. Certainly Bobby had often felt more like a father to him than his actual Dad, though the ornery older hunter would never have actually tried to take John's place. To cover his own tenuous grip on his emotions, he asked, "So, uh... what smells so good? Someone decide to open a bakery in here while I was gone?"
"Nothing so ambitious," Castiel shrugged, but stepped back and beckoned Dean into the kitchen. "I wished to learn how to make the dishes in the recipe book Mrs MacAvery gifted to me on our trip to Scotland, particularly the pastries I noticed you enjoyed. Sam and I spent the time you were gone practicing so that I would not burn anything."
"Where is Sam, anyway?" Dean asked as he followed Castiel into the kitchen, shrugging out of his jacket as he went and trying to stop drooling so obviously as the smell of pie got even stronger.
"Sam is in his meditation shed," Castiel answered him. Before Dean's concern could ratchet up, he hurried to add, "Nothing happened, this is simply a deeper check of his internal defenses while he has the uninterrupted time to do so."
"Fair enough," Dean conceded. He knew Sam tried to meditate for ten minutes every morning before he got up and ten minutes every night before he went to sleep, but that was more about grounding and centering himself, the spiritual equivalent of filling up the gas tank and checking the fluid levels rather than doing a full tune-up. It was why they had built the warded meditation circle in the little shed behind the cabin in the first place. They'd originally set one up in the open woods in the clearing where they'd found they liked to go out and have mini cookouts to keep the camping skills from getting rusty and, notably, where they had introduced Castiel to S'mores for the first time. As the weather got colder, though, it had become less than ideal for Sam to sit his ass in a circle on the ground in the open air and go all zen for an hour or two, but there wasn't really space inside the cabin to dedicate to a properly warded and attuned "spiritually neutral" area, hence the small shed to protect Sam from the cold (which he tried to pretend not to know Dean knew bothered him) and the more direct wind or rain or snow or random disruptive squirrel or deer or crow.
Not that Sam had seen anything weird about coming out of meditation to find himself surrounded by a small herd of deer with a crow on one shoulder and a squirrel on the other like a damn Disney princess, but it had freaked Dean out to see them all just sitting there and staring at him even when he took a photograph of them. He should probably finish out the roll of film soon so he could develop that shot and see what Sam's aura-soul-halo-thing looked like when he was going so zen the animals adopted him. Sam couldn't really describe it from the outside, and Dean had no luck trying to do it himself.
His thoughts were interrupted by the scraping of the legs of one of the kitchen chairs against the floor as Castiel pulled it out from the table. Seeing that he now had Dean's attention, he held out a fork. "Sit."
"Dude, I'm not a dog," Dean protested. The look that Castiel shot him, like he very much wanted to say several different things in response and was only hesitating because he couldn't decide which to go with, made him take the prepared seat anyway.
"Good boy," Castiel deadpanned as he stepped away from the table towards the oven, leaving Dean scowling at his back and trying not to squirm in his seat.
"Starting to think you really are spending a little too much time with us," he grumbled, crossing and uncrossing his legs as he tried to deal with his unexpected... problem.
"You would not be the first to say so," Castiel hummed, sounding wholly unbothered by that, which just sort of went to prove Dean's point. "Gabriel has had no complaints, however, and so here I am, learning how to knit socks and bake pies."
And like the dog he just claimed not to be to that damned ringing bell, there went Dean's mouth a-watering. "You baked pie?"
"Did you expect me to bake anything else with which to welcome you home?" Castiel asked, turning around to reveal the pie pan in his bare--
Right, angel, Dean reminded himself, and forced himself to focus on the beautifully glossy golden crust as it came nearer and nearer until Castiel set it down in front of him. "I didn't expect you to bake anything at all," he mumbled, a little inanely, as he visually traced the carefully scalloped edges and the bits of pie pastry cut and cooked crisp to look like a mix of autumn leaves. "Looks amazing, man."
"Welcome home, Dean," Castiel said, and Dean could hear the smile hovering under the words. "And by all means, ah, 'dig in'."
Dean didn't need to be told twice.
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27 April 2023 Thursday jueves 8:10 am pt
if incubus was really cat fishing me, calling himself “Brendan” online and on the phone (green auto save. More harsh biting with acid pain top lip 😖😭 left shoulder pain bone 🦴 and flesh 8:12 am pt) then he had a lot of shameful stuff to hide so obviously he is trying to slyly get rid of me by sugar coating the truth to me flip flopping. He alluded to it and it totally makes sense why he would have that awful falsetto voice to hide his real voice that I heard on the phone when I was 16 years old back in 2001.
8:15 am pt when I was 16 years old his voice was appealing to me. And the thought of being with a 17/18 year old maybe was alluring? Tempting? 8:16 am pt I’ve heard (acid brain 🧠😖😭hot pain 8:16 am pt) older men say 5 years difference is ideal btwn a man and a young woman. I met a classmate 16 years old dating a 21? Year old guy and she said he was like a puppy. But now that I’m older, I think it’s extremely weird. Abnormal. Why not someone you’re age ?(right foot pain 😖😭) it’s weird to me. 21/22 year olds interested in 16/17 year old girls. 8:19 am pt
8:19 am pt so of course he would desolate me and set me up to fail multiple times. I was only a whore to him. Nicolatian style he was going to share with his bros so they’d band together like brothers to get rid of me the evidence that they are weird. 8:20 am pt
8:21 am pt a lot of loud door slamming this morning.
8:23 pm pt quit playing games with my heart. 🎶🎼🎵🎤🎧🎸[...] I should have known from the start. But now, that he wants to make me think we were married? It starts to look like even more that he was the one catfish me in 2001. Full circle. 8:25 am pt
8:27 am pt he attacked my vag with acid again 😖😭.
8:28 pm pt he would rather be friends with cano, carter, nick v./b., and garrido? Than with me. 8:29 am pt. And probably Jon benet Ramsey’s real rapist and murderer Bcz it might not be that guy who confessed which is very weird - they say they didn’t find his dna 🧬 at all. Originally I heard them speculate that it could have been the father Bcz she didn’t scream or that maybe she was familiar with the man. They formerly said murder usually occurred btwn people who know each other. But I guess it’s false to say that Bcz there are all sorts of reasons people kill each other without knowing each other. 8:33 am pt so I smell 👃 acetone again? 8:34 am pt. Incubus likes to confuse. I will be very sorrowful and disappointed if incubus demon lord kills me to hide everything. 8:34 am pt after all the build up and stretching everything out for years. Turns out life is a lie. And even god would cover up the truth to save his own *ss. 8:35 am pt like a real d*ck would. 8:36 am pt 😖😭acid brain 🧠 pain skull 💀 biting acid like hot 🥵. If he needs this to break down the bone 🦴 I’m wondering 💭 what the hell he put in it???? This don’t seem normal! Is this why I’m short!? 8:37 am pt I’m confused 🤷🏻‍♀️!!!! Left side ribs pain right hip hot searing 8:38 am pt. I’ve endured many hot days in my life that I wouldn’t want to endure again. 8:39 am pt I think people are going to be disappointed rough acid brain 🧠 pain that the stuff in my bones 🦴 comes at a price of what I believe it’s true. You have to be almost unbearably exposed to hot weather a lot to probably get it in. Maybe the stuff he put in me is irregular? So it wouldn’t help anyone looking to grow up tall without pain and difficulty. I had a very uncomfortable in my body type of life. I wore clothing for cold weather when it was hot 🥵 Bcz I was ashamed of my body hair. A guy named after Captain Hook 🪝 asked me aren’t you hot? In high school 🏫. I lied 🤥. I was hot. I said I wasn’t. (Left hip pain bone 🦴 8:43 am pt) I put myself thru stuff like an addict would but it was hot stuff. If you like air conditioning and being comfortable and not in pain then the stuff in my bones 🦴 if I’m right is probably not for you. 8:45 am pt (acid throat pain 8:45 am pt) I had very dry skin open eczema a lot. There are other things I’m afraid to say Bcz he might hurt me more if I said it. 8:46 am pt
5:22 pmpt I went to the Philippines 🇵🇭 4 times, Arizona 2 times. (Acid brain 🧠 pain) I lived in old apartments and I would stay there most of the summer time and it would feel like hot oven. No air conditioning. I remember days when temperatures were over 100 💯 degrees. Maybe even reaching was it 110 or 114???? Hard to recall. No air conditioning in school 🏫 I only remember one place I went to having air conditioning from 2000-2001? During the summer? Everywhere else was HOT 🥵 with only a regular fan and or an open balcony. And there was at least one year I wore jeans 👖 and 3/4 sleeve tops and I still had my jacket with me. Phillippines is HOT 🥵 even in November. And it’s a very expensive and loooong flight ✈️. It formerly was almost 2 days long. 5:30 pmpt. Now I see it’s 15 hours? Dang. Airplanes got faster. 5:30 pmpt
5:53 pmpt I also did at least 2 ten mile walkathons probably the whole 10 miles in elementary school 🏫, and always strived to p.r. (Personal record) on every mile we had to run 🏃🏻‍♀️ in physical education. I remember hot 🥵 days on the black top at school 🏫. No pain no gain. Very uncomfortable 🥵 conditions most of my life, and then I think 💭 I stopped growing b4 I turned 17 years old? 5:58 pmpt
I also didn’t have regular access to a swimming 🏊‍♀️ pool 🏊‍♀️ from around 1993? My parents divorce onward. Dog 🐶 hot 🥵 days of summer. 6:01 pmpt not to mention a sh*tty life. 6:02 pmpt
6:07 pmpt if you like living in very hot heat most of your life and in discomfort nearly every day and you like fevers, Bcz that’s probably what it takes to grow tall with very hard hard bones 🦴. No pain no gain. 6:09 pmpt it comes at a price.no one wants to be that hot 🥵 and in discomfort all the time. 6:10 pmpt
Everyone else in my family got air conditioning. 6:11 pmpt my sister would ditch me to go to frisco and left me at home 🏠 to bake.
6:13 (hot butt bones 🦴) it got so hot 🥵 the cold water 💦 came out hot in the kitchen. 6:14 pmpt
6:57 pmpt forgot... ohh I remember. 1 2 3 4 tell me that you love 💗 me more. 6:59 pmpt... not possible I guess. That’s why they keep on doing sh*t to me. Dug themselves a hole 🕳. 7 pmpt . If someone cared enough for my side of the story early on, a lot could have been avoided. 7:01 pmpt
7:02 pmpt weather people are they psychics? I don’t understand I guess I’m not smart enough for understand how they can predict weather. 7:03 pmpt
9:43 pmpt I didn’t want Derek for very long even though señior year of high school 🏫 I told him I thought 💭 he was the only guy worth giving my virginity to. I think 💭 how our only phone ☎️ conversation went and my mom wanting me to quit talking to him made me try to let him go. I somehow thought I was doing something good letting him go, for mom. That’s the only way I was able to let him go. “Brendan” talked so sweet from March to December. I forget when was the first time we talked or how many times [on the phone ☎️. First time we chatted online was after Nick’s bday 3/05] . I remember once he asked [on the phone ☎️ 11:01 pmpt] “we are boyfriend and girlfriend right?” To which I couldn’t answer him anything. 9:48 pmpt later on when I tested him with a new screen name I might have got a little annoyed when he said he didn’t have a girlfriend. Which is weird Bcz after Xmas I got a surprise email 📧 and instant messages from his girlfriend saying that I probably have a fat head and she wanted to know where I was so she could beat me up 🆙. She misspelled Brendan as brednan. When I saw his face on Friendster I think 💭 my obsession? Might have intensified. But I wanted a serendipity like interaction with him which kept me waiting and wondering 💭 if we would ever meet. 9:54 pmpt we must have talked at least 3 times on the phone ☎️. But it could have been more. (Acid throat pain 9:55 pmpt) I guess none of this matters to anyone? Which is why nurses don’t doctors 🥼 don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️ to know more. Bcz I got so weird in high school 🏫 probably from the head trauma, I lost friends. Including one who knew about “Brendan.” She won’t talk to me anymore. She probably forgot about the whole thing Bcz she cut me out of her life señior year/after grad night. 9:57 pmpt
10 pmpt Bcz “Brendan” anad I did not have much more substance to our (acid throat pain 10:01 pmpt) conversation other than s*xual stuff, I still felt like I needed more but I didn’t close off the idea 💡 that maybe if we tried maybe there could have been more. 10:04 pmpt
10:07 pmpt before June 16, 2001 “Brendan” said he was 17 years old old. After June 16, 2001 he said he said he was 17 years old. I gave him chances even though it seemed obvious he lied 🤥 about his age probably Bcz he talked sweet and Nick didn’t. 10:09 pmpt .11:01 Pmpt [ ]. 11:02 pmpt
11:43 pmpt I wrote in a post that when I was a baby 👶 I lived in me Menlo Park. Autocorrect changed it or incubus changed it! I lived in Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park Menlo Park
11:47 pmpt also I wrote but I can’t find it again: incubus pretending to be my husband makes it come to full circle ⭕️, making it look 👀 more probable that he catfished me in 2001, March to December, 15 going on 16 years old. 11:49 pmpt it’s like admitting w/o admitting. (Rough brain 🧠 hot right ear 👂 bit feeling pain right hip bone 🦴 pain 11:49 pmpt)
11:53 pmpt unfortunately for me someone called in February b4 Valentine’s Day? Trying to remember... and said whoever was using the cellphone 📱 who called me was also calling multiple other girls! 😭😖😭😑 dog 🐶! 11:55 pmpt
11:57 pmpt acid rough pain throat. But I was probably unlucky that the girl /young woman ��� in Sunday morning music 🎶 video looks like Melissa cuen my school 🏫 mate who was part of my clique (mutual friends) 11:59 pmpt.
12:00 🕛 am pt we had a mutual friend who no longer talks to me. She formerly allowed me to sit on her lap. It was not s*xual. The incubus sat on Blake Shelton’s lap a lot so to me it seemed highly probable that he was copying me. 12:02 am pt
12:12 am pt pain pelvis? bone 🦴 pain the part that makes camel toe! 2 minutes ago. Repeat 🔁: Bcz incubus has an awful falsetto voice most of the time, it makes him look guilty of cat fishing me Bcz I talked to “Brendan” on the telephone ☎️ to have phone s*x. If you watched the voice in 2017/2018 you might have heard the incubus’ voice go deeper to a more natural sounding tone. 12:15 am pt Blake Shelton complimented him saying he’s very talented. Right hip pain 😤🥵😤😤🥵😤🥵 on Instagram near a fireplace 🔥 with calirisa tequila I think it was a December post his voice also dips then. I’m trying to remember if it looks like he’s talking out of the side of his mouth 👄 when he makes himself sound high/falsetto when he talks (not singing) 12:17 am pt front ribs pain 12:18 am pt.
12:19 am pt right arm hot pain 😖😭 he also likes to do different accents. “Brendan” had a little bit of a New York accent. It was s*xy. 12:21 am pt
12:22 am pt when I heard Melissa cuen arrive prom night at the double tree 🌳 hotel 🏨 she was curiously, talking in a type of new yorkish accent. Normally she didn’t. Not that I have noticed, but that evening she made it exaggerated so it was noted. I heard her* gush “ADAM” and then my mind went somewhere else oddly and didn’t catch the rest. 12:23 am pt. I didn’t know about Adam Noah Levine back then. I don’t think I knew about karas flowers 🌺 even though I probably did see them on 90210. I was a frugal kid unless it was Barbie dolls.😥 I remembered saving more than $100 once which I probably shared with my sister 2 times. I cut a blackberry bush to earn money 💰 once to buy a Barbie doll. 12:27 am pt it took all day! I think 💭 I remembered it taking hours. I think they wanted it completely gone??? Fuzzy memory. 12:28 am pt now I doubt myself. 12:29 am pt I also didn’t hear much of maroon 5 maybe only harder to breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ once on the way to school 🏫. But I don’t recall learning much or anything at all. But I remembered hearing harder to breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ on the radio 📻 and it sounded catchy. In 2001 incubus was at 5 towns college in Long Island 🏝 New York where “Brendan” said he was. Long Island 🏝. Maroon was the color for the school 🏫 5 towns college. 12:32 am pt I only got a few cds 💿 from earning gift 🎁 certificates from school 🏫 from going to the home 🏠 work center in the library 📚. So I had no choice in middle school 🏫 but to get some cds 💿:backstreet boys millennium, Christina Aguilera, *NSYNC? A few others. But no karas flowers 🌺. Didn’t hear about it. Even though I probably fleetingly heard soap 🧼 disco 🕺🏻 once. 12:35 am pt elementary school 🏫 years I listened to country music 🎶🎼🎵 radio 📻. During hush school my sister liked to dictate what we listened to/which radio 📻 station I think I remember. 12:36 am pt
High not hush 12:39 am pt
12:44 am pt I think 💭 I’m really going to die! They’re scratching away bones 🦴 below my waist! 😖😭😫😩😤🥵😤🥵12:45 am pt
12:47 am pt my sister grew away from the boy bands and Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. She liked blink182 all through middle school 🏫. I didn’t stray far from *NSYNC. But I also didn’t buy anymore cds 💿 probably past middle school 🏫 and high school 🏫. Only *NSYNC no strings attached. Digital get down just you and me baby 20000 miles away 🎶🎼🎵🎤🎧🎸 it was meant to be I guess was cyber s*x a thing b4 2001???? 12:51 am pt webcam. I did not have in 2001. 12:52 am pt. What ever was on the radio 📻 was usually what we only heard. We had a used van I think it was used. Then an old car 🚗 after that. Didn’t splurge on radio 📻 in car 🚗 systems. We had antenna radio 📻. We tried Napster but heard we could get in trouble so we stopped using it. 12:55 am pt still did not know Kara flowers 💐. Barely much maroon 5. 12:56 am pt
12:58 am pt I think 💭 sometimes mom canceled cable tv 📺 to save money 💰. Some times we had mtv. But I liked to watch comedy 🎭 sister sister, cartoons, Lizzie maguure, the 3 musketeers movie 🎥 during hot summer nights 1 am pt
1:01 am pt this whole thing is a trick to neglect myself 😖😭😱😤🥵😤🥵😰 1:02 am pt no one cares!!!!! 😭 1:03 am pt
1:05 am pt I think 💭 we never downloaded Karas flowers and never maroon5. 1:06 am pt only heard on radio 📻
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nyxicnymph · 2 years
Camilo's Mistaken Memory
(This is formatted on mobile don't @ me I don't have the space to get on my laptop)
Bruno Madrigal nodded his head along to the tune that his beloved family was singing. Even if they were telling little Mirabel mistaken memories and tales, the beat was good, and little Dolores was really good at singing. He'd known that she could hear him for years, of course, and he appreciated that she wasn't doing him dirty like his beloved sister, but she was rather vague at times. Then Camilo took over the song and Bruno paused, halfway back into the walls. "Seven foot frame, rats along his back! When he calls your name, it all fades to black! He sees your dreams and feasts on your screams, hey!" Bruno snorted. Where did he get these ideas? They'd only met once, and that was an accident. Bruno paused as he remembered the meeting in it's entirety.
It was over ten years ago. Bruno had thought that everyone was finally asleep, and had left the walls to sneak some food out of the kitchen. Some of the rats had come along with him, clinging to various parts of his shabby wardrobe. Bruno had just grabbed a quesadilla when a small gasp brought his heart to a stop. He spun around in fear, looking for the source of the sound. Slowly, he looked down, and saw his nephew, Camilo. The little one was obviously terrified at seeing a stranger standing in the kitchen of the unbroachable Casita, so Bruno tried to calm him down. "Hola, Camilo," Bruno whispered. The small child swayed, his eyes rolled back into his head, and he collapsed. "Oh, Díos mio," Bruno swore, catching Camilo before he hit his head. Ideally, if Bruno hadn't cared so much, he would have left the kitchen and returned to the walls then, leaving Camilo to think it was just a bad dream. Speaking of dreams, Camilo was one of those sleep talkers, and apparently his current, fear induced dream was of a large rat chasing him through a broken Casita. Bruno sighed, and squatted down next to the young boy. If he remembered correctly, Camilo had recently gotten his gift, which meant that he had his own bedroom now. He didn't want to leave the young boy in the kitchen, so he stuffed his ill-gotten gains into his poncho, and carefully lifted the boy up. "Casita," Bruno whispered, looking around. "Where is his room?" Casita rearranged the tiles on the floor to give Bruno a guide. Bruno whispered his thanks, and started following the line in the tiles. He reached the door to Camilo's room and found himself with a dilemma. If Casita couldn't do much of anything in his room, than it probably couldn't help him out by opening this door. Bruno sighed, and shifted Camilo to one arm, nice and gentle. He reached for the doorknob, pausing to shift the boy higher up so he wouldn't fall, then hastily opened the door. He found himself in a large room, with not much decoration aside from drawings and pictures of different people, and a full length mirror by the door. He walked towards the center of the room, and found a decent sized bed. He put Camilo down, and pulled the covers over him, then sighed in relief. Hopefully the boy would pass this event off as a weird dream. He looked back at the boy to see him staring back, eyes wide. Bruno panicked as he started to open his mouth to scream. "Hey, hey, hey, it's all good, little Camilo! It's just Tío Bruno! No giant rat to chase you here!" Camilo did not look relieved, but even more terrified. He opened his mouth again, and let out a shriek. Bruno jumped and started running to the door. He didn't know if Pepa, or anyone else, could hear Camilo's yelling, but he didn't want to be around to find out. "Well, now that I've got my food, I'm going to go now! Bye!" Bruno ran through the house, Casita helping him get back to his hidey hole, just before Pepa and Felix burst out of their room to comfort Camilo. Bruno stifled a sob as he sunk into his chair with his quesadilla. Even the youngest members of his family feared him. Of course they did. How could they not, with Pepa and Mama having such strong feelings about him? Bruno held himself tight as the night wore on, bringing him closet to sleep. Bruno gazed around at the construction project. It was weird being with his family again, but he was enjoying it. Still, he wanted to apologize for a bunch of things. He'd already made up with his sisters, but he wanted to speak with Camilo next. He approached the teenager nervously, and cleared his throat. Camilo turned around with a grin. "Oh! Tío Bruno!" Camilo said loudly. "It's weird actually interacting with you." Bruno sighed. "I figured as much. I need to ask you something, Camilo." Camilo crossed his arms. "Is this about the time I found you in the kitchen when I was five and the song verse I wrote about it last week?" Bruno rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe." "Don't worry about it, Tío. I was five. And pequeño brained. Clearly that isn't who you are, or who you were. Also I was
definitely not supposed to be in the kitchen so..." Camilo shrugged. "Don't worry about it." Bruno smiled in the relief of closure. "Gracias, Camilo. You should meet Hernando." Mirabel's eyes went wide behind Camilo's back and she covered the grin on her face with her hand. She then walked up. "Oh, yes, he should!" Camilo looked between them. "Who's Hernando?" "I'm Hernando, and I'm scared of nothing!" Bruno said suddenly, hood over his face. He pushed it back as he and Mirabel doubled over in laughter, while Camilo looked between them in confusion. "Weirdos." Bruno wiped a happy tear from his eye as he stood up in the warm sunshine. Everything was going to be okay.
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Roadside Assistance 5/?
@albatrossisland Part 5. For anyone who cares: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.
Of course it was fucking Brienne Tarth, because that was just the shit icing on the shit cake that had been his entire shit week. Jaime squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for what he already knew would be a fucking disaster of an evening. He couldn't remember the last time they'd even managed a vaguely civil conversation. Great. Wonderful. Terrific.
It couldn't have been anyone else, could it? Like maybe that unhinged Bolton kid that would probably wind up in prison some day, probably soon? Or one of those burly Wildling perverts? He cursed to himself as he killed the engine and struggled back into his coat.
It couldn't have possibly been anyone else. Not when he was wearing Pia's stupid, ridiculous hat that gave him unmanageable hat hair. And his ugliest Winterfest tie to piss off Tully, as was becoming his holiday tradition. And it was not like this could have happened when he'd at least shaved, or gotten a full night's sleep in something resembling recent memory. Or remembered to put on some fucking aftershave or even a wrinkle-free shirt. Jaime slammed the door closed, biting on his glove and shoving his car keys into his back pocket.
As he tried to stomp closer, his irritation at the universe somewhat impeded by the now knee-high snow on the shoulder, he could see Brienne in the driver's seat, huddled under a pile of blankets, the outermost of which had a faded, but unfortunately recognizable, Direwolves logo. Great. She didn't look hurt at least. Just cold and maybe a little panicked. Which was... less than ideal. But she was probably okay, he tried to tell himself, just barely keeping his footing on the snowed over ice as he made his way closer. The Starks hadn't called to report her as missing yet, and the windows were only just starting to fog up, so it couldn't have been that long. Maybe an hour, at most. Not great, but not life-threatening. He leaned over to tap on the glass, briefly hesitating.
There probably wasn't anything he could do for her car at this point, he figured, other than calling it in. But his truck had snow chains. And they weren't that far from his apartment, he didn't think. Maybe an hour though, in this kind of snow. His comfortable, warm apartment, where the good coffee lived. He wondered how Brienne liked her coffee, mentally kicking himself for the thought.
Jaime leaned closer, silently willing her to be okay and to maybe roll down the window.
She startled, but thankfully did just that. Her hair was just as moonlight pale as he remembered. She blinked, looking at him, hopeful for only a moment until the recognition set in. And... there it was. Jaime sucked in air through his teeth. Of course. Of fucking course.
Because women like Brienne fucking Tarth, with her stupid, unattainable blue eyes, and her stupid, judgy, perfect mouth, and her awful perpetual scowl of disdain, reserved, as it so happened, especially for him, obviously had no use for greying, old cripples who looked like fucking lumberjack zombies in light up holiday attire. Clearly. Fuck.
Edit: Part 6.
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queenmagnusao3 · 3 years
Lin had been in a bad mood all week.
Kya was leaving in a few days for the South Pole and she’d be gone for a whole month. She wasn’t upset with Kya, they had discussed the expectations of their relationship at length and Lin had said she was okay with the reality that Kya was going to have to be away for various periods of time.
But it didn’t mean she had to like it.                              
She was always in a foul mood right before Kya left… and while she was gone. She tried not to bring it to work with her but it was hard not to. She’d chew out some poor, unsuspecting subordinate before holing herself up in her office. She saw the knowing looks that passed between the select few who were a part of her inner circle.
It had been Mako who had made the connection between her bad moods and Kya’s trips away from the city. He had mentioned it to Saikhan who had grown a pair and said something to Lin directly. He had left her office pretty quickly, nobody speaking of it again.
But they knew. And she was honestly glad they knew.
Any friendly chatter in the bullpen died as she walked through the desks to her office, closing the door behind her without a word. She was halfway to her desk when her phone rang and she cursed loudly, crossing to the desk and yanking the phone up to her ear.
“Well that’s not a very friendly greeting.”
Lin relaxed a bit at the sound of Kya’s voice.
“I’m sorry. What is it?”
“I know how upset you are that I’m leaving for so long-“
“I’m not upset. I want you to go.”
Lin winced. That didn’t come out the way she meant it.
 “Just let me finish Lin. Tenzin and Pema have some event tonight and they asked if I would keep an eye on the kids. And I was wondering if you would join me.”
“Kya, I”
 “This will be one of our last nights together for a while. I know it’s not ideal but I just really want to spend as much time with you as possible.”
Oh, she was good. Most people had the wrong idea of Kya. She had somehow managed to give herself the image of being some wise and innocent master healer. But Lin knew better. Kya was much more complicated than that. And she had a rap sheet that put Su’s to shame. It wasn’t anything serious, mostly protests or defacing of property but Lin would wager most people didn’t know that about the master waterbender.
“That’s a low blow, Master Kya.”
 “I know, but it’s true. And I know the kids would love to see you. Please, Lin.”
She didn’t know when she had gone so soft but before she could comprehend how it happened, she found herself agreeing to babysit Tenzin’s kids and was actively helping Kya put the four of them to bed.
Lin slipped out of Rohan and Meelo’s room as Kya quietly followed behind her, closing the door with a soft click.
Kya silenced her by covering her mouth with a warm hand, bringing her index finger to her own mouth in a shushing motion. She walked past Lin towards the main living area, waving for her to follow. Once they were in the kitchen Kya spent just a moment listening.
“I think we’re safe.”
“What do you mean?”
“You always need to give it a few minutes of quiet before trusting the kids are actually asleep. If they hear anything that might indicate they’re missing out on something it’s all over and we’d have to start the nighttime routine all over again.”
Lin perched on the edge of one of the counters as Kya started clearing away dirty dishes. She watched as the waterbender made small movements with her hands, the water literally bending to her will as she made quick work of cleaning off the various bits of food stuck on them. Lin mused to herself that she wouldn’t mind cleaning so much if she could make the water do most of the work for her.
“I didn’t know you were so good with kids.”
Kya laughed and Lin felt her heartrate increase at how beautiful she looked when she smiled. She looked to Lin over a shoulder.
“Lin, I’m the oldest of three siblings. Spirits, I’m the oldest of all of you. Well, except Zumi. But she doesn’t count because she didn’t live in the city growing up. Listening to you all crying and whining all the time, being a full time, unpaid babysitter… best birth control there is. Well that and being a lesbian.”
A decent stack of clean dishes was piling up and Lin hopped down from the counter, grabbing a towel and getting to work drying them.
“You’re not so bad with kids yourself, you know.”
“Yes well, I practically raised Su when my mother wasn’t home. Which was pretty much all the time.”
Lin focused intently on the plate she was drying but she could feel Kya watching her. She was working on working through her childhood traumas but it was still a sore subject. And Lin really didn’t want to talk about it right now. She hoped Kya would pick up on that and steer the conversation away from Lin’s complicated upbringing. With a rare stroke of luck the phone rang, Kya flicking her hands quickly so the water returned to the sink before bolting for the phone.
“Hello. Yes, this is Kya. Right now? I’m kind of busy at the moment. Yes, I understand. No, it’s okay. Just give me a little time. Yes. Thank you.”
Kya hung up the receiver and turned slowly to Lin with a look Lin did not like at all.
“Lin, I’m sorry but I have to go. One of my mother’s old students is very ill and asked for her personally. Obviously mom isn’t coming to the city right now so I’m the next best thing.”
“Kya, you can’t leave me alone with the kids.”
“They’re asleep. It’ll be fine.”
“And if they wake up?”
“Lin, I’m sorry but I have to go. If they wake up you’ll have to figure something out. Just think of what your mother used to do if you or Su got up after being put to bed.”
Lin snorted. Her and Su wouldn’t even make it to their bedroom door before Toph would bend a piece of earth in their path that would not so gently push them back towards the bed until they got the picture and accepted defeat. Once Lin had gotten a handle on earthbending it had become more of a game. For both her and Su. Trying to see who could get the closest to outsmarting their mother. The only time Lin had gotten the upper hand before the age of 12 was when Tenzin had helped her “float” above the floor with his airbending so Toph couldn’t sense her. It was one of the few times her mother had actually said she was proud of Lin, at least out loud.
Kya walked to Lin and took her hands, planting a gentle kissing on her cheek.
“I promise you’ll be fine.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t guarantee.”
Kya rolled her eyes, moving to the door to slip on her shoes. Lin helped her with her bag and crossed her arms as Kya opened the door to leave.
“I’ll be back before the sun rises.”
“Be careful.”
“Always am, chief.”
She gave her a lazy salute and Lin rolled her eyes, watching her descend the stairs. Once she was out of visual sight Lin stomped her foot to the ground and used her seismic sense to follow Kya until she was completely out of range.
Lin let out a long sigh making to close the door. She froze as bright light flashed across the sky followed a few seconds later by a low rumble off in the distance. Her mouth got dry as she closed the door with a quiet click. Of course there would be a thunderstorm while she was on Air Temple Island alone.
She felt her chest tighten and tried to control her breathing, willing her thoughts to stop spiraling. But she couldn’t stop the memories that hit her. A darkening sky. The sound of rain as it pinged against her scorched armor. A masked face. A cold thumb pressed against her forehead…
Another loud boom of thunder sounded, close enough to make the house shudder and Lin jumped, closing her eyes tight. She felt something then. Light, barely there, footsteps running down the hall towards her.
Lin wiped her eyes quickly, just in time to relax her face as Rohan came running into the room. His heartbeat was pounding and his eyes wide with fear. At least she wasn’t the only one who didn’t care for the storm.
She softened her face into a smile and walked to him, holding her arms out. He didn’t hesitate at all before running to her and she picked him up easily, his tiny legs wrapping around her waist.
“It’s all right. It’s just a storm. I’ve got you.”
He buried his face in her chest and Lin smiled. She didn’t know why she had been so worried. She could handle this.
“Let’s get you back into bed.”
“I’ll sit with you until the storm is gone, okay?”
“I promise.”
Lin carried him quietly down the hall to the room he shared with Meelo.
“Now we have to be quiet so we don’t wake up your brother, okay?”
Rohan lifted his head from her chest and nodded quickly. She pushed open the door and moved to the small bed in the farthest corner of the room. She glanced over at Meelo who was completely covered by his blankets but thankfully still sleeping. Lin sat on the edge of Rohan’s bed and he jumped from her arms, immediately pulling his own blanket over his head. Just as she started to coax him into laying down lightning flashed again and Lin closed her eyes in anticipation of what was to come.
The storm must be right over them now because the next boom of thunder shook the house so badly that the windows rattled. Lin heard a shrill scream from one of the rooms down the hall and she watched as Meelo shot 4 feet into the air on a gust of wind, startling awake.
Lin carefully uncovered Rohan, the young airbender not waiting for an invitation before jumping back into Lin’s arms. They stood and turned to where Meelo now sat with his eyes wide and staring.
“Come on, Meelo. You can ride on my back.”
Lin suspected that Meelo wasn’t actually all that frightened of the storm but wasn’t going to waste the opportunity to take full advantage of Lin’s offer. He jumped on her back and she felt it in her knees. When did the kid get so heavy? He got into a more comfortable position and Lin lead them all into the and down the hall towards Ikki’s room.
A small head popped out from under her blankets. Lin walked to the edge of the bed and started to sit, Meelo jumping from her back and perching on the corner of his sister’s bed while Rohan curled up against her chest. The rain was coming down hard now and the thunder and lightning was going off at regular intervals.
Rohan was still holding tightly to Lin and as she looked at Ikki’s nervous face she knew there was only one thing to do.
“Ikki, move over so I can lay down next to you.”
The young girl’s face lit up in apparent surprise but she moved over without a word. Lin pried Rohan from her arms and laid him on the bed next to Ikki before shuffling herself into the position next to him.
“Can, can you be in the middle? Just so I know you’re really here.”
Lin refrained from letting out a sigh before she shifted Rohan to her other side, inching herself closer to Ikki. She immediately nestled into Lin’s side and she could feel her heartbeat slow. Meelo was already asleep sitting up against the wall and Lin was hopeful she would be able to sneak away before long.
Of course, the universe had other plans as the loudest crack of thunder yet rang out across the sky. Even Lin herself jumped at the sound and Ikki let out another shriek. Meelo seemed a bit more concerned now as he moved closer to Lin, taking up the spot between the wall and Ikki.
“Are you guys okay?”
Lin started as she looked up to see Jinora standing in the doorway. That girl really was twinkletoes the third, she hadn’t even heard her approach.
“Everything is fine. It appears not everyone is a fan of the storm.”
“Oh, okay. I’m glad everyone is okay.”
Lin raised an eyebrow as Jinora still lingered in the doorway.
“Maybe you can come join us and help me keep an eye on these three?”
The teenager’s face relaxed as she climbed up to join them, curling up at the foot of the bed with her head against Lin’s legs. There was another flash of lightning and Lin decided she had had enough. Before the thunder could disturb them she wriggled her right hand free from under Ikki and made a quick, violent movement with her hand. Thick slabs of earth shot up from the floor to the ceiling, soundproofing their little room against the raging storm outside. She had left a small opening by the doorway so she could make her escape once they were asleep again.
It didn’t take long for the four tiny heartbeats to slow to a resting pace but it was then that Lin realized she was in the unfortunate situation of not being able to move without risking waking everyone up again. She took in a deep breath and weighed her options. She could move in one quick motion and hope for the best. But she was already so tired and didn’t want to deal with any more bedtime routines. She supposed she could just close her eyes for a bit, at least until the storm had passed. She shifted slightly, getting as comfortable as she could with the gaggle of airbenders she was surrounded by. She’d just close her eyes for a few minutes…
It had taken Kya longer than she expected to return to the island, the thunderstorm making it impossible for the ferry to make the trip across the bay. She hoped Lin was doing okay, last she knew Tenzin’s kids weren’t overly fond of storms.
What Kya didn’t expect was to find Lin completely passed out in a bed with her nieces and nephews draped all over her. Rohan had his head on Lin’s chest, her arm wrapped around him protectively as an impressive drool stain spread across Lin’s shirt. Ikki and Meelo were back to back on Lin’s other side, Ikki hugging Lin’s arm close to her as she rested her head on Lin’s shoulder. Jinora was curled on her side at the foot of the bed, her head resting in between Lin’s sprawled legs.
Lin’s face was more relaxed than Kya had seen it in a long while. Even in sleep, her partner was full of tension but right now she looked peaceful. Kya smiled as she backed out of the room, avoiding the large stone slabs Lin must have used to shelter the room from the loud sounds of the storm.
The house was quiet and Kya dragged herself to Tenzin and Pema’s empty bed, determined to get a little bit of sleep before the sun began to rise. She smiled again as the image of Lin and the kids snuggled together flashed in her mind. She laid her head down, sleep overtaking her as soon as her eyes had closed.
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pearl-blue-musings · 3 years
Hiii how are you 💖 I'm so excited your requests are open you're an amazing writer 💖 Can I please request a medium well steak (Katsuki Bakugou) with a side of mashed potatoes and peas please 👉👈💖
Babe staaahhp but I gotchu
College AU and also quirkless AU i have no self control
I ended up, as per usual, getting carried away with this hope you don’t mind!
Warnings: 18+, smut, some tooth rotting fluff, oral fem receiving, penetration, some dirty talk, pretty soft bakubabe
Enjoy your meal~
When you had started at U.A. university, you weren’t thinking of whirlwind romances or anything cliché like that. You wanted to graduate, hopefully in four years, debate about getting a masters’ degree, and then make a living doing what you love. Of course you had time for friends, going to different sporting events and clubs.
But nothing prepared you for meeting Bakugou Katsuki.
It was at a party, where else? You had finished your midterms and one of your apartment roommates wanted to go out and celebrate. Your roommate, Mina Ashido, knew of a smaller party at one of her friends places downtown. You needed the relaxation badly and just wanted to let it all out. Midterms had been extra tough this time around, but this was your second year of college so having some surprises weren’t unwarranted.
Dressed in your favorite outfit, you and Mina headed out, leaving your other roommate at home to sleep instead of party. The ride there had been filled with fun conversation about Mina’s group of friends and how chaotic they are.
“Our personalities don’t always mesh one on one, but together well we’re still crazy but we work!”
You couldn’t help but laugh, as the music pumped you up for what was to come. Once your ride dropped you off, Mina leads you to the aforementioned apartment. When the two of you walk up to the door and open it, you’re greeted by a tall and lanky man.
“Mina you made it! Just in time, I was about to rip into some of my stash. Light up?”
Mina nods eagerly and then gestures between the two of you. “Sero! This is (Y/n). The roommate and bestie I’ve been talking about?”
The three of you walk further into the apartment so you can remove your jackets in a safe room. The guy, Sero you learn, looks to you and sticks out his hand, taking it. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” His attention turns back to the pink haired young lady, “Mi amor, ready to go?”
You notice Mina’s cheeks redden at the affectionate term and nods. You give her a questioning but sly look as you watch them head to the back of the apartment hand in hand. You find it absolutely adorable. Mina had been gushing on and on about how much she liked this one guy in her friend group. You muse to yourself that you’d be going home alone, and you were content with that.
Making your way into the kitchen, you notice a keg and a large bin filled with Jungle Juice. You can smell the alcohol from where you stand, enticing you even more. You walk up and grab yourself a cup and talk to the faux bartender. “A cup of your finest jungle juice please.”
The blond behind the tub smirks at you and fills your cup. “I’ve never seen you here,” he comments, a little louder because of the music. “Are you Mina’s friend?”
You chuckle, slightly embarrassed. “I guess word about me travels fast. Yeah, I’m (Y/n).”
“The name’s Denki Kaminari. Let me guess, smoking with Sero?”
The two of you share a laugh at the mutual understanding. He further explains that those two have been pining for each other ever since they met and it was getting sickening. You ended up spending more time with the cute blond, bonding over funny stories of your shared instruments over a few cups of jungle juice.
Forty-five minutes later and the two of you make your way to a couch, where others were sitting if they weren’t dancing. Your mind and head were in a state of euphoria. You were relaxed, the alcohol in your system taking you to another level of satisfaction. You liked chatting with Denki, he was very witty and funny. Suddenly, nature called.
“Hey, you don’t mind if I go to the bathroom do you? I didn’t think I’d had that much,” Denki slurred/spoke. You nod rather heavily and watch him go. You stare at the contents of your half full cup and wonder if you should pour it out or finish it. As you’re about to stand, some super drunk couple dancing bumped into you and ceremoniously spilling your drink on you and the person next to you. You scoff and whine, a mutter of curses leaving your lips as your outfit is now ruined. You’re about to stand again when you hear to your left,
“Hey you extras! Watch where the fuck you’re going!”
How long had this guy been there? Probably the whole time considering you were immersed in conversation. You finally get a good look at him and see that some of your drink had spilled on him too.
“Oh my god,” you breathe, “I’m so sorry! They bumped into me and…”
“Oi, shut up,” your stranger scolds. “Come with me, I’ll get you cleaned up and a new cup.”
Shrugging, you walk with him and notice he bumps into the offending couple. He hears them yell back but he just smirks and walks on. You realize you’re walking in the direction where Mina and Sero went a couple hours ago. You put two and two together and realize you messed up the shirt of someone who lives here. If it had been some random person, yeah whatever, but he lived here, with your best friends lover.
You start to panic.
“Oh god, you live here? Now I feel worse.”
The man turns around to face you and rolls his eyes. “Please, I’ve had worse fall on me and my floor. You were talking to Denki, right? Fuckin’ idiot.”
You can’t help but smile at that, feeling some of the uneasiness melt away. You’re then tugged into this room and notice how nice it smells. It’s kept up awfully nice for some college boys, but that’s a comment you keep to yourself. You see him take off his stained shirt and you almost fall over, tripping over nothing.
“Jesus!” You screech, “you should warn someone before you decide to Magic Mike them.” You stay turned around and keep your attention to the door. Yes the door, the wonderful door that has nothing on it but the wood paneling, it’s quite nice-  
“You can turn around now, dumbass.”
You take a deep breath and slowly turn around. He’s in a dry shirt that’s black with what looks like a skull on it. In his hand is a hoodie and a pair of shorts looking insanely comfy. “Here, put this on. I’ll, uh, turn around so you can change.”
You nod hesitantly and wait for him to be completely turned around before you undress. Your body feels cold from where the cool drink had spilled onto you. Once your clothes are off you put on the clothes your nice stranger have given you. You don’t mean to, but you inhale the scent of his hoodie which surprisingly smells of sweet caramel and his cologne. That was almost enough to sober you up.
“I’m done, so you can turn around.” You hadn’t noticed how tired you sounded until you spoke. Your stranger turns around and promptly blushes lightly. You do your best to hide your smile, but it pokes out.
“My name, stupid. It’s Bakugou.” It’s quiet as he does his best to avoid staring at you for too long.
He had driven you back to your apartment that night, letting you know that he’d text you once your clothes were clean, exchanging numbers at your doorstep. You had insisted it wasn’t a problem for you to do it, but he stubbornly put his foot down. If you weren’t so exhausted, you would have snapped back at him but refrained. It was cute, really. No guy had ever wanted to fix your clothes after someone else spilled something on it. But since it happened in his place right next to him, he couldn’t help himself.
The two of you continued to keep in touch after that. Eventually you became a regular member of their squad. Denki and Sero were happy to have you around the apartment, and Mina moreso. It all came so easily, your friendship with him, your friendship with the group; it was amazing that you went through most of college without them. You couldn’t imagine it all changing.
Until obviously it did.
Your new squad was chilling at you and Mina’s new place for your third year, getting buzzed off of either marijuana or alcohol. Your couch was the place to sit with Denki on one side and Bakugou on the other. Mina and Sero were snuggled into each other on a shared bean bag, passing a joint between the two of them. Kirishima sat on the ground by your feet, his head resting in between yours and Bakugou’s legs. The lofi music filling the room with the perfect ambiance; it was an ideal night. Kirishima rested his head against your thigh and felt your phone buzz.
“You gonna get that? It’s making your leg uncomfortable,” he breathes.
Bakugou flicks his friends shoulder, “Idiot, you can just move off of her leg,” hissing at the red head. You wave him off and get your phone out of your pocket. The caller I.D. makes you frown and you consider letting it go to voicemail, knowing full well he’ll just keep calling until he gets his answer.
Vermillion eyes peak over your shoulder and catch who it is that’s calling you. Turns out to be your scumbag of an ex, knowing that this isn’t the first time he’s tried calling you. Bakugou sees you start to shrink in on yourself as the phone keeps buzzing. “Give it here, dumbass.”
“Bakugou, it’s fine. I’ll just see what he has to say…”
“Fuck that,” his voice booming over the music as he snatches your phone and promptly answers it. “Listen dipshit, (Y/n) wants nothing to do with you. You broke her heart, you cheated, so stop fucking calling her! And if you call her again or even bother her again, I will beat your ass.”
Your eyes are blown wide at the ashy blond sticking up for you. Said ex had been harassing you nonstop since your break up two months ago and Bakugou had had enough. You didn’t think he would answer the phone for you, but he and Mina are the only ones who knew just how manipulative your ex had been so is this really that surprising? You hear the voice of your exasperated ex yell out over the phone. “And just who the fuck are you to tell me this? Her bodyguard?” You weren’t ready for how Bakugou would respond, eyes alight with a strong energy.
“Better, I’m her boyfriend.”
And he hung up.
When he returned the phone to you, your jaw was practically on the floor. All eyes in the apartment were on him as he lays back on the couch with his eyes closed. Then all eyes turn to you, equally surprised. Did he just say what you thought he said? Boyfriend? But you two hadn’t been on a date yet or even discussed it or…
“That should solve your problem.”
“Bakugou what the fuck!?” You yelled and punched his arm. “We’re not dating, why did you tell him that?”
He exhales softly and turns his attention to you, eyeing you all over. “Princess, you really can’t be that dense.” As he finishes speaking in a low tone, his arm wraps around your shoulders. You meet his gaze as if his eyes are asking for approval. “Is this,” he asks softly, “okay?”
Completely forgetting about everyone else in the room, you nod slowly. You close and lick your lips as you start to recall and remember every interaction you’ve had with the blond. How caring and attentive he’s been in his own way, how he would go above and beyond for you in the subtle ways. It all made sense, maybe you were super dense but it’s better late than never.
To further confirm your thoughts and feelings, you lean into him and lightly place your lips over his in a chaste kiss.
“It’s very okay, Katsuki.”
“Ew oh my god I’m right here. Get a room!”
“Shut up Dunce Face!”
That was a year ago, marking today as your anniversary. You had told him to come to your apartment after he had finished up at the gym with the guys. Luckily, Mina had made plans with Sero so you had the whole place to yourself. It was exciting to finally have some quality alone time with him before finals overwhelmed you all.
It was also a wonderful excuse for the two of you to be as loud as you wanted.
You wore a dress he really liked and underneath, a special surprise set of lingerie in some of his favorite colors: green, black, and orange. You were too ecstatic for him to see it, and better yet to take it off. You had felt a little uncomfortable because of your curves but he had always assured you that he loves you no matter your body shape.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t hear the front door of your apartment open up. You pause your food making in the kitchen to go greet your boyfriend. As you approach the doorway, you see him and smell how fresh he is from the gym; it seems he showered at the gym. In his right hand is a bouquet of your favorite flowers and his left a gift bag.
“Hey sweetcheeks,” a growing smirk on his lips as he looks you up and down. You don’t miss the way his pupils dilate at your dress, knowing it’s his favorite. Since taking off his shoes, he steps up to you and sweetly kisses your lips. “Happy anniversary.”
“’Suki, you didn’t have to get me anything.” You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. “I’m fine with just having you.”
“Tch, dumbass. I know you got me something, you didn’t think I noticed that box that came in a couple days ago?”
You pout at him and take your gifts out of his hands and place them on the couch. “How’d you know?” You whine about the ruined surprise but you should’ve known your boyfriend better. “Do you know what it is?”
He runs his hand through his freshly washed hair and bites his bottom lip, “I think I have an idea, babe. Whatcha makin’?”
You twirl around in your dress, knowing damn well it’s an amazing and easy distraction to him. “Just your favorite. Everything should be ready in about 30 or so minutes?”
Suddenly you feel yourself being pushed up against the hallway wall, face to face with your gorgeous boyfriend. “Good,” he whispers huskily, “that’s enough time to enjoy my gift and dessert early.”
His voice went straight to your, now, damp panties.
You feel his hands grip your thighs to have your legs wrap around his torso. His hot breath fans over your awaiting lips, as he then kisses you hungrily. You feel his hard on against your stomach and you moan at the feel. Bakugou breaks the kiss to whisper in your ear, the heat touching your ear making you melt. “I wanna see what you got me, princess.”
“Anything for you, baby.”
With his hold on you secure, he takes you to your room blindly already knowing the way. With your door closed he latches his lips to your neck, sucking and licking all over. He places your feet on the ground as he grinds his hips into yours. Your breathing increases as you scratch at the back of his shirt. “Katsuki,” you whine.
“I want you to take off my dress.”
He hears your request and leaves your neck. He turns you around to find the zipper at the back, and slowly unzips your dress. You can feel his warm calloused fingers trailing down your spine and down to your tail bone. The fabric is now bunched down on the ground around your feet and you step out, swaying your hips as you turn around.
“Fuck baby,” he huffs, “for me?”
He had felt some of the satin as he unzipped your dress but it didn’t prepare him for what he saw before his lust blazed eyes. His colors look amazing on you and so does lace and satin. The flowered lace covering your breasts and nipples are begging for him to delve his tongue on them, admiring the extra fabric going across them. Your stomach is covered in a crisscross pattern that makes your skin look divine. And the garters on your legs, and lace thong? Bakugou is in heaven.
You nod at him and gesture for him to come closer. Bakugou gets to you post haste and starts touching you everywhere. His fingers trace all along your body and sneaking underneath your lingerie. He then trails his fingers up to your lace covered breasts and starts to pinch the hardening nub. A little squeal leaves your lips.
“That’s a new sound, do you like the feel of the lace against your nipple, baby?”
He pinches and pulls at them again, getting the same reaction that went right to his gardening dick. He groans and starts to knead your other breast, enjoying the feel of it in his hand. “Fuck,” he quickly kisses your lips, sticking his tongue in and lapping at yours, “I just wanna rip you out of this.”
“Hah, you will do no such thing. I paid a lot of money for this!”
“I’ll get you a new one, princess.”
“You are not ripping this one!”
He rolls his eyes and concedes, taking his delicate time to free your upper half from the sexy lingerie. You make a mental note to buy more lace related items. Immediately his lips go to your hardened bud and sucks viciously. You moan loudly as he releases you with a pop, going to your other breast. God, you wish he wasn’t so good with his hands and tongue, but the way he’s treating you and your reactions say otherwise.
Bakugou slowly moves you two toward your bed, in order to lay you down for what he wants to do next. You feel the back of your legs hit the edge and he places your body underneath his. Throughout all of this his lips never left your body. His lips trail closer and closer to your hips, as they wiggle in anticipation. “Do you,” you pant, “want the bottoms off?”
He takes the lining into his fingers and snaps it onto your unaware skin making you yelp. “No, your legs look hella sexy like this.” His hands are warm against your things, outlining the garter that leads up to your now soaked through thong. His nose brushes against the fabric covering your heat and he feels you shudder at the touch. He tentatively licks at your wetness and he groans in pleasure at how wet you are for him. Fuck he really loves you.
He doesn’t wait any longer and pushes the fabric aside and inserts his tongue into your awaiting heat. You whimper at the intrusion and a hand automatically goes to his hair, pulling lightly. He keeps moving his tongue up and down your slit tantalizingly slow as his fingers play and mess with your outer lips. Your breaths become erratic at your boyfriends ministrations. Before you can say anything, he moves his lips to your clit and sucks at it harshly. Your back arches off the mattress as you curse that the pleasure being given to you.
Two fingers have already entered your heat and scissor and stretch you open. Your hips have a mind of their own as they gyrate on their own accord. “Don’t make me force you to stay down, princess,” he hums against your heat. Just him saying that sends you into a frenzy, forcing him to plant his arm against your pelvis to limit your movements. He can feel the deep coil inside you that wants to come undone. And it’s all because of him and for him. His actions start to speed up and then suddenly he pulls away, making you whine at the loss of contact and friction.
“What the hell? I was so close!”
Bakugou snickers and wipes at his chin and sucks his fingers of some of your juices. The only word to describe him licking you off of him: erotic. “I want you to cum all over my cock, baby girl. Can you be a good girl for me, yeah?”
You bite your bottom lip and nod. As he stands to put himself on your bed, you notice his raging hard on straining against pants.  Damn, it was hot. His pre was already leaving a stain and you wanted more than nothing than to have his dick in your mouth. Ruby eyes follow yours and he clicks in on what has your mouth watering. “If I wasn’t so eager to be inside you right now, I’d let you suck me dry. But all I want to is to be in your fucking pussy, you riding me.”
After he makes his declaration, Bakugou discards his pants and boxers and throws them somewhere in your room. He crawls up to you in between your legs and meets you with a fiery kiss. You taste yourself on his lips and tongue as he entangles you with his scent and flavor. It’s incredibly sexy and it only makes you want him more. You take a leg and turn the two of you over, with you hovering over his tight and toned body. You know he wants this to be special because you’re on top and you’re face to face. Usually if it’s just fucking you’ll do a plethora of positions. But right now you know that you want to enjoy each others presence and make sweet love. Sitting back on your legs, you lean over to your nightstand and grab a condom. You take the wrapper in your mouth, easily tearing it to reveal the rubber. A naughty idea enters your head.
“What are you doing, baby?”
All you do is lift your eyebrows and scoot back. You take the condom in your mouth and bend over close to his aching cock. You can feel his eyes on you as you lower your mouth onto him, slowly putting the condom over his hard dick. “Ah fuck, princess! Shit feels good. Now get on top of me. Now.”
You giggle at his impatience and make your way to his covered member. You grip it lightly as you line it up with your wet slit, teasing the head of his sensitive cock. His moans are heavenly in your ears as you don’t sink on him yet completely.
Bakugous hands go to your waist, as little whimpers leave his lips at your agonizing teasing. “Shit princess, just put it in already- Hah fuck!”
It’s not everyday you catch the ashy blond of guard but when you it’s glorious. You slam yourself down on his dick, euphoria filling your senses. You loll your head back as you begin to ride him, keeping a hand on his pelvis. The two of you find a hypnotic rhythm of him pumping up into you, and you grinding down on him.
His eyes can’t help but be locked onto where you’re connected, enjoying the sounds of your slick cunt on his cock. He moves his hands from your hips to grip your bouncing breasts, adding extra pleasure to this experience. Whines and moans leave yours and his mouths as you both chase ecstasy together.
“Fuck, baby girl, it’s like your extra tight and wet for me today.”
“Hah, it’s cause I love you,” you pants your hips gyrate faster as you feel your orgasm coming closer. “I’m so close now, daddy. I wanna cum, please.” You’re begging more than usual and it feels oh so good.
You feel your clit being abused and you shout at the overwhelming pleasure rocking through you as your pace falters. “You wanna cum for me? Show me you’ve earned it.” Bakugou sits up, making your legs wrap around his waist, still pumping into you. Your arms find purchase around his neck as you lay your head on his chest, ignoring the sweat between the two of you. “Come on, show me you’ve earned it baby.”
“I’ve earned it, I’ve earned it!”
“Then come with me baby,” he pauses when he feels your fingers dig into his back. “Shit, ah right there baby, fuck, fuck!”
Your hold on him tightens as your coil comes undone and your spill all over his cock, and you feel the way his cum fills up the rubber. You two start to slow down your movements, helping each other through your orgasms. You stay there for a little bit, just enjoying the moment and to let your heartbeats come back to normal.
You roll off of him and lay down next to your spent boyfriend. He looks at you with the most love and adoration that you feel like you’re meeting him for the first time. His palm goes to your cheek to pull you in to a soft and loving kiss. It doesn’t last long as you hear the timer on the oven and the rice maker go off around the same time. Your boyfriend grumbles and rolls to stand. He carefully takes off the used up condom, ties it up and disposes it in the trashcan.
“I’ll turn off the timer, anything else you need while I’m up?”
“Some water, and my favorite post coitus snacks.”
His eyes roll, “Idiot, you made a whole meal we’re not gonna waste it because you got sex munchies.”
He throws a towel at you, ignoring your pleas. As he walks away stark naked, you lay back in your bed. You can deal with the sheets later. A feeling of love runs over you and you realize that this is something you could get used to for a long time to come.
The diner is open 
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
Characters: Petra Ral, Levi, Hanji Zoe x Levi Genre: Action / Mystery / Romance Rating: T
Summary: when Petra was promoted to a detective and partnered up with legendary Levi Ackerman, she felt like the happiest person in the world.
But, as she soon found out, detective Ackerman she used to admire so much was actually a far cry from the ideal policeman Petra thought he was. He was rude, harsh and easily annoyed. And, in addition, he still hadn’t moved on from the death of his previous partner - detective Hange Zoe.
Chapter 11/?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Сhapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Сhapter 7
Сhapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
With every word from Levi's mouth, Erwin's face grew darker and darker.
"Fuck." He declared, as soon as Levi had finished. "Fuck," he repeated, rubbing his temples. He took a deep, heavy sigh, and when he blinked, the tense expression was miraculously gone, the usual look, full of determination and conviction, taking its place.
"So no sign of forced entry?” he asked, calm and collected and completely devoid of the previous frustration. “No sign of struggle? And no sign of Petra?"
"Yes, sir." Oluo confirmed with a frantic nod, which reminded Levi of a stupid toy dog Hange once put in his car.
Had the matter at hand been at least a little less grave, perhaps, he’d even crake a smile at the comparison. Hange definitely would have. Alas…
“And do we know who’s behind it?”
“No,” Levi replied. “Hange suspects one of Zeke’s man, but she also thinks some third party is involved.”
Erwin accepted his answer, slowly scratching his chin. “And where is Hange herself?"
“She went to talk to Zeke to ask if he knows something, and…" Levi faltered, not sure if he should share this information with Erwin. Hange was sure that Zeke was innocent, and Levi never doubted her, but…
"And?" Erwin prompted.
Fuck it, Levi decided. Perhaps, Erwin’s unbiased opinion was exactly what they needed.
"Oluo found Zeke's cigarette pack inside the apartment," he said, throwing it on Erwin's desk.
"It's not his," there wasn’t even a hint of doubt in his voice. Erwin didn’t even glance twice at the evidence presented to him. "Zeke would never be so careless. Someone's trying to sabotage him, and they are not very good at it."
“So you think it’s someone else?”
Erwin’s confidence eased a portion of his worries. If he and Hange were of the same mind, then it must be the truth. At least, he didn’t let Hange meet up with a potential culprit all by herself. Not that it gradually quelled his concern, but it was something…
“Zeke Yeager…” Oluo mumbled, biting his thumb. “Yeager, Yeager… I heard this name somewhere…”
“Huh?” Levi raised an eyebrow, looking quizzically at him.
“Yeager!” he exclaimed, his eyes lightening up. “Of course! Yes, now it came back to me!”
“What came back?” Levi demanded, glaring at Oluo in annoyance. God, how he hated being kept in the dark…
Oluo didn’t respond, irritating Levi even more. Instead he reached Erwin’s desk in two short strides, pushing him aside. “May I, sir?”
“Be my guest,” Erwin made a welcoming gesture, pulling his chair back. “If you know something, then…”
“Could be just a coincidence,”Oluo muttered, as he opened the database on Erwin’s computer. “But…”
For a long moment nothing happened. The office was silent, except for the sounds of typing on a keyboard, and Oluo’s quiet murmurs.  
Levi shared a look with Erwin. He shrugged helplessly, seeming just as bewildered by Oluo’s actions, as Levi himself felt.
“Aha!” he beamed, finally showing Erwin what he found. “Like I said, could be just a coincidence, but I came across name Yeager before. Here.”
“A family murdered in their own house,” Erwin began reading, his eyes quickly scanning the page. “Wife and husband found dead in their own bedroom by their fourteen year old son, who came back from a sleepover. The identity of a murderer remains unknown.”
“It was the first case I took as I started working,” Oluo confessed, scratching his neck. “That’s why it stuck with me. Don’t know if it has any connections to your Zeke…”
“The father of the family, Grisha Yeager,” Levi read the name from behind Erwin’s shoulder. “Zeke is his son. From the first marriage, but still… Maybe, he was murdered, because someone wanted to get back at Zeke.”
“And now that same someone wants to finish the job,” Erwin agreed. “The culprit was never found after all. It’s a solid theory.”
“Or as solid as we can get for now,” Levi nodded.
"It's different from other cases, though,” Erwin contemplated thoughtfully, his gaze turning distant, as he taped his finger against the desk.
"Other cases?" Oluo shuddered. "Are you talking about recent... Murder cases?" he paled, his lower lip trembled, and Levi started to regret bringing him here. They needed to keep their heads clear. Petra needed them to keep their heads clear. There was no time for worrying and panicking right now.
In Levi’s experience, that attitude could only lead to more tragedy.
"It's obviously different with Petra," Erwin said, his voice going an octave softer. Levi stared at him, almost gawking. Erwin wasn't the man to give empty promises. Either he was that optimistic about this whole ordeal, or... Levi preferred not to think about the other possibility.
"Levi?" Erwin turned to him. "What do you think?"
"I think Oluo is right, Petra was taken by someone close to Zeke. But either it was the same perpetrator from before or someone else, it remains to be unknown," he replied. "And I think we don't have any time to waste."
"Agreed," Erwin clenched his jaw, his brows furrowed. "I'll talk with Pixis and Nile, ask if they know anything or if they have any people they can spare... We need to start the search..."
"Sannes!" Oluo suddenly exclaimed, startling Erwin and Levi. "Sannes, we should check him first! We’ve planted a bug on him just yesterday!"
"Fuck," Levi groaned in frustration, feeling like the biggest and the most useless idiot in the world. He had completely forgotten about it.
"I didn't see him at work today," Erwin noted. "Perhaps, it's worth checking it out. Take care of it, Levi."
"Will do," he nodded. "Permission to go?"
"Report to me once you find anything," Erwin stood up. "I'll go to Pixis and Nile."
Levi nodded again, and left the office, his steps swift and heavy.
"Could it be our lead?" Oluo asked.
They've listened through every conversation that Sannes had that day and the day before. And only one of them, the one where he had agreed to a meeting with an unknown man, had raised Levi's suspicion.
"Not sure if we can call it a lead," he mumbled, biting his lip. There was no word about Petra and no mention of the actual location, but it was something they could work with. It was a starting point, at the very least. Much better than nothing. "But it's definitely a clue. Come on, we need to continue our investigation."
"Meaning we're going to break into Sannes' office and see if we can find something inside. Don't worry," he clasped Oluo's shoulder with just a little too much force. Oluo coughed, almost doubling over under Levi’s hard hand. "Nothing you hadn't done before."
“Zeke is a fool,” the man sneered, his voice full of disgust. “He’s not the man he was before. Ever since he took in that Zoe, he made mistake after mistake. It’s time to put an end to this. It’s time for someone else to take over his legacy. Our gang needs a new leader. Someone, who has as much potential as Zeke, but who doesn’t yet possess any of his flaws. Someone, who is cunning and ruthless. There is only one man who can do this," he finished, and even from afar Petra could see a shine of adoration in his eyes.
Sannes scoffed, rolling his eyes, not moved by the passionate speech at all. "And who is that?"
"No one can achieve the greatness Zeke once possessed. Except," the man smiled, and the sight of it made shivers run down Petra's spine.
"His own brother."
"You've gone mad," Sannes rolled his eyes, still unconvinced. "You've lost it completely, and now you want to drag me down with you. I refuse. Good luck getting arrested, but I’m out of here.”
“You’ll regret this, Sannes,” the man promised, his eyes flashing. “You’ll come begging for us to take you back in no time.”
“I really doubt that, boy,” Sannes sneered, his face showing nothing but disgust. “And if you’re going to actually proceed with your plan, then be ready to meet Ackerman. Believe me, it won’t be a pleasing experience. See you in prison,” he finished, and left, throwing the door shut.
As soon as Sannes had stormed out, the man with an eerie smile turned around to face her.
Instantly, Petra closed her eyes and lowered her head, but the man simply laughed.
"There is no need to pretend," he spoke, shortening the distance between them. "I know you've been awake for quite some time, detective Ral."
She looked up then, saying nothing and glaring at him beneath her bangs. Just the sight of that man left her breathless, her heart beating so loudly she could hear it in her ears, but she wouldn’t show him her fear. She was better than this. He may have had an ultimate upper hand over her, but she would never give him the satisfaction of seeing her tremble.
"I think we've started off on a wrong foot," the man smiled, the shadow of a lightbulb above him making him look even creepier. "I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Floch, nice to meet you!"
With the same crazy smile on his lips, he reached out and patted her shoulder. Petra winced, unable to move away from the undesired touch.
"What do you want from me?" she hissed, trying to hide the shaking in her voice. As discreetly as possible, she tried to loosen her restraints. In movies she watched with Erd, Gunter and Oluo, heroes always freed themselves so easily, the ropes being nothing more than a nuisance. But in reality, they didn't bulge an inch. Petra searched through her mind, trying to remember what characters from those movies did. Wiggle out of the restrains? Broke their wrists? Or was it applicable only for the handcuffs? Shit. She should have watched more movies like this, instead of melodramas and rom-coms. Shifting her attention back to the present, she stared up at her captor, still glaring at him defiantly.
"What do I want from you? The same thing I wanted from the others."
The same thing he wanted from the others? But the others were... dead. Petra suppressed a shiver.
"It's nothing personal, really,” he continued in the same careless manner. “All I need from you is to motivate your partner."
"Levi?" Petra gasped. "What it has to do with him?"
To her surprise, the man shrugged. "Nothing, really. In a way," he swept his hand across the room. "He's just a victim of circumstances. He's one of the best detectives in this city and he has a personal connection with Zeke. It'd be a shame not to use him."
"But why do you need him?" she pulled on the ropes, leaning closer towards the man and looking deep inside his eyes, trying to see right through him, trying to understand him. "Why can't you just kill Zeke and be done with it?"
The man tutted, shaking his head. "That's not what I—" there it was, that same pleased, creepy smile. "What we want to do. Taking Zeke's life would be too easy. We want to destroy it. But unfortunately," he continued in a voice of badly feigned sympathy. "You're not the main event here."
"Not the main event?" Petra echoed, confused. If it wasn't her, then....
"Not sure if you've met...” his eyes lightened up with something dark and dangerous. The smile on his face grew wider, more sinister. “But surely you've heard of one Hange Zoe?"
"Hah," a short chuckle escaped her lips. Very soon it turned into a full blown laughter. Petra would have clenched her sides if she wasn't tied up, she would have doubled over, hands on her knees and chest heaving, overcome with a sudden feat of giggles.
"What are you laughing at?" Floch inquired, the smile disappearing under a frown.
"You, of course," Petra answered, still breathless. "You're a bigger fool than I thought. To think that you can take on Hange Zoe..." of course, he had already gotten her, but Floch had taken her by surprise and she wasn't nearly as experienced and skilled as Hange. And even if they do somehow catch Hange... "Levi would never let you even get close to her. More than that," Petra raised her chin, a confident smirk pulling on her lips. "I'm sure he'll show up here so very soon. He'll save me and ruin your stupid plan. Then you'll be rotting in jail alongside your Zeke."
"We'll see about that," Floch promised through gritted teeth. "Wait a couple of hours, detective, and we'll see if your optimism would remain just as strong."
He gave her a furious look and then did a sharp turn, heading to the door.
“Enjoy your last hours. I’ll come to check up on you later.”
With that he had left, and Petra finally managed to breathe normally.
*** "Weren't you supposed to be good at this?" Levi dryly inquired. With a bored expression on his face, he was leaning against the wall, watching Oluo fiddle with a lock on the door to Sannes' office.
"I never said I was," Oluo grunted, wiping sweat from his forehead. His head darted from one side to other, checking if the hallway remained empty. "It's my first time breaking into someone's office, you know."
"Eh?" Levi frowned, confused. "Then how did you and Petra get in the other day?"
"I stole a key," Oluo huffed.
Levi rolled his eyes, pushing Oluo aside. "Let me handle it then. You go and stand on a lookout."
Oluo didn't need to be asked twice. He got his fair share of bullying from Levi today. With an annoyed but very quiet - he wasn’t so thrilled about receiving even more insults - sigh, he rose to his feet, going to do what Levi had requested of him. He didn’t even reach the end of a hallway, and Levi was calling out to him.
"Already?" his eyebrows went up. "You broke the lock so quickly? How?"
"Well," Levi shrugged and pushed the door open, sporting an almost smug expression. "Let's just say I wasn't always a law-abiding policeman."
"So cool..." Oluo whispered in reverence, as he followed Levi inside the office.
In Oluo's humble opinion and in comparison to a small cubicle he shared with Erd, Sannes' office was huge. A large desk, a wide bookshelf that took up most of the wall, a leather couch and a mini-fridge with a coffee machine and a microwave oven? If affiliating yourself with criminals meant you can have a workplace like this... Oluo wasn't that opposed to the idea anymore.
But they took Petra, he reminded himself. They were the bad guys, even if they were much richer and more successful than he could ever be. They certainly didn’t deserve any of it. And his job was to catch them. 
"So what should be our starting point?" he asked Levi.
"You could start with telling me what the fuck you are doing inside my damn office."
With heart in his throat, Oluo whirled around. As his eyes met Sannes' dark and furious ones, Oluo gulped, slowly taking a step back.
He chanced a glance at Levi and was surprised to see that he didn't look as scared and panicked as Oluo himself felt.
Quite the contrary.
"Sannes." he snarled.
With wide eyes and mouth open in shock, Oluo watched how Levi manhandled Sannes, a man, who was almost twice his size. He pushed him to the wall, fisting hands into his shirt.
"Where is Petra, you scumbag?" he hissed into his face. "Where are you holding her?"
“Let go of me, you freak!” Sannes shouted. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Oh, but you do,” Levi’s voice dropped even lower, almost resembling a growl. “You know about everything – Zeke’s dealings, Petra’s kidnapping, Hange’s survival,” he pulled Sannes even closer. “So I repeat my question – where are you holding her?”
"I don't know!" Sannes wheezed out, already out of breath.
"Bullshit," Levi answered, his voice so dark and dangerous it made shivers run down Oluo's back. And he wasn’t the one Levi was talking to. He really didn’t envy Sannes right now. "You know it, and if you're not a complete idiot, you're going to tell me everything right fucking now."
Sannes looked down at him, his gaze calculating.  "If I tell you, do you promise not to reveal my connection with Zeke?"
"No,” Levi answered coolly, shaking Sannes once more. “But you're going to tell me anyway."
Sannes closed his eyes, breathing deeply through his nose. "Fine,” he said. “I'll tell you everything. Just let me go."
"Smart choice," Levi murmured and instantly took a step back.
Sannes sighed, running a shaky hand through his hair. "He's keeping her at the docks,” he mumbled, his face aimed at the ground. “I'll send you the exact location."
"Good," Levi nodded, much calmer now. "And after you do that, go straight to Erwin. If I were you, I wouldn't make him wait. Perhaps, he'd be more merciful then. Although,” he added, sending Sannes one last glare. “I doubt he actually would."
Levi turned on his heels then, walking out of the office. Oluo stayed behind for a second longer, a pressing need to ask Sannes a question arising in him.
"Petra?" his voice broke on her name, but Oluo willed himself to stand strong, looking up at Sannes without an ounce of fear. "Is she alright?"
"Dragged and unconscious," Sannes replied, rubbing the spot where Levi had grabbed him. "But she's unharmed. For now."
For now. Those two words made his knees buckle. They needed to hurry. Petra's life was on the line.
With sweat dripping down her face and completely out of breath, Hange finally reached Zeke's hideout.
Panting like a chain-smoker and with her leg muscles burning, she climbed all four sets of stairs, cursing Zeke all the while. Why couldn't he put his office on the first floor? Or next to a police precinct? Would have made her life so much easier.
As expected, Zeke was inside his meeting room, smoking. The fat rings of smoke were flowing around the room, flying just below the ceiling before dissipating into nothingness. Hange narrowed her eyes, squinting at the cigarette in his fingers. Could the cigarette from Petra’s apartment really belong to him? Perhaps, they should have run some tests on it… No, Hange shook her head. Zeke was innocent - at least, in that regard.
She looked around the room, nodding at Pieck and Porco, who, as usual, were sitting next to their boss.
"Ah, my dear Hange!" sweeping the ash from his cigarette, Zeke raised his hands, opening them in a welcoming gesture. "What brings you here? Already missed us?" he winked and Hange scoffed.
"Missed your ugly face?” she rolled her eyes. “Not in a million years."
Zeke shook his head, his gaze filling with disappointment. "Detective Ackerman has a terrible influence on your sense of humor," he complained, his expression turning sourer.
"Whatever," Hange fell down on a chair next to him. "I came to ask you for help. Petra is missing."
"Petra?" Zeke frowned, looking genuinely confused. The lost look inside his eyes cemented Hange's conclusion that he wasn't the one involved in her kidnapping. Zeke was sleazy and unreliable, but he was also a very bad liar. Well, that meant they managed to rule out one possible suspect…
"Yes, Petra. Levi's partner."
"Ah, he found a new one already?" Zeke spread his lips into a wide, self-contained smirk. "Not very loyal, is he?"
More loyal than you will ever be, Hange wanted to say, but stopped herself. Now was not the time to start a pointless squabble.
"Do you know something or not?" she demanded from him.
"I don't," Zeke answered, putting a cigarette to his lips and exhaling the smoke right in Hange's face. He knew how much she hated it, asshole. She waved the smoke away, scowling fiercely. "But I do know one thing," he turned to Porco. "The time has come, start packing."
Without asking for clarification, Porco nodded, thrusted hands into the pockets of his leather jacket and hurriedly left.
Hange watched him go, stunned. Was Zeke planning something? What could it be? Why didn’t she know about it?
There was only one way to find out. She surveyed Zeke’s face carefully, trying to see his motives reflected there.
"Packing? To where? What the hell are you talking about, Zeke?"
"Don't worry about our destination," he patted her hand, looking so condensing Hange had to clench her fists to stop herself from punching the bastard. "You're going with us after all."
"Like hell I will!" Hange threw his hands off, glaring at Zeke. "And you can’t seriously expect me to follow you. What does all of it mean?"
Zeke shrugged, lightening up another cigarette and taking a long drag. "It's the grand finale, Zoe. The dramatic climax, the thrilling last act. And I was never the one for theatrics. So I'll leave the stage and go on my way."
"You promised to help," Hange grunted. She couldn't believe it, she actually trusted the bastard, and now he tries to escape? She wouldn't let him. "Or did you lie to us?"
"I wasn't lying," Zeke scoffed. "Like I said, I don't enjoy the drama. I simply changed my mind."
"So you won't honor your promise?"
Zeke rolled his eyes. "Zoe, please. I'm a criminal. The word honor was never in my vocabulary."
"Fine," Hange huffed, blowing hair out of her face. The attempt to awaken his consciousness failed. Maybe, she could appeal to his ego instead… "But someone is targeting you. Don't you want to know who it is?"
"Not particularly,” Zeke shook his head. “Since they went through all that trouble just to get me, I'd rather we never meet. Lord knows what they're going to do then, and, unlike you, detective, I know what self-preservation means."
"So that's it? You're just going to leave?"
Hange couldn’t believe it. She knew Zeke was a scumbag, but goddamn it. She didn’t expect him to be that untrustworthy.
"Of course, I’m not going to just leave," Zeke smiled. "I'll take you with me. To make sure that no one is going to follow us."
Hange snorted. "You're that delusional? I told you already, I'd rather die than go anywhere with you."
"Be it as you wish," he said. "Pieck," he lazily outstretched his hand to her. "Make our dear detective cooperate. Do with her what you want, but make sure she won’t get in our way."
Hange turned to Pieck, her heart skipping a beat. She held her breath and tensed her muscles, anticipating her first move. She could take Pieck in a fight, in theory. But in reality, she came unarmed, and Pieck always carried a gun. And a couple of knifes.
And Hange wasn't sure that her wits were much sharper.
There was a bit, the air in the room growing stiff. Hange swallowed, her one eye narrowed, as she watched Pieck. Maybe, if she makes the first move—
"No." Pieck said suddenly.
For a moment, there was silence. Hange sat there, dumbfounded, staring at Pieck and feeling utterly lost. She didn’t mishear? Did Pieck really—
Next to her, Zeke seemed to have the exact same trouble. He blinked a few times and then his expression changed, turning into a look of betrayal and fury.
"What did you just say?" he snarled, baring teeth at her.
"No," Pieck repeated, staring straight at him, not swayed by his outburst. "I won't touch Hange, and you, Zeke, will go with her and surrender to the police."
"What do you think—"
"Stop it, Zeke," Pieck sighed tiredly. "Own up to your shit and stop running away. Do you really not get it? If you do this right now, whether you'll kill Hange or take her with you, this—" she gestured around, her gaze on Zeke hard and disappointed. "This running and hiding will never end. If you touch a hair on her head, detective Ackerman will get you even from underneath the Earth. Accept it, Zeke," she stood up and squeezed his shoulder. "You've lost that battle the moment you started it. You simply picked up the wrong opponents."
With slow, elegant steps Pieck approached Hange and bent down to leave a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Goodbye, Hange," she murmured, tucking a hair behind her ear. "It's been fun."
In spite of herself, Hange smiled. Sarcastic, adorable Pieck always had such an effect on her. "Are you leaving already?" she asked, touching a place where Pieck's lips met her skin.
"Well," Pieck grinned. "Pock had started packing, right?"
"And where are you going?" Zeke wondered, his lips pressed in a line and hands crossed at his chest. He stubbornly refused to even glance at Pieck.
"A secret," she chirped, smiling cheerfully. "But I'll make sure to send a postcard. Hange, I'll send yours to detective Ackerman's address?” she winked, chuckling at the sight of red color on Hange’s cheek. “And, Zeke? You'll be staying at the state prison, right?"
"Oh fuck off, Pieck," he groaned. "Go away already."
Their eyes met for a second, and Zeke's gaze softened ever so slightly. "Try not to get caught, will you?"
"Roger that, chief!" Pieck saluted, kissed Zeke too and then headed to the entrance, gliding on the floor and humming under her breath.
"You two should talk," she advised Hange and Zeke, and then quietly closed the door.
As soon as Pieck was gone, Zeke dropped his head on his hands, sighing in frustration.
"How the fuck do you do it, Zoe?" he sent her a side-glance. "How the fuck do you manage to inspire that kind of loyalty in people?"
Hange shrugged, sitting back in a chair, and curled her lips in a crooked grin. "Try not being a complete jerk, perhaps?"
"Fuck off," he retorted, hiding his face again. "You'll send me to jail, right?"
"R-right," Hange sang. "And before that, you'll help us looking for Petra."
"And if I refuse?"
"Initially, I planned to be the one organizing your arrest. But I can give that honor to Levi..."
Zeke visibly shuddered.
"Fine," he looked up, fixing the glasses on his face and brushing the hair back from his forehead. "I'll help you. Now get the hell out of here."
Hange arched an eyebrow. "You're coming with me, you know that?"
"I'll come," he huffed. "I promise. For real this time," he added, when Hange just kept giving him an unimpressed look. "Just give me half an hour to get all of my possessions in order, would you? I don't know if I'll be coming back after all."
"Half an hour." Hange nodded, looking at him strictly. "If you don't show up in half an hour, I'm sending Levi to get you."
She would have stayed behind and monitored him, but time was of the essence. She promised Levi she'd back in two hours. And the watch was telling her it was almost an hour past that. She needed to get back, and quickly. Hurrying out of the building, Hange rushed to the precinct.
But in her haste to get back to Levi, she didn't see a swift shadow that followed right after her.
One way, then the other, back and forth, left and right, Levi paced around the room.  
Seven. That was the amount of steps needed to get from one end of Erwin's office to the other.
Levi glanced out of the window, and then turned around, starting anew. He clenched and unclenched his fists, thinking if he should look at his phone again. Maybe, he missed a message? Didn't hear its ringing? Maybe, she had already replied to a dozen of his texts and calls?
"Levi," a heavy hand fell on his shoulder, making him stop in his tracks. "Levi, we can't wait any longer," again, Erwin's voice was so much gentler than usual, and that alone should have been enough for him to realize that he was being irrational. That, the eyes of a dozen other policemen, gathered in Erwin’s office, who looked at him with a mix of worry and sympathy.
"We have the location," Erwin reminded, bringing him back to present.
"I know."
"We have the team."
"I know."
"We have a plan."
"I know," Levi gritted through teeth. "But we do not have Hange!"
Frustrated, he turned away from Erwin. He took out his phone, holding it tightly.
Why didn't she call? Why didn't pick up the phone and answer his texts? Where the fuck was she? She promised to be back in two hours. Almost three passed and no sign of that messy, four-eyed brilliant weirdo. The knot in his stomach grew tighter with each passing second.
Logically, he knew Hange could be simply running late. She could be stuck in traffic or she could be busy trying to get some kind of useful information out of Zeke. But while Hange was never the one to care about such trite matters as punctuality and she could easily get absentminded and usually appeared to be scatterbrained and frivolous, she was so very different during the times like this. Times, when lives were on the line. Hange never let herself be so unfocused, that’s why Levi was so worried now. He was anxious, and he knew that feeling won't go away until he sets his eyes on Hange, alive, breathing and well. He just got her back, the thought of losing her… Levi cursed, checking the phone again.
"Levi..." Erwin sighed, patting his shoulder. "You know, we can't waste our time."
He knew that. Petra needed their help, needed him. He couldn't let her down, but still...
Hange, oh god, Hange. He couldn’t lose her. Not again.
"Perhaps, detective Zoe isn't going to come back," came a quiet murmur from the corner of the room.
Levi’s head whirled in that direction, and, in a flash, he was beside him. "What did you just say?" he demanded from Oluo, barely stopping himself from grabbing him just as forcefully as he had done with Sannes.  
Oluo swallowed, a trail of sweat rolling down his face, but he stared back at Levi, raising his chin.
"She was working with an enemy for more than two years. Maybe, she was the one who kidnapped Petra."
Levi closed his eyes, counting to ten in his head. He was not going to lose it right now. He was not. Not when Erwin - and a dozen other of his colleagues - were looking at him.
"Bozado," he began as calmly as he was able in that moment. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course, sir!" he answered without a moment of hesitation.
"Good," Levi nodded. "You trust me. And I trust Hange. With my life. And if you are at least half as smart as you're trying to appear, you'll trust her too. If you're not ready to,” his gaze grew harder, enabling Oluo from turning away. “Then get the fuck out of my team. If you doubt Hange, you doubt me, and I can’t work like that, I have to trust my people. So what do you say – are you leaving or staying?"
"I'm... I'm staying with you, sir."
"Alright," Levi watched Oluo’s face for another second, his eyes narrowed. Would he follow his orders without question? It seemed like he would. He hoped so, at least. With a low, thoughtful hum, Levi turned to Erwin. "We can start the operation. Bozado will lead my team."
He pointedly ignored the shocked gasp from Oluo. The boy wasn’t nearly as experienced, wasn’t even a detective, but their mission was to get back Petra. And Levi believed Oluo wouldn’t let himself fuck it all up.
It's obvious he has feelings for her, Hange once told him. She was right that time, but then again – when she wasn’t?
"And you, Levi?" Erwin asked.
"Half an hour," he promised. "Half an hour, and I'll be at the location."
Hange swore to come back to him. This time, Levi won't let her broke that promise.
Closing the door behind himself, he hurried to Zeke. He prayed that Hange was alright. Zeke wouldn’t get out of this alive, if she weren’t.
The silence pressed onto her. The silence, the waiting for god knows what - it was all making Petra go slowly insane. She wanted to hear something, any sound would do at this point.
Or so she thought.
But then Floch came back, sauntering inside and still sporting the same deranged grin, and Petra realized that she preferred silence so much more than the low, out of tune humming mixed with the sound of him polishing the various knifes taken from a long table in front of him.
She squirmed, the ropes digging into her skin even more. It would leave bruises, she thought absentmindedly.
Bruises? She chided herself almost immediately. Who would care about bruises if they find her dead? She suppressed another shiver.
They won't find her dead, Petra tried to persuade herself. They won't, because so very soon Levi would be here, and he'll save her. Perhaps, detective Hange would be with him, maybe, Oluo too...
She had friends who cared about her. They won't let her be murdered. She just had to keep believing in them.
"What are you waiting for?" she asked Floch, trying to distract herself from the thousand of horrible what ifs.
Why haven’t you— no, she wouldn’t ask him that. She would remain optimistic.
“You’ll see very soon,” he told her enigmatically. “My friend is almost here.”
His friend? Did he mean Zeke’s brother? The one, who had planned it all? And what would happen, when he comes? Would he—
No, she stopped herself once again. She needed to hold onto that hope. She needed to stay strong.
The sound of footsteps somewhere above her startled Petra. Hearing them too, Floch started chuckling. He turned to Petra, pressing a finger to his lips.
“That’s my friend,” he whispered quietly, as though it was the biggest secret in the world. “And he brought someone with him.”
The next second, the door opened and a man – so young, probably in his early twenties – stumbled in. He was hobbling slightly, his hand pressed to a place just below his hairline. His face was a mess – split lip, bruised eye that already started to turn deep purple, bloodied nose and forehead.
“You didn’t tell me she was a fucking psycho,” he grumbled, glaring daggers at Floch. “I wouldn’t have a chance, if I wasn’t armed.”
“But?” Floch passed him a white cloth to wipe off the blood. “You’ve caught her, right?” his voice was full of hope, and his fingers were trembling in anticipation.
“She’s in my car, dragged out of her mind. Help me get her here.”
“With pleasure,” Floch turned to Petra, winking. “You’ll have company so very soon, detective. I hope you’re excited! I am!”
He didn’t stop to hear her response, following after his friend and leaving her alone once again.
It was possibly her last chance, she realized. Petra desperately pulled on the ropes, trying to get away, but to no avail. She couldn’t move an inch, and it seemed like the more she struggled, the tighter her bindings became.
Not enough time passed, before Floch had returned, dragging a body inside. His friend put the chair, right next to Petra, and Floch dropped the body there.
No, not just some body, Petra realized. Fear crippled inside her, seizing her heart in its merciless hold.
Not just some body, Hange Zoe’s body.
Her head was bowed, but even from where she was sitting, in a poorly lit room, Petra could see blood dripping down her cheek and neck.
So much blood, she thought. She was breathing, albeit faintly. But she wasn’t waking up.
Her heart stopped, as Petra realized another thing – if Hange was there, no one was looking for her. And if no one was looking… then Hange and she… they would most probably… not be found.
At least, not alive, or so it seemed.
Petra tried to hold onto that sliver of hope, but with Hange Zoe’s bloodied face in her line of sight, it was getting increasingly harder and harder to.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Form Fitting
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Alice Cullen x Plus size!reader
Word Count:1531 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Alice goes on a shopping trip and buys a dress for the reader, that isn’t exactly something she’s comfortable with. 
It was no secret that Alice liked to shop.
She had always loved to go through all the racks, from the clearance to the high end brands, whether she was shopping for herself or someone else. Being with you gave her the perfect opportunity to do so, as much as she liked.
Surprising you with things had slowly become one of her favorite things to do, especially seeing as you were human and needed to sleep through the night. Since she didn't have to, Alice would just head out in the morning, right when her favorite boutiques opened.
It was perfect, because she could go on her shopping trips and be back before you even got out of bed. That way she didn't miss out on any time by your side, but she didn't have to give up her favorite pass time either.
For her, it was ideal.
For you, not so much.
Alice loved to push you out of your comfort zone. She insisted that it was all in an effort to get you to understand just how beautiful she knew you were. However, you had come to your own conclusion that she just couldn't help herself.
Still, with the frequency of her shopping trips at their high right now, you didn't think twice when you rolled over in bed to find her missing. In general, if she was home, she would just wait for you to wake up, reading or painting her toenails in an effort to pass the time.
It was a safe bet to assume that if she wasn't waiting by the foot of the bed for you to wake up, that she wasn't home.
In any case, she would be home before long so you just slipped on some socks and headed downstairs to get some breakfast. It was no use waiting around for her to get back when her fashion addiction could take hours to satiate.
"Alice went out to the shopping complex, she told me that she'd be back a little later" Edward informed you in passing, squashing any doubt that you may have had as to where she'd run off to. He was headed out, no doubt going to look for Bella, and didn't stop to talk.
Even still, you were glad for his help. At least you didn't have to worry about her taking an impromptu trip to Italy again and scaring you out of your mind. Every since then, she always made a point to make sure you knew where she was when she wasn't by your side.
You smiled at him in thanks, deciding to go watch a movie or two before she got back to kill some time. There would inevitably be a full fashion show of all the things she found on her outing when she got back and you didn't want to miss it.
...And a fashion show there was.
However, it wasn't of the variety that you'd come to be comfortable with and happy to witness. Alice came through the door with her arms full of different shopping bags, but dropped most of them at the front door.
She was vibrating with excitement, and it was over a single item that she couldn't wait to show you. It was all she'd been able to think about since she'd found it and every moment that you weren't wearing it seemed like a waste of time.
"Hello my love" she grinned, plopping down beside you on the couch, her legs folded under her in a way only she could be comfortable with. She had no idea how you were going to react to what she'd found but she could only hope for the best.
She wanted you to react as she had, with that bubbly excitement that she just couldn't keep to herself no matter how hard she tried. In fact, she'd nearly called you as soon as she found it just to share how excited she was.
Somehow she'd managed to refrain in a desperate attempt to keep it all a secret.
"I got you something while I was out. Would you like to see?" she hummed, though she was practically pulling the garment out before you even had a chance to answer. It was a wine colored dress, a beautiful one, but you weren't sure it would fit.
From the looks of it, the fabric didn't have much stretch to begin with and if you did manage to get it up over your hips and thighs, you doubted it would zip in the back. You had been shopping for clothes for quite some time and you knew how well things would fit your body.
Not that you had the stomach to tell Alice that.
For some reason, she just kept buying you clothes, even if she knew that you likely couldn't wear them and every time, you just couldn't tell her the truth. You couldn't tell her how much it hurt you to see all the beautiful clothes that she picked out and then finding out you were too big for them.
It was the worst but as happy as it made her, you just couldn't bring yourself to wipe that look off her face. As best you could do, you decided to just grin and bear it because it was easier than having to deal with the upset it would cause.
"It's beautiful Ally, but I don't think it will fit" you shrugged, doing your very best to try and stretch the fabric between your fingers. No matter what you did, it didn't seem like there was enough to stretch over your frame.
In fact, you were sure that there wasn't.
"Come on, I know that it will. Will you please just try it for me?" she begged, puffing out her bottom lip in a desperate attempt to convince you to do so, knowing fully that she didn't need to in order to get what she wanted.
All it would take was a small smile from her and you'd be all over it.
"Fine, but don't get upset if it doesn't work out" you decided, gently taking the dress from her hands and heading over to the guest bathroom. You wanted so badly for it to work out, knowing how happy it would make her.
You just weren't sure.
Though, you were even more not sure when you pulled the dress up and found that it did fit, but not in the way you expected. It was tight, very tight and you could see every little curve and roll that your body had to offer.
You hated it, obviously, but when the knocking came from outside the door that told you that Alice wanted to see it, you knew better than to try and hide it away from her. She would at least want to see it, even if you decided not to keep it.
"How does it look? Can I see?" she asked, over and over again until you finally opened the door. As soon as you did, she was all over you, gushing like a school girl. You looked so good, just like she knew you would.
You always looked good, you just couldn't help it.
"I love it. It's so pretty" she gasped, gently resting her hands on your hips, the fabric tight to your skin. You were clearly uncomfortable, as anyone would have been, but smiled nonetheless. Even if you didn't feel the most beautiful right now, you knew that Alice believed you did.
She made it very clear to you that she always did.
"You don't think it's too tight? You can see everything" you winced, looking down again at your frame. You could see exactly where your tummy rolled and it wasn't doing you any favors in hiding your arms either.
Needless to say, you weren't entirely happy with it but that was because you were focusing on all the wrong things. If you had just looked at yourself wearing it, you may have noticed that it was actually really cute, and fit you rather well, tightness aside.
"It's form fitting my love, it's supposed to be that way" she explained, gently running her fingers over the fabric to straighten out any wrinkles. It looked really good, but Alice also understood that if you were uncomfortable, she didn't want you to wear it.
"I can take it back if you don't like it, but I think it fits you really well. You look beautiful" she smiled, wrapping her arms around your waist to pull you closer to her than you had been before.
You knew what she was doing, trying to win your favor so you would try it, and against your better judgement, she was succeeding. You just couldn't say no to that beautiful face, even if you wanted to.
Who knows, maybe the dress wouldn't be all that bad? Alice seemed to think it looked nice and she wouldn't lead you astray. Giving it a try couldn't hurt anything, though it was new to you. At the end of the day, when you walked past the mirror, you had to admit that it did look good on you.
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downondilaudid · 4 years
High as a Kite
After a stressful case reader unwinds in her own unique way, unfortunately, the BAU is called in on another case. Spencer doesn’t seem too fond of the reader’s stress reliever.
A/N: This is very poorly edited. I just got into a massive fight with a few friends. So now I’m very sad, and just wanna sleep. But fuck them. Like that one vine says, I don’t need friends, they disappoint me. Seriously, FUCK THEM. I still love them doe, i have too, they’re the only friends i have.
Oh also, I wrote this in first person, instead of my usual second person. Let me know if you like it or not! <3
Requested: Yes
Prompts: None
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: (Unprotected)Penetrative Sex, a DASH of angst, drug use, let me know if I missed anything.
“He rarely smoked, but once in a while, like now, when his world had been shaken, his woman nearly killed in front of his eyes, and he’d watched a house consume a man and spit him out, he figured a drag or two were appropriate.”
― Christine Feehan, Safe Harbor
Relaxing after a case was one of my favorite things on the planet. Especially when it ended well, I had been able to watch as the little girl who had been stolen from her family, ran to her parents, her little arms wrapping around their legs. Seeing the love and adoration in the parent's eyes as the wept and held her made me want to have a child of my own.
Spencer and I had been together for a little over a year, but I doubt either of us are ready for children. Our job alone is stressful enough, in fact, it’s how we met. I worked as a technical analyst under Penelope Garcia. I will say my job wasn’t as strenuous as Spencer’s, but it’s not exactly ideal to look at dead bodies all day.
We all have our own peculiar ways of unwinding, Spencer loves to sit and read a few books, Hotch heads home to spend time with Jack, and Emily is always down for a drink. I, on the other hand, would much rather smoke a bowl than read a book. It was my own way of unwinding and allowing my brain to cleanse itself of the horrors of the world.
My pink pipe was packed with weed, a matte black lighter in my hand. The weed burned in the small bowl, crisping to a dark black. My finger released the carb of the pipe a couple of times, allowing the smoke to fill my lungs.
The haunting voice of Lana Del Rey filled the room. Her voice alone is smooth as honey, but listening to her while high is an ethereal experience. I could only imagine what Spencer would do if he could see me now, probably ramble off the statistics of marijuana addiction. But I could definitely say I wasn’t addicted, it was just an easy way to relax.
I took another hit, watching as the smoke tumbled from my lips. My stomach rumbled, causing me to giggle lightly, here come the munchies. Usually, I didn’t have the biggest sweet tooth, but when I’m high I can’t get enough sugar.
My hands pulled open the pantry, hips swaying lightly to the music.
Suddenly the music was gone, replaced by an annoying buzzing, “Ugh, you’re fucking kidding.” I groaned. I let the pantry fall shut, making my way over to where my phone sat. I had an inkling who was calling me, but every ounce of my body was praying I was wrong. Unfortunately, I was not, as I had one text from Hotch and a missed call from Spencer.
As if on cue, my phone buzzed in my hand, Spencer’s name illuminating the phone. Quickly I answered the call, pulling the phone up to my ear. “Hiya Spence.” 
“You get the call?” Spencer questioned, his voice cracking slightly, it was obvious he hadn’t used it in a while. He had probably been reading ever since he got home.
I giggled lightly at the sound of Spencer’s voice, taking a moment to admire the perfect way it croaked. “Mhm, can you pick me up?” 
There was no immediate response, it was obvious there was something off, Spencer could tell. I never asked him to drive me anywhere, I was always the one driving. Especially due to Spencer’s hatred of automobiles. 
“But don’t you usually pick me up?” he questioned. 
“Spencer, that last case… I’m literally the definition of exhaustion, can you please, just this once?” I was hoping that with the use of his full first name, he would understand the seriousness of my question. There was no way I was driving to work, with Spencer in the car, while high. 
Speaking of, I still had zero idea how I was going to act sober in a room of profilers, granted, I had a lot of practice of acting sober in front of people, just not at work. Unfortunately for me, the best two words to describe myself while high were, giggly and horny. Oh, and hungry, who doesn’t get the munchies?
Spencer sighed on the other end of the line, “Of course, Y/N.” He paused for a moment, a slight hesitation in his voice with his next words. “Is-is everything okay?” 
“Oh, totally, the case just got to me, that's all!” My reply was all but convincing, it didn’t help the awkward silence made me giggle, which I quickly stifled with my hand. But to Spencer, I’m sure it sounded like a muffled sob. At least he’d buy it, right?
I hopped into the car, looking too giddy to be dealing with another case, “hey.” 
Spencer turned his head to look at me, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his tongue peeking out between his pink lips. “Y/N are you sure you’re okay?”
I rolled my eyes before playfully glaring at Spencer, “yes, now drive, baby.” I reached out, grabbing the gear shift, and shifting the car into drive. 
The car rolled slightly before a startled Spencer slammed his foot on the brake, “Y/N what the- my foot wasn’t even on the brake! Do you know how many accidents are caused a year due to pedal error? Sixteen thousand, and that’s just in the U.S.”
I know it was inappropriate, but during the whole lecture he was giving me I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his hands. They were so perfect, long and thick, the number of times that I’ve come undone on those hands is immeasurable. I shifted in my seat before meeting his eyes. Honestly, I hadn’t comprehended a word he said, something about cars?
Spencer shifted the car back into park, turning in his seat to lean towards me. His eyes scanned me up and down, and not in a good way. “You’re acting strange. You’re overly bubbly, especially considering we have another case. You aren’t thinking rationally-”
A gasp left my body once I realized what he was doing, “Spencer Walter Reid, are you profiling me? We agreed not to do that!”
Despite my yelling he kept speaking “and you were too focused on the movement of my hands to retain a single word I told you.” He reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. 
“Spencer, what the fuck are you-ow!” A blinding light clouded my vision, causing me to recoil further into my seat. 
A scoff left Spencer’s mouth as he turned off the flashlight. “You’re high,” he stated, “what did you take?”  
“I’m not-” I quickly stopped my sentence once I saw the glare Spencer was sending me. “Okay, I just smoked a little weed. Seriously, it wasn’t a lot.”
Spencer unlocked his phone, pressing a few buttons before opening the “W-what are you doing?” I asked, although I already knew the answer. 
“Calling Hotch” Spencer replied, his voice even yet stern. It was somehow scarier than his occasional outburst.
“What? No, Spencer!” I reached over the console, latching my hands onto his phone, before pulling back. Sadly, the phone stayed rooted in his large hands, and with a swift tug, he had the phone back in his grasp. 
Spencer glared harsh daggers at me, before looking back down, and continuing to type on the phone. “Y/N, you’ve already pushed me far enough. Sit down and keep your mouth shut.” 
I fell back into my seat, pouting and crossing my arms childishly. The faint sound of ringing broke the silence, stopped by the barely audible voice of Hotch over the phone. 
“Hotch, Y/N can’t come in, she’s sick. I think she has a fever.” The lie tumbled easily out of his lips. 
My head whipped towards him, my eyebrows raised in amusement. “Thanks, I will.” Spencer ended the conversation, this time setting his phone in the cupholder in the console. 
I giggled lightly, “what would I do without you to save my ass?” 
He didn’t respond, instead putting the car in drive, this time with his foot on the brake. Silence filled the car, Spencer opting to focus on the road, and me fidgeting with the hem of my skirt. 
“Spencie, are you mad at me?” I asked, resting an elbow on the console between us. 
It was obvious he was frustrated, I would be too, but how was I supposed to know we’d get called in on a case? “Yes, Y/N” he answered, his words punctuated and his jaw clenching, accentuating his razor-sharp jawline. 
There was something about angry Spencer that sent shockwaves to my core, leaving me squirming against the leather of the car. Eh, what the hell, might as well go for it, I can just blame it on the cannabis. 
My arm reached across the console, my hand landing on the top of Spencer’s thigh. I watched him visibly jump at my touch, he obviously wasn’t expecting it. “Are you sure it’s just anger?” 
He sighed loudly, one of his hands leaving the steering wheel to remove my own from his leg.
“Please Spencer, just really quick? It’d help you relieve some stress!” I cried as I walked through the door. 
Another angry sigh left Spencer’s mouth, he seemed to be doing that a lot. “Y/N, you’re under the influence, I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
I almost laughed at his statement, it was perfectly logical of him to think that, and utterly sweet. But he was my boyfriend, my love, I would fuck him in whatever state I’m in. “Spence, I can promise you you’re not taking advantage of me. We’ve had sex countless times, I’d have sex with you even if I was sober, have you seen you?” I paused for a moment before adding onto my sentence, breaking the slight tension with humor, “yourself, not you, that doesn’t sound right.” 
Spencer chuckled to himself, rolling his eyes as he reached for his belt. “Hell yes!” I cried as I began to undo the buttons of my blouse, quickly shedding it. I could’ve just left the blouse on, but Spencer was a tits man through and through. 
As soon as I heard the clinking of his belt colliding with the floor, I ambushed him, immediately letting my lips find his. The kiss wasn’t rough, nor was it gentle, it was somewhere in between, a perfect balance. I pulled away, biting down lightly on Spencer’s bottom lip. 
My hand slipped into his unzipped pants, palming him lightly. It was the most heavenly sight on earth to watch his head fall back, and a low moan tumble from his lips. “Fuck, Y/N” 
Nodding my head I giggled, “yes, please fuck Y/N.”
Spencer tilted his head back up, laughing lightly at my comment.
I pulled away from him, grabbing the hem of my skirt and shimmying it up over my hips. Spencer’s eyebrows raised, a look of amusement on his face. “Please” I begged.
“Alright, turn around, over the table,” Spencer commanded, his voice low and demanding.
A giggle passed my lips as I turned around, making my way over to the table. My top half pressed against the table, my body resting against my forearms. I could hear Spencer’s footsteps as he crossed the room, stopping behind me. His large hands wrapped around my hips, pushing my skirt higher up my body. “Do you know how irresponsible it was of you to try and come into work while under the influence?” 
His hand left my hip coming back down onto my backside, the impact causing me to cry out. “Spencer!”
His hand raked up my side, grabbing a fist full of my hair. “I-I didn’t have a choice.” I stuttered out as one of his fingers hooked onto my underwear, pulling them to the side. 
“You did have a choice, you chose not to inform Hotch, leaving me to save your ass. Do you understand how detrimental the consequences could’ve been if something were to go wrong?” Spencer’s fingers ran through my folds, spreading around my arousal. 
“Fuck” I moaned out, using my forearms to push myself back against his hand. “Better hurry this up, Spence, we don’t have long.” Spencer shuffled behind me before I felt the head of his cock brush against my core. “Fine, if you’re so impatient.” He grunted, pulling back on my hair, and pushing his cock into my folds. 
He was quick to set a rough pace, pulling out and pushing back in, using the hand in my hair as leverage to pull me back in time with his thrusts. “Yes, Spencer, fuck,” I groaned out. 
“You know,” Spencer started, pausing to roughly thrust into me, sending my body forward against the table, the edge digging into my thighs. “If you wanted a stress reliever, you could’ve come to me. Sex releases endorphins and other hormones, the same way exercise does. Particularly, oxytocin, commonly referred to as the “love hormone.” 
I moaned against the table, my body beginning to falter as my orgasm approached. “Fuck, Spencer, mhmm, yes.” 
With every thrust, I could feel the strain of Spencer yanking my hair back, which would definitely leave a crick in my neck. But I was enjoying myself too much to tell him to stop. I could practically feel Spencer’s anger with every obscene smack of our sweaty skin. It was what I was hoping for, a good fuck, and for Spencer to be able to release his anger before heading back to the BAU. 
Surprisingly, Spencer released his vice grip on my hair, easing the tension on my neck, allowing my face to fall forward and my cheek to squish against the table. He planted his forearm beside my head, leaning over me so his chest was pressed against my back. “How good would you feel if I allowed you to come right now?” To add to the pleasure, Spencer’s hand resting on my hip wormed its way around my body, two of his long digits beginning to rub circles around my swollen bud. 
A sob racked my body at the added pleasure, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I could feel my legs starting to tremble as I held back my release, almost as if my body knew I couldn’t let go until he gave me permission. “Please, please?” I begged.
“Say it. Promise me you’ll come to me next time you need to relieve stress.” Spencer growled, his voice cracking, signaling he was close too. 
The desperate sounds of our moans and the musty smell of sex filled the room, drowning out my senses. I was too lost in the euphoria to reply, instead, I deliriously rutted my hips back as an attempt to feel him deeper. 
Spencer let out a groan before burying his head deep in the crook of my neck, moaning out “promise me, Y/N.” 
“I promise, fuck, please, Spencer?” The words tumbled almost incoherently out of my lips, barely comprehensible. 
Nodding his head against my skin, he placed an open-mouthed kiss to my neck before moaning out “come, come with me Y/N.” 
And just like that, I was sent headfirst into a trembling, teeth-clenching orgasm. My back arched, uncomfortably pressing my breasts even further against the table. My vision went white, and my legs threatened to collapse. Spencer had stilled, burying his cock deep in my cunt, lewdly moaning out my name, and a series of various curses. An unfamiliar warmth coursed through my body as he filled me up with his seed. Leaving me to grin like a Cheshire cat, caked in sweat. 
The two of us laid against the table, deep pants leaving both our mouths. Spencer pulled out, tucking himself back in his pants. “Thank you” I giggled, pushing myself up from the table, and shuffling my skirt back down my legs. 
When I turned around I was met with the sight of a sweaty Spencer, running his hands through his tousled hair. “You look fine, Spence.”
I could tell Spencer was trying his hardest to contain his smile, probably wanting to stay mad at me. But as soon as his eyes met mine, his face broke into a soft smile, my own following suit. I took a step forward, wrapping my arms around his torso, and letting my head rest against his chest. “I love you” I murmured against his shirt. 
His arms wrapped around my back, pulling me closer to him, “I love you too” he replied, placing a kiss to the top of my head.
“Okay, I have to go,” Spencer said, letting his arms fall back to his side.
I pulled back, unwrapping my arms from his body. “Don’t forget your belt,” I nodded towards his belt that was left discarded on the floor in the midst of our frenzy. 
“I have an eidetic memory, Y/N, remember?” Spencer joked, snatching his belt from the floor, and looping it back through his pants. 
Rolling my eyes with a laugh I replied, “that doesn’t mean things can’t slip your mind, Spence.” 
“Actually-” he started.
I cut him off by opening the front door, “bye, have fun, I love you!” 
Spencer laughed, pecking me on the lips before heading out the door, looking over his shoulder to call out, “we’ll talk more about this later, Y/N. Don’t think you’re off the hook just yet.”
“Shit.” I groaned, letting the door fall shut.
Taglist: @pinkdiamond1016 @gubler-squad @garcias-batcave
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equustenebris · 3 years
Is there any better trope than character involuntarily does x while hiding and gets themselves caught? No there isn't, enjoy. Short drabble this time :P For Whumptober 2021, Whumptober ends when I say it ends lol
After a fight with the Duck Avenger leaves the Mad Ducktor injured, he slips into Gyro's house for some supplies, believing Gyro to be asleep. He should have known better than that.
Prompt - hiding, escape
tw: mild blood (nosebleed and some cuts)
Twenty-five. Hide & Seek
He sniffled back blood, pulling himself through the open living room window. He was trying to leave no trace, but that was a difficult endeavor as blood continuously trickled from his beak; he pulled off his glove and wiped it off on the back of his hand. The Avenger had been vicious, but he was faster and far more cunning, and he'd managed to slip away from their latest encounter with only a few bruises and cuts -- and a persistent beak bleed.
But his wounds did need attention, and he was completely out of bandages at his hideout. That was where his other self came in. Conveniently for the Ducktor, Gyro had left his window open, and with the house unusually dark and still for this hour, the Ducktor planned on taking full advantage of the situation.
He couldn't see much in the dark, but the house was familiar, and he quickly made his way into the bathroom, switching on the light and getting to work, cleaning himself up and bandaging his wounds. He would only take the supplies he needed -- he knew well that Gyro could need them himself at any point, given his mishaps in the lab, and he wasn't about to leave him empty-handed. Sure, it meant he had to make an extra trip to rob a drug store anyway later on, but at least he could plan his robbery for when he felt more prepared.
Blood trickled down the back of his throat from the nosebleed and he gave a soft, sharp cough, quickly stealing some toilet paper to try to clean his beak up again. That Avenger was stronger than he looked, and his beak just throbbed. At least as tender as it was, at least it didn't seem to be broken.
He stepped back, looking his bandages over in the mirror, deciding it was good enough -- he couldn't afford to stay in Gyro's house for long, just in case. He slipped out the bathroom door, but made it only a few steps before his ears pricked.
The familiar sound of the whirring elevator came ringing loud as a warning bell. He startled, nearly jumping a foot -- the house was dark! Gyro was supposed to be in bed! What was he doing coming up from the lab?!
The Ducktor panicked, looking frantically around before spotting the dim outline of the hallway closet. Well, that wasn't ideal --
He heard some distant voice as the elevator whirred closer; he was barely able to make it out, Gyro obviously talking to Little Bulb.
"--didn't exactly work out, but next time maybe if we try running it tomorrow with at least some of the lights on -- oh, wow, it's dark in here," he exclaimed as the elevator whooshed open.
The time for ideal had long since passed; in an instant the Ducktor flung open the hallway closet door and stuffed himself inside, quietly shutting the door just in time for Gyro to strut out to the living room, making sure all the lights were back on.
The Ducktor suppressed a furious hiss, hunching his shoulders. Of course! Leave it to his other half to make things more difficult for him. The front door had been right there, he would have easily been able to slip out undetected, if he had only been a minute faster at finishing up in the bathroom --
There was a soft pounding elsewhere in the house. "Coming!" Gyro called suddenly, and the Ducktor bristled, straining to hear against the wood door. There was a bit of clattering as Gyro opened the front door, some muted words he couldn't quite make out, in a voice he recognized immediately as that blasted duck.
"Come in," he heard Gyro say, and the Ducktor dug his fingertips into his leg.
"Thanks, Gyro. I just need a quick fix for my boots. I'm hot on the trail of the Mad Ducktor, I know he came this way."
He pressed himself deeper into the hallway closet, trying not to disturb anything Gyro had shoved in there -- coats, winter boots, board games, probably pieces of inventions, a collection of spare bulbs for Helper -- any little noise might give him away.
Which now posed an enormous problem. His beak was still bleeding, and the blood was slipping down the back of his throat. He wanted to cough terribly, wincing with the effort it was taking to ignore the sensation. He covered his beak with both hands, pressing down firmly as if he could hope to hold it in. The blood trickling down his throat was immeasurably tickly, and the urge to cough was impossible to ignore.
He tried silently clearing his throat, clenching the muscles to attempt to scratch the itch, but all it really seemed to do was make things worse. His eyes watered with the effort, but he wasn't about to let himself get caught over this!
He gave a soft, muffled whimper, squeezing his eyes shut. There was some clattering outside, and the distinct voice of that duck as he talked to Gyro -- words too faint to make out but way too close for comfort.
The pressure in his chest was building; there had to be something he could do. He tried clearing his throat again; a mistake -- the tickling amplified, and in a split-second decision he allowed himself one cough, sharp and loud but perhaps it'd be mistaken for something falling in the closet.
The moment the one cough escaped his chest, however, it was all over. His body had other ideas, and once it had a taste of what it took to finally rid itself of the tickly irritation it was bound and bet to settle this once and for all. His chest seized tight and he doubled over in a terrible coughing fit, trying to keep muffled at first but quickly realizing it was a fruitless endeavor as his body wracked him with uncontrollable and loud coughs, not even giving him a moment to catch his breath.
By the time the Duck Avenger opened the closet door he was practically on the floor, alternating between violently coughing and attempting to suck in as much air as his lungs would let him between the fit, tears streaming freely down his cheeks from the effort.
"Uh..." The Avenger looked on hesitantly, apparently not sure what to make of the spectacle, as Gyro hovered worriedly behind him.
When he finally had enough air in his lungs, he looked back to the Avenger, breathless and furious, and simply stuck out his wrists, awaiting his handcuffs. "Spare me the -- cough! -- lecture, Avenger!" he snarled between coughs, cheeks burning a deep red, from more than just the coughing fit. "Let's just -- cough! -- go!"
As he led him out of Gyro's closet and out to the waiting car (the Ducktor still coughing, sniffling, and grumbling the whole while), Gyro left and returned with a small candy, holding it out as if the handcuffed Ducktor could hope to take it.
"What's that?" he hissed, allowing himself to be placed in the back seat. "I don't need -- cough! -- a car-can!"
"Oh, no," Gyro chirped, too cheerfully, a bitter and sneaky edge to his voice the Ducktor knew well, "but it sounds like you could use a lozenge!"
The Ducktor growled furiously at his other self, accidentally throwing himself into another coughing fit in the process. He stuck his beak between his knees in an effort to calm his chest while the Duck Avenger slid into the driver's seat with a laugh at his expense.
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eryiss · 3 years
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Summary: Forced to be sociable by his so called friends, Laxus finds himself attending a five week cooking class. An insulting and stupid idea, and one he resents them for doing. He would have thrown it in their faces, if it weren’t for the smug prick teaching the class, with his handsome face, delectable body, and annoyingly enticing way of keeping Laxus on his toes. [Fraxus One Shot]
Notes: Hi. I wrote this on my phone while sitting on the beach, so who knows how it’ll turn out. But it’s got them both being cocky, both being flirty, and both being in love, so what else could you want. Hope you all enjoy it.
Links: FFN, Ao3
Set To Boil
Or: 4 Times Freed taught Laxus a recipe, & 1 time Laxus returned the favour
Week One - Pizza
"Laxus, you need to get out more."
"Laxus, there's no reason for you not to give it a try."
"Laxus, you're an antisocial brat and you need to get out more."
Fuck them all. Fuck Evergreen for her haughty sense of self belief. Fuck Bickslow for having no tact and being and coming up with good points. Fuck Makarov in particular, for being a rude old coot who threatened to change the damn lock. And when Laxus found out which of the interfering bastards had been the one to come up with this stupid idea, then fuck them too.
It was ridiculous. Yes, perhaps Laxus had become somewhat insular as of late. Maybe his friends had been putting in more effort than him as of late, but it was important. He was newly hired in his sports journalism career, and he needed to focus on his writing.
What he did not need was a five week cooking course!
Why the hell did cooking courses even exist anymore? If you wanted to learn to cook, there was this brilliant new invention called a computer. They had hundreds of step by step recipes, none of which required Laxus to trudge through a damn rec-centre at eight at night!
Seriously, fuck them all.
He was late, too. The bus had missed his stop, and as such he was now ten damn minutes late. He was half-tempted to leave the rec-centre before he found his classroom - Ever, Bicks and Makarov wouldn't find out if he didn't use the damn voucher, after all - but then he would have to spend the next five weeks thinking of ways to pass the time every Thursday night. He really needed to move out of Makarov's damn apartment; the old bastard apparently had nothing better to do than to keep tabs on him. Bastard.
He was in front of the classroom door before he knew it, and he faulted. Dammit, why had he agreed to do this? Why couldn't the bus have gotten him there on time? Why was he nervous about this?
No; he was a grown man dammit. Fuck his nerves,
With false confidence, he walked into the classroom. Eight benches, all with sinks, ovens, cooktops, an array of cutlery and equipment, and a basket of ingredients filled the space. Five people stood behind some of the benches, and Laxus somewhat guilty slinked towards the nearest bench, at the back of the classroom.
"Mr Dreyar, I presume," A voice, deliciously smooth with underlying authority, made Laxus pause.
He looked up to see a man standing at the front of the room, behind a larger and more professional looking cooking worktop, and Laxus paused. If you were to encapsulate all of Laxus' ideal qualities in a man, his new teacher was apparently as close a person could come. Tall, obviously with some muscle, tight and sharp facial features, a little pale, and with long hair. He wore a button up shirt that hugged his form, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing off a near-indecent amount of his forearms. He was quirking his eyebrow towards Laxus, and he felt ensnared by the expression.
Dammit, of course. Almost every other cooking class in the country would inevitable be taught by a homely housewife or a tedious Ramsay wannabe, but not his. He gets a stud with veiny forearms, high cheekbones, and narrowed eyes that made Laxus shiver.
He couldn't justify it, but Laxus was inclined to blame his grandfather for that.
"There's a bench up here, if you'd like to take it," The teacher said, motioning towards one of the cooking stations at the front of the room. Laxus cringed; even in school, he'd been one of the kids who sat at the back. That wasn't a habit he was ready to lose.
"I'd rather stay here, if it's all the same to you," Laxus mumbled, annoyed at himself for not speaking clearly. There was something about teachers that just… what did you call someone who intimidated you but also kind of excited you at the same time?
God, this was going to be awful.
"And I prefer it if my students arrived to my lessons on time," The teacher smirked a little, and Laxus almost stuttered in search of a reply. "And, as tends to happen with a student who shows up late on the first day, you'll likely act out further. As such, I want you close by so I can keep you on the straight and narrow," He tapped his finger on the surface twice. "This counter, please."
Though only a few steps, the walk to the counter at the front of the room was humiliating, it served to make the asshole teacher appear less hot, if nothing else. Because Laxus definitely did not like a man who knew how to be firm with him.
This was going to be hell, wasn't it?
At his assigned counter, Laxus felt a little lost. Nestled in the ingredients was a recipie - they were making pizza, apparently - and Laxus slightly found himself floundering. The cooking lessons weren't just to make him more sociable; he had no idea how to cook.
The teacher, who was looking at him from behind his work surface, sighed and approached Laxus. In his hand, he held a chopping board with what appeared to be a large mound of dough. He placed it before Laxus, who drowned down at it.
"Normally I would have taught you how to make dough yourself, but my plan's require the full hour," The teacher said, as if that was an explanation. "Rather than you lagging behind and not getting the whole experience, you should start from the same point everyone else is at. So put yourself to work and start to kneed this. It'll require a few more minutes to get to the right consistency."
Laxus looked down at the dough, grinding his teeth. Kneeding was rubbing it, right? And occasionally you punch it? That didn't sound right.
"Like this," The teacher said, pulling the chopping board towards him. He started to kneed the dough - it wasn't what Laxus thought it was - and the attraction came back with a sudden force. God dammit, why did his sleeves have to hug his biceps like that? That just wasn't fair.
The dough was pushed towards him again, and Laxus rolled up his sleeves and started to emulate what the teacher had done. The teacher didn't leave, and Laxus squirmed a little under, and found himself speaking to fill the silence.
"I ain't gonna learn, y'know," His mouth said before his brain could intercept. "Don't give a shit about cooking."
That a'boy Laxus. Turn up late, fail at a basic thing, and insult the guy's career. Real classy.
"You will." The teacher said, as if it were undeniable.
"I will?" Laxus scoffed.
"You will," The teacher repeated, smirking, "Once you realise what a good home cooked meal taste like, you'll be desperate to learn what else you can do."
"You seem awfully confident about that…" He drifted off; he didn't even know the damn guys name,
"Freed," The teacher supplied. "And I am confident. You'll love cooking by the end of it. I'm sure."
"You talk a big game," Laxus chuckled a little. He almost forgot he was kneeding the dough, but Freed looked down at his hands and grinned a little, which got Laxus to pause. Just because he was kneeding dough it didn't mean he cared; it was basically a workout. That was all, and Freed needed to know that. "If you're that sure, then I'm gonna insist you eat everything I make, no matter how shitty it turns out to be."
"So long as you don't sabotage yourself on purpose, I can agree to that."
Well, Laxus had slightly wanted to make Freed eat combinations of food that tasted like crap, but this could work. Laxus really was that bad of a cook, Freed might not be able to know the difference.
"Deal," Laxus nodded, offering Freed a hand to shake. The chef did so immediately, with a firm squeeze and… oh damn, those veins!
Week Two - Curry
Laxus had been right. Even putting in the effort and following the recipie as best he could, he was still a shitty cook. Unless, of course, a curry was meant to be accompanied by a waft of dark, burning smoke when you opened up the oven. Laxus coughed a little as he removed the dish from the oven, placing it on the counter top while shutting the oven door with his foot,
Freed was storming over immediately, flapping at the smoke with a dish towel and immediately turnoff the extractor fan on to suck up the smoke before it reached the detector. He had previously been working with a pink haired bastard, who was snickering at Laxus' failure. Asshole.
"What on earth did you do to it?" Freed demanded, more confused than angry.
"I followed her recipe," Laxus retorted indignantly. "Can't blame me."
"Everyone else has the same recipe and they've managed fine," Freed muttered under his breath. "Explain to me what happened."
Laxus bit down the instinct to tell Freed to choke on something, patronising ass that he was. He had made a deal with Freed the week prior that he would do what he could to make the most of the lessons, and he would enjoy knowing how to make a few meals, so admitting his mistakes was something that he would have to do. Even if it was to a smug, ego-centred teacher who Laxus could definitely take in a fight without breaking a sweat,
Maybe he should suggest some boxing lessons. Laxus had given up pro fighting the year before, but kept it up for fun. If Freed was acting like Laxus was stupid for not knowing the basics of cooking, Laxus would act like Freed was stupid when he didn't understand how to box.
Fantasising about punching Freed in the stomach - which was no doubt toned and sexy as hell - made talking through the process easier. Freed wore a slight frown, apparently not seeing anything wrong with what he had done. Laxus was about to boast that he was right, and that it was Freed's instructions that had gotten the burned pile of mush that filled the room with smoke, but Freed's expression turned to one of understanding when he looked at the oven,
"These work on Celsius, you set it as though you were using Fahrenheit," Freed explained. "You essentially nuked it."
Fuck. God-fucking-dammit!
He could have dealt with it if he was unable to do some cooking thing he'd never had to use before. But this? Misreading a piece of paper and setting the wrong temperature on the damn oven, how the hell had he managed to do that? It was humiliating! He was a grown ass adult, a retired sportsman who was forging a career to be respected. But an oven had made him look like an idiot who couldn't do anything for himself. Fucking brilliant.
With clenched fists, he rested against the workbench and leant on it with closed eyes. This was why he didn't do shit like this; he needed to keep in his lane and do what he was good at. Not cook, not have this weird hate-boner for his teacher. None of this.
"How soon after the class do you need to leave?" Freed asked, cutting through Laxus' spiralling thoughts. He frowned, but answered.
"Don't have any plans after."
"If we start again, we can have you finished ten minutes after class. That way it won't be an act of futility," Freed said, and rolled his damn sleeves up again. Thankfully he was moving around the counter, turning the oven down and fiddling with appliances fast enough to stop Laxus' eyes from lingering. "I can teach you how to spice things to your own tastes, as well. Normally that's next week, but I can advance you for your troubles."
"Advance me?" Laxus frowned. "Kinda need to be good at the basics first."
"You are, everything you said was correct. You made a small mistake that I should have noticed," Freed shrugged, walking to the counter he taught from and taking a box of ingredients to place on Laxus' desk. "I thought you'd learn better left to your own devices, and while I expect that was true, I shouldn't have left you alone. That was my mistake and as such, I'll amend it. We'll make a curry suited towards your tastes."
This was an olive branch, Laxus was sure of it. Freed had apparently noticed Laxus' shift of mood, and took the blame for Laxus' mistake. He was thankful of it, but it was still embarrassing.
Thankfully, a way of saving face had presented itself.
"I don't know if I can believe ya," He said with a small, somewhat forced smirk. "I mean, you don't have a record for keeping promises, do ya?"
"Don't I?"
"You told me you'd eat some of everything I made," Laxus shrugged, looking towards his pot of 'curry' that lay stagnant in the pot. It was grey, somehow. Food shouldn't be grey. "That was a lie."
Freed sighed, but didn't back down. He pulled a dessert spoon from one of the drawers, carefully scooped up some of the ruined mush and brought it towards his lips; damn they were pretty. He openly winced at the smell, swallowing preemptively as it got closer to his mouth. He glanced towards Laxus for a split second, who was watching him with crossed arms expectantly, and let out a resigned sigh. He opened his mouth, took in the spoon, then ate.
First he gagged, then he coughed, then he struggled to swallow. Even though Laxus had worked hard, and a small part of him thought Freed was exaggerating, he laughed at the reaction. Freed was fighting to keep the burned, disgusting food down. Once completely swallowed, he turned to Laxus with a wince.
"Delicious," He lied, trying to hide how thoroughly unhappy he was.
"If that's the case, there's plenty more," Laxus smirked, and Freed actually winced. That, of course, spurred Laxus on further. This was more fun than cooking. "Eat up, I don't mind."
Freed seemed to think for a moment, before standing up straight, rolling his back, and doing something Laxus never would have expected. He pulled out a plate and a ladle, scooped a portion large enough to fill two fully grown adults would struggle to finish no matter what the taste, and placed it on the countertop as if it was something to be proud of.
"A deal," Freed proposed. "I want to teach you one on one for the rest of the session. No distractions, no changing the subject, simply me telling you how to cook. Essentially, until you've cooked something successfully, I want your full attention."
Laxus nearly scoffed, Freed already had that. Instead, he said: "What's my 'delicious' curry got to do with that."
"If you make an attempt to distract me, to get out of lessons in some way, or continue with the mindset that this course is not suited to you, then for the rest of your time learning under me, you'll stay after class and clean everyone's dishes until I'm satisfied with the result."
Laxus winced a little. "And if I don't do any of that."
"I'll eat all of this," He motioned to the plate of ruined food. "And you may watch me do it."
Thinking for a moment, Laxus grinned. "Your funeral," He then glances at the food and winced. "Possibly literally."
Freed waved off the comment, stood beside Laxus with his new range of ingredients, and began explaining the basics of how to get a flavour you desired from your ingredients. On instinct Laxus wanted to taunt the man, suggesting the best way to get a flavour was with a take-out menu, but he managed to stop himself before the words slipped out. Mainly it was to avoid four weeks of dish washing, but also because he hasn't seen Freed like this. He was passionate when he spoke about cooking, and Laxus didn't want to ruin that.
And when Freed's arm slid against Laxus' as they moved, somehow at the same moment Freed looked at him with a genuine smile, Laxus felt shivers roll over him. This was… there were worse ways to spend a Thursday evening.
Week Three - Chicken Soup
"Y'know, if you're gonna make such a big deal about-" Laxus cut himself off. Holy shit.
He had been ready to blast into Freed about puntuality. Laxus had gotten to the class on time, only to see that Freed was not there. Eight minutes into the lesson, the door had opened, and Laxus was fully intending to lambast Freed about how much of a big deal it was when Laxus was late, and yet Freed was just as bad. He only stopped when he saw the state Freed was in. Because dammit, the man was drenched to the bone.
What the hell had happened to him? Sure it was raining, but Laxus knew he had a car, and surely the walk from the parking lot to the building hadn't been that bad. He looked like he'd gotten into a fight with a lake and lost.
"Everyone to your work stations please," Freed instructed, removing his coat as he walked to the front of the class. "I apologise for being late, but it shouldn't be too much of an imposition if we all focus."
Laxus was focusing. Focusing on the fact Freed's white shirt was clinging to his chest, showing off strong pecs and the taunting glimpse of a six-pack. It was a temp tight sight, and far too indecent for a classroom setting.
He shook his thoughts away. He needed to focus, because last week's lesson had proved a lot of things. One: Freed was willing to eat a whole plate full of disgusting food to prove a point, which wasn't relevant but Laxus still thought funny to think about him gagging and going green. Two: Freed was actually a damn good teacher, he just apparently hadn't know what Laxus needed from him until the latter half of the class. Three: Laxus actually could cook, if taught well. Because the second curry he'd made was indescribable, and it had tasted just as good when Laxus had cooked it two nights prior.
So, the lessons were actually working, and Laxus decided he was going to fully allow himself to be a student. Groping the teacher with his eyes wasn't going to help that, so Laxus remained quiet and let Freed explain the lesson.
To learn how to flavour things correct, they would all be making a series of different soups throughout the hour. Five basic recipes has been placed on their workspaces, and an entire array of spices, ingredients and flavourings had been scattered through the room. The point of the exercise was to follow the recipes, but also put other ingredients into their soups while doing it so that they can experiment with flavours. It was pretty smart, and Laxus felt like he had an advantage given Freed's impromptu lesson with spices the week before.
Once Freed stopped talking, they began cooking, and Laxus felt oddly confident in himself.
About ten minutes into the exercise, Freed made his way to Laxus' workstation. Wordlessly, he picked up a plastic ladle and scooped out a small amount of the soup Laxus had cooking. Laxus watched with only a small amount of anticipation as Freed brought the soup to his lips and swallowed it, and didn't focus on the flipping of his stomach as Freed smiled at him.
"It's very good," he praised, and Laxus did not preen at the words.
"Thanks," He muttered instead. "Any advice?"
Freed smiled a little at the request, placing the ladle in the small sink. "I'd use sea salt from now on, it'll bring out the flavour of the chicken more. But your instincts have served you well, it works very well together."
"Oh, thanks," Laxus mumbled awkwardly, and Freed didn't help by leaning over the table to look at Laxus' recipe, bring their faces far too close. Thank god the heat of the room has fixed the slight transparency of Freed's shirt, because knowing about the body below the clothes was tempting enough with him this close. If he could see the man's body, he might explode.
"You've put everything you've added onto this, haven't you?" Freed asked, tapping the recipe that had Laxus notes covering it. Laxus nodded weakly. "Then, if you can recreate it as it is now,I then it's time to experiment. Pick something at random to add and see what it tastes like. If it's bad, remake what you've already done."
"Anything huh?" Laxus quirked a brow. "You know you have to eat it, right? You wanna give me this much freedom after last week?"
"So long as you choose your ingredients thinking it will taste good, I'll uphold my agreement," Freed shrugged. "Though I must admit, I'd prefer not to spend the night with stomach cramps and a bucket beside my bed again, if avoidable."
Laxus barked out a laugh. "Kinda thought I'd killed ya when you didn't show up on time. What happened?"
"My car's broken down," Freed explained, looking over the herbs Laxus had added. "It took longer to get here than I expected."
"You walked in this?" Laxus glanced towards the heavy rainfall beating down on the windows.
"Indeed," Freed nodded. "Not my smartest decision."
Laxus winced a little at a roll of thunder exploded outside, apparently trying to make sure Freed knew just how stupid his decision had been. Freed didn't seem too bothered by it, though, and instead walked towards the old woman who worked behind Laxus, tasting her version of tomato soup and giving her advice on how to give it an extra kick.
The rest of the lesson continued on like that. Freed would work his way around the room, helping where he could. Laxus experimented on his soup, finding parmasean to be the missing ingredient.
Freed actually licked his damn lips after trying that. Did he know what he was doing to Laxus?
Once the lesson was over, the storm still lighting up the sky, Laxus walked to the door of the rec-centre. Freed was lingering there, wrapped up in a large red coat and clearly not looking forward to his walk home. Laxus understood that; the rain was so hard it probably would hurt to be under it.
"I'll drive ya home," Laxus said, his tone not leaving room to argue.
"What?" Freed asked. "No, that's not-"
"Didn't give you a choice, did I?" Laxus crossed his arms.
"You intend to kidnap me?" Freed joked.
"Yeah," Laxus nodded. "If you walk out in that, you're gonna get sick for no reason other than your own stubbornness. If that happens, the. Eat I can do for you is give you the recipe for this," he patted the container of chicken soup he held, "but I kinda think driving you might make more sense."
Freed considerd before speaking. "I insist on paying for gas, at least."
"Course you will, I ain't a cheap date."
The words came before Laxus could stop himself, and a flush of worry spread through him. Freed simply laughed, murmured a teasing "I expect not," and walked towards the door. He held it open for Laxus to walk through, and with a small grin, Laxus did so, with Freed by his side.
When the rain hit them, Laxus didn't care, and it certainly didn't diminish the silly smile that he hoped Freed couldn't see.
Week Four - Meringues
"What are you looking at, Laxus?"
Freed seemed amused as he spoke, and he walked towards Laxus' working area. Laxus had been trying to catch his teacher's eye for around a minute, with probably a stupid little grin on his face. He couldn't find it in himself to be embarrassed about being caught out.
The drive home with Freed has been a long one - thirty minutes in the car; how long would it have been if he'd walked! - and they'd talked throughout. Laxus had learned that, until recently, Freed had been a professional chef for the TV show 'Sabertooth Chefs', a cooking competition watched by millions. He was off camera, making the meals that the celebrity judges claimed they had cooked to use as an example for their contestants. Apparently he quit because of a lack of passion.
That, and apparently Rufus Lore - the judge he cooked for - was obnoxious and could barely bake a loaf of bread if left on his own.
Laxus spoke about his own life. How he'd felt obligated to quit his pro-boxing career after a nasty head wound that resulted in his scar. How he was now a freelance writer who did sports analysis for some of the sports magazines and websites. Freed had seemed impressed, and claimed he'd watch out for his work.
They were closer now, and as such Laxus felt comfortable joking with him.
"I've got a question," he said when Freed was close. "You said you'd taste everything I cook, right? Well, for food, tasting something means you're experiencing it, right?"
"I suppose," Freed agreed, though seemed to know he was walking into a trap.
"Well, with meringues, you showed us that trick, right," Laxus smirked. "Where if you've made it correctly, you can turn the bowl over and the mixture won't fall out."
"Yes," Freed was wary now.
"Well, you also said for the best experience," he put emphasis on the word, "then you tip it up over your head. If you've done it right, it stays in the bowl. If you ain't, it covers ya."
"I did say that," Freed muttered.
"Well, if you're gonna experience everything I make, surely you should do it." He smirked; and pushed the bowel of mixture towards him.
Freed looked down, resignedly.
Then he perked up and reached into his pocket, pulling out a coin. He flipped it with flair and caught it, covering it before either of them could see the result.
"Heads or tails?" He requested, and Laxus chuckled.
Freed removed his hand, and Laxus let out a cry of triumph. He nudged the bowel towards Freed, grinning wide and ridiculous as Freed openly sighed. Laxus crossed his arms to hurry the man up, and it seemed to work.
With quick, resigned movements, Freed lifted the bowel. The thick white mixture jiggled slightly, and Freed turned it upside down above his head before he could stop himself.
And… it stayed in place.
For a moment, Freed seemed to be wincing in anticipation, before a look of triumph flooded onto his face. He turned the bowel back over and placed it on the counter.
"Kinda anticlimactic," Laxus said, picking up a spoon.
"But it means you did it correctly," Freed smiled. "You can take solace in that."
"Guess so," Laxus nodded. "Or I could do this."
With neither showmanship nor hesitation, Laxus used the spoon so scoop a dollop of the mixture up and flicked it towards Freed's face. For a moment, all Freed could do was blink, and Laxus burst into stifled laughter.
It had splattered over his lips, nose, and left cheek. Equal parts ridiculous and oddly attractive.
"Mister Dreyar," Freed spoke calmly, but he was trying to hide a smile. "I will be seeing you after class."
He turned away. Laxus snickered.
Although it was tempting to be a dick for the rest of the lesson, Laxus behaved himself. This was the only lesson that they did on desserts, and Laxus wanted to learn. That, and he felt Freed wasn't going to take his little prank lying down, so he probably shouldn't piss him off further.
When everyone else was gone, and Laxus was left alone with Freed, there was a moment of quiet. He motioned for Laxus to approach the desk. Laxus did so.
He was hit in the face by a spurt of ketchup.
It continued, splattering across his face. He gasped, and Freed apparently aimed for his mouth at the moment. It was a stupid moment, not helped by the noise the bottle was making, and eventually the spray died out.
Neither man spoke for a moment.
They both started laughing at the same time, and Freed handed Laxus a napkin to clean himself with.
"You're an asshole, you know that right?" Laxus said with mirth in his voice. "You still got the balls to want a ride from me again?"
"Is the offer still available?" Freed chuckled.
"Sure, just as long as you don't mind me getting some glue and those decorative feather things from a store on the way back," Laxus smirked. "There's a smug asshole who needs to be tarred and fathered."
"Perhaps I'll get the bus," Freed grinned, then frowned a little. Perhaps without thinking, he reached up and stroked Laxus' cheek to rid it of a remaking fleck of sauce.
They both halted, frozen for a moment, and Laxus' mind was set alight. In that moment he knew one thing for sure; he couldn't let Freed go.
Week Five - Solyanka
"That will be all for our time together," Freed said, standing at the front of the class. "I hope you all enjoyed your time together, and that you've all learned something. At the risk of promoting myself, I have other courses available that last longer and offer more flexibility with what you'll cook, if you want to further your culinary pursuits. If not, then it was a pleasure working with you all, and I wish you well in your endeavours."
It was weird seeing Freed using his teaching voice; the things he said weren't Freed-like. It was kind of funny.
Laxus hung back when the rest of the class funnelled out. Some of them spoke to Freed before leaving, orbits just left, but Laxus decided to hang back and wait. As he did, he pulled out a small plastic tub from a bag he'd brought with him, waiting for Freed to take note. Once everyone was gone, Freed saw him still standing at the end of his cooking surface.
"Laxus," He said, and he seemed pleased Laxus was still there. "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, just wasn't ready to leave yet," Laxus passed it off as a joke, but the stopped himself. "I, Erm, well, there's this recipe my family's been making for years. Generations, actually. Just wanted to know what you think."
"You want me to critique a family recipe?" Freed frowned.
No. No he didn't. He wanted to share something with Freed that was important to Freed. It was ridiculous to think, but this old Russian dish was something he had loved for his life, and he wanted Freed to love it too. It seemed stupid now he was thinking about it, but they only really had food in common right now, and Laxus felt like it was his turn to add something to the conversation.
"It's called Solyanka," Laxus said instead of answering the question. "It's a soup. For sausages, olives, cabbage. A lot of things, really."
Laxus didn't say anything else, and picked out a pot from the cupboards to place on the stove. He emptied the contents of the container into the pot and stated to bear it up.
"It tastes better when it's not been reheated but-"
"It smells beautiful," Freed said, cutting through Laxus' backtracking. "And I'm sure it will taste just as good."
"Thanks," Laxus mumbled a little.
As they waited for the soup to heat, there was a comfortable quiet between them both. Freed seemed engrossed in the cooking - the growing scent, the occasional stirring - and it gave Laxus the chance to watch him. He had known Freed was hot from the moment he'd seen him, but he was also fucking beautiful. His hair was pulled out and flowing over his shoulders, and his expression was calm and relaxed.
Laxus was glad he had done this, suddenly. He would have regretted it. This couldn't be the end of his relationship with Freed; it just couldn't.
He went to speak, but Freed went first.
"I think it's time to take it off the heat," He said gently, as if wanting to avoid offending Laxus by telling him how to cook his meal. Laxus quickly removed the pot from the heat.
With now familiar movements, Laxus pulled out two bowls and poured them both a portion. Laxus sat on one of the stools, waiting a little nervously as he saw Freed spoon some of the soup up and take it into his mouth.
"Wow," Freed whispered. "It's incredible."
Pride bloomed inside Laxus, and he didn't tamper it down. This piece of Laxus had pleased Freed. It had made Freed smile such a brilliant smile that it was like a shot to the heart. He was speechless, and Freed spoke again.
"You're incredible, Laxus," he said with equal sincerity.
"What?" Laxus frowned slightly.
"You're incredible, Laxus," Freed repeated, smiling now. "You've made these five weeks remarkably fun for me, and I'm sad to see you go."
"I'm sad to be going," Laxus mumbled, unused to speaking honestly about these kinds of things. "These have been… the best part of my week."
"Mine too," Freed admitted, and the words sent lighting throughout him.
There had been a small part of Laxus that had thought it had been in his head. He felt like he and Freed had been steadily growing closer and closer, in a way that couldn't exactly be called platonic. It felt like this was the moment where a choice had to be made. Laxus could either hide from his feelings, as he had often done in his life, or he could take the dive. Just like he'd done when he had quit his job. Just like he'd done when he'd come to the class in the first place. Just like he should have been doing all his life.
Freed was going to speak, but the urge to act overtook Laxus and he moved before it could dwindle. He launched himself toward, took Freed by the back of the neck, and kissed him.
It wasn't perfect, but the imperfection made it better.
The feeling of the desk jutting into his hip might have been a bother, but it was nothing compared the the brilliance of soft lips moving against his own.
The lingering spice on Freed's tongue could have been a distraction, but it only added to the searing sensation flying through him.
The scent of Laxus' Solyanka might have drawn focus, but instead it nudged with Freed's cologne and created a beautiful feeling of mingled familiarity and uniqueness.
This was the type of kiss that was unforgettable.
Freed's hand was grazing the back of Laxus' neck, scratching at the usually untouched skin in a way Laxus was tempted to put at. He smiled a dopey smile, leaning further into the kiss.
When they pulled apart, breathless and smiling, they couldn't look away from each other.
"Don't know how this works with a chef," Laxus began in a whisper. "Don't wanna offend your sense of pride, but d'you maybe wanna get a bite to eat some place?"
For a stagnant second, that felt like an eternity to Laxus, Freed didn't say anything.
"I'd love that," Freed nodded a little, though his head still rested against Laxus'. "So long as you don't mind me critiquing everything?"
The joke was trumped by the honesty in his voice. Freed really wanted it!
"I can deal with that."
They shared a quiet, private smile. One that promised excitement, passion, and if Laxus allowed himself to be optimistic, perhaps a future as well.
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U N P L A N N E D, part seven
By the end of the night at Jeff and Glenne’s, Lexi was nowhere to be found. You didn’t really mind--you didn’t feel as out of place as you’d expected and Harry had been more than happy to bring you around to different friends or familiar faces to say hello. 
A girl with dark brown hair who sang backup on his album listened excitedly as he brought her up to speed on the new plan for release. The album, originally due out in August or September was now being pushed to December. It was strategic really. 
Late summer buzz when the baby announcement came out. Winter album release, promo before and after to tide his fans over until a spring time tour, giving him the perfect span of three or four stationary months in L.A. that aligned with your maternity leave.
Genius, really. It was all thanks to Jeff and his team.
So you smiled at the girl with the dark hair and pretended you didn’t notice the fact that she kept stealing glances down at your belly, as small as it still was. 
This was the risky stage, really, when people got it wrong and asked about someone’s due date, only to be mortified when someone gave the dreaded response, I’m not pregnant. You’d seen it happen to someone else once, a woman in the checkout line at the grocery store. The cashier put her foot in her mouth and you vowed to never ask someone about their due date unless they mentioned it first. 
So you cut Laura some slack. 
“We’ll tour it next spring and summer, so you’ll have to come,” he said to his friend, a smile on his face when he lifted up his sunglasses. The sun had already sunk beneath the horizon, his cheeks were tinged pink from the hot day.
“I’ll bring your youngest audience member ever,” you revealed, letting a hand rub over your belly as you offered a smile in her direction.
“Oh, that’s so sweet! When are you due?”
“January, middle of the month. So--I might need some noise canceling headphones.”
“Hey--I make good music,” Harry pretended to take offense. 
“I didn’t say you don’t--”
“Is it yours?” Laura asked, her eyes pulling up to Harry’s face for a second, wide with shock.
Harry looked down at you, down at the bump. You could tell he was frozen, unsure of what he should say and how he should say it. 
“No--God no,” you said quickly. “It’s our friend, Peter.”
Harry’s lips twitched into a smile. “Yeah--Peter, he’s a good friend. He’s a great guy, a dream, really. Gonna be a great father.”
“He’s okay,” you made a face at Harry. “A lot to learn, probably never changed a diaper in his life.”
“He has too,” Harry defended quickly. “At least five or six.”
“Well he’ll be changing probably five or six a day.”
“That’s fine, he’ll be fine with that. He’s extremely committed to that baby.”
“Yeah, well,” you stifled a laugh. “We’ll see.”
Laura laughed, a skeptical look disappeared from her face when Glenne came up and offered dessert, effectively breaking up the conversation. Harry draped an arm over your shoulder for a split second when most people had started to make their way to the other side of the pool. 
“Just so you know, I’m gonna make you call her and explain that lie once we come out with it.”
“Deal,” you said. “I’ll tell her you had sex with your friend Peter’s girlfriend and we didn’t know who’s it was until it was born..”
“Jesus,” he laughed. “Can’t tell if you’re the funniest person I’ve met or the meanest.”
“I like to think I’m a mix of both.”
It was probably a good thing that you didn’t see Harry for another week after that. The onesie and the party at Jeff and Glenne’s and a completely new project at work had you feeling incredibly overwhelmed, left with only enough energy to drive home, take off your bra, and sit on the couch. 
Most nights Lexi was home. There were a few evenings when she’d meet Glenne and Jeff or stay late on set. She’d come home with leftovers or funny stories, and you’d fall asleep before 10pm. 
But you figured it was a good thing, the distance and space. The last two times you’d seen him, you left with a glow. The infatuation kind, not the pregnancy kind. That type of shit was asking for trouble. 
So you ignored the urge to call or text him. Most days he’d ask how you were feeling, what you were up to. You’d take your time to respond, give short answers and tell him you were too busy to see him. It wasn’t necessarily true, but you were tired. Too tired to drive all the way to his house in the hills and then all the way home. Especially when being around him required the self-control and restraint that it suddenly did.
You answered when he called, talked on the phone for an hour at a time some days. You told yourself it was nothing. It was normal it was normal it was normal. 
On the Wednesday of week twelve, you were scheduled to meet with the same crew: Jeff, Harry, Dave, Emma, Lola, and John. This time, the topic was a bit more hopeful. Some type of strategy meeting to talk about what type of information to release and what to keep private. 
When you woke up and started rifling through your closet, you came to a grim realization. Things weren’t fitting the same. Buttoned shirts now felt tight around the tummy, pants felt a bit snug in the waist. 
It happened overnight, really. You’d heard about the pop--when your belly finally protrudes outward and when you actually start to look pregnant, not just bloated. You didn’t know when it would come, but you certainly weren’t prepared for it to already be here.
Lexi was already gone, otherwise you’d storm into her room and make her promise you didn’t look funny. You weren’t about to FaceTime Glenne--only in fear that Jeff would be around and think you were being ridiculous. You also figured keeping your distance from him wasn’t a bad idea. 
So you settled on a dress, a casual one, and you didn’t even realize that someone might notice until you walked into work. 
Aarav didn’t even seem to look at you twice--he was too busy in his office dealing with a last minute request from Levi. Simone was busy too, and when you met up with them for lunch, you kept your tray and plate in front of you, praying and hoping that they wouldn’t notice the way you looked a bit more round. 
A text came across your phone when Aarav went on about Carson. 
Harry (12:43pm): Twelve week mark! See you at 5pm?
It was almost a relief to walk into the Westwood office building at the end of the day. It was a comfort, really, to be in a room full of people who knew your biggest secret. Harry met you in the lobby, a smile on his face when you offered a hug. 
“Look at me,” you said quietly, a few people passed by on their way out of work. “I look pregnant.”
He looked down, his brows furrowed together and his lips pushed out. He scanned your figure, a wave of relief washed over you when he spoke. “Wouldn’t have noticed if you didn’t say anything--but, you do, a bit. You look good.”
“I feel weird,” you said, following him over to the same elevators as you tried to ignore the compliment. “I used to just look bloated, but now it’s like--real.”
Once the doors shut and afforded you both some privacy, he turned to face you. 
“You look beautiful,” he said, voice quiet as the elevator whirred. “Can I--can I feel it?”
“Oh,” you looked down, a hand immediately on your own belly. You’d been doing it plenty, a force of habit, now, really. You found yourself doing it in meetings, on the phone, one hand on the steering wheel and another on the bump. “Yeah, of course you can--here,” you reached for his hand, guiding it towards you, warmth when he made contact. 
It felt a little silly. It was still just your stomach--somewhere deeper in there was a baby the size of a lime. He kept his eyes on the blue fabric of your dress, both of your hands over his until the doors opened. 
Jeff, on the other side, was caught off guard. “Hi--hey, I was just coming to find you.”
“Hi,” you said, a step back from Harry as if there was some sort of rule about proximity. 
He offered an awkward smile, motioned for you to both follow him down the same long hall, past the same rooms and chairs and windows. Harry let out a giggle under his breath, smirked in your direction, another wave of butterflies.
It was the first time you’d seen any of them since the test results, you swore Dave seemed to soften when you sat across from him, this time, Harry was beside you. 
“So,” Dave spoke, a quick glance around the room. “Good to see everyone.”
“Yeah, thanks for coming,” Jeff said, settling into his seat before he reached for a water bottle. “Lola--you’re good to start us off?”
“Yeah,” she smiled, short red hair brushed the tops of her shoulders. She smiled in your direction, much less hesitant than times before. “We’re really here today to start thinking about how we want to share this news. It’s obviously not going to stay a secret forever, so we’re wondering about different options to get in front of it--while still maintaining everyone’s safety and privacy.”
You nodded, a sideways glance in Harry’s direction.
“We have a few options, Harry, about how to do that,” Jeff explained. “We could choose an outlet to inform and let them break it. Or, we could talk about a social media post, a statement from Lola…”
He turned to look at you, caution in his eyes when you offered a small smile. Nothing felt ideal--nothing they said sounded like a good option or like it wouldn’t bring trouble. 
Up until now, really, it had just been the two of you. That was, if you didn’t count the four other people in the room, Lexi, Glenne, your mother, and his family. So, the twelve of you, really. 
Things until now were quiet and private, a small buzz that was stressful enough. You couldn’t even imagine the news spreading, questions, accusations, the ways all of the aforementioned would keep you up at night. 
Harry looked around the room. “Uh--a statement is probably best, yeah?”
“I would think so--your fans will want to hear from you though, too,” Jeff nodded.
Lola smiled, softly, in your direction. “What do you think, Y/N?”
You were shocked, really. Stammered a few things before wishing you could disappear, totally not equipped to respond to that type of question. “Uh, yeah--the statement--I don’t know, whatever you think,” you looked towards Harry, a sudden feeling in your gut that out of everyone in the room, you could trust him the most. 
“We should wait until you’re father along,” Jeff said. “Probably closer to the sixth month mark?”
You nodded--that was something you could get behind. It also gave you some more time to figure out who needed to know before then. As contractual as this had become, there were still some people in your life who’d benefit from finding out that you were pregnant with a celebrity’s baby from you, rather than on TV or online.
Lola went on to say something else, but you were too busy making a list in your brain of who that entailed. 
Levi, Simone, Aarav. Your two aunts in Oregon. Your college roommate, Brie, maybe even your father--if you could track him down. You could feel your heartbeat in your chest, more people to disappoint, more people to make the admission to: I fucked up. I didn’t check all the boxes in the right order.
“Does that sound alright?” Harry turned to get a better look at you, his eyes searched your face.
“September,” Lola said. “Make the statement in September.”
“Sure,” you nodded. Two months away. That felt like an eternity. 
“How are you feeling about it?” Her question was directed at you, but it took you a second to realize that. Harry watched you, his eyebrows lifted as he waited for a response. 
“About having a baby?”
“About coming out with it,” Jeff said. 
You shifted in your office chair, hands clasped on your lap. “I don’t really know what to expect, to be fair.”
Jeff looked at Harry, then at Lola. 
Harry cleared his throat and rested his elbows on the table, he spoke directly to you. “I think there’ll be some people who are really upset and some who are really happy.”
“You should make your social media private,” Lola said. “That’s the majority of what comes up when I ran a google search of your name. A few things about your work if you dig really deep.”
“Which they will,” Harry said. 
“Okay,” you nodded. “Should I be, like, worried about my safety?
“No,” Jeff said. “Definitely not. If there’s anything that makes you uncomfortable we’ll assess and just get a security detail.”
Harry made a face at that, one you couldn’t read. He sat back in his chair and listened to Lola say more about the announcement and how important it was for him to set the tone once the news was out. 
You were almost as zoned out as he was, but you heard mention of make them believe you’re excited, and that’s when you decided you’d had enough. So you stared out the window, nodded every few seconds to make them think you were listening and invested and following along so you could follow the rules. 
Sure, maybe accidentally getting pregnant wasn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but Lola’s insinuation that neither of you were excited felt like a dig. Out of everyone in the room, you were the one who had to deal with the most shit. Not only did you get a baby out of one drunken night, but you also got the body changes, the hormones, and the new relationship with someone who was too famous for his own good. 
But aside from all of that--all the shit that made this stressful and terrifying and overwhelming altogether--there was still a piece of you that was excited. And it was easier to feel that later that night when you sat in the same In N’ Out parking lot as before. 
“You don’t, like, regret deciding to keep it, right?”
Your question caught him off guard. He was mid-bite and let out a bit of a cough, wiping his mouth with the backside of his hand before he looked over at you. 
“No--do you?”
“No. I don’t know. Lola said we have to act excited. As if we aren’t at all or something.”
“I know,” he said, voice quieter. “That was pretty shitty, but I don’t think she meant anything by it.”
You nodded, hoping he was right. 
“I am excited, to be clear.”
“Me too,” a nod. “I’m getting more excited. Next time we see Dr. Weston we might be able to know the sex.”
He smirked. “We already know the sex, Y/N.”
“Where’s your premonition coming from?” You laughed. “What makes you so sure?”
He laughed, a sip from his water bottle. “I think you’re going to be a really good mom no matter what. But I think you’d be especially good with a little girl.”
“You’re going to sound like such an asshole if we have a boy.”
“If we have a boy it’ll be great! He can like sports and princesses, too.”
You took another bite of your dinner, a silent prayer that this pregnancy wouldn’t turn against you and make you hate the smell of In N’ Out. “I think you’ll be a good dad, too.”
And then he did it again. He looked out the window and seemed to be somewhere else. Maybe somewhere not as congested as LA, easier and quieter and somewhere were you didn’t exist and the plum sized baby didn’t either. 
You stuck a french fry in your mouth and chewed--thankful for the fact that the silence didn’t feel uncomfortable. 
“Would you--” he turned to see you suddenly, a sigh escaping his lips. “Hear me out, okay?”
You nodded.
“Would you think I was totally, absolutely mental if I asked you to move in with me?”
Your eyes must have gone wide, maybe the color even drained from your face, because before you could answer, he rolled his eyes and looked back out the window. “I know--okay, s’fine.”
“No--I just, that’s not what I expected. At all.”
He took another breath, his words came out quick this time as if he was nervous. “I know it’s crazy, but, Jeff got me freaked out today. When he talked about getting you a security detail I thought about your apartment and I know it’s in a house and it’s a nice neighborhood but--”
You didn’t say anything. You watched as he pushed his lips to one side and then the other. 
“I could never live with myself if anything happened to you.” A pause. “Or her.”
You rolled your eyes at that, a small laugh immediately granted levity to the front seat of his car. Dimples appeared on his cheeks when he saw the smile on your face.
“I hear you, but--I’ll be fine.”
He started speaking before you even finished. “Think of it this way, too. When she’s here, we’ll want to be together, right? I mean--don’t you think you’ll want more space than what you’ve got with Lexi? Don’t you think she’ll get sick of dirty nappies and all the crying in the middle of the night? If we live together I can help more and we can go through it together.”
You thought on that for a second. There was no doubt in your mind that Lexi would eventually lose her shit and need a good amount of space from the new roommate you were both about to have. You ignored the thumping in your chest at the thought of it. You, Harry, a tiny baby in that stupid onesie he bought. It sounded perfect.
“Think about it, yeah? I’ve got plenty of room.”
You nodded. “I’ll think about it.”
Dave had given you the go ahead to tell your coworkers. It took three phone calls with Jeff and him and Harry, but he eventually relented. When you ended up telling him that he didn’t have to go to work trying not to puke every morning waiting for your coworkers to notice the growing bump, he gave in. 
You were relieved, that is, until Levi called a team meeting, the five of you sat around a conference table on the third floor--also known as the floor with the balance ball chairs. You had no idea how much your back had been bothered by your regular office chair until you settled in to your seat. 
“So,” Levi looked around at the four of you. “Obviously my leaving is bittersweet, I know we’ve all been working hard lately to make the transition as smooth as possible. But we obviously haven’t handled one aspect of that, which is, the new Team Lead.”
You kept a straight face, glanced over to Aarav who suddenly couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You’d been planning on telling them that afternoon, at least Aarav and Simone. Maybe you’d wait until Levi left to fill him in, maybe you’d wait until you left for maternity leave to tell Carson. 
But would Levi still choose you to fill his role if he knew you were pregnant? Bound to take a decent maternity leave right after the holidays? Right when things amped up in the New Year?
“Y/N--you’ve obviously been a huge part of our success this last year, and I spoke with Mike and Tracy about having you fill the role, if you’re interested.”
“Yes--of course I’m interested,” you smiled. “I would love to.”
“Awesome--you’re obviously all in good hands,” he said to the others, a smile in your direction again. “You and I can meet with the rest of the Marketing c-suite--it’ll be painless, I’m sure.”
Now was definitely not a good time to tell them, but, your body decided it was the perfect time for an all encompassing wave of nausea. 
“Okay--yeah, sounds good.” You tried to wrap things up, looked over at Simone, hopeful she’d follow your lead. 
“When’s your last day, again?” Carson closed his laptop, if you weren’t doing your best to keep your lunch down, you’d be more surprised that he wasn’t as bitter as you’d expected him to be.
“August 5th.” 
You stood from the table, beads of sweat on your forehead. Aarav gave you a look, Simone was too busy on her phone. 
Levi started to gather his belongings. “We’ll get everything sorted out, too, about who’s going to take on some of Y/N’s responsibilities. Most things will stay the same, but, I think Mike wants to hire someone else to do some more of the graphic work, too.”
“I’m so sorry--” you said, embarrassed to rush out of a meeting like this. “I have to go--uh, make a phone call, really quick.
Again, Aarav looked at you like you’d started speaking another language. 
“Yeah, go ahead, no worries,” Levi looked suspicious too, but he turned back to Carson.
You bolted for the door, down the hall, no idea where the nearest bathroom was. Water fountain, lounge area, vending machine. Where the fuck was the bathroom?
You found it around the corner, barely making it into a stall before throwing up, desperately trying to pull your sticky hair away from your face when your knees met the floor.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Simone was behind you--the carpet of the hallway had apparently quieted her footsteps. You reached for toilet paper and wiped your mouth, thankful that no one else had witnessed your close call. The only thing worse than throwing up at work was throwing up on the floor at work.
You flushed, stood back up and offered a smile. “Yeah--sorry--bad lunch, I guess.”
“Are you pregnant?”
“What?” You laughed, waving a hand before wiping at your mouth again. “No--that’s crazy!”
She raised an eyebrow at you.
A sigh. “Fine,” you said. “I am. But--you can’t tell them yet, okay?”
Her lips threatened to curl upwards, but she caught herself. “Are you--was it on purpose?”
“No,” a wave of embarrassment replaced the nausea in your stomach. “It was completely unplanned.”
“Who’s the father?”
Dave had been clear on the phone. If you have to tell them, we’ll prepare NDAs for them to sign. 
“You don’t know him.”
Maybe she did. 
“Is it that guy you’ve been seeing?”
“Yeah--we’re just friends.”
“Who have sex?”
“Just once.”
“Holy shit!”
“I know--I wanted to tell you!”
She pouted, an understanding look on her face. “That’s why you won’t have margaritas with us.”
“How are you doing with it? Does your mom know?”
You thought on that for a second--it had been a while since someone asked. Harry was inquiring quite frequently, but you were also at the point now where you gave him a daily update about any symptoms. Jeff and Glenne and Lexi would check in, too, of course, but Simone was asking you on a deeper level. 
She was asking if you were losing your shit altogether and having recurring panic attacks when you’d try to fall asleep. 
“I’m okay,” you said, a confident nod. “I was freaked at first, and I am, still, a little--but, it’s been going okay.”
“Are you going to tell Aarav?”
“Yeah, yeah--I was gonna let both of you know today, but then Levi dropped that shit.”
“How dare he promote you,” she teased, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well I couldn’t exactly follow that up with thanks so much, I’ll need three months maternity leave in January.”
“A January baby!” She threw her arms around you. “How far are you?”
“Thirteen weeks.”
She let go, looked you up and down. “You’ll be fine, you can totally handle this. Is the father supportive so far?”
You nodded, ignoring the tiny shred of fear that tried to squeeze it’s way up into your brain. “So far, yeah.”
But how long would that last? How long would Harry be interested in having dinner and hanging out? When would he get sick of you and when would he realize that he didn’t have to do this?
He had more options than either of you had mentioned. Harry was acting like his only option was to be completely, totally, one hundred percent involved, or the exact opposite. 
But you felt like the more realistic option was somewhere in the middle, right? He’d visit and have the baby for weekends, go off on tour and you’d FaceTime him every so often to make sure they didn’t lose touch. You’d be the one to handle the skinned knees and all of the tears, but he’d be the fun dad that would swoop in and get to take them for ice cream or out to dinner. 
He’d send a check, eventually. After things died down and he realized that it didn’t make sense for you to live together or be more than co-parents or anything like that. He’d help financially and you’d have to get a nanny if you were going to keep your job--which, as a single mom, you’d have to.
Simone brought you back to your office, smiling excitedly when you told Aarav the news, making them both promise to keep it quiet for now. You didn’t tell them who, you didn’t disclose the name of the guy who had suddenly lodged himself in a strange space in your heart and your head. Because if you did, you’d have to tell them you were also afraid he’d leave. And speaking that out loud was too much to handle.
Harry was a regular at Dr. Weston’s office, so much so that you found it a bit embarrassing how he knew the nurses by name and proclaimed proudly in the waiting room that he’d read every pamphlet they had. 
For someone who has to keep this pregnancy low-key, shouting excitedly in the waiting room is the opposite of that, you told him.
So he followed you back into the exam room yet again, but this time with a pout on his face after the nurse left you alone. 
“What’s your problem?”
He held a hand over his eyes to offer you privacy when you changed, the gown in his outstretched hand. “You don’t even care that I’m extremely well read.”
“One of those was a pamphlet about gestational diabetes--which I don’t even have.” You took the gown and stepped into it, tying it in the back before climbing up on the table. 
He took his hands away without even asking if you were clothed, rolling his eyes and making a face. “I’m just trying to care, okay? However will you forgive me?” 
You fought back the laugh that tried to crawl up from your belly. “I appreciate your caring. And your reading.”
“Good,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest as he sat back in his seat. “You should. Where do you want to go to dinner tonight?”
You thought on it for a second. “Know any good barbeque places? Some ribs sound so good.”
His eyebrows lifted, he watched you for a second. 
“What?” You asked, a sudden nervousness in your chest. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
He broke eye contact for a second, let out a tiny laugh and then looked back up at you, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Just didn’t know it’d be that easy to get you to hang out with me.”
“Oh shut up,” you said with a laugh, adjusting on top of the sanitary paper. “I’m hungry. It’s almost dinnertime anyway.”
“The only bad news is that I don’t know a good barbeque place.”
“That is bad news,” you said. “There’s one near my house. We can just go there. Or--get take out,” you corrected. 
Okay, so maybe it bothered you a little bit. At this point, feeling like you were a secret and the baby inside of you was a secret was a recipe for feeling like a big, old, shameful one night stand that he probably regretted. But you weren’t about to tell him that. 
“Is Lexi home tonight?”
You nodded.
“We could invite Glenne and Jeff, too, if you want. Or it could be just us, that’s fine.”
You didn’t have a chance to answer, though you wanted to say either would be fine. Dr. Weston knocked and offered a smile, how are both parents feeling? 
She asked the same questions: new symptoms? Any bleeding? Mood? Appetite? Headaches? You answered and nodded along, listening to the advice she gave about any lower back soreness as you started to really gain some weight. 
When she had the ultrasound machine on and when you had laid back and assumed the position, Harry pulled his chair up to be right next to you.
“Definitely growing in there,” Dr. Weston smiled, reaching up to point at the screen. 
“Wow--she actually looks like a baby now.”
“Yeah,” Dr. Weston laughed a bit. “Less of a plum and more a baby.” But she turned, after that, her eyebrows furrowing at the screen before she looked at Harry again. “How did you know it’s a girl?”
“It’s a girl?” you asked, lifting yourself on your elbows to look at the screen closer. “How do you know?”
She turned the screen to show you better, moved the probe along your lower tummy. “Well--if she weren’t, we’d see something right there between her legs.”
“So I’m right?” He looked at you with wide eyes, a smug look of excitement on his face. “We’re having a girl?”
“You are,” Dr. Weston nodded. “I hope it’s okay that you know now.”
Harry clapped his hands together and stood from his seat. “I knew it, Y/N. I totally called it.”
“It’s fine that we know, we wanted to,” you assured her. Harry had already grabbed his phone, likely bragging to Jeff and Glenne that he’d been right. “Now I just have to deal with this know it all, now.”
“Well congratulations,” she removed the probe and clicked a few things on the screen. “Fourteen weeks and everything looks great.”
You smiled, sat up and looked over at Harry, he looked up from his phone and smiled at you. “S’a girl.”
“I know,” you nodded, voice quiet. 
Dr. Weston ducked out of the room quietly, saying she’d see you soon before shutting the door to offer privacy.
“Did you already tell everyone we know?”
“No,” he laughed, letting his phone call into his pocket. “Just my mum and sister.”
You hopped down from the table and he handed you your clothes. 
“Are you happy it’s a girl?”
“I’m happy she’s healthy, and that I’m healthy,” you laughed. “But yes--a girl will be fun.”
“We’d make anything fun,” he said, stepping forward to wrap his arms around your shoulders, the fabric of the gown was scratchy on your skin. You looked up at him, and for a second, you wondered how it would feel to kiss him.
Jeff’s mouth was wide open, he was still, a look of shock on his face as Glenne let out a laugh loud enough that the neighbor’s might complain.
“Don’t,” Harry groaned, his eyes pleading with you to not embarrass him any further. 
“They were expired?!” Lexi’s eyes were wide, she looked between the two of you from her spot on the floor, take out on her lap. “That’s fucked man.”
“I didn’t know they were, obviously!” He defended.
Glenne shrugged her shoulders. “Just getting laid that infrequently.” 
“Alright, s’not my primary residence.”
“So wait,” Jeff said. “When did you find this out?”
A drop in your stomach, the nervous kind like you’d said the wrong thing. 
“When she was over once for dinner. Gave her the grand tour and we obviously had to stop by the scene of the crime,” Harry borrowed the language you once used to describe his sprawling bedroom. 
“He can definitely cook but apparently he doesn’t read expiration dates,” you laughed.
“So it’s all your fault,” Lexi laughed, reaching for another drink. “Bet that was tough news.”
Your eyes flashed over to Jeff, curious to see his reaction. In a way, Lexi wasn’t wrong. Sure--you’d fed Harry the response that it’s no one’s fault, and yeah, okay, you could live with that being the agreement everyone settled on. 
But it was also nice to know that it wasn’t anything you did. 
Harry rolled his eyes and pushed himself up off the couch when his phone rang. “One day you’re all going to feel terrible for saying that when you’re in love with our baby. It’s John--I’ll take it outside.”
Jeff followed behind him when Harry signaled for him to, the back door to the patio and small yard slid shut behind them.
“How ya been doin’ lately?” Glenne asked, leaning forward to grab the glass of wine she’d been nursing. 
“Fine,” you said. 
“Yeah?” She eyed you skeptically, Lexi dunked her fork into her green curry. 
“I’m handling the stress and constant anxiety as best as I can,” you admitted.
Glenne pouted. “What are you anxious about?” 
You let out a sigh, hesitant to say anything that would make her feel in the middle. “I just feel like Jeff thinks I fucked everything up or did this on purpose.”
Lexi sipped at her glass of wine. “What makes you think that?”
“I dunno--every time we’re all together I feel like he wants me to maintain a six foot distance or something.”
“He can’t tell you what to do or how to interact with him, Y/N,” Glenned tried to reassure you. “All he can do is give advice or give his input.”
“What if his input to Harry is that he shouldn’t ever talk to me or see me?”
“Bitch, you outrank him!” Lexi sat up straight and looked at you like you were losing your mind. “He’s his manager, he’s a friend. You are the mother of that man’s child. You are going to push his baby through your coochie!”
You let out a laugh, threw her a sideways glance. “I mean, I don’t know if outrank is fair.”
Glenne held up a hand, trying to get her two cents in before Lexi went off again. “He’s not mad--I don’t know why you think he’s mad.”
“Okay--fine, he’s not mad. But do you really want to try to convince me that I’m his favorite person on the planet right now?”
She rolled her eyes at that. “Y/N--he’s stressed. His client got his girlfriend’s friend knocked up. This is all going to explode into a thousand crazy headlines and he’s trying to keep it all somewhat contained. He loves you.”
You let out a long sigh at that, looked through the sliding door and watched as Harry gestured wildly, the phone sat on the small patio table between them. Jeff laughed at something he said and sipped at the beer that Harry was undoubtedly jealous of. 
Jeff had always thought you were funny. You knew that. When you got a good amount of tequila in you, you were no stranger to comedy or outrageous accents with Lexi and Glenne. Jeff would laugh his head off and there was even one time he made you drunkenly take obnoxious snapchat selfies with the stupid filters. It was probably the highlight of your relationship. 
So that night, after dinner was eaten and Netflix was watched, you tried to harness the courage that Lexi and Glenne had instilled in you. 
When Jeff came out of the bathroom, Glenne pulled herself up from a couch, a dramatic groan escaped her mouth when she smiled over at you and stretched. “Alright, my dear. Eat well, sleep well, take care of that sweet little muffin.”
“Okay,” you nodded. “So far, so good.”
Lexi had already retreated to her room, beauty sleep, y’all. Jeff waited as Glenne put her wine glass in the sink, hands on his hips. “Are you hitting the road too?”
His question was directed at Harry. He shifted on the couch. “Uh--might stay for a bit, if that’s alright?” 
Now he looked at you, and once again, you wondered if this sort of thing was allowed. An awkward look in Jeff’s direction, Glenne’s eyes were a bit wide, a smirk threatened to twist her lips into a full blown smile. 
“Yeah,” you said, looking around at all of them. “S’fine.”
You were all for following the rules and doing what you needed to do to protect everyone. But something about watching another episode of The Office on Netflix with the father of your child felt pretty safe. And maybe Glenne was right. Maybe you did outrank him. And if you didn’t, maybe one day you would. 
“Alright, well, we’ll see you both at some point in the next week, I’m sure.”
“Are we on for Saturday night still? With Tom?”
“Yeah,” Jeff said, watching as Glenne grabbed her purse from the counter. “I’ll text you.”
They said their goodbyes and headed out the front door, when it clicked into place you looked over at Harry. 
“Would you actually tell me if Jeff hated me?”
“Why would he hate you?”
“Because you got me pregnant.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” he shook his head, a smile tugged at his lips. “S’my fault, remember?”
“He might not see it that way.”
He rolled his eyes at you. “I just know.”
“How do you know?”
“Trust me, I would know if he hated you. He’s a terrible liar. He’d never be able to hang out with you if he didn’t like you.”
You were quiet, looked back down at the remote in your hands and picked at the skin around your thumb. 
He turned himself towards you on the couch, his voice quiet in the living room. “Why are you nervous about that?”
You shrugged, trying to fight back a smile. “I’m still trying to get over the whole fear about ruining your life.”
He rolled his eyes at that, a laugh escaping his lips when his arm reached up to the back of the couch. “You’re ridiculous! I can tell you a thousand times and you won’t believe me.”
“Probably not.”
“You didn’t ruin my life.”
“Okay.” You stood from the couch and moved towards the kitchen, bringing the glass that Lexi had left behind over to the dishwasher. 
He followed behind, watched with narrowed eyes as you tried to tidy. “I mean it,” he laughed. 
You turned around, hands on the counter as you looked at him. It was late, the light in Lexi’s room was off, you hoped she didn’t have her ear pressed up against the door. Mostly because you didn’t want her to hear what you said next. 
“I just don’t want you to leave.”
He took a step forward, brows furrowed. “Tonight?”
“No--like, in general.”
His lips parted at that, a pause before he sighed, another step forward. 
“Sorry,” you said quickly. “I didn’t mean to be weird. I’m just--scared sometimes.”
“I know,” he was close now, his chest almost pressed against yours. His fingers reached up and tugged at the hem of your shirt, “I’m not going anywhere.”
You nodded, stared down at the floor now as if looking up in his eyes would somehow make it more risky. As if ignoring the fear and the doubt and everything that bubbled inside of you when you tried to get your mind off of it would keep you safe, keep her safe. 
His hand nudged at your chin, lifted it up so you had to look at him. Something in his eyes felt promising--or maybe it was the way you felt his lips curl into a smile once they were pressed against yours.
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**author’s note: **FINALLY!!!!! No but really, thank god. It’s been tough to wait to share that with you. Things are finally heating up in here! You know I’m a fucking sucker for a slow burn.
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
Lonely Hearts Club
Seokmin: Chapter 1 (One More Light)
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Characters: Seokmin x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, angst, potential blood mentions, genocide mentions, runaway mentions, emotional manipulation? (If you can call it that? Idk you decide), mental illness (depression implied), sexual mentions, mentions of death, mentions of violence. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: This story is gonna be a bit of a heart puller. Sorry. But for this chapter anyways, I recommend listening to One More Light by Linkin Park because it really goes well with this chapter.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
Lonely Hearts Club Master List
Chapter 1: One More Light
The way you moved was devastating. The way you laughed was harmonious. The way you smiled was infectious. The way you smelt was intoxicating. He’s been so giddy ever since you came through their doors. He finally found you.
His brothers had told him to wait and be patient, but who was he kidding, waiting was impossible for someone like him. He always had so much love to give. When he loved, he loved with all his heart. So it’s no surprise that he was already in love with his mate that he’d only known for a few days. He had told you he had imprinted on you the day after you woke up from your injury, three days ago. Your response was less than ideal, you simply let out an “okay” and walked the other way. He couldn’t lie, your reaction stung him a bit, he wanted you to be just as in love with him as he was with you.
You were really cold to him. Colder than you were with anyone else in the house. But he understood that that can happen sometimes and that it could take you some time to come to terms with having a mate. He was just hoping that time would speed up so he could reach his happily ever after sooner.
As you walked downstairs for dinner, you saw him sitting there again. Your eyes automatically went to him when he was in a room, you couldn’t stop it. No matter how hard you tried, your body’s natural reaction was to want to see him. He was already looking at you, before you had even made it fully down the stairs, with stars in his eyes. You couldn’t help but scoff under your breath.
Your stupid instincts once again had fucked you over. That’s what that new feeling you felt on the first day was, you had imprinted on a young wolf in Seungcheol’s pack. But You didn’t want a new mate. You didn’t NEED a new mate. You just wanted to be left alone. You just wanted to be left alone to die. But NOOOOO. They HAD to come and play heros and save you and keep you from seeing the end of a silver bullet. You understood that they were just trying to help, so you weren’t really upset with them, just more so sad that you had to continue with your shitty life.
While you were sitting down at the kitchen table eating, you could feel his eyes on you, watching your every move like you were some sort of goddess. The feeling had your skin tingling. You hated it. Because, now that you had a mate, you knew you could go into heat. You’ve never had that problem before, you weren’t mature enough back then to experience it. But you knew it could end up VERY bad if you weren’t careful now that you were able to go through it.
Being in the same room with him was getting harder and harder. It felt like the room was getting hotter and hotter. Like you were suffocating in his delicious aroma. You couldn’t keep this up. By tomorrow, you knew you’d want to hump his brains out. And you DEFINITELY didn’t want that to happen.
You couldn’t deal with it much longer, as you finished your last few bites of your dinner, a reeling hot flash hit you when your eyes met and he looked deep into your icy blue orbs. You were sweating and you felt like your every layer of skin was being peeled back to expose all your nerves. The slight breeze in the room was making things that much worse. Fuck. You HAD to get out of there before this shit got more out of hand.
You quickly got up from your chair and washed your plate in their sink. It startled quite a few of the pack members around you and their mates because no one else had done that just yet. The boys could… smell- that something was different about you. They didn’t know what exactly as they had never even been around or heard of a female wolf before, but they still knew SOMETHING was weird with you. They just couldn’t put their finger on it. Even so, they tried to continue their dinner as nonchalantly as possible as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
“Well SOMEBODY’S in a rush” joked Joshua, who had his mate all but sitting on his lap feeding her portions of her food.
“Yeah (Y/N). You good?” Mingyu asked in a similar manner, but you could see he was actually curious as to why you wanted to make a sudden exit from the table.
“Yeah. I- uh- I’m fine. I just need to head back to my den tonight. I’ve been away too long and I- um- I need to go make sure everything’s alright.” You stuttered while not looking at any of them and with quite a bit of hesitation. You were hoping none of them would question why you were so on edge and why you wanted to leave. But obviously with Seokmin there, your hopes had been smashed to pieces the second he spoke up.
“You’re leaving??? You can’t leave! I mean- I didn’t mean it like that but- I mean, you still aren’t healed properly. You could get hurt again!” The frantic words left his mouth as soon as you had finished your own sentence moments before.
You couldn’t leave him, he just found you. He HAD to make you stay somehow. He couldn’t just let you walk away without knowing whether or not you’d come back to him. His heart was beating out of his chest in panic, what was he gonna do if you left him??
“I’ll be fine. I’ve taken care of myself for a long time now. I appreciate you guys helping me out but-” you tried to brush off their worry, wanting to make a quick get away as soon as possible. But Seokmin stood up from his seat and hurriedly retorted your little speech.
“But nothing! You still have a hard time walking around without holding onto something. There’s no way you’re leaving in this state!” He gestured with his hands as he got closer to you.
God, did he have to smell so fucking good? You had to shake the thought off, you had to control yourself. You had one focus right now and that was to leave before you did irreversible damage.
“Who are you my father? I can leave if I want to!And i WANT to leave! I have other things I have to do and I won’t put them on hold any longer! I can’t!” You punctuated your sentence by throwing your hands in the air.
“Seokmin’s right (Y/N). You still aren’t doing your best. If you’re not careful, you could get yourself killed. It’s probably best you stay here at least for another few days.” Hansol tried as the pack’s resident doctor in an attempt to keep his brother from going crazy at the idea of losing his mate so soon.
They all really liked you, even if you weren’t… the warmest person towards their packmate. They all could see you were just putting on a brave face. They didn’t want you to go run off and get yourself in trouble without them backing you up.
“I can’t! I have important business to attend to this week. I can’t put it on hold just because I’m still not 100% better. I have to go” you say, standing your ground as best you could with Seokmin standing right in front of you with his stupidly warm glowing aura that made you wanna tackle him to the ground with kisses.
You just wanted to grab his beautiful face and let him take you right then and there from the way he was biting his lip while looking at you. The thought made you shiver. But you couldn’t give in to those thoughts. You WOULDN’T give in to those thoughts. You didn’t want a new mate. You didn’t want him, you had to keep reminding yourself. But You NEEDED to get out of there, for both your sakes.
Seokmin was in a panic. He couldn’t lose you. What if you never came back? What if you go hurt? What if you ran away? What if he never saw you again? He couldn’t risk losing you. He couldn’t. He looked to Seungcheol, who was sitting at the table stroking his mate’ thigh, for help.
“Okay how ‘bout this (Y/N), You go finish whatever business it is that you need to finish and a few of us will check up on you in a couple of days to make sure you’re alright? That’s fair right? Besides, you’ll definitely need another healing session or two before you’ll be able to defend yourself fully alone again” Seungcheol suggested.
He knew his brother didn’t want you to leave their house, but he also knew forcing you to stay was definitely not the right thing to do in this situation. He knew trying to leash you down would only make you resent them and more defiant. At least this way, they could still make sure you were alright and you’d get some independence. Everyone would win. Seokmin had a little whine emit from his chest at the thought of not seeing you for a while, causing Cheol to look to his brother’s depressed face. Well… everyone would win except Seokmin that is…
“Fine! If that’s what it’ll take for you guys to let me go, fine. But I NEED to leave and I need to leave like yesterday!” You repeatedly tapped your foot to the ground, almost waiting for some sort of reaction from them.
Hansol got up from his seat, “Okay. How about we make sure you get to your cave safely? That way we can make sure we know you got there okay and we’ll know how to find you later for your check up.”
“Fine. That’s fine, whatever. But I need to go now!” you declared while heading for the door, knowing full well you didn’t bring anything to their home but the clothes on your back.
You never really owned anything anyways. You had to move around and run so much that you never thought it a good idea to own too many material possessions.
“Better get going then.” Seokmin said semi-coldly, not really wanting you to leave, but also realizing that he didn’t get much of a say.
On your way to your den, it was decided that Hansol, Jeonghan, Jun, and Seokmin would accompany you on the journey. They wanted to be sure they had enough people that would know where you were staying so they had multiple people who could find you later. They wanted an Alpha to go with you to make sure the boys stayed in line, mostly Seokmin, so they had Jeonghan go. Jun went because you were more comfortable with him as you were both foreigners and kind of hit it off, making fast and perfect friends. Hansol went because he was the pack’s healer and he would more than likely be one of the ones to check on you later. And of course, Seokmin went because he wanted to spend every possible second he could with you.
It wasn’t that far, an hour or two’s walk in human form at best. But You wanted to just dash there in your wolf form so you could get there. It irritated you that you couldn’t already shift to a more familiar form that you were used to and felt more safe in. Though you knew the boys with you just wanted to protect you, so you made the slow walk to your little home next to the boys.
“Hey (Y/N). Can I ask a question?” Jun spoke out of no where next to you.
“I mean you can ask, doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily get an answer though.” You causally let out, stepping over a big rock in order to continue your way to your den. You didn’t mean it in a mean way, the boys all knew that, it was just your personality. You preferred to keep things short, blunt, and sarcastic, kinda the exact opposite of your mate’s style.
Jun bit his lip and played with his large thumbs before his voice echoed out again, “Well I mean, I could hear you talking in your sleep these last few nights, We all could. It sounded like you were having quite a few nightmares. Does-Does that happen a lot?” He questioned, trying his absolute best not to offend you in the process.
“Eh. Yeah I guess, it’s not that big a deal though. You get used to it after a while.” You answered, not really wanting to elaborate but also knowing he wasn’t asking in a malicious way, more so in an ‘are you good bro?’ type of way.
“Oh okay. Well then can I ask who- who Cyrus is…?” Jun quietly stuttered again while trying hard to not upset you.
As the boys kept their walk going, you stopped for a moment. It didn’t go unnoticed by them so they halted as well. Jun, worried he had pushed you, tried to lighten the mood some more.
“I’m sorry (Y/N). I didn’t want to dig too deep into your personal life or anything. I just-” Jun spoke before you cut him off swiftly.
“No! I mean- it’s alright. I’d want to know if I was you guys too. I just… I- I haven’t heard his name said aloud in a long time ‘s all.” You responded while looking down at your feet as they started up their pace again.
They began following behind you as you continued with your answer to the Chinese wolf’s previous question, “Cyrus is- Cyrus WAS my mate” you croaked, trying to keep the tears back. You were NOT about to have some people you barely knew see you cry. No, that was definitely NOT happening.
“You- You had another mate?” Hansol said without even realizing he had added the word ‘another’ in his question.
It was still a bit of a touchy subject for both you and Seokmin as you hadn’t really accepted or denied him yet. This earned Hansol a nudge from Jeonghan. Seokmin, who had been staying quiet for most of the journey, was listening and processing your statement attentively. His heart rate sped up, you had another mate? It hurt him to think about it. He wanted to be your only one.
“Yeah. I- I did” you muttered, putting the word ‘another’ out of your mind and focusing on the question at hand, “A long time ago. He’s- He’s gone now. When he died… that’s when my nightmares started- that’s WHY my nightmares started.” You added, almost having reached your cave.
“… How did he- How did he die?” Seokmin let his voice out for the first time since you guys had left the house, startling you a bit.
You again hesitated to respond. You weren’t against talking about it. You just weren’t sure you wanted them to know just yet. You weren’t sure if you were ready for Seokmin to know just yet. But you knew you’d have to tell them all eventually, especially if they kept bugging you about it. So you decided to just sit the dirty laundry out and let it fall wherever it was meant to.
“Jun, you’re Chinese right?” You quizzed, slightly confusing them at the sudden question. They assumed you were just trying to change the subject.
“Yeah... I’m from Shenzhen.” He added, still very curious as to where your random ass knowledge came from.
“… You- You know what Lingchi is?” You say continuing to walk on.
As everyone else still kept walking the way to your den, Jun stopped entirely. His heart dropping at the word that you had linked to Seokmin’s earlier question. That’s what happened to him? That’s what happened to your MATE? The others didn’t understand, they didn’t know Chinese as they were all Korean and really had no need to learn a language that wasn’t used a whole lot in Korea. They knew a few words here and there do to having lived with Junhui and Minghao for so long and having had another Chinese pack for friends, but they never needed to know THAT word. At least, not until now.
“… That’s- That’s how he died?” Jun spoke up and all of you turned around at his distant voice. You could see the tears brimming on the brink of his water lines. He was sad for you. He was sad for your lost mate. He was sad at your whole situation and your whole backstory.
You cleared your seemingly very dry throat, “Yeah,” You said in a small voice, trying your best to hide any emotions that hit you like a rock through a window.
It upset you that while you were even speaking on such a serious topic, you were about to start heat and you still felt it creeping up on you. You tried to shake the dirtier thoughts away and just decided to do your best to get through it in one piece. You really wished that Seokmin would’ve stayed back at the pack’s house. He was making everything sooo much harder for you. You wanted to be able to be upset, but how could you when your every instinct at the moment was telling you to jump his bones?
“(Y/N), I’m so sorry… I- I didn’t know… I wouldn’t- I wouldn’t have asked if I had known.” Jun shook his head to flick the tears back and brought his hand to your small shoulder in comfort, looking at you with almost pleading eyes.
You gave him a small smile and put you little hand on top of his larger one and gave it a small squeeze, “It’s alright. It was a long time ago.” You whispered out, gently brushing his limb from your body as you started walking again, clearly indicating that you were too emotional to keep talking about the subject anymore. The others just followed your movements wordlessly, not really understanding the gravity of the whole situation like their brother did, but knowing that whatever it was you were talking about couldn’t have been good.
It was a few more minutes until you reached the mountain opening you were searching for. You had walked in silence the rest of the way there, the evidence of your and Jun’s serious topic still lingering in the air. The others had other conversations they wanted to have, but knowing that you spoke of your last mates demise without actually having an idea of what happened to him made them reluctant to speak.
“Okay.” Hansol finally broke the ice, “We’ll be back to check in on you in a couple of days okay? If you need us, don’t hesitate to give us a howl! Someone’s home at all times. We’ll find you. So don’t run out on us got it?” He joked as he lightly pushed your shoulder as a symbol of affection.
You had taken a liking to Hansol almost immediately, he was a very calm and positive person, he felt like your natural brother already. He made you feel like you were such an outcast and tried to make you feel included. So you lightly pushed his shoulder back playfully.
“Okay okay. I’ll be here don’t worry! Just give me like five or six days to get some stuff done. Then you’ll be able to check on me” you stated as you gave him a big bear hug, though you kept it short so you wouldn’t get too much contact that would aggravate your heat any further.
You went on and hugged the other boys too in similar ways, discluding Seokmin as you were worried that, if you touched him, you’d completely lose it. So you simply just gave him a head nod and said your goodbyes verbally. It hurt him that you didn’t give him a hug goodbye too since it would be a while since he saw you next, he didn’t even know why you wanted to go back to your cave or why you refused to be near him recently. So he took the lack of contact a bit more to heart than you had meant for him to, but still, he said nothing. He didn’t want to agitate you or risk you potentially not coming back due to his actions or words.
As the boys left the cave, one sure question was on all three of the boys minds.
“Hey Jun” Seokmin caught his brother’s attention as they walked home and were finally far enough away from your den to where you couldn’t hear them anymore.
“Yeah?” He responded cooly while cruising back down the path home.
“What’s Lingchi?” Seokmin questioned. All three of the Korean boys turned to him as they waited for an answer. Junhui gulped in response.
He really had to explain one of the worst things he could think of to his brothers, one of them being your current mate who would no doubt be seriously disturbed by the sudden declaration of your old mate’s fate. Perfect.
“Lingchi- it… it usually means… Lingering Death. When talking about- well- said death, it means- it means Slow Slicing.” Jun let out as he looked on while shoving his hands in his pockets as he tried to act off his discomfort of the topic at hand.
“Slow Slicing?” Jeonghan questioned, also wanting some sort of explanation or further elaboration on what Jun was talking about.
“Yeah. It- It’s also known as- I think you’d guys call it… Death By A Thousand Cuts.” Jun slowly let his words simmer out, trying his best to not sound affected by the thought of that happening to someone he had known’s mate.
“Tha- THAT’S how he died???” Seokmin panicked, knowing full well how that must have affected you. His heart felt like it had just gained 100 pounds in a matter of seconds.
“Yeah. They usually used some kind of sword… and they kept cutting shallow slices into a person until they bled to death. It’s- Death By A Thousand Cuts- it’s really a terribly slow and horribly painful way to die.” Jun reiterated while kicking a rock close to his feet.
He wasn’t even sure if he should’ve told them to begin with, it wasn’t his mate that met that fate after all, but he also knew that if he were you he wouldn’t have wanted to be the one who explained it. So he took it upon himself hoping you wouldn’t hate him later.
“Fuck.” Jeonghan breathed loudly as he ran his hand through his hair, having finally have reached the house.
“That’s fucking awful” Hansol added.
It was awful. Your mate died in one of the worst ways possible. And, from how bad your nightmares sounded, he figured you must have seen at least some of it. He felt terrible for you. And he was mad at himself for being slightly jealous earlier at the mention of your old mates name now. No wonder you were so cut off from him. You were numb. You didn’t want to go through that again, and he couldn’t blame you. If he saw that happen to you, he’d jump off a cliff and end it all.
Still, he promised himself that night that he’d do everything he could to get you to see that he would stay with you always and that he’d keep you safe forever. He was determined to show you that you’d never have to go through that again. He just needed to figure out how to do that in like five days. No fucking biggie or anything. Little did he know that five days from now, your past mate couldn’t have been further from your mind…
Another Author’s Note: Hi guys! So I just want to put out there that I’m not Chinese, I’m Mexican. I think I used the word right but if I didn’t, PLEASE let me know. I asked one of my friends for help with it, but she only uses conversational Mandarin with her family and isn’t 100% fluent. Everything I’ve looked up says that it’s the right word to use in Mandarin for it and use of the language was kind of essential for this particular chapter as I needed the suspense of having the characters have to ask someone later what it meant. Again PLEASE let me know if it’s wrong or if there’s a better word for it! Hope you guys liked this chapter because the next one will be super fun😉
(Updated 9/8)
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Imagine Dean realizing that he feels happy with you
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Dean’s arm still hurts a bit when he wakes up, probably a warning that is going to ache for a few more days ahead. It’s nothing compared to what he’s been through, the green-eyed man knows, but today is a new morning and it’s almost peaceful to worry exclusively about the annoying discomfort that comes from his arm. Therefore, he enjoys the mundane pain with a soft grunt.
You aren’t next to him in bed, which is pretty unlike. Dean usually wakes up first and you are smart enough to trick him into staying in the mattress for a bit longer. One of his eyes went open, while the other part of his face remains smashed against the pillow. No sight of you yet. The shower isn’t running, so you must be in the kitchen.
His minds goes full red alert, as when he is fighting a monster, for all the right reasons. (Y/N)? Attempting to cook? Disaster. He had been there, done that, got the t-shirt and watched it all burn.
Dean yawned, green orbs closing for a tiny amount of seconds-- the mattress under his body appeared a nostalgic comfortability, and the sweaty sheets from the night before gave him a reason to smile in the first minutes of the day, as well to have the first dirty thought regarding to you. 
He got up without much of a resistance, dressing his foot with red slippers as he walked through the door. Dean rubbed his eyes as the ideal temperature of the bunker hit his sleepy face. The beat of his heart was calm, the body that is so used to be a weapon just following lazy steps towards a breakfast. It was good.
‘’Morning, sweetheart.’’ The words leave his lips so easily, it should probably scare him. Of course, the nickname rolled off his tongue in a natural manner even before you two met, but this time it seemed like he meant it. And he did. ‘’You woke up early.’’
There is that; worry about his beloved one. Not if you got hurt in the middle of a vampire’s chacine or during a battle with assholes with wings. But about the urban things; Did you sleep well? Are you trying to cook? Wanna go on an Old West Movies marathon?
‘’Morning, cowboy.’’ You greet him, turning around with a genuine smile on your face. You are wearing one of his shirts as usual. Although, it still makes the smile reflected on his face from yours grow bigger. No such thing as time moving too fast between supernatural problems, or too slow between combats. It’s just you, and the slightly smell of a burnt toast. ‘’You made me stay up late last night and messed up my sleeping schedule.’’
‘’You weren’t complaining.’’ Dean smirks, approaching you until his hands hold your waist. He can’t keep his distance from you for too long. Why would he? ‘’The opposite, actually.’’
Determination in your voice as you pull away is laced with a certain hint of humor, ‘’Nope. Not happening. You aren’t going to distract me this time. I’m making toast, it’s gonna be delicious.’’
Dean simply arches his eyebrows, glaring at the toaster that made a noise and popped up two black attempts of food. He can’t say he’s surprised, but he can’t say he doesn’t like that. His girlfriend could do anything but cook properly.
‘’Burnt toast. Yummy!’’ He says, picking up one of them with a wryly smirk. Dean puts it away with arching eyebrows and a true chuckle at your frustrated expression.
You pout like a little kid. He leans him, pressing his lips against yours. All the situation just seems like a light-hearted occasion. And perhaps it is. Something he didn’t believe he was going to get, mainly after Lisa. He had accepted what came with the hunting life, being satisfied sometimes? Sure. Proud, if he was a bit cocky. But happiness certainly wasn’t on the list - he should know, he read all the manual and tried to change the rules multiple times just to end in a cruel mixture of blood and tears every night. He grew merciless to anyone who hadn’t became family when he used to feel. He forced the warmth out of his body to engage the cold as deep as possible. Before. Not too long ago. Anyway, before still.
It’s been almost two years now. He can sleep without nightmares more often, with a record of three times in a row, while listening to the way you breathe in the quiet of the night. When the lights are out, his body quickly searches for yours and it’s surprisingly how it always finds you in his darkest moments. On the way home, Sam reading his book or listening to a boring podcast as the shotgun and you on the backseat chewing on your lip as you glance through the window, while he drives his father’s legacy in wheels and hums to one of his old tapes, he can feel it. Whatever it is; the sensation.
It’s been hitting him a lot lately. At times, like a metaphorical punch in the belly to make him dizzy. Or a giant urge to scream for no angry reason. When too strong, he even feels like crying without a sorrow to mourn.
He has never felt quite like this. Obviously, the problems are still out there and inside. Certain cases are difficult. They keep getting in enormous troubles. Dean still misses his mom and dad. Adam crawls in his mind some days. Occasionally, after one of his favorite series’s episode ended and the credits pass by, his mind traps itself and starts a sick game of regrets, which puts him in one of his moods for the rest of the day. Nightmares about hell, being a demon, seeing Castiel die, losing you and Sammy hadn’t disappeared totally, maybe they never will. Regardless, he’s found a sort of calmary in the chaos.
‘’Dean!’’ You giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulls you closer. Dean gives you tiny, sweet kisses as a kind of worship. Your skin feels warm like the summer against his and he can breathe so effortlessly for some reason. Sam is in his room, Cas is alive, his parents are in heaven together, you are in his arms, and he isn’t fighting to be alive right now. He’s full of damage, but he is plenty of good things, too. No, not mere good stuff. Great, awesome, fantastic.
The uncertain emotion caresses his whole body one more time, and a single man’s tear leaves him. It falls on your shoulder and you pull away a bit, just so you can cup his cheeks and kiss his him. You get it. You always does. Somehow.
Again, he has never felt quite like this.
Dean Winchester thinks it’s happiness. 
A/N: I had a high desire of writing Dean x Reader fluff, so here you go! No beta’d. Honestly, I started it and I was like, let’s make it based on Lover by Taylor Swift. Then, it became more like You Are In Love (also by Tay) than Lover. Lyrics: You can hear it in the silence / You can feel it on the way home / You can see it with the lights out / Burnt toast / You keep his shirt
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an-actual-angel · 4 years
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Pairing: Connor (RK800) x Reader, Collin (RK800-60) x Reader, Richard (RK900) x Reader
Summary: The year was 2082. 44 Years after the android revolution. Things have turned south for humanity. Androids now rule the world, leaving humans to be considered as mere animals. While some Androids still have a general disdain for humanity some have taken to the idea of keeping them as “family pets.”You, born in captivity, specifically bred to be the perfect pet happen to get adopted by the RK brothers.
Chapter Description: Part 2 of your eventful day out with Collin.
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Chapter 28 - The Lost Boy
Your name: submit What is this?
The Incident with Collin's ex had left a bitter taste in your mouth for most of the day. You clenched your fists anytime you thought back at how she and her friends had berated him. Part of you wanted to bring it up again to Collin but it seemed like he had enough of talking about her for today. You didn’t want to annoy him with it. Perhaps you could try again some other time.
Collin seemed a little annoyed by it but it didn’t seem to have shaken him up too much, he was quite happily scoffing food into his mouth, upon finally making it to the café you both had planned to visit. You watched him amused, your hands clasped around the warm porcelain coffee mug as you blew into the brown liquid, still too hot to drink. For a being that didn’t need food, Collin sure could put it away quick. You thought it was cute though.
“So,” You began to speak, removing the white mug from your lips. Collins eyes flicker up to meet yours.
“I kissed Connor this morning.” You felt weird telling this to Collin but you knew if this was going to work, open communication would be essential.
“Finally, took you both long enough.” He laughed, sitting back in his chair. “So, who’s the better kisser me or Connor?” A sly grin formed across his face.
“Definitely Connor.” You quipped, copying his go to wink.
“Lies.” Collin rolls his eyes.
“Okay, I’m only messing. You both are well, really great.” You shrug with a small giggle. You don’t think you could choose a favourite.
“Just admit you like me better, it’s okay I won’t tell.” Collin's foot brushes against your leg as he teases you. You raise your eyebrows to him in a mocking way as a response.
“I’m only kidding.” He chuckles before taking another swig of his drink.
When you both had finished your food, you set off into the city again, your hand linked around his arm as he leads the way.
“So, the museum then?” Collin asks, a little too unenthusiastically for your liking – making you stop and think.
“Why do I feel like your pandering to me?” You ask, pulling back on his arm slightly.
“It’s just the museum doesn’t seem like a very ‘Collin’ thing. It’s not your style.”
“Hey, are you trying to say that I’m not smart, sophisticated and cultured?” He fakes being insulted, making you giggle slightly.
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Yeah, I know,” he smiles. “You got me. Connor suggested taking you there.” He holds his hands up in defence, accompanied by a smirk.
“Well, I want to do something that  you  want to do. Not what you think I want, or Connor thinks rather. This is your last day off. What do  YOU  want to do?”
“Well, I could think of a few things” he grins, moving his hand lower down your back with flirtation. You bump your shoulder into him in response as if you’re telling him to grow up. Not that you would mind getting a little bit more intimate  with him – it was just that you actually wanted to go do something that he would enjoy.  That didn't involve getting frisky.
“Oh, I’m sure” you laugh it off. “But what do you actually want to do? Well, besides, drinking, partying and orgies.”
“Hey, I’m no longer a single man, No orgies for me, anymore.”
“Forget I said that.” He snaps back, pointing his finger towards you.  To which you just laugh, you cant tell if he's joking or not but... hey, you don’t judge.
But wait, what did he say? The realisation only dawns on you now.
“So no longer a single man huh?”
“Well, I was assuming by now… Y'know.” He shrugs blankly at you, like an idiot.
You shake your head and chuckle. “You telling Richard I’m your girlfriend doesn’t count as asking me out. You have to do it properly.”
Collin stops walking for a minute and plays with the sleeve of his leather jacket. LED flashing a sickly yellow for a moment, clearing his throat – even though he obviously did not need to – he starts to ask. “Uh, Will you -“
“Shouldn’t we wait for Connor?” You interrupt him.
“I can ask for the both of us.”
“It doesn’t work like that.”
“That’s a shame.” He responds even though he clearly seemed relieved that he didn’t have to ask you alone. Even though he pretty much knew what your response was going to be he was still nervous. Maybe it was too soon.
Most couples date for a few months before they make it official but you had been friends for such a long time now, does that make it okay? Where you weirded out by the power dynamic? Was being with two different people too much? Did you feel pressured into this relationship?
Collin's head felt like it was spinning, he tried his best to hide it behind his smile. Hopefully, he could maintain the blue of his LED, if he really focused he could keep it blue. – something he taught himself to do a few years back. It took a lot of concentration but it was possible.
“Anyway.” Your voice pulls him back into reality. “Back to my main point, before we get side-tracked again.” You turn to look at him, finger poking him in the center of his chest. “What do you want to do today?”
“Shit, I don’t know.” He looks around with a clueless expression. Apart of you wonders if he’s ever eve been asked this question before.
“Maybe we could go to the park? Oh!” his face sparks up for a moment. “I have a Frisbee in my car.”
“Sounds great!” You chime back. Smiling at how enthusiastic he had become over a Frisbee.
Both of you had spent a good few hours in the park. Just walking around, playing Frisbee and talking the biggest load of nonsense. You even got to meet some nice dogs, which is always a bonus.
Because it was just you and Collin, you both got some horrendously unhealthy, greasy food from a food truck but damn it was good. You both had a laugh at the thought of what Connor would say about it. The hours had passed way too quickly. Soon it was time to head home, but something stopped you, the sound of a child crying.
You almost sent Collin into a full-blown panic when you had disappeared out of his sight to go investigate it. Thankfully he spotted you before you had fully immersed yourself into the trees to seek the kid out.
Collin approached you in a light jog to keep up only to find you down on your knees talking to a small weeping boy. A human boy.
Before Collin could complain about you running off you had reached out to pull Collins hand down in order for him to be crouching to talk to the little boy as well.
“He lost his family.” Your face turned to Collin.
Collin briefly let his LED slip back to the yellow colour he had been trying so hard to hide that day. Immediately it caught the kid’s attention.
“I don’t want to go to the pound!” he blurts out, tears filling up his eyes. “Davey said it’s scary there.”
You hush the little boy before offering him your hand. “You won’t have to go near that place, I promise.”
He slowly places his tiny little dirt-covered hand in your own. You stand to your feet and help the little boy up.
“Can you help?” You whisper to Collin.
His lips go thin for a moment as he thinks. “Not without taking him to the pound to get his chip checked.”
Your eyebrows turn up in worry, not wanting to break your promise to the kid. “isn’t there something you can do?”
“Well, human matters aren’t in my division of work. I can’t do anything but Richard might be able to pull some strings.”
“Are you serious?” You wince at the thought of getting Richard involved.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for even suggesting it but he does have the city in his pocket basically.” He grumbles, scratching the back of his head. “He’s got connections, he could get a chip scanner sent out here. We wouldn’t even have to leave the park.”
“That would be preferable.” You sigh. “Would he even agree?”
“Only one way to find out.” Collin lifts his phone from his pocket. “I’ll call him, you walk the kid around the park, see if you can find his family anywhere.”
You nod and take the child’s hand again, following Collins instructions.
You had no luck finding the child’s family. The sun was starting its descent, painting the sky with shades of pink and orange clouds.
“It looks like ice cream.” You smile down at the little boy’s observation. “What’s your favourite Ice cream?” You ask, in an attempt to keep the child entertained.
“Strawberry!” He perks up in glee.
“I’ve never tried strawberry ice cream before.”
“What!” The Child almost seems offended by your confession. “Lady, you haven’t lived.”
“Is that so?” You giggle.
“He’s got a point.” Collin was quick to quip back.
The three of you were standing outside the park gates, it was closing up soon. At the rate this was going you would either be forced to take the kid to the pound or back to the apartment. Neither of which was ideal and would probably scare the poor kid out of his wits.
Finally, a familiar sleek black car had pulled up beside you. The doors swing open to reveal Richard, stepping out with a small white device in hand. the child’s hand wrapped tighter around yours as Richard came closer. You couldn’t blame the kid, Richard did look intimidating as hell as he approached, like some type of vampiric villain.
“Arm.” He ordered, hand extending out to the boy which cause you to grimace in response. Richard noticed immediately. With a roll of his eyes, he then squats down to the boy's eye level. He holds his hand out again and asks in a more gentle tone.
“May I please see your arm? I need to scan it so that we can call your family.”
The little boy looks up to you with curious eyes and you nod to him, placing your hand on his shoulder. The boy reluctantly rolls up his sleeve and offers his arm out to Richard.
With a small beep from the device, you had the families contact details. The lady – his mother, sounded like she was in hysterics over the phone. It didn’t take too long for her and her partner to show up, thanking and praising you all for finding their boy. When they had left you made brief eye contact with Richard and thanked him. He simply nodded and got back into his car.
Upon arriving home you had to fill Connor in on the eventful day you both had. He seemed just as pissed as you were about the whole drama with Collins ex. He was very proud of the both of you as well as a little shocked at Richard – and his willingness to help - with "the case of the lost child."
Thank goodness that all got sorted. I thought we were going to have to bring that poor kid home with us. That would be so bad.”
“No it wouldn’t, you were great with him.” Collin's hand grazes against your arm.
“Well, I meant it would be scary for the child. Being without his family.”
The Boys both nod in agreement.“I guess kids are lucky that way though.” You sigh. “Android couples always want to adopt little kids, raise them, treat them like their own. Probably only humans that get to experience family life. For some reason, I wasn’t good enough for that.”
Both of the boys go silent.
Oh jeez, you didn’t mean to dump all of that on them in the middle of a casual conversation. Will you ever learn when to stop talking?
“I’m sorry you never got to experience that.” Connor eventually speaks up breaking the silence.
“It’s okay. I'm sorry I shouldn’t have gone off of that tangent. I’m pretty lucky now though. I have you guys, you're both pretty great.” You smile, placing your head on Connor's shoulder and placing your hand on top of Collins.
“And were both grateful to have you.” Connor says placing a kiss on the top of your head. The three of you sit quietly for a while, Connor resting his chin on your head and Collin stroking his fingers down your hand, playing and rubbing on each one of your individual fingers.
While the room was silent you had your suspicions that Collin and Connor where communicating with each other via their minds. That weird mind communication that androids could do with other androids within their proximity. You can usually tell when this happens because Collin sometimes forgets to hide his facial expressions when he does it. Also, their LEDs slightly waver when they communicate this way.
Finally, Collin chooses to speak out first. “So I suppose now is as good as time as any.” He begins.
You adjust yourself to sit up slightly while still leaning against Connor.
“Will you be our girlfriend?”
Collin looked so serious, almost worried that you’d say no. Connor, on the other hand, seemed pretty calm, casually playing with a lock of your hair. You leaned back to look at Connor.
“What he said.” Connor smiles back teasingly.
“Well, I'd have to think about it. You turn back around and look down at your nails before a smile cracks across your face. “of course I will dummy.” You giggle before leaning up and pressing a small kiss against Collin's lips. Connor rubbing small circles on your arm, waiting for his turn. When You and Collin both pull away from each other Connor reaches up his hand to guide your face towards him, stealing a kiss as well.
You hoped every moment could be this sweet.
Chapter 29 - Our Time is Running Out
He couldn’t believe he was doing this. What on earth possessed him to go out of his way for a human? That little minx, the cruel temptress had him wrapped around his finger.
He could have kept his pride, refused. But the thought of you upset with him (even more so than you already were) was completely unbearable.
So here he found himself, on a Sunday night, travelling across town, calling in a favour from an old acquaintance just so that he could borrow his chip reader. And for what? Some lost human that you had came across in the park? While you were on a date with his brother?
Richard was disgusted at himself.
Oh how he tried to pull back from you, to forget, to move on. But to no avail. Your laugh, your smile, your scent. It was frivolous. You had taken over his mind like a virus to his system. Oh, how it made him loath himself for feeling this way.
“You will be the death of me.” He sighed looking down at the chip reader sitting in his passenger seat.
You wicked thing.
He hoped the drive would at least clear his mind, help him keep his cool for when you meet again. He found it hard to control himself recently. He had never had this problem before. Perhaps he could only blame himself. He played with fire, allowing himself to get close to you. Now it was time to suffer from the burns.
Why did you have to kiss him, why did he allow it in the first place? It was stupid the whole thing! You were a human. It was unheard of. The only reason he adopted you was to prove a point to Connor, how did this all get so messed up? Maybe he was too arrogant. He was sure at the time that this would have been the best way to get through to his brother, not drive them apart. He wanted to save Connor from his own delusions. But what happened instead was unthinkable.
Richard caught feelings for the human.
The android and the human? It sounded ridiculous.
He braced himself as he drove closer to the destination, not long now. He was just going to get in then get out and try his best to avoid eye contact. Then he saw you. Looking as beautiful as ever, the wind delicately sweeping between your hair. Standing outside the park gates with his brother and a small little boy.
Wait, It was a child that was lost?
Richard pulled his car up beside the gates. He shook his head taking in a deep breath – which he didn’t need – before finally grabbing the scanner and stepping out.
When your eyes fell on him he felt his thirium pump start to rattle in his chest, he tried to ignore it as he approached the three of you. Swept up in his own thoughts he didn’t notice the little boy beginning to cower behind you.
“Arm.” Richard ordered the boy.
He was confused for a moment, why didn’t the child comply? But then his eyes briefly caught yours. You didn’t look pleased.
He looked down at the boy then finally realised . Oh. He’s scared?
It’s okay, play it off…
He then knelt down. He could see the boy was still unsure of him so Richard reached out his hand and asked in a gentle tone. “May I please see your arm? I need to scan it so that we can call your family.”
When the boy finally offered his arm, Richard took it and scanned his chip, trying to hide his own shaky uneven feeling from showing in his movements. In an instant, the screen on the device flashed with the boy’s information.
Richard stood up, grabbing Collin’s phone straight out of his hand. He pressed the phone against the screen and gave it back to Collin.
“It should be ringing his family now.”
Collin nodded before holding the phone up to his ear. He moved a little bit away from you, Richard and the boy to speak to the family.
Although, the three of you could hear whoever it was – a female – blubbering down the phone.
You and Richard stood in silence while Collin talked on the phone.
“Don’t worry your family will be here soon.” Richard heard you whisper to the small boy. If his heart could combust it would have at that moment. He didn’t know how to deal with this. How to deal with you. He hated this feeling.
The minutes you waited for the family to arrive felt like hours to Richard. He stood with his arms crossed in silence while you and Collin kept the little boy entertained.
When the family finally arrived Richard was so relieved, he could finally leave. He supposed sure, it was good the child was returned home but mainly he wanted to get the fuck out of this situation as soon as he could.
After the family had given their thanks and praise to the three of you, Richard was on a mission to get back into his car as fast as possible. Before he reached for the handle, he did make brief eye contact with you.
You thanked him. He didn’t know how else to respond so he just nodded in return.
Getting back into his car he watched as you and Collin walked away – presumably to Collin's car – holding hands with each other. Richard cursed himself under his breath before driving off.
The next day Richard immersed himself fully within his work, something he usually did when his emotions got in the way. Emotions were so messy. he knew he had to return home soon, something he wasn’t looking forward to. His brothers were usually sat about cooing after you, the human, in HIS house. Maybe his karma was finally catching up with him.
When he arrived home it was quiet. It dawned on him, Collin was back to work again. it was probably just him and you in the apartment at the moment. His initial reaction was to run into his room or office to avoid you but a voice in his head said, ‘no. this is enough. No more hiding.’ He had to talk to you.
Gathering whatever courage he had he straightened himself out before heading into the livingroom. There you were sat cutely curled up in a ball on the couch. Your eyes lazily made their way towards him.
“Hello.” Richard spoke stiffly, trying to look as stoic as he could.
“Hi.” You spoke softly.
Okay, she doesn’t seem too annoyed with me…
Richard knew he had to be careful with his words around you. He knew you wouldn’t eat up the bullshit that he fed to everyone else in his life, no. You were different.
“So, you’re dating my brothers?”
“Both of them?”
You nod again in response. Richard bites his lip and sits down on the couch opposite you.
“I acknowledge that we had a rough patch and I apologise for it.” Richard begins speaking looking down at his hands. “I guess I just didn’t realize what we had was over.”
“We had something?” You asked. Richard's face looks up at you in confusion, not understanding what you meant.
“You see, I might be mistaken but I thought in order to ‘have something’ you would have to have, I don’t know, an element of respect for each other? Y’know treating your partner or person of interest as a person or an equal.” You spat back at him.
“It’s more complicated than that, I-” Richard tried to explain himself before you cut him off.
“Listen.” You begin. “I know you have some weird God complex so you can’t wrap your head around it but Connor and Collin treat me like a person. They care about me.”
“I care!” Richard stands up, his eyebrows turning upwards as his voice raises slightly.
You scoff a little. “Do you? Or are you just saying that to get your own way?”
“This is just, all very new to me.” Richard tries to explain further, holding his hand to his chest. “It’s difficult. You’re a human and my people they-”
“Oh grow up.” You finally stand to your feet and begin to walk away from him.
“I’m sorry!” He blurts out, causing you to stop. You turn to him and notice his LED now red.
“For what?” You ask. Maybe a glimmer of hope for him caught in your eyes.
But Richard doesn’t speak. His mouth fumbles around like he’s trying to catch his words but he says nothing.
“Hmm, I thought so.” You sigh and turn back to walk away. Biting your lip you shake your head. He doesn’t care, he’s just trying to control me again.
You will suck the life out of me ~
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Notes:  This chapter was heavily inspired by Muse's song 'Time is running out.' Shout out to AO3 user @DarkBlueChocolate for the chapter idea!
Taglist: @connorsdimple​ @crushedtincan​ @clussysposts​ @iris-suoh​
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