#fun fact! when making this i went in the opposite direction for shading (towards yellow instead of blue)
wheucto · 1 year
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charlettebffxiv · 3 years
Prompt #26 Affront (Extra Credits)
“I’m going to build a house!” Alistair’s face was bright, reddened in the cheeks from running. Charlette stared at him, blinking no less than three times before gathering this bit of news and understanding it all. And yet… “What?” she asked, sounding as dumb as she looked. “I’m going to build a house! I applied for a plot in the new expansion area, and they gave me one. Can you believe it? Gods, this is so exciting!” and surprising. Willow’s Heart rarely expanded its borders. ‘Quaint, unassuming village in the Shrouds backwoods’ was the cornerstone of its appeal after all. And its use to the Order. Moreso, it was surprising because Alistair was, well, Alistair. A very, very large puppy in a man’s body.
“Come on! I’ll show you the place!” And he was off, bounding down the pathway from the Greenhouse he had found Charlette stepping out of. She had just finished pruning every bush, with terribly blunt shears, and was looking forward to a cold drink and several bells in the library. But, instead, she was chasing after Alistair. “Slow down! You might trip and knock out your front teeth!” It was an honest worry, watching him bound ahead and nearly stumble over his own feet. Alistair was the kind of person that fell often, dropped things being handed directly to him, and knocked anything delicate off of any surface. Above, below or exactly at the height of his big, swinging, talking hands. He was rarely without a bruise to sport or a few scratches and grazes to pick at. And all of this made Charlette shiver a little as they finally came to the open area on the edge of their village, where he planned to construct a dwelling. With tools, and nails, and saws and… oh dear. It was a rare patch of open land, few trees holding sway over it and no water or rocks to stand in the way. Finding space in the Shroud could be a difficult thing, considering clearing away the trees and flattening the earth was almost always out of the question. “Here! This is it! Amazing right?” Alistair’s little plot had been marked out with a line of stones, a wide circle that encompassed all the space around two trees growing side-by-side, their canopies high up and reaching in opposite directions to provide constant shade. “Who put the stones down? Is that the edge of your, ah, property?” It felt weird to say that. Alistair though inflated almost twice over. “My property! Yes, I guess it is, and I put the stones down. That’s where the house is going to go. I can’t take out the trees, of course, so I’ll build around them.” Charlette’s brows pulled together and her eyes narrowed as she looked at the ‘layout’. “That is easier said than done, Alistair. I do not think I have seen a single building like that in Gridania .” His smile broadened, his bright-orange hair whipped around his eyes as he nodded with all the vigour of someone you’ve accidentally encouraged. “I know! It’s going to be amazing. I’m thinking, a circle design, but with an opening at the front. So it will just loop around the trees like a cup handle.” Alistair had walked around the trees, coming to the end of his circle and stopping just shy of closing it. “The front door can be here, and each section can be a room. Start off with the entrance, then the living room, then the kitchen, the bedrooms and a bathroom at the end? Or maybe bathroom, then a storage area? Like an attic, but on the ground level.” Charlette had crossed her arms, and walked slowly around with him, imagining this horrific house that would require everyone to walk through each other’s bedrooms to get to the toilet. “Attic on the ground level? So a storeroom?” Alistair’s finger shot up, his mouth went wide like he was going to correct her, then “Yes! Exactly.” About another half-bell was spent hearing about Alistair’s ideas, which included the notion of adding a second level, having rooms entwined with the tree branches and even hanging from them, and a colour scheme of bright oranges and yellows with deep blue. It was a tirade of terribleness that wrote the over-eager future for this affront to notion of a home. And Charlette was not sure how to stem it. “But why do you need so many rooms anyway? If it is just for you, then all you would really need is two. One for you, one for guests.” Alistair hopped down from the branch he had clambered into, landing on his feet far too hard and having to windmill his arms through several unbalanced steps toward Charlette. Stopping himself just shy of barreling into her and straightening up with a puff of breath. “It’s for all of us!” He evoked more confused blinks from her and another, even more dumb sounding “What?” But continued, nonetheless. “Well, we’re all consigned to the same rules aren’t we? No partners, no children, and none of us have a home of our own because of how much the Order just… well gets in the way.” Charlette was unsure if she liked the way this was going, but she let him carry on for now. “You, me, Loash, A’nidreah, Ogi and anyone else. Anyone who wants to, can just move into a room in the Circle House of Order Friends!” Oof, that name made her wince. “But we all have places to stay. And this is your home, Alistair. Inviting all of us into it will just make it something else.” He planted his sledgehammer hands on his wide waist and huffed “Doesn’t sound so bad to me. In fact, that sounds exactly like what I want it to be.” “There would be no space for everything.” “We’d just build it higher, dig into the ground, it’s a big area we can expand out too! The stones are just for the house, remember?” “It would be like living in the barracks again. Living right on top of each other all the time.” “No it wouldn’t. We’d have our own rooms, you could even have a library of your own! We’d just build it, right on top of your room.” “I have a room, and a home.” It was this that finally brought pause to the back-and-forth. Alistair drooped, only a little. “I know, I didn’t mean to suggest you don’t like it with your family Charlette. But wouldn’t it be good? A space of our own? Where it’s just us, and no one else? No Order, no Villagers. Like living at the barracks, but with privacy, and our own space. And everyone is just a step or two away.” She shook her head, looked at those two trees who, really, would be the ones literally shouldering the burden of such a house. “We would murder each other within a moon, I think. How often did we fight in the barracks? You all used to call me ‘Mother Hen’ when I tried to organise anything.” Alistair tilted his head to the side, looking away from Charlette and mumbled “We still call you that. And you were kind of bossy and controlling.” Her arms crossed again, her mouth pulling tight in a frown. “I was not.” “But we also really liked it, Charlette. We liked you looking after us, liked Loash teaching us games and ending our arguments with one or two words. Having A’nidreah to push us to ‘do’ when we spent too much time thinking, or Ogi to keep us honest with ourselves. Fred making us laugh when things got too serious.” She stiffened at the mention of Fred, looking away. “Fred is gone, Alistair.” He grasped his arms, and looked at the ground “Not completely, and neither is Brienne. And when we find her, I want to hear her say ‘Um, actually…’ and correct us on a million things again.” Things got very quiet after that. Charlette sat at her desk. Alistair next to her. A large piece of parchment stretched across it and weighed down at the edges by her books. They had borrowed her fathers stenciling stationary, and spent the rest of the evening drawing plans. It simply felt like the right thing to do, perhaps not because it was a good idea, but because it made both of them feel better. Made them miss their friends a little less. Or maybe it was just fun, she couldn’t really say. But one thing was for sure. “We are not calling it that.” “What, the Circle House of Order Friends? It’s not that bad, you can shorten it to The C.H.O.F!” “The Chof? That sounds like an onomatopoeia for a chocobo’s sneeze.” “It kind of does, but maybe that makes it cute?” “What about… the U House?” “Oh, I like that.” It stuck, for now.
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dimensionwriter · 5 years
The Colour of my Heart
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M! Minotaur x F! Reader
Warning: none
Summary: You are assigned to do a photography project with him, but all you can focus on are his eyes.
The light cool breeze of Autumn licked your warm face as you walked down the rocky cobblestone path. Birds chirped all around you as many flew through the treetops. Small little critters hide themselves as you slowly walked past their domain. The trees danced with each other as the melody the wind played encourage them.
“Oh, there you are!” a deep gravelly voice exclaimed happily. You turned your head to see a creature sitting in a grass field. It was a minotaur with dark brown fur covering most of its body. On top of it’s head was light brown hair that went all the way to the tip of his pink nose. His choice of clothing for today was a dark red flannel with a pair of black jeans.
“Sorry, Arion, kind of got lost for a second,” you admitted walking over to him. His light pink lips pursed out before laughter spilled out of them. He threw his head back as the laughter seemed to taking over his entire body. His hair flew back and laid flat against his head. He’s so good looking...but as a friend.
“Why didn’t you call me? You know I know my way around these woods,” he said still giggling at you. He turned his face towards you and you were met with a pair of pink eyes. Wait, pink eyes?
“Sorry,” you mumbled still staring at his eyes. You rarely got to see his eyes, but you knew they were a dark brown colour. Was he wearing contacts? “Nature was being too pretty for me to think.”
“Just like you.” You didn’t get a chance to hear him due to how low he mumbled it and a flock of birds deciding to sail out of the trees. They slowly joined in the dance of the trees, but this time taking the air.
“Well, let’s get started on this project,” Arion said grabbing a bag on the ground. It was the same bag that was slung over your left shoulder right now. The two of you were both in photography class and decided to work with each other on this project. Before this, the two of you barely even talk. You honestly thought that he hated you because he was always avoiding you. When you bumped into him, by the time you would look up to apologize, he would be speed walking in the opposite direction. So it was surprising when he came up to you asking to be his partner. You had a theory that it may have been set up, because all his friends in the class grouped up without him and then pushed him over to you. You felt bad that he was forced to be with you when he could get with someone better.
“I was thinking of maybe taking a day time picture of this flower field over there and them taking one at night. And maybe split the pictures in the middle and combine the opposite sides,” he said walking towards you. You had to tilt your head pretty far back to look at him, since he was 8 feet and 9 inches tall. You were ashamed to admit that you knew this information because you overheard him say it while behind you. Luckily, it was loud enough for you to hear.
“Oh, that would look so cool,” you squealed just thinking of it. Maybe if the two of you find a lake, you could do the same thing with it, but make it look like it’s two different worlds opposite of each other.
“Would it?” he faltered turning to you. You looked at him to see his eyes were a dull grey. You swear they were just pink a minute ago. What is going on with him?
“Of course. I’ve seen your photographs and they are phenomenal. It’s a complete honour to work with someone on your level,” you complimented while bumping his shoulder. A light red blush slowly spread up his neck that he tried to discreetly rub away.
“Well, you’re pretty awesome yourself,” he stuttered out while looking away from you. You let out a small laugh at how flustered he was. He peeked over at you with a raised eyebrow.
“It’s kind of cute how flustered you get from compliments. I might do it more,” you teased wiggling your eyebrows. His eyes widen as a small gasp escaped from his plump lips. “I’m joking, but that pretty adorable.”
A burst of pink slowly spread through his eyes as he stared at you with this weird expression. His eyes were softening and a small smile was pulling onto his lips. His long elongated ears twitched a little as he pulled his eyes away from you.
“I think that’s the first time I’ve heard someone call a minotaur cute," he muttered. You were ready to tease him again, but he started walking off. Oh right, the project.
For the next three hours, Arion led you through the forest to different destinations that were honestly breathtaking. You were so fascinated with trying to capture all the beauty, that Arion had to drag you away a few times. But you were quite happy with the shots you had so far.
“Look how vibrant these flowers are,” you cooed leaning over Arion’s back to show him your camera. Arion had huddled down for a second to take a picture of a ladybug on this white flower.
“Hmm,” he asked turning around to look at you. You didn’t expect him to turn around at all, so you didn’t put much distance between the two of you. His soft nose bumped into yours, resulting in him freezing. His eyes were blue for a split second before quickly flickering to yellow.
“Ah, sorry,” you stammered out too afraid to move. One wrong move and this day will get awkward really fast.
“It’s fine,” he whispered with his eyes drifting down. You would’ve been curious at what he was staring at if it were not for his eyes turning to that pretty shade of pink. The light from the sun seemed to emphasize every shade and spec in his eyes.
“Arion, don’t move,” you whispered leaning forward. HIs eyes widen, but he didn’t move a muscle. You rested your hand on his firm chest as you stared deeply into his pink eyes. They didn’t move from you as you got closer. You lifted your right arm up as you prepared yourself.
You dropped your right arm to check how the picture came out. You took a step back to get off him as you looked at it.
“Arion, you should’ve told me you had colour changing eyes,” you marveled looking at the picture. It was a close up on the left side of his face that reveal all the beautiful colours in his eyes. Those pink eyes are making you weak. You didn’t know that a minotaur with pink eyes could look so...so...oh no.
“What!” Arion screamed covering his eyes. He fell backwards onto his back while furiously rubbing his eyes. “No,no,no,no!”
“Arion, are you okay?” you asked slinging your camera around your shoulder as you dropped down beside him. He shook his head while keeping his hands on his eyes.That deep red blush returned but with a vengeance. His neck was covered with it and it was slowly taking over his face. “What happened?”
“Has my eyes been changing colour all day?” he groaned out. He just laid there with his hands still hiding himself. What is going on? Is his eyes not suppose to do this?
“Yeah, ever since I got here. It’s been blue and green,” he let out a relieved sigh,” but it’s been mostly pink all day.” You let out a surprise scream as Arion quickly jumped off the ground. He shook his head causing his shaggy hair to fall over his eyes. He opened them hesitantly, but all the hair was blocking you from seeing them clearly.
“Well, I think our-yeah we should- day getting quite long,” he stuttered out shaking slightly. He was so tense as he continued to ramble off different sentence structures. He seems to get more frustrated as he couldn’t form a complete sentence. “Leave-let’s leave.”
“Arion, breath,” you whispered grabbing his hand. He stopped talking and just stared down at your entwined hands. A light pressure was put into your hand as he rubbed his thumb along your skin.
“I guess you’re pretty weirded out right now,” he sighed looking down at you. You looked up and was able to see under his hair due to your closeness. His eyes were turned to a dull grey colour that was shimmering from tears wielding up in his eyes. “You didn’t have to force yourself to deal with me today. I probably made you uncomfortable.”
You felt so confused at that moment. But Arion was sad which is something that should never happen. Arion is the nicest person you know who is always helping out everyone. He does not deserve to be sad.
“I am not going to lie, but I am kind of confused right now. But what I do know for a fact is that today has been the best day I have had in awhile. You made today awesome. I barely even noticed your eyes changing colours because I was having too much fun with you. And if I am going to be honest, I think you look hot with pink eyes,” you admitted keeping your head up. You may regret that later, but Arion deserves to know the truth. He shouldn’t be embarrassed by what or who he is because it makes him him.
“Hot? Ah-well- you look hot-um always-like everyday,” his voice slowly disappeared as he slowly shrunk down. You tried to catch the end of it, but he was too quiet again. His giant hands started fiddling with the ends of his flannel.
“You don’t have to give me a compliment every time I give you one. I’m just reminding you how awesome you are,” you genuinely intoned squeezing his hand. He gave a small squeeze back as a small smile made its way up his face.
“But you deserve compliments too. I’m just bad at giving them,” he spilled out looking away from you for a second. His eyes slowly meet yours and you could see that beautiful pink coming back. It look so pretty on him. He’s so attractive. If he wasn’t out of your lead, you would try to shoot your shot.
“I’ll be fine, trust me," you quickly brushed off as you discreetly pulled your hand out of his. You need to stop this. You have had a good control over your emotions with him. You've accepted that you weren't in his lead and you've moved on. You are a changed person.
"So...are you...like is this okay?" He stumbled looking at you through his hair. You blinked in confusion for a split second before it hit you. Oh yeah, the eyes.
"Of course I'm fine with it. It's just simply your eye colour changing, it's pretty dang cool. Don't think I'm going to be weirded out by a rave happening in your eyes." You laughed a little at your own joke for a second before you realized that Arion wasn't laughing too or moving really. He seem to be frozen.
"You don't know," he whispered with his eyes changing to a dull yellow. What does he mean you don't know? Is there something else that he's hiding? Does his fingernails change colour too?
"What don't I know?" You pushed trying to get him to spill. Was it a minotaur thing or something? You knew a few minotaurs and have never seen their eyes change colour.
"It's-it's nothing. We should really be heading back," he grumbled pulling his hair in front of his eyes. He snatched his camera off the ground and started speed walking away.
"Wait, Arion," you yelled at him trying to make him stop, but he continued on walking away. "I was planning on taking some photos at night."
"Stay than," he yelled angrily before breaking into a sprint. It didn't take him long to disappear from your sight. Leaving you all alone.
What did you do wrong?
Arion was avoiding you. This was a fact. At first, you thought that his busy schedule was keeping him away from you, but you were proven wrong.
Everytime class ended and you got up to talk to him, maybe apologize for something you may have done, he would take one glance at you before sprinting away. You caught him after school at a vending machine and you called out his name, he didn't look you way as he bolted away. See him in the library, a trail of dust is all that's left of him. Pass by him in the hallways, cold shoulder. Text, call, email him, left on read.
But maybe this was his way of getting away from you. That day in the forest must have weird him out and must have been disgusted by you. Were you insensitive to some sort of minotaur's culture by not knowing what colour changing eyes meant? Who knows? It's not like you will ever find out.
"Okay, I'm tired of this." You blinked out of your reverie and looked to see a black minotaur standing in front of you. Her eyes were narrowed at you with a clear sign of irritation. "What happened between Arion and you?"
You were about to lie and say that everything was normal. I mean, you don't need unnecessary drama floating around about you two. But before you could, the girl beat you to it.
"I can tell you're about to lie and don't even try it. Arion has been moping around the house and not talking to anyone. You keep zoning out in class and staring at Arion like some kicked puppy. So, you better tell me what happen between you two so I can smack some sense into the both of you."
You open your mouth to disagree, but closed it in defeat. You haven't been the sneakiest in your quest to try to interact with Arion. You just wanted to fix things.
So, you told her everything that happened that day. How it started off so great than went bad and things were about to wrap around before it all just blew up in your face.
"I know this will seem off topic, but are you from around this area," she asked squinting her eyes at you. You shook your head no at the odd question. You moved here for college, since it was a great fine arts school and had cheap tuition.
"Great," she hissed out sarcastically while glaring at nothing. "Well, I have about 4 minutes to give you a history lesson before Arion starts doubting that I left my choker behind."
She sat on top of the desk in front of you and crossed her legs. Her black platform boots swung close to your desk like a hypnosis pocket watch.
"Once upon a time, around 300 years ago, there lived this friendly minotaur. He befriend a witch and was best friends with her. The witch believed he was giving her signals that he liked her, but she was just dumb. She jumped the gun and asked for his hand in marriage. Obviously, he rejected her and she got salty. Decided to curse all minotaurs in the area for future generations to have their hearts on the sleeve. Luckily, she didn't mean literally. Our eyes just changed colour to express our emotions, so our true emotions would always be present. Around 200 years ago, a nicer witch felt bad for us and tried to counteract the spell, but it didn't work all the way. We appear normal, but if we love someone, they can see our eyes change."
She stopped and stared at you. She seem to be expecting something. "If you are saying that Arion is in love with me, than this really seems like a prank."
A loud groan ripped from her throat as she kicked her legs in a tantrum. "You two are going to turn my fur grey, I swear. You know what, I'll give you my number. I will prove it to you. Just wait for my call."
She grabbed one of the pens off your desk before scribbling her number on your worksheet. She grabbed her bag and ran out of the room.
Glancing down at the number, you begin to ponder. How exactly was she going to prove her crazy explanation for Arion's attitude? It's not that she can go to him and be like "hey, are you in love with the human that is so beneath you and you're disgusted to see her everyday that you avoid her? No, oh whelp, should've seen that coming."
It was a set up for heartbreak, but somewhere deep deep inside of you, you had that little hope. Maybe, he truly did like you, might even go as far as to say he loved you. There was always a one in a billion chance of that happening.
But you didn't want to get your hopes too high. When you arrive home, you texted the number that it was you and she responded she would call you when it's time. She didn't say a specific time, so it was more of a waiting game.
Trying to trick yourself into thinking you were unaffected by the situation, you finished your homework and started cleaning. You didn't even keep your phone on you because you knew you would be jumping at every notification.
A soft melody sung from your phone causing you to perk up at the sound. Your unphased attitude immediately disappeared as you threw your body through the air towards your phone. You were quick to snatch your phone up before your body fully crashed down.
"Hey, don't speak," a light voice whispered quickly, it was the black minotaur's voice. You closed your mouth as you heard shuffling on the other end.
"Leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it," a deep voice grumbled. You instantly knew it was Arion's voice. "I thought you guys said we were going to have a movie night. So, why are you guys asking these questions?"
"It just you were extremely happy about Sunday to meet her, but then you came back angry with tears in your eyes. You rarely cry over something."
"Thanks for pointing it out," he snapped out causing it to get quiet for a moment. You heart dropped at hearing his tone. See, you were right. He obviously upset about something you did.
"We aren't trying to bother you or anything," the girl's spoke out again a little softer. You thought you may have heard a small sniffle. "We just want to know what happened. Did she do anything wrong?"
"No!" You let out a small squeak at how loud that was. You covered your mouth as you put your ear back to the phone. You don't think they heard you due to the coughing from Arion. "It's not her. She was perfect, as always. It was me with my weird minotaur self. She saw my eyes changing colour and didn't know what it meant."
He stopped talking as he let out a long sigh. There was shuffling before he sounded a little closer than before.
"I- I got angry at myself. I got mad that I'm not some confident human who would have a better chance with her. Instead I'm cursed beast who can barely form a word around her." Your heart dropped down as you heard his voice started to crack. The sniffling sound got a little louder and you could hear small whimpers of concern.
"Dude, I promise you she doesn't think that way. She's been trying to talk to you everyday and looks almost as sad as you when you ignore her. Plus did you see how happy she looked when you asked her to be your partner. She looked like she was floating on clouds," a deep random voice you didn't recognize spoke. Everyone let out hums or agreement. Is your crush on him that obvious?
"I doubt it's like that. She's just nice like that. Makes everyone feel like they're bathing in sunlight when she looks at them. Makes their breath catch in their throat when she smiles. That's just her," he spoke so softly, but you were hanging on to every where. He really thought these things of you. What you would give to be there with him so you could tell him of your feelings.
"No offense, but I do not get those things when I talk to her," the girl said with a slight laugh to her voice. "I think it's because she's trying to give that affect you."
"Stop trying to give me hope, guys. It's nice and I see what you're trying to do. But it'll only set me up for heartbreak in the end. It's better to accept that now," he grumbled lowly. You heard a long sigh close to the phone before you heard some shuffling.
"Well, why don't we just ask her. Hey, do you like my step brother?" You jumped away from the phone as you realized that she was talking to you. Where you allowed to speak? Maybe this was a rhetorical question.
"Wait, you've been on the phone with her this entire time," Arion voice screamed out followed by shuffling. You could hear a girlish scream followed by a male grunt. "I'm so sorry. Please forget everything you just heard. I'm-stop biting me- so sorry if this weirded you out. I'll leave you alone."
"Wait, no. Please don't. I-um- I really like you too," you admitted quickly. All the commotion on the other side stopped causing you looking at the phone. The timer was still going.
"Can you repeat that? I think I got some fur stuck in my ears and it's making me hear stuff," he asked with a forced laugh at the end. You grabbed your bed sheets and twiddle it. You just got to go for it.
"I really like you Arion, I have for a while. I thought you were way out of my lead because I'm just a simple human and you're your amazing self. But even with that thought, it didn't stop me from seeing your beautiful personality and how you are so friendly and kind you are to everyone. Not to include how attractive you look in anything you wear. I always get super nervous around you and I thought you hated me for it. So hearing you feel the same way has my heart not exactly beating in the correct rhythm." You let out a small laugh as you laid your hand across your chest. Your heart was pounding crazily, but you felt so much relief. You had been holding that in for the longest of time and to finally get that felt like a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulder.
"Oh, wow," he asked in a tense voice. You were about to ask if he was okay before he spoke again. "Would you like to go see a movie with me Friday after taking some pictures?"
"Yes," you said with a giant smile on your face. You were going on a date with Arion. You thought he was out of your league but you somehow manage to catch him.
"Cool, well if you excuse me. I'm going to pass out." A loud crash followed afterwards and was accompanied by two low screams and a high pitched laughter. There was more shuffling on the other end before a light voice spoke.
"Well, I guess that clears up things. I'll guess I'll see you tomorrow at school," she sounded as if she was about to hang up before she clicked her tongue," Oh, before you worry. Arion's fine. He somehow managed to pass out with a giant smile on his face. Only you could do that to him. Anyway, night."
A soft clicked met your ear before you were surrounded by silence. Well, not for a long. You screams and happy laughter filled the room as you threw a few objects in happiness.
You did it. You gain the courage to express yourself to Arion and he asked you out. Life was going great.
Before you went to bed, you pulled out your phone. You clicked on Arion's contact before changed his name.
Your Arion❤
Ahhhhh, I really don't know how to feel about this one. I wrote it off a trend of people eyes changing colour and I thought it would be cute to write about so I did. I know I wrote too much as always, but I will come around soon to add a read more (my computer broke again so I'm stuck on good ole mobile). As always, please leave a Like and I do read and appreciate every single Comment I get. So please leave as many as you would like, it makes my day. Thank you for reading this. Love you guys💜💜💜
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zi-i-think · 4 years
1 | Just Chill Out
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Pairing: Zuko x Ama (OC)
Word Count: 5400+
          Ama was the kinda girl that fought hard. Her persistence is what made her a great waterbender. She and Katara were both very competitive and dueled together for practice. And while it was often a close tie, it didn't change the fact that Ama was older by two years and usually won.
         Usually, Ama styled her hair with a half ponytail and the hair by her ears was tied. Her kimono-like tunic was a light blue and sleeveless. Her loose pants were a darker shade of blue, ending at her shin to make room for her dark brown warm shoes. Lastly, her forearms and her palms were wrapped with white cloth.
         Through their adventures with the Avatar, the Water Tribe siblings learned and grew both together and individually. Sokka and Ama were more similar in their humor, taking it from their dad. Katara and Ama were similar in many ways, but not when it came to who was more stubborn. Katara held the most grudges. It was why it was harder to accept her mother's death.
         So when Zuko arrived, Ama was quick to try to give him another chance after the night in Ba Sing Se. He was the only person that was actually her age and the two were quick to get along. Especially after he helped Ama and Sokka rescue their dad from the Boiling Rock Prison. So after Katara and Zuko went on their little field trip to avenge their mother and came back actually tolerating each other, Ama felt more at ease.
         The 16 year old girl didn't acknowledge her little crush on the firebender. She ignored the butterflies in her stomach when he sat next to her and the way they would touch while they were sparring with each other. After all, the last time she had a crush on someone, it ended in a less than ideal way.
         "He's just a friend." She would tell herself while they rested after sparing.
         This leads to the present. Team Avatar stayed at one of Fire Lord Ozai's houses on Ember Island. Aang and Zuko practiced their firebending in the courtyard. Toph laid on the ground while Katara and Ama watched the boys. Ama would never admit it, but she couldn't take her eyes off the fire prince. And him being shirtless didn't help.
         Considering they were in the Fire Nation, Ama's clothes consisted of a red, sleeveless crop top and loose pants that ended at the calf of her leg. Her shoes were simple black flats that she had to tie round her ankle with a string. The only difference in her hair was that her half ponytail was a half bun and her hair wasn't tied at the front.
         "Doesn't it seem kinda weird that we're hiding from the Fire Lord in his own house?" Katara wondered, looking around the courtyard as the boy's finished their bending.
         "I told you, my father hasn't come here since our family was actually happy." Zuko responded by the fountain and wiped his hair with a yellow towel. "And that was a long time ago. This is the last place anyone would think to look for us."
         "You guys are not going to believe this." Sokka announced, jogging towards them with Suki following behind. "There's a play about us."
         "We were just in town and we found this poster." Suki said and Sokka unrolled the poster in his hand. The poster showed Aang in the middle with Sokka, Katara and Ama behind him. In the background there was a close up of Zuko's eyes, except his scar was on the wrong side. Then there was the information written and playwright.
         "What? How is that possible?" Katara asked, everyone crowded around to look at the poster.
         "Listen to this." Sokka began to read the poster. "The Boy in the Iceberg is a new production from acclaimed playwright Pu On Tim who scoured the globe gathering information on the Avatar from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources including singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage."
         "Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island Players." Suki finished.
         "Ugh." Zuko had a disgusted look on his face, already opposing to the idea. "My Mother used to take us to see them. They butchered "Love Amongst The Dragons" every year."
v"Sokka, do you really think it's a good idea for us to attend a play about ourselves?" Katara already considered how bad the idea was.
         "Come on, a day at the theatre? This is the kind of wacky time wasting nonsense I've been missing." Begged Sokka with a huge grin.
         "I'd actually like to see it." Ama took the scroll from her brother's hand and examined the actress playing her. It wasn't that accurate. The actress was too pale and had too much makeup on. Plus the clothing was a more sexualized, the tunic being a little too low cut. "Might be fun to see how we're portrayed."
         That night, the Gaang headed to the theatre. They sat in a private viewing box on the second floor facing the stage. Toph and Katara and Ama took their seats in the first row while Zuko walked in the opposite direction wearing a hooded cloak and sat in the empty spot between Ama and Katara as Aang confidently tried to sit next to Katara. Aang stood up and rubbed his neck.
         "Hey, uh... I wanted to sit there." Aang sheepishly pointed at the seat.
         "Just sit next to Sokka, what's the big deal?" Zuko said a bit aggressively and he took off his hood.
         "I was just... I wanted to..." Aang couldn't get a sentence in before giving in and going to the second row. "Okay."
         "Why are we sitting in the nosebleed section? My feet can't see a thing from up here." Toph complained as the lights dimmed.
         "Don't worry, I'll tell your feet what's happening." Katara assured her.
         The curtain was drawn up to reveal a prop of a canoe surrounded by moving set decorations of water and the backdrop was a crude painting of icebergs. The Water Tribe sibling actors rowed the fake canoe with their oars.
         Ama felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked back seeing her brother point to her and back to himself rapidly. Ama chucked at his reaction to the play and then looked back at the stage.
         Katara's actress was similar to Ama's in that they both had more revealing clothes and had too much blusher on their cheeks. Actress Katara sighed deeply. "My dear siblings. We constantly roam these icy South Pole seas and yet never do we find anything fulfilling."
         "Katara, must you always be so dramatic?" Actor Ama spoke, almost lazily paddling the fake canoe. "Just chill out a bit. Like the ice around us." She made a pun so that the audience would get a laugh.
         Actor Sokka was buck-toothed and thinner than the actual Sokka and his wolf-tail ponytail was way too large. "All I want is a full feeling in my stomach, I'm starving!" The audience laughed loudly at the low-quality joke.
         The real Water Tribe siblings looked at each other in disbelief. Katara and Sokka seemed very disappointed, but Ama was making a mental note to use that pun for the future.
         "Is food the only thing on your mind?" Actress Katara asked.
         "Well, I'm trying to get it out of my mind and into my mouth. I'm starving." Actor Sokka made the same joke twice.
         "This is pathetic" Sokka whispered to Ama and Katara. "My jokes are way funnier than this."
         "I think he's got you pegged." Toph laughed.
         "Everyday, the World awaits a beacon to guide us, yet none appears." Actress Katara melodramatically spoke as Actor Sokka paddled the canoe. "Still, we cannot give up hope. For hope is all we have and we must never relinquish it. Even," She sniffed. "even to our dying breath." She pretended to cry loudly.
         "Well, that's just silly." Katara commented while Sokka and Suki snickered. "I don't sound like that."
         "Oh man, this writer's a genius." Toph giggled and clenched her stomach.
         On stage, a white-blue light illuminated and actresses Katara and Ama looked up at it in a dainty way. The iceberg prop slowly moved to the centre of the stage with a cut out of Aang swaying from side to side on a stick inside the iceberg.
         "It appears to be someone frozen in ice. Perhaps for a hundred years." Actress Katara gaped with hands on her cheeks for dramatic effect.
         "But who? Who is the boy in the iceberg?" Actor Sokka asked.
         Aang grabbed the railings in anticipation with an excited look. Zuko looks bored, resting his cheek on his hand.
         Actress Ama climbed to the top of the iceberg prop while the other two actors were still climbing up. "Waterbend, hai-ya!" Actress Ama yelled and performed a chopping motion and a crack appeared on the iceberg. It opened with the interior smoking where a lady dressed as Aang jumped out, winked and posed.
         Aang was repulsed.
         "Who are you, frozen boy?" Actress Katara asked.
         "I'm the Avatar, silly. Here to spread joy and fun." Actress Aang grinned from ear to ear.
         "Wait, is that a woman playing me?" Aang wondered with a distraught tone.
         A shaggy, white Chinese lion get-up meant to portray Appa popped out from the remnants of the iceberg and moved from side to side before it circled round the iceberg and made a gruff animal noise.
         "An airbender." Actress Katara gasped. "My heart is so full of hope that it's making me tearbend." She fell to her knees and hugged actress Aang's leg as she cried loudly.
         "My stomach is so empty that it's making me tearbend." Actor Sokka dropped to his knees and grabbed actress Aang's other leg and sobbed with Actress Katara. "I need meat."
         "But wait is that a platter of meaty dumplings?" Actress Aang pointed up.
         "Ooh. Where? Where?" Actor Sokka looked around desperately.
         "Did I mention that I'm an incurable prankster?" Actress Aang giggled uncontrollably.
         "I don't do that." Aang got irritated. The others turned around to look at him while he glared at the stage. "That's not what I'm like! And... I'm not a woman!"
         Toph thought otherwise and laughed loudly. "Oh, they nailed you, Twinkle Toes."
         Then on stage, Zuko's ship entered with actor Zuko poised near the front of the ship, looking through a telescope.
         "Prince Zuko, you must try this cake." Actor Iroh offered.
         Actor Zuko wore his Fire Nation armor with a long, exaggerated ponytail. His scar most definitely on the wrong side. "I don't have time to stuff my face. I must capture the Avatar to regain my honor!"
         "Well, while you do that, maybe I'll capture another slice." Actor Iroh stuffed his face in the cake prop.
         "You sicken me." Actor Zuko said with his raspy voice and then looked back in the telescope.
         "They make me totally stiff and humorless." Zuko crossed his arms and critiqued.
         "Maybe that's because you are stiff and humorless." Ama crossed her arms and sent him a smirk. "So, I'd say it's pretty spot on."
         "How could you say that!" Zuko got offended, but Ama just chuckled at him.
         "Let's forget about the Avatar and get massages." Actor Iroh suggested happily.
         "How could you say that?!" Actor Zuko shouted.
         Real Zuko looked defeated and slouched in his seat as Ama started to laugh at the irony of the moment. And while her eyes were closed and she wiped her tears of laughter, Zuko looked at her with a slight smile.
         The scenes were all incredibly over exaggerated. Katara hated the melodramatic portrayal of her, Sokka hated the jokes, and Ama hated how overly sympathetic but competitive they made her.
         In one scene with a pirate ship in the backdrop. The leading characters slid out from underneath a pirate's skirt as the six pirates fought and slowly moved offstage. Actress Ama clenched a large scroll.
         "Why did you have to steal that waterbending scroll?" Actor Sokka complained.
         "Because, all I want is to help with waterbending." Actress Ama responded defensively. "And I must be better than Aang." The actress sent a glare at Actress Aang and stomped off.
         Real Ama was unamused and rolled her eyes. "I'd say it's pretty stop on." Zuko whispered to her. The waterbender gaped offendedly at him, but also was amused at how he threw her comment from earlier back at her.
         In one scene, Actress Aang was tied on stage while Actor Zuko stood proudly. "The Avatar is mine!" Actor Zuko shouted then pointed to the side. "Wait, who's coming?"
         An actor wearing a large tiki Blue Spirit mask that covers his whole body stepped out with duel swords. "I am the Blue Spirit. The scourge of the Fire Nation here to save the Avatar." The actor "fought" off the Fire Nation actors.
         "My hero." Actress Aang jumped off the platform and sits on top of the tiki mask and the Blue Spirit walked offstage.
         Zuko and Aang who looked at each other with slight "sweatdrop" expressions.
         The next scene showed the Freedom Fighter's. Actress Ama and Actor Jet with a rose in his mouth and a heavily exaggerated anime-like hair were lowered into screen on a platform.
         "Oh, Jet." Actress Ama dramatically and slightly seductively said. "I know my sister likes you as well, but I'm just so much better than her."
         "I know that, baby." Actor Jet pulled the actress close to him. "And to show my love, Jet will wipe out that nasty town for you." A blue sheet of cloth representing water came across the stage and covered the village backdrop. The platform holding actress Ama and actor Jet raised to get them off the stage.
         "Oh Jet, you're so bad." Actress Ama leaned on him and had a flirtatious tone.
         Toph and Katara giggled while Ama held her head in embarrassment. Wondering when the torture would end.
         The first act of the play ended with Actress Aang in an ocean spirit costume destroying Fire Nation ships. Portraying the battle in the North Pole. The crowd cheered and hooted while the Gaang has an opposite reaction and groaned.
         For the intermission they went outside the theatre and on a flight of red steps on a balcony. They were away from the rest of the crowd in order to speak freely.
         "So far, this intermission is the best part of the play." Zuko rightfully complained. He leaned on the stair railing beside where Ama sat.
         "Apparently, the playwright thinks I'm an idiot who tells bad jokes about meat all the time." Sokka criticized. Ironically, he was holding a bag of meat.
         "Yeah, you tell bad jokes about plenty of other topics." Suki quipped with a knowing smirk.
         "I know!" Sokka agreed, taking large bites from his strips of meat.
         "At least this Sokka actor kinda looks like you. That woman playing the Avatar doesn't resemble me at all." Aang's tone was distressed while he buried his head in his hands.
         "I don't know, you are more in touch with your feminine side than most guys." Toph teased him for a reaction from him. And Aang did growl angrily.
         "Relax, Aang." Katara spoke up. "They're not accurate portrayals. It's not like I'm a preachy crybaby who can't resist giving over emotional speeches about hope all the time." Everyone looked at her skeptically. "What?"
         "Yeah. That's not you at all." Aang said sarcastically.
         "Listen, friends. It's obvious that the playwright did his research." Toph spoke. "I know it must hurt but what you're seeing up there on that stage is the truth."
         "The scene with Jet is definitely not the truth." Ama said defensively, pointing to the inside.
         "You're right there." Sokka shrugged. "Cause you definitely can't flirt with guys." He chuckled knowingly and Suki elbowed him, making him stop. Ama's face turned red and avoided looking at Zuko, who indeed looked a little curious.
         Back in the theatre for the next act, the four characters stood in the Earth Kingdom set. "Well, here we are in the Earth Kingdom." Actress Katara announced.
         "I better have a look around to see if I can find an earthbending teacher." A rope pulled Actress Aang off the ground to fly and around the theater.
         "This is it! This must be where I come in." Toph whispered excitedly.
         Actress Aang landed back on the ground. "I flew all over town but I couldn't find a single earthbending master."
         "Here it comes." Toph clenched her fist while there was a drumroll.
         On the stage as a rock prop was lifted by a well built man wearing Toph's outfit who appeared from a trap door under the prop. "You can't find an earthbending master in the sky, you have to look underground." He threw the prop rock to the side.
         The Gaang broke into laughter and Zuko drops his parchment in shock.
         "Who are you?" Actress Aang pointed at the buff actor.
         "My name is Toph because it sounds like tough." He flexed his muscles. "And that's just what I am."
         "Wait a minute," The real Toph used her pinkie to clear her ear. "I sound like... a guy. A really buff guy."
         "Well Toph, what you hear up there is the truth. It hurts, doesn't it?" Katara leaned on the earthbender with a smug look.
         "Are you kidding me?" Toph grinned from ear to ear and giggled. "I wouldn't have cast it any other way. At least it's not a flying bald lady."
         "So, you're blind?" Actress Aang waved her hand in front of Actor Toph's face.
         "I can see you doing that." The actor laughed. "I see everything that you see except that I don't see like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth."
         He turned towards the leading characters and screamed. Cut to actor Toph's face. The audience cringed and covered their ears. The Gaang were also cringing but Toph couldn't be happier.
         "There. I got a pretty good look at you." The actor said one he finished.
         The next scene showed actor Zuko and actor Iroh. "Zuko, it's time we had a talk." Actor Iroh pointed. "About your hair. It's gone too far." Actor Zuko's hair was very long and no longer in a ponytail.
         "Maybe it's best if we... split up." Actor Zuko dramatically turned his head and walked away. The long hair flowing behind him.
         A few scenes later, the actors stood around Actress Azula caught in a corner. "Azula! My sister. What are you doing here?" Actor Zuko pointed at the actress in heavy makeup and pink clothing.
         "You caught me. Wait. What's that?" Actress Azula pointed at the ceiling. "I think it's your honor."
         "Where?" Actor Zuko question. All seven actors turned around while Actress Azula used a secret door to escape.
         Real Ama giggled and Zuko looked over at her. Ama caught him looking and covered her left eye. "Honor." She said seriously and with a deep voice before going right back to giggling. The firebender frowned at leaned back in his seat.
         "She escaped. But how?" Actress Katara wondered when they realized she escaped.
         A few scenes later Actor Jet slashed his hook sword arm prop, wearing a pair of crazy eye glasses as the tiny black beads representing his pupils swirl around, portraying that he's insane.
         "No, Jet!" Actress Aang said. "What did they do to you?"
         "Must. Serve. Earth King!" He swung his arms chaotically. "Must... Destroy!"
         Actor Jet made various agonizing noises and acted as if he were having a fit. The rock prop slowly floated into the stage and onto the actor
         "Did Jet just... die?" Real Zuko was really confused.
         "You know, it was really unclear." Sokka responded, only half caring.
         It got to the scene where Ama and Zuko were in the cave in Ba Sing Se together. Where Azula had tricked them both.
         "I have to admit, Prince Zuko. I really find you attractive." Actress Ama spoke.
         "You don't have to make fun of me." Actor Zuko grumbled.
         "But I mean it." Actress Ama got a bit more seductive and sat next to him. "I had eyes for you since the day you first captured me."
         Real Ama and Zuko glanced at each other and blushed a deep red, sinking into their seats. Ama could hear Sokka and Aang snickering from behind them and looked back at them. The two were definitely pointing at the blushing teens.
         "I must admit." The Zuko actor spoke loudly. "I have also had eyes for you!"
         Actress Ama dramatically put her hand on her head. "Oh, but if the others would find out!"
         "They won't!" Actor Zuko pulled the actress into him. "This will be our secret." Ama sighed in relief that they didn't kiss, but just embraced each other.
         "Well, my brother. What's it going to be?" The Azula actress asked in the next scene. "Your nation or a life of treachery?"
         "Choose treachery, it's more fun." Actor Iroh drank a cup of tea and threw a thumbs up.
         "No way!" Actress Azula called when Actor Zuko walked next to the old actor.
         But then Actor Zuko shoved Actor Iroh to the floor and walked next to Azula. "I hate you, Uncle. You smell and I hate you for all time."
         Ama looked next to Zuko, who leaned on the railing. "You didn't really say that, did you?"
         "I might as well have." Zuko responded regrettably and turned away.
         Soon the second act ended with Actress Azula "killing" actress Aang. Team Avatar hung out inside the theatre this time. Zuko kept his hood over his head, sitting on the floor and leaning on the wall. Ama made sure that Toph was between the two before sitting on the floor, still feeling embarrassed by the scene from earlier.
         "It seems like every time there's a big battle you guys barely make it out alive. I mean, you guys lose a lot." Suki commented.
         "You're one to talk, Suki. Didn't Azula take you captive? That's right, she did." Sokka shot back.
         Suki frowned and acted serious. "Are you trying to get on my bad side?"
         "I'm just saying." Sokka said matter-of-factly.
         "Does anyone know where Aang is?" Katara wondered, walking up to the small group.
         "He left to get me fire gummies like, 10 minutes ago. And I'm still waiting." Sokka said impatiently.
         "I'm going to check outside." Katara announced and walked away from them.
         "Wheeee." A little boy in an Aang costume zoomed past the five teens.
         "Suki, what are the chances you can get me backstage? I got some jokes I want to give to the actor me." Sokka asked his girlfriend.
         "I'm an elite warrior who's trained for many years in the art of stealth." Suki said seriously then gave Sokka a large grin. "I think I can get you backstage."
         "Jeez. Everyone's getting so upset about their characters." Toph commented as the couple walked away. "Even you seem more down than usual and that's saying something."
         "You don't get it. It's different for you. You get a muscle-y version of yourself taking down 10 bad guys at once and making sassy remarks." Zuko responded.
         "Yeah, that's pretty great." Toph agreed.
         "But for me, it takes all the mistakes I've made in my life and shoves them back in my face." Zuko felt ashamed of himself and turned away a bit. "My Uncle. He's always been on my side even when things were bad. He was there for me. He taught me so much and how do I repay him? With a knife in his back. It's my greatest regret and I may never get to redeem myself."
         "You have redeemed yourself to your Uncle." Toph sunk onto the floor. "You don't realize it but you already have."
         "How do you know?" Zuko asked her.
         "Because I once had a long conversation with the guy and all he would talk about was you."
         The fire prince smiled and put down his hood. "Really?"
         "Yeah, and it was kind of annoying." Toph said.
         "Oh, sorry." Zuko apologized.
         "But it was also very sweet." The young girl told him. "All your Uncle wanted was for you to find your own path and see the light. Now you're here with us. He'd be proud." Zuko smiled until Toph punched his arm
         "Ow." He rubbed his arm in pain and Ama burst out laughing. "What was that for?"
         "That's how I show affection." Toph smiled.
         "Haha, oh Toph. I love you so much." Ama leaned on the girl for some support while cracking up. Then blind girl punched her too. "Ow." It was Toph and Zuko's turn to laugh while Ama rubbed her arm.
         The little boy from earlier came running back around the corner and stopped in front of Zuko. "Your Zuko costume is pretty good but your scar's on the wrong side." He pointed at the scar and then ran off. Zuko's mouth dropped in shock and Ama burst out laughing.
         "The scar is not on the wrong side!" Zuko shouted angrily, pulling his hood over his head again.
         Ama chuckled at him. "You're adorable." She mumbled, not realizing she said it out loud.
         "Thanks, you too." Zuko mumbled back. Both teens froze completely and Toph failed at hiding her giggle. No one spoke after that. But Ama's thoughts began to race.
         Did I hear that wrong? Are my feelings not as one sided as I thought? How do I respond to that? Damn it, where's Sokka's bad jokes when I need them?
         Spoiler. The play was terrible. Ending with actress Aang's death and Fire Lord Ozai winning the war, everyone realized that the entire show was bad all around. Once the theatre lights came on, they walked back to the house glad it was over.
         "That... wasn't a good play." Zuko broke the silence. Everyone vocally agreed with him.
         "But the effects were decent." Was the only good comment coming from Sokka.
         Before they entered the house, Ama stopped and stepped aside so the others could enter. "I think I'm gonna go on a quick walk." The waterbender pointed towards the forest with her thumb.
         "Are you sure? It's kinda late." Katara said with a worried tone.
         "Yeah, I kinda need to clear my mind and forget that terrible play." She chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck.
         "Alright, stay safe." Katara shrugged and went inside.
         Zuko stayed back, watching Ama walk down the steps and heading to the thicket of trees. He considered walking with her. He also needed to clear his head. But also wanted to talk to the water tribe girl. He took a quick glance at the inside of the house, then Ama before running after her. "Hey! Wait up!"
         The brunette stopped walking and looked back at the boy running towards her. "Uh. Can I help you?" She wondered and he stood next to her.
         "I just thought, you might like some company." Zuko responded, nervously rubbing the back of his neck while they started walking down the path again.
         "It's not what I necessarily had in mind, but I'd like that." A light smile tugged on her lips as she looked at the floor anxiously.
         The walk was pretty quiet at first. Neither of the two knew what to say. Ama looked around. Her eye's had adjusted fine to the dark path and the moon lit everything also. So she could get a good look at the flora of Ember Island.
         "Look." The girl gasped excitedly, pointing at an area that strayed a few feet from the path. She jogged over to the patch of flowers that caught her eye and Zuko followed behind curiously. "Fire lilies." He watched as she admired the patch, her fingers delicately running across the petals. "They're so pretty."
         This is my chance. Zuko thought. Gathering up his courage and ignoring the teenage boy tendency of being awkward and silent, the boy took his shot. "Almost as pretty at you." Still, he could only muster a whisper. Ama watched as he took a seat next to her and reached to snap a flower off the stem and moved to place it behind the waterbender's ear, moving some of her hair to the side.
         "Thank you." She couldn't hide her blush or the smile. Her heart was racing. The girl wondered what she should do or say in response. After all, the only "experience" with boys she had was with Jet. But even then, it was more like they just talked and he turned out to be insane.
         Then a spark of confidence was lit inside her. The girl reached for another flower. Snapping it off the stem and placing it behind Zuko's ear, just as he did to her. "You look beautiful, Prince Zuko." She grinned while he just chuckled.
         "Look, Ama. I think it's time we talked about," Zuko started. His tone was a bit timid, which was pretty out of character for him. "Well, us."
         "What about us." Ama asked, a smirk playing on her lips.
         "Look, I always thought you were really pretty. Even during those months where I was chasing you all." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the flowers. "And during that time in the Ba Sing Se caves, you showed genuine kindness and actually cared about me. I realized that you're probably the prettiest girl I've even met."
         "Not even just that, but you're so strong and independent and smart." He started to ramble a bit and Ama chuckled. "And being with you all after leaving my father and the Fire Nation, you still believed in me. Even after all those horrible things I've done. I think... I think I really like you, Ama."
         "I think I really like you too." Ama responded, fiddling with her nails. "You're one of the bravest people I know. Leaving behind your entire life. Realizing and admitting your wrong doings. I admire you so much for that. Just getting to know you more made me like you more." Ama chuckled nervously. "Just seeing you gave me butterflies."
         "Is that why you always watched Aang and I practice?" Zuko lightly laughed.
         "Well it didn't help that you're attractive." Ama laughed back.
         "So you think I'm attractive." Zuko smirked.
         "Eh, only a little." Ama shrugged and giggled at his playful glare. Then it got quiet. But it wasn't an uncomfortable silence like earlier. It was more content and peaceful.
         "Can..." Zuko started to ask and Ama looked back at him after staring at the moon. "Can I kiss you?" Ama blushed, but nodded. Zuko leaned in most of the way until Ama leaded up as well. It was short and sweet. Barely lasting a second. Ama and Zuko stared into each other's eyes for a moment before leaning in again for another, still sweet but more wistful kiss.
         One of Ama's hands wound up in Zuko's dark hair and the other on his cheek. Zuko grabbed onto her waist, to pull her closer to him. Considering that the two were still sitting on the ground, the teens looked a little awkward. But the waterbender moved, not breaking the kiss to straddle him.
         Pulling away, the two smiled and stared at each other again. The girl's blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the moonlight as Zuko looked into them. Her blue eyes were like an ocean. And the prince didn't mind drowning in them. Meanwhile, Ama felt drawn to his fiery gold eyes. And she didn't mind being burned by them.
         "So, uh." Ama bit her bottom lip. Her hands moved from his hair down to his chest. "Does this mean we're together?"
         "You mean does this make me your boyfriend and you my girlfriend." Zuko clarified and Ama nodded. "I don't know if I see you that way." He said teasingly, earning a light punch on the arm. "I'm kidding. I'd like that. A lot."
         "Me too."
Cool. I just posted the first chapter. My writing does better in first person so just hang in there. Or if you want to wait for chapter eight where there is a plot and better writing (in my opinion) that would be fine. I don’t believe you’d miss much. This is mainly to set a baseline for Ama’s placement in the Avatar Universe. 
I hope you all enjoy. Hang loose, amigos! 🤙🏼
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Aizawa x Reader - “Fiance, I Guess”
summary: The reader’s ex, Hawks, will be at the Heroes Gala -- the party Aizawa and reader is attending. In an effort to get him off her case, Aizawa poses as the reader’s fiance. (it is assumed that Hawks, Aizawa, & the Reader are the same age. I’m defying canon.)
word count: 1,799
pairing in this story: Aizawa x Fem!Reader, ex-Hawks
warnings: fluff. lots of it.
The Heroes Gala. A night that happens at least once a year where all the top heroes throw their money at a disaster relief cause or something. You have never been one for events like this, but your attendance was desired, as you are now a part of the top 50 heroes in Japan. You also never wanted to be one of the top 50 heroes -- you were never flashy, but you did your job and people noticed. So, you made the effort to put on the nicest dress you owned, and make it to this party.
You walked down the staircase to the ballroom, filled with Japan’s most notable heroes, your dress hugging your figure. Once you made your way through the crowd, you b-lined to the bar. You were not ready to stay here all night, and surely you were not planning to stay sober through the entire thing. You begin to sip on your drink when you see a certain yellow sleeping bag against the counter.
“...Aizawa?” you mutter, squinting at the tuft of black hair left out of the cocoon. You hear a groan, and see the zipper slide down as the man you knew very well peeked out.
“Y/N? Since when did you come to these things?” He said groggily, his voice raspy from being woken up so abruptly.
“Since I became the number 38 hero, Shota.” You sipped your drink again, smiling at your old friend from UA. “Surprised you still know my name, since you haven’t talked to me in months.”
“Y/N,” he sighs, “You know I’ve just been busy with students. I couldn’t ignore you if I wanted to.” His hand reaches out towards the bartender, silently requesting for the same drink as me.
“And why is that?”
“Because you’re my friend.” The word friend hits you in a weird way. Why do you feel a tight knot in your stomach? The two of you have been friends since UA, there’s no way that you--
The sound of wings closing cuts off your train of thought. I forgot he was going to be here, you thought as you turned around to find Hawks, your ex-boyfriend, entering the room.
“Shit shit shit shit shit,” you whisper to yourself. You can see Aizawa shift in his seat, angered at Hawks. Last time the two of you saw each other, Hawks had cheated on you with a civilian -- thus ending your very public relationship of two years. You never liked the public, but Hawks basked in it, knowing that one day he would be in this very position -- Number 2 Hero. It’s been 3 years since then, you have stayed out of the public eye for as long as possible. Well, until now.
Hawks makes eye contact with you, his eyebrows perking up from across the room. Aizawa can see how uncomfortable you were with all this -- he was there for you when Hawks announced publicly what happened, and made sure you were okay in the grieving process of it all. Hawks was your first love, after all -- for a reason that you don’t even remember why -- and it struck you hard when you ended up alone. Aizawa was there for you, so when he grabs your hand, you feel safer than you did seconds ago.
“Follow my lead,” he says in a whisper. His lead? You think to yourself, wondering where this could go, letting him pull you out of your seat and wrap his arm around your waist.
“Y/N!” Hawks says, sauntering over in your direction. You never liked how cocky he was, especially now in this attire. He acted like he was on top of the world, and was the world, and the sun… but you didn’t let that get under your skin as Aizawa’s fingertips pressed into your waist. “You look great, baby! Maybe we can go for one more round before the night is through, you know, spice up some tabloids.”
“Very funny, Keigo.” Aizawa retorts, pulling you closer to him. Out of instinct, you lean into his embrace,putting your hand on his chest. What is he doing?
Hawks looks at the two of you and laughs. “Y/N? With Aizawa? What a hoot! C’mon, babe, this can’t be for real.”
You shoot a look at Aizawa, who seems to have a fun smirk on his face. Confused, you turn back towards Hawks. “Yes. It’s real.” you say confidently.
Aizawa chuckles, looking at Hawks with that scary look that he makes. “Better yet,” he starts, “We’re engaged.”
Hawks’ mouth falls agape, causing him to stutter over his words. You begin to think Aizawa’s plan really had come through -- he was the closest person to you, and Hawks knew that when you were together. The plan was nearly fool-proof until he asked the burning question:
“Oh yeah? Then where’s the ring?”
Aizawa blankly stared at him. He didn’t know how to answer this. In your quick thinking, you rush to say,
“Aizawa and I are not public people. A hero with a ring on is bound to cause speculation. My dear Shota would be very uncomfortable with that information leaving his circle. Right, Shota?”
He looks down at you and smiles, kissing your head in the process. “You’re right, Y/N. We were never the type to use relationships to exploit ourselves.” He gives Hawks his cold, red-eyed stare, striking him to his very core. He pulls you in one more time, causing your chest to be flush with his. “Now I suggest you leave us alone. We have some enjoying ourselves to do.” And with that, the two of you made your way to the opposite side of the room to a table in the back corner not claimed by anyone else.
Once you both sit down, you sigh happily at him. “Who knew you could save my ass and look so hot while doing it, Shota? That was a real covert operation you had going there.”
You turned to look at him, and you could tell his face was flushed with a shade of deep pink. He kept looking at his hands, almost in disbelief.
“Uhhh… Aizawa?”
He perks up, looking back at you. “Yes?” his gravelly voice now quivered ever so slightly.
“Are you okay? You look like you just shook hands with the Queen or something.”
He quickly realizes his face is blushing, and he’s acting like he did at UA again. A shy, quiet boy who was afraid to go up to you first. Your quirk was so cool to him, yet he didn’t have the guts to say it until Mic accidentally screamed it during English class. After that, the three of you were thick as thieves; and even though he knew you very well, there were certain times where he would just clam up in front of you. But what was going on that made him act this way?
“Yeah, I just, um…” he looks around the room, hoping to find solace in PresentMic, who is nowhere near here yet. “Can I be honest with you”
You nod your head, crinkling your brow in intrigue.
“I hate how Hawks treated you.”
“Oh, I--”
“And it wasn’t because he was cocky, or a brat, or any of those things. It was because he went out of his way to hurt you by sleeping with someone else. The fact that he couldn’t see he had a good person in front of him and just blindly hurt her makes me wonder about his morals as a hero.” You sat there, eyeing up the hand that he left resting on the table. After a moment, you place your hand on top of his, prompting him to then turn his around and grab yours.
“And I sat with you, day after day, hoping that one day you would realize that he was never enough for you. We basically lived together, seeing each other every day for the entirety of the time we weren’t working. Cooking together, cleaning together, petting my cat together. It took awhile for you to be yourself again. But then you finally saw in yourself what I did. And you put your all into being a hero. I was proud.” His lips curled into a half smile, accentuating the scar on his cheek. Your heart was suddenly aching for him, hoping that he would say the words you’ve always wanted him to say.
“I never wanted to push you into anything,” he says, not making eye contact with you. “So I just waited for the perfect moment. That moment never came.”
“The moment to what?” You said, concerned with his sudden emotional outburst.
“The moment to tell you that I…” he sighed, finally lifting his eyes back up to you. “Y/N, I love you. I always have, and I always will.”
He stands up quickly, releasing your hand from his. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner.” He tries to run off, but you grab his arm before he can make a clean getaway.
“Shota,” you start, pulling him closer to you. You put one hand on his face, gently rubbing your thumb against his cheek. You adored him with his hair pulled back like this; you enjoyed seeing the curvature of his jaw, and looking at his whole face. As you looked around his face to find what he was thinking, your eyes landed on his. His eyes were shimmering with disbelief, and a little bit of hope for what was to come.
You finally leaned in towards him, lips almost touching, and spoke in a soft whisper,
“I love you too.”
Before you knew it, he had wrapped one arm around your waist and one hand in your hair, pulling you in tight as his soft lips moved against yours. The kiss was passionate and slow, both of you craving this moment for years and hoping it would last forever. Once you finally pulled apart, breathing heavy, the two of you smiled as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“So,” he said.
“So?” you replied.
“I guess this means that something is happening.” he says with a small smirk.
Just as you thought you were alone, you can hear the thud of a certain loud mouth’s boots against the floor.
“Hawks told me that you two are ENGAGED?” PresentMic near-yells, pulling everyone’s attention in your direction.
Aizawa looks at him with his red-eyes again, forcing PresentMic to be quirkless for a moment. But, he takes a deep breath; and as his hair falls back into place, he looks toward you with a smile.
“I’m officially your fiance, I guess.”
You kissed him again, this time for a short time, as smiled at him. “I’m not against it.”
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im-hiding22 · 6 years
The Art of Resurrection - 8:30 PM
“Hey, we’re here!” Buggy, Mari, Clive and Rascal descended down the stairs and into the lab. Rascal was wrapped up in Mari’s cardigan, shivering slightly as he stepped in.
“Ah, just on time.” Mendel looked to them and nodded, crushing up some agate. “Make sure to shut the door to the lab.” The sound of the door shutting was heard shortly after he said so. 
“So how’s the defusing gonna work?” Clive asked.
“It’s rather complicated,” began Mendel. “I’m going to do the usual ritual, with the string and the water and all, but once it gets to sorting out the souls, it gets a bit difficult. Fortunately I have Oz to help me communicate with them and get them sorted out.”
“I mean, I can sure try,” Oz said, flying up to the table and looking down at the Juggernaut. 
“Usually when I do this it is between fusions with only two spirits. It tends to be easy, since I just need to separate the two souls and let them out into their physical forms. This one will be different and more difficult, however, since I need to send some souls to rest and then some to their physical forms. And since there is so many...” Mendel slid the crushed up agate into a small felt bag and sprinkled some over the sleeping Juggernaut.
“And...what’s the deal with all this stuff?” Buggy sat down on the ground away from the table, peering up at Mendel as he prepared the table.
“Glad you asked.” Mendel smiled under his mask. “Basically, I have made a ring around them using saltwater. The saltwater is like a line that keeps the souls in, almost like snails. The moss agate serves to ground them to Earth and heal them more successfully and thoroughly.” He pointed to the candles at the corners of the ring. “The candles are placed down in each cardinal direction to help guide them, as tradition. The red string I’ve tied to their limbs is supposed to keep the spirits in. When I cut it and speak the words of the ritual, the spirits are let out. Next I’ll be placing petals of daffodils along the ring and over their eyes...” Mendel grabbed another felt bag and opened it up. He stood in thought for a moment. “...Well, as many eyes as I can find.” 
“Do...you really have to do all this? Sounds like a bunch of decoration.”
“It ensures better results. Last time I did this without the salt circle it was an utter nightmare. Doing this without the agate tends to lead to wounds reopening. The daffodils? Not sure, but I would rather not test that one out. They stand for rebirth and helps assist the process of bringing them back. I always use them for resurrections as well. It is almost like a habit by now.” He gently tucked yellow petals over the Juggernaut’s shut eyes. Buggy, Clive, and Rascal watched Mendel curiously. Mari set down her potions by Mendel’s side and stood by, observing him as well.
Once he finished covering their eyes Mendel shut the little bag and placed it back on its respective shelves. 
“I think that is all...” He wandered to a little drawer and pulled out some thin silver scissors. “Here comes the fun part.” He stood by the table. “Everyone stand clear. Oz, stay close by, but still back up a bit. Don’t let anything get into the ring.” Everyone stood back, watching with patient eyes. “Ophelia, turn off the lights. We need the candles to be our only light.” Ophelia nodded and stood. Her coat was on the ground next to her. She drifted around the room and blew out any candles on the walls that were still lit. It went dim, and the group’s eyes slowly adjusted to the lack of light. Mendel took in a deep breath and gently lifted the end of a string tied to the Juggernaut’s wrist. 
“Alright,” he said. He began reciting a ritual speech, in a tongue only the rest of the Coven could understand. Everyone watched him with big, waiting eyes, Buggy hugging onto his flamethrower, Clive lying on his stomach with his head rested in his hands, Rascal holding Milky and leaning forwards in an attempt to see better. “Spirits of this vessel, awaken for me as I speak,” he drawled, briefly waving his hands in a quick motion. The ring of flower petals and saltwater faintly let off a red glow. Mendel wasn’t wearing his robe, so there was no eye pattern on his clothes to open, but when his eyes parted they shone the same shade of red as the ring. “Awaken yourselves, come closer, and once I cut these strings, you will come free.” He slid his finger tip into the meager space in between the string and the Juggernaut’s wrist. The silver scissors slipped in next to them and cut cleanly through the string. He did this for the rest of the string around its limbs, and once they were all cut Oz’s attention was caught. His head immediately tilted to look up above the Juggernaut, eyes wide. Mendel looked down at him and smiled under his mask.
“Are they there?” Rascal whispered.
“Looks like it. Look at Oz!” Buggy whispered back.
“How are the spirits faring?” Mendel asked Oz. He looked to the space where the spirits were supposed to be. “Do not collide with anyone, I must keep you separate.” He lifted his hand and did a slight motion, pulling a spirit away from another.
“Oh jeez, they’re going nuts,” Oz said. “They’re excited. They can’t get out past the salt, so that’s good.”
“Can you see anything?” Clive asked Rascal.
“No…” The spirits weren’t visible to anyone other than Oz and Mendel, it seemed.
“Calm down, you lot. I will have to divide you all into two groups: those who wish to come back to the physical world, and those who wish to rest in peace.” Mendel leaned over the table, yet never dared to move past the saltwater ring. “Oz, I cannot hear the spirits, can you communicate with them?”
“Uh... I can hear ‘em! Let me see if they can hear me…” Oz tilted his head and looked to the crowd of spirits darting around rapidly around the circle. “Hey, if you can hear me say hello!” A few moments of silence followed afterwards. He looked to Mendel. “Yeah, they can hear me.”
“Amazing!” Mendel jumped up a bit, restraining himself from clapping his hands together due to the fact it’d probably drag all the spirits with them. “Please help me pick out those who want to be brought back.”
“Okay, gotcha.” Oz turned to the ring of spirits. “Everyone listen up! Stop flying around everywhere! It’ll be alright!” He tapped his chin pensively. “Okay, uh… everyone who wants to come back to life come to my hand right here! Be sure not to run into anybody or else…” Oz glanced to Mendel. “...Or else what?”
“It would fuse them back together. It is an absolute pain in the rear to pull them back apart in their soul forms. It is possible, but I would rather make things easier for myself right now.”
“You heard the man! Steer clear of each other and come over here!” Oz raised his hand and held it near the edge of the ring farthest to the right. Mendel watched in awe.
“Thank you so much. They actually listened to you.”
Oz leaned closer to the spirits. “Huh? I can’t hear you.” He blinked. “Yeah, right here. Uh….This side over here is for whoever just wants to die and stuff. Like, for real. Whoever wants to rest in peace go to my left hand holding up the two fingers.” Oz held out his other hand to the far left and stuck out two fingers, just to clarify it a bit more.
“Who’s in which side?” Mari asked.
“For the rest in peace side it’s the Veteran lady, the Doctor, the Mafioso, and the Godfather. Everyone who’s up for living is...Gene, Apoccy, Farrow, Skuggy, the Sheriff, the Tracker, his daughter, and the Survivor.” Oz looked up to Mendel for confirmation.
“Alright. I’ll get the others sent out to rest first--ah, damn it, get away from each other!” Mendel struggled with a soul who was diving directly for another on the opposite side of the ring. He managed to separate them and hold them back.
“The heck was that about?” said Mari.
“These two are going for each other’s necks,” explained Oz, watching them carefully. “At the worst possible time, of course. Save it for another time, you two! Get back into your spots!”
“Thank god they avoided fusing. A terribly unstable one, that would be.” Mendel took one hand, the one to the left side, and raised it, fingers curling in towards him as he began to spiel another ritual in the unidentifiable language. His eyes averted to look down at the spirits, fluttering his fingers in thought as the words spilled from his mouth, and the ring of saltwater began to glow with a gradually brightening ray of red light.
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“Let these souls rest in peace, let them finally cross the line separating us mortals from the land beyond, and may they have the undisturbed rest they have deserved from the start.” He stuck his hand into the ring of spirits, briefly grazing over the spirits with his finger tips, and then flicked his hand to the sky. A bright red light encompassed the room. Everyone shielded their eyes or turned away from the source. The sound of multiple souls letting out their final breaths chilled the air.
Finally the light cleared and it appeared that nothing had changed, but Mendel and Oz knew otherwise.
“Hey, it worked! They’re gone!” Oz exclaimed.
“Wonderful!” Mendel’s eyes squinted up, hinting at a big smile underneath his mask. “Now for the second part, getting everyone all distributed into their own bodies. This is...the more difficult part. Can everyone make some room?” Everyone watching retreated into the corners of the lab save for Mari and Oz. “Thank you.”
Mendel lowered his left hand and now lifted his right. The foreign words escaped his lips once more, but this one was more drawn out. He took the red string loosely into his right hand and graced his hand over from the spirits to the body, brushing over certain parts of the Juggernaut’s body as he murmured his spell, connecting them to the spirits. “Bring these souls back into the light, return to them the vessel in which they each individually arrived from safe and sound for me. Bless us with their presence once again, and may they continue to traverse the earth safely.” He cast a hand out and extended his hand, eyes widening. “The dead will walk once more under my words!” A bright flash of light shone out again directly following his last words, and everyone gasped and looked away. This one was brighter than before, and lasted for much longer. “Oh, God!” Mendel cried in the midst of the light. The sound of bones snapping and morphing together filled the air, along with a strange high pitched whine, like one you’d hear on an old TV.
When the light finally cleared after a period of waiting, there was a pile of townies lying in front of the table, all scattered amongst themselves. They were all fully clothed, although they were missing any accessories such as coats, gloves, or glasses. Mendel nearly collapsed over the table, but held himself up with his arms, still not allowing himself to cross the salt line. Mari ran to him and held him up as well, but her eyes were glued to the sudden abundance of people lying before them.
“Holy shit, it actually worked.” Buggy sat there awestruck, much like everyone else watching on.
“Mendel, are you alright?” Ophelia asked from the back of the room.
“I’m fine,” Mendel grit. “I have never used that much magic in a single go. It drained a lot from me.” He stood himself up and ran to the newly summoned survivors. He found Farrow first, and placed two fingers against his neck. There was a pulse. “Oh goodness.” He did the same to Gene, and to Apoccy, and to Skuggy. He checked up on the Survivor and the Sheriff, to little Sarah as well, and they all had steady pulses. “They are all fine. Just unconscious.” He looked to the small crowd of friends watching him. Buggy already began to stand and hurry to him, but Mendel held up a hand, eyes slowly reverting back from red to their normal white color. “I advise you don’t approach them yet. I will spread them up and they shall awaken on their own accord.” He looked down. “I think, however...I think that, if they would be comfortable with you doing so, you should make sure all of their parts are in the right place. We do not want any extra arms on a person.” He began dragging everyone away from each other, and Mari joined in.
Buggy, Rascal, and Clive exchanged bewildered looks.
“That really happened, didn’t it?” Rascal said.
“Wait.” Mendel froze. He set down the Sheriff he was dragging away and ran to the table. “There’s still more spirits.” The Juggernaut had shifted back to its original form, albeit a slight bit smaller. “Why are there still more spirits?” Oz tilted his head to listen to them.
“...They want to stay.”
“...Stay where? In their physical forms? I could do the ritual again.”
“No, no...they...they say they want to stay in the Juggernaut.” Mendel paused.
“...Why? They must know that if they were to stay in the Juggernaut, they would not be able to kill anyone. Ever. Unless it’s for the general safety of others.” He placed a finger to his chin. “...Well, the town would kill us if they were to cause any more deaths. They would just have to be...fused. Forever.”
“They say that it’s okay with them.”
“But...why? I do not think I understand…”
Oz sat and listened for a bit to the spirits. He looked solemn as he heard their words, and when they had finished he nodded.
“They say that they want to give it a shot. For their whole lives they were pretty much all solitary. Basically, their lives sucked. But while they were in the fusion...it took awhile for them to get used to it, but it felt like they had purpose. They felt like working together brought them together, I guess.” Oz tilted his head and rest it against his arms. “They were acting out because they were scared. But when you reached out for them, they felt loved. They don’t want to throw that away.” He looked up to Mendel, who stood silently listening to them. “And on the Plaguebearer’s side of the story, when they were alive they felt miserable all the time due to the plague that was slowly eating away at them, but when they were in the Juggernaut, they felt completely fine. They don’t want to die, but they don’t want to be alive in their old body, y’know?” Mendel nodded.
“Yes. I understand.”
“They want to know if they’d ever be able to unfuse later on if they end up realizing it isn’t for them, but otherwise, they’re fine with staying as the Juggernaut.”
“...Yes, yes. Yes, that’s...completely fine with me.” Mendel stood up straight, a spark of life reflected in his eyes. “I-I would be totally fine with that, yes. I just need to rebond the souls with the body and they would be all set.”
“Cool beans!” Oz smiled. “The four seem pretty happy about it.”
“Who are the spirits again?”
“The Werewolf, the Serial Killer, the Plaguebearer, and the Arsonist.” Mendel smiled.
“Alright. That sounds fun. I will begin that ritual right away.” He looked to Oz. “Help Mari separate the others while I do so. The lights will not come back on until I am completely one-hundred percent done with the ritual, okay?”
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herstarburststories · 7 years
Smooth Criminal ✘ Sebastian Smythe Imagine ✘
✘ A/N: Here I’m! Guys, you won’t believe. I passed by a break up, pool party and exams lately, puft. I’m fine sz
ANYWAY, I really like that scene and this one was kind hard to me to write (had to watch and descripte the scene), but I hope you like it!
~There’s too much of the show, so I’d say it’s a free adaptation?
@lyss-91, thank you for beta!
✘ Request: Could you do a Sebastian Smythe imagine where instead of Santana and Sebastian singing Smooth Criminal it's the reader and Sebastian and they kinda have a thing for each other and instead of her getting slushied at the end he kisses her. By the way, love your writing!
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Your high heels in contact with the ground made some clicks, the repetitive melody of your footsteps and the shadowed silhouette, which could be seen from inside the room, were the only signs that you were coming. 
‘’Hey, Andrew McCarthy. Don’t now if you heard, but Blaine may lose an eye. The same Blaine who was just besties with most of you not four months ago.’’ You shot before all the Warblers entered the room, staring at Sebastian. 
 ‘’Wait, are you serious? Is he gonna be okay?’’ Trent asked, catching your attention for a few seconds.  
‘’Well, sure, if he doesn’t care about seeing in three dimensions.’’ You answered ironically and crossed your arms, it was for Santana to be here, not you. But she had an important training of the Cheerios marked on last minute, and couldn't miss.  
Soon, the Latina explained the plan and you agreed, even though you didn't have much choice when it came about Santana, and if it were to be honest, she also gave you insult tips and said what song you should sing.  
And, of course, forced you to wear a hat and her clothes. You really did feel like you were in an 80s movie. 
Well, anything to help long-time friend.  
‘’Trent, I got this. Bummer about Blaine, he was pretty. He shouldn’t have gotten in the way, though. That slushy was meant for Kurt.’’ Sebastian said impassively, as if the pain he had caused in Blaine was only a side effect, something common like buying pizza at a pizzeria. You wanted to beat yourself for having a thing for such a mean person.  
‘’You may look like the villian out of a cheesy ‘80s high school movie, but you should know that I am fully prepared to go all Danny LaRusso on your ass. Admit you put something in that slushy. What was it, huh? Glass? Asphalt?’’ You asked, trying to stay focused. You could not control what came from your heart or your instincts, but you could control your body. 
‘’Red dye number six.’’ Sebastian said simply, his hands clasped behind his own body.  
‘’You’re a liar.’’ You accused him, the words coming out of your mouth like snake venom.  
‘’She questioned my honor.’’ His tone was ironic again, and you really wanted to kick his pretty stupid ass for that. He looked at the Warblers smiling and rested his gaze on you. ‘’I demand satisfation in Warbler tradition.’’ Sebastian approached you and you held your breath. He had hurt Blaine and you had to fulfill Santana's plan, focus!  
‘’You want to have a duel?’’ You also approached him in order to intimidate him. Two could play this game. You turned your head to two men sitting in the yellow chairs. ‘’Cello guys, can you hang back for a second? I’m gonna need you for this one.’’  
‘’Everyone else clear out. I don’t  want you to see me make a girl cry.’’ The leader of the Warblers asked, maintained his cocky posture and his natural sarcasm.  
‘’Let’s just keep this on point.’’ you nodded and smiled wryly, tired of little games.  
The cellists began to play their respective instruments, you walked away from Sebastian and sat in one of the chairs comfortably, crossing your arms and legs right away. You moved your head slightly to the side, a shade of defiant smile on your lips, as a signal for the him to begin.  
Sebastian paced between the chairs, occasionally putting his hands on them as the instrument players dueled a battle of intense looks and precisely fast touches.
Uh, as he came into the window
It was the sound of a crescendo, uh!
Meanwhile the Warbler sang, he didn't take his eyes off you, going in your direction. You, of course, wouldn't not look back.
He came into her apartment
Sebastian moved closer to the chair where you were, leaning over and touching it.
He left the bloodstains on the carpet, uh!
As he sang the verse, you watched when Sebastian took his touch off the chair to your body, running his hand a little down your arm and shoulders gently, something you never imagined he could be. That simple touch made your heart race and your hands sweat, damn body.
In the second Sebastian finished uh, you turned your head quickly to follow where he was going, his mouth half open with the simple act that had just happened, the effect it had on himself.
She ran underneath the table
He had his back to you, trying to catch his breath. After all, that was a difficult song to sing fast, and the overwhelming feel of touching you does not help, at all.
He could see she was unable
Sebastian quickly turned with force, returning with his fearless stance, letting the music take care of footsteps.
So she ran into the bedroom
He gave a quick, provocative smile to you, which you responded by tilting your head to the side and rising from chair.
She was struck downIt was her doom
Sebastian opened his arms, as if exclaiming an event, but his eyes never lost sight of you.
Annie are you OK?
He turned his head when followed in his footsteps as a leopard chases its prey, his emerald green eyes darkening while the intensity of his gaze on you, like did his smile and the challenge itself.
So, Annie are you OK?
You continued the singing of the chorus, leaning on the chair of a cellists players and running your hands over it, going to Sebastian, all while you and he held a war of looks, smirks were a part of their expression.
Are you OK, Annie?
You got rid of the chair and your body walked to Sebastian and his did the same for him, you were like a positive and negative magnet: attracting to your opposing poles, to your difference which completed everything that was missing.
Annie are you OK?
So, Annie are you OK?
You and Sebastian came as close as two humans could approach without touching each other. And then turned 180 degrees, continuing to look at each other, as if you two were in a parallel world, completely different from the earth planet, perhaps even in another solar system where only you and he were living creatures and so they feared to abandon each other's image.
Are you OK, Annie?
Annie are you OK?
After the spin, both of you started to walk backwards, moving away from each other. Even that you two preferred the way it used to, you had to admit in the deep places of your mind that this was even fun; Fleeing and coming back, felt like an addiction.
So, Annie are you OK?
Are you OK, Annie?
Sebastian and you stepped into the middle of the chairs again, heading toward each other, as if the distance to be beat was to offer a valuable prize.
Until you were so close that in just a half step your lips could meet, but they did not. This fact only gave more air to your lungs and made you sing with the greatest determination ever seen in that room.
Annie are you OK?
So, Annie are you OK?
You pulled your tie violently, but not hurting, and you took a turn, bringing your hand up his arm in the process. Adrenaline was palpable in the room.
Are you OK, Annie?
Annie are you OK?
Will you tell us that you're OK
You walked back and Sebastian followed you, like you both were playing tag.
There's a sign in the window
Again, you were so close you could feel each other's breath as the song unfolded from their tongues to the outside world. Sebastian let his gaze travel all over your body, checking you out.
That he struck you - A crescendo Annie
You shoved Sebastian's shoulder when you realized what he was doing, resisting the desire to do the same.
He came into your apartmentHe left the bloodstains on the carpet
Once more approcheing, eyes (Y/E/C) and gree united.
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom
Annie are you OK?
So, Annie are you OK?
It was he's turn to walk away from you and you follow him. And so it went on.
Are you OK Annie?
Smythe stopped and looked at you, waiting for you to reach him.
Annie, are you OK?
You, involuntarily, threw a provocative glance at Sebastian and turned away from him.
So, Annie are you OK?
He looked at your butt, checking you out again. Human instincts sucked.
Are you OK Annie?
You turned your face to Sebastian, the moment he looked at your face: symmetrically.
Are you OK Annie?
You moved away again, waiting for Sebastian to follow you, you returned to your home position and found himself next to you, singing aggressively.
You've been hit by
You leaned toward him, showing 0 percent fear.
You've been struck by
A Smooth Criminal
You two walked away again, following opposite paths between the chairs. You looked at the floor for a few seconds as your fingers touched the wood of a chair, but Sebastian was just looking at you. They both ran for a while, touching distinct chairs, until you stepped away from the object.
I don't know!
Annie are you OK, Will you tell us, that you're OK
There's a sign in the window
Sebastian began to chase you at varying strides, the fight between the instruments was obvious and beautiful.
I don't know!
That he struck you - A crescendo Annie
I don't know!
He came into your apartment
I don't know!
Left bloodstains on the carpet
The impromptu cinematographic chase went on, you slammed your chest without strength and raised your voice.
I don't know why, baby!
Then you ran into the bedroom
I don't know!
You were struck downIt was your doom - Annie!
Annie are you OK?
Stirring the bare part of the hat of your hair, you tried to steady your own quick steps without falling or losing tone.
Dang, gone it - Baby!
Will you tell us, that you're OK
Dang, gone it - Baby!
There's a sign in the window
Dang, gone it - baby!
That he struck you - A crescendo Annie
You bowed again, in order that your tone might reach even more Sebastian like the Black Canary with her cry.
Hoo! Hoo!
He turned a chair, pulling it out of his way to take you.
He came into your apartment
Dang, gone it!
Sebastian walked to one side and you went the other way, in a circle. What was left between you was, basically, a small circle made up of a few chairs and cellos.
Left bloodstains on the carpet, uh!
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
Then you ran into the bedroom
Dang gone it!
You were struck down
Sebastian approached and made a gun signal with his hand, but you did not panic or bowed your head in front said: you have moved forward.
It was your doom - Annie!
The leader of the Warblers let his eyes travel all over your body one last time until he fell on your face, never losing his rhythm.
You've been hit by
War of looks had reached a new proportion, his height making him look down and yours you face up, but now it was the end: the great finder of the winner.
You've been struck by
Distance between two of you was dangerously small.
A Smooth Criminal
For the first time in the history of choiral duels, there was no winner.
Just like it was a draw the war your tongue was waging with Sebastian's, an aggressive kiss started by the boy. He had something for you and you had something for him, it was obvious. And with a song like that and such a performance, the result couldn't be any different. As soon as the last syllable was sung, Sebastian kissed you and reciprocated.
The noise of the door opened at the end of the cellos, the Warbles released nothing but their breaths: their leader was voraciously kissing the girl he would make cry.
Sebastian's hands tightened on your hip and brought you closer, wanting to enjoy every bit of that kiss distressed by the wait, and you pulled closer to the nape of the neck, caressing a small part of his hair.
None of you had felt that way when you kissed someone: fully alive. It was as if every atom of you had resolved to give a 'hello, I'm alive and here', and it felt so good.
You took your lips from his for air, but you could't let Sebastian out of your arms, okay, he didn't seem to mind either.
Meanwhile, Trent threw slushy into the trash, his leader would probably not need it, anyway.
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siodymph · 7 years
Disney Femslash Day 2
For today’s prompt “Flowers” I decided to go with a modern au, between Jasmine and Mulan! Hope you enjoy!
(And just a reminder I’ll be taking requests for Disney femslash till July 12th too. So don’t be shy, I’ve already gotten a few from you guys!)
And as usual you can read the story under the cut or over on my AO3!
Word count: 1051
Most of the month had been way too ridiculously hot. So hot everyone stayed inside most days to avoid heatstroke or being burnt to a crisp. But finally yesterday a mass of storm clouds had crashed through their home town. And with it they took all the heat with them, leaving a survivable, actually nice weather behind. At least for a day.
So not wanting to waste one of the nicest days that summer, Jasmine dragged her reluctant girlfriend out to enjoy the cool breeze and shining sun. And while her girlfriend seemed ready to go back to bed she still seemed curious about where Jasmine might be taking them today.  Mulan glanced over at her, pulling the giant sunglasses on her face down to her nose and making a face at her. The glasses were a designer pair that nearly took up her entire face. She’d swiped them from Jasmine’s counter before they left.
Jasmine laughed back and kept walking with her through a gravel parking lot, both hand in hand. As they approached the entrance to a park Mulan caught sight of a sign and smiled towards her.
“The Williams bird sanctuary and botanical garden?” She asked.
“It’s one of my favorite places.” Jasmine explained, happily walking past the rickety looking gates into the public garden. “It’s nicer on the inside.”
Once inside Mulan was surprised just how large the park was. Directly in front of them stood a large main building that led into a glass enclosure on the left side while a patio with giant crate-sized cages wrapped around the opposite side of the building. And everywhere else a maze of trails led off in different directions throughout the gardens.
“Yeah, pretty cool right?” Jasmine said smirking, she knew Mulan would like it here. “So where do you want to go first?”
“You don’t care?” Mulan asked surprised. Usually Jasmine liked to take charge, especially when they went on dates like these that she obviously prepared for ahead of time. “You don’t have any secret plans already set up?”
Jasmine shook her head. “Nope. I’ve been everywhere here, know it like my own home by now.”
She was curious to see where Mulan would go first. Most people would have gone towards the main building. But Jasmine knew her girlfriend wasn’t most people. Instead her girlfriend was drawn towards a path with tall trees that made stripes of shadows on the sidewalk and bushes of different plants were scattered along the way. Each one had a small label in front of it giving the name of the plant and several fun-facts.
When the path bean leading uphill, Mulan turned back towards Jasmine. “So where’s this path go anyway?”
Jasmine didn’t answer, just smiled.
“Not talking?”
Jasmine still said nothing but their path suddenly stopped at the foot of a hill. Patches of wildflowers grew dotting the sight with purples and yellows. And Mulan could see at the top of the hill sat an old wooden bench under the canopy of a lone willow tree.
“Come on,” Jasmine said, taking Mulan’s hand again. “You’ll love the view from the top!”
Mulan just shook her head and followed her girlfriend up to the hill. “So how do you know this place even existed? I’ve never seen it in my life!”
Jasmine looked down towards the flower patches as she walked. “Actually, I use to go here all the time after school. I didn’t have many friends growing up. And there weren’t many place my Dad or my Uncle deemed ‘safe enough’ for me besides gardens like this.” She laughed but it seemed more impulsive then funny. “So I’d walk around, learning the names of every bird in the cages and plants out here, and finding every last secret spot in the park.”
“Well, then I guess that means I came here with my own expert!” Mulan said nudging Jasmine slightly and dropping a few tiny flowers into her hair.
When they finally reached the top Mulan fell onto the bench and Jasmine sat right next to her. She dropped the bag she’d brought with her onto the bench too and after digging through it offered Mulan an orange.
“Hey I thought you said you didn’t have any plans?” Mulan teased, though she still took the fruit and began unpeeling it.
“I don’t!” Jasmine said defensively but still smiling. “I just came prepared!”
“Uh-huh? You got a whole lunch in there too?”
Jasmine glared at her. Before she relented and slowly pulled out a sandwich wrap. “You can’t prove anything.”
Mulan laughed out loud, bringing her hands to her face. “Oh my god, I love you so much!”
“I’d sure hope so!” Jasmine retorted back, chuckling a little. “You want anything else? Water?”
“I think I’m good.” Mulan said.
They sat together in a peaceful silence after that. Eating lunch and taking in the atmosphere of the botanical garden. While it wasn’t a remarkably high hill, it still put them face to face with most of the trees down at ground level. And in the distance the glass side of the main building could be seen over the gardens. Mulan found she could actually see birds flying around inside the dome. They would definitely have to go there once they finished up their food.
Then Mulan looked over at Jasmine, the girl that had come to mean so much to her. She usually liked to keep her hair in a loose braid but today it was wound up into a bun. The little flowers she’d put in her hair popped with color, it was cute. Between Jasmine’s school, her work, her strained relationship with her Uncle and her misadventures with her childhood friend Ali, Mulan had become use to seeing her girlfriend intensely driven but also stressed to the point of exhaustion. Right now though she was relaxed, completely at ease, Mulan realized. She seemed happy too.
And Mulan couldn’t think of feeling any differently either.
It was nice. Being able to drop everything that'd been on her mind for a little while. Having a day to themselves when the sun didn’t feel like it was going to cook them alive, finding a new place she’d never been, a beautiful place, eating lunch under the shade of a tree and surrounded by flowers.
It was a good day to spend in a garden.
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4-now-incognito · 7 years
Walk A Mile (With You Beside Me) Chapter 4/?
“You like chasing. You don’t like having.” The words Mike Lawson’s ex-wife once told him play like a mantra in his head sometimes. It might have dulled as his budding relationship with Ginny Baker begins to soar (even when they are the only ones to know). But the baggage Mike carries through life can’t be ignored forever. Not by him. And not by Ginny. So where does that take them both when Ginny begins to ask the questions? And where does that leave them when Mike begins drowning in that mantra again?
Chapter 1, 2, 3
He was a real fuck-up sometimes…
Admitting it was half the battle, right?
Mike couldn’t muster up a laugh, only a grim set up lips and lowered eyes. He got into his head too much sometimes. He had done it with Ginny. He’d let fears, be them realistic or not, control him. He’d attacked her, needing answers to cryptic questions. And what had it done? It ruined what could have been a good night. Mike tried not to think about how a fun evening of pretending at the Sanders’ home could have led to some real fun in the bedroom. But nope. Not even close. Nowhere near close enough.
There had been a barrier, some kind of invisible wall, that had sprang up between them. But it was all at his doing, really. Now, more than half a day after the fact, Mike regretted his standoffish ways, regretted his foul temperament that he hadn’t been wise enough to keep to himself. What Mike regretted most was having that foul mood rub off on Ginny, making her question him in a different light as he drilled into her.
Total. Fuck. Up.
He knew it when she canceled on him that morning. A simple text had greeted him after he’d rolled to the side of his bed, head bent low and face nearly hitting his chest, shoulders slumped yet surprisingly loose. Can’t make it to the gym. Catch up later??
Mike had squinted his eyes on the text before dropping the phone on the bed beside him. And when that one simple text had been the whole of the conversation between them for the rest of the day, he was able to multiply his fuck-up tenfold.
He’d realized before the significant role Ginny had come to hold in his life. Mike wouldn’t have gone as far as saying absence made the heart grow fonder. What this absence had caused… was some major time to think, to reflect, on how he’d approached the issues going on in his own head.
He couldn’t help the fact that he’d gotten perturbed by the slap in the face of his reality. Evelyn had done just that. And right in front of Ginny. She had reminded him of the man he was, the man that was easily perceived. Yeah, he’d had long withstanding relationships. Hell, he’d been married. (The fact that Rachel was also the last person he’d slept made dismissing that fact all the easier.) He was entitled, wasn’t he, to reap the benefits of celebrity, good looks, and great charm? Honestly, (honestly?) no one had. Not Blip. Not Ev. Not Ginny. So why…
She wasn’t supposed to look at him in that light. Six weeks in… to this thing, Ginny wasn’t supposed to look at him in that light. It was… different… with her. She was different. They were different. And he’d needed her to realize that. He’d needed to know that she realized that. So what had he done?
Fucked up, right?
Of course.
Mike took in a small breath, his fingers absently toying with a petal of one of the golden poppies that made up the small bouquet. He felt the instant tilt of his head and ignored the raise of his eyebrows. Yeah, the billionaire boy had filled her hospital with with flowers, roses even. But they were nowhere near her favorite. Mike knew Ginny’s favorite flower. And even though it made a simple bouquet, even though the flowers looked extra delicate and insignificant in his grasp, it was a token that he wished she’d take to heart.
Mike blinked his eyes, his lips pursing and his head giving a single shake.
A complete and total fuck up if there ever was one…
Ginny looked down at her phone and scrolled through the library of songs. One of them had to have the right lyrics and right beat to sum of her day. The ding of the elevator brought her eyes up just as she slipped the phone in the pocket of her sweatpants. She hadn’t expected the elevator to reach her as quickly as it had.
That wasn’t the only surprise waiting for her…
The doors of the elevator crept apart. There was only one passenger inside, and the surprised seemed to be not only hers, but his as well.
To ignore the leap her heart just did, or to follow it and fall into his arms? That was the question. And the answer was… acknowledge the leap and... move on.
Ginny’s eyes fell on the flowers leaning at an awkward position in Mike’s hand right in front of him.
Mike looked past her, his gaze focused on something behind her.
She took in a small breath, seemingly the first to recover from the surprise the other had given them.
“Are those for me?” she asked, sounding quite normal.
California golden poppies. The bouquet was made up a variety of shades of deep yellows and bright oranges. They were pretty, even in the lopsided position Mike held them in.
It had been probably close to twenty-four hours since she’d seen him, and he’d brought her flowers.
The elevator doors started to come together, forcing Mike to move. Ginny took a step back, waiting for him to join her in the hallway.
“Yeah, these are for you.” He looked at her then, finally meeting her eyes as he shifted his body until he settled into a position that was comfortable.
He didn’t offer them, but Ginny claimed her present, taking them from his hands and into her own. Lifting them closer to her nose so that she could take in their scent, she turned around, heading back in the direction she’d come from.
“You were leaving,” Mike said, stating the obvious.
Ginny turned back around. He’d taken maybe two steps, and the one he was on now was slow but wide.
“And now you’re here,” she reminded him with an easy enough shrug. “I was going to get some air. It’s not a big deal.” After she saw the slow nod, she turned back around, confident he’d follow.
She held the flowers up close again, taking another sniff of the fresh flowers. She dug her other hand into her pocket, removing the key to her room.
She felt him when he came up behind her, could feel the heat of his body and the presence of Mike Lawson radiating off him.
“Speaking of…” Ginny refused to be flustered. Confusion was fine; being flustered was not.
“What am I doing here?” Mike asked quietly.
Ginny turned around to face him, finding him closing the door behind him.
“Just in case you were wondering, I threw in a couple of twists and turns.” He lifted his chin towards her. “I think it worked. No one noticed me making my way up.”
Ginny smirked at his sarcasm, but that was where she left the remark.
“I didn’t know you were coming.” She tilted her head. “If I did, then maybe you wouldn’t have almost missed me.”
“Instead, I would have.. just missed you?” he asked curiously.
Ginny’s empty hand came up to her hip in question as she watched him slip his own hands in his pocket.
“Why would you say that?”
Mike looked passed her again, a blank look left on his face, before he took a few more steps to close the gap between them. “I haven’t heard from you all day.”
Ginny brought the bouquet of flowers back up to her nose, taking in another breath of the aromatic scent. She had a small vase sitting on the coffee table that they could go into...
She moved towards the coffee table, setting her eyes on vase.
“You didn’t get my-”
“Your early morning text about missing our gym time?” Mike cut in.
Still moving, Ginny glanced over her shoulder at him. He was still right behind her.
“Oh.” Mike’s hand came out of his pockets and he stood stock still after whatever thought had popped into his head. “Semantics, maybe?”
Ginny huffed out a small laugh. With the coffee table in sight, she shook her head and dropped the flowers into the almost too small opening of the vase.
“Angry much?” she murmured quietly. After arranging the flowers as much as possible, she moved over to the couch and took a seat.
She glanced up at him, not finding the miffed demeanor she thought she would. Instead, he looked contrite, apologetic. Okay, maybe he wasn’t angry much, but she was feeling confused much.
“Mike, what’s up?” Ginny felt the frown tug her eyebrows lower as she leaned forward, her wide-spread fingers gripping at her knees.
Silence from his stretched out for a few seconds. Then, it was a simultaneous action of pursing his lips, folding his arms over his chest, and planting his feet into the floor some shoulder-length apart.
“I thought maybe the flowers would say it all,” he finally got out thickly.
Her eyes tracked the path back to the bouquet. Golden poppies. Her favorite. And Mike… had known that.
The corner of Ginny’s mouth lifted at that thought. I haven’t heard from you all day.
That corner of her mouth lifted even higher this time… before she found herself frowning. Her hands pressed firmly into her knees and her shoulders rounded. Then her hands were moving, sliding back up her thighs.
The sound of hard-soled shoes hitting the wood floor brought her sight back on him.
And there went her heart again, thumping in her ears. Ginny watched as Mike took a seat on the couch on the opposite end of her own. Hunched over, fingers laced together and held between his open legs, he dropped his head and turned towards her.
Ginny inhaled a small breath as she took in the rawness of his face.
“Thank you for the flowers, Mike,” she told him gently. “They’re my favorite, you know.”
His eyes darted across her face. “Yeah, I know.”
The silence that followed stretched out, almost uncomfortably. But his eyes stayed on her. Those fingers latched and unlatched, over and over.
Ginny was aware of every breath she took as she kept her gaze on him as well.
“I’m not upset with you.”
“I’m sorry about last night.”
Wasn’t it surprising how they’d both spoken at the same time? I’m sorry about last night.
Mike lifted his chin again, this time as he leaned back in his seat.
“Why are you apologizing?”
“You must’ve been upset.”
Again, both viewpoints came out at the same time. At least they had each heard the other one. Only…
“No more upset than you were.”
“For being a total fuck up.” And when Ginny paused, it gave Mike a chance to add “Well that’s what I’m apologizing for.”
Ginny held up her hand, her lashes fluttering as she shook her head. “All we’ve done is talk over each other,” she pointed out as a deep frown crossed over her face. She turned her body in his direction, placing a folded leg on the couch. “Stop.”
Mike took that time to turn as well. His hands detached from one another and he turned his body to match her again.
Last night… It had been on her mind, that was true. His doubts. Her own doubts. What he wanted…
“See?” Mike pointed a finger at her, leaning in towards her as he did it.
It had Ginny raising a brow and shifting back just a little. “See what?” But she knew. She had taken too much time to think, to possibly dwell.
“That’s why you were avoiding me,” Mike surmised, his gaze intense for a flicker of a second before a guard replaced it.
Ginny pursed her lips and slowly shook her head. “I had a lot on my mind, is all.”
“Stuff I put there.” he said, voicing his belief.
“And you’ve been having thoughts about stuff that I probably put there,” she shot back. Ginny watched as Mike threw a hand to rub into his beard. “Listen, Mike. I know you had a lot going on. And so did I,” she added truthfully, scooting closer towards him. “That doesn’t change… It didn’t change…” It didn’t change how she felt about him. If that time alone had proven anything, it was that.
Ginny reached out her fingertips across the small space that separated them. How had she not touched him yet? How had she kept the self-control? Her fingers reached his hand, letting them slip over his as they rested on his knee.
“Are you saying that the fact that I’m a moody bastard who lashes out sometimes isn’t worthy of flowers as way of apology?” he asked with a mutter, his hand turning so that he could take hold of hers.
Ginny’s eyes traveled towards that physical connection. “Probably justifiable of a missed workout date and some hours apart,” she answered, being both teasing and honest. “But, no, you won’t have to bribe me with a bouquet of my favorite flowers.”
His hand tightened on hers
“Good. I wasn’t quite ready to give this up yet.”                   
She’d made good use of her day away from him. She hadn’t been ready to be around him after the night they’d had. But her doubts, and knowing he had his own doubts, hadn’t stopped her from missing him. They hadn’t made her want to give up on them either.
“You were right, Mike,” she told him, meeting him eye to eye. “This isn’t a repeat of the past. Not yours or mine.”
His hand tightened on hers. “Neither one of us wants that.”
“So how do we makes ourselves remember that?” she asked, knowing they were both capable of having days that would put either one of them in that mindset again.
“Keep doing this,” was Mike’s answer. It was firm and said with conviction.
Ginny tilted her head. “Keep doing… ‘this’?”
“I’m a moody bastard, I know,” he told her again. “And I know you are someone who lets her thoughts rip when the time comes for it.”
The back of Ginny’s hand came up to meet her mouth, her teeth gnashing at her skin to keep herself from asking.
“I might fly off the handle sometimes,” he continued matter-of-factly. “And I’ve seen you in your moments. But this is something different.”
Ginny tilted her head in question. “Us. We’re a work in progress. Individually.” Her hand smoothed over her leg from knee to thigh. “And together.”
“You want me, that’s what you meant earlier, right?” His knee gave a small twitch. “I want you. No matter about the past. Or maybe because of the past. I want you.”
Because he’d said it…
“I want you. I want us to see where this goes.”
Something altogether different flickered across his face, in his eyes.
“I come with a past, too,” he continued.
This time, Ginny gave a wobbly nod of her head. “And that’s fine , Mike. Even if it means you getting into your own head sometimes… I get it.”
Did he believe her this time? When she’d said it last night, she had meant it. She had also needed that break that she’d offered them today. And maybe he had too.
Maybe that’s why he gave a simple nod of his head. Maybe that’s why he was able to lean closer towards her, why he was able to extend his hand until he’d reached the back of her head.
There was a lightness that she was filled with, a slight flutter to her heart, a tiny smile on her face.
Mike placed a kiss on her temple, his beard tickling at her cheek.
Ginny held onto his arm, keeping him close.
“I’m glad I didn’t miss you, Mike,” she assured him softly. “I’m happy your pride didn’t get in the way of you coming over here and bringing me the flowers.”
“I guess that could’ve been a close call, huh?” he muttered back, sarcasm dripping from every word.
Ginny tightened her hold on him when he would have slipped away again.
No matter what the ups and downs had been so far, they were individual issues, individual problems. When it was them, when it was Ginny and Mike , they were solid. Friendship, fun, feelings, genuinity. When she wasn’t looking over her shoulder to make sure that no one was looking at them as if there was something there to see, when they weren’t hiding from those who knew them both, when they weren’t feeling the pressures of their own pasts… Ginny and Mike were solid. Friendship, fun, feelings, genuinity…
Ginny ran the tip of her tongue over her lip as he pulled an inch or so away from her. She wanted…
She wanted to kiss him. A meeting of the minds had made that possible. She’d made him feel more secure, less worried about what she’d been thinking and feeling. He’d done something similar for her, easing her mind on what had been troubling him. And now… now she needed something much closer than what she currently had.
Pulling back, Mike gave her a curious look.
God! This time, Ginny’s lips rolled in, pressing firmly together. She watched as he disengaged from her, the way his back finally came to rest against the couch, the quiet curiosity on his face.
“I missed you.” There was no need for a prompt from him for Ginny to share that declaration. Yeah, it was she who had taken the step back, forcing the separation that was needed . But… she’d missed him.
It felt good to say. So maybe it felt just as good to hear…
Mike took her by the hand, pulling her forward. She went willingly, only giving a cursory thought to the flutter of her heart and the heat beginning to radiate in her belly.
“I missed you, Ginny.” Brought up on both her knees, chest to chest, the words sounded just as good as she thought they would. “But you knew that, right?”
Ginny huffed out a little laugh, followed by a short nod of her head. “I knew that.” Her shoulder lifted in a small shrug. “It’s still good to hear.”
Mike’s eyes left hers. Instead, they settled lower. It was his hand that moved again, grabbing her at the waist and pulling her closer.
Her lips pressed together again. This time, she understood her unconsciousness. And this time, closing her eyes, she followed through with what her mind and body was asking for. Ginny brought her lips to his, angling her head and breathing him in before her mouth opened on his.
She really had missed him. She really had been glad that he’d ended the silence that she had put between them. And she was really happy about the way his hand grabbed hold on the waistband of her sweatpants and brought her closer yet. How close could she be? Well, if she followed his lead...
Ginny draped her leg over lap, finding a new seat that was better than any she’d known. And  her soft kiss, her exploratory kiss, became all the hotter when one of Mike’s hands slipped around the back of her neck and the other toyed at that waistband
He wasn’t going to ask… He wasn’t going to ask if she was sure, if she was ready. He wasn’t going to ask if they should stop, if this was going somewhere where they wouldn’t be able to turn back from if she changed her mind later. And for that, Ginny was happy.
Six weeks was a long time. Was Mike’s thoughts aligned with her own? Possibly, because...
The hand cupping her neck was gentle, matching his kiss. It was gently urging for her to give more, to lose herself in him. It was… a complete contrast to the strong urging of his other hand. His fingers had disappeared under her waistband, digging wide and finding the inside of her panties.
“Mike.” His name left her mouth on a gasp, trapped between them. She couldn’t quite force her eyes open, couldn’t quite bring herself to face what she would have encountered if she did.
His answer came way of slowing down the kiss, his lips opening wide over hers, the pressuring lessening around her neck. The hand inside her panties didn’t seem to have the same reaction to the way she’d called out his name. Instead, those rough fingers were twisting and turning, making their way farther and farther… There was no apology for the intrusion, no apology for the sheer need.
This was Mike.
Ginny let her fingertips carefully glide over the skin of his arm. Following the path he’d taken, her hand wrapped around his wrist.
Pressing closer in for his kiss, loving the complete contrast and delicateness of it, she left her hand there and opened her legs wider. Scooting closer, changing the angle of how she sat on his lap, she offered better access to him, to his fingers, to his hand. And then she was gasping into his mouth as he took full advantage of her offering, slipping one finger inside of her and then two.
Mike’s audible moan was all of a second. His hand on her neck caressed her gently, silently urging for more from her.
Ginny loved the way he kissed her. She loved the quiet passion. And it was passion. He kissed her in a way that always left her heart racing, in a way that always left her wanting more. But this time…. This time, it took more more brain power to kiss him back, to lose herself there.
Mike’s hand stayed at her neck to guide her, keeping her close. Good thing, because it was really difficult to not concentrate on the feel of his fingers sliding inside of her, only to slide out and then back again. It was difficult to not concentrate on the way his thumb swiped over the sensitive nub in inconsistent intervals.
Her back arched at its own volition. Mike’s rumble was now a groan, and Ginny knew the cause of it…
Her concentration slipped from the hand that was deep and insistent in her pants. Instead, she made the conscious decision back her ass on the hard bulge that was pressing up against her. After taking a second, after sighing against Mike’s lips, Ginny rotated her hips, spread her thighs even wider, and grinded down on him.
“Fuck.” With the quiet muttered curse slipping out, Mike pulled back just a little. “Do that again.”
Ginny’s hand tightened its hold on his wrist as she tried not to visibly pout over the distraction she’d caused.
It was all she got out before his forehead dropped against hers and his fingers pushed and curved back inside her.
“Fu…” Ginny’s own curse didn’t quite make it out of her body, but there was a whimper that had to have been written all over her face. Instead, she took in a hissed breath and grinded again on Mike’s hardness.
Whatever attempt to seal their lips together in a kiss failed them both. Open mouths, angling and attempting, never had the chance to make contact. The room was silent, except for the sound of broken interval hisses of breath and quiet sighs and the sound of each stroke of Mike’s fingers inside Ginny.
He could make her come. Just like this. With his hand down her pants and them both fully clothed, with just the slow swivel of her hips, Mike could make her come…
“You got me acting like a damn teenager,” Mike finally muttered breathlessly. It didn’t stop him from increasing the speed of each stroke, all three fingers hitting some particular spot that made her gasp in instant pleasure. “Bedroom?” His forehead left hers. “Naked?”
But his fingers…
Ginny gripped tighter around his wrist as she attempted to force her eyes open, her lips parting as she took in as much air as possible.
Mike’s head was tilted, his eyelids low and covering more than half his eyes. Other than that, there was a solemness to his face, a patience that was so Mike.
She shifted her body again. No, she hadn’t imagined that bulging evidence of his desire for her. And she knew he could feel the desire she had for him coating three of his fingers at that very moment.
“Bedroom,” Ginny murmured, nodding her head slowly, “sounds great. And naked seems like the only way to go.”
“Music to my ears,” he answered back.
She tried not to pout at the feel of his fingers slipping out of her. She even released his wrist and let him go. And she wasn’t even offended when he gently pushed her off of his lap.
Ginny had known steadier legs than what she found herself standing on in that moment. She took one shaky step and then another one before Mike’s hand found her waist.
She… wanted this. She wanted all of this. She wanted to know what it was like to be with Mike. to feel what it was like to be with Mike. There wasn’t a reason to doubt, a reason to second guess the fact that she’d once had rules of her own that kept her personal life from her private life. There wasn’t a reason to-
Ginny took a firm hold of the hand on her waist as she twisted around in his arm.
She loved the calm features, the tilt of his head, the squinty eyes, and the pursed lips…
Ginny’s hand slipped over his on her waist as her other arm wrapped itself around his neck. Mike stepped in closer, an almost-invisible lift of the corners of his mouth into a smile. More peace… Her own eyes closed as she reached for his kiss, keeping them even closer.
She wanted… all of this. And he wanted this, too.
Those were good conscious thoughts to have as she lead them to her bedroom.
No modesty required...
It hadn’t taken long for every stitch of clothing to fall off of Mike Lawson. It hadn’t take much time to move on to Ginny, to show her that the insistence didn’t stop only a room away. It hadn’t taken long for her to find out that, if she was an all-willing participant, he was more than ready and willing to show her what weeks and months of pent-up passion could equate to…
And Ginny Baker was an all-willing participant when it came to Mike Lawson.
It started as a slow, tantalizing, and almost teasing pace. Ginny gripped the edge of the mattress with both hands. Her eyes squeezed shut and she only let the tiniest of whimpers escape her as she turned her head to the side. And then…
“God, Mike!”
Her entire body was a giant nerve ending as he snapped his hips into her again.
His chest bumped into her back, his fingers slipping and then gripping into her hair. With a good hold on it, and it was a good hold that made her body tremble, she lost the weight of his body on hers.  
The next time his hips snapped into her, it was anything but a slow or teasing pace. Each tip-to-hilt stroke was a full attempt to chase after an orgasm.
“Oh God.” Ginny’s cheek pressed against the pillow in front of her as he hit on a particularly sweet spot, leaving her an almost-trembling mess. And it didn’t stop. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.”
Oh God. With her hair wrapped around his fingers, her back arched, her ass angled… the words were now her mantra.
“I… God… I- can’t. I can’t.” Ginny’s stammer was her truth. She met each powerful thrust with one of her own.
“Just… like that,” Mike instructed in a low whisper. His hand gripped at her hair again while his other hand pressed deeply into her hip. “Damn, Gin. Just like that.”
And then it was only her, setting the pace, controlling the pace, giving just as much as she was receiving…
Ginny’s eyes opened and instantly rolled back. With a light pressure into her hip, she pressed even deeper back against him, her hips circling and-
“Just like that, Gin.”
“Mike, I’m-” Her eyes flew wide open, her fingers flexed on the edge of the bed, and she cried out his name one more time as her body wracked from the strongest orgasms she’d had yet.
He kept up the pace, taking firm hold of her hip and riding out her trembling orgasm with a constant drive into her. And maybe not just for her…
“Gin,” Mike huffed her name, “wait.”
She wanted to. Honestly she did. Her knees collapsed from underneath her.
“Scoot up some,” he told her, his hand curving around her ass and pushing her in the right direction.
She did it, moving the pillow to the head of the bed with her.
“Change positions,” she said.
“Yeah, change of positions.”
He directed her to lay on her side. He was behind her in that same moment, matching her position and urging her to raise her bent knee in the air. She wasn’t sore, she knew that. That fact, and the fact that he was on the edge of a certain orgasm himself, encouraged her to be as agreeable as she was.
Ginny felt his fingers first, an attempt to make sure she was still ready for him. Sensitivity to his touch had her arching her back bumping into him.
Mike grumbled out a breath before pushing half his length inside her. Pulling almost out again, his hand gripped on the inside of her thigh, positioning himself better before-
“God, Mike!”
His answer was a grunt and setting a similar pace as before, driving into her. His hand pushed her thigh farther apart before leaving her to keep her legs open. His hand slipped over her bare mound, find her clit and massaging it two of his fingers.
Ginny’s head thrashed back, knowing full well that it was possible that she would come with him, but knowing she would have been fine without her body falling apart so soon after the last time.
The speed of his fingers matched that of his pounding hips, the sound of slapping flesh being the final push she needed.
It was a long and slow grunt that came with the pulsing release into the condom Mike wore. Ginny’s own orgasm was nowhere near that of the prior one, but it felt good to have come with him, to know that he wanted her to come with him.
Mike’s answer was a shuddered Fuck . He was slow to pull out of her, Ginny aware of every single inch she lost. But he was quick to rid himself and the bed of the condom. She heard the drop in the wastepaper basket before he was diving back over to her.
Ginny felt her own whole-body shudder, which brought on a need to hug her pillow close to her. Having something to hold on to was like holding on to her world.
She felt Mike’s fingertips glide their way over her. First, at her waist, traveling up her side, and then over her arm until it reached her shoulder. His lips came to settle on her cheek, his beard tickling ever part of her that it came in contact.
Sensory overload…
Ginny knocked her shoulder into Mike’s, her face instantly producing a scowl. When his answer was a kiss dropped on her ear, bringing another tremor over her entire body, she brought her hand around to swat him away.
“Mm, third time was the charm?” he asked in a quiet murmur, finally getting the picture. His body left the curve of hers, creating a rush of cool air that was possibly needed, yet not completely wanted.
She felt the slight tremors continue to wrack her body. They were smaller now, and hopefully that signaled she was finally coming down from the high she was on.
Ginny gave up on trying to have any control of her body, feeling limp and lazy as she turned over and let her back fall into the mattress. There was a sigh on her lips and her eyes closed on their own volition.
“I think…” What just happened? What had she just experienced? She inhaled a shallow breath suddenly. “I think we’re…”
“What?” Mike asked curiously after another short pause. The bed moved under the weight of his body as he resettled into the spot beside her. A dead arm dropped and laid across her middle, trapping her there, making her body shudder again. “Is that going to happen every damn time? Because the trembling is sexy and ego-boosting as fuck.”
Ego-boosting. “Shut up,” she muttered, a smile already formed on her face.
Ginny eyes fluttered open and she turned her head towards him. Mike’s cheek laid on his pillow. His eyes were squinting across at her and the steady rhythm of the rise and fall of his chest was noticeable.
The way he looked- content, sated, even pleased with himself… It sent a small tingle through Ginny
“I think… we’re completely sexually compatible,” she finally got out in a murmur.
Those blue eyes widened on her, a twinkle clearly there. His arm tightened its hold over her stomach. “Yeah?” Mike murmured back. “Think so?” This time, his cheek came off the pillow and he looked directly at her.
Ginny took in a deep breath as she closed her eyes. Sated. Those tremors were leaving her, letting her enjoy the afterglow. Body as limp and relaxed, digging into the mattress, she didn’t mind the gloating tone that was unmistakable.
“Yeah, I think so,” she answered teasingly, mentally rolling her eyes. And feeling almost normal again, she could tease. She brought a hand up to lay across the arm over her middle. That simple interaction of damp skin to damp skin brought another kind of tingle, a deeper tingle, that caused her knee to hike up and her leg to fall away from the other one.
Mike was silent for a moment, with only a miniscule movement of his arm over her. Finally, a gruff “I think so, too,” filled the otherwise quiet room. “Hm… Good thing. Right?”
Ginny let her leg fall back to the bed, feeling her toes instantly clench into a curl. Only one eye opened, taking in the half of Mike’s face that could be seen now that he way lying on the pillow again.
She’d broken rules, she’d broken her own rules, to be with him. She’d been careful, and she’d been cautious, almost to a fault. But what she and Mike shared…
“Yeah.” Ginny opened both eyes and her head nodded vigorously. “Yeah. Totally.” And then she felt a flutter in her heart and an ache deep in her belly.
Mike’s arm across her middle began to shift, dragging away until it crawled back and tightened his hold on her.
He’d asked because…
Ginny didn’t want to let her mind go there. Because, honestly, he could have been thinking any number of things, couldn’t he? His own thoughts didn’t have to be on where this step had brought them. He wasn’t necessarily wondering how rules were changing just because…
She liked the way he held her… God, her mind was all over the place! But she did! And that was a better thought to have in her head than some of the other thoughts…
“I wouldn’t have mentioned it if it wasn’t a good thing,” Ginny finally murmured, taking a firm grasp on his arm again. There was a need to bring some levity in the moment, to slow down the intensity in the room, to have something to laugh about. “I mean, I’m sure you’ve had you fair share of nights with younger women, but you gotta realize this was my first… tryst with someone… who is… post their twenties?” Yes, by the end it had become a question as she tripped over her words. Or more so over the way to phrase it in a nice way.
“Ah!” Mike’s brows lifted high on his forehead. There was a deep groan that escaped him as he began to twist over from his stomach and onto his back.
“Was that out of pain and discomfort… or just a scowl at me?” Ginny couldn’t help herself from asking curiously.
A short laugh came next, even as Mike threw those squinty eyes on her again. One knee came up and he planted a foot in the mattress to help push himself up on the bed.
“Funny, Baker,” he muttered lightly. “Real funny.”
Ginny didn’t mind the change in name that time. There was a sense of familiarity to it, a sense of comfort.  It left a small  smile on her face as she tried not to regret the absence of his skin directly on hers after he’d moved.
And again her mind was trying to keep up with a million thoughts. She wasn’t supposed to be marveling over every muscle she was privy to at the different angle...before the single sheet covered his lower half.
“Are you even more surprised I haven’t rolled over and fallen asleep yet?” Mike pondered, dropping his leg heavily onto the mattress. “You know, being the old man that I am?” He offered a small smile down at her.
Ginny’s own smile grew, and her hands came together so that she could twist her fingers together.
“Let’s just say I wouldn’t have been surprised,” she offered teasingly. Ginny shook her head, her laugh filling the room as she watched him adjust his pillow against the head of the bed and rest his back there. “I’m only joking, Mike.” He was increasing the distance between them, and she tried to ignore the need to feel him again. “So…” She blinked her eyes up at him, watching as his hand ran across his beard. “Younger women? Your thing or not?”
Mike tilted his chin down at her, pausing mid-stroke of his beard.
“Not always, no,” he finally answered. “But… you know that.”
Because she knew about his marriage and she knew about his relationship with Amelia.
Ginny turned away for a moment, taking that time to pull herself up into a matching sitting position beside him.
Hair falling around her face, her fingers weaved through her roots until her face was clear. She loved the surprise of Mike leaning over her, dropping his lips to her shoulder to place a kiss and his beard tickling her arm.
His kiss was soft, lingering. She controlled the urge to mold her hand to his head, keeping him there longer.
Skin to skin…
Ginny dropped her hand into her lap. “Okay, not your first… younger one.”
“Hm,” he murmured in agreement.
“How about the interracial thing?” she asked in rushed curiosity.
“Okay, well this wouldn’t fit the category of ‘first time for everything’ either.” Mike looked directly up at her after the murmured answer, a single blink of his eyes meeting hers before the wonder set in. “Surprised?”
Was she?
Ginny lifted her opposite shoulder in a quick shrug. “No.”
Mike slipped back then, his arms slowly moving to cross over his chest. His chin nearly his his chest again as he harrumphed in response.
“This is one that we both already knew the answer to when it comes to you, huh?” Those arms loosened just a bit before he offered up a single brow in her direction.
Yes, he already knew the answer to that one. Noah.
“Okay, so the interracial thing isn’t… a thing.”
“But the age thing is?” he asked quickly.
Ginny felt her entire body stiffen, but probably not for the reasons Mike would have thought, if he’d noticed. Unmoving limbs, but racing mind…
“This doesn’t feel like… one of those fling scenarios.” She hadn’t meant for it to come out as a whisper, but it had. She hadn’t meant for it to convey more feelings than what the moment should have been, but she feared she had failed there, too. “At least, it doesn’t feel like that to me. So…” That same shoulder came up in a shrug. “So… no.” Her face scrunched up in a frown. “The age difference isn’t a thing.”
There was a tick of silence, followed by another and another. And then Mike was moving back down to lay on the bed, the mattress groaning with every inch. After a single tick of him being supposedly comfortable in that position, he twisted around to look up at her. His arm bent at his elbow, which planted firmly into the mattress, and he held his cheek in the palm of his hand.
“What?” Ginny was sure it sounded wary as she tried not to squirm. What was he thinking? Her answers had been truthful. And she thought that the conversation they were having was one they should have been having after what they’d just shared. So…
Those blue eyes were on her, his chin tilting at her once more. From underneath the sheet, his leg swept behind him, tightening the hold it had on both of them.
“I was just wondering,” Mike started.
“Oh no.” There was a teasing quality in those words he’d just said, making Ginny roll her eyes even before he said more.
“Was it different than what you imagined?” he asked, the facade of seriousness completely gone. “I mean, after all that time with me on your wall-”
“So now I must have been fantasizing about you?” Ginny asked, aghast. She couldn’t bite back her laughter at the nerve he had.
“You did some fantasizing,” Mike reacted with an all-knowing smirk.
There was a pillow. Somewhere close by, there was a pillow… Ginny turned her head to look behind her and then turned in the other direction, hoping for a better angle. Her hands gripped behind her as she lifted, finding herself half-sitting on it. Gripping it tight, she flung the pillow in Mike’s direction, turning to see it hit him square in the chest.
“I did some fantasizing, huh?” She couldn’t help but join in with his laughter as he gripped one corner of her pillow.
“Honesty looks good on you, Baker,” he told her, yanking the pillow closer to him.
“God!” Ginny gave the pillow another good shove. Then she was moving, letting the sheet slip away and finally throwing a leg over him. “God, Mike! Shut up about the damn poster!” She sat atop him and gave the pillow one more good shove before tossing it off to the other side of the bed.
She loved his laugh. Whatever little annoyance she had with him seemed to disappear as she saw the bared teeth, listened to his laugh, and felt his hands find her waist.
And then he sobered up. “Sorry.” He shook his head. “And now I’m fantasizing about the last time I heard you call out ‘God, Mike!’” The hands on her waist began to slip as his chest rumbled with laughter.
It literally made her growl. “I could go back for the pillow, I hope you know!”
The rumble only got deeper before Mike’s chest rose high from a deep breath.
God! Finding herself watching him, and enjoying it beyond words… There was a chance she could be in trouble with this one…
Taking hold of her hair and holding it at the nape of her neck, Ginny leaned over him. Mike’s hands gripped even more firmly on her waist, holding her steady before his head came off the pillow. Their lips met in a simple smack. And one smack became two and then three. Ginny forgoed the hold she had on her hair, letting her hand slip behind Mike’s head to pull him even closer.
The way his mouth opened on hers could have been enough to stoke another fire in her. But once she combined that with the way his hands caressed over her, starting with her waist and working his way to her back, pulling her closer...
She tried not to moan. She tried really really hard to not moan.
“Mike, you can’t be ready-”
“More old man jokes?”
Ginny would have laughed, but she found herself hoping that the hand that was now gripping her thigh would continue to move forward, to find that spot that was becoming heightened with sensitivity all over again.
She shook her head before planting a solid and firm kiss on his lips. Then she pull back, sitting up so that she could see all of him.
Desire reflected from his eyes as he offered her a small twist of his lips.
“It’s getting late,” Ginny reminded him.
“It is.” One hand left her leg so that he could throw his arm to lay under his head.
She could feel the strong beat of her heart pulsing in her ears. He wasn’t going to make presumptions. He wasn’t going to ask. Instinctively, she knew that it was supposed to be her.
“Are you staying the night?” That had sounded neutral, right? She thought that it had. He’d never stayed the night. So it could be a night of a few firsts...
“You asking me to?” There was another squint of his eyes as he adjusted his arm underneath his head.
Give and take… She was more than willing.
“Stay the night,” Ginny whispered, lifting her chin and trying to keep her smile in her eyes and not on her lips.
He gave her a simple lift of his shoulder. “I’m staying.”
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