#futurama minimal
ghosts-and-glory · 6 months
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Shout out to sassy robots, gotta be one of my favourite genders.
Idk how I managed to give Lodge a perfect character design but you can 100% tell I was watching futurama when I designed them. I’m obsessed with taking a character who can express minimal emotion and then somehow getting so much out of them. Comedic timing is my passion.
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eeclare · 1 year
I AM SO MAD about people always shitting on adult animation series. Like literally SHUT UP about how adult animations have “zero representation” and “lack diversity” when there are SO MANY adult animated series that have all the things you’re looking for
Like bro just do some research and look harder
Obviously my bias is Bob’s Burgers so let’s start with that as an example: SO MUCH diversity (body types, implied neurodivergence, etc) and representation in this show and the fan base is so minimal?? Like what??
Not to mention Tuca and Bertie, Futurama, Bojack Horseman, etc etc etc
(Inside Job, Disenchantment, THE GREAT NORTH, The Midnight Gospel, Human Resources, and sooooo many more)
Everyone is CONSTANTLY complaining about the lack of good adult animated shows but then never give most of these ones the time of day. I genuinely don’t get it! If you’re so mad about how crass and bigoted all the mainstream shows are, why are you still watching them? There are so many amazing adult animated series that are so diverse and representative of so many different communities more and half of them get canceled because all the internet talks about are the big TV shows like Family Guy, South Park, The Simpsons, etc (not dissing anyone who likes these shows btw, I am an occasional watcher myself)
How about we stop complaining about the lack of diversity in adult animation and actually watch the shows that are giving us what we want?
I’m not at all saying that all these that I mentioned are without flaws. They all have them! But what I AM saying is that maybe we should stop letting networks cancel the shows with what we are asking for because they aren’t getting any traction.
Let’s not insult an ENTIRE GENRE of television series just because the mainstream ones aren’t necessarily what we want anymore.
And let’s talk about the animation styles. STOP TALKING ABOUT HOW UGLY THEY ARE. Yeah, I get it, they’re not always the prettiest but the diversity of body types and races in shows like Bob’s Burgers etc is amazing. Like holy crap it frustrates me when people file down all the good aspects of TV shows just because they sometimes have weird animations. Like please, remember that art in and of itself is diverse and there are so many talented people that are putting so much work into creating these literal masterpieces
The point I’m trying to make is, maybe stop giving shows like Big Mouth so much attention (even if it’s negative) and watch the ones that are literally giving you what you want. Like guys, stop letting networks cancel great series just because you prefer to complain about the “bad things” and refuse to acknowledge the good ones
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months
slurm tasted like a combination of mountain dew, apple juice and sprite and was a little thicker than usual soda. like someone melted gummy bears and put them inside, or a minimal amount of jello.
nowadays that sure hurts my teeth!
- fry (futurama, fictive, #👑🌱)
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split-spectrum · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @thegreatwicked :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Three
2. What's your total A03 word count? Just over 65K
3. What fandoms do you write for? Just Star Wars, right now.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I only have 3 total fics 😅 but I'll list them in order of kudos:
Water and Rock - Obi Wan x Reader, slow burn with smut
Four Hours - Din Djarin x Reader, basically a one-off but in two chapters, porn with minimal plot
Pretty Young Thing - Obi Wan x Reader, one-off, porn with almost no plot
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I really appreciate people taking the time to comment, so I certainly want to let them know 💜
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? In the Star Wars fandom, I don't have any multi-chapters with endings, so I'll say Water and Rock since it contains the most angst lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Pretty Young Thing is just shameless wish fulfillment on my part lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics? This is so funny and I'm glad I get a chance to answer it - yes! I've written for several fandoms in the past and had mild criticism, and a long time ago there was actually ~drama within the same realm as my work, but not directed at me. However! I very nearly stopped posting after only two chapters in the Star Wars fandom because I immediately got an incredibly rude DM right off the bat. Honestly, it stung to the point I wasn't interested in sharing more. But after that, I received so many other kind comments it really turned things around and made me want to continue. I'm so grateful for all the sweet messages and comments you guys send. It makes it fun to share, which of course is what fanfic is all about :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Absolutely, yes. I write F/M currently although in the past I've also written M/M. I just don't feel as comfortable or good at it. I like vanilla stuff for the most part with some kinks, but I'm not really into BDSM or anything that includes violence beyond mild things.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I have, but not for Star Wars. In a past fandom, I wrote a crossover for Futurama that was very fun. Nothing smutty, just for laughs.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware. One of the funniest crimes, though, if you ask me. Not to anyone who's had a stolen fic. That must feel awful. But for the person stealing someone else's work and taking credit? What on earth could you be trying to accomplish with that?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah, I had a 30-something chapter AU once upon a time that was completely translated into Russian. I didn't even find out until a few years later that it was on a Russian website with like a devoted readership and the translator giving author's notes on what they felt I was trying to convey in certain chapters. It was overwhelmingly flattering, but also strange that the translator never tried to reach out to even speak to me about it lol. Still, an amazing feeling, that someone enjoyed my writing enough to translate it for others. Gets me choked up 🥲
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, I was once a part of a 4-person google doc collab for a fic and it was unbelievably fun.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? All TIME? That is a tall order. I have to cheat and give multiple answers, I'm so sorry. I think it was @pickleprickle who mentioned Diana×Worf from Star Trek TNG and I absolutely love them.
Ben and Leslie from Parks & Rec.
A niche mention, but: Aloy and Kotallo from Horizon Zero Dawn (the videogame). I am OBSESSED with their dynamic and clawing, gnashing, biting, etc that it's not canon.
And since I just finished the Chiss Ascendancy Trilogy: Thalias and Samakro girlies please rise up, I am so in love with them 😭
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Speaking of Thrawn... still have a fic with him on the back burner, and I don't ever know that it will get posted.
I also have a smutty Obi Wan one-off that was started ages ago, like 4-5 months ago or something and I'm about 50% sure it won't get finished but I really really want to. I keep coming back to it but never finishing which is VERY ironic considering it's... uh... it's edging.
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like my answer to this could change based on the time of day lol but I will say I feel strongest when writing dialogue and I've had the most compliments regarding characterization.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Oh, where to begin? 😄 I definitely suffer from the classic overuse of commas. My setting descriptions leave a lot to be desired, and I really wish I made more use of similes. I once had my work described as "clinical" regarding an interaction between two characters. I like to think I've learned and grown since then, but I still find myself jealous of people who are skilled with real, fleshed out, poetic descriptions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? All depends on the writer. I know people who are amazing at it, and it comes off as natural. Myself? Not so much. And I wouldn't care to attempt it, tbh.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Listen... it was a long time ago...
Inuyasha 🧍
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? My all-time favorite is from an old fandom I don't particularly like to engage with anymore, and it's sadly no longer posted for that reason. I will say my current favorite fic is Water and Rock and I can't wait to post the next update. :)
No pressure tags! @cosmicsierra @djarins-cyare @grapenehifics @firstofficerwiggles @spicemaidenfic @eveningserenityyy
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mx-piggy · 1 year
Here's my weekly Futurama review, a day late. Spoilers ahead!!
I didn't care for the Prince and the Product. It's about on par with the Covid episode for me, if not below it.
I've read through some opinions of it to get a better understanding of what it was going for, so that somewhat justified what the episode did with the melodramatic A plot of Leela 'falling in love with' the Prince with minimal explanation given, with it being like a soap opera, which is why there are commercials between each scene. But, I still didn't like it overall.
I've never been a fan of anthology episodes, especially Futurama's. I like the Anthology of Interest episodes, but that's about it. Other than that, I guess I'm a bigger fan of Saturday Morning Fun Pit than most, just because the GI Zapp segment kills me. So, maybe part of my dislike for this episode is because I'm naturally bored by anthology episodes. But, in the case of this episode, it really failed to hold my interest regardless.
For one, I hated the A plot with Leela, Fry and the Prince. It felt like it should have been a Comedy Central episode because of how it treated Fry and Leela's relationship in such a disrespectful way. I understand now that it was supposed to be over-the-top, but I still found it really unpleasant considering the fact that this season they've actually committed to Fry and Leela's relationship, and seeing this conflict occur with very little explanation as to why it happened just felt really irritating. It didn't really entertain me, other than Fry being so supportive of Leela that he would fight for her to be happy even if it was with someone else. But, at the same time, I kind of hate how unequal this makes Fry and Leela's relationship, and how unpleasant it makes Leela come off. I really wish that Leela wasn't just reduced to 'woman that Fry loves' in this episode; it does a disservice to her character, and makes her come off kinda horribly. She just didn't feel like her well-rounded, fleshed-out self in this episode, and it was just such a bummer to see her break Fry's heart like that without really caring about it; like she doesn't owe him anything, but at the same time Leela only dumps Fry for the Prince because she's under a 'science spell'- a joke that did make me laugh a little. Even if she's under a spell that makes her fall in love with the Prince, surely that doesn't mean that she'd also abandon all of the compassion that's integral to her character? It just seems like poor, lazy writing, which I feel bad saying with the WGA strike. Maybe I'm just being stupid and overthinking this weak episode of Futurama.
Like I said, I only really liked seeing Fry be so supportive of Leela, and then them being in their knight outfits. I also liked the macaroni portrait of the King's wife- I thought that was funny at least. Other than that, I found the A plot to be really irritating and unpleasant, and it's a shame it had to come as one of the last episodes we'll see for a while.
I really didn't care for the toy commercial segments either. The wind-up toy segment was forgettable to me and I refuse to rewatch it any time soon lest it put me to sleep. I didn't like the car toy segment because it just felt really mean-spirited without being particularly funny, with all of the crew being horrible to Zoidberg and then Zoidberg dismembering the crew. This one felt too cluttered, with it trying to be a Ring parody, a car thing AND the thing with Zoidberg. It just wasn't that fun to watch. Also, I saw this article headline which said that this was also a FNAF parody, so I watched it expecting something FNAF related, and then when I actually read the article it said something along the lines of 'it's not an overt parody of FNAF, but the similarities are striking', which is really dumb to say, because it's always obvious when Futurama is parodying something (see: Parasites Regained, with the DUNEg beetles- remember that slightly grating joke?).
The segment I liked the most was the rubber duck/egg people (?) segment. It made me laugh more than the rest of the episode did. The plot was kinda dull, as is standard for most of the Futurama anthology episode segments. But, I won't deny that I was entertained by some of the jokes, such as duck-Kif's wearied groan being a quack noise. And, at least it had a sweet Fry and Leela moment in it to sort of make up for the A plot. I liked the duck designs more than any of the other designs in the episodes, maybe because they were just really cute. I don't think that this segment made up for the rest of the episode, though.
I think maybe this episode felt a little lazy because it was too similar to Saturday Morning Fun Pit, with its segments parodying media aimed at kids. Not only that- and I'm absolutely overthinking this- but I don't think it makes much sense for this soap opera-esque A plot to have commercials for products aimed at children. Plus, they never really felt like commercials anyway, like they were supposed to be. At least with SMFP, the segments were parodying kids shows and commercials for products aimed at kids, rather than telling kind of morbid stories with toys aimed at kids. Like, the only reminders that these were supposed to be commercials was the beginning and end of each segment, where the voice over said '[insert toy]: buy it'. Again, maybe I'm just thinking about this too hard, but to me this makes the episode feel so muddled and clumsy.
Overall, I think this was just a really dull, unengaging and messy episode that at its worst was grating. I disliked this episode so much and what it did, so much that I feel like I must be missing something. I'd really appreciate some insight, so if you have any please let me know.
I feel bad about being so negative, and I'm worried that people are going to think that I'm a Futurama snob who can't be pleased by anything this show does anymore; sorry if that's how some of these reviews have come across. I really have liked a lot of this season overall, even if my reviews have been quite critical. Maybe I look stupid for getting so heated about this silly episode of a TV show. The bottom line is that this is my favourite show and I care a lot about it. I care about it when I love an episode, and I care about it when I absolutely don't like an episode. I'm really hoping that episode 10 is better than this.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
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After a season full of topical episodes, "All the Way Down" showed Futurama at its best: an episode explaining scientific ideas in a fun, entertaining way. This episode would be a great introduction to quantum mechanics and simulation theory.
Generally, I'm not a fan of simulation theory because people tend to get smug about it. "Nothing is real! Existence is meaningless! We're all just a bunch of ones and zeroes!" But if you're experiencing life, why does it matter if it's "real" or not?
If existence isn't real, then why don't you stop eating? Why don't you sleep on the floor instead of a bed? That sounds uncomfortable? Sounds like your experiences mean something after all!
I was happy that Futurama came to the same conclusion. Instead of feeling depressed because nothing matters, the characters realized that everyone's lives matter. One of the pre-commercial jump cuts implied that "our" Planet Express crew is in a simulation of their own, but what difference does it make? They're still people.
Additionally, I loved watching Amy show off her smarts. I think her ditziness makes people, including the writers, forget that she holds a doctorate. She held her own against the professor and challenged his thinking.
That being said...I didn't necessarily enjoy this episode. I had a blast watching "The Impossible Stream," "I Know What You Did Last Xmas," "Rage Against the Vaccine" (yeah, I know that's an unpopular opinion) and others. TV doesn't have to be fun to be great--I'm a Sopranos fan, and some of the best episodes are brutal--but I felt like I was watching an animated lecture.
It's a great episode, but I wouldn't say that I'll look forward to it when I eventually rewatch the whole series. Still, personal opinion doesn't reflect the quality.
However, that brings me to my biggest issue with the episode: the implication that a Bender from a higher dimension replaced "our" Bender. Some have said that our Bender came back, proving that the crew is in a simulation because the professor said it's a one-way trip--or maybe it's just a plot hole.
But I think the writing implies that our Bender is gone and another took his place. He reboots out of nowhere and tells the crew that he has a solution, just like our Bender did when he jumped down a level. Additionally, as previously mentioned, one of the jump cuts implies that our crew is also in a simulation. It's simulations all the way down!
I have the same issue with "The Late Phillip J. Fry" from the Comedy Central run. Fry, Bender and the professor jump two universes ahead, leaving the rest of the crew to die trillions of years ago. I also raised an eyebrow at the professor going back in time in "I Know What You Did Last Xmas." He probably came back to the same universe because if he didn't, he would've run into another professor--but you can't be totally sure.
Yeah, we're still watching the Planet Express crew, and it doesn't matter from a storytelling perspective. And it's debatable how canon this is since Futurama famously resets at the end of nearly every episode. But it's still unsettling.
If someone with an identical twin dies, and their twin takes their place, their twin isn't them. The original consciousness--the person that we knew--is gone forever.
This is also why "Jurassic Bark" doesn't hit as hard for me because Fry wasn't bringing Seymour back to life. He was making a clone. That clone isn't Seymour.
Maybe I'm taking a TV show too seriously, but if everyone's replaceable, then maybe "All the Way Down" isn't implying that every life is important after all. One simulated person is as good as another.
In any case, I can't deny that the ending was fantastic--probably one of the best endings that I've ever seen. The crew watches the world pixelate around them, but instead of having an existentialist crisis, Fry and Leela slowly lean in for a kiss. I almost cried, which is no easy feat! Very few movies and TV shows move me to tears.
The writers minimized Fry's role in season eight, implying that he's no longer the main character, but maybe Futurama said everything it had to say about his story. He can't be the "fish out of water" forever; at a certain point, he's going to adjust to the future.
I had some issues with this episode, and I disliked a few others (what the hell was going on with "The Prince and the Product"?), but overall, season eight had great gags, funny topical references, sweet moments between the characters--the Comedy Central run was pretty mean-spirited--and fresh takes on scientific concepts.
Ultimately, and I'm saying this as someone who's been watching Futurama since 1999, this revival was worth it. Futurama just won't die, and maybe it's a cash grab, but it's also because the fans love it so much.
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therandosfandos · 8 months
Sum: Based off of the deleted scene from "The Six Million Dollar Mon"
After Roberto demonstrates on Bender, after it's all over, Fry is worried and needs to get his robot repaired, but it's so bad that he'll only allow his orange head meatbag to touch him and no one else
@frenderbender09 @euforimorily
With it all over, the human ran to Benders side. The robot looked terrible. His whole metal body skinned of the outer shell which revealed vulnerable wires, gears, parts and Benders endoskeleton. The robot was tossed on the ground. His arms and legs lankily dangling from their connected joints. Static came from his voice box which was sparking out electricity from the seams.
"F4y!?!!?...", Bender can't speak properly. Fry watches his robot boyfriend tried to move but only fell backwards. The redhead frowned, more concern falling over him.
Fry's heart ached at the sight of his lover in distress. Ignoring the pain in his own hands, he attempted to lift Bender from the ground. But the searing pain from the exposed wires and jagged edges made Bender's metallic body too hot to handle.
"Ouch! Hot, hot, hot!" Fry yelped, he could hear Bender hissing in glitchy pain too, the human wondered how he'd do this. Recoiling as he singed his hands. Bender had a sad look in his optics. Like he felt guilty for hurting his human. It wasn't Bender's fault. Fry shushes him. Determination flashed in his eyes as he took off his red jacket.
He could see panic in those yellow bulbs instantly. Like he was afraid of the red. The robot whimpered and backed up, letting out squeaks one would hear from a car radio when you're in a underwater tunnel. Fry hesitates, he doesn't do anything yet. "It's okay...it's just my jacket, buddy..", he assured the little bot. The robot hesitantly reaches out, wincing, until he felt it.
The soft fabric. Not metal. Cloth. Not the insane killer who hurt him.
Fry smiles gently and he started to hastily wrap it around Bender's battered form. "Oh baby...sorry I didn't interfere...", he mumbles. Bender can't speak back, so he only looks at the ground. He wanted to reassure his meaty boyfriend, to tell him that he couldn't interrupt what happened to him due to the other manbot being a crazed killer. He just nuzzled his visor into Frys jacket.
With newfound caution, Fry carefully lifted Bender, cradling him in his arms. Bender winced in pain, Fry nodded, determination replacing fear. "We'll get you fixed up, Bender. Just hang in there."
Bender shook his head. Then he carefully and weakly points at Fry. It's as if he was saying he only wanted the human to fix him. No one else.
Fry seems surprised, "Bender...I...thought you didn't trust me, you always think I'm gonna break you, baby...", and it was honestly rightful to think such a thing. Fry was clumsy and didn't know what he was doing. It didn't mean he wouldn't try his best though.
The journey through the desolate and dark laboratory was slow and arduous. Fry's steps were measured, each movement calculated to minimize the pain for his wounded companion. The jacket cocoon protected Bender from further harm, but the reality of the situation weighed heavily on Fry's shoulders. The professor and the crew weren't here anyways. It was all up to the redhead.
Bender's optics dimmed as he fought to stay conscious, the agony threatening to drag him into a mechanical abyss. His usual snarky remarks were replaced by ragged breaths and muffled whimpers. Fry, feeling the weight of his friend's suffering, pressed on with determination etched on his face. The human hated that his lover went through such a thing. His baby.
Once they reached a near workbench, Fry gently laid Bender on it. The metallic echoes of Bender's cries filled the room. Fry surveyed the damage, his heart sinking at the sight of his friend in such disrepair. Bender's voice box emitted distorted sounds, the once smooth voice now a cacophony of broken tones.
Fry fumbled through the toolbox, gathering tools he hoped would be sufficient for the impromptu repair job. The room was filled with tension as Fry delicately began his work. He could feel Bender's eyes on him, a mix of pain and trust lingering in the air. Bender knew Fry loved him. Fry wouldn't try to break him. He knew it. However, he still cracked one optic open to keep check on his meatbag. Just in case.
As Fry worked, Bender's sobs began to subside. The pain still lingered, but a newfound trust blossomed between man and machine. Bender watched Fry with a mix of vulnerability and gratitude. It wasn't just about physical repairs; it was about the emotional mending between the two robsexuals. Fry started with Benders voice box, carefully rewiring it so the bot could speak again. He cringed each time the bot made a screech. "I know, I know, it hurts waffle...but it'll make it all better...I promise...", Fry says gently.
He then went ahead and started to fix his lovers leg tubes and arms, straightening them back out so it all was equal length again. Fry kisses his metal boyfriends cheek and whispers praises, saying how well the bot was doing. It made Bender feel so much better when Fry called him great, amazing, a lot more.
The final step was to redo the outer casing of Bender. It would be hard. Fry hesitates then gets out spare scraps of metal and welding tools. Bender looks at Fry and tries his new voice box, "...it's okay, meatbag...you can do it... it'll hurt me, but just do it", he says. Fry winces. He doesn't want to hurt his robot but if Bender trusts him that much, he'd do it. "I love you, baby...", he states.
Fry then held Benders hand in his own, which the bending unit was grateful just for the nice psychical touch again. His boyfriend always knew how to keep him calm. "I love you too, asshole", Bender chuckled. The human giggles, at least the robots personality was in check. The welding process began and soon was complete. It hurt like a mother fucker, but everything was back in order. Benders systems ran it's usual checks, all normal. He then sat up cautiously. He could walk again. He goes up without a word and buries himself into the humans chest, "thanks idiot...", he muffles. Fry smiles gently, "anytime, baby...anything...I'd never leave my robot broken", he chuckles. Bender playfully gives a punch on the humans shoulder and wraps his mechanical arms around the orange haired man's body. "Hm..", a content hum came.
Fry picks his lover up and goes to sit on the couch in the hangout room, where they always chilled during work. He gets out a can of Slurm and beer from the mini fridge and turns on "The Scary Door". Nuzzling his head into Bender, the two had a quiet night without any more interruptions. Everything would be okay.
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minnesotabysamia · 2 years
hi to my 47 bot new followers and my 1 real new follower. going to my freestyle rap class and then my call of duty zombies class (<- needed elective credits, wanted to do minimal work.) my new phone (flip 4) is so cute and sexy bc she folds and I got a nice case that looks like arcade carpet a bit. I watched all of futurama very fun show. I crochet now and I'm about to finish a nice shoulder bag. bye now
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betty-bourgeoisie · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Thank you to @draw-a-circle-thats-the-compass for the tag!
What book are you currently reading?
Polysecure by Jessica Fern. It's a book about attachment theory and how it can be applied to poly relationships to improve communication and minimize jealousy.
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I don't really watch movies, and even if I did I'm not gonna go to movie theaters while people still refuse to wear masks in public ✌
What do you usually wear?
Jeans or cargo shorts with a t-shirt and hiking boots. Depending on the weather I'll wear either a short sleeve button-up, a flannel, or a wool sweater over my shirt. I also wear a bandana most of the time.
How tall are you?
5'3 and a half
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
I'm a Leo, and although my partner could tell you my entire star chart I really don't know more than that.
I don't know about celebrities or historical events, but I do have the same birthday as my best friend's older brother, which is a huge bummer because it means they're always busy on my birthday 😒
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
Normally I go by my name, but since my name is a little unusual and hard to pronounce if I'm working with young kids I'll go by "Barnacle" (A name that I'm told fits my personality unnervingly well, though I'm not sure that's a compliment)
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Kind of? When I was little the two people I admired most were Jonas Salk, inventor of the Polio vaccine, and Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy from Star Trek, and this culminated in a several years-long aspiration to be an epidemiologist for NASA (not a real job). I definitely don't work for NASA and I'm not an epidemiologist, but I do work in public health - specifically preventative public health, so it's not too much of a stretch.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
I'm an aromantic relationship anarchist so uh.. doesn't super apply? But I do have a QPP and multiple other platonic life partners.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I'm very good at identifying different types of seaweed and I am so so bad at cardinal directions.
Dogs or cats?
What’s something you would like to create content for?
Lamo, I would love to have the free time and executive function to create content at all
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Futurama! (The number of sad Frender fics I've read in the last week is truly embarrassing)
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Lamo, graduating college tbh
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I can cut almost any type of string with a broken sea shell and enough determination
Are you religious?    
Yep! Know I've mentioned it here before but I'm a youth pastor at a Pagan church
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
I get unreasonably attached to my day planners and I would like my 2023 planner to get here already so I can start the long and emotional process of adjusting to it
Tagging @apersonwholikeslotus, @ireneultramarine, @astrophilic-soul, @council-of-beetroot
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futuramawallpapers · 4 years
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My one, most important lesson for DMs: STEAL.
Steal everything. Steal with both of your grubby little hands, your mouth, your feet, and, if you can manage it, whatever lovecraftian horror lies between your legs. Take everything you can.
People often think creativity is conjuring things ex nihilo from your head.
It's not.
You know where the rust monster came from?
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The same goes for the owlbear, carrion crawler, umber hulk and purple worm, and the bullette was created the same way by Gygax's friend Tim Kask, who was also a play-tester and the first editor of Dragon magazine.
One of my favorite adventures I've run was literally the plot of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic season two premiere A Canterlot Wedding. I just replaced the ponies with the various humanoids of D&D, and Queen Chrysalis with a warlock. The plot was exactly the same, just with the minimal amount of massaging to let outside characters blunder in. And it's my favorite because that's all it was, but none of my players watched MLP so no one caught it (which was actually a little disappointing, for me the fun of references and allusion is other people getting them).
My other favorite D&D thing I've done is a dungeon I've variously referred to as Deathtrap Dungeon, Meatgrinder, and The Trial. It is, broadly, my own creation, but it was incited by my visceral hatred for how Gygax wrote the Tomb of Horrors. I wanted a super hard dungeon, but one that gave the players a chance, so I wrote my own. And within it is a bunch of stuff I took from other places.
I planned on the PCs being stuck in it until they finished, with no ability to leave and sell things or rest in town, so I needed a way for them to still use money. So I took Vulgrim from Darksiders, who serves literally this exact function. I didn't use "Literally Vulgrim," I created my own faux-Goetic demon Claunek, but if I ran someone who was a big Darksiders fan through the dungeon, they would likely recognize Claunek as Vulgrim.
On level three, some doors are infected with a specialized fantasy cordyceps fungus.
One of the rooms on level one requires sigil construction to solve. There's a grid of various dangerous effects, and a slot on one wall with a bunch of lettered tiles nearby. You have to figure out the right word or statement to spell out in the slot with the tiles to create a bridge across the grid. Now, this wasn't a great thing to throw at my players, because none of them know anything about sigil construction or magic squares. So they made a lot of rolls and I had to expo dump.
A similar concept appears again later on, but in this latter case, it's not about making a sigil but constructing a sator square from lettered tiles, which then is the clue as to how they proceed.
One of my favorite characters I've made was the result of "I like playing artificers" and combining the Voltaire songs Riding a Black Unicorn, The Mechanical Girl, and the basic plot of Iron Man. I never got to play them, but I still like the character I made.
Another character I made, and did get to play, began as "What if Saitama from One Punch Man plus Professor Farnsworth from Futurama, but as a wizard?"
I'm literally working on an adventure right now that was inspired by listening to the song Die Anywhere Else from Night in the Woods, and I'm kind of working towards it being more or less the non-character-dependent plot of Night in the Woods.
My point is, don't feel like you have to come up with things out of nothing. Steal plots, steal characters, steal monsters, and twist things together, and put your own tweaks on things. It's not wrong. You're just making adventures to run for your friends, or characters to play in your friend's game. This kind of blatant creative theft is only wrong if you're claiming you created the thing, are using it wholecloth with no changes, and trying to profit (either literally financially or in some other way). For just a game at your kitchen table? Take whatever you want, put your own spin and coats of paint on things, and just have fun.
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neko-chan-13 · 2 years
So, Futurama won’t stay dead and have been avenged by Hulu.
Of course I’m sure they’re mostly doing this for the money and to capitalize off the nostalgia of children or teens who watched the show and are now are in their twenties and it’s scary and I’m personally grabbing my shovel really tight, ready to burry this beloved franchise again the instant something goes wrong. But for now, I’d like to put those scary things aside and list a bunch of thing @warlepidoptera and I would personally like to see happen and that would give me hope that maybe Futurama should stay alive a little bit longer!
Zoidberg and his Girlfriend
I would love to see her again! And I would love to see Zoidberg in a actual relationship! Maybe some drama could insu with Marianne remarking on his poor work conditions with the other employees and how not normal that is? It could raise some questions on what defines friendships and different ways people show it! Also, Marianne would be awesome as a side characters, maybe she finds treasures in the trash sometimes and it could be an episode whole plot! But I’d be happy if Marianne is just there and would not be forgotten, Zoidberg deserves to be happy and she’s a really interesting character I’d love to see develop a bit more!
A mention of Kiff and Amy’s Children
Maybe they’re ready to leave the swap? :0 If so, what does it means for them, is Amy ready now? How many of them are there? We know Amy loves Kiff and would not leave him and we saw him very excited to be a dad, but what about Amy is she ready to have a family? Even if we don’t get exactly that, I would love to see more of Amy since I feel she’s one of the main cast we see the least of!
More casual Fry and Leela!
So, their memories of their life together will be reset, sadly. Of course an idea would be to have them experience conflicted memories of what happened and even if I think that would be very cool to have an episode more in the vibes of The sting, with trippy visuals and confusing stories, that’s not exactly what I expect. I would love to see them act as a normal couple would! Maybe holding hands more often, sitting a bit closer together, just small changes. If we’re talking something bigger, maybe they’re still engaged after all! With a different ring of course but it could be a nice touch! I’m honestly very scared that Fry and Leela will break up in the new episodes, and even if it would be an interesting one off episode, I personally would feel like it’s a slap in the face of all their characters development and their very emotional final which they will have forgotten! Leave them together and focus more on the romantic relationship of other characters! I think Leela and Fry had their moment to shine, leave the big drama out of their relationship! Or keep it very VERY minimal.
Fry’s parents
Either in flashbacks or with the idea the writers mentions about bringing them back. I think I’d prefer for them to stay dead, but if they’re brought back to life, I kinda don’t want them to be human! An interesting concept could be that they’re projected as an hologram, or what if their head was preserved for some unknown reason? They could have been the test subject of the jar head technology and hidden in storage for year and forgotten
The Niblonians asking Fry’s help again
I feel like it’s a real shame that they dropped this plot line in the original run and then forgot about it in the revival, I don’t really have any ideas on what they could ask Fry’s help for, but since they all know Nibble’s an actual intelligent creature and not just a pet, it could be interesting to see this side of the story developped a bit more, either in a comedic way, or a serious way! (And also a call back to Fry’s importance in the Univers cause yee :3)
Remeber the Time travler they Scrapped?
Long story short, they scrapped a backward time traveling person that would BE backwards in their every moves. I think it could be a funny concept, maybe for an episode or two. I would love to see it linked to the univers being unfrozen and reset, and maybe some insight to what the futur hold to the characters.
A classic Philosophical episode with Bender
You know, I feel like Bender’s not only the best for those episodes, but also he’s a very interesting character for all the gender mush they put him through. Why not a philosophical episode on that? Mostly because Bend Her and Neutopia are terrible episodes and we deserves better-
And finally, depending on if the revival is good or bad, if it’s good, it can wait a few more episodes but if it’s not:
Planet Express closing Forever I want Futurama to end. I don’t want it to come back more. Yes, ok, Planet express could just, reopen if needed, but I don’t care. Close the compagnie, show explicitly that the story is done. Don’t bring it back. Let it rest while is was still a good show, and don’t renew it for more episodes. I’m ok with maybe two new seasons of Futurama. But I don’t want it to turn into what the Simpson became and tell new fans that it used to be good, and funny and unique.
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How would you upgrade Momo's hero outfit as a way minimize the chances of her heart giving out?
I... have no idea how she can minimise those chances... maybe she could wear a device that tells her how much body fat she's got. Like Leela in Futurama.
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coldspellwizard · 3 years
Been brainstorming tattoos because getting excited about it is gonna help me stick to my goal better
I already have a futurama tattoo of nibbler I commissioned several months ago, maybe I'll post it idk I dont want someone to steal the image because i wanted it to be a unique tattoo. Or on the other hand I could post it to help promote the pal who made it, she has a lot of really awesome art, idk
A description of it is: a black and white image of Nibblers head, all three of his eyes have X's instead of pupils. His mouth is open and there's stardust coming out of his mouth as if he was vomiting stardust. Behind him is foliage and flowers. All of the image is a black and white line drawing with minimal shading.
Other than that I know I want some kind of prarie grass with the deep roots going down (kansas praries are where i grew up)
A hyper realistic worm with a voice bubble saying "see you soon" (this is inspired by "There's a Hair in my Dirt" by Gary Larson
And maybe some other Gary Larson / Farside comic, possibly Cow Tools if thats not too basic or something
Idfk definitely something relating to Over the Garden Wall, Adventure Time, Star Trek, Regular Show (thinking a line drawing of Pops that says "chosen one" underneath it)
Idk i have a fuckin while until im gonna need a solid choice from myself
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She pouts and nearly pokes tomura before pulling back last minute. “Sorry tomuchan, didn’t mean to cross boundaries. But! My point still stands! Plus I’m quirkless with minimal martial arts training. I’m not special enough to become a serial killer.”
Dabi: I wouldn’t say serial killers are “special.”
Shigaraki: Yeah, and there’s always the accidents.
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[ID: Picture of Fry from Futurama squinting. Text reads “Not sure if you’re condoning murder or trying to steer her away from it.”]
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
Today I hit 600 (!! wtf !!) followers so I thought I’d post a few things about me so you can get to know me better!
Soo, here are 10 Facts to Get to Know Me :)
1. I am nineteen 🍻
2. I identify as female, cis, and straight, and I use the pronouns she/her 👩🏻‍🌾
3. My favorite colors are rust orange and any shade of muted green! 🏜
4. I am in the class of 2023 majoring in biology at a university in New York 🍎
5. My favorite tv shows atm include: Psych, Criminal minds (duh), New Girl, ATLA, Lucifer, Schitt’s Creek & Futurama 🛸
6. I am allergic to peanuts 🥜
7. My favorite music artists atm include: Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low and pretty much any song they play on ALT channels 🎶
8. My top 5 characters on criminal minds are (in no particular order) Reid, Hotch, Rossi, Luke, & Emily 🕵🏻
9. Some of my favorite episodes of CM are : 4x24 Amplification, 4x03 Minimal Loss, 13x22 Believer, 14x01 300, and 2x11 Sex Birth Death 📺
10. I could eat pho everyday of my life & be happy 🍲
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