#gabby solis
whyihatemidou · 4 months
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My roomie and I finally finished housewives after over a year crazy that it just faded to black after this scene
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mary-alice-young · 2 years
Listed below in order left to right
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sexilene · 5 months
I saw that you watch DH, whos your favorite?!! Mines Gabby 💕
ooooh! hmm mine would be bree i just ugh love her so much and i love the bree and gabby friendship that was always my fave!!
edie is a close second, i cried when...yk 💔🍎
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felizzlemynizzl · 2 years
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send in your submissions, current and past polls can be found on my pinned post
have you done your daily click
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suncaptor · 1 year
Desperate Housewives is such a hilarious show. They tried to convince me Eva Longoria had "lost her looks".
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hotdamnitsmoony · 8 months
what i think the marauders favourite tv show would be - based on my favs :)
james - stranger things. he’d watch it because everyone was raving about it and then become emotionally invested in the characters. he thinks the concept of the monsters is really cool but also very terrifying. he’d definitely make everyone else watch it too, and he’d be mouthing along the lines while they did. his favourite character would be steve harrington, because i think they’re pretty similar. the episode he’d like the most would be s4 ep6.
regulus - the rain on netflix. it’s a kinda disturbing show about an apocalyptic world where the rain literally kills you if it touches you and there’s a whole thing with sibling betrayal and i just feel like he’d eat it up. his favourite character would be lea or kira. he would really love dystopian and apocalyptic shows in general tbh. his favourite episode would be the cult one, because it explores religion in an apocalyptic world.
sirius - greys anatomy. i’ve said this before but he would secretly LOVE greys, even if he won’t admit it. his favourite character is addison montgomery, closely followed by mark sloan. the episode he likes the most is the musical episode but if you ask him, he hates it. also he would so do the superhero pose amelia shepherd does before her surgeries before he does anything important.
remus - the society. it’s a dark, weird and kinda obscure show that only had one season because of covid but he’d love it. he’d bring it up in conversation with everyone and ask them what they’d do if all adults suddenly disappeared, which would obviously have varying responses. he’d complain about not getting a satisfying ending to it all the time. his favourite character is sam or kelly definitely. he can’t choose a favourite episode because literally so much happens in every one.
lily - the good place. i’ve also said this before, but i just genuinely think she’d love it. it’s a show that she would watch while knitting or studying, because it’s easy to follow and funny. she’d definitely quote it a lot and it’d create some great & healthy conversations between the marauders about mortality, morals and death. her favourite character is janet!
pandora - a series of unfortunate events. she’d love this show wholeheartedly. it’s so messy and reminds her of the odd things that seem to keep happening to her. she’d know the “that’s not how the story goes” song and sing it all the time, though she’d change the lyrics to fit whatever situation or drama is going on. her favourite character is sunny, and she started wearing more bows in her hair because of violet! her favourite episode would be s2 ep3!
mary - desperate housewives. she would love the drama, the betrayals and the overall storylines. she’d know every little thing about it, from all the names of lynette’s children to mrs mccluskey’s backstory. her favourite character is gabby solis and she will take no criticism. her favourite episode is the one where carlos’ mum falls down the stairs.
marlene - glee. i genuinely believe she’d know every single big song and wouldn’t stop singing them. you hear “Don’t Stop Belivin’” being sung (badly) in the hallway? it’s marlene. her favourite character is santana lopez and she knows the entire monologue that she says to kurt in season 6. she constantly complains about this show but really does love it. her favourite episode is the klaine & brittana wedding!
dorcas - heartbreak high! she’d love the petty drama and storylines that happen in this show, and she’d so create her own “map” but put concealment charms on it because unlike harper and amerie she’s smart enough not to get caught. her favourite character would be ca$h or harper, and the episode she likes the most would be ep4.
barty - how to sell drugs online (fast)! this show is so hilarious and i really think he’d enjoy it. he’d smell the plot twists coming a mile away but he’d still love it, and probably make evan watch it with him. his favourite character is moritz because he’s just such an idiot and he sort of reminds him of himself, though i feel like he’d love lisa too. he would say that he doesn’t have a favourite episode because he loved it all.
evan - the umbrella academy. he would compare the dysfunctional family to the marauders nonstop. he’d love the way it explores time travel and superpowers, and would spend hours in the library researching if it was possible because he’d get hyper fixated on it of course. his favourite character is klaus (no surprise there lol) and he literally cried during that one episode in season 3. his favourite episode is the first ever one.
(as always, these are my own opinions!! i’ve personally watched all these shows and love them all very much!! this took a while to make but we move who needs a sleep schedule anyway. )
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spettriedemoni · 1 year
Solo un cane
Lo scorso inverno ho deciso di prendere un cane.
Sono andato al canile comunale, che a Milano sta in via Corelli.
Per arrivarci bisogna passare davanti al centro di detenzione dei migranti, che è lì accanto.
Banale quanto inevitabile notare che persone e cani sono tenuti in cattività così simili e vicine. Peraltro, entrambi privi di alcuna colpa.
Al canile di Milano sono molto seri, non è che vai lì e prendi il cane. Devi compilare moduli, sottoporti a interviste, indagini psicologiche, diverse visite perché possano decidere qual è il cane che va bene per te, o meglio il contrario.
Dopo la terza visita mi hanno fatto scegliere tra due. Ho scelto il più anziano, per solidarietà anagrafica.
Poi ho dovuto, giustamente, fare altre sei o sette visite per familiarizzare con lui, il cane dico.
Ogni volta passavo davanti al carcere per migranti. Ma questo si è già detto.
Ogni volta poi passavo tra le gabbie dei cani, a cui lì non manca nulla di concreto ma stanno tutto il giorno in gabbia da soli.
Il problema è la solitudine, mi spiegavano i ragazzi del canile. I cani, come gli esseri umani, hanno l'affettività alla base della loro piramide dei bisogni, al pari di cibo e acqua. Ma al canile, con più di 200 cani da curare, su quella cosa possono farci poco.
Dopo un po' di settimane mi hanno dato il cane, finalmente. La solitudine per lui era finita.
Ho chiesto, uscendo, se potevo avere informazioni sulla sua vita precedente, sui sette anni che gli avevano imbiancato il muso da bastardo. Mi hanno detto solo che stava al canile da qualche mese, che il proprietario precedente era morto, ma niente di più perché c'è la privacy.
Il cane e io, dopo, abbiamo fatto il nostro normale percorso di amicizia - e chi ha avuto un cane ne conosce l'assoluta bellezza. Ma io non ero ancora formalmente il suo padrone, c'è un periodo di solo affido, per essere sicuri che l'adozione funzioni.
Ha funzionato, quindi un po' di tempo fa mi è arrivata la carta del passaggio di proprietà. E c'era su scritto il nome del padrone precedente. Fine della privacy. Qui, chiamiamolo T.
Vado al pc e lo googlo, per innata curiosità.
Trovo solo due cose.
Una è la sua pagina Facebook abbandonata. Ma non abbandonata perché era morto, proprio abbandonata da sempre. L'aveva aperta nel 2017, zero "amici" e non ci aveva postato neanche una parola. Solo tre foto: del cane, il mio cane, quando era giovane e il muso era ancora tutto nero. Una era in montagna, il cane pareva contento.
Mi ha fatto piacere.
L'altra cosa che ho trovato su di lui, googlando, era una pagina recente della Gazzetta Ufficiale in cui si affidava a un tal avvocato la ricerca di suoi familiari, per "eredità giacente".
C'era anche la data di nascita di T., sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale, e la residenza a Milano (che buffo, stava vicino alla radio dove lavoro adesso) e il codice fiscale. Scopro così che siamo quasi coetanei, anzi lo eravamo.
Faccio il giornalista, per eccesso di curiosità.
E così telefono all'avvocato che deve gestire "l'eredità giacente". È gentile, mi spiega che lui non conosceva il defunto e che dalle indagini per trovare eredi non sta cavando un ragno dal buco: non risultava aver alcun parente, il vecchio padrone del mio cane. Né aveva fatto testamento.
Un giorno, uscendo dalla radio, per via della consueta curiosità decido di passare dalla casa dove abitava il mio cane.
Mi presento alla portinaia.
Gentilissima - e commossa quando le dico che il cane ora sta con me e sta bene.
T., mi dice, viveva per lui, anche perché non aveva nessuno.
Non lavorava: viveva o sopravviveva grazie all'eredità dei genitori, ma faceva esistenza modesta.
Non aveva amici, nessuno, dice la portinaia.
Usciva tutti i giorni a pascolare il cane, e basta.
È morto in casa, da solo, l'estate scorsa.
Cioè, non era proprio da solo: c'era anche il mio cane.
Dopo un po' di giorni che non lo vedeva uscire col cane, la portinaia è salita a bussare.
Ha risposto solo il cane, con un disperato guaito.
Lei allora ha chiamato la polizia.
Hanno sfondato la porta. T. era disteso accanto al letto con una confezione di medicine in mano.
Il cane tremava come una foglia, mi ha detto. Lei gli ha dato da bere e da mangiare, lui ha solo bevuto.
Poi lo hanno portato al canile.
Il problema è la solitudine. La questione dell'affettività, che è alla base della piramide dei bisogni.
(Alessandro Gilioli)
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copiouscouples · 2 years
Random Thoughts on Why Women Kill Season 1
Warning: Show is rated MA and contains adult themes.
You can 100% tell that Marc Cherry’s thumbprints are on this series. He has a unique storytelling style.
Simone is Gabby Solis’s sister from another mister. The glow up from shallow to a woman of substance was an enjoyable (but heartbreaking) journey.
Tommy was some nice eye candy but I wish I hadn’t looked up the actors’ ages- a 30 year age difference made their love scenes a little uncomfortable to watch.
My love for Jack Davenport is still going strong. I haven’t seen him in anything that I haven’t loved him in. RIP Smash.
While I did binge this, in the middle I got antsy to know why and who the women killed. I feel like 8 episodes would’ve been better. There were some filler episodes.
I loved the thread of the same house through the decades.
Beth Anne was the craziest of all the wives, but having someone gaslight you into believing you’d played a hand in killing your own daughter will do that to you.
Didn’t really care for April. It’s hard to be sympathetic with someone who willingly and knowingly sleeps with a married man.
Taylor was annoying at first but by the end I really liked her. They made Eli more sympathetic at first but then flipped the script when we saw all that she’d been through because of his addiction. She became a lot more relatable after that.
Jade/Irene was honestly scary. I was so relieved when she died. Ding dong the witch is dead.
I cried no tears over Rob either. I felt for him when I thought he was cheating as a coping mechanism for losing his daughter but after we found out what he did - that guy can kick rocks.
I do not support Naomi’s rampage and nastiness against Karl, but not gonna lie if I found out my high school aged child was sleeping with someone 20 to 30 years older than them - I’d go nuclear too. We have a double standard. It’s cool and fun when an older woman sleeps with a younger man but icky and gross when an older man does it. No, it’s icky and gross no matter who it is. I can see why Naomi would have been angry/murderous towards Simone. I think sans the terrorizing a terminally ill man in his dying days - she had a perfectly normal reaction to finding out her child was sleeping with a woman decades older than him.
The one loose end that I wish had been tied up was Sheila and Beth Anne becoming friends again. Sheila was a good friend - better than April had been.
Poor Teacup. I’m glad Taylor and Eli took him at the end.
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fearsomeandwretched · 7 months
desperate housewives for the top 5 characters!
Bree Van de Kamp Gabby Solis Lynette Scavo Edie Britt Karen McCluskey
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nexttopbadbitch · 2 years
Maddy Perez is just going to grow up to be Gabby Solis if you think about it
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roamingtigress · 7 months
Vandermatthews is so Carlos and Gabrielle Solis (Desperate Housewives) coded. With Dutch being Gabby of course. Or Edie.
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spcrklings · 9 months
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( lizeth selene, gender non-conforming, she/they ) — 🎬 just announced, inez campos solis is casted as needy lesnicki in upcoming jennifer's body reboot. the twenty5 year old is trending as people are debating if the glittering eyeshadow under neon lights, suit with a deep v neck and chunky gold jewelry, wearing sunnies no matter the occasion, spontaneous trips to get matching tattoos w anyone & everyone, and lace & leather that they are known for is enough to make them as good as original. a quick google search shows that their fans call them whimsical , but internet trolls think they’re more reticent . i guess their newest interview for variety where they talk about the time they got locked out of their apartment at 3am will let people to know them better.
lil stats !
full name: inez campos solis. nicknames: nez. gender: gender non-conforming. pronouns:  she/they. orientation: lesbian. parents: valentine solis ( father ) & paola campos ( mother ) siblings: lucia campos solis ( older sister ) & francisco campos solis  traits: whimsical, compassionate, reticent & overprotective. xtra aesthetics: 2am convenience store runs, macbook webcam selfies after getting ready, amusement park enthusiast, clay stained clothes from pottery.
lil bio !
one could say that artistry was in their blood, creativity bursting from both parents. paola campos, an internationally recognized children's illustrator & valentine solis an established glassblower.
the campos solis children were a rambunctious bunch, but nearly inseparable. as a middle child surely it would be easy to slip through the cracks, but inez was hard to ignore. with a big personality and a loud voice, lucia and francisco usually caved to inez's will ( with love ). playing pretend was the name of their game and inez was VERY adamant that everyone plays their role correctly.
their parents tried to harness all that energy into something productive and then it wasn't long before inez was cast in a handful of indie projects around their childhood home in san miguel allende, mexico. from age six to fifteen she had post credits ( however small the project ) in around 10 projects in mexico.
the family relocated to los angeles around their fifteenth birthday, inez's love of the industry sparked their older sister's interest in screenwriting, and her brother's love of cinematography. a family affair ! it didn't take long for inez to break into hollywood & they haven't looked back since!
it's nearly impossible for inez to take anything BUT acting seriously. always joking, laughing, and making light of situations. they have the outward expression emotional rage of a teaspoon as themself, but boy can they emote as any character thrown their way.
fame did bring some anxieties, especially since word vomit was her absolute specialty. it helped that inez deeply and unconsciously pushed down every single negative emotion of their own, couldn't fuck up if you're positive polly and goofy gabby !
they keep their personal life pretty private, or at least, never really commenting on anything too deep.
ALSO ! they're a pottery extraordinaire.
wcs !
ex on good terms - probably didn't date long, they both figured out neither of them wanted a relationship, but wanted to stay connected platonically
ex on bad terms/first real love - inez CANNOT express their real feelings verbally which is not conducive to a healthy relationship. she absolutely fell head over heels for this muse and still has feelings for them, but god was it pretty impossible for them to share it. we can def plot breakup specifics, but i'm sure inez's issues didn't help anything !
anything else!
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scontomio · 30 days
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💣 Kipling Borsa a Tracolla Piccola Gabbie S 🤑 a soli 39,13€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/kipling-borsa-a-tracolla-piccola-gabbie-s/?feed_id=266939&_unique_id=66c64d7734f3c&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Kipling%20Borsa%20a%20Tracolla%20Piccola%20Gabbie%20S La borsa a tracolla Gabbie S di Kipling è un accessorio di stile e di praticità. Realizzata in poliestere, resistente all'acqua, è dotata di scomparti multipli e misura 22 cm di altezza, 29 cm di larghezza e 16,5 cm di profondità. Il peso è di 0,33 kg. Ideale per le tue avventure in città, Gabbie S è la borsa perfetta per un look alla moda. #coupon #kipling #borseatracolla #offerteamazon #scontomio
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princessofmistake · 2 months
[...] ricordo di aver passato un pomeriggio con Mr Richter allo zoo del Central Park, ero carico di cibo per gli animali, solo qualcuno che non è mai stato un animale può mettere un cartello che dice di non dare loro da mangiare, Mr Richter raccontò una barzelletta, io lanciai gli hamburger ai leoni, lui fece tremare le gabbie con la sua risata, gli animali scapparono negli angoli, e ridemmo, ridemmo insieme e da soli, a squarciagola e in silenzio, eravamo decisi a ignorare qualunque cosa andasse ignorata, decisi a costruire un nuovo mondo dal nulla, se nulla si poteva salvare nel nostro mondo, fu uno dei giorni più belli della mia vita, un giorno in cui vissi la mia vita e non pensai affatto alla mia vita.
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