#gadget stfu
unwrathful · 6 months
i love how amano just leaned into cool gadgets and stupid shonen power ups in khr. she just said oh u guys like bullshit power systems and pretty men? here u go.
yes i liked the vongola gear stfu
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senshis-tenshi · 19 days
The worst part about owning an old iPhone is when you’re trying to charge it and it pulls the the “oh this gadget isn’t supported on this device” bs
Bro it’s a charger. It’s a fully functional charger, you charged for two full minutes before deciding it’s actually not a ✨compatible gadget✨ just because it doesn’t have the fucking apple logo on it and wasn’t 70 bucks, stfu and charge you princessy piece of shit
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Yall I wanna give someone in my MCU Dr two cats named Gizmo and Gadget but I don't know who so y'all get to pick
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teenage-monster · 6 months
Well, in the end Oingo Boingo didn't appear in my room at 3 AM but I did dream about something related to them. I don't remember much but in short I didn't want to go to a museum and I told I think my mom that "if I wanted to see dinosaurs I would go see Oingo Boingo". Ok...
Also in the same dream there was an interview with Danny Elfman about Inspector Gadget since he had "made" the music for something from the series. Bitch stfu you didn't do shit.
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reyislikesotired · 1 year
okay spiderverse au where izuku is the guy in the chair for katsuki; he's had to come out once or twice as like a sidekick or smth to help out katsuki in a pinch (not that he'd admit it but izuku knows and just does it because who's gonna stop him? definitely not katsuki)
he also calls katsuki "katsuki" cause i say so and in this au they would be more acquaintances since they grew out of eo during childhood but izuku calls him kacchan when he wants to annoy or tease him
katsuki only calls him "deku" when he's out as spiderman and is talking to him through the communicator in his suit (izuku, with the help of hatsume, remade his more,,, rudimentary outfit)
izuku: really? ur gonna go out in that?
katsuki, in big platform boots, cargo pants, a tank top, domino mask and vambraces on his arms: stfu
izuku found out about katsuki being spiderman p fast
katsuki: what do u want nerd?
izuku: oh yk mom and i were watching the news last night and this article came up and yk, its so interesting-
katsuki: get to the fuckin point
izuku: -dont interrupt me unless u DONT want a more high-quality suit for ur next patrol
katsuki: next patrol? what-
izuku: ur spiderman arent u
katsuki: ... stupid shitty nerd and his stupid shitty observation skills
izuku: yeah anyways, ur coming with me after school ;)
katsuki: wait-
hatsume, ofc, has a million and one ideas for gadgets for the team
katsuki: will this shit explode again?
hatsume, with a wide grin: only ur enemies
katsuki, grinning feraly: perfect
and other times...
hatsume: so i got a new idea for the magnet boots babies-
katsuki: no.
hatsume: wait-
katsuki: no, that shit almost ripped me apart. no.
hatsume, pouting: ur no fun, when have i ever [izuku and katsuki open their mouths to answer] no dont answer that
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
What was vander’s and jinx/vi’s mom relationship like?
In FnF, Lika is almost a feminine mirror to Silco (minus the Zaun obsession and the revolutionary zeal) in that she's a survivalist, and a playful master of her craft as a gadgeteer.
She's also deeply damaged, with a tendency to play with men's heads.
Her relationship with Vander in the flashback chapters is mostly from Silco's PoV - and he's not very charitable, being her de facto romantic rival for Vander's attention. Hers and Vander's bond is described as passionate, quarrelsome and deeply dysfunctional, with plenty of infidelity on both sides.
Despite all this, Vander in FnF would say without hesitation that Lika's the love of his life. Lika would say Vander is a dear friend, and someone who'll always have a place in her heart.
Silco would say they're both gross and need to stfu.
I have a snippet up here that goes into their dynamic<3
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andypasta · 2 years
Yoo my mom told me if I don’t get my math grade up to a B she’s gonna take my phone and computer away for a whole ass year and lock me outta my craft room. As if it’s not a high school course I’m taking in 8th grade and having trouble understanding it the way my teacher explains it. Like damn woman stfu or I’ll take your gadgets away.
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liminalnucleus · 2 months
I had a dream where I drove a Land Rover and it had a little metal shelf in the back that had a door with a window on it and I could put my plants in there.
That dream transitioned into what I can only describe as a cross between Dune, the Fifth Element, and Silkie from the original Teen Titans and it was also a movie.
The cast was Emma, Olivia, and Harry from HotD. Anyway, in this place Olivia's character was blue and Emma and Harry's character were human and they didn't have enough money to understand certain things. But there was still dragons??? And anyway, this is where Silkie comes in. There are secretly huge ass Silkies that eat dragons and that's how the dragons went extinct. Silkie in this story is fucking huge, like Dune worm sized.
Eventually we jump to a cab where unfortunately Leonardo DiCaprio is in, I know it was my dream but I had no say in this casting and his Taxi driver was Malcolm Barrett from Preacher and the dude is just trying to mind his business, make his money, and not do anything illegal. But Leo's character is like "nah man, listen, you gotta listen to my story, just between us and I'll pay you to listen." So Malcolm listens but he thinks Leo is on some crazy spice.
Eventually Leo stfu because he's messing with this radio gadget and he hears bits of convo with Olivia and then switches and he hears the stuff he was saying and Malcolm is silent cause he's like "shit the government was listening. Shit."
Then we cut to a BtS with the cast and it's this random ass very well choreographed TikTok dance that Olivia and Harry know and it was actually pretty impressive.
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cxra-melty · 3 years
I stg if someone doesnt tword my tummy and just make me an embarrassed giggly mess in the next 10 minutes im gonna go buck wild
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maraariana01 · 4 years
me, everytime i design another character: dont make an askblog dont make an ask blog fuck shit goddamnit dont do it dont do it dont d
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incorrectinfinity · 3 years
Fuck Devsisters but TK and Croissant are my obsession so I have a whole list of thoughts, enjoy
Croissant costume :
Did she avoid losing her eye? (The injury is also switched holy shit)
Hair is more swirly, I see what they did there
She looks unhinged and we stan <3
Similar outfit to TK (sleeves, hat, pants)
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Croissant time gadget :
I said the time warper was a TK reference, gosh golly gee was I so fucking wrong
So, I am pretty sure it is an undeveloped/prototype of the Time Warper (which I thought TK made, woops) which means either there is another Croissant (maybe?) Or kingdom is set in the future (holy shit)
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String Gummy :
I am going to cry, oh my god who are they I need to know
Twizzly Gummy relative????
This means there is a possibility that there will be a Twizzly Gummy follow up, I need a second-
I have been thinking about Twizzly's relation with the TBD since she came out I am so hyped
Smile detector my beloved
Timekeeper costume :
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TBD story :
I have wanted a follow-up on Timekeeper and Croissant's dynamic since I read Timeguard, it's here :)
Dangerous cookie from unknown timeline stealing Croissant's new tech for unknown but probably nefarious purposes therefore causing a chase, sound familiar?
There is a small yet probable possibility that there will be answers for kingdom (if it is a different timeline, when kingdom takes place, what the fuck is going on with Mont Blonc, etc)
Extra Timekeeper things :
I am so proud of our gear boy, he has ascended <3
What is the updated trial going to look like????
Ruler of Everything is literally Timekeeper's theme song stfu
I am so happy that I going to be hearing Timekeeper's theme more, an absolute masterpiece of a song
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
Who did frost pay 400 (US) dollars to fuck off
Besides kali
I wanna say one of the Russians, because of the lore from Harry's first board (from The Hammer and The Scalpel) indicating there was no small amount of tension between Canadians and Russians due to wildly different ways of operating in the field. Although if you take Kapkan's gadget report at face value, he doesn't seem very thrilled to have Frost around even if he respects her, so maybe he's the one paying her to get lost lmao.
I'm gonna mix that with my HC that Frost and Ying are friends, and she has Ying's back during her arguments with Fuze. So whenever thigns get too heated Frost is all "look, I'll pay you to stfu and leave, deal?"
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ask-those-dumbasses · 4 years
Battle Tactic Analysis (for the comic): Part 2
Yes I'm still thinking about this stfu.
George is. Inch resting. He’s somehow the most cautious and the least cautious of the main group. While he’s the only one that carries an actual shield, he can also be stubborn and impatient at times. Doesn't help that Sapnap loves to push his buttons.
However, in his prime, George is actually pretty logical and smart. He’s constantly trying out new strategies and likes figuring out new tricks with Dream. He wants to figure out how he can improve, and does so constantly. In a fight George switches between his sword and shield. Bock, hit, move, block, hit, move. While this is very predictable and relatively common, George makes up for it with little surprises.
One of those surprises is his dragon, Georgette! Though he doesn't use her in battle much (because you know, she baby and George doesn't want her to get hurt), if he does, she sticks to the skys. Georgette blasts her target with small fireballs on command, and can drop items from above. George also has three little robot drones that can assist with battle. They have tiny little blasters and cameras. This way, if they need to check a room to see if it’s safe before running in, they have little helpers! How cute! If only some people coughSapnapcoughSkeppycough remembered they existed. His goggles also alert him to possible dangers he might not be able to see, and can analyze his opponent to find a weak point to stab at. Basically, George has a bunch of little gadgets.
Overall, George is a very well balanced member of the team, who provides great support and coverage. If only people listened to him more often.
“Bad’s a sweet little muffin he wouldn’t hurt a fly! uwu” Get that shit out of here. He wouldn’t hurt a fly because they don’t do anything wrong. But if anyone so much as looks at Skeppy the wrong way, he will maim them. Bad is surprisingly one of the most deadly and also one of the few who thinks of a plan before he acts, most of the time… more on that later.
If Bad is anything, it’s aware. He’s very aware of the battlefield, in fact he kinda has to be. His shadow travel is his best weapon and he uses it a lot. He can travel between areas to help his friends, appear behind enemies, or get out of a sticky situation. Because of this, Bad’s tactics change depending on the environment and what his team needs at the moment. For example, in a big open field Bad would simply appear behind his enemy and provide support for his allies. Meanwhile, in a densely packed forest, Bad sneak through the shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.
Bad’s fighting style is almost a mix between a ballet dancer and fencing, similar to Dream but a lot more… acrobatic. Bad is very flowy and swift, much like the flicker of a flame in the wind. He’ll use his thread to attach to something and fly through the air, or to throw his needle at the enemy and pull it back. Sometimes, if the environment is right, he’ll trail his thread behind him to trip up enemies, or to circle his enemy to tie them up. Bad is a man of many tricks, but sadly he’s very light sensitive, which can throw him off. Now it’s time to take that pin out from earlier.
--> Remember that thing I said we’d talk about? Here it is. Bad’s shadow form.
Bad’s shadow form is… completely different. Pure animalistic instincts to attack and protect. He lashes out in anger, biting, scratching, bashing, killing, whatever is in his way. Keep in mind, Bad does not enter this form voluntarily. It only happens when Bad gets so enraged, he cannot control his actions. It’s not even really Bad anymore. Bad would never hurt his friends. His shadow form is another story.
But at then end of the day, if all else fails, Bad will probably just throw muffins at his opponent until they leave him alone.
Skeppy is another fighter who uses rush tactics. He runs straight into the fight without much thought at all. Skeppy goes in and haphazardly hits anywhere he can. This is… confusing to say the least. It’s hard to hit an unpredictable target. If Skeppy doesn't know what he’s doing next, then how can anyone else? He has no method. Maybe an unconscious pattern, but not anything intentional. The only time he has a plan is when someone else orders him to.
Because of this, Skeppy is very good at adapting. If a situation changes, it doesn’t take him long to recover. He might be a bit shocked, but he’s back on his feet and ready to fight. However, this also means that Skeppy is very brash, and can panic and trip up easily. Plus, when Skeppy gets hit, he will snap like a twig. Just ask Techno.
Just as you’d expect,Skeppy sometimes uses “trolly” methods, if he uses one at all. While I made the joke of Skeppy’s favorite weapon being a lava bucket, that part isn’t entirely true. Mostly because that’s very inconvenient most of the time. No no no, Skeppy uses smoke bombs. Dark blue tnt shaped smoke bombs. Where’s he getting them? That’s what the group has been trying to figure out for the past 5 years. What does he use them for? What do you think?
Skeppy is also the biggest distraction. If they need a distraction, it’s Skeppy. It’s always Skeppy. Because the slippery bastard can get out of many tight situations, they don’t need to worry too much about him. Bad always does though. :3
More coming soonish maybe. Leave suggestions in the comments! Also, this came out sooner thanks to the people in my Discord server! Join us if you'd like!
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catxsnow · 3 years
The amount of ppl who have come at me for saying batman is one of my favorite superheroes yesterday 😔 How many times do we need to have the conversation that he's more than just a gadgets guy using brute strength to win a fight and that he should help Gotham by using his money for good causes instead of being batman is an empty point to make, for it to click?
Everybody’s allowed to have their own favourite no matter who it is 😫😫 I can see why people don’t love batman or why they have people who top him in the list of favourites. But to diss someone for loving batman?? Just stfu like geez
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prompt-master · 4 years
I have a headcannon that shuichi is a fan of inspector gadget and listens to the theme/opening song during investigations and I don't remember why I even headcannon it.
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th3okamid3mon · 4 years
Detroit Evolution is a good movie, stfu.
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(the title is a joke, im sorry) 
I watch ¨Detroit Evolution¨ and this is my comment on this:
¨I am impressed by the quality of this film. This movie has really good production value and the writing was well done. A couple points against I have are minimal. There are a few scenes that don´t need repetition like the scene with Tina and Gavin while they look after Nines. It cuts the flow a bit. The scene where Chris looks bewildered when Gavin and Nines kiss passing a bit to fast, it could´ve have a couple seconds. This are peeves of mine at the end. The Music was really awesome! It give a lot of mysterious vibes and has some calming sense as well, but I am a bit confused at some points where there was no sound at all, not atmospherical nor musical. I don´t know why the decision came to that. 
Other than those points, everything else came together well. There were good explanations by the abscence of characters, the actors did a great job (not entirely a fan of the pantomime at points), the editing was well done as well as the special effects all cuts were well done as well as the transitions, the directing showed a lot of love for this concept and story (Im a bit curious to know if Michelle Iannantuono made other projects before, this is the first thing Ive seen) and the photography was amazing, the lights, the composition, the use of the depth as a way to focus on certain points. 
The thing that I loved the most was the freaking art! Both the backgrounds and clothings! Everything fits amazingly and the locations they choose helped a lot to make us see this as the same place the game takes in. There were very clever ways to hide the real place (Im assuming they did not rent any studio and went all natural) and making it look like the game with the aesthetics and gadgets. A very well done job in all the departments!¨
Movies can be created anywhere and by everyone. DONT FALL FOR THE HOLLYWOOD BULLSHIT. People back in the days made short films out of bullshit, and they were well made and pretty much completely weird. This was made with love by fans for fans. Sure, its a ¨crack ship¨ like a lot of people call it and i completely agree but this was just fun to watch. BECAUSE THATS WHAT MOVIES ´RE SUPPOSED TO BE! They can be deep and heart-crushing but they can also be fun and wholesome. And at this scary times I rather watch this kind of movies than something that will only crush me like Chinatown or Rosemary´s baby. 
Don´t be afraid to have fuckin´ fun
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