#gang initiation
Part Of The Gang
I haven't posted in forever but I missed Tumblr. I also had to take this piece somewhere. Nothing else to say but missed the whump community.
@irathgo @smellofsnoww Keir is not happy.
Keir had finished another one of Jeremy's stupid errands. Breaking into a warehouse was the not the most ridiculous things he had ever asked but its up there.
He said it was important, whatever it is, he just wants it done already.
He pulled his coat up, it looked cloudy outside, could rain. Good the rain's noise could cover for him.
Just as he got into the warehouse through, the lights were turned on. Aimed at him and only him. Keir shielded his eyes from the light.
"happy you made it." A voice behind the light said.
Keir didn't give a reaction to Jeremy's surprise entrance. Another game he figured.
There were more people in the room, he could feel it.
"Finally introducing me?" Keir asked, his tone and expression blank as always.
Jeremy hummed, "you could say that." He replied. Keir could hear the happiness in his tone.
"got anything on you?" Jeremy asked.
Keir put his hands up to show he wasn't armed. He can't try anything here if he wanted to. They'd probably kill him in an instance.
Despite this two men walked up behind Keir, search probably, he thought.
What he didn't expect was the sharp pain he would feel at the back of his head. Then everything went black and he fell to the ground .
When he woke up he was in a chair, restrained to it. Jeremy is always playing on his nerves one way or the other but this was different.
He realized he was in a large cage and he was locked down in a chair. Medieval style with his feet and hands as well as the chair locked in place. But everyone else could see him.
Keir tried but of course he couldn't get free from the restraints holding him.
"Look, this is going to hurt." Jeremy said, the cocky smile ever so present. "but it's going to be good."
He wanted to answer the man but realized he couldn't. They gagged him with a piece of cloth in his mouth and tape to keep it in place. Keir could only look at him with fury in his eyes.
Jeremy walked around him, admiring his new member. "I had high hopes for you kid.'' Jeremy said, circling Keir.
It was visible this was a public thing, so many members were here. An initiation.
"And you surpassed them all." Jeremy commended him but honestly this whole thing made Keir sick.
He had to run every errand that this fucked up asshole sent him on. Jeremy still held everyone's life above Keir's head. He knew Keir would never risk the lives of the people around him.
With the gag on, all Keir could do was glare at Jeremy and all the others.
"After everything you've done, I think you deserve to be a part of my family." Jeremy said, motioning to the people around.
There was a sense of ceremony as the people gathered around. The more Keir looked, the more he realized that everyone wasn't wearing their shirts.
The room wasn't well lit but he could swear he was seeing something around them. Something on their chest. He squinted trying to make out what it was. It was circular with a strange pattern in it. He moved his head closer to make it out some more, it didn't look like a tattoo…no it was….
Keir's eyes grew wide when he realized what that was. A brand, they were branded, that's what this whole thing is about.
He began to move around the chair, trying to get his hands and legs free.
"Welcome." Jeremy's loud voice announced.
Two men came and stood beside Keir, holding the chair and him in place.
He demanded they let him go but his demands were muffled by the gag in his mouth.
Jeremy continued as always, a person came closer wheeling what looked like a furnace that had long metal bars sticking out.
Keir's eyes turned to horror when he saw that. He turned to Jeremy, only to see him being handed thick gloves by some other guys.
Keir tried again to get away, but they held him down.
Jeremy proceeded with his business, picking out a white hot branding iron. It had a pattern that Keir had seen on Jeremy a few times.
He gave a nod to the two people holding him and they ripped Keir's shirt away.
At some point when Jeremy was merely a foot away Keir stopped struggling, it was futile,but they didn't let go. Trying to ready himself for the inevitable pain, he wasn't getting out of this.
The branding iron was still so hot that some of it seemed to melt away, dripping to the wet floor. Fizzling out but not before a fight.
That would be put on him and he couldn't do anything about it. It was all too real finally when Jeremy was standing right in front of him. Branding iron in hand and proud grin on his face.
"You're now part of my family." Jeremy told him, Keir looked up at him with cold fury that Jeremy just seemed to eat it up. He looked….proud.
Without warning the white hot iron was dug into Keir's bare chest. He screamed but the sound was mostly caught by the gag.
His struggles were stopped by the men holding him. All he could do was endure the smell of his burning flesh and the pain that came from the heat.
The people around were cheering the new addition but all that was drowned by the explosive burning sensation. Jeremy dug deep and he began trying to shake away some more just wanting it to stop. He begged at some point.
It felt like it went on forever but at some point, Jeremy pulled the iron away and placed it in a bucket of water brought beside him.
The men from before let go of Keir, the young man's head fell to his chest. He felt exhausted, all this just took the energy out of him. He breathed heavily through his nose until someone removed the gag and he breathed through his mouth.
"Almost done," Jeremy said and Keir struggled to look up.
"F…uck…y…ou…" Keir huffed, still unable to even lift his head.
Jeremy chuckled, "just hold on." He put the gag back in Keir's mouth.
Someone came later with a plate, there was powder on it. Jeremy put some on his hand, covering only his fingers.
Keir's mind was fogged up with all of this, sweat dripping from his forehead, wetting his hair.
That's why he couldn't see as Jeremy began to rub the powder along the fresh wound.
"This is to make sure it's visible." He said as he applied the powder gently. Every spread made the pain worse and Keir just wanted it to stop.
Keir began to scream again, trying to move his shoulder away but Jeremy held him with one hand until it had gone full circle and inside the pattern.
All this continued despite Keir's pleas for it to stop. At some point they got quieter, Keir feeling more and more fogged up. His mind shutting down.
By the time Jeremy was done Keir's cries were merely mumbles and barely whispers.
Jeremy removed the gag and lifted the boy's head, feeling proud of Keir. He raised Keir's head by his chin. Keir's eyes were glassy and empty. Unable to focus on Jeremy until they closed.
That's when he lost consciousness. Jeremy smiled as usual. They began to take Keir out of his restraints. Now the next couple of days would be rough, but he knows Keir can handle it.
James wasn't expecting such a weird call that day but everything connected to the kid is weird. But this is worse. He took his coat, noticing how rainy it was just minutes before.
They say they found the kid, but he was passed out somewhere in an alley. He always has people around and they know to look out for Keir.
He rushed over, taking his car with him until he stopped at the place Keir was supposed to be.
They didn't touch the kid yet, something was keeping them from doing it apparently.
"Where is he?" James asked immediately as he stepped out of his car.
The guy that called him sighed, "this way." He said and began leading James to his nephew. They all knew who Keir was and they saw him as family just as James did.
James kept following, the guy stopped a few feet from where Keir was propped up against a wall.
The kid looked about alright, he wasn't bleeding, he didn't look beat up and he was alive from what he could see. But that doesn't explain why he was unconscious.
James stepped closer, he knelt down. Before he could even check for a pulse, he saw it. That's why his men were hesitant to get close. That bastard branded the kid and made him a part of his gang. Everyone must have been scared just in case he was dead.
James cursed, but proceeded and checked for a pulse, thankfully he found it. He has no time to think about gang laws right now. Keir would be fine, he probably just passed out from the initiation.
He lifted Keir off the cold floor, the kid was shivering. Well he was soaked right now. They just had to leave him in the cold rain. Fucking pricks.
He got to the car and his friend earlier at least helped him open the door.
James took off his jacket and immediately wrapped it around the kid. They didn't even give him a shirt at least
James hurried upstairs when he reached the loft. He dried and clothed the kid as quickly as he could. He could feel his temperature rising the more he helped him get dry.
Before he could dress Keir however he had to take care of that nasty brand. He couldn't get rid of it, it's too late for that now. He made the hard decision to just treat it so the kid wouldn't get a terrible infection. It's the only way he could make this go smoother.
He started with the painful process of cleaning and dressing the burn. Keir moaned and whimpered as he did it. Trying to get away from pain, James held him down without much effort.
"Yeah I'm almost done." James told him. The kid probably couldn't hear him anyway. But he finished dressing it and put something warm around the kid.
He placed a cold pack over his forehead and wrapped him up to try and get that fever to reduce. Already did all the other necessary things, like antibiotics and pain meds. Just had to wait to see how he takes it.
This won't be easy
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teg-report · 11 months
Teen Noah Ney, 16, Gets 50-Year Prison Term for Shooting 5-Year-Old as Gang Initiation
Noah Ney, who looks really young for a 16-year-old, got a 50-year prison sentence for shooting a 5-year-old girl in the neck as part of a gang initiation. Tulsa community leaders think the community is safer with him in jail. Ney admitted to doing bad things with guns, drugs, gangs, stealing, and hurting people. He shot a little child when he was 15, but the court treated him like an adult…
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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mourning black and the death of ideals
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humbuns · 1 year
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dunmeshi print i did with beloved mutual @kamuyagi !!! get your serving of this print now available here!
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dr3am-b3an · 3 months
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(Body type hcs)
sticks but in shapes other than sticks
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casualavocados · 3 months
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You took the blame for me. ...Give me a break. [...] Besides, it's been four years now since Zhang Teng's death. Why are you still hung up on those solved problems? What are you trying to do? Who says they're solved?
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dallasgallant · 4 months
Tough Slang |
I’ve been watching a lot of delinquent movies (I have recs) lately and I’ve started to collect the slang common in them. This is a “dictionary” that’s useful for writing but I’d still recommend looking up period or group specific slang yourself too, consider this a starting guide.
Primarily 50s-60s , mixed with general slang and relevant words.
Baby: Term of endearment [also used in Gay context]
Backseat bingo: Making out
Beat it: Go away
Belted: Beaten; Hurt
Bent car: Stolen car
Bit: Job; Robbery plan
Blade: Knives [typically switchblade]
Blast: Good time
Bop: Kill
Boss: Liked man of authority
Box job: Safe cracking
Break it up: Stop fighting
Broad: Woman
Bug: Bother
Bugging: Freaking out; Tripping
Bulls: Cops
Bum: To get by asking or begging; Vagrant
Bunk: Sleep with ; Share a prison cell
Candy ass: Coward
Can opener: Tools capable of breaking open safe
Can: Prison
Cheese it: Stop what you’re doing; Look out
Cherry: Good looking/condition [typically a car, sometimes a person]
Chicken: Coward
Cool it: Calm down
Cooler: Prison
Con: Convict; Swindle
Copped: Had the cops called on; Ratted out
Cranked: High; Drunk
Crash: Stay/sleep at someone’s place
Crazy: Deranged ; Enthusiastic about something
Cut the gas: Get to the point; shut up
Deck: Box of ciggerettes; To punch
Dibs: Laying claim on something
Dig: to understand; to like something
Dive: Low down place
Flat: Broke
Flip: Panic
Freak out: Wild/irrational reaction or behavior
Fry: Executed by electric chair
Fuzz: Police
Gas: Fun or cool
Get bent: Get lost; Go fuck yourself
Get lost: Go away
Greaser: Young man with greased hair, usually of lower class , gang affiliation or juvenile delinquent
Hang: Gather together with no expressed purpose
Hang loose: Relax; Take it easy
Happenin’: Exciting/Lively/Busy ; With the times
Heat: Police
Heater: Gun
Headshrinker: Shrink; therapist
Hip: With it; Understand; Cool
Hoodlum/hood: Trouble maker; Criminal
Jam: in trouble; Cram something
JD: Juvenile delinquent
Jive: Agree with someone
Jug: Prison
Jumped: Attacked without warning; Beaten
Keen: Eager; Enthusiastic
Lay off: Leave alone
Lifer: Someone serving a life sentence
Loaded: Drunk; Armed [Depending on context]
Lone it: Do something on ones own
Loiter: Stand or wait around without purpose; hang out
Man: Colloquialism for emphasis or familiarity 
Neato: Neat; Excellent; Exciting
Nance: Efféminent guy/Gay
Pack: Carry some sort of weapon
Pad: Where someone lives
Pansy: Efféminent guy/Gay
Paper shaker: Cheerleader
Pops: Affectionate term for an older man
Punk: Hoodlum
Rat: to tell on
Reefer: Weed; Marijuana
Rod: Gun
Rumble: Organized fight
Scram: Go away
Scum: Despicable person
Shiner: A black eye
Sock: Punch
Skin: Fight with no weapons
Slug: Bullet ; Hit
Stay cool: Remain calm ; control yourself
“Give some skin”: High five or handshake
Spill: Tell information
Split: Leave ; Get out fast
Square: Uninteresting person; Someone never in trouble with law
Stuck: Stabbed [in context]
Sucker : Gullible person; Someone who was conned
Swingin’ : Exciting ; Hip ; throwing punches [in context]
Tanked: Drunk
“The man”: Figure of authority keeping systems in place [Oppressive] ; One who maintains status quo
Turf: Territory
War council: Meeting between organized gangs to work out issues or plan a fight
Waste: Kill
Weed: Cigarette
Whipped: Beaten
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royalarchivist · 2 years
Tubbo: So, Scott. I heard you like to have sex with men. Let’s talk about that.
The infamous conversation from everyone’s Origins stream the other day. (Includes Phil’s POV, and the full conversation)
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jonathanrogersartist · 2 months
I want to like Leslye Headland. I really do.
But when you frame Osha's murder of Sol, a flawed but still ultimately good person, as 'triumphant' and is Osha's moment of finding self-actualization as a woman, and that Leslye expected the audience to see it as a moment of victory for her agency...
I gotta question your whole moral framework.
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wynandcore · 5 months
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Just look at it.
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indilaras · 5 months
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Desert Gang Week 2024
Day 2: sparring
In which the feeble scholar is still feeble in comparison to the Mahamatra and the Lioness, but there's always a bigger fish. Heron?
Image description in Alt Text!
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zuuzuuberry · 5 months
Initial D Headcanons - What's their random/useless talent?
Project D!
Keisuke - He can solve a rubix cube. He used to never understand how people did it, but one of his friends in high school made fun of him because he couldn’t solve it. It then became his obsession for the next two weeks, and he’s now able to solve it in record time. 
Ryosuke - He can write with both his right and left hand, both separately and simultaneously,. Also really good at drawing organs, skeletons and different kinds of medical-related diagrams. They're always extremely accurate, and he can sketch the human skeleton in under 2 minutes. 
Takumi - He’s able to do the flower tongue fold. When he got bored, or zoned out as a kid he tended to fold his tongue differently subconsciously. Itsuki thinks it's both super cool and super gross. He can also wiggle his ears. He is also super good at crane games and has won Itsuki almost everything he’s wanted. 
Tomiguchi - Is an expert pen spinner. He learned how to spin pens a bunch of different ways, and you can often tell how he feels from how he’s spinning them. If he’s spinning them really fast or doing the endless spin, he’s nervous. If he's pushing it back and forth between his thumb and forefingers, he’s thinking really hard about something. He is also a GOD at dance dance revolution.
Kenta - He can burp the alphabet. He saw somebody do it in elementary school once and spent weeks learning how. Kenta also has pretty flexible fingers and can bend them back to touch his wrist. He used to have a habit of bending his fingers all the way to the back of his wrist, then hooking them underneath his bracelet and just leaving it there. It never bothered him but it freaked Keisuke so he stopped doing it. 
Matsumoto - He’s really good at untangling jewelry. Even the smallest knots he finds someway to undo. He’s also really good at juggling. His best is four things at once, but if you have him hold any two (nonfragile) objects, like a fruit or a water bottle, you’d likely come back and find him juggling with them. 
Fumihiro - SUPER good at shadow puppeting. Like he can make a bunch of different animals and objects, almost anything you give him. He’s also really good at catching flies for some reason. Like if he sees one buzzing nearby he can swipe it with startling accuracy, and he kills them on the first try every single time. 
Gas Station Gang!
Kenji - Really good at making balloon animals. He can make the most random animals in just a few seconds. He can also jump rope really well, and can do tricks with it, such as crossing his arms back and forth and hopping on one foot. Kenji is also super good at baton twirling. Catching it between his fingers, spinning it over his shoulders, everything. He never officially learned how, he just saw somebody do it once. Now whenever he has a somewhat long and cylindrical object in his hand, he will do small spins with it. 
Iketani - I can imagine him being able to make really good impressions of people. He used to practice the voices of people from his favorite TV show when he was younger, so it became a habit. He’s also REALLY good at whistling and can do a cartwheel. He has a pretty decent memory, which allows him to recognize the makes and models of so many different cars, as well as have a small fun fact about almost all of them. It also means he tends to memorize people's license plates when he gets bored at the gas station. Also he can moonwalk. 
Itsuki - He can hula hoop almost practically forever. Found out during a middle school PE class where he spent the entire time trying to teach Takumi how (he still doesn’t understand). He can peel oranges/tangerines with the peel still in one piece. He’s also really good with chopsticks, as his mom made him practice a lot when he was younger. He can replace them with almost anything (crayons, pencils, ex) and use them just fine. 
Bunta - He can make smoke rings. He used to show them to baby Takumi and it blew him AWAY. This kid was amazed. Bunta also has amazing hearing, despite his age. He complains about crickets and dripping faucets while he’s trying to sleep. 
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mrs-gauche · 3 months
I'm so interested to learn more about this "initial Veilguard" that John Epler talked about in this interview. It said "Varric and another handful of adventurer, the initial Veilguard, have been tracking down Solas throughout Thedas" before the start of the game. So, who are/were they? Where are they now? And why have they seemingly disbanded/split up? Or are they dead? And if not, where were they when the ritual happened? 🤔
Was it the "Special Task Group" formed by the remaining Inquisition after the end of Trespasser, the initial "We need to find people Solas doesn't know"? But if they were already a thing during the "The Missing" comics, it's kinda strange that there was no mention of them whatsoever? Then again, the Missing had so many inconsistencies and logic errors, anyway. lol But regardless, I assume Harding was part of it as well?
Before I heard about this, I had assumed that "The Veilguard" would be our main group formed in reaction to what happens during DA4's prologue... But it makes sense, considering the end of Trespasser? I just didn't expect them to give this group an official name, I guess? lol And again, who even came up with this name in the first place? 😂
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gaylittleguys · 1 year
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my girlllll
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
Today I am once again thinking about biker!Bakugou. Sigh.
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rorynni · 3 months
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my friend told me that all of my favourite characters are the exact same and i may have proved her right
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