#gargoyle girl
prismaticdragee · 1 year
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Many wingies! 🦇
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gurinn · 9 months
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echoegargouille · 5 days
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Échoe Gargouillé: WIP + Sneak Preview
Hello, everyone! Bonjour gars!
Here’s a sneak preview of original character creation I’m currently working on. It’s Échoe Gargouillé as she is the lifelong brainchild concept of an original gargoyle superhero of mine.
Who is Échoe Gargouillé? What’s the story?
She is an immortal “Gargoylus Lapideus” — which means “stone-like throttler” due to experiencing her ultrasonic vibrations through a powerful scream — it is the fanciful species designation chosen for her by human scientists who founded her in a frozen block of ice after drifting throughout the Atlantic Ocean. The reason why she was frozen because Gargouillé originated from 13th century France as being once served the legendary warrior Renaud de Montauban, one of the Four Sons of Aymon as primary consort — his evil wizard cousin Maugris wanted to get rid of the female gargoyle. During that ill-fated battle, Gargouillé fell into an icy crevasse. Unable to escape, Gargouillé was frozen for over 700 years. Drifting within the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
Despite finding difficulty adjusting to her circumstances in the 21st century, Gargouillé discovered her newfound love of modern music, especially rock music, the gargoyle girl wishes there to be a way for peaceful coexistence between nonhuman creatures and humans alike. For that, she pursues her dream of becoming a famous singer and dancer to serve as a symbol of a peaceful coexistence of any speciate kind. That is why she joined the superhero team called the Divine Tetrad — which consists of Fatħoᵯes, Outer Stranger, and the Meltdown (based on Marvel Comics’s The Defenders) — the team primarily battles mystic and supernatural threats and Gargouillé is one of the founding founders of them as she was one who came up with the name.
What is the inspiration(s)?
Échoe Gargouillé is a very special project for me because it’s an amalgamation of my love for cartoons and comics I devoured as a kid: Disney’s Gargoyles, One Piece, Batman, and Hellboy for example. But let’s not forget Marvel Comics, prominently the Defenders which features the OG members that started all: Doctor Strange, Namor the Sub-Mariner, and the Incredible Hulk. The original characters I mentioned before are not direct parodies of the classic Marvel characters. Fatħoᵯes, Outer Stranger, and the Meltdown have their own unique personalities, backstories, and character arcs that set them apart. Similarly, Échoe Gargouillé herself is based on classic members of the Defenders such as the Gargoyle and Valkyrie but she is totally and distinctly different from the Marvel characters.
Stay tuned for more Échoe Gargouillé-related content soon! Be on the lookout for the final product of my character when I posted here alongside my other accounts, Instagram, Twitter, and Artstation, etc. Au revoir!
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draconbwhale · 17 days
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decided to work on it a bit more, now she's a swamp gargoyle girl with a knife🔪
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outofworkderpy · 2 years
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Day 1: Gargoyle  Decided todo Inktober this year.  Gonna be pulling prompts from the OG list, the Boldtober List by @DEP_NSFW , and the Gobtober List by @Uri_V_Art for variety.  Probably going to be focusing on Kobolds for practice.  1st prompt from the OG List.  A Cute Kobold Gargoyle Girl.  I really like how she turned out, I might have to think of a way to make her into a minor character for Kobold Express lol.  Traditional art.
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greenpop · 9 months
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OC color test
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kay-spider · 2 years
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Gargoyle girl, a gargorl if you will
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"There's a responsibility of being Reaper I haven't told you about, gemstone," Reaper told Sandra. "We're the guardians of the timeline."
Sandra snorts. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"We make sure things play out the way their supposed to."
"And who decides that?" Sandra asked, narrowing her eyes.
"So if there was a chance to have saved me from the zoo, you would stop it for going against the sacred timeline?"
Sandra watched Reaper squirmed before smirking. "I think it's bullshit."
"I didn't know what it would mean, little gemstone. I would never-" That told Sandra everything she needed to know.
"Right. Can't believe I trusted you."
She stormed out, anger boiling. There was only one person she could tell that wouldn't get wrapped up in the middle.
Alyssa did a double take when she saw Sandra in her illusion form hanging outside the hospital she was working at. It was unusual for them to get lunch together on one of her breaks or meet up, but it was usually scheduled over their watches.
Sandra glanced at her and pulled the hood of her hoodie up. She looked like a modern take on the grim reaper. "Let's go somewhere more private, I need to talk."
Alyssa glanced back at the hospital. "Should I inform the staff, I won't be coming back? Because this kind of feels like I'm not coming back kind of thing."
Sandra swirled her scythe. "Anywhere outside of Heaven and Hell, right? What about time travel?"
"Why are we time traveling?"
"Because my old man is all about perserving the timeline even at the expense of his daughter's childhood. So I'm going to fix everything." She grinned wickedly at Alyssa. "Want in?"
Alyssa swallowed. "You'll probably need a healer."
Sandra leaned in, "I'm sure I will, sweetheart."
"What time are we traveling to?"
"I figured we'll start with the twins."
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tasiadraws · 2 years
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Make way for Warway! 👹🖤
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izzyliker · 9 months
i’m not like an incest shipper (although like yeah me and 10k other people shipped wincest in 2013) but the more i see people absolutely losing their minds over the concept of fictional incest the more i laugh like come the fuck on now like this trope is quite literally hundreds of years old and we’re acting like it was invented by fanfiction writers. “richard siken condones incest” “ethel cain condones incest” you mean the artists who write about the rotten and the wretched and the unhealthy and the abusive enjoy digging into fictional relationships that are just that. have you lost your goddamned minds. do you ever read anything except for steven universe fanfiction. like could you handle a 12th grade english lit module on the god of small things.
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fr00t-snacc · 2 years
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I’m gonna be turning the Inktober prompts into cute girls now—
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ilustrariane · 1 year
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Hmm..so i heard this art challenge was trending?
here`s my take lol
Rain from my webcomic Atnomen - in the AU - My Cinnamon Girl, which you can read fully on PATREON, beware very dirty, but wholesome, content
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saul-tortellini · 4 months
Gargoyles, S2 E7 Eye of the Beholder
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shadowpuppetteer · 4 months
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Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
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What We Do In The Shadows
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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American Dragon Jake Long
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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
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(and pretty much the rest of the Marvel Universe) Ok, is there a name for this trope of urban fantasy being specifically located in New York? #locationstropes
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croxot · 1 month
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I made a gargoyle lady. I figure she's some kinda witch's familiar.
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flowersandbigteeth · 5 months
A Heath the Gargoyle part 2? It’s going to be the 1 year anniversary for his story soon (you posted Dec. 29 2022) and I’d love to see the couple’s relationship in a more established/long term phase. Maybe Heath is getting ready to propose so Y/N doesnt end up “dying alone eaten by local strays”?
I can't believe it's been a whole freaking year!!! Time goes soooo fast! Okay, I didn't make it the 29th...but I'm close ^_^
Gargoyle (Heath) x F reader
Word Count: 3.5 K
General Plot: You and Heath go to a childhood friend's New Years Party.
Previous Parts
TW: nsfw gargoyle smut, extremally awkward party conversation, p in v sex, flying and being in high places if heights bothers you, discussion of depression, hurt comfort dynamic
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“Are you sure this looks good?” Heath asked you, shifting on his feet and plucking at the silver tie you’d fastened to his neck to match your sparkly dress.
“It's perfect!” You beamed, smiling up at him and swatting his hand. “Don't look so nervous!” 
“I don't want to embarrass you,” he said, uncharacteristically shy. 
You snorted. 
“I’m more worried about the opposite,” you sighed. “Just…take anything they say with a grain of salt.” 
“What does that mean?” He asked. 
“Grace and I have been friends since we were kids because my mom works for her dad’s company…I kind of had to be her friend. Don't get me wrong, we were really close when we were kids,” you said. “But now I only see her for her annual New Year's party for my mom's sake. It's all I can stomach…how do I say this…she's kind of…competitive….You'll see.” 
The two of you stood on the doorstep of her boyfriend’s obnoxiously large house, the sound of the party inside filling the chilly night air. You wore a sparkly dress, and Heath a sharp suit customized to fit his wings. 
“Maybe they didn't hear me.” 
You hit the doorbell again, and it let out a hollow DING. 
“I’ve got it!” Someone shouted behind the door. 
You heard the sound of footsteps, and the door swung open to reveal Grace's boyfriend Mark. 
He was a better than average looking guy with blonde hair cut in a trendy style, wearing an expensive suit.
“Well…hello!” Mark said, his head tipping back to meet Heath’s eyes. “You’re…” 
His mouth hung open for a moment, at a loss for words, then they both spoke at once.
There was an awkward pause before you stepped forward and hugged Mark. 
“Thanks for having us over, Mark!” You beamed, shoving a bottle of champagne in his hand. 
Mark blinked for a moment as you pushed past him, pulling Heath behind you. 
“Grace’s in the kitchen!” He called after the two of you as he shut the door. 
“Hiiii!” Grace squealed as you pushed through partygoers to get to the kitchen. 
It wasn’t particularly difficult since Heath was bigger, harder, and wider than anyone in the room.
Grace looked beautiful, dressed in a glittery champagne bodycon dress. She'd always been lithe, her profile spruced up by a new pair of boobs Mark had bought her.
As usual, her party was perfect, every detail considered. There was a bartender wearing a bow tie serving drinks, the perfect music playing, and fresh flower arrangements everywhere. 
All the furniture had been removed to create a dance floor, and someone had specially designed gold lights to set the mood.
“So this is the man himself!” Grace exclaimed, looking up at Heath with wide eyes. 
“Gargoyle,” you corrected. 
“Right! Right! Henry, wasn't it?” 
Heath gave her a humble smile and stuck out a hand to shake hers. 
“Heath. Nice to meet one of (Y/N)’s friends.” 
She held his hand a moment too long before she dropped it.  
“(Y/N), shame on you for keeping him hidden away!” 
You blushed and put a hand on Heath’s arm, unsure what to say. The two of you had been half hibernating for the winter. You tended to get a bit of depression during the cold, dark months. Heath was more than happy to snuggle up with you and his fluffy little cat Aero and cuddle, which is all you really wanted to do from November to April.
People usually imagined gargoyles sitting stoically in the snow and menacing passerbys, but Heath liked to nest, tucking you both in piles of warm blankets and reading to you while you shared snacks.
Her eyes traveled from the tip of his folded wings, down the trim suit was wearing, to his clawed feet. 
“I can see why,” she went on, her mouth hanging open for a moment before she caught herself. “I'm so glad you two came!” 
“I've been missing my best friend! Let's get you some drinks!” she squealed, leading you out of the kitchen.
Heath glanced down at you and raised an eyebrow.
“Best friend?” He mouthed at you, and you shrugged. 
“Pomegranate martinis for us,” she said to the man behind the bar. 
“What do you like to drink, Heath?” Mark asked, appearing with the bottle of champagne you'd brought and handing it to the bartender. 
“Whatever you've got with Whiskey.”
“Gotcha, big guy,” the bartender said, tossing bottles elegantly as he made the drinks. 
When you were all set up with beverages, Lily led you out onto her back patio. 
“Look at this,” you said, taking in the beautiful outdoor space. “You've been hard at work! It's beautiful out here!” 
She'd put in layers of neatly trimmed flowers and bushes, which were dusted in snow. White lounges were arranged to make comfortable seating areas warmed by blue glass fire pits. The massive pool glowed, steam drifting up from its surface. It looked like it had come straight out of a magazine. 
“Isn't it? Mark got the best landscaper in the state! I'll give you his card!” 
She frowned at you. 
“Oh, you're still in that icky old apartment, aren't you?” she asked.  "You've got to get out of that place. Aren't you afraid of mold? It's terrible for your complexion."
“(Y/N) lives with me. Gargoyles like high places, so I have a flat downtown,” Heath corrected her, then smiled down at you. “Though the only plants we have are potted.” 
“Heath is really good with plants,” you said, smiling back at him with warmth. “He’s made us a whole jungle on the balcony!” 
“Hmm,” Grace hummed, eyes dropping to Heath’s large hands. “You look like you're good with your hands, Heath. You’ll have to come by sometime and give me some lessons.”
Heath’s eyebrows rose, glancing down at you for help. 
“How’s work going, Mark?” You asked to change the subject. 
“Mark got a promotion,” Grace said before he could answer. “He's a senior account manager at Dawson and Shields.” 
“Congratulations, Mark,” you said politely. 
He raised his drink and put a possessive arm over Grace’s shoulder. 
Before anyone could speak, one of Grace’s’s friends practically ran towards you, eyes on your hulking boyfriend. 
“(Y/N)!” Mary wailed, throwing her arms around you in a way she’d never done before. 
“Oh…Oof!” you gasped, catching her weight. “Uh…nice to see you again, Mary. This is my boyfriend, Heath.” 
He put his hand out to shake hers, but she shoved her body past it, attempting to plaster herself to his chest.
“We do hugs here!” Mary brayed. 
He took an awkward step backward, gently pushing Mary off of him with one large hand. 
“Sorry,” he said, tapping his nose. “Your perfume. My kind is very sensitive to scent.” 
He folded his big body down and tucked his nose into the spot where your neck met your shoulder, tapping a small kiss into your skin and subtly sniffing your neck as if he was cleansing his pallet. 
Mary’s face turned bright red, and she took a step back. 
“Are you still working at that bookstore?” Grace asked, filling the awkward silence.  
Before you could answer, she turned to Heath.
“I've been trying to tell (Y/N) it's time to get a grown-up job for years now. I mean, who works minimum wage at some shabby little bookstore at our age, don't you think?” 
Heath glanced at you and tipped his head to the side in a way you recognized as annoyance, though didn't look it. He took a sip of his drink to hide his frown.  
“What do you do, Grace?” He asked when he’d straightened his face.  
Excited to talk about herself, she went on, her hands waving around as she talked. 
“I'm a beauty influencer!” she said. 
“Beauty…influencer?” Heath asked. “I'm not sure I know what that means.”
She stuck out her chest to show off the Chanel necklace resting just above her cleavage. 
“I model jewelry, makeup, and nails,” she said. “Then I do reviews on all the products!” 
“Oh..uh…neat,” he said, trying to be friendly for your sake.“I didn't know that was a job. Do the brands pay you?” 
Her bright smile fell for just a moment before she plastered it back on. 
“Well…No, but I'm hoping to get some sponsorships this year!” She said. “I have 1,000 followers on TikTok!”  
Heath gave her a blank look. 
“Tik… Tok?” He asked, glancing down at you for guidance. 
“Um…it started as an app for teenagers to lip-sync popular songs, but now lots of people use it!” you explained. 
He raised his eyebrows but was at a loss for words.  
“What do you do for work, Heath?” Mark asked. 
“I own a shabby little bookstore,” he said before taking a long drag of his drink. 
“Oh!” Grace said with a stilted smile. 
There was another incredibly awkward silence. 
“Well, I think that's wonderful!” Mary cheered, squeezing his elbow. “There aren't enough brick-and-mortar stores these days! Everything is online!” 
Heath brightened, though he took a half step away from Mary.
“We do a lot of online business, as well.” 
He brushed his heavy hand over your hair, affectionately. 
“We?” Grace asked. 
“I made (Y/N) my co-owner.” 
“Wow, sleeping with the boss, (Y/N),”  Mary snickered. “I never thought you had it in you.” 
You blushed, but Heath folded you under his arm. 
“It’s the other way around,” Heath chuckled, brushing his thumb over your bare shoulder as he spoke. “(Y/N) is the boss. She’s got more of a mind for business than me. I'm just a book nerd, but she’s a marketing genius. Sales were dropping the year before last, so she managed to turn the store into more of a destination. Since she took over things, we've started focusing on hard-to-find antiques and hosting auction events. Profits have quadrupled.” 
“Oh!” Mark said, snapping his fingers. “Of course! You own Gargoyle Book Gallery! That's a legend! My boss loves antique books...first editions and all that. He raves about your spot all the time!” 
Heath tipped his drink at Mark. 
“Donny Shields, right? He comes by for poker night.” 
“Poker night?” Mark asked. 
Heath nodded. 
“Some guys from the Business League come over on Saturdays to play a couple of hands of poker and shoot the shit,” he explained. 
Mark’s eyebrows shot up. 
“I'd love to get in on that!” He said, eyes almost green with envy. "Can't imagine the conversations over that table!"
Heath shrugged. 
“We’ve got a full table now, but if a spot opens up, I’ll ask the guys,” he said. 
Grace decided too much time had passed without anyone paying attention to her. 
“Now that Mark is on track to be partner, we are going to buy a new house!” she said. “I don’t understand how you can stand to live in a tiny apartment!” 
Mark looked at her like he did not, in fact, want to buy a new house. 
“We’re still discussing it,” he said. 
Grace smacked him on the arm. 
“Don’t be silly, Mark,” she said. “With your raise, we can afford something bigger!” 
“I mean, I spend a lot of money on your stuff for TikTok, Grace,” he murmured. “Maybe if you were pulling in some revenue-” 
Grace smacked him again, harder this time, and gave him a look that said, “Shut up if you know what’s good for you.” 
“This place is really nice,” Heath offered Mark, trying to be diplomatic. “Plenty of room for a family.” 
They both spoke at once. 
“We aren’t starting a family.” 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought when I bought it.” 
You and Heath glanced at one another and took long sips of your drinks. 
“I have my career to think of!” Grace said while Mark found somewhere else to look. 
“That’s a pity. You’d be a great mom!” Mary said. “You could be a mommy blogger. Your fans would love that. You and Mark would have beautiful babies.”  
“Of course. We have excellent genes,” Grace said, enjoying being complimented. 
Her eyes slid mischievously to you. 
“What about you two?” she asked. “Are you thinking of starting a family?” 
You and Heath’s eyes met. 
“Maybe,” Heath said. “If you want to.” 
Your cheeks warmed, but not from embarrassment. 
“I’d like that,” you said. 
Grace frowned. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” she asked. 
The two of you looked at her, confused. 
“You know, because of your mental illness. You wouldn’t want to pass that on to your kids…and how can you be a good mom with depression?” 
Your heart dropped, and tears flooded your eyes. It shouldn’t have gotten to you. You knew how Grace was, but it still hurt. It was something you’d always felt a little insecure about. 
Heath’s mouth fell open, and he shoved his glass into Mark’s hand. 
“It was nice to meet you, Mark,” he said before he scooped you up in his arms, and with a heavy pump of his wings, the two of you shot up into the night sky. 
He flew a couple of blocks away, before he stopped and hovered in place.  
Tears slid down your cheeks, leaving an icy streak as they cooled. 
“Are you okay?” Heath asked as the two of you hung suspended in the cold December air.
You sniffled, wiping your tears. 
“Yeah…I told you…Grace is competitive. She doesn’t like anyone looking better than her,” you whimpered. 
You felt a low growl in his chest. 
“That’s no excuse,” he said. “I think you’ll be a great mom. I’m not the least bit worried.” 
“But what if she’s right?” you asked. “What if I’m a terrible mom? What if my kids are messed up or something?” 
Heath let out a chuff with no humor. 
“That’s nonsense, teacup,” he said. “Depression is pretty common…and you manage yours just fine. Nobody is a perfect parent, and everyone has different challenges. Grace sounds like some kind of eugenicist. It’s creepy, to be honest.” 
“Are you sure?” you asked. “You don’t wish you had a perfect girlfriend like Grace?” 
Heath laughed out loud. 
“Grace is not the perfect girlfriend. Sooo far from it. I kind of feel bad for Mark, to be honest,” he said. “You on the other hand…” 
He tucked his head in the crook of your neck, smattering kisses over the skin. 
“You are smart…sweet…patient…incredibly patient,” he whispered, kissing you or nibbling with each word. “I have no idea how you put up with that woman.” 
“You get used to it,” you murmured. 
He tipped your face up to his. 
“I don’t want you to get used to that kind of meanness,” he said. “I don’t want to control who you see…but I don’t like them. I’d rather spend the rest of New Year's with you if that’s okay, not some snobby weirdos.” 
He adjusted you in his arms, nudging you to loop your legs around his waist. You pressed yourself against his warm body to chase away the chill of the night air. With one arm holding you to him, he cupped the nape of your neck, guiding your lips to his with the other. 
He tasted like oaky whiskey, making your mouth water. His heavy kisses chased any thoughts of Grace or the party away. 
Hovering in the inky night with the twinkling lights of the city sparkling in every direction, your only focus was Heath’s thick hand holding you securely in place and his lips on yours. 
You ground your hips into his body, delighted to feel his hardening shaft meet your core. 
His hand slipped down your neck, tugging the front of your dress down with a stiff jerk. The straps snapped, and your breasts tumbled out. 
“Heath,” you gasped, but he hushed you with another deep kiss before speaking. 
“It’s dark. No one can see us. Let me make you feel good.” 
He dipped his head, drawing a peaked nipple into his mouth. The contrast of his hot tongue and the chilly air made you quake. He licked and sucked one nipple and then the other until you’d completely forgotten everything going on below. Your world shrank to just Heath and all the decadent things he could do to your body. 
Your head fell back, pleasure snaking up and down your spine as he delighted you. Thick fingers roughly shoved the skirt of your dress up your thighs, and he traced your slit, growling at how wet you were for him. Another swift jerk and your shredded panties were fluttering a hundred feet down to the snowy earth. 
You gasped his name, but he was high on your scent and taste, wholly focused on giving you pleasure. He screwed two fingers inside of you, opening you up for him. You let out a needy whimper when they pulled out for a moment but were quickly replaced with his tail, thrusting in and out of you. 
You hardly heard the buzz of his zipper, your eyes rolling back in your head. With a tight thrust of his hips, his tail slipped away, and his thick cock filled you. He clutched your ass with a deep, satisfied grunt. 
A hundred feet up in the sky, you didn’t dare unhook your arms from around his neck, so you were at his mercy as he slammed his shaft into you. You bleated lusty yelps with every smack of his heavy balls against your skin, clinging to him for dear life. You were dizzy from fear blending with pleasure, your breaths ragged gasps. There was nothing between you and falling to your death but Heath’s enormous arms and powerful wings. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, (Y/N),” he growled into your ear, practically feral from the way your channel spasmed around his cock. You were tight, wet, hot, and the only woman in the world he wanted. Gripping your ass, he used your cunt like a fleshlight, slamming his cock into you over and over again. 
The tip of his naughty tail circled your clit, pushing you closer and closer to your end until there was nowhere else to go, and you went careening over the edge. With the addition of your pussy strangling his cock he couldn’t hold back any longer, his final thrusts savage and bruising.
Your stomach dropped as he lost control of his wings for a moment, and the two of you dipped into a free fall for a few seconds. You felt his searing cum fill you as you screamed into his chest. The confusing sensation of falling and his cum filling your womb slammed you into another unexpected orgasm. You bounced in his arms as he steadied the two of you. 
“Heath!” you gasped, your nails digging into his neck. 
“It’s okay, teacup, I’ve got you,” he muttered as he titled his wings, and the two of you streaked across the city. 
Instead of heading home, he deposited you on the roof of a tall building downtown. 
“Wait here,” he said, zipping his fly, and before you could say anything, he swooped away. 
When he returned a few minutes later, he was holding a bottle of champagne. 
“Where did that come from?” you laughed as he settled next to you and tugged you into his lap. 
“I stole it from a party going on down there,” he chuckled. “Don’t worry, they have plenty.” 
You giggled, leaning back into his chest, while he popped the top, aiming the spray off of the edge of the building, before tipping a little into your mouth.
There was a pop, and fireworks exploded in the sky across the city. 
He turned you around to him, slipping something out of his pocket.
"I wanted to do this tonight...but things didn't go quite as planned..." he said, appearing suddenly nervous.
You tipped your head to the side, confused until he opened the little box in his hand revealing a pretty ring.
"Heath!" you gasped your hand going to your lips.
"(Y/N)," he said. "Since the day I hired you, my world changed. At first it was just a fantasy crush. I mean, as your boss...I felt like it was wrong to act on it...but something about you is irresistible. It was impossible not to fall in love with you. Impossible not to steal you away.
Then we started dating and for awhile, I thought that was enough...but as the year went on...I realized I was happier than I'd ever been and you seemed...happier than I'd ever seen you...So...I want to make this permanent. If...you want that..."
Your eyes danced from the ring up to Heath's eyes. More fireworks bloomed in the sky, and you could see them reflected in Heath’s dark irises.
"Are...you asking me to marry you, Heath?" you asked.
"I guess I forgot the most important question," he said, giving you a shy chuckle. "(Y/N), will you marry me?"
Tears filled your eyes again, but this time for the best reason.
"Yes! Of course! I love you, Heath! I want to be with you forever!" you said.
“I love you, too (Y/N). Happy New Year,” he said quietly, slipping the ring out of the velvet and slipping it on your finger.
“Happy New Year, Heath,” you said tucking your head into his cozy shoulder and watching the fireworks make your engagement ring sparkle.
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