#garland dice
garland-dice · 2 years
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A set that was inspired by the very first set I made, but a lot cooler with all the stuff I have learned since then.
You can get this set in my shop UwU
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pabloknives · 11 months
Viking Style Sword Ready For Ship
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ausetkmt · 3 months
click the title link to DOWNLOAD This Book for FREE from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
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Would you like to find a way into the lost world and forgotten art of Hoodoo Rootwork and Conjure?
Are you looking for a modern guide on traditional African-American folk magic to cast powerful spells, craft conjuring oils and mojo bags, and build mighty altars to guarantee positive outcomes in your love life and professional endeavors?
Hoodoo was born out of sorrow and desperation, as a weapon and a defense, from the faith and resilience of the African slaves that adapted their religious tradition to the treacherous New World. As the world changed, Hoodoo adapted incorporating Native American herbal healing traditions and European religions and magical traditions, building a syncretic powerful folk magic system that works!
First prohibited, then ridiculed and commodified, Hoodoo has always been shrouded in secrecy and passed on quietly from generation to generation for fear of reprisal, contempt, and abuse and to this day is hard to find reputable sources on conjure and Rootwork. But don’t be discouraged!
I am proud to present The Hoodoo Bible: The 7-in-1 Root Doctor’s Companion to Black Folk Magic: an in-depth, all-encompassing, powerful 7-books-in-1 bundle that has recorded our rich heritage of herbal magic, traditional rootwork, and divination practices.
More exhaustive than any other book on the market, thoroughly researched and written with ease of use in mind, The Hoodoo Bible will accompany you through the spiritual path that our ancestors have beaten for us to explore the potent and practical magic of Hoodoo to claim justice, invoke protection, and find love, luck, and success.
With over 1000 authentic Hoodoo workings, these seven volumes will bring Hoodoo alive to budding rootworkers and adept practitioners alike:
The first volume will explore the history, culture, principles, fundamentals, and ethics of Hoodoo, giving you the theoretical groundwork you need to master the craft.
With the second volume the fun really begins! This practical how-to Hoodoo guide for beginners has everything you need to start practicing Rootwork and Conjure.
By the end of the third volume, you can start to call yourself a Root Doctor. With 275+ magical herbs, roots, spices, and curios, this book will help you craft powerful conjuring oils, spiritual baths and floor washes, magical teas and tonics, herb bundles and garlands to accomplish amazingly mighty Rootwork.
In the fourth volume you will find 30+ money spells, 25+ love spells, fertility spells, healing spells, and justice spells, with easy step-by-step instructions including a special chapter on inscribed spells and a complete guide on crossroads spells.
The fifth volumedelves into advanced spellcasting and conjure, teaching you how to conjure spirits, protect your home, banish your enemies, get revenge, and lay sneaky tricks. It includes a special chapter on graveyard spells and foot track magic.
In the sixth volumeyou will explore Hoodoo divination with step-by-step techniques for bone throwing, dice casting, and Hoodoo tarot. With a special chapter on dream divination and omens.
The seventh and last volume explores candle magic. This complete guide will teach you how to build an altar and use the magic of fire and the psalms to achieve your goals, be it money, success, luck, or love.
Applying Hoodoo magic to everyday life will help you achieve your goals in your private and professional life and along the way you will discover that working the roots has also sharpened your intuition, enriched your life, and prepared you for whatever may come your way.
So are you ready to discover the lost world and forgotten art of Hoodoo Rootwork and Conjure?
click the title link to DOWNLOAD This Book for FREE from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
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reallyquitestrange · 22 days
Decorating The Normandy
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A little sneak peak of a Chapter I've been working on in my Mass Effect Fic 'Divorce Bourbon' in the cut below. I love Joker, but he seems like he'd be a bit of a holiday hater.
"Smile!" She says in a far too cheery voice, holding her right arm up to take a photo with her omni-tool. A feature Kaidan had pointed out she didn't use nearly enough.
"You know that decorations aren't allowed in the cockpit, right?" Joker asks turning back to his work. "If I'm not allowed a pair of purple fuzzy dice, You definitely aren't allowed to plaster Christmas vomit all over The Normandy."
"Come on, Joker. Don't be a Grinch." Shepard says looking over the photo of him she'd taken. "I haven't had a Christmas in 10 years, let me celebrate."
"10 years? What changed?" Joker asks, a clear tone of pointed annoyance. She remains quiet for a second, her face getting warm as she wraps the gold plastic garland around her hand leaving the small strip of it taped to Joker's chair. Asking her 'What changed?' was a harder question for her to answer than any other question she'd received in the past week of being back on The Normandy.
"A lot." She answers looking at the gold garland in her hand. It was the same type and color they had wrapped Kaidan's family Christmas tree in.
"Well does it HAVE to be in MY work space?" Joker groans unwrapping the candy cane Shepard had given him before she took the photo.
"Stop being such a Scrooge. Get in the Holiday Spirit!" She calls back over her shoulder as she heads out of the cockpit to the bridge.
"Bah-humbug or whatever..." He grumbles biting the candy cane.
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catinasink · 6 months
The unproductive weekend of throw stuff into a blender anon here
What is the optimal length for a late night shower?
Favorite species of non-corvid bird?
Favorite shape of dice?
You have half an hour to block your door, how would you do it?
Favorite corner of your room to read in? (Additionally: how many ‘zones’ do you consider your room to have?)
Best thing on your walls?
Favorite moot to mock?
Favorite moot to put in a giant sock?
Favorite moot to give a rock?
Favorite moot to push off a dock?
Rhymes are fun
What moot has been the most annoying (pleasantly or unpleasantly) recently?
uh idk ten minute
uh uh uh uh hanburger (humingibrd)
id move the bookshelf and the two cabinets over first, afterwards i will move over the other cabinet and the piano if i can
uh on the floor in middle (and uh uh uh idk)
the garland i had up
uhmmm @coloredmesa? does threatening count as mocking
@1super-nova5 :3 the enclosures are just like a sock frfr
uhh @fungal-boy-witch-yay!! my spouse!! i give him rock
and uh to push off doc, everyone from the enclosures server
themost annoying.. hh idk
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 108 - Winterfest Woes Part 1
It's Winterfest, and Ophelia should be excited, but she can't help but feel… weird about Jane's passing. Surely she would love to know her death was ruining Ophelia's day. Still, she powers through.
Gemma: Mommy, t'ee!
Ophelia: That's right, it's a Winterfest tree!
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Gemma plays with her diced pears rather than eating them.
Ophelia: Gemma, eat your food please.
The honey toast Ophelia made is probably too sugary and sticky for Gemma to handle but she was willing to give her some if it meant she actually ate.
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Ophelia: Do you know what today is?
Gemma: Winnerfes!
Ophelia: That's right, Winterfest! Today's the day we give people we love presents to show them how much they mean to us.
Gemma: P'esant!
She laughs.
Ophelia: We'll open presents tonight, sweetie.
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When Gemma runs off to play, Xander checks in with Ophelia.
Xander: How you holdin' up?
Ophelia: I'm fine.
Xander: Are you sure? I know you and your mom had a bad relationship but are you sure it's not affecting you at all?
Ophelia: Why would it?
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Xander: Don't you lie to me, Lemon Cake. I know you.
Ophelia: …I don't know how to feel. It's not like I miss her. I never expected my mom to apologize and try to mend our relationship, but now that she's gone, it feels… bad that it's definitely never going to be an option.
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Ophelia: I just want to enjoy our day. Let's go decorate the tree, okay?
Xander nods and gives his wife a deep kiss, as if that would make things less complicated. It helps, at least.
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While Gemma plays with Chompy, her parents trim the tree.
Ophelia: Popcorn and cranberries? The cats will eat it!
Xander: I don't care! It's a Pappas family tradition. I took your name, I should get to pick the garland!
Ophelia can't argue with that. Xander wins this round.
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Ophelia's in charge of the grand meal, and she knows she's going to be able to finally make something her picky girl will like. No toddler can resist baked mac and cheese, right?
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Gemma's pulled out her art supplies, determined to make her first Winterfest the best one ever.
Gemma: I make Mommy an' Daddy p'esants, Lulu!
Lulu is nowhere near as thoughtful.
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Ophelia comes to check on the girls.
Ophelia: What are you making, Gemma?
Gemma: P'esant for Mommy an' Daddy!
She's absolutely tickled Gemma, at her age, would even think of that.
Ophelia: Oh, okay, I won't peek! Mommy's just going to feed Lulu on the couch, okay?
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After Lulu is fed and burped, Ophelia just holds her in her arms. Lulu loves being held, and besides, maybe Ophelia does need some comfort.
Ophelia: I know I'm not going to do everything right, but I'll try my best. I love you and your sister. I'll try not to screw up too bad.
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The baked mac and cheese cooled off and the Lemons are ready to eat.
Gemma sits on the floor so Marshmallow won't be lonely. She takes a few bites before getting up and putting her bowl back on the table.
Gemma: No more!
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Xander: Gemma, you barely touched it. Your hunger bar definitely isn't full.
Ophelia: Ugh, whatever. She doesn't have to eat it.
She doesn't know why Gemma refusing to finish another meal has her suddenly feeling so dejected. She tried her best and Gemma still won't eat it.
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Xander: Ophelia, she has to-
Ophelia: I'm not going to force her to eat my awful cooking!
Xander: It's not awful, it's great! Kids go through picky phases. Maybe she's just sensitive to certain textures.
Ophelia: Or maybe she just hates me!
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Xander's never seen her like this.
Xander: She doesn't hate you! Why would you-
Ophelia: I would have eaten mud if it made my mom happy and my kid won't even eat macaroni! What if I try my best and our kids STILL hate me, even when I'm dead? Maybe my mom really tried and I-
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Ophelia: I… I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me.
Xander: You're grieving. It just looks different than it normally might. Gemma's saying no because she feels safe with us. You didn't have that luxury.
She knows he's right. Her mom scared her stiff growing up and yet…
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Ophelia: I'm going to… freshen up.
She stands up and practically runs to the stairs.
Gemma, who had been too preoccupied playing with Marshmallow to listen to the conversation, sees her mom running off.
Gemma: Mommy?
Ophelia doesn't hear her.
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psalm22-6 · 7 months
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The Exhibitors Herald, June 1926
The first of the deluxe presentations was at the Forrest theatre, Philadelphia, Thursday evening. The audience was composed largely of members of the Advertising Clubs of the World, which was holding an international convention in the Quaker City, and the members of the Poor Richard Club. There were also present a large turnout of society, official and judicial life of Philadelphia. The other audience, which included Mrs. Coolidge, members of the diplomatic corps and Washington newspapermen, as guests of the National Press club, viewed the picture at a special screening Friday night at Poli’s theatre in Washington. General W. W. Atterbury; Senator-elect [and notorious political boss] Wm. S. Vare; Senator [and law professor] George W. Pepper; Lieut. Commander Geo. B. Wilson, U. S. Navy [not to be confused with the character from the Great Gatsby] ; Mrs. Barclay Warburton [civil rights supporter and journalist] ; Major Norman MacLeod; E. T. Stottsbury; Paul Thompson; Alexander Van Rensselaer; Mrs. Charlemagne Tower; Dr. H. J. Tily [department story owner, mason] ; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Reath; Frank Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. N. Snellenburg [merchant in clothing trade] ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Block; Mr. and Mrs. Jules E. Mastbaum [movie theater and department store magnates] ; George Nitsche [possibly an affiliate of U. Penn]; Josiah H. Penniman [Provost of U. Penn] ; J. Willis Martin [a judge]; H. S. McDevitt; John J. Monaghan. Judge Buffington, of Pittsburgh; Thos Finletter [could be one of a a number of lawyers with this name]; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Einstein; Maurice Paillard, French consul; Robt. Von Moschzisker [justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania]; Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Geo. H. Elliott, director of public safety; Chas. B. Hall, president of City Council; Dr. Charles Hart; Rev. Wm. H. Fineschriber; Chas Fox, district attorney [could be a coincidence but Charles Fox III and IV are both currently lawyers in Pennsylvania]; John Fisler, president Manufacturers Club [golf afficianado]; Albert M. Greenfield [real estate broker and developer]; Jos. P. Gaffney; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gimbel [department store owner]; Daniel Gimbel [brother and co-owner along with Ellis]; J. D. Lit; Richard Gimbel [son of Ellis Gimble]; Benedict Gimbel [brother of Ellis and Daniel]; Colonel Robert Glendinning [banker]; Benjamin Golder [member of the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives], Agnew T. Dice [President of Reading Railroad]. Dr. Leon Elmaleh [founder of the Levantine Jews Society of Philadelphia]; H. Gilbert Cassidy [a judge]; Utley E. Crane [author of Business Law for Business Men]; Cyrus H. K. Curtis [magazine publisher]; Chas. S. Caldwell; G. W. Cole; Hampton L. Carson [lawyer, professor, state Attorney general]; A. Lincoln Acker [Philidelphia port collector]; Max Aron [lawyer]; Eugene C. Bonniwell [a judge]; Chas. L. Brown; Edward Groome; Chas. L. Bartlett; Edward Bok [editor of the Ladies Home Journal]; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Lorimer [editor of the Saturday Evening Post]; Edw. Bacon; Chas. Curtis Harrison [a judge]; Samuel S. Eels, Rev. J. J. O’Hara [future Archbishop of Philadelphia], and Bishop Thos. J. Garland, D. D. [Episcopalian bishop]
There were a bunch of Universal employees in attendance too but that's less interesting to me. Let's see who went to the Washington show
Both showings were under the auspices of Ambassador Henri Beragner of France and Marcel Knecht, French publisher and trade representative. Dr. Ferdnand Heurteur, leader of the orchestra of the Paris Opera House, came to the United States to conduct the orchestras at these two showings. Among the distinguished guests at the Washington showing were: Don Juan Riano, Spanish ambassador; Senor and Senora de Mathieu, Chilan ambassador; Raoul Tilmont, secretary, Belgium embassy; G. H. Thompson, second secretary, British embassy; A. J. Pack, British embassy; Eduardo Racedo and Madame Racedo, first secretary, Argentine embassy; Conrado Traverso, Argentine embassy; Dr. and Senora Velarde, Peruvian ambassador; Dr. and Madame Santiago F. Bedoya, secretary, Peruvian embassy; Senor and Senora Tellez, Mexican ambassador; Senor and Senora Castro, secretary, Mexican embassy; Ambassador de Martino, Italy; Colonel Augusto Villa, miltary attache, Italian embassy; Count and Countess Sommati di Mombello, Italian embassy; Signor Leonardo Vitetti, Italian embassy. Baron and Baroness Ago Maltzan, German embassy; Mr. and Madame Matsuidaira, Japanese embassy; Mr. and Madame Gurgel de Amaral, Brazilian embassy; Senor and Senora de Sanchez Aballi, Cuban embassy; Senor Don Jose T. Baron, secretary, Cuban embassy; Brigadier General Georges A. L. Dumont, military attache, French embassy; Mr. Jules Henry, first secretary, French embassy; Major and Madame Georges Thenault, French embassy; Captain and Madame Willm, French embassy; Mr. A. Konow Bojsen, secretary, Danish legation; Mr. and Madame Marc Peter, Swiss ambassador; Mr. Andor de Hertelendy, Hungarian embassay; Senor and Senora Ricardo Jaimes Freyre, Bolivian embassy. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Smiddy, minister, Irish Free State; Mr. and Madame Simoposilis, Minister from Greece; Mr. and Madame Prochnik, Austrian ambassador; Mr. and Madame Charles L. Seya, Latvian embassy; Mahmoud Samy Pasha and Madame Samy Pasha, Egyptian embassy; Mr. Zdenek Fierlinger, Minister from Czechoslovakia; Mr. Simeon Radeff, Bulgarian embassy; Mr. and Madame Jan Ciechanowski, Polish minister; Senor don Manuel Zavala, Nicaragua embassy, and Mr. and Madame Bostrom, Swedish ambassador.
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suvarnarekha · 2 years
Havan | Day - III
• Favourite Relationship •
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♡ Nala and Damyanti ♡
@agnisuta | Havan 2022 | Day #3
Story Synopsis ~
King Nisadh of Ayodhya had two sons Nala and Kuvara. Nala wanted to marry Damayanti, the beautiful daughter of king Bhima. Damayanti did not know him, so Nala sent his swan to her. The swan flew to Damayanti's palace and finding her alone in the garden, sang praises of Nala. Meanwhile, King Bhima arranged for her swayamvara, where many princes gathered from whom Damayanti could chose her husband. Damayanti chose Nala and they got married.
When King Nishadh died, Nala became king. He conquered many other kingdoms and became famous. This made his brother Kuvara jealous. He knew gambling was Nala's weakness. Kuvara challenged Nala to a game of dice in which Nala lost everything. Kuvara became the king and banished Nala from his kingdom. Nala went to the forest and Damayanti, who loved him very much followed him. As they walked in the forest, Damayanti injured her feet. Nala did not want the delicate Damayanti to go through hardships with him, so when she was sleeping he left her and went ahead.
Further into the forest, he found a snake on the top of a tree that had caught fire from below. As he tried to bring it down, the snake bit him and Nala turned dark and developed a hunchback.
Nala asked the snake, "Why did you bite me? I was trying to save your life."
The snake said, "I am your father Nisadh. The next twelve years will be full of difficulties for you. I changed your appearance to protect you from your enemies. Whenever you want to get back your original looks wear this ornament."
Nala proceeded to another kingdom. Meanwhile, when Damayanti woke up she found a note from Nala asking her to go to her parents. As she moved ahead, she met a demon that threatened to eat her. Impressed with her fearlessness he came into his real form. He was actually a god, who told her that she would unite with her husband after twelve years. Damayanti proceeded to Achalpura kingdom where she became the queen's maid. Nala went to the kingdom of Samsumara and became a servant of the king.
Many years thus passed.
One day, King Bhima's men found Damayanti in Achalpura and brought her back to her father. King Bhima tried to find Nala but failed, so he made a plan. He arranged the swayamvaar of Damayanti knowing that when Nala came to know about the second marriage of his wife, he would certainly come to her. King Bhima was right. Nala came with his master, the king of Samsumara. A day before the swayamvara Damayanti saw the dark hunch back servant. She immediately recognised him. Nala also put on the ornament given by his father and regained his original looks. But the swayamvara had been arranged to Damayanti asked him to be present there. On the day of swayamvara she put the garland around Nala's neck and they were united. The twelve-year period was also over. With the help of King Bhima's army, Nala won his kingdom back and again became the king of Ayodhya.
One day, a monk visited Nala's palace and told him the reason why he had to undergo the twelve-year exile. in their previous birth also Nala and Damayanti were king and queen and they had thrown an innocent monk in prison. Their exile was a punishment for their karma of a previous birth.
After facing so many atrocities and hardships, Nala who had mastered the art of chausar, won his kingdom back. Nala and Damyanti got their lost glory and lived happily ever after ruling over Nishadh.
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lake-archive · 10 months
Drabblecember Day 3 - Decorating
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Prompt List - Fling Posse Selfship / Yumeship Masterlist
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Ramuda Amemura, Ann Wolff (OC)
Pairing: Ramuann (Ramuda/Ann)
Words: 600
“Hey Ann–Chan! Can you help me pick out some cute decorations? The studio's looking suuper dull! I wanna make it more lively! Ah, you will? Oh, just come over after your classes! I have some designs to finish anyway~ Thank you! See you later!” That had been the request they had received early in the morning. It was on short notice but it was not an outrageous request so they saw no reason to decline. Although, why did Ramuda think of asking Ann for their help? They aren't the best judge nor could they compare to a literal fashion designer!
So once the time came they felt literally useless in terms of picking stuff out. All they could do was agree because… Well, the decorations picked out were very cute, yeah. Soft yet vibrant colors, shapes like snowflakes or tiny fir trees and lights which could glow ever so softly to make it more cozy in the dark – All to fit into the winter theme. If you asked them, Ramuda was doing just fine on his own in that regard. At most, Ann was just busy placing decorations in spots he couldn't easily reach, given they were the taller one.
“Am I even needed here?” They mumbled, sighing while trying to adjust a garland properly, a little too focused perhaps. Then again, they did not want it to fall down out of nowhere. And yet it would just hang there for a short moment when hearing the following from Ramuda's mouth:”Yes! You being here is very important!” They had turned around as he spoke, spotting a slightly more serious expression on his face alongside a light pout. He even crossed his arms. “We're working together right now, aren't we?” They couldn't help but blink in confusion when hearing this.
“But–” They were about to counter but were shot down fairly quickly. They had no chance to talk back in fact! “No buts! Besides, if I did this by myself it wouldn't be as much fun.” That had Ann stare with wide eyes as they repeated the last few words of Ramuda's. The realization had kicked in, making them blush like crazy. “Wait… So this–” “Oh, you caught on. “ He interrupted, chuckling even. “Exactly! I just needed help reaching some spots!” Huh!? Wait a moment… This had Ann dumbfounded all of a sudden, and thus staring at him. “Come again?“
“I can't reach some spots easily. So I need the help.” He explained something so obvious. They knew and yet… “Wouldn't it have been better for you to ask Dice or Yumeno–Sensei then?“ They sighed. “Hmm… I guess but I didn't wanna. “ Ramuda responded before pouting again, almost like a little child. "It had to be you Ann–Chan.” “But they're taller than me.” They would counter though flinching shortly after once he shot a glare at them, not very amused. “Stop being dense already.” He then stepped a bit closer, almost tiptoeing when close to Ann to be somewhat eye–to–eye.
“Dense? But–” “I also wanted some alone time with you!” He interrupted, almost pouty yet whiny sounding while speaking up. “Yeesh! Stop being a dense dummy!” Ah– That made their face lit up again. They had no words left, even if this shouldn't surprise them in the slightest. And yet, it may as well be the case. “No promises…” They only managed to respond while turning their head to the side, wanting to hide their blush. Not realizing this sooner made this situation more embarrassing than it had any right to be! Yet… It also felt kinda nice to know.
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jonjmurakami · 1 year
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Wowzers! I just received a Kickstarter project from Heidi Gygax Garland & Erik Garland via GAXLAND - Dungeon Module GG2: Tomb of the Dundee Chief •I can finally announce that I drew two illustrations for this project based on contributors' ideas: the Zeta Beast & the Water Buffaphant 😊
•This is an “Achievement Unlocked” moment for me as I’ve always dreamed of having my art in an official D&D project ever since we were in elementary school playing Dungeons & Dragons at our friends' houses 🙂
•The Kickstarter also came with a dice tower to assemble, a GAXLAND 20-sided die, a Curse of Candlelight Manor mini-module, a leather notebook, a map of Dundel, a satin pouch with a key & various jewels, and a recipe card for Gary’s Birthday Apple Pie 😊
•I’m incredibly honored to be part of this project and looking forward to drawing more in the future 🙂
#jonjmurakami #illustration #art #dungeonsanddragons #dungeonsanddragonsmonsters #gaxland
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wonstop · 2 years
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Package inspired by the moon 🌕
choker ($8.50) - sticker ($5) - garland ($18.99)
mug ($14.95) - dice ($9+) - coaster ($16.95)
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garland-dice · 2 years
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Cosmic Dust
This was my first attempt at a galaxy set. I think it's fair to say it was successful :)
Available at my shop!
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mahayanapilgrim · 2 years
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Palden Lhamo has orange-brown hair, with 9 peacock feathers above her head. Her exposed fangs gnaw on a human corpse, and she has an intimidating stare with three blood-shot bulging eyes. These eyes represent her ability to see into the past, present, and future.
Her dark blue colour represents her attainment of great bliss and realisation of emptiness. Her body is smeared with ashes, fat, and blood. Her entire form is surrounded by flames, representing her presence in the charnel grounds.
The skull cup of blood in her right hand symbolises the destruction of obstacles. In her left hand, she holds a sandalwood club with a vajra to watch over the oath-bound, ensuring their dedication and integrity in upholding the Dharma.
She carries a bag of diseases that she collects from those who invoke her to help cure health-related illnesses. Her other hand releases them to plague those who commit evil actions.
Her legs are in a semi-relaxed posture, and a chain connects one ankle to the other. She sits on a horse/mule whose fearful shrieks sound like thunder.
She has a sun disc at her navel and a crescent moon above her head. She wears a black scarf and flayed human skin as a shawl.
Her upper garments are made from black fabric, and her skirt is made from tiger skin, held together by a belt made of snakes. Her crown is adorned by five skulls and bone ornaments such as bracelets and ankles, and she wears a garland of freshly decapitated heads.
Her horse reins are made of poisonous snakes, wrapped around the human skin saddle. Snakes dangling from the horse hold a pouch with a pair of dice used to determine karmic fate, one black and the other white, and a ball of string of rolled up weapons. This represents her ability to grant divinatory powers using dice to those who have received her empowerment. She also carries a red tablet used to cast spells tucked into her belt.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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A Star Is Born (Bradley Cooper, 2018) Cast: Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga, Sam Elliott, Andrew Dice Clay, Rafi Gavron, Anthony Ramos, Dave Chappelle. Screenplay: Eric Roth, Bradley Cooper, Will Fetters, based on screenplays by Moss Hart, John Gregory Dunne, Joan Didion, Frank Pierson, and a story by William A. Wellman and Robert Carson. Cinematography: Matthew Libatique. Production design: Karen Murphy. Film editing: Jay Cassidy. I thought remaking A Star Is Born was a bad idea back when it was going to be Clint Eastwood directing Beyoncé, and to some extent I still do. The arc of the story, familiar from the three previous movies -- not to mention the fons et origo of them all, George Cukor's 1932 What Price Hollywood? -- leaves nothing to the curiosity except how Norman Maine (as he was called in 1937 and 1954 before becoming John Norman Howard in 1976 and Jackson Maine in 2018) is going to off himself so that Esther (who became Ally in 2018) can nobly go on with the show. And I still think that the remake does a disservice to the considerable talents of Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, who deserve fresher material. I'm also not a big fan of the hybrid country/rock/pop music the film is designed to showcase -- for my taste, the best musical moment in the film is when Lady Gaga sings the hell out of Edith Piaf's "La Vie en Rose." That said, I still enjoyed the movie, which manages to introduce some genuine moments amid the well-trodden ones. I like, for example, that instead of accidentally slugging Ally at an awards show (as Norman did Esther in the 1937 and 1954 versions), he pisses himself onstage, an incident that deepens his shame beyond her embarrassment. I like the introduction of an older half-brother, Bobby (Sam Elliott, one of those actors who always make a movie a little better), which gives Jackson a strong backstory. It also provides an amusingly meta moment when Bobby accuses Jack of stealing his voice, which is what Cooper did when he lowered his own speaking voice to Elliott's bass-baritone. And Cooper and Lady Gaga generate some real heat onscreen, which couldn't be said of the Fredric March/Janet Gaynor, James Mason/Judy Garland, and Kris Kristofferson/Barbra Streisand pairings in the earlier films. There are those who think that Cooper carved out a little too much for himself at the expense of Lady Gaga's character, expanding his backstory as I've noted -- we don't learn as much about Ally except that she has a father who's a bit of a blowhard (amusingly played by Andrew Dice Clay). On the other hand, it was her first major movie and she more than proved that it shouldn't be her last.
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freezinglemur · 2 years
Winter in Tranquill
Some of the (winter) holidays in Tranquill bc someone said I could go off and I did. Maybe a bit too much but um uh ye, you can skip through if there’s a specific one you want to read about. I'd be happy to answer any questions about em!
@starstruck-shadow @impulsivexcreator (Hope you don’t mind the tag, /lh) 
We'll start with Lorelight, which is what Ion celebrates (and Five sometimes joins him for the last days of). This is the lumenangle holiday, though some kona celebrate it too.
It's a week long and has a candleholder-esque centerpiece of sorts to the holiday that's usually kept where it can most easily be seen and accessed, on a nice table cloth or an important book to you or your family. This thing is often referred to as the 'Lorelight Candle(s)' or the 'Lorelight Flower(s)' and the one to light it is known as the 'Lorelighter'
The 'flames' float above the individual 'blooms' which are enchanted in nature (aside from floating they're also special in the sense they can't cause fires!). The largest bloom (the one with the blue orb-like light) will always light itself in the evening, and then you light one of the smaller ones each day, adding more as the week progresses (one the first day, two the second, three the third, etc.) You share stories every night for the first 6 evenings around the Lorelight Flowers.
On the 7th day, all lit 'flames' will leave the Lorelight Flowers, dancing and forming images, telling a story that is important to you or your family if your with them, and sometimes they will tell multiple. The lights return to their place when finished, and will go out when morning arrived. The largest bloom will not light itself again until next Lorelight after this.
Lumenangles will decorate for Lorelight with candles and glass orbs that usually contain light gathered at the Summer Solstice Celebration earlier in the year. This sunlight is often used to light the Lorelight Flowers, but it's not a requirement. Food is often made with sunflecked honey (a honey made by sol bees that contains bits of light magic and sun beams) and is known to give a warm feeling inside after consumption. There are special 'baths' of this honey you can soak in, which are warm and contain healing properties. Those with scars or skin injuries will visit these at this time of year for this reason. It's a tradition to try this around Lorelight at least once in one's lifetime.
Onto some kona winter holidays! They have a few in this season. Five celebrates both of these, and Ion tends to leave a gift for him as a way to take part in his friend's holiday.
The Frostfall Festival is held the first week of winter to celebrate its coming, and lasts three days. Snofrost flower garlands are strung up on trees and planted around town due to the fact they grow in winter and resemble snowflakes. Frost is frequently "grown" on the edges of windows as a nod to the festival's name and for added decoration.
This festival is spent decorating the town or city for the winter on the first and half of the second day, with the later half of it and the third day being used for celebrating with drinks, food, and displays of magic using frost and snow frequently mixed with snofrost flower petals.
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Next would be Crystalhearth, lasting a day. The week leading up to it is usually spent around town getting gifts or seeing sights, while Crystalhearth eve is usually spent making tea or cocoa with a loved one before heading off to sleep.
On the day of, gifts are exchanged and opened, and stories are exchanged and told to the youngest members of the house if there are any. Games with crystals and dice are usually played, and it's custom to sit around a fireplace when doing so.
Every household will have their own traditions and food they make, but it's a day meant to be spent with those dear to you, typically partners, friends, or family. Kona typically decorate for Crystalhearth with ice and ice crystals, snofrost flowers, icicle lilies, poinsettias, and special evergreen willow branches. Hanging up a glass ornament for each family member and/or pet somewhere is also a common tradition, though not everyone is known to do this.
It is advised if you celebrate Crystalhearth with kona that you are prepared for a lot of food, as most enjoy making it and have many recipes they try this time of year. Desserts are most prominent, but plenty of other more filling foods are commonly made as well.
The night of Crystalhearth is often finished by snuggling up with those you care about, typically cuddling together in a sleepover-esque fashion or on an oversized bed until morning. Making warm drinks upon waking up is also a common occurrence after the holiday.
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playlistsbybunny · 27 days
art deco
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in the mood - glenn miller
rhythm and romance - the art deco night owls
zing! went the strings of my heart - judy garland
woodchopper’s ball - woody herman & his orchestra
charleston - sam levine
minor swing - boilermaker jazz band
delight - jamie berry
the dipsy doodle - ella fitzgerald
in gold we trust - them dirty dimes
sing, sing, sing - benny goodman
art deco - lana del rey
dark red - steve lacy
arabella - arctic monkeys
w.d.y.w.f.m.? - the neighbourhood
the four seasons: concerto no. 4 in f minor, rv 297 “l’inverno”: i. allegro non molto - antonio vivaldi
sweetie little jean - cage the elephant
movement - hozier
way down we go - kaleo
where is my mind? - the blue notes
can’t pretend - tom odell
forever - the little dippers
aline - jarvis cocker
blue moon - billie holiday
les champs-elysées - pomplamoose
la dolce vita - nino rota
la vie en rose - édith piaf
baby i’m yours - cass elliot
l’amore dice ciao - armando trovajoli
heartaches - al bowlly
i wanna be loved by you - marilyn monroe
link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7ye4UWrdynkm2cYYCXCkJH?si=ceb9e074bbcf4f61&pt=be2e73c3461ab1d2598651e7a6500617
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