#gay butt growth
ononono111 · 21 days
Original Muscle Growth by Ononono
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leo-muscle · 9 months
Kings of the World: Caribbean Waves
Kai knew he was far above the rest. Born into money and power, he got everything he wanted, exactly when he wanted it. Women, cars, planes, food... all at the drop of a dime. He dressed in designer suits, which he constantly bragged about the price of. He wanted the whole world to bow to him, and worship the very ground he walked on.
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This leads to Kai's 22nd birthday party, taking place in the Bahamas. He had invited five of his wealthiest friends, the only people he deemed worthy of associating with. They had spent the entire month on Kai's father's dime with women, watersports, booze, and dice, all leading up to one final drinking night on Kai's actual day of birth aboard his luxury yacht, moored to a private island. The party was too much: strippers dotted the decks, fireworks went off every half hour, loud music floated about, and poker chips poured like honey. Kai himself sat at the head table with his five rich friends.
"Here's to one more year of life!" Kai cheered, his voice slurring.
"Hear, hear!" His friends replied, and they all chugged down their liquor like it was water.
"Alright, guys, I've got the next round coming!" Kai shouted, as he dashed back to the bar... only something was amiss.
The scantily-dressed barwoman was nowhere to be seen. Instead, an absolute giant of an irishman stood behind the bar, dancing to the beat of the music. He wore no shirt, just a bowtie with a nametag reading "Dom," and short shorts, accentuating his enormous muscles. An easy smile sat on his face, accented by the enormous emerald earring in his right ear. Just by being in the room with the man, Kai felt a need to compete with him.
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"Where's Chrissy?" Kai asked, a simmer of anger in his voice.
"Ach, she was feeling a tad ill, so she came to fetch me." The bartender replied in a soothing Irish accent. "Watcha looking for tonight?"
"Something powerful and special." Kai said. "You'd know a thing or two about that."
The bartender's smile twitched. "I think I got just the thing for a birthday boy like you. Little something from back home, you aught to enjoy it."
The bartender turned around, and started pouring a variety of liquors into a shaker, then dancing to mix it all up. Kai couldn't stop looking at his ass: while Kai was incredibly straight, he could easily tell that this man had a great, bouncy bubble butt. His pecs too were incredible, the girls should be all over him-- why weren't they?
The bartender brought the shaker right up to his enormous left pec, opened it up, and dumped something in it that Kai couldn't see. He then presented the drink into a tall tankard. It was a sparkling emerald green, unlike any drink Kai had seen before.
"What is this shit?" Kai groaned.
"Special recipe of mine. You'll learn to make it yourself, someday."
"As if. People make my drinks, not the other way around."
Kai took a big swing of the emerald drink, chugging it all in one go. Instantly, he could feel his insides bubbling.
"Did you poison me?!" Kai screamed, but was inaudible over the clamor of the party.
"Nope." The bartender said. "Enjoy." And with that, he vanished.
Kai ran to the restroom as his muscles began burning and pulsing with new strength. He could barely make it to the bathroom before he began to shake, shiver, moan, and grow.
As Kai grew, a single thought entered his head.
My behavior is not suited for a King.
Kai's friends were starting to wonder where their leader had gone, when suddenly, a single text appeared on their phones.
Kai: Everyone, come down to the island. There's someone you need to meet.
The group stumbled to the beach, where a single man awaited them, carrying four drinks with him. He was enormous, seven feet tall, and was a stunning example of peak masculinity. He was clearly from the islands around here: his beautiful, dark skin reflected the setting sun perfectly, while saltwater trickled through his tight curls, mustache, and goatee. His gigantic, bouncy, fuckable pecs sat atop a tight muscle gut, indented with the turtle-shell pattern of abs. His biceps outsized his head, and were crisscrossed with a pattern of veins showing his strength. His legs would have been incredibly oversized on any other man, but on him, they were glorious, perfect cylinders striated with pure strength, able to cut through water with ease. His ass was a perfect breeding site for any cock able to work its way past his thick muscle cheeks. An inviting aroma of saltwater and musk wafted from him, beckoning the boys over. It assaulted their nostrils, the scent unimpeded by clothes, for this beach hunk wore only a speedo and a necklace of purest silver. It smelled divine, and although these boys were straight before, this musk was worth far more than any feeble heterosexuality. They almost climbed over each other to get closer to the man.
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"Now, now," The beach hunk said. "We can take me in some other time; I'm not the important one here. What is important, is you."
"What do you mean?" One of the rich boys asked. "You're perfect!"
"And you can be too." The beach hunk replied. "You boys want a drink?"
"Yes?" Another rich boy said.
"I made them myself," The beach hunk said, gesturing to the drinks in his hands. They gleamed a pure silver, like liquid mercury.
"From this big boy down here." He continued, patting the massive cock straining to break free of his speedo.
By this point, every single boy had a raging-hard on. They needed to know what this man tasted like. They dashed over to the beach hunk, and each grabbed a glass from the man's enormous hands, and drank the whole thing in one gulp each.
Instantly, their bodies expanded. Their thighs grew from twigs to tree trunks, laced with power. Their arms mirrored their King's, bursting with strength the size of coconuts. Their abs, one by one, popped into existence, forming tight eight-packs on all of their cores.
Soon, one boy started noticing how hot his neighbor was getting. While the beach hunk was a true being of masculinity, his friend was definitely becoming capable of rivaling him. He reached over to his friend's chest, and touched his nipple--
And suddenly, his friend's chest ballooned past almost every letter of the alphabet with mass, growing larger and darker and more sensitive, until his pecs were just as bouncy and voluptuous as his King's.
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"B-bro..." He moaned. "I... I need you to touch them..."
His fellow transformee showed no slowness as he latched his rapidly-expanding hands onto his friend's enormous muscle tits, pawing and kneading the muscle and nipple. His friend moaned with pleasure. How could his chest feel so good?
The other two had noticed what their friends were doing, and immediately joined in. One began worshipping another's ass, while the final one began giving his friend a blowjob. Soon, their asses and dicks had all expanded into pillars and beautiful mounds of dark flesh, sensitive and plush, perfect for kneading. The friends grew closer and closer together, their hair darkening and tightening as they went, until they had all become a massive literal clusterfuck. Each man was sucking a nipple, taking a dick, fucking an ass, all in the most intense pleasure any of them had ever felt in their life.
Though, eventually, it was all too much. They felt their load coming right from their new enormous bull balls... and they just couldn't hold it any longer. In a burst of cum, they all released each other, panting on the sand in their beautiful new forms.
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King Kai knew his new boys would make great citizens of his kingdom, but there was still much work to be done. He would go about this subtly, with his own line of drinks laced with kingly fluid. Soon, the islands would be peaceful, and everyone would live freely and without strife.
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gainerboy302 · 5 months
I tried some water bloating today. I was already a bit full but this made me absolutely fill to the max. Hope you like it 😉
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himbofan4444 · 10 months
Your work is absolutely amazing!! I was wondering, is there anyway you could tf a nerdy skinny twink into a bubble-butted, airhead himbo, but like literally airheaded? Where like the twink gets filled with air, pumping up his pecs and butt and making him get stupider each time? And then the smarts get farted out of his amazing new bubble butt?
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Jakob is a grade-A nerd: skinny, introverted, glasses. You know what I mean. He’s rather unpopular at school, only having a few close friends. His best friend, Ronnie and him have been friends for as long as they can remember.
One day after work, Ronnie comes over to Jakob’s house with a bag of snacks for their movie night. They plop down on his couch and put on The Princess Bride. Jakob pulls out a brown paper bag from the grocery pile.
“Uh… What’s this, Ronnie?” Jakob asks.
“Hm. I don’t know. What’s inside?”
Jakob opens the bag to find a large clump of pink cotton candy.
“Oh, it’s just cotton candy,” he says with a laugh. He picks up a chunk and eats it, the cotton candy immediately dissolving in his mouth. “Oh wow. That’s really good. You want some?”
“You know I don’t like sweet stuff,” Ronnie says as he fills his mouth with pretzels.
“Suit yourself.” Jakob continues eating the cotton candy. A strange tickling sensation overcoming his brain, an itch he can’t scratch. His body similarly itches internally, his pecs and glutes developing without his knowledge. Colorful tattoos appear on his skin underneath his baggy hoodie.
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He excuses himself and goes to the bathroom, desperately needing to relieve the itching all over his body.
He steps foot in the bathroom and immediately removes his hoodie. He stares in disbelief at his newly developed, plush muscles. His gawking session is quickly becoming an aggressive scratching at his hair. The tingling in his brain gets so bad it becomes his sole thought. He closes his eyes and massages his skull, the aggravating itching becoming a pleasurable tingle. He lets out quiet moans as he rubs his head, feeling so empty, so thoughtless.
His muscles swell to be more full, more plush. He feels a bloating in his stomach until a large fart comes out. It smells rich and sweet just like the cotton candy. The cloudy feeling in his mind only intensifies. He opens his eyes to see pink. Just pink. Everywhere he looks is pink, as if there’s a pink filter over his eyes. I fart more and more, each one filling my mind more and filling up my muscles with the cotton candy that triggered my transformation.
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scolbert22 · 2 years
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For @brandedx2 on his birthday
Kevin set down the glass bowl he’d been stirring and made the perilous walk from his kitchen to the front door. He stubbed his toe on an unpacked box labeled  “BOOKS,” cursing loudly.  I’ve been here almost two months, he thought to himself as he hobbled over to the door. I really need to finish unpacking. When he answered the door, he saw his new neighbor Hank on the front porch. Hank was a tall guy in his mid-40s, He was the gym teacher and football coach at the local high school. He was also very handsome, broadly built with a handsome stoic face. There was something different though. Every time Kevin had seen the man, he’d been wearing a snug pair of Wranglers. Now, however, the handsome older man was wearing a pair of dark grey sweatpants. Kevin’s heart began to race as he suspected the reason for the change in wardrobe.
“Hey buddy,” said Hank in his deep rumbling baritone, shifting from foot to foot. He seemed a lot less confident than Kevin had ever seen him. “I, uh, I was in the neighborhood and I was just wonderin’ if you’d be willin’ to give me some advice on a...purchase...I made recently.” 
Kevin smiled warmly and stepped out of the way, inviting the bigger man inside. “Absolutely! What kind of purchase do you mean?” He loved playing dumb in these situations, forcing the straight dudes to squirm a little.
Hank cleared his throat and then sniffed. “Well, uh, it’s a long story. For a month or two, I’ve been...packin’ on a few pounds...” He adjusted his camo baseball cap, looking anywhere but Kevin. “And it is all...accumulatin’ in one spot... I guess you could say.”
“Oh? I’m not sure what you mean.” Kevin cocked his head in mock confusion. Hank’s ears were starting to turn pink. 
“Uh, well, my, uh....myasskeepsgettinbigger.” he muttered, so quietly Kevin could barely hear it. 
“What? I think I must have misheard you.” the shorter man grinned, watching the blush spread down to Hank’s neck with great enjoyment.
“I said, my...ass...keeps gettin’ bigger” He said, face burning with embarrassment. He was shifting from foot to foot again. “I can’t fit into any of my old pants anymore, or my old drawers. And I bought some replacements on the internets, and I guess I was maybe a little drunk when I did it because...” The poor man looked like he was going to have a stroke. “Well I was just wonderin’ if you could take a look and see if they’re...okay. I know that guys who are...like you...are better with that kinda stuff.” 
“Okay, well let me see the package and I’ll take a look.”
Shock flashed across Hank’s face. “The-uh, package?” 
“Yeah, the package the underwear came in?”
Kevin had never seen a person turn as red as Hank did in that moment. “Uh, I didn’t think to bring the package. I kinda, um, well I kinda wore ‘em here.” 
It took everything in Kevin not to burst out laughing, but he kept up the act. “Oh wow. Well, let’s see what we’re working with.”
Hank cleared his throat, and then turned around. He took a deep, shaky breath as he hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his sweatpants, and then lowered them. Kevin’s eyebrows went up in surprise. 
When Kevin had met Hank, his ass had been small, tight, and perky. In the short time since, it had become a giant pair of soft, fat globes that jiggled and bounced without the support of his pants. Buried between them was a black thong. Kevin grinned.
“Well, you want my professional opinion, as a gay guy?” He asked.
Hank gulped. “uh, yes please.”
“Well, I think they’re a little boring...”
Hank turned back, looking surprised. “...Boring?”
“Yeah! I mean where are the patterns? Where’s the lace?”
“Would you...like it more if they were...lacy?” Hank looked like he couldn’t believe the words he was saying.
Kevin smiled. “Absolutely! In fact, you should probably wait for my approval next time.” Hank blushed more and nodded.
It was clear that the “homemade punch” Kevin had served to all the men in the neighborhood at his housewarming barbecue was finally beginning to show results. The powder he’d bought online had promised that the effects would include a steady increase in gluteal growth and sensitivity, heightened sexual feelings for the same sex, submissive tendencies, lowered intellect...
Hank cleared his throat. “I was uh, I was wonderin’ if maybe you wanted to...touch ‘em?” He didn’t need to ask twice. Kevin’s hands were practically on his pale jiggling cheeks before the bashful redneck could finish the sentence. Hank’s deep rumbling voice climbed a few octaves as he yelped and whimpered in pleasure like he’d never felt before. He backed into Kevin, desperate for more. 
as Kevin teased the poor man with the floss of his own thong, he reached around, his hand slipping into the front pouch. His hand wrapped easily around Hank’s diminished tool. Kevin was happy to see the powder had delivered in that regard too.
“I-it’s....normally biiiigger!” Hank whined in his new bitched-out tone. That was certainly an understatement. The 7 inch club that had filled out the front of his Wranglers two months ago was now a two inch button boner. 
“Well, it’s much more manageable now.” Kevin taunted, working a finger between his new toy’s massive mounds.
 Hank’s eyes went crossed and he let out a whine so high that his voice cracked. His tiny dick erupted immediately, and he slumped back against the shorter man behind him. Kevin had to practically carry him to the sofa. Hank sat panting, red faced, trying to collect himself.
“I-I think *HUFF* somethin’s *HUFF*  happening to me!” he whined between pants, unable to articulate the transformation that had brought him here. 
“Well, you just lay there and have a deep breath and we’ll talk things through okay? I’ll make sure you have nothing to worry about.” Kevin cooed down at him like he was talking to a frightened stray dog. 
Hank looked up at him hopefully, his breath evening out. “You mean you’ll help me?”
“Of course! You just lie back and let me take care of everything.” Kevin patted him on the cheek condescendingly. ”Oh but where are my manners? You’re a guest! I just made some punch, would you care for a glass?”
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bellysand · 20 days
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All you can eat buffets are simply my favorite hobbies🥵🥵🫃🏻🫃🏻🔥🔥
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twinktransformed · 2 years
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rounding out all over 🐽
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chi60647 · 1 year
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Appreciation posts for guys with monster sized growing asses.
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chris4grow · 1 year
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Seth is what he always wanted to be and he feels really great in his new skin. 😁 I’m sure you like what you see! Watch the full comic on patreon.com/chris4grow #transformacion #transformació #transformação #transformationcomic #tfcomic #growing #growth #tfeveryday #racechange #growingout #burstingout #tightdress #butt #hunk #gay https://www.instagram.com/p/CqShVS1s1Ew/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fisheito · 11 months
Do you... do you... draw professionally. Because you're just so good and you are inspiring me to keep trying! Manifest those mental images!! Learn to draw yakumo getting railed, and other Normal reasons to revitalize one's previous interest in drawing
u think i could draw professionally??! 😲🥺🥺 i am so flatter..... i think ur draws are so scrorchy (very enjoyable] so if i can help u have inspire 😭😭😭😭😭
omfg if u learn to draw yakumo getting railed i'll probably explode/implode/evaporate/change states of matter in a sudden, violent way
bc. i cannot do it. fun fact: when i read y'all's collab fic of dante's sex ed i felt the urge to draw 3 specific panels for it. but as i put the stylus to the screen, i realised that SEVERAL ppl would have to be naked for the drawings to be storycally accurate. so even tho they were comedy panels, my hand... it betrayed me. it was like trying to draw porn but i blink and suddenly everyone's in 14 levels of victorian extra-garment. F...H?OISTED BY MY OWN UNHORNY
so yes. pls. i would love to see more of your contributions. the very special contributions that only u can make 😂
#to answer ur question for realsi#during times when i am actually employed#i would be animating rigs. which means very little drawing#my job would be clicking and keyboarding more than anything#the hours are long and my brain is so overheated#by the end of the work day i don't want to do anything artistic or even watch shows#so i never have the time for actual drawing. i miss it...#therefore. despite going into art as a profession. i don't rly do much art while employed 😢#i joke that my periods of greatest artistic growth were during my fandom hyperfixations#bc those were the times when i would explore styles#try new stuff and experiment with media and really work hard to make pieces look a certain way#whereas art school was more formulaic and apathetic (oh nooo i don't get to draw gay fanart for my assignments? what's the point)#nowadays? i've chilled out on the Great Experimental Growth phase#and try to draw stupid little things that don't take up too much brainpower#otherwise i get real in my head about my weaknesses#bc of course your peers in the anim program are going to KICK BUTT in several fields that you may not excel in#this is partially why i started drawing on my phone#bc it forces me to work with a small canvas. thus fewer details#i can't overthink what i can't see on my tiny screen!!!!#anyway. this period of unemployment has actually helped me draw personal art again. it's nice to rediscover your hobby AS A HOBBY#here's hoping u get something out of ur up-n-coming drawings too......#feesh answer
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scolbert22 · 1 year
Requests? Sure!
Male stripper gains weight during striptease/lapdance
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Andre had never heard of Cheeks before getting invited to apply, but after working mainly lame bachelorette parties, the more than competitive hourly rate of the club practically made him drool.
He walked up to the entrance of the given address and knocked on the door. A tall, muscular man in a pitch black suit stepped out. He had blonde hair molded into a slicked back pompadour and a thick blonde beard, both streaked with silver. The man seemed to look directly through Andre's brown eyes with his silver ones.
"Are you the new dancer?" He asked, his expression unreadable.
"U-uh, yeah.." Andre replied lamely, fiddling with the drawstring on his hoodie. He was still pretty imposing, having kept up his muscles from his high school basketball days, but this strange man was at least a head taller than him and much wider.
"Alright, I'm the guy you gotta impress. Strip, let's see what we're working with."
Andre balked a bit. "Uh, aren't there supposed to be, I-I mean I've only ever done this for...girls." Why was he being such a wuss around this guy?
"Listen man, Cheeks has all sorts of clientele. If you're not comfortable stripping in a professional setting, you can go back to doing naughty birthday parties for old ladies." The giant viking scoffed down at him. Andre looked toward the door for a moment, took a deep breath, and then began stripping.
He tried not to think to hard about the silvery eyes tracing his torso as he pulled off his hoodie, and then shucked off his sneakers. Finally, he slid off his basketball shorts, revealing a pair of red boxer briefs. The man circled him appraisingly, then sighed.
"Well, you're awfully scrawny, but we can fix that once you're on the job." Scrawny? Andre appraised himself in the wall of mirrors across the room. His wide back, tight abs, and perky little butt could hardly be called scrawny! The man continued. "As for your choice of underwear...is that what you're planning on wearing to work?" He seemed very unimpressed.
"...No" Andre lied unconvincingly.
The larger man sighed and rolled his eyes. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a bundle of fabric, and then tossed it at Andre. He caught it easily, but as he unfolded it he suddenly wished he hadn't.
It was a pink jockstrap with a cartoon pig on the front, and the strip club's logo on the waistband.
"What the fuck?" he yelled, tossing them to the ground in disgust. "You know what, forget this place!" He started walking toward the door, and then he heard the man laugh dismissively.
"Typical straight boy, afraid to actually do the work. Hopefully you'll find a club that lets you strip in plaid boxers."
Andre knew it was a challenge. He knew he was being egged on. But something in him couldn't let it drop. He turned around, glaring, and picked up the jock, stripping in front of the giant man who smirked, clearly amused. He pulled the pink jock over his 8 inch, bobbing dick and felt the straps snap against his butt. As he did, he felt a quick jolting sensation, almost like a static shock but...pleasurable? He grunted softly.
"Wow, didn't think you had it in you, little man." The blonde grinned teasingly. He pulled up a chair from a nearby table and sat in it, legs spread wide apart. "Now show me what you can do."
Andre glared at him, but a deep, indulgent R&B song started playing on the overhead speakers. The nearly naked man started undulating in front of his tormentor. He brought a hand down SMACK against his exposed ass and dragged it upwards, across his body, over his pecs and then into the air as he slowly dipped in a suggestive manner. He barely noticed that his flesh dragged along slightly with his hand before bouncing back into place. It had never done that before. He didn't have time to think about that, though.
The blonde viking slapped his own wide thigh insistently with a meaty hand, which shook Andre out of his rhythm, causing him to stand up straight. His pecs and...abs?...wobbled a bit in shock, and then he made his way toward the man. he spun around, meaning to tease the man with his ass, just too far away to brush against him. However, he must have miscalculated because his ass rubbed closely against the man's black suit.
The feeling was electric. His ass was soooo sensitive, a feeling that he had never experienced before. His voice was normally super deep but he couldn't help but let out a girlish moan.
At that, the larger man put a hand on both sides of his ass roughly, causing the flesh to ripple in an unfamiliar way, before bring him down on to his suited package. Andre squealed in unbridled pleasure before he could catch himself. And then he saw himself in the mirror.
The slim, goateed basketball player who had entered Cheeks had been replaced by someone nearly unrecognizable. Thick thighs let up to a fat, plush ass, that nipped into a comparatively tiny waist where there was not a single ab left to be seen. Instead, he had a smooth tummy that bounced and jiggled with his squirming. His torso was capped with a pair of thick, bouncing breasts. Atop it all, he saw his flushed face with its round cheeks and double chin, making expressions he'd never seen outside of hardcore porn. Worst of all? His dick, which had been nearly swallowed by his thick new thighs, was standing at a 90 degree angle from his body.
Finally, the song ended, and the blonde man pushed him up to his feet. The jockstrap seemed to dissolve in a flash of green, leaving the chubby, horny stripper standing naked.
"There, that's both problems solved!" the taller man smirked. "Now why don't you be a good boy and buy some appropriate costumes for your new act? You start tomorrow night"
The dumbstruck cub wanted to cuss this man out, to demand that he return him to his old size.
Instead, he replied "Yes Daddy, thank you!" He wasn't sure where that had come from, or why it tasted so right coming out of his plump new lips.
The viking grinned down at him, flashing white, wolfish teeth. "Daddy? I like that, keep it up." He reached around and smacked Andre's new double-wide rump.
"ooooOOOHHHH!!!" Andre's voice went up an octave as he shrieked in delight at the sensation. He came instantly onto the polished floor and fell back onto his new padded seat.
The man snorted derisively, straightening his black tie. "And clean that up before you leave. This is a respectable business."
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bellysand · 22 days
The theme party was absolutely amazing - endless pizza and I really like the Supermario outfit🥵🫃🏻🔥
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transform4u · 28 days
I’m a gay British boy who’s about to start Oxford university, but I’ve always loved the idea of fraternities can you make me an all American frat bro himbo
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You hear the ringing in your ears first, a high-pitched whine that crescendos until it’s nearly unbearable. Then, snappppp—a jarring shift, and you're plunged into a sea of chaotic noise and flashing lights. The air is thick with sweat, beer, and the pungent tang of energy drinks. The music pulses through the room like a living thing, a relentless beat that drowns out everything else. “Roll up in the whip, yeah, we gettin’ lit, Every night’s a party, yeah, we never quit. Poppin’ bottles, hittin’ shots, it’s a vibe, In the club, everybody’s feelin’ alive.”
The thumping bass reverberates in your chest, and the strobe lights dance erratically across the room. You start to feel a wave of self-consciousness, folding inward as you try to make sense of your surroundings. The crowd’s energy seems almost overwhelming, and you instinctively shrink into yourself, trying to blend into the background.
Suddenly, a colossal figure looms behind you. His presence is commanding, and before you can react, he slaps you on the back with a force that makes your whole body jolt. “Lighten up, bro!” he bellows, thrusting a cold beer into your hand.
As you lift the beer to your lips, the fizzy liquid hits your system like a jolt of electricity. The cold sensation spreads through your body, and you can feel it almost instantaneously. Your muscles begin to twitch, and then—without warning—your body starts to expand. It’s like an incredible rush of energy and growth. Your abs, once lean and unremarkable, begin to tighten and define themselves, blossoming into a chiseled six-pack. Your biceps swell, becoming massive and bulging, the veins standing out like ropes under your skin. Your triceps grow, and your pecs balloon outward, pressing against the fabric of your shirt until it stretches to its limits.
Your bubble butt takes shape, rounding out and enhancing the curvature of your body. It feels almost surreal as you watch your physique transform in the mirrors scattered around the room. Memories of a preppy Oxford education and the quiet evenings watching Doctor Who on Saturday nights start to fade, replaced by a rush of new experiences. The country clubs, the genteel atmosphere of high society, and the small, timid boy hiding behind the couch are slowly displaced by vibrant scenes of football games and raucous nights of partying.
In the back of your mind, you can almost hear the cheers of your old man and your seven brothers as they watch Notre Dame games together. The memories of a Catholic upbringing, your Irish roots, and growing up in Indiana become vivid, almost tangible. The once-familiar scenes of quiet sophistication are replaced by the roaring excitement of tailgates, the camaraderie of friends, and the boisterous laughter that echoes through these nights of revelry.
Your height shrinks gradually, inch by inch, until you’re standing at 5'6". With this physical change comes a surge of anger, an almost primal frustration. You remember the teasing, the jokes about your height from your bros, and how you dedicated yourself to bulking up, pushing yourself to build the kind of physique you always wanted. The transformation is complete: you’re now a young, hotheaded 20-year-old, brimming with muscle and confidence, ready to dive headfirst into the energetic chaos of the party.
Around you, the festivities rage on. The music blares, people dance, and the atmosphere is electric. Beers are clinking, laughter fills the air, and the party shows no sign of slowing down. You’re in the heart of it all, embodying the vibrant, intense energy of the night, fully immersed in this new, exhilarating version of yourself.
As the party rages on, you feel an overwhelming surge of confidence, an intense sense of badassery that courses through your veins. Your reflection in the mirror catches your eye, and you notice something incredible: intricate tattoos begin to appear across your skin, spreading like wildfire.
It starts with a simple black ink design on your forearm, a fierce tribal pattern that coils and twists, its sharp lines and bold curves giving you an instantly menacing look. The pattern seems to pulse with life, almost as if it's syncing with the rhythm of the music.
The tattoo extends from your forearm up to your bicep, where it morphs into a large, detailed dragon. Its scales are meticulously shaded, each curve and edge giving it a three-dimensional effect that makes it look like it’s about to leap off your skin. The dragon's eyes seem to glimmer with a fiery intensity, and as it wraps around your arm, it seems to growl with silent power.
The amber liquid slides down your throat, each gulp a small victory against your own intellect. You can feel the beer coursing through your veins, a slow poison that dulls the edges of your mind with each passing second. It starts with a faint buzz, a gentle hum that tickles the back of your skull. But soon, the buzz grows louder, more insistent, until it drowns out all rational thought.
Your brain, once a hive of activity and knowledge, begins to shut down sector by sector. Memories of British history and literature fade away, replaced by a hazy blur of American pop culture. The names and faces of long-forgotten kings and queens are pushed aside by the grinning visages of reality TV stars and TikTok personalities. Your mind, once a bastion of intelligence and sophistication, is now a wasteland of shallow entertainment and empty calories.
You let out a laugh, a crude, obnoxious sound that echoes through the room. It's a laugh devoid of wit or charm, the kind of laugh that announces your descent into stupidity for all to hear. Your thoughts, once complex and nuanced, are now reduced to simple, base desires. You want to eat, to drink, to fuck. Anything beyond that is too much for your diminished brain to handle.
As you take another swig of beer, you feel a pressure building in your gut. It's a familiar sensation, one that you've felt countless times before. But this time, it's different. This time, it's a pressure that signifies the final nail in the coffin of your intellect. With a loud, vulgar noise, you release a massive fart, a testament to your complete and utter lack of class or refinement.
In that moment, you feel a sense of relief wash over you. The burden of knowledge, of intelligence, is lifted from your shoulders. You are no longer a slave to the demands of your mind, no longer beholden to the expectations of society. You are free to be the dumbest version of yourself, a brute force of ignorance and stupidity.
As you stand there, surrounded by the stench of your own flatulence and the bitter taste of cheap beer, you realize that this is your true calling. To be a complete and utter dumbass, a walking embodiment of everything that is wrong with modern society. And as you raise your glass in a toast to your own idiocy, you know that there's no turning back. You are now, and forevermore, a complete and total fucking moron.
You let out a dumb chuckle as you spot a hot dude across the bar. He's got that total bro vibe going on, just like you. But as you inhale, your nostrils flare, and you wrinkle your nose in disgust. The stench of your own wet fart fills your nostrils, and for a moment, you're disgusted at the thought of finding another dude attractive. "No homo, bro. Just checking out his gains," you mumble to yourself in a thick bro accent, trying to justify your gaze.
Your eyes wander from the bro to a dumb blonde chick across the room. She's wearing nothing but a short skirt and a tight tank top, her breasts practically begging to be squeezed. You feel your cock twitch in your jeans as you imagine all the dirty things you could do to her. Without a second thought, you approach her, flexing your thick biceps as you go. "Hey there, sexy. I'm the biggest, baddest motherfucker here. How about you come back to my place and let me show you a good time?" you say, your words dripping with cheesy pickup line bravado.
The blonde giggles dumbly, clearly impressed by your macho posturing. "Ooh, you're so strong and manly," she coos, running a finger down your chest. "I bet you could really fuck me good." Your mind races with lustful thoughts of scoring with this dumbass chick. You want to bend her over and fuck her brains out, to make her scream your name as you pound her into submission. "Let's get out of here, babe. I'm gonna make you my little fuck toy," you growl, grabbing her ass possessively.
As you lead her out of the frat house, your hand groping her barely-covered tits, you feel a surge of power and dominance. You're the alpha male, the top dog, and this dumb blonde is your prize. You can't wait to get her alone and show her what a real man is capable of. "You're mine now, bitch," you snarl as you shove her into your car. "And I'm gonna use you like the dumb slut you are." The blonde just giggles, too stupid to realize she's in for the fucking of her life.
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theodorecanaryhood · 8 months
Stages in life
Arkham Knight / Red Hood / Jason Todd x Male reader
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Relationships are filled with differences for each people in them, yours and Jason’s was quite different in many ways.
You were Black Bird while Jason was Robin, you were friends and then all of a sudden, he was gone.
Then Arkham Knight came and took you away to teach Bruce a lesson, once you realised Jason was the Arkham Knight. The love you both felt and never admitted came flooding back.
The Arkham Knight had you in his room as you touched his face, Jason looked confused as you lifted the visor up.
‘Jason’ you whispered as you tiptoed and greeted Jason’s lips.
You couldn’t turn your back on Bruce, but you also couldn’t turn your back on Jason. So you decided to step away from both as they figured out what they wanted.
Of course, the grand finale did not go as to plan for either Jason nor Bruce. Jason took his time and realised he wanted to do the right thing for a change.
Jason became Red Hood and was a threat to everyone, he had no problem taking enemies out. Black Mask being no exception of course.
Violent, angry, menacing and dangerous, Red Hood kept the streets safe and was a thunder of force that no one dared to cross.
Only you however, only you had the power to turn Jason into a puppy who was clinging to you all the time.
Jason looked off into the distance as he mentally aimed up the ball with the hole, the golf club swung nicely as the ball flew to the hole in the ground.
You both found this stage particularly interesting as you were both oblivious, Jason stood tall in his white muscle tee.
Two women stood to the side as they took in your form, both debating on which one saw you first and who can shoot their shot. Jason chuckled as he saw this, and you didn’t.
Jason walked over and gave your ass a nice slap, putting arm around you as the two women looked in realisation.
The golf date finished as Jason drove you both home quickly, in order for you both to change into something a little more comfortable.
Jason took you to a romantic dinner, music, wine and a three course meal.
Jason looked so irresistible in his black shirt and trousers, you felt thankful everyday that you woke up next to Jason, a man of this quality.
The two of you held hands over the table as you talked and laughed, the waitress came over with a smile as she looked at you both admiring each other.
This stage was perfect for Jason, he could sit and stare at you all he wanted, watching as your face lit up when you’d speak of things you loved. Jason admired you, loved you.
Jason stood at the bar as he ordered drinks for the two of you, one last drink before you both headed home.
A quick Cosmo before hitting the road as Jason began a conversation with a random bunch of women at the bar. Guess they liked the fact a gay guy was noticing their outfits. You joined for a while before the two of you left.
The next day was filled with relaxing and the two of you enjoying some time together, you both decided the gym was a better addition than staying in all day.
Of course, Jason asked for a different kind of cardio session as he offered to take you to bed and use you. You promised that tonight, but right now wanted a pump session.
Jason isn’t one for showing off, but you love his physique as much as you love him as a person, Jason’s ripped body was on show as he sent you a spicy pic from the other side of the gym.
A nearby woman stared at Jason as he snapped the shot, Jason threw his tank top back on as you appeared.
Jason sat in the bench press as you straddled his lap, assisting him with his lifts. You leant down to give Jason a kiss as he lifted you up.
Jason gave you a piggy back as he did squats with you on his back, your smaller frame helped Jason build some growth to his back and butt as he lifted you each time.
This stage was great for Jason, as he had someone to just simply accompany him. He had his earphones on, as did you, so there wasn’t much of a conversation, but just being in your presence was enough.
Jason had many stages in his life, from Robin to Arkham Knight, to Red Hood. But his favourite stage, was you being his boyfriend. The moments with you were Jason’s favourite.
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chris4grow · 1 year
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Seth is what he always wanted to be and he feels really great in his new skin. 😁 I’m sure you like what you see! Watch the full comic on patreon.com/chris4grow #transformacion #transformación #transformacao #transformationcomic #tfcomic #growing #growth #tfeveryday #racechange #growingout #burstingout #tightdress #butt #hunk #gay https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSg_FOseQx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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40 Years Super Hot Body Ready for Party • Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra and Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Fart Song • Butterflies Scared My Cat When I Was Burping in Your Face on Wednesday Morning • Drunk Log out with Spooky Music Settings on My Firm Tits Pictures • Grandpa Says Fuck While Grandma Screams What Repeated Several Times • Grumpy Trumpy Python Toddler Taxi with False News and Emotions • Hugging Blood Thirsty Vampires with a Transylvanian Accent and Slapped Butts • I Farted as an Official Statement Against Global Warming, Expressing My Worries! • I’m Handsome When Wearing a Bag on My Head, Said the Horny Motherfuckers Politely • Is That Cellulite or Just Your Ugly Face? • Kindergarten Farting Fanfare Discussed with Disgusting Asian Clay Warriors Terracotta Song • Leaking Ladies Xylophone Solo Learning with Lusty Lashes Song • Lisping on Penis Peyote Creaking Mirth Radio, Let’s Lisp! Song • Lowering My Filthy Boobs to the Height of Your Curly Chest Hair with Freckles • Mom’s Cleaning Closet Looks Like a Women’s Porn Stash • My Gay Expense Combination Password Gore Seeking Battle Was Sinning • My Hangover Got Hung over by a Hung Guy from Hungary • My Horoscope Sign Is Poop and Yours Is Farts • Nearly Touching Myself with Your Girlfriend’s Hands While Doing the Dishes • Peeing a Farting Swearing Shouting and Pooping in Different Languages Made Me Famous Song • Petite Girls Liked My Fat Farts in Skinny Jeans with Justice • Pooping a Masterpiece in the Little Boys Room on National TV Broadcast • Puerto Del Penis Summer Holiday with Topless Sun Bathing and Surfing Fun • Puking Girls Are Holding Each Others Hair While Selling Butter to Pregnant Vomiting Men • Real Sharks Was a Great Accessory for My Swimming Pool Party Massacre • Relaxing Music for Penis Boys and Vagina Girls, I Have Money Cash, Yes! • Rescuing My Penis from Your Vagina at the Last Minute, Whoah! • Scary Music and Naked Ladies Cemetery Collection Flickering Through Growth • Shaking Sausages in the Men’s Room and Dangling Coconuts • Short Temper Anus Removal with Lipstick on the Collar • Shouting Poopers to Girls While a Crying Man Is Pooping Poop, How Adorable Screaming Babies Are! • Silly Talking Childish Macho Man Thanking Prayers for God’s Food Yes Hello! • Skinny Bitch, Fat Bitch, Rich Bitch, Poor Bitch, All Bitches Poop! • Smelling That Pussy in the Air at the Private Night Club Farting Room • Smudging Chocolate over the Toilet, So Everyone Would Think I Pooped • Sneaking Beans into Your Butthole While U Talk to a Handsome Stranger • Snuggling in Satan’s Satin Sheets with Shattered Dreams and No Boner Song • Solitary Fighting My Big Toe with the Desolate Strangler • Spoiling Desert by Pulling Your Finger Thirteen Times in a Row • Strolling with Morning Wood in the Woods While Mourning to This Song • Stutter and Chinese Food Destroyed My Artwork in the Toilet Bowl Coffee Shop • Sunny Morning Boner at the Beach Gym Towel Rental Song • Surprisingly Soft Boobs on the Milf Statue in the Garden of Jugs, Oh It Was Your Mom Sorry! •
Taming My Daughter’s Boyfriend with Booze and Fists of Agony • Teleporting My Cock to the Urinals Hurts When Peeing Penis Action • That Penis Is Not Mine, Stop Accusing Me of Curing Your Cancer! What • The Brothel Cup Cake Dispenser Had a Variety of Chocolate Brownies Too • The Giggling Killer Was Invited for Tea and Mustard with a Former Laughing Idiot • The Headache Fuckers with Migraine Were Chopping Fucking Painkillers • The Itchy Vampire Vagina Was a Gothic Curse from Medieval Times Song • The Lying Bitch Hermit Ducking Group Was Insisting on Bitch Slaps • The Penis Teens Shouting Squad Declared War on the Vagina Milfs Departure • The Pussy Cock Was Meowing and Cock-a-Doodle-Dooing with Glance • The Singing Orgy Group Remembered My Fancy Birthday Party, Super! • The Sock on My Penis Shook the Genuine Spokesman While Crying Song • The Syphilis Motown Singers Were Blowing Deranged Adultery at Me Song • The Toy Collector’s Mature Attitude Otter Raised Homeland Security Breach • The Triangle of Pussy and Clipping Smoothies Burping Smootch • Typical Asian Food Poured into the Purse of an European Hooker Prostitute Igloo • Under Water Farting Wiz Nick Y Minaj Naked Twerking Shower Saloon Barf Thong • Updating My Profile Picture While Pooping Macaroni with Japanese Subtitles • Using Mother´s Panther Underwear Because of Broken Shopping Bag to the Store • Washing Hamburgers with Dirty Sauce in Leather Pants While Howling • What Ugly Shit on Your Finger! Oh, It’s Your Wedding Ring? It’s Very Nice! • Whistling and Farting a Heavenly Polyphonic Song for Dying Virgins • Violin Licking Sounds by a Hard Baritone Dick Song Licker • Young Girls Selling Old Men´s Boxers in Thongs with Soulful Tutti-Frutti • Your Butthole Swallowed My Telephone, Will It Come out from the Mouth Then? • Your Mom´s Butt Massage Seems Innocent at First, Before Handing out Religious Leaflets
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