#geiger detector
madlyfluffy · 1 year
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automaticresponse · 1 month
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lifegreatsblog · 6 months
Understanding Geiger Counters and Their Applications
Geiger counters are essential instruments used for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, and gamma rays. Simply put, a Geiger counter is a nuclear radiation detector.
Often perceived as either a relic of science fiction or a niche item for survivalists, the practicality of owning a Geiger counter extends far beyond these stereotypes. These devices are vital in fields such as nuclear research, environmental monitoring, and ensuring radiation safety.
The development of Geiger counters can be traced back to the early 20th century when scientists like Hans Geiger and Walther Müller made significant contributions to the understanding of radiation detection. Over the years, advancements in technology have led to the creation of more sophisticated and efficient Geiger counters.
Types of Geiger Counters
The choice of Geiger muller counter for sale on the market largely depends on its intended application, considering factors like sensitivity, energy resolution, and cost.
· Geiger-Muller counters These counters operate by using a gas-filled tube that generates an electrical pulse when ionizing radiation passes through it. The pulse is then amplified and counted, providing a measure of the radiation level. Advantages: Simple design, rugged construction, and relatively inexpensive. Disadvantages: Limited energy resolution and sensitivity.
·  Scintillation counters Scintillation counters work by detecting the light flashes produced when ionizing radiation interacts with a scintillating material, such as sodium iodide or plastic. The light flashes are then converted into electrical signals and processed. Advantages: High sensitivity, good energy resolution, and ability to distinguish between different types of radiation. Disadvantages: More complex and expensive than Geiger-Muller counters.
· Proportional counters Proportional counters are similar to Geiger-Muller counters but operate at lower voltages, allowing them to measure the energy of the radiation as well as the count rate. Advantages: Excellent energy resolution and ability to distinguish between different types of radiation. Disadvantages: More complex and expensive than Geiger-Muller counters.
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Applications of Geiger Counters
Geiger counters are utilized in various sectors for radiation detection and monitoring:
· Environmental monitoring: GM counters are used in radiation protection to monitor the levels of radiation in the environment. Construction sites, waste storage facilities, and transportation systems are some examples of environments that require radiation monitoring. GM counters can detect and quantify the radiation levels in these areas to ensure that the radiations do not exceed the safe limit and cause environmental damage.
· Nuclear industry: One of the main applications of GM counters is radiation monitoring in nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants are designed to produce electricity from nuclear reactions, which can result in the emission of ionizing radiation. GM counters can detect and quantify the radiation levels in different areas of the plant, providing real-time safety alerts if radiation levels reach dangerous levels.
· Scientific research: GM counters also play a crucial role in scientific research involving radiation. Scientists use radioactive materials in various experiments, and GM counters can help them measure the amount of radiation emitted by these materials. This information is essential for understanding how radiation interacts with biological tissues and for developing radiation therapies for cancer treatment.
Homeland security and law enforcement:
Geiger counters can be used to detect and prevent the illegal transportation of radioactive materials, as well as in emergency response situations involving nuclear incidents.
Other applications:
Geiger counters also find use in fields such as medicine (for calibrating radiation therapy equipment), construction (for detecting naturally occurring radioactive materials), and education (for teaching and demonstrations).
Why do we need Geiger-Muller counters?
GM (Geiger-Mueller) counters are essential tools in various fields, especially in nuclear physics and radiation protection. These instruments are designed to detect and quantify ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, and gamma particles. Ionizing radiation is harmful because it has enough energy to remove electrons from a molecule, which can cause cellular damage and DNA mutation.
Therefore, the need for GM counters is to ensure safety measures are implemented in places where radiation sources might be present. For a reputable selection of quality Geiger counter for sale, consider exploring the offerings on nucleardetector.org.
It is important to remember that if you are concerned about radiation levels in your home, you should seek professional advice. Radiation can be very dangerous, and it is important to take every precaution when handling it. If you suspect that there may be high levels of radiation in your home, contact a licensed radiation expert to come and assess your home.
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circleheads-art-world · 10 months
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Magic Detector
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seinternational · 2 years
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Radiation Area Monitors
The Radiation Alert® line of radiation area monitors protects your personnel and your facility. Select the right model to detect across a wide range of radiation levels. The base controller unit includes a Touch Screen LCD, latching, siren light and strobe. Internal or external radiation probes are available for most models, with Geiger Muller or Sodium Iodide Probe options.
Here are the Different Version of Radiation Area Monitors
AM-1x1 Radiation Area Monitor
Radiation Alert® Area Monitor is one of the most user friendly and it comes with either an internal or external Sodium Iodide Scintillation.  
AM-2x2 Radiation Area Monitor
AM-2X2 comes with an external Sodium Iodide Scintillation Detector. Cesium Iodide probes available. Rugged, wall mount enclosure options are available for high traffic area.
AM-7128 Radiation Area Monitor
It comes with either an internal or external detector and  free software for monitoring every Radiation Alert® Area Monitor on your network.  
AM-71313 Radiation Area Monitor
AM-71313 comes with either an internal or external detector and free software for monitoring every Radiation Alert® Area Monitor on your network.
AM-7149 Radiation Area Monitor
It comes with either an internal or external detector and free software for monitoring every Radiation Alert® Area Monitor on your network.
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punkitt-is-here · 3 months
🫵🏼Pretty woman detected🫵🏼
All detectors including metal detectors and Geiger counters start going off in proximity to me
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 2 years
Danny phantom but he frequents thrift stores and auctions to inspect 'uranium glass' to figure out if it's actually just ectocontaminated bc they have the same signs. Uv fluorescence, slightly radioactive, green tint. He just has a duplicate sneak into the back of the auction house to check via vibes.
Tim drake is an avid atendee to glassware auctions, looking for kryptonite imbued glass which has all the same signs as uranium glass, Uv fluorescence, slightly radioactive, green tint. He has his brothers sneak in behind the scenes to use the special 'bat-detector' (a horrifically frankensteined geiger counter and spectrometer) to check out suspicious pieces.
Now normally they don't mind eachother, they occasionally run into eachother looking at glass behind the scenes, but tend to leave it well and truly alone because A) they were on a time limit, B) they weren't interested in the same peices and nothing ever got stolen, and C) what were you doing at the devils sacrament??
This truce stands true for several years, an unsteady agreement to not stick noses where they don't belong beside some stilted small talk. That is until, a very nice piece shows up for auction with Uranium, Kryptonite AND Ectocontamination and thus ensues a hard fought battle between the Wayne family, renowned astrophysicist Dr D Fenton, and one very avid civillian collector.
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hinacu-arts · 1 year
Me: i need to set up chp3!
Me: writes a scene for chp4 instead
Danny popped the cap on his cup, "We're a tourist hotspot if you can believe it."
Jason took a sip of his drink and leaned back against the counter as they got in line, "Really? Where are you from?"
"Amity Park. Ever heard of us?"
"That place all those paranormal youtubers dream on going?" Jason had heard of it before, usually in the context of 'this place is more cursed than Amity'.
"Yep. Home sweet home."
"Is it actually haunted?" It probably was. If aliens and magic exist, ghosts aren't really a big leap. Hell, Jason's pretty sure he qualified as a zombie.
"Oh yeah. We're also the most radioactive town in North America. Get a geiger counter within ten feet of me and it'll go off," the woman in front of them gave Danny the side eye as she took a big step forward.
Being that radioactive couldn't be healthy. Surely he's not contaminated enough to set off any of the detectors in the bat-designed suits? If he did, Tim would have a field day.
"Your hometown is both haunted and radioactive? How?"
Danny shrugged, "Something about ley lines and a leak. My parents explained it a few times when we first moved there but I didn't really pay attention."
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onlylove4louis · 9 days
Claudia is Schrodinger's Cat...
This post is just a musing, while I wait for permission from one of my favorite Blogs, to link one of their posts within the next one I have planned... But this is something I've thought of before, but have been really thinking about lately.
Claudia is Shrodinger's Cat, and for those of you who don't know what that means, or who or what that is:
So, this was a "thought experiment" (not a literal thing that was done) by/from Erwin Shrodinger, in 1935; this is the best "simple" version of it that I could find, in under 5mins:
A cat, along with a flask containing a poison and a radioactive source, and a radiation counter or detector... is placed in a sealed box shielded against environmentally induced quantum decoherence. When the internal Geiger counter detects radiation, the flask is shattered, releasing the poison that kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when we look in the box, we see the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead.
The parts that are the main takaway(s) or key word/lines or ideas, are;
"A cat, along with a flask and a radioactive source, is placed in a sealed box"
Radiation causes the flask to be shattered, releasing poison, that kills the cat.
So the cat is "simultaneously alive and dead"; it is one or the other, but because it is sealed in a box and the moment that the poison is released is not known, there is no way of confirming whether it is one or the other... until you open the box. And because either are possible, it must be believed that it is both. Until you open the box.
The radiation will cause the flask to shatter, the poison will kill the cat; The cat's death is inevitable
Because there is an influx of new fans to the series (Netflix, only S1), I am going to put the rest of this post under the cut, as it contains spoilers. For those of you who haven't yet seen S2, and don't want this spoiled. Which also acts as your warning, S2 SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT:
Now the idea I'm getting at, is: Claudia is the cat, Vampirism/the Dark Gift, is the radiation. Louis, is the radiation counter/detector. Lestat/Armand, are the flask. And love is the poison (or desire if you will, possession, etc). The Rue Royale/Theatre de Vampire is the box... and the inevitability is ultimately her death/destruction... Claudia is brought to them "dead" and through death/Vampirism, Claudia is given "life". She is "locked" in the rue royale, she is locked in the theatre, and her death is inevitable, but it's unknown when the poison will be released. And she'll die... she is both dead and alive.
Louis brings her home -Lestat turns her-/Louis brings her to the theatre -Armand accepts her into his coven- (the box)... Radiation(Vampirism) sets off the counter(Louis), the vial(Lestat/Armand) is shattered and the poison(their love, desire, possession for and of Louis) is released. Claudia dies...
-- Now this is about to hurt for those of you who really love Claudia, as I'm adding gifs. So those of you who are triggered by her abuse, pain, or execution/death please do what's right for you, and skip the rest. (gif spam)
Claudia lives:
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Claudia dies
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Claudia lives
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Claudia dies
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Claudia lives
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Claudia dies
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Claudia lives
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Claudia dies
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Claudia LIVES
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Claudia dies
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Claudia lives
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Claudia dies
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Claudia lives
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Claudia dies
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God was she ALIVE
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But you can't know if the cat is either alive or dead, until you open the box. And...
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locke-writing · 1 year
I need you guys to understand something.
A slenderverse essay-rant on possession, entities, and the mechanics of Slenderman's game.
I don't say "proxy" in a serious context at all when I am talking about my slenderverse characters or even canon characters.
Proxies don't exist. Proxies are a Creepypasta-esc generalization of what the characters are. It's watered-down. It's a term I use simply because people can understand it and are familiar with it.
Here's the Villains Wiki definition of a proxy:
A Proxy (or Proxies for plural) are a given term for people who are possessed or under the influence of Slender Man [...] destroying their sanity or killing them in the process.
I've completely discarded this concept. Slenderman does not possess people, it creates networks. It enslaves entities to do its bidding, who then impose their unknowably complex and mind-shattering presence upon their victims. It's an invisible war not native to mortal beings in the slightest. It's outside of time and space completely.
Think about it; the inexplicably inhuman nature of HABIT. The Collective entities emit so much radiation that cameras/electronics physically break down the longer they're pointed at one; same with Slenderman itself. A literal Geiger counter was used as a Slenderman detector; anything it touches emits a terrible mind-bending cosmic sickness capable of destroying physical objects, not just people. It's like touching acid. It melts your brain out of your ears and disrupts electromagnetic, electrostatic and electrical waves. It can bend reality itself. It can teleport.
"Masky" and "Hoodie" don't seem to know how to communicate at all in a human-like manner and they completely disregard the identities of Tim and Brian. It's because they never were Tim and Brian. They weren't even people at all. They were things from a place outside of reality. Hoodie's crude mimicry of human communication is a huge red herring and they are both mute entirely in person.
Slenderman's victims are always nutjobs. They're already crazy, the pressure that Slenderman brings down on these select people makes them crack easily. Alex. Evan. Noah. It chooses emotionally and mentally unstable people for a reason; they're easy to terrorize and manipulate. The possession isn't done by Slenderman itself, but by these creatures it controls. No one is under the influence of Slenderman, it just keeps these entities under its thumb through intimidation and fear.
You heard me. These creatures are terrified of Slenderman. Even HABIT, despite its taunts. HABIT hates Slenderman and even acts to avoid it on several occasions. It refers to Slenderman as a "god," even. What devoted proxy hates its master? An angry one that is forced into servitude and acts out in retaliation, completely destroying Slenderman's plans for the EMH crew by doing incredibly outrageous things in an attempt to break out of the loop.
If I had to guess, Slenderman created EMH's iteration loop to imprison HABIT, and its spent hundreds of thousands of loops attempting to get out, which is why it has absolutely no qualms killing and maiming people. Why it seems to be completely calm and casual when reality begins to degrade. Excited, even. It went insane after being in groundhog day for an infinite amount of lifetimes. Though, this is just a theory based off of minimal context.
Hoodie speaks in code and hides in desolate places to avoid being caught aiding the Marble Hornets crew. Masky isn't "friends" with Hoodie at all, they're just both caught up in the same bullshit and Masky feeds on Tim's anger, turning violent at the drop of a dime. Hoodie uses him as a weapon and for protection.
Firebrand broke away from the cult and was met with the wrath of its superiors. The Collective is made of those who are either too scared to leave or genuinely subservient/obedient to Slenderman. Noah felt the influence of the Collective's presence, bringing out his worst in the extreme. The radiation made his psyche crack.
You think Slenderman has a little mansion out in the woods for these guys? They're forced into poverty. They can't keep homes, jobs, or basic necessities. Hoodie had an oil lantern and was camping out in a drainage tunnel. Abandoned buildings in the woods with what food and water they can lift off victims or steal. They aren't allowed to have relationships, kin, or a home.
Chances are, there are many, many more of these entities just swimming around off camera. Keeping all the tiny little pieces running in Slenderman's affairs. Human cults are regarded as insignificant and almost an affront to these creatures. Humans are food for the machine. They can never truly comprehend the end goal of Slenderman or those at its command. They're disposable pawns. HABIT killed many of them in EverymanHYBRID without much ensuing retaliation.
Linking these series together, there is a coherent and rather blatant war happening between these entities and Slenderman. They seem oppressed, sick, batshit, impoverished and angry. Those who attempt to leave are killed or basically sent to Super Hell.
It's not that they're good people. They're all absolutely horrid and malevolent entities, but they want to be able to do what they want. They don't really enjoy being enslaved.
It's not looking great out there for them.
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frozen-yogurt-proto · 1 month
*tries to sneak up to you with a magic detector to see if you're hiding something*
*it goes off like a geiger counter dropped in an active reacter*
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
i misread geiger counter and so this exists now
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g. gougar counter..
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I've been playing a ton of Fallout 4 recently and all the radiation damage in the game has me thinking about how Transformer sparks are essentially small stars and thus put off a ton of radiation. But this isn't an issue to other Transformers since it's an amount they can handle and with their chest plates closed they give off no radiation.
But it would be a massive issue to humans.
I keep thinking about how humans interacting with Transformers regularly would have to wear portable radiation detectors at all times. And when someone opens their chest plates or gets a crack in their frame the detector starts screaming like a Geiger counter next to a mountain of radium watches. And how scary it would be because the human so badly wants to help but every second they stay near is another second they're getting closer to their own avoidable death.
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lifegreatsblog · 6 months
The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Geiger Counter
In our current era, where the consciousness around environmental safety and the need for radiation protection has never been higher, Geiger counters have become essential instruments. These devices are adept at detecting the invisible threat of radioactive particles, serving a broad spectrum of users—from nuclear physics experts to everyday people concerned with their environment's safety.
With a Geiger counter, you can keep tabs on radiation in your food, water, and home. It becomes indispensable if your residence is in proximity to a nuclear power plant. Moreover, enthusiasts in geology and science, along with collectors, will discover numerous engaging applications for these counters. Notably, collectors may use them to gauge the radiation levels in vintage glassware, clocks, and other antiquities, where radiation presence can be surprisingly high.
Decoding Geiger Counters
Fundamentally, a Geiger counter is engineered to detect and quantify ionizing radiation. It leverages a Geiger-Muller tube, which is pivotal for signaling radiation presence by tallying the detected particles every second. The capability of this nuclear radiation detector to measure various radiation types—alpha, beta, gamma, and X-rays—underscores their versatility.
Types of Geiger Counters
Geiger counters come in various forms, each suited to different needs and environments. Handheld models offer portability and ease of use for fieldwork, while those with external probes provide the flexibility to measure hard-to-reach areas or specific materials. Grasping the differences and functionalities of each model is essential for choosing the most suitable one for your needs.
Purchasing a Geiger Counter: Key Considerations
· Detection range and sensitivity Ascertain the radiation levels you intend to measure and the sensitivity level needed for your activities. Some Geiger muller counter for sale are designed for detecting low levels of radiation, while others can measure higher levels.
· Portability and durability For field or rugged environment usage, prioritize a device that is both compact and durable, capable of withstanding drops, water, and other environmental challenges.
· Ease of use and user interface Consider the user interface, display, and overall ease of operation, especially if you are a beginner or plan to use the Geiger counter for educational purposes.
· Battery life and power options Opt for a device with a long battery life, preferably with options for rechargeable or replaceable batteries, especially for prolonged or remote use.
· Additional features Features such as data logging, connectivity (Bluetooth or USB), and alarms (audio/visual) enhance the device's utility, depending on your specific requirements.
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Geiger counter Price
The cost of a Geiger counter can vary depending on various factors such as the type, the brand, the features, and the quality of the device. Generally, a basic and simple model of a Geiger counter can cost around $50 to $100. These types of Geiger counters are suitable for basic radiation detection tasks and for people who want to use them for personal safety.
On the other hand, more advanced and sophisticated Geiger counters that offer more features, precision, accuracy, and durability can cost $500 and beyond. These high-end models of Geiger counters are usually used by professionals in the nuclear industry, scientists, researchers, and various other fields where radiation detection plays a crucial role.
Top Geiger Counter for Sale
The market offers a plethora of Geiger counters, each with its own set of features and advantages. Some notable mentions include models renowned for their precision, ease of use, and comprehensive data reporting capabilities. While selecting a Geiger counter, consider reading reviews and comparing product specifications to find a device that meets your specific needs. For a reputable selection of quality Geiger counter for sale, consider exploring the offerings on nucleardetector.org.
Where to Buy Geiger Counters
Purchasing a Geiger counter from a trusted supplier is vital to ensure you receive a quality product backed by proper support and warranty. Online platforms can offer a wide range of options, but it's essential to buy from reputable websites and authorized dealers. nucleardetector.org stands out as a reliable source for various Geiger counters, offering expert advice and support to help you choose the right device.
Choosing the right Geiger counter is a crucial decision for anyone concerned with radiation safety. By understanding the different types of counters available, what to look for in a device, and where to purchase one, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs. Remember, a proficient Geiger counter not only bolsters your safety protocols but also deepens your environmental awareness.
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attollogame · 2 years
OC Kiss Week 1—Forehead
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Pariah—Forehead Kiss (No NSFW for this one; 1.2k)
Because who doesn't like metal detecting with a vigilante?
When you woke up this morning, standing in rubber boots in what has to be the most disgusting field you’ve ever seen was definitely not anywhere on your ‘to-do’ list, until Pariah personally penned it so. Even now as mud squelches beneath your soles and you try to smother out the smell of manure from totally ruining your senses, you’re not entirely sure why you were brought here to begin with. 
“You look impressed.” Pariah’s dry remark causes you to glance over your shoulder with the best unimpressed look you can muster, earning you a chuckle in response. “I promise I didn’t just drag you out here to get you close to nature.”
“I didn’t even know Attollo was so… agriculturally inclined.” You pry your boot free from the mud again as the faint call of a cow sounds from somewhere in a neighbouring field. There’s a sloshing as Pariah comes to stand next to you, their hands on their hips and their sunglasses-adorned face (an item you think is really unnecessary for this town) tilted towards the unseen sun. 
“Only in this district. The soils too fucked to grow properly anywhere else—but that isn’t why I dragged you out here.” They twist to point back, and when you turn to look again, you see what appears to be two sets of metal detectors lying on the ground. At some point, Pariah dragged them from the pickup truck they hauled your ass into to where you are now. “There’s a piece of Hypnos technology out here somewhere, and we’ve been recruited to get it. If we do, we get a nice reward.” 
“Are we splitting it fifty-fifty?”
“Ha! More like twenty-five across you, me, Helios, and Deadlock. Hypnos will cover reimbursement to the owner of the land.” 
Your eyebrow raises dubiously at their comment, which they respond too with a grimace, before you huff a sigh and trudge to where the detectors are. It takes a few minutes of fidgeting to get the detector to work, but once you do, you begin the gradual sweep back and forth as you (slowly) move down the length of the field. The only other sounds accompanying you are the cows from yonder, the beeping of Pariah’s machine, and the slosh as you un-stick yourself from the mud. 
It’s… peaceful. Which is saying a lot for a place like Attollo. 
“Do you usually go out doing things like this?” You glance over to where Pariah is a few feet away. They pause in their own sweeping motion to push up their sunglasses as they look towards you. 
“No, not really, unless we need the extra money on the side. The Triumvirate has a relatively decent relationship with Hypnos, though, and they do pay a pretty penny to make up for their fuck-ups, so.” They shrug and pull their sunglasses down again. “Just think of this as a cute date or something.” 
“A cute date? Stomping through manure-ridden fields looking for something a company lost?” You chuckle and begin sweeping again. “Sure, I’ll put this down in my top ten.” 
Truthfully, it was nice to spend some time with Pariah without the pending risk of death hanging over your heads. They’re often busy running after some criminal in the city somewhere, and you’re often busy with matters of your own concern, leaving you both with very little time to actually be in each other's company. 
“I also figured you might appreciate a change of scenery.” You look back towards Pariah again at the sound of their words, and although they aren’t facing towards you, you can tell by the way their shoulders are hunching up that this is an embarrassing admission on their behalf. “At least out here you actually have a chance to breathe, without having to pull out the radiation counters every day.” 
Ah, the radiation counters. You personally haven’t used any of them yet, but you’ve seen Pariah and the others pull them out from time to time. They look like Geiger counters but more compact—every citizen in Attollo is required to carry one, according to Pariah.
You take in the scenery around you once more. The smog is significantly less dense in this area, and the grass that outlines the field you’re in is a rich green colour. You even see wildflowers blooming between the strands—a feat that’s impressive, considering how barely any sun reaches Attollo. Pariah brought you here not just to help get the device for Hypnos, but to spend time with you in a place that you can actually relax in. 
A shrill beeping noise causes you to look away and towards Pariah’s metal detector, which they keep hovering over a certain patch of mud. You set your own detector down to (slowly) approach the spot it’s indicating. When you kneel down to clear out some of the mud, it reveals a metal tube with the familiar eye symbol carved on its side. Pariah moves the detector aside to kneel down beside you, a smile playing on their lips. 
“I didn’t expect to find it so quickly,” they hum, reaching out to pick up the tube. They hold it up at eye level and turn it slowly, allowing the sparse light to reflect on its surface, creating a prism-like effect on the mud below. “I told Helios and Deadlock that we’d be gone for at least a couple of hours, considering how large the field is.”
“I consider this a sign that we’re just a super effective team, and that you should take me out more often.” You offer them a grin as they pocket the Hypnos device. They then give you an expression akin to bemusement before leaning in and pressing a light kiss to your forehead. You close your eyes in surprise at the sensation; the kiss itself only lasts for a few moments, but the feeling of the gesture, along with the emotions of care that it seems to carry, makes you feel warm inside. When you open your eyes again, Pariah is already getting back to their feet. 
“Careful, or I’ll be making you come along every time I go out.” They hoist the detector up over their shoulder before grabbing yours and pausing to look out at the horizon. With their white t-shirt and sweater tied at the waist, they give the impression of a farmer who just laboured for hours in their crops—a thought that causes you to snicker as you rise alongside them. “Well. If we have time to kill, do you wanna tour around these fields a bit longer?” 
Your eyebrow rises with your own amusement as you walk over to stand by their side. You can see a fleck of dirt on their cheek, and without a second thought, you reach out to wipe it away. “And do what? Give a running commentary on which cow I think is the best out of the herd?” 
They roll their eyes at your comment before holding a hand out for you to take. “Come on, then—you can tell me about how every livestock we have in The Green District looks exactly like the ones you have where you’re from.” 
A more genuine smile touches your lips as you take their hand in yours, enjoying the feeling of warmth that it brings, before you both begin trekking back to the truck you arrived in.
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seinternational · 2 years
Can a Radiation Reader Detect Radiation That is Coming from Your Phone?
The camera sensors for smartphones can detect radiation before it reaches unsafe levels even if it is not as accurate as a traditional detector. Additionally, it can be used as a personal dosage estimator and an alarm for the presence of high radiation levels. Yes, (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) CMOS and (Charged Coupled Device) CCD cameras in smartphones and other devices can detect radiation.
The cameras are sensitive enough for many applications even though they are less sensitive than Geiger-Muller counters, specialized solid-state detectors, and scintillators. This setting helps to create the occasionally significant background noise different from the radiation signal. Scientists evaluated radiation detecting software on four cell phones, concluding that it functions effectively enough to serve as a first aid alarm system.
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Although it won't be as sensitive as a typical detector, they claim it will be sufficient to detect radiation before it reaches lethal levels and serves as a reliable warning system. Gamma rays should, theoretically, be detectable by electronic cameras in mobile phones in the same way that visible light photons are. Scientists concluded that smartphones have enough processing capacity to use their in-built cameras to detect and quantify gamma radiation.
When incoming photons strike the electrons inside a pixel, a charge generates that an electrical circuit can use to detect light. As a result, cell phones unexpectedly turn into effective gamma radiation detectors (the camera body is likely to stop alpha and beta radiation).
If a minor part of radiation enters inside your body, it can also cause a detrimental impact on your health. The excess amount of radiation can be extremely dangerous. The main sources of radiation are cell phones, wireless networks, and x-ray machines. Even there are several sources of radiation in the environment every day.  
Let's examine the top 5 Android applications for radiation detection.
Android Radiation Detection App 1: Pocket Geiger.
It is among the top Android applications for radiation detection. Mobile phone microphones are used by pocket Geiger radiation detector apps to detect the presence of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Simply said, this program turns the microphone into a reverse pin diode so it can measure EMR. This is the procedure. You can get Pocket Geiger for free from the Google Play store.
Android Radiation Detection App 2: Tawkon
As a result of our knowledge that radiation exists all around us, we can continue to be secure from it. The radiation emitted from any cell phone may be measured using the Tawkon app for Android. The tip that encourages you to emit the least amount of radiation level is the best feature of this radiation detection app for Android. It analyses and monitors radiation levels to minimize exposure. It continuously provides SAR information input.
Tawkon has several features which make it one of the top Android applications for radiation detection.
Android Radiation Detection App 3: Radioactivity Counter  
The third Android app to detect radiation has a name that already makes it apparent how it works. The radioactivity counter was created by experts in the field of EMF (electromagnetic field) or radiation for this app was one of the top radiation detection apps.
The main selling point of this application is its ability to measure radiation in the range of (ionizing radiation dose) 2-10 Gy to 1-10 Gy/h. Depending on the shielding employed in the cell phone, it can detect gamma radiation and greater beta radiation level. For $253, you can download this app to your smartphone.
EMF Radiation Detector and Radiation Meter are two Android apps to check for radiation.
Users may learn whether radiation is present using the Radiation Meter app.
The Radiation Meter app's operation is pretty straightforward; To detect the magnetic field surrounding you, it is the combination of the magnetic sensor of the Android phone.
It cannot be integrated with mobile devices that lack a magnetic sensor or magnetometer since it needs one. Field attractiveness is measured in T. (miniature tesla). The average EMF level is around 490mG or 49T (micro-Tesla) (Milli gauss). 1μT = 10mG. Upon identifying metal activity nearby, the micro-Tesla value increases.
Android Apps to Detect Radiation #5-Ultimate EMF Detector:
Users can use this app for free or with a paid membership. One of the better apps for detecting radiation is this one.
This software looks lovelier because of the many themes that are available (Graphics and UI).
This software uses a magnetic sensor to measure the presence of EMF and display readings from a line of LEDs and a needle meter. One of the top applications for 2020 is the Ultimate EMF detector app.
Key Takeaways
At S.E. International we understand that radiation exposure is unavoidable in certain industries. Our devices ensure your staff’s level of radiation exposure is acceptable. If you work in an industry where radiation exposure is a workplace hazard, you can contact SE International for your radiation detection products and services.
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