#gemstone dolphin
After rewatching Dolphin Magic, I developed the headcanon that Zuma is a gemstone dolphin (or at least a descendant of one) who got separated from her pod when she was young. Currently, it’s my excuse for why there aren’t any other dolphins at all in Oceana- she got lost and ended up there.
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arthistoryanimalia · 2 months
For #NarionalDolphinDay 🐬:
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#Dolphin Pendant, c.1600 (#Baroque)
Netherlandish (?) artist
gold, enamel, emeralds, pearls, H: 3 5/8 in. (9.2 cm)
The Walters Art Museum 44.443
“This wonderfully flamboyant design is close to the model on the title page of the second part of Hans Collaert's stunning series of pendant designs published in Antwerp in 1582: ‘Virtuosic Designs for Golden Ornaments.’ In the engraving, it is the god Apollo riding a sea monster, but the similarities remain strong.”
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cristalprince · 5 months
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
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Two gold and enamel pendants, decorated with gemstones and pearls - they are supposed to represent two dolphins (I rather see two cute sea monsters), both are from the 16th century.
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loz-the-noob · 19 days
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I took her to the aquarium as promised but there were no dolphins so she started crying and eating rocks from the gemstone gacha thing
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Sea witchcraft
Sea witchcraft, also known as sea magic or ocean witchcraft, is a type of witchcraft that is centered around the sea and its energies. It is a form of nature-based spirituality that draws upon the elements of water, air, and earth, and the rhythms of the tides and the moon. Sea witches may focus on healing, divination, or protection, as well as working with sea creatures and the spirits of the ocean.
Here are some key practices and beliefs associated with sea witchcraft:
Connection to the Sea: Sea witches believe in the power of the ocean and its ability to heal and transform. They may feel a deep connection to the sea, and incorporate its energies into their daily practice.
Working with Water: Water is a central element in sea witchcraft, and sea witches may work with it in a variety of ways, such as using sea water in rituals, collecting rainwater for use in spells, or working with water crystals or gemstones.
Moon Magic: The phases of the moon and its connection to the tides is an important aspect of sea witchcraft. Sea witches may perform rituals or spells during specific moon phases, and use lunar correspondences in their practice.
Sea Creatures: Sea witches may work with the spirits of sea creatures, such as dolphins, whales, and sea turtles. They may also use shells, coral, or other oceanic items in their spellwork.
Protection Magic: Because the ocean can be dangerous and unpredictable, sea witches may focus on protection magic, using spells or charms to ward off negative energies or to protect sailors and fishermen.
Divination: Sea witches may use various forms of divination to gain insights and guidance, such as tarot, runes, or sea shell readings.
Weather Magic: The sea and the weather are closely connected, and sea witches may work with the energies of storms, wind, and rain. They may perform rituals to calm storms or to bring rain during droughts.
Sea witchcraft can be practiced both on land and at sea. Some sea witches may work by the ocean, incorporating natural items like shells, driftwood, and seaweed into their practice, while others may incorporate the essence of the sea into their practice by using items like sea salt, seashells, or sea-themed decor in their homes.
Sea witchcraft is a beautiful and powerful way to connect with the energies of the ocean and nature, and to deepen your spiritual practice.
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treason-and-plot · 6 months
I was tagged again by @helenofsimblr, thank you very much! This time I chose Mia, because I miss her dearly.
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ANIMAL: Dolphin
COLORS: Daffodil yellow
MONTH: Summer months
SONGS: Satisfaction- Benny Benassi
PLANTS: Frangipani
SMELLS: Vanilla and bacon
TIME OF DAY: after midnight
SEASON: summer
PLACES: Mia can't wait to return to Paris and Pablo!
FOOD: anything loaded with salt and sugar, fat and carbs
DRINKS: sweet and fizzy
SEASONINGS: Vanilla extract
SKY: Cloudless
WEATHER: always sunny
MAGICAL POWER: can go all night
WEAPONS: her resilience and gift of the gab
SOCIAL MEDIA: Simstagram
MAKEUP PRODUCT: Cherry Chapstick
CANDY: Ferrero Rocher
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: Plane (especially the Mile High Club)
ART STYLE: primitivism
FEAR: Raj and Cookie getting married
PIECE OF STATIONERY: Mia is insecure about her literacy and writing skills, or lack thereof, and stationery has negative connotations. So, none.
I'll tag the last 5 gorgeous people in my notifs- @oasislandingresident @nectar-cellar @happy-lemon @nessysims and @mercury101!
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akanesheep · 1 year
What would they name their children?
I’ve seen a lot of fics and blurbs about this, it’s a fun diversion while we wait for the next chapter, so let’s play!
I frequently see Lucilia, Lucia, Lucius and Lucian, and they’re definite possibilities, and I could definitely see our prideful demon enjoying his name being a part of his children’s name… but what about other alternatives?
Lilith perhaps? A tribute I think any of the brothers would gladly back… but Lucifer or the twins would definitely be the most grateful recipients of such a sentimental tribute.
Outside of those, here’s a few names I think Lucifer would definitely get behind.
Adanna: it literally means ‘father’s pride’
Ciara or Kiara: Dark Little one or Dark Haired one. Has Pride ties as well.
Abigail: means ‘father’s joy’ I think it could work with Lucifer. I think he takes great joy in anything that makes him proud.
Daeva: this one has some mixed signals around the world, some say it means ‘beautiful’ or ‘beloved’, and some say it means ‘dark or evil spirit’ I think this could also fit. We humans tend to see everything as clearly black or white, whereas being a Demon doesn’t automatically equal evil. It’s also super pretty.
If we’re going to lean into the ‘dark’, then one cannot do better than Ebony.
Layla is another beautiful choice meaning ‘night’ and ‘beauty’
Ciaran or Kieran: the male version of Ciara.
Don’t hate me, but when it comes to boys names, I honestly think he’s going to be most interested in names that derive from his own. Here’s a clever one tho:
Heylel is another name for Lucifer.
Meyer means ‘bringer of light’
Uri means ‘my light’
It is hard to know on him if he would lean into light or celestial names outside of his own, which he feels he has darkened. I think there are many names he just couldn’t accept. He believes names MEAN something… and he is proud of his own. He wants his child to have a name that they can take pride in as well.
You know Luci is going to be all over this though. There isn’t a decision about his child he wouldn’t be deeply involved with. Take a deep breath and collect all your negotiating skills.
Our greedy demon has no shortage of names for a boy or a girl. After all, there are so many names and words for all kinds of treasure.
I wholly believe he would name his daughter after a gemstone or precious stone. Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Jade, you get the point…
He could also go with other names like Cherish, which means treasure.
For a boy?
One can’t dismiss obvious names Japanese names of Kin (gold) or Gin (silver), but other names could include:
Takara: another Japanese name, meaning ‘treasure’
If he wants a gemstone name, Garnet would fit the bill.
There are so many names from so many places that he could pick from, but I think that he would pick something that isn’t too dated and old. He’ll go with a name that will fit in with modern times. Mammon is all about value and worth, he greed drives him to be that as well as see dollar signs. His greatest treasure however is his family, he will ensure that his child has a name that will not only show the world how precious and priceless they are to him, but also how much they’re worth.
If, and it’s a mighty if, you can get him to stop trying to name your child after Ruri, or any number of anime protagonists. Once you get him away from those (I mean you don’t have to, there are some amazing names that come from anime series), I think he’d associate with names that reference from the sea.
For a girl:
Mariana: from the sea
Kaia: means sea
Kailani: means sky and sea
Maren: sea
Naia: this has a few meanings, including dolphin, to flow, wave, & sea foam
Kairi: sea
Nori: seaweed
Nami: ocean wave
Nerida: sea nymph, mermaid
Neri: burning light or ocean spirit
Laguna: pool, lake
Umi: sea
Let’s not forget the sea goddesses out there, such as Calypso, Circe, and the Sirens (although I think he’d scoff at the siren’s names as being to old-fashioned)
Akane: scarlet cloud… just throwing it out there ;3
For a boy:
Kai: means sea
Caspian: means white, and of course we all know of the Prince Caspian from the Narnia book series.
Lyr: (or Llyr if you want to attempt the Welsh pronunciation, you brave soul) means ‘the sea’
Zale: sea strength
Ocean god names (Neptune, Triton, Jupiter, etc… I think he would think it’s ‘cool’ but would feel he isn’t worthy of giving his child such a name)
Mirren: drop of the sea, beloved
Takumi: open ocean
You could consider some of the other famous sea beasts in mythology, but some just don’t work as well as Leviathan’s name does for him… like Kraken… I just can’t attribute that name to anything other than the Kraken XD
Aside from a few exceptions Levi is more than happy to leave naming to you… please don’t name your child Henry tho, no matter how much he pleads. His fish and snake already have that name, and he also has applied it to you… it starts to get super confusing after awhile.
Our love is so romantic. Everything will have special meaning to him, including the naming of his child with you. He never imagined feeling anything other than his anger for so long, and then you came, and you brought so many emotions out in him. He’s going to definitely be pulling names from book characters that mean a lot to him.
Juliet: ‘youthful’ let’s be honest, we knew it’d be here, even if he doesn’t go for it.
Odette: from the Swan Princess
Guinevere: ‘White Ghost’ or ‘Phantom’
Isolde: from Wagner’s Tristan & Isolde
Calliope: ‘Beautiful Voiced’
Emma: ‘universal’ from Jane Austen’s novel of the same name
Viola: ‘violet’
Maya: from Maya Angelou, means ‘Good Mother’, ‘Illusion’, & ‘water’
Tempest: storm. Also the name of Shakespere’s ‘The Tempest’
Lyssa: Goddess of Greek Mythology connected to uncontrolled anger.
Aella: whirlwind
Aiden: Little & Trouble
Brontë: in recognition of Emily, Charlotte, and Anne Brontë, means ‘thunder’
Tristian: means ‘sad’ from Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde
Dashiell: from author Dashiell Hammet
Edgar: ‘fortunate spear’ First name of Edgar Allan Poe
Poe: last name of Edgar Allan Poe, means ‘Peacock’ (whaaaa??? I’m going to laugh about this one for a while)
William: from William Shakespeare, means ‘will’, ‘protection’, and ‘desire & helmet’
Conan: means ‘hound’ or ‘wolf’, from Arthur Conan Doyle, author of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock: ‘fair-haired’, protagonist of the Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle
Watson: means ‘son of Walter’ Sherlock Holmes reliable assistant from the books written by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Dante: ‘everlasting’, from Dante’s Inferno
Bastion: ‘venerable’ from the book and movie ‘The Neverending Story’
Locke: means ‘livid’
Satan would be so much fun to plan with, because he would be engaged and most open for negotiation.
Y’all… he’s going to have an opinion. His child needs a name that tells the world how beautiful and amazing they are, just like him.
I think for girls, he’s going to love floral names, but he also isn’t going to be rigid on gender locked names. He will seek out great gender neutral names, and names that can be converted easily.
Lily: (or Lilian) the meaning changes based on the color of the flower… so we’ll go with what the Oriental Lily represents (because it’s my favorite ;3) It represents ‘the universal standard of beauty.
Rose: another than changes based on color, so we’ll go with Red, meaning ‘Love’
Primrose: means ‘femininity, Grace, youth, & renewal’
Bella: means ‘beautiful’
Azalea: means ‘wealth, family’
Hyacinth: means ‘Sport, game, or play’ meaning changes with a specific color in mind
Iris: means ‘Faith, Hope, Wisdom, Trust, Valor’
Cassia: means ‘cinnamon’
Iridessa: means ‘light, or Illuminated’
Clover: means ‘Think of me’
Ivy: means ‘affection, friendship, fidelity’
Jasmine: means ‘Grace, Elegance’
Violet: means ‘watchfulness, faithfulness, modesty’
Willow: means ‘sadness’
Daisy: means innocence
Flora: Greek Goddess of flowering plants
Fauna: goddess of fields and woodlands
Ash: means ‘tree of life’ symbol of powerful solidarity and immortality
Juniper: means ‘strength, wisdom, usefulness, and beauty
Willow: means ‘Sadness’
Ren: means ‘lotus’ as in the lotus flower
Fiore: means ‘little flower’
Quill: from the pink quill
Beel isn’t probably going to have much input to offer. He’s happy with whatever you choose. I can imagine that he likes stories about mythical and historical heroes. We know he’s big on protecting and defending those he loves, so perhaps some names that give those meanings some life…
Rae: ‘advisor, protector’
Alexandra: ‘defender of man’
Alessia: ‘defender of men’
Dealla: ‘protector’
Hildegard: ‘battle guard’
Kendria: ‘wise protector’
Meredith: ‘protector of the sea’
Artemis: Greek goddess of hunting, animals, and childbirth, protector of women.
Athena: Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare
Ishtar: Babylonian goddess of love, war, and fertility. Also means ‘morning star’ if Beel wants to pay homage to his eldest brother.
Juno: the protector of women
Victoria: ‘victory’
Alexander: means ‘defender of the people’
Liam: ‘Protector’
Titan: ‘defender’
Evander: ‘strong man or bowman’
Leander: ‘lion-man’ In Greek legend, Leander was a powerful figure who swam across the Hellespont every night to see his beloved Hero, a priestess of Venus.
Quillon: ‘The Guardian’
William: ‘A willing protector’
Conall: ‘strong wolf’
Quinlan: ‘strong’
Malin: ‘little strong warrior’
I didn’t want to lean too hard on names like Hercules, Thor, etc… I feel he’d hesitate to go after many of the ‘god names’, but Hermes, Hestia, Dionysus, Demeter, and a few others would have food relation, as being various Greek gods of harvest, grapes, home, and feasting. Not sure the canon stance on mythologies like these.
I think our sleepy demon would like celestial names. He loves looking up to the night sky and watching the stars. If he went with a different name, I think he’d be second most likely to name a daughter after Lilith, but for now let’s look at some other options ^_^
Stella: ‘celestial star’
Nova: ‘exploding star’
Luna: Roman Goddess of the Moon
Andromeda: Greek for ‘advising like a man’ >.> alrighty then… we’ll just stick with more astronomy based meanings… In Greek legends, Andromeda was the daughter of Cassiopeia, who Athena made into a constellation. The star cluster is called The Bohemian Andromeda.
Star: no explanation needed, right?
Sky: pretty obvious, but also possibly Skylar.
Namid: Native American for ‘star dancer’
Zenith: ‘Highest or crowining point’
Alula: Arabic in origin, translates to ‘the first leap’; It’s the palindromic name of a rare binary star system (two stars that appear as one because of their proximity).
Aurora: Latin for ‘the dawn’ Also Aurora Borialis and Aurora Australis
Venus: second planet in our solar system, named for the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
Sirus:’burning brightly’ the brightest star in the galaxy.
Orion: ‘rising star’, also the hunter who perused the daughters of Atlas, and was killed by Artemis.
Leo: from the constellation, of course, and means ‘Lion’
Alioth: brightest star in Ursa Major, Arabic in origin, and translates to ‘fat tail of the sheep’
Altair: ‘the flying one’ , ‘soar’, or ‘fly’. 11th brightest star
Aries: means ‘the Ram’ in this case.
Badar: also Arabic in nature, it translates to ‘full moon’
Sky: yup after the thing above our heads… also possibly Skylar.
Jupiter: the 5th planet in the solar system, from the Greek equivalent to Zeus.
Any child of royalty must have a name that carries power and prestige. It is a big thing to live up to as a child, growing into that powerful name, as well as being part of a royal legacy. It wouldn’t be any different for a child of Diavolo’s, although I can’t picture him being tyrannical about it, as he well knows the reality of growing up royal. Don’t worry though, we’re also there to give love and support to our little princes and princesses.
Devina: ‘Beloved’ or ‘divine’
Keres: death spirits of Greek mythology
Persephone: Queen if the underworld
Hectate: goddess of witchcraft and dark magic
Kali: ‘black one’
Orla: ‘golden princess’
Rhiannon: divine queen
Raina: ‘queen’
Morrigan: ‘phantom queen’
Maelie: ‘princess’
Erlick: Hungarian god of the underworld
Hades: Greek god of the underworld
Iblis: Islamic name of the devil
Azazel: supposedly a fallen Angel in Christianity
Erebus: God of darknesss
Alaric: all powerful ruler
Malik: ‘King’
Rory: ‘red king’
Mael: ‘chief or prince’
Regulus: prince
Ashur: ‘ruler of the gods’
Diablo: devil
Our favorite butler isn’t so particular on what a name is, as opposed to why it was chosen. He will prefer names with a meaning rather how it sounds. He would want his children to have names with meanings that he wishes for them. Loyalty, faithfulness, intelligence, wisdom… all things that Barbatos values. You’ll have to help him find that balance, although, he already knows you’ll balance all things with him, you always do.
Ivy: ‘faithfulness’
Leona: ‘loyal as a lion’
Athena: from the Greek goddess of war and wisdom
Veda: ‘sacred lore, knowledge’
Minerva: ‘of the mind, intellect’
Saga: ‘Story, seeress’
Kala: ‘Time’
Aikatarine: ‘each time’
Eternity: ‘time without end’
Damond: ‘continuously loyal’
Leal: ‘loyal’
Cato: ‘knowledgeable and wise’
Sage: ‘wise’
Rainier: ‘wise army’
Lance: ‘servant’
Balam: means ‘possessor’ A powerful Prince of Hell, Balam was a demon who had the power to incite rebellion. It was said he had three heads, that of a bull, a man, and a ram. This allowed him to see past, present, and future events.
(I mean, it would track with our butler demon’s powers ;3)
Chronos: (or Kronos) ‘time’
Deon: ‘god of time’
Nye: ‘New time’
Our precious Angel… he knows how complicated your feelings for ‘Father’ are, so he won’t push for names of devotion… but you do have things in common, music and nature being two of them…
Melody: ‘song’
River: as described, but if you’re a Whovian, you’ll get the reference to another River ;3 (and Melody also)
Allegea: ‘joyful song’
Serenity: ‘peace’
Meadow: as described
Summer: seasonal name
Autumn:seasonal name
Winter:seasonal name
Joy: great happiness
Aria: ‘song or melody’
Harmony: ‘blending of voices’
Aubade: ‘morning love song’
Major: (as in key, not in battle)
Ronen: song
Lyric: words of a song
Piper: ‘one who plays the pipes or flute’
Gwydion: ‘born of trees’
Reed: ‘red-haired’ or ‘grass-like plants that grow in wet places’, also used on several types of woodwind instruments
Rowan: tree with red berries, or ‘little red-head’
Our sorcerer knows a thing or two about being a father already, although he has forgotten most of it. Behind that easy smile and ready chuckle is a profound sadness. He will undoubtedly be happy to welcome his child with you, and genuinely be thrilled… but you’ll notice that occasional sadness in his eyes. He’ll of course want an intelligent name for your little one.
Abhijna: ‘remembrance, recollection, clever’
Halia: ‘In remembrance of a loved one’
Dara: ‘nugget of wisdom’
Quinn: ‘counselor &wise advisor’
Shannon: ‘old & wise’
Mika: ‘intelligent raccoon’
Cassidy: ‘clever’
Abby: ‘intelligent & beautiful’
Conroy: ‘wise advisor’
Ethan: ‘strong’ but with wise connections
Favian: ‘man of wisdom’
Quinn: ‘counselor & wise advisor’
Apollo: Greco-Roman god of knowledge and wisdom
Senan: ‘old and wise’
Makenzie: ‘son of the wise ruler’
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blizzardstarx · 2 months
Pontalo Continent AU Information
HydroWings full information (mostly based on the SeaWing wiki page)!
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HydroWings, also known as sea/ocean dragons to humans (like the SeaWings) are the ancestors of the SeaWings and are a Pontalonian dragon tribe that currently live in their deepest palace Atlantis, in the waters near the (unnamed, but not a dragon continent) continent ShapeWing Queen Paradox fled to after the Great ShapeWing Genocide. Currently, they are ruled by Queen Dolphin, daugher of Paradox and Shape/HydroWing hybrid, and King Tiger Shark. They speak an ancient version of Aquatic and the Pontalonian dragon language.
The HydroWings fled to Atlantis after a BloodWing-controlled royal named Bull Shark caused The Great Royal HydroWing Massacre, the HydroWings realizing the full threat of the BloodWings. Only a few royals survived, including the current King Tiger Shark, prince at the time, who stopped Bull Shark.
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Like their descendants, they are slightly shorter than the other tribes, with long, compact bodies and short legs. HydroWings have curved horns, a slender, curved snout, and two long barbels on the underside of their jaw. They can have forked or unforked tongues. They have huge webbed spines along their foreheads to the tips of their tails, as well as on their chests and backs of their legs, connected to their belly and tail. HydroWings have webbed talons with hooked claws, as well as long, powerful tails, with a fish tail that rapidly accelerates them through the water. They have gills on the sides of their necks that allow them to breathe underwater, although they can go deeper than SeaWings. HydroWings can also have darker striped/sea creature markings (like tiger shark stripes, orca, spots, etc.)
They usually have scale colors in shades of blues, greens, and grays. Although on some rare cases, purple, and pink scales, wings, or horns. Also, some HydroWings can have black spirals/stripe patterns like the SeaWing Nautilus. They usually have shades of blue or green eyes, and rarely purple.
HydroWings have glowing luminescent scales/stripes along their faces, bodies, and wings. All HydroWings have glowing spirals on the edges and starburst markings on the undersides of their wings, which royal SeaWings inherited, as they are the closest descendants to the HydroWings. However, non-royal Hydrowings have fainter markings.
HydroWing eggs are usually dark blue or green, and like SeaWing eggs, heavy, especially before they hatch.
HydroWings eat fish, squid, whales, octopi, turtles, crabs, sea birds, clams, lobsters, sharks, dolphins, and sea snails. They can prepare soup, stew, roasted seagull, sushi, sashimi, and a variety of drinks.
They are able to manipulate water, have excellent night vision, gills, and can use their fish tails to create huge waves or to hit opponents. Burns and other physical wounds can be healed with ocean water, like SeaWings.
They use their bioluminescent stripes to converse underwater in an ancient form of Aquatic, as well as attract partners.
HydroWings dehydrate faster than SeaWings, and get driven mad faster, having no control over their state.
Animus magic:
Animus HydroWings are quite common, as animus blood is in the royal SeaWing bloodline. Most HydroWings don’t use their powers, and they aren’t very controlled closely, as most HydroWings are animus dragons.
HydroWings are considered intelligent and creative, and members have jobs like carving, weaving, hunting, gardening, dragonet caretaking, pearl-diving, and enlisting in the army. Writers also write scrolls.
Like the SeaWing council, there is a HydroWing council that meets regularly, consisting of the most trusted HydroWings and the remaining royals.
They can keep pets like squids, seahorses, sea dragons, cuttlefish, and turtles.
Usually they are named after shark and dolphin species, but some can be named after sea wildlife, shades of blue, gemstones, aquatic anatomies, or oceanic phenomena.
Compared to the SeaWings’ average 180 bioluminescent scales, Hydrowings have around 240.
They love sushi and sashimi!
They use toothpaste like the SeaWings in Darkstalker’s time.
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roseate-felidae · 3 months
My genuine domestic cat skull arrived yesterday!!!
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I have been after a domestic cat skull for ages. But they were always either bobcat skulls, replicas, vet teaching specimens (very dear) or in USA (but not shippable).
I did find one in the UK though and they have the small premolar behind the canine. Which domestic cats have but bobcats don't.
Original owner said they were from a feral cat colony. They were sold on to pay for her cats diabetic vet bills.
Just removing the hot glue from jaw today.
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In the display cabinet with some fossils, rabbits skulls, claws and teeth.
Also an old dragon ornament, hag stone, sea glass, bunny ornaments, blown glass lizard, dolphin and seahorse. A mini bunny puzzle, Anubis on "gold" plinth and Tim Burton easter bunny figure.
Gemstones are blue topaz, raw sapphire, mangonite, a meteorite, raw yellow topaz and amber with insect inclusion.
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Some of my fossils close up. They are Cave bear metapodial, two Spinosaur teeth, mosasaur tooth, and mosasaur teeth in jaw peice. There is also a plastic replica of a velociraptor claw (the other fossils are genuine though). I also have two ammonites out of shot (one with nacre).
I also have a guinea pig skull and a diaphonised fetal rabbit head on another shelf.
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Here are three of my skulls. Guinea pig on left, then two rabbits. Also bunny teeth. Older photo on windowsill, so no cat skull at the time.
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Diaphonised fetal rabbit head
@themarginalthinker kitty skull :3
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dandylion240 · 6 months
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Josie O'Neil | obscure associations
Tagged by @izayoichan
animal / Dolphin colors / Yellow month/ June songs /  number / 4 plant / Sunflower smells / apple blossoms gemstone / topaz time of day/dawn season / spring places / garden, farm food / honey drinks / hot chocolate element / light astrological sign / cancer sky / blue sun shiny day weather / spring rain showers magic / empath weapon / guardian dragons social media / instagram art style / country comfort fear / to lose someone she loves mythological creature / dragon celestial body / the sun
Tagging: @izayoichan (I know you have others) @holocene-sims @winterspixels @wannabecatwriter @amuhav @stargazer-sims @lynzishell @rebouks @bool-prop and anyone else who would like to do it.
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mimble-sparklepudding · 10 months
14 Associations (Mimble).
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🐱 Animal: Dogs (specifically his puppy and Muffins), Unicorns (including Waffles) and Dolphins.
💜 Colors: White, Dove Grey, Silver.
🎶 Song: Any number of songs if you substitute the word "love" with "lunch" - examples include "I Want To Know What Lunch Is" and "Addicted to Lunch"... Otherwise I'd currently opt for Marvellous by The Lightning Seeds.
8️⃣ Number: Twelve - the first Abundant Number (Mimble is big on abundance).
🌑 Day or Night: Day.
🌺 Plants: Daisies, Snowdrops and Hydrangeas.
🪔 Scents: Sugary or Sweet scents, but more confectionary than floral - toffee, marshmallow or vanilla etc.
💎 Gemstones: Pearl, White Opal, Diamond.
🍂 Season: Spring - growth, new life, abundance and soforth.
🌄Places: Il Mheg, Bestway Burrows, Little Solace.
🥘 Foods: Pudding! Desserts and confectionary in general. Toffees and Pearl Chocolate especially.
✨ Eorzean Deity: Nophica, The Matron.
💧 Eorzean Elements: Earth and Light.
🍹 Drink: Tea (With milk and sugar. A lot of sugar).
Tagged by the marvellous @starrysnowdrop and the fabulous @reikatsukihana.
Tagging @miqomischief @dragonsongmakhali @elfie-kitten @paintedscales @scholarlostintime @confusedau-ra @the-unending-journey @ae-fond-seeker and anyone else who likes to try it.
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gutz4gorey · 2 months
Associations for [Carlos]!
animal: Capybara, dolphin, goose.
colors: electric blue, turquoise, chrome.
month: February.
songs: “Losing My Religion” by R.E.M., “My Ordinary Life” by The Living Tombstone, “Cult of Personality” by Living Colour
number: 11
plants: venus flytrap, cobra lily, ivy.
smells: burning electricity, chrome, white amber.
gemstone: Jade.
time of day: 3:00 pm.
season: winter.
places: political rallies, members only clubs, fashion week runways.
food: anchovy pizza, fish cheeks, fried pickles.
drinks: Peanut Butter Milkshakes, Pistachio Affogatos, Iced Cubans
element: Air
astro sign: Aquarius
seasoning: rice wine vinegar, cumin, bay leaves.
sky: partly cloudy.
weather: cyclone-level wind.
magic power: matter manipulation.
weapon: atomic bomb.
social media: Whatsapp.
makeup product: eyeshadow.
candy: Nerds Rope.
travel: jet.
art style: Pixel art.
fear: entomophobia.
myth: Arachne.
stationery: paperclip.
emojis: 👽🤓🌍
celestial body: Uranus.
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queeniecook · 6 months
ocs as obscure associations
I was tagged by @holocene-sims & @zosa95
I'll tag anyone who wants to do it!! Who else would I choose? But my dear Vera of course -
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animal: dolphin
color: blue
month: june
song: "Always Remember Us This Way" - Lady Gaga
number: 7
plant: Lilac Bush
smell: ocean water
gemstone: sapphire
time of day: twilight
season: summer
place: the ocean
drink: hot apple cider
food: tacos
element: water
astrological sign: cancer
seasoning: chili powder
sky: cloudless day
weather: sunny
magical power: the ability to fly
weapons: ice pick
social media: simbook
makeup product: lip balm
candy: tootsie roll
mode of travel: swimming
art style: realistic
fear: losing family
mythological creature: mermaid
piece of stationary: fountain pen
three emojis: 🌊❤️‍🔥
celestial body: moon
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barbiebattle · 1 year
Barbie Battle 9: Animal Companions!
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Miette (Three Musketeers) vs Sequin, Jilliana, and Jacques (Fashion Fairytale)
Kuda (Pearl Princess) vs Snowy (Princess Adventure)
Parker (Princess Power) vs Zuma (Mermaid Tale)
Blissa (Life in the Dreamhouse, Vloggerverse) vs Tika (Island Princess)
Wolfie & Serafina (Princess and the Pauper) vs Hobie (Rapunzel)
Tawny (Life in the Dreamhouse) vs Penelope (Rapunzel)
Majesty (Pony Tale) vs Gato (Vloggerverse)
Sagi (Island Princess) vs Honey, DJ, Rookie, and Taffy (Great Puppy Adventure, Puppy Chase, Vloggerverse)
Chuzzlewit (Christmas Carol) vs Gemstone Dolphins (Dolphin Magic)
Lila (Swan Lake) vs Azul (Island Princess)
Shiver (Magic of the Pegasus) vs Snouts (Mermaid Tale)
Pupcorn (Starlight Adventure) vs Zinzie (Mariposa)
Etta (Vloggerverse) vs Sparkles & Lily (Diamond Castle)
Prince (Princess Charm School) vs Bibble (Fairytopia)
Vanessa & Riff (Princess and the Popstar) vs Twyla (Twelve Dancing Princesses)
Zee (Mariposa) vs Percy & Violet (Spy Squad)
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whimsiboy · 5 days
random demigod hcs (this is gonna be short for now, but it will grow when i think of more things):
demigods can "speak" with their godly parent's sacred animal (not true speaking, just some weird... connection that they can't get over, like they understand what the animal wants and needs to a near communication level, but without the speaking part). percy particularly dislikes hanging out with bottlenose dolphins because they can be kind of rude.
when in contact with their godly parent's sacred gemstone, a demigod's powers can increase slightly. oftentimes they will save up to get a ring, necklace, or other jewelry item with the gem on it, or get one for their birthday.
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