#gemstone sex meme
cottoncandyafterdark · 5 months
Hyoga SFW Alphabet
Tags: SFW, fluff, headcanons, alphabet meme
Warnings: None
Notes: Originally posted on ao3 here
A: Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
Not very, at least when it comes to physical affection. He's particularly against public displays of affection, but you might be able to get a little more out of him in private. Normally the most you'll get from him is an arm around your shoulders, or a similar possessive gesture just so everyone around knows you're taken.
B: Breath (What can their s/o do to take their breath away)
Show off what you're good at. He's particularly impressed by combat abilities, but he'll appreciate any talents you have that could be useful.
C: Cuddle (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
It depends heavily on his mood. He won't shove you away or anything, but a lot of the time trying to cuddle Hyoga is like trying to cuddle a brick wall. However, sometimes, while falling asleep, or after sex, or if he's just alone with you in a really good mood, he'll put an arm around you and hold you close to him.
D: Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
When you became an important part of his life, he essentially inserted you into the dreams he already had. He wants to lead a new world where only the worthy will have the privilege of surviving, and he thinks you not only deserve to be part of that world, he wants you to stay by his side, rule with him, and experience all the perks that come with being the lover of the man in charge.
E: Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
More than you notice or realize. He doesn't call attention to the effort he puts into the relationship so it can easily be overlooked.
F: Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
Are you scared because a person or some other living thing is threatening you? He'll kill it. He's not as good at helping you deal with more abstract or irrational fears. He'll help get you away from whatever's scaring you or distract you from it, but he'll be a little disappointed that you'd let something scare you that can't actually hurt you.
G: Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Hyoga isn't too big on gift-giving, but he will give you gifts on special occasions, like if it's your birthday or something. He goes for practical gifts, things you can actually use and might need, like winter clothes or some kind of tool that would help make your hobby or job a little easier. He doesn't see any point to gifts with purely aesthetic value like flowers or gemstones.
H: Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
He tolerates being hugged by you, and you alone. Anyone else who tries would be lucky to leave with both their arms intact, but you're special to him so you get to hug him. That doesn't guarantee that he'll hug you back, though.
I: Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He's not romantic in the traditional sense. The closest he'll get to that is when he kisses you. His kisses aren't loving, exactly, but they are deep, and passionate.
J: Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Don't try to make Hyoga jealous if you want the other person/people involved to leave alive. He's very possessive and doesn't take kindly in the least bit to the idea of someone trying to take you from him. He might also remind you of who you belong to in a more, intimate manner later on, but this is an SFW chapter we can't go into that here.
K: Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
His kisses are rare, but surprisingly passionate when they do happen. I think his petrification scars would also add a unique twist, they'd definitely affect the way his lips feel against yours.
L: Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say it or show it?)
He never says "I love you" out loud. And I don't mean rarely, I mean never. He does show it in his own way, though you kind of have to read between the lines- any time he acts jealous or protective of you, or when he lets you hug him, or even the way he just wants to be near you sometimes- in his head, those little things do more to tell you how he feels than any words ever could.
M: Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
He's not opposed to marriage, but you'll have to be the one to bring it up. He's not really interested in a ceremony or reception though, he'd far prefer whatever the stone world equivalent of a courthouse wedding would be. Either that, or he'll just start calling you his spouse. I mean, who's going to argue with him?
O: Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do for/with their s/o?)
If you can't tell by now, he's not too keen on acting overly affectionate, or doing anything that would make him seem soft or vulnerable, especially in front of other people. He shows his love for you in his own ways that don't involve any of those things, and he just needs you to accept that.
P: Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Hyoga will joke around with you some, but his sense of humor is dark enough that you may or may not always recognize them as jokes. If your sense of humor is dark enough to match his, though, oh boy, he will be happy to joke with you more than anyone else even thought he was capable of.
Q: Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
If it's relevant to some field of expertise of yours, sure, he'll ask your opinion on something. Otherwise you'll need to speak for yourself without him prompting you. I can't say he'll always take your thoughts into consideration, but he will appreciate you being willing to stand up for yourself.
R: Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
He actually plans pretty far ahead for most things- he wants to do everything properly, after all, he needs time to prepare. Not that you'd know that. He doesn't tell you about his plans ahead of time so it ends up feeling very spontaneous.
S: Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
It takes him a while to be comfortable sleeping next to you, though not as long as you might expect (he's pretty confident that even if you did try to attack him in his sleep or something, he'd wake up in time to stop you doing any lasting harm). Once he is, though, he'll sometimes put an arm around you and hold you while you both fall asleep. He also thinks it's cute if you lay your head on his chest like you're using him as a pillow.
T: Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
His trust is as hard to gain as it is easy to lose. He's going to need to be really convinced that you don't have any ulterior motives or conflicting loyalties before he can really put his trust in you, and he's definitely still got a plan for if you ever do decide to betray him.
U: Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?)
His possessiveness towards you and willingness to use violence against other people (but not you- he'll never hurt you) is a rather unique combo. One that could potentially lead to people getting hurt, but certainly a Unique combo.
V: Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
Hyoga? Vulnerable? Yeah that's gonna be a hard no. You'll see him vulnerable when he's dead.
W: Wild Card (Random domestic headcanon)
He's very protective of you, and hates the idea of you getting hurt. But for that very reason, if you don't already have any combat skills, he's going to want to teach you to fight at some point. He doesn't want you to throw yourself into fights you don't need to, but he knows he can't always be around to protect you so he wants you to be able to defend yourself.
X: X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
If you were injured by another person, that person would have to die immediately. He would take care of you while you recovered, too, and it would really shine through how much he cares about you while he does; for all he tries to play it cool, it's easy to tell he cannot stand the thought of losing you.
Y: Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
Hyoga likes for things to be done properly. So, if you're sloppy or unhygienic he will be very annoyed. You might get annoyed with him if you're particularly opposed to violence or something like that.
Z: Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
He often outwardly acts cold in his relationships, but he has a lot more passion for you than he shows. If he's openly accepted you as his romantic partner, then chances are his feelings run deep- deeper than he'd like to admit. He might not always show it, but he'd do just about anything to keep from losing you. I think that counts as passion.
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ainyan · 2 years
Questions to Provoke Thought
I like being asked questions about my OCs. I like being given prompts for flash fiction. They help me think and help me grow and they help me share something I’m passionate about - the stories and characters I’ve created. This post is to compile a list of the different prompts and questions I’ve come across, and I will update it as I find more. Feel free to ask me anything or borrow them for yourself. I’ve tried to link to the original (as far as I can tell) to make sure that the maker gets the credit. :)
This list is frequently updated. Check here to see if you have the latest!
Prompts and Sentence Starters
Humorous Writing Prompts
Fun Trope Combos
Kiss Roulette
Assorted Question Prompts
Twenty-Four Touches
Another Kiss Prompt
Prompts for Lavish Balls, Parties, and Secrets
Gentleness Actions Prompts
Prompts for Commands and Demands
Bad Morning Prompts
Friends Prompt Challenge
Soulmate AU Prompts
Prompts for Sharing a Bed
Kiss and Tell Prompts
Two-Word Prompts
Cuddle and Snuggle Prompts
Difficult Recovery Prompts
*Don’t Starters
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Flirty Training/Sparring/Injury Prompts
Non-Verbal Love Writing Prompts
‘Broken Iris’ Sentence Starters
Love Language Prompts
Touching Tenderly Prompts
Written Notes Prompts
Touching Prompts
Touch Prompts
Question Prompts
One-Word Prompts
Outcast/Runaway Sentence Starters
Tol and Smol Prompts
Micro-Story Prompts
Compliment Sentence Starters
First Meeting Sentence Starters
Do Revenge
Kiss Prompts
OT3 Prompts
December Prompts
Variety of Writing Prompts
One Word Prompt & Genre
Non-Sexual Forms of Intimacy
Relationship/Friendship/SFW Sex Specific Ask Memes
OTP Questions
Polyamorous Ship Asks
Vanilla Sunday Asks
OC Questions on Friendships and Companionship
Couple Questions
Ship Opinion Bingo
Friendship Shipping Meme
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
Valentine’s Day Questions for Relationships
OC Questions on the 7 forms of Love
Ask About Family
Ship Questions Redux
Not-so-SFW OC Asks/Prompts
Sinday Sunday Asks
Sinday Asks
Smut Dialogue Prompts
OC Ask Memes
Choose Violence Ask Game
In-Depth Headcanon Questions
Misc. Ask Meme
Little OC Creation Ask List
Edgy OC Ask Meme
FFXIV Culture and Geography Asks
Studio Ghibli Ask Game
Pride Themed OC Ask Game
30 Totally Random Get to Know You Character Asks
100 Random Character Development Asks
Stat Attribute Asks
Flowery OC Asks
Resident Evil Themed Asks
Tarot-Card OC Asks
Colorful Interview Questions
If Your OC was an NPC Asks
SW:TOR Character Ask Meme
Cocktail OC Asks
Basic OC Asks
Battery Percentage Meme
OC Asks
Random Headcanon Meme
Yet Another OC Ask Game
Pink-Themed Asks
Vanilla Sunday Meme
Wholesome OC Ask Memes
Send a Playing Card
Headcanon Memes, Comfort Character Edition
Super Detailed Asks
OC vs. Villain Asks
Character Design Asks
Character Development: Hard Mode
Odd OC Asks
People My Muse Knows
OC Emoji Asks
Weirdly Specific Questions
Uncommon OC Asks
Random OC Asks
OC/WoL Interview Asks
Piping Hot OC Asks
Headcanon by Number
Starlight Celebration Asks
Misc. Ask Meme
FFXIV Ask Memes [WoL]
Heraldic OC Questions
Childhood Asks
Emoji Character Asks
Some Character Questions
Capital Virtues OC Asks
OC Question Generator
FFXIV Deity Asks
FFXIV Screenshot Meme
SFW Alphabet Ask Meme
Headcanon Meme
Headcanon: Send me a Symbol
OTP Asks
More OTP Asks
Games and Single-Question Memes
Ship Opinion Bingo
Send △ and Ask An Invasive OC Question
Sinday Rumors (potentially NSFW)
Music Playlist Minific Game
Sinday Asks/Prompts
Friendship Ask Game
Friend or No?
Send Me 🔥 For an Unpopular Opinion
Author Ask Memes
25 Questions for the Writer
Let’s Get Real Fiction Writer Asks
Questions for Fic Writers
Gemstone-themed Writeblr Asks
Ask Game for Fanfic Writers
Colorful Writeblr Asks
Fanfiction Writing Asks
Ask a Writer: Fanfic Edition
(Note: I always reblog a meme first - I only add it to this list after it’s made it on my dash at least once. No stealing for me!)
Please let me know if you find any broken links - I will fix them!
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sunder-the-gold · 4 months
What’s your favorite meme or post that’s like a hug or a laugh for you when you have a ‘terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day’ ?
Not this post specifically, but the idea behind the post.
Everlasting life, everlasting youth, endless food, free shelter, healthcare, waterparks, trees, games, music, singing, sex, crystal waters, golden streets, gemstone architecture, no liars, no cheaters, no murderers, no narcissists, no busybodies, no wars, no schisms, no goodbyes, no separations, no finger-pointing, no backbiting, no loneliness, no boredom, no anxiety, no dread, no horror...
Everything worthwhile in this life continues onward and comes with me, and everything else is forgotten like an old nightmare.
That's 'my happy place'. That's where I store my hope for the future.
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epiphemera · 1 year
[[orgasm denial, sounding, public sex, forrr Rose]]
〘 kink meme 〙
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— orgasm denial — scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
"like music, it is a time-honored artform that i frequently indulge in—both on my partners and myself." and a very useful tool for disciplining particularly bratty subs, he might add.
— sounding — scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
"while it's not something i dabble with often, if my partner requests it, or it's a necessary control, there is a unique delight in using such equipment— and the variety they come in!" he's seen them with little gemstones in the top, even. rose could match them to his submissive's eyes.
— public sex — scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
this makes the artist chuckle aloud. "putting on a show? i live for that~"
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cherub-silence · 1 year
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Rules˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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18+! No exceptions! This character and the lore are derived from 18+ materials. If your age is not listed on your blog or in any of your information I will ask just that you’re 18+ and you don’t have to give any more detail than that.
Dark and NSFW themes may be present! I will do my best to tag trigger warnings but this is my general warning for the blog. I have a full list of the tags that I do track on this post, just ask if you need anything added.
Absolutely non-selective, any and all interactions are encouraged! No prior messaging is required whatsoever but it’s always appreciated! I’m very friendly :) 
Non-private, all threads will be shared via Tumblr posts, I do not rp through DMs or any other platforms. Please understand that it’s what I'm comfortable with and not something I see changing anytime soon.
If you’re interested in interacting please check out the Verses! All writing, threads, and plots will take place in Verse 1 unless otherwise specified.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Info ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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I go by a couple nicknames and my blog URLs, I'm comfortable being called Art, Apidae, Api, or Cherub. I’m 21+ NB (They/Them), in CDT/CST time zone. My main blog is @eternal-apidae
Native English speaker, but I will probably make some grammar/spelling mistakes. I keep most posts formatted, abusing the read-more and post-cutting features, because I prefer how it looks and to keep dashes from getting overly clogged. I cut all posts after 10 reblogs. I also post all starters and NSFW under read more. Replies are medium to long, but I don’t require anyone to match my length, just please don’t reply with one-word replies, it doesn’t give me a lot to work with.
I will not hesitate to ship our muses if you’re interested but it will never be required. With all the themes and plots I'm interested in for my muse, there are plenty of options.
I absolutely love plotting, and I am always willing to hear how you’d be interested in our muses interacting. My DMs are always open. In the event that we have started a thread, plotted, or rp meme, that I lose interest in I will reach out to you to see if there’s anything else we’re both interested in.
Highly active and typically quick to respond. I’m mostly active during the day and tend to get busier in the evenings but my sleep schedule is wonky enough that if I have time you may get a reply in the middle of the night.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Bio˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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Name: Opal, she doesn’t remember her birth name Gender: Female Face: (tw link is for an artbreeder render) [🪻] Age: 18-25, usually 22 Zodiac: Cancer Height: 5’0 Body type: Pear [🪻] Skin Color: Pale  Eye Color: Silver [🪻] Hair Color: White Voice: Light and musical, with a Swedish accent [🪻] Scars: Several all over her body the most prominent are the ones on her knuckles and fingers from working in the kitchen, the ones on her back from a cat of nine tails, and discoloration on her wrist and ankles from shackles  Sexuality: Omnisexual Biology: She has gemstones embedded into her skin, attached to her nervous system. She has two on her chest above her breast and two on her rib cage below, there are six going down her spine, one on her tongue, and one on her clitoris. She has also had a full hysterectomy, so she does not menstruate and is unable to get pregnant [🪻] Occupation: Sex worker / Housekeeper  Hobbies: Playing music, writing poetry, reading, partying/clubbing, doing makeup/painting her nails, flower arranging, songwriting/singing, butterfly taxidermy  Characteristics: Creative, Diplomatic, Introverted, Friendly, Nervous, Polite, Quiet, Sensitive, Shy Hogwarts House (we do not support jkr in this household but I think they’re good character identifiers): Hufflepuff and Slytherin [🪻] (Divergent) Faction: Raised Abnegation, but would choose Amity Languages: Raised speaking English and Swedish, was later taught German, French, Japanese, and Russian Instruments: Violin, Harp, Kalimba, Flute and Piano Skills and Training: Housekeeping, Culinary arts, Secretarial duties, Translation, and Entertainment  Scent: Illicit by Jimmy Choo [🪻] Favorite Color: Purple Favorite Food: Italian, specifically Alfredo  Favorite Drink: Tea, her favorites are Oolong, Chamomile, English Breakfast, and Chai
Style: Conservative/Professional, but just a little bit slutty. Typically keeping her stones covered unless she wants the attention
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What’s in Opal’s purse? (just a thought experiment that got a graphic so I decided to add it)
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Verses˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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・❥・{Verse 1}・❥・
As a Jembax Opal has an Owner/Master, they are sometimes cruel and don’t particularly care for Opal other than making sure she performs her duties well. They are powerful, they can have political or business connections. They are rich and upper class. With this verse, Opal is used to the finer things in life simply for upkeep, name-brand clothing, manicured nails, and simple but expensive jewelry. She is something to show off, a glorified housekeeper, entertainment, and a sexual object. This life has made her very unhappy so she turns heavily to alcohol and drugs to numb herself. Since her Master doesn’t care much once her daily duties are taken care of she tends to sneak out to bars or to party. With this verse, Opal tends to meet people through her sneaking out or through her Master’s grand parties to show off.
・❥・{Verse 2}・❥・
With this verse, your muse may be Opal’s Master by purchasing her from a previous Master. She can be traded for money, favors, belongings, or whatever her previous Master was willing to negotiate with. For whatever reason your muse has decided against creating a new Jembax and simply wants to bargain for her. Being a pre-existing Jembax she’s not as valuable as a custom-made Jembax, but her considerable appeal is how trained and educated she is. Her biggest downside is that she has been a Jembax for many years and had many cruel Masters before your muse and is quite depressed and may even go through withdrawal due to her previous lifestyle. With this verse, your muse owns Opal and can use and set any expectations for her that they see fit.
・❥・{Verse 3}・❥・
As a Jembax Opal is not considered a free person, after many years of obedience she has finally snapped, whether your muse had any influence in that decision or not. She is considered a fugitive and anyone helping her will be as well. Being on the run is not something Opal ever wanted so it’s not a decision she takes lightly, she’s moody and regretful about whatever has caused her to take this path. The only work she can find is a brothel willing to turn a blind eye but they will not do anymore to help her and will turn her in if she causes too much trouble.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Tags˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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[OOC] - everything on the blog that isn’t an rp thread
[~Opal Blogging~] - everything that Opal would post
[~Thoughts~] - text posts that Opal would like
[~Aesthetic~] - pictures Opal would find appealing or that relate to her 
[~Music~] music Opal would play or sing
[~Poetry~] - poems that Opal would write
[~Wardrobe~] - items that would be in Opal's wardrobe 
[~Portrait~] - a tentative face claim of Elle Fanning, because she’s the actress I’d pick for Opal but I don’t think she looks exactly right
[~Open Prompt~] - any and all open rp memes, plots, or wanted threads
[~RP Prompt~] - rp memes I reblog
[~Wishlist~] - plots I’d be interested in
[~Character Prompt~] - character questions or writing prompts
~AUs~/~Fandom thread~ - the au or fandom that best suits the thread’s content 
~Thread name~ - the prompt name, name of your starter, or a random name I come up with
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Content warnings
tw alcohol mention - these threads mention alcohol but it may or may not be being used at the time 
tw alcohol - these threads contain alcohol use
tw drug mention - these threads mention drugs, prescription or otherwise, but they may or may not be being used at the time
tw drugs - these threads contain drug use, prescription or otherwise 
NSFW - these threads will contain smut, including noncon and dubcon 
tw violence - these threads will contain violence, including anything from assault to physical abuse 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Links˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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Since you’ve made it this far! Here! Have some links!
(You don’t have to check these out, but AO3 has the original author’s information on Jembax and Refsheet has a full gallery of all the commissioned art of Opal)
🫧📝💟 AO3 💟📝🫧
🪻☔️📝 Refsheet.net 📝☔️🪻
🫧🍾💟 Pinterest 💟🍾🫧
🪻📝💿 Spotify 💿📝🪻
0 notes
directdogman · 2 years
Behind the scenes: where each DT character’s name came from!
Thought this’d be a fun post, basically explains where each of the DT characters’ names all came from because I actually get asked for these a lot. Typically, I started by looking up names that had relevant meanings, but quite a few were whittled down to a one name each over time. For fun, I’ll reveal some names Alriiight, here we go.
Phonegingi: This one is a lil funny. A lesser developer would be ashamed that the main character of their thing was named so pointlessly, but an even lesser developer (me!!!) has no shame, so here we go: A few years back, I had an automix youtube playlist on in the background and an Oneyplays Animated came on (President Ding-Dong.) And for a brief time in the video, this weird character named ‘Bagingi’ appeared for a moment. During this, I was trying to come up with a name for Phonegingi, because I needed to add a default name to the game. I couldn’t think of anything I liked. Stitchles (like how it sounds, not how it looks. Looks like it’s said [stitch-lez]), Stitcho (likewise, just don’t like how the word looks), Frankenphone (too obvious), and from this lack of certainty, I simply filled in “Phonegingi” as a placeholder name and swore I’d return to it and replace it with something else later.
A little later, I told one of my testers I was gonna decide on Gingi’s permanent name that day, replace the placeholder name, and they were shocked that Gingi wasn’t intended to be its real name. Tester argued they liked it a lot. Asked the other early testers I had, unanimous agreement. So, I kept it. Is it a good name? Not really. Is Gingi a good creature when the game starts? Also, not really. It is what it is. People ask me if Gingi’s name should be said with a hard g, because ‘bagingi’ was, but the answer is, I don’t know how it’s meant to be said. I said it with a hard g originally, but now I alternate. Fuck.
Randy Jade: I actually came up with Randy’s name on the spot. I was rummaging through trash/old junk for props and found a nokia phone + a fuckton of old adhesive bandages/gauze wrap. Thought it’d be funny to place something for broken skin on something notorious for never breaking and violà. The Randy name is a pun on him working at a sex hotline as ‘randy’ means, uhhh, ‘down bad’ in British english. It’s a double entendre, of course. The jade is derived from ‘jaded’, but also, it’s a stereotype for sex workers and strippers to use gemstones names as their stage-name ‘Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst’, and obviously Jade is a gem. So, I thought something that was derived from ‘depressed’ but also connected back to the pun in the first name was good. ‘Avery’ was briefly considered as a first/surname a little later as ‘avian’ is bird, and Randy is also associated with swans. ‘Cyan’ was ALSO considered as a surname, as his head is a shade of cyan and ‘cy-gnus’ is the latin name for swan. But, 'Jade’ sounded better to me, had more ‘punch’ to it as the only one syllable name of those considered (if you look at the datables, 3/4 of the datables with surnames only have a single syllable in their surname), so Jade (the first idea) won anyway! Karen: Karen is derived from ‘pure’. I thought it’d be cool for the datable that takes the longest to warm up to you, but becomes the most affectionate when she does to have a name that sounds jaded, but has a tenderness underneath. When looking through available fonts, I also found one that reminded me of the robo-font from classic Spongebob, which I recall Karen (Plankton’s long suffering, but undeservedly loyal) wife used on her screen. Thought it’d be a nice secondary nod. ...I’m aware that Karen now reads differently to those who don’t know her as not long after Dialtown’s demo dropped, a meme became mainstream of uppity middle-class white women with awful haircuts asking to speak to managers for the pettiest of reasons. I can’t even really argue with it, because I’ve met this kind of person pretty frequently when I worked retail. Sigh. Once again, middle-aged soccer-moms ruin another life. Sorry, Karen. You deserved better. Oh, and her surname is an awful pun. ‘Dunn’ is derived from Donn, which is ‘dark/brown’ in the Gaelic languages. Karen’s head is brown, and her palette is generally autumnal. Also, it sounds like ‘done’, like ‘so, so done’. She hates her job, so it’s true. It’s just a perfect surname for her. Oliver: Oliver’s first name references the fact that he’s an orphan, like the famously gluttonous Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist was also (arguably) the most famous creation of the author Charles Dickens. In Dialtown, Oliver’s boss (Mr Dickens) ‘created’ the Oliver we see in Dialtown with his encouragement/support, so I thought it was cute. Oliver’s surname, Swift, is derived from 3 places. First of all, it’s one letter off ‘shift’. One of Oliver’s biggest themes is changing yourself for the better because you need to. It’s a reference to Oliver’s journey during his route, his transition (which he never shares with the player, but is an important part of himself), and it’s even the advice Oliver gives Norm in the final route. Swift was also the surname of Jonathan Swift, another famous author, like Charles Dickens. Finally, ‘Swift’ contains a lot of the same letters (and the same number of letters) as ‘Twist’, like Oliver Twist, which I feel creates a nice bit of synergy to his name (Karen + Randy’s first and last names also share a trait in common, so it completes the trio nicely!) Bigfoot: He’s Sasquatch. When Gingi suggests full potential legal names for Bigfoot to have, Michael S. Squatch (the surname obviously being an abbreviation of  Sasquatch) and “Bill G. Foote” (which can be abbreviated weirdly as Bi. G. Foot.), both come up. Heh. Sgt. Norm Allen: A friend admittedly helped me with this one. Norm is the only character in DT with a normal human flesh head, and his name abbreviates to Norm Al. Normal. The sarge thing was a reference to the fact that a quarter of US astronauts have been in the Air Force, so I decided to make it a part of his background. Also, 2 of his personal inspirations served in the Air Force, so I thought it’d be a neat nod. There’s a third reason, but that’s a secret tee hee. Connects to something bizarre. Callum Crown: One of my absolute WORST puns. Crowns are obviously associated with royalty/power, but it’s also an old word for ‘head’. Callum is remarkably like ‘Call ‘em!’, meaning his name is more or less completely ‘phone head’. I also later found out Callum means ‘peace’, which is neat, as he promised to unite the whole world in harmony, though I’d already decided on the name by that point, so it was just a neat coincidence. Still cool enough to mention, though! Mayor Mingus Crown: Crown is derived from the royalty/power thing too, though she also has an atypical head, so having her surname call attention to her head was nice. ‘Mingus’ is a name I’d always wanted to give a character of mine, so when I looked up its meaning and found it means ‘tenant (someone who lives) in a manor’, I knew it’d be a good fit for my crooked Mayor. Little Billy: It’s a name that sounds like it fits a shithead kid. First thing that entered my head and I used it. Stabby + Shooty: One has a knife head and holds a gun in his hand and the other holds a knife and has a gun head. may the gods be merciful Jerry Gould: Jerry popped into my head as a ‘weak/beaten’ sounding name, and tbh, like ‘Karen’, it’s kinda taken on that meaning on its own. Think of Jerry Smith in Rick and Morty or Jerry in Undertale. It’s just a name that really fits people who get beaten up by life and despised totally by everyone, every day. Gould was really considered first of all because of the late Edd Gould, the creator of Eddsworld. I found out about Rocky Horror Picture Show from one of his videos that was published in 2009 or so. I always liked Professor Everett Von Scott in the movie, (one of the DSaF phones even had his first name!), and this seemed like a good character to give that trait to, since he’s the most ‘stationary’ character in the game because of his booth job. The only time we EVER see him outside of the booth (outside of that one ending where you see him heavily blurred as you bleed out) is when Gingi gets him a nicer job. It’s a nice way to show that the Jerry that Gingi pictured when they first met was only a partial picture. Inside the booth, you can’t see his disability, like Karen, large parts of himself are shielded from Gingi. The character of Professor Von Scott is also a German, and the name ‘gould’ is derived from old German. It means ‘gold’. In one scene in Bigfoot’s route, we see how Gingi sees Jerry and ofc, his head is made of gold, which Gingi sees as to Gingi, Jerry is this gatekeeper on a pedestal, essentially. It worked on enough levels that I couldn’t conceivably pick anything else. For a brief moment, I considered giving Jerry the surname ‘Perry’ because he would be really insecure about his full name rhyming and it’d be a nice subtle bit of extra misery to subject his character to. Mr Ebenezer Dickens: Dickens’ surname was picked for the fact that Charles Dickens was heavily associated with the Victorian age, being both born in that era and writing stories that critiqued the themes that plagued that era, industrialization (and the mistreatment of workers) and the Victorian mindset of simply ‘knowing your place’, the implication that humans are bred from stock almost, that your class should be for life for some reason. So, I wanted a name that fit a British character, one that felt like it was from another era (to emphasize Dickens’ role as a positive older figure in Oliver’s life) but one that didn’t feel smug, just quirky. Given the above context, Dickens was a perfect surname. Also, Ebenezer is of course the first name of Ebenezer Scrooge, Charles Dickens’ other most famous character. Since both are old, I felt it’d be a funny lil nod. Theoroar Rustlebelt: Really dumb pun. Took Theodore Roosevelt (known for wearing that same type of safari outfit (believe it or not, his outfit is a teddy roosevelt costume!)) and added ‘roar’ (like wild animals do), ‘rustle’ (like rustling tall grass) and ‘belt’ (boxing has belts, and Theoroar is associated with bareknuckled boxing, a trait that comes from Theodore Roosevelt’s stereotype) to the name. So stupid. A bunch of surnames that contained ‘stache/stash’ in ‘em were considered but none were as obvious as the name he got in the end. Abel: The character first cameo’d in another game of mine, and I’m not gonna do the others who also share designs/names with DSaF characters, but Abel will be an exception due to his prevalence in-game. In his original ‘appearance’ in DSaF, in a whole other universe, the character ended up getting held down and his head crushed by a hammer at the end of his arc. It’s a nod to Cain and Abel, the latter of whom gets their head bashed in by a blunt object too (rock, as hammers weren’t invented presumably.) Brannigan means ‘fight/argument’, which fit his argumentative nature and the violent nature of his namesake’s death. Also realized after pulling the name that it reminded me of Zapp Brannigan, from Futurama, who is also a dick who mistreats his subordinates. Neat. Gabby: Her name is a pun too of course. ‘Gabby’ sounds like an affectionate name for a grandmother, like ‘granny’ or ‘nana’, but ‘gab’ also means talk, and of course, she runs a phone store, something designed for long distance talking. Bunny: Wanted something that sounded cheesy, like it could fit a burger restaurant’s name, but also contains ‘bun’, which is used in burgers. Curie: Originally officially unnamed, began calling them ‘Curie’ privately to testers as they’re a museum curator. although later on, I began jokingly thinking to myself that it fits them well, as Marie Curie (famous physicist/chemist) worked with toxic, biohazardous chemicals, which later killed her. Curie, likewise, works with modern art that could really be considered just as dangerous to be around for long periods of time. Lorraine Deere: One of the Patreon characters, appears during the speed-dating segment. The character’s creator came up with her name, but I might as well explain the pun to those who haven’t met her, due to how genius it is. She runs a conspiracy blog centered around deer. Her name is ‘Lorr. Deere’ and she peddles ‘deer lore’. Incredible. Nathan Hanover: Nathan means ‘gift of God‘, a reference to Dialtown’s godly soundtrack. Hanover, meaning ‘on the higher ridge’ refers to Nathan having the high ground, which is why Nathan’s theme has a 1/100 chance to play as boss theme music in-game, a reference to Obi Wan and Anakin’s famous battle on Mustafar with similarly epic music, which ends with Obi Wan (Korean for Nathan Hanover) gaining the high ground, of course. That’s all of the relevant characters I could think of. Hope this was interesting! If not, well, as William Shakespeare once said: “What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet. seriously tho, i called every character in my last 3 plays i wrote (including female characters) ‘derek’ and nobody seemed to notice. just pull random names, it’ll all work out rofl”
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It’s June and I’m thinking about what pride means. Or, what it is when it’s not the gemstone brilliance of people in love when the world might try to shut it down at a moment’s notice, when it's not the steady defiance that comes from being honest to the world about who you are.
I can claim neither kind. It took me a week to stop hiding Loveless in the closet and place it on my bookshelf, and another two to stop angling it so that the spine couldn't be read. I got a black dragon-wing ring and some days that feels a bit like pride, but it comes off before I come home and my heartrate doubles if anyone steps too close to where it rests.
Half of my queer experience has been fear and mourning futures I never had. Living with a lack of attraction when so much is built around experiencing it—sometimes it's lonely, y'know? But somehow, in a world where it feels like we are few and far between, we gravitated towards each other. Our little trio of disaster aspecs, in various stages of questioning and "out," built ourselves a safe haven.
And so, maybe pride can be something quieter, tucked carefully under curled fingers, joy appearing in bright flashes like a magician's coin. Maybe pride is no grand gesture, just the mundanities of knowing and acceptance.
"Fuck you" gets instantly met with "nah" and "please don't" before we all dissolve into giggles—it's a joke that will never grow old.
Someone is telling us how love is the most important thing in the world, at an academic ceremony, of all places; I'm raising my eyebrows at her while she shakes her head back over a sea of intent faces.
I flip through a deck of cards, muttering about how there are no aces, and without missing a beat, he tells me that there are two already in the room.
I think that's all it is, really: the three of us sat on a bedroom floor, debating attraction and playing card games. She’s showing us memes, he’s cracking anti-sex jokes, and I’m making terrible terrible puns. Something warm uncurls itself in my chest, and it is the closest to home I've ever known.
pride | jun 2022 | @nosebleedclub ​
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nabesthetics · 4 years
The Nabsterpost
(Nabs’ Masterpost)
Art tag; writing tag; HC tag; incorrect quotes; alignment charts; video edits; sprite edits
(I’m sorry this is horribly outdated)
Fave ask memes/prompts:
The Ultimate Relationship Tag
Random OC NSFW Asks
Important OTP Questions
Smut prompts list
Please just ask me stuff about my MCs and ships
Alastor/Lucio (#Dragoat)
Marty/Julian (#Martian Ship)
Links to Headcanons, Fanfiction and MC info under the cut
MC getting flowers for the guys & Asra
M6 as caretakers for a sick MC
Julian Devorak & magic
The origin on Julian’s theatrics
Why Lucio’s character variety makes sense, actually
Lucio’s physical age is kinda weird
And so is his arm
Me screaming silently about Asra taking care of MC. Twice.
So... demons, eh?
Red Plague as a magical bacteria strain
Dragonverse!Arcana: Saltwater Draconids
Spicey Headcanons 🍋🔞
Lucio during & after sex (+kink list)
Lucio + favorite aftercare activities
Service top Muriel
Fanfiction/custom scenes
Image-heavy posts are marked with 🖼️
“It’s yours”, Alastor treating Asra like he deserves (9 images)
“MC has opinions”, custom scene for the PSL tale, video
🖼️ “Hey, just stay with me”, Dragoat, custom Upright scene
“Ghoat”, Dragoat, testing of goatman sprite edits (8 images)
“So why don’t you know magic?” (7 images)
🍋 “Are you holding back? Don’t”, Dragoat, 3k
Dragoat Proposal, video
“A Prayer Unheard, a Letter Never Written”, pre-story angst, 1.1k
”Betrayal”, Alastor/Muriel, crack drabble
“Urge”, pre-Marty/Julian, drabble (bonus 1: The Breakup Day; bonus 2: 7-screen scene)
Dragoat: the Origin
🖼️ Chapter 1: Dealing With Ghosts 
🖼️ Chapter 2: Self-standards part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Bonuses: Glirting (goat flirting), keep trying buddy
🖼️ Consequences
🖼️🍋(-ish) “How are you just... swallowing that?”, Alastor/Lucio, custom scene (+fanart bonus)
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(honestly this is mostly me trying to keep track of the Dragon Lore)
LIs + some backstory
Background: origin, Southern Spines, discovery of magic, education, 
My Ship In 5 Minutes: Dragoat; 🍋 edition
Asra/Muri/Alastor OT3
Art/memes: dragon form WIP sprite, he stronk, Cherry Blossom Festival, damage control (doodle), dragon cuddles/kisses, Awastor, that’s a weird dragon, Dragon Riding, ...the Other Kind of Dragon Riding, mood doodles,
Half-form tongue :]
Hero Forge outfit concepts; HF Masquerade concepts
Food preferences (hint: he eats spiders)
The Coffee Accident
Ask: Magic; more magic; MORE magic + realm travel; gateway
🍋 Ask: pet names, odd kinks, one-night stands
🍋 Alastor + LI’s favorite sex locations
🍋 Sexy magic
🍋 Turn-ons
🍋 NSFW Alphabet: K, Q, X, Z
Panel ask: Thighs or Arms?
🍋 Dragoat NSFW questions
Dragoat: Ultimate Relationship Tag
M O R E Dragoat questions
Ursa Draconis: Ultimate Relationship Tag
Ursa Draconis questions
Favorites: hangout + gemstones; accessory; birthdays; more on accessory and birthdays;
Modern AU
Chugging hot drinks (on temperature resistance)
5 things he does to show love
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The really tired shopkeeper.
Hero Forge outfit concepts
My Ship in 5 Minutes: Martian (including the NSFW version)
he’s totally fine
Ask: magic; more magic; guess what? more on magic
5 things he does to show love
🍋 Sexy magic
🍋 Turn-ons
NSFW Alphabet: T, C, O, K, Q, X, Z
Truth serum ask: so how about that ring?
Familiar: Void (short for Voidemar the Dark Matter Overlord)
Voidemar is Infinite
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titleleaf · 4 years
Instead of being a huge pedant on someone else’s post, I’m going to make a post about the piece of art featured in this post instead: 
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(Post credit to Capacity, artist’s credit unknown.)
I’m pretty sure this is a modern piece. I’ve never been able to find any other version of this image except for this same cropped shot circulating on social media in meme form without any sourcing or attribution. If anyone knows the artist (who deserves credit if it’s possible to give it! this piece is amazing!) or can disprove that gut “this is too contemporary” instinct with sourcing evidence I’d be happy to hear about it, but my instinct is that this was made post-Stonewall. It’s a bunch of little stuff here -- the posing, the figures’ sizes, the way the central figure’s six-pack abs are detailed and his erect though comparatively modest penis -- but basically this reads as a modern erotic pastiche to me. Given the image’s afterlife in memes and jokes about abandoning modernity and embracing tradition, its potential status as a 20th century shout-out to real and imagined homoerotic Classical pasts seems fitting, but seeing this image getting washed through the internet with no attribution, no credit in the case of a potential modern artist, and no info attached for anyone who might want to learn more just bums me out.
Even if these specific aesthetics are dubious, classical Greek and Roman people sure did own similarly frank depictions of sexuality and intimacy (between men, between women, between men and women) and the odds are good they did display them in one manner or another. If I had a giant painting of two women fingerblasting each other, I might hang it in the foyer, I might hang it in my bedroom, I might cherish it privately as a memento of the lover who gave it to me; I might show it to friends who appreciated frank depictions of queer intimacy, or I might bring it out for parties, all depending on my personality, my social circle, and my means. What about a small painting? A print? A smutty bowl? A smutty compact mirror? So it’s really interesting to me to think of the use and display lives of erotic art in the ancient world and whether it followed similar patterns. If you’re interested in ancient erotic art with an implicit history of being shown off (to at least one person) and a similarly transgressive emphasis on the party being penetrated’s pleasure, you might enjoy reading about this agate gemstone carving of two men  from the first century BCE -- it comes with a lil poem, not pictured in the below detail, but which I love. 
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(please let tumblr not ding me for this, it’s clearly historical, artistic, AND educational dongery) 
From John R. Clarke’s “Representations of the Cinaedus in Roman Art”: 
In the Royal Coin Cabinet in Leiden is a large agate gemstone (3.1 x 2.15 x 0.4 cm) that pairs an unusually sexy image of two men copulating with a tender poem addressed to one of them (Clarke, 1998, pp. 38-42). The poem, written in late Hellenistic Greek, says:
Leopard -- drink, Live in luxury, Embrace! You must die, for time is short. May you live life to the full, O Greek!
The poem combines a command to enjoy wine, luxury, and sex with a memento mori -- a common notion in Greek and Latin poetry. One must seize the day (carpe diem), take life’s pleasures when they offer them- selves, for soon both pleasures and life itself will be gone. “Leopard” was most likely the special love-name of one of the men pictured on the gem. Since the poem is addressed to Leopard, it’s likely that the gem was a love-gift for him (against this interpretation, see Butrica, 2004).
So the Leiden gemstone at the time of its creation is an expensive piece of art, apparently personalized, small enough to keep in private but surely fancy enough to show off. Look at their relative sizes and apparent ages, the frame of the bed, the low-key impossible positioning for the sake of having the two men face each other during sex and for the bottom’s erection to be as visible as possible. Who was it for? How was it commissioned? If it was a gift, how was it given? Where did its owners store it? To whom did they show it? We have a lot of instances of sexually-suggestive-to-sexually-explicit art located in more or less public spaces (baths, brothels, etc.) and in private homes, just straight-up painted on a wall, but movable erotic art -- a dish, a cup, a cameo -- occupies a different literal and metaphorical space. 
Which is all to say. Where in their house did they even put these things?
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toxic-gorgon · 4 years
(2/2) I also have OCD and I am geeky and studious. I love reading, Mythology, the Arts, science, history, philosophy, spirituality, psychology, drawing, painting, superheroes especially Marvel, magick, and alchemy. I love anime and cartoons, baking, cooking, spending time on the Internet, memes, Nature, collecting things such as crystals, books, gemstones, fandom merch, and jewelry. I love Broadway and video games. Please and thank you!
I match you with….Jafar!
Immediately, you’re both so much alike! First off, you’re a Taurus and your astrological traits closely mirrors Jafar’s. You’re both ambitious, hard working, stubborn, value honesty and consistency. However, you’re also perfectionists and set in your ways. To top it all off, you’re both very studious and constantly learning something. He loves your childish nature, it’s cute. As long as you’re not like Sinbad childish, you’re good.
Jafar isn’t super touchy-feely. He’s too focused on work for actual romance, but for you he would make an exception. He finds your intellect and interest in things like history, philosophy, magick, and the like to be interesting. You’re someone who has a lot of interests and Jafar is also someone who appreciates things like poetry and art. He could spend hours talking with you over a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy your company. Do it, because everyone knows this man is overworked and he needs actual human company. Those documents won’t keep him warm at night.
Jafar isn’t someone who requires sex. He’ll respect that you’re Ace and actually is more than ok with it. You’ll need to lead him into the dating world though, and maybe ease him into the affection. He can understand and is amazingly supportive of your anxiety, depression, and OCD. Jafar is more knowledgeable with people and being someone who has his own demons to fight, of course he would do what he can to make things a little easier.
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marqucss · 7 years
diamond, peridot, citrine, sapphire
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diamond: crossdress or bondage gear
More likely to crossdress as a highwayman and rob other’s carriages and dinner parties than to ever don the dress of her pets.  But maybe…very rarely. Once or twice if ever for the latter. It would have to be an individual who has her absolute trust.
peridot: blindfold or tied up
Blindfold. But again….for the right partner…maybe both.
citrine: striptease or clothed sex
The Marquess very rarely engages in sex. Though there is something appealing in being so feverish with lust that removing articles of clothing aren’t even considered. But she is much more likely to perform a strip, forcing her patrons to sit silently and not move while she does so.
sapphire: sleep with someone younger or older
Young men are made for shaping, not for sexual exploits. An older man, well educated, knowledgeable is much more her tastes. Young men are free to try and intrigue her, however, if they think they can manage it.
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margridarnauds · 5 years
7, 8, 12, 20: lgbt ask meme
7. What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?
It’s odd because I don’t really GET that many questions about my identity. I think a part of it is that I really don’t CLOCK as LGBT+ for most people. Unless I directly SAY something, people are just like “Okay, cool, she’s Normal™, she’s One of Us” and then I have a moment of FEAR where I’m like “SHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT I FORGOT THAT SOME PEOPLE DON’T KNOW AND ARE HOMOPHOBIC FUCKWADS.”
 I was asked, at one point, to keep it/my atheism quiet, because my family didn’t want to taint my grandparents’ names in the town I grew up in, but I think that embargo’s past. 
8. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
Jeans + (generally a dark, though I’m warming up to gemstone colors) T-shirt, because it’s what’s simplest. I would go FULL GOTH if I could. If I ever want to signal “HELLO GAYS, IT IS ME, A FELLOW GAY,” (Or if my aunt’s asked me to lunch with her homophobic church friends), I’ll wear a nice, soft flannel shirt. I would wear it more often, but I really only have the one. 
12. What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?
My aunt apparently believes that my “liberal” (read: Tech based) college made me what I am and that I’ll come to terms with it eventually and become nice and domesticated and straight. (Putting a new spin on “Freshman Orientation,” huh?) 
20. Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show?
Killing Eve, full stop. It’s really the first time I’ve SEEN two women being given this kind of treatment in a genre that is very traditionally associated with men. There’s a LOT I could really say about the origins of the Sympathetic Serial Killer, the rise of the slasher film, the traditional punishment for women having and enjoying sex in a thriller/horror context, but the tl;dr is that it’s GREAT. Like, it’s not that the serial killing subgenre is ENTIRELY dudes (see: Basic Instinct), but generally you’ve got the Femme Fatale paired with a male investigator. And MOST of the time, they’re more for the audience (who are generally presumed to be straight men) to sexualize rather than enjoy as characters in their own right. (Basically, I can’t really THINK of a female serial killers ala Hannibal and Dexter. Not saying they DON’T exist, but that I haven’t SEEN them.) And the way the world generally plays it, it’s not like Villanelle’s bi/pansexuality is what MAKES her villainous, or that it’s tied to her villainy, but it seems to be more that bi/pansexuality is just a natural part of that world. And Villanelle AWAKENS that darker part of Eve as well, so it’s not a one sided pursuit/chase, it’s much more DYNAMIC than that, and just as much as we’re curious about whether Eve’s going to survive, we’re wondering what her final form’s going to BE. 
Aka, my issue with not having many canon WLW ships is NOT because of internalized homophobia/misogyny, it’s that I FINALLY found something that caters to my interests. Now, give me an enemies to lovers slowburn about a French noblewoman from the 18th century who takes on the role of an army officer/heir to the family fortune after her elder brother dies just before the Revolution paired against a scrappy peasant girl, and my needs will have been perfectly met. 
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jin0uga · 6 years
If she likes it she should
Me, an intellectual: I want to put a meme as the chapter title
I miss Glynda. Here’s a rairpair ship fic of Ruby/Glynda, featuring Older!Ruby. 
Part of my A Rose in Bloom series, standalone stories of Ruby/Any character in RWBY. 
Glynda woke at the gentle touch. Calloused fingertips danced across her forehead, accompanied by the familiar, off-key hum of her significant other. The tuneless hymn trailed off when Ruby realized she was awake, the feather light caress halting near the curve of her jaw. 
"Sleep well?" Glynda could almost hear the smile in Ruby's voice. Her lips lifted in response, color flooding her cheeks.
"Better, now that you're here," Glynda answered. Happiness bloomed in her chest as Ruby blushed, a pretty flush that made her twice as adorable.
"Smooth," Ruby teased, "I forgot how affectionate you can be in the morning." Ruby kissed her forehead, restless fingers reaching up to twirl errant strands of blonde hair around them. "Shower, then breakfast? I think we have some flaky bread things left, I'll even throw in scrambled eggs to sweeten the deal."
Glynda tangled their hands together, a small sigh escaping her. "A full-fledged adult, yet still refusing to call croissants by their given name. I should be perturbed."
"There's no harm in calling them out for what they really are," Ruby joked, "I'd call them crescent bread, but it kind of ruins my appetite when I imagine killing Grimm with that instead of Crescent Rose." She trailed off with a sigh. "Speaking of. My poor darling is in shambles after the previous mission, I'll have to do repairs when I get the chance."
Glynda made a noise of indignation. "Aren't I your darling?"
"I'm allowed to have more than one."
"Says who?"
"Says the most renowned Huntress in all of Remnant, Slayer of Cinder Fall and her giant Dragon," Ruby said, patting Glynda's cheek. "Give it up, Professor. You can't win when you're up against this magnificent beast." She pretended to flex. It drew a loud groan from her girlfriend, and Ruby let out a bark of laughter. "You're pouting."
"I am most certainly not pouting. I'm an adult." Glynda emphasized the last word, making Ruby laugh even harder.
"Don't worry, you'll always be my favourite!" Ruby cooed, "Now give me a kiss!"
Glynda snorted and playfully avoided the hands reaching for her. "Kiss my ass, Rose." She said, diving under the blankets. She pulled the fluffy duvet to her nose and hunkered down, waiting for the inevitable tickle war. But it never came.
Ruby's answering laugh was hesitant. "Just Rose? Or Rose-Goodwitch?"
Glynda swore the dust particles illuminated by shafts of sunlight spilling from the gap between the curtains had gone still. Her heart certainly had. She threw off the covers and stared blankly at Ruby, her gaze falling on the ring clasped firmly between trembling fingers.
Ruby cleared her throat, smiling nervously. "Marry me?"
Yang nudged Blake, not dragging her gaze away from their Professor stalking back and forth in front of the board. "Blake, correct me if I'm wrong, but… do your faunus eyes see what I see?" Yang felt the other girl stiffen at their proximity. "Check out that bling on her finger." Biting down the complaint of being bothered during lessons, sharp amber eyes focused in the direction Yang pointed at.
Blake's surprised huff told Yang all she needed. A devilish smile tugged at her lips and before she knew it, she was on her feet, hollering, "CONGRATS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT, PROFESSOR!" Her enthusiastic declaration halted every sound in the classroom for a brief moment. Pencils stopped scratching, scrolls were left unfingered as every person in the room turned to look at her – varying expressions of disbelief plain on their faces.
The very same students then whipped their heads in the direction of said Professor, who looked utterly stunned by the turn of events and Yang's audacity.
Glynda worked her jaw and tried to speak, but she couldn't muster anything coherent in the face of Yang's bold words. The bell rang. The sound was muffled, she felt completely detached as if she were buried up to her ears in sand, but it jarred her enough to go from catatonic to vaguely aware.
The normally stern and taciturn professor swallowed, a vibrant blush spreading across her cheeks to the tip of her ears. "Thank you, Miss Xiao Long." Her voice was feather light and it wavered on the last syllable. "That's all for today. Class dismissed."
As the scariest professor to ever walk the halls of Beacon darted out of the room like she was on fire, Weiss slowly turned to look at Yang. "You couldn't wait until she gave out our tests?" Weiss' expression was sour. "I've been waiting to know my marks for three weeks."
Yang gave her a look that read 'Don't you have anything better to say?' before sitting back down. Blake felt a spark of sympathy for their Professor as she took in Yang's shit eating grin, smug satisfaction rolling off the blonde in waves.
The classroom exploded with excited chatter, like hot air rushing out of a pricked balloon. Blake had no doubt the news of Professor Goodwitch's engagement would be spread to every single student in Beacon by the end of their next lesson. The school's gossip network could put White Fang communications to shame, but whether the news would remain intact and truthful once it was spread, she had no idea.
"Yang, as much fun as it was to make Goodwitch flail like that, she's going to remember you the next times she sees you. I guarantee it." Blake looked at Yang, whose expression had morphed into a grimace. It was obvious the decision to yell such private information was done on a mere whim. "All I can say is, it was nice knowing you."
Yang scoffed. "What's she gonna do? Keep me in detention till I graduate?" It wasn't a pleasant idea, but she hoped there were rules that kept teachers from abusing their influence. Pyrrha, who had been seated in the row below theirs, stood up to face them. She offered Yang a worried smile. "I overheard Professor Port asking around for someone to transcribe his stories. Perhaps…?"
Yang choked, suddenly looking horrified. "…You think she'll give me a slap on the wrist if I apologized?"
Her friends exchanged looks and shot her an expression of sympathy. Yang hung her head, feeling nauseous at the prospect of listening to Port blab on about his highly exaggerated, macho escapades. "Ah crap."
In retrospect, Glynda should have thought twice about parading her ring in front of the students. As Miss Xiao Long had demonstrated, teenagers had uncanny observation skills when it came to romance, sex, and food.
She looked down, silently chastising herself and mentally conjuring up ways to have Yang strung up by her ankles. The gemstone on the ring Ruby had given her was enormous. Glynda was mildly surprised it'd only been spotted during third period, and not the moment she stepped onto Beacon's premises.
The stone was a deep, beautiful color, and where light normally refracted off a normal gem, light was sucked inside this one instead, dark green becoming an even darker hue.
It reminded me of your eyes, Ruby had said. She felt warm as she recalled what she'd done after Ruby had said that. Croissants aside, her morning had been most delicious. Smiling, Glynda finished up the last of her lunch and tossed the plate into the bin. She poured herself another cup of coffee, the metal of the coffeemaker winking at her, before settling back in her seat.
If this were any other day she'd be getting ready to leave the teacher's lounge, finishing the cup in two gulps and swiftly leaving for the next class.
Instead, Glynda drained it in short, minute sips. For the first time since she'd begun teaching she dreaded entering a classroom. Perhaps if she put on the fiercest scowl she could muster, finished it off with a set of heavily slanted eyebrows, she wouldn't be bombarded by relentlessly curious students and could finish her lesson without answering any private questions.
She nodded to herself. Yes, that sounded perfect.
Glynda strode into the next lesson – once, she'd found it a struggle to teach both Practical Dust Usage and Dust Theory, but she now hardly batted an eye – with a severe expression that would send even Grimm back into their nests. She'd expected eager students bursting with nonsensical questions. What greeted her instead, was the faces of star struck girls and boys who'd just met someone they idolized and pined after.
Ruby swooped in, greeting Glynda with a long and torrid kiss. When she finally drew back, to say Glynda was shocked would've been a massive understatement, a lie of epic proportions. The professor wished she could speak, possibly even yell incoherently, but there were no words to describe her feelings in this moment.
Ruby beamed, the mere action making students squeal in delight, or fall into their seats in a state of unconsciousness. "I was bored, so I thought why not pay my future wife a visit?" The woman finished by giving the room a mischievous once over. "You kids are fine with me being here, right?"
As the room erupted in screams – Miss Schnee had a heel on the table, the notebook around her mouth curled into a makeshift megaphone – Glynda could only groan.
This was going to be a long day.
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PPG: RowdyRuff Boy Sona and His Counterparts by RacyLightBlueUniverse
Oh hello everyone well I saw this meme being used and I thought I would do it with my RuffSona too so I present Isabell (PuffSona) and Ire (PunkSona) With He, it was relaxing to do it and I also like doing these types of memes!!! :3c
Info Puffsona;
Name: Isabell
Nickname: Stone Girl, Gem, Cloying Girl, Baby 2.0, The Artist, Crystal Girl
Age: 6 - 15 - 27 (But it can change depending on what story and/or AU she is included in)
Sex/Gender: Female/Girl
Species: Artificial Human
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Team(s): The Powerpuff Girls and Others (depending on what story and/or AU she is included in)
Team(s) Role: The Quiet One
Signature color: Brown
Ingredients: Crystals, Cat Hair, Sunflowers and The Chemical X
General Powers: Basic PPG/RRB/PPNKG Powers (Super Speed, Super Strength, Flight, Laser, Vision, etc)!
Crystal Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate crystals and crystalline materials: homogeneous solids formed by a repeating three-dimensional pattern of atoms, ions or molecules and having fixed distances between the constituent parts!
Color Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate colors, an attribute of things that results from the light they reflect, transmit or emit to the extent that this light causes a visual sensation that depends on its wavelengths!
Gemstone Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate gems, also called precious or semi-precious stones, fine gems or jewels: natural or artificially produced minerals that have enough beauty and durability to be used as personal adornment!
Plant Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate plants, primarily multicellular organisms, predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae, including wood, vines, plants, moss and plant parts, such as leaves, seeds, roots, fruits and flowers!
Personality: Relaxed, Fun, Calm, Sentimental, Curious, Sweet, Clumsy
Hobbies: Watch TV, Drawing, Play Various Things
Likes: Food, Draw, People, Hugs, Space, TV
Dislikes: Soup, Crime, Snails
Back Story (Main): None
Back Story (Others Stories and AUs): None
Side Details: - She loves the References, Cartoons, Reality Shows, Themes About Space. - She loves breads too much. - She usually tries to solve things calmly. - She usually hugs a lot. - She makes sad easily. - She likes to watch the clouds.
Info Punksona;
Name: Ire
Nickname: The Dirty, The Queen of the Dirt, The Toxic, Poisonous
Age: 6 - 15 - 27 (But it can change depending on what story and/or AU she is included in)
Sex/Gender: Female/Girl
Species: Artificial Human
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Team(s): The Powerpunk Girls and Others (depending on what story and/or AU she is included in)
Team(s) Role: The Impatient One
Signature color: Brown
Ingredients: Glass Strokes, Leopard Hair, Snake Venom and The Chemical X
General Powers: Basic PPG/RRB/PPNKG Powers (Super Speed, Super Strength, Flight, Laser, Vision, etc)!
Amorphous Solid Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate amorphous solids, solids that lack the long-range order characteristic of a crystal, amorphous solids can come in the form of glass, plastics, gels and some metals!
Poison Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate poisons and poisonous substances, for the sake of clarity: poison, toxin and venom are terms for any substance that damages or destroys the health of living beings when absorbed into the system!
Soil Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate dirt/soil, natural body consisting of layers (soil horizons) that are primarily composed of minerals, mixed with at least some organic matter!
Acid Manipulation: She can create, control and manipulate acids and other corrosive substances, controlling causticity, where and how the acid affects the object, amount of fumes it releases, etc!
Personality: Crazy, Serious, Imperative, Cold, Playful, Salty, Weird
Hobbies: Watch TV, Steal, Playing Video Games
Likes: Food, Internet, Draw, Jewelry, Precious Metals, TV
Dislikes: Soup, Justice, Bugs, The Good Guys
Back Story (Main): None
Back Story (Others Stories and AUs): None
Side Details: - She loves the References. - She loves breads too much. - She is usually manipulative. - She has a tendency to be arsonist. - She doesn’t like to lose. - She is very impatient.
Notes: -His Info: https://tmblr.co/Zjzxzdbjs0JiuW00 -Other Instant Idea. -Is Fun. -Links Full: Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and Deviantart
Isrrael (RowdyRuff Boy Sona/Self Insert or RRBSona/Self Insert), Isabell (PowerPuff Girl Sona/Self Insert or PPGsona/Self Insert) and Ire (PowerPunk Girl Sona/Self Insert or PPNKGsona/Self Insert) - Me Art - Me Meme - Thiago082 Meme Link: https://www.deviantart.com/thiago082/art/PPG-meme-ReDraw-694178945 The Powerpuff Girls © Craig McCracken/Cartoon Network
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PPG: Rowdyruff Boy Sona and His Counterparts by isrrael120
Oh hello everyone well I saw this meme being used and I thought I would do it with my Ruffsona too so I present Isabell (Puffsona) and Ire (Punksona) With He, it was relaxing to do it and I also like doing these types of memes!!! :3c
Info Puffsona;
Name: Isabell
Nickname: Stone Girl, Gem, Cloying Girl, Baby 2.0, The Artist, Crystal Girl
Age: 6 - 15 - 27 (But it can change depending on what story and/or AU she is included in)
Sex/Gender: Female/Girl
Species: Artificial Human
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Team(s): The Powerpuff Girls and Others (depending on what story and/or AU she is included in)
Team(s) Role: The Quiet One
Signature color: Brown
Ingredients: Crystals, Cat Hair, Sunflowers and The Chemical X
General Powers: Basic PPG/RRB/PPNKG Powers (Super Speed, Super Strength, Flight, Laser, Vision, etc)!
Crystal Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate crystals and crystalline materials: homogeneous solids formed by a repeating three-dimensional pattern of atoms, ions or molecules and having fixed distances between the constituent parts!
Color Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate colors, an attribute of things that results from the light they reflect, transmit or emit to the extent that this light causes a visual sensation that depends on its wavelengths!
Gemstone Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate gems, also called precious or semi-precious stones, fine gems or jewels: natural or artificially produced minerals that have enough beauty and durability to be used as personal adornment!
Plant Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate plants, primarily multicellular organisms, predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae, including wood, vines, plants, moss and plant parts, such as leaves, seeds, roots, fruits and flowers!
Personality: Relaxed, Fun, Calm, Sentimental, Curious, Sweet, Clumsy
Hobbies: Watch TV, Drawing, Play Various Things
Likes: Food, Draw, People, Hugs, Space, TV
Dislikes: Soup, Crime, Snails
Back Story (Main): None
Back Story (Others Stories and AUs): None
Side Details: - She loves the References, Cartoons, Reality Shows, Themes About Space. - She loves breads too much. - She usually tries to solve things calmly. - She usually hugs a lot. - She makes sad easily. - She likes to watch the clouds.
Info Punksona;
Name: Ire
Nickname: The Dirty, The Queen of the Dirt, The Toxic, Poisonous
Age: 6 - 15 - 27 (But it can change depending on what story and/or AU she is included in)
Sex/Gender: Female/Girl
Species: Artificial Human
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Team(s): The Powerpunk Girls and Others (depending on what story and/or AU she is included in)
Team(s) Role: The Impatient One
Signature color: Brown
Ingredients: Glass Strokes, Leopard Hair, Snake Venom and The Chemical X
General Powers: Basic PPG/RRB/PPNKG Powers (Super Speed, Super Strength, Flight, Laser, Vision, etc)!
Amorphous Solid Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate amorphous solids, solids that lack the long-range order characteristic of a crystal, amorphous solids can come in the form of glass, plastics, gels and some metals!
Poison Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate poisons and poisonous substances, for the sake of clarity: poison, toxin and venom are terms for any substance that damages or destroys the health of living beings when absorbed into the system!
Soil Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate dirt/soil, natural body consisting of layers (soil horizons) that are primarily composed of minerals, mixed with at least some organic matter!
Acid Manipulation: She can create, control and manipulate acids and other corrosive substances, controlling causticity, where and how the acid affects the object, amount of fumes it releases, etc!
Personality: Crazy, Serious, Imperative, Cold, Playful, Salty, Weird
Hobbies: Watch TV, Steal, Playing Video Games
Likes: Food, Internet, Draw, Jewelry, Precious Metals, TV
Dislikes: Soup, Justice, Bugs, The Good Guys
Back Story (Main): None
Back Story (Others Stories and AUs): None
Side Details: - She loves the References. - She loves breads too much. - She is usually manipulative. - She has a tendency to be arsonist. - She doesn’t like to lose. - She is very impatient.
Notes: -His Info: https://tmblr.co/ZMgalYagHXGNmW00 or https://toyhou.se/12309959.isrrael-rowdyruffboy-sona- -Other Instant Idea. -Is Fun. -Links Full: Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and Deviantart
Isrrael (Rowdyruff Boy Sona or RRBsona), Isabell (Powerpuff Girl Sona or PPGsona) and Ire (Powerpunk Girl Sona or PPNKGsona) - Me Art - Me Meme - Thiago082 Meme Link: https://www.deviantart.com/thiago082/art/PPG-meme-ReDraw-694178945 The Powerpuff Girls © Craig McCracken/Cartoon Network
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Ruby for Tal and Logan, Quartz for Billy
Gemstone Sinday Meme  ||  Accepting
Ruby: Serious sex or laughing with their partner?
Talon:  Laughing with his partner, definitely.  
Logan: Generally speaking more serious sex, though just with Lasair since he’s very comfortable with her he’s quite happy either way.
Quartz: Dangerous partner or sex in a risky location:
Billy:  Considering Dinah is a cop and the other chick he’s banging in rp is a serial killer, I’d have to go with dangerous partner.
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