#gen z politics
ponderlyapp · 5 months
❗️Would RFK Jr. be a better president than Biden? Listen to @zivvynews report on the issue and vote on @ponderlyapp after reading both sides!
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winter-seance · 12 days
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mysharona1987 · 9 months
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I do maintain that partly why Israel is losing the PR war is that they can’t stop the IDF acting like fucking idiot monsters on instagram and tiktok.
Makes you wonder what would have happened if social media had been a thing during the Iraq war.
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politijohn · 5 months
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technoturian · 2 years
Conservatives after the youth turnout in the midterms:
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Me, a millennial, after a decade of destroying golf, mayonnaise and diamonds:
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animentality · 8 months
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infizero · 5 months
"...we know the government doesn't give a fuck about us. We know the government doesn't give a flying fuck about the future of this country. I don't give a fuck about Biden's campaign! Nor do I give a fuck about Trump's campaign. Because they don't care about me! They don't care about babies. They don't care about women. They don't care about Black people or Native Americans. They don't give a fuck about Palestinian children. I do! I give a fuck about this country! I was born on this soil. I love this place. Because I love my friends, and I love the earth, and I want to protect it, and they don't. Because they want pocket change."
You have to forgive me, cause I'm getting a little angry, but I've seen a lot of rhetoric on this app, and on other social media, and on the news, that our generation is soft. That Gen X- Gen X, Boomers, and Silent Generation believe that Gen Z and millenials and this Gen Alpha are soft. And I will tell you what, I think that is the worst thing to assume.
I have witnessed hundreds of my peers' lives be stripped away from them; their futures, their hopes, their dreams, their prom nights, because of our government's inaction with gun control. I have witnessed millions of lives taken away and altered and changed and ruined because of our government's inaction with Covid.
You guys made us tough. We're tough. We're tougher than you think, and we're tougher than you like to admit. Because we know the government doesn't give a fuck about us. We know the government doesn't give a flying fuck about the future of this country.
I don't give a fuck about Biden's campaign! Nor do I give a fuck about Trump's campaign. Because they don't care about me! They don't care about babies. They don't care about women. They don't care about Black people or Native Americans. They don't give a fuck about Palestinian children. I do! I give a fuck about this country!
I was born on this soil. I love this place. Because I love my friends, and I love the earth, and I want to protect it, and they don't. Because they want pocket change.
Tough. You think you're tough? You're bootlickers! Subservient to the idea of "growth." As if we can grow anymore! Our planet is dying! Because you don't give a fuck. Because you're soft. And saving the planet might be a little tougher than you thought.
I'm ready for that work. You know what I'm not ready for? Another world war. Just because I'm not gonna go over and shoot another working class person that I probably have more in common with, than an owning class piece of shit like Elon Musk, I'm soft? Because I care enough to accomodate my differently-abled peers, I'm soft? Because I don't wanna joke about women getting abused, I'm soft? If I'm alone in a room with Jeff Jackson, I'm leaving with his teeth in a jar. I'll show you how soft I am.
And you wanna ban the only place that we found community? Yeah, nonono. This election year is crazy. Because at this point, like, I think the entire generation, my generation, knows that you guys are geriatric, and knows that the Constitution is as well. It's too old. We are one of the youngest countries and we have the oldest Constitution? Make that make sense to me.
It's time for change. It's time for a new way of life. And these rich, stupid fucks don't deserve to be in charge of it. That's it, I'm sorry, that's it. That's it, I'm done."
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I'm not going to say Gen Z looks "old" because I hate the implications surrounding that. What I will say is that Gen Z looks exhausted and that people associate that with looking old--and I think modern conservatism is to blame.
Millennials are the "trophy generation" sure, but we were encouraged and rewarded for trying new things. Our emotions were seen as valid when we cried. The adults who raised us weren't perfect, but at least a lot of them let us know we were special even if a number of them did a 180 on us when we entered adulthood and tried to find good paying jobs.
I feel like Gen Z was told to "suck it up" a lot growing up and adults didn't hesitate to tell them they sucked. I remember this famous athlete made the news because he told his kids to give their participation trophies back and he was applauded for that. Like, I feel like Gen Z's parents were obsessed with toughening their kids up instead of letting them be kids, and now in their late teens/early 20s, they're tired because they were forced to act like little adults instead of the kids they were. The wonderment of childhood was taken from them and now they cannot help but be pessimistic. That's not their fault.
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transfaguette · 5 months
tumblr is not immune to generational politics and the same avocado toast rhetoric they mocked but this time targeted towards gen z in some vague appeal to concern. and not to be like “nothing ever happens” but people make it seem like any change in how new generations interact with the world is like the end of society as we know it. the kids are not alright but they have never been. and we will all grow up and life will go on. like, chill out.
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sher-ee · 3 months
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Rise up people! Vote BLUE.
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You're the daughter of an actual, real life Baron, your family own Coutts, the bank for super rich people, I don't think you get to tell anyone about hard work!
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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The gop continues to wonder why it can’t win over younger voters.
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politijohn · 1 year
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“the young activists seized on language in the Montana state Constitution that guarantees residents ‘the right to a clean and healthful environment,’ and stipulates that the state and individuals are responsible for maintaining and improving the environment ‘for present and future generations.’”
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robertreich · 1 year
It’s Time to Roast Starbucks For Union Busting
Starbucks should be getting publicly roasted for union busting and refusing to even negotiate with unionized workers.
You see, if there’s one thing I love more than coffee, it’s unions. Because unions perk up pay.
And if there’s one thing I hate more than corporations who try to bust unions, it’s having to make my own coffee every morning.
I may be known for a lot of things, but making a good cup of coffee isn’t one of them.
I was thrilled to hear about workers in Starbucks’ stores across the country exercising their right to unionize.
A cup of solidarity brewed by a unionized barista? What could be better than that?
Definitely not me being my own barista.
Starbucks is a multibillion dollar company. Its new CEO will start with a pay package estimated to be worth over $28 million dollars. That’s roughly 800x the pay of the workers who actually brew and serve the coffee the business is built on — and who barely earn a living wage.                                            
That’s why those workers have begun to unionize.
Since December 2021, Starbucks Workers United has won union elections in more than 300 Starbucks stores, covering more than 8,000 workers and counting.
And most of the union campaigns in individual stores won by overwhelming margins, gaining more than 70% of the total votes — and in parts of the country where private sector unions rarely win.
The Starbucks union campaign has inspired young workers across the country and breathed life into a U.S. labor movement that has been stagnant for decades.
It’s been so successful that Starbucks briefly brought its former CEO, billionaire Howard Schultz, out of retirement to bust the union, and still refuses to even sit down at the bargaining table.
That’s why I’ve been boycotting Starbucks.
As part of its campaign to tamp down further unionization, Starbucks corporate has fired scores of pro-union workers, closed stores that have unionized, threatened to withhold wage and benefit improvements from stores considering unionizing, and packed stores with outside managers to undermine organizing efforts.
The National Labor Relations Board, which oversees all union elections in the U.S., has issued more than 93 complaints covering 328 unfair labor practice charges against Starbucks — and ordered reinstatement of at least 23 fired workers so far.
Yet Starbucks is unwilling to change its anti-union ways — even though Schultz was grilled in front of Congress 
Starbucks claims to be a “progressive” company.
But based on the way it’s broken labor law and put unionized workers in the percolator, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Now is an opportunity for all of us to make our voices heard and to tell Starbucks to stop UNION BUSTING and bargain in good faith with Starbucks Workers United.
And it’s time for Joe Biden, who calls himself the “most pro-union president in American history,” to send a powerful message: we won’t tolerate union-busting by Starbucks or any other corporation — including Elon Musk’s Tesla and Jeff Bezos’s Amazon.
Otherwise, my boycott will continue — and perhaps you’ll consider joining me.  
If we want to brew a future where workers have power and dignity, then we need to show solidarity with unions…
And stand up to corporate bullying.
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eyepatchoflove · 2 months
since most vampires if not all are multilingual i think it would be fun if they wouldn't be up-to-date with the modern way of speaking/version of specific languages (except their main ones like french and english or whatever)
with some of the languages they are stuck with the version they used to speak when they lived in those specific places at those specific times (which could mean that the language changed fully and they can barely understand/remember it or that they just sound stupid as hell while talking)
like yes, i know that armand knows italian and could probably still understand modern italian (if we ignore some specific slangs/dialects) but i need him to speak la lingua volgare like he's in the 1300's/1500's in a boccaccio/dante/petrarca kind of way
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gorgynei · 2 months
i think we should all be a bit disgusted by the fact that kamala harris is using memes and brat and chappel roan as part of her campaigning towards gen z. politicians are not your friends and never have been and never will be. it shouldnt be "cool" for harris to say that she is a "femininomenon"
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