#gender envy. i dare say
moss-hearted · 4 months
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sorry i know the wad livestream was supposed to be about dan but the moment phil took that fuckass orange jacket off it was so over for me
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drdarling · 6 months
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clownsnake · 1 year
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i want this guys beastly swag so much its unreal
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domorebemore · 7 months
the way i didn't get along with girls as a child and only hung out with boys and the only roles i wanted to play between the ages of like 10-14 were guys ............... and i told my friends i was trying to come up with a boy name for myself and i didn't get why they thought it was weird and i didn't know what being nonbinary was bc it wasn't even like on the public consciousness at the time so i would just go online and roleplay with my friend as a gay feminine OC who was in a relationship with their gay OC and now that friend is trans. LOL!
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pink7matter · 6 months
how to give off never be like you jacob elordi edit vibes
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ittybittybumblebee · 1 year
Yesyesyesyes I love the cabinet of Dr caligari posting I love that movie and also big top burger!!!! Seeing you on my dash pushed my autism button and now I'm going to look at pictures of Conrad veidt!!!
Awesome!!! 😁
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thedumestflower · 2 months
Being both aroace and also a hormonal teenager means that when i find people very pretty and , dare I say hot, it stops there. I only want to look at and admire them, nothing else. Like, I've never saw a person I found attractive and whent "wowsers, I would like to start a relationship with them or even do something not safe for Tumblr", no I just think "wowsers their hot" and nothing else.
Also being transmasc and non binary makes me wonder if the things I'm feeling are admiration or gender envy so that's fun
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alllgator-blood · 2 months
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I s2g if you add the layers of these comic pages together, it's over 350 layers. THIS is why I don't do full color for my comics lmaooo- ANYWAY EVERYONE HERE HAS AN AU APPARENTLY, SO THIS IS A BRIEF GLIMPSE INTO MINE. I don't know what to call it yet but I'm thinking of calling it "famous prophets" because 1. I like that car seat headrest song, 2. it's about shamura who is prophetic, 3. it's about trying to outrun fate with the Power of Love (and failing. Like the song!!!). It takes place when all the bishops were teens/kids during the age of hundreds of gods at war, and were trying to survive as a family.
I'm really excited to work on stuff for it but it's all gonna be drawn out of order. Maybe I'll write a full explanation of what it's gonna be about when I have a better idea...I want to channel my eldest sibling angst in a productive way, and maybe establish a QPP between shamura and a completely random npc everyone forgets about <3 also kallamar is trans too cause I said so. I'll do a comic about it eventually. Instead of an absence of gender he has TOO much gender. It simply cannot be contained.
I like that nonbinary genders are normalized in cult of the lamb to the point where nobody singles anyone out for being a they/them, it's not like "THIS IS MY SIBLING SHAMURA. THEY ARE NONBINARY AND USE THEY/THEM. ALRIGHT BACK TO KILLING YOU", it's just like "don't you fucking dare make my poor sibling wake up from their nap to kick your ass. Cause they deserve better than this."
But at the same time I like having the freedom to be more specific, and say "shamura is voidpunk and their gender is best described as the feeling that overtakes you during the first snow of the year, when everything outside is deathly quiet". This comic is actually derived from the time I was walking through a forest that's been torn down for a few years, and came out to my little sister as trans. I must've been like 13 or 14 and she didn't really get it as a 10 year old, but it was better than my mom FREAKING OUT about me coming out. So it was a nice little bonding moment between just the two of us. I don't have a good memory so I don't recall how it went unfortunately...
Now, the climate is a little different. My sis tried out transmasculinity for maybe 5-6 years before feeling happier as a woman, my mom is trying to be Based and flaunt her Woke trans children, and my dad remembered "oh yeah trans natives have existed before colonization. Maybe me being transphobic is a product of my culture being erased" and has gotten better about calling me the right thing. I have a mustache (thanks pcos!!) and wear skirts and am not a repressed "tomboy" teenager anymore. But I can't help but wonder what would've happened if I could've been like shamura and just...been nonbinary without people being fucking weird about it. Or been born as a badass war god who will tear you to shreds before you can perceive my birth sex. I know they're fictional but they are my ultimate gender envy GRRRRR BARK BARK BARK
Here is the secret image for this post- I listen to mostly EDM when I draw cause it keeps the energy up, but as I was finishing up shamura's poetry part, I was like THESE ARE JUST KMFDM LYRICS so I made this
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dearbraus · 1 year
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Vol.1 ─ Jealousy Jealousy
⊹ Details. 18+ only minors dni, gender neutral reader, semi public (they’re in the tavern when its empty), jealousy, teasing, dry humping, heavy petting, light praise, making out, reassurance. 
⊹ Run time. 0.6k
⊹ Note. Written for Arlo @tinie​​ as a part of a my milestone event with the specifications of praise + the prompt  ❝you looked like you were jealous.❞
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Diluc's eyes remained trained on your disgruntled figure as the last patron of the evening swiftly saunters out of the tavern. The glass he had busied himself with polishing clinks against the bar top when he sets it aside. The frown you wear grows deeper as you stare into the murky depths of grape juice you asked for nearly an hour ago. Flipping his cloth cleaning rag over his shoulder, Diluc hums— you’re upset.
Your gaze begins to follow him as he steps around the bar, your body twisting on the stool when he settles in front of you.
Calloused fingers catch the tip of your chin, tilting your head upwards so you’d meet his gaze. Diluc dips his head down to meet your pouting lips with a swiftness that has your breath catching. His hips slot between, to bring his devilishly warm body even closer to yours.
“What was that for?” You ask, brows furrowing as you dig your fingers into the heavy material of his coat.
Shrugging his shoulders, Diluc hums, “You looked like you were jealous,” he has always been a straightforward man but the cool air that surrounds him now makes your lips drop even further, “Were you?”
“No!” you whine a bit too quickly.
“Would you like me to kiss you again?”
Diluc chuckles, his hands falling from your face to your waist. His fingertips dance along the hem of your shirt, daring to slip underneath and caress your supple skin when your words falter.
“I wasn’t jealous,” you pointedly mutter, turning your nose up, “But ... I won’t say no to another kiss ... if you’re offering.”
Hooking your legs over his hips to invite Diluc back in, your tug on his coat until he takes the hint to kiss you. The hands beneath your shirt slink further beneath the fabric as his crotch is pressed flush against you. His teeth tugged on your bottom lip, it elicits a slight whine from the back of your throat.
“You know I only have eyes for you,” he states, rolling his hips against yours, “I want you to say it, say it and I’ll kiss you.”
Dragging your hands down his chest to where his shirt is tucked neatly into the waistband of his pants, “The were flirting with you the entire night,” you snip, tugging his shirt free, “Excuse me if I’m a bit displeased.”
“I told you-”
“I know,” you cut him off, he shudders as you gently tug on the thatch of dark red curls that slip beneath his waistband, “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to get annoyed when other people flirt with you.”
Giving your waist a squeeze, Diluc hums, “I know,” kissing the tip of your nose, he rests his forehead against yours, “And, you’re allowed to feel upset if that's what you are.”
“I know you only have eyes for me.”
Your lip perks up into a small smile, teeth aching to sink into the taunt skin of his neck. His freckled flesh is laid bare for you, so tantalizing that you fear you may go mad with need if the two of you spend a moment more talking. Your feelings for him and his equal adoration for you were far greater than the little spark of envy that threatened to consume you.
“Good,” he says, bringing his hand to cup your chin, “You’re so good for me.”
His thumb skims along the slightly chapped flesh of your bottom lip, dragging it down before pressing the digit into your mouth.
Your eyes flutter shut when he roughly rolls his hips against yours, the wobbly bar stool you’re perched upon would threaten to send you to the ground had it not been for the warm sturdy body and sharp bar top you’re trapped between. Your nails press into the smooth expanse of his abdomen in search of purchase as you move your body with his.
“Let me show you how much you mean to me, hm.”
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© all content belongs to dearbraus. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
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rems-writing · 1 month
The rulers of Diamonds
Includes: Hwa in a dress lol think of the Elle Singapore dress but in red, Hwa being fucking flirty (as expected lol), and just a bunch of fluff.
That was the diamond
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You gulped as you stared up at the two men. Both of them had long black hair and they wore pure red clothing. They were decked out in so many jewels. From the golden crowns they wear on their head to the bracelets clad on their wrists. Millions of jewels were present but only one showed up more than the other. 
You groaned inwardly in frustration as you realized who these rulers were. 
They were the Diamonds. 
Your ass landed in Wonderland. 
That was fucking great. 
As you slowly got up and brushed the dirt off your shoulders, you were immediately pushed back down by a soldier. The blunt end of their spear was digging into your back and you groaned in pain. 
“Bow before the Queen and the Jack of Diamonds!” 
You gulped as you heard the soldier bellow out those words harshly. Before you could though, you saw one of them raise their hand and flick their wrist, indicating a shooing motion. The soldier was about to protest when you saw the other man scowl at him. 
“You dare disobey my brother’s orders?”
His voice, albeit the softest, was deep and commanding. An angry look was shown on the pretty man’s face as he stared down the soldier that dared defy the first man’s orders. The soldier gulped and lifted his spear from your back. He was to grab you and help you up when you heard the pretty man click his tongue. 
“You’ve done enough. I don’t need you manhandling her like she’s an animal and you’re a hunter. Scram.” 
The soldier nodded meekly and bowed before turning around and leaving. The man that commanded the soldier to leave knelt down to your level and extended a hand. The angry look on his face was replaced with a kind and caring expression. His eyes were a unique indigo color while the other probably had pink colored eyes. You weren’t sure. But you knew one thing. 
Fate was on your side. 
You thanked the man as he helped you up. You then got a good look at the two of them. 
And boy were you jealous. 
Handsome would be an understatement. The men before you were effortlessly pretty, especially the man who wore a long red dress that was fitted to hug his body perfectly. His almost hourglass figure was on display and you’ve never felt more gender envy than before until you saw this man. 
The second man was no joke as well. 
He wore an all red suit. Red dress shirt that was definitely a bit too tight to show off the muscles that had been bulging underneath, red slacks, red dress shows encrusted in blue diamonds, and a red blazer adorned with a diamond lapel pin. You gulped at the sheer size of him before clearing your throat so you could compose yourself. 
“Hi. I’m so sorry for landing in your castle by mistake. I didn’t mean to trespass! I was trying to escape from Neverland and I guess I thought of this place by accident. Not that this is a horrible realm! No no! Any realm is absolutely better than Neverla-”
A soft hand, adorned with many diamond rings, held your face and a thumb caressed your cheek before pressing it against your lips, shushing you instantly. A smile came from this supposed queen and you could help but notice how pretty and prominent his nose is. You gulped in embarrassment and you felt a blush spread across your face. You probably thought you annoyed them with your rambling. You almost melted when the first man spoke. 
“No need to apologize, darling. I can tell you’re a good girl.” 
“What he means to say is… we’ve had our fair share of unexpected visitors. Most of them were bad. You’re a good one. And that’s rare.” 
The softness in the second man’s deep voice was like honey. You breathed a sigh of relief as you felt the first man retract his hand. They both stared at you for a while, taking in your Lost Girl form. You looked down bashfully, unsure why you were feeling so many butterflies just from being in their presence alone. 
“Come with us. We can take you to our quarters and you will have a chance to explain everything properly. Not that your rambling isn’t sufficient enough. In fact, we both think it’s cute.” 
The blush worsened as you followed them to their quarters. Apparently, they shared a room. You weren’t one to judge but you figured that the queen and the jack would have separate rooms. As soon as you arrived, they both motioned for you to sit down on the bed. You sat down and the second pretty man sat with you while the first man gathered two sets of fresh clothing. One for him and one presumably for his brother. Imagine your surprise when the clothes landed in your lap. 
“You can change and wash up first. We both have to take off these annoying sets of diamonds we have all around us.” 
“Thank you… uh…”
“Oh! My name is Seonghwa.”
“My name is Yeosang.” 
“Right… thank you, Seonghwa. And thank you, Yeosang. I’m Y/N.”
With that, you hurriedly went into the bathroom to change into the clothes Seonghwa got for you.
It had been three hours since you landed in Wonderland and they’ve been the most relaxing three hours you’ve ever had in your entire life as a Lost Girl. You were seated in between the queen and jack, wolfing down the immense amount of food the servants brought out. You were a bit hesitant at first since you were seated in between royalty, but after two reassuring looks from both men, you scarfed down as much food as possible until your belly was full. You burped rather loudly afterwards and shyly said excuse me, only to receive melodious laughs and equally obnoxious burps from both of them. 
“Would you like some dessert? They made chocolate cherry lava cake. Yeosang’s favorite.”
“I would but I’m so full! Maybe later.”
Seonghwa nodded and dug into his portion of the dessert while Yeosang was busy, or struggling, to place a bobby pin in his hair so his bangs wouldn’t be in the way. You decided to help him and used your nimble and small fingers to place the bobby pin in. As you did so, you noticed a pink splotch near the corner of his right eye. 
“Is that a birthmark?” 
Yeosang nodded and grinned happily when he took the first bite of the lava cake. You noticed that some of the cake got to the corners of his mouth and out of pure instinct, you wiped some of it away. Yeosang thanked you and continued eating. There were a few moments of comfortable silence before you asked Yeosang something. 
“How come you’re called the Jack of Diamonds? Why not Prince?”
“As you can see, we’re in Wonderland. The inhabitants of this realm call all the princes jack. Plus, wouldn’t it sound silly if you were playing a card game and someone said prince of diamonds rather than jack?” 
You nodded in agreement as Yeosang answered your question. You sipped on some wine and were deep in thought before you realized something. 
Yeosang said princes. 
There were multiple. 
Who else was there? 
“Who else rules Wonderland?” 
This time, it was Seonghwa that answered the question. 
“While I am the only queen, there are three other kings here. The King of Clubs, the King of Hearts, and the deadliest of them all…” 
“The King of Spades.” 
You turned to Yeosang as he finished Seonghwa’s sentence. You were confused as to why the atmosphere suddenly turned grim at the mere mention of the King of Spades. As if he read your mind, Yeosang continued. 
“As you know, the Diamond represents wealth and royalty. The Clubs represent luck/good fortune. The Hearts represent love and the general range of human emotions. But the Spades?” 
He drew in a shaky breath before continuing. 
“Not only does it represent power, but the Spades represent death.” 
You felt a shiver run down your spine as Yeosang spoke of the King of Spades. Sensing your fear, Seonghwa brought you into a warm hug and kissed the top of your head. Yeosang joined in on the hug too. 
“It’s ok. The King of Spades is actually the kindest one out of all of us ironically. Just don’t piss him off. Or the Jack of Spades for that matter. The last time someone did, well… let’s just say they were never heard from again.” 
As they let you go, they both realized something. 
“Shit! We have a meeting with all of them. Tomorrow.” 
“You’re right. But who should we pick?” 
They both looked down at you and raised an eyebrow in expectancy. 
They wanted you to choose. 
But who could you possibly choose first?
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febuary30thday · 1 year
"I'm above you, you pathetic demon."
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Yan! Douma x GN! God! Reader. (Reader's gender is not specified. I will refer to you as a deity, but you are a god. Douma does refer to you one time as "goddess" but it's only once.)
Being a deity was boring, it really was. Sure, you had divine duties to attend to, but that was it. You didn't talk to the other deities, make friends, or anything like that, because it was a foreign concept and seen as abnormal. You couldn't believe you were saying this, but you envied humans.
Yes, yes, you know, it's disgraceful, but you can't help it. Deities are just like humans, except for..... okay, a lot of things, but that's not the point. The point is, you wanted friends, and you decided to pretend to be human, even if for a little.
Arriving in the human world, you take in your surroundings, and find out snowy mountain. How nice. Well, time to just walk around aimlessly. Or, hold on. Who was that?
"Hello? Who was that? I know you're there." You ready an attack, in case this person was a threat.
A woman steps out of the shadows, and smiles. "Hello, my name is Shikata Yue. Who might you be? Why are you on this mountain? It's quite dangerous out here, especially at night, when the temperature gets colder."
She beckons you to follow her. "Please, don't stay inside, I wouldn't want you to freeze to death. You should come to my house, then you can be on your way."
You follow her, knowing that she has good intentions, one of the perks of being a deity is you can sense intentions in people, and hers were good. She takes good care of you, and you stay with her for the night.
Yue asks you a lot of questions in the morning, sounding like an overbearing mother, which slightly annoyed you. You answered them the best you could, also making sure not to give any information that you were a deity. It took a very long time to learn how to hide your divine presence.
Yue was actually really kind and she let you stay with her under the guise that you would help her out. She was a traveling doctor, so, you traveled with her and helped her out. However, that all changed one day, when she decided to travel out on her own in the night. You had heard rumors of demons, but you had never seen one, but far too many people claimed demons existed for it to be wrong, so, you went searching for her.
When you went to look for her, you found her bowing in front of a man, who was sitting on a beanbag. You had learned that in Japan, people take off their shoes before entering a house, so you took off your shoes. The man greeted you, and you could instantly feel something was wrong. That was in no way anything close to the presence of a man, much less a human.
What was that Kanji in his eyes? Two....Upper? Upper 2? Wait, you had heard of this. Demons.....the Twelve Kizuki.....Uppermoons....and....Lowermoons. Right, he was a powerful, high-ranking demon, but you couldn't prove it. You had to wait.
Thankfully, Yue was now one of his "followers" and you had to become one as well, because you had to follow her. You had found out some outrageous information. These people genuinely believed that he was a deity. How dare they? You were a deity and that was an insult to all of the deities.
One night, however, you had watched him leave with Yue, and she looked smitten. She had admitted to loving him and wishing he'd court her, so you just played along and pretend to be devoted. It was disgusting. You followed them, and found him feeding on her. He was eating her, but not in the way she wished.
It was disgusting. You should've listened to your gut and killed him when you had the chance. But then it hit you, gods weren't allowed to interfere in human business. But you just couldn't stand here and do nothing.
You attacked him, and he didn't seem surprised, he was enthusiastic.
Douma had known all this time. You didn't feel like a human, but you weren't a demon either, so you had to be something else. You were an actual deity, on how his heart sang! You were so fake with your devotion, just like him! But the more he stalked hung around you because of his new and obsessive feelings for you, the more he started realizing what you were. You had this divine presence, even if it was faint.
When you attacked him, it came in full force. You strangled him and he didn't move, only smiling happily. You were putting his hands on him! You, a deity, were putting your hands on him! You thought him worthy enough to touch him! Oh, and what you said next made him nod in devotion, submissive toward your every whim.
"I'm above you, you pathetic demon."
He nodded happily. Yes, you were above him, and he needed you to live breathe, survive, and thrive, you were like a drug, and he wouldn't ever give you up soon. Then, you started to walk away. No. No! He couldn't let you leave.
He grabbed you and you struggle in his arms for a brief moment, surprised. He looked you dead in the eyes, still blushing from the close proximity.
"You can't leave me, my goddess, the Paradise Faith Cult needs someone to worship, and I have the perfect individual in mind."
You were a deity, deserving of worship, and now, meet your most devoted, obsessive follower, Uppermoon Two, Douma. Good luck.
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
University au where now that Dream is in university, he's not under the direct supervision of his shitty parents, so what they did was that they basically forced Dream to be roommates with someone of their choosing. I can't decide if Dream should be trans in this au, cause if he is trans, his parents probably would pick Thessaly to be his roommate. If he's not trans, then Alexander Burgess. If it's Alex, then Dream's family has known and trusted the Burgesses for years, and so can rely on Alex to spy on Dream. If it's Thessaly, I think they'd just pay her to spy on Dream.
Dream is not happy about this. It starts out fine, except for the fact that he knows that his roommate is an attempt on his parent's part to control him, which bothers him a lot. But it starts out fine. But then the roommate never leaves him alone. The roommate clearly wants to be friends, Dream is not interested in friends of his parent's choosing.
Enter Hob, who has seen Dream day after day dealing with someone who doesn't seem to be able to take a hint that Dream wants to be left alone, if it's Alex. Or if it's Thessaly, he's overheard her talking to Dream about "those transgenders" and Dream, who very much looks like the stereotype of a pre-t trans guy, looks very much uncomfortable. Either way, Hob is tired of seeing Dream bothered by this person who Dream clearly wants nothing to do with.
So one day, he manages to catch Dream alone while his roommate is in the bathroom or something, and invites Dream to join him for lunch.
Of course, Dream warns him that he won't be good company, but Hob just smiles and says that he expects that Dream would be better company than the person who clearly can't take the hint that Dream doesn't want to talk to them. If it's Thessaly, Dream just says darkly "oh she can take a hint, she's just been paid off by my parents"
Hob is even more sure that he wants Dream to join him for lunch, so Dream agrees on the condition that they go somewhere where Thessaly or Alex can't find them
From there, Hob, who conveniently doesn't have a roommate practically lets Dream move in. Together they manage to formulate a plan so that Dream doesn't go insane from his terrible roommate, but also his parents don't realize that Dream has thwarted them, although, if Dream is trans in this, then they'll figure it out soon enough when he starts T. But Hob and Dream get up to a bunch of shenanigans to trick and prank Dream's roommate, and fall for each other in the process.
Dream went to college expecting that he'd only be there for his studies, but he's not upset with how it turned out cause now he has a boyfriend. And Hob is very glad that he approached Dream that first time he caught Dream alone.
I LOVE the idea of trans!Dream managing to absolutely fuck over his parents and the dreaded Thessaly. I definitely think this should be t4t dreamling, btw. Hob is a proud trans man who's been receiving gender affirming care for a while, so he has all kinds of knowledge and tips for Dream. Plus Dream looks at him like 😍😍😍 with 50% attraction, 50% gender envy. Hob is so gorgeous and confident, he makes Dream dare to hope that there's a better future out there for him.
Hob spend many happy hours making Thessaly run in circles and pulling various pranks on her while Dream holes up in the safely of Hob’s room, enjoying his first few weeks on T without even having to worry about Thessaly reporting to his parents. Hob does all kinds of stuff with a "Dream dummy" that he put together, it has a big mop of black hair and Hob sets it up in bed, in the bathroom, in random places so Thessaly either a) thinks it's Dream or B) gets majorly jumpscared.
The summer after their first year of uni, Dream moves in with Hob for the summer. His parents think that he's doing some internship thing, but he's actually hanging out in Hob’s home village, being doted on by Hob’s parents. Oh, and he gets top surgery. His parents are going to be sooooo mad - but Dream feels truly free of them for the first time ever. He has Hob, and most of all he has himself. And he knows that he's going to make it <3
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unluckiestmember · 1 year
I would love a hobie brown x plus sized gender neutral character.
Coming right up!
Hobie Brown X Plus Sized! Reader
Characters: Hobie Brown, Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy.
Tags: Established Relationship, keeping up a front, hurt/comfort, fluff, Hobie being Hobie, reassurance, flirting and reinforcement.
Warning: None. SFW.
A/N: Hobie gives the vibes of a man who's showing off his girl or a man who keeps you all to himself, there's no in between. Also, did you know I didn't like him until my second viewing of ATS? Wild.
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Hobie is the kind of man who likes everyone, no matter their shade and definitely their size.
What is most important to him isn’t their appearance, but their personality.
If you are down with the grind and to cause some havoc, then you have a soulmate.
When it comes to your weight, he doesn’t look too much into it because he doesn’t see it as a disadvantage or something that sticks out like a sore thumb.
He has plus sized friends anyway, so what would be the point of harping on it?
He dares someone to say something bad about your weight.
He dares anyone to say anything bad about you, they will be catching more than hands.
That being said, he has flirted with you on "being thick" in a sexy way.
But if you show any sign of discomfort to his advances or say you don’t enjoy the banter, he is cutting it off so quick.
If you ever feel uncomfortable in your own skin, he is right beside you to tell you how beautiful/handsome you are.
He assures you when you two are alone that he wouldn’t want anyone else except you.
He’ll definitely reinforce this if you show signs of envy and or jealousy of other bodies like Miles’ and Gwen’s.
You can try and force him into thinking he can do better, but if there’s one thing Hobie has, it’s a thick skull.
And a heart of gold underneath a hard iron shell.
He’s not super affectionate on the battlefield, instead preferring to be flirtatious.
But when you two are at his place, your place or just away from Spider Society, he is very cuddly.
To go back home and just settle into your arms after a hard mission sounds like paradise.
The best thing about this cuddle bug is not only is his affection dedicated to you, but he’s your number one cheerleader.
The world could be against you for your size and more and he would still be by your side.
He’s loyal to the things he loves. And that includes you.
Spider-Verse Requests are open!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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bevy-obeyme · 3 days
-cutely walks over to you-
I heard your cries and please for a male/non binary mc ideas. So although I am not a man, or a they/them, what about a transgender mc?
Sure!! I can do that! :3
I’ll make both FTM and MTF!!
Brothers with a Female to Male MC
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And for those out there who struggle with body image, I want you to know you’re all so beautiful/handsome. Gender is a social construct and that means YOU have the right to change it however you want!
Trans people, you all have my respect and keep being you because ultimately, this is your life, don’t change it just because someone’s cranky about what you have between your legs!! 🫶
- He respected you whole heartedly - you were his handsome human. Any demon who dare say otherwise may get punished. Horribly.
- For such a sadistic and prideful man, he made sure to be soft for you during this topic. This was important after all. He always conveyed that he loved you no matter what, gender was not even a doubt in his mind.
- As an always professionally dressed person, he’d offer guidance on how to bring out the sharp edge of your eyes or what clothes to layer with what to give off an impression of masculinity.
- Whenever you stood in front of your mirror - feeling so out of place and feminine he would be right there behind you, words gently reassuring that you were his handsome little lamb, his pretty boy and that he wouldn’t have you any other way.
- Whilst he wouldn’t go out of his way to become soft- ( he already is anyway ), he always made sure to refer to you with the correct pronouns and nicknames.
- Things like ‘’my man’’, ‘’my bro’’ or even ‘’hot stuff’’.
- For a forgetful and scummy demon, he would never dare misgender you. He knew just how much you struggled transitioning anyway.
- He always made sure to flex you around too - puffing his chest out and bragging about how he had a hot man to himself.
- Whenever some lower class demon even tried to misgender you however, he went ballistic - spewing all kinds of insults and petty comments.
- He truly didn’t mind your gender. He was still your first demon and that’s all that mattered. If you wanted to be a man, then go ahead. At least he wouldn’t have to be ‘the man’ during horror movies.
- Out of all the brothers, he’s the most attentive to this sort of thing. He understands your body dysmorphia end envy - he got it a lot when he cosplayed or watched people feel so comfortable in their gender.
- He’ll always ask you which pronouns you’d prefer, what nicknames you’re fine with, how you want to be complimented and etc. He doesn’t want to mess up with you.
- He took solace in the fact you too struggled with your body image, yet the fact that you were trying made him want to try too. He would support you no matter what. You were his normie.
- He too is rather attentive. He understands of being born in a circumstance you did not ask for.
- He made sure to compliment you all the time, hell, he’d even read up on this kind of thing to help you.
- He offered to go shopping with you - looking for binders and things to help you look more masculine. Maybe even buy a few self help books to make you feel at ease.
- Satan truly didn’t care for who you were. Externally, you might’ve changed. But you would always be his in his heart and that’s all that mattered.
- He is super supportive. He will overwhelm you with compliments.
- Asmo himself isn’t the most masculine man. None of his brothers are tip top rough, burly men. Hell, he’s trained to walk in high heels!
- So, he’d always go out shopping with you, he had the best judgement to fashion. He respected you wanting to dress in masculine clothing yet he would always reassure you that clothes didn’t determine anything and he’d still see you as his Prince Charming.
- Secretly, he appreciated the new you. Adored it even. The switch of you possibly being the dominant one made it tantalising.
- Beelzebub cared very little about how you presented yourself. Man, woman, nonbinary? At the end of the day, you were still his soft human.
- But, he’d make sure to convey his appreciation for your transition. He could admire your bravery to finally come out and confess who you really wanted to be.
- Beelzebub was a lot bigger than you, and noticing how you wanted to cover your curves as much as possible, he’d leave his closet door open anytime. Just to see that smile on your face.
- He too didn’t care much. It didn’t take away how nice you were to cuddle with. You did what you wanted to do.
- He always made sure to show his acknowledgment however, reminding you that you were handsome for a human and how happy it made him to see you smile much more than you did before your transition.
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gendertrickster · 7 months
could you elaborate on your take that Aradia's oppressive relationship to femininity means she cannot be textually transfem? i find that a bit of an odd take
like, obviously i think people can have whatever headcanons they want, and it's good to understand what is canon, what can be supported by canon, and what is pure fanon. i just don't see how there's any less textual evidence for Aradia as transfem than there is for, say, Vriska. am i missing something?
lemme use that last st8ment as a jumping-off to set the groundwork here. the core reason vriska is transfem is because femininity is something she must constantly perform and strive for to be recognized as a girl, whereas for aradia it is something put upon her by society that brings her only torment and oppression. the expectations for women of their respective castes is far different; for vriska, it is to be vengeful and powerful, but for aradia, it is to be compliant and subservient.
both of them hate conforming to their society's traditional gender roles for completely different reasons — vriska's conscience eats at her constantly for all the bad things she does and the person she really wants to be conflicts with the values of mindfang, the sole object of vriska's gender envy (next to tavros. not that she'd admit it). aradia hates her role in society because it is very deliberately forced upon her — it pushes her down and disarms her of her own agency and forces her to accept that there is nothing she can do without permission from someone or something else.
aradia's gender role in alternian society is very intentionally analogous to that of an asian (particularly japanese) woman: sexualized, exoticized, infantilized (a lot of which by equius), not allowed to speak for herself. this is key to understanding aradia's arc to me. as a maid of time, she is at the service of causality itself, not unlike her ancestor, tidying up myriad loose ends across the sgrub session and small parts of alternia's history such as the creation of doc scratch, across thousands of alternate selves, because if she didn't, the story would not be able to progress. she knows this. the story knows this. no one is happy about this.
her arc culminates in totality when she accepts her own death and dares to face the unknown, self-destructing, ascending to the god tiers and, for the first time in her life, feeling truly alive. freed from the shackles of her role as both parts burgundy-blood and woman, she makes her own choice to save her friends and then leave homestuck forever. not being in homestuck is its own reward, but all characters inherently fear death, because that is what they know and it is an instinct sburb requires. aradia, however, never could have feared death, for she had not been living until this moment. she becomes ultimately at peace with what is feared by all but her.
aradia's choice to leave behind what is known and "safe" in favor of pursuing the chance that she could ever reach a point where she is free to make her own decisions again is one of the most transgender actions in the entire story. aradia's abandonment of gender is synonymous with her rise to freedom.
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royalrebelpropaganda · 5 months
ooh you should elaborate ooh
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( @oklotea ) ( @dollmenace )
why ofc 🤭 with no further ado here are my transfem headcanons & explanations
duchess :
manifesto largely here , here , and here , but I don't ever clarify as to WHY I think she has trans girl energy, so I will elaborate now.
first of all, narrative role of swans in stories. especially in stories like the ugly duckling, where there's an "ugly" kid who is socially outcast, excluded, harassed, and ends up becoming something beautiful like they were always meant to be-- it works really well as a trans metaphor, and duchess is literally a swan <3
but that's not her story! and you'd be right to point that out. to me, there's something about the way she's constantly feeling left out of the other princess groups because she's not a "happily-ever-after princess," the way she's basically dismissed by the princessology teacher by her saying "are you sure you're a real princess?" -- and wanting so desperately to be one.
so she follows around ashlynn, so she yells at apple, so she tears raven to shreds. she is so jealous and I honestly really think that the jealousy translates really well to a sort of gender envy -- especially since she's constantly dismissed by the same girls. she's constantly portrayed as wanting to "steal" their stories, and really all she wants is a happily ever after, the same safety and comfort they get by being a princess. I think the metaphor kind of speaks for itself.
"Seems to me we need to win this thing so you can always be a girl." - Sparrow Hood to Duchess Swan, Next Top Villain
dexter :
manifesto here + also I ADORE @tiny-leafbug's transfem dex art
now I know a lot of people headcanon dex as transmasc, which honestly I can actually fully understand in the context of the show and diaries. the idea that he's constantly trying to perform this paragon of masculinity, and constantly falling short. I get it.
HOWEVER! the books is where I fell in love with dex, and in the books dex's vibe is different. he doesn't care about being a "prince charming," not really, and his relationship with his brother seems much more affectionate, with him responding to daring's ribbing in turn and not really caring about daring making fun of him. this lack of caring makes all that pressure put on his shoulders by his parents seem more like something he never wanted to live up to in the first place. on the boxes, he says -- well, I'm good at hero training. and in the books, raven notices the calluses on his hands, the skill he has in PE class. it's not that he's ever been bad at what his parents what him to do. it's that... he doesn't want to do it.
at some point he says "well ... everyone else has been able to recite their story since they learned to talk, while I'm facing this huge unknown." there's something about this lack of direction and destiny that sets him completely apart from students that need to be a certain thing. all dex ever had to do was be a prince, and still, he wants to rebel. still, he followed raven into the dark. because maybe he didn't want to be a prince at all.
raven said "check you out, totally rocking the prince-to-the-rescue gig," and dexter said "what? no, I mean... that's not really me." - Storybook of Legends
dexter, in the books, is constantly torn between the royals and the rebels, this loyalty he has to the first person that's ever seen him, and daring, who still wants him to be, yknow, him. he is expected, at all times, to perform as his brother, to be his brother. and he doesn't want that. he doesn't want that at all.
“And Prince Dexter Charming?” Kitty smiled hugely. Her smile lingered a moment after she disappeared. She reappeared beside Dexter, holding a broom, which she thrust into his hands. “He might become a wicked witch!”
Dexter looked at the broom, shrugged, and gave a small laugh, glancing over at Raven as if to check what she thought.”
- The Unfairest of Them All
cedar :
I don't have quite as much to say here; this isn't a headcanon I have 24/7, it's just fun to think about
she is constantly talking about how she "wants to be a real girl" and idk there is something trans about that. to me.
“I don’t know what to do,” said Cedar. “Am I supposed to sit with my friends same as always? Or pick a side based on what I want? I’m not a Royal, but then again I do want my destiny, when I’ll be changed from a puppet into a real girl, but then again, I do want others to be able to choose if they don’t like their destiny so… so I don’t know what to do now!” - The Unfairest of Them All
I hope this helped <33
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