#gender questioning Pokemon trainer
junebugwriter · 1 year
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(Art by @Ban62460424 on twitter)
Ok I gotta get emotional on this one for a bit because. Well cmon
We all know sylveon is the trans pokemon. We all know it! I'm just going to say it!
But this comic SPECIFICALLY is so endearing to me.
Sylveon only evolves when you raise an eevee's happiness high enough. If that pokemon is loved well enough, you know it's going to become a sylveon.
The trainer. Gives them. A CHOICE. And the choice makes them so happy they evolve!!!!!!1
I've named all my eevee's Elliot (because it is known that Elliot is one of our most cherished Names). I always take Elliot with me to the end boss run. He's just. So important to me.
I'm a trans woman. I only came to the realization at age 35 (what can I say, I'm a late bloomer). I had to leave a profession I loved, move across the country, and get to a place where I was healthy enough to BE HAPPY. I had finally gotten on the right cocktail of antidepressants to get my depression and anxiety under control. And then one night, it hits me. Like a bolt from the blue, I'm happy enough, stable enough, healthy enough to realize there was still something off with me. And it was then that I allowed myself to interrogate my gender identity.
People can say a lot about trans folks. The truth is, I had to CHOOSE to see the truth. I had to choose to allow myself to ask the questions. And then I had to choose to go to therapy. And then I had to choose to actually transition. Big choices, ones that come with countless consequences. But I chose. And I'm happy enough to do so.
I am my own sylveon. I had to be happy enough to evolve.
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agentc0rn · 3 months
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More sygna suit AZ rambles plz, am hungry
Here comes a plateful of food!! Chew carefully lol. On a side note, I intended this as a rough sketch but I got really serious into it so part of it is thanks to you LOL
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Az wants to find a gift for Floette - makes her a flower crown or something, fdghf.
Some young trainers and participants approach and ask AZ some friendly, curious questions (mostly about his height and his pokemon). He responds to them kindly (huge grandpa energy).
Floette wants to dance, but AZ says he can’t because of his age and physical limitations. After some words of encouragement from the main group (you + Shauna, Prof. Sycamore and Valerie) he concedes and does a little bit. - “It’s been well over 3000 years since we’ve partook in festive leisure together.” 
He asks you to teach him how to battle and stuff - joins you in sync pair battles  (Still dont know how masters work so i’m probably wrong) 
I also thought up of this worldbuilding idea that i spent some time cooking so feel free to read it if you want to---
Culture context: every time spring comes, Kalos celebrates its arrival with festivals (taken some inspiration none other than France itself of course!)
For instance, flower dances are held (also known as la danse des fleurs/la danse du printemps). This involves little girls dressing up as flabebes (Age 4-9), older girls as floette (10-15) and 16+ dress up as florges; little boys dress up as combee, teen boys wear roselia suits and adult teens wear Roserade. Each age group pairs up with their opposite genders and dances in circles to mimic the movement of the flabebe line and their relationship to the flowers and other pokemon.  The tradition centers on the flabebe line as the heralds  of spring; their presence signifies fertility of the land, where flowers and fruits can grow, marking the beginnings of new life. Legends say that the tradition can be traced back to an ancient record of a boy and his companion who frolicked along the flower fields a long time ago.
People also plant flowers in community gardens and give away flowers to others as a way of building stronger relationships with each other, plus deepening their ties to the land. 
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hollowsart · 3 months
New Tolba story-line and plot, from the perspective of a game part 1 of ???:
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[cut for length and images!]
[SEVERELY unfinished, abandoned “OTL]
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Professor Maple sits at a table, writing in a book and reading through another in her hand, she’s writing notes. After writing something down for the 2nd time, she takes notice of your presence, looks up, and smiles kindle at you.
She welcomes you and explains everything you’ll need to know before asking you a question that will help to identify what your player character will look like.
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After the decision has been made, a Pokemon will come up to Prof.Maple, prompting her to look down to pet it before looking back up to you with a final statement welcoming you as a new trainer.
You’ll start your adventure in your room. A doll-like Pokemon sits by your bed before running off out the door. Your parent’s voice pipes up, they’re telling you to hurry or you’ll be late to get your starter Pokemon.
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Your room looks different depending on what gender you picked. The room is filled with traditional cultural nick-knacks, a poster of the region is hung on the wall behind your laptop, there are pins and notes on it:
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After looking around and getting your things, you head out to find your dad holding the Pokemon you saw before in your room. He greets you and tells you your shoes are by the door, your mother wishes you luck on being a trainer and says she can’t wait to see what Pokemon you choose!
You head out and find your home is actually an apartment as you enter the elevator and make your way to the lobby where you can talk to some NPC’s.
Once you have left, you find yourself in the first city, this is your home, as well as it is the location of the lab and first gym you will be taking on later.
Before you can do anything, you are greeted by an older woman, she introduces herself as Ms.Hawthorn. She’s the professor’s aunt and she will take you to the lab since she was just on her way there.
Hawthorn and Maple have a chat after arriving and Maple proceeds to give you the full usual run-down of being a trainer.. however, she’s stumbling on her words and needs occasional reminding from Hawthorn of what to say or do. You can tell Hawthorn used to be a professor and Maple is pretty new to this.
After a bit, Maple heads to the back to open a door and out come running the starter Pokemon. They are playing around and chasing each other around the lab before Maple directs them to the table before you. They sit and wait patiently for you to pick one!
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Kinderet: The fire starter Sloam: The grass starter and Spidish: the Water starter
Once your decision is made, Maple is then prompted to present you with a Pokedex, however. She is interrupted by your rival busting in and pushing you out of the way to get their starter. They pick the one with the type advantage over the one you picked. (Your rival is dependent on what gender you picked for your character: Female gives you the male rival, Aster, while Male gives you the female rival, Penny)
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“OUT OF MY WAY! I must have a Pokemon! Oh? What is that THING you have there? It’s hideous! I’ll be taking THIS one, thank you!” ~Aster
“OUT OF MY WAY! I NEED THAT POKEMON! It’s SO CUTE!!! It’s perfect!! I MUST have it!! You can keep that ugly Pokemon, it suits you!” ~Penny
Your rival isn’t very nice, but, once they have made their choice Hawthorn will begin to scold them before Maple deescalates things and continues on with presenting the Pokedex. She will give you a quick rundown on how it functions and what neat little features you can have to customize it!
(You’ll get to see what color your rival has chosen later on: Aster has white, while Penny has pink, of course!)
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pokenimagines · 2 years
So I have to request this everyone loves Gusha which is great but Giacomo deserves some love how do you think he'd react if someone he had a crush went abroad and came back to seeing him become a team star leader
A/N: Aight, so I saw Guacamole and fell in love, Queenie can testify. So here we go boiz (Gender Neutral)! Also decided to make the Reader the MC of the series because it just felt right for this.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Giacomo: Our Time Apart
He had received the notice about someone wanting to raid them, destroy Team Star. He didn’t want to believe it when he heard the name. Surely it was someone else with the same name. You had gone abroad and he doubted he’d be seeing you anytime soon.
When the sirens blared he felt a spike in anxiety at the thought that it could be you, but he pushed it aside. There was simply no way.
Oh he was wrong.
Very wrong.
When he came out on his Segin Starmobile, his jaw dropped. He watched as you walked out to the field, the shock on your face was apparent.
“Gia?” You managed to shout out, not thinking that he, of all people, would be a member of Team Star. Sure you thought it was weird he didn’t go to school anymore, or that Nemona was now the Student Council president…but this was next level.
Giacomo murmured your name under his breath, before shouting, “W-what are you doing here?” 
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking that? Bro…the fuck?” You asked, looking at the giant pokemon he now rode. Giacomo sighed as he shook his head. He felt his heart beating so fast, he had to will his face not to go red under your gaze. It would appear he wasn’t over that crush on you, yet.
“I’m the leader of the Segin Squad.” Giacomo said as he crossed his arms. You felt a bit bad for what you had to do, but you did promise Cassiopeia that you would do this.
“Well then…guess we’re gonna have to battle, aren’t we?” You said, already grabbing one of your partner pokemon.
“I guess we will.” Giacomo said as he readied himself. If he recalled correctly, you were an exceptional trainer. This wouldn’t be easier, especially with how fast you cleared the base.
“I do have one question…” You said, stopping Giacomo, “A reward if I beat you.”
“What reward are you talking about?” Giacomo said and you smirked.
“Easy, if I beat you, I’m dragging you to the nearest town to grab a coffee. Now ready yourself, I won’t go down easy.” And with that, you left Giacomo overly flustered, debating just throwing the entire match.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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fluffabutt · 1 year
Wrote this with heavy inspiration from @leggerefiore’s yandere works and encouragement and inspiration form @bellafragolina riffing off the idea of a reader with a pokemon that requires lots of time and built up trust saving the reader from a yandere
I also wrote this in discord and am copy pasting this from there with minor edits.
Gender Neutral Reader x Yandere Ingo
Warnings: Power Imbalance, attempted kidnapping
You were given a Ralts as your starter for your pokemon journey. You had been clumsy as a child, a little lonely, and maybe your parents thought having a pokemon that looked like a little sibling would help you plant your feet a little more strongly.
You never stopped being clumsy, not really. But as your Ralts grew into a Kirlia your pokemon used telekinesis to keep you from falling and scraping your knees.
Unless it was funny.
But, you know in this moment you’ve never been more thankful for your Gardevoir. Tessellating hexagonal shapes forming a secure barrier around the both of you.
And standing before you, the man who had just turned your world upside down, with his Chandelure, shocked.
You had worked for the Gear Station for a few months, slowly getting closer to your coworkers. And of course, surprisingly, Subway Masters Ingo and Emmet. You had always considered it temporary, despite the great hotpots and parties they hosted for milestones.
You had many a tearful goodbye and promises to visit once you had settled into your new job.
Except for Ingo.
You had entered the twins’ shared office with your formal two weeks notice, and looking back at it:
The red flags were obvious.
Emmet seemed shocked as had Ingo, but the typically verbose twin simply stared at you while Emmet launched into a series of rapid fire questions.
Were you unhappy? Did something happen? Etc.
You had laughed it off with a small wave of your hand. You explained how you’d been looking for positions in the career you wanted, and tried to be clever by saying, “The Gear Station was a lovely, but also temporary stop on the tracks to victory.”
Emmet’s smile seemed strained, his eyes darting over to Ingo.
The older twin blinked, almost resetting with the information, but he took your resignation letter.
“We hope even if your employment here was temporary, that you would come to visit… when you find the time.”
You had smiled, a relief washing over you when you promised that you would.
You entered a handshake over that promise. You remember how he had squeezed so tightly that it hurt.
You wish you had taken that seriously.
On your last day of work, you had been making the rounds to say goodbye. Numbers exchanged, presents given.
You had said goodbye to Emmet before he departed for the last Double Battle Line of the day.
You didn’t understand the weary look in his eyes, when he exhaled and softly patted your shoulder.
Your gut twisted when you walked towards their office to turn in your final time card to Ingo.
Looking back… he knew… and some part of you knew to.
You knocked politely on the door, waiting for Ingo’s loud voice to give you permission.
You could hear the soft tones of his Chandelure as you crossed the threshold of the door.
A beautiful pokemon near in sync with her trainer, Ingo stopped to look at you with a forlorn expression, accentuated by his typical frown.
He rose from his desk to take the time sheet from you personally.
“Thank you for everything, Boss.”
“Ah, please, Ingo will suffice. No need for formalities any longer.”
You gave a nervous laugh, “Oh right, of course.”
The subtle glow of his Chandelure made you yawn, the motion as it slowly rocked back and forth.
Ingo walked from his desk to the portable coffee pot, gesturing to you with a cup to see if you wanted some.
You shook your head.
The song Chandelure seemed to hum didn’t ease the silence.
“So, uh did you need-“
“You’re going to be missed.” He said suddenly. The usual volume he spoke with always made you flinch.
“Oh yeah, everybody was very nice. Jackie got me a little gear station keychain-“
“It’s unfortunate you cannot continue to work here.”
You were tired from a long day, getting interrupted two times in a row was getting on your nerves.
You gave a nervous laugh, to ease some of the tension in your shoulders. “Yeah, but the new job I’m going to start at was what I’ve always wanted to do. So I’m excited-“
“I wish it hadn’t come to this.”
Did the room seem darker?
“Come to what, sir? Everybody has to follow their tracks to happiness,” you don’t hide the frustration in your voice. “You’ve always advocated that to us and our riders.”
Ingo faces away from you as he pours himself a cup of coffee.
“You’re right, which is why I had hoped our tracks would converge.”
Goosebumps run up the length of your spine as the hairs on your neck rise.
You’re too shocked to say anything to that.
You’re not certain if you could say anything other than “What the fuck?”
“When you had joined the Gear Station I was intrigued. You were a wonderful team member: kind, quick-witted, passionate. I couldn’t help but…” He trails off as he turns to face you, and you beg to Arceus and every god that’s listening to teleport you away from here.
You never want him to finish that thought. Not with how it makes you so nauseous your head spins.
He looks at you dead in the eyes, and you wish that you could understand what he’s trying to find there.
Your eyes pulse in your skull as you feel a bead of sweat run from your temple to your cheek. Your chest feels so tight you can barely take a deep breath.
You look into Ingo’s eyes begging for him to just end this moment. Something like a “Just Kidding!”, anything that would let you relax. Anything that would give you an excuse to walk and not run out of this office.
He does not.
“I had a crush on you-of course I couldn’t pursue you!” He says like that clarification is going to ease the tension, but it just makes your hands shake as you clench them. “I was your boss! That would’ve been highly unethical.”
You want to say “Like it isn’t now?”, but you bite back the urge when he takes a two steps towards you, and you walk two steps back.
You feel the sweat on your back make your shirt stick. Your skin itches.
His brow furrows at your motion, and it’s almost like the purple glow of his Chandelure gets brighter when the corners of his mouth tug down even further.
“I would have hoped that you and I could have continued down our tracks together, but now our paths have begun to diverge.” He continues walking towards you.
You don’t look away from his gaze, you’re terrified of what could happen if you did for even a second.
You slowly match his pace as you walk backwards, you don’t even dare blink.
You feel exhausted.
“You are going to soar away from here. As much as it pains me, I cannot bear to have you leave our station.”
You swallow harshly. “I’m sorry sir-“
“As am I, call me Ingo.” He says like he’s frustrated. Like he has any right.
“Sir,” you say with a heat that has him taken aback. “I cannot reciprocate your feelings. I am quitting today.”
You try to lay it out, through clenched teeth. Like if you say every step of the situation he’ll back off.
“You don’t reciprocate them now, but with time-“ he says with an exasperated sigh.
“No. Not now, not ever. I am going to leave and go home.”
“You are leaving… but you’re coming home. Our home.”
The door handle stabs into your back suddenly as you step back. Your attention finally breaking with a yelp as you twist to turn the handle.
You didn’t even notice that his Chandelure had been floating towards you. Your eyes meet her empty yellow orbs, and hear with alarming clarity over the thundering pounding of your heartbeat in your ears.
“Chandelure, Hypnosis.”
You can’t look away from the eyes of his pokemon as the lullaby it hums has your eyelids fluttering. You feel your body start to drop from the stress and exhaustion, even if you’re screaming in your head.
A flash of light pops from your hip, the sound of a poke ball bursting open.
You had heard tales of Gardevoirs pushing the limits to protect their trainers. You heard severity ranging from saving a trainer from injury to even sacrificing themselves to save a trainer from dying.
And here you are, the protective shield covering you with a calming green glow, a contrast to the purple hazy hue of Chandelure.
Your Gardevoir stands with fury between you and your attackers, psychic energy pulsing of their body as their brilliant red eyes glow.
You’re exhausted, and you’re terrified, but your Gardevoir looks back at you for a second.
And when their shoulders square you know they’d protect you with every last essence of their being.
You turn your gaze to Ingo, you don’t know what expression you wear. Only that you hope you can communicate every last ounce of your contempt.
The adrenaline running through you has manifested in a terrible headache that weighs your head down like the hypnotic pulse Chandelure used.
You press down on the door handle, running numbers in your head of how to get out of this.
You’re in a type disadvantage, and from friendly battles you know his pokemon hits harder.
You don’t have a speed advantage either.
It all came down to a coin flip, using the opportunity your pokemon gave you.
Ingo is quickly working through the shock of your Pokemon protecting you, and you do the best you can to whip the door open behind you and twist into the hallway out of the gear station.
The shout of your name nearly has your legs locking in fright, but you stumble into a sprint as your Gardevoir gracefully floats backwards keeping their eyes focused on the now enraged Subway Boss and his accomplice.
You can only hope you’ll get to the safety of the sunlight past the subway steps before he catches you.
Hhhh thank you for reading
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romance-rambles · 4 months
modern lars | i. beachside memories
Name: Blobby Gender: Male Nature: Bold Evolutionary Line: Sandygast -> Palossand Lars' first pokemon. They met on the beach while Lars was vacationing with his family as a child. Very possessive of his trainer, but also just as easy to manipulate.
3.1k, pokemon au + fluff, modern lars, reader is mc, series: n/a
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DEX ENTRY [ULTRA SUN]: It likes the shovel on its head, so Sandygast will get serious and fight any children who come to take it back.
In all his brief time, Sandygast has yet to come across a sandcastle he adores as much as the ones made by a boy named Lars.
Every day, Lars comes early in the morning—alone, unlike some of the other children who give sandcastle making a try. It's a habit that started a few days ago, when he first arrived at the beach Sandygast calls home.
In his hand was a plastic pail, within which he kept the shovel he used to make the first of his marvelous constructs. It's the same set he's using right now, a beauty to behold, especially after Sandygast learned to ignore their garish flaws. And oh, there are so many.
Like the cartoonish pikachu patterns printed all over. What does a pikachu have to do with sandcastles? And the color.
Sandygast shudders at the thought.
They're a light blue, not unlike the color of Lars' eyes, that looks too much like the force of nature that can seize his hard work away in an instant. Sandygast's spent far too much of his free time attempting to find a better analogy, one that won't have him running for the hills when he observes his new favorite human.
And that, in itself, is such a far cry from his initial reaction that he, the ghost type pokemon, can't help but wonder what sort of enchantments the boy has at his disposal.
Because, back then, he hadn't bothered to learn the boy's name.
Lars was simply just another tourist who would make a mess and then leave. That was how these things worked, after all. And really, how was Sandygast—with his aspirations to become the most beautiful Palossand in existence—to know that the boy was actually the only human worthy of crafting his castle?
This, however, leaves him with a problem.
After all, Lars won't be sticking around forever.
But for whatever reason, children often fear him and he suspects Lars might prove to be no different. He supposes the reputation his brethren have cultivated might play a role in that—but Sandygast is a perfectly nice pokemon, entirely uninterested in run of the mill corpses.
Now, no matter how unlikely it is, if they happened to be in possession of high quality ones—
Which, of course, is irrelevant to the situation at hand.
With a sigh, he peers at the boy in question from his hiding spot among the sands. Lars is seemingly oblivious to Sandygast's presence, too engrossed in reinforcing the western wing of his magnificent castle. There's a determined gleam in his eyes, the kind that makes every bit of sand in Sandygast's body shake in joy.
At some point, as the work at hand grows more delicate and detailed, his tongue sticks out slightly. When his hair begins to interfere with his vision, he drops his shovel temporarily and brushes his hair back. It does not do him much good—he seems to be missing his usual headband, so he is simply stuck repeating the action.
A half-baked plan begins to form in Sandygast's head.
The shovel currently on its head is special only because it is the only one he's ever known. Frankly, he's not too attached though. He'd picked it up because it was the closest one but he's always planned on leaving it for something better.
And Lars' shovel?
Despite how terrible it looks, he's certain he'll never find anything better than that.
So, the next time the boy turns his gaze to the latest prototype for Sandygast's castle, the pokemon sans his shovel quietly creeps up behind him. His bucket, the gaudy thing it is, is left unattended with some leftover sand—there might be no other place as good as this to hide in!
Sandygast can only vibrate in excitement.
And then—
Lars places the shovel inside the pail, its blade appropriately digging into the pokemon's body. Sandygast wastes no time in claiming it for himself. And then, all that's left to do is wait, however boring an ordeal it is.
He's unfortunately on the shorter side, owing to the lack of good architects coming his way. The ability to watch the boy from this angle is simply out of reach. That's why he's resolved to ask for the biggest sandcastle possible.
Then, when he finally runs into the others, it'll be his turn to laugh. Snickering at the thought, he can only imagine the looks on their faces.
Thankfully, Lars doesn't notice.
Instead, his pale hand reaches for the handle. After a few attempts, each pull carrying more frustration than the last, he finally decides to look inside the bucket. Sandygast, naturally, takes that as his cue and allows the boy to pick him up.
"Huh?" Blue eyes—like the sky, he decides—blink confusedly at him. Uncaring of Sandygast's reputation, Lars pulls the pokemon closer, his scrunched nose a clear indicator of the amount of thoughts running through his head at the moment. "A pokemon? What are you doing here?"
Sandygast wiggles, his eyes lighting up at the boy's casual response. Well, casual relative to the horror stories he's heard, of little boys and girls running away, screaming as though they're about to be eaten. Which they usually are—he has to commend them for their instincts.
The pokemon shakes off the thought just in time to hear the boy ask, "Can you let go of my shovel? ...um, Blobby?"
Glaring indignantly, Sandygast—not Blobby—shakes his body. The nerve to bestow such a mediocre name upon him! Clearly, the boy's talents stop only at castle-making. He'll have to find a way to avoid his current fate, somehow.
Perhaps one of the boy's parents will have a better sense for these things.
"No?" Lars tilts his head, then looks around.
He'd picked a suitably quiet spot, so there are fewer people around. That should shorten the time on his search, whatever it's for, but instead, he aborts his mission halfway through with a sigh.
"Do you have a name then?"
Sandygast pauses his protests. Well, the answer is no. But—
"Well, for now, I'll call you Blobby," the boy decides. Sandygast can only bite back a sob. "So, could you please let go? I need to finish making this castle."
The pokemon shakes his body again and thinks. He's already taken the shovel hostage. Now, to explain his motives...
His eyes narrow at the thought. Wait, why is he meant to explain his master plan? Surely, the boy's already realized what he wants. There isn't a human child out there who doesn't know of the dangers of his evolutionary line.
Upon scrutinizing the boy's awkward expression, he realizes his previous assumption was incorrect. There is a human child unaware of the dangers of encountering sandygasts and palossands.
Now he's even more grateful for his diligence in fending off his competitors! What would this boy do without him? Lars is lucky he believes in open dialogue!
Wait—why shouldn't he just possess him?
Sandygast looks at the boy, then at the sandcastle behind him. The people nearby haven't noticed Lars' mistake in grabbing his new handle; even if they did warn him, by then, it would be too late.
But, he glares at the boy, he won't bring me along then.
No castle will ever be too big for him. He's a greedy ghost, after all—perhaps he'd been that way when he'd been alive too. And one does not simply get over the best castlemaker to ever exist!
Annoyed, he jerks his head towards Lars' sandcastle. The boy seems to get his point only when he points at the shovel stuck in his head.
"You want the castle?" Lars scrunches his nose. The creases in his forehead grow more pronounced when Sandygast shakes his head. "You...like the castle? But you don't want it? Hm...do you want to be the castle?"
Sandygast nods delightedly.
"I wonder what kind of pokemon you are..." The boy frowns. His normally bright eyes seem to darken for a moment as he grumbles something inaudible to himself. "Here's the thing: I can't make one for you today. But...I really do want to finish this one first. If I make one for you tomorrow, will you give my shovel back to me?"
Considering the question for a moment, Sandygast remembers the shovel he'd recently abandoned. He shakes himself free from the boy's grasp and flees in search of it, to sound of Lars' startled shouts. And when he comes back, the boy is still there, looking rather upset.
As he presents the older shovel to him, Lars finally looks at him.
"Is my shovel really that special?" he asks, tilting his head. "Or...is it special because it's mine?"
Oh, what a smart boy. Sandygast was beginning to lose faith in his non-castlemaking abilities.
If not for the language barrier, the pokemon would gladly elaborate further on just how special he is. He settles for vigorously nodding and stops only when a shy smile crosses the boy's lips. Lars laughs, combing through his bangs.
"I think this is the first time someone's said that about me, and not my family," he says, a tentative look on his face. "Do you want to help with this one, Blobby?"
Sandygast narrows his eyes at the boy. He can only hope his expression relays his message—Not. Blobby.
Still, when faced with such a pitiable expression, even he can't help but crumble. With a full body sigh, he scoots closer to the boy and patiently waits for his instructions. Lars' vision is truly something to behold; the rest of the day goes by in a blur of laughter and easy companionship.
And when it's time for him to leave for the day, the boy asks, "Would you like to be my friend, Blobby?"
Sandygast—still resistant to the name, though it's beginning to grow on him—has only one response for that.
He jumps into Lars' arms.
Lars' notes on the memory: That was my shovel first. Thief! Oh, but my family was pretty frightened when I came home with Blobby. It took a while to convince them I wasn't possessed!
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DEX ENTRY [SUN]: Possessed people controlled by this Pokémon transformed its sand mound into a castle. As it evolved, its power to curse grew ever stronger.
Blobby glares at the magnificent castle in front of him—built, of course, by his Lars—before him, uncaring of the way the little boy his trainer had inexplicably decided to watch over flinches at his seething fury.
What similarities are there even? He distinctly recalls that boy, whatever his name is, mentioning something about fake blonds to Lars, giving himself away as one of them. Really, the blond hair is one of Lars' most defining features!
Long debates about the matter with the rest of the team had led to the undeniable agreement that his golden hair evoked the image of the shining sun, and what was Lars but a shining ray of light?
Well, technically, they had narrowed it down to a few things, some less flattering than others, but the boy didn't have any of those things either!
No, the pokemon shakes his head vigorously. Lars had been cuter, even with his apparent lack of survival skills. Blobby spent years trying to rectify that part, though his trainer's natural curiosity for the world never particularly left him.
Now, you, on the other hand...
His mouth twists into a bitter smile. Naturally, one cannot simply replace the sun—you can only get as close as your wingless body allows. Like that man, Icarus, with his infinite stupidity, but smarter. But the distance between is infinitely shorter than anyone Lars has ever been surrounded by.
Other than Blobby, of course.
That part is implied rather obviously, considering Lars chose him. The same as you, even despite the certain glaring flaws to your name—
His gaze flits to the mediocre castle beside Lars', different from the masses only in the way humans tend to be, shaped by nature and circumstance. It could be much worse, but he's decided to be charitable to the girl who makes the sun shine brighter.
At least you cared enough to ask about his foul mood, though it only infuriated him further.
Huffing, Blobby turns his glare back to the root of the problem, seemingly oblivious to the amends he must make for his betrayal. It's not enough to knock Lars off his throne, but it's tempting.
What was it he'd said? Blobby'll "come around"?
His glare intensifies. The sun, the real one in the sky, slowly shifts to the west, readying itself for its nightly descent. You and Lars occasionally converse in whispers, sometimes half-audible even to him. They almost exclusively take the form of playful flirting, as if the only thing to occupy the space in their maybe empty heads is each other.
And the nameless boy from earlier left in a terrible mood some time ago, with an annoyed young man with gray hair who seemed keen on lecturing him.
Blobby, however, stays in the same spot, the cheerful cries of his teammates only emphasizing his dour mood. Some help out with their trainer's quest, while others play with a beach ball. Only one, the sole non-electric and ground type amongst them, dares to brave the ocean, though the flamigo remains in shallow waters.
Lars—undoubtedly due to the others' childish complaints—doesn't like it when he throws sand at them. Otherwise, that would most certainly be his next course of action. That'd shut them up.
You're lucky, he thinks venomously at the electabuzz cheerfully helping you add some finishing touches to your sandcastle. Noticing his glare, she waves at him obliviously.
Somehow, he resists the urge to scream.
Even when you turn around, gaze softened by pity and concern, the only thing Blobby offers is an expression full of displeasure. To him, it doesn't matter if you try to conv—huh?
You turn away, returning to your tragic sandcastle. He can only gape at your back, spluttering indignantly at the sheer nerve. Really, the sheer audacity—don't you know you're supposed to come and comfort him if you acknowledge him at all?
Even the traitor made a token effort to talk to him!
Were you not forwarded the script beforehand? Someone from the team should've coached you at least! He's supposed to rebuff you, not the other way around. It's just the way the world works.
Eventually, after growing tired of twiddling his non-existent thumbs over your nonaction, Blobby waddles over to the oblivious couple whispering to each other. Surely, they'll get the hint, right?
"Oh, there you are," Lars says cheerfully, looking over his (shaking? Is he laughing?) shoulder. He glances briefly at you, his blue eyes widening with a strange emotion, before he looks back at Blobby. "Did you have fun today?"
The pokemon narrows his eyes at him. It doesn't affect his trainer's smile at all—Blobby's beginning to think he finds it funny.
Oh, how he misses the days when Lars was younger. He wouldn't make fun of his first friend like this. Then again, he wouldn't be hanging around another human so happily either.
A dilemma, certainly.
Blobby frowns.
"You're just in time. Look," His trainer points at his own castle. As he scratches his cheek, he has a troubled look on his face. "Don't you think this castle's missing something? She says it's perfect."
You don't retract your statement. Instead, you laugh—surprisingly, it's a pleasant noise. Blobby nods in approval. It's simply common sense that everything Lars makes is perfect.
Still, he can spot some room for improvement.
Blobby wastes no time going through the list. And Lars, as always, picks and chooses what he wants to listen to. What that means is that their squabbling takes up more time than the actual renovations to the castle.
"Well, I certainly learned a lot," you say once they finish, leaning back.
Lars gives you an apologetic look, but you wave off his apologies before he can even start. Smart girl. If you made him feel bad for enjoying himself, Blobby would throw sand at you, consequences be damned.
You don't really seem like the type, all things considered, but one can never be too sure, after all.
"Oh, but..." You trail off worriedly and chew at your bottom lip. There's something funny about your tone, but he can't quite pin it down. "My castle's looking a bit plain too. Do you have any critiques, Professor Blobby?"
He can't but perk up at the title. Professor? They're usually held in high esteem, aren't they? Like that one fellow, the one who Lars occasionally runs into, with the long silver hair and carefully pressed three piece suit. You know him too, though, for some reason, you're usually not very eager to talk about him.
A rather strange thing, considering most people who run into him can only do the opposite.
Oh, but Blobby would make a great professor—one that's not at all like those terrors that Lars would complain about during his university days. Plus, your castle could definitely use a lot of work. His expression is bright as he nods.
"Really?" You clap your hands delightedly. "I can't thank you enough."
Blobby pulls himself up to his full height at your words, feeling pleased. His earlier bad mood seems to have vanished entirely, leaving not even a white fluffy cloud in sight—only clear skies. He waddles over to your side, vaguely aware of Lars' muffled laughter, and begins the first of his lessons.
As a testament to his teaching skills, you come back again the next morning too.
Lars' notes on the memory: Blobby's always taken a bit of time to warm up to people—but he seemed to really like you from the start. I thought it'd be fine for us to do this, all things considered. Hmm, if he's going to be like this every time I make a sandcastle for someone else, should I start preparing him for the next one? [sound of you hitting his arm]
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— Blobby hated being called "Sandygast" because he felt it was step down in terms of intimacy, implying he wasn't very important to Lars. By the time he woke up to smell the roses, the name "Blobby" stuck, as there were simply no alternatives that he'd accept.
— He loves lording the blue pikachu shovel over Lars' other pokemon as a sign of his "special" bond, what with him being Lars' first pokemon and all. They have since grown used to it and mostly ignore him.
— His current dream castle is the Emperor's in In Passing. After all, it's a grandiose beauty and owned by a man who looks like his favorite person in the world. However, he believes Lars does not know this and intends to keep it that way.
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fl3shm4id3n · 2 years
𝓑𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓟𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓵𝓵𝔂𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓮𝓽𝓴𝓪𝔂𝓲𝓷𝓪
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧!𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥??
Tw: not much but y/n being a little manice and chaotic. Reader is Gender Neutral.
A/N: Again, I know nothing about Pokémon, so I came up with something. I wrote this headcanon on my phone.
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You had no Idea how you got to Pandora, you were in the forest searching for Pokémon to catch and now you were in a whole new world. You explored around a bit, then you came across a Thanator.
The animal seemed viscous and dangerous, perhaps you should run, but you were not going to run. You were going to catch this creature.
So you got out your pokeballs, ready to capture this creature. It was hard but you had manage to get the Thanator. You had no idea what kind of Pokémon that creature was, but you got it.
You also didn't know that you were being watched by a group of kids. While you were celebrating your small victory, three giant blue kids and a human popped out.
At first you didn't know what to do, but when you saw that they had kind intensions, you had introduced yourself.
Tuk was the first one to ask about the Pokeball and what it did to the Thanator. You told them that it how you captured pokemon. Then this lead to more questions.
What are Pokémon? What is a Pokeball? How can you do that? Where did you come from? You answered them all, telling them about the Pokemon and what your Pokeballs were able to do as well as other kinds of Pokemon that existed.
While you talked with them, you got to know their names. Kiri, Lo'ak, Tuk, and Spider. They also told you about their older brother Neteyam, but before they'd introduce you to him and his parents, they wanted to see of what your pokeballs can do.
So they took you to where the Ikran were and they had asked you if you could capture an Ikra, so you did. It was kind tricky at first but you manage to capture a banshee.
Afterwards they took you to the Village so that they could meet the other. Jake, Neytiri and Neteyam's first impression was "Where the hell did this kid come from?" but they couldn't answer since they had no Idea where you came from.
Then you explained to them that you were just in the forest at home then you popped up here. Then the kids told them about what you can do with your PokeBalls. Again you explained what Pokemon were also about how you're a trainer.
You also introduced them to your other Pokemon such as Sylveon, she was more of your companion but you had put her in a PokeBall so that she could rest.
You also introduced them to Mimikyu, Squirtle, Ditto, Bulbasaur, Snorlax, Charmander etc. You also explained how each Pokemon has their own ability as well as they're different type of Pokemon.
It was kind of weird to them at first, but they were very interested in learning about your Pokemon. Tuk really liked Mimikyu, Kiri liked Bulbasaur, Lo'ak liked Charmander, Neteyam liked Squirtle and Spider liked Ditto.
Jake and Neytiri were still weirded out by your Pokemon but they saw how useful they could be. When they found out you had captured a Thanator and A Banshee, they could not believe their eyes.
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When the Sully kids were in Danger, you helped into getting them by using your Pokemon. You manage to get them back, except for Spider. It saddens you a lot not being able to save him.
You left with the Sully's with the Metkayina clan, when you arrived, you already planned on trying to capture an Ilu and a Skimswim.
Once settled in after being accepted, you went with the Sully kids to learn. You thought it would be a good idea to bring Squirtle, when the Metkayina kids saw your companion, they were too stunned to speak.
They asked you who he was and what he was. Again you explained to them about Pokemon and that you were a trainer.
Ao'nung and Roxto were weirded out at first, but Tsireya had been the most curious. When you introduced the Metkayina kids to the other Pokemon, they also were curious like Tsireya.
The Metkayina trio really liked your water based Pokemon. Tsireya liked Squirtle right away when she first saw him, Ao'nung liked Vaporeon and Roxto liked Quagsire.
Ronal and Tonowari were also weirded out by your Pokemon, but they learned about them and about you being a trainer. At first they saw them as a bit of a threat but you proved to them that your creatures were no harm.
Sylveon would always tagged along with you, she was a very lovable Pokemon who liked those around her.
The kids would approach her to play or feed her, she liked the attention of the kids, as well as playing with them for hours non stop.
You also manage to catch both an Ilu and A Skimswim. But when you saw the Tulkun, that was your next catch.
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simply-serperior · 1 year
i saw your snivy line Pokémon partner headcannons and i really liked them!! i loved all the personality you added to the pokemon and the post was very very cute. could i request you do a post of a trainer with the reuniclus line? thank you very much in advance <33
REUNICLUS as your partner pokémon!
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> aw tysm!! reuniclus holds a special place in my heart bc i used to own a bw themed pencil case that featured this pokemon. i'd be more than happy to write this request!
> also i kinda went up & disappeared for a WHILE. oops.
> i still write tho dw!! i am here to fulfill your pokémon daydreams
> as always, this is all strictly platonic.
> it/its pronouns for reuniclus.
> gender neutral for mc.
your first encounter with solosis was when you were heading back to town after a long day at school.
you weren't a trainer by any means. you had no pokémon to call your own and was just planning to head straight into college. as such, you mostly went from place to place via paths or roads that were relatively far away from wild pokémon habitats.
you always made sure to carry a bag that was filled with repels in order to ward off any aggressive pokémon. it was a safety precaution that all non-pokémon trainers followed.
but it's not like you had ever encountered any wild pokémon anyway. so your repels usually ended up wasting away in your bag.
personally, you'd rather not carry around so many damn repels with you. at least then, your arms wouldn't be all sore from carrying them around everywhere.
maybe you should just get a pokemon of you own? you hummed at the thought.
you continued your way back to your house when you were stopped in your tracks by a blur of green.
a frazzled solosis rolled into the middle of the road, staring at you once it noticed your presence. alarmed, you pulled out a repel from your bag.
an awkward silence enveloped the area as you & the cell pokémon watched each other cautiously. after a while, you took a step back.
solosis remained rooted in its spot, eyes drooping ever so slightly. with its remaining energy, it called out to you with telepathy.
— wounded.. need help.. —
and with that, it unceremoniously plopped down onto the hard concrete.
you stood frozen in place as you looked around in a frenzy. you soon glanced down at the fainted pokémon once you came to the realisation that the mysterious voice was from solosis.
so you weren't crazy. good, good.
now then, it mentioned something about being wounded..? you walked closer to it, inspecting the pokémon's unconscious state.
upon closer investigation, you were able to spot that the liquid surrounding its body was leaking out of a... wound of some sorts.
was it a wound?
man, pokémon biology is weird.
you reached out to it before stopping yourself.
was it even safe to touch?
you fished out your phone and called the local pokémon center. after explaining everything to the head nurse joy, you hanged up.
help would be here soon.
meanwhile, you should probably move to a less dangerous spot than literally being in the middle of the road.
thankfully, your town often preferred to ride on pokémon rather than cars so vehicles were a rarity.
however, that didn't mean your current location was exactly risk-free. you looked back at the unconscious solosis before pulling out a towel from your bag.
you carefully wrapped the towels around it, being mindful not to get your skin soaked in the weird liquid that composed of solosis' body.
cradling it like a baby, you picked it up and gently laid it down on the side walk. huffing slightly, you sat next to it while you waited for help to arrive.
once the ambulance finally arrived, you handed solosis off to the medics. they asked you a few questions about the full details of what happened, solosis' mannerisms, etcetera etcetera.
after a few minutes, they thanked you for your help & iniative in action. you watched the ambulance disappear in the horizon before continuing your way back home.
the next day, you weren't really expecting the very same solosis to show up at your doorstep.
seriously, how did it even find you?
it barged into your house, eyes crinkling in warmth. with the use of its telepathy, it happily thanked you.
you did nothing but blink stupidly at it during the whole time. you quite frankly found the whole situation bizarre, only replying a 'no problem' half-heartedly.
it glanced around your house, seemingly looking for something. it perked up excitedly once its eyes landed on a shelf.
without any warning, solosis' eyes glowed as it picked up a random object from the shelf with its psychic abilities. your squinted your eyes in confusion, reaching out a hand to stop it.
what was it doing??
it looked back at you before launching the object straight into your palm. you fumbled for a moment, trying not to drop whatever it just threw at you.
you opened your mouth to softly scold it, but the words got stuck in your throat once you realized what you were holding.
it was a pokéball from your parents' personal collection.
solosis floated closer to you, a derpy smile decorating its features.
“are you.. do you.. wait- are you implying what i think you are?”
it remained silent, only tapping its head on the pokéball as response.
one.. two.. three..
the pokéball glowed a bright yellow signalling a successful capture.
you now had a solosis.
what the hell.
it wasn't exactly easy to explain to your parents as to how you got a pokémon seemingly overnight.
it also wasn't easy to explain why they were missing a pokéball in their personal collection. thankfully, they forgave solosis in the end, only giving it a brief scolding.
you now had a pokémon.
it was strange really.
solosis was clingy, often laying on your shoulder while you worked. it hated being in its pokéball, preferring to be around you as much as possible.
it was a little awkward having it around at first, but you soon found yourself enjoying its company.
your only complaint was how it acted like an absolute child at times. you won't give it more pokepuffs? gee, i hope you like getting your room completely wrecked by a psychic-type throwing a tantrum.
your school had a strict rule where students had to keep their pokémon in their pokeballs during class hours unless it was allowed.
solosis wasn't exactly happy.
it would pop out of its pokéball during class which led to multiple instances where you got in major trouble. eventually, you decided to take initiative. you threatened to have it stay at home while you went to school if it ever disturbed class again.
it was difficult to hold your ground while solosis was looking up at you sadly with its wee eyes. in the end, you held on strong and solosis hesitantly agreed to behave during class.
as compensation, you always let it out of its pokeball during lunch time. everyday, you'd buy it a box of poképuffs to reward it.
after a year, solosis evolved into a duosion while training against your classmates' pokémon during gym class.
the activity was simple. students were supposed to get in close and personal in the pokémon battle.
it was supposed to simulate how hisuians used to battle a long time ago. students had to get close to their pokémon like they were personally fighting the battle themselves.
it required you to dodge impending attacks while ordering your partner to attack.
you could argue it was a little dangerous.
but the gym teacher assured that numerous school staff will be posted to watch the fights. if things were to go way out of hand, the staff would step in.
during yours' & solosis' battle, the opponent's zorua launched a night daze, which ended up hitting solosis hard.
solosis ended up getting tossed into your arms. the two of you rolled a small distance before ultimately skidding to a stop.
out of breath, you looked down at the pokémon in your arms.
“solosis..? you okay?”
no response.
you let out a breath while you sat up properly. a staff member inquired about your status from a distance. you only gave a thumbs up, only concerned about your partner.
your mouth opened to say another word, but your throat tightened up once solosis started glowing.
solosis— no, duosion, now looked up at you.
the psychic-type nodded while in your embrace, grimacing slightly at its injuries.
duosion floated out of your hold and onto the battlefield, uriging you with the tilt of its head to continue.
once the realization dawned on you, you were ectastic.
heated up, you yelled for it to attack with endeavor, inflicting all the damage it had taken to the unsuspecting zorua.
both pokémon were now extremely injured and struggled to fully stand.
in a desperate attempt, your opponent ordered zorua to use night slash. zorua leapt up into the air as its claws glowed a dark purple.
you knew duosion wouldn't be able to dodge the attack fast enough. instead, you called for it to use protect.
zorua clashed with the protective barrier, resulting in it being temporarily stuck in the air. in order words, it was defenseless.
quickly, you yelled for duosion to use round. zorua got hit and dropped to the ground, unconscious. thus, you & duosion were crowned as victors.
once school ended, you booked it to treat duosion out with a visit to its favorite restaurant. you let it eat & order as much as it liked.
sure, your wallet sported a massive hole afterwards, but who cares? your partner evolved! and as an added bonus, you got a pretty good grade.
yeah, it was a pretty awesome day.
after a few weeks of living with your newly evolved pokémon, one thing became abundantly clear to you.
your partner was now utterly unpredictable.
in accordance to its pokédex entry, duosion's brain was split into two upon evolving. due to this, it tended to act on two different things simultaneously.
you'll say it again, pokémon biology is weird.
oh, remember the deal you made with solosis where it agreed that it would stay in its pokeball during school hours, albeit reluctantly?
well, throw that out of window — with duosion, there was a 50/50 chance it would disobey. it all depended on which brain would win.
there were a handful of times where you had to let duosion stay at home. it comes at no surprise that duosion was annoyed, often times sulking in your bed while it waited for you to return.
however, when you do subsequently come back, it would hold the knob of your bedroom door — thus effectively locking you out.
it's so petty, dear god.
why is getting back at you one of the only things duosion's split brains can both agree on??
thankfully, duosion could be coaxed out with its favorite foods that you bought from its favorite store earlier for compensation.
it's a headache & a half dealing with your childish partner, but you love it anyway.
it has been two years since you've first met duosion (who was a solosis, back then).
admittedly, you now can't imagine a life without it. duosion had been there for you in your most important moments.
getting a scholarship to your dream college? graduating with top marks? finding a good, stable job?
yup, duosion had always been beside you — through the good and the bad.
now, there's one more thing to add to your list of achievements in life.
buying your own house.
it was exciting. you had saved up enough money to purchase a nice, one story house. sure, it wasn't lavish or big — but it was yours.
you were more than content with that.
your cheeks hurt so much from grinning.
duosion cheered & celebrated with you, even doing a cute, little happy dance.
at the actual day of moving, you both were in high spirits. duosion levitated some of your boxes with its psychic powers to help you out. you gave it a pat as thanks.
you hummed as you set down a box filled with your most treasured possessions in your now-bedroom. your partner followed shortly behind, letting out an exaggerated sigh once it finally set down the pile of boxes it was carrying.
you let out a laugh, affectionately rolling your eyes.
“you're such a drama queen.”
— big words... coming from you... —
you both continued to joke with each other, unaware of another entity inhabiting the house. the entity snarled, watching from the shadows before flicking away to another part of the house.
for the next couple weeks, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. outside of a few things, nothing indicated that something was off.
you chalked up the misplacement of your possessions with duosion's random releases of psychic energy. it tended to happen when you had a psychic type around, so objects appearing in places where they shouldn't be in wasn't anything new.
there were also times when kitchen utensils would just suddenly float up high into the air. you didn't think much of it because, well, duh, you had a psychic type.
what about the feeling of dread and exhaustion creeping up your spine at random times? well, you did have a deadline inching closer & you were working your ass off to not lose your dream job.
you were going about your life normally.
but then came the day when you decided to clean up the guest room.
you only stepped foot in it once during the day where you moved in, but duosion immediately pulled you away, claiming that it was "off."
you let it be, seeing as you weren't going to be using it as of now. your parents & friends had already visited your new home, but no one ever really spent the night.
however, you felt that it was time to rid the room of dust. besides, you were planning to use that room for extra storage.
duosion remained silent as you cleaned, glaring at... something.
you continued with your task, occasionally looking over your shoulder to check on your partner.
once you finished tidying up, you brushed off your hands on your pants. with a content sigh, you turned to duosion and was about to ask it something when you spotted something reaching out to grab you from the corner of your eye.
what the fUCK?
you let out a silent scream as your unknown assailant pulled you deeper into the shadows. you struggled, unaware of the bright flashing light near the entrance of the room.
you froze up when you felt giant, plushy arms pulling you out of your grim fate.
confused & hella terrified, you glanced at your saviour. your eyes widened slightly as you gaped.
“oh my god— duosion! no way!”
duosion — now a reuniclus — floated closer as its arms gripped you tightly. with a relieved expression, the pokémon quickly rubbed its face onto yours. you patted its head as a response, quietly thanking it.
although you were extremely happy for your partner's sudden evolution, you had to redirect your attention back to what just happened. you turned your body to the direction of the entity who grabbed & pulled you.
there, in the corner of the room, a black mass swirled violently. the mass twisted and turned, eventually taking the form of a pissed off haunter. at the sight, you took a step back with reuniclus.
haunter launched a dark pulse directly at you. reuniclus acted quickly, holding its arms out as it casted protect.
a little angry at the haunter (what an understatement), reuniclus decided to strike back with an attack of its own without your input.
the psychic-type launched a devastating psyshock at the opposing pokémon, knocking it out with one hit. you flinched slightly, recognizing reuniclus' psyshock to be way too powerful — especially for haunter, a ghost-poison type that was weak to psychic attacks.
concerned, you fished out your phone & called the local pokémon center.
wow, you just felt a strange rush of deja vu.
once the professionals arrived, you brought them up to date on what just occurred. after careful thought & some slight investigation (they brought a gothitelle to lay things out), they were able to come up with a reasonable conclusion.
apparently, the haunter had sought refuge in your house the night before you & reuniclus moved in. it claimed the house as its own & was extremely territorial over it — to the point it would cause weird things to happen just to scare you guys off.
unfortunately, you weren't phased in the slightest. as time went on, anger & irritation snowballed into haunter getting so fed up that it resorted to violence.
although you felt sorry, you paid a generous amount for this house & you sure as hell weren't up & leaving.
however, you weren't pleased with the idea of kicking haunter out either, so you came up with a compromise.
when haunter recovered and gained consciousness, you gave it an offer. you would let it stay in the guest room & leave it be as long as it didn't try to kill you or reuniclus.
haunter agreed & now roams the house in peaceful terms. reuniclus is still a little untrusting and wary, but give the little guy some time.
now, time to delve back to reuniclus hcs.
jesus christ, i really got sidetracked
reuniclus gained arms suitable for intense hugging now, so expect lots of sudden hugs.
reuniclus seemed to also really love its new set of fists, often battling by infusing psychic energy onto them & hitting enemies
the first time you saw it battle that way, you choked on your own spit.
it was pretty badass but also kind of?? silly?? and hilarious??
i mean — watching your small, adorable pokémon punch the shit out of other pokémon 5 times its size was pretty funny.
you're convinced reuniclus first did it to make you laugh, but over time, it had come to really enjoy the fighting style.
okay, okay—
arm wrestling.
yup, you heard me.
whether you're fit or not, you're going to get absolutely destroyed by this psychic-type.
reuniclus would gather all its psychic energy to smash your hand to the ground.
you'd argue that it's literally cheating, but the brat would let it go through one ear to the other.
despite the questionable sportsmanship, you would still agree whenever it challenges you to a match, though. watching reuniclus brighten up whenever it scored a victory was always heartwarming. so yeah, sore arms and hands all the way when you're rooming with reuniclus.
at the end of the day, reuniclus would cuddle up into your arms, and you would feel all your worries crumble away.
with half lidded eyes, you'd fall deeper into sleep, knowing you're with your most trusted companion.
you wouldn't trade this for the world.
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ask-mysterious-muses · 8 months
"I'm OK, really!"
Updated character reference for Aevery
UPDATE! Added Mega Keystone Hairclip post ch 15
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Name: Aevery Lumin
Nicknames: Little Dove (Karen), Clover (Marianette), Aev
Age: 10
Residence: Terajuma (Unofficial), League HQ
Gender: Male (He/They)
Orientation: Friend
Occupation: Pokémon Trainer, Interceptor, Ace Commissioner (Unofficial)
Family: (Mom) Nancy [Unknown]
Good Traits: Strong Trainer, Resourceful, Great at making friends
Bad Traits: Can be too trusting or forgiving, Will run head first into danger whether he scared or not, Literally 10, Poor sense of self worth
Interceptor trait: Healing
Likes: Libraries, Adventure, The color green, Shenanigans
Dislikes: Arguments, Betrayal, Death
Extra: Has nightmares that get more frequent and more vivid as his journey goes on. Able to communicate quite well using facial expressions and body language to make up for non speaking, but when he gets real emotional, it's like flipping a switch and all he can do is talk. Started to make more of an attempt to be conversational after a certain Terajuma sidequest.
Main Team:
Echo (Rowlet ☆)
Sylveon (Mom's Sylveon ☆)
Daniel (Chandelure)
Sparks (Boltund)
River (Walking Wake)
Billy (Banette (Can Mega))
Extra Details:
Aevery thought he was just a kid moving to a new region with his mom, looking forward to meeting new friends and pokemon. Now, so much of what he knew was a lie, and he doesnt know exactly who or what he is anymore.
With a journey full of tragedy, miracles, and mystery that gave him more questions than answers, he can only try to keep his head held high with hope that he can save the future for his friends. Even as his own future, and past, become more uncertain, he can't let them know how scared he is.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere Professor Sycamore Concept
Been years since I played X and Y so I'll do what I can :)
Yandere! Professor Sycamore Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Power dynamic, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Implied murder, Obsession, Kidnapping, Forced relationship, Isolation.
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Sycamore is Manipulative, Caring, and a bit Jealous towards his darling.
According to what I've found... Sycamore is a cheerful professor who likes to help others.
He may even be possessive at times about his darling.
Sycamore would probably enjoy an assistant darling the most.
That way he's always around his darling and has the ability to get attached.
How could he not? He's researching Pokemon alongside his potential darling!
It's the perfect way to be close to his darling.
Sycamore is a very caring man when it comes to his job and darling.
He loves giving starter Pokemon to young trainers which may even give him a parental side too.
Although, with an assistant darling there is potential for an unhealthy power dynamic between him and you.
After all he is your boss and is overly obsessive of you....
Sycamore's outward behavior is only half a facade.
He really is a caring and parental yandere.
But possessive behavior lingers underneath towards his darling.
Sycamore values private time with his darling.
Sycamore is a yandere that utilizes deception to get his darling where he wants them.
You both get busy researching and what makes it better for Sycamore is having someone there to pass the time with him.
To most people, including you, Sycamore is charming and cheery.
To those who get on his bad side... he's unnerving and passive aggressive.
He could make any injury of theirs look like an accident if he's pushed to do so.
You have no idea he threatens those around you and manipulates them away until you're all alone with no one but him.
Sycamore acts like a very calm yandere when he actually has the ability to ruin people.
His reputation helps his credibility in the end.
You wouldn't see Sycamore's behavior until you start looking for it.
It's hard to spot unless you have some sort of a warning.
You'll notice he has a tendency to keep you after hours or prevent you from leaving with an excuse.
You'll also notice he seems tense when other people are around you.
Snappy, too... which is very strange for him.
You can try to distance yourself from him but he's smart.
Sycamore can tell if something is bothering you and will start asking questions.
There's no easy way to tackle the situation.
There's also no guarantee Sycamore will stop his behavior when you find out.
He may say he will just to give you some closure.
Then continue to isolate you as if you said nothing.
If Sycamore would kidnap or not is both yes and no.
He reserves it for dire situations.
Like if you were quitting or breaking up with him if you are indeed dating.
If he feels he'll lose you then he'll keep you by force.
His facade slips and suddenly he isn't as nice as he was before.
He's crueler than before once you know the truth.
He cares for you... but he feels you don't respect that.
He's given you everything... but you hate him.
Sycamore may be colder to you in captivity but he still gives you affection.
It's just he can isolate you much easier now... he truly has you all to himself.
Overall Sycamore can be a very caring and loving guy towards you...
As long as you don't look any deeper into his behavior.
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askmrjacq · 1 year
✨Mr Jacq's Pokemon Trivia Night!✨
Hello, hello ragamuffins! I'm suspecting by now you're all pretty sleepy, and the last thing you'll want to be doing is a boring old Biology exam, so I made it more fun! Just something to help you wind down from the dance, and hopefully win some... cool (?) prizes (???).
Under the cut you'll find all of the questions to the quiz!!! Just some easy fun that hopefully won't make your brain ache (*cough cough* like writing the questions did to me *ahem*). Just send me your answers, and whoever gets the highest amount of points in total will win a yummy treat...! You can be in groups too, if you like! Just don't worry fi you can't work out an answer, its all for fun!
Fun Facts! Worth two points each!!
How many legs does a Spidops have?
What is the gender ratio for a Pachirisu?
What shape markings does a Gulpin have on its back?
What Pokemon is number 431 in the National Dex?
How fast can an average Popplio swim?
Evolution: True or false???? One point for each correct answer!!! (bonus point for the corrected answer on the false questions!!)
Girafarig can only evolve into Farigiraf in Paldea- True or False?
Starly’s second evolution is called Staraptor- True or False?
Eevee evolves into Umbreon when it has a high friendship level with its trainer OR it is nighttime-  True or False?
Mr Jacq is getting really bored of thinking of questions for this and wants to sleep: True or False?
When Sprigatito evolves it becomes bipedal- true or false?
Facts about my Pokemon! Good luck, these are harder! 3 points per question correct!!!!
Can you name each member of my team? Just the breed, not any nicknames.
What type does my Ace Pokemon terastalise into? 
Which of my Pokemon looks most like me? (not in terms of size: that would be mean! As in colours)
What’s special about the types of moves my Grass type Pokemon has on my team? As in, what do you notice about if they are special or physical?
I’m about to go on my Pokemon journey, and three starter Pokemon (Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly) are shown to me. Can you guess which one I would choose?
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ask-majoko-and-pals · 8 months
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Hey everyone! Welcome the blog! My name is Majoko Kaneko Violet. My mentor Mr. Hassel said I should start a blog to meet more people. When I asked if I could include some friends of mine, he said it was a great idea!
Of course, Geeta overheard and well... She meant well, I'm sure. But she went a little overboard with recommending things to do, and what to say. Thankfully, my friends and I got her to tone it down. But she did set up up with a nice moderator known as Modjoko! She'll be the one to put up some rules (under the cut) surrounding ask content, as well as our introductions so the rest of us can focus on answering.
Modjoko, ooc: Hello everyone, what you saw was the in-character introduction of this blog. Right here is a more detailed explanation of what the blog is and how it functions, as well as the rules of asks.
This is an rp blog in which I will answer questions about my characters— Majoko, Dante, Hack, Rye, Galatea, and Lucibelle. They are Pokemon trainers in the pokemon Violet Universe/Timeline, set soon after the events of the game, the Teal Mask and Indigo Disk, along with Mochi Mayhem.
Within this blog, I will respond to your asks in character as Majoko or one of her pals, most likely with text (as it is fastest,) art, and sometimes photos. I will also directly interact with them, hence the ooc//out of character dialogue tag present in this post.
The characters will interact through this blog as if they all share a social media account, such as making posts outside of answering asks (a good example would the Majoko's warm welcome,) and posts the blog reblogs will correspond with things the characters like. Reblogs will also say which character has reblogged it, and might include short conversations between them!
Ask Rules:
- Aside from basic respect and good manners, please refrain from NSFW asks. While all the characters here are adults, any asks that aim to harass them or put them into explicitly NSFW scenarios will not be answered, and will be treated as making the characters uncomfortable. (Such as asking Majoko her bra size.)
- The only "exception" I can make is if the character brings up an NSFW topic first. For example, if Majoko were to make a post on this blog asking about a sexual innuendo, then sending an ask that interacts with that post is okay and will be answered.
- Harassing the characters for their gender, pronouns, sexuality, and disabilities will not be met with a response. (Such as telling Majoko being bisexual makes her an attention seeker.)
- All things in this blog take place in the pokemon universe, and asks/reblogs/posts pertaining to the real world will likely be met with general confusion. (Such as asking Majoko if she knows what a Jaguar is.)
- Roleplay blogs are encouraged to interact with Majoko and her pals through asks, so long as they comply with the first four rules.
- Magic Anon is on, as well as Pelliper mail!
- This list will be updated as time goes on.
- Most importantly: If you're not sure about something, ask about and find out!
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darkpunkrocker · 1 year
Intro Post
Yo, How's it goin'? The names Sidney (Sid if ya like).
Huh? Who am I?
What, ya livin' under a rock or somethin'?!
I'm part of Hoenn's Elite Four! My specialty bein' Dark-types.
Yea, yea ya probably heard about me bein' a delinquent, but that's all in the past! I wanna do good work out there and show young trainers that anyone can live their dreams, like me!
Age: 36
Height: 6'1"
Gender: Male/Man/Bro/Punk/Bastard
Pronouns: He/Him/They (Whatever)
Sexuality: Omnisexual. (I dunno man. Everyone's pretty, aight?)
Pokemon Team:
Kane: Mightyena ⚦
Spike: Cacturne ⚦
Cena: Shrifty ⚦
Deluge: Sharpedo ⚦
King: Absol ⚦ (Mega evolution)
Savage: Crawdaunt ⚦
Jax: Scrafty ⚦
Batista: Zoroark ⚦
Sheik: Mandibuzz ♀
Aoko: Zangoose ✨ ♀
Ripley: Zweilous ♀
Lynch: Maschiff ♀
[Complete Bio]
(If you do nsfw, fine, but keep it off my blog thank you.)
Sidney would punch you square in the fuckin' jaw, so fuck off!
Mun Nova here, 30+ years old and I use he/they pronouns!If you have any questions don't be afraid to contact me, my DMs are always open!
DISCLAIMER: this is an rp blog that takes place in the pokemon universe, so pls keep in mind I will be RPing as such! I will be using several different HC from the games, anime/manga and also personal.
This Blog also takes place after the events in Sapphire/Ruby and is somewhat in the future.
NOTE: NSFW is NOT allowed! However, flirting, teasing, and SOME innuendos towards Sidney are fine. Use common sense! (Any ask that goes against my rules will be deleted.)
>Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with a plot in mind, there is no guarantee I will agree.
I AM A-OKAY INTERACTING WITH OCS. This involves: Fallers, Eebydeebies, sentient pokemon, hybrids, etc. If you're not sure just ask! I promise I do not bite <3
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
This is a side blog, so I'll usually send asks on anon and sign off with "-DarkPunkRocker".
I follow back from my main @galactic-mermaid
Check out my other Pokemon RP Blogs!
@thetravelingymleader (Pokemon OC)
@ghostly-groundskeeper (Pokemon OC)
@piers-official (Piers RP Blog)
@ragingwaters (Nessa RP blog)
@krazy-for-klara (Klara RP blog)
@a-gastly-trio (Pokemon Gijinka OCs) ((HIATUS))
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braincrabart · 4 months
Yesterday someone sent me an ask about how I design outfits for ocs, but while I was writing my reply on my phone it somehow got deleted??
anyways tips for how i design outfits under the cut!
there are 2 large parts to how I design outfits for my OCs, questions and research
Before I start anything I ask myself
what is the context of my design (where are they from? what is the climate? what is their social standing? Wealth? Accessibility?
what is their theme intended to be? Any tropes that could apply? Maybe colors or atmosphere? what is their role?
what is their base personality intended to be like? Are they shy? eccentric? serious? How do they want other people to see them?
what kind of silhouette do you want? Are they round, square, angular? Choose their signature shape
ill usually focus on getting a strong base down before worrying about finer accessories. It can also help to pick out a hobby, job or personal passion. Selecting an assigned shape, core color, or concept can also go a long way to personalize your design.
Fashion info graphics are an amazing resource. If you struggle with making clothes feel unique, try looking up "different types of sleeves" but replace sleeve with any kind of clothing you want.
Look at parts of an outfit rather than the whole. Examine the pockets, the cuffs, the shoes, the hair, take from as many places as possible.
Look at figurines, drawn artworks, cosplay, and other fictional fashion. I find that the pokemon trainer style is really good if you struggle with figuring out a silhouette, they use clothes in really fun unique ways.
Don't worry about gendered fashion, look at EVERYTHING. You are the artists, you can convert a skirt into cool pants if you want to. Try asking yourself "what would that look like as a jacket" when you see a cool dress or big boots. I know I have more but I cant think of anything else at the moment.
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owo do you have somewhere i can look at your ocs as a reference for the pride asks? i know about kris but im not really familiar with any others and im curious? :3
How lovely of you to show interest pal mwah mwah. I don’t really have much in the way of art for some of em, but I’ll let this be an excuse to discuss em lmao
Alongside Kris(whom I’ve talked to death about how they’re gay and trans and will continue to do so till the end of time), my other mtl ocs, both Guy and Guinness are lgbt in some way! Guy is Bisexual, and Guinness is Pansexual!
I know pmd is definitely your thing, so let’s talk about my pmd ocs! All my heroes and partners are also lgbt! Piebald the eevee is aroace, while Miroku the pikachu is gay. Ever the riolu is nonbinary and bi-ace, with Light being bi and using he/it pronouns in particular. Onto some ocs I have yet to discuss are Mist the Zorua/Snivy who is a trans woman, while Jet the axew is ace and nonbinary. Finally, Silver the fennekin is bigender and pan, while Rosemary the Chikorita is a trans lesbian!(still haven’t finished super yet grr)
There’s also my pokemon trainer Krys, who’s agender and bi!
An old oc I used to post about a lot was my tf2 oc the Omega, who’s a lesbian werewolf fuck yeah dude.
My spore aliens Mimikosu, as a species, have no concept of gender or sexuality, at least not one humans could percieve.
Yugo Nora is aroace, also!
My main warrior cats oc, Dawnheart, is bisexual!
Last I’ll talk about here are some of my elder scrolls ocs. Jo’dar the Nerevarine is agender but uses he/him exclusively, and he’s also gay. Adhara the Hero of Kvatch is bisexual, and Dah’ni the Dragonborn is nonbinary and pansexual!
To actually answer your question, I suppose those character tags on my blog could help you out with some of them!
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actualbird · 1 year
Before the actual ask, i have a suggestion: maybe add some general non-tot asks/req rules? bc i'm writing this rn like "this may be uncomfortable but i don't want to make you uncomfortable but i don't know if it will make you uncomfortable but-" 😭😭😭
now um, my ask:
i'm currently getting struck by gender dysphoria at very random moments and i don't like it. thing is, i don't know what my gender might be since it goes both ways and I was wondering, if you wouldn't mind sharing: how did you figure out you're trans?
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hi anon!!! lemme go thru this one by one but first, i wanna preface everything with: dont worry, none of this makes me uncomfortable and you said nothing wrong. theres nothing here that cause for panic on ur end, it's alright, ur alright :D
okay so
on general non-tot asks/req rules:
i do have these rules!! theyre just not as Many as my tot-specific ones, but on my rules page u'll find these in the 2nd section :D
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theyre like, reaaaaally general but the overall rule for all other asks is basically "be nice, i cant read tone well, and dont spam" so no worries, ur all good. i dont wanna make these rules any more specific because everything else seems like a case to case basis yknow
and now to the bulk of my answer
on trans stuff:
short answer on how i found out i was trans: it made me happy. god, it made me so happy and it makes me happy to this day.
long answer: come with me, anon, through my gender journey through the years....JKSDHVFKJSDHVKFSD
ok so for the longest time i knew i wasnt completely woman aligned in the gender department. like, from ages 14-20 i had identified as a bunch of different genders. first i identified as bigender, then i backpedaled and went back to just having "she/her" in my bio because i had a Moment Of Panic wondering "no no the Genders are for people who Really Truly Identify (whatever that means) and i shouldnt co-opt these terms because im not even sure what i am!! im not allowed to identify as bigender until i really figure it out!!*", and then for a while i identified as nonbinary, and then the pandemic happened which i think hilariously due to the lockdowns had the cool side effect of many people figuring out Personal Things and at some point in 2021 i was like ".....hey im a guy, actually. it makes me happy to be a guy"
*sidenote 1: this "but am i allowed to?" worry is a common thing i see a lot from other people also going through their journey of questioning their gender, and i wanna talk about it specifically later on in this response, but bACK ON TOPIC FIRST---
sidenote 2: yes, like a pokemon trainer, i have collected the three starter pronouns. she, they, and he. KJHAVFLASVFALSJK
backtracking through the other genders i had identified as, i'd chosen them all at the time for similar reasons: joy. i identified as bigender because i felt recognized for the first time, an identity where i could be both feminine and masculine. i identified as nonbinary because i adored the comfort of that freedom and that fluidity. i identify as a trans guy now because i realized that i can find joy in being a guy and still enjoy expression of "non-guy" things because guys who like pink and frilly fashion and plushies is still a valid and real type of guy, it's the type of guy i am. and these are more on the positive markers of gender expression, the opposite of gender dysphoria: gender euphoria, the happiness when gender stuff feels just right
btw, you are indeed using the term gender dysphoria correctly. that simply pertains to any kind of distress or upsetness due to gender things Not feeling right. within that definition, theres no requirement for you Already Having To Identify to use it, because otherwise thatd mean anybody who found out they were trans only after experiencing gender dysphoria was using it incorrectly, which seems rather silly. and even if the definition Did have that requirement.......who cares? JKHDFVSKDJHFVKSD i mean that in the most genuine and sincere way ever, because so long as it is harming nobody, who cares what word you use? sure, a Bunch of people care actually, and a bunch of people will pitch a fit policing on being allowed to use certain gender words and whatnot. but in general ive taken to trying to remember that like.....gender stuff is a Personal thing. it is the business of the Person Themselves, as it is our identity. it is up to us to define it, to explore it, to make our own choices on it. and well....generally, people who think your expression is any of their business is, at best, nosy, or at worse, a bigot.
i went on a tangent there sorry VSDFLJBFL, but my point is dont worry, youre using the term right. if youre feeling Not Good because something about The Genders doesnt fit, yeah thats dysphoria. and im so so sorry youre experiencing this, because it sucks
i said before that my main marker for realizing gender stuffs was the presence of a positive emotion, instead of the presence of a negative one. but i also experienced gender dysphoria, it just wasnt as big of a thing in my own journey. for me, it was less of a wrongness and more of a vague...discomfort. like wearing shoes that dont fit. it's fine some days but other days i couldnt stand it but my legs still work and i was much more focused on the times i Did find figurative shoes that fit immensely well.
.....oh something i think that wld be important for me to mention is that i kinda....somehow always knew i was of Another Gender. but i kept hesitating and kept backtracking because, kinda like what you say, it went both ways for me
im a guy. but i also really liked things that are traditionally seen as feminine, i still do. ive got a closet full of lolita fashion dresses, mixed in with the ridiculous amounts of plaid shirts ive got. throughout my life, i was never really regarded as masculine by other people, more often i was seen by others as some kind of manic pixie androgynous being. and these things, they made me hesitate. how can i be a guy if so much of who i am is seen by others as Not-Guy stuff?
well, eventually it's cuz i figured that what others think should have nothing to do with who i am and who i choose to be. relating back to what i said about Genders being a personal thing yknow. why was i so worried about what other people thought of a thing that only concerned me?
yknow one of the most gender affirming experiences ive ever had in my life was back was i was in college. i was just going out and about for a group work thing, and the classmates along with me were rowdy manly cisguys and i was feeling low and it showed, i was all meek and sad and shit. and then this lady came up to me, and i didnt get to know if she was a transwoman or a femme presenting gay man, but she sat with me and chatted with me and eventually she asked
(this convo happened in filipino but roughly translated it went)
her: do you want to be a boy?
me: yes (i answered so instinctively. at the time, i was identifying as nonbinary, but she asked a question and i gave my honest answer. yes. yes i did.)
her: well, youre very handsome! youre more handsome than any of them //gestures at the cisguy classmates
and that stucks with me to this day. another queer person asking Me what I Wanted, and affirming that. didnt matter that i looked like how i looked, that i obviously wasnt as objectively or normatively masculine as the cismen around us. what mattered was what i wanted, and i was handsome for it, and that was that.
after that we just talked about pop music, but i felt so good the rest of the day
now...on the unwritten question here of "how do you (as in, anon, or any other reader out there) know you're trans (or any kind of other gender designation)?" or if you already know you are some other gender, how do you figure it out? who do you ask?:
im sorry for how cheesy or seemingly unhelpful what im going to say next is, but i cannot stress how crucial it is: the only person who can ever answer these is You. ask yourself what makes you happy, what would alleviate your discomfort, what would cause comfort, what youre drawn to, etc.
but if i can give any unsolicited advice on that....itd be to make sure that the person youre asking, the person who is giving the answer, is really You. not the thoughts or opinions of other people, not the rules of what is considered 'norm', not the fears or the worries circling around the question, dont ask those things dont find the answer in those things. the person to give the answers is You.
and btw!! You can change sometimes. and sometimes your answer can change too, and thats okay if ever that happens. all my prior answers to this question changed in through life, and it doesnt mean any of my prior answers were wrong (sans the time i backpedaled, because then i wasnt getting the answer from Me, i was getting the answer from Worries). it just meant that those were the answers for Me when i was at that stage of my life.
tldr: i figured out i was trans because it made me so damn happy to be and also because i stopped giving a shit about what other people thought
i hope this response makes sense and that theres something in here that can help you out. im wishing you the best, anon <3
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