#genderfluid lance
fic rec friday 18
welcome to the eighteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. A Kind Of Cosmic Joke by @eatdirt
And it's not like it's a big deal. It's decidedly not a big deal. Really it's hardly a deal at all. It's just that, maybe, in the trick of the light, if you squint and turn your head just so, Keith is…
Keith is big.
nothing in the entire history of voltron legendary defender, nay the history of voltron entirely, is funnier than the moment where lance called keith grizzled. he absolutely deserves to be clowned on for that for eternity, even in modern aus, like this fic. lance freaking out about keith getting bigger is funny in every universe in every way and this fic nails it lol
2. only a hippopotamus will do by perfchan
Lance walks into the kitchen and stops. Physically stops, the cup in his hand that’s in need of a refill completely forgotten.
He turns, slowly. Raises an eyebrow. Are those...cookies? He blinks.
Yep. He leans in closer to inspect. Sugar cookies in the shape of pine trees. Green icing, mostly, with the stars on top slathered on in yellow. Well. They’re sort of messy, more like green and yellow blobs, actually. But that’s clearly the intention. Sprinkles for ornaments.
Christmas cookies.
There’s a whole plate of them---a paper plate, stacked high with handmade cookies, wrapped in plastic wrap---and they just randomly appeared. Right here on his kitchen counter.
Lance huffs out little sigh and shakes his head. Maybe mutters something under his breath. But he doesn’t give it much thought once he’s left the kitchen. Afterall, his perpetually cranky, sourfaced roommate basically lives to do weird shit to annoy him. Or something. Lance has found that living with Keith means one thing: expect the unexpected.
And everything tends to get a little crazier when the holidays roll around.
sweetheart keith! overdramatic lance! yes yes yes! and i mean overdramatic lance in this fic lmfao he is epitome dramaqueen bisexual. this fic kills me tho bc for starters its a modern au, and i fckn love modern aus, but further still it is an au wherein lance gets keith as a roommate entirely bc he finds keith hot and his smile breathtaking. what a dumbass nerd. love him
3. Trying Times by @shyfoxes
Keith comes back Hot and Lance has a crisis on the bottom bunk.
u know those fics that make u fan ur face a little? not necessarily bc it’s explicit or anything but bc its just so swoony and romantic and shit and ur embarrassed about how affected u are?? that’s this fic.
4. As If by @surveycorpsjean
The five times Lance was his impulse control, and the one time he wasn't.
y’all know me with 5+1s. i love this one in particular tho bc keith is such a prick lmao. i love when keith is rough and scowly and doesnt handle other people well and can’t emote to save his life. i love when he loves deeply and endlessly with his whole heart but in the least conventional possible way, and i love fics where lance slowly learns to recognise the strange ways in which keith says i-love-you and this fic kills that
5. A Human Thing by @xirayn
Lance comes through a wormhole as a woman. It doesn't change much. aka Lance is gender fluid so getting gender bent by space magic only presents one problem, which turns out not to be Keith.
“Lance, can we just talk? After that you can go back to avoiding me.” Lance scoffed even as her eyes remained stubbornly forward. “I’m not avoiding you.” “Then what are you doing?” That earned him a glare, which would have been annoying if not for how happy Keith was to have her looking at him again. “I’m being a good partner and giving you space while I'm not your type.” Keith crossed his arms and met her eyes with a glare of his own, brow furrowed and lips a tight line. “Not my type?” Lance let out a long sigh of exasperation. “Female, Keith. I don't want you to feel like you have to force yourself to be attracted to women just because your boyfriend currently is one.”
genderfluid lance loml! this fic explores that entire concept so so well, even with the complications of extablished klance and team dynamics and UGH this fic is genuinely one of my faves. the slow trickle to the reveal near the end was planted there the whole time, but i was so caught up that i didnt realise it so when it finally came to light i was gagged!!
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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finsnsins · 5 months
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going at it
when your day is filled with stress you should fill your hole with.. stress relief
full drawing is up on twt! link below the cut
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ethereance · 5 months
Screw it. *Genderfluids your Lance* Post s8. Fix it.
Lance thought his Altean markings were cosmetic. Nothing more. Nothing less. A gift from Allura, leaving a piece of her with him, to look back and remember with fondness her company. As if he could ever forget a girl as incredible as her.
It’s not until much later he realises it’s something more. That maybe Allura gave a portion more than he expected. He stares, face to face with his mirror. Something off. Something strange. Something that grabs his attention before he really knows what he’s looking at.
His ears slowly shift back to human. But they were there long enough. He saw the Altean ears.
“Incredible,” Coran says when Lance broaches this to him, and after multiple attempts at trying at failing at repeating what happened in the mirror. At last he succeeds. “You’re shifting just like an Altean.”
“I’m not turning Altean, am I?” he panics. He’s pretty attached to being a human and all.
“Haha! Don’t be ridiculous number three, you can’t just ‘turn Altean.’ Good one! Turn Altean, he says. That’s one to remember for an open mike.” Then Coran takes one look at his genuine distress and sobers. “Rest assured, my boy, you’re one hundred percent earthling, ears and all. Allura wouldn’t change you so completely when she loved you the way you are. It just seems she passed our chameleon-like abilities over to you. I can’t say I’ve ever heard anything like this ever documented before, but Allura…”
“Has a way of accomplishing the possible,” Lance offers when Coran’s eyes grow distant, bittersweet.
“Yes,” agrees Coran. Something proud, something sombre, “That she did.”
Lance practices often, following Coran’s guidance. Even Romelle drops by at Coran’s request, eager to show someone the ropes.
“In the colony, we had little need to shift as our ancestors had. Our only home had been there, tucked away in a corner of the universe. We understood little of the outside world except what Lotor brought us. Even so, it was an ability we never lost. When you have mastered it, it’s like walking. It becomes natural. To some more than others,” she says, a surprisingly patient teacher. He wonders where this side of her was when she was trying to get him to teach her to pilot. “You may be the ‘others’! But that okay. My… my brother Bandor was the same.”
For such a bright supernova of a person, it is easy to forget that, like Coran, Romelle has been touched by grief. And grief again.
“You strike me as an adaptable person, pointy chin. Like rivers and oceans, it has made you you. I have full confidence in your abilities. And if Allura were here.” She smiles, and it is pain, but beauty. A flower unfurling in the wake of a storm. “I know she would say the same.”
He finds himself slipping into other forms like a glove. It becomes easier, a swifter motion just as Romelle had said.
It’s freeing, in a way. To walk as something so slightly adjacent to him. A Lance of another life. Altean, balmeran, olkari, puigian, anything he can think of.
He loves being Plaxum’s species the most. A mer. Beneath the waves, it feels like coming home. He’s a missile underwater, swimming loops around coral.
Dreams really do come true.
There’s something about transforming that pulls him that much closer to Allura. Her quintessence sings to him, and his skin dances. He feels alive as he hasn’t in a long time.
Happier maybe. Or that much closer to it.
He wishes he could take a photo of Keith the second he catches sight of Lance, a good extra foot on him, and purple as a plum.
“So this is a… thing,” says Keith eventually. And what an observation that is. Lance explains.
“Don’t let Hunk catch you like this,” is Keith’s response, a hint of tired amusement, “He’ll call you Galra Lance and never stop.”
It starts with him shifting into an unilu. He needs the extra hands. Lance doesn’t realise the gender he’d chosen until Coran points it out offhandedly. Now, Lance knows that not every species is going to be quite so clear cut as biologically male or female. Some have more some have less. Some won’t even know what the word gender means. He has experienced a taste of the universe. He knows how vast and diverse it is. When shapeshifting into a species like that, it makes sense his gender isn’t something he’d retain.
Female. He’d made himself into a female unilu. It was a matter of size and facial shape. Nothing too strange, no stranger than his body shifting into a skin it wasn’t born into, but noticeable enough.
And isn’t that something.
It’s out of curiosity he tries the same as a human. Curiosity and nothing more. Just because he can. Really. Honest.
Lance half expects his girl!sona would just be a carbon copy of Rachel with the added blue scales residing beneath his eyes. But that isn’t who he sees in the mirror.
He sees. Well, he sees himself.
She looks, feels, kind of pretty. Which makes sense. She’s Lance. Of course she looks great. Goes without saying.
Lance’s lip twitches.
So. So maybe he throws on the form again. And again. And again. Maybe a little more than he does with any alien species. But can you blame him? He’s just found out he has a free trial at being a girl so quiznack if he isn’t going to try it out.
Her hair is long. Her hair is short. She pulls off both looks well, she thinks. Being a girl is kind of awesome, actually.
It’s not always the case. Sometimes it just isn’t right. But others? Sometimes he finds himself slipping into her without realising it. It’s just what feels right to her in the moment.
There’s something nice about strangers using ‘she’ and ‘her’ and they don’t know. They don’t know. Something in her bubbles, giddy, they don’t know.
But Lance’s family do. Pidge does.
They look at Lance—now once again a boy—and hum, thoughtful, considering.
“Are you are girl?” they ask. Pidge does not beat around the bush. It throws Lance through enough loops to put him in a spiral.
“No”, says Lance. But for some reason that doesn’t sound quite right. “I mean. I’m not always. But—”
“You are sometimes?”
“I guess. But it’s just shapeshifting. I’m not actually—” Lance trails off, lost. “Am I?”
“Do you want to be?” Pidge asks, and huh. Does he want to be? Is it really that simple? He’s always seen himself as a guy, and had no problems with that. But.
“… Maybe. Maybe sometimes.”
Pidge grins, wild and victorious. “Welcome to the club.”
(Something in his chest feels lighter. There’s a cavern, because it has made its mark and stayed. That has not changed. But this is this.
How wonderful it is to find the answers to secrets within oneself. He could have lived his whole life without knowing, a part locked away without him ever knowing there was a lock. But now, how could he?
It’s like he’s no longer holding in a breath.)
Pidge later tells him it’s criminally unfair he can change his body on a whim. They are fine with she, they are, but they are them. Sometimes she is just too much she to match their they.
Lance wonders how much Allura managed to see him. He remembers how close they became, how she became someone he’d call a best friend, then a lover. How she perceived him better than most throughout it all. Looked to him and saw greatness where he, despite wanting to be so much more, only saw failure. He wishes he knew what she saw when she looked at him. The person he was. Is. Lance.
If she knew what these markings have done for him. Did she know?
She can’t have done. Lance didn’t even know.
(But if she had—
It’s not like Lance can ask.)
Allura comes back.
She descends like a shooting star, the blinding light of an angel’s fall. She falls home and it is at home she stays. Days are bliss. A dream Lance dare not wake from.
“You’re not dreaming,” she tells him, soft, and kind, but aching, “I’m here. I won’t leave again. My duty to revive the universe is fulfilled. I’m here to live. And I chose to live with you.”
He kisses the words from her lips, blissfully sweet. She more than happily complies.
“I never meant to hurt you this much.”
“You’re here now,” Lance says, and it sounds so beautiful spoken out loud like this. How long he’s dreamed for such a moment. “That’s all that matters. We can move forwards together.”
This is their start.
It takes a while. But she tells Allura.
Allura kisses her senselessly. Lance loves it.
“Though I can’t take credit for this being my intention, I’m glad you learned more of yourself.” Allura’s fondness is an ocean she could drown in. “I love the person you are.”
Allura’s hand trails Lance’s ear. “Yes. Very much so. It’s an added bonus that I managed fix your ears. You have tried an Altean form, right?”
Lance jolts. “Allura!” she protests, a little put out. “What’s wrong with my ears?”
“Nothing,“ she says, warm and amused. “Nothing at all. I find that they have grown on me greatly. They’re cute. Just like the rest of my girlfriend.”
Oh. Girlfriend.
Her heart is full.
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rileyh20 · 2 months
I need to stop making my favorite characters genderfluid, help
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betinh3 · 3 months
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My headcanons of them if u care😌💕
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imzsuzsis-blog · 4 months
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I stood and watched the team, totally shocked, I didn't realize I had won the first training session.
"Did I win, guys?"
I was swallowing large ones, I really couldn't believe it, I thought my friend was going to win.
"Yes, it looks like you won, Lando."
I slowly sat back up there and shook my head.
"Honey are you okay?"
Loki looked at me, he was shocked, like me, he also said that if we make the top ten, we are good in this weather. It's just that I overshot the whole thing and won.
"Well, I think you should get dressed."
"Why, it's raining... Mother, how can we English people be so damned talking about the weather."
I pulled up the zipper, it was so cold outside, but we were all freezing inside, but unfortunately my cute belly was still visible and right on the projector.
"My belly sucks, it looks like gas."
I grimaced and got up because they called me to look at data.
,,Your baby is cute... As long as it rains, let's talk about other things, you are pure stress. Again.”
"Even though I was stressed all night, I didn't sleep a damn wink."
,, How much?"
"How would you solve it if you had twins... That is, would your boyfriend be pregnant with them? Suddenly they need two or more of everything, and we're even talking about moving."
"Moving? Where? What?"
Both Will and Jon looked at me confused.
"Lando, we know you're pregnant, but not twins, we're sorry. And also that it stimulated your brain in this way."
They hugged me while I cried because even the others didn't know about it.
"They will be girls, it will be difficult to choose a name. I know it should be special, but beautiful, unique, and the family will like it too."
I whispered to them and then with help I started to get dressed because they were really talking to me.
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He got out of the car and the heat of the earth pissed off his gloves along with his shoes. I have never seen my boyfriend so angry.
"Lando calm down. By doing this, you are also harming the girls, not just yourself."
I followed him and grabbed his shoulders from behind and started kissing his neck. It wandered down, I clasped it under my hands and started rocking it, it calmed down, we intertwined its wandering down too.
"You feel a kick."
"They are a little too cute."
We started to smile, he put his neck on my shoulder and started blinking sleepily.
"I can't bear to watch, I'd rather go on."
"Who was he? Just by looking at him, he looked disgusted."
"Just Lance don't mess with it."
He yawned and closed his eyes and almost fell asleep on my shoulder.
"Sleep now baby."
"I know, I know... But I have to give an interview soon, I don't feel like it and I'm tired."
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Mobile by mobile, I took photos of them again and, yes, put them online again.
"Fuck Oscar!!!"
A voice came from behind and I suddenly shuddered.
"Who the hell are you?"
I turned to my heart, crossed my two palms and calmed down. It was just Daniel, he has a stupid habit of making fun of others just like that.
"That wasn't funny."
"Well, it's not like you're uploading your teammate in an unmistakable situation on Insta again. Bullshit.”
"But, but this is not intentional on my part, believe me."
"How much do you suck????"
I started running so that Lando wouldn't find me, but he still found me because his imperfect, ex-teammate showed him where I was.
"You idiot animal... What do you think of yourself?"
I stuttered to him in horror.
"It's a good thing I put these up by accident."
"Why didn't you tell me this before?"
I stroked his hair and saw that he was afraid. And also that they call me gay again and fat gay pageant and tell me to fuck them, hence this is a sport for skinny people, and heterosexuals are not for cocksuckers. I held my mouth and started sobbing because it didn't even go as far as a death threat.
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I saw that Lando was crying about something, then I went closer, showed him and hugged him.
"Once you survive, you will survive."
"Yes, this."
"But then it was written by horny guys and now by acne-prone teens."
I stroked his messy hair, I know he hates it, but now he's unhappy because of so many idiotic, jealous teenagers.
"Carlos, what happened?"
I don't see so many fucking bored teenagers.
"Fuck, my girlfriend sent me the whole thing, I'm going to fuck you!!!! Not only threats, but also bullying."
,,Hey... Hey George? Bullying?”
I read everything from the fat pig, the gay, to the whore, and these were only mild ones.
,,I said. Now I can only talk about fucking suicide, the only way out for me!!!!"
He ran away sobbing, we all went after him and didn't let him do that.
"Lando, that's crazy, many people like you even here in the field, many even look up to you, we won't let you do that."
He stood with his back to us and was shaking, but we couldn't understand a word he said because of his sobs, then he ran away.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
which pjo/hoo character would go with a vld character? because of the post of percy being allura I wanted to know what the others would be.
SO Percy is Allura obviously-Black trans princesses of 'A' kingdoms,blue-coded with white hair,big sister friends,strongest and heart member the team,autistic femmes,love running their mouths and have a backbone of steel
Nico is Keith.Almost nothing else to be said except Og Dead Sea Siblings are platonic Kallura
Bianca is Shiro as pointed out by @parkerpresentz as Nico's older sibling he went on a grand plot altering search for and who raised him and they got that socially akward repressed autistic swag
Leo is Lance.Again,no words needed except Allurance=Leo and Percy
Beckendorf is Hunk because of the big friendly black dudes trope(Hunk's canon afro-samoan)and how unserious he actually is despite trying to act otherwise,plus how closely connected he is to our Lance
Hazel is Pidge because tgirl swag,babies of the team,isolated kid trauma and her general mannerisms are just so Pidge-coded
Luke is Lotor.Colonizer 2 Colonizer communication
Piper is Romelle because of the her and Percy parallels and that indie sapphic vibe
Good job,now i wanna ask @jellyjays to draw this LMFAO
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ditzydisaster13 · 5 months
Lancetor matching outfits.
for anyone new, or anyone who just needs a reminder of the ship, Lancetor is not Lance-x-Lotor. I don’t ship that. (Rarely)
The image below show the (majority of-> Rox has 4 arms) of the characters in this ship and their physical appearances.
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The images below are their outfits. They will be separated by vague descriptions.
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They go to the Space Mall. Lance used a special machine back at Rox’s planet to make the matching outfits for them.
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This one is a little more complicated. Lance wears the jeans, chunky sneakers, cropped Desmond sweater vest (thing) and a white cardigan. Rox wears a (slight longer than the picture) pink skirt with a diamond pattern pink sweater. Alien equivalent of converse on his feet.
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Again, Lance wears the more masculine stuff, while Rox wears the more feminine stuff. Lance is Bisexual and Enby. Rox is Pansexual and Genderfluid. They’re both just a little queer. Only a tad.
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White crop top, floral bottoms, chunky shoes.
As a bonus fact, they’re so comfortable around each other, that their clothing expression has expanded beyond private encounters and dates. Lance is more open about how he sometimes wears makeup. Their friends know now. (They/He pronouns for Lance ) and Rox has been more open with his family, they already knew about her relationships, and the sometimes more feminine vibes of her clothes, but when they meet Lance, they finally get to be happy and happy with someone who is okay that he likes dresses and skirts. Turns out he never had to make sure it was okay with his family either. It just wasn’t okay with her until they had Love. Apparently. (He/She/They/It pronouns for Rox)
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zenithpng · 1 year
For the wip game
from a wip featuring Lance with Tourette’s and Shiro being the greatest big brother in the world
"Okay," he says, total belief in his voice. God, finally, someone that doesn't treat Lance like he's crazy. Finally, someone takes him seriously. "Let's breathe and calm down first, okay?"
"Okay, Lance? I need to know if you can respond to me." Lance nearly chokes on the sob that bubbles up from his chest, clicking his tongue rapidly as it builds.
"M'kay." There’s a beat of relative quiet as Shiro pulls out the Atlean MP3 that he’d scrounged from one of the old tech rooms. He pulls up soft music, just loud enough to be heard over Lance’s gasping and clicking and other various sounds, and sets the thing on the floor beside them. He looks back up at Lance.
“Can I give you a hug?”
Lance nearly chokes in his eagerness, nodding and leaning in without hesitation when Shiro opens his arms.
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Welcome, one and all!
I am The Trash Eating Llama, and I have a gift for your noise holes!
Fresh from ðe forges of my work space!
Ðis song (as well as ðe album it belongs to) have been in ðe works for 4 years, so I do hope you enjoy!
And, to my lovely mutuals, I call to you now.
@polaritheblackluma @spectral-ash @ahamkaracature @catbookcat @notacopperhead
@treepyro @delaneythedyke @magixta @fearthegayfrogs @weaponizedtit
@tangerineflavouredduck @dots-x86 @electronic-bug @words-for-alice @lance-more
@littleyellabellyaintya @whilst-farting-i @by-foolish-design @clay-the-pot @meepmoopmaap
@thegingerfaggot @kowsheennya @punk-enby-parent @uncomfortablehomosapien @dlight98
@2extra @grimdark-gnostic @raptor-pawns @official-mudskipper @volinare
@scriptershifter @trickysloth-biblospemtri @caspian-theghost @ditzyme @calauratrickster
@403mice @bleedingbonemarrow @the-later-fandom-historian @genderfluid-bastard @crimsxnsxul
@prismbreakers @mahagony-aunt @seventytwoowls @ilickedanenvelopeandilikedit @blattella
@static-stars @reeama-the-mage @warpedmine @suffer-my-beloved-mutuals @mothlet-incarnate
50 is ðe max amount of mentions, so I'll get ðe oðer 200 in ðe next reblogs.
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finsnsins · 5 months
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a pretty lance :3 all wrapped up for keith
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toxiccrybabyart · 10 months
Skeles as humans but with all my headcanons and design choices
Because in my eyes they’re all queer as fuck and no one can take that from me
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Ink is nonbinary, uses any pronouns, is aroace and from Filipino decent. They’re a tattoo artist, though his own tattoos are actually just henna. They like to do henna at the local ren fair when it’s open. He also does art commissions on the side, when they’re not prepping for various tattoo gigs.
Blue is a cis guy, uses he/him pronouns, is bisexual, and half Hawaiian half Puerto Rican.
Dream is a trans man, uses he/him pronouns, is pansexual, and from Scottish and fae decent. He likes to garden and do photography. He’s currently a free lance photographer.
Error is a cis guy, uses he/they pronouns, is demiromantic and demisexual, and a black American. Despite his rather closed off and almost rude nature, he finds that he enjoys streaming, and has a decent following. He also enjoys crocheting, and sometimes just streams himself crocheting while talking with chat. He brings string alone with him in his coat pocket, and weaves it between his fingers when he’s overwhelmed.
Cross is a cis guy, uses he/him pronouns, is bisexual, and Dominican Puerto Rican. He works as security for Nightmare, though Nightmare technically doesn’t need it, but he has the money and it makes Cross feel better to make sure he’s okay.
Nightmare is genderfluid, uses he/she/they pronouns (in preference order), is queer, and is of Scottish and fae decent. He is also a natural red head like Dream, but dyes his hair black. He’s embarrassed of the red color, which is silly because he looks lovely with red hair. She’s a gothic model, mostly encouraged into it by Dream, but she secretly loves the positive attention.
Dust is a cis guy, uses any pronouns, is pan, and is a mixed black American. He’s incredibly closed off and is pretty paranoid. She gets the shakes pretty bad, especially in her hands. They’re rather cold. But around his two other friends he lightens up a little bit.
Horror is a cis guy, uses he/him pronouns, is bisexual, and a white American. He tries to be friendly and approachable despite his own issues he’s working through. He’s got a few memories issues and a thing about food, but he’s a great friend, and his friends will kill you if you even imply otherwise.
Killer is gender queer, uses he/they pronouns, is omnisexual, and is a mixed Korean American. He comes across as just a chill relaxed guy despite his morbid sense of humor. Though he’s got issues, you’ll be hard pressed to learn of them unless you’re close to him.
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cartoon-juicebox · 2 months
Boyflux or genderfluid Hugo!!
Hugo only feels comfortable cross dressing in public after the trials.
Rapunzel and nuru help him dress and Varian, Eugene, Lance will either verbally or physically attack people who have a problem with it.
(Yong would also threaten to explode them)
Donella and Cyrus would be supportive but wouldn’t know how to express it to Hugo. Donella would but Hugo a dress but then give it to him with the most blank expression.
Rapunzel would definitely offer to help Hugo with his hair!!
Trans Varian
When he came out to his dad, Quirin would try to be supportive but would be confused. He’d help Varian transition!!
Hugo’s new clothes for cross dressing are also Varian’s old clothes from before his transition.
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anonymouszephyrus · 7 months
Voltron Characters Headcanons, go!
Finally, Part 3! Here's Shiro, Allura, and Coran! This is a little bit shorter, so sorry. Thank you for helping me with some of these @gilyoungroach & @hotdogcabbagesausage !
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- Pure Pansexual (Aliens don't have labels but she loves everyone so-) - Mostly She/Her Pronouns (Genderfluid) - Allura definitely had a rebellious teen era and it's why she doesn't like Keith because he reminds her of that era and she cringes every time she remembers it. - Allura collects shiny and sparkly rocks. This is canon but still. She has a very extensive rock collection spanning from "shiny but ordinary" to "so shiny" and even all the way to "super, extra sparkly" - I don't have much to say with her actually. Niko sums it up pretty fucking well: "allura goddess case closed" - @nikogane
CORAN (Aka. Single Pringle)
- Aliens = Pansexual. Duh. NJFKAFN (he's an adventurous fellow) - He/Him (Transgendered Coran!!) - #Alforan was one-sided. Yes. He loved Alfor with all his heart. Sadly, the feeling wasn't mutual, he never confessed but knew the truth deep down. Coran was content just being there beside Alfor as his advisor though it hurt him every time he saw his first and only love being sweet with Melenor. - Despite his jealousy, he never hated Melenor or Allura. He treats Melenor like a queen, obviously, but also like a sister. And of course, he loves Allura like his own daughter. - If he was an Earthling, he would've totally done drag. And he would've slayed. - He gives me so much... Lance but a different age, different upbringing sort of vibe. Those two definitely talk deep into the night about their issues and problems, Coran would've been Lance's version of Shiro.
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SHIRO (Aka. The gayest man that ever did gay.)
- Gay. Just gay. This isn't even a headcanon, it's canon. - He/Him - probably brings a first aid kit wherever he goes when he's with Keith or the others. Let's be honest. - A red wine mom/dad. He definitely chugged one in a sitting and Keith was just amazed.. (and also did it too, leading to Keith's first hang-over and Shiro being an irresponsible brother) - Chronically addicted to coffee. Has like- brewery equipment, like the shit you'd see in coffee shops but only for like half of Shiro's whole kitchen. He's got packets of different flavors, sugars, milk, etc. - He was emo. He was emo before. It's canon. He was emo. That's where Keith gets his genes /j - Contrary to popular belief, Shiro can cook. Especially Korean and Japanese foods because he learned so Keith could still taste those familiar things his late father would've given him when he was little. - Probably is a hoarder, not that much though. Like, he keeps antique cups, teapots, dishes, and even a china cabinet solely for coffee cups that he never uses but only keeps on display so that he has a good story to tell everyone that visits... and it's always the same fucking story. - Will take any and all opportunities to tease Keith about literally anything. - Adding to the last headcanon/kinda canon thing, he also likes to remind Keith of his embarrassingly cute moments like when Keith first moved into Adam and Shiro's house and had a nightmare so they all curled up on the couch and watched shitty movies and Keith fell asleep literally seconds in and slept like a fucking baby. - Gay. Just gay. This isn't even a headcanon, it's canon. - He/Him - probably brings a first aid kit wherever he goes when he's with Keith or the others. Let's be honest. - A red wine mom/dad. He definitely chugged one in a sitting and Keith was just amazed.. (and also did it too, leading to Keith's first hang-over and Shiro being an irresponsible brother) - Chronically addicted to coffee. Has like- brewery equipment, like the shit you'd see in coffee shops but only for like half of Shiro's whole kitchen. He's got packets of different flavors, sugars, milk, etc. - He was emo. He was emo before. It's canon. He was emo. That's where Keith gets his genes /j - Contrary to popular belief, Shiro can cook. Especially Korean and Japanese foods because he learned so Keith could still taste those familiar things his late father would've given him when he was little. - Probably is a hoarder, not that much though. Like, he keeps antique cups, teapots, dishes, and even a china cabinet solely for coffee cups that he never uses but only keeps on display so that he has a good story to tell everyone that visits... and it's always the same fucking story. - Will take any and all opportunities to tease Keith about literally anything. - Adding to the last headcanon/kinda canon thing, he also likes to remind Keith of his embarrassingly cute moments like when Keith first moved into Adam and Shiro's house and had a nightmare so they all curled up on the couch and watched shitty movies and Keith fell asleep literally seconds in and slept like a fucking baby.
PART: 1 & 2
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though where I live, we celebrate pride in July for some reason?
Varian: Bisexual, Trans (FtM) (he/him)
Hugo: Homosexual, Genderfluid (ask le prns)
Nuru: Lesbian, Trans (MtF) (she/her)
Yong: Pansexual and demiboy (he/they)
Donella: LESBIAN- (doesn't care what prns)
Cyrus: unlabelled.
Ulla: raging bisexual (she/her)
Raps: Pansexual, polyam (any prns)
Eugene: bisexual- (ihavenoclue- he/him?)
Cass: lesbian, bigender (she/he)
Lance: bi, cis(he/him)
Kiera: aroace, Demigirl (she/they)
Catalina: questioning.
Quirin: straight ally
Adira: probably a lesbian (she/her)
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There is literal war in my head with Eugene's gender no kidding.
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tamurilofrivendell · 1 year
Sleeping Beauty | Chapter 14
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Sleeping Beauty inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking, and a female elf living in Mirkwood under the care ofRadagast, who is actually the ‘lost’ daughter of the late High King Gil-Galad. Taglist: @hufflepuff1700​​​ @jinlizz-dragondrama​​​ @firelightinferno​​ @bubbleyukismile @coopsgirl @achromaticerebus @sleepyamygdala​​​ @smalltownbigheart​ @qmabailor @genderfluid-anime-goth, @0chemicalwaste0, @deadunicorn159, @silvercobra​ a/n: the way this took so long you've probably all forgotten all about it ashahgdahdj ​​
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The rabbits pulled the sleigh through the darkening forest with ease. They moved as if they knew exactly where to go, avoiding every trip hazard on the forest floor. This was normal for them but you could also tell this was not the first time they had taken Radagast to the Elvenking's Halls. You had never ventured this way yourself, always wary of crossing paths with other elves on the road. Radagast did not always speak to you of his short journeys, and he often stayed closer to home generally, but even if he had you likely wouldn't have thought anything of it. A wizard's mind was often sought out, after all.
It was late morning by the time you reached your destination.
The Halls of Thranduil were grand, located next to the Elven settlements around the Mountains. Soon enough, the king would move his palace and his people more north, further across the river. For now, they remained where his father had first led them from Amon Lanc, after the threat of Sauron first began to grow. There were rumours (that had reached you through an owl friend) that the Elvenking had reached out to Dwarves to inquire about assistance with bringing his people underground into some sort of cave system.
This sounded like the worst thing ever to you and you hoped that you would be long gone by then... if by some miracle you did not end up actually having to marry this man.
The elves from the first settlement all had their eyes fixed on the wizard's sleigh as he urged the rabbits onward towards the palace. It was incredibly uncomfortable - you had spent practically your whole life not being perceived at all and all these eyes on you at once, from something other than forest animals, made you feel slightly uneasy.
"Here we are, child." Radagast's voice pulled you back from your thoughts and you turned to look around him, as the great hall of the king came into view.
It was very tall, though not as tall as the trees that surrounded it. It was also beautiful and had clearly been built with something close to love and you thought suddenly what a shame it is that it would be abandoned when the elves finally moved on.
There was not much time to stand and admire your new surroundings, however, as Radagast took your arm to help you off the sleigh and then ushered you inside and past the guards like a stowaway. The curious eyes all turned away once the palace doors were shut but all the elves would surely whisper, trying to decide who you were. They knew the wizard but none knew of any elves he might travel with.
"Welcome, my lady." A voice drew your attention from gazing around at the grandeur of the entrance hall.
"Ah! Feren!" Radagast huffed as the door to the hall closed behind you both with a thump, making you feel very trapped suddenly. The wizard's eyes did a quick scan of those standing in the front of him and then they snapped back to Feren. "Where is the king?"
"I am afraid the king is not here. He had to take care of an urgent matter in the forest." Feren explained, his tone soft though a little regretful.
Radagast's bushy eyebrows shot up. "Not here?" He exclaimed, suddenly seeming as if the worst catastrophe in the world had happened. "Not here! He glanced at you incredulously. "He's not here!" His attention turned back to Feren, who looked startled. "But this is important. Our coming was known in advance, ooh... this is just like Th-"
"Uncle!" You cut him off with a sigh, feeling drained.
Radagast glanced at you and seemed to relax. "Right. Yes, yes... I'm sorry."
It took you a moment to realise the silence had stretched out longer than you had expected and when you glanced back up again, you saw that the elves were staring at you. Feren and the two others, the ladies standing just behind him. Three curious pairs of eyes were trained upon you, as if fascinated by hearing you speak. Feren knew exactly who you were, of course, for he had been informed but to the women, the maids, you were just a strange elleth from somewhere in the forest that the king had brought to stay in his own personal hall, and that made you a curiosity.
Unnerved, you shifted uncomfortably, and eventually sort of shuffled behind Radagast's shoulder as a means of attempting to hide.
Feren blinked and looked away, feeling guilty. He felt bad for making you uncomfortable, you could see it in his eyes, and noticing that did make you feel a little better.
"Come." Feren said, speaking to Radagast again. "The King will return by early evening. We are to show the lady to her room."
You trailed silently behind Radagast and Feren, who spoke fairly amicably as they walked the hall together. The maids took up the rear and, while you knew this wasn't the case, you felt as if you were being herded and prevented from fleeing. You looked around a little more as you walked, having never seen anything like it. The muted colours of the decor made you feel almost like you were still out in the deep woods in autumn. Almost.
"Here we are!" Feren announced cheerfully, stopping outside a large door.
You took a moment to react, your attention having been caught by the large portrait on the wall just outside the door. In an intricate golden frame sat the image of a blond haired male elf with piercing eyes. His hair was quite an icy shade of blond (though not quite as pale as Thranduil's, you noted to yourself), down past his shoulders, and braided very intricately. A large crown sat upon his head, set with gemstones the same colour as the frame.
'Oropher', was inked at the bottom of the image in large looping letters. The Elvenking's father, you realised. As you stared at his face, you couldn't help but think of Lindon, and Gil-Galad, and all you had learned about that fateful day...
It was then that your brain registered Feren's voice and you turned your head. Everyone was staring at you again and your cheeks started to flush the softest shade of pink as you hurriedly stepped towards the door he was now holding open. Radagast ushered you inside and you looked around at your new prison.
It was beautiful, truly. Larger than Radagast's entire cottage. It was too much, you decided, but it was where you were stuck for the time being, and it could certainly be worse. You didn't say anything else and Feren almost seemed disappointed, as if he had wanted to hear you speak again.
"Well, uh." He said, slightly flustered, glancing at Radagast before looking back at you. Then he gave you a little bow that made you stare at him like he'd just snapped a rabbit's neck in front of you. You frowned until you realised why he'd done it.
You were royalty.
"I will leave you to settle in." He continued, as if not noticing your surprise. "The king will return before nightfall. He is most... eager to meet you." It was a small lie on Feren's part. When Thranduil had left the hall that morning, just before your arrival, he had seemed anything but eager. In fact, he seemed almost to be dreading it but Feren decided it was best to keep that to himself.
You turned and walked further into the room, looking around at the decor and furniture and all the space. It was far too big, too grand, but you realised this was the sort of thing you would have been born into as well. You would probably have grown up in a palace like this. You simply could not imagine it.
Feren and Radagast stood for a few moments longer, mumbling at the door together but you paid no mind. Feren soon left and Radagast tried to help you settle in with your things but you had no desire to unpack your bag. You did not want to feel like you were moving in, like you were staying here, though of course that's exactly what was happening.
You denied the help of the maids too and, eventually, they all left you alone with your thoughts. You were still so overwhelmed from all you had learned the previous day, and how quickly everything had changed. You poked around the room for a while and then you moved to sit glumly by the large window. The position of the room in the tower gave you the view of one of the settlements below but that was not what drew your gaze.
Instead, you stared longingly out over the forest, thinking of your home, your woodland friends... and Thranduil, who would be expecting to meet you in the clearing soon, but you would not come.
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The clearing was quiet as Thranduil stood there, fingers stroking over his elk's fur as he waited patiently.
Another hour of standing there was when the impatience crept in.
Where were you?! It was well past the agreed upon meeting time. The sun was high in the sky by now. It was the beginning of a beautiful day but he could not bring himself to really enjoy it. Thranduil was aware that by now the girl - the princess - would be at his halls. He would have to return after meeting your uncle and he would have to try and keep the wizard from pushing any talk of marriage.
He had made his decision already. He would marry only one woman. You.
...if you ever showed up!
"Where is she?" Thranduil muttered to his elk as another half hour passed by. He could not linger out here for much longer. He had duties to attend to. He had a realm to rule, people to protect, an Enchantress to drive out.
The elk made a sound in response but Thranduil was not listening. He was suddenly standing very still, his eyes flitting around every inch of the area, peering through the trees at the edge of the clearing.
Was someone here?
Where he would have thought to feel excitement (he was expecting you, after all) he instead felt dread. He had the eeriest feeling that he was being watched. The hairs on the back of his neck had started to stand on end and there was a shiver up his spine.
The birds had also stopped singing, he realised. Where moments ago there had been chatter, now there was dead silence.
Thranduil moved then. If his own instincts had not been enough, the behaviour of the woodland animals confirmed to him that something was amiss.
He turned and jumped up onto the elk and then they were moving, leaving the clearing behing. There was a deep disappointment in his gut as he travelled back towards his palace.
Why had you not shown up? Had you changed your mind? Had your uncle prevented you? Had something bad happened? Thranduil could not even easily find out what was wrong because he knew not where to even start looking for you. His heart felt heavy as he rode back towards the mountains. Would he just never see you again?
Back in the clearing, the figure of the Enchantress stepped out from between the trees, narrowed eyes fixed on the Elvenking's retreating figure. Her lips were turned up in what could only be called a snarl and she was glaring after him with contempt. She too had come here looking for you and instead she had found that Radagast had secreted you away, just like when you were a baby. The fact Thranduil seemed not to realise that you and the princess were one and the same did not fill her with as much amusement as she would have liked.
The fact that he and Radagast had hidden you away behind the walls of Thranduil's palace, when she was so close, angered her. She had hoped that things would not progress quite so quickly now that she had finally found you, and that she might have had another encounter with you here in the clearing you frequented.
Thranduil was lucky to leave here alive, she thought to herself. She ought to have had his head right here!
Still, she thought, there was no fun in that. He would not come out victorious, none of them would. You could not be saved. The curse was in motion and it could not be stopped. It was only a matter of time and if they thought an Elven stronghold could save you, they were mistaken. She could get you anywhere.
A smirk soon replaced the scowl as the Enchantress melted back into the cover of the trees.
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