#general fic concept too
crepesuzettey · 8 months
Leaving a couple fanfic ideas here because I probably won’t ever use them (I don’t write that much) and I think they’re good.
General idea, sorta based on my own experiences lol: b always makes eye contact with a, there’s romantic tension that a doesn’t feel comfortable addressing, so they always get it to stop by waiting for b to blink and calling it a staring contest that b has clearly lost. One time they decide to let it happen and genuinely get lost in b’s eyes, but then they blink without realizing it and b uses their staring contest move back on them, assuming that’s what a was going to do again anyway. A is totally caught off-guard. If you can do something with this, I think it would be really cute lol. I’ve tried but I am bad with describing things in my writing, so it never comes out good.
Specifically a Ghostmates concept — there should be more Ghostmates fanfic: since Eddie is a guardian angel now, he has the ability to become corporeal at will, even though still, only Charlie can see him. He only ever becomes corporeal to play lighthearted pranks on Charlie or whatever. But when Eddie needs to emotionally show up for Charlie for once, he lets himself become corporeal so they can hug it out :). I’ve tried writing this one too but I think I’m just only good at strictly plot-based fanfic lol, I suck at the emotional stuff.
Feel free to use these if you want.
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blondiest · 8 months
i tire of posts complaining about the quality of other people's writing. a) this discourages new writers from sharing their work. b) fanfiction is free. c) you're killing the vibe and the whimsy. d) go do it yourself if everyone sucks so bad. bitchass
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mamawasatesttube · 10 months
one other thing that really makes me roll my eyes in dc fics is the insistence that the bats can take down anyone, even their most op teammates. like... you guys know a character doesn't have to be the most physically capable one in the room in order to be interesting or strong in their own right, right? look me in the eye. cass had to save tim from shrike. bane broke bruce's back. mind-controlled kon snapped tim's arm like a twig. trying to make them ~always~ able to counter even the most powerful opponents is so boring im sorry like they can and do lose fights sometimes, and that's interesting actually. they are all incredibly competent martial artists, yes! that doesn't mean they can win every single matchup. that's simply neither the point of nor the strength in their characters.
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jichanxo · 10 months
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me & you & the son we used to have [from nov/2023]
second image is based on this fanfic by snap which you should totally go read
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 days
i love your fics and the ideas you describe for the ask games. i'm especially fond of your takes on the rarer pairings and i always smile when i see your posts in the ship tags <3
and don't stress too much about not posting anything, real life is important and participating in fandom should be fun, not something you have to force yourself to do. god knows fandom burnout is real, especially if you feel like people are expecting something from you. just keep doing what makes you happy :)
ghgfhgjhkjhjhg this was so sweet, thank you so much! i *love* talking about rarer rarepairs, especially if it gets other people to ship them too. the popular ships are fun and all, but i truly love spreading rarepair propaganda.
that's very reassuring, thank you <3 i've loved everything i posted here so far and have not felt pushed to post anything i haven't enjoyed, but sometimes i forget i can like. use this blog for whatever i want and not *just* headcanons/fics/mets/etc lol. and i also forget i don't have to rush myself. it's annoying to want to write and either not have time or not have the words work. i used to run a fandom blog in my teens that got very large and felt like a chore and i was so stressed about the need to perform and the numbers and all of that. like if a fic didn't do well i saw it as a personal failing and forced myself to write popular headcanons just for the numbers game. was not fun or sustainable in the long run and i think it contributed to me no longer having any taste for the ship i primarily wrote for. so for too long i treated existing in fandom like a job lol. i've mostly gotten it through to myself that this is a space for me, but i occasionally forget when i'm so caught up in all the things i want to get to for this blog. my to-write list is a mile long and i need to be bonked with a paper towel roll, i think. so it's very kind of you to say this bc the reminder is nice <3
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Man that's bc I was gonna draw another Lucky thing 😭😭
Oh well, maybe this would allow me to actually work on the stuff for the fic I wanna post eventually
I've actually been meaning to do a poll for it, but didn't really know if people were interested enough?
A LOT of stuff is still in concept because I want to make a timeline of events first before doing anything.
I'll be honest, I don't know much about X-Men. I've only seen some of the movies, and have only recently started reading the comics(out of order mind you). Luckily, the fic isn't going to focus too much on the X-Men stuff. At least not in the beginning, only when and probably after Lucky gets reunited with Kurt and the other Bamfs, does some of that get intertwined.
Any action stuff is mainly going to revolve around the magical girl based system/ kinda secret society thing I made for it? That too is still in the workshop.
Now I want to make it a reader-insert(also maybe a kinda slow burn Kurt/Reader type [Reader and Kurt are adults just to make that clear.]bc I need to see more of those) as I've been wanting to do one of those for a while, but just have never been able to be in the right state to type stuff down.
This post is already getting waaaay too long with my rambling, so I'll just explain what I wanted to make a poll about
For Reader, I kinda wanted to keep them vague for everyone
As I do want this to be gender neutral
But given that this is in the X-Men universe
I was wondering if I should make Reader a mutant or not?
And if a Mutant, what kind?
I'll ask the first question, and we'll go from there
I'll leave it up for a bit
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mockingjaylad · 2 months
These characters CANT keep having siblings.
It’s ruining my life.
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buggbuzz · 1 year
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lemonade leak just updated so we are celebrating with another bit of art!!! i was gonna wait to post til my account got unshadowbanned but screw it here we go
(fanart of the lemonade leak by @turtleinsoup!!!)
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grayintogreen · 3 months
Literally looked at the prompts for applemedia week, hemmed and hawed over them while I walked Artie, dug through my document of fic titles to see if any of them struck the right vibes, and now I’m sitting here with a fic idea that will fulfill all seven prompts and serve as a lovely bridge fic into the final fic of the Roseverse trilogy so really who’s the fool here.
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the-great-papyru · 2 months
“Some time, Flowey would have to figure out why that was, but it was low on his list of curiosities at the moment.” this… doesn’t make sense? why is “what the heck is up with my friend favorite toy what makes him behave the way he does” below “what happens if i force this guy to kill people?” don’t you say a few paragraphs later that you like finding out what makes people tick? what part of this screams “finding out what makes papyrus tick?” this screams “author needed papyrus angst potential.”
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Just finished reading pez dispenser debris.
Firstly: crying, screaming, throwing up, ball’s to the wall insane. I am taking this fic between my teeth and shaking it furiously like a dog with its favorite toy. I am running circles in my enclosure just to bleed off some of the emotions this experience has given me.
Secondly: this fic is heart wrenching. All of the things I would’ve wished had been addressed in canon content of BNHA. How does Horikoshi throw away one of the biggest points that enraptures the audience into caring about Izuku? How does the narrative seemingly forget the entire reason he was so fervent in chasing his dream as a hero? I think this is one of the biggest gripes I have about the series, and it’s the one that’s only ever been remedied by amazing fic writers like you.
How do you face the part of yourself you’ve seemingly buried and forgotten? How do you come to terms with the fact that horrible things happened to you by no fault of your own? What’s the fallout of realizing that the people who should’ve cared and protected you might’ve also been hurting you all along?
Where do you even begin in this entire mess?
A part of me, despite the fantastical elements of the medium itself, feels so incredibly seen by this. It’s incredibly difficult, making amends with the part of yourself that was so deeply hurt in the past. It’s a part of life, i think, to learn to walk beside that part of you, to lay it to rest and acknowledge that it will always be there. Izuku, of course, has done none of this, and in this lies the crutch of the matter that’s the center of this fic. I’m happy I stumbled across this fic, even though I haven’t consumed BNHA content in years.
That being said, do you allow any works inspired by your own? I need to put down some of the emotional toll this fic has done to me on paper. Apologies for the ramble, i am just really passionate about this fic. Hope to see more of your work in the future!
I’m so so happy you like it! I wanted pez dispenser debris to be this horrible reconciliation with the part of you that was still hurt and mad about it, and I’m so glad that resonated.
And absolutely, go for it! I’m thrilled it made enough of an impact to make you want to make something too. I do usually ask that you stick in a note or link or something giving credit to the original fic, and if you’re comfortable with it, send me a link to anything you publish and I’d love to boost it here!
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Cried some big fatass tears reading the latest chapter of @undercoverpan 's ghost Spider fic, and I need to take some time to examine why this ghost nocorro au just really hits me in the dick every time.
There really just has to be something about doomed love, and especially children, that just gets me. The remnants of something that was once beautiful and now will never be whole, it just hurts. God, okay, I gotta go watch The Midnight Club again, this is THE vibe of that show. I cried seven full times just watching the last episode of that show. Grief and tragedy irrevocably intertwined with inevitability and acceptance.
Speaking of this, dON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT FIC FROM LAST NIGHT Follow Me Down to the Peach Tree by famed nocorro oneshot writer CherryApollo. Took the ghost nocorro au and tragic soulmate aus and made it 1000000 times worse??? Like I was crying agAIN, twice, over these goddamn ghost nocorro aus.
I have so many questions. Do the other Sully's know about Spider? Would they have been the same age, so ghost Spider just popped up around when Neteyam was like five and when Neteyam started playing with and noticing him Jake and Neytiri were devastated? I can't even fathom how sad it is that Neteyam is just doing his best to forget about this. This soulmate au world is so tragic, like my mind went instantly to a buddy cop type thing where Neteyam is trying to solve Spider's murder as soon as he's old enough to realize what happened, and it's all this way to throw himself into ignoring that even when it's solved Spider is still dead. I'm writing that as a concept on my novel ideas doc, but I'm mad about it. Fuck, why do we always do this to nocorro, I'm crying again I have to go. I'll write some ghost au headcanons that will fix this tragedy for me tomorrow because I can't handle it rn.
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help-me-nah · 1 year
using my fantasy au as an excuse for some fantasy faction uniform concept art:
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Knights of Hawkins
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The Enchanter’s Tower
variants, details, and notes under the cut
seasonal uniforms and layers of the average knight:
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The pavise in the bottom left is far more accurate of a shield, because the heater shield would be worthless against a demodog (but I put too much work into it to scrap it entirely). By and large the Hawkins knights rely on polearms and shields-- standard knights use wood shields and simple spears, higher ranking knights may train in and utilize more complex polearms, and swords are a status symbol that are generally only wielded by nobility. The marshal has a metal shield with the full Hawkins crest on it as a symbol of rank that gets passed down.
Knights are provided a tabard according to their rank, and two gambesons (a sleeveless one for summer patrols, and a longer one for cooler seasons and hunts). The mail, spear, and shield are standard equipment that are on loan through the duration of a knight’s service. Any additional armor or weaponry they have to acquire themselves.
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Court sorcerers don’t strictly have a uniform, but they do have a curated and themed wardrobe. Senior enchanter robes aren’t gendered-- some enchanters stick to one as a matter of preference, some swap them according to mood or circumstance. Alchemists, record-keepers/scribes, and most herbalists/apothecaries fall into the hierarchy of the enchanter’s tower, even though they aren’t enchanters themselves.
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astrobei · 1 year
favorite byler au if you have one? (no pressure community ask)
OH this is so hard and i’m gna change my answer like immediately after i post this but (assuming this means aus in general not a specific fic or art) obviously i’m a sucker for any sort of college au that goes without saying but ummm. cleradin/royalty aus will hold such a special place in my heart for byler specifically like it just works SO WELL FOR THEM the dnd/fantasy motif is RIGHT THERE IN THE SOURCE MATERIAL !! i also think modern aus get a lot of unfair hate in this fandom but i personally think they are so cute for byler like. i love imagining them making lil playlists for each other and texting each other until 2 am and one of my Personal Fav hcs for byler is that modern byler (during long distance but also not necessarily) has each other’s fav order saved on their doordash app and they will send it to the other when they’ve had a bad day !! this got off track. i also love teacher aus bc imagining one or both of them as teachers is so (clutches chest) IT’S SO !! um. there’s probably a million more aus i love but i think my answer would probably be cleradin/royalty followed by teacher aus/something similar. + honorable mention for modern au bc i feel like anything except canon compliant/canon universe and/or best friends to lovers is tragically overlooked in this fandom oops
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lord-squiggletits · 3 months
Some of ppl's refusal (or inability) to write IDW OP isn't bc of annoyance or cowardice but just bc they like... don't know his personality? Yknow very "only read MTMTE syndrome" that's so common in this fandom.
Maybe it's bc I'm an IDW OP enjoyer/simp but I really don't get what's hard to write about his personality or why ppl feel the need to throw in continuity soup elements with him (while maintaining every other character in the fic meticulously and lovingly accurate to IDW lore). Like dudes IDW OP is already interesting even if you only need him as a side plot or character you just need to know how to write him.
But I guess people trying to write IDW OP and failing/writing an extremely watered down IDW OP is an improvement from not writing him at all and being annoying hating him in every single public space related (or not related) to Optimus, so it's meh
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sn4kebites · 2 years
i perceive bkg as demisexual and people are free to write him however but a lot of his character just does not make sense to me unless i view him as primarily gay
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