#genloss headcanons
wings-of-flying · 10 months
personally i think showfall media would utilise ai art, writing and animation without remorse
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subaerial-dweller · 10 months
This is the final one of the night, I've decided it. Part four. OK! Here are my thoughts about Generation Loss characters, more specifically:
Charlie's a really cool character to think about, because he pops up in every single episode as a different character. Most of my other rants tonight have been theories, but this is more of a headcanon about how I believe Charlie came to be in Genloss and Showfall Media, but I'll be backing it up with evidence and things so don't worry about it.
Let's get cracking!
So the common belief, from what I've seen on Tumblr, is that we all seem to think that GL!Charlie grew up in that cabin from Episode 1, because it all looks very childish. Especially the bedroom. We've got a kid bed, a photo of Slimecicle as a child, the ducky thing on the desk, a small chair, a tennis racket, the whole thing. Anyway, so if Slimecicle was raised like that, damn. He lived his whole life to be that part, the Slime Demon. That's rough, Showfall Media. Even for you. Raising a kid for that?
My thought is, and this is where the heavy headcannoning comes in, so there will be little to no evidence from this point forward.
Have you ever read The Maze Runner? Spoilers up ahead if you haven't, so... yeah. In the prequel book, The Fever Code, the main bad guys (the morality surrounding them is complicated), WICKED, houses all these kids in a top secret facility to try to figure out a cure to the almighty plague thingy. These kids are all immune, except for some (*sobs*), and they're all special. And they form their own little bonds and it's all nice and sweet except for the unimaginable horror zombies and child experimentation.
That's what I'm imagining for Genloss. All these kids are in one facility, and they're being raised to be performers. I think GL!Charlie's one of these kids who lives in the dorms. But early on, I believe he was seen as a talented actor, so he was taken to live in his own little room, the cabin, so he could form an attachment to it. That's his main role, I believe, although he circles around in Episode 2 and 3 because Showfall thinks it's funny to see him there, but he's always the Slime Demon in Episode 1. And they raised him just for that, so that's why he has so many personal effects in his cabin, like the photo and the sports equipment. He even has his own portrait.
Anyway, I'm imagining him to still interact with the other kids, at lunchtime and break and stuff, when they're not working. I'd like to think that's how he meets other Main Cast, like Ranboo and Sneeg, as well as others like Niki, Austin, Frank (when he was still alive), Ethan, and Vinesauce. So he knows them as he's going into the show, but once they put him under, he forgets them and has no moral qualms about what he's doing.
Continuing with the Maze-Runner-ish thing (this isn't an AU I swear), I think he might've been given away by his parents at some point. Because has the photo, it could very well be a headshot, like actors put on their CV, or it could be a school photo from when he was actually outside. I saw exactly One Video about the book It Was Just Another Day In America by Ryan David Ginsberg (I'm going to read it when I have it), and the idea of selling your kids because you have no other choice is painful and dystopian and exactly what I think would happen in this Generation Loss world. The outside world, the audience (not us), is failing and collapsing but everybody is buying buying buying and everything is getting very very expensive so some people, if they want their kid to live, if they want to live themselves, well, there's no other choice. Showfall Media conveniently swoops in with an offer and pressures them til they can't say no, and takes their kid for a hefty sum and hopes the parents won't recognise them when they end up dying on live TV.
Does this happen for GL!Ranboo? I don't know. I like this idea of him meeting GL!Charlie and the others in the Showfall dorms, but I also like the idea of them just going missing one day, picked up off the streets and flung into this whole mess. I don't know if that was confirmed by the pre-release short videos they put out, I can't tell anything from those other than a sense of "oh fuck", but yeah. For Charlie, I like this headcanon.
Maze Runner style.
If I were to substitute characters out (I'm doing this for fun now, it isn't relevant to the headcanon), I'd do it like this:
Charlie Slimecicle - Thomas. He's kept apart from them, but he still sees them. He's an outsider and he's particularly special.
Sneegsnag - Alby. He's the leader of them, he's dry and bored. He's not as serious as Alby, but he seems the most confident, so he's the leader.
Ranboo - Newt? I think so. He seems pretty timid when I think of him, but they're rather chill and definitely aren't a pushover when it comes to interacting with the other characters. I think Newt works because they also would be the one to help out Charlie (Thomas) when he first comes down.
Frank could be anyone, really. I have no idea of his character. Minho is a very core character, obviously, and Frank could definitely fit that. Happy, upbeat, childish, a strong bond with Sneeg which would carry on even after he stops talking (whether from psychological damage or actual death, I dunno).
That's it for the night, folks! I'll be posting more of these. If you're sick of me, I'm sorry, it's just my random thoughts at this point.
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randomgzy · 4 months
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Happy Pride!
(mainly headcanons🙏)
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invisiblesketches · 1 year
transmasc genlossboo where he just one day finds out the showfall scars on his chest are top surgery scars and remembers he's trans
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ur-fav-bpd · 6 months
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Patient Charlie from Generation Loss has BPD!
(art by spoofi on tumblr ^_^)
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axolotlhalo · 1 year
If you look at the box that Ranboo dies to, it's already incredibly rusty and bloody with dried blood on the spikes and rust all over it. People have already died in that thing, but who? Did Showfall perhaps have another hero before Ranboo or was this just another piece of a death game?
Or it could just be design choice to add to the horror, most likely.
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medlarmeadows · 1 year
Can't stop thinking how brothers Ramboo, Charlie, and Sneeg are IRL. The way Charlie and Sneeg kept making fun of Ranboo throwing the towel over the laser? Absolutely an older brother move.
But then I can't stop thinking what if they were brothers in Genloss too? What if gl!Charlie and gl!Sneeg had to watch their little brother suffer under the control of Showfall with the little control they had for themselves?
Don't think about how gl!Charlie might have felt watching gl!Sneeg get reset, knowing that gl!Sneeg promised gl!Ranboo to their face that he would come back for them.
Don't think about how gl!Charlie never knew gl!Sneeg died.
Don't think about how gl!Ranboo might not have gotten to remember his brothers even in his last moments.
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good morning. today i present to you cranloss. tomorrow? who knows. (it definitely will also be them)
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factorii · 1 year
Hetch HATES musicals.
That’s all.
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vynnblr · 1 year
squiggles headcanons because its the most of all time
my favourite squigg!! yay!
it/squigg/ink/media/loss/show/fall pronouns my squigg is all pronouned up (it/its prefered)
uses we/us instead of i/me (im pretty sure this is actually canon but whatever)
instead of referring to itself as "boy" "girl" or "person", refers to itself as a "squigg"
lots of gender headcanons can you tell
squiggles is neurodivergent in some capacity no i dont make the rules /silly
it gives the vibes of autism to me but like. theres also strong dissociative vibes idk
squiggles is almost 8 feet tall. litol squigg? i dont think so! fear it!
squiggles only ever wears very old fashioned formal attire. due to both comfort and structure. autism /silly
showfall media created squiggles as a mascot who reacts to their shows, right? so. consider. reaction channel squiggles /silly
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alliumdykes · 1 year
Ok so raw meat still moves after death due to neuron cells taking the longest to die out of every cell making muscles move still, this can be a few hours to a few days which makes me wonder
Do you think the glRanboo’s body still twitched and moved after the box was clamped over his head? Do you think that while their body was strung up engulfed in wires unable to move, crucified and dead, their body hadn’t understood and tried to move, to try and survive. Yet was unknown to his death. Their body trying to save them when it was impossible to do so?
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gemsiiie · 1 year
dude last night i dreamed genloss had become a thing where people could sign up to join it and be “apart of the show”
i don’t remember a lot of it but like that’s such a cool idea love my brain
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subaerial-dweller · 10 months
So the link above is my explanation of my own timeline that I thought up, to explain the evolution of The Social Experiments under the assumption that the side characters we see in our version have already gone through it before. But I realise that post is really really long, so here's the timeline just as it is, so more people can see it:
The "|" means space where a period of time could occur between two events.
EP2 Vinesauce is the Hero (protagonist). The key room is introduced for him, using his own keys.
EP2 Vinesauce completes the challenges up to the laser room. He is thrown by his teammates and successfully steals the diamond.
EP2 Slimecicle is the Hero. Time runs out, believes he's going to lose in Mousetrap and eats the piece.
EP2 Slimecicle becomes Patient Slime. Creates the Surgery Room challenge.
EP2 AustinShow is the Hero. Can't find the key in Patient Slime, fails the challenge. The audience is bored.
AustinShow becomes a side character in the Merry-Go-Round room.
| (short time skip)
Showfall Media changes the Puzzler's character to be less in control, making mistakes more. Fakes a script error to ensure protagonists find the key.
Niki's character swaps roles with AustinShow. She is no longer just a wife and mother.
EP1 Frank is the protagonist. Dies accidentally and is moved to supporting role.
EP1 Sneeg is the protagonist. Has chemistry with Frank and is moved to supporting role.
EP1 Ranboo is the protagonist. Advances beyond Episode 1 and does the show we know today.
Yep, so that's my timeline. My explanation is up there, it's a bit of a ramble because I was figuring it out as I went. And once again, if you have any suggested amendments, let me know! I'd love to work with someone on this.
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randomgzy · 19 days
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Showfall kidz★
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dowhatteverer · 1 year
So yesterday I watched Charlie's VOD reacting to GenLoss for the first time, and I noticed something about how GenLoss Ranboo doesn't seem to react to certain noises that should be pretty loud (the Urn breaking) or be able to quite pinpoint where they're coming from (not noticing where Sneeg's voice is coming from in the room right away) and then I remembered that Hetch has some way of directly communicating with Ranboo through their mask, and that all of the other actors are wearing microphones.
Basically, all of this is flimsy evidence for my new headcannon that GL Ranboo is either deaf or hard of hearing and can only hear the others because of some kind of implant in his mask that Showfall put there.
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ur-fav-bpd · 4 months
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Ranboo from Generation Loss has BPD!
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