#geoff snack
gregdotorg · 1 month
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iowntheworldandyou · 2 years
Geoff has a special interest in marbles send post
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i feel like if he had a role in dramarama geoff would keep disappearing from the daycare and then returning with some random object which makes duncan super confused and jealous.
duncan: “how do you keep doing that?!”
geoff: “doing what?”
duncan: “like. escaping the daycare so easily and without getting in trouble! like, you were gone for two hours and chef didn’t even bat an eye!”
geoff: “oh, idk. i found a cool rock outside but i accidentally threw it over the fence. i climbed over to get it but then i got distracted by a random five dollar note that flew by me. i chased it for a while but i wasn’t able to catch it, but it didn’t matter cus i had ten dollars in my pocket anyways, so i went to buy myself an ice cream. while i was walking back to the daycare, i decided to stop by the corner store to get some snacks for owen because i owed him some after he helped me find my other hat, which reminds me i have to give them to him now…” *walks away*
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knightsickness · 10 months
total drama cast ranked by how much i want to smoke with them
would feel actively bad making this guy smoke
24 alejandro already weird about food and his body in a not eating preservatives or dyes way i do not think he would smoke or drink. he would do cocaine but that’s not what we’re asking. wouldn’t participate and would have a bad time if he did. would be number one if the question was which total drama character do i want to talk to about orthorexia. also wayyy too much of a dick to be a good trip sitter he’d start trying to hypnotise me or some shit
23 trent i cannot imagine weed would make his paranoia less debilitating which sucks because i feel like all his friends smoke. cool guy not a stoner would hang out with him sober unless he brought his guitar
nightmare blunt rotation
22 cody brags a lot about how much he smokes and how much of a total nonevent this is for him takes one drag and coughs so hard he throws up. bad time for everyone
21 duncan keeps mentioning that he did ket before he came because he knew your shit was going to be weak as if you didn’t hear him (he doesn’t think you reacted enough the first time). just kind of an asshole
20 justin opposite to alejandro in one important way which is that i think he absolutely smokes. however i think weed would make him even more intolerable i think he’d be a buzzkill and kind of mean
19 izzy keeps describing the crazy horrific ‘hallucinations’ she’s having to try to freak everyone out and successfully convinces owen he can also see them. may or may not actually be high. only not in nightmare because i think if she did smoke she’d be relatively mellow
18 beth trying too hard to be funny acting way more out of it than she is. would annoy me i think
17 katie and 16 sadie would be whispering to each other the whole time and not really mixing with the rest of the group. they’d giggle until they had an incomprehensible falling out. they would still leave together
15 owen on paper ideal he’s chill he’s put more thought into the snacks than he has the weed. however i know he’d be farting constantly and apologising but still doing it and it would piss me off so bad i’d have to leave 
14 sierra would be very giggly and her infodumping would be plagiarised from a video essay i watched last week. i would not call her out on it
13 noah ‘this is garbage i don’t feel anything’ -> catatonic
12 ezekiel not allowed to smoke weed but if he did it would change absolutely nothing about his behavior. this one’s just whether i would hang out with ezekiel and honestly i would
11 heather would get a headache and get snippy but i think she both has smoked before and would be pretty mellow. total middle of the road she’s fine
10 gwen would be cool if i could talk to her about her art and bugs and dali but if she got one text from duncan or courtney or trent i think she would enter a paranoia death spiral. i would have to hide her phone
9 eva i think she’d be quiet but chill. inoffensive i think it would do her good
8 tyler would have a good time i think he’d be funny but would manage to grievously injure himself and then we’d be stoned in the emergency room and he’d panic
7 geoff cool guy definitely knows a guy but i think he’d be too much. i’d be greening out and he’d be crossfaded stood on the table. would be willing to put up with him for bridgette’s sake
6 courtney would tell me several times about how letting loose on one day actually allows her to be sharper and more productive for the rest of the week before going nonverbal. that’d be cool with me i know she needs it
5 leshawna she’s cool i want to talk to her about what she’s got going on. would stay relatively level-headed though i think she’d be annoyed by anyone acting up
dream blunt rotation
4 lindsay honestly can’t see a downside here. she would have a sparkly pink bong i would definitely smoke with lindsay
3 dj don’t think he smokes much but would socially. just a cool guy probably homemade food for the sesh. ideal
2 harold i want to watch star wars with harold stoned soooo bad. i’d let him infodump about the medieval summer camp he went to last year
1 bridgette chill into crystals and spirituality objective best choice. all her snacks are vegan she would smoke on the beach. nice and funny also only contestant i think was actually stoned on the show
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My Top 12 TGaMM S2 songs (in no particular order)
Kinda like in Centaurworld, I found more songs in S1 than S2 that I liked but that's not to say that the songs weren't enjoyable. It's just a shame I won't be able to make a S3 list T_T
Anyways, here's my Top 12 TGaMM S2 songs in no particular order:
12. Frightful No More [A Doll to Die For]
It's great to hear Lord Hater again and a song that's an homage to "Everything's Coming Up Roses" (Gypsy) and "The Rain in Spain" (My Fair Lady)...at least that's what it make me think of.
11. It's Just Your Masterpiece in You [Faint of Art]
This episode was a pretty nice message on art block and a fear of failure that a lot of artists face, especially when they haven't done anything in years. I tend to procrastinate by snacking, which of course I can't draw with food fingers (even when using a napkin) so I gotta wait till it goes away, oh whoops, now the days ended, oh well, tomorrow...
10.Thai Culture Cram [100% Molly McGee]
A fun song showing the lengths that Molly is willing to go to learn half of her culture. Granted she didn't realize that this stuff takes time but she's on the right path.
9.Me & My Dad [Like Father, Like Libby]
Kid's who have an absentee parent def felt what Libby is singing about in this one. It just sucks when someone who should be important in your life, doesn't take it as serious as you'd wish they would.
8. Hit Restart [Perfect Day]
Gotta love how relaxed the singer is while describing the continuiously hectic attempts Molly and Scratch make at having a perfect first day of the year.
7. Identity Crisis [Davenport's in Demise]
It's a shame we didn't get more from Andrea this season, especially after this ep. I know we would've gotten her and Alina in S3 but still, I would've liked to see how her and Molly are friends
6. Maybe Next Time [The End] (Spoilers)
Scratch's backstory was a gut-punch, especially for those of us that feel like we're wasting our lives away. It does kinda remind me of a more sad version of "I Remember It Well" (Gigi)
5. Enjoy Your Afterlife [The New (Para)Normal]
A fun song with the Ghost Council about life after the Chairman's defeat that kinda reminds me of "Go Back to City Hall" in S1
4. You Got to Be Low-Key [The (After)Life of the Party]
Jinx is such a little shit in this song. Not to mention this was the ep that confirmed that Geoff and Jeff are married
3. Back to Misery [Jinx vs the Human World]
Gotta love a villain song. Just a shame we didn't get more.
2. Trying to Find [All in the Mind]
Love the abstract visuals of going through someone's mind and the soft vocals and instrumentals.
Honorable Mention 1: You've Been Jinxed [Jinx!]
Honorable Mention 2: Feeling Like MY Old Self Again/Small Town America [Kenny's Falling Star]
Honorable Mention 3: Happy Happy Death Day [The Many Lives of Scratch]
1.This House is Haunted [Frightmares on Main Street]
Love this homage to "Thriller" but it's also to see ghosts being able to let loose. A great Halloween special
As stated before, it's a shame that we won't get anymore eps but at least what we've gotten were great. Idk if I should do an overall list
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silviaflowers · 1 year
I dont have any art of it but dONT LEAVE YET PLEASE
But the basic concept is all of the (unique, no historical figures) ghosts are human, and all of the human characters are ghosts! The premise mostly surrounds Scratch (obviously) being "haunted" by Molly.
Molly is kind of an outcast among ghosts because of how joyful she is, and instead of going down to earth to create misery, she goes down to create joy! She, obviously, fakes her scare reports.
Scratch is roommates with Geoff and Jeff, though the three of them don't spend that much time together. Each have their own jobs to attend to, and Scratch's life is pretty bleak until one day he's getting a midnight snack, Geoff is sleeping on the couch, and a ghost comes in to scare Geoff!! It's Molly!!
Scratch kind of freaks out because come on you're interrupting his snack time and also she just appeared, realized Geoff was asleep, got out of her scare form, and slowly tucked a blanket over him. So Molly explains her situation and Scratch is like "literally just get out"
So Molly leaves but.. comes back the next day. And the next. And the next. She just keeps bothering Scratch all the time, and eventually, shenanigans occur.
For some other stuff:
The Chens are joy hunters!
In contrast, Jinx is a ghost hunter
Mr. Davenport is the Chairman! - andrea flaunts this constantly
The McGees and Libby are the only ones who really are fine with Molly being a ghost of pure joy, mostly because they knew each other in the real world
Harriet, Sally, and Sonia are roommates! Eventually Jinx moves into the same house as them and Sally moves out.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! The AU is... yet unnamed! Some of this stuff was come up with by @itchthefriendlyghost btw!!! :D
Thanks for readin, Ill be making a fic for it soon :)
EDIT: The AU is currently named the Reverse AU! Ill try to rb all the stuff people make for it, so going through the tag below should give you all the content on it!
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twiixr4kidz · 2 years
Helloo!! I was wondering if you could do TDI or Sally Face head cannons of before/while dating?
i'd love too!! this one will be TDI, but feel free to ask for SF ones so i can write those too >:)) here r some dating hcs for some of the characters i didn't do the last time!!
she may be a total bitch most of the time, but you're an exception
there's a soft side to heather that nobody but you gets to see
she's a whole different person around you
soft, gentle, and quiet heather?? WHAT??
sure, she still orders you around because that's who she is
you'd be pulling my leg if you said you didn't expect her to tell you to go get her something to drink or something to snack on, to do a particular favor for her that she doesn't want to do herself, and so on
but she's also a lot more understanding
steals your clothes but refuses to be caught dead in them because your "styles are too different" or something
she'll do what it takes to win, but she will NEVER throw you under the bus.
she loves modeling outfits for you, and insists you rate them on a scale of 1 to 10
1 means "incredible" and 10 means "spectacular" because her fashion is, to her, on point every time
insists on styling you, and painting your nails and messing around with makeup if you let her
insists you take her shopping and then carry bags full of clothes and shoes she spent thousands on, and you'll be damned if you didn't say yes
bro's love language is music
he writes songs for you, songs about you, songs about things that remind him of you
you become this core part of his music writing process, like you're his whole MUSE
he's also hella charming
the "shows up at your house and throws rocks at your window before serenading you with the most beautiful melody you've ever heard" type
he's also the "writes the most intimate, beautifully worded love letters to you whenever you cross his mind" type
he's sickeningly sweet and you're going to get used to it
he has such a way with words it's hard NOT to love
he also LOVES grand gestures and displays of love
if it's not your thing, he can respect that. but if you're cool with it? he goes ALL OUT.
paths with rose petals, renting whole movie theaters for date nights, FREE FOOD AT RESTAURANTS??
you aren't sure how he does it, but he does it all for you
and that alone is enough to make the butterflies in your tummy go haywire
she's independent
she's a strong, powerful woman who loves to do things for herself, and she NEEDS you to respect that about her
because even though at the end of the day, she'll curl up next to you and sleep like a baby, she's kicking hella butt all day long
and you think she's a total badass for it
whether she's yelling at chris for being a jerk, or someone else for doing something they absolutely shouldn't have, you're cheering her on from the sidelines
and she does the same for you
your relationship is built on a strong mutual respect for each other
she's a sucker for calling you weird names to confuse everyone
the words "pookie wookie bear" sometimes leave her lips, and everyone is in pure shock because of how unexpected it was
PLEASE watch the sunrise with her
she wakes up early every morning just to watch the colors of the night melt into those of the day, and if you pose the idea of joining her, she will FREAK. OUT.
she'll never directly say it, but she is so touch starved please hug her
bro's a party animal, a cowboy, AND a gentleman
he's both the "let's get drunk as fuck and do stupid shit" kinda guy, AND the "opening car doors and letting you walk across his jacket so your shoes don't get wet" kinda guy
you have worn his hat on NUMEROUS occasions
he loves taking you with him EVERYWHERE
to parties, to fancy restaurants, to rodeos?? literally wherever he wants to go, he's gonna let you come
he'll also proudly become your personal uber
if there's anywhere you wanna go, you can bet he'll drive you
he ALWAYS keeps an extra pair of pjs set aside for when you come over
it's a t-shirt of his and a pair of old pajama pants that don't fit him anymore
and for as much as he loves going out, he also loves staying in
he makes really good wings and even better nachos, and he always has a bunch of really yummy snacks and drinks so the two of you can chill on his couch with a bunch of blankets and binge-watch tv shows
he'll do this thing called a "tv show roulette" where he picks a show neither of you have seen and you pick a random episode (or vice versa) and try to guess what's happening
he's shown up at your house with a bouquet of roses almost every week since you got together tbh
leshawna absolutely does not mess around when it comes to love
she's doting but not in an overwhelming way
she's an absolute sweetheart and a total badass
she'll defend you when you need it, but also lets you fight your own battles
she LOVES taking you to her favorite spots so she can share her love for them with you
she knows the coolest facts about everything
like if she sees something that makes her remember a fact, she proudly blurts it out
she also tells you whenever she sees something that makes her think of you
she absolutely loves cuddles
PLEASE take her on late night drives
music blaring, windows down, nothing but the cool night air in your hair and the sweet smell of that night life
bro fell HARD
he tripped over his own two feet and fell down the stairs onto his head for you
that being said, he can and will do whatever you want him to
even if you don't explicitly ask him to
if you mention you're craving a specific food or drink, he'll get it for you within an hour
he'll splurge his entire wallet on you
as long as you watch his favorite sports teams with him, ofc
he's hella sensitive and cries A LOT, but he doesn't want you to think of him as any less than a man for it
please please PLEASE reassure him because it gives him a lot of anxiety
he likes getting outside and playing games with you, even though he's super uncoordinated and gets hurt a lot
you're going to have to start carrying a first aid kit with you EVERYWHERE because this boy has fallen up escalators before
when you're out and you mention that you feel chilly, his jacket is on your shoulders faster than you can say "FUCK"
he may be a little dumb, but he tries his best and always makes sure you know how much he loves you
there is not a day that goes by where she doesn't remind you that you're the hottest person she's ever seen
if you mention being insecure, she won't really get it, but she will say something along the lines of "you don't have to worry about that, i only date hot people :)"
she's a total dumbass and you're going to have to pull her out of sticky situations
super clingy and she sticks to you like GLUE
she smells really good too
absolutely INSISTS you go shopping with her so she can show you all of these cute outfits, and maybe even pick something out for yourself
she doesn't care what kind of shopping it is, even if it's grocery shopping, SHE LOVES IT
sometimes jokes fly right over her head and you're going to have to explain to her what they mean and why they were funny, but it's honestly kind of cute how dense she can be
sure she's a dummy, but she's your dummy
and what she lacks in brains, she makes up for in everything else
she's gorgeous, sweet, caring, and a total dork
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the-type-a · 1 year
This took so long on TikTok and I refuse to let it flop
Duncan: Hey, you guys wanna go get some D-E-S-S-E-R-T?
DJ: Yeah, dude. I need me a T-R-E-A-T
Geoff: Whatchu guys talking about?
Courtney: Yeah, why did you guys just spell out desser—
Duncan: No-no-no! Shut up, Princess! Don’t say it!
Bridgette: Uh, why?
Duncan: Oh God. How do we tell you this…
DJ: Geoff can’t spell…
Courtney: … What?
Duncan: Can’t spell.
DJ: So when we talk about something he wants, we spell it out loud so he doesn’t get too excited.
Courtney: He’s a grown man, he can’t handle hearing the word treat?
Geoff: Treat?!
Duncan: No treat!
Geoff: Treat?!
DJ: No treat.
Geoff: Treat?!
Duncan: No treat.
Geoff: 😔
Bridgette: Okay, what is happening?
DJ: We told you he gets excited when he hears the word T-R-E-A-T.
Geoff: Whatchu talking about?
Duncan: Taxes.
Geoff: Oh, shucks.
Bridgette: What, so you guys just treat him like a toddler?!
Geoff: Treat?!
Duncan: No treat.
Geoff: Treat?!
DJ: No treat!
Geoff: Treat?!
Duncan: No treat.
Geoff: 😔😔
DJ: Bridge, you gotta spell if you’re talking about F-O-O-D.
Bridgette: Okay, so are we getting a S-N-A-C-K—
Geoff: Snack?!
DJ: Oh, come on!
Duncan: Malibu, really?
Bridgette: Oh, come on! I spelled it!
Duncan: Well he knows how to spell snack.
Courtney: So he can spell snack but he can’t spell treat?
Geoff: TREAT?!
Duncan: NO TREAT!
Geoff: TREAT?!
Geoff: TREAT?!
Duncan: NO TREAT!
DJ: Okay, he’s getting fussy. It’s time for a N-A-P.
Geoff: Yeah!
Courtney: What does N-A-P spell?
Geoff: Party 🥳
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acaplaya-musings · 3 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Butter
This video was uploaded on the 26th of June, 2021, just two weeks after We're Good, and features DeeJay Young and Cesar De La Rosa! And frankly I don't think there are a great deal of Voiceplay videos more deserving of a strictly-visual breakdown than this one, so let's hop right into it, and hope that I don't hit the image limit!
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If you don't already know, this video is chock-full of silly background antics from the guys, many of them blink-and-you-miss-it, such as in this shot, where I believe Layne is sharing snacks with DeeJay or something? 😅
Also Geoff is technically wearing a bowtie, except it's hanging loose/untied around his neck. It's certainly a Choice, but I can definitely respect it and vibe with it!
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Yeah sure why not
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DeeJay and Cesar are "sharing" a stool, and I don't know what Layne is holding
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Not a single clue what is going on in the background, but also nice shirt, Cesar!
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Cesar has his fan again (love that for him), Eli is drinking something maybe(?), and Layne has an umbrella. Why? Why not! 😂
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✌️✌️✌️ (Geoff is also doing it in the background, I only just noticed!)
(I'm only 23 seconds in and I've already taken 6 screenshots, oh dear 😅)
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Cesar is handing Geoff a wire mannequin body for some reason???
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...yeah sure (also cool necklace and bracelet, DeeJay!)
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Cesar and DeeJay playing pattycake!
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Geoff and Eli: What are you?
Layne: An idiot sandwich
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And whatever this is 🤣
(Seriously the amount of times I have been rewinding moments or scrubbing back frame-by-frame for this one just to try to catch everything, like you don't just need to watch this once, you gotta watch it at least 2 or 3 times to catch at least most of the background antics happening!)
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Well at least we can guarantee that everyone had the most fun filming this!
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Cesar looking like he's about to brush Geoff's hair (jealous)
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Geoff is looking at his phone, Layne is taking selfies on his phone!
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Carrot drumsticks!
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Geoff: Can I have some
Eli: No
(Also somehow only just realized that Eli is watching something on the phone that Cesar is holding? (Like I hadn't even noticed the phone before 😅))
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He ain't called Carrot Lord for nothing!
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Eli is seemingly being Attacked by Cesar, while Geoff is sassily walking away, icon that he is
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Being Cool(tm)
(also Eli removing sunglasses off of the glasses he was already wearing, lol)
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Are they doing the robot in the background?
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A lot of very fun dancing in this video, too much to share in screencaps (and still images wouldn't do it justice anyway). It's also really nice imo to see Geoff letting loose a bit and joining in on the silly antics in this video as well. That isn't to say that he's not fun in other videos too, but it's usually different, y'know?
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And that's a wrap on the video! I could have included even more screencaps, but honestly just go and (re)watch the video yourself, it's so fun! And yes, the song cover itself is also great, shoutout to Geoff for both the arrangement and the video direction!
Man oh man I've got some big (and by 'big' I mean 'ridiculously mind-blowing') videos ahead of me for post write-ups, so stay tuned!
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fanfic-inator795 · 11 months
~Self promotion time~! I was recently able to get some more motivation to work on some more TGaMM drabbles, all of which I feel turned out pretty well. So yeah, in addition to dropping all of those, I figured I’d give an overview of all the drabbles in this fic so far in case people are interested. Soooo-
Second Impressions: Ollie is still getting used to his new mindset regarding ghosts and has a chance to discuss some of his new feelings with Molly while they’re hanging out.
A Post-Halloween Talk: Geoff and Jeff come home from the Brighton haunted house and stay up late talking.
Pasts and Power Sets: Ollie and Scratch talk one-on-one, with the former being eager to learn some actually accurate ghost facts while the latter just wants to enjoy a snack.
Talents Embraced: A brief look at Sharon and Pete, their respective talents, and the small ways that they inspire and appreciate each other.
Old Newbie Meets New Newbie: Ollie takes some time to get to know his fellow Ghostfriends teammate, Libby.
Opening Up to Yourself: Scratch tries to start a journal for himself but struggles with actually starting one, so Molly decides to give him some advice.
Solo Mission: While visiting his favorite haunting spot, Jeff finds himself surrounded by ghost hunters. Thankfully, one of them is willing to help him out, still a bit apologetic about the last time they met.
Obligatory Drabble for Pride Month: Geoff and Scratch end up discussing romance, and Geoff learns something new about his best friend.
A Rough Morning: Molly finally gets her period. It’s not as exciting or cool as her friends made it out to be, but at least she has her family’s support during it.
Isn’t it Love?: The day that Geoff and Jeff first met.
Turnip Fest Redux: Molly and Ollie decide to enjoy this year’s Turnip Fest together.
Favors and Flavors: Jeff asks Scratch to help him taste-test a dish he’s making for Geoff, and the two get to know each other a little better.
New Recipe, Same Ingredients: Pete and Sharon make a new Anniversary cake together and end up reminiscing.
Bring Your Shark To Work Day: The Ghost Council meets Ghost Shark, and Allister specifically is less than amused.
A Quick Look at Curses: Ollie asks Scratch to curse him for research purposes, all while continuing to both learn facts AND un-learn misconceptions about ghosts.
Comfort and Content: Scratch visits Nin in her new retirement community, Nin doesn’t mind at all.
Let Me Protect You Too: The Jeoffs run into some Frightmares, and when Jeff is knocked down, Geoff shows that he can be pretty strong (and VERY protective) too.
As I’ve said before, this is very much a “when I feel like it/when I’m not busy with other writing” type of fic project, so I can’t say when I’ll update again. But if you end up giving any of these a read, please leave a kudos/comment if you can since I’d love to hear what people think of them! ^v^
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jules-has-notes · 6 months
Aca Top 10: Video Games — VoicePlay music video
Legend has it that video games helped keep the boys of 4:2:Five out of trouble during their early touring days. And photographic evidence indicates that it continued well into the VoicePlay era. But gaming isn't just about passing time and bonding with friends when you're a traveling musician. It can also be a source of inspiration for a wildly entertaining musical medley.
title: Aca Top 10 — Video Games
original songs: [0:07] HALO theme (2002); [0:26] Angry Birds theme (2009); [0:44] Pokémon Red & Blue opening theme (1996); [0:56] Minecraft theme (2009); [1:08] Final Fantasy main theme (1987); [1:22] "Dragonborn" from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011); [1:40] "Type A" theme from Tetris (1988); [1:56] "Mortal Kombat (Techno-Syndrome)" from Mortal Kombat (1992); [2:14] Legend of Zelda overworld theme (1987); [2:50] Pong sound effects (1972); [2:57] Super Mario Bros. overworld theme (1985)
written by: HALO theme by Martin O'Donnell & Michael Salvatori; Angry Birds theme by Ari Pulkkinen; Pokémon Red & Blue theme by Junichi Masuda; Minecraft theme by Daniel "C418" Rosenfeld; Final Fantasy main theme by Nobuo Uematsu; "Dragonborn" Skyrim theme by Jeremy Soule; Tetris "Type A" theme based on Russian folk song "Korobeiniki", arranged by Hirokazu Tanaka; "Mortal Kombat (Techno-Syndrome)" by Maurice "Praga Khan" Engelen & Olivier Adams; Legend of Zelda overworld theme by Koji Kondo; Pong sound effects created by Allan Alcorn; Super Mario Bros. overworld theme by Koji Kondo
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci & Layne Stein
release date: 24 February 2015
My favorite bits:
the 8-bit logo during the intro, and Layne making sound effects for Earl's requisite Mountain Dew
all of them bopping around to some degree during the Angry Birds section
Twitch streamer Layne and his adorable laugh
impressively whistling in three-part harmony for Tetris
Earl button mashing like a filthy casual, then covering his eyes during the gory fatality part
Layne using ingressive phonation to replicate the digitized voice effect at the end of Mortal Kombat
techo remix Zelda!
Geoff working so hard to not laugh after doing his part of the Pong bit
Tony just watching and having snacks during the Mario section because the 8-bit music didn't provide a part for him to sing
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○ Several of these pieces have appeared in later VoicePlay videos:
They did a full version of the HALO theme with founding 4:2:Five member Scott Porter in 2021 as a tribute to a departed friend.
Adriana Arellano and Cesar De La Rosa joined them for a short, soothing rendition of the Minecraft theme.
They added a sample of the main Skyrim theme to their cover of "The Dragonborn Comes" with Omar Cardona.
The guys included a snippet of "Still Alive" over the patron roll just as a fun bonus for themselves, but it received such an enthusiastic response from fans that they recorded a full version of it during their first PartWork series.
They integrated elements of the original NES Mario theme and sound effects into their arrangement for "Peaches" from the 2023 Super Mario Bros. movie.
○ Apparently, Geoff cracking up during the Pong bit caused several outtakes. (Good thing they were all filmed separately, so he was the only one who had to start over when he broke.)
○ Their wardrobe represents a few different video game franchises.
Tony has a Pikachu hat from Pokémon.
Eli is repping an old-school Atari logo shirt, which was already part of his regular wardrobe.
Geoff wears a Minecraft creeper shirt from Hot Topic.
Earl is sporting a Mega Man shirt.
Layne has a subtle Minecraft hoodie with enderman eyes on the hood from ThinkGeek.
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sugarlesswriting · 6 months
How some TDI boys use Dad Tax™️
Duncan: will steal at least four french fries from his kids if they get McDonalds.
DJ: hugs. His kids wants a toy? That's a hug. The kid wants a snack at the food court? hug.
Geoff: doesn't believe in the dad tax. His love is free.
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hlficlibrary · 3 months
do you know some stories that are really well written (like the words used, the sentences, the thoughts of the characters) :)
Hi, anon! You're very welcome! So what's "well written" is kind of a subjective thing, but here are ones that are in my own opinion...(and also, I could have picked any fic by these writers...they're all incredible)
No One Like You by myownspark / @myownsparknow
Dear Niall,
I was glad to have the chance to talk with you again at the AHA conference. Your idea that the Musee D’Orsay Tomlinson painting is in fact not a self-portrait is an intriguing one, and I may have discovered something that will have a bearing on that theory.
Some background: as you may remember, I’ve been researching for a book I’m writing about Harry Styles. I’ve been in communication with Styles’ last living descendant, who is in possession of a trunk that her family believed to have belonged to Styles himself. It held some personal items she presumes to be his, including two unmounted paintings and a small collection of letters.
Upon spending the last few days in Provins studying these items, I believe there to be a connection between Tomlinson and Styles, and I would very much like your opinion.
Are you up for a trip to France?
Sincerely, Liam Payne
Where Liam and Niall are art historians discovering the truth about two nineteenth century painters on opposite sides of an artistic divide.
Black with Autumn Rain by whimsicule
“Thank you,” Geoff says, taking a sip of his tea. “What did you tell him?”
Louis has a sip as well, lets the tea burn down his throat too quickly, too hot, and he feels it all the way down to his stomach. “The truth. Essentially,” he replies after a moment, licking his lips, relishing the slightly bitter taste of the brew that’s never quite strong enough for Louis’ liking. At least it’s not decaf. “That my dog scented it. That I didn’t touch the body. That I came here first thing.”
Geoff nods pensively. “Did he believe you?”
“Probably not. There’s only so many people who can drown on dry land before it gets fishy.”
or: Harry is a journalist, Louis has lots of secrets and the moors aren't exactly the ideal place to rekindle a lost romance.
Alien Roadtrip! by @helloamhere
For the first time in his life, Louis doesn’t know where he’s going. Harry doesn’t mind.
OR: roadtrip with desert feelings, too much snack food, and empty motels. Harry is definitely absolutely not an alien. That would be ridiculous.
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ghostbeliever39 · 1 year
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Coloration: Teal
Scary Coloration: Yellow
First Appearance: Howlin' Harriet
VA: Eric Edelstein
Geoff is one of the more overtly nice ghosts. Sedate and laid-back he may be, however, he has a natural talent for scaring backed up by over a hundred years of practice- and he enjoys using it.
Natural Talent: Geoff is remarkably good at scaring, pulling off a complex maneuver in 'Scare Tactics' and single-handedly ruining the Turnip Festival in 'The Turnip Twist'.
Nunchuk Proficiency: in 'Molly Vs the Ghost World', Geoff ties together two sobgoblins and uses them as impromptu nunchuks
Shapeshifting: Imitates Abraham Lincoln in 'Not So Honest Abe'.
Social Awareness: Geoff has trouble understanding a number of situations, misinterpreting his relationship with Scratch and assuming that Pete made him a birthday cake in 'Innocent Until Proven Ghostly', despite the cake having 'Sharon' written on it, and it not being his birthday.
Forgetfulness: Forgets he can turn intangible in 'The Turnip Twist' and ends up getting mutilated by a snack machine.
Pressure: Unable to use his powers in stressful situations, forgetting how to make a portal in 'Frightmares on Main Street' when the Chens arrive.
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Since phillip is so uncomfortable shopping for adult items in person, I imagine he does his adult shopping online.
What about this scenario, Hyacinth notices a discrete package from a adult online store on their counter top.
She recognizes the senders name because she has ordered from them before.
Hyacinth saddles up to Eloise and teases her about the purchase and asks what she ordered.
Eloise looks Hyacinth dead in the eye and ask what's she talking about.
Phillips ears are bright red.
What is Eloises next move? What about Hyacinth?
Do the sisters end up wrestling on the floor?
What do you think poor Phillip tried to order?
I decided to make this into a little mini fic. So, you know, feel free to read more.
"El, I have that book you were asking for!" Hyacinth said as she waltzed through the door of Phillip's (and she supposed Eloise's, now that her sister had officially moved in) house.
Eloise walked into the entryway from the kitchen, a perplexed look on her face.
"Hyacinth? How did you get in here? Did the twins not lock the door?"
"Oh it was locked, I used the spare," Hyacinth smiled and raised the key in her hand, "You might want to find a better hiding place than behind a wobbly brick on the stoop. Who knows who could just waltz into the house."
"I'll keep that in mind," Eloise said flatly, turning back to the kitchen, "come on in, not that you needed my invitation."
"So, what are you up to? Where are Phillip and the twins?" Hyacinth asked, taking a seat at the kitchen island as Eloise returned to what she had been doing before her sister walked in.
"Phillip is doing some school supply shopping with the twins, and I'm cutting orange slices," Eloise said, picking up a knife and gesturing to the cutting board that held a combination of orange slices and uncut oranges.
"And... you are doing that...why?" Hyacinth asked.
"Amanda has a soccer game this afternoon and it's her turn to provide snacks," Eloise said, slicing an orange in half.
"Look at you," Hyacinth grinned, "from independent woman to soccer mom in less than a year."
Eloise looked up and gave her sister an inscrutable look, somewhere between an indulgent smile and a complacent grin.
"If you would have told me nine months ago that I'd be cutting orange slices for a child's soccer game, I wouldn't have believed you," Eloise chuckled, "but I can't say I'm not pleased with how everything's shaken out. I love Phillip and I love the twins. So I'm more than happy to slice up oranges for them."
Hyacinth shifted in her seat, "Well, I'm happy for you El. I'll get out of your hair, I just wanted to return the Chomsky book I borrowed"
Hyacinth really was happy for Eloise. She liked Phillip and the twins were an absolute hoot. But when she looked at how happy Eloise was with Phillip, and how happy her best friend Felicity was with her boyfriend Geoff, she couldn't help but feel a little... empty.
That empty feeling dissipated, however, when Hyacinth went to set the book down by a pile of mail and saw a package with a return address that she recognized.
"Well, what do we have here?" Hyacinth said gleefully, reveling in the opportunity to embarrass her sister.
"What?" Eloise said, looking up from her oranges.
Hyacinth lifted up the package and quirked her brow, "Atlantic innovations?" she inquired.
"That must be something for Phillip, I don't know why you're so interested," Eloise said, shrugging and looking down to quarter an orange.
"Oh I'm sure it's for Phillip," Hyacinth laughed, "Or maybe in place of him? Is he going out of town for a botany symposium or something?"
Eloise put her knife down, "Hy, what the hell are you talking about?"
"I know it's a sex toy, El," she said in an indelicate whisper, "I've received several discreet packages from 'Atlantic Innovations' myself..."
Eloise was about to open her mouth when the front door opened. Phillip came into the kitchen carrying a couple of shopping bags, as the thumps of two pairs of feet clamored up the stairs.
"Hey El, we're back," Phillip said, walking over to place a kiss on Eloise's cheek, "Do you want some help with the oranges?"
Phillip then followed Eloise's line of sight to Hyacinth.
"Oh, hey Hyacinth, to what do we owe the pleasure?" he said, settling his arm around Eloise's waist
"Hy was just dropping off a book she borrowed and snooping through our mail," Eloise answered before her sister could get a word in edgewise.
Eloise felt Phillip's arm tense once he saw the package in Hyacinth's hand. She looked up to see his jaw flex and the tips of his ears start to turn red. Ah, so the package was for Phillip.
"However she was just leaving since she knows we all have a very busy afternoon, and don't have time to answer her probing questions about the household's correspondence, " Eloise continued, knowing that if Hyacinth had a chance to sus out the situation, Phillip wouldn't be able to look her sister in the eye ever again.
"Yup," Hyacinth grinned as she set the package down and gave it a gentle pat, "I'll be on my merry way. Good to see you Phillip, give the twins my love."
Just as she was about to walk through the kitchen doorway she looked over her shoulder with a diabolical grin and added: "Have fun you two."
As soon as she heard the front door shut, Eloise turned to Phillip and immediately asked: "So what's in the box?"
"I'm not sure what you mean," Phillip said, avoiding eye contact and turning more crimson by the minute.
"Hyacinth clocked the fake return address right away and knew it was from an online sex shop," Eloise explained.
"Oh god," Phillip said with a grimace.
"And I know I didn't order anything," Eloise continued, wrapping her arms around Phillip's neck, "so I can't help but be incredibly curious about the contents of this unassuming box."
"It was supposed to be a surprise," Phillip said, leaning his forehead against Eloise's.
"I got all the surprise I needed today by learning about my baby sister's online shopping habits, I don't know if I could handle anymore," Eloise said with a laugh.
"It's uh, saliva-activated lubricant." Phillip let out underneath his breath.
"Saliva-activated lubricant?" Eloise inquired looking up at him, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"Yeah, so, when it comes into contact with moisture, it starts to tingle," Phillip responded blushing and looking away.
"Interesting...." Eloise said, standing on the tips of her toes to whisper in his ear, "I can't wait to try it tonight."
Phillip smirked and kissed Eloise's ear "Me neither."
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tickle-page · 1 year
“How long can ya last?”
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A/N: Ok… but tickling should’ve been a challenge. Yes I ship Noah and Cody. (I am not proof reading allat).
⚠️: Some footer tickles
Summary: Chris thought of something that’ll make people drop like flies. One that’ll cure his ler mood, and pretty sure people are growing suspicious of it.
“We’re gonna have each team see how some of their players will last getting tickled…” Chris announced, cutting to the chase.
“Pfft, tickling? What does he have, some type of fetish?” Duncan scoffed, making his team laugh.
“Nope, thought it be a challenge nobody could pass. Anyways, we have… ‘Screaming Gophers’, and on that team is… Beth, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Justin, Leshawna, Noah, Lindsay, Owen, Trent, and Izzy, against ‘Killer Bass’, and on that team is… Bridgette, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, Sadie, Katie, and Tyler.” Chris was about to explain how it works before the writer thought they’re was too much typing in one dialogue, so here’s the other one, “Here’s how it works, You’re gonna choose two people on your team to get strapped up to this very convenient ‘x’ shape thing. One person get’s strapped up for an hour, while somebody from the opposing team tries to get the opposite contestant out then we’ll switch and they will have to stand an hour as well. And if the person getting tickled manages to last an hour w/o saying the safe word, which will be ‘Chris’, they win the challenge and get a reward, which is they’re very own spa treatment deluxe, but if you don’t… then you’ll meet me at the bonfire, and I’m sure you’ll know what will happen next.”
“Uh huh, uh.. Question?” Duncan raised his hand as if he was in school.
“Why is the safe word you’re name? Why can’t it be something cool like, Duncan, or murder, or vandalism.”
“A. They’re too hard to remember and B. I’m hot.”
“Ok… I have another question.”
“What…” Chris sighed.
“Why did you choose this challenge? Is there something you want to tell us?” Duncan tried to get under his skin and it didn’t work.
“Because… I just fricking explained it! You people are too good with these challenges, so I chose something that nobody in they’re right mind would pass.” Not because he had a tickle fetish, Ofc not. What kinda judge would put their contestants in a situation like this just to help their lee mood? If anyone thought Chris had a fetish, they’re wrong.
“Whatever you say….” Duncan was not buying it.
“Ok, ready? Talk over your team and see who will be their guinea pigs.” Chris stepped off his platform that was coincidentally placed on the dock.
(Meanwhile, with Screaming Gophers)
“So which two will get tickled?” Beth asked.
“I think it should be lazy dude over there.” Heather pointed to the latter before her.
“Who, Owen? Dude, I know your not very likable, but to call Owen lazy just because he doesn’t cut back on the snacks, is off the charts-“ Noah stocked up for his bestfriend, only to be shut down by Heather.
“Not him, you.”
“ME?! Why me?!” Noah was puzzled and scared, trying to change their minds, but it seems to go down stream for him.
“Well duh, isn’t it obvi? You don’t join in on any challenges, you just stick your face in that musty book. It’s about time you show team work.” Heather continued.
“What?! Come on guys, change her mind, please!”
“Sorry man, she’s right.” Owen agreed.
“Owen?! Your suppose to be my bsf!”
“I’m sorry, Noah.”
“Well… You are a big time slacker…” Beth joined in.
“YEAH! You’re always reading the book like, ‘ooohohoho~ I can read~’ and then I’m all like, ‘Dude, sub me in,’ and you’re all like, ‘Whahahat? Can’t hear you, dudette, too busy reading, yah…’ That’s basically how it goes.” Izzy chimed in.
“That’s not at all how it went! Guys please! Don’t make me do this.”
“Don’t worry, Noah, if you go, I’ll join you so you won’t be as scared anymore!” Noah’s secrete crush, Cody, replied.
As thankful as Noah is right now that Cody is trying to cheer him up, this doesn’t stop him from getting tickled.
“Awww, ain’t that cute? Your boyfriend is checking up on you!” Izzy cooed. Making the other’s but Heather coo as well.
“He’s not my boyfriend!!!”
“Alright, guess it’s settled. Noah and Cody will get tickled, and trust me Noah, if you flake out before it hit 20 minute mark, I’ll make sure the others will vote you off for being a bad team player.” Heather got close up to his face to make her more intimidating, and it worked.
“WHAT?!… omg!!” Noah gave up because it was useless fighting anymore, at least he’ll have his crush beside him, but it won’t make him less ticklish.
(Meanwhile, with Killer Bass)
“So… Who’s gonna volunteer?” Courtney asked.
“Not me!” Bridgette backed down.
“Yh… I’ll sit this one out.” DJ.
“Nah, this will ruin my record.” Geoff.
“Well, it’s not gonna be-“ Duncan got interrupted by Sadie.
“I’m not doing this!” Sadie.
“If Sadie’s not doing it then I’m not doing it!” Katie.
“Uhhh…. Yh, I’m not doing this challenge.” Tyler.
No one likes Ezekiel.
“Guess it’s just Duncan and Harold.” Courtney said.
“Why?! No cool guy should get tied down and tickled for a challenge in front of an audience.” Duncan crosses his arms.
“So you rather get tied down and tickled if it wasn’t for a challenge?” Courtney smirked.
Duncan loves his girlfriend with all his heart, but sometimes she can drive him to sanity. “Wha- Absolutely not! I’ve been to juvy, my street cred would plum it if I even began to like tickling.”
“Uh-huhu.” Courtney giggled.
“So why do I have to do this? I don’t want to get tickled either.” Harold said.
“Yeah, you’re probably gonna have to clean the skid marks on your underwear after the challenge, haha.” Duncan made DJ, Geoff, and Trent laugh at his joke.
“So it’s settled then, each team members who were picked, come up so Chef can strap you guys in.” Now that Chris was saying those words, he just now realized how weird this challenge is.
The four of them complied, with Harold and Cody going first, and with Duncan tickling Cody and Noah tickling Harold.
“Your time starts when I start the timer.” Chris set an hour on his clock, and pushed start. “Go!”
And they began.
“Aww, crap, I don’t even want to do this…” Noah complained.
“DON’T THINK ABOUT IT NOAH!!! YOUR TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!” Gwen screamed from the sidelines, trying to reassure him, but it didn’t work.
Noah heard cute, bubbly laughter. It sounded as if an angle had dropped down from the sky… it was so majestic, and Noah wanted to hear it more after the challenge. He wanted to be the one to tickle his crush, but his priority isn’t the one on his team, it’s the one in front of him.
Noah decided to rip the bandaid off, and slowly skittered his blunt nails on Harold’s sides. It was so gross, but he didn’t want to be eliminated.
“Gahahahah, Thihihihis is so sthuhuhupid!!!” Cody laughed from Duncan’s skilled fingers on his knees.
“Wow, Duncan, you are skilled with this!” Courtney was astonish.
“Yeah, I would tickle my older brothers all the time.” Duncan replied, he then got flashbacks of them teaming up on him, and he shivered. Duncan will die twice before he ever tell them that he was always tickle punished as a kid by his older brothers.
Noah was flabbergasted by Cody’s laugh, that he stopped tickling Harold and looked over to his crush. Cody’s face was so cute right now, Noah wanted to die right then and there, until a familiar voice stopped him and his thoughts, “Hey, Romeo!!! Quit staring at Juliet and get to tickling, we want to win!” Leshawna called out from the sidelines.
“Stop calling me that!! I don’t even like Cody!!” Noah’s face says it all though.
“Ha! Your face is so red already, and you aren’t the one getting tickled.” Harold should’ve shut up.
“You know what? I’ll give you something to laugh about!” Noah skittered his fingers up and down Harold’s sides, stopping just barely under his armpits.
“GAHAHAHAH!!! I’M SOHOHOHORRY!!!!” Harold screamed out.
“It’s kinda too late for that one.” Noah teased and cooed the bonded lee, tickling his ribs and stomach, dipping his finger in the hollow and swirling it inside.
“Oh? U think u can out tickle me? I’ll show you who’s the real tickle monster.” If Duncan was the one in Cody’s place, his teases would’ve flustered him, but what can he say? He has experience. The Mohawk dude got dangerously close to the latter’s armpits, making Cody scream, which alerts the ler. “Oh?~ is someone ticklish hereeee?”
“No!!! NO PLEASE!!! NOT THERE!!! DUNCAN STOP, STOP, STOP-AHAHAHAHAHHA!!! PLEASE!!!” Cody went baserk, he totally lost it. His head was getting all foggy, he was getting breathy and panting, and to top it all of he was crying and his laughter grew silent. He had to gasp in between depths of chortles, trying so very hard to remember the safe word, let alone blurt it out, but he can’t manage to figure it out.
“What was that?~ I didn’t hear a safe word~. Maybe I should do this till you pass out… or… until you pee yourself, like glasses just did.” Duncan was insane, and yes Harold did piss himself due to the tickling, and Cody was on the verge of doing the same thing.
Noah didn’t notice the wet stain on Harold’s pants, he was way too focus on staring at his crush with widen eyes. Noah swear that if looks could kill, Cody would’ve been dead before the tickling killed him. He didn’t care how obvious he was being right now, he just thought that when will he ever get a chance to see Cody in this state again? All helpless and breathy, trying to say the safe word, but he couldn’t because of all the laughter he was doing. Noah swore to everything that he doesn’t like tickling…Cody is the only exception, tho. His trance was broken when Cody finally managed to say the safeword, “CHRIS!!! CHRIHIHIHIS!! STAHP NOW, PLEASE!!!”
Duncan stopped, and Chef went over to the two to unlock their tied up limbs, making them slump over to the ground in heaps of laughter. “Ok, Duncan and Noah, it’s your guys turn.” Chris said.
The both boys signed and was terrified of what’s in store for them, but they wouldn’t want to let their team down, so they got on the chair letting Chef tie them up. “Wait… can Harold change first? I don’t want him being that close to me when he smells like cats.” Noah looked down at his pants, Harold looked down as well and looked back up with a redden face, covering himself up when everyone started laughing.
He got back from changing, and got beside Noah waiting to tickle the shit out of him. Noah would’ve had so many more sarcastic things to say, but right now, he was so scared, like he doesn’t like being tickled at all, Duncan’s the same way, but he can hide it more. “You good, Noah? You’re sweating.” Harold mentioned.
“Y-yeah… I’m *gulp* fine… I just don’t like being tied down… or… t-tickled.”
Duncan noticed how nervous he was, “awwww, is someone scared of tickling?”
“Shut up!” Cody tweaked his side, making him twitch and have a startled laugh, “Listen Noah, don’t force yourself to continue if you don’t want to, ok? I know how it feels, being trapped and claustrophobic, so don’t be obligated to push yourself fowards, ok? Our team will still love how you were brave enough to do this.”
“Like heck we will, GO BIG OR GO HOME NOAH!!!” Heather yelled, getting slapped over the head by Leshawna.
“And… if our team does lose and u go home, I won’t forget you, bestie!!”
That’s right, Noah and Cody were just friends… nothing more, nothing less. It’s stupid of him to get so attached to a straight boy, so why can’t he get him out of his head?? It’s like a broken record, getting scratched over and over again. He was about to cry, but had to hold it in, so if he did cry, he could just blame it on how much it tickled. He can’t get so worked up anyways, once one of them goes home they’ll forget about the other, wether it be by elimination or by wining, no one will remember any one, they’re only there to make money, not friends. And that’s what he needs to focus more on, winning the dough. “Can we start already?”
Chris started the timer, and the boys went to work.
Cody didn’t hesitate on scribbling the life out of Duncan’s socked soles, teasing him about how ticklish they were.
Harold, on the other hand, started off lightly scratching Noah’s stomach, saying things like, “Come on Noah, u know u wanna laugh~” and it embarrasses the hell out of the other.
If it’s one thing Duncan hates, it’s getting tickled. He had older brothers he would tickle, but then they would get their revenge before he could blink. It didn’t help the fact that Duncan was so much more petite than the others. So this, this right here, would be hella embarrassing if he gave up due to a little tickling, but he was so damn ticklish, he doesn’t know how much longer he can go.
Now, Noah hates getting tickled and tickling as well, but if it’s one thing he absolutely hates, is getting tickled in front of the person he likes. His laugh is so annoying and obnoxious… and cute… but Cody don’t want to speak about that. They we’re just friends, it’s not like they loved each other… hahahe. So Noah will take it to his grave that he won’t laugh, that was… until Harold did the unthinkable.
“Come on. LAUGH FOR ME!!” He squeezed both sides of Noah, leaving a few red thumbprints on him.
“NO!!! GAHAHAHAHA!! St-Stahhahahap!!!” Noah had limited room left to squirm, so he tried to do anything that was mentally possible right there to stop the tickling, but nothing seemed to work, considering he was strapped down.
It was Cody’s turn to be fixated on his crush’s friend’s laugh. They way Noah would get all squeaky and loud, it was the best sound ever. Cody himself would think it would be weird to have a liking for someone’s laugh, but he just couldn’t help it, bro’s majestic. He was imagining him with his fingers tormenting Noah, zoning out while his fingers slowly drifted off his target’s feet, giving Duncan enough time to breathe. Until Leshawna broke his trance, “HEY!! JULIET!!! GET TO WORK!!”
He was finally brought back to reality, bringing his attention to the matter at hand. Cody wanted to get this over with, so he tickled the only most ticklish spot he knew, thanks to Courtney. Why did Courtney help him, u ask? She didn’t. Cody was just walking past his cabin, when he heard faint laughter, it was Duncan’s. “COHOHOHOURTNEY!! STAHAHAHAP!!!”
“Hahaha, it’s so funny, because your neck is so sensitive, it’s cute. Not to mention you’re extremely ticklish.”
Yes. They we’re having a tickle fight, and Duncan lost, he always does. Cody made sure to lock this core memory in his brain incase he ever needed this information. And now he does.
He shot his fingers in the crook of his neck, wriggling all ten fingers inside. “NOHOHOH!! STAHAHAP!! CHRIHIHIHIS!! PLEASE”
The timer stopped along with the two lers. Noah was having a hard time breathing, and Duncan was audibly gasping. Chef untied them both, while they slumped to the ground. Cody helped Noah up, while they locked eyes for a solid second, until they turned their heads out of embarrassment.
“I would give u guys another challenge bc it was a tie, but considering Duncan lost way too soon, I’ll give this one to the Screaming Gophers.”
Every one on their team cheered and celebrated, while everyone on the other team looked like they had sticks up their asses. “Oh, We know who we’re gonna vote off,” Courtney scowled.
“It wasn’t my fault, princess, how did he even know to tickle me there?” Courtney’s and Duncan’s arguing grew quieter the father they got from the cameras. Cody gave Noah subtle squeezes to his sides, earning him a few squeaks, Noah pledged that he would only tickle Cody back when they either get together or he gets more comfortable around him. Either way, they are a cute couple.
Now Noah also hates tickling, but he especially hates getting tickled infront of
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