#georgie jennings
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ducessaeva · 2 years
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we love a found family of disasters <3
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heartlandians · 10 months
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Heartland - 13x02 - Wild One
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heartlandtfln · 2 years
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“(512): During sex his mom asks from the other side of the door, "Do you like avocados?" Who doesn't like avocados?“
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the-real-tc · 2 years
Bad Business Ch. 9: Dark Horse Candidate
Author's Note: It's amazing how things change over time. When I first wrote this story, the name "Karen" did not have the negative connotation it has come to have in this post-COVID world of ours. I named a Dude Ranch guest "Karen", having no clue that years later it would be pejorative. In any case, I chose to keep the name, because it's a perfectly good name, and this "Karen" is one of the nice ones.
I'm afraid things still will not be much clearer, though danger is lurking closer. The end is also in sight, so hang on tight.
Chapter 9
Dark Horse Candidate
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Lou came to the difficult but nevertheless necessary conclusion she would have to kick all the Dude Ranch guests out for the next couple weeks.
"Lisa's family is going to need a place to stay," she explained to Jen over the phone. "They can't all cram into the ranch house, and we're not going to force them to stay in a hotel in town. Let the guests know I'm refunding them in full, but they need to be out right away. Give them an hour to clear out, give or take."
"All right, Lou. I'll get on it right away," said Jen after receiving her boss' request. "And I'm so sorry about Lisa."
"Thanks, Jen," Lou said. "I appreciate it. Let me know when all the guests are gone."
"For sure. 'Bye for now."
Heartland Equestrian Connections
Jen reluctantly knocked on the door to the main cabin. A homeschooling family of four had arrived only three days earlier; Mitch had taken them for a trail ride he turned into an impromptu educational nature walk on the first afternoon they had all enjoyed. Now, they would have to find some other accommodation for their vacation.
The door opened to reveal a forty-something woman dressed casually in jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt. "Yes?"
"Hi, I'm Jen, the Dude Ranch manager," Jen said, putting on the most professionally apologetic tone she could muster. "We met when you checked in. It's Karen, right?"
"Yes, that's right. What's going on?" asked Karen, a look of consternation creeping into her features. "Have the kids been too noisy?"
"Oh, no, nothing like that," Jen said easily, quelling the woman's worry. "I'm really, really sorry, but we have to close all the cabins right away."
"What? But we just got here the other day," Karen said in dismay, very evidently disappointed.
"I know—and you'll be reimbursed totally," Jen was quick to add. "But, um, there's unfortunately been a death in the owner's family, and she's made the decision to shut things down for the next little while."
"Oh! I'm sorry to hear that," Karen immediately uttered with sympathy. "How much time do we have to check out?"
"I don't mean to rush you," Jen replied. "An hour or so would be really great, though."
Before moving on to the next guest, Jen gave Karen all the necessary details for her compensation owing to the inconvenience.
"Hey, Mitch," Jen spoke into her cell phone. "Have you seen the guy from Cabin Two today? There's no sign of him here."
"Cabin Two? That's our 'Do Not Disturb' guest who just re-booked to the end of the month, right? No, I haven't," Mitch answered. "Last time I saw him was maybe two days ago when I offered to take him on a trail ride or a hike. He said he was okay and was keen to do some hiking on his own. I told him to watch out for predators since there have been some bear sightings again."
Jen nodded wryly. "Well, his truck is still here, so let's hope he hasn't met with some unfortunate accident. That's the last thing Lou needs right now."
"Yeah, no kidding," Mitch sighed. "What do you want to do?"
"Well, Lou wants the guests out of here as soon as possible. Can you take a ride around the usual trails and see if you find him?"
"Yeah, no problem."
"Thanks, Mitch. Let me know if you find anything."
"Excuse me," Karen said after Jen ended the call with Mitch. "I couldn't help but overhear—well, we couldn't help but overhear your talk about the guy in Cabin Two."
"What about him?" Jen asked, looking at Karen and the youngster by her side, a boy of about eleven years of age.
"My son just said he thinks he saw him last night," Karen said. "Go ahead and tell Jen what you saw, John-Paul."
The boy stepped forward. "I was kinda half-asleep," he started. "The sound of a motorbike or something in the distance got me up. Then I couldn't go back to sleep for a little while. Then I realised I had to use the bathroom. Well, the outhouse. When I came out from doing my—y'know—business, I saw someone out by the lake, well, on the deck by the firepit."
That grabbed Jen's attention. "Could you identify who it was?"
John-Paul shook his head. "Not really, but it was a guy, and he was bald, like the guy in Cabin Two."
"What time do you think this was?" Jen asked.
"Sorry, I don't know," John-Paul replied with a slight shrug. "It was dark, but the firepit was lit. The man's back was to me. It looked like he bunched something up and threw it into the fire. He was poking at it bit. Then I started feeling kinda guilty for spying on him, so I snuck back inside our cabin. I peeked out and saw him coming back towards the cabins. I'm pretty sure he went inside Cabin Two."
"Thank you for that, John-Paul, that's really helpful." Jen said, her mind turning over this new piece of information. So Mr. Cabin Two was here up to last night, if John-Paul is right. But if that's the case, where is he now?
"Is that all you need to know?" Karen asked.
"Yes, thanks," Jen replied. "Now we at least know the guy was probably here last night. He probably took off early this morning for a hike or something and still has not come back."
"Okay. I hope he shows up," Karen said. "And please tell your boss I'm sorry for her loss."
"I will," Jen said. "Thank you."
Heartland Equestrian Connections
After over an hour of aimless trekking along the trails normally reserved for rides and hikes, Mitch turned back for the cabins. There had been no sign of their missing guest.
"Nothing?" Jen asked when she saw him ride up.
"Not on any of the marked trails," Mitch replied as he dismounted from Maverick.
"That's just so weird," Jen said as she put her hands on her hips and frowned.
"I think it's time we ask Lou if we should open up his cabin," Mitch stated. "I don't care if he doesn't want his space disturbed. What if the guy had a heart attack and he's dead in there?"
Jen went pale in the face, mentally kicking herself for not considering that possibility beforehand. She swallowed. "You're right. I'll call Lou. I really think she should be here to open it up, just in case."
"Okay, so explain again to me why it was so urgent for me to be here," Lou said, wondering why her manager wasn't acting in a very managerial way.
"Because the guy in Cabin Two is still a no-show," Jen answered. "Mitch searched all the usual trails earlier, but he didn't find anything. It's suspicious."
"And he's booked right up to the end of the month, right?" asked Lou.
"Yes. And his truck is still here," Jen continued, pointing at the vehicle. "We've tried the cell number on file. It just keeps getting kicked to voice mail. Now, one of the kids staying here told me he thinks he saw our guy last night out by the fire pit, but he can't be sure. It was late, and it was dark, so, who knows? Lou, what if he's had a heart attack or something in there? I'd be way more comfortable if you're here for something like that."
"Right," Lou said with a pout. "I guess it's time we opened up that cabin."
Jen reached for the master key. "Let's go."
Cabin Two was in near pristine condition. Some of the occupant's clothes were folded on the bed; the latter had been neatly made up in almost military-like precision.
"He's not in here," Jen sighed, almost in relief, the earlier fear of finding him collapsed on the floor or dead of a coronary now vanishing from her thoughts.
Lou frowned. "But if he's not here, then where is he?"
Jen shrugged. "It is a mystery."
"I hope he isn't lost out there," Lou grumbled, glancing out one of the windows. "I might have to resort to getting in touch with his emergency contact on his forms. If he doesn't show up soon, I'll have to involve the police."
"All right, Lou," Jen said with a short sigh. "And once again, I'm really sorry about Lisa. This whole thing is so unbelievable."
"I know. But we'll make it through," Lou said, embracing the other woman briefly. "Thanks, Jen. You and Mitch are hereby excused from Dude Ranch duty for the next two weeks."
"Are you sure you don't want my help for when Lisa's family gets here?"
"I'm sure," Lou said. "We can handle it. Thanks."
After Jen drove away, Lou pulled out her cell phone and dialled her father's number. "Hi, Dad. We've managed to clear all the cabins except for Cabin Two. We can't find the guy who booked it anywhere, and neither Mitch nor Jen has seen him in a couple days. I'm not sure what to do about this. It's crazy. I'm worried."
"Don't be," Tim replied, uncharacteristically calm. "Honey, just call the cops, relax and let them handle it. Everything is going to be fine, okay?"
"Okay," Lou said doubtfully, willing herself to be calm while resisting the urge to ask about how Jack was doing. She wished he would just come home, but knew he needed the time and space away from everything for the present.
Rookie Hudson Police Constable Mike Becket frowned. The Missing Persons report he just tried to file for Samantha Louise Fleming was making no sense.
The name Dov Grosvenor, allegedly belonging to the man booked at Heartland Equestrian Connections, did not match any name in the Alberta Motor Association database. Worse, his truck's registration sticker was fake. Becket probed even deeper and brought his findings—or lack thereof—to his boss, despite knowing how busy he was with a murder investigation.
"Could be something, could be nothing, but we can't find a record of anyone with that name anywhere," Becket said to Chief Parker. "Not in the motor vehicle records, not in any employment records or taxes, no arrest records, zip. No one answers his cell, and his emergency contact number doesn't exist, either.
"He registered under a fake name and provided a false emergency contact number?"
"So it would appear, sir," Becket said. "Everything about him is fake."
"The lengths people will go to for privacy," Parker commented dryly.
"But the biggest red flag, sir? The registration sticker on his license plate is fraudulent," Becket said. "I think this has more to do than just wanting privacy. What should I do?" asked Becket.
"Well, you can't file a Missing Persons report for someone who doesn't exist," Parker said. "I admit it is very suspicious. But until this 'Dov Grosvenor' shows up, or until someone comes looking for him, there's very little we can do, legally. We have no real name and no details to go on. But if he does show up, you know we're going to have a lot of questions for him."
The dog would be a problem, of that much he was sure. No stranger could approach that ranch house during the night without her sounding the alarm. One bark from that animal, and the whole house would be on the alert. Already, there was too much coming and going; people stopping by to offer condolences; too much activity to be able to pin down when the vet would be alone in his barn office. He would have to find some way to get close enough to the mutt, maybe feed her a poisoned doggie treat or something. Whatever he did, it would have to be soon. There could be no witnesses left to what happened to the Stillman woman; no loose ends. Of course the risks were extremely high, but then the payoff would be, also.
Hudson Hawk: Your Eye on Hudson
A Blog.
May 5, 2019
Is it A Case of Mistaken Identity in the Deaths of Stanton and Stillman?
Your watchful Hawk has been tracking these two awful cases pretty closely. One thing to note is the fact Valerie Stanton and Lisa Stillman bear a superficial resemblance to one another. Both middle-aged. Both blonde with blue eyes. (See attached images for comparison.) Both well-known in the world-class equine community.
One fact this blogger learned from an anonymous source is Stanton was riding a horse belonging to Stillman at the time of her death. (Side note: That horse is very valuable; it is not outside the realm of possibility it could also be the target of greedy thieves, which brings to the table a potential motive for the murders of these women.)
But back to the original topic at hand: Is it possible Stillman was the original target, and Stanton was the unfortunate victim of mistaken identity?
Drop your comments or theories below.
I've got my eye on you, Hudson.
-Hudson Hawk
[Photos courtesy the Hudson Times]
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Comment: OMG that is so creepy! I think your right about this town use to be so safe, now I dont know what to think anymore. I just hope the police catch whoever did this awful things. I use to see Lisa Stillman in Maggies Diner. She seemed pretty nice. You'd think someone like her would be too stuck up to have coffee in a place like Maggies but she seemed pretty down to earth to me. I know there were rumors that Valerie Stanton was mean and snooty, but no one deserves to get killed like that. I mean she was just out for a ride. I'm almost afraid to go for a ride myself now with a crazy gunman on the loose. Thanks for keeping us informed like this Hawk.
Comment: Based on the pictures of the two women, I don't think there's any connection. They look nothing alike, really. It's more likely a coincidence. I heard Stillman was loaded, though. Maybe her husband did it. I heard rumours that Heartland ranch is barely scraping by. Weren't they the ones who were put under quarantine a few years back because of a Strangles epidemic and then again when there was an equine influenza scare, right? Business must have dried up because of that. Bet Stillman's widower stands to inherit a fortune with her out of the way. Easy fix to the financial problems they've been having. Sorry, just my opinion.
Reply: Don't be a dumb***, AlbertaBoy. That's such a load of bull****. I know this family. No, they're not "barely scraping by". Have you ever tried Heartland Beef sold at Garland grocery stores and served at Maggie's Diner? That's this family's beef cattle. There are no "financial problems" for them to fix. Next time keep your "opinion" to yourself.
- GreenRodeo
Reply: Touchy! Get a grip. I don't care if you know the family or not. You have to admit that it's fishy the police have not said anything about a motive, nor have they arrested anyone. And the last person to see Stillman alive was her husband. I'm just putting two and two together. Have a nice day!
- AlbertaBoy
Reply: And how is it you know Lisa Stillman's husband was the last one to see her alive? Go on, share your sources. If not, stop spreading dumb rumours. Hey, maybe you're the one who did it, if we're going to be throwing around baseless accusations!
Reply: AlbertaBoy's source: "Trust me, bro." LOL.
Amy opened the ranch house door after hearing a knock. Neighbours and friends in the community had been calling and dropping by in predictable fashion to express their sympathies, so this was not totally unexpected. What did surprise her was who was behind the door this time.
"Jesse? What are you doing here?" Somehow, the elder Stanton offspring was not on her list of likely visitors to Heartland. Memories of the way he had tried to ruin Ty surfaced at that moment, bringing with it long-forgotten anger she thought had been buried.
"Hi, Amy. I know I'm probably the last person you expected to see here, but of course heard about Lisa, and I..." Jessie said while shuffling his feet. "I, uh, wanted to give my condolences in person, and to thank you for your support after my mother... you know..."
She took in Jesse's earnest face and considered his stated reasons for being at Heartland. Val's death seemed to have changed him, and Amy had to acknowledge Jesse had steered clear of Ty ever since he dropped the assault charges. "Of course," she finally said. "Um, why don't you come on in?"
"Thanks," he said, sounding much relieved. He followed her inside where they sat down at the kitchen table.
"Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee? Tea?"
"A good stiff drink would be nice," he said with a sardonic twist of his mouth. "No, I'm kidding, Amy. I really don't plan to stay long. Thanks, anyway. How's Jack?"
Amy bit her lip while her heart took a dive. "He's... coping," she responded slowly. "He wanted some time away from everything, so he went to his fishing cabin for the next few days."
Jesse stared at her. "He went alone?"
"No. My dad went with him. Lou insisted on at least that. The last time Grandpa tried to grieve alone up there, he nearly drowned in the river."
"What about a funeral?"
Amy shook her head. "Not for a little while. Lisa's Aunt Evelyn is overseas right now and has begged for a little time to arrange her travel plans back to Canada. Grandpa didn't want to offend her by saying 'no'. Plus, Lisa had lots of friends in Europe who would want to come, too, so delaying a funeral makes sense right now. Her sister and Ben get in the day after tomorrow, though."
"Right, Ben. I remember when that guy was at Briar Ridge. I'm sorry, Amy," Jesse said. "I mean, I know Lisa wasn't related to you by blood, but I get that you loved and respected her as if she were. This has to be tough on you."
"On all of us," Amy sighed heavily.
Jesse looked at her carefully before speaking again, judging her mood. "Listen, I know things haven't always been easy between us; that my stupid jealousy ruined everything. But...If... if there's anything I can do..."
"I'll let you know," she said with a sad nod, filling in the unfinished sentence, taken aback by his admission of jealousy and his desire to be of some help.
"So, uh, how's Herring?" Jesse asked, awkwardly changing the subject.
"Yeah, he's doing really well, actually," Amy replied, somewhat surprised Jesse was concerned about the horse. "The bear's attack left more than physical injuries, but he's come a long way."
"Well, that's good news," Jesse said. "As you probably know, he was the last horse my mom got to ride. I keep thinking—as morbid as it sounds—Herring probably prevented that bear from dragging her body off..."
An involuntary tremor raced through Amy's frame. "Good Lord, Jesse," she murmured, trying to blot out the mental picture Jesse's words conjured up.
"Sorry," he said, averting his gaze before clearing his throat. "This whole thing has been brutal on all of us. I guess what I'm saying is I'm glad Herring is okay and that Ashley and I had Mom's body to bury. It wasn't the outcome we were hoping for when she went missing, but it could have been a lot worse."
"You're right," Amy agreed, desperate for another change in subject.
A hopeful expression replaced the anguished one on Jesse's face. "Can I—do you think I could see him?"
Amy gladly acquiesced. "Of course! Let's go to the barn."
They walked out into the yard, waving at Georgie as she vaulted over the jumps on Phoenix, Remi dutifully watching from the sidelines, as usual. Amy could not help but remember the time Val had briefly asked to train at Heartland.
"Did you know your mom once asked me to coach her?" she asked Jesse as they reached the stables.
"Really?" he said, a quick smile coming to his lips, as if thinking of happier times. "She never mentioned that. I guess this was when I was away at university in Toronto?"
"Yeah," Amy chuckled. "She told Grandpa it had something to do with her 'Happy List': a list of things she wanted to do that made her happy."
"Oh, was that after her first bout with cancer?"
"That's right," Amy replied. "Showjumping was one of those things."
"Why didn't she just get someone at Briar Ridge?"
"Do I really have to answer that?" Amy asked, a sly smile playing across her lips.
Jesse's face puckered into a puzzled frown for a moment, then understanding dawned. "Ohh, I get it. Coming to Heartland meant she could take time to visit with Jack, right?"
"Ah, that would be my guess," Amy replied.
"Heh. Ashley and I always suspected she was into him," Jesse said. "We thought it was gross, like most teens would."
Amy rolled her eyes. "Everyone knew your mom was 'into' my grandpa. Anyway, here he is," she said, coming to a halt at Herring's stall.
The wounds were healing nicely; Ty's ministrations and Amy's behavioural work—coupled with the intangible assistance from the Remi—seemed to be exactly what the horse needed to recover.
"Hey, boy," Jesse called softly. "How ya doing, huh?"
Herring's tail swayed once as if to acknowledge the greeting. He bent his long neck down to pull at some of the fresh hay lining the floor. Several mute moments passed while the pair watched this activity.
"Jack said some very kind things about my mom at the funeral," Jesse said at length, breaking the silence.
"Truthful things," Amy commented. "In the end, they were good friends."
"And she was grateful for that," Jesse uttered, growing serious again. "I know she was. I know Jack was there for her when she was sick. It should have been me—or Ashley, even, ferrying her to all those appointments, but I was away, and Jack really stepped up. Mom always said she didn't deserve to have such a loyal friend."
Amy reached out and gave Jesse's shoulder a comforting pat. Despite all the previous rancor between them, it seemed the right thing to do.
"Do you—do you mind if I just stay here for a little while longer?" asked Jesse, seemingly flustered by the effort of making the request. "My mother did have the idea she might buy him from Lisa. I don't know who legally owns him now—I guess that might be Jack—I, uh, I'm thinking maybe I might want to pick up where my mom left off."
"You'd want to buy Herring?" Amy asked, eyebrows quirked.
"Yeah, maybe," Jesse responded with a diffident shrug. "I don't know. Maybe I'm being stupidly sentimental, but like I said before, he is the last horse Mom ever rode, so I guess I feel some kind of weird connection."
"I get it," Amy said with a knowing smile, thinking back to how Spartan was the last horse she rescued with her own mother. That simple fact forged an unbreakable bond between them after Marion's sudden death. "Take as much time as you need, Jesse. I'll leave you two alone."
"You will never guess who came by today to express his condolences," Amy said when Ty returned from his shift at the clinic.
Ty raised an eyebrow. "Who?"
"Jesse Stanton."
"You're kidding," Ty scoffed. "He actually showed his face at Heartland."
"He did," Amy said with a nod. "And to say he might want to buy Herring."
"Yup," Amy confirmed. "I don't know, Ty. I think Val's death really shook him. He said he felt like there was a bond between him and Herring, since that was the last horse Val ever got to ride."
"I didn't think Jesse was interested in riding," Ty said.
"No, I don't think it's about riding, necessarily," Amy explained. "I think it's more about taking in and caring for the horse that probably protected Val's body from being dragged off by the bear."
"Well, Herring sure would be treated like royalty if he ever went to live at Briar Ridge. You and I both know it's pretty ritzy. After Hillhurst, Briar Ridge is the most high-end training facility in this part of the province," Ty added. "I guess that guy really has turned over a new leaf."
Amy gave a short nod. "And since Ashley has no interest in being involved with running Briar Ridge in any way, Jesse's got to pick up the pieces by himself. I almost feel sorry for him."
"'Almost'?" Ty echoed, hearing the authentic note of empathy in his wife's voice.
"Okay, I do feel sorry for him," she corrected herself. "Even after all the bad blood between us and Jesse, you and I know first-hand what it's like to lose a parent. It's never easy, especially the horrible way Jesse lost Val."
"Come here," Ty said, stretching open his arms. She went to him and allowed him to embrace her snugly. He then planted a kiss on her forehead and they stood together for a few moments of silence.
"Mmm. What was that for?" Amy eventually asked.
"For being such a caring person," responded Ty. "Even when it comes to people who don't have any particularly redeeming qualities."
Dinner and baby bath-time were over. Ty and Amy had together read Lyndy a bed-time story and put her down for the night. After the horrific events of the preceding days, this routine was a welcome taste of normalcy. The child seemed to be unaffected by the sad, somber mood of the adults around her, and she went down easily in her crib.
The relative calm was about to be broken in the form of another unexpected emergency.
Georgie's cry rang out from the barn below.
"Georgie?" Ty answered back, wondering why his niece was shouting.
"Come quick!" the girl was half-way up the steps now.
"What's the matter?" Ty went to the top of the stairs and peered down, wishing she would lower her volume lest she wake Lyndy.
"Something's wrong with Remi!"
There was no mistaking the desperation in the teen's voice; this was clearly something dire. Amy was now beside Ty, also on the alert. Amazingly, Lyndy was still in dreamland.
"I'll be right there, Georgie," Ty finally responded as quietly as possible so as to still be heard, but not loud enough to rouse Lyndy.
"Please, hurry." Now that she knew she had been heard, Georgie lowered her voice, though both Amy and Ty noticed a quaver in her voice that indicated she was far from pacified.
Ty shoved his feet inside his boots and shrugged into his leather jacket. "I'm ready; what's going on?" he asked, opening the baby gate.
Georgie turned on her heel and careened down the stairs, two at a time. "Come with me!" she called. "Hurry! I think Remi's having some kind of seizure."
"A seizure?" Ty repeated with a touch of panic, increasing the speed of his own descent at this piece of bad news. Once in the barn office, he snatched up his vet kit. He raced across the yard behind Georgie to where she beckoned inside the ranch house.
In the living room, Lou crouched worriedly over the twitching dog. Remi's legs were paddling restlessly while a foamy saliva dribbled from her mouth. Ty noticed the rug beneath the dog was visibly wet, a tell-tale sign that Remi had lost bladder control.
"How long has she been like this?" Ty asked briskly, all business-like while pulling on a pair of gloves.
"Uh-a—about, I don't know, four or five minutes now, maybe?" Georgie replied shakily. "I'd just finished washing the dishes with Mom. I called Remi to go upstairs, and she—she dropped and started shaking like that."
"What's wrong with her, Ty?" Lou asked, her own voice indicating her deep concern at seeing the dog in this condition.
"I don't know for sure yet," Ty answered as calmly as possible. He knelt down next to the animal with a needle and syringe of diazepam. "Lou; Georgie, help me hold Remi, but stay clear of her mouth because she might snap and bite in this state."
The two of them drew closer to assist, and Ty managed to inject the drug into a vein in the foreleg.
Georgie asked: "What are you giving her?"
"Something to relax her," Ty replied, keeping note of how the dog was reacting to the medication.
"Valium?" Lou guessed.
"Yes, that's the generic name for diazepam," Ty said.
Georgie's worry still had not abated. "Is she going to be okay?"
"We won't know until we get her to the clinic, Georgie," Ty replied hastily. "The both of you, I need your help again. We need to move her to the truck right away. Georgie, find me a blanket that I can use as a kind of temporary sling."
"Right," Georgie said, and scurried off.
Knowing Cassandra had the overnight shift, Ty said to Lou: "Call Cass at the clinic and tell her I'm bringing Remi in because she's had a seizure."
"You got it," Lou answered, and went to make the call.
Seconds ticked by. Ty could hear Lou speaking with Cass; heard Georgie rummaging in the linen closet. The dog's manic twitching continued. If the relaxant did not start to work soon, he feared the outcome would not be very favourable.
He heard Lou say, "Ty said he gave her Valium. He's coming with her now... Yes... He's got to get her into the truck... Okay... Thank you, Cass."
Yes, thank you, Cass, Ty thought. Knowing his very capable colleague, she was already starting to prep the clinic with all the necessary medical tools, equipment, and drugs they might need so that upon arrival they could administer immediate help to the stricken dog.
"Good girl, Remi," Ty cooed while stroking her coat, relieved to see her spasms were starting to subside in the couple minutes since the diazepam had entered her bloodstream.
"Here's a blanket, Ty," Georgie said upon returning. "Sorry I took so long. It's an old one, so it doesn't matter if she soils it."
"Good thinking," Ty said. "Thanks, Georgie. She's calmed enough now. Let's slide it under her. Please get the door for me while I carry her. Okay?"
"Okay," Georgie said, rushing ahead of him through the kitchen. She opened the door and pushed the screen out of the way so Ty, burdened with the animal, could make an easy exit towards the vehicle. Next was the truck door. Amy appeared right then with the truck keys dangling from her finger and his wallet in the other hand.
"You'll need these," she said.
Ty looked at her with affection at her forward thinking. "Thank you," he uttered gratefully. Amy unlocked the truck and Ty deposited Remi gently into the passenger side.
"I'll be at the clinic," Ty said as he sat behind the steering wheel.
"Right," Amy said, choosing to refrain from delaying him with useless questions or comments.
Seconds later, the truck roared out of the yard towards town.
Next Day
"I got the bloodwork back for Remi," Ty announced as his phone dinged the message from the lab. As soon as the words left his mouth, the family instantly froze, their faces locked in expressions of apprehension. He paused, realising he should have schooled his features a little better. Feeling like the constant harbinger of bad news, Ty intuited they were expecting the worst. "It was poison. Strychnine."
A gasp escaped Georgie.
"Strychnine?" Lou repeated, immediately unsettled.
"It's common to use it around these parts to control the gopher population," Ty said.
"I know, but we don't use that at Heartland. Grandpa hates that stuff," said Lou.
"Exactly," Amy said heatedly. "Someone must have left baited food somewhere around here and Remi got into it."
"No," Georgie spat, shaking her head vehemently. "No way. I've made sure she hasn't been wandering off lately because of the bear sightings. I'd know if she did."
"Are you sure?" Lou asked, fixing her gaze on the teen. "You can't watch her 24/7."
Glumly, Georgie plopped back down in the couch. Lou sighed, placing a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Then how else could she have been poisoned?"
"I don't know," replied a baffled Ty. "I don't think any of our neighbours uses anything toxic like this, either."
Georgie spoke up again. "Do we call the police? Shouldn't Chief Parker know?"
"And tell them what? It's not illegal to use strychnine as a gopher poison in this province, Georgie," Lou said, hating in this instance to be the voice of reason.
"Well, it should be!" she shot back sullenly.
"I agree," Amy put in.
"Symptoms of strychnine poisoning in canines can manifest in as little as fifteen minutes," Ty said reflectively. "But they can also take up to two hours. Georgie, you said Remi was with you the whole time yesterday, right?"
"Yes," Georgie said, sending a glare her mother's way. "She never went outside alone. The only time she was outside was when I was jumping Phoenix and when I walked out with her to do her business."
"Well, since we don't keep strychnine in the house, how did she ingest it?" Amy asked.
"That I don't know," Ty said. "In any case, I took samples of the water and food from her dishes to be tested to rule them out as the source."
"We have to do something," Georgie said, eyes ablaze. "What if it is contaminated dog food? What if happens again to other dogs in Hudson?"
"We're gonna try to make sure it doesn't," Ty said as calmly as he possibly could. "We're still having the contents of Remi's stomach analyzed, so we might get a better idea of precisely what it was she ate that was poisoned."
"That's good, right?" Amy asked tentatively.
"It will tell us what, but it might not necessarily tell us how or where Remi was poisoned," Ty answered.
"Why is this even happening?" Georgie lamented miserably. Her eyes brimmed. "First Val Stanton, then Lisa... now Remi..."
No, Lou thought grimly. First poor Lanny and Paige. A chill descended upon her and refused to lift, despite the warmth of the day. So much evil.
Chapter 10: There the Vultures Will Gather
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paladinncleric · 11 months
Pairing(s): Jenna Ortega x fem!reader
Summary: Jenna and R tackle an "intruder"
Warning(s): Fluff at the end, comedy
Words: 1k+
A/N: So this might be shitty, but bear with me it's my first one here.
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"Don't panic, but I think there's someone in our house." was the first thing Jenna said to me after waking me up at *checks phone* 3 in the morning.
So naturally, I panicked.
"What?! Wait what?!" I said, making it very clear I just woke up with my lack of vocabulary.
Jenna pushed her index finger vertically towards my lips to shush me as she strained her ears to hear better. With her finger still pushing against my lips, I looked up at her with my eyebrows raised and my eyes wide with panic. She looked back down at me and said:
"Go check it out."
"What? no."
"You have to, you wear the pants in this relationship."
"Hey! What happened to hating hetero-normativity?" I whispered back as I stared at her bewildered.
"What? You're the one always bragging about topping. So, go be a top."
"Just cause I top in bed, doesn't make me the sacrificial goat in the relationship!"
Jenna sighed and said, "Okay fine, we'll go together."
"Do we have to go though? I mean we can just stay here blissfully oblivious to the danger and sleep."
She just stared back at me blankly, giving me her infamous Wednesday Addams stare.
"Okay Okay fine, let's go." I said sighing as I stood up and pulled up the pajama I discarded in the floor earlier getting in bed. While she got up to get her robe on as I picked up the baseball bat from the closet, I knew it'd come in handy someday.
I grabbed the knob as I gently twisted the knob with Jenna standing beside me holding her breath in anticipation as I opened the door and poked my head out in the hallway. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw no one there and fully got out of the room while signaling for her to get out too.
As we were about to descend the stairs, we heard a creak sound coming from downstairs. I froze, oh my god I'm gonna die tonight.
"Y/n?" Jenna whispered.
A strangled noise came out of me as I stared downstairs my eyes wide with fear as I still stood frozen there.
"Oh for god's sake." I hear Jenna say as she pushes past me down the stairs. I break from my trance as I whisper-yell her name.
"Jenna! Jenna! wait for me!"
I hurry down the stairs careful not to step on the creak parts of the steps. I finally catch up to her as I tug on her elbow.
"Jen this isn't one of your movies, there's no guarantee you'll be the final girl. Although I think you have what it takes to be one, I think I'll be the tragic love interest though-"
Jenna cuts me off with a glare as she points towards the living room where a shadow can be seen. I immediately go quiet and I hear Jenna gulp as we both move towards the living room, me holding the bat and Jenna holding a random vase she picked up. As we near the entry to the living room I turn to her and signal that we'll charge in at the count of three. I take a deep breath as I feel a sweat trickle down my neck I turn to her and say:
"I love you and if I die tonight you're not allowed to date other people."
She narrowed her eyes at me and said, "Same goes for you too."
With that we shake hands like we settled a deal, and I leave a kiss on her hand as I let it go and finally say, "Okay on the count of three."
"One." We face the entrance again.
"Two." I tighten my hold on my bat.
"Three." And we both run into the room screaming while flailing our respective weapons around.
Two more screams can be heard too as we turn towards the sound and still continue screaming. Suddenly, the lights turn on as all of the screaming abruptly stopped.
Both Jenna and I exclaimed, then a slurred voice said from the couch, "Emma." while giggling.
I slumped on the wall next to me as Jenna slumped on me as we both breathed a sigh of relief.
We move on over to the couch to see a drunk Emma mumbling stuff to herself half passed out and look towards our cause of unnecessary terror.
"You guys know that we're in the 21st Century right? All of us have phones?" Jenna exclaimed.
"You people scared the shit out of us, I was almost ready to sacrifice Jenna and run for my life."
"Me too, I already had a plan to push her in the killer's arms and run for the door."
"Fair." I replied.
Both of them gave us a weird stare, and then Joy started explaining, "Anyways...so all of us went out tonight which mind you, you guys declined for which I'm very offended. Then Emma got wasted, but her date ditched her last minute so she didn't have a place to stay for the night."
"So, y'all thought of breaking into our house?" I asked.
Joy glared at me for interrupting her but continued, "Also we're all going back to our hotel room and as Emma was supposed to come stay with y'all from tomorrow for a few days anyway, I thought why don't we just drop her off tonight."
"Yeah, I told you it was a bad idea." Said Georgie holding Emma down from lying on the couch upside down.
"Emma miraculously had a key, so we got in. But the drunken idiot thought it'd be great idea to announce her presence in the house. Georgie saw her and jumped on her to put his hands on her mouth to not to wake you guys but she struggled and caused him to slip on the carpet, which I'm guessing is the sound that woke you up?"
Emma woke up for a moment from her half-conscious state on the couch with her hand raised, said: "In my defense, I thought Georgie wanted to play-wrestle me." and passed out again.
Jenna rubbed her temple with a sigh and said while glaring, "This is the last time you people are entering my home at night without informing me."
Now, as tiny as she is, she's just as scary. So naturally, Joy and Georgie agreed immediately.
I chuckled as I stood up and said, "You guys need a ride home? none of you look completely sober to me."
"Nah, we're good, Thanks though. Hunter's got us covered, he's our designated driver." Said Georgie.
"Yea, he's parked outside waiting for us to drop Emma off." Said Joy.
All of us looked outside to see Hunter jamming out to songs in his car completely oblivious to us watching him.
"Well then, we're gonna get going. Sorry again y'all." Said Joy as she gave us both a quick hug with Georgie following her after hugging us too.
I cracked my neck after locking the door and I looked at Jenna as we both burst out laughing. Terrifyingly, Emma burst out laughing too while half passed out.
"Um ok, time to get her to bed." I said as I picked her up and placed her down on the guest room which will be the drunken's room for the next few weeks. Jenna placed some Advil and a glass of water on the bedside table with a note saying:
"Think before you drink next time <3
-Jen & Y/n/n"
I chuckled as I intertwined our fingers and gave her a peck on the lips. As soon as we reached our bedroom, I sprawled out on the bed exhausted from the events of the night, while Jenna went to the bathroom.
I was almost asleep when I felt someone jump on me, with still a little bit of panic left in me from the night, I jumped startled and fell right out of the bed to the floor.
I could hear Jenna struggling to hold in her laugh as I groaned at the contact my hips made with the floor. Then, I felt Jenna's hand trying to pull me up on the bed again, this time not even trying to conceal her laugh. I relented, as I got up on my own (it's not possible for Jenna to pick up someone almost a foot taller than her) and flopped down on top of her.
"Ugh Y/n/n, get off!" Jenna said giggling and squirming trying to get me off of her. I tightened my hands around her waist as I tucked my head on her neck, contentedly dozing off even with her moving so much.
"Nope, that's what you get."
After a while of struggling, she finally gave up. "Fine, but if I get hot later on I'm kicking you off the bed again." She said as she wrapped her arms around my head while moving a bit to the side so not all of my weight is on her.
With that we both started dozing off...
...until the sounds of throwing up could be heard from the room next to us. I groaned and Jenna deeply sighed as I moved away from her as we got up to aid our poor friend so she doesn't choke to death.
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poisonlove · 8 months
Finally | Jenna Ortega
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Prompt: Uno Night
pairing: Jenna Ortega x reader
Author: I know, is short
My eyes meticulously observe the surrounding environment, the atmosphere becoming tense with each passing second.
We were at Hunter's trailer, enjoying a pleasant evening until things took a serious turn: playing Uno. Georgie proposed a brilliant idea, each of us would stake $50, and the winner would take it all. The excitement was palpable until Hunter started dealing the cards.
In the first round, Emma was the first to be eliminated, expressing her disappointment as she angrily left the table with the lost $50. In the next turn, Joy, Naomi, and later, a turmoil caused by Georgie accusing Jenna of cheating. Finally, Hunter was the last to leave the competition.
Only Jenna and I remained.
The brunette stared at me intently, her brown eyes brimming with challenge and excitement. A small smile played on her lips, her tongue licking the lower lip as a sign of concentration.
Change direction
Jenna throws the card on the table, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The tension rises, and with a lump in my throat, I watch expectantly for the brunette's next move. My eyes see her hand delicately picking the penultimate card, her fingers long and tapered, utterly perfect.
Blue 7
I see the card she drops and shift my gaze to Jenna, the brunette looking at me amused.
By now, I was accustomed to Jenna's gaze: no shame, no concern if she embarrassed you. Jenna looked at me as if she could understand my feelings and thoughts with a glance, even deciphering the cards I held.
"Damn," Georgie mutters, watching the game intently, his knee nervously moving up and down. "Uno," Jenna says, smiling widely, the dimple on her face deepening.
My eyes soften seeing the joy in Jenna's state: a broad smile, bright and hopeful eyes. I had been in love with Jenna for a while now, enjoying seeing her happy, laughing, looking at me amused. During these weeks of shooting for the second season of "Wednesday," we spent a lot of time together off set: drinking, dancing, or watching movies in my trailer after a stressful day.
My eyes look at the plate full of money: $400. I bite my lower lip nervously. I divert my attention from the money, looking at Jenna, who was watching me, waiting for my move, with Georgie nervously by my side. The girls were chatting on the sofas, immediately forgetting their defeat. Hunter watched the game with crossed arms.
I look at Jenna again, who was looking at me with a small smile on her lips.
Despite my strong feelings for Jenna, I was also very competitive, and the prize was truly tempting. Sorry, Jen. With eyes brimming with mischief, I play my ace in the hole: +4. Jenna opens her mouth in surprise and looks at me in shock, Georgie smiling at my move.
"Uno," I say, knowing perfectly well that Jenna couldn't respond to my move as she was picking up the four cards from the deck. Nonchalantly, I play my last card on the table. I won. I WON. I smile widely and stand up from the table, Georgie happy for my brilliant play. "You're great," Hunter says, smiling widely, giving me a high five.
Jenna huffs and sighs loudly through her nostrils due to the bad defeat.
"Is that mine?" I take the money and put it in the back pocket of my pants. "Did y/n win?" Emma asks with curiosity from the couch, looking at me with a smile. "Yes," Jenna interjects, frustrated. "Another match?" Hunter claps his hands and smiles excitedly, Georgie nodding quickly.
"I have to go, guys," the brunette murmurs tiredly, a strange tone in her voice. Jenna gets up from the chair and puts on her jacket, her eyes giving me a quick glance before looking away and smiling at the others. "Tomorrow morning, I have to record," she apologizes quickly before walking towards the exit. "Alright… see you tomorrow then," Hunter says as he picks up the cards, shuffling them. "I'm going too," I mumble quickly, following the brunette.
I wasn't sure if Jenna was angry with me for the defeat; I knew she was extremely competitive. Jenna Ortega was known to be a determined, elegant, professional, and serious person for her work, but many didn't know that behind her mask of a cold and solitary girl was a child who pouted and grumbled about entirely trivial things, like tonight.
"Jen," I say quickly, catching my breath from the sudden run.
Darkness surrounds us, and a beautiful starry sky highlights the full moon. Jenna looks at me with a raised eyebrow, the jacket around her body to shield herself from the cold. The faint light from the moon accentuates her eyes that glitter in a spectacular way. "Hey," Jenna genuinely smiles as soon as she sees me.
"You're not mad, are you?" I ask quickly with concern. I walk more and stop in front of the brunette. "I lost $50," she starts, raising an eyebrow, biting her lip nervously, "but it offends me that you think I could be angry about this," she concludes, looking at me through her long lashes.
"Oh," I open my mouth in surprise, blushing violently for my stupid thought. "I'm sorry, tomorrow I'll make it up with coffee," I say, laughing embarrassedly, and Jenna analyzes me with her gaze, her lower lip trapped between her teeth.
You can't understand the longing I'm feeling right now to kiss her.
"Alright…" she says timidly, releasing her lower lip, smiling, "but to make up, you'll have to do more," she sings with a playful tone, and I smile at her gesture, getting lost staring at her magnificence. Jenna continues to stare at me, her eyes shining in an incredible way.
"So… goodnight," I say with embarrassment, hands in the pockets of my hoodie trying to warm myself, clearing my throat. "Goodnight," Jenna smiles sincerely and walks down the road towards her trailer.
Jenna stops in her tracks, turning around. I look with confusion as she retraces her steps, hesitantly approaching me. "You worried about me… it was kind of nice," she says, smiling shyly, her sweet eyes fixed on me. The brunette leans timidly towards my face, placing her lips against my cheek.
My heart races wildly against my ribcage, and all I could think was that I ardently wished for Jenna to kiss me on the lips.
"You're really into Jenna," Georgie says, chuckling softly, looking at me with mischief.
"Shut up," I retort with flushed cheeks, my eyes scanning the set for the petite brunette. I release a sigh of relief. I had two coffee cups in my hands, one for me and the other for Jenna. At 7 in the morning, I had read Jenna's message that she was already on set and that we would see each other later. Now it's nine, and I heard from Emma that Jenna's morning recordings were over.
"When will you tell her?" Georgie asks, lowering his voice, his smile fading from his face. "Soon," I say, smiling widely, knowing perfectly well that I'm telling a lie. "Are you sure?" Georgie looks at me with concern, searching for the answer in my eyes. "Yes…?" I reply, questioning? I'm not entirely sure.
"If you don't try, you'll never know the answer… at worst, you aim for other girls," he says with enthusiasm, his eyes trying to make me smile at his statement.
"I know," I say weakly, silently thanking my friend.
My eyes unconsciously turn to the right, immediately finding Jenna. The brunette was wearing her Wednesday costume, her attention on the producer who was telling her how to improve some scenes.
Jenna was simply perfect, even in Wednesday's clothes. Her braids and seriousness made my heart beat faster.
I walk towards her, and Jenna, smiling at the producer, sees him quickly moving away. The brunette shifts her gaze to the approaching steps and smiles as soon as she sees me. I give a small smile and notice her tiredness in her eyes.
"Hi," Jenna smiles widely, her gaze landing on the cups I held between my hands. "For me?" The question sounds surprised and sweet at the same time, her eyes sparkling playfully. Jenna chews her lower lip, looking at me tenderly. "Yes," I smile shyly, offering the cup to Jenna.
The brunette takes the cup, our fingers brushing. An electric shock runs through my body, and I think Jenna felt it too, as she looked at my hand. "Thanks," Jenna smiles with her lips against the cup, taking a sip. She closes her eyes for the pleasant warmth.
Georgie's words echo in my mind, and nervousness runs through my body. I knew I was risking our friendship… but the worst thing she could say is no, right? Forget it all, we laugh it off, and we continue as friends. "Jen, I…" I start, unsure. Jenna looks at me through her long lashes, her eyes staring intensely. I swallow saliva and try to find courage. "Do you… want to…" I stammer, a lump in my throat.
Jenna continues to stare at me.
"See you tonight? Maybe… for dinner?" I ask with curiosity, fear flowing through my veins. I release a sigh of relief, feeling like I had lifted a weight off my chest. Jenna looks at me carefully. The brunette remains silent, her fingers gripping the cup, her eyes looking at me thoughtfully.
"A date?" She says with curiosity, her eyes analyzing my reaction. I blush and look at Jenna with embarrassment. "Yes? If you're uncomfortable, it's okay just as friends," I confess quickly, scared. Jenna smiles widely and looks at me with bright eyes, almost relieved.
"You took your time," she says, winking at me, and I look at her with confusion. "What?" I say spontaneously, and Jenna rolls her eyes at my comment. "I've literally been flirting with you for weeks," she says smiling, amused by her comment.
"Oh…" I affirm with embarrassment, feeling stupid.
"Okay, at 8 at your place?" Jenna taps her fingers on the cup and looks at me with excitement, hope in her eyes. I nod with confusion, and Jenna smiles pleased. She takes a sip of her coffee and places it on a table near the set.
The brunette approaches and looks at me smiling, her eyes bright and sweet. My heart beats quickly against my ribcage, and I watch as Jenna gets closer to me, her hands grabbing mine tightly, almost as if she's afraid I'll run away. I swallow saliva, our noses brushing, breaths mingling. Jenna gently presses her lips against mine, pressing for a passionate kiss.
I reciprocate enthusiastically.
Jenna releases our fingers and grabs my neck, her fingertips holding the grip to get closer to me. I sigh during the kiss and place my hands on her hips, more as a support since I was afraid of fainting in front of everyone. Everyone. We're literally kissing in front of the whole cast, regardless of comments or curious looks.
Jenna separates our lips with a loud smack.
"So, tonight?" She says, smiling widely, lips swollen from the kiss. Her cheeks were flushed, the wig now a bit disheveled from the intensity of the kiss.
"Yes…" I say breathlessly, smiling widely.
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love4jennaortega · 1 year
She’s mines.
Summary- you and Jenna are out eating with a group of friends from the Wednesday cast and one of her co-stars keeps flirting with you and ends up taking it to far.
Warnings- attempts of sexual assault and fighting
A/N- Thank you for the idea anon sorry if it isn’t exactly what you wanted 🥲 I tried.
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You and Jenna were going out tonight with Emma, Hunter, Joy, and Georgie to celebrate finishing the first season of Wednesday. You put on a black dress with a large slit in it while Jenna put on a tux.
“mm we could just stay home honestly.” Jenna walks up to you saying lowly while rubbing your body. “No Jenna we promised we would be at the dinner. Plus you’re the main star in the show.” you say while giggling slightly. Jenna is practically drooling at the sight of you.
“Come on we won’t be long.” She says while pulling you even closer holding you tightly. “No Jen we will be late and the Uber is here.” you say while getting out of grip and grab your purse. Jenna rolls her eyes and follows behind you as you walk to the door locking it behind you guys.
Time skip
Everyone already has there food and is digging in. You are sitting between Jenna and Joy. “You look really nice tonight y/n.” says Joy touching your shoulder. “Thank you Joy.” you give her a small smile. Joy has been complimenting you call night and Jenna is starting to get irritated.
Jenna puts her hand on your thigh and kisses your cheek, hands, and lips to show Joy that your hers. “Ouuu look at the two love birds” says Hunter while everyone laughs. Other then Joy. The tension at the table quickly gets thick and makes you uncomfortable.
“excuse me I’ll be back guys I’m going to the restroom.” You say getting up from the table and quickly walking to the nearest bathroom. You look in the mirror fixing you hair and putting on more lipgloss. Just as you were about to walk out Joy came in. The silence is so loud and awkward so you break it. “Excuse me I’m going back to the table.” you say walking past her until she grips your arm and blocks the door.
“I don’t know why you are acting like you don’t want me y/n..I can treat you better then Jenna can.” She says walking closer to you making you back up into the sink countertop. You gulp as she gets very close to you. “Stop resisting me and just let me please you.” She says in your ear. “Joy stop I don’t want you.” You say trying to move away from her grip.
Her grips get harder. “I guess I’ll just have to take what I want.” She says sliding her hand onto your upper thigh close to your sweet area. You fight and try to push her hand away but she’s to strong. “Joy please stop!” You semi-yell while tears start to stream down your face. Joy grips the back of your head trying to force you into a kiss.
Jenna realizes you’ve been in the bathroom a while so she goes to check on you. When she walks in she instantly gets hot. She pulls Joy off of you and starts throwing punches. Eventually Joy is laying on the ground with blood pouring out of her nose. Jenna grabs your hand and puts her arm around your waist. “I’m so sorry my love I should have came with you to the bathroom when I seen her come in here.” she says softly wiping the tears off your wet cheeks.
You nod letting her know it was okay and she kisses you passionately. Before you guys walk out the bathroom she leans down to Joy. “She’s mines.” And with that you guys walk out leaving her there and go home.
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the-forest-library · 3 months
May 2024 Reads
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Ready or Not - Cara Bastone
Playing for Keeps - Jennifer Dugan
Right on Cue - Falon Ballard
Truly, Madly, Deeply - Alexandria Bellefleur
Happily Never After - Lynn Painter
Check & Mate - Ali Hazelwood
Love at First Book - Jen McKinlay
Lavash at First Sight - Taleen Vaskuni
Mrs. Quinn's Rise to Fame - Olivia Ford
The Book of Doors - Gareth Brown
Harriet the Invincible - Ursula Vernon
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents - Terry Pratchett
The Horse and His Boy - C.S. Lewis
Summer: A Solstice Story - Kelsey E. Gross
Dalmartian - Lucy Ruth Cummins
Mr. Postmouse's Rounds - Marianne Dubuc
Mr. Postmouse Takes a Trip - Marianne Dubuc
Bunny's Book Club Goes to School - Annie Silvestro
Yours in Books - Julie Falatko
Be Prepared - Vera Brosgol
Perfect Example - John Porcellino
Diary of a Mosquito Abatement Man - John Porcellino
King-Cat Comics and Stories #74 - John Porcellino
Hawkeye, Volume 4 - Matt Fraction
She-Hulk, Volume 4 - Rainbow Rowell
One Star Wonders - Mike Lowery
My Good Life in France - Janine Marsh
My Four Seasons in France - Janine Marsh
The Backyard Bird Chronicles - Amy Tan
90s Bitch - Allison Yarrow
Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered - Karen Kilgariff, Georgia Hardstark
The Land Before Time Management: ADHDinos - Ryan Keats
ADHD is Awesome - Penn Holderness, Kim Holderness
The Planets - Dave Sobel
The Secret History of Bigfoot - John O'Connor
The Age of Magical Overthinking - Amanda Montell
Everyday Vitality - Samantha Boardman
The Autoimmune Cure - Sara Gottfried
The Anxiety Reset Method - Georgie Collinson
Hit 'Em Where It Hurts - Rachel Bitecofer
Bite by Bite - Aimee Nezhukumatathil
Cooking in Real Life - Lidey Heuck
Seriously So Good - Carissa Stanton
Bold = Highly Recommend
Italics = Worth It
Crossed Out = Nope Thoughts:  Favorite fiction of the month: Ready or Not, which takes a whole bunch of tropes I don't love, but makes me love them. Loved the audiobook narrator, as well.
Favorite non-fiction of the month: Bite by Bite, which is a love letter to food and family. Check it out if you like Ross Gay.
Goodreads Goal: 192/200 2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads | 2022 Reads | 2023 Reads | 2024 Reads
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forgedroyalseal · 7 months
His Worst Nightmare
Chapter 7
“Open this damn door!” Jenny pounded her fist against the heavy wooden door. George stood nervously behind her and Alyss was trying to peek through the drawn curtains.
“I know you guys are in there!” Jenny shouted.
“Jenny, maybe we should come back later.” George offered.
“Not a chance Georgie.”
He winced at the nickname but dropped the matter.
Gilan Davidson I swear-“ The door swung open revealing an exhausted Horace.
“Finally!” Jenny smiled and moved to push her way into the cabin but Horace blocked her.
“Jen, guys, you really shouldn’t be here.” His voice was threadbare and weary. Alyss’ heart ached for her friend and she wished that she could listen to him. Could do what he was asking and walk away. But she couldn’t. Because Will was inside that cabin, hurting and trying to push them, her, away.
“Horace, you know we can’t just pretend everything is fine.” She says gently. He opens his mouth to reply but George beats him to it.
“What if it was you on the other side of this door?” He challenged. “What if you knew Will was hurt and we were trying to keep you from seeing him? Can you honestly say that you’d let anyone, even the king himself stop you?”
Horace’s shoulders dropped and Alyss knew that they got him. Jenny did too apparently, because she ducked under Horace’s arm that was crossing the doorway and entered the cabin. Gilan was passed out on the couch, somehow able to sleep through all of Jenny’s shouting and banging, but Will was no where to be found.
“He’s sleeping, finally, so please be quiet.” Horace requested, moving into the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee.
“What’s wrong with him?” Alyss asked.
Horace sighed and set the mug down. He lean on the counter with his back to them. “A lot. He’s pretty roughed up. Ton of bruises, knocked around ribs.”
“That’s not all.” Alyss knew that if Will was just bruised he’d still be around. He hated isolation, especially when he wasn’t feeling well. Alyss couldn’t remember countless flus and summer colds that had Will bundled up in the ward’s common space desperate for company.
“No, it’s not.” Horace look down at his coffee, then somewhat longingly at the bottle of whiskey that was collecting dust on a high shelf in the kitchen.
“Horace, what aren’t you telling us?” Jenny pushed.
Horace finally turned to face them, “His right arm is gone.” Horace’s words were direct and to the point and yet Alyss still felt as though she couldn’t possibly comprehend what he had just said.
“No.” George said, simply refusing to believe Horace was telling the truth.
Another knock on the door interrupted Horace’s answer. Jenny frowned and looked around. “Who could that be? We’re all here?”
Alyss shook her head, “Not all of us. Where’s Halt?”
Another knock. “I’ll tell you where he better not be.” Horace growled and he yanked open the door. On the veranda stood the second trio of the day. Crowley and Pauline stood on either side of a gray and fatigued Halt.
“Get out.” Horace snarled.
“Horace,” Pauline said gently stepping slightly forward, “please let us in. I think it’s high time we all sit down and talk like the mature adults that we are.”
“Speak for yourself. Will and I have never once been considered mature and we certainly aren’t starting today.”
“This was clearly a bad idea.” Halt mutters to Crowley. “I’m sorry Horace, we should-“
“Halt? Crowley?” Gilan’s groggy voice pulled the groups focus to the center of the room where he was stretching and rising from the sofa. “Is it intervention time already?”
Horace scowled at him. “You set this up?”
Gilan shrugged, “I mean, not really. Crowley was gonna do this with or without me. He just gave me a heads up.”
“Glad to know whose side you’re on.” Horace snapped. Suddenly, everyone was talking over each other, all trying to get their opinions heard. In the uproar, no one noticed Alyss slip away and sneak into the bedroom.
“Either there’s a party going on that I wasn’t invited to, or Horace is trying to kill Halt again.”
She smiled to herself. “Well, it would be pretty rude to throw a party in your cabin and not invite-.” Alyss’ words caught in her throat as she turned. Will was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall, an abandoned book by his side.
Will sighed, “Yeah, I know. It takes a while to absorb it all.” She didn’t need to ask what he meant. It was obvious. The mask of bruises that covered his body were a palette of yellows, blues, and blacks. Rusty scabs drew grotesque lines across his bare chest. And then there was the true show stopper, the miles of white bandages that swathed the stump that was once Will’s right arm.
“Will.” The name spilled out of her, watery and fragile.
“It’s ok Alyss. It’s ok.” She wanted to laugh. Here was Will, bruised and broken and severed, and he was comforting her.
“Come here.” He extended his left hand, his only hand, Alyss realized with a sick feeling in her stomach, to her. She slowly crossed the room and settled onto the floor in front of him.
“What happened?”
Will’s eyes dropped and he fiddled with the drawstring on his trousers. “It’s kind of a long story. Or” Will laughed sharply, “it’s rather short. I guess it depends on who’s telling it.”
“And if you’re telling it?”
“Very short. A bad man forced a good one to do bad things.”
Alyss turned the words over in her mind and like magic, the pieces all fell into place. “Wait, did Halt-“
“Yes.” Alyss’ heart sunk as he confirmed her suspicions. “But he had too. I’d be dead if he didn’t.” And she knew by the way he lingered on the words that he wasn’t quite convinced he was grateful for the outcome.
A crash interrupted their tender moment. “I’m gonna guess that was Horace.” Will sighed. “I probably can’t hide in here forever.”
She offered him a sympathetic smile. “No. I don’t think you can.”
He stood, and Alyss rose with him, carefully watching him to make sure he didn’t topple over. His hand found hers and he held it tightly. “Stay by my side?”
“You never have to ask Will.” She promised.
He nodded and let out a slow breath. “Alright, let’s go meet the masses.”
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b-andherbooks · 9 months
my favorite books of 2023✨⭐
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For my last five things post of the year, here are my favorite reads (mostly romance) of 2023! Did any of my choices hit your best of lists this year? Any you still need to read?
I’m absolutely loving seeing all of ~your~ favs of the year, and am ready to bust out my brand spanky new book journal for 2024!
Happy early new year pals!
Favorite new to me authors
Sight Unseen Kasha Thompson
Striking Gold Janine Amesta
Whisky Business Elliot Fletcher
Morbidly Yours Ivy Fairbanks
Favorite Historical Romance
Wolf & the Wildflower Stacy Reid
Knockout Sarah MacLean
Marry Me by Midnight Felicia Grossman
The Duke Gets Even Joanna Shupe
The Duke Gets Desperate Diana Quincy
Hotel of Secrets Diana Biller
Favorite Contemporary
Role Playing Cathy Yardley
The Playing Game Ainsley Booth
Technically Yours Denise Williams
Midnight Duet Jen Comfort
Favorite Contemporary
Chick Magnet Emma Barry
Mickey Chambers Shakes it Up Charish Reid
Can’t Let Her Go Kianna Alexander
Georgie All Along Kate Clayborn
Favorite Backlist Reads
The Highlander Takes a Bride Lynsay Sands
Crash Ruby McNally
My Fair Concubine Jeannie Lin
Sweetest Regret Meredith Duran
Firelight Kristen Callihan
Liberating Lacey Anne Calhoun
Favorite Audiobooks
Britney Spears The Woman in Me
Single Dads Club Therese Beharrie
The Art of the Scandal Regina Black
The Seven Year Slip Ashley Poston
Spare Prince Harry
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 months
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CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME to Tonopah Valley! Please submit your account within the next 48 hours. Make sure to refresh yourself on the GUIDELINES and go through the POST-ACCEPTANCE CHECKLIST.
Cormoran "Mo" Boone played by M Stefanos Dimopoulos played by Jen Victoria "Tori" Dimopoulos played by Britt Georgina "Georgie" Raquelle Banks played by Briana
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cspasfan15 · 3 months
Radix Nationals Predictions
Top 30: Asha Lee, cadence zuehlke, prestige ball, xiamya reed, Collette Stutzman, Elliana Cain, Liv Matson, Everly Hafey, Ricki Dixon, Melissa Kerr, Lillian Simonton, Ellie Flory, Arianna Claxton
Top 15: Abby Rodriguez, Mila Hiatt, Gemma holmes, brielle arias, kenly carver, Katie Carlson, Sofia Cuevas, Kennedy truax, Zoey Martinez, aliya rothe, Chloe todman
Top 6: Stella Brinkerhoff, mikayla isler, Payton jetson, aspen Brandt, Charlotte rathjen, melina biltz, mila renae
(I put seven because not sure if Stella is competing)
Top 30: Aracely Lee, Lyla norby, Rissa Laguana, khloe kwon, braydon Ziegler, Ella Carlson, addilyn Sullivan, aria bongiorno, Kate matthews, patience Hughes, Talia mempin, Zoey claxton, alivya neeriemer, violet mcguire
Top 15: piper Perusse, Francesca Jen, melania khait, Brooklyn ward, sarahi Lopez-prieto, tayah klimuck, devyn scherff, greta Wagner, Tabitha nan, skyla lucena
Top 6: Kennedy Anderson, Emily polis, brynn jones, mika takase, addyson paul (used to have camila but need to update now)
Top 30: Maddie De Dios, teegan moylan, madyson Likovic, Isabella Pham, Annie Carlson, Kylee ngo, Vanessa soto, Ellie Brunson, Jackson rueckert, sky auerbach, Cade kaiser, Halle hunt, Allison Shin, Natalie Galla, Jonah Gardner, Skylah tsang
Top 15: Emmy Claire kaiden, Sloane Dawson, gave Davis, Leighton curry, Lexi Godwin, Alexis Mayer, Sophia schiano, Zachary Gibson, Paige dimos
Top 6: Coltrane vodicka, Riley Ziegler, kinsley oykhman, Georgia Beth Peters, Caitlyn Polis, Aaliyah Dixon
Top 30: Rosendo Arechiga, lily godwin, Louise hindsbo, Kylee Amoroso-Kawamoto, Camryn lanigan, Madison polis, lily roundtree, jordyn Cocozello, Molly Johnson, Alexis Olson, grace McKinley, Eva Chapelle, Piper Cann, Kendall Birnbaum, Olivia Pinon, Isabella Gomez, Darbye Simpson, Georgi Arnold
Top 15: Alexis Ahn, kaylinn Rees, Madison marshall, Alexis Schuller, lily Goehring, Logan Marumoto-Kaleimamahu, Audrey La France, T Amari, Aaliyah Landreaux, Kaitlyn Allen
Top 6: Angelika Edejer, Jordyn Green, Kenzie Jones, Sabine Nehls, Vadriana Romero, Iliana Victor
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heartlandians · 1 year
Filling Empty Spaces (Amy/Mitch), part 214
Mitch and Amy find an unexpected connection due to absent lovers. Set around season 11->.
A/N: I didn’t have a beta for this story, so hopefully there won’t be too many grammar errors.
* * * *
Georgie and Wyatt were sat on the boy’s bed in his room as Jen lingered on the doorway, leaning against the frame, her eyes eager. 
The walls were covered in posters, almost swallowing them into this void of culture and graphics, but despite the artistically restless surroundings, Georgie and Wyatt were the center piece of it all. Like statues - frozen and waiting - and therefore the thing that Jen couldn’t look away from as they stood out from the otherwise chaotic state of Wyatt’s room.
“Can I get you anything?” Wyatt’s step-mother asked, looking at the two teenagers side to side. “Are you sure you don’t want to eat the food Lisa packed with you?” Jen asked then from Georgie specifically. 
The girl shook her head.
“No, it’s fine. I’m not really hungry. But, thanks...” Georgie said, moving her hair behind her ear awkwardly. 
She wasn’t really in the mood to hang out with anyone else but Wyatt, but she also didn’t want to be rude to Jen. 
“Okay... Well, I’ll be here...” Jen said, looking at Wyatt now, “you know, in case you need anything.”
The way she said it reminded Georgie of Lou; how Jen wanted to be needed and that willingness to be there for her child, with whatever they would ask for. It often came off as pushy - and had earned Jen the name of “Smother” from Wyatt - maybe even slightly overbearing, but it was only out of love. 
That had always been something Georgie had appreciated when moving in with the Bartlett-Fleming-Morrises, even when she had been too stubborn and somewhat bratty to understand how lucky she actually was. It was still sometimes hard to understand that what she had always wanted growing up was now a reality; she had two loving parents and a family she could lean on when things got rough.
Well, most of the members were trustworthy, anyway...
Wyatt’s lips tightened into a clumsy smile, one that indicated he would have preferred Jen to leave them be. 
“Alright. Thanks, Jen”, Wyatt said.
Jen grabbed the handle and started pulling the door after her, eventually leaving it ajar and giving Wyatt a meaningful look; he knew not to close it all the way up when he had company.
When Jen’s steps echoed further away in the hall, Wyatt turned to Georgie. He didn’t know what was going on with his girlfriend exactly, but from her text messages, Wyatt knew that Georgie was upset about something and needed a place to stay for the night.
He was more than willing to help her out.
“So... what’s going on?” Wyatt decided to just dive in.
“Amy’s seeing Mitch”, Georgie just blurted out, seeing no reason to hold it back. She looked at Wyatt’s expression as it turned from worried to surprised. He had not expected the answer to be so blunt. “They’re together”, she added.
Wyatt, too, studied Georgie’s face. 
Her eyebrows were furrowed, as if she was thinking about something intensely, and he wasn’t sure how it should be interpreted in this situation. 
It didn’t look good, at least.
“Okay...” he began, unsure. “And is that...” Wyatt lead her to say more, so he didn’t have to come to conclusions.
“I saw them during our ride - they kissed”, Georgie said, with a hint of disgust in her tone. “And now Amy confirmed me that it is what I think it is.”
Georgie sighed and stood up as the flashes of memories still flooded her brain. She began pacing around Wyatt’s small room, between his bed and his desk. Due to the lack of space, Wyatt was quick to reel her back to him by stretching his arms and taking her by her wrists, gently pulling her toward him. 
The girl came closer, but remained standing.
“Hey, hey”, he said, trying to calm her down, “why is this so upsetting to you?” Wyatt decided to ask directly since it seemed like Georgie wasn’t holding back either.
She almost gasped for more air, not wanting to seem hysterical, even though she felt a little like it. “I just-- It’s mom. I can’t really explain it.”
“Well, could you try?” Wyatt suggested, wanting to support Georgie with any way that he could. “If I’m supposed to help you, I need to understand where you’re coming from.”
Feeling her eyes water, Georgie looked up, not wanting to shed tears when she was angry and frustrated. Maybe if she tilted her head back enough, the tears would roll back in.
“I just know she’s going to be upset, and I don’t want that. It’s like... ever since she and dad divorced, I’ve had my antennas up. That broke her, and I never want to see that again”, Georgie continued, her voice becoming more hoarse.
“So you think it’s your job to protect her?” Wyatt checked.
Georgie nodded. “She’s always done that to me. We’ve always done that to each other.”
Wyatt thought about that. 
“But isn’t that... just part of adulthood? Getting hurt and then getting over it eventually?” he asked. He was still young, but that had been something he had found as he was heading into adulthood. “It isn’t a child’s job to look after their parent; Lou’s just done what any good parent would do, you don’t owe her anything for it.”
“But I do!” Georgie insisted, now looking down at Wyatt and feeling the hot tears stream down. 
Damn it, she cursed inside her head. 
“You don’t get it because you’ve never been in my shoes”, Georgie explained, her voice quivering. “You’ve never had no one not care about you and then someone coming into your life and choosing you because they want to give you all the love they think you deserve. How could I possibly thank her for that? I owe her everything!”
“Okay”, Wyatt said softly, feeling Georgie’s pulse under his thumbs, “maybe I haven’t been there exactly, but I still know something about that. You know my mom just disappeared when I was six; how she just walked out and never came back. I never stopped missing her--” he stopped for a second to correct himself, “I mean, even though I now kind of hate her for leaving me, I still miss her on some level. Or at least an idea of her, because... I don’t really remember her.”
Georgie looked at him, sniffling.
"For the longest time, I thought it was something I did that made her leave. That even though mom and dad no longer loved each other, I wondered why I wasn’t reason enough to stay”, Wyatt spoke, rubbing Georgie’s wrist gently, almost as if to calm himself down. “But... now I don’t care. She made her choice, and I’m now making mine. Point is... I did feel abandoned, even when dad was there. And now that he’s not... well, I’m feeling it again. Obviously, he didn’t make a choice to leave, but... anyway.”
Georgie returned next to Wyatt as she listened to him talk.
“You do know who chose me, though?” Wyatt asked. “Jen. Now, she may be a bit much sometimes, but... she didn’t really have any obligations to me after dad died, yet... here I am. And I’m thankful for it. But when dad passed away, I didn’t feel like it was my job to try and fix things for her. There are just some things that we as kids can’t do. They’re too much for us, no matter how much we’d like to just snap our fingers and change it all. And I think you can’t be the one serving as Lou’s shield; it’s just not healthy. I don’t think she would want that for you either.”
Georgie sighed and looked down, knowing Wyatt to be right.
“Okay... Maybe you have a point”, she admitted. “But maybe it’s not just that. I guess... I feel betrayed by Amy too. I thought we were closer than we actually are, but it feels like I don’t even know who she is anymore. -- I have history with feeling like this, sensing the shift”, Georgie continued, pointing toward her chest, “whenever people have kept things from me, something bad is about to happen; whether that was something like changing homes or my family falling apart.”
Wyatt nodded, understanding that.
Georgie’s head shook in disbelief. “And it’s not ideal with the year I’ve had with the Westfields fiasco, running away from the online bullying, living in New York... It’s just too much, you know. Too much change when I’m trying to root myself back into something. I thought there were some things I could trust, but... right now, I can’t trust anything.”
“Well, do you trust me?” Wyatt asked, tilting his chin up, as if to examine Georgie’s next words.
She looked at him, smiling a little bit with the way he looked at her. 
“I do. I trust you. You’re about the only one I trust. That’s why I’m here.”
“Okay, that’s a relief, at least”, Wyatt said.
He felt his phone vibrate inside his pocket.
“Hold that thought”, he asked before pulling the phone out. 
While Wyatt checked his messages, Georgie tried to compose herself. 
It had been a right decision to come here so she could get some air and a fresh perspective. She didn’t know how things would end up being, but Georgie tried not to make it her problem. If Amy had made the choices she had, she would have to be the one to live with the consequences.
Like Lou’s wrath.
“Speaking of someone’s ex”, Wyatt talked again, “Adam asks if we would like to come to his place and play Catan.”
It took a while for Georgie to realize what Wyatt meant by the start of his sentence. She didn’t know if it was a mean dig at her or not, but decided to focus on the question instead.
“I don’t know. I’m kind of tired. I rather just stay here. Maybe we could watch a movie or something”, Georgie suggested.
“Okay, sure. I’ll just let him know”, Wyatt said, already typing a rejection text.
Georgie studied him, thinking about the situation. 
A messy triangle like that could work sometimes; Adam had once been her boyfriend and Wyatt was her boyfriend currently and they were all still friends. There had never been any drama about it, and it had actually been pretty incredible how well the two got along. 
Then again, they had evidently both been her type, so they probably had more in common with the two of them than she did with each of them.
But she just didn’t imagine that being the outcome with Lou, Amy and Mitch.
“Wyatt...?” Georgie tried to get his attention after a while.
Wyatt put the phone away and now brought his full focus back to her. 
“Has it... ever bothered you that I used to date Adam?” Georgie asked. 
They had never really had this conversation before as everything had always gone smoothly, and she had never seen a reason to bring it up. But now, it was almost mixing up with the situation between Amy, Mitch and Lou.
“Why would it bother me?” Wyatt shrugged. “I don’t feel insecure in my relationship with you. I got no reason to be jealous or worried.”
Georgie nodded, thinking that had actually been the problem with Adam as he had felt like he couldn’t have trusted Georgie, no matter what she had done to prove her loyalty to him. 
But it had never been like that with Wyatt, thankfully. They wouldn’t be here if that was the case.
“Good”, Georgie said, planting a peck. “I may be lucky to have Lou, but I’m also lucky to have a boyfriend like you. Thanks for hearing me out.”
Wyatt wrapped his arm around Georgie, closing the gap between them. “Of course. It’s what us boyfriends do. And, you know how you said so many things are changing... well, I don’t see us changing. Except for better.”
Georgie smiled and kissed him again. 
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bananahoneycomb · 1 year
Eddiemonth post for Oct 3
School/Bad Reputation/Combative @eddiemonth
“Any last words, freak?”
The voice echoed around the hall intersection and the following cruel chorus of laughs were so smugly arrogant it made Eddie grimace in disgust. It sounded like at least 4 on 1 in the empty school halls and he didn’t have anything on him except the rings on his fingers to fight with. He steeled himself before he turned the corner, hoping it wouldn’t come to that.
“Georgie! Where the fuck have you been man! I’ve been waiting in the van for 20 minutes”, Eddie stalked over to the obviously terrified freshman as if the jock surrounding him weren’t even there. Before the obvious ringleader, Dave the head prick of the basketball team, could say anything he turned to look at him with an exaggerated sharpness and speed of movement that made the jock flinch back and laughed as if he were DMing a campaign.
“Get lost Munson. This doesn’t concern you”, Dave said.
“Just because you’re the freakiest freak doesn't mean you need to stick your nose in it”, a big lug of a guy said.
“Aw, sorry to interrupt, but Frankie here has a prior engagement so it really does”, Eddie said, “Beside, ‘speak of the freak and he’ll appear’ you know”.
“ What does that say…Judas Priest? Sin After Sin? What the…?” One of the side lining junior jocks asked the others as he stared at Eddie’s shirt as if it would bite him, “is he a Devil Worshipper?!”
Eddie already had a bad reputation, he might as well get some use out of it. He channeled his inner DM and leaned in towards the kid with a look that he had practiced to make his players nervous,“you wanna find out?” The wide-eyed kid took a step back, a bit paler than before.
Eddie laughed and mimed dribbling a basketball, “Why don’t you just go play with your balls or something. I can’t imagine Frankie doing anything that would warrant this level of this desperate display of chest thumping.”
“Creep was staring at my girl”, the wide eyed kid said.
Now Eddie had no idea what girl would choose to date this asshole, but that didn’t really matter.
“And she is gorgeous. Truly you are a lucky man” Eddie said as he held a hand to his chest in dramatic effect before waving over to the quivering kid behind him, “Are you really going to beat up poor Georgie here for having eyes? You’d have to take on like all the dudes in school, “Eddie flourished his hands like whirlwinds, “Maybe some of the chicks too? Doesn’t sound very Christian ‘turn the other cheek’ yadda yadda yadda of you.”
“Don’t you quote scripture to me Freak,” the kid said.
Eddie looked back to the leader.
“You guys seem tense. I know you know less violent and far more fun ways to relax. Get a beer or..” he said and mimed smoking a joint. Eddie could see him calculating something, probably how to get out of this without pissing off his supplier.
“Whatever. Let’s just go. I’m bored and hungry and this little freak looks like he’s about to pass out already. He looks pathetic enough to not even think of trying something. Jen’s beautiful. Before Sandy you’d have to take a swing at me for noticing.” David said.
The group took off. When they were out of view Eddie looked over at the kid. He was heavier, maybe built like he could hold his own in a fight, but just the way he held himself showed that he didn’t have the disposition for it. Eddie’s eye caught of a Mötley Crüe pin. He smiled.
“Thank, Thank you. My name’s Francis”, he said.
“Hello Francis”, Eddie said,”tell me Francis, have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons?”
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
What are your insights on Georgina's relationships with Serena and Dan?
ooooh interesting and frighteningly open-ended!
it's interesting because Georgina is such a different personality from them, yeah? And I think that's the crux of the draw for her: Serena and Dan both have this compulsion to always believe and hope for the best in people, even Georgina. Like, there's a reason she and Serena became friends in the first place, right? There's a wholesomeness to the both of them that Georgina finds compelling, and I think it's both because she knows she can corrupt it, but never so much that they'll shut her out forever.
and for Serena's and Dan's sides of it...we don't really see all of what Serena and Georgina did together, but we can guess, and I think for her she was almost - set free from the idea that she didn't have to be Good with Georgie, they could be silly and self-destructive and Serena could sort of...surrender to the pain she couldn't name, but it never would be as bad or as dark as whatever Georgina was carrying. Blair is the friend who's always trying to pull her up, to keep her grades good and her mom from finding out her indiscretions but Georgina didn't ask perfection of her, and for the broken teenage girl that Serena was before the show, that had to be kind of liberating.
For Dan its similar, I think, but a little less fraught, up until Milo I suppose. With Georgina he doesn't have to be the good student or the good brother or the good son or the good boyfriend, and he can sort of....surrender to his bitchy side? Because he is a Bitch (I love him so much), which is something he has in common with Georgina, they're equals in a way for that. and in s3 Georgina is the person that he can make bad decisions with and have uncomplicated kinky fun. the sub!dan agenda begins with georgina after all. Until it becomes complicated, because he hadn't bargained for Georgina's possessive/jealous streak.
and Serena and Dan both fall out with her because Georgina crosses a line that is so egregious and nearly breaks both of them. for Serena it's the Pete trauma, and for Dan, it's Milo. but what interesting is this: Serena cuts Georgie out and means it, wants nothing to do with her and takes pains to keep her out of her life when she comes back to nyc. And after s1, she keeps on keeping her distance, Georgina and Serena never interact in any meaningful capacity after that, and they never initiate contact, it's always Blair or Chuck or Dan that brings Georgina back around for whatever reason.
But after Milo, arguably the biggest heartbreak of Dan's life, he still interfaces with Georgina directly in s5 and, of course, has a close personal relationship with her in s6. Serena, the always gracious, always forgiving Serena couldn't open the door to Georgina again. but Dan could. Dan does. and I think it mostly has to do with the spot he's put in in s5, being so grievously betrayed by Blair and Serena (at the same time!), and effectively abandoned by everyone else in his support system (Alison, Jen, Vanessa, Rufus, Nate). Georgina has already done the worst thing she could ever do to him (take his child away from him), so in his hurt, he goes with the devil he knows, and steers into the skid, leaning into the aspects of his personality that being with Georgina brings out in him, without a check this time.
going through my meta tag for that previous ask, I found a post from Ivy that says it plays into "Dan's need to belong to someone" he needs to belong to someone, and if it's Georgina, then so be it. there's something to her possessiveness of him that - in spite of himself - he cannot walk away from. And in that sense, Serena shows more strength of character than he does, because it's a marker of her personality too, wanting to belong to someone, always trying to make a home in someone else. unlike Dan, Serena knew that the person she was with Georgina is a person she never wanted to go back to. and she decided that her sense of self wasn't worth sacrificing for a home (a lesson she learned from being with dan! he looks at me like I want to believe in myself and all that).
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