#geroge r. r. martin
toadpeee · 8 months
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The time has finally come…
From the amazing talents of 32 individual artists, I’m bring you…
Cover art: mkur_art (Instagram)
Patchface: @samiligia
The dragon eggs: @mursartifice
Melisandre: @wweskywalker
The conquerors: @fkaluis
Bran Stark: Dr3adLady (twitter)
Jon & Daenerys: @toadpeee
Drogon, Viserion & Rhaegal: ilona_vvww (twitter)
Brienne of Tarth: taliesart (twitter & Instagram)
Stannis Baratheon: oynon (Instagram) & @toadpeee
Geroge R. R. Martin: @toadpeee
Ned Stark: ilona_vvww (instagram)
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Tyrion Lannister: pulksten (twitter)
Lyanna Stark: @polluxxxart
Rickon Stark: @jimmymmtz
Arya Stark: @arte072
Sansa Stark: Sansapilled (twitter)
Olenna Tyrell: highgardenart (twitter)
The World: @toadpeee
Jorah & Daario: @jimmymmtz
Missandei: @reynyra
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Oberyn Martell: mrm215555 (twitter)
Podrick Payne: @wodania
Renly Baratheon: @wodania
Robert Baratheon: @laurellerual
Catlyn Stark: Sali_alenn (twitter)
Tywin Lannister: @cyareaxes
Samwell Tarly: @laurellerual
Greyworm: @shikadraws
Rhaegar: @faeporcelain
Margaery Tyrell: highgardenart (twitter)
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Jon Snow: Nataa_draws (instagram)
Robb Stark: rozesdoesart (instagram)
Tommen Baratheon: @francy-sketches
Varys: Alorescott (twitter)
Jaime Lannister: talisart (twitter)
Joffrey Baratheon: mrm_215555 (twitter)
Sandor Clegane: @banadraw
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dr-archeville · 5 years
Elden Ring - Announcement Trailer | E3 2019 [source]
“A new world created by Hidetaka Miyazaki and Geroge R. R. Martin.”
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burnsbabblebooks · 5 years
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7 seasons later and Tyrion Lannister is still my favorite character:)
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bookreviews4us-blog · 6 years
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For my first book review, I am reviewing Game Of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
For those that are fans of the show, you probably know the story already. For those that are not, you can watch the first season to get a good glimpse of what happens in this book. 
The story happens in the fantasy world of Westeros, in a medieval period of time that has lasted for hundreds of years. The story itself shifts through the viewpoints of different characters from different parts of the continent, each with unique views, family history, personalities, and ambitions. Family names are important in this book, as they give an overview of the characters background. The first book features the Starks from the North, driven by honor. The Lannisters, who are well known for their wealth. The Baratheons, who hold power over the Iron Throne. Finally, the Targaryens, who used to hold the throne and are linked to the mystical history of dragons.
The Plot
The plot initially revolves mainly around different members from the Stark family. The Starks become engulfed in a political game where different characters are plotting to rise in political power in their own ways. The final purpose, to seat in the Iron Throne and be the King of the Seven Kingdoms. 
The book has a historical feel to it. It is not intended for children, this is an adult book involving warfare, murders, sex, magic, and a whole lot of plotting from different characters. It is one of the few fiction style books I would recommend due to its complexity and attention to detail. Even though it is a work of fiction, many of the family cultures and events featured in the book mirror the history of our world. For those that haven’t seen the show, this book will have many unexpected surprises throughout it. For those that are fans of the show, you will see much more detail in this book than in the show. From the conversations to the actual events, the book gives very valuable insight into the characters. 
My rating
10 of 10. 
Of course I started this blog with a bang 10 of 10 book. This is one of the most complete and entertaining books I have read, and it opens into endless possibilities for the route the following books (or series) may take. Fans of the show can enjoy the book as much as a first time reader. 
Who Should Read It
This is an adult book. There is profanity, sex, killing, treason, politics, war, then more killing, profanity, etc. Adults who enjoyed the show, and are interested in more details regarding events mentioned in the show will love this book. People who have not seen the show but enjoy a good read will also enjoy everything this story has to offer.
Like, reblog, and follow for more reviews like this one.
Hit me up with a message if you are a Game of Thrones fan and let me know how you think it all ends.
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localspiderboy · 3 years
Welcome to my blog, home of part 1s and no part 2s a year later if at all.
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“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”
-Tyrion Lannister
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reidiot · 3 years
♡ in honor of Women's Day, i've made a list of some of the strongest, powerful & brave women in classical and contemporary literature + some of my favorite series / movies ♡
Tris Prior (Divergent Series by Veronica Roth)
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Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins)
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Brenda (The Maze Runner Series by James Dashner)
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Clarke Griffin (The 100 by Kass Morgan)
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Octavia Blake (The 100 by Kass Morgan)
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Clary Fray (Shadowhunters/TMI series by Cassandra Clare)
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Izzy Lightwood (Shadowhunters/TMI series by Cassandra Clare)
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Arya Stark (A Game of Thrones by Geroge R. R. Martin)
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Cassie Sullivan (The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey)
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Jo March (Little Women by Louisa May Alcott)
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♡ feel free to add your favorite
♡ like & reblog if you save
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grantiskeith · 2 years
If Geroge R. R. Martin can write smut then how hard could it be?
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thegayhimbo · 3 years
What it’s like in the Game of Thrones Fandom on Reddit:
Game of Thrones is the greatest show that ever existed! It’s the Mona Lisa of Television. David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are underappreciated geniuses who knew exactly what they were doing when they adapted the books. Everything about the show was flawless, and anyone who disagrees is a stupid hater! Season 8 was a masterpiece in storytelling, and people just don’t understand the brilliance of it. Anyone who hates the ending are bunch of whiny snowflakes who expected a Disney ending! Daenery’s arc makes perfect sense! She was ALWAYS THE VILLAIN! Every single thing she ever did for her entire life was selfish and self-serving and secretly evil. People who like Daenerys also must like fascist dictators like Adolf Hitler or cult leaders like Jim Jones! Daenerys was WRONG for wanting to free the slaves! WRONG I SAY! The slavers in Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen were much better people than Daenerys! She was always going to go mad because she didn’t stop her husband from killing her abusive brother when he threatened to cut out their unborn child on sacred ground. Daenerys killed way more people than the White Walkers ever did! DAENERYS WAS EEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL! And by that logic, anyone who likes Daenerys or defends her actions must be evil as well! I’m genuinely scared that people who have issues with Game of Thrones at all might go shoot up a town! I’m going to take the moral position that anyone who has any criticism about Game of Thrones or Daenerys’s arc is either stupid or a terrible person!
Game of Thrones was the worst thing to ever happen in the history of TV shows! David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are bozos who had no fucking idea what they were doing! I HOPE THEIR CAREERS TANK! Everything they ever wrote was shit! They’re hacks who have no clue what good storytelling is, and were only piggybacking off of Geroge R.R. Martin! Even though I watched this for 9 years, I always knew the show was shit! There are no payoffs for anything! Why do people teleport across Westeros in the later seasons when Littlefinger and Varys were doing that since the beginning of the show? We wanted Jamie to have a redemption arc even though he raped his sister next to their son’s corpse! Sansa and Jon Snow are the reasons Daenerys went insane for no reason and burned a whole bunch of people! Oh wait, that was fucking stupid as well! There was no foreshadowing that Daenerys would go insane! Daenerys was ALWAYS a good person, and if she did anything bad, it was either because it was justified or other characters forced her hand! Sansa’s a braindead bimbo! Because season 8 was shit, that must mean EVERYTHING about the show was shit! How many plot-holes can I find because I’m so bitter and angry that I want to feel validated in my rage? THE SHOW FUCKING SUCKS!
Ok, I know I’m being a little nasty here, but this is literally what it’s been like for 2-3 years now since I’ve been on Reddit. It’s sheer insanity at this point. 
It’s shit like this that kills any interest in being a part of a fandom or enjoying a TV show. Some people need to grow up and realize their opinions are not the gospel truth, and that there is such a thing as complexities and a middle ground. 🙄 
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El Regreso De Game Of Thrones Ilusiona A Las Palmas
El escritor no se basó solo en la realidad para hacer los diálogos y los personajes más creíbles, sino asimismo utilizó ciertos lugares reales para poder edificar ciertas localizaciones en todo Poniente. Una de las edificaciones más sonadas es la real repercusión del gran muro que separa la civilización de los salvajes, y que está custodiado por la Guarda de la Noche, y es que este entorno estratégico de la serie está basado en una edificación real. Por otro lado, Peter Vaughan (el entrañable «Maestre Aemon») era ciego en la vida real, como su personaje. Fue un actor que participó en numerosas obras desde 1959 y, al ser ciego, no precisaron retocar la perdida mirada del consejero para su interpretación en la serie . La joven actriz británica Maisie Williams no podría haber comenzado con mejor pie. Y es que, conforme recoge su filmografía, la estudiante de arte dramático comenzaba por primera vez en un papel esencial en «Juego de Tronos».
Y aunque, obviamente, la trama es pura ficción, el creador se inspiró en la Guerra de las Dos Rosas, una guerra civil en lo que hoy conocemos como R. Unido en plena Edad Media. Las casas que se disputaban el trono de Inglaterra era la de los York y la de los Lancaster. Para información sobre los tratamientos de datos personales que efectuamos puedes consultar nuestraPolítica de Privacidad. En los últimos 4 años de rodaje, el cincuenta por ciento del cual está Irlanda del Norte, «con todo el aparato logístico», se han recaudado cien millones de euros, conforme Fresco Largo Service. Es bastante difícil que se consiga la misma cifra en 3 semanas de grabación en Andalucía. David Benioff y Daniel B. Weiss, directivos y guionistas de Juego de Tronos, declararon frente a la prensa que rodaron una escena gigantesca con cientos y cientos de extras en la plaza de toros de Osuna.
Rose Leslie, Ygritte en la serie, nació en el castillo Lickleyhead de Aberdeenshire el nueve de febrero de mil novecientos ochenta y siete. Cookies de terceros que pueden estar integradas puntualmente en algún artículo del weblog y que no son de uso genérico. Por poner un ejemplo en el uso de herramientas incrustadas en artículos que pretenden ofrecer al usuario un formato de contenido específico y también iterativo (música, vídeos, quiz, etcétera). Guardan información del comportamiento de los usuarios conseguida a través de la observación continuada de sus hábitos de navegación, lo que permite desarrollar un perfil concreto para mostrar publicidad dependiendo del mismo. Los medios reprodujeron (aquí o acá) una cantidad exorbitante sobre los ingresos que podría suponer el rodaje de Juego de Tronos en España.
¿qué Es Tierra Amarga, La Superproducción Que Estrena Antena 3 Este Domingo? El Nuevo Éxito Turco Que Llega A España
La información recogida mediante este tipo de cookies se usa en la medición de la actividad de los sitios, aplicación o plataforma, con la intención de introducir mejoras dependiendo del análisis de los datos de empleo que hacen los usuarios del servicio. Lo que es seguro es que algunas secuencias importantes de la 5ª Temporada de Juego de Tronos se grabaron en la plaza de toros de Osuna. Cerca de 1.000 personas entre obreros, técnicos, actores y extras se reunieron en la plaza de toros. El misterio sigue envolviendo el rodaje, pero se sabe que aquí ha estado el ejército de inmaculados de la Khaleesi. En el vídeo podéis ver a los Inmaculados despidiéndose canturreando la sintonía de Juego de Tronos y dando palmas el último día de rodaje.
El Fuego Valyrio Se Inspiró En Un Arma Real Que Existió En La Antigüedad
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Realmente, sus 3 vástagos son los únicos a los que ama de verdad. La primera temporada empieza quince años después de la guerra civil conocida como la «rebelión de Robert», en la que «Robert Baratheon» expulsó del «Trono de Hierro» a los Targaryen y se proclamó gobernante de Poniente. Tiempo después, y tras la repentina muerte de la Mano del Rey, «Jon Arryn», Robert invita a su amigo «Eddard ‘Ned’ Stark» a asumir el oficio vacante.
Como decimos, Emilia Clarke quiso ser actriz desde bien pequeña. Tenía tan solo tres años cuando vio el musical 'Show Boat', en el que trabajaba su padre. No obstante, la actriz ha confesado que llegado un momento decidió que, si lo de ser intérprete no iba bien, trataría de ser alguna otra cosa que siempre y en toda circunstancia deseó ser como vocalista, arquitecta o bien diseñadora gráfica. Seguro que te acuerdas de la tribu de los Dothraki, en la que la propia Daenerys se adentra. Puesto que bien, ellos tienen un idioma concreto que fue creado solamente para la serie de televisión.
Tras Su Estreno En Abril De Dos Mil Once, La Mítica Serie De Hbo Se Ha Transformado En Un Auténtico Fenómeno De Masas
O sea, Dinklage fue el único actor que se tuvo en psique para el papel. Martin espadas de series pensó en Dinklage cuando escribía a Tyrion, durante años, y los productores ejecutivos D.B. Weiss y David Benioff, cuando hicieron el casting asimismo lo tuvieron en mente. Dinklage fue la primera persona a la que le ofrecieron ser parte de la serie, y se hizo sin hacerle una audición, y asimismo fue la primera persona en decir que sí. De momento, el futuro de Clarke es bastante calmado si bien seguro que dentro de poco conocemos nuevos proyectos de la actriz. El más reciente será el estreno de la cinta 'Above Suspicion' que rodó hace dos años con Jack Huston y Thora Birch, aunque la data todavía no se ha confirmado.
Eso sí, se dice que existió una pretensión de hacerlo, pero la actriz que da vida a la madre de los dragones terminó abandonando las lentillas pues le molestaban para actuar. Por ejemplo, la actriz siempre ha empleado una doble para las escenas en las que tenía que aparecer desnuda. Es más, en el libro el pelo de Khaalesi se quema por completo cuando entra en la pira funeraria de Khal Drogo; de hecho, en varios libros aparece totalmente calva, mientras que en la serie la vemos siempre y en todo momento con su despampanante melena platino. Thomas Brodie-Sangster, el actor británico que daba vida al joven Jojen Reed puede alardear de sostenerse joven. Y es que el personaje interpretado en juego de tronos rondaba los trece años, al paso que en ese momento el actor rondaba los 23.
Seguimos en el campo del misterio, pero parece ser que HBO asimismo ha grabado ciertas escenas en el Puente Romano de Córdoba. De confirmarse, se podría meditar que el Guadalquivir va a ser en la 5º Temporada de Juego de Tronos el Sangreverde, el primordial río de la urbe de Dorne, reino del Sur. En la Plaza España, por poner un ejemplo, rodó Geroge Lucas para La guerra de las galaxias. Aquí asimismo se grabó hace unos años parte de El dictador, de Larry Hables. El film El Reino de los Cielos grabó en la Casa de Pilatos y en los Reales Alcázares. Posiblemente veamos alguna escena de la Plaza España de Sevilla en la 5º Temporada de Juego de Tronos.
En aquel entonces no sabía mucho sobre este personaje, pero es obvio que su trayectoria hubiese sido muy diferente. El creador de los libros en los que se fundamenta Juego de Tronos, George R. R. Martin, tomaba el nombre deCanción de hielo y fuego inspirado en un poema de Robert Frost. Y tampoco es desconocido por nadie que recrear reinos, batallas y hasta dragones enormes sobrevolando los cielos no ses singularmente asequible. Juego de Tronos se identifica por su grandeza (y más para ser una emisión de pequeña pantalla) y lograrlo no sale batato.
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harkasun · 4 years
Get to know me better: tag game
@my-archerboy Thank you for the tag!
Top 3 Ships
1. Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood
2. Magnus Bane and Happiness
3. Alec Lightwood and Being a Dad
Last Song
You Will Be Found from Dear Evan Hansen (musical)
Last Movie
Currently reading
If you can believe it I’m still halfway through Feast for Crows by Geroge R. R. Martin and I really need to make some time to finish it
Honeycomb and ice
Tagging @bidnezz (if you haven’t already done it) and anyone else who wants to do it!
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FEU ET SANG T.1 (George R. R. Martin)
Quand j’ai lu “nouvelle publication de George R. R. Martin” je me suis dit : Enfin la suite ! Faux espoir. Voici la genèse Westeros.
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« Au septième jour, une nuée de corbeaux jaillit des tours de Peyredragon pour propager la parole de lord Aegon aux Sept Couronnes de Westeros. Ils volaient vers les sept rois, vers la Citadelle de Villevieille, vers les seigneurs tant petits que grands. Tous apportaient le même message : à compter de ce jour, il n'y aurait plus à Westeros qu'un roi unique. Ceux qui ploieraient le genou devant Aegon de la maison Targaryen conserveraient terres et titres. Ceux qui prendraient les armes contre lui seraient jetés à bas, humiliés et anéantis. » Trois cents ans avant les événements du Trône de Fer, Feu et sang raconte l'unification des sept royaumes.
Mon avis
Si vous avez lu la genèse de Game Of Thrones au travers du magnifique Artbook “La genèse du trône de fer” vous n’allez rien découvrir de neuf. La narration est faite comme dans un livre d’histoire et au final on a la même chose sauf qu’on ne se concentre pas sur Westeros en général mais sur le règne Targaryen. En bref, il ne s’est pas foulé mais ça fait plaisir quand même.
Une lecture tout de même appréciable ne serait-ce que parce que le monde de Geroge R. R. Martin me manque. Rien de plus à dire sur cette lecture très rapide hormis que j’aimerais bien la suite !
Pour ceux qui voudraient la jolie version je vous mets la référence :
Game of Thrones - Les origines de la saga ( George R. R. Martin; Elio M. Garcia Jr. ; Linda Antonsson)   Éditions Huginn & Muninn
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peguzmans · 7 years
Juego de Tronos
Juego de Tronos Canción de Hielo y Fuego 1 George R. R. Martin   Cuando juegas al Juego de Tronos, o ganas, o mueres. -Cersei Lannister   Ya es martes y en Plantando Libros tenemos una nueva reseña para ti, en esta ocasión se trata de la aclamada novela río de George R. R. Martin, Juego de Tronos, debo confesar que primeramente vi la serie y después me hice de la saga de libros para iniciar con…
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stargazing-enby · 5 years
For the fanfic asks (it's a lot sorry 😅): F ; G ; I ; K ; O ; P ; Q ; R ; S ; T ; U ; X ; Y ; Z
Hahaha oh god, this is a perfect excuse for me to procrastinate! Thanks!
F: share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you’ve written and say why you’re proud of it.
Oh my god, did you know dialogues are my favourite part of my own fics? I have so many dialogues that I love. Right now I’m obsessed with some of my wireless dialogues. But that’s supposed to be anon, so… here’s one that I particularly adore instead. It’s from my fic Reaching Out:
“So,” Draco agreed. “Why were you crying?”
“I don’t think I’m done crying yet,” Potter muttered. Draco just raised his eyebrows at him, which made Potter scowl and look away. “Okay, okay. It’s just…it’s not important.”
Draco had seen Potter’s dead body lying at the Dark Lord’s feet, and yet, somehow, Potter looked more vulnerable at that moment that he had at the time.
Maybe it was because it was Draco. There had always been something between them, after all. Something shrewd and irresistible; something dangerous and crude that stripped them of their walls and exposed their deepest fears and urges.
And now he was imagining Potter stripping himself naked. Thanks for the analogy, brain, he thought grumpily as he felt his cheeks heat up. “It must have been important if it made you cry like that,” he said, in an attempt to prevent Potter from noticing.
“But it wasn’t,” Potter insisted. “Nothing happened. It’s all in my head. I keep thinking–no, these thoughts keep popping up in my head and I… I don’t want to hear them anymore.”
“What do they say?” Draco asked.
“That… that I’m unimportant. That I might just as well disappear, because it wouldn’t make a difference.”
Ah, thought Draco. That was certainly something he could relate to.
“Potter, we’re all unimportant. Every single one of us is no more than the product of an infinite series of coincidences. But you, unlike the majority of us, have already made a change in this world. Maybe… maybe that’s why you feel like there’s nothing linking you to it anymore.”
Potter shivered and curled his legs against his chest to hide his face. And Draco did the least sensible thing there was to do. He searched blindly for Potter’s hand and held on to it.
It’s not that amazing, but I was really inspired when I wrote it, and I really think Harry would feel like this after the war - that’s why I love it XD
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write scenes out of order?
I write short one-shots from start to finish (except when I base them off a random scene that popped up in my head and I jotted down in my phone notes). But with longer fics?? Oh boi. I’m that writer that has planned out 6 different scenes even before they’ve started actually writing. My idea dumpster docs are full of completed scenes that won’t take place in another 20k XD
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Draco. And. Harry. Cuddling. Please. And. Thank you.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Probably half the plot for my unwritten unpublished wip, La Profecía. And also my horrorfest fic, which I recommend not reading, tbh XD
O: How do you begin a story - with the plot, or the characters?
I mostly write fic, so… the characters are always the same. But for my original stuff, it depends. Sometimes I write stuff based on my girlfriend’s drawings, in which case it’s the character that sets off the story. Most times I just start my stories off of feelings, and the characters sort of form themselves out of thin air. I’m known for mostly ignoring plots and concentrating on feelings XD
P: Are you what Geroge R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story fold as you go?)
I think I’m right in between. I plan scenes ahead (as I already said) and I do like to plan out what’s gonna happen during long fics, but for drabbles and half the scenes in my long fics I just let my fingers loose and allow them to do whatever they want to do. Sometimes I don’t even know what the heck I’m writing.
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?
They’re rad! I’m participating on this collab fic by @rose-grangerweasleyisbae , @jeldenil , @quicksilvermaid , @smittenwithdaydreams and I and it’s so much fun! Also, I love round-robins and the Drarryland owlery exchange :D
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
 @fleetofshippyships , P.C Cast (author of the House of Night saga) and… idk who else, tbh XD
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Eighth! Year!
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
MPreg XD I can’t think of anything else. Wait, yeah - shipping Snape XD I just… no thanks, not for me
U: Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you love them so much
Just three?!?!!?!?
Okay, unf.
@fleetofshippyships . She’s amazing. She got me into Drarry because I found a fic of hers by chance and I’M SO HAPPY THAT HAPPENED. I just love her fics so much I’ve gotten into other ships and fandoms just so I could keep reading her stuff. I read her stuff when I go to bed and have the best sleep. I’ve created fanarts for her fics. I just love her style, her character interpretations, her angst, her smut - and her, too XD yeah, Zoe, you read that right, I love you!!
@tepre . Listen, randomly offering to cheerlead this beautiful person with her fic was like, the best decision I’ve made in a while. Her way of writing is the most original, funny, witty thing I’ve ever seen - it just makes you laugh, and then cry, and then shake - it’s just so unexpected, unheard of, perfect. And her Draco????? I will sell my soul for her Draco. And for her. She’s such a nice person. Seriously. I just want to meet her and hug her like, yesterday. jfdisdsfnds. 
@rose-grangerweasleyisbae . There’s something about her stories that calls me. I just can’t get over Drarry working through their mental health problems, and Drarry being hella queer and gender non conforming, and Drarry dealing with depression, PTSD, anxiety… and cuddles. And Donna writes all of that. U N F. I fall in love with every single stuff of hers I read. ;-;
If I could hug any of these amazing people I would be happy forever. Also, I deeply admire them ;-;
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
Draco and Harry. I’m a bitch like that. But I always give them their happy ending, without exception.
Also, about 75% of my OCs end up dead or losing the person they love.
Y: A character you want to protect.
Draco and Harry. Again. Oh, and also Sirius. They deserved better.
Z: Major character death- do you ever write/read it? Is there any character whose death you can’t tolerate?
I write about how Sirius’s death affects Harry frequently, and I also kill many of my OCs and have killed Alice Longbottom in my horrorfest fic (linked above). BUT. I don’t read MCD. I’m not strong enough. And I cannot tolerate Harry or Draco’s death. At all.
Oof, that was long!!! Thank you for the ask XD And sorry everyone who got tagged and had to surf through this whole thing!
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Jokes 4/11/19
Showtime is reportedly in talks for a miniseries about the rise and fall of former disgraced, Fox News head, Roger Ailes with Russel Crowe. What a terrible collection of people, things and ideas.
Kim Kardashian is said to be studying to become a Lawyer in California. This is a natural step in Kardashian's career since she’s known for her words.
It’s being reported that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wish to celebrate the birth of their baby privately. While this is reasonable, reporters everywhere still asked: “What will the baby be wearing?”
President Trump is now claiming he doesn’t know anything about WikiLeaks, following its founder's arrest. This is in contrast with Trump’s praise of WikiLeaks in 2016 but in fairness, he also said he wanted to Make America great again.
Game of Thrones writer, Geroge R. R. Martin is reporting that the writing on his latest book in the series has been going really well lately. Apparently, Martin’s biggest literary influence is dwindling HBO checks. 
This week, it was discovered that a woman in Taiwan had several bees living inside of her head and surviving off of her tears. So good luck sleeping knowing that that was a real thing that happened to someone.
A Man is Florida was arrested this week outside of an Olive Garden eating spaghetti with his bare hands. Oliver Garden’s taking it’s no outside food policy way too serious. 
It’s been reported that the Jersy Shore’s Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino has befriended Fyre Festival producer Billy McFarland in prison. The real-life Legion of Doom is really shaping up to be a disappointment. 
Airport Police are searching for a traveler in Alaska who left human ashes at a TSA checkpoint. Although no one has stepped forward with ownership of the ashes it’s been ruled out this was the last wish of the deceased. 
The UK was granted a Brexit extension by the EU this week. While the European Union knows it’s in Britain’s best interest to finalize their plans before leaves the EU, they mostly just want to prolong Theresa May’s public misery. 
New Zealand has passed a ban on assault rifles with a vote of 119 to 1. The single negative vote belongs to a literal gun, that was initially elected as a joke.
A Pennsylvania woman was arrested the other day after bragging about being wanted by police on her social media. Along with being read her Miranda rights, she was told the differences in “There”, “Their” and “Their”.
Actress, Elizabeth Moss, was recently asked about how she reconciles aspects of her religion, Scientology, is being criticized with her show The Handmaid’s Tale. Luckily for Moss, she was trained by her church for just this occasion.
Former Presidential candidate, Herman Cain, is being nominated for membership onto the Federal Reserve Board. This appointment is being opposed by Democrats and a few Republicans who’ve met him before.
Yesterday, the first ever picture of a Black Hole was released to the public. The Black Hole is currently polling in third in the Democratic primary.
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Gesamtwertung: "Die  Zwerge 3"
Zwischenzeitlich wünschte ich mir, die Geschichte würde schneller voranschreiten... damit sie schneller zu Ende wäre. Es tut mir leid, aber im Großen und Ganzen war das mitunter der schwächste Teil der Zwergen-Saga. Besonders die ersten 7 Stunden ziehen sich immens. 
Die Saga scheint als großer breiter Epos angelegt zu sein, dieser Aufbau treibt aber die Handlung nicht besonders vorwärts (-)
POV-Kapitel mit Mienenarbeitern, dem Schauspieler Rodario und Orks retten noch sehr viel (+) Diese kurzweiligen Einwürfe unterhalten gut, wir springen jedoch zwischen vielen Orten und Charaktern hin und her (+) 
Die schon gekürzte Fassung hätte noch einmal 3 bis 4 Stunden kürzer sein können, um das Augenmerk auf das Wesentliche zu legen. Dass würde auch einige kurzweilige Ausflüge beinhalten nur nicht so viele. Alle diese Punkte hätten die Spannung noch etwas ausgebaut. 
Es ist eine gekürzte Fassung, teilweise sind  Schnitte derart gesetzt, dass Silben verschluckt werden oder die Handlung abprut beenden. (-) Ich wollte das Werk daher schnell abschließen so kam mir ein 4-Stunden-Marathon am Sonntag ganz recht. 
Ich finde Heitz Werke super, allerdings geht es stellenweise brutaler zu, als in den vorherigen Teilen. Ein bisschen Kost a la Game of Thrones / Geroge R R Martin...
Dennoch lohnt es sich die ersten 10 Stunden durchzuhalten, denn die folgenden beiden Stunden sind einfach nur der Wahnsinn!
Der Verrat an den Zwerg machte mich bestürtzt, fassungslos und wütend wie noch nie etwas zu vor in der Fantasywelt, weil Tungdil, Boindil & Co. einfach meine Sympathie und mein Herz gewonnen haben. 
Mitten in einem Kampf taucht ein alter Freund und sein Widersacher auf. (+)
Nur diese drei Pluspunkte bewahren "Die Rache der Zwerge" vor 2 Sternen in der Wertung.
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