#get pie crust
anime-scarves · 1 year
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So I made a bean pie. That sounds like an odd thing to do but the humble bean pie has a pretty storied past and I've been meaning to make one for awhile. The spices are very warm, the curd? is dense and creamy, and the beans add a pleasant savory element that blends well with the spices. It's really quite delicious. Not much of a looker though.
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wukpng · 1 month
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important post
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as-kind-as-summer · 1 month
I know it’s 2024 and cringe is dead but I sometimes still get a little insecure about how into LotR I am, mostly just when talking to people who don’t care that much about it. But the immense amount of joy it’s brought me in the past few days has really helped me start getting past that
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monster-every-day · 6 months
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day 75 - 3/15/24 - pie crustacean
i don't have the heart to tell him...
i'm really proud of this one!!! it originally was just flat colors and didn't look really good, but i decided the metal needed a bit more to really look like metal. this then led me to also shade the pie and i'm so glad i did all that because WOW what a glow up! i love him i love this little guy so much :3 it's still pi day in my heart, little guy...
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orcelito · 4 months
Super sexy me is so sexy I accidentally set off the fire alarm while baking pie shells for my pumpkin pie. And now I don't know if I should've even baked them in the first place. But well. Too late now 👍
#speculation nation#i am not a fucking baker so something always goes wrong when i make these pies 😭😭😭#but i am craving my grandma's pumpkin pies... i gotta bake them myself if i want them rn...#see the thing is ive previously bought pre-baked like. graham crusts#but i was like 'that crust sucks lets get a different thing'#so i got tbis dough shit that i put into pans. the box said to bake it. and so i was like ok cool#then as they were in the oven i looked at the pumpkin pie recipe for starting the filling#and then saw that it says 'unbaked shells' and so 😥😥😥😥#but too late now and it worked fine with the graham. and well. the filling is what i care about the most.#the crusts are just an excuse for having pie filling.#anyways i did set off the alarm. i think it's bc the oven was on so hot#the box says 450 which is hotter than i ever usually do. the pies themselves ask for 350#so well i turned the oven off and i have the microwave fan running#which oh yeah the fucking handle to my microwave fucking broke. it fucking broke.#i think i'll duct tape it or smth lol. microwave itself works fine still. and i dont want people in my apartment.#it's just the bottom part but it sure did just. splinter off. that shit is Broke broke.#and i scared the shit outta my cats And me with that damned alarm. and now i am just waiting.#calming down some. chilling the crusts. soon i will resume making the pie filling.#it's not like it even takes much time i am just. Nervous now.#i wanna let the oven cool off more b4 i have it going for like 45 mins lol#the crusts are kinda ugly. one of them is inflated on the bottom. these pies r going to be disasters.#so long as they still taste good......thats what i care about the most...#maybe my crusts will end up nuclear... if that happens tho ill just eat the filling out of the crust... its fine... ill be fine...#😭😭😭😭😭😭 why is everything so hard
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angelmush · 8 months
meals for this week:
i missed 5 days of work bc i was out of town for bianca's birthday last week so it's going to be extra scrappy cooking this week (thank u god for giving me a freezer <3)
a golden roasted mushroom pasta dish with goat cheese and lemon and chives, i want to use some kind of short pasta shape with lots of chew to it :3
i've got a whole chicken in the freezer, i want to make another roast chicken with potatoes and then cook some dinosaur kale in the schmaltz, i made it a bit too salty last time but it was DELICIOUS so i know how to adjust my seasoning a little bit better now
i have a big bag of shrimp i had to freeze a couple weeks ago so i am thinking of poaching some juicy shrimp with herbs and lemon and garlic and ginger and putting it on top of some cold noodles, either with a spicy sesame or spicy peanut sauce, with shredded cabbage and tons of herbs
i also will make a caramelized onion, sausage, and egg breakfast sandwich for dinner with hot sauce and arugula, it's fast and easy and savory and sooo filling and delicious and i already have a tube of breakfast sausage in the freezer i can thaw
getting chocolate covered strawberry supplies bc even tho we agreed to not spend money on gifts for each other for valentine's day, i still want 2 decorate and make a little treat for my gf
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
everyone stop what you’re doing and look at little ume with his mom and dad even tho i swear ive talked about how much i love it before (its under the cut in case some people dont want spoilers)
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They are the cutest!!!!! sometimes i go back and read his backstory like multiple times. I wanna know the little things like the pieces of his parents that stayed with him that just make him Ume yknow? yea he gets his "eating with the people you love makes the food taste better" thing but does he laugh like one of them? Who does he get his bad eyesight from? I need a 10,000 word expose or ill have to start making my own stuff up
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insinirate · 1 year
Would nai ever consider taking in sr woo pup if he knows liv and nico have a dad out there stuck alone in a shelter?
obsessed with u guys' insistence on making senior woo dog a thing
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chamerionwrites · 6 months
Had the worst morning and I was SO brave about it. Did not trip facefirst down an abyss of viciously mean self-talk about ordinary human fuckups. Cleaned up the proverbial spilled milk and then went out and socialized instead of crawling back into bed and writing the day off as a loss.
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whatimdoing-here · 10 months
"Alex, how was your day?"
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honetii · 20 hours
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sharing this apple pie here bc I'm extremely proud of this crust. everyone perceive it right now.
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strewbi · 17 days
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I made a quiche! And the crust!
6 eggs
1/4 cup heavy cream
5oz of bacon which for me is just cutting the fat off of bacon and using what’s left. 1 onion cooked in the bacon fat
as many green onions as you feel correct. Maybe 1 or 2?
enough cheddar cheese to hold structure, about 1 block shredded in the food processor. Don’t use pre shredded cheese because they put stuff on it to keep it from melting right. salt and pepper to taste (I didn’t)
375° 35-40 min
cool to room temp
if you have a crust, prebake it for however long the package says, I did mine for like 8-10 minutes, before I put the filling in.
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wukpng · 2 months
seeing how wukong is perceived as femenine sm physically hurts me thats a BUTCH
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tomatoluvr69 · 10 months
Just watched a relative try to skip the work of shredding cheese for baked mac and cheese by cutting it into little cubes and stirring them into the mac and cheese sauce. It’s in the baking dish now and there are still big orange cubes all through it. Life is so hard when the options are either know-it-all micromanaging or having to eat a dish somewhere in the subpar to abysmal range…
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gertritude · 2 years
just attempted to read a fanfic that was like a food youtuber AU thing and I had to immediately exit out of it because they had the main character make pie crust by first creaming butter in a bowl
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acornminiatureslog · 1 year
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Spent today baking for a get together. Apple pie, blueberry pie, a batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and a banana bread! Need to remember to bake my banana bread in the smaller loaf pan, this one came out way too short, lol.
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