#then as they were in the oven i looked at the pumpkin pie recipe for starting the filling
orcelito · 1 month
Super sexy me is so sexy I accidentally set off the fire alarm while baking pie shells for my pumpkin pie. And now I don't know if I should've even baked them in the first place. But well. Too late now 👍
#speculation nation#i am not a fucking baker so something always goes wrong when i make these pies 😭😭😭#but i am craving my grandma's pumpkin pies... i gotta bake them myself if i want them rn...#see the thing is ive previously bought pre-baked like. graham crusts#but i was like 'that crust sucks lets get a different thing'#so i got tbis dough shit that i put into pans. the box said to bake it. and so i was like ok cool#then as they were in the oven i looked at the pumpkin pie recipe for starting the filling#and then saw that it says 'unbaked shells' and so 😥😥😥😥#but too late now and it worked fine with the graham. and well. the filling is what i care about the most.#the crusts are just an excuse for having pie filling.#anyways i did set off the alarm. i think it's bc the oven was on so hot#the box says 450 which is hotter than i ever usually do. the pies themselves ask for 350#so well i turned the oven off and i have the microwave fan running#which oh yeah the fucking handle to my microwave fucking broke. it fucking broke.#i think i'll duct tape it or smth lol. microwave itself works fine still. and i dont want people in my apartment.#it's just the bottom part but it sure did just. splinter off. that shit is Broke broke.#and i scared the shit outta my cats And me with that damned alarm. and now i am just waiting.#calming down some. chilling the crusts. soon i will resume making the pie filling.#it's not like it even takes much time i am just. Nervous now.#i wanna let the oven cool off more b4 i have it going for like 45 mins lol#the crusts are kinda ugly. one of them is inflated on the bottom. these pies r going to be disasters.#so long as they still taste good......thats what i care about the most...#maybe my crusts will end up nuclear... if that happens tho ill just eat the filling out of the crust... its fine... ill be fine...#😭😭😭😭😭😭 why is everything so hard
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mamaestapa · 7 months
yes pls omg one with joe 🥺
Baked With Love…|| Joe Burrow x reader
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•summary: You and Joe spend “Thanksgiving Eve” baking together
•warnings: fluff, Joe gets a little frisky, allusions to sex…
“Joey,” you said your boyfriend’s name in a sing songy tone, “It’s pumpkin pie time.”
Joe chuckled and walked into the kitchen, setting his phone down on the countertop of the island and pulling out a chair to sit on.
“Finally,” he sighed out, “you don’t know how long I’ve been looking forward to this.”
Today, you and Joe (well, mostly you) have been working hard in the kitchen, preparing desserts to take to your “friendsgiving” tomorrow at the Wilson’s. You and Joe agreed to make the desserts since neither one of you were too skilled when it came to preparing the actual dinner.
Earlier you made an apple pie and a batch of snickerdoodle cookies, deciding to save the pumpkin pie for last. You had Joe help you get out all of the ingredients that were needed to make his favorite dessert. Once all of the ingredients were spread out on the counter, you pulled out your grandfathers pumpkin pie recipe from the kitchen drawer where you kept the handwritten recipes to some of yours and Joe’s favorite foods. You set the recipe down on the counter, eyes scanning over the instructions.
You walked over to Joe and wrapped your arms around his torso, letting your chin rest on his shoulder as you held onto him.
“I’ll let you decide what you want to do. Crust or filling.” You said, giving him options to choose from even though you knew which one he’d pick.
Yep. You knew it.
“Perfect,” you replied with a sweet smile. You removed your arms from Joe’s body, reaching out to grab his hand instead so you could pull him off the barstool and over to the mixer. You gave him the ingredients needed for the filling, along with the specific instructions on how to make it perfect.
After Joe was situated by the mixer, you began to make the crust. It wasn’t too difficult to make as you’ve made it a couple times before on your own, but it was still a process that included very careful and precise measurements—it’s probably a good thing you’re making the crust and Joe isn’t.
As the two of you were hard at work putting together the pumpkin pie in a comfortable silence, you thought about how you could use some music right now…
“We need some music going right now.” Joe suggested as he opened the can of pumpkin filling.
It’s almost like he read your mind..
“You should play some Kid Cudi,”
You sighed at Joe’s song selection suggestion. It’s not that you didn’t like Kid Cudi because you really did like him and his music. However…that’s all Joe has been playing while you baked. You needed a break from Man on the Moon.
“I agree, we do need music, but can it not be Kid Cudi though?” You asked as you rolled the dough over the floured counter. Joe gasped lightly, sounding slightly offended as he said, “But I thought you liked Kid Cudi?”
You chuckled softly as you turned to look at your boyfriend. “I do,” you said with a nod, “but it’s all we’ve listened to today babe. I need a change.”
“No Taylor Swift.” Joe said, pointing at you and giving you the look.
“How about Tame Impala? We both like them.”
You smiled triumphantly and clicked shuffle on your Tame Impala playlist that was full of yours and Joe’s favorite songs. Borderline began playing, making you and Joe instantly break out into your own little dances while you prepared the pumpkin pie.
Once Joe was finished with the filling and satisfied with how well it was spiced, he brought the bowl over to you so you could put it into the pie pan lined with the crust dough. You thanked Joe for making the filling before scooping it out onto the crust. You evened the filling out before putting it into the oven to bake.
As you leaned down to put the pie in the oven, you felt a pair of hands cup your butt and squeeze gently before quickly pulling away. You yelped at the contact, slamming the oven shut and whipping around to look at Joe, who was a chuckling mess.
“Joe!” you yelped, “what the hell?” You laughed as you finished your sentence. Joe held his hands up, his laughter only growing when he watched your mouth gape open. His hands were covered in flour, meaning there were definitely two white hand prints on your butt right now.
You let out a laugh before prancing over to the counter covered in flour. You grabbed a handful of flour and held your hand up, “Come here Joey.”
Joe chuckled and slowly made his way over to you, “Lay it on me, sweets.”
You took the flour in your hand and rubbed it all over Joe’s black t-shirt, making sure to leave extra white patches over his pecs and abs. Joe reached over and grabbed more flour, throwing it onto the top of your head. You shrieked and grabbed more flour, doing the same thing to Joe. You were both laughing messes as you had a flour fight in the kitchen for a good two minutes. However, the fight stopped when Joe got a handful of flour, rubbed his hands together, and left two handprints on your boobs. You looked down at the white handprints on your sweater. Joe’s handprints looked huge on your chest…
You don’t know what came over you, but you flung yourself at Joe, kissing him harshly. He seems taken aback at first, but he smirked into the kiss as he realized his idea had worked. It’d been a little while since the two of you have been intimate…
When you both pulled away for Joe, Joe huskily ordered you to jump. You did as he said, jumping slightly as he helped you up and sat you on the counter. The two of you made out heavily for the next couple minutes before you remembered how messy the kitchen was. You pulled away from Joe, glancing at the mess on the floor and countertop across from you before looking back at your boyfriend.
“Someone should clean up the mess we made.”You said, cocking your head to the side and giving Joe a pointed look. He just smirked as his hands trailed up your sides, resting on your rib and cupping the side of your left breast.
“Just wait…” he trailed off as he leaned in to whisper in your ear, “because that won’t the only mess we made that’ll have to be cleaned up.” He bit down softly on your earlobe, tugging it gently before pulling head away from you. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat as you looked into Joe’s intense blue eyes gaze.
A smirk pulled at your lips as you wrapped your arms Joe’s neck, clawing at his back as you harshly crashed your lips against his.
Pumpkin pie wasn’t the only sweet thing Joe was going to be tasting tonight…
hi loves!!
i don’t know why i made this a little spicy? i wanted to do something fluffy but as i started writing, i was like mmmm no i should do this instead😌
anyways, i hope you’re enjoying these thanksgiving/holiday blurbs! i’ve gotten some fun requests to go along with the ideas i had too :) i’ll probably post one more tonight, and do the rest tomorrow…because there’s a lot lol
hope you all have a great day/night😚🤍
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aanoia · 6 months
𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 - 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 (𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓)
James Potter x reader day four of the christmas advent calendar words; 802 warnings; fire i actually love this one SO MUCH!
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“You did not just say that.” James said, his face serious as we looked between our friends.
Sirius nodded, clapping a hand on my boyfriend's back, “It’s your guys’ turn to make Christmas dinner for the group. We’ve had to every other time.”
“Have you tasted our cooking?” I deadpanned and Remus shook his head.
“No, because you burn it every time so I’d rather not eat it.” He said with a smile and I pointed at him.
“See, he’s correct. We burn it every time.”
Lily smiled, “Not this time, you won’t.”
I nodded, “Yes we will.”
“I guess we’ll see.” Peter finalized and I sighed. 
I sighed as I put my hands on my hips, already tired of cooking. Truthfully, all we had done was put the turkey in the oven, but looking over everything set out on the table I could already tell it was going to be exhausting.
“I don’t wanna do this.” I complained as James put on Christmas music softly.
“We’ll be fine.” He assured me and I shook my head.
“Okay, first things first we should make mashed potatoes. Can you peel the potatoes?” I asked and he nodded, raising his wand. In an instant the potatoes were perfectly peeled, even chopped into chunks. I raised an eyebrow, “Didn’t Lily tell us not to use magic?”
He shrugged with a smile, “She’ll never know.”
I laughed as I filled a pot with water and put it on the awaiting stove before gently throwing the potato chunks in it. I sprinkled in some salt and turned the stove on to five. I didn’t know if that was the right temperature but it’s what I decided.
“Okay.” I said, looking down at the recipe book. “Easy enough, I guess. Pumpkin pie, now?”
“How did this happen?” I asked in shock as James sat on the floor, covered in flour and rubbing his head. 
“Because you can’t cook.” He said, trying to stand up but slipping again. I scowled, grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at him.
“You can’t with-” I sniffed the air curiously. “What is that?” I asked, burning filling my nose.
James’ eyes widened as he pointed to the oven behind me. “Uh, Y/n?”
I turned around and yelped as a fire raged inside the oven, “The turkey!” I exclaimed, grabbing an oven mitt and throwing open the door. The fire alarm started blaring as I grabbed the fire turkey and cursed James for getting a muggle house. My eyes watered from the smoke as I ran to the front door and threw the fireball into the snow, successfully putting it out. I sighed in relief, slumping against the doorframe.
I became alert again as James shrieked from the kitchen, crying out in pain. I ran back inside the kitchen to see the potatoes boiling over and the roll of paper towels bursting in flames. 
“What the fuck.” I groaned as I rushed to the potatoes and turned the stove off, yelling out in pain as I stepped in a boiling puddle and leaned against the counter for support. Pain burst up my hand and I looked down frantically to see the cookbook… in flames. 
Arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me from the kitchen as James muttered a spell and put all the fires out. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, laughing loudly. He laughed with me, hugging back just as tight and swaying us side to side. A knock on the open door brought us out of our trance as our neighbor peered in with a concerned look. 
“Are two alright?” The older woman asked and I laughed gently.
“Oh, we’ll be fine. Just almost set our house on fire.” I told her and she smiled, her eyes sparkling as she looked at us.
“We scorched Christmas dinner, and our friends will livid about it.” James said with a grin.
The lady laughed, “Oh, you two. How about you and your friends have Christmas dinner with me? The kids couldn’t make it this Christmas, so I’m all alone. I’d love to cook for you.” I looked at James, silently asking what he thought, and he nodded.
I turned back to the lady, “That would be lovely.”
“I wish I was there to see it, but I have to say, this food is much better than yours ever would be.” Sirius said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.
“For once, I have to agree with you, Pads.” James nodded, his face full of food.
The lady slapped his arm, “Don’t talk with your mouth full.” The table laughed as James was scolded. 
The window froze over as the fire crackled softly and Christmas music played gently as everyone slept in the living room. Content and full.
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xoxo-sarah · 9 months
Pumpkin Pie
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↝pairing: Robin Buckley x reader
↝ Warning: not proofread that's about it.
↝⎙ 10.2.23
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"I don't think this is right."
Robin stood beside you, looking at the mess in front of you. "Nope." She wiped her hands on the apron, which was already covered in flour. Infront of you, flour was covering the whole kitchen counter, some even made its way on the wall and floor. The pie crust that you had cooked looked different than what you've seen before.
You turned, tilting your head towards Robin. "Try again?" She nodded, blowing a piece of hair out of her eyes.
You put the burnt pie crust aside, grabbing the ingredients to make another.
Robin took over, while you started with the actual pumpkin filling. For your first time making a pumpkin pie, you'd say you were doing pretty good. Atleast, you think you were. You were making something neither of you had ever tried before. The idea was Robin's. She had heard about the pie during this time of the year, what better way to try something than make it yourself? Probably pick it up from a store. It would be less of a mess. And probably cost way less. But, it was an experience that you both were finding fun.
"How many eggs was that?"
Robin glanced in the bowl, "count the yolks."
Everything was going great. You had the filling done, now you were just waiting on the crust.
Robin took a napkin, wiping her hands as she turned to you. She let out a snort when she saw your face. You furrowed your brows, confused. She actually seemed to find your face hilarious. She stepped closer, wiping flour off your cheek with her thumb. Her hand stayed on your cheek, caressing it. She looked at you with such adoration. You were like art to her, and she never failed to let you know. Times like this made her fall even harder for you. She pecked your cheek right as the oven beeped.
She took the crust out, impressed with the color. It wasn't scorched like the other one on the counter.
She watched as you poured the filling in, glancing up at your considerated face. You are so cute.
"It looks like baby food."
"Ew, it does."
"There," after putting it back into the oven, she finally took the apron off, relaxing beside the oven. You moved to wash your hands in the sink beside her. " We did amazing." She held her hand up as you turned the water off.
Your nose crinkled at her enthusiasm of your “team work”. You smiled when she cringed at the wet high-five she had gotten in return.
After a while, the oven beeped again. You got the pie out, proud of what you two had created. It looked like the ones you've seen before, so you haven't ruined it as far as you could see.
You put it on the counter, dropping the pot holders and admiring what was infront of you.
Robin got a knife, getting ready to cut it, until you stopped her. "Wait," you moved to the fridge, "We have to put whipped cream on it."
After cutting it, you put a piece on a plate to share and gave Robin a fork. You both cut into it and got a piece, bringing up to your mouth.
As you put the fork in your mouth, you saw Robin's face morph into exactly the same you felt yours morph into.
She quickly turned, spitting of the horrid pie.
"Okay, that's disgusting."
"Maybe we didn't do it right. There's no way people go crazy over something that tastes like that."
You put the plate on the counter, pushing it nearer to the wall. If you could, you would've put it even farther from you. Outside sounds just fine. Maybe even a few states over. "We did everything the recipe said."
She nodded, turning on the sink and ducking down to drink out of the faucet. She began gargling against the water, "Let's just say we don't like pumpkin pie. I don't want to try it ever again."
"The whipped cream didn't even help." You grabbed the can, moving it to your mouth. "I'll stick with apple pie."
"Or pecan." Robin moved from under the water, turning it off and waiting for her turn with the whipped cream. Right now, anything would be better than the horrid pumpkin pie. Highly overrated.
However, the fun you had while baking was worth it...maybe.
You would bake with Robin again. Maybe an apple pie, or pecan pie, like Robin had said. Any pie that isn't pumpkin.
•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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Ehh... Hello again! Last time my request was kinda incomplete, I think... I re-read what I needed to write... so, can I please get a warm Vergil x fem! Reader about baking sweets? I suck at writing when it's not a fic, I'm so sorry 😭
I gotchu fam👍
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"Dearest, are you sure the recipe said egg whites only?"
Vergil was standing in the middle of the kitchen with a lost expression, dressed in an apron that said 'do NOT kiss the cook' and a wooden spoon in hand. Not soon after he got back into the human world, Vergil realized that he no longer had to sustain himself on demon guts and instead he had a wide variety of human foods to choose from. Thanks to you, he learned that he can just make any food he wants to with the right ingredients. So, with every holiday his valiant efforts at cooking came with vengeance. You had to admit that Vergil made a lot of progress from putting a can of butane right on the stove (good god) to making simple palatable dishes. You still haven't left him in the kitchen alone though.
"Yup." You put a piece of caramel crisp in your mouth and walked around him to point at the paragraph in the book.
"You make a snow out of egg whites and then slowly *carefully*" you give him a poignant look he chooses to ignore, "you mix it in the batch."
"Very well then," Vergil grabbed eggs from the refrigerator, "and how do we make this snow exactly"
You whipped out a hand mixer from one of the cabinets and Vergil scrunched his nose at it.
"It looks like a torture device."
He made quick work of the eggs and there were almost no eggshells in the bowl (this pie will be really crunchy). Soon, there was a fluffy cloud resting in the mixing bowl.
"Remember to mix it in slowly."
"I have trekked the ground of hell with nothing but my sword, I think I know how to follow a simple instruction." Vergil sniffed haughtily.
You raised your hands amused and decided to plop on the kitchen sink to watch him fuss with the mixing bowl. At that moment, you were struck by the domesticity of the moment. You would never imagine that you would ever feel relaxed in the presence of Vergil Sparda. Then again, it was thanks to the genuine effort he put into building connections with everyone around him. Whatever happened with Dante in the Underworld, he changed. And now he was making pumpkin pie in your kitchen with a concentrated pout on his face.
"This is nice." You heard yourself say.
"Hm?" Vergil hummed in question as he put the baking tray in the oven.
You vaguely gestured over the room. "This, y'know? Baking, talking, spending time with you..." Then, to busy your hands, you grabbed a can of whipped cream a sprayed some in your mouth.
Vergil finally turned his eyes from the oven to you and with a small smile at your stuffed face, sat on the kitchen sink next to you.
"Half the reason why I decided to learn how to cook is because you are the one showing me how. And I suspect the reason you're helping me is so you can eat everything in sight."
Instead of an answer, Vergil got a splurt of whipped cream on his face. With deep laughter, he fought with you over the can until he finally managed to get it from your hands.
"No more cream for you."
Taking it as a challenge, you took his face in your hands and licked the cream from his cheek.
"You're impossible," Vergil grumbled as he felt his face reddening.
"I know." You whispered back and kissed the tip of his nose.
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
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of pet-names and pumpkin patches | bradley bradshaw x f!reader
warning: mentions of sex, fluff, petnames, rooster is too good for this world, no use of y/n, uh-- yeah idk
disclaimer: I'm running on redbull and will-power at this point. I've been thinking about this all day at work and I had to get it out. I don't know if it even makes sense but uh, yeah! I hope you enjoy it none-the-less!
plot: You and Bradley (but mostly you) love October! What better way to spend the first days of the best season of the year at the pumpkin patch?
Soft voices permeated the air of the kitchen, singing in time with percussions, a jaunty guitar, and something that sounded like birds playfully singing to one another - perhaps a flute?
"If I had to do the same again, I would my friend... Fernando!" It was dramatic. There was flailing of arms, twirling of bodies, the cry and tremble of your voice echoing throughout the house. It was a one woman show. You and ABBA against the world. Well, the world was your kitchen - which was currently drenched in flour, dough and apple peel.
It was October. Your favourite season of all. The changing of the leaves was something you looked forward to every single year, without fail. Fall was also perfect for re-watching Gilmore Girls, and Hocus Pocus. You still hadn't managed to lure your boyfriend, Rooster, in to watching the latter. But you had been working on it since the beginning of September - or, as you liked to call it, pre-October.
When you'd uttered the term, Rooster had at first looked bewildered, until his honey eyes twinkled with mirth and adoration at your giddiness.
Elton John's 'Your Song' had suddenly started to play, and you turned serious for a moment - wanting to pay respect to one of your favourite song. You couldn't joke-sing Elton John... in fact, you were pretty sure it was blasphemy. Jesus was surely against it.
Whilst singing merrily along, you glanced at the recipe book splayed out before you. It held a recipe of apple scones with a caramel drizzle. A sweet kind of scone. It felt very autumn-y, and seeing as it was now the beginning of October - you felt quite justified in force-feeding your man some apple-cinnamon-caramel-goodness.
Chancing a glance at the clock above your kitchen counter, a frown started to make its way onto your face. Bradley should've been home twenty minutes ago. A sharp twinge of anxious worry settled deep within your chest, but you shook your head. Perhaps he'd been held up at work. Hangman probably made a bet, and Bradley probably took the bait - as always.
Moving around the kitchen, you checked your almost-ready scones out in the oven - putting two bottles of apple cider in your weaved picnic-basket. You'd already filled it to the brim with a savoury pie, two small pumpkin pies, cinnamon rolls and water bottles. The only thing missing was the scones. You'd wanted them to be warm and toasty when Rooster came home, so you could enjoy them whilst they were still hot.
"Darling Harbour, I'm home!" that voice. God, that voice could make a smile appear on your face no matter how bad of a day you were having. Grinning, you almost skipped to the front door.
"Home from Australia?" you giggled as you wrapped your arms around Roosters' neck, smiling up at him. He chuckled, his hand softly stroking your hair out of your face, before his thumb swept across your cheek. He looked amused as he took in your flour-covered state.
"Sweetheart..." he began softly "What have you been up to whilst I've been at work, hm?" his thumb had traveled slowly from your cheek, until it rested on your plump lower lip. A shaky breath slipped past your slightly parted lips.
"I-I..." a shuddering breath ran through your body as Roosters other hand had found the back of your neck, gripping with just the right amount of pressure to make your cheeks flush with warmth.
"Yes, baby?" he hummed, his lips ghosting past your earlobe. God, this man was too fucking much. Your eyelids had fluttered closed before you could utter "Scones,"
"Scones?" Rooster chuckled, his warm lips trailing butterfly light kisses against your neck.
"I made scones for a picnic," it was breathless, it was barely spoken words.
"Aw, sweetheart..." The way his voice dropped. The way his words were drawn out and slow. God, why on earth was he so hot? "You prepared a picnic for us?" he leant back again to look at you, a grin stretching across his face.
"Yeah, but I'm kind of regretting it now. Let's stay home instead so you can fuck me senseless," you spoke matter-of-factly, which made Rooster clutch his belly he was laughing so hard.
"God, I'm so in love with you," he spoke tenderly, whilst you grinned up at him, your palms laying flat against his black t-shirt clad chest.
"Lucky me," you mumbled, leaning your cheek against his chest, letting his strong arms embrace you, his cheek resting on the top of your head.
"What did you have planned today, honey?" he mumbled against your hair, lips pressing in to a kiss as he inhaled your sweet scent.
"I thought, since it's officially October now, we could take some food out and pick some pumpkins and-- and maybe we could get some and then maybe tonight we could watch Hocus Pocus or something..." you trailed off
"but now I'm torn because you made me all horny and now I'm confused. Do I want to go to the pumpkin patch, or do I want to fuck? Can we fuck at the pumpkin patch?" you rambled, jokingly adding the last part just because you loved hearing Bradleys deep laughter rumble in his chest. It worked, and the feeling of his chest vibrating against your face had a shit-eating grin making its way onto your face.
"Baby, I don't think we can fuck at the pumpkin patch." Bradley tried to sound morose, but he couldn't really keep a straight face.
You pushed off his chest and offered him your best pout
"Aw, shucks!" he smiled down at you, before bending down and letting his lips connect with yours in a soft, warm kiss. You couldn't help the soft noise of content that spilled from your lips onto his.
"We're quite productive people... I think we can manage both, don't you think baby girl?" Bradley's face was still so, so close to yours as he said this, his words rolling on to your lips, in to your skin. God, he would be the death of you.
"You have to know that you're making it worse with all these pet names?" you sighed. He just smirked before turning you around.
"Don't let those scones burn now, darling Harbour!" he gave your ass a small pat before ushering the both of you in to your kitchen.
"Darling Harbour - you fucking weirdo..." you muttered under your breath. You'd never been called a location in Australia before, but it was oddly endearing. At least the implication of the name. A Harbour. It was sort of sweet even if it was a little strange. Your heart fluttered at the notion that he might find you to be a safe haven. Ugh, he'd turned you in to a love-sick fool. You used to be a cool independent girl. Now you might as well get a freaking Volvo and pop out a dozen of children. Christ.
The drive to the pumpkin patch was nothing short of serene. The radio was playing soft 70's songs, the two of you taking turns singing the lyrics. Bradley's fingers were intertwined with yours for most of the ride, his thumb softly gracing your skin over and over again, alternating between circling the skin and playing absentmindedly with your fingers. The sun was still rather high on the sky, but the temperature had already started to drop slightly.
The patch was everything you could have wished for and more ("oh my god Bradley look at the tiny pumpkin!! We have to take it home!"), and feeding your man so much food he could barely walk ("Jesus, babe - you made food for the whole dagger squad. I should've invited Payback!"). Giggling like two teenagers in love, you held hands and wandered through the field, enjoying the scenery and each others company. The sun was starting to set, and the golden hue made Roosters skin almost glow, his eyes - that were usually pretty, were now magnificent in their warm brown glow. You stopped to wrap your arms around his waist.
"I love you so much, Bradley," you sighed "Thank you for humoring me today. You must've been exhausted after work." you continued softly, your fingers gracing his cheek lovingly. "You made me nervous when you were late," you confessed with a lopsided smile.
His eyes were filled with adoration and love as he bent down to place a kiss to your cheek.
"You're heart-achingly sweet, baby girl," he muttered "and I love you endlessly," he smiled softly. "I never want to worry you, I should've sent you a text. Hangman bet me he could do 300 pushups faster than me, and that's just simply not true." you shook your head as laughter spilled from your smiling lips.
"God, you're ridiculous, Roos," you smiled.
"C'mon sweetheart, let's go home," was the only reply you got as he led you back to his car.
"Now, the pumpkin patch was a hit. What was next on the agenda? Hocus Pocus, or was it fucking?" he smirked at you as he helped you with your belt, his knuckles suspiciously close to your lower abdomen. Your breath hitched mid-inhale, and your eyes widened at his statement.
A rumbling laugh sounded from him as he started the car, a smug smirk on his face as his large hand massaged your thigh the whole way home.
• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •
hey! hope you enjoyed it and it's not complete sleep-deprived garbage lmao. my mother always used to call me 'darling harbour' as a child, and I always found it rather sweet. but perhaps it's just weird, lmao! anyways! please let me know if you'd like more stories with x reader, or x oc :)<3
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aurumacadicus · 9 months
Stony and something with apple cider/pumpkin spice?
Love spices <3
Steve was hit with cinnamon as soon as he walked into the apartment. He took a moment to just stand there, eyes fluttering closed, letting the warmth of the spices just sink in. Cinnamon, of course, on top--but there were also cloves, and ginger, and nutmeg. Something else, too, a little sweeter? He couldn't quite put a name to the scent.
Under it all was apples. He wondered if Tony had baked an apple pie. He liked to tease him with them, sometimes--an American icon for The American Icon, he'd always chortle. It was charming, enough that Steve had never had the heart to tell him that his favorite pie was actually strawberry rhubarb. He inhaled deeply one last time, but he couldn't catch a whiff of baked pastry.
Cider, he realized, eyes flying open, and charged into the kitchen.
"Hey!" Tony exclaimed, slapping his hand away from the crock pot. He hid it with his body as Steve backed off. "That's for tonight."
"Aw," Steve complained, then frowned, brows furrowing together. "What's tonight?"
Tony raised an eyebrow at him, unimpressed, and crossed his arms over his chest as he slowly reminded him, "We're having that Autumn-themed movie night to celebrate the first crisp day of Fall? You said you'd make old-fashioned popcorn balls."
Steve blinked, then quickly turned to look at the clock. Popcorn balls didn't take a long time, but they could be a little tedious. "Fuck, I forgot that was today. I need to shower after that mission."
"I already popped the popcorn," Tony offered, glancing at the clock as well. "I put it in the oven on low because the recipe I found said it needed to stay warm. If you tell me how to make them into balls, I can do that while you take your shower."
Steve immediately started rolling up his sleeves. Popping the popcorn was the most tedious part. He could make the syrup and get the balls started to show Tony how big they needed to be. "Did you get the candy thermometer?"
"Yeah," Tony answered, pulling it from the utensil drawer for him.
"Great. I don't need the syrup to get that hot, so this'll be quick, if you don't mind finishing for me once I show you what to do."
"Always," Tony answered, going up on his toes to press a kiss to his cheek. "Just for that, I'll get you a cup of cider."
Steve turned, catching Tony's chin in his hands. "No need," he said, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips before Tony could question him. He ran his tongue over Tony's bottom lip, urging him a little closer, and Tony obediently let his mouth fall open with a moan.
He tasted like apples, and cinnamon, and a little bit of caramel. He liked to line the rim of his cups with it like a margarita, dip it into a cinnamon-sugar mix. When the hot cider ran over it, it added an extra depth of flavor and sweetness to it. It added an extra depth of flavor and sweetness to Tony's mouth, too.
Tony carefully grabbed his shoulders and eased him away, eyes fluttering at his own reluctance to stop. "We should get the popcorn balls finished," he said, frowning at the pot still in Steve's other hand.
"If we work together, we can finish quickly, and then we can shower together to save time," Steve offered.
"You're cute," Tony teased, leaning up for one last, quick kiss. "Natasha threatened to rip the seams on one of my suits and I'd only know which one when it fell off me if she found us getting handsy again."
"It's our fucking home," Steve complained, but Tony laughed, walking over to ladle out a cup of cider as consolation.
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asshlyyyy · 2 years
Fall Treats (Elvis Headcanons)
I liked this one! This may seem like a stupid idea, but I liked how it turned out! Not to mention it’s just more information for the end fic at the end of the month! Part of me is scared to write it, while the other half is excited!
A few more headcanons this month, and hopefully I will start making better ones, that aren’t themed around a holiday or season. Let’s be honest though... that will not stop me for when winter comes. 
Kind of almost forgot that I was posting today... he...he...hehe... Anyways, new fic on Saturday I hope. It will be either Saturday or Sunday!
Pairing: Elvis/ Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Spelling and Grammatical Errors
Word Count: 824
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You pulled out the container that held all your recipes and searched for your favorite.
Pumpkin Pie... mmm yum.
You wouldn't call yourself a baker...
But you have been craving pumpkin pie for a long time now.
Well... for a couple of weeks since you received some fantastic news.
Not to mention, it would be a nice treat for Elvis.
He was currently away for a meeting, and you knew he was going to be hungry when he got back.
"Ah ha!" You exclaimed as you pulled out the recipe card.
"Okay... let's see here... The crust on one side, and filling on the other."
You had just gone shopping, so hopefully, you would have everything.
"Flour... salt and shortening." You read aloud as you searched for the products.
After you gather those ingredients you read the other side of the card.
"pumpkin.. obviously. Evaporated milk... still sounds weird. Eggs, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and salt. I already have salt out."
You still had no idea what evaporated milk was.
You gathered your ingredients and went back to the card.
There were only seven steps, so hopefully, you will be finished before Elvis got back.
You preheated the oven and got to work on the crust.
As much as some people didn't like the crust, it was the most important part of the pie.
So you got to work.
And boy did you snack the whole time also.
You may have been having a moment for pumpkin pie, but you counted wait.
You absolutely loved snacking, even more so now.
While everything was in the oven baking you made your way to the couch.
Where you took a nap because let's be honest... It's tiring making a whole ass pie.
Of course, you woke up when you heard that loud annoying egg timer you set.
Because lord knows you would have forgotten.
As you made your way over to the kitchen you saw someone standing there bringing the pie out and you let out a scream.
"Elvis! You scared me!" You held your hand close to your heart.
Elvis in return laughed and stood up.
Were you upset that he was back already?
Of course, you were.
You wanted to surprise him and you can't exactly do that when he ruins the surprise.
"'m sorry, sweetheart. Saw ya sleeping when I came in. Didn' want to wake you." He explained.
You let out a breath and walked over to him.
You wrapped your arms around him and let your heart rest.
"It's okay... just wanted to surprise you." You muttered against his chest.
"With pie?"
"That and... something else." You said softly and pulled away.
Elvis looked down at you confused.
"What's the something else?" Elvis asked as he looked down at you.
"Well... You know how I've been eating more? Just been... overly drained more?"
"I'm... pregnant..." you smiled softly.
It took Elvis a while to process what you said.
But when it hit him... it hit him.
"I- that- oh my god, sweetheart." He pulled you closed and kissed you.
"This is great news! I mean- I- we're gonna be parents!" You giggled at his reaction and smiled.
"We are," you said softly and ran your hands through his hair.
"Wait- and you made pumpkin pie? I mean- this is just the best day ever."
"Gotta wait a bit longer for the pie... sadly." You pointed out to him.
The two of you spent your time chatting.
He asked a bunch of questions.
Like when did you find out? Possible names and genders. How many were there?
If there was any question about the baby, he asked it.
It didn't annoy you either.
In fact, you found it quite cute.
Elvis was excited... and so were you.
You guys have talked about having a baby now for months.
Even before the two of you were married, you talked about how many kids you guys would have.
It was always between three and/or four.
You didn't want too little, and you didn't want too much.
You wanted the perfect amount.
Then you discussed the many ways Elvis would spoil them.
Because let's be honest... the man has a spending problem.
When the pie was cooled enough, the two of you dug in... and kept digging in.
In fact, you two finished the whole pie.
Which sucked, but you could always make more.
Fall baking will always hold a special place in your heart.
And this day just made it even more magical.
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Want to join my taglist? // Let me know If I spelt any wrong! I have updated my form for my taglist. You will be tagged under everything now in that selected fandom/person. Just makes my life easier.
Taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s, @mommy-maia, @yagirlalexx, @slutforblueeyes, @alligator-person, @diorxmimi, @anangelwhodidntfall, @pumkiinpasties, @djconde58, @starryhazee, @21bruhs, @girlblogger2002, @dollfaceyourfear, @smbonilla2002, @homebodybirkin2003, @apparently-sunshine, @dark-as-love, @pandora-journey, @hsstylesrings, @jeonggukschris, @4everrmore, @bewitched-tales, @thelaziest10, @butlersluvbot, @curatedbyemily, @lovingly-unlovingme, @starlight-jpg, @omegellenlouise, @gyomei-tiddies, @Chlobug07, @wandawiccan60, @re3kin, @Itzjira18, @passengerjett, @neepo, @vane28282, @emilykolchivans, @gothantoinette, @gruffle1, @ilovemuppets, @hangmanswhore, @theinvibislecapricorn, @hariestyles1, @annamarie16, @holliemahady, @misacc08, @Brighteyesscum, @marchingicenotes7, @callthedarknessdown, @domaniquessidehoe, @gay-af-satan, @skinnypantsmcgee, @sassyblazecloud, @lovelyney, @lordandmistress, @Sharkslayersblog, @billysway, @nuo0n, @coldonexx, @adoreyouusugar, @aliciaelle47, @kh1898, @danitheedanimal, @raefoxiegirl, @cobra-kaii, @rylee-durhxm, @bob-the-tomato, @crabat-the-queen, @naveyelise, @austinbutlersgirlfriend, @iluvnerds69, @hopefulinlove, @aradevil, @Tylerdurdenisme, @laperceval, @xcallmetaniax, @londonalozzy, @mslizziesblog, @rosemochaaesthetic-blog, @bxbylexi23, @gloomynigvts, @persephones-blood-iris, @milaa24, @randompointlessbeauty, @auds02, @BubblyYork, @nora-nexus-34, @jazmin2211, @kittenlittle24, @Rqseycheeks, @moonbird1507, @bobthefishiesworld, @cevans-winchester, @luckyevansstan, @noorreads, @idc123sworld, @normatural, @hauntedarchivesx, @Luna4mnoon, @imagineslut01, @Kayleealicej, @thatcrazyfangirl22, @amiets2, @loveisalover, @myguiltypleasures21, @poppet05, @xcallmetaniax, @fullmetal-falcon, @kaitaesupremacy, @rainydayz101, @asd-n-adhd-fox, @loveisalover, @eliseinmemphis​, @adaydreamaway08, @stitchattacks​, @cmrxac, @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s​, @purexfuego, @dkayfixates​, @fa1ryprincess222​, @virgils-left-hoodie-string
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jungle-angel · 2 years
11. Fall baking
With Rhett Abbott
( its one of my favorite things to do! Baking is a huge part of my family especially things like apple /pear baked goods. Home made ice cream, meat pie, candied carrots and oatmeal products!)
BAAAAAABES!!!!! Ya had me at Rhett Abbott (lol)
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Rhett was exhausted, even as he climbed over the paddock fence and back onto the grass. He wanted nothing more than to head up to the barn loft and go right to sleep in the hay, flopping right into it as he often did at night after the kids were all put to bed. Fall was always the hardest on the ranch and with it came more work to be done than during the summer.
It had been a hell of a morning. The kids had all been so excited since Halloween was right around the corner and they'd get to wear their costumes to school. The girls of course were no problem, but the boys? That was an entirely different story.
Tatum and Tanner had gotten really into watching Stranger Things on the weekends and both had wanted to go as Eddie for Halloween. You and Rhett saw absolutely no problem with this......until the rude awakening he had received that morning.
Usually Rhett got up about an hour after Royal did to go and help him with the cows, but Royal insisted that he try and get some sleep. Unfortunately, the two little ghouls had thought otherwise, both excited as ever to act out the part of Eddie Munson. Somehow they had gotten a hold of Rhett's old cassette player, hooked it up to the stereo system in the living room and proceeded to blast out "Master of Puppets", waking their father and you from your blissful sleep. Deep down Rhett was laughing, but still had given the boys an earful before you sent them and the girls off to school.
Back to the house he went, tired as hell, but surprised when the heavy smell of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves reached his nose. "Darlin' you in here?" he called.
"Yep!" you called back.
Rhett entered the kitchen and sure enough, there you were, scooping something from a metal bowl onto a cookie sheet. "Whatcha got?" he asked. "Smells good."
"Pumpkin cookies," you told him. "A friend of mine gave me this recipe a while back and the kids will probably be hankering for something when they get home."
"Thank God they won't be home till three-thirty," Rhett chuckled.
"I hate to tell you babe," you said. "But it's a half day today and a three day weekend."
"Oh fuck me!" Rhett groaned, running his hands over his face.
"Well, I'd like to but unfortunately these have to go right in the oven," you laughed.
"I might just call Wes and see if he can bring'em on over to their place over on the Res," Rhett mused. "I mean, both sets of kids run around like a pack of wild coyotes anyways."
"Whatever you wanna do," you told him.
"What can it hurt?" Rhett said to you. "I mean, they'll wander till sunset and if they come home with cuts and bruises, then we fix it."
You shook your head and smiled as you finished your work before Rhett gave Wes a call to let him know that the kids could get off at his place and stay until dinner.
"Here, lemme help you," he said.
"You sure?"
"I've got nothin better to do today," Rhett said, his crooked little grin beginning to show. "The kids will be with Wes and Nora until dinner and all the critters have been taken care of."
"Alright, if you insist," you told him.
You were pleasantly surprised by how quick he was with everything, grabbing whatever spices you needed from the cabinet and sticking the cookie sheets in the oven before taking the others out to cool. "You sure they're supposed to look like that?" he asked. "They only look half done."
"They're supposed to look like that Rhett," you laughed.
You and him spent the better part of that late morning and into the afternoon in that kitchen, the heavy smells of cinnamon, nutmeg and all the smells of fall hanging about in the kitchen. Once the last of it had gone into the oven, you and Rhett stood by, his arms around yours as you leaned against the counters and him half asleep as he rested his head against your shoulder.
Rhett's head shot right up when the timer went off on the oven. You laughed a little, tapping against his arms as he let you loose long enough to get the last tray of cookies out of the oven. "If you wanna go upstairs and take a nap," you told him. "We've got plenty of time before Wes brings the little miscreants back."
"I might," Rhett said. "Care to join?"
"I wouldn't mind at all," you said, setting the tray on top of the stove and shutting everything off.
Up you went with your husband, the two of you practically falling into your bed before you curled into each other. Though fall came with all its hard work and heavy toil, you and Rhett never failed to find a moment of peace with each other.
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robbybirdy · 1 year
51. Baking therapy on a budget Ft. Genshin Character: Lisa - Carrot Cake Roll Cookies
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Hello, every birdie. So, this character in question gave me such a hassle. Okay. I want to explain something to you about this character. She would definitely be the type of person who would be in line at Starbucks every year when pumpkin pie spiced everything comes out. This would have been an easy thing.
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Expect one factor that Hoyoverse put in the game. You go to her least favorite food and she says she has “pumpkinphobia.” She is deathly afraid of pumpkins and any type of squash. But she states that her favorite foods are vegetables. So I was racking my brain and decided to do some kind of vegetable cookie. Came across this recipe scrolling through Pinterest and immediately thought of Lisa. 
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Lisa is the head librarian at the Knights of Favonius. She is originally from Sumeru and she is one of the starter characters in the game. She is usually a person you either really like, or a character you can’t really stand. I am stand more with the later statement. 
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Anyway, lets get on to the baking. These cookies are very simple and easy to make. They end up tasting and looking really cute. 
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The link for the recipe and the measurements will be down below. I did double this recipe and made some adjustments to the recipe just a little bit. Because I didn’t want to use a lot of one ingredient. The ingredients that are added are going to be after the +. 
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For this recipe you will need.
Butter/ margarine + Shortening
Granulated sugar + brown sugar
Eggs, cold 
Shredded carrots 
Ground nutmeg
Ground cloves 
Ground cinnamon 
All purpose flour
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When you have all of your ingredients you are going to preheat your oven to 325F. 
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Be careful with this next step. It can cause injuries, trust me I know (got a little bit of a cut. Not bad, and it didn’t even bleed that much, thankfully.) Carefully grate your carrots. You want to have ⅓ cup or 60 grams. This is the base recipe. For my recipe I used 120 grams of carrots because I needed to double it. 
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This recipe can be done by hand. You do not need a stand mixer or even a hand mixer to make these yummy cookies. The next step you are going to do is add your cool butter, sugar(s) and salt. 
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On a low speed you are going to mix the butter and sugars just until it starts to incorporate. You do not want any access air in the dough. Or lightly mix them together by hand until they are incorporated. 
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Add in your cold egg(s) and vanilla. And again mix until just incorporated. At this point it will look sort of lumpy or curdled. And this is great, that is what it should look like. You just don’t want any big chunks of butter. 
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Add and mix together your carrots and spices. These include cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. 
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Flour is going to be added next, to this mixture. And mix together until you don’t see any more flour. 
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With a rolling pin you will start rolling out your dough and cut it into the shapes you will want. I choose Snowmen. wait…? Why are they Snowmen? They litereallly are just piles of snow. They should have no gender. They should be Snowpeople. I choose them because I thought it would be cute. And it definitely was. 
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Usually, people decorate the cookies after they get done baking. However, I wanted to make decorations before it baked, so I didn’t have to make royal icing or anything. I cut up raisins and some sprinkles that I got for my birthday. And I think that they came out really cute. 
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The recipe states to bake them for 14-16 minutes. However, I get nervous with serving burnt cookies. Nobody wants burnt cookies. So I decided to do the first batch of cookies at 10 minutes. I always go with my mom’s advice when it comes to cookies “you can always add time. But you can never to take it back.” So that is why I always go a little less time then the recipes ask for. I ended up finding out that 12 minutes was the best time for these cookies. 
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]These cookies were so good. The original post's author talked about them being good spring cookies. And I bet they would be, in addition to being a good Christmas cookie. 
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I hope that you liked this recipe. Feel free to check it out for yourself. See you in the next post. Thank you. 
Pinterest: Here
Recipe: Here
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sweetmistuuux · 2 years
Sweet as Pie
Mitsuri Kanroji x Fem!Reader
This is actually my first post lmao so I hope it does well, I love Mitsuri <3
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Mitsuri Kanroji, Your Best Friend. She's one of the prettiest in the School. And your best friend since 6th grade. You where a student before she transferred, and ever since you laid eyes on her, you fell in love with her. She was the definition of beautiful in the inside and outside. She was so kind and saw only the good in everyone. She was always there for you to cheer you up in anyway possible. And that's why you fell for her. Now you both are living together in a dorm. You both started college 4 months ago and it's been going great, especially because you get to share a dorm with your best friend in the world.
"Y/n-san! Y/n-san!" You heard your best friend call your name. "Hey Mitsuri-san! What's up?" You ask. "I found a recipe for a food named pie! They have different types of pies! Apple pie, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, even lemon pie!! Would you like to try baking pie with me?" She said with a pleading face. You being well you, could never say no to her. "Well of course Mitsuri-san!" You agree "Eek! Let's go Y/n-san!" She said as she pulls your sleeve.
"Alright! We need to get some strawberries and then whipped cream! And sugar, cornstarch, pie crust, water, and strawberry gelatin!" Mitsuri says reading a list. "Do we have everything?" She turns to you. "Yeah, we're all set!" You say. "Alright! Now let me preheat the oven." "Okay!~ while you do that I'll unroll the pie crust and prepare it." Mitsuri says happily. "Okay now let me put the ingredient together, let's see the recipe book says to combine the sugar, cornstarch, and water to a small saucepan until its smooth." You say as to turn back to the ingredients.
As you do that you hear a little yelp. You quickly turn around to see Mitsuri sucking her index finger. You quickly go towards her. "Mitsuri-san! Are you okay?" You say worried. "Ah! Yes Y/n-san, I just accidentally burned my finger." She says. "Ah okay, be more careful next time I don't want you hurt." You say. "I will don't worry Y/n-chan!" She says smiling. You turn to continue mixing the ingredients. Then you were finished and started to boil them until it thickens. "Y/n-san the crust is ready can I arrange the strawberries?" Mitsuri asks. "Yeah sure the gelatin is done I just gotta put it in the fridge to let it cool." You say as you put the gelatin in the fridge. "Hehe thank you!" She says. A few minutes pass and then you take out the gelatin and start to pour the strawberry gelatin onto the gelatin. "Alright the strawberry gelatin is done." You say turning around with the pot in your hands. "Wanna pour it?" You ask "Yes please!" She says as you pass the pot to her. "Alright after you pour it put it in the fridge to let it cool, then I'll grab the whipped cream." You say.
A few minutes pass. You then decide the pie is probably cool enough so you take it out and ask Mitsuri to get the whipped cream. "You wanna put the whipped cream?" You ask Mitsuri. "Mhm!" She nods. "Alright!" You say ask Mitsuri starts to put the whipped cream trying to keep her hands steady as to not mess up. "Andd~ there!" She says proud of herself. You laugh a little then look at the pie. "It looks amazing!." You say also proud that you and Mitsuri were able to make a whole pie. As you look back at her you see her eating a bit of whipped cream. You chuckle at her. "Mitsuri-san you got a little something on your face." You say as you point at her chin. She wipes her face with her sleeve. "Did I get it?" She asks as she put some on her noise and up her cheek. "Here I'll get that for you." You says as you grab a napkin from the counter and clean her face. She giggles at you and you smile back. "Well should we eat the pie?" You ask. "Yes!!" She says already grabbing a plate for you and her.
You both take a slice and you both try it out and absolutely love it. "It's so delicious!" You say. "Agreed!!" Mitsuri says taking even more bigger and bigger bites. You laugh at her and turn on the TV to watch something. You finally find finished your pie slice and when you went back to the pie to grab another piece you see that there's only one slice left. "Uh, Mitsuri-san did you finish almost the whole pie?" You turn to her and she looks at you with a sadden expression. "Ah!! I'm sorry I was just so hungry!" She says. You then take the last pie slice. "Say how about we both share the last slice?" You say. "Really??" She says. "Yeah, come sit closer to me." You say as you pat the side of you. She quickly goes over to you and you grab some pie with your fork and put it to Mitsuri's mouth. She blushes at the fact that your going to feed her. "Hm? Mitsuri-san, are you blushing?" You ask her. "Ah! Y/n-san it's just that it's embarrassing being fed!" She says covering her blushing face. You laugh a little. "Well if your going to blush let me see your face! Your adorable when you blush you know." You tell her. She looks back at you with a even red face. "Y/n-san!! You know those types of complements make me blush!" She says. "Hehe, anyway are you going to take a bite?" You ask her. "Ah! Yes!" She says leaning to take a bite. She takes the bite and looks at you with a red face while eating.
While she finished eating her pie, you lean to kiss her. "Y/N-SAN??!!" She says backing away with a very red face. "What? You wanted me to kiss you no?" You say with a smile. "I-I WELL-" She says looking all over the room. "You know what I just realized." You tell her. "W-what?" She asks. "You tasted just like the pie, but sweeter. Who knew if I just wanted pie, I would have just went to you, hehe." You say laughing. "Y/N-SAN!!!" Mitsuri yells blushing. "I'm only kidding! But, for real your just as sweet as the pie. If only I could have kissed you sooner." You say. "W-well if I must admit you have very soft lips..." Mitsuri says looking at the floor. "Why thank you hehe." You say also blushing. "Soo do you wanna, you know go out?" You say. "S-sure." Mitsuri says as she gets closer to you and hugs your arm. "Wanna watch The Princess and the Frog?" You ask "Sure!" Mitsuri replys with.
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yxvenom · 2 years
If you are anything like me; a full-time college student, and a full-time intern, then you don't realize holidays are right around the corner. This holiday season you will be reunited with family, friends and loved ones, and what a good way to take a pause from assignments and work then to greet them with delicious seasonal cookies. With this Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe from Delish will blow your guest away just as it did to mine. 
Baking is my love language to my family and friends. Whenever there is a special event like birthdays and other small celebrations I like to bring cookies. Normally I switch up the flavors depending on the person's liking. I have backed sugar cookies, double chocolate chip cookies, and my favorite is this Red Velvet Crinkle Cookie recipe. I enjoy seeing my loved ones take their first bite of my cookies; seeing their eyes widen and huge smiles start to form. It’s like a reward. 
For these Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie you will need: 
2 1/4 c. all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
1 c. (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
3/4 c. packed brown sugar
1/2 c. granulated sugar
3/4 c. pumpkin purée
1 large egg
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
2 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips
With these simple ingredients and a little love sprinkled into the baking process you will have your guest asking for these Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies every holiday season. To be around family and loved ones during the holidays is something special and we often take it for granted. We get stuck in our heads dealing with personal problems, stressing about our future and we don’t live in the present.
One thing I like to do when I am baking these cookies is really try and be present, to enjoy the baking process and have fun while doing it. I feel like the cookies do taste better when a little extra love is added to them. As I am rolling a ball of dough on my hands, I say thank you for each blessing that has presented it self this year. It makes the baking more intimate, personal, and it helps you focus on the present. 
I remember baking these cookies last year when we were all going through really tough times. Covid-19 took so much away from our lives in such a short amount of time. The isolation was something that I personally didn't think was going to affect me the way it did. Being indoors for two weeks straight without sunlight made me feel sick, although things were rough my body and mind needed fresh air and sunlight. I put my mask on and headed to the lobby of my building and stood outside for about five minutes. Everything looked abandoned, no cars passing by, no loud music playing from a neighbors window, sure silence. New York City, the city that never sleeps, had finally taken a nap. 
This is why I hold this recipe very dear to my heart. It's a reminder to enjoy life because it's a present, the moment we are living now will never come again. 
*Oven timer goes off*
The cookies are now ready, make sure to let them cool off before you enjoy a bite of the delicious Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie.
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clubwnderland · 2 years
♡ — [sender] and [receiver] try to bake an apple/pumpkin pie (ofc they gotta do it too)
Baking a pie, should be simple right? They had gone and picked the apples, only the best ones were chosen for the pie while Irene said she was going to make some candied apples and the rest were peeled and cut and placed in the pot to stew them.
"How're the apples looking, baby?" Irene says as she makes the pie pastry, looking at the recipe before looking over at Chris staring at the pot. They aren't burning, because Chris keeps stirring them, so that's a good sign.
"Ah, how do I know when they are done?" He pokes around to see if he can feel any lumps left before stirring some more.
Irene comes over, her hands messy so she holds them in the air to keep them from touching anything and looks at the stewed apples.
"You can turn the heat off and put it aside while I get the pie pastry sorted." She kisses his cheek before heading back over to her part of the apple pie-making but it doesn't take long for her to not be alone. "You want to help?"
"No," Chris says as he envelopes her in a back hug, looking at her spread the pastry. "I'm hungry."
"It'll be ready soon and then you can eat it."
"I'm not craving pie, not yet anyway."
Irene chuckles and shakes her head as she turns to look up Chris, "can you wait until I've finished this?" He hums as if in thought, leaning down to kiss the side of her neck. "Chris..." She sighs, tilting her head to the side and instantly melts into him as he continues his tender touches and kisses to distract her. "Baby..."
"Better get that pie in the oven, baby girl," he whispers in her ear with a teasing tone, "everyone will be here soon~." Chris pulls away before smacking her ass and heading over to the couch with a chuckle.
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ecoop0412 · 4 months
Something about me: I love to bake!
I grew up surrounded by women who were incredible cooks. Every year for the holidays they would go all out and make everything under the sun and make it well. However, no one wanted to bake! I was too little for them to teach me how to cook and to keep up with them, so I took the initiative, grabbed my grandma's recipe folder, flipped to the baking section, and asked my mom about all the recipes I saw. Not only did I want to do something to contribute and be noticed on the holidays for making something amazing, but I also had a huge sweet tooth and wanted some yummy treats on the table too! I began asking my dad to add a few baking items to the cart when he would go grocery shopping. When I started to get the hang of baking, I was asked to make certain things for the holidays by my family members. Now, I make my peanut butter pie for Easter, pecan and pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, red velvet cake, monkey bread, and fudge on Christmas, and my apple crisp and peanut brittle on birthdays. If no one else in my family wants to bake, I sure will!
Because of this, I have learned a lot over the years about baking and it has leaked into my personal life as well. Baking is all about following the recipe to perfection and PATIENCE! In order for your sweet treat to taste and look as good as the picture in the recipe book, you have to be precise and follow instructions as well as have patience. In some recipes, you may have to sift flour over 5 times to get the flour thin and to make your cake fluffy and delicious. This lesson has served me well in the kitchen and in my day to day. I have learned to follow instructions and listen to authority and to those who know more than me. I have also learned to have patience and self-control in situations where others may not. You don't know patience until you mess up a gingerbread cookie recipe 3 times and still have to wait for it to bake in the oven to see if it tastes right! Overall, I appreciate the passion and skill I have for baking and for all that it has taught me, and I can't wait to get back in the kitchen to bake some more yummy treats!
Thanks, ya'll!💕
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drdunev · 7 months
Can you believe it is Thanksgiving already? The snow is already flying up North, so I am glad to be in Florida this year, and happy that I can see patients, family and friends another time before Christmas rushes in.
Give yourself the gift of a good Immune boost. There are so many herbs and supplements that will help you escape whatever comes your way. Your own innate Immune system, mostly located in the lining of the gut, is your best defense against a host of health issues. There are chewable immune supplements for the kids and anyone who hates swallowing pills. Scout’s Motto-Be prepared!
We are watching how much sugar we eat this year, so I will be making pumpkin pie with Monk Fruit and Stevia. The spicy desserts really lend themselves to these plant-based extracts that taste sweet to the tongue, but don’t contain sugar and don’t spike your blood sugar. I always double or triple the cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves, and that further balances blood sugar control.
Thanks to Birch Benders there are pumpkin pancake and waffle mixes. Avoiding gluten or eating paleo? If you can't buy locally, it's available on Amazon.
Turkey meat has the amino acid Tryptophan, which the body uses to make both Serotonin and Melatonin. So, that satisfied, feel-good mood after a big turkey dinner is partly from the unique benefits of turkey.
Don’t forget the digestive enzymes like Enzycore and Zypan or Betaine HCL to help you enjoy that good lean protein.
I am doing a lot of Telemedicine and long-distance consulting, so if you have family members who live elsewhere and need help, let me know. See a healthy snack recipe perfect for Thanksgiving below.
The Pilgrims and the Native Americans came from completely different religious beliefs, cultures, countries, and customs. But they came together over the things they shared in common. We all need healthy whole foods, our families, and our friends. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to find people who can teach us the things we need to know to survive in new environments. Despite their religious differences, the Pilgrims undoubtedly thanked God for the wisdom the Native Americans shared that enabled them to survive in the harsh winter of their new home. Many of our best medicines came from Native American herbal tradition. Echinacea is a North American herb that is a powerful immune remedy, cultivated by Native Americans.i Sage, Motherwort, Willow Bark, and Saw Palmetto were other herbs the early herbalists learned about from the tribal practitioners.
Wishing you a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving, with enough kindness and goodwill to share.
ihttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12808356/                                  Roasted Parsnip Chips Parsnips are those cream-colored, odd shaped root vegetables that look like carrots. They are surprisingly mild and sweet when roasted. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Line a large roasting pan or cookie sheet with parchment paper (if you want to make clean up easier.) Slice the parsnips diagonally and spread out in the pan. I usually roast the larger pieces first, and add the smaller ones later for even roasting. Brush or drizzle the sliced parsnips with olive oil and salt to taste.  Roast for 20 minutes and check. We like them crispier, so I roast them longer, but they are ready whenever they start to turn golden brown. They can be roasted and stored in the refrigerator until ready to be reheated and enjoyed. Even die-hard vegetable haters may enjoy these! Parsnips have great nutritional value. The mineral content includes manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. Vitamins include B1, B6, B9, C, K, and E. They also have the fiber that our gut biome loves. And the contain Falcarindiol, an antioxidant that may destroy tumor cells. In ancient herbal lore, parsnips were considered an aphrodisiac. Pretty good stuff for an oddly shaped carrot! Let me know if you try this recipe or have another parsnip recipe to share.
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mafamilleinc · 9 months
Now the fall season is coming on its way as we prepare for the new season. I have been in the mood for pumpkin lately. Do any of you enjoy pumpkin? I hope so because now the crop is in season for our desire to consume for the next few months. Here’s an site to share all kinds of recipes involving pumpkin.
I will leave everyone with this poem from John Greenleaf Whittier to inspire you today…
“Oh, greenly and fair in the lands of the sun,
The vines of the gourd and the rich melon run,
And the rock and the tree and the cottage enfold,
With broad leaves all greenness and blossoms all gold,
Like that which o'er Nineveh's prophet once grew,
While he waited to know that his warning was true,
And longed for the storm-cloud, and listened in vain
For the rush of the whirlwind and red fire-rain.
On the banks of the Xenil the dark Spanish maiden
Comes up with the fruit of the tangled vine laden;
And the Creole of Cuba laughs out to behold
Through orange-leaves shining the broad spheres of gold;
Yet with dearer delight from his home in the North,
On the fields of his harvest the Yankee looks forth,
Where crook-necks are coiling and yellow fruit shines,
And the sun of September melts down on his vines.
Ah! on Thanksgiving day, when from East and from West,
From North and from South come the pilgrim and guest,
When the gray-haired New Englander sees round his board
The old broken links of affection restored,
When the care-wearied man seeks his mother once more,
And the worn matron smiles where the girl smiled before,
What moistens the lip and what brightens the eye?
What calls back the past, like the rich Pumpkin pie?
Oh, fruit loved of boyhood! the old days recalling,
When wood-grapes were purpling and brown nuts were falling!
When wild, ugly faces we carved in its skin,
Glaring out through the dark with a candle within!
When we laughed round the corn-heap, with hearts all in tune,
Our chair a broad pumpkin,—our lantern the moon,
Telling tales of the fairy who travelled like steam,
In a pumpkin-shell coach, with two rats for her team!
Then thanks for thy present! none sweeter or better
E'er smoked from an oven or circled a platter!
Fairer hands never wrought at a pastry more fine,
Brighter eyes never watched o'er its baking, than thine!
And the prayer, which my mouth is too full to express,
Swells my heart that thy shadow may never be less,
That the days of thy lot may be lengthened below,
And the fame of thy worth like a pumpkin-vine grow,
And thy life be as sweet, and its last sunset sky
Golden-tinted and fair as thy own Pumpkin pie!”
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