#get rid of stubborn belly fat
pdiariesmag · 1 year
It's Time To LIV PURE
Scientists Discover A Hidden Root Cause Of Stubborn Belly Fat, And It Will Surprise You… This post contains affiliate links. If you click on the links and shop any items Pharaoh Diaries Magazine gets a commission. Are you struggling with low energy and stubborn belly fat that just won’t budge? Turns out, it’s not your fault. In 2023, an esteemed team of scientific researchers discovered…
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weightlosshub · 2 years
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motionapp · 20 days
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How to recover your body after pregnancy is crucial for your well-being. Discover the best practices and exercises to regain strength, tone your muscles, and boost your energy levels. From nutrition tips to gentle workouts, learn how to recover effectively and embrace the new you. Prioritize self-care and watch your body transform.
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trendyglows · 1 year
After extensive scientific research, it is evident that Liv Pure stands as a credible weight management supplement. This solution effectively targets the underlying factors of fatigue, sluggish metabolism, and inexplicable weight gain, providing a substantial conclusion based on rigorous analysis.
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69yard · 1 year
Exersices that Reduce Belly Fat
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Pexels.com Reducing belly fat requires a combination of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and a healthy diet. Here are some exercises that can help you target and reduce belly fat: Cardiovascular exercises: Engaging in aerobic exercises that raise your heart rate and burn calories is crucial for overall fat loss, including belly fat. Some effective cardio…
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losebellyfat2023 · 2 years
Best way to get rid of stubborn belly fat fast
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thecrypto1 · 2 years
How To Lose Belly Fat In 1 Week To Your Boss, The Best Secrets How To Lose Belly Fat In 1 Week In this video, we show you how to lose belly fat in just one week. Our host explains that while spot reduction is not possible, by following a healthy diet, regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress, you can significantly reduce overall body fat and see a noticeable difference in your belly. We cover the importance of being in a calorie deficit and the types of foods to focus on, as well as the types of exercise that will boost your metabolism and help you burn calories. We also touch on the importance of getting enough sleep and managing stress in order to achieve your fitness goals. This video is perfect for anyone looking for a quick and effective solution for reducing belly fat. With tips and tricks from our host and a clear action plan, you'll be on your way to a flatter stomach in no time.
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bestcoolman01 · 2 years
Weight Loss Secrets Of Amur Cork Bark The Phellodendron Amurense
There are endless diets, meals plan which claims ensure rapid weight loss. And some scientific strategies on weight management which includes exercising, keep record of calorie intake, intermittent fasting, and reducing intake of fast foods. There is a lot of bad weight loss information on the internet. Much of what is recommended is questionable at best, and not based on any actual science. However, there are several natural methods that have actually been proven to work. One of them is Amur Cork Bark based supplements.
Amur Cork Bark - The Phellodendron Amurense
The Phellodendron is a plant. Its bark is used to make medicine which make this plant is an interesting specimen. Its name cork is derived from its corky inner bark. In young trees, the Amur Cork's bark has a light golden-brown color, while more mature trees have barks that appear gray/brown. The inner bark, pictured, is neon yellow just below the surface. Compounds in the bark such as the various alkaloids and flavonoids contribute to the many health benefits that can come from consuming extracts from the amur cork tree. The bark of the tree, known as huáng bó in traditional Chinese medicine, is considered one of 50 fundamental herbs. It has been used as treatment for meningitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, jaundice and a host of other diseases.
This herb is rich in following compounds are as follows:
obacunonic acid
HOW Amur Cork Bark Reduces Weight
Taking Amur cork bark for weight loss is an excellent way to control your weight and lower your stress levels. It also supports the liver and heart, supports glucose metabolism, and reduces triglyceride levels. Here are the benefits of this amazing ingredient.
Berberine: Berberine is the main compound found in Phellodendron plant. Berberine, it seems is a very effective for weight loss. It works by going into the bloodstream after ingestion before going directly to cells and plays a huge role in regulating metabolism.
BAT: Berberine helps in uses stored fat as fuel to create energy in the form of heat. Burning through fat stores causes reduction in fat mass.
Anti-inflammatory: It lowers LDL cholesterol, which is a major cause of weight gain. Keeping your stress levels down is vital to controlling weight gain. It also helps regulate blood sugar and remove bad cholesterol.
Support liver and helps in digestion: It helps the body digest foods, store nutrients, and regulate blood sugar. The liver helps the body use carbohydrates. By providing a balanced supply of glucose in the bloodstream, the liver can better use the nutrients it receives from food.
Improve Glucose Metabolism: Amur corkboost the body metabolic rate. It contains antioxidants. It lowers triglycerides and improves the production of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Decrease the triglyceride levels: The Amur cork plant have powerful antioxidants. It reduces the triglyceride levels and increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. It is also said to reduce fat storage and fatigue, and to boost energy levels.
Increase HDL Cholesterol Levels: The magical properties of this plant claimed to reduce cholesterol levels and increase high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. It collects fatty acids in the bloodstream and promote the activity of lipase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down triglycerides.
The bark is used in many medicines due to its enormous beneficial properties. The chemicals found in the bark can reduce blood glucose and bad cholesterol levels, which aids your body in decreasing body weight.
Our company The best cool man introduced “Exipure”  a weight loss supplement that helps you to lose weight in a healthy way. Each capsule will contain 8 clinically-proven ingredients that increase calorie-burning brown adipose tissue (BAT). The following are the magical herbs are as follows:
1.      Perilla (Perilla Frutescens)
2.      Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata)
3.      Holy Basil (Ocimum Sanctum)
4.      White Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)
5.      Amur Cork Bark (Phellodendron Amurense)
6.      Propolis
7.      Querecetin (Quercetum)
8.      Oleuropein (Olea Europaea)
This weight loss supplement contains only organic ingredients. No chemical, smell, and artificial substances is added. You can take this in your daily life without any disruptions and noticeable way
Reduce your body weight.
If you are looking for healthy way to loss weight that will directly affects your body fats, then this supplement is right for you. You can also avail our discount while the stocks last.
Click here to visit our official website
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freeonlineworkouts · 2 years
Click - How to Get rid of Stubborn Lower Belly Fat?
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motionapp · 21 days
Best Fitness Apps for Women
Discover the best fitness apps for women that make reaching your health and wellness goals easier than ever. Whether you're looking to lose weight, build strength, or maintain a healthy lifestyle, these apps offer personalized workouts, tracking features, and expert advice to keep you motivated and on track.
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wholegrainvore · 10 months
heres a silly valentin drabble
By the time the dusty old house was cleared, Valentin had crammed eight gnomes, six fairies, and a fluffy down his gullet. The fluffy was a pleasant dessert to his hunt; the small creatures were always so tasty and docile, and this one barely struggled at all as he gulped it down greedily. 
“Ah, mercy,” he groaned, rolling his knuckles against his bulging gut. “Gotta — mmm… show my work to the nice lady. You all calm down in there.”
He gave his middle a pat and made his way to the front door, stepping out into the afternoon sun.
“Oh! Young man, you’ve finished with those pests?”
Valentin belched into his fist, shooting the witch a charming smile. “All taken care of, ma’am. Not one left.” His stomach gave a gentle groan, the creatures inside thrashing about to try and escape, and he hiccuped.
“Wonderful,” she praised, reaching into her apron and pulling out a tiny pouch of gold coins.
He received them gratefully, rubbing his gurgling stomach with his free hand as it worked hard to begin churning up its cargo. It was nice to be able to get a meal and pay in one fell swoop. 
“Mister! If you let me out, I’ll grant you a wish! Anything your heart desires!”
“Aww, precious,” Valentin chuckled, grinding his hand into the fatty flesh of his gut. Most of his hunt had been churned away, except for this one stubborn fairy that didn’t seem to want to digest.
“I’m —“ He started, before cutting himself off with a meaty belch. “Ah,” he purred, licking his lips. “Excuse me, love — I’m flattered, really, but all I wish is that you would start digesting nicely. I need to make room for tonight’s job, you see; I’m a busy man. Now, shhh…” He pushed insistently at his stomach, trying to stimulate the organ to work harder.
The fairy pouted and gave the wall of his belly a firm kick. “You must want something! To be a mighty sorcerer, or a king… Come on, mister! Let me go!”
Valentin leaned back in his chair, the wooden frame giving a slight creak of protest from his weight, and stroked his hand over the slope of his stomach soothingly.  “Come now, my dear. I get rid of little pests like you for a nominal fee. My clients trust me to thin out your populations; if I were to let you little things go afterwards, I wouldn’t really be doing my job, would I?”
The fairy harrumphed and sulked in the depths of his gut, and Valentin patted his belly fondly. “Don’t be so disappointed, little one… All of your friends have already succumbed to my gut; isn’t it nice and warm in there? Don’t you want to join them? Just — urp — get comfortable and quit squirming. Accept that you're only food to me.”
The fairy grumbled but eventually stopped struggling, and Valentin gave a satisfied sigh. “That’s a good girl," he said through a yawn, stretching grandly in his chair. His hand came down to rest over his stomach, and he marvelled for a moment about how large he'd become. When he’d first gotten into the extermination business, he'd been ... not exactly trim, but at least he had a bit of definition to his frame. Now, he'd become a mountain of a man. He'd gained enough fat and muscle to become quite the imposing figure; huge, strong arms and shoulders, a gut that could hold two or three grown men, a soft and impressive chest - and he was still growing.
 Valentin let out another yawn, his eyelids growing heavy. A nap before his next job sounded very nice; a young paladin had sought him out to clear out a sacred forest of imps and wood-sprites. He dreaded the task when he already felt so nicely sated and sleepy, but he wasn’t too averse to the idea of being paid to stuff himself silly.
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digitalsamay · 11 months
Tired of constantly struggling to lose belly fat and gain muscle? You are not alone. Many people face the challenge of getting rid of stubborn belly fat and building muscle effectively. In this blog post, I share some proven strategies to help you reach your fitness goals faster and overcome the most common pain points that block your progress.
There are certain things do to lose your belly fat 
Let’s address the most common pain points people encounter when trying to lose belly fat. Motivation is often the first challenge. It’s easy to lose sight of your goals when progress seems slow. Additionally, misconceptions about fad diets and quick fixes can lead to frustration and disappointment.
The Importance of a Balanced Diet
One of the most important aspects of losing belly fat and building muscle is maintaining a balanced diet. Skipping meals or severely limiting your calorie intake may seem like a shortcut, but it can damage your metabolism and stunt muscle growth. Instead, focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods that support fat loss and muscle building.
Incorporate regular exercise
Exercise is essential for both fat burning and muscle building. Aerobic exercise, such as running and cycling, helps burn calories, and strength training, such as weightlifting, promotes muscle growth. Combining both gives more meaningful results.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):
HIIT is a powerful tool for anyone looking to accelerate progress. This type of training involves short periods of intense activity followed by short periods of rest. HIIT is very efficient as it not only burns calories during exercise but also continues to burn fat after exercise.
Prioritize sleep and rest
Not getting enough sleep and rest can negatively impact fat loss and muscle gain. During deep sleep, the body repairs and builds muscle tissue. Aim for 7-9 hours of excellent sleep every night to help your fitness quest.
Stress management:
Stress can cause emotional eating and stymie growth. Incorporate stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature to maintain a healthy mind-body balance.
Set realistic goals.
Setting unrealistic goals can lead to disappointment and lack of motivation. Instead, set achievable short-term goals and celebrate each milestone to stay motivated throughout your journey.
Losing belly fat and gaining muscle can seem like a daunting task, but with the right strategy and attitude, it’s doable. By targeting common pain points and taking a balanced approach to diet, exercise, sleep and stress management, you’ll be on track to reach your fitness goals. Remember that consistency and patience are key. So focus on transforming your body and your overall health. Your journey to a healthier, healthier person begins now
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furnace-arden · 1 month
I've known fatphobia was a thing for a long time, obviously, but I've been thin to super skinny my whole life. Holy cow, the way some things sink in from theoretical to practical
For the last decade, I've been super skinny. Like, doctors telling me to order milkshakes when I eat out levels of skinny. I could see my hip bones, my rib bones and my spine. It was not "good skinny" by any means. A lot of this was a wicked depression/ eating disorder combo. I didn't want to eat and when I did, everything made me gag. It was awful.
Recently, I've finally healed enough to put on weight. I've reached a healthy weight for the first time in my adult life. I've outgrown my high school clothes now, a month before my 31st birthday. I don't fit in a size 0 anymore and occasionally need medium shirts.
I knew I'd have to tell people weight gain was good and that needing new clothes was good. (I'm bummed about new clothes occasionally because I really liked those yellow pants, but I can buy new yellow pants). We're conditioned to think it's bad and if I wanted the right reaction, I'd have to prime for it.
But I didn't expect some of the other stuff. For the first time in my life, I have a little tummy. It's more of that "stubborn belly fat" diet mags are always trying to get rid of, than a proper tummy, but the fact that it only showed up when I reached a healthy weight is stunning. For the first time since I was 19, I can't see my ribs and now I'm supposed to work to get rid of this stomach pooch?
I love having my tummy now. I love not seeing my ribs and I also love being able to lay on my stomach and have my hip bones be cushioned enough that it doesn't hurt.
I'm still thin. I'm 120 lbs and 5'4". And what's absolutely buckwild to me is that I know there's a group out there who would look at this achievement--having even the slightest amount of extra body fat--and cringe. This is the lowest weight I can be without my body shutting down. I have better circulation, more energy, better all sorts of things.
And the fact that I have to say "I gained 4" around my waist TELL ME HOW GOOD I DID" is bonkers. This 4" is an achievement.
I'm not really sure what the point of writing this is, but I only have, like, 2 followers on this blog so it seemed safe enough to purge the thoughts here.
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angelst4rv · 5 days
Day 12
Weight: 61.8kg
I’m so close to gw1!! For the first time in so long I feel my hipbones popping out! I just can’t wait to get rid of the stubborn arm and belly fat. I don’t wanna see my stomach turn into a fucking ball when im sitting up from laying down. When I sit I don’t really have rolls but it’s just when I crunch up from a sit-up yk? I want that shit gone.
Anyways, today’s plan is clean…again. Then work and maybe a hangout after work? Either way im getting those steps in ahhh. Also, for food gonna have something before work for sure. Dinner will be light tho.
I ended up getting oreos for work and then hung out with my coworkers so I didn’t eat anything 😀
- 10k steps: ✔︎
- 75 sit-ups: ✔︎
- 75 russian twists: ✔︎
- 75 squats: ✔︎
- april han arm workout: ✔︎
- Snack 1: medium iced black coffee - 0 cals
- Snack 2: two oreos - 106 cals
2 large waters: ✔︎
Total cals: 106
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Meda please tell me why I keep having a dream about getting knocked up by Joby Taylor and us trying to co-parent. Like. It’s always a mess but we pull together for the kid and there’s tenderness and anger and fights (I wasn’t going to tell him about the baby he found out) and. Why. Why does my brain want this
𝐉𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐱 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: lmao poor baby stomping storm is gonna get a notification that I used one of his gifs and it's for this. I am sorry, my beloved. but I couldn't not use one of your gifs; they are too beautiful <3 also lmao thank you, delaney, for giving me an excuse to share these headcanons bc I also think about this kind of scenario all of the time. because truly. this has no right living rent free in my head.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: vague allusions to sex, pregnancy, Joby is a clueless dad (and I guess we're just eating that slop up), nothing else I can think of!
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One usually doesn't try to purposely entangle themselves with Joby Taylor. Joby Taylor merely happens to you. One day you're internally groaning over how he's looking at you from under his heavy eyelids and baring that smug smile from across the bar and the next you're holding a positive pregnancy test and debating whether or not you tell him.
You decide not to. There's no reason to get him involved. He'd probably want you to get rid of it anyways, and you're not interested in that. So you go radio silent.
But Joby isn't entirely clueless. He notices how you seem to be distancing yourself. He doesn't want to admit it to himself, but when you don't answer his calls, he gets that pang of jealousy. He wonders for a moment if you might be seeing someone else.
Though he's far from being exclusive with you, something about that makes him twitchy. He likes to believe that you wouldn't need anyone else other than him. So, he becomes clingy. In an attempt to figure out why you won't see him, drink with him, or sleep with him anymore, he'll go directly to you.
And you'll never forget the dumbstruck expression on his face when he starts saying that he's been calling you for weeks, only to be caught off guard by the small bump that's forming on your belly. Now, he is intimately familiar with your body. And he knows that isn't just a pouch of fat.
Joby flies into hysterics. He'll exclaim, "Wait a second, what the fuck is that?"
Don't even bother trying to beat around the bush with him because he will straight up demand to know, "Is it mine?"
And though he hopes that the answer is no, he knows deep down in his bones that he would never be lucky enough to dodge that bullet.
When sent into fight or flight, Joby's first urge is to flee; to protect his ego. The old Joby who had never met his first child and who only cared about his career wouldn't have given a second thought before waving you off and going his own way. The easy way.
But he isn't the old Joby anymore. And as much as he loathes his truth, he resolves that he must live it regardless. For the benefit of you and this child, he'll be there.
Him being there is difficult, both for him and you.
First of all, getting him to quit smoking and getting him to drink less would be a feat. Drying Joby out is worse than most symptoms of pregnancy. Because he's stubborn, he'll insist that he needs it and only begins to soften when you remind him that you want the baby to grow up in a sober home.
Decorating the baby's room and preparing with all of the supplies you'll need, he mostly leaves that bit to you. He'd watch you paint the bedroom with a blank expression, just watching the pastel blue slowly cover over the plain white walls; a sign of the times if he'd ever seen one.
When you start to wobble on the ladder, he'll break from his trance and rush to your side, quietly chuckling about how he thought your balance would be better with the low center of gravity and everything.
You'd give him a little grimace, knowing full well that you look different now and hating that he seems to be aware of it too.
But if there's one thing that Joby doesn't struggle with, it's the way that bump grows through the months. Bodies are bodies in his eyes. He doesn't really have a preference exactly.
As long as he can still figure it out similar to how he did before you were pregnant, he'll be happy. And in that way, Joby is the most comforting through those insecurities; after all, he will never pass up the opportunity to tell you that you're not his favorite MILF before giving you a cheeky, sloppy kiss.
Actually raising the baby is the really difficult part, obviously. A life on the road with his bandmates really hasn't put him in the prime position to know what to do when the baby needs to be changed or burped or fed or nurtured in almost any way.
That leaves you teaching him as you go for the first few months. It also means that there's lots of conflicts. Not a week goes by where you're not arguing with him over him not doing his fair share to keep everything running.
The way that he apologizes is...unconventional...to say in the least. He expects you to read between the lines. Getting a verbal, "I'm sorry," takes a lot. He shows his remorse through random trips to the gas station convenience store on the corner and bringing you back your favorite snack and drink. He also shows it through offering physical touch.
Because Joby loves touching. Whether it's him rubbing your shoulders and easing the tension from your muscles with his skilled fingers or it's him rubbing a climax out of you at the end of the night; he hates the idea of you going to bed angry at him.
He'll lay in bed, watching the back of your head and wishing he had a clue what was going on in it. At least when you're relaxed under his hands, there's a better chance that there's no seeds of bitterness being sown inside of you.
That's another pill that's hard for him to swallow. He hates thinking that he's ruined your life. He's done it once before; and though Claire seemed to be just fine the last time he saw her, he'll never get over the fact that he brought life into the world and ignored it for the longest time.
Some of that guilt helps to fuel his efforts. It's what brings the deals into fruition. Because making those little promises forces him to keep his word and keeps him accountable.
"I'll clean up the baby food if you get the baby in the bathtub."
"How about you cook dinner and I'll do the dishes?"
"Let me take a nap for an hour while you play with the baby."
Each deal gets sealed with a handshake and maybe a kiss if he's lucky. Because at the end of the day, you're a team. You're in this thing together. And no matter what you feel for him, you're both determined to do right by this kid.
Joby does something that he never thought he'd do: he settles into a stable routine. One that doesn't include any substances or blackouts or lapses in judgment that make him hate himself. Through hard work and dedication, Joby becomes a functioning human being; a man who is actually trying his best.
And as much as he once hated the idea of planting himself firmly, he doesn't mind being potted right beside you. With the way you bloom, Joby makes sure that even during the moments where you don't like each other that much, you still respect each other. And Joby hopes that'll never change. Because maybe he didn't ruin your life. Maybe, though, you saved his.
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