#get your ACT together boy
mywingsareonwheels · 4 months
It took Edwin, a 16 year old human boy, just over a century to forgive Simon, thus releasing the latter from Hell. And Simon was largely responsible for his death.
Meanwhile Morpheus, a literally Endless being, got dumped by his girlfriend 10,000 years ago and...
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bluegarners · 3 months
FREE ME FROM THIS PRISON!!!!!! (<- thinking about dick’s pre-bruce family)
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happyk44 · 2 months
Zeus: I love all my children equally - Athena, Artemis, Dike, Hebe, Persephone, Dionysus...
Zeus: The other ones...
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threadsun · 1 year
Hey real quick request:
Can yall try to be normal about sex work and nonmonogamy/people who aren't virgins?
The number of asks I get that censor sex work related terms, use outdated and offensive terms, and act like it's something secret and to be ashamed of is unacceptable. Sex work is work. We don't keep random VHS copies of our own pornos in our houses. We aren't "spoiled" or "ruined" because we have sex with colleagues for the camera, and it's not something that should inspire jealousy in any reasonable person. I will never make the boys anything but fully supportive of sex work, and I will not change my Joseph's backstory as a full service survival sex worker just because it "ruins him for you". Grow the fuck up and be normal about the fact that even if you personally are a virgin, not everyone is and that doesn't make them incapable/unworthy of love or devotion or commitment. Casual sex is not abnormal or something you need to psychoanalyse a character about. Just. Please be normal about sex and sex work, all you're doing is making yourself look like an asshole.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 5 months
I don't wanna say that the Dunmeshi fandom is speedrunning towards that hyperspecific level of annoying a fandom gets to after a while, but whew buddy
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i-am-kind-of-lost · 4 months
Is Jannik injured? Is he doing this to make Carlos feel better?
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hollowwish · 1 year
heather by conan gray as s1 fwhimmy......so many thoughts....
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enjoytheglow · 5 months
Since Mae's gonna say it a lot, y'all who haven't seen Reefer Madness need to hear the way she says "Just fell, that's all!"
@emprean @legbite @crisisbabe @nothingtrivial @trailnapped @themeekwillinherit @vihilum
Edit: not sure why only some of the tags are working but anyway
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#so tired of my friend's bum ass partner getting in the way of things#dude is hella controlling and makes every room so awkward i cant stand it and acts like their grown ass needs my friend to do anything#we'll be hanging out at his place and hell be like#gotta go my partner wants to go to sleep and he needs me to do it#apparently#he never wants to end the hangout either it's always this person's decision#partner is lame as fuck too i seriously cant fathom what he sees in them#and every time we're chilling you better believe snapchat is open and they're talking#like BROOO LET ME HANG OUT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD#IM MARRIED AND UR ACTINGLIKE THIS!!! LET THE BOY HAVE FUN OUTSIDE OF YOUR PRESENCE#like you LIVE togther you do not have to be attached at the messaging app like this#and rescheduling to do chores together is wild#it would be cute if this didn't happen every single time#and it's not cute because the partner is still controlling every second of his time#HERES THE THING HES WANTED A PROPOSAL#BUT THIS FUCK WONT PROPOSE#AND DOESNT WANT KIDS#BUT WONT BREAK UP WITH MY FRIEND WHO WANTS CHILDREN AND AND PROPOSAL#LIKE FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFFFFF#and they're open and every time another person joins he's talkig to me about how the partner pays wayyy more attention to the other one#AHHHHHHHHHHHH#BREAK UP#THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU#oh my god#hes coming over without partner and staying the night so we can talk without this bum over his shoulder#they're a cheater too#but it was onlyfans so it “isnt as bad”#the onlyfans of someone they both. know.#im pissed bruh#they just renewed their lease together too
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stillshewanders · 8 months
since you're all dying to know, the boy and i stopped seeing each other almost a month ago now 😔✊🏽 i'm trying to decide how much it's possible to cut him out of my mind and heart and still be his friend so uhhhh drop ur suggestions and experiences i guess
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o-daintyduck · 2 years
Idc this was a pretty happy ending. As happy as it could get, considering we spent the middle 14 episodes mourning the loss of a life that Hyun-woo could've had had he not been born dirt poor. It was really fitting for them to set up the exact same time for Do-jun and Hyun-woo to fight for the throne and respect, respectively. 17, almost 18 years. Maybe it's bc I haven't read the web novel but whether the story be a simple loopy one or magic realist; it doesn't really negate the previous 14 episodes. I remember I'd told my friend that I felt this was the case of an unreliable narrator, somewhere around episode 4 lol. Why did HW read up everything he could get on Jin Yang-cheol? He was too busy running around working triple shifts, worrying about his family in rampant poverty during his teens and early twenties to know the intricacies of stock market, economy, Seo Taiji's comeback, everything related to everyone and their mother!? Mason's books are sitting somewhere in his backroom probably all dog-eared right now as we speak. He followed the numbers, facts, remembered each fight along with the contemporaneous event in history. That's why he kept winning. I'm attributing the non-romance situation with Min-young to him not knowing the goings-on in their private lives.
Min-young flashbacking to her and Do-jun's initial days kind of confirmed to me that it was both Hyun-woo's outstanding guilt as well as comatose- time travel to blame for this series. "Repentance" once an unreliable narrator, always an unreliable narrator.
lol where was I going, this show was beautifully acted, enjoyable and masterfully played onscreen. That's the thing about transformative stories, they have something for everyone. The only bittersweet thing about the finale is that it's ended :(
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blazing-spectre · 1 year
Considering how bad Serval wants to follow the Emperor to the end of the world and beyond, I never in a million years would have thought he’d give the opportunity to go full ilithid to Karlach instead but here we are. O_O I don’t know what the FUCK I’ve done, but she seems happy at least.
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goldennika · 1 year
Tumblr media
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flowerflamestars · 2 years
Robin fic snippet
“Kid.” He looked up, vivid, heartbroken anger adulterated by a scrunch between his brows, “You want me to kneecap him?”   “Yes.” Tim drummed his fingers against the wood, shockingly loud, “No. I want”-   “Someone to tell you you’re not crazy.”   Tim said nothing.   “There are no one way bonds,” Elle settled on saying. “Death echoes are not a coincidence. I know nothing about clones and less about aliens, but I do know that what you’re feeling is real, okay?”   Tim swallowed. “When Jason came back, you felt it, right?”   Like a supernova. A sunrise. A falling star, and then just a speck of light, for more than a year, before the Pit’s tide rolled fire back in. Gotham had revived him first, all at once, six feet under and so divorced from humanity it did not understand immediately, the diminished return of life without air.   “I felt it,” Elle said. “Warmth.”   Tim met her gaze. “Sunlight.”   No easy kind of kinship- what Elle would, frankly, wish on exactly no one.   But there was something to be said about the way magic drew people together. Every coincidence in Elle’s entire life- and Gotham itself, the power she’d pulled not calmly spooling away, but sitting up on her ribs in steady weight. Like a cat, purring.  Pleased.   “You have to tell me,” Elle began, settling her fingertips on the edge of the ash tray, lip thick enough it was probably a proper baccarat. In this house, there’d be nothing else. “What the hell not human enough to die, means. Especially if I ever find myself in an alley with this guy.”   “Not a lot of alley’s in Kansas.”   “Do you know,” Elle said, spinning kryptonite between her fingers, “There’s a minor breed of demon that lives only in cornfields. You could summon one with fifty pounds of sugar and half a wish.”   Tim laughed, the sound ravaged. “If you tell me what the hell Jason was thinking, giving you a gun.”   Not a surprise that he’d clocked her- but maybe one that it was questionable.   “I don’t know,” Elle planted her hip against the desk, “Blow big holes in anyone who fucks with you, I assume?”
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litchi-jelly · 1 month
just finished episode ignis and i am feeling not so good
#listen i'm a sucker for a doomed hero#but the execution in main ffxv plot feels so cheap#the moments that tug at your heartstrings so deeply#like picking out the photo noct takes with him or prompto helping iggy up when he stumbles once he's blinded#they ring so true and hurt so much because they're continuances of what makes the first half of the plot so damn good#community#teamwork#not going it alone#Gladio's dialogue when their fighting the archaean and he's like listen noct my job is to think clearly for you when you can't#the entire teamwork skill tree#you spend so much time with this core group of four people who are holding each other together as things go to shit around them#and the crux of the plot is that the whims of the gods mean noctis has to go die alone??#it doesn't make sense thematically#if you need sacrifice#have the four sacrifice their lives together#or acknowledge that the sacrifices made thru the rest of the plot mostly happen to characters we haven't spent 99% of our in-game time with#and make the climax of the story our main four splitting the lucii ring's power amongst them to save noct and end the scourge#if the theme is sharing burdens don't drop that in the second act#i know my opinions are definitely colored by the fact that#i spent 70+ hours in-game and completed 80+ side quests and hit level 55 BEFORE i brought the boys to altissia#but for fucks sake. we get more character development after the time skip for fucking TALCOTT than our main four.#it feels so impersonal and such a far cry from the first half of the game#anyway#I'm going to go write more fic now#ffxv#ffxv ignis
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aeolianblues · 3 months
You ever just see posts that are so close to talking about something socially important and then they turn out to just be about a blorbo
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