#oh well i got to see them at least once during this tour so i will cherish that đŸ„č
goldennika · 1 year
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lightlycareless · 3 months
heyyyy:33 love reading your nao x reader headcanons, i am feeling bit angsty and been wondering how would naoya react if something goes wrong during yn's labor. like she starts screaming, trashing around and is in lots of pain.
Hello anon!!! You want angst??? WELL YOU GOT ANGST.
Actually it's not that much, but hey, it's not that nice either so... I hope it's to your enjoyment still!
warnings: pregnancy. going into labor. the fear of a baby dying. bleeding. naoya suffers. đŸ„ș
related work: (sequel) (prequel)
Happy reading!
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Something going wrong when Y/N is in labor is hands down, Naoya’s worst nightmare. He might’ve prepared everything so to keep risks to the minimum, and yet, there are moments where that is all he thought about.
That, and the worse version of his fears: the two don’t make it.
He tries his best not to think about it, Ranta also tries his best to distract him as soon as anxiety etches his features. And you

Well, you wish you could offer a viable solution, disappear so the sight of you doesn’t have him spiraling, yet remain close because he needs you and he’s your husband, for crying out loud! You don’t want to be away from him, not even for a second, while pregnant!
 everything was proving too hard for you to deal with on your own, and stresses like these could only do harm to your pregnancy, alongside those awful thoughts that would cross your mind in the worst moments possible: the idea that maybe Naoya
 maybe he didn’t want a family with you anymore.
However, the love both had for one another, for the mochi growing inside you, alongside the support of your family and friends, these obstacles were soon forgotten, replaced with the excitement of the fast approaching day of delivery, the moment you’ll finally be able to hold your baby, as well as see if they were a boy or a girl—not that it mattered, for they’d be unconditionally loved anyways.
Everything was carefully tended to, starting by ignoring the Zen’in’s insane request of having you deliver the baby at the estate, in less than prepared conditions and away from your family just because they wanted.
Nope, not happening. Instead, he arranged your stay at one of the best hospitals of Tokyo, a whole floor with dedicated personnel to solely attend to you; just to begin with.
Your family was naturally impressed by Naoya’s dedication to once again go to these lengths. And yet, he wasn’t doing anything they wouldn’t have done for you; in fact, they also gave their own suggestions to further ensure your safety!
«Well, at least we know she’ll be ok with Naoya »
“I’m going to be fine.” You’d tell them, slightly overwhelmed by their worries. “Though I do think Naoya might’ve gone a bit over the top
“It’s only necessary.” Naoya interjects. “No one outside of the necessary people will disturb you, everything you need will be tended for, and you’ll also be in presence of your friends and family.”
?” You repeat slowly, because at that point you only expected your family to be there, not your trusted staff, who were grinning at the prospect of accompanying you during one of the most important stages of your life! “Oh my god, you’re here!”
“What, thought you’d get rid of us just because you’re having a baby??” Haruko grins.
“I’m offended by how poorly you think of us.” Hitomi teases.
“I—I didn’t expect you guys to be here! I thought you’d be busy or—or something!” You chuckle. “I’m speechless!”
“Don’t be too speechless, we still have to make the most of the city before you’re admitted into the hospital! I personally have never been to Tokyo, so I’m planning on taking all the tours.” Mariya enthusiastically suggests.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, did you forget my wife is very much pregnant?” Naoya frowns, she laughs.
“We’re just joking, Naoya—what kind of godmother would I be if I didn’t care for her?”
And in this precise moment, you genuinely believed it couldn’t get any better than this. Surrounded by the people you loved; nothing could ruin this!
Unless your contractions were to begin a bit earlier than anticipated, followed by a numbing, stinging pain that made you freeze on your track, drop everything on the spot to tightly hold onto your stomach; a feeble attempt to stop whatever it was that had you such mortifying state
 rushed to the hospital when blood soaked your garments, your and Naoya’s worst nightmare abruptly becoming real.
Without time to waste, you’re quickly checked into your designated room to be urgently attended by the doctor of his choosing, the supposedly best there is in all of Tokyo—no, Japan—who alongside his entourage began to urgently prepare everything for your procedure, for your symptoms were not expected neither wanted in a pregnancy.
But if that wasn’t anxious enough for your husband, your screams of gut-wrenching pain that only worsened as time went on were enough, were enough to get him spiraling.
“Help her!” Naoya demands, more than ready to rattle the doctor into action if needed.
“We can’t let you in if you’re going to disrupt the patient.” The doctor warns, further fueling your husband’s desperation. He’s just a mere second away from losing himself, just one more word and he’ll—
“Naoya, please, calm down—” Thankfully, your father was there to put a stop to his anger, a genuine sympathetic approach for he’s gone through his fair share of pregnancies—things like these don’t scare him that much, but they still worry him.
How could it not? The probability of losing his daughter, the youngest, his first grandchild too
! And just after loosing his wife as well

It’s a pain he would never wish upon anyone. Certainly not on his distraught son-in-law
So, what good is it to hire the best, if they’re not going to do their job?!
Naoya freezes upon hearing another heart-wrenching scream come out of you, heart dropping to his stomach as he hears you demand them to get the baby out, stop your suffering and just—help you!
He doesn’t want to hear more of this, he doesn’t want to see nor hear you suffering so, but he doesn’t know what to do, he doesn’t know how to act nor what to say that could get you out of this awful predicament and back into safety, into the world where you and his child were ok and all this was nothing but an awful nightmare!
But the same moment he was debating what to do, your father already made his decision, walking past him and straight into your room, firmly determined to support his daughter through whatever destiny fate instilled on you—even if it meant death.
A sight that soon snapped Naoya out of his struggle, feeling like an absolute idiot for even hesitating! He’s been through life-or-death situations before, why is he suddenly cowering now, pitying himself?! When you need him the most?!
What poor excuse of a husband he was being; a despicable father compared to yours.
Once snapping out of his dark thought and gathering all of his courage, he steps into your room, heading straight to your side, opposite of your father and takes your hand, letting you hold it as tight as you needed—whatever the sacrifice he had to make to ensure your safety, he’d willingly oblige.
“Nao—Naoya—” you breathed, looking up to him. “It—It hurts!”
“She’s losing too much blood.” A nurse would note. “She’s still not dilated enough.”
“My baby—I don’t want my baby to die” you fret.
“She won’t.” Naoya reassures. “She won’t die, I swear—”
“We’ll have to induce her labor to help her dilate, and if that doesn’t work, then a c-section will have to do.” The doctor explains, hoping to get his permission.
“Anything.” Your husband pleads. “Anything to save my wife, my family, please!”
Because he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he loses you. Life would cease to matter at that point.
But thankfully his prayers were to be heard, and with the quick, highly prepared skills of medical staff, were you freed of all complications, ensuring not only your safety, but that of the baby as well, perfect just as the two envisioned her to be.
“Naoya, our baby.” You’d breathe, face lightening up when the nurse finally placed the small, chubby bundle you’ve been waiting to hold for 9 long months in your arms, holding her softly against your skin as you gushed. “Our baby is—”
“She’s a girl.” The doctor says. “A healthy girl.”
“A girl.” You cry, tears of happiness dampening your cheeks, struggling to believe what was before your eyes. “Naoya, we had a beautiful baby girl!”
There are no words to describe what Naoya feels at this very moment: to the sight of you lovingly holding onto your baby, the highest demonstration of love between the two, after so much suffering.
Though he could start with love at first sight, something he already believed existed, but when his eyes laid on his beautiful baby girl, he was completely sure of it now.
“She has your hair.” You comment on the small patch of black hair on the top of her head.
“And your nose.” He responds, gently poking it.
“Ha! How can you even know so? It looks like a regular nose to me.” You giggle—only to gasp a few seconds after being given the breathtaking sight of your baby slowly opening her eyes for the first time, a revelation that made your heart flutter. “Naoya—she
 she has your eyes! Oh, my love, she looks just like you
Deep within him, Naoya always hoped the baby would look like you—with your big round eyes, your silky, soft hair, and adorable cheeks he always loved to tease. He thought she’d looked far better with your features than his own anyways, and wished would be that way.
But there was something about seeing you gush about her likeness that struck his heart with adoration, feeling appreciated and fiercely protective of the precious, tiny baby in your arms.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but I need to know the name of the baby before continuing” Another nurse said, and a wide smile spreads across your lips as you gently poke her cheek, already imagining the agony her father would put her through.
“Naomi.” You say, eyes intently focused on your daughter. “Zen’in Naomi.”
Named after her father, perhaps the only tradition you kept from the Zen’in, because there was nothing else you wanted more than for the world to know of the man that has made you so happy, the love of your life, either through your affection, or Naomi, your new family.
“A granddaughter, I have a granddaughter!!” Your father would proclaim, tears in his eyes as he accepts the baby from your arms, who was now wrapped in a soft pink blanket he got as a gift, with you proudly smiling at his excitement. “Oh, she’s beautiful Y/N!”
“Welcome to the family, little one!” Hinata grins, eager to take her niece into her arms as well, but patient enough to not do so until her turn. “You don’t know how happy we are to finally have you here!”
“Can’t wait to see you grow up and give your parents a run for their money.” Ren teases, you pout.
“My baby is going to be a nice, well-behaved girl.” You respond. “Unlike you guys
“Though she will be spoiled.” Naoya promises.
“Well, it can’t be spoiled if it’s what she deserves, right?” you say, he nods along. Your family fears the lengths you’d both go to do so; you and Naoya are already ruthless as it is

But even then, they genuinely knew they had nothing to worry about—for as long as they were around, nothing bad would befall little Naomi.
As expected, the exhaustion of the past few hours finally caught up to you, at first making you yawn before your eyelids began to grow heavier and heavier; a sight that didn’t go unnoticed for too long, your father gathering everyone around for their departure.
“We’ll be outside if you need us.” Eiichi promises, carefully handing Naomi back to Naoya. “Rest, pumpkin, you deserve it.”
“Thanks, dad
” you yawn. “I feel like I could sleep for years.”
Eiichi chuckles, leaning forward to place a kiss on your forehead before moving onto Naoya, patting his shoulder.
“Congratulations, Naoya. You’ll be a great father.”
Naoya smiles, warmed by the words his father wasn’t there to give him, gladly accepting them in his heart as they promptly make their exit. Once alone, your husband places Naomi into the crib nearby, placing a kiss on her head and eventually making his way to you, to give you a kiss as well.
“You did amazingly, my love.” But as much as you wished to enjoy this moment, the agony of past experiences swiftly makes way to your mind.
I was scared, Naoya. So, so afraid that something would happen to me, or worse, our baby.” You tremble.
“I know, I know.” He coos, softly removing some unruly hair strands from your face as tears begin to pool in his eyes. “But it’s over, all that is gone—we have Naomi now.”
“I was afraid of leaving you behind.” You continue. “I
 I didn’t want you to face all this by yourself. The thought of you having no one to rely on frightens me like you have no idea. At one point I thought I wouldn’t be able to see you—”
“That was my worst fear too. I loathed even thinking about the possibility of returning home without you.” The moment you notice the tears forming in his eyes, you quickly reach out for him—to the best of your ability anyways, much to his worry. “No, Y/N, you have to rest—”
“Thank you for being by my side.” You murmur, hugging him tightly. He returns the gesture soon after. “I’m so glad to have found someone like you, to be my husband, and now father of my daughter.”
What did I do to deserve you?”
“Well, you gave me an adorable baby girl, as of recent!” you sniffle through a giggle, making Naoya chuckle. “From there, all that I ever wanted, really. From food, clothes, even holidays
Naoya blushes, proud of his consistent commitment to you and the happiness it provided you. And yet, that was not to be the end of his fluster—not without your following words.
“But most importantly, your love.” You smile. “If anything, I should be wondering what I’ve done to deserve you
“Your mere existence is justifying enough for me.” He responds quickly, another tear sliding down his cheek, which you swipe soon after. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You kiss him. “And our new family.”

“I know some mothers feel the desire to have another child as soon as their baby is born, but after what happened, I think it’s best for now if we hold off that idea for a while. Don’t you agree?” You suddenly say.
“Yeah, couldn’t have said it any better. Though something tells me Naomi is going to be quite the handful to begin with
“Considering she looks just like you, I’d say you’re right.” you laugh, he rolls his eyes before kissing you once more.
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Take care...
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 11]
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Part 1
Their first stop was a small cafĂ© near Robinson Park; Alysia's Boba Bar & CafĂ©. After each of them had placed their order, with Jason paying, saying it was ‘his treat’ and that ‘he had promised he’d be the one paying earlier’, they took their food outside.
They did get some stares from the customers and employees, mainly aimed at Jason who’s wearing his Red Hood gear, but they just ignored them minus some intimidation from Jason from afar.
Though, Jason wasn’t quite sure if Danny actually ignored them or just blatantly didn’t even notice them.
Either way, they were currently sitting on a bench in the park. Jason had taken his helmet off and put it next to him so that he could eat, still wearing his domino mask anyway. He’s also still wearing the watch Danny had gifted him.
And he’s never taking that off, holy shit he loves it so much.
Danny is sipping on the leftovers of his boba, having already scarfed down his sandwich. Jason starts his tour, telling him about Robinson Park and pointing out Gotham Zoo right next to it.
After they’re both done with their food, Jason puts his helmet back on and they get back onto his motorcycle so he can point out important landmarks while driving around.
Jason and Danny proceed to chat a bit during the ride as well, just some basic stuff to get to know one another; favorite color, favorite food, how they would disarm someone with a gun and de-escalate the situation, opinions on otters and how they hold onto each other so they don’t drift away, favorite movies, etc.
And Jason is desperately trying to focus on driving instead of Danny’s arms wrapped around his waist from behind.
"Over there is the Iceberg lounge."
Danny’s gaze follows where Jason is pointing, falling on a big two-story building with a sign on the outside reading ‘Iceberg Lounge’.
"It's a nightclub owned by the Penguin, one of Batman’s rogues. It’s mainly just a front for his criminal activities, but the nightclub itself is actually pretty good to be fair. Bit posh though"
"See that big tower in the middle there? That's Wayne Tower. It's basically the office building of Wayne Enterprises, the company owned by Gotham’s very own multi-millionaire Bruce Wayne." Red Hood says, sarcasm dripping off of his words at the end.
Danny lets out a small non-committal hum.
“You don’t sound too fond of him” Danny inquiries curiously.
“I’m not“ Red Hood states, not elaborating in the slightest.
Danny tries to lighten the mood a little “Well, as long as he doesn’t try to adopt me I guess he’s still better than another millionaire I know.”
Danny smiles as he hears Red Hood laugh.
"Over there’s Gotham City Public Library. It’s one of my favorite places in the city. I tend to go there at least once a week. They’ve got a ton of books and are willing to order any they don’t have at request. There’s also some computers there that are free for public use."
"You like reading?" Danny asks curiously.
"Mhmm. I'm mainly in the classics like Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, etc."
“Oh, nice. I don’t usually read much. English was basically my worst subject at school, but the teacher was pretty good. Kind of ended up being one of the only ones in my corner and he really tried his best, y’know?”
“He sounds pretty nice. Is there a reason you haven’t read much, like lack of interest or
?” Jason trails off questioningly.
Danny shrugs “I guess I never really had the time as a teenager, with an added lack of motivation on top. And now
 I guess I don’t really know what kind of books I’d like or where I should start.”
“I could recommend you some? If you want me to?”
“Sure, that’d be nice”
"The large building over there is Arkham Asylum. It's basically a psychiatric hospital. Batman dumps all of his rogues here, though they keep breaking out."
"Oh yeah, I’ve heard of this place. My older sister applied to work here"
"Dr. Jasmine Fenton?" Jason questions, even if he was already pretty sure who Danny was referring to.
"Mhmm,” Danny nods, “she recently gained her doctorate and wants to be a psychiatrist at Arkham"
"... I wish her good luck" Is the response Jason decides on.
"I’m sure she can do it" Danny proclaims, somehow embodying the :D smiley face.
Jason considers the possibility of her having similar meta powers to her brother and decides that if she does she'll probably be fine.
Not to mention she has Danny in her corner
 And Red Hood now as well.
"What's that building over there?" Danny asks as they're driving on one of the roads on the outskirts of the main part of the city.
Jason looks at where he's pointing, spotting the manor.
"That's Wayne Manor. Do you remember that millionaire I mentioned earlier? The one that owns Wayne Tower and WE? That's where he lives."
Danny sounds a little surprised as he asks "He lives in that huge building? All by himself?"
"Well, not really. He has some kids, most of whom are adopted though you wouldn’t believe the field day the press had when it was found out he had a biological son. Besides them, he also has a butler that lives at the manor”
Once again, it seems Danny has noticed Jason’s standoffish attitude at Wayne, as he tries to lighten the mood a little.
"That manor is still way too big for all of them. Like what are they doing with all of that space? Are they hiding something? I bet they have a huge secret basement underneath the manor with some kind of laboratory and some shit. Millionaires seem to love those."
Jason lets out a surprised laugh at how on-the-nose Danny is, making Danny grin at his successful attempt to lighten the mood a little. Though it makes him question for a little bit

He doesn’t know, right? Or does he

"You know, I think the manor is actually missing something" Danny speaks up again.
"Oh? And what’s that?" Jason asks with humor in his tone.
"It would look way better TPed" Danny states confidently, bearing a mischievous grin.
Jason barks out a laugh, a sharp grin on his face.
"Let's save that for the next date, Doll"
Danny lets out a slightly giddy laugh, his cheeks red and heart beating just a little faster at both the 'next date‘ part and the unexpected, but not unwelcome, nickname.
“And this,” Jason says, as he gestures proudly towards the streets around them, “is Crime Alley, which is my turf in this city. I’m the one protecting this place.”
Jason had brought Danny to Crime Alley as the last stop on their date.
“Oh yeah!” Danny speaks up. “I was wondering about that!”
Jason turns to him questioningly and Danny takes it as a sign to continue.
“Yeah so, why is it called crime alley?” he asks curiously with a tilt of his head.
Say what now?
Jason takes a deep breath.
“Are you serious?” Jason asks genuinely curious, gesturing at the drug deal taking place behind them, the mugger that’s running past, and towards the right where gunshots can clearly be heard.
To his credit, Danny doesn’t falter at all, giving Jason a smile and continuing.
“Yeah, I thought it was called Park Row or something like that. Did it get renamed?”
Jason closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose before letting out a strained “Something like that
He takes another deep breath before looking back at Danny, who’s still looking at him with a bright smile.
“Is there really no reason you can think of why this place would get nicknamed crime alley? Not one reason at all? None?”
A small explosion sounds and some metal shrapnel falls in little pieces around them. A car tire rolls past. Danny and Jason don’t look away from one another.
Danny ‘grew up with mad scientist parents, an OSHA-violating lab in the basement, fighting ghosts, causing property damage, evading ghost police, fighting a king, is pretty certain his parents have been committing some kind of tax evasion for their research funding, etc., etc. though none of that was really an excuse as his friends and sister didn’t turn out quite as blind to danger as him.’ Fenton thinks about it for barely a second before shrugging.
“No, not really. Why?”
“This is where the Joker attacked you.” Jason tries pointing out, causing Danny to take a good look around them.
“Oh, that’s right! I was wondering why this place looked so familiar! I gotta say, it looks different in the daylight. But I mean, that attack could’ve happened anywhere, couldn’t it? What’s so special about this place?”
God, how can he be so smart yet so stupid?
Now is really not the time to kiss him, Jason.
 just a nickname, given to the district by the Gothamites. Poverty runs rampant and the crime rates here are
 above average, let’s say, when compared to the rest of Gotham. Only old rich folks still call it Park Row” Is what Jason decides to say.
“So yeah, it’s probably best if you try to avoid this place, especially at night. Though God knows you can handle yourself, considering the way you went at the Joker” Danny snorts at the innuendo.
“It’s still better to be safe than sorry and keep away from this place, unless you’re with me. The people around here know better than to mess with me and the people I’m with, so there’s no need to worry.”
“Hmmm, are you sure the crime rates are higher here?”
On their left, a guy dressed in a gray hoodie with suspicious dark red stains on it runs at a car, gets in, and drives off as fast as he can with the car alarm still going off.
“Oh, okay! I’ll try to keep that in mind then”
God have mercy.
Red Hood had driven them back to Danny’s apartment after their date in order to drop him off. Meanwhile, Danny is still not quite over the fact that he can actually call it a date!
After they both get off of the motorcycle, Red Hood walks him the few feet to the front door of his apartment building, and it’s time for them to say goodbye again.
Do they kiss now? Or should he wait till the next date?
Danny really wants to kiss him right now.
But he’s wearing his helmet so it would be awkward as fuck.
Especially if he had to ask Red Hood to take it off.
No, Danny can’t do that. Just no, he’d have his second death, this time of embarrassment instead of electricity. It’s some variation at least?
“See you later, —”
Danny cuts himself off with a not-so-subtle fake cough, cheeks heating up in embarrassment at what he was about to say. He had almost let out another cringy animal-themed goodbye, just like last time.
Great going, Fenton. Despite not going for the kiss, he still managed to almost fuck it up.
It’s like he’s digging himself a bigger hole by the minute.
Red Hood stops walking and pauses. Seeing this, Danny lowers his head to stare at the ground, his body stiff.
Jason can’t quite believe he’s doing this, and if any of the bats heard him, he’d never hear the end of it. But
 to put Danny at ease

“Take Care, Polar Bear”
The sentence makes Danny snap his head back up immediately. His mouth is slightly open, as though he’s trying to come up with something to say and failing.
Not waiting for Danny to answer him, Jason starts moving towards his motorcycle again.
Danny, with his cheeks still slightly red, stares at the leaving figure of Red Hood. His gaze is full of adoration, as he just falls a little deeper for the helmed vigilante.
Jason is thankful the helmet obscures Danny’s view of his blushing face as he gets on his motorcycle. He gives one last wave to Danny before revving the engine and leaving for his apartment.
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing
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carionto · 1 year
It'll be "awesome", the Human said
(Continuation/conclusion to this)
After the Coalition delegates had been mindblown enough, it was time for them to finally leave and have a nap. But Captain Knoslark had one more thing he desperately wanted to show them.
"So, like, we're a science vessel and we have three of the biggest reactors, right? Right. So, I wanna show you what we recently figured out we can do. C'mon, it'll be awesome."
Awesome - a word the rest of the Galaxy will soon learn to both admire and run for cover whenever a Human uses it.
With trepidation in their steps, and worry in their breaths, they followed the all too eager Captain, who was almost skipping and humming down the halls, dramatically pointing the way. His crew continued to not give him the satisfaction of ever acknowledging his theatrics.
"Once the reactors are in good enough sync, we'll reconfigure the Radiant Dusk to a circular shape and begin!"
Oh. Yeah. Of course their ships can also transform. Why not. The delegates have given up thinking there are things Human engineering can't accomplish. Also, good enough?
"Eh, don't worry about it, we overbuild everything, so a 1 or 2 percent margin of error is fine, most of the time."
They could not imagine themselves to be more worried. At least not until a few minutes from now.
"Captain, she's ready," Chief Engineer Tameki's tone changed to a total blank deadpan for the next words, "to transform. and. roll. out."
With childlike glee, Captain Knoslark tapped the big red button, specifically designed for his pad only, to begin the sequence.
Distant creaking of metal, anguish at the prospect of bending in ways nature never intended, and the unmistakable jolt of mechanical movement, despite the artificial gravity maintaining the same down throughout, once more instilled primal anxiety for the delegates.
The reactors wound up, turning the almost-buzz like feeling beneath their feet to a true all encompassing sense of absolute power. Three small stars at equidistant points along the now 4km in diameter vessel created a singular feeling of something imminent that should never have been possible. The Universe itself wanted to reject this possibility.
"We tried copying your mass field generators from way back when you did the barrier thing. Wanted to see if we could get close to Black Hole levels, there were some theories that time travels was possible with that kinda pull."
I don't think anyone would be surprised if they had succeeded, but, for once during their entire visit, the Humans said they couldn't get time travel to work. Celebration! Then the Captain kept talking.
"So what happened instead is we accidentally tore a hole in time-space, creating a sort of warp gate." He said with both joy and disappointment.
Then the Universe shrieked. A massive distortion in reality now struggled and failed to restore normality between the ring-shaped ship. Swirling coils of matter flickered in and out, ghostly visages of detonations on a solar scale. A sight never intended to be witnessed.
"Still gotta figure out how to set a destination to anywhere. Right now the only stable connection we can get is with massive gravity wells, so any celestial body with enough mass, smallest one is a red dwarf. Problem is the connection steers towards the center, so not really practical right now."
"If we try to point at empty space the gate just kinda wiggles and you end up getting spaghetti-fied on the other end. Still, once we get enough ships like this one around the galaxy, we'll solve that whole trips taking more than a few hours thing we got with the hyper drives."
At this point the delegates decided to be escorted away, as most had became a crying mess. One stumbled onto a automated cleaning unit and at this the Captain, whose mood had soured a bit now that his time as tour guide was over, rose back to heights unseen before. With his most official sounding, yet at the same time most joy filled tone ever, he declared:
"Sergeant Ying Zhao, issue an official notice. Today at 20:30 ship time there will be a grand ceremony for the promotion of Captain Stabicus to Special Envoy of the Galactic Coalition. Ready all relevant paperwork, and his new badge, and inform the chef to prepare a feast. We have done much today for the sake of Human-Coalition relationships, and so much more for the Radiant Dusk at Everest and her crew and staff. Tonight, we celebrate!"
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Adam apple high school AU PT 3
(this is a pretty long one so bear with me)
. On the very first day at his new school, Lucifer had felt as though his soul had been stripped away from his body, the reason being...Adam Mann
. You see everything was going fine he was given a schedule of his classic, and a basic tour of where his classes were, and everything seemed to go well during his introduction as the new student during first period
. sure, when he said his name, he got a weird look from this one girl in the middle row, but he just ignored it
. it wasn't until after class when he was waking to his next class, and he accidentally bumped into the one person he never thought he would see again that it's kind of all went to Hell
Lucifer: I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going, are you alright?
Adam: yeah, I'm fine no skin off...YOU!
Lucifer: A, Adam!?
. Lucifer would hardly believe it, the most beautiful person that he had ever known was right before his eyes, and as it couldn't be even more possible was even more beautiful than ever
. His face was more defined as he had a small stubble on his chin, he had gotten taller too, his soft brown eyes had a sort of golden shine to them, and his scent was even stronger than ever before his scent was of freshly peeled oranges with a hint of soft soil
. but the most prominent feature about him would be his body and his body, oh holy mercy it had curves not the normal amount of curves the usual omega had he had curves for days, right from the top of his perky chest to his soft tummy, all the way down to his big thighs, then to end it was his big juicy booty, though (of course, he didn't see it till after Adam left, but he was only looking respectfully he swears!)
. But before he could fully admire the angel before him he was suddenly pressed up against the lockers with the once lovely scent turned sour as Adam glared down at the person who was responsible for ruining his life back in middle school
. Lucifer gulped, both in horniness and fear(but mostly for being a horny little gremlin)
Lucifer: listen, I know we didn't leave on good terms, but
Adam: But nothing! you stay out of my way here and I'll stay out of your way, got that pipsqueak!?
Lucifer: Pipsqueak?! (before he could say anything else Adam turned around, skirt swishing as he did so, and stomped off. And all Lucifer could process were these cold facts, the one who got away is here, he’s even more hot than ever, and he hates his guts
. this was going to be the longest semester of his fucking life
. a month and a half had passed since the incident, and neither Lucifer nor Adam could barely even tolerate being in the same room together let alone speak to one another
. Lucifer has tried to talk to Adam during this time when he sees him outside of class or when they do have class together tries to sit next to or at least near him
. however it keeps failing for him because A. Adam doesn’t want anything to do with him, and B. His guard dog Lute won’t even let him look at Adam’s general direction let alone try and go near him
. it all comes to a head one day when out in the school football field sitting on the bleachers, waiting for Adam to finish lacrosse team practice, once he saw he was done he waved and called out to him to get his attention
. luckily Adam did acknowledge him with an eye roll and walked over to him
. Lucifer gave himself a mental fist bump as they finally were going to clear the table and maybe Lucifer would finally be able to tell Adam how he felt
. which is why it made so much sense that the plan went to shit
. see while rushing down the bleacher steps he slipped on the last few steps causing him to trip and fall of landing on top of Adam
. at first Lucifer thinks he must have landed right on his stomach because the body part he lands on is soft and squishy
with a space in between
. he slowly lifts himself away to see that he had landed right on Adam’s breasts, a fiery blush spreads all across his upper body as his eyes look into Adam’s shocked/disgusted filled ones
Lucifer: I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry it was a complete accident, I swear!
. he didn’t get a chance to say anything else as he was picked up by the scruff, thrown off of Adam, and was proceeded beaten by Lute
. Adam was in a daze for a minute as he tried to understand what the actual Hell happened
. his attention was then focused on the fight between Lucifer and Lute fighting on the ground
. that was really bad for two reasons, they were still on school grounds and if the coach came back those two would be on grounds for expulsion while he was more worried about Lute getting into trouble, he couldn't help but feel a ping of worry in his chest for Lucifer, damn omega instinct, reason number two was that two alphas fighting especially over an omega can more often than not turn bloody
. So, scrambling to his feet, he made his way over to the small crowd where the girls from the team were watching the fight, some even egging it on
. He pushed his way through them and saw Lucifer had Lute pinned under him with his fist raised up ready to strike her
. Adam ran towards them and tried to pull Lucifer off when he suddenly felt a hand hit right in the eye, he falls backwards and clutches his eye while whimpering in pain
. both alphas stop immediately and turn their attention to the omega in distress
. Lucifer gets off the female alpha and rushes towards Adam, while Lute stays frozen in place not believing that she hit Adam, on accident of course she didn't expect he'd be on the crossfire she just wanted to get Lucifer off
Lucifer: Holy shit, are you okay!? here let me take a look
. at first, Adam tried to just leave but Lucifer kept him still while giving a pleading look he sighed and allowed the alpha to look him over Adam's eye appeared to be swollen and starting to throb
Adam: is it bad?
Lucifer: It's not so bad that you'd need an eye patch just need to get something cold on it, come on let's get you home
. Despite his own injuries he helps Adam up and starts to lead him away as the crowd slowly starts to dissipate now that the fight was over
. Adam turns his head slightly and says in a frustrated tone
Adam: Not now Lute, just, not now, I'll text you later ok?
. Lute doesn't say anything as she watches from the ground in complete shock as Adam allows himself to be taken away by that little demon
. after carefully maneuvering around the school so no one would see them in their current predicament they made it over to the student parking lot where a small white car resided
. Lucifer unlocked it with a push of his key's button, went to the passenger side to open the door for Adam, and went to his side to start the car, before turning to Adam
Lucifer: do you mind giving me your address?
Adam: No, please don't it's my aunt's day off and she'll freak the fuck out if she sees this.
. he says while referring to his damaged eye
Lucifer: ok I get it, um well, if your comfortable with it, are you okay with coming back to my house? I can get you the right medical aid you need
. Adam doesn't say anything as he silently nods
. The drive there is silent and tense as Adam's attention is solely focused on what is happening out the window, while Lucifer keeps checking on him every so often
. They soon made it to a high-class condo complex, they park in front of one and Lucifer quickly opens his door to open Adam's and helps him out
. They head inside and Lucifer calls out to Uriel, he breathes a sigh of relief when he gets no response
Lucifer: Ok were good, let me take you to the kitchen
. There he gets Adam a bag full of ice and he gently places it on his eye, wincing from the slight flinch from the cold
Lucifer: you need anything else? are you hungry or thirsty?
Adam: all I need now is how to tell my Aunt on how I got this, though shouldn't you be more concerned with your own injuries?
Lucifer: I think the worst I got was a bump on the head, I'm ok
. It was true that while he had some bruises he was mostly a-ok
Lucifer: but if you really need an excuse for her, just say you accidentally ran into a door while rushing to class
. suddenly Adam's phone starts to buzz he picks it up and sighs seeing the caller's ID
Adam: speak of the devil (answers it) hey Aunt Sera, no I uh stopped at Mcdonald's for an after practice snack with a friend, yeah I know they cause people to get fat but guess what that sentiment can't really be applied to me when I'm already fat, no that's not sarcasm that is stating facts, uh huh, yeah, yeah I'll be home soon ok, I don't know an hour soon ok? See you then, yeah love you too
. he ends the call and looks at Lucifer
Adam: ok, situation averted, for now at least, so
Lucifer: So?
Adam: (sighs and looks straight into Lucifer's eyes) you have exactly thirty minutes and explain why the Hell you've been trying to follow me around and won't just leave me alone? I mean if you're trying to apologize over what happened in Eden you're doing a pretty shitty job at it
Lucifer: I, I'm sorry but while I did want to talk to you about the whole Eden situation, I don't see why I have to apologize for anything
Adam: um ok how about you stealing my girlfriend then making me feel like complete shit by constantly following me around and trying to shove your tongue down her throat, oh! and let's not forget the rumors that destroyed my reputation, because I know you and Lilith were the ones that start them!
Lucifer: first of all, YOU broke up with Lilith first I think that made it perfectly ok for me to "Steal your girlfriend" second I didn't start those rumors I swear I didn't Lilith must've said something to her friends and those friends said something to their friends and it probably spiraled out of control from there, thirdly Lilith was the one to drag me to those places I swear it was a giant coincidence
Adam: Broke up with her, what the Hell are you talking about I didn't break up with her she broke up with me by being a slut!
Lucifer: what about Eve then?! the girl you left Lilith for!
Adam: You mean Eve my cousin?
Lucifer: what?
Adam: Eve is my cousin, and she was a new student there and I was just helping her settle in!
Lucifer: I, I, you're not lying to me, are you?
Adam: What the actual fuck would I earn by lying to you?! No, I'm not lying she was the one who fucking cheated on me why don't you get that?!
. Lucifer took a shaky breath and turned away eyes going wide in realization
Lucifer: she lied; she's been playing me this whole time
Adam: YES! finally you see the truth, she was a lying cheating alpha whore who only cared about her own wants and needs
Lucifer: A, Adam I, I am so, so fucking sorry I swear I didn't know I just I swear if I knew the truth I wouldn't have done that...if it makes you feel any better, she wasn't the best girlfriend to me either
Adam: Makes me feel a little better
Lucifer: I don't know how I'm going to make it up to you, actually I have an idea
Adam: what is it?
Lucifer: this Friday I don't know if your aware but there's a festival happening at school and if you're ok with it, why don't you let me take you? we could have fun and get to know each other better, get to know the real us, not the version's Lilith's lies had created; so what do you say wanna do it?
Adam: Uh I
. Adam didn't know what to say to an offer like that, he literally just spilled his guts to someone who he held onto a great amount of resent towards, or he at least he did once the realization that Lucifer was used just like he was, he supposed that maybe he could give him a second chance
Adam: sure, what's the harm
. Later when Lucifer drops Adam off in front of his house, he walks him to his door when Adam turns to address him
Adam: Well, I'll see you later, I I'm glad we had this chance to finally clear the air
Lucifer: me too
. Lucifer gives him a soft smile which caused Adam to blush then in a last-minute decision Adam places a soft kiss on his cheek, Lucifer's face turns to a deep Scarlett and before he had a chance to react Adam went inside closing the door
. Lucifer's lips split open into a goofy grin as he sways his way back to the car in a lovesick manner
. Inside Adam reels from realization from what he just did when he suddenly hears his aunt
Sera: Oh good your back hopefully you didn't ruin your appetite because dinner is, IS THAT A BLACK EYE?!
. Oh shit he forgot about that
(sorry it’s late, hope you liked it)
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elvisabutler · 2 years
summary: you know better than to talk to other guys sometimes in elvis's ear shot. elvis reminds you of why. fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) | elvis presley pairing: austin butler elvis x female reader rating: m. word count: 2100 warnings: throat fucking. possessiveness. big daddy elvis ( so '74 to '77 timeframe ). mildly dubious consent. elvis's paranoia. elvis's prescription drug use. daddy kink, because elvis does actually refer to himself as daddy in this. gratuitous use of nicknames ( lil one, baby, honey, darlin', the whole nine yards ). mild hint of face fucking. kind of faintly almost d/s element but not quite. oral ( m receiving, f implied/referenced ) author's note: welcome to day 29 for kinktober, throat fucking with austin!elvis. okay so everyone needs to thank @butlersxbirdy for this one since at the time she and I literally were losing it over big daddy elvis. we still are, but it was basically hey which version of austin elvis should i do, and she was like big daddy without missing a beat. i'll have a 68 special version out possibly tonight or tomorrow but this one got top billing because i wanted to. but basically everyone else gives you soft big daddy, i'll give ya some fucked up big daddy. ( i'm going to give y'all a very very soft big daddy for the holiday season, don't worry. ) imagine whoever, this is supposed to be austin elvis but timeline i picked makes it tricky y'all know my particular drill.
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Elvis is possessive, a fact that everyone who ever spends longer than two minutes with the man and has him like them is vividly aware of. You are Elvis's or you are not, there is that strict dichotomy that very few if any people break- and you are not one of those people. Priscilla, when you've interacted with her during handoffs for Lisa tells you it didn't used to be this bad, that yes, he could sleep around but she couldn't and that her finding her way into his former karate instructors bed after she left him made him so angry he was almost unrecognizable, but she figured it was fine and would settle down. Then she heard the stories from Linda and now you and- well she likes to pretend you'll calm him down. Not fix him exactly but you've already mildly tempered his pill usage and have him actually eating healthy despite being on the road. Maybe third time's the charm?
Except- here is the inherent problem, you're younger than him, not hard seeing as he's around his 40s but you crave attention in a way that he doesn't always provide. You wouldn't say he disregards the fact that you could leave- oh far from it- his worship of you legendary to all members of the Memphis Mafia and anyone who's had any sort of contact with Elvis as far as touring or recording goes. But sometimes he forgets- sometimes in the haze of his pills and every other thing he forgets that you can run free, you can easily run away from him and never look back- he's spoiled you with enough clothes that even if you had no marketable skills to speak of you could handle yourself on selling his trinkets alone.
You sometimes flirt as easy as breathing, a quality that Elvis will swear up and down is one of his favorite about you- you're pure, baby but Lord have mercy, the things your eyelashes fluttering can do to a man he had once said after you had told him about your sexual history. You flirt and flirt and boy- men- have a tendency to fall for it, tend to become wrapped around your finger in ways that would make your Mama blush. It gives you a rush of power, reminds you that even if Elvis is ignoring you for the fourth day and night in a row that you're attractive, you're the sort of woman men want and it gives you a little pep. But you know as well as anyone that you can't let Elvis hear or see you do what you do when you flirt though so you always make sure it's done out of his earshot, his eyesight and while he's preoccupied.
At least that's usually what you do, it's the fifth day and while you don't mind Elvis leaving you alone for a bit, for a day or two when it starts inching toward a week you can't help but feel bitter and angry. It's that feeling that leads you to where you are, your hand on some guy's- you think his name is Jeff- arm giggling at something that is not even remotely funny but you know how to charm a man. You're wrapped up in trying to make sure he's smiling that you don't hear the telltale sound of Elvis's buckle clanging as he walks up to see what you're doing. You don't notice how your conversation partner freezes as his eyes look behind you. You don't notice the scent of Elvis freshly showered until you feel his heat up against you, until you feel his breath against your neck and until you feel the growl emanate from his deep in his chest. You freeze after that.
"Darlin'." He says, his tone deathly calm. "Who's this? A friend?"
You open your mouth to say something before Jeff ends up muttering something about needing to head off but it was so nice to meet you and you turn to face Elvis a snarl forming before you can even stop it.
"Oh now you want to pay attention to me." You move to make sure Elvis doesn't try and grab for you. "Find someone else and you appear out of thin air."
Elvis's eyes narrow and darken making you very quickly realize you might have messed up. They're not as clear as they have been in the past weeks which means that just maybe he's not all there. That you've stepped into a minefield that he'll take you out of, just not right this moment. You move to grab his arm before he yanks it out of your reach. "Oh no, honey, you know better. I was- Come with me to our room, baby. Think I need to talk to you. Remind you of some things." He turns from you with a growl that has arousal curling low in your abdomen and has you traling after him in a way that sometimes embarrasses you with how eager you are to do it, but you can't stop yourself from doing it nonetheless. The walk and elevator ride up to where he's staying and where you should be staying is a silent one, punctuated only with Elvis grumbling something to himself and your heaving breaths the more you think about what Elvis is planning on doing to you. You enter the room and in an instant find yourself crowded against the wall, Elvis using his both his weight and his arms to make sure you're not moving any time soon. You open your mouth to talk before Elvis shakes his head and cuts you off.
"Ya know how jealous I get lil one. Know how I damn well wanna kill men when they're lookin at you as you're cumming just from me brushin' against ya. And yet ya let one of them think he could have ya." His hand moves to your shoulder and makes a movement like he wants to force you to the ground but he holds off for at least the moment. "Got me so goddamn riled up and jealous, baby. Got your Big Daddy angry. You wanna know what I do when I'm this angry with ya? What I've always wanted t' do when you get me this angry?"
You look at him in what you like to think is an attempt to look innocent, an attempt to charm him with those eyelashes you know he can barely resist only to see the look in his eyes, see the look of barely restrained anger written all over his face and realize that it won't work. The words you had meant to say die on your lips, swallowed in the guip you take as you nod.
"On your knees." He commands and leaves absolutely no room for questioning, his hand remaining on your shoulder in case you need some help getting down. "And deal with my pants while you're at it."
You comply, falling to your knees quicker than you ever thought possible, your hands working at his belt buckle and at the button and zipper of his pants, your hands shaking just a tad as you pull them down. He hadn't asked to have his boxers taken off so you left them, not that it did much to conceal what was happening underneath, how he seemed to be getting harder by the moment.
His hand that was on her shoulder moves to the back of your head, his ring covered hands moving to grip your hair in any way he could. "Little boys wouldn't know what to do with ya. Wouldn't treat ya like I do. Wouldn't have you coming nearly as hard as ya do with me." You shift a little, trying to produce some form of friction between your legs. You're so focused on that task that you don't notice how Elvis's eyes zero in on the motion. All you actually notice is how he ends up letting out a laugh that sounds downright evil. It sounds like that young boy who sang that he was evil and you shiver. "I'm gonna make sure you can't fuckin' talk to them for a week. Gonna wreck your throat so that all you can do is nod for yes daddy." He pauses and growls. "Bet you're gonna cum right now. Bet if I touched you right this second you'd make a mess of the goddamn carpet."
Leaning forward, you start to nuzzle at his cock through his briefs and realize that you can't feel any shame about it. You don't feel any shame about it, too busy trying to calm Elvis down and too busy remembering just why as much as you might want to stray from him when he wanders just a bit- you don't. "Daddy, I would. I would make a mess, but please daddy, you can touch me I want you to touch me."
Elvis yanks at your hair and thus you back a little roughly and you hiss. "No nuzzlin'. This ain't you getting a treat. This is you being reminded who you belong to." His tone is shifting into something that almost sounds like a growl. "Whose thick thighs you cum on. Whose cock you love having in that pretty pussy and mouth. Whose is it, darlin'?"
"Yours." You whine, pulling down his underwear without him actually asking to. "Your thighs, your cock."
His lips curl into a smirk as he uses the grip on your hair to force your face into his crotch. You have the foresight to open your mouth but even so you end up choking a little around his cock. He pauses when he realizes you're struggling, not wanting to hurt you exactly. You grip his thigh as an okay and he continues to push his cock further into your mouth until it's tickling the back of your throat. You swallow involuntarily and Elvis groans, low and in a way you want to hear over and over again. He starts to move, using his grip on your hair to control how quickly he's fucking your mouth, how deep his cock is reaching. You gag a little even as you try and relax just from the sheer force of his cock hitting your throat.
"Swallow, baby, do it again." He murmurs, trying to feel your throat start to constrict around his tip. "Fuckin' love this mouth. Most perfect goddamn mouth. Never gonna let it go. Never gonna let those boys take you from me. I'll shoot 'em before they do. Might not look like 'em anymore but they couldn't handle my girl."
You whimper at the words, your eyes starting to roll in the back of your head as you rut against the floor, wanting to touch yourself but resisting the urge. Elvis is still controlling the pace but you can feel how he's starting to struggle to keep up, his movements becoming a little less controlled, a little less consistent. You help out, making sure your mouth stays on him, that his cock still is hitting the back of your throat until you taste the saltiness of his cum and feel the warmth of it filling your mouth. You swallow, struggling just a little but Elvis doesn't let up, doesn't let you off until he's finished and you've swallowed as much as you can. He finally lets go of your hair and you lean back, breathing heavily, trying to ignore the throbbing of your clit and the mild burn you still feel in your throat.
"Wasn't flirting." You force out, your voice sounding like you had every sore throat known to man at once. You try and swallow thinking it will help before realizing it doesn't. "Want to cum, please."
His eyes are lidded when he looks at you, looking almost like he might want to fall asleep on you before he hums, holding out his hand to you. "Up on the bed. No talking till you come. Wanna hear you scream my name with my face in your pussy."
You take his hand, using the leverage to pull yourself up and frown. "I don't think I can scream. Won't make the noise."
He pulls you close and pulls you into a kiss. "You will. Then you can lose your voice. Then we can both know I fucked that throat of yours completely raw."
If you raise an eyebrow in a challenge, that's your business. And if after that eyebrow you don't speak for another week because you practically croak when you try? Well. That's yours and his business.
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nitewrighter · 10 months
im a HUGE fan of ur junkrat fanteractions.. some junkrat n lucio interactions would be very cool !!! maybe a few on the shippy side as well,, i love boombox <3
awww thank you!
[During Setup on New Junk City]
LĂșcio: Is it just me, or has Junkertown gotten way bigger?
Junkrat: Well them Null Sector attacks got all sorts of folk in the boonies wanting to head somewhere with better defenses... and then there's the folk fleeing the cities. Troublesome lot, those ones. They're always all 'why isn't there clean water' and 'help, someone stabbed me.'
LĂșcio: ...people honestly think Junkertown's safer than a major city?
Junkrat: Well why wouldn't it be? We're better at scrappin' bots than anyone else!
LĂșcio: I mean... There's probably some culture shock.
Junkrat: Y'mean the stabbings?
LĂșcio: Uh, I didn't mean that but--
Junkrat: It's like they always say, 'Stab me once, shame on you, stab me twice, I get to keep the knife.'
LĂșcio: I... don't think that's how the saying goes.
Junkrat: Eh, that's culture shock for ya.
Junkrat: So what'd your manager say about bringing your world tour to Junkertown?
LĂșcio: She said it was... an interesting idea?
Junkrat: Did you mention you already have a pyrotechnics guy? 'Cuz I'm your pyrotechnics guy.
LĂșcio: My shows don't actually use a lot of pyrotechnics--
Junkrat: I've noticed! That's why you need a pyrotechnics guy!
LĂșcio: So... what's your novel about?
Junkrat: Who told you about the novel?!
LĂșcio: ...you did? You kind of... loudly announced it several times.
Junkrat: Oh! Y'wanna see my manuscript!?
LĂșcio: I mean I don't actually have a lot of time to read these days and--
Junkrat: Ta-daaa! First draft!
LĂșcio: Wow, that is... hefty.
Junkrat: I need you to tell me what you think of the dialogue in the 18th chapter, because I worry I didn't build Margaret's motivation up enough for it to really hit, you know?
LĂșcio: Okay, can you at least tell me the plot?
Junkrat: Oh, I'm really bad at summaries.
LĂșcio: Just... like, give me any hint at what it's about.
Junkrat: Uh... you know 'David Copperfield?'
LĂșcio: Yes...?
Junkrat: This is like, the opposite of that.
LĂșcio: Wow, you are bad at summaries.
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Some places aren't what they just seem to be...đŸ©žđŸ©žâ™„ïž
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Note: Have this horror fanfic as my way of bringing back my spicy fanfics. I'm kinda losing motivation and I have hell (school) on my tail .⁠·⁠Ž⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠Ž⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
Warnings: Murder, bl00D and Knives....mentions of drugs (in the beginning).
Gender: Neutral
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💙💚 The Main Four đŸ§Ąâ€ïž
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You were dropped off to a nearby orphanage by the police after both of your parents passed away due to drug overdose.
The orphanage looked very fancy and aesthetic from the exterior. You wondered what the inside of the building looked like.
When you walked into the building, you were met with a lot of children your age running around, chatting with each other, playing games together, and playing tricks on each other.
You noticed one of the maids walked up to you with a bright smile on her face.
"Hello there dear, are you by any chance the new orphan that we were getting today?". You looked up at her with a blank expression.
"Uhm...yeah, that's me...".
"Well it's lovely to meet you, I can ensure you that you will love it here at the orphanage! What is your name, little one?".
"(Name) (Last Name)".
"(Name)....what a beautiful name! come, let me give you a tour around the orphanage since it's your first time here".
The kind maid showed you every room and area that was around the orphanage. They had a dining hall where the orphans could get their food, they had showers so the orphans could take a bath, they had a library for any orphans who were interested in books.
They even had dorms for where the orphans could sleep and rest up their energy.
You were surprised to hear that there were 40 orphans and 5 maids at this orphanage.
Once the tour was over, the maid gave you comfortable clothes to wear for the day and allowed you to go talk with the other kids.
You spotted 4 boys chatting with each other. One of them seemed to be arguing with the chubby one while the other 2 just watched.
The kid with the orange parka was the first one to noticed you and he waved at you before his other friend in the blue and red beanie looked at you as well.
"Hey, aren't you the new kid?" The kid in the blue and red beanie asked you.
"Yeah, that's me..who are you guys?". You looked at them puzzled.
"Right names, I'm Stan Marsh and this one next to me is Kenny Mccormick...the one in the green ushanka is Kyle Broflovski. And the fatass is Eric Cartman". Cartman immediately looked away from Kyle and at Stan in anger.
"IM NOT FAT YOU GODDAMN EMO HIPPIE!!". Stan rolled his eyes at Cartman's anger towards him while you just stared at the boys with a "‱_‱" face.
"Alright then...my name is (Name) (Last Name)". They all gave you a thumbs up while Cartman was still pissed off and crossing his arms.
"Mhppmhhhhmmphhhmmmhh". You looked at Kenny with a confused face since you didn't understand what he said.
"Um, what was that Kenny? I'm afraid I don't follow on what you said".
"He said: 'Do you want to hang out with us?'". Stan translated for Kenny.
"Oh...sure!". Your face began to lighten up as you assume this orphanage wouldn't be as bad as the rumors say.
What rumors? No need to worry! those are just said by silly people....this orphanage is perfectly okay!
You ended up spending time with the boys during the "daily activities" the maids gave out for all of the orphans to do and have fun.
You got to know the boys better and they got to know you better as well. You didn't understand why the other kids would call them "problematic". They say that the boys would swear at each other or other orphans, always talking to each other during quiet time, and getting into some fights (Kyle and Cartman).
But you didn't see them do any of those things because they have been so nice and chill around you, but if many orphans were saying it. You didn't care anyways since you were glad you had at least some company instead of going the whole day being awkward while living in a orphanage full of 40 kids in total. (THATS A LOT).
When dinner time came, the maids had all of you dress up in special uniforms for the occasion.
You were confused on why you have to dress in uniforms to eat some food, but you couldn't complain until you see how the food they serve here tastes.
You got in line while holding your trey, the orange-haired maid placed (your favorite food) onto your trey while giving you a glass of milk with it.
Milk at dinner?? I expected to at least get some juice or (your favorite drink).... You thought inside your mind as you left the line to find a table to sit at to eat.
Kyle motioned for you to come over and sit with him and his friends. You sat down at their table and noticed that they all had a glass of milk on their trey as well.
You then looked around to see a few other kids (6 of them) have a glass of milk on their treys too while the rest didn't... was this normal?
"Hey....uhm...do they serve anything else besides milk? or are they just out of stock?". You asked the boys as you pointed to your milk.
"Well, they normally do now because that's all everyone really wants now. You'll get used to it eventually (Name)". Stan said as him, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny began eating their food.
You eyed your food and milk while glancing up at them back and forth. You signed and began eating your food as well while ignoring your milk for a while.
You heard a little cough from the boys and the other 6 kids when they drank their glass of milk.
You immediately looked up at your friends. "Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny? are you guys alright?".
They were silence for a couple of secs before they snap back into reality. "Yeah, we're fine it's no big deal really".
You looked at them confused and eyed your own glass of milk, you picked it up and looked closer at it until you..saw that it was...
Your eyes widened. "Guys! you just drank spoiled milk!". You panicked as they gave you a concern look.
"What are you talking about (Name)? the milk wasn't spoiled it was fresh, did you hit your head or did Kahl jewness aura hurt-". Kyle pushed Cartman out of his chair with him letting out a "OW!".
"But but-! I just looked at my milk and it was spoiled!". You tried to defend yourself you didn't understand why they were being so calm about this as if it was a normal routine.
Before you could say something else to them, the maids have announced that all orphans should go to their dorms to get ready for the night.
"Oh Jesus finally! I get some goddamn fucking rest after so many hours!".
"Shut up fatboy! you barley participated in anything since this morning!". Kyle and Cartman began arguing back and forth with each other as you watched your 4 friends walk out of the dinning hall.
You signed as you got up from your seat and followed everyone else to the dorm area. All of the other dorms were occupied except for the room that had only one bed in it..it looked a little ragged but it was still comfortable to sleep on, it even had a small candle on the nightstand to light up the room.
You took off your uniform and began to change into some nice warm clothes to sleep at night.
"Oh well, I hope nothing weird will happen at night...". You locked the door and climbed into your bed before falling asleep.
After 2 hours, you woke up to some growling noises. You were half asleep as you rubbed your eyes wondering what that noise was. You shrugged it off since you were lucky your room door was locked anyways.
When you tried to go to asleep, you heard a loud scream that sounded like one of the orphans. You immediately jumped out of your bed at the sight of the scream wondering what was going on outside of your dorm.
You picked up the candle that was on your nightstand and held it close to your face, not close to enough to burn you.
What was that scream just now? It sounded more like a scream of horror....
After 3 mins you heard another loud scream and then another following after that one. You were getting nervous and you wanted to know what the hell was going on...if you remembered, people always said the rumors about this orphanage are what happened at night...
You were snapped out of your thinking as you heard some kids banging on your door letting to be in as they cried for help. Your body was shaking a little at their cries.
The crying and yelling was soon replaced by stabbing noises and more loud screams. You saw something red splattered onto the glass window of your door...is that...
You were now having second thoughts about opening the door since you were sure that some killer must be inside of the orphanage now...why weren't the maids doing anything at all???
This continued until 27 screams were heard and then the alarm began to go off. Your door was unlocked automatically when the alarms went off.
You heard a maid telling the orphans to run to something they call "bunker". Everyone ran straight to the bunkers immediately.
You ran out of your room as well trying to follow the remaining orphans to safety. As you were almost out of the hall, somebody grabbed your hand while placing a knife near your neck.
You were flabbergasted and turned around to see your attacker, it was one of the orphans except their entire body was twitching like crazy as if they were possessed.
They had a evil smile on their face as they saw the fear in you. Another orphan with a knife in their hand was in front of you, their whole body was twitching like crazy as well.
You were confused, scared, and shocked. You had no need what was going on and why there was suddenly some orphans going completely nuts and killing everyone.
You looked at the psycho in front of you and saw something white dripping from their mouth.
Was that...milk?
Your eyes widened even more as you remember the time you heard coughing from Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny when they drank the milk after you discovered it was spoiled.
You were sure that the spoiled milk could've given them a bad stomachache, but it seems like it did something else other than that.
You didn't have anymore time to think as the 2 psychos were ready to stab you dead.
That was instantly stopped when you saw they were pulled back and dragged away at the same time.
2 screams and blood splattering were heard at the same time meaning it must've came from the 2 psychos who were trying to kill you. But how? that happened so fast in a short amount of time....
Thankfully you still had your candle and you shined it around until you saw 4 boys which looked exactly like the ones you befriended when you first came to this orphanage...
"Stan..? Kyle...? Cartman...? Kenny...?". You were shaking uncontrollable in fear because so much has happened since nightfall came...
Their bodies were twitching crazily as well. You wanted answers and you wanted them now..
"What is going on here?! why are all 4 of you holding knives and drenched in blood?! I want answers please!!". The boys stayed silent as they look at each other.
"Guys should we really tell them?". Stan asked as Kyle and Kenny nodded except for Cartman who shaked his head.
"No way, they'll just fucking rat us out!". You had a confused mixed with anger expression on your face as you looked at them.
"What are you guys talking about?! Everything seemed normal and happy when I first came here, but now things started to get weird at the diner hall where we were only given "milk" and that weirdness lead to all of this bloodshed at night! You guys know what's happening in this orphanage and I want answers!". You were on the verge of tears while your anger was still showing.
Stan signed and decided to speak up.
"Basically....this orphanage is about survival...we can't blame you for acting this way. The spoiled milk the maids served us is the calayist leading to all of this bloodshed".
"What do you mean? how can spoiled milk be the cause of this?? isn't it supposed to give you a bad stomachache because when things are spoiled it means they usually god bad!".
"That's usually what spoiled things would do, but this milk doesn't work that way. All of our visions went red when drank the milk after we finished coughing".
"You guys make it seem like this is a normal routine!!".
"Duh, because it is. once you drink the spoiled milk the maids give you, you become a threat to other orphans who didn't drink the milk".
"Goddamnit Cartman, can't you be nice to people for once?!". Kyle yelled at Cartman rolled his eyes.
"Sorry, but the word "nice" doesn't work in my dictionary for jews".
You didn't even noticed that sun had already raised up and all of the blood that was around the place was gone and the boys were no longer twitching or had a knife in their hands.
"No...no....this has to be a dream...it has to be...". You sulked down on the floor next to the wall while your hands were wrapped around your legs.
"The rumors about this orphanage...were true after all...but why isn't this reported to the police....? don't tell me the walls of this sick place is soundproofed!". You couldn't hold back your tears as they streamed down your cheek.
Stan and Kyle sat down next to you and wrapped you in their arms as Kenny pulled down his hood to speak.
"Yeah, you could say that the walls are soundproofed and more orphans are coming here every week or so. we pretty much can't leave since this orphanage is in a forest".
"So I can't leave then...I have to spend the rest of my life in this haunted place....". You cried even more.
You then felt 4 other arms wrap around you.
"It's okay (Name), even if we can't leave you won't share this pain alone because we will be there to protect you from the other orphans".
"But that sounds like the only way we can leave is if we die!".
"At least we will die together instead of dying alone..".đŸ’™đŸ’šđŸ§Ąâ€ïžđŸ©žđŸ©žđŸ’–đŸ’–
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I have been way to hook up in watching ONE PIECE and checking out WELCOME HOME I haven't had any time to write anything on my blog or my hellpark blog as well. I deeply apologize for my lack of posts everyone, multitasking yourself can become stressful at some point....
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secondchoice-ragdoll · 10 days
im so sorry i had an ask abt what my fav T&K moments are but i deleted the draft and the ask dissapeared too... soooooo... not doing that ever again! thats okay.
i am fond of all the eras (which in my head are 1. them being on DR, 2. right after DR, 3. the 2 ssns of AS they were on (or at least Ks ssn), 4. leading up to the breaking point, 5. the "fallout", 6. reconnecting, 7. up until covid, 8. beginning of the lockdown, 9. leading up to their tour, 10. during tour, 11. after tour until the breakup(?), 12. and now idk whats going on again but we will be smarter looking back on this time in the future) for their own special weird whatevers that they had going on. but here r my fav ones:
- T picking K despite her not really contributing to her team doing well again.
- the one moment i made my header bc its very cutesy.
- K being sooo offended abt T being eliminated both on DR and after in her yt series.
- those interview(?) bits where they both say they'd kaikai w each other from their season.
- besties for cash.
- also their twitter posts from this timeperiod thirsting over eachother!??!?! (+ T on reddit).
- the Pandora Boxx interview w them from maybe 2016 (its still up on fb!) (atp K being on AS2 was already announced ig?)
- K getting those dolls from Andrew for T (no matter how cursed they may or may not be).
- T&Ks HS reunion (them twirling around togetherâ˜č)
- the anecdote of them going on a hike where T says she forgives K and K's gratefulness for it.
- honestly my all time fav comfort thing(s) they ever did were the pods that barely had video to them yet and were filmed at like Ts place or in hotelrooms on the floor. like. the vibes were immaculate and no matter what is going on that bunch of episodes just bring inner peace to me. forever grateful for them <33
- anytime they talk abt eachother to random ppl basically unprompted (see: K's Pearl makeover, T on the latest PitStops, T on her own channel to guests) ((its just so casual and domestic)).
- i think timeperiod-vise Ks fakeout of a 40th bday party falls here. and the fact that T dressed up like that... and that pic of them and Orville in the bathroom...
- all of the little moments of the live tour. there was so much going on, it was very intense and oh god i miss it soooo much. i esp loved their days in germany (or europe in general). the hugging the touching the bloopers the breeding jokes!!! insanity.
- all the stories of them being on the tourbus or even the day they had an accident w one vechicle and they said they were worried abt each other (i only dare to list it here bc nobody got hurt as far as i know) ((did this actually happen? i think they only talked abt it like once and that would be weird and out of character for them so maybe i imagined it?))
- the pod they say how they'd stop whatever they were doing just to go help the other and how they love each other the most!!
- T saying "she is my bitch" abt K backstage (its really just that she isnt usually posessive over K so vocally. and then she was. and i was like okay wow!).
- SHE IS GOD TO ME!!!!!!!
- T straddling K on the netflick couch numerous times.
+ all of the "waterloo"s and "time after time"s.
(+ T writing Soldier and Ghost on the moon and singing You can come around if u want to right after musing abt whether we also "have a friend who we r just like 'well u could have been the loml but we met under circumstances that made us only friends so whatever!'".)
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thisapplepielife · 4 months
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Written for a @astrangersummer.
Dude Is Happy
Week #7 Prompt: Laugh | Word Count: 1010 | Rating: T | POV: Jonathan | Characters: Jonathan, Argyle | Pairings: Platonic Jargyle and/or Pre-Jargyle, Jancy (Off-Screen) | CW: Recreational Drug Use (Weed) | Tags: Pre-S4, Jonathan's First Day of School in CA, Meeting Argyle
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The first thing he hears is the laugh. It's distinct, and so joyful, seemingly amused with something, life maybe, that Jonathan looks around the woodshop class trying to find the guy it's coming out of, but has no luck.
The shop isn't set up in a way where he can see everyone else at all times, so now he just has to imagine what could possibly be making anyone that happy at school.
Jonathan's not sure he's ever sounded that happy.
Starting a new school during his senior year wasn't exactly his idea of a good time, but he understood why they needed to leave Hawkins. Why Will, why El, why his mom couldn't be there now. After losing Hopper, and everything else that has happened, over and over, that staying behind for Nancy wasn't a reasonable ask.
So, he didn't ask. 
He packed up everything he owned, from the only home he'd ever known, and went with the flow, because that was the path of least resistance.
Now, he's here. In a new state. A new school. The new kid as a senior is a rough place in the social hierarchy. Not that he's ever cared much about that. Be quiet, keep his head down. It's worked for him so far in his seventeen years.
He's aware he's always been a bit of a loner, and he doesn't really have an issue with that continuing here. Yeah, he's got the Upside Down crew, all that shared trauma with those in the know. Will's friends. Nancy, and Steve. The new girl, Robin. But it's not like they're all that close. Steve tolerates him now, but Jonathan wouldn't exactly call him his friend. Not with Nancy forever between them.
They're just half-assed acquaintances because they've both found themselves thrust together due to the weirdness of Hawkins.
He can keep to himself, not bother anyone and hope that nobody bothers him.
But there's that laugh again, and he's curious. So, Jonathan gets up and walks through the woodshop, looking for the source of that kind of happiness. 
He finds it. 
A boy with long, long hair under a brightly colored hat, is tossing his head back, laughing at seemingly nothing at all. Nobody else around.
Well, at least this dude is happy. Or insane. But Jonathan's banking on happy, because he looks happy, not crazy.
"Can I sit?" Jonathan asks, impulsively out of character, and the guy looks in his direction, kinda glassy-eye.
Oh. Not crazy. Stoned.
And Jonathan smiles, ever so slightly.
"Of course, brochacho," he says, clearing off the table in front of the empty chair. "Are you new here in this fine school? I haven't seen you in this class before."
Jonathan nods.
"Well, welcome to Lenora Hills. I'm Argyle and I'll be your tour guide."
"Jonathan," Jonathan says, returning the favor of introducing himself. 
Jonathan isn't sure he needs a tour guide, but this stoner might be the best case scenario if he has to have one.
"Do you
partake?" Argyle asks, dropping his voice to a whisper, putting his pinched forefinger and thumb to his lips, and Jonathan isn't sure how to respond. He's not opposed, but it's not like that's something he's been doing with Nancy. There was an incredibly weird hang with Steve, both sore and bruised, and not by each other for once, where Steve produced a joint and Jonathan definitely didn't say no. 
"Sometimes," Jonathan settles on, "why, you offering?" 
Argyle laughs that laugh, and Jonathan wants to hear it more. It's so happy, light, a refreshing change after the past couple years that haven't been all that happy, even after the dust had settled. 
"My dude, of course. I have all the best strains. I can rock your world."
"I'll hold you to that," Jonathan says, and then the teacher comes in and the discussion is tabled for another day.
Jonathan blows out another lungful of smoke, and is sure with everything that he is, that Argyle told no lies. This is the best thing he's ever smoked, and he can barely keep his eyes open. He definitely never had a weed hookup this good in Hawkins. Whatever Eddie Munson was selling behind the school isn't anywhere near this league. Holy shit.
Argyle laughs again, and it's just as funny, just as endearing, as it was at school.
"Anybody ever told you that you have a good laugh?" Jonathan asks, eyes half-lidded. He can't see much of Argyle, but he can definitely hear him. 
"All the time," Argyle answers, "but I still appreciate the compliment, my dude."
Jonathan nods. He's pretty sure he has a new best friend. 
It's been a long time since he's had one of those, he realizes. Not since he was a kid, maybe, unless Nancy counts, and he thinks she doesn't. Not really. She's his girlfriend, a friend-friend would be different. 
At least he thinks so. Maybe. It's been a while, so he can't be totally sure.
"Like?" Argyle asks, and Jonathan nods, the only thing he thinks he can do at this point. His eyelids feel like they weigh a thousand pounds, in the very best way. He leans back in the seat of the yellow van, and relaxes, melting into the beaded seat cover. "This is Pineapple Express. And pineapple is always recommended. Both for smoking and for pizza."
"Oooh, pizza sounds good," Jonathan says.
"Then you're in luck, I happen to work at California's premiere pizza establishment," Argyle insists, patting the dash of the van.
"No way," Jonathan says, eyes falling back closed.
"Way," Argyle answers, "Where'd you come from anyway?"
"Indiana," Jonathan answers. 
"Right on," Argyle says, "Well, welcome to California. Stick with me, and I'll show you our ways. I think you'll like it here."
Jonathan really hopes that's true. Yeah, there's no Nancy, but there's also no responsibility stuck on him to save the world, either. Maybe he can just
be. Hang out. Eat some pizza. Smoke a little grass.
Have some fun.
Hell, maybe he'll even learn to laugh, just like Argyle.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @astrangersummer and follow along with the fun! 🌿
Notes: Going back and looking at show clips, I'm not sure that Argyle even has the laugh I remembered him having. But Eduardo Franco most definitely does in real life. So, let's go with it. The Pineapple Express strain also did not exist in 1986, but I couldn't resist using it here. It felt very Argyle.
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etapereine · 4 months
lining’s silver, grass is greener (i’m on my way)
@cycleprompttuesday: “illness”
also on ao3.
“it’s fucked, is what it is.”
christophe is joking, mostly. wout can tell, by the laugh that follows and the way christophe lounges so easily on the chair next to him, face thrown up to catch the sun and one foot resting on his knee.
still, there’s an undercurrent of frustration there, of a sort wout understands all too well. it’s no one’s fault - never is, really, but especially not for christophe, who’d been the first to admit that crashing into the manhole cover was on him and him alone. he’d joked about it on the phone with wout that night and had sent the group chat a stupid meme he’d found. still, it’s frustrating.
“at least you got out before you caught the plague.” wout takes a sip of his coffee, knocking his foot against christophe’s. it’s nice, to sit here in the sun together. there’s been too little of that, this year.
“a fucking miracle that i didn’t, with our luck. the internet thinks we’re all making out with each other on the rest days, did you know that?” christophe breaks off a piece of his pastry and offers it to wout. he can feel the powdered sugar stick to his lip, can see the way christophe’s eyes fix on it and the way his fingers twitch as wout runs his tongue over his lips.
if they weren’t in a very public cafĂ© on a very public stretch of a very sleepy spanish country road - well.
“i certainly hope you weren’t making out with any of the other guys while you were in italy,” wout tries to keep his voice carefully neutral, but all it takes is one unimpressed look from christophe to have him laughing so hard he can feel tears at the corner of his eye. it feels good to laugh like that, feels even better without the corresponding twinge of pain he’d had for weeks.
christophe smiles at him, and beneath the table he links his foot with wout’s.
“not me,” christophe says, innocent as anything. “although if the opportunity presents itself in france
” he trails off, and when wout doesn’t comment, christophe lets it go. “but for the other guys? well. they may not be half wrong.”
wout thinks of a facetime call with an exasperated, long-suffering robert, stuck on a volcano with what should have been wout’s team and dealing with cian’s increasingly obvious crush on visma lease-a-bike’s star sprinter. oh, to be that young again.
“you think he’ll be there? in france?” christophe doesn’t mention a name, but he doesn’t really have to. when wout looks up from his coffee, christophe is staring out over the valley as though he can see all the way to denmark from here.
they haven’t talked about the tour, really, haven’t talked much about racing at all since christophe turned up at wout’s rental in girona. he uses his own foot to tug on christophe’s under the table, just enough to draw his attention back.
“i don’t know,” he says, honestly. jonas is private and reserved at the best of times, and when he’s hurting he has a tendency to retreat even more. they’ve spoken, over text and phone and even once on video call, the same way wout knows jonas has spoken with christophe, but not about anything more substantial than their shared aches and pains. it’s both too much and not enough, but that’s how it always is during the season.
“if anyone can do it,” christophe says, before trailing off. on the table, his pinky finger brushes the side of wout’s hand absentmindedly. too much, and not enough.
wout thinks of a hotel room in cahors, the startled look in jonas’s eyes when he’d walked in on the two of them and the desire and determination that replaced it. jonas has never been one to back down from a fight, not as long as wout’s known him. it's a different sort of battle, this one, the kind jonas has to fight on his own. there is no wind for wout to take this time, no climb to pace him up - just jonas and his body, and wout knows only too well how lonely of a fight that is.
on the table, two cell phones buzz in unison. wout lets christophe check the message, sees the way his face relaxes into a smile.
"speak of the devil," christophe says, before downing the last of his coffee and standing up to stretch. "ready to head back? i promised marion i'd call this afternoon, while the boys are napping." he reaches out a hand to help wout up.
they clean up their plates and coffee cups and strap on helmets again and then they're off, back down the descent with the sun in their faces and the wind at their backs. later, when christophe has disappeared to call marion and wout has settled into the couch, he finally checks his messages: a photo of his own boys, georges running across the backyard and jerome watching him from a picnic blanket; a series of heart emojis and a we miss you from sarah; some photos from the tour team at altitude camp in the sierra.
and then, the most recent notification:
jonas vingegaard
feeling good today
weather here is shit
want some company in spain?
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p96822 · 9 months
They made it to Fenton Work, and Marinette was amazed about the strange object on the roof of their home.
"What's that?" Marinette asks.
"Something we hope you're not gonna need to find out." Jazz answered quickly.
They walked into the building, and Jack and Maddie showed her to the guest bedroom on the second floor.
The Fenton couple left Marinette to get comfy with her new living space. Marinette starts to take her thing out of her suitcase, including a picture of Adrien. As she sighs at the picture of her crush Danny knocked on the door. Panicking, Marinette hid the photo back in her suitcase.
"Dinner is almost ready, Marinette. Whenever you're ready." Danny said.
"Thanks, Danny. I'll be there." Marinette said to him.
A few minutes later, Marinette ate with the Fenton family, and Danny decided to ask their house guest questions.
"So, Marinette? What do you like to do during her spare time?" He asked.
"Oh, hang out with friends, draw, design outfits..." She started.
"You could make new jumpsuits for Danny and Jazz," Jack said.
Danny and Jazz sighed heavily about their father asking this to their guest.
The Next Day
Danny decided to get up early and help Marinette get to school on time. For once, Danny was on time as no ghost detour occurred. Upon arrival, he then took Marinette to class.
"For once, you're on time, Mr. Fenton." Mr. Lancer said to Danny.
"Yeah..." Danny said to his teacher.
"Introduce yourself, miss," Lancer said to the French exchange student.
"I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It's nice to meet you." She said to the other students.
"Why wasn't Adrien Agreste the one to come?" She heard some of the girls complain.
"Why wasn't it that hot French girl who's that Queen Bee?" Some of the guys complained.
"Because she's awful. Adrien Agreste is at least nicer!" A girl went.
Marinette sighed over the classmates wanting her crush or her bully. Danny patted her on the back to comfort her because of classmates' expectations of the exchange student.
"Don't mind them, and they're just typical American teens. Probably worse than the French variety." Danny assured, earning a small smile.
Marinette sat next to Danny, where Tucker waited as he used his breath spray on him.
"Hi, I'm Tucker, Tucker Foley. Any chance you're open to teaching some French? Otherwise, any friends who'd love to give personal lessons?" He asks with a grin.
Danny elbowed his best friend in the ribs for asking that.
"Not the time." He says.
Marinette answered most of Mr. Lancer's questions as the class was happening.
"Now, who can tell me what year Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juli-"
"1597," Marinette says with a smile.
Lancer smiled in relief.
"Finally... someone who pays attention!" He says.
Danny was impressed by how smart Marinette really was.
Wow... she's not just pretty. She's smart.
Since she did not pack her own food, Marinette depended on Danny to get her something to eat.
Marinette couldn't help but stare at the odd-looking meatloaf.
"This is American school food?" She asks.
"Yeah, it ain't French toast or French fries, but it's filling." Tucker went.
"Actually, those aren't as common as you think where I'm from." Marinette poked the food with a spork, not sure what would happen.
"You'll learn to get used to it... at least, I'm sure someone will," Danny says.
"Hey there, French babe." Dash went, getting her attention. "Want a little tour of Amity Park with the king of Casper High?" He went with his arms flexing.
Marinette blinked before her eyes darted to Danny, who shook his head.
"No, thank you." She went.
Dash frowned while his buddies chuckled.
"Well, got any hotties back home interested in an American stud?" He asks.
"Sure, just let me know when I see one." Marinette snarked.
Dash snarled in anger before grabbing Danny by the collar, hoisting him up.
"Fenton! Your new girlfriend isn't getting it that I'm hitting on her or offering to make her friends' lives better!"
"She's/I'm not my/his girlfriend!" The two shouted.
Before Dash could do anything else, Paulina pushed him aside to talk to Marinette herself.
"Even though you don't seem that popular, since you go to the same school as Adrien Agreste, I think you can make it on the A-List," Paolina said.
Marinette felt that Paulina was like the American version of Chloe, however maybe even worse.
"No, thank you." Marinette rejected Paulina's offer.
"What, why?" Paulina asked.
"You remind me of a certain someone back home... someone as intolerable as you," Marinette said.
Paulina scowled.
"Hmph! Fine then. I wish that girl who used to be Queen Bee were here, and I bet I could be a better superhero than her. So that I can finally get my ghost boy to notice me."
Danny had the shivers thinking about what Paulina would do if she had those superpowers.
I don't even want to know what she'd have in mind. He thought.
Paulina imagined using Queen Bee's spinning top to wrap around her ghost boy to have her first kiss with him.
"If I were a cool superhero too, we'd be the most popular couple ever!" She gushed.
"You are aware a superhero has to, you know, save people, right?" Marinette pointed out.
"Pfft... why bother? I'll be too busy having my ghost boy to myself." Paulina states.
Danny frowned, but Marinette, not liking another Chloe, spoke up.
"Then I guess he wouldn't want to go out with you if you're too lazy actually to be a superhero. Even Queen Bee actually used her powers."
Paulina frowned hard.
The bell rang as lunch was over. Danny took Marinette to her next class that they had together. Meanwhile, Paulina watched as the two headed to class.
"She knows nothing about my ghost boy, nothing at all." She muttered.
As the day continued, the rest of her next class went well, and Marinette enjoyed the rest without any problems with Paulina and Dash.
After class was over, Danny and Marinette headed home.
"School here is not that different from the one in Paris, food being of less edible quality notwithstanding," Marinette said.
"I'm glad to hear that, Marinette," Danny said.
"Me too. I was worried I wouldn't fit in." She said, smiling that pretty smile at Danny.
"Beside Dash and Paulina, everything seems to go well for you, Marinette," Danny said.
"It did... didn't it?" Marinette asked.
And no reason for Ladybug to make an appearance... She thought.
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hydrate-or-diedrate · 1 year
Day 11 of reading homestuck wahoo yippee
Just for fun, I did some doodles during class uwu
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Karkat is literally the crybabyest of all the characters so far its adorable. Hes cried like 3 or 4 times now I think and the only other character to have cried on screen did it once lol. Too many feelings for his liddol body so he gets rid of them by yelling <3
My friend was making fun of me earlier because she witnessed me getting a new blorbo in real time x)
Anyway onto reading
Ughhhhhh hi Scratch
Is this scratched CD gag Andrew's way of saying act 5 act 2 was going on for too long/he got tired of writing it normally, or is this concept plot important lol
Not to be a Vriska hater but YEAH TEREZI BEAT HER UP
This truly is fuckin kill murder dead town right now
Goddammit Terezi, I believed in you. I still love and adore you but 😔
And then Rose is trying to take out Jack which I assume will not go well
Scratch what the hell does "8^y" mean? 8 to the power of y, with y being a variable? Or is it just a silly little face? TF
Shut the fuck up Scratch, John's jokes are great
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Oh okay, so it's 8^y is just 8⁞..?
Woah okay that's quite a few sparkles. Idk man, gotta be at least 12
Okay Vriska go off, get his ass
Okay Scratch it seems you might be suggesting that this (the timeline in which half my blorbos killed either themselves or eachother) is not the alpha timeline
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Nice dress, Kanaya
Yeah yeah we get it you're a God or whatever
Vriska stop being so desperate omg
Okay Scratch I can respect the beatdown
Hoooooooh boy, hi Karkat :(
And bye bye Gamzee, I see that blood on Karkat's face
Okay so Rose stole the suicide mission, so I'm assuming she's confirmed dead until proven otherwise
Oh? Or not?
Okay, John giving Vriska(dead) a tour is kinda cute
Oh? New denizens lore?
Okay wow there's a lot of these scrapbook pictures to look through
Aww, it's the John that died at the denizen
Dead John talked to Typheus? 👀👀👀
Oh I don't like this hopping around
Uh oh y'all, CueBall is in the backrooms
Wow (past) Gamzee just casually suggesting making out like that's not a big thing for (past) Tavros
Karkat is so mean to himself, poor guy :(
Oh gosh fucked up Gamzee is back
Okay Gamzee so are you saying it's actually YOUR fault?
Okay and now ancestor lore? I really need to make a new reblog before I manage to lose all the stuff I already typed
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calpalirwin · 1 year
New Beginnings
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Summary: Avery Ryan wanted three things from life— love, her career, and to feel like she wasn't ever sacrificing one for the sake of the other. But was that even possible?
Word Count: 4.7k
Part 3
Avery pushed open the door to the bus, her yoga mat tucked under her arm. She was expecting to hear the rustling in the kitchen area of Ashton making breakfast and the smell of coffee dripping into the pot, a routine she’d grown accustomed to during these first few months of touring. A quiet morning spent alone with the man who silenced the butterflies while the world slept on around them. So, when she heard a “So, Avery, who’s your celebrity crush?” she stilled in her tracks.
 no, no, NO! She knew that interview like the back of her hand, and the thought of Ashton seeing it made her cheeks turn the same color as her hair, and her heart race in her chest. Was it too much to wish for the ground to open and swallow her whole rather than continue to walk towards her doom?
A wave of warmth washed over Avery’s cheeks, and she giggled despite herself. “Oh, that question’s gonna get me in trouble,” Avery giggled again at the interviewer. She didn’t need to look over at Ajani to know that while she was rolling her eyes, Ajani had the same trouble-making grin on her face as their interviewer.
“Oh, c’mon,” the interviewer continued to goat. “The whole world knows that Avery Ryan was off the market before she became a household name. But we’re all human, right? We all got our celebrity crushes, don’t we?”
“Oh, we do,” Avery assured them.
“So?” the interviewer pressed.
“Ashton Irwin.”
Ajani busted into a fit of laughter beside Avery. “Little quick to answer that one, huh, Ace?”
“Oh, shut up!” Avery laughed with Ajani, covering her face with her hands. “Like anyone who says he isn’t at least one of their celebrity crushes is a liar.”
When Avery heard a laugh that wasn’t Ashton’s she breathed a sigh of relief. “Morning, Mike,” she greeted, plopping down on the couch next to him. “You’re up early.”
“Yeah, wanted to catch Crystal before her day started. Catch her up on everything.”
“Mhm, a likely story,” Avery teased, tilting her chin at his phone.
He laughed again and clicked his phone shut. “Yeah, I was telling her about your and Ash’s relationship, and how you both seem at a stalemate. And she mentioned the video. Thought I’d give it a watch. You know this interview is four years old? Still true?”
Avery decided to go with honesty. She nodded.
Michael broke out in a grin. “So, do something about it. Make a move.”
Avery scoffed. “Why can’t he make a move?”
“Aren’t you a feminist?”
“So, why can’t you make the first move?”
“Because it’s
” her voice trailed off as she fought to find the right words. ïżœïżœïżœIt’s a long story,” she decided with a huff.
“Well better get to telling it before Ashton gets up.”
“So, the abridged version is that Drew— my ex— and I grew up together. He moved to LA first. We reconnected when I moved there. We started dating. Moved in together. Planned our lives together. Everything. But once things started taking off with the band, something changed. Like
 I dunno, like he saw the band as something I was only going to do short-term. And he couldn’t figure out how the life we wanted with each other could fit with mine and Ajani’s dreams for Lucky Mess. He started picking fights about whether he could trust me out on the road. And then he cheated on me with his high school girlfriend while I was on the road. And there was no moving past that for either of us. I didn’t want to try to make it work after that. And even if I had, he chose her, so it didn’t matter.”
Avery saw Michael’s jaw tighten and she knew he had felt that similar pain in the past. As a musician, she assumed they all had at least one story like that. “Fuck
” he muttered. “And Ash? He knows?”
“He knows the basics. That Drew and I dated. That we broke up. And that Drew is now engaged to the girl he left me for.”
Michael whistled low. “That’s fucked.”
“Yeah. But Ash doesn’t know that we broke up because Drew cheated. And it’s not even that I’m still hung up on Drew. But the engagement happened literally the day we all started working together, so it’s like a new pain if that makes any sense.”
“No, yeah, that makes sense.”
“Yeah. And then he and his fiancĂ©e showed up at the beginning of the tour. And
 I know in my head that Drew and Ash are not the same person. I know that I can trust Ash. But
” her voice trailed off.
“It’s a risk,” Michael said knowingly. “A risk that you got a fresh reminder of. But take it from someone who’s known Ash a long time. He’s going to put in the energy he wants returned. He won’t give ultimatums because he doesn’t want to get ultimatums. He won’t make his partner compromise on their dreams for his benefit because he doesn’t want to have to compromise on his dreams for theirs. Plus, he’s totally smitten with you.”
Avery smiled and rested her head affectionately on his shoulder for a minute.
“And how do you know all this stuff?”
“You think it was a typo you got to that pool party 2 hours ahead of everyone else?” His green eyes danced with mischief and trouble.
“That was you?!”
Michael laughed. “It was Cal, actually.”
“You’re much more observant than you let on, Mike. Should I be worried?”
“Nah. I only use my power for good. Pinky swear.”
They were still laughing when Ashton finally stumbled sleepily from the bunks. His shirt rode up as he raised his arms above his head in a stretch, his mouth dropping open in a yawn. Michael’s thumb swiped at the corner of Avery’s mouth. “Stop drooling,” he whispered low so Ashton couldn’t hear, winking as he did so.
She slapped his arm playfully, laughing loudly. “Can you blame a girl?”
“Oh, just make a move. Speaking of moves, wanna play chess? Playing against Luke gets old.”
“Love to,” she chirped.
Ashton watched as Michael pushed himself off the couch and started searching for something. “Videogames already Mike?”
“Nah, were playing chess,” Avery answered.
“Aw, I lost my morning buddy?” Ashton fake pouted.
“Seems like it,” Avery laughed.
“Sorry, mate,” Michael shrugged, his green eyes surprisingly apologetic.
“Nah, no worries. Might get breakfast made quicker without having to help the tiny one reach the plates and cups every two seconds,” Ashton teased, winking at the woman who rolled her eyes and scoffed. He laughed as he got breakfast going, and they set up their game.
“How’s it going?” he asked a little while later, sitting down beside Avery.
Her eyebrows were pulled together, her tongue poking out slightly in the corner of her mouth. “Good,” she said as Michael slowly moved a piece.
“Where’s mine?” Michael asked, looking at the two coffee cups and a large plate of food Ashton placed on the coffee table.
“Bread’s in the cupboard, eggs are in the pan,” Ashton told him while Avery took a bite from one of the pieces of toast, smiling at Ashton in thanks.
Michael rolled his eyes. “Your move,” he told Avery as he got up, muttering under his breath something vaguely that sounded like “And I don’t mean chess.”
If she heard Michael’s less than subtle second statement, she gave no indication. Instead, she wiped the crumbs from her mouth before reaching for her mug to take a sip, studying the board methodically. “Check,” she said, moving a piece and taking another bite of toast.
“Check?!” Michael asked bewildered, leaving his plate on the counter, and rushing back over to look at their game. He quickly moved his king out of harm’s way. “Uncheck!” he said, sticking his tongue out at her before going back to make his food.
“Actually, it’s checkmate,” she replied, moving to block his king in so he couldn’t move it. She leaned back against the couch, her side pressing into Ashton’s. He draped his arm over her shoulders and returned the smile she tossed his way. Ashton swallowed the urge to kiss the side of her temple, not wanting to ruin the soft moment they were creating.
This time Michael didn’t come running back. He just kept making his plate, shaking his head the whole while. “Rematch?”
“You’re on,” she grinned, quickly leaning forward to reset the board. Michael kept shaking his head, but this time Ashton didn’t think it had to do with him losing at chess.
“It’s a great crowd out there,” Avery grinned at Ashton as she came off stage.
“You say that every time,” he told her as they stepped off to the side. Her hand found his heart, and his found hers, feeling it pound wildly with adrenaline.
“That’s cuz it’s true every time. Best fans in the world.”
“Every artist says that, too.”
“Again, that’s because it’s true. It’s fuckin incredible to be able to create something that people can relate to, and that they love it enough to want to relate to it.”
“Well, you’re pretty easy to love.”
Her cheeks flushed and her eyes widened.
“Your work,” Ashton rushed, scratching nervously at the back of his neck. He couldn’t believe he just blurted it out like that
 “Your work is easy to love. The way your mind works is beautiful to witness.”
Her cheeks flushed more, and she ducked her head. “Thanks,” she mumbled. “You’re pretty great yourself.”
They lapsed into silence, her heartbeat slowing to match the pace of his, the thoughts they wanted to voice trapped in their throats, eyes searching for understanding in the other. Out of all the tour rituals Ashton had, his rituals with Avery had become his favorite. There was a palpable ache in him to know that tour would end far too quickly for his liking. That one morning very soon he was going to have his morning coffee and not have her giggling at him from across the table. That these moments of finding stillness in each other’s beating hearts, reminding them that they were very much alive were limited. At first Ashton thought that he didn’t want to give it up because it was a hard transition going from the chaotic sound of touring to the deafening silence of being home. But the more moments he shared with Avery, the more he realized it was her that he didn’t want to give up.
Avery didn’t want to give Ashton up either. Ever since the second show, her attention had continued to drift to be centered on Ashton. She could only hope that her trust wasn’t being misplaced; that she wasn’t someone misreading all the signs. But in the middle of the doubt, there was reassurance. Reassurance, and the much-needed comfort that came from the predictability of her routine with him. And she appreciated his patience as she grappled with her lingering hesitation more than she would ever be able to properly express aloud. But maybe everyone was right. Maybe it was time to make a move. A clear, no-room-for-misinterpretation move.
When the stagehand came up to give Ashton a minute warning, Avery and him reluctantly stepped apart, their hands dropping to their sides. “Don’t forget to put your contacts back in after your shower,” he reminded her.
“Thanks,” she smiled softly. “Hey, Ash?” she asked as he started to turn away, her fingers wrapping around his wrist.
“Yeah?” he asked, turning back around. The hand on his wrist tugged Ashton downwards, while her other hand snaked around his neck. She stretched up on her toes and Ashton didn’t hesitate to meet her halfway. With one arm wrapping instinctively around her back, he tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, before cupping her face gently as their lips met. Electricity surged through him as the kiss went from tender and timid to hungry and passionate. And damn it all to hell, as quickly as they started, they had to stop.
“Break a leg, rockstar,” she breathed.
Ashton’s cheeks were already sore by the time he got behind his drum kit, every part of his body tingling. Whatever buzz he got from playing was nothing compared to the high of kissing her and the way she managed to be both completely in control while surrendering herself to him in the same breath. It was the confidence of a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to give in to those wants. And fuck if feeling wanted wasn’t one of the best feelings in the world.
I’ve got the best friends in this place,
And I’m holding on!
“Thank you! We’re 5SOS!” Luke shouted into the microphone.
“And we’re Lucky Mess! Good night. Houston!” Ajani finished.
They all took a bow and as they walked off, Ashton wrapped an arm around Avery, pulling her into him and pressing a kiss to the side of her head. “You killed it, sweetheart,” he murmured in her ear.
“Couldn’t have done it without you, rockstar,” she beamed up at him. And he knew she meant the song, but he also knew she meant more than that. And Ashton couldn’t help himself. He spun her into him, both of his hands cupping either side of her face and kissed her the way they would have kissed each other earlier if they had more time. They giggled against each other’s lips as their friends whistled and whooped their encouragement. One of her hands left Ashton’s hair to bat them out of their way as they made a beeline for the bunks, collapsing onto the covers and into each other. There was no way in hell they were giving each other up now.
There was no need to voice what Ashton and Avery became to each other after that night. It felt good to just know where the other stood without having to say a single word. To know that they could just be two people finding a stillness in the other in the form of warm coffee mugs, stolen kisses, hearts beating in time, and nights spent tangled up in each other.
“Seems like things are going pretty well with you and Ash,” Calum spoke up as they all hung around the bus on one of their nights off, not looking up from his phone. Ajani was next to him doing Luke’s makeup while Michael and Avery played chess at the kitchen table.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Avery answered, not bothering to look over at the man.
“Good, cuz the whole world knows. Someone posted that little smooch he gave you last week at our Houston show,” Calum explained.
“Oh?” Avery asked while Ajani snatched Calum’s phone from him with a “Gimme that!”
“Rank?” Avery asked her.
“Off the charts. It’s really good.”
“And what are people saying?”
“Good things,” Ashton’s voice told her before pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Oh, look at you all dressed up,” Avery told him grinning. His hair was damp from a quick shower, a short-sleeved pink button-up unbuttoned to a dangerously low level, and black dress pants. “Got a hot date?”
“Yes?” he asked in a hopeful tone, the green and gold dancing in his eyes.
Avery laughed. “Alright. Let me go grab my things.”
“What about our game?” Michael asked, crossing his arms.
” Avert looked at the chessboard, her tongue clicking in her cheek. “Checkmate,” she shrugged, moving one of her pieces and ending the game.
Michael’s green eyes blinked once before going wide. “How?! How do you always win?! Luke, stop getting pampered and come play with me!”
Avery laughed more as she got up from her seat and grabbed Ashton’s hand in hers.
“This is actually really nice,” Avery told Ashton as they walked around downtown. “To do something we’d be able to do if we were home.”
“Complete with slack-jawed strangers,” Ashton joked, jerking his chin at the people whispering and pointing as the two of them walked by.
Avery laughed, pushing his shoulder. “Oh, be nice. At least no one’s alerted the press yet. Did you ladies want a picture?” Avery asked, turning around to the group of about five or so young women. They’d been following the pair for about the last block or so, trailing about fifty feet behind, giggling as they tried to gather the courage to speak up.
“Oh, my God, could we?!” one of them asked, while the others dug around for their phones.
“Yeah, of course.” Avery waved them over.
“So, are you guys like dating?” another one of them asked nervously as they started taking pictures.
“Yeah,” both Ashton and Avery answered, smiling at each other.
They continued to make small talk as pictures were taken. Then the group of women thanked the couple for their time and wished them well with the rest of tour.
“So, dating, huh?” Avery teased as they started walking again.
“You said it too,” he reminded with a giggle.
“Well, it’s the truth, right?”
“Course it’s the truth.”
“And it’ll still be the truth when we get back home, and all this goes away?” Avery asked, biting into her lower lip. She was realizing now that she hadn’t wanted to have the conversation of labeling what they were not because she was secure in what they had, but because she wasn’t. She didn’t want to hear the truth if the truth was that this meant more to her than him.
“Hey, look at me,” he said, stopping and spinning their bodies so they faced each other.
Avery held her breath as he leaned down and she stretched up on her toes to help him close the distance. His lips found hers, then her cheek where he licked a long stripe up the side of her face. “Ashton!” Avery squealed. “The fuck did you lick me for, you fuckin weirdo?!”
“There!” he grinned in triumph. “I licked you, so you’re mine now.”
“I am my own person, thank you very much, sir,” she grumbled, wiping at her face.
He giggled, “But?”
Avery grabbed his hand and sloppily licked the top of it. “But, if we’re marking things as ours, you’re mine, too.”
They were still giggling when they started to walk back up to the venue, finding paparazzi milling around. “You good?” he checked, pulling Avery closer to him.
“Are you?” she countered playfully. “Ash, it’s just some people with cameras. I’m used to this, or did you forget that your girlfriend also happens to be a talented musician?”
“I could never forget that.”
“Ashton! Avery!” they called out as the drummers got closer, cameras flashing. “Where’s everybody else?”
“Probably having a quiet night in,” Avery shrugged.
“And where are you guys coming from?”
“Just getting back from our date,” Ashton told them.
“Date?! Are you guys dating now?!”
“Yep,” they both answered. “Enjoy your night, guys.”
Between the kiss at the Houston show, and the run-in with both fans and the paparazzi a week later, the news of Ashton and Avery dating spread like wildfire. So, when Avery's phone rang a few weeks later with a number she recognized despite deleting, she was slightly taken aback but not completely shocked.
Avery knew she should decline the call, but she hit accept. “Hello?”
“Hey, Av. You got a minute to talk?”
“I answered the phone, didn’t I?”
Drew let out an exasperated sigh. “Can you set aside the anger long enough to listen to what I have to say?”
“What’s left to say?”
“A lot, actually. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since LA. Seeing you again
 I just miss you. I miss watching you in your element. I miss
 everything. Everything about what we were. What we had. And I know I’m the one who fucked everything up. I made my peace with that a long time ago. But I want to try and stop myself from making another mistake. So, I broke up with Madison. Because I realized I didn’t want to give her the life I wanted to have with you. And
 I guess I’m saying that life is still yours if you want it.”
“You are
 unbelievable. You had years to realize this. Years to have this conversation with me. So, the fact that you’re having it now that you see me finally moving on—"
“I know,” he cut her off. “If I’m the villain in your story
 That’s on me.”
She sighed. “You’re not the villain in my story. We just weren’t meant to be, and I finally learned why.”
“I really am sorry for how our story played out. And I wish you nothing but the best. I hope you can at least believe that much.”
“Thank you. And for what it’s worth, you’re not giving Madison my life by being with her. So go rectify that mistake while there’s still time. Bye Drew.”
“Bye Av.”
The line went dead, and Avery wiped at her face in irritation, letting out a small scream as she did so.
“You good?” Michael asked. With everybody off doing their post sound-check/pre-show routines, Avery had almost forgotten Michael was seated a few feet away from her playing on his Switch.
“Life would be a lot easier if you could just hate some people, you know?”
Michael laughed and set the game aside. “Yeah, but then you wouldn’t be you. So, he saw the pictures of you and Ash and finally realized he lost you for good, huh?”
“I swear do you guys just operate from the same script?” Avery asked as she moved to plop down beside him on the couch. She was grateful it was Michael instead of Ajani who had overheard the phone conversation with Drew. As much as Avery loved her best friend, she didn’t need a reminder that she was stupid for wasting any amount of energy mourning the man who had single-handedly blown up any future they might have shared.
“Yeah, we get this nifty little instruction booklet once we hit puberty. The ‘call her up and beg for a second chance once she’s moved on’ is right between ‘break her heart because you’re intimidated by her success’ and ‘what to do when she gives you a taste of your own medicine.’”
Avery laughed, then sighed. “Is it bad that I don’t hate him? I mean I hate what he did. But I don’t think that makes him a bad person. A bad ending doesn’t mean it was a bad story, you know?”
“Yeah, I get what you mean. I think breakups get a bad rep. That they’re these pressure cookers of angst. That the only way to ever get over it is to learn to hate them. But I think that’s a bunch of crap. Like some relationships don’t work. Doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the good anyway.”
“Sometimes I still think it’d be better if I could hate him, though. So, I don’t feel like this
Michael furrowed an eyebrow. “Uh-oh
 can I not be your friend anymore because you’re about to break Ash’s heart? Man, I really liked having another only child friend to hang out with, too.”
“What? No!” Avery laughed. “God, no. I love Ash.”
“You do?!”
Avery blushed. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
“Have you told him?”
“I don’t know how. Plus, I’m scared. What if he doesn’t feel the same?”
Michael snorted. “For one thing, I doubt that. Ash is completely head over heels for you, trust me. And for another, aren’t you a musician?”
“So, we got a whole stage full of instruments to help you tell him. Or I can distract you by being really bad at chess while you work up the nerve.”
Avery laughed again. “You’re actually a pretty decent chess player. You’ve just been playing against a really bad one for years, but don’t tell Luke I said that.”
Michael laughed with Avery. “Alright. Should I set up the board then?”
“Think I’m gonna give that talking through music thing a try first,” Avery told him, standing up and patting his leg. “But set it up anyway and we’ll try to squeeze in a game before we go on?”
“Deal. And hey, Avery?”
“I know putting your faith in someone new is hard. Especially after what you’ve been through. But don’t let that fear make you push Ash away. I don’t want to have to pretend to not like you.”
“You’re a good friend, Mike.”
Ashton’s heart was racing in his chest as he caught his breath at the top of the stadium stairs. Fuck, this shit was steep. He used his arm to wipe the sweat off his face and when he turned to jog back down, he saw Avery making her way across the top of the stage.
Ashton frowned. Normally at this time she was tucked away on the bus, reading her way through the thick completed collection of Sherlock Holmes.
Ashton could see her pick up a guitar and start playing, but he couldn’t make out what it was as he started to jog back down the stairs.
I think that I’m all-in.
You’re perfect.
God, I need you.
Just say you need me too.
Her voice rang out. Why did she sound like someone just broke her heart? Ashton jogged faster down the stairs, jumping the last three at the bottom, his sneakers slamming into the concrete floor.
And I want you every night, to wrap my arms around you.
Say it a thousand times.
Come closer, oh come closer.
Maybe it’s a little too much. Whoa.
The more she sang, the less he recognized. Curious, and a little worried at the sudden burst of inspiration, he stopped, waiting for her to finish and notice him.
I don’t wanna fuck this up. Whoa.
I don’t wanna say too much. Whoa.
But I think, I think, I think.
I think I’m in love.
“Hey,” he said, smiled up at her. “Is that true?”
“Hey.” She returned the smile soft and a little sad.
“Is that true?” he repeated, nodding at her guitar. “What you were just singing?”
Her lips quivered as she nodded, a tear sliding down her face. She sniffed, quickly wiping the tear away. “Yeah.”
“Oh, sweetheart
” Ashton braced his hands against the stage floor, hoisting himself up. “Why are you saying that like it’s a bad thing?” He kept his voice soft as he moved to stand by her.
” Her voice shook, the doubt taking over.
“What about Drew?”
“He cheated. That’s how our relationship ended. And I’ve spent the past two and a half years trying to figure out how to get past that. And then with you
 Everything has been effortless. So different from everything I’ve experienced before. In the best of ways. So, when it came to letting myself love you
 I’m powerless to stop it. It’s like loving you was something I was always destined to do. And that terrifies me. It terrifies me how easy it is for me to love you. Because if you don’t feel the same
 The only thing I ask of you is that when you break my heart, you do it nicely.”
“That’s not fair,” he chuckled softly.
“What’s not fair?”
“You don’t get the first kiss and the first I love you.”
“You love me?” Her voice came out small.
Ashton wrapped his arms around Avery, pulling her into him, and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “Of course, I love you,” he murmured, resting his forehead against hers, seeing the swirling shades of green in her eyes that have transformed his life every day for the last eight months. “And I’m scared, too. I don’t ever want to fuck up what I have with you. Because you
 Avery, you are worth everything I’ve been through. All of it, the good and the bad. And I want to keep facing everything with you, even if it’s scary. Because you’re my new beginning.”
Avery giggled, nudging her nose affectionately against Ashton’s. “That might be the cheesiest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
Ashton kissed her sweetly. “It doesn’t make it any less true. I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too, rockstar.”
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justabooknerdposts · 1 year
just an idea but awkwardly timed IMs lol, those fics always make me laugh and you are very good at capturing humor
*NOTE: I’m still closed to prompts for now, probably until at least the end of the year, as life is quite busy at the moment.  But I’m trying to catch up on some backlogged requests that have been sitting there for a few months since before I closed.  So, I’ll have a few up over the next couple of weeks—my goal is to have them all posted before Chalice of the Gods comes along and expands canon again, ha.  Again, not accepting any new prompt requests at this time—I’ll see how my schedule looks in January and revisit the idea then 😊  In the meantime, enjoy the four or five coming up. 
Oh, also, chapters 2 through 4 of my AHS senior year Percy and Annabeth story have also been posted.  This story is written under my TraitorousHearts8 pseud, so it’s a little more YA than middle-grade, but it’s available to read on Fanfiction and AO3 if you’re interested!  The last two chapters should be up over the next week or two. 
Alright, back to the prompt response!*
Okay, I kind of loved this one and it was fun to do some semi-awkward IMs.  Hope you enjoy!
PERCY:  The Greek gods have terrible timing.  For example, one once interrupted me in the shower.  Long story.  I’m not discussing it right now.  Demigods do a little better.  But sometimes, they have bad timing, too.  For example, during my freshman year of high school, I was in the bathroom at my mom’s apartment, going
well, doing what you do in the bathroom, when, suddenly, the air in front of me shimmered.  Charles Beckendorf’s face appeared a moment later.  “Hey, Percy, got a question for—” he said before his eyes widened.
I yelped and swiped through the I-M.
Once I was out of the bathroom and standing near the kitchen sink, using its water to make a misty rainbow, I messaged him back.
“Uh, hey, dude,” Beckendorf said sheepishly.  “My bad.”
“It’s okay,” I said, even though I still kind of wanted to curl up and die from embarrassment.  “You didn’t know.  But, uh, let’s not mention it again.  Ever.”
He nodded gravely.  “Anyway, the reason I was calling
” and he launched into a Titan War-related question about an explosive device he was working on that could be added to the tour bus of monsters we’d received reports on.
Later, I learned that he’d rigged this device in the bus’s toilet.  I tried not to take that too personally.  And I definitely did not ask him what had inspired the idea.
ANNABETH:  Usually, I have way better luck than Percy.  Which isn’t actually saying much because he has absolutely terrible luck.  Which probably explains why this happened.  It was during the fall of my freshman year of high school, during the Titan War.  I was at my dad’s in San Francisco, and Percy and I hadn’t caught up for a few weeks.  Things had been weird between us ever since our quest in the Labyrinth that summer.  But we were trying.  Unfortunately, Percy chose to reach out via Iris-message
while I was in the shower.
I was washing my hair when suddenly, from behind me, I heard, “Hey, Annabeth—aagh!”  I turned, hands already up over my chest, to see Percy, bright strawberry red, covering his eyes and swiping through an I-M.
I called him back ten minutes later from my bedroom, fully dressed, though my hair was still wet and tangled.
As soon as his face appeared, Percy sputtered, “Annabeth, I am so sorry—”
I held up a hand.  “We will never speak of this again.”
A couple years later, on the Argo II, Hazel was talking about I-Ms.
“They’re great,” she said.  “But it seems a little risky.  I mean, we surprised Reyna in the baths.”
The corner of Percy’s mouth quirked up.  “Yeah, this one time, I called Annabeth and—”
“I thought we were never speaking of it?”
“Oh yeah.  So, anyway, is that a flock of harpies closing in again?  I’d better go check.”
After he ran off, Hazel raised her eyebrows at me.  I sighed.  “He called me once while I was in the shower.”
“Oh.”  She fanned herself, an old-fashioned gesture that somehow seemed natural on her.  “See?  Risky.”
I nodded.  “For sure.  Oh crap, those actually are harpies.  We’d better go help him.”
And that was the end of that conversation.
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partystoragechest · 1 year
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A story of romance, drama, and politics which neither Trevelyan nor Cullen wish to be in.
Canon divergent fic in which Josephine solves the matter of post-Wicked Hearts attention by inviting four noblewomen to compete for Cullen's affections. In this chapter, Trevelyan visits the library, and makes a new acquaintance.
(Masterpost. Beginning. Previous entry. Next entry. Words: 3,292. Rating: all audiences, apart from a few swears.)
Chapter 6: Hit the Books
Despite her situation with the Commander seeming to worsen every time they met, Trevelyan greeted each new morning with a greater sense of purpose. As if every sunrise was that little bit brighter.
Up she got, dressed with the assistance of Missy and Cara. A simple smock would serve today; she hadn’t any grand adventures in her schedule. Just one little visit to the library.
She left her room that morning to go about this purpose, fortunate that Lady Montilyet had already shown them where it was. But she was not, it seemed, to go about it right away—
“Oh, Lady Trevelyan!” came the cheery voice of Lady Erridge.
Trevelyan turned to see the Lady emerging from her room, located but a few paces down the corridor. To exactly no one’s surprise, her dress was a blush shade of pink.
“Lady Erridge, good morning.”
“Good morning, Lady Trevelyan! Sorry to disturb you so early—I wanted to speak to you, you see. And I simply couldn’t wait!”
Trevelyan clasped her hands together. “I am all ears.”
“Well,” Lady Erridge began, quickly succumbing to a conspiratorial tone, “it’s about the Commander. Obviously, I suppose. There is little else you could imagine I would wish to discuss! Anyway, I should out with it, really
Trevelyan could not help but—privately—agree.
“How did you find him, yesterday? I had just wondered—since I saw him first, I had no idea what to expect. I wondered if we might revel in the hindsight of it, together.”
“Oh!” Trevelyan blinked. “Hm. Well—how did you find him, first, Lady Erridge?”
Erridge picked at her skirts, swishing them slightly. “I thought him
 quite quiet, I suppose
” The sweetness all but drained from her voice.
Yet she continued, with misplaced optimism, “Perhaps that is his way. For I will say he was a terribly good listener. I spoke about my dear friend Lady Orroat for almost our entire walk, and he bore the totality of it!”
Trevelyan might have given this as the reason he was so preferable to silence during their own walk, had he not already proven himself to be a surly and unsociable sort. At least Lady Erridge had found some use in it.
“I know I am villanously talkative sometimes,” she admitted, “so perhaps it would suit me well, for a man to be rare of tongue. Yes, quite! Time must tell if this is his proper demeanour or a temporary one—or, perhaps you could speak of your meeting with him!”
“My meeting
” In her mind, Trevelyan ran her fingers along the pages of her memories, and selected the right words. “Well, we went to the stables, and then to the mages’ tower, as I had expressed an interest.”
“A mage tower, how fascinating—and how generous of the Commander to give you a tour!”
“Well... it was not the Commander who did so,” Trevelyan admitted, to Erridge’s obvious dismay. “He had duties to attend to. I was introduced to one of the mages, instead.”
There was an extreme guilt that came with disappointing such a kind face. Trevelyan resigned herself, and added:
“Perhaps that explains his restraint. Though a Commander, he appears to find comfort in quiet—because of it, even! The giving of orders all day may necessitate that one takes time away from speech. Or, perhaps it has made him a contemplative man, for a hard-working mind leads one to say very little, I think.”
Or perhaps he holds his would-be suitors in contempt.
“Oh, exactly!” said Lady Erridge, smiling once more—much to Trevelyan’s relief. Such a bright and shining soul deserved better than contempt. “You put it so well, Lady Trevelyan. Shall you join us? The Baroness and I are to meet for morning tea. We shall be theorising on what sort of an outing Lady Samient might have with the Commander. She found him unusually charming at the gala, so there is much to speculate upon!”
“Indeed, I do recall,” Trevelyan muttered. She had her theories. “Perhaps she likes reservation, in speech. Not all are charmed by the same attributes, after all.” She shook her head. “But I leave the speculation to yourself and the Baroness. My intentions this morning are to read in the library. Please, pass on my apologies.”
“Oh, naturally!” Erridge said. “If your reading calls to you, you must answer. But we must meet later, I do so enjoy speaking with you. You have such insights, and balance of mind!”
An accidental little laugh escaped Trevelyan, brought forth by her nerves. “I
 thank you, Lady Erridge. Enjoy your tea.”
“And you your reading!”
They parted, Erridge returning to her room, and Trevelyan to her path.
How sweet of the Lady to express so honestly such kind thoughts. There truly seemed to be no artifice to Lady Erridge. She was entirely as she appeared, at all times. That would be worrying, were they in the midst of Orlais, and the Great Game. But this was Skyhold. It was as if one could be whomever they were, here.
Even if that was a total prick.
No. Trevelyan would not sully her mood by thinking of the Commander. She could not help but wonder if he had really listened to a word Lady Erridge had said to him, or if he’d let it all wash over him like so much sewage.
No, no! The library. The task at hand. That was to be her focus. Please.
Fortunate for her, the library was a mere connecting corridor from where she and the other guests stayed—and the library itself provided plentiful distraction.
It was situated within a grand rotunda, adjoining the Great Hall. One could just about see to the top, and the cawing rookery housed in the eaves—or to the bottom, and the work of a master painter there, who had ornamented the walls with a sprawling arcane mural.
The library floated, balcony-like, between the two. Against the curving wall, bookshelves had been stacked and filled with tomes and novels beyond number. Among them, huddled mages and scholars, who—despite Trevelyan’s early start—were already occupied with research of their own.
Sorted by subject, she browsed the bookshelves until she found a section titled, ‘Lyrium’. The selection was not scant, by any means—Of Lyrium and its Effects, by Mirrol Seether, The Use of Lyrium in Enchantment, by Rolan Bast, One Hundred and One Uses for Lyrium, by Elif Hax—but Trevelyan was unsure it would provide her the knowledge she needed.
With a sigh, she plonked onto the floor, and stared at the shelves, in thought.
“May I help you?”
Trevelyan scrambled to her feet. With no scholars in sight, the origin of the voice was much a mystery—until she found a pair of eyes, peering at her from betwixt the books. Then, they were gone.
Footsteps rounded the shelf, the stride of a confident man. Arms folded, hip cocked, he regarded her—just as she did him.
His face was familiar; brown skin, well-kept. Same could be said for his hair, too: rich black-brown locks, styled into a peak, while his moustache had been oiled and twirled into place.
The moustache—the gala! Of course. The amount of beltstraps on his clothes ought to have given it away; her mother had once informed her the style was something of a trend in Tevinter. He was the lone drinker Trevelyan had seen.
“I was searching for books on red lyrium,” she told him. “Are they perhaps in a different section?”
“Unfortunately, there aren’t any. Some initial scratchings based on the ramblings of those of us who’ve had the terrible luck to see the stuff, but no published works as of yet.” He shrugged. “Even if there were, I doubt they’d be out in public, for all the Inquisition to see. Not the sort of information you want every apprentice knowing.”
“I see.”
“Which obviously begs the question”—he tipped his head, and fixed her with a stare—“why are you looking into it?”
“I was hoping to help,” she answered, in earnest. “Well, while I’m here...”
His eyebrow flicked upward. “While you’re here? Are you not staying?”
“Ha, no. I’m here for the month only. I am—”
He gasped, cutting her off. “Oh, I know exactly who you are. You’re one of the Commander’s suitors, aren’t you?”
“I am.”
Grinning, he bowed to her, with practiced ease and a flourish of the hands. “A pleasure to meet you, then. I am Dorian Pavus, altus, formerly of the Imperium, now of the Inquisition—and friend, to Commander Cullen.”
“I know, hardly believable, but strange things are happening all over these days.”
It was then that Trevelyan realised she had queried the word ‘friend’ aloud, and did her best to hide her panic. “Of course,” she said, “I mean no offence. I simply hadn’t met any of the Commander’s friends yet.” She did a little curtsy, as if to punctuate the sentence.
“We exist, I promise you. Now, since you haven’t yet revealed it, let me guess your name
” He regarded her for a moment, and said, “You wouldn’t happen to be Lady Trevelyan, would you?”
“Of Ostwick, yes.”
“Yes, you’re the one the Grand Enchanter was babbling about.”
“The Grand Enchanter was
 ‘babbling’ about me?”
“Oh, yes. She’s quite the babbler! Babbling away constantly. Said you were a well-regarded mage of your Circle,” he revealed, “and that your First Enchanter believed you to be positively brimming with potential, something like that.”
“Oh.” Perhaps she had been, once. But that potential had been lost with the Circle.
Dorian must have noticed the dour look on her face, for he said: “Sorry to bring it up. Let’s just leave it at this: you are well-spoken of.”
“Thank you.” In a bid to change the subject, she asked, “I take it you are a mage as well?”
He spread his arms. “Am I not dripping with magical prowess? No? Well, I’ll have to work on that. But—to answer your question, I am indeed a mage.”
Trevelyan made certain to register the fact privately, this time. Friend of the Commander, a Tevinter mage. Interesting. Very interesting.
“You said you’ve seen red lyrium yourself?” she continued.
“That I have. Can’t recommend it. However, to save you trotting off to find some, I may be able to tell you some of what I know, if it is such a curiosity to you.”
Her eyes widened. “Please, if you would! I hope to spend my time here researching it, to aid the Inquisition.”
“Noble goals. We could always use more boffins on the subject. It is a rather complex one.”
He glanced over to and indicated a small desk beneath the nearby window. Trevelyan took the cue. She hurried to sit at it, and waited, as Dorian vanished to find another chair.
In his absence, she looked out. Through the glass, there was a rippled view of the courtyard, far below. The image shifted as people moved and went about their days; it reminded her of seeing the workings of Ostwick, from the windows of the Circle. Odd, for her to miss it.
A chair scraped against the stone, and tore her back to the present.
“So,” Dorian said, taking a seat. “I’ll tell you what little of it I know from experience, and what other scholars have said—though you’ll forgive me for not giving you the juiciest details yet. I don’t think the Inquisition would like me spouting all their secrets to every mage who turns up with a studious look in their eye.”
“Naturally. I just need a starting point. I’d like to know its properties—what differentiates it from lyrium?”
“Other than colour? It’s
 aggressive, is the best way I can describe it. Nasty substance, really. Can hardly believe the Red Templars have the stomach to get it down them. Then again, I suppose many of them are Fereldan. It’s likely nothing worse than any food they’ve eaten.”
Trevelyan smiled. “I’m not sure knowing how it tastes is going to do much for my research.”
“You never know. But I see your point.” He leant in conspiratorially. “So, not only is it red and disgusting, but if you’d been near it, you’d know it’s very
 hot. Noticeably so. It seems to give it off.”
“I see.”
“Though I wouldn’t go trying to test it for yourself—just being close by can make you lose your senses, if you hang around long enough.”
Trevelyan began to wish she had brought with her some vellum, perhaps an ink pot and quill. She had expected to be able to find a book and take it away with her. Dorian was rather more difficult to fit into a satchel.
“The most curious part,” he continued, “is that where lyrium amplifies magic, red lyrium seems to quash it. Odd, isn’t it? Whatever’s happened to it to make it red—if indeed something has happened to it, and it hasn’t just sprouted up of its own accord—has seemingly reversed its attributes.”
“You don’t know if it’s naturally-occurring, or not?” Trevelyan wondered.
“Well, there’s some debate. Some believe it to have been naturally occurring and laying dormant and undiscovered for some time. Others believe it has been manufactured—possibly by the bastard who started all of this.”
No one here had sworn in front of her yet. She was beginning to like the attitude of this Pavus fellow. “And I suppose all of this makes it harder to research?” she asked.
“Oh, not at all! In fact, should you want to know more about red lyrium, all you have to do is go up and ask it a question. I’m sure it would be happy to answer. Perhaps it would provide it in the form of a sonnet.”
Trevelyan tipped her head. “You’re quite verbose, aren’t you?”
“Why, thank you.”
The mocking sincerity made her chuckle. Oh, he was fun. And that only added further to the mystery of why he was friends with the Commander. Perhaps it was like with Lady Erridge: one did all the talking, and the other all the listening.
“Heat, anti-magic, proximity-based effects,” Trevelyan repeated. “That’s all the differences?”
“And the greater strength it confers upon you. But I took it you wanted to know most about the differences in its raw form.”
“Thank you, Ser Pavus.”
Dorian’s eyebrows went flying upward. “Oh, please do not call me that. Not ‘Ser’, not ‘Messere’, and especially not ‘Lord’. Dorian is my name, therefore ‘Dorian’ is how I like to be addressed.”
“Dorian, then.”
“Perfect, just like that! You learn quickly.”
“Well, Dorian, I—”
She stopped herself, as he looked askance. Following his line of sight, she saw a dwarven man pass by their row of bookshelves. He noticed their stares.
But he was not perturbed. The man paused and turned to wave—toward Dorian in particular, who smiled and beckoned him over.
“Varric! Excellent timing!”
Of course, Varric Teth
 Theras? Tethras! That was the name the Baroness had used for him. From the prominent chest alone Trevelyan could tell it was the same man from the gala—but he had the same blond ponytail and same square jaw to boot, with the same sun-tanned skin of a surfacer.
“Dorian,” Varric greeted, making his way over. He tucked an envelope into his jacket. “I was just on my way to send another death threat to my publisher.”
Trevelyan hoped that was one of his storytelling exaggerations. The deadpan delivery suggested otherwise.
“Stow that for a moment,” Dorian told him, “I was wondering if you could answer some questions, regarding your books.”
Varric narrowed his eyes. “I thought you said all my books were trite and ridiculous?”
“They are. But it’s not I who has the questions.” Dorian nodded towards Trevelyan. “This is Lady Trevelyan of Ostwick. Lady Trevelyan, this is the one man with published works mentioning that thing you were asking about.”
She considered pointing out that, as with him, just ‘Trevelyan’ would do, but her mind was drawn more towards the knowledge Varric could potentially provide. He bowed respectfully.
“Nice to meet you, Lady Trevelyan. Always good to see another Marcher.” As he straightened, he asked, “So, what is it I can do for you?”
She smiled. “I’m hoping to help the Inquisition, but I need to know more about red lyrium.”
The practiced, welcoming grin Varric had adopted was almost immediately dropped. He shrugged, and Trevelyan’s heart sank. “I’d
 rather not talk about that.”
 quite all right.” In an attempt to inject some levity, she said, “I’m becoming used to that response from Kirkwallers. I’m beginning to think it’s perhaps not the best destination for my next holiday.”
“Yeah,” he said, once again deadpan. Definitely not exaggeration this time. “Who else have you been speaking to from there?”
“The Commander. I’m—”
Varric gasped, and tapped his head. “You’re one of the suitors Ruffles invited.”
“I am,” Trevelyan replied, assuming ‘Ruffles’ was Lady Montilyet. “I see my reputation precedes me.”
“It’s an interesting reputation—but hey, good luck with it. And I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help. They have copies of ‘The Tale of the Champion’ around here—it should give you an idea of what red lyrium can do.”
“Thank you, Master Tethras. Best of luck with your publisher.”
He pulled the envelope from his jacket. “Yeah. He’ll need it.” He waved—“See ya!”—and was off.
The moment he was gone, Dorian sighed. “Well, at least you came away from this whole meeting with one book recommendation. I’m sorry it wasn’t quite what you were hoping for.”
“It’s a start. Thank you for all of your help, Dorian. I should get to reading, I suppose. And let you return to your work.”
“Oh, yes. Very difficult work—I’m to sit here all day and look devastatingly handsome.”
Trevelyan laughed, and rose from her seat. “Then I should certainly not disturb you. I hope to see you again, another time.”
“Of course. Do let me know how it goes. I’m invested, now.”
Trevelyan nodded, smiling all the while. She turned to leave—but made it only a few steps before he said:
“The Commander
She whirled. Dorian stood.
“Commander Cullen is
 well, he’s terribly grumpy and awfully stubborn. There’s a non-zero chance you’ve already discovered that for yourself. But, underneath all of it, he is a good man. And a charming one, too, when he tries.”
“So people keep telling me,” Trevelyan muttered. “I have heard nothing but praise for him—from the other Ladies, from Lady Montilyet, from the Grand Enchanter, the mages...”
“And you’ve yet to see the evidence yourself?”
Trevelyan stared at him.
“Give him time.”
She laughed to herself. “How long am I supposed to wait?”
“I understand. Not really ideal, sitting around and waiting for a man to get better. But some things are worth the wait. He may be one of those things.”
Trevelyan shrugged. She had a month to pass either way. “We shall see. Though I’m unsure as to why you’re telling me this.”
“I’m assuming he’s managed to bore you, if you’re already so desperate you’ll read one of Varric’s books.” Dorian smiled, but a sigh caused it to drop. “Cullen is my friend,” he said, sounding the most candid he had all conversation. “I mean that. I’d like for him to be happy, if he’d ever allow himself to be. And, to tell you the truth
Trevelyan raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Well, I haven’t met any of your competitors, yet, so this may be a little rash, but”—he leant in, and whispered—“I think I like you best.”
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