#ghost belle and haunted mansion
mmag-translations · 5 months
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Witchcrafter Tour Guide | Twitter
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baconpal · 1 year
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Welcome, to a Different Dimension!!
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mesugakl · 2 years
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negating effects is personal to me
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Disney Parks Animatronic Tournament: Bracket A/Tier 1 Round 1
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Lantern Belle: Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast(2020-current) - Tokyo Disneyland
"Have you SEEN this animatronic? She WALKS. It's INCREDIBLE 😍"
(Video is already set to start at the point of the animatronic! If it doesn't, go to 1:48)
Hatbox Ghost: Haunted Mansion(2015/2023-current) - Disneyland and Magic Kingdom Disney world
"His head disappearing affect is really well done. His also so dapper!"
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maraschinotopped · 3 months
i dont think i ever mentioned it here but i got into yugioh recently... while i do have a cyberse deck for actual play i feel like im honestly having more fun just collecting cards i like? its just clicking for me more.
also realized how much i love robot designs because god so many of the yugioh cyberse cards have such KICKASS robot designs.
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ben-the-hyena · 10 months
Ok on Emily's suggestion Hatbox Ghost taking out on haunted camping the 3 minors of the attic (Baby Boo, Sal the Corpse Bride and Millie the Little Blue Bride) in an attempt to be a cool fun dad figure pulling them out their comfort zone consisting only of scaring and inside activities and he happily has Madame Leota summon them into Kansas where he originates from and it keeps fucking up for all 4 of them. I just thought of that scenario this afternoon and it is funnier in my head because I have all the scenes in mind but I'm having a blast imagining him trying HARD to be positive to be a cool "how do you do fellow kids" figure to the 2 young brides and an examplary dad to his adoptive son and impress them with how crafty he used to be when he was a modest mortal and him losing more abd more his patience and sanity as it keeps backfiring and nothing happening like planned
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For the next month, you can get these 3 patterns for 50% off! Check it out on my etsy store!
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shadow4-1 · 2 months
I'm just imagining the 141 renting out a "haunted" mansion for a short vacation only for the place to be exactly as advertised.
Like, the moment Soap shows you the listing for the Scottish castle alarm bells are going off in your head. You're not superstitious, but something about the place is just too damn ominous. Despite the fact everyone thinks you're overreacting you make your feelings on the trip very clear.
"This is a horrible idea, you guys. The place literally says its haunted."
"Ghosts aren't real." Ghost scoffs.
"Yeah, well then what the fuck are you?"
Everyone chuckles at you. They think you're joking, but you're being serious. They all vote to spend a weekend at the god forsaken place and either you can stay on base or go with them. Those are your options, take it or leave it.
Of course you go. Being left behind in the empty barracks seems even spookier.
At first the place is actually quite charming.
It's more of a quiet countryside villa instead of a brooding castle, like the listing portrayed. There's more than enough rooms to house you all. You decide to stay in the book nook room. The bed rests against a rather gorgeously large window. The ensuite bathroom is old timey with a clawfoot bathtub. You make yourself right at home by taking a hot bath before crawling into bed.
That night you sleep like a baby with a thunderstorm raging right outside the window. Lightning strikes through the white curtains and despite the weather, you're thoroughly content. Maybe Soap was right.
The next morning you're greeted to a disaster.
All of the books on the bookshelves are littered across the floor. Adrenaline kicks in and immediately you rush out of the room. You run down the hall to find all of your team sitting in front of the fireplace. Each of their eyes are shifty and nervous. They regard you with distrust.
"Guys, what the hell is going on?" You yelp. "I woke up to books everywhere!"
"Yeah, well I kept waking up 'cause someone kept pulling the sheets off 'a me!" Soap grumbled back.
"Someone kept tapping at my window." Gaz admitted.
"I heard scratching at my door. Thought it was a cat but..." Price trailed off.
Everyone's eyes turned to face Ghost. He was simply staring into the crackling fire.
"You alright?" You ask him. "Something happen to you too?"
"Thought I saw someone in the hall."
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swanimagines · 4 months
Summary: A heist to the rumoured haunted mansion with your boyfriend and the rest of the Crows, what could go wrong?
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As you, Kaz and the rest of the Crows approached the end of the road that nature had claimed and your target slowly came to view, you stopped for a moment, admiring the view.
“It looks just like a haunted mansion would look like,” you laughed, looking at the towers reaching towards the night sky, the old bell tower partly collapsed on top of it. Moon was shining from behind the towers, making the scene even more eerie. De Wittehuis Mansion was full of rumours of it being haunted, people having been swallowed by the mansion or alternatively becoming insane after visiting it - and that was why its treasure chamber had been untouched for five decades - rumours telling it had treasures that would be worth millions in today's money. 
And of course, when Kaz heard about it, he immediately laid down a heist. He knew the untouched treasure could also have been just a rumour, but millions of kruge, family heirlooms, gold bars and diamonds, was something he couldn’t pass, especially when the place had been abandoned for so long. No distractions, no guards. You wouldn’t even have to sneak around.
None of you didn’t believe in such rumours of ghosts, of course. It was an easy target, like Kaz said. A lot of people were superstitious in Ketterdam, those rumours about missing people and such had most likely been created to keep children out. The mansion was older than anyone’s grandparents, it wasn’t exactly safe to wander there.
As you approached the gate, hearing it creaking as it was opened - it suddenly made you want to turn around and run back to the Slat. Your gut just told you something wasn’t right. It felt like you were being watched, through the windows, from the woods behind you - something hiding behind the statues in the garden. You froze momentarily, laying a worried glance on your friends who looked equally apprehensive - but Kaz was already walking through the yard, with no doubt kruge already glinting in his eyes, and you ran after him, forcing yourself to match your pace with his. Even when it was way too fast for your taste. You told yourself to shake the stupid fears off, you knew ghosts didn’t exist.
The old door was at least a hundred years old, but heavy, it required Matthias to push it properly before you could get in. The flying dust at the front hall made you all cough, and you looked around warily. The first thing you noticed was how large mirrors were scattered all around, leaning against walls, on the walls, one had shattered on the floor, its shards glinting in the faint moonlight. Kaz coughed a few times more, then looked at you by his side and turned his eyes to the rest of his Crows.
“We’ll go our separate ways to get this done faster. Wylan, Jesper, Inej, upstairs. Matthias and Nina will go left. We'll go to the right. If we can’t find anything from the house, we’ll go to the yard,” Kaz explained, glancing around the hall. “And remember to look for secret passageways.”
Everyone stood still for a moment, before slowly starting to walk to where Kaz told them to go. Kaz sighed and nodded to you and you started to walk to what was once a dining room. Again, the walls had a lot of mirrors, you noticed. It was strange, but maybe the family that once lived here liked to look at themselves. The table was still set, some of the plates looked like they still had food on them. Whatever it was, it had shrunk and was now only a black thing, stuck on the plate. Two or three plates were shattered on the floor, some utensils laid there with them. A cupboard had fallen down from the corner, dozens of porcelain plates and bowls had shattered behind the table, covering the floor completely. You frowned.
“It looks like they left in a hurry,” you remarked. “Wonder why.”
Kaz laid a look on the table, his dark eyes scanning across the room. “Maybe an intruder. Or a gang, who murdered them, and that’s why they were never heard from again,” he gestured towards the wall, a brown stain covering it. “That may be blood, someone might have been shot here.”
“Yeah, probably,” you agreed, slowly making your way forward. Your feet met with something, and you looked down, grimacing as you saw a porcelain doll. “Hate these, so creepy.”
You picked it up, inspecting it for a moment. A piece of its cheek had chipped off, and a brown stain had ruined its once pastel yellow dress. You sighed, momentarily thinking about what the doll had seen, its owner, a little girl, having been murdered in front of it. You put it down on the drawer, glancing up on the mirror above it.
Something blue, distantly looking like a woman in a dress, flickered behind you and Kaz when he wasn’t looking, and you gasped, immediately turning to look behind you.
No one.
Kaz turned his eyes on you, and you scoffed, shaking your head. “I just thought I saw something. But it was just moonlight doing tricks.”
If you were honest with yourself, you knew the moon wasn't in the angle to make such tricks, but you had to explain it to yourself somehow.
You pulled away from the drawer, making your way through the spiderwebs to the kitchen. Shattered plates there too, utensils, knives, glasses. A large kettle that had been full of something that may have been soup all over the floor.
And again, those damn mirrors.
By now, you had a strong feeling how something wasn’t right, all your instincts screaming at you to get out of that house, but you pushed the feeling down as childish, determined not to show how uneasy you really were.
You ventured forward, coming to a room with a glass door leading to the back garden, and as you were passing it, you happened to feel a lump on the floor. You stopped Kaz by tugging at his sleeve. “Wait.”
You threw the worn-out carpet aside, revealing a hidden door. You smirked, laying a look at Kaz who narrowed his eyes, tapping the door with his cane. “Open it.”
“Open it, what?”
He rolled his eyes, a small hint of a smile gracing the corners of his lips. “Darling, would you open the door?”
You smiled, taking a hold of the ring handle. “Of course, my darling.”
The door opened with a slight bang after a few tugs, which attracted the rest of the Crows to the scene. You looked down at the pitch black cellar, then laying glances at each other. Kaz lifted his gaze to Jesper, who immediately took a step back, waving his hands in front of him.
“If you’ll suggest I’ll go down there, then no. You’ll never believe what we saw there,” Jesper panted, and Kaz raised an uninterested eyebrow and rolled his eyes. "Every room upstairs has mirrors, almost on every wall and–"
Kaz cut Jesper off with a groan. “I'm not interested about your newly found fear of the dark intertwining with our mission. We came here for the treasure, and we’re not leaving without it. Inej?”
Inej pursed her lips. “Kaz…”
Then, a screech was echoing through the house, and that’s when you flinched, taking a tight hold of Kaz’s sleeve, pushing yourself against him. Kaz stiffened slightly and hissed, but didn't push you away.
Jesper swallowed audibly, then raising his finger up. His voice shook a little. “What was that?”
Kaz groaned. “Old house creaking.”
“Kaz, maybe… maybe we should leave,” you muttered, frantically looking around, suddenly feeling like ghosts, or some creatures, were closing in all around you.
Kaz looked at you and huffed. “We are not leaving without the treasure. If you want to leave, then fine, I’ll get the treasure myself.”
“No, I’m not letting you go down there,” you exclaimed while trying to tug him back from the door, trying to pull it closed, but Kaz’s grip was too strong.
“Someone has to go, we didn't-”
Then, Kaz fell silent, staring into the mirror behind you and flinched with a gasp. He quickly averted his eyes from the mirror before he slammed the cellar door closed and stood up, tugging you with him as he started to walk away, and the way he squeezed your hand told you he really was scared, not spooked, scared.
You didn’t dare to look back into the mirror yourself, scared to see what got Kaz Brekker so scared, but at least now you were leaving the house, the seven of you walking faster than ever towards the carriage you had parked to the side of the road after riding along it became too rough and dangerous.
Then, you felt something thudding against your back, and you stopped for a moment, turning to look at what hit you.
It was that damn doll.
You let out a little yelp at that and nearly ran towards the carriage, thanking all the Saints and Ghezen how it was still where you left it, and Jesper made the horses almost gallop back to Ketterdam.
In all the other cases, for that amount of money and riches, Kaz would always lay out a new plan, a better plan, to get what he wanted to get, but in this case, it went without saying.
You’d never return to that house.
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d0llhrts · 2 years
ᨳ. 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 ↝ 𝐛𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: basically the bowers mansion video but you're there and you help colby when he's scared because *awee*
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing and fluff bc <;33
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: colby brock x fem!reader
𝐚/𝐧: my first imagine slay 😎 THIS IS NOT PROOF READ BTW!! i decided to do it on this video bc its probably one of my favs omg the activity they caught!! plus colby playing with the cats was so cute stop. i do have a questions box on here so if you wanna request something feel free!!! ok hope y'all enjoy ღ
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bowers mansion - from the front, looks like a stunning victorian Italianate-style house hidden within a small neighbourhood in texas. but what lies inside is much more sinister than you could imagine.
and this is where i found myself, in between my two best friends - and seth of course - counting down as they prepared to say their welcomes to a camera, or their youtube subscribers. the intro was done and everyone introduced themselves, then sam suggested we should have a look around the property.
round to the front side of the house there was a cellar, a common recurring theme through all of the haunted videos the boys have done. "oh my god, no way!" sam panned the camera around to the three of us standing there behind him "someone is going down that cellar tonight" he immediately put his finger up to his nose, colby followed and i seconded it by one swift movement of my finger. everyone panned around to look at seth as he quickly realised what was going on, unfortunately, he was too late meaning he was going into the creepy cellar tonight, but we'll see where the night takes us.
we all took a minute to group up and sensibly, like adults, speak about what we were going to do tonight. all eyes were on me as colby asked me "are you scared" obviously mocking but i hoped to god he couldn't see that twinge in my eyes as i started up at the house. of course i was scared, i was about to step foot into a haunted house for the second time ever, the sallie house was not the best to look back to for comparison. but, my answer was a simple "no" as i rolled my eyes and playfully pushed against his shoulder, feeling the twinge of pink coming to my cheeks at the close contact.
sam made a great note to point out the cock on the bell next to the door as we stepped inside this house. Inside our tour guide was already waiting for us, holding his companion, his dog alice."wassup alice" colby said in that tone you use to speak to animals "just bites my hands off" he followed up with, making us all chuckle."she's got a k-II on her back" seth point out "wait actually" sam moved the camera to get a better look at her back whilst the guide moved her to show us her back, "yoooo" we all said in unison. "ghost doggy" i added, stroking her head.
"I gotta get y'all to sign a paper saying if you get hurt or attacked or something like that it ain't none of our fault" our tour guide, david, announced to us leading us over to some papers to sign. looked at colby in horror. confusion, fear? "oh great" he laughed sarcastically. In response, he then tried coming up to alice, but she ran away, as expected. I was certain i saw the emf reader on her back spike up to orange, but i brushed it off trying not to frighten myself before we even began investigating.
"oh, it's a little bathroom" colby announced in a sing-song voice. Turning deadpan to the camera "harry Potter lived under the stairs but i take shits under the stairs". standing in the middle of this tiny bathroom, face going red as he was mimicking you know... taking a shit.
"and make sure when y'all are coming up and down these steps tonight, that you keep your hands on the rails because somebody can push you. I do not know who does that.."
holding tightly onto the bannister, sam replied, "okay".
already making it halfway up the staircase, without anything pushing me, colby's words behind me were another great sign of comfort! not."off camera the guy told me, there is a very very high percentage of us falling through the floor at some point, so lets all not stand very close together"
"what do you mean?" whipping my head around "so like.. this whole place is gonna fall down?" "this place" he turned to me "is like over like one hundred and twenty years old". I gasped "one hundred and twenty, what!" i exclaimed. "noo, what if i get scared" i pouted "do i not get a comforting hug" i joked. "of course, of course" he played along pulling me into a hug to prove it. gosh, this is going to be a long night.
"this is mary's room" colby, our new tour guide apparently, explained as he led us into this room, "this is where she got, shot and killed" 'oooo' sam gasped 'oh my god it looks like a full-on god damn seance". the room itself was nice and spacious, with some strange chairs that did in fact look like - a seance, and another little room that peaked off to the side. colby snuck out first, so naturally, i followed behind
"what is it colbs" i questioned behind him. "honestly like, i don't know" "looks like a balcony" i hummed in response. "how do you like" looking at me as i paused, "get out? got no clue this doors locked" he finished my sentence for me motioning to the door beside me. Looking back into the bedroom to get a peak at what sam and seth were doing, i heard a small crash behind me, and then the call of my name. "y/n/n look"
turning to look, i saw him pushing on a screen that sat behind the window, and it was indeed leading to the balcony. "holy fuck colby, don't go breaking up the place" i laughed, meeting his eyes as he smiled down back at me. calling out to sam to come see what he'd found. "exploring time" colby announced, climbing through the window. with sam, who had already hit his foot on the door frame, behind him filming. sam went next complaining that it was not the right day to wear skinny jeans, and colby proclaiming he stole his line.
ducking my head as i stepped into this mystery room, a hand flew in front of me, looking up i met eyes with colby, who had outstretched his hand to help me through. obviously, i took his hand into mine, enjoying the feeling of skin to skin.. even if it was just his hand.
all of us had clamped through the little entrance and were now aiming for the other door on the other side of this tiny hallway. "wait like since this was locked we gotta be careful probably on these floors" colby made a good point, this was locked for a reason. "yeah this is probably where it's fucked" sam joined, but we kept walking anyways."we just fall through". "This is gonna get so many views" colby said laughing. "colby brock dies in a haunted mansion" sam exclaimed. chuckling, i did wonder what was happen if we fell through, but as usual, i pushed the thought to the back of my mind
"that one says no entry as well" sam pointed out as we crowded around the little door. Colby tried the door handle, and to everyone's surprise, it was open. "looks like we can enter to me" he followed with an evil laugh.Entering the small balcony, it felt like it was being supported by twigs, "this is gonna fall through" all three of us said at the same time, looking at each other laughing. "we might be the first and last to investigate this" "yeah were like, we are the first investigators to really investigate this place" he makes a movement of falling through the floor. "yeah now let's go back inside before we do actually fall and die" me, with the brains, obviously.
"who's sleeping here tonight" tour guide colby led us into yet another room, but this one had a bed "yooooo they actually have a bed" sam shouted "we could do a slumber party" "hell yeah" i agreed.
"they should just make this a hotel" a gasp came from colby making us suddenly look in his direction. "actually" he pointed a finger "i remember seeing this room online, this is Bernard's room" "oh!" "this is where he would just sit at the window every single day and just do nothing" "that's so sad" i imagine how lonely he would have been.
snapping me out of my thoughts, colby finds yet again another place we are probably not supposed to be in. an old, black wooden door the paint chipping off as it's withered over time. he slowly pulls the door open and reveals some stairs, they're painted blue and yet again look worn. They lead downwards and they turn, it's complete darkness down there, and the stairs don't feel particularly safe either-not one bit of this house does. but we proceeded to go down anyway. sam goes first, saying something about shitting? I wasn't really listening, just trying to safely get down the stairs. colby follows him with the camera, then me, then seth. somehow colby found his way to the front of the line and goes down to adventure by himself. I heard him talk about another potty but the lord knows. meanwhile, the rest of us head into this boiler-looking room.
"so i think the only basement to this place is the cellar that we saw" colby pointed out. I was now standing with my back to the stairs as we all stood talking about what this room could be. "we have to go outside the to get to the c-"
a loud slam was heard upstairs, we all jumped. "that was right behind me" i shouted "what the fuck was that" i coward."what the fuck" "was that upstairs" "it was upstairs" seth confirmed. "keep it recording" sam pointed as he headed back up the stairs. "wait was that upstairs" colby, confused, asked "yeah bro that was the fucking door" seth replied. "no way that was not" "it was literally right behind me colby" i shouted back, trailing upstairs behind sam.
"the doors fucking closed' sam yelled out "the fucking door just closed by itself" "there's no draft up here" "holy shit" we were all talking over each other. "bernards room is the most active" colby bellowed out, scaring sam in the process. "that's what he told me" "bernard told you that?" i asked creasing my eyebrows. "no he-" cutting himself off, laughing. "bernard just shut us in the basement, he's like don't come back" sam declared. we had only been in this house for around twenty minutes and i already had a bad vibe.
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the tour guide had just left us alone for the night, so it was time to start the proper investigation. we had been trying to film the story behind this house. but every time we would hear a noise coming from upstairs. colby was certain there was someone in here with us, but we searched and found... no one.
regrouping at the bottom of the staircase, we began to explain to the camera about bernard, the man's room where the door slammed. there was noise after noise after noise, there has to be someone or something here. 
sending colby upstairs first, which he was more than happy to go and throw a punch at whoever was upstairs messing with us, i have to admit was hot. I lingered behind him when he took the lead, however, when we walked past the "private, do not enter" room i noticed something. the door looked like it had been... moved? shaking my head i moved on, still trailing behind him. until we both heard this... meow? why would we be hearing meows in an abandoned mansion? I looked at him and he nodded, acknowledgement to show me that he heard it too. turning around to walk back down the hallway, he pulled out his phone to film
but i stopped at that same door. the private one, the one i thought was open. "colby" i hollered down the hallway, he came running back out another room. "what, what happened" he sounded almost worried? I decided to ignore it, for now, brushing it off as a fragment of my imagination. "the door is open" i responded "the door?" he sounded equally as confused. "yeah the door, you remember the one that was locked" "how the fuck.." "i know right, i walked past it before i just thought nothing of it" he went to push it open. "wait, don't" i stopped him "sam!!" i called down to the blonde boy downstairs who was setting up our equipment
he paced up the stairs, with the camera in his hand, and i assumed it was recording. "yeah, what?" he panted out. "look the fucking door is open" i gestured. "what, how it was locked" "that's what i thought but it's open" "shall we open it?" he questioned. "yeah" colby butted in outstretching his hand again, i made no move to stop him this time letting sam film around me as we all peered around to see what was in this room
to our surprise, we were met with 7 pairs of glowing eyes. cats...?
colby jumped as one of the cats approached the door, he looked back at our group. "what the fuck' i was the first one to speak out "why is there like 18 cats in a room" i questioned, bewildered. we must have been playing with the cats for at least half an hour. them passing the cat ball back to us and seeing their little faces pop up when we stuck our phones in was such a nice little distraction from where we actually are.
 but sam wanted to start the investigation soon, so we all huddled outside, deciding what equipment we each are going to use. colby got to be inside on his own with the k-II a small device that scans electromagnetic fields, measuring them with a bright LED array that moves from green to red depending on their strength. seth has the ovilus, a device which also uses its temperature and magnetic field detector to pick up words and spit them out using its built-in dictionary. and sam had to be in the cellar on his own, with a rem pod, that detects physical touch or temperature change, and a night vision camera
me on the other hand had to choose. It was between seth and colby. sam wasn't offended when i passed up the offer to come down to a scary cellar. I knew i was going to choose colby, of course, i just had to. but for the dramatics, i pretended to think.
"ok I'm going to have to choose hm... colby" "great choice" he smiled side hugging me. loaded up with a camera and a music box, that plays a tune when motion is detected in front of it, we headed inside.
"game plan" colby announced when we were situated inside. "you stay downstairs and I'll go upstairs, that good?" i nodded. his expression softened slightly, looking into my eyes "you don't have to do this y/n" he pulled me into a hug. for a millisecond i was frozen, but i came to my senses as i relaxed into him, inhaling his scent, i did feel calmer. "im ok" i muttered into his chest "ill do it" . "ok" he pulled away and held me by my shoulders "let's do this" he winked before turning around and heading upstairs
a few good minutes went by while i set up, setting up a camera on a ledge wasn't as easy as i thought. i could hear colby walking around upstairs, i assumed talking to the camera.
i set the music box down in the hallway behind me, let it calibrate, and started asking questions. nothing was really happening, i was debating about moving into a new spot, but as soon as i went to pick up the music box, a loud crash was heard from upstairs.
frozen, i called out to colby. was that him or...
"colby" i yelled up the stairs. i could faintly hear him cursing to himself, and his footsteps get closer to the stairs. turning my head towards the stairs, i met his eye. he was visibly shaken, almost pale, and sweating. "holy shit colby what happened" running over to him grabbing his arm as he stood in the middle of the room with, said arm, over his mouth and one holding the camera. i could feel him shake under my clutch. confused as to what happened i kept asking. but he didn't say anything.
"come on colbs let's go outside" dragging him by his arm, he was getting sweaty and i knew he needed some fresh air. i manoeuvred him to sit down on the stairs. sitting up one from him so i could reach his head, and hold it into my chest, trying to get him to calm down his breathing. "It's ok colbs i got you" "i got you" i kept repeating, reassuring him i was there. i kissed the top of his head, which was still resting against his chest, we must have been there for about 15 minutes before he finally sat up. 
"what was that colbs what happened" he just looked at me, my eyes were pleadings for some answers. "that door"...
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dragonwritersblog · 1 year
@angelxd-3303's Mario au has taken over my life in the best way possible, so I’ve got some headcanons that have been spinning in my head for a while and wanted to share. (Some of the ones with Mario are based on my dad.)
The first time Bowser saw Luigi be reckless and try and pet a piranha plant, he picked him up like a mama cat picking up a kitten by the scruff of its neck.
Mario used steal borrow VHS tapes of Disney movies and watch them with Luigi on an old TV he managed to fix up. (Luigi’s favourite was beauty and the beast.)
Luigi and Daisy are actually childhood friends and she decided to go look for him when he and Mario went missing. She arrived in Sarasaland through the pipe and after defending it from Tatanga, and finding Mario and Luigi, the citizens of that desert kingdom decide to make her their princess. “Wait, I’m a princess now?....aaaahhhhh!!!!” Yeah, she kind of freaked out a little bit.
Despite how warm it is in the Darklands, Luigi still gets chilled quite easily, so Bowser is more than happy to keep him warm.
(This is based off my dad) Mario LOVES Taylor Swift, specifically her more country themed songs and constantly belts them out. Peach thinks its adorable, Luigi is begrudgingly used to it after listening to Mario’s singing for years.
Contrary to everyone’s beliefs, DK prefers strawberries to bananas.
Kamek and Peach get together to gossip with each other and talk about the latest fashion trends. Sometimes they bicker about who should get the best dresses for Luigi.
(Based off my dad again) Mario loves to knit, whenever winter comes round, he loves for everyone. He’s knitted little scarfs for the toads, a sweater dress for Peach, a jumper for Luigi, a blanket for Bowser (due to him being a reptile and cold-blooded) and gloves for DK. He even knits the ugliest Christmas sweaters for everyone when the holiday comes around.
The first time Luigi wore a dress was when he was five. It was a Belle dress that Daisy got him (since she knew beauty and the beast was his favourite movie) but the moment Giovanna found him wearing it, he made Luigi throw it in the trash while Aurora stood there and watched, wanting to intervene but couldn’t find it within herself to go against her husband. Luigi let Mario hold him as he cried.
The second time Luigi wore a dress was when he was captured by Bowser and dressed as Princess Peach to help Bowser practice with his proposal. He loved it so much that Kamek took note to make a green one for outside of rehearsals.
When the koopalings are playing a video game with a really hard level, they always get Luigi to help them finish it.
Peach and Daisy invite Wendy around for a regularly scheduled girls’ night and play dress-up together, do make-up and nails and watch the sappiest rom coms. Mario joins in occasionally, though he always cries when watching the movies.
Bowser used to have an alliance with King Boo after his father passed, but one day, before they got together, Luigi came to visit Bowser and the latter noticed the bruises and the tired look in his eyes, he tenderly lifts Luigi’s chin with his finger and asks, “Who did this to you?” (You know that classic trope.)  Luigi then explains how he tried to look for Mario and got trapped in a haunted mansion and tried to fight off the boos and their king. Bowser is enraged at the thought of the poltergeist hurting his closest friend and breaks off their alliance.
After King Boo finds out about that, he tries to hunt down Luigi. He gives the plumber and few scrapes, but before he could do any proper damage, Bowser is crouched over Luigi in an instant, protecting his from King Boo and demands that the ghost to not even look in his direction unless he wants to find out if he can die a second time.
Bowser is the type of guy that is “dad gets attached to a dog he doesn’t want” with Polterpup. This first time Luigi brings him home, the kids love the pup, but Bowser is a bit uneasy and jealous since he used to work with King Boo (even though Polterpup was controlled by the ghostly king), but overtime he comes to adore the pooch and spoils him with treats and toys.
Mario and Peach both wore dresses on their wedding day. Peach wore the most poofy, sparkly and pinkest wedding dress you could ever imagine (a pink version of the dress that Amy Adams wore in ‘Enchanted’) while Mario wore something close to the wedding dress from Odyssey.
There are times when Mario clings to Donkey Kong’s back and just buries himself in his fur because its so soft and warm and it makes him feel safe. However, DK doesn’t even feel Mario doing that and constantly thinks that the plumber is missing when really, he’s just fallen asleep clinging to his back.
Junior loves it when his uncle Mario throws him up into the air and catches him, as if he weighed at much as a basketball being sent soaring into the sky.
Since they were on the run, Luigi didn’t see Daisy since his parents left and only reunited when he and Mario started their business.
Peach’s favourite colour is the most specific shade of pink. Whenever you ask her, she always says that her favourite is a ‘sweet pea pink’.
(Another one based off my dad) a jackdaw bird sometimes flies into the garden of the mushroom palace and comes very friendly and close with Mario. He starts leaving food and water out for her and names her Peggy. She kind of becomes his ‘unofficial pet’.
(This one is based off me and my dad) Mario’s favourite movie growing up was ‘How To Train Your Dragon’ and introduced Luigi to it while they were still young. They grew up with the trilogy (they sobbed at the end of the third movie) until they fell throw the pipes.
Luigi glows whenever he’s happy, due to his thunderhand. Whenever he gets excited, he starts glowing like a star. Bowser finds it both adorable and beautiful.
Mia – Mario’s cat – was actually a stray when they found her. Once they took her in and nursed her back to health, they realised that she had a good temperament to be a therapy animal for Mario. They’ve been inseparable ever since. Both she and Polterpup are very close and love whenever their owners meet up so they can play.
Bowser reads to Luigi at night to help him sleep. Even if he wakes up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, Bowser will always read to him until he feels safe enough to fall back to sleep.
Luigi is also an insomniac to whenever he can’t sleep, he bakes instead. Bowser found him one night taking cookies out the oven, picked him up and carried him back to bed.
This is all I’ve got for now, there might be more soon. I hope ya’ll like them.
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waddlesworth · 1 year
Rules: List Five Comfort Characters And Tag Five People. This is in no particular order.
Thanks for the tag @theboarsbride!!
1. LXG Jekyll. 🥺❤️
2. General Hux. For those who have followed me since the beginning of this blog, he is still a massive comfort to me. I haven’t forgotten him. ❤️
3. The Hatbox Ghost from the Haunted Mansion.
4. Belle from Once Upon A Time. (Getting into this series: Fuck, I love it. Thanks to the millions who’ve recommended it to me over the years) SHE IS MY QUEEN.
5. Jonathan Crane from the Batman Franchise (BTAS version).
Tagging! @dekayingtree @hydepotions @nemeyuko @porthos4ever @wibblywobblytimieywimey and anyone else that wants to do this!! :3
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dani-luminae · 11 months
First off, that was incredible and the very first sequence of the house alone (Gabbie and Travis getting chased out for the first time) already had me going "this is the best movie ever!"
(For the record: my criteria for "is this Haunted Mansion movie good?" is "do I recognize every single Easter egg and does it bring me joy?" And yes. yes this movie does just that)
My favorite parts:
Constance and everything to do with her.
The grief plotline. OMG. I didn't come into this movie expecting the cry but they did it!!!! AND TATER TOT AT THE END 😭😭😭 I hope he adopted that kitty
Ben running into the mirror in the Endless Hallway sequence!!! Such a fun little reference to the real-life endless hallway that uses a mirror. In the same vein of "dramatic effects that reference the real life tricks" also the stretching room and how Ben's light on the ceiling reveals the rafters!
Also though the entire Stretching Room scene was awesome.
I got so excited when I first spotted April-December portrait on the stairs!!!! Even out of focus in the background, I could tell it was her. The whole deal with the eyes (to open the séance room) was a neat touch, bc I think she used to be one of the portraits whose eyes followed the riders (in WDW HM at least.)
The Hatbox Ghost's backstory reveal!!!! I almost screamed when I saw the WDW HM exterior used for Crump Mansion. Frankly incredible storytelling.
Sometimes, a family can be you, your son, your son's new father-figure who built a ghost-seeing camera, a con-man-pretending-to-be-a-priest, the spiritual successor to the famous Madam Leota, and a grouchy old potato of a college professor with a heart condition.
And the Mariner! Considering he's sort of been reduced more and more in the actual HM rides, it's nice to see him get a minor role in the movie. Quite seriously, they could not have done it without him.
Jared Leto... was actually a very good Hatbox Ghost, I'm pleasantly surprised
And even though whom I thought was the Ghost Host was actually the Hatbox Ghost, the Ghost Host did get a little part and get to say one of his famous lines "the real chills come later" (and how they kicked him out of Ben's body - just, the frantic bell-ringing and waving sage in his face - hilarious to watch)
What could have been better:
Alastair Crump is a crummy name for the Hatbox Ghost honestly, should've stuck with Randall Pace (from the comics) or a different name entirely.
Considering they were all "we need to find [the Hatbox Ghost's missing] head [for the banishing ritual]" I would have expected them to grab his skull, not just his hat.
And the séance room could have been fancier (in the flashbacks at least, I understand why it's a dank hole in the present).
What I won't forgive the movie for:
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the-ghost-bracket · 10 months
VikingPilot propaganda:
"Unreliable narrator of all time, this FUCKED UP MESS OF A GHOST has sooooo much nonsense going on and going WRONG with him. This mans starts off as a tragic character whos unable to interact with ANYONE, but once he becomes semi-corporeal and is finally able to speak to others, this results in a LOT of problems for everyone else.
To simply name a few, he phases through things and jump-scares people any chance he gets, he went to unreasonable extremes in order to acquire an I.O.U. from a very powerful person (Legundo) that ultimately accidentally results in a mini apocalypse, he gets an I.O.U. from someone else (Fixxit) and just orders him to stop Legundo at all costs?, hes ALMOST canonically plural/two people, this bitch has a fucking insane underground vault (with like twelve full sets of netherite, a dimond and netherite throne, and its just spooky as hell), He probably has the best scary laugh i’ve ever heard, and hes ALWAYS up to mischief.
Oh also he tries to do some Dark Magic but isn’t capable of going through with it due to Legundo not properly following through with his I.O.U., and he decides to remind Legundo of this in the MOST mentally well adjusted way possible ( https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxbcBe_A7YYtt2K33_Rm4V71SG0sqdnEY_ ).
Anyways thats most of the major nonsense I can think of for right now so uhhh! Enjoy the VikingPilot propaganda and please remember you are NEVER immune to Bell Noises!"
"Lovely unreliable narrator who loves jumpscaring his friends."
"quote from the ghosty boy himself. ""what do the interest rates look like on your word?"""
"he's a ghost. he has no memories. his soul got torn asunder by an evil magic book. he's trying to do a ritual from the evil magic book that split him in half so that he can get his memories back. he's a sneaky bastard who's double crossing everyone else on the server. he makes a lot of really terrible jokes. he (canonically!) says trans rights. vikingpilot you agree reblog."
"split color scheme. unreliable narrator. plural swag. committed tax fraud."
"Viking is a ghost haunting the world of Dominion SMP! For a long time, he was merely an observer— no one could see him, no one could hear him, he couldn’t interact with anything; no one knew he even existed. That was, I until the members of Dominion killed the Ender Dragon. This changed… something… in the world, and caused him to be visible, audible, and (mostly) tangible.
From there, he made a haunted graveyard, spooked people by sneaking up on them and shouting ‘Bell noises!!’, had a totally normal and not at all unhinged response to (one) asking for a favor, and (two) following up on that favor when it had not yet been kept, and he built a creepy mansion! He also plays piano!
He’s not sure how or when he died, but he feels certain that he was someone important. At some point in the time he was a ghost, he somehow got his hands on a book, which contains different rituals, and apparently, the contents of this book broke his mind, somewhat splitting it in two, and possibly being the source of his amnesia. Notably, the book contains a ritual that would allow him to regain his memories, and this has been his main objective for most of the series."
"ghost of ALL TIME. haunted his friends for months before they suddenly became able to see him. walks through walls. has world's most evil nervous laugh. knows exactly where his hinges are buried. unreliable narrator. has an underground vault full of diamonds and expensive armor, including a throne made of netherite. causes shenanigans on purpose. lived in an underground graveyard and then a haunted mansion. monologued for 11 minutes about wanting to do dark magic in order to necromancy himself and cure his amnesia. very pluralcoded. won round 1 of a sexyman bracket despite being a niche character. the most guy/ghost of all time forever"
"i haven’t actually watched dominion,,, but like. i keep seeing this funky little unreliable narrator ghost man on my dash sometimes. so fuck yeah."
"He’s just a silly little ghost guy!"
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hostess-of-horror · 7 months
❄️A Pristine Carol ❄️
A Mario + Rabbids AU Revisited...
In the Space Opera Network, during the most festive time of the year, the Phantom of the Bwahpera prepares for his annual Winter's Ball performance at Pristine Peaks. Much to the dismay of everyone, his ego is increased tenfold as he refuses to acknowledge his struggling employees. When the Phantom is greeted that night by his dead companion and three other spirits, he begins to realize the error of his ignorant ways.
A holiday ghost story... About a ghost being haunted by ghosts. How ironic!
Inspired by Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, this AU has both holiday cheer and all the spooks you'll ever need!
@randomrabbidramblings @bramble-scramble @minnesotamedic186 @deezeyrabbidy @pastelprince18 @murd3r-rabbids @mimizzin @mothstache @sneklover @salamifuposey @spaceiis0daz
The Cast:
The Phantom of the Bwahpera (Ebenezer Scrooge)
Bea (Belle, Scrooge's Lover)
Judas Morose (Jacob Marley)
Jedidiah McGruff (The Ghost of Christmas Past)
Z.I.N.G. (The Ghost of Christmas Present)
Mal "Fleshcarver" Steward (The Ghost of Christmas Future)
Leo (Bob Cratchet)
Little Lottie (Tiny Tim)
Dolly Mallard (Fred, Scrooge's Nephew - OC by @minnesotamedic186)
The Whole Story in a Nutshell:
The story begins with Phantom reminiscing about his best friend, Judas Morose, who died five years ago while preparing for the Winter's Ball at Pristine Peaks.
Leo, his assistant, asks if he could take a vacation on that day so that he could bring his wife and daughter to his performance, and Phantom does under the condition that his pay will be docked (permanently).
They then get a visit from the kind-hearted Dolly Mallard, who invites him over at her mansion to celebrate the winter festivities. Phantom declines, saying that his performance is far more important than some simple social gathering.
That night, Phantom comes home to get some beauty sleep until he is suddenly visited by Judas Morose, a wretched soul bounded and dangled by heavy chains, who tells him that he must change or else he'll be just like him.
Judas, before he returns to the afterlife, shows Phantom all of the celebrities who were just like him - self-centered and greedy.
Thus begins the haunting. As the clock strikes, Jedidiah McGruff, a country singer with a hankering for smoke and whiskey, appears. He takes Phantom to the past, revealing every moment that made the opera ghost who he is.
In the past, the Phantom was defeated by the hands of Mario and his crew of Heroes at his birthplace, Spooky Trails, and is met by Morose, who seizes the opportunity to make him a star.
Phantom does become a major star, popular for his operatic roasts, and becomes a big part of Morose's party inside a nightclub. Here is where he meets Bea and they fall in love. But their relationship soon became strife with heartbreak as Phantom obsesses over the spotlight, ending with him breaking up with her through text.
The clock then strikes twice, and Phantom encounters an electrifying rapper and DJ named Z.I.N.G., who shows him the present.
Leo arrives home to his wife, Lucille, and his daughter, Little Lottie, who is a huge fan of Phantom. The opera ghost realizes that she's autistic - a lonely girl with a big imagination and an even bigger heart. Lucille laments on how Phantom treats Leo, but Leo remains positive, for their daughter's sake.
Z.I.N.G. then takes Phantom to Dolly Mallard and her gathering of friends playing a guessing game, which turns out to be an excuse to make fun of Phantom. Z.I.N.G. then turns Phantom's attention to his backup dancers, Ignorance and Want, before leaving him.
And finally, when the clock strikes three, the final spirit, Mal "Fleshcarver" Steward of the metal band Rabbid Stew, appears from the darkness. She shows Phantom a vibrant and bustling world of fame and fortune, which was caused by the disappearance of a certain bad celebrity.
This celebrity was so horrible, so terrible, that everyone began praising his absence and goes as far as to sell off his items at an auction for extremely cheap prices. With Phantom not getting it, Fleshcarver then shows Lucille receiving a sudden call from the local school about Little Lottie.
Little Lottie, badly injured after another of her encounters with bullies, is in the nurse's office with her dad. When her mother arrives, she nonverbally communicates that she wants to disappear forever so that everyone can be happy.
Heartbroken by this little girl's predicament, and extremely scared of his future, Phantom begins to realize who the missing celebrity is. Fleshcarver then takes him to a decrepit mansion where he - that very celebrity - was crushed by a hanging chandelier while alone, wallowing in his failed career.
Phantom pleads for forgiveness and begs for another chance at redemption, vowing to put others before himself.
He then wakes up! He is alive, very, very much alive, and he is beyond ecstatic! The story ends with Phantom adding a great sum in everyone's paycheck, allowing Leo and his family to his performance for free, and arrives at Dolly Mallard's party, who was greeted with open arms.
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seriously-nobody · 9 months
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The Ghost In My Heart
Warnings: romance, grief, drug induced sleepy time, self-deprecation, mention of murder, a bit of betrayal, and a few time skips
Preface: I really enjoyed writing this one. I think it's much more complex than the other parts, with a lot more happening all in one part. I don't have much more to say other than I really do hope you enjoy it. :)
It had been 6 months since Madame Leota moved into the mansion and held a seance every night. And every night, with every seance, the ghosts chose you to be their mouth piece. You were exhausted after being used night after night, feeling so much death, but as long as you felt you were helping, you were happy to be there. There was one particularly rough seance with the ghost of a black widow bride making you see and feel like your head was being cut off, Madame Leota had to intervene. She couldn’t get rid of the ghost but made them fairly docile with some sage. “I’m going to have some tea before I turn in to calm my nerves, would either of you like to join me?” Madame Leota asked, picking up her cane. “Tea sounds lovely.” William said standing. You said nothing, just looked at the corner of the room where only you saw the captain. He stared at you with his arms folded and his head turned up at you. “Are you alright?” William put his hand on your shoulder. You shake your head out of it, “Yes, fine.” you say shortly. “Will you be joining us for tea?” he asks again. “Not tonight, thank you.” you say. “Well alright, we’ll be in the living room if you need us.” Madame Leota said and they both walked out, William shutting the door behind him.
You get up abruptly and turn to the journal and thrust it open to a new page. “Why are you haunting me captain?!” you say angrily into the corner where he stood a moment ago. But the pen doesn’t move. Then suddenly the sound of the ship’s bell rings out and you cover your ears to try to block it out but it doesn’t work, it only grows louder. “You know why I’m here!” a gruff voice shouts at you and wind suddenly starts blowing in the room almost knocking you down. “Stop it. Stop it.” You grunt back at it, screwing your eyes shut. “You suffer!” the voice retorts and rain starts pouring down on you. “I can’t tell him, you know I can’t” You shout into the storm. The bell rings so loud in your head it vibrates your skull and you drop to your knees on the floor, which is now ankle deep in sea water. “It will break his trust in me if I bow out! I must hold on and stay by his side!” you yell in desperation but the torrent only grows stronger. “Even at your own expense?!” the voice roars like thunder at you. “At any cost! I cannot waiver! Or this is all for not!” you practically scream. “Then you are lost!” the captain’s voice blares. “I may be! But at least I am lost with him!” you yell but the deluge holds strong around you. “I know I have lost my way but I don’t have any other path but this one now! I’ve made my fate and I will live or die with the consequences!” You sob. And finally the storm calms to nothing but the water pooled around you. “You will not change. I will not leave.” The captain says and everything around you dries and watery foot prints stomp out of the seance room.
3 months pass after that, but everything remains the same. So many seances and equally as many ghosts, they get blurred together in your memory. Names get to be a bit fuzzy at times, especially after rough seances that wear down your mind. William however seems less optimistic as he was in the beginning. It’s almost coming up on a year now and still, Eleanor has not shown up. “May I confide in you something?” William asks you one morning while having morning tea in the garden. Madame Leota was inside talking with the spirits. “Of course you can. What is it?” you say, only a little bit concerned. “It’s been 9 months we’ve been trying to contact her. And I grow more and more worried. What if she doesn’t want to make contact with us? With me? Or what if she’s not here? What if she’s-” William says with each question he becomes more frantic, so you put your hand on his arm to calm and quiet him. “We will reach Eleanor, William. I promise you, on my life, I will help you find her.” You say with utter devotion. “You are such a good friend to me, y/n. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve such a companion.” he smiles brightly at you and it warms your heart. “You needn’t do anything.” you say bumping his shoulder with yours and you both giggle and continue enjoying the pleasant morning.
Finally the day had come, the first year anniversary of it all. The day goes on as usual and then the night begins in the seance room. “Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat; call in the spirits, wherever they’re at.” Madame Leota says and the seance begins. the crystal ball glows and levitates. You feel like someone or something is trying to say something to you but it all just comes out in jumbled hushed whispers. “Anything yet?” William asks. “Not really. It sounds like they’re trying but can’t quite find the words?” You say tilting your head. “Hmm. Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell!” Madame Leota gestures to a brass bell on the table, but again nothing happens. “Wrap on a table, it's time to respond! Send us a message from somewhere beyond!” shouted Madame Leota, slamming her hand down on the table. And finally you saw him. Only his head showed through the crystal ball. His face burned into your memory. His wicked grin and his crazed eyes. His eyes darted over to you and noticed the terrified look on your face. “You.” he says and tilts his head down at you. Suddenly you felt his soul, his aura, his overpowering madness and insatiable bloodlust overwhelmed you. Your face went pale as a sheet. “Y/n? What is it? What’s happening.” William asked concerned. You were scared speechless, it felt like all the air had been taken out of the room and you couldn’t breathe. The head laughed maniacally and you saw all his murders flash by your eyes in an instant, and you saw them as if looking through his eyes. Then his head vanished from the ball and you frantically looked around the room. You peek behind your chair to find him standing there, hunched over with a cane in one hand and a glowing hatbox in the other. His head, now inside the hatbox, illuminates the corner of the room. “Boo!” he says and chuckles at you when you jump. “No no no! Shut it down! Shut it down!” You practically scream to Madame Leota. While keeping eye contact with the hatbox ghost. He takes a menacing step towards you, scraping his other foot across the floor. “You can’t banish me, foolish mortal.” he cackles out. Madame Leota lights the sage and waves it around the space to get him to leave but he stands unwavering. “Aww, that won’t hurt me. You know better than that.” he scoffs and continues towards you. William grabs the bell and starts ringing in the direction where you’re looking. “Ugh! Such noise!” The ghost says and dematerializes. You turn around to see if the crystal ball had stopped glowing and it did. So you slump back down in your chair knowing the portal had closed.
Your heart racing in your chest, you pant, gripping the arms of the chair to stop yourself from quaking. “Is everyone alright?” you pant out. “Yes.” Madame Leota says calming down. “Yes, but are you alright?” William says concerned. “For now. Though, we need to banish that ghost back to the region beyond. I don’t know who or what that ghost is, but he'a evil and maddening.” You say darkly. His face flashes in your memory, it’s all you see behind your eyelids when you so much as blink, it sends a shiver down your spine. “I’ll see what I can do to find a banishment.” Madame Leota says opening her book, William still looks concerned at you but says nothing. “I’m going to go for a brandy.” You say trying desperately to stand while your legs quake against your will. William gets up and helps you stand. “I’ll come with you.” He says, holding your arm. “Oh, no, it’s alright.” You say trying to wave him off as you walk slowly out of his hold. William gives you those sad kicked puppy eyes. “Listen, I'm alright, really.” You say and hobble up the stairs to the living room.
You call a servant for a cherry brandy and sit down on a sofa. You sigh and put your elbows on your knees to cradle your head. You close your eyes only for a moment and see his face again. “Your brandy?” a servant says, making your heart leap out of your chest and you fall back onto the sofa. “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to frighten you.” the servant says. “No, no, it's alright.” you say taking the brandy and down half of it. “Rough night?” the servant says observing you. “Extremely.” you say running your hand down your face. “Penny for your thoughts?” the servant asks, looking down at your trembling figure. “Not a chance. Not tonight.” you say downing the rest of the brandy. “Oh, not even the slightest detail?” the servant says, but the voice isn’t the one you heard before, it was his. Your eyes go wide and you look up at the servant, their nose is bleeding and their eyes have dark circles under them. “You fiend!” you shoot up and grab the servant by the collar. “I-I’m sorry! I-I didn’t mean to-” the servant pleads. You drag the servant by the collar to the seance room. “Y/n?! What in the world are you doing?!” William says, and Madame Leota looks up from her book and gasps. “He’s using this servant as a puppet!” You say to them confidently. William and Madame Leota look at you puzzled. “Look he has blood-” and as you look over, the servant looks right as rain, just as they appeared before. Your face falls. “But he was just- Their nose was bleeding, and their eyes-” you say, studying the servant's face. “Dear… maybe you should get some rest.” Madame Leota suggests gently as to not stir you. “No please, you must believe me.” You plead, looking back at them. “William?” You look at William. He opens his mouth then closes it and takes a moment to think and dismay dawns on his face. “No, no please, William.” You say. “Maybe you do need some rest. After the events of the night.” He looks up at you while hanging his head. You look back at the servant who is still fearfully looking at you. You retract your hand from their collar and it trembles terribly as you do so, so you cover it with your other hand to stop it from shaking so much. You look skittishly back at them now questioning your own sanity in the matter. William tries to say something and reach out to you, but you run out of the seance room to your guest bedroom.
You run in and shut the door, leaning on it as soon as you shut it. You cover your face, and tears burn your eyes. You crumple in on yourself and slide down the door until you sit on the floor. You hold your head and sob into your knees. Hot tears sizzle down your cheeks, and your nose gets stuffy, so you start to sniffle. You sit there in choked sobs for a while until a soft knock is heard on the door. “Yes?” You choke out. “Hello, I know you may not want to hear from me right now, but Master Gracey sent another brandy to you.” it was the servant from earlier that you had hallucinated to be the hatbox ghost. You stand up, wiping your tears and open the door to see the servant. “Don’t shoot the messenger.” The servant puts their hand up in surrender. You walk over and sit down in a chair by your vanity, motioning for the servant to come in. “Ah, I’m glad to see we’re on good terms then.” they say cheerfully. They walk in and set your brandy down on the vanity, and you immediately pick it up and down it all. “Is there anything else you’ll be needing tonight?” the servant asks with a grin, and suddenly your head starts to spin, and you look back at the servant to see their nose bleeding again and the dark circles returned to under their eyes. “What did you do to me, demon?” You say through gritted teeth while trying to get up. He giggles through the servant’s mouth and pushes you back down. “Don’t want you falling.” He says and throws a gesture in the air, and the door to your room closes quietly. “Oh nothing, just a bit of brandy and a bit of laudanum.” he says in his voice while making the servant tilt their head side to side with each ingredient. Your vision starts to blur around the edges, but you try desperately to hang on. “You… fiend…” you slur out and sway. He walks the servant over to your bed and makes them pick up a pillow. He makes them dust it off and place it in front of you on the vanity. “Can’t have you splitting that head of yours, now can we? Sleep tight.” He laughs maniacally, your head falls to the pillow, and everything fades to black.
Pt.5: https://www.tumblr.com/seriously-nobody/728906187359338496/the-ghost-in-my-heart?source=share
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