#ghosts of witches past
Broke: "We are the grandaughters of the witches you couldn't burn, blah blah blah"
Woke AF: "It is our chosen heritage, for we carry the ghosts of witches past."
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jaciofthedead · 7 months
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ghouljams · 10 months
I was just stalking your fae au and was reading the moose-creature-mimic posts, and I saw you mention that witch can feel when the mimic is trying to break her wards.
Whenever I hear about Fae, my mind immediately goes to the magic system from one of my favourite book series in which people who make wards have to develop wards for specific creatures, and if a creature that they haven’t warded against tries to enter, they can break through, if not break the rest of the wards.
Let’s say for a moment that something like that happens in the Fae AU, where some kind of unfamiliar creature from a foreign civilization comes a knocking on witches doorstep, and is able to break through her wards.
What do you think would happen? If Witch is connected to them, would Witch ‘break’ too? How would Price react to the pure panic and pain shooting through the tethers as an unfamiliar creature breaks through his darling’s wards?
I feel like she would be absolutely broken afterwards (if she survives that is-) Her wards are her safe space, she had never had that happen, she didn’t know what happened.
Would price still trust her to be safe in her own home?
Would SHE still trust her to be safe in her own home??
Just some thoughts 🫣
Oooooooooh. Ok yeah I can do some horror with this. Love the concept. So the Canon answer is that warding in this magic system can be as broad or as narrow as the caster wants. Wards can be weak and they can be broken, but it isn't going to harm the caster, maybe it'll give then a bad feeling but not any actual harm. Not a very good ward if it harms the wrong target IMHO.
For the Witch's home these are wards that are basically generations of people enforcing and reinforcing an all purpose boundary. It's an iron wall that nothing(save humans) is getting through without a permit, and it's tied to Witch both through her magic and her blood. She can feel when things mess with it, but it's like getting asmr, it isn't actually affecting her. She's mentioned before that her wards are threats, so anything that isn't stopped by a simple denial of entry is going to have those threats enacted upon it.
But let's say something broke her wards, let's throw some rocks through the windows and bust shit up. I am going on record to say, this isnt canon:
You feel something crack in the air before you feel it break. The splintering spiderweb of intangible bonds being pushed too far hits you between the ribs and you have to clutch the kitchen counter to stay standing. Something is deeply, desperately, wrong. You don't know how or why(or what) but something is working very hard to get in to your space.
It shouldn't be possible in the first place, you have known this house, these wards, your whole life and you've never felt it give way. You've felt it change, felt it ripple, felt it pop and fizz when it doesn't like what you've let in, but never this. Never the creaking pressure of it bowing inwards and splitting under its own tension. Your fingers wrap tight around your athame as you go to check your back garden, peaking through the curtains. There's nothing.
But you can feel it, you can feel it splintering like a pain in your chest. Tight and radiating out from your sternum. It tingles down your arm, makes your grip feel looser than you know it is. You grab your back door's handle, take a few breathes to give yourself strength, and open it to shoo away whatever is pressing your wards. And very suddenly the splinters give way, like a hole punched through a window.
It feels like all the air has been forced out of your lungs. A cool breeze blows through your door, wrong so very, very, wrong. The smell of moss invades your nose, burdened with the scent of decay. Slime mold oozing against your desperate breaths. You tug your shirt to cover your nose and mouth as the battering ram that had been beating your barrier steps through.
The horns of it scrape your ceiling, actually that bothers you more than it should, you're the one that has to fix it later. Velvet hangs from its antlers, freshly scraped and red, gory and divine. It stands on two clover hooves, and looks at you with malice. If you can even discern an expression from the thing. It's face is completely smooth save for its eyes, or it was smooth. A crack forms along the bottom of its smooth surface, splintering and chipping as it rips its mouth open and screams at you.
The sound is overpowering, dizzying, you feel your ears pop and then the noise is gone, replaced by a persistent dull ringing. You truly wonder when your life got so interesting. You hate interesting. You blame Price.
You cough, gag. You have to drop your makeshift mask to retch against the stench of rotten decay on this thing. It smells like death, weeks old bodies left to fester where no one will find them. You gag again, fingers curling around your throat as you try to keep you athame raised.
Your wards are silent, you home is silent, and you realize that you've never actually experienced true silence. Something is always buzzing or humming with magic, you always have music playing or bottles clinking, you're always surrounded by sound. Now it's all stopped. Even the ringing in your ears has settled into a cottony muffle. You can't feel any of your magic. Your numbed to it.
You drop your hand from your throat to your chest. You can't even feel the tethers there. Your fingers move over the fabric of your shirt without catching, there's not tightness to pull, not warmth to catch. You feel cavernous, empty past empty. What the fuck is that thing.
Whatever it is it seems to have finished its evaluation of you. Finished working whatever spell it was weaving. It takes a step towards you. You don't wait for it to take another before running. Scrambling away from the broken seal of the door towards whatever is heavy and throw-able.
You do your best not to let blind panic take over, to not just run wherever feels safe. You've always thought it was silly when people in horror movies don't do the smart thing, but you've never been in a horror movie before. You bolt towards your bedroom. It's the best guarded room in the house. Even if you can't feel your magic it should still be there. Right?
You feel the swip of the things claws through the air as it tries to grab you. You run straight past your front door without a second thought, sure you don't want whatever that is to be unleashed on the general public. It's claws dig deep gouges into the plaster of your wall, and you pray it doesn't do the same to your bedroom door. You know it will, but it can't hurt to pray. You're not in the mood to be picky with magic right now.
You get your bedroom door closed just in time to hear it splinter as the creature throws itself against it. You don't bother with chalk, digging your athame into the door and scratching sigils and circles as quickly as you can. When you tap them they sit absolutely dead. You smack your hand against your messy circle, willing the magic to respond. You smack it again as the creature throws itself against your door. The circle stays as it was, motionless, silent, still as a drawing.
You are suddenly much more comfortable allowing panic to overtake you. If you're powerless there's really no reason to keep your emotions in check. Your breath heaves, short and quick as you back away from your door and look towards your window. No magic swirls, no books rip themselves from your shelves, your panic heightens and nothing happens. How mundane.
One of the creatures claws punches a hole through the center of your circle, then another, and another. You back towards your window as it grips the wood of the door and attempts to pull it from its hinges. Your fingers push at your window, try to find the seams of it, try to get it open. It doesn't budge, it feels like it's been painted on. You bang your fist against the glass without so much as a crack. The wood behind you splinters. The crunch of it deafening over the silence.
"Price, Price, fuck I am not fucking around Price please," You beg pressing yourself back against the window as the creature drops pieces of the door onto your floor. Even if your magic doesn't work his still must. You've never hear of a fae not responding to their name. Granted you don't know the full thing, you don't know if that's really his name and not just a nickname. It might hold no power without the tethers between you. That doesn't stop you from saying it like a prayer, hoping if you speak him into existence enough times he might come and save you.
Your shoulders are grabbed by an invisible force as you are physically shaken. Your ribs shake, muscles tensed too tight to even take a breath.
There is a wet ache spreading over your stomach, you begin to tilt your head down to see what's wrong and Price catches you. His hand holds the back of your head, pulls it back up and shoves it against his shoulder. "Don't look," he tells you just as quickly as he'd stopped you. You nod against his shoulder.
He pulls something from you, rips the proverbial bandaid off, and you bite him at the pain. It feels like your heart has been knocked out of place, like your ribs have been played as a xylophone. Your stomach twists on itself. Suddenly you are back in your kitchen staring at the cabinets, the space where the creatures antlers had scraped the ceiling. The scratches are still there.
Then the shaking starts. Every muscle in your body starting to unspool in a violent shudder that must quake the very earth you stand on. It's loud. The house is so loud. The wards are practically screaming at you, you threshold wails and sobs where it has been brutalized. Your back door is still swung open to red and orange leaves, a lovely autumn day that leaks the smell of wet earth into your home. Price turns to follow your shaking gaze and kicks the door shut behind him.
"What-" You can't get anything more out around the aftershocks of panic. You're sure your house must look like a war zone.
"Probably some American invention," Price mumbles, "You weren't under long, deep breaths."
You suck in a breath, press your know into his shirt to smell the cool tobacco. It helps. Price keeps a firm grip on the back of your head, keeps you looking where he wants you to while his other hand does something. He touches you in a way you can't explain. It's almost metaphysical the way he zips you up, just on the right side of freezing. You can almost feel his fingers moving muscle and viscera out of the way as he does whatever he's doing. Fixing whatever just happened.
"Fucking hell your wards shredded that thing, surprised it even had the strength to touch you," There's something at the edge of Price's voice, fear your think. You're not sure what he's scared of, it isn't a comforting sound.
"How're you-" You try to focus on the important questions, like why Price hasn't been shredded.
"You lit up like a damn Christmas tree, thought I was gonna have my own attack with the panic you shot my way," He draws his hand away from your stomach, apparently finished with his fussing, "wards were too busy to notice me slip in."
Makes sense, even now they're too busy with repairs to pay attention to your regular.
"It broke my door," It's funny what you latch onto once shock starts to set in. "What did it want?"
"Same thing we all want," Price tells you, and you hate hearing him say it(we), because he doesn't mean it kindly, "you."
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muffinlance · 1 year
My mom just started reading Fox’s Tongue and Kirin’s Bone after I raved to her about it lol.
She’s four pages in and she wants to know if the way people sometimes use the phrase “met death” had anything to do with sparking the idea for this story? (As in, “he met his death walking down king street” or “she met her death in November”)
That is EXACTLY where the initial premise came from. I overthought the phrase one day, and here we are. <3
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arataka-reigen · 23 days
Everyone is gone now so i'll scream more about dead boy detectives tomorrow so more people see it and watch it and we get a second season
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hirik0 · 11 months
Old magic and ancient forest
Enemies to friends to lovers
The ancient forest is looking peaceful you wouldn't even think that it's Keeper is considered an evil Sprit but nobody is brave enough to banish him, so that a new keeper and witch can protect the forest together. Such as the ancient rules demand it, but not this forest this one is ke for 300 years just protected by its keeper. No witch even attempts to claim the spot as its witch, its well known to all witches that you pay with your life if you try it. But you only can't stop fate, fate will find all the loopholes, squeeze through the smalest crack to blow the wall open. The animal of the forest are observing the witch from a distance. Some don't think he will make it other hope he will and some are ready to rat him out to Price the second he steps in the forst. Also the Spirit of the old witch of the forest is mustering the young witch, that he assumes is fresh out of training the first daring to try to claim this forest as theirs in 200 years. And he really thinks Price will learn to like this witch over time, just like their cooperation took some time to take of and a lot of angry sex. He really hopes his love can finally move on, because the forest really needs a witch. First parts if the forest are becoming sick.
The only witch that dosent know and is chalenging fate is Phillip Graves, CEO of the American PMC Shadow Company. To be fair he doesn't even knows he's a witch, getting baptised as a baby truly ruined that. But magic blood is magic blood and it often starts to rebel against the christian claims in one way or another. So Phillip looks down at the peacefull looking old forest trying not to think about the rumors in the village. That someone dangerous beast lives in there, how they still use old pagean offerings and rituals, so they are allowed to use the forest for wood and food. The rumors about how the monster of the forest appeared after a big fire in wich a witch died if you believe the old legends. And that all they are for Graves legends thinks you tell children to behave, he is here to retreated a experimental piece of pentagon technology. General Shepard said he deserves an easy contract from time to time, for beeing such a reliable partner. And he don't really agrees, but an easy job to get to get to know the 4 newest Shadows sounds nice. He's wrong nothing about this mission will be nice. The first think that is happening when they enter the forest is Graves feeling a intense fear. He feels nauseous, about to see his breakfast again. All his instincts tell him to get the fuck out of this forest. He also has the feeling of being watched, like something is looming in the crowns of the trees, but also as if he's getting followed. Of course he knows that only his fellow Shadows are here with him. Some raves are flying in to the center of the forest to wake up Price telling him another witch dares to try to replace Nikolai.
>>You should not be here, he will be angry when he figures out what you are <<
A voice is echoing in Graves head. The voice in his head has a Russian accent, but Graves brushes it off as nerves. He shakes his head, about the fact that the talk of the locals getting his imagination starting. It jsut don't makes sense that his imagination is making up a Russian voice. He slowly leads his Shadows deeper in to the forest. Till the voice is speaking to him again.
>>You should make sure you can't get separated if you wand yo get further, the deeper you go the more likely it is he will notice you. The ravens probably already rat you out to him <<
The voice Graves is hearing is the former witch of the Forest Nikolai. Died in a fire, as some up and coming witch caused to get his spot as the forest witch. Nik would call them a power hungry idiot. Now he is a spirit only able to move on when the keeper Price finaly moves on, allowing a new witch. And he has the feeling this witch is the perfect fit. He is also what he thinks the young people in the village call a cute twink with a nice ass, what ever that is suppose to mean. He only gets the nice ass part. He follows the witch for some time getting conformation that the raves rat the witch out as the first member of the group gets stucket in a suddenly appearing wall of thorns bushes. Not shorty after a false unicorn is luring away the next member. And the witch clearly with some military training is not even noticing it.
>> You know you lost 2 people in the last 15 minutes?<<
Graves stopes abruptly and turns, the voice is right Miller and Smith are missing. "Where are Miller and Smith?" He ask. Smith was stopped by a wall of ranks the second Graves entered the outer circel of the oldest part of the forest trapped in it, poisson thorns burying themselves in his skin, paalysing him so that the plant can later eat him. Miller started to follow a strange lookung dear, the flase unicorn about 3 minutes ago leaving the group. Beeing lead in some of the more dangerous parts of the forest, inhabited by a pact of feral wolfshifters. The other two sergeants just shrug their shoulders and Graves is about to lecture them, when they hear a teribbel growl from deep in the forest. Graves hairs are standing up everything telling him to get out of here or he will die.
>>He notice you, hope you can run fast because hiding is no option here <<
The voice in his head sounds vaguely amused but also very worried. "Stay close", he yells to the sergeants. They walk a good 20 minutes further into the forest before they get the first evidence of the keeper. A giant paw print of a bear is crossing the path they are on. Its several inches deep, as long as a bicycle and as wide as Graves arm is long. The three man are looking at each other, confused and nervous. Tompsen is turning a unhealthy shade of green while Mulers eyes are about to pop out of his skull. Graves just gets the stronger urge to run as far and fast as possible out of this forest.
>> Stop standing here, like your waiting for the carrige to pick you up, move <<
The voice is urgenting them on, honestly Nik don't care if they move further in to the forest or out. They can't stay here. Price would find them and kill the witch. Movement only come back in to the men when suddenly all the birds in a close radius are in a panic leaving this part if the forest. A angry Price was about to parole this part of the forest again. All three man in their hast are sprinting of in a other direction, Graves running further in to the forest, Muler runs back the way they came from and Tompsen running straight in to the arms of the keeper.
>>Turn left. When you pass the tree that got split in two by lighting turn right <<
Graves isn't even sure why he does what the strange Russian voice in his head is saying. But he has the feeling he probably shouldn't be ause it's leading him further in to this forest. The trees look old, like really old.
But to late Graves is already lying on the floor, because the of sait root. He pushes himself up again but his right foot is protesting. It hurts probably strained.
>> Well, that is really inconvenient <<
"As if you not lead me here." Graves yells.
>>Well you need to reach the middel of the forest before one of the others die. And let me tell you 3 are in a really bad spot.&lt;;<
"What?!" Graves asked paniced, what is going on in this forest.
>>One is about to get eaten by a plant, the other is hunted down by a wolfshifter pact and the last one is about to get ripped apart by the keeper <<
"What is this keeper think?", he ask. But the voice is staying silent. He hears a loud growl probably of the gigantic bear that left this gigantic paw print.
>> Hurry up, it's not that far. Price is also not that far if he figures out the poor lad is not the one hes looking for you're next <<
The voice is urging on, but graves dont really feels like moving a bit further, the voice kinda already lead him in to a shitty situation.
>> MOVE! <<
Graves is holding his head as the vocie is screaming insite his head. "Okey, i will move. No need to give me a headache", Graves murmers, hes getting really anoyed. This was supost a job a easy job. Getting shot in the middel east was easier than what ever the fuck is going on here.
At the same time Price is towering over the person that waht he assumes is the witch, trying to claim Niks spot. But then he hears the ravesn shouting at him. "Not him, he's not the witch. The witch is nearly in the center already." He frecces roaring angrly. letting the human allone to return to return to the center of the forest. This witch will not get past him.
>> It would be good if you would move like now, the ravens just rat you out again and you will not be able to get past Price if he gets there before you <<
The slight panic in the voice is getting Graves to move, even pushing him to ignore his injured foot. "How fast?" he ask the voice. Instead of an answer a picture is apearing in Graves mind. It loks like his goal is right behind the row of bushes he sees in front of him. Suddenly Ravens a screaming over his head and he sprints as fast as he can. Hes not sure how the ravens are ratting him out or why, but if hes not fast the bear or more the monster will be there before him and if, big if he can trust the voice this is the worst case. The nearer he comes to the pushes the more a feeling of coming home is spreading in him, as if he never knew is is looking for this place. If it wouod go after Graves he would never return to this forste ever again. He more falls on to a clearing and just a mear second later a gigantig grizzly is rushing on to the clearing. Graves is eyes with eyes with what the voice called the keeper or Price.
If Price goes by the screams of the ravens the witch is already every close to the clearing in the center of the forest. He already is running as fast is he can with the trees this near at each other. When he dashes on the clearing a man is already standing on it and the magic of the forest is bubbeling up. The hole forest is screaming that the new witch finally has arived. He screams out in frustration. he failed after 200 years a new witch arived in his forest here to replace Nikolai.
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candles-by-mokosh · 11 months
📜✨ Past Life Regression
Today, I would like to share with you a fascinating past life regression experience that unfolded before my eyes—a glimpse into the life of an author who once toiled the ancient fields of Chang'an as a humble farmer.
In the depths of a guided past life regression session, I found myself transported to the vibrant and bustling city of Chang'an during ancient times. The air was thick with the aroma of spices and the sounds of market vendors hawking their wares. My senses tingled with anticipation as I witnessed the glorious majesty of the Tang Dynasty.
Amidst the grandeur of the city, I discovered my past self—a humble farmer tending to the fertile lands just beyond the city walls. The simplicity of life in the fields was a stark contrast to the magnificent palaces and bustling streets. With each passing day, I cultivated the earth, feeling the soil beneath my calloused hands and the warmth of the sun on my back.
As the seasons danced, I witnessed the ebb and flow of life as a farmer in ancient Chang'an. From the tender sprouting of seeds in spring to the bountiful harvests of autumn, I was intimately connected with the cycles of nature. Each day brought new challenges and rewards—a delicate balance of hard work, resilience, and trust in the wisdom of the earth.
The true beauty of this past life experience lay not only in the rhythm of the land but also in the vibrant tapestry of human connections. I witnessed the camaraderie of fellow farmers, sharing stories, laughter, and the weight of a collective existence. Together, we celebrated the harvest festivals, expressing gratitude for the abundant blessings bestowed upon us.
While my days were spent toiling in the fields, a seed of creativity nestled within my soul. Evenings were devoted to the art of storytelling, weaving tales that mesmerized young and old alike. It was in the quiet moments, surrounded by the whispering breeze and twinkling stars, that inspiration struck and words flowed effortlessly from my pen.
As I emerged from this profound past life regression, I carried with me the wisdom of the farmer's life—a deep appreciation for the cycles of nature, the power of community, and the creative spark that dwells within. It reminded me that our present passions and talents may have roots in the experiences of long-forgotten lives, shaping who we are in the here and now.
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raesnovelsblog · 8 months
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Synopsis from IMDB:
A circle of teenage friends accidentally encounter the ancient evil responsible for a series of brutal murders that have plagued their town for over 300 years. Welcome to Shadyside.
My review
If you’re looking for a 90's feel horror movie without some of the outdated cliches, this one’s for you. The story is engaging. I didn’t like the main character as much in the first movie, but she grew on me. The rest of the cast is solid. The 90’s feel and the music alone are worth the watch. Weakest of the three, but a solid film.
Rating : 8/10
Spoilery thoughts below I had while watching the movie. You have been warned.
Starting off with Maya Hawke, great start. Very Scream of them. Fits well with the 90’s theme.
I love R.L. Stine books. They were the perfect horror starter books.
OMG Dalton’s. I haven’t heard that name in forever.
Using Closer is becoming cliche in 90’s movies, but I approve for use in a slasher. Plus, I just love that song.
Being in a mall after hours is creepy. Can confirm.
The stores in the mall were random back then.
Her death scene is almost shot for shot Drew Barrymore’s death scene from Scream.
Wow the music over the news reports in the credits is crazy close to Scream’s. I knew that it was an influence, but I didn’t remember how much.
Garbage. That band is still great. I remember listening to that song on repeat for hours.
Josh hiding beneath that sheet makes him look like he’s doing something else on that computer.
The song selection is phenomenal.
Who’s driving the bus? Bottles are being thrown. They opened the emergency door. Is there an adult on this bus?
She was letting the kids she was babysitting package the drugs? Worst babysitter ever.
Now they’re borrowing from Halloween.
No, you do not walk towards the lonely girl sitting by herself at night.
I like Kate calling Deena out for being too cool to wear the headlamp while they stroll through the dark forest. 
Okay, I get the hook up scene between Sam and Deena (they didn’t really have time for that with a killer on the loose, but I digress), but Simon taking time to masturbate is even weirder.
It didn't work, but the plan sounded solid enough.
Poor Sam shouldn’t have any blood left after they’ve spread it everywhere.
That bread slicer scene is messed up.
Laying the blame on the dead friends is messed up. I get they couldn’t go with the truth, but still feels wrong.
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d00dlef0x · 6 months
Gundam witch but its a Christmas carol au where delling is scrooge, vim is jacob marley, suletta is bob cratchet, etc.
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me: haha im downloading destiny 2 again for lightfall
the destiny 2 fic thats still at like. february 2022. in terms of story progression. that i havent updated because i dont know enough about the story of the past few seasons to properly write them in:
#I HAD A PLOTLINE PLANNED#WHERE THE SCORN WOULD GET MORE AFFECTED BY THE DARKNESS & ALL#BUT I HAVENT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION#i think i might just watch the cutscenes of the past few seasons on youtube#bc i dont think?? i have the season passes?? for the past few seasons????#& then wait out lightfall before planning out that storyline#i havent seen any story trailers or whatever so im completely in the dark lmao#hopefully lightfall will motivate me enough to work on tsbesg again i miss patch#i never meant for tsbesg to be completely canon compliant but i do want to follow the main story. just with the scorn present#they are my sillies#ill figure it out#i still have to write a chapter of them joining on the uh. the missions. back in the season that launched with witch queen#(was it risen i cant remember)#i have to write at LEAST one chapter of them just dicking around fighting lightbearer hive i think they would like that#why would patch have to kill ghosts when they have several friends who do it for fun. hm.#its kinda funny bc when i started the fic i ran out of material#i had to bullshit so much just for the seasons to catch up#ESPECIALLY during hunt#if i ever end up rewriting the earlier chapters one key thing is that i have to fix the timeline with the whole osiris thing#actually make everything line up more yk?#but yeah in the period between when i started (december... 2020? 2021?) and witch queen i started getting a little off track#my investment in destiny kinda dwindled once id finished witch queen#i was still really into the characters (yes i saw the cutscene of orisis waking up yes i cried) but the game itself just#and maybe it was my depression. honestly#like i started meds nearly 3 months AFTER wq#who knows. who the fuck knows. i NEED the fuckigngnfu leviathan scenes. i NEED patch to get to the leviathan i need crow to#reconcile with the scorn through his arc in that season (plot spoilers? eh. plot ideas)#im gonna go reread the most recent few chapters i need the refresher on where i stopped#ALSO. ALSO. worst case scenario i skip some less plot relevant more self indulgent scenes (like with the hive ghosts)#and put those in separate oneshots. 'takes place between chapter so & so'
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dawnedon · 2 years
i just need dawn to be friends w more ghost specialists im ngl. she’s not a ghost specialist herself but her experiences w the paranormal and all that. you would think she is jfndgdfh
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hauntingsoffuturepast · 5 months
I rebranded just now to better reflect how I feel I will be taking this blog. I think it will be more hauntings (obviously) of what I feel or think collected into one place.
I originally started this blog to document my journey as a witchling and help others along the way, but that ultimately didn't pan out in the way I had envisioned.
Ultimately though, I feel this is best for myself and for others.
I doubt anyone will mind too much. :)
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widowshill · 9 months
part 6.
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inkskinned · 1 year
for a while i lived in an old house; the kind u.s americans don't often get to live in - living in a really old house here is super expensive. i found out right before i moved out that the house was actually so old that it features in a poem by emily dickinson.
i liked that there were footprints in front of the sink, worn into the hardwood. there were handprints on some of the handrails. we'd find secret marks from other tenants, little hints someone else had lived and died there. and yeah, there was a lot wrong with the house. there are a lot of DIY skills you learn when you are a grad student that cannot afford to pay someone else to do-it-for-ya. i shared the house with 8 others. the house always had this noise to it. sometimes that noise was really fucking awful.
in the mornings though, the sun would slant in thick amber skiens through the windows, and i'd be the first one up. i'd shuffle around, get showered in this tub that was trying to exit through the floor, get my clothes on. i would usually creep around in the kitchen until it was time to start waking everyone else up - some of them required multiple rounds of polite hey man we gotta go knocks. and it felt... outside of time. a loud kind of quiet.
the ghosts of the house always felt like they were humming in a melody just out of reach. i know people say that the witching hour happens in the dark, but i always felt like it occurred somewhere around 6:45 in the morning. like - for literal centuries, somebody stood here and did the dishes. for literal centuries, somebody else has been looking out the window to this tree in our garden. for literal centuries, people have been stubbing their toes and cracking their backs and complaining about the weather. something about that was so... strangely lovely.
i have to be honest. i'm not a history aficionado. i know, i know; it's tragic of me. i usually respond to "this thing is super old" by being like, wow! cool! and moving on. but this house was the first time i felt like the past was standing there. like it was breathing. like someone else was drying their hands with me. playing chess on the sofa. adding honey to their tea.
i grew up in an old town. like, literally, a few miles off of walden pond (as in of the walden). (also, relatedly, don't swim in walden, it's so unbelievably dirty). but my family didn't have "old house" kind of money. we had a barely-standing house from the 70's. history existed kind of... parallel to me. you had to go somewhere to be in history. your school would pack you up on a bus and take you to some "ye olden times" place and you'd see how they used to make glass or whatever, and then you'd go home to your LEDs. most museums were small and closed before 5. you knew history was, like, somewhere, but the only thing that was open was the mcdonalds and the mall.
i remember one of my seventh grade history teachers telling us - some day you'll see how long we've been human for and that thing has been puzzling me. i know the scientific number, technically.
the house had these little scars of use. my floors didn't actually touch the walls; i had to fill them with a stopgap to stop the wind. other people had shoved rags and pieces of newspaper. i know i've lost rings and earring backs down some of the floorboards. i think the raccoons that lived in our basement probably have collected a small fortune over the years. i complain out loud to myself about how awful the stairs are (uneven, steep, evil, turning, hard to get down while holding anything) and know - someone else has said this exact same thing.
when i was packing up to leave and doing a final deep cleaning, i found a note carved in the furthest corner in the narrow cave of my closet. a child's scrawled name, a faded paint handprint, the scrangly numbers: 1857.
we've been human for a long time. way back before we can remember.
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ririblogsss · 2 months
Danny the park crazy guy
Ok this follows Danny with him deciding he needs to get out of Amity Park cause he's parents are getting more and more obsessed with catching Phantom. And the plans he'd over heard were sending him into panic attacks. Not only that a new management was placed for the GIW, and with that they had become more brutal and accurate with their capturing. Danny couldn't make sure ghosts were safe and protect civilians, so Danny made a deal with Technus in exchange for most of the tech Danny has made in the past 6 months Technus has to hack into the portals that his parents and Vlad owned and permanently destroy them. Technus also made sure to wipe all the information on how to re-build the portal and planted a bug that will corrupt any file trying to mimic the portals code/mechanics. 
At first Dannys plan was to play the part of the defenseless boy who just witnessed his parents whole life work go down the drain, and pretend that ghost never happened. He's parents were sad (understatement of the century) but they soon found something to hyper focus on, before becoming ecto-biologist, they were trying to find ways to make liquid that would dissolve plastic in a non-lethal and non-toxic way. So after 2 months of not doing anything and only staying in bed eating ice-cream and fudge its like a light bulb turned on onto of their heads, and Madeline and Jack went back to their old selves. They still had moments were they would gaze back at their projects with heartbroken eyes, and Danny could help but blame himself for his parents suffering. 
Its like one day everything was close to normality (as normal as amity park could be) people weren't mentioning ghost in fear that one would appear out of spite. Classes went uninterrupted people were actually happy for that. 
But then the GIW started making moves, as they were getting more and more restless with no ghost sightings in the last 6 months. 
Then 3 months ago everything went to shit......
Danny could only explain it as if the Salem witch trials had started. But instead it was the 21st century and people were being accused of being / cooperating / aiding ghosts. The GIW had stormed into the town hall and had claimed that Amity park was in full quarantine. No one in no one out. Vlad was taken in for 'investigation' accused of working with the ghost because he never helped the GIW or offered funds, hence committing treason the US government. 
After that People would be taken out of their homes and obligated to take tests to prove they weren't with the enemy, if they passed they went back to their homes traumatized. if they failed.... Well no one really knows, but one might guess from all the screaming. 
Ironically. Dannys parents were the fist accused of cooperating with the enemy. The GIW stated that they seemed suspicious from the start as they never truly caught anything. he hadn't seen them since they were drugged and stuffed into the back of a van. Danny was thankful that Jazz (for collage) and Dani (traveling in Bangladesh) were out of Amity, but it wasn't like he could contact them and tell them what was happening. 
The GIW had cut all contact to the rest of the word from Amity Park probably because what they were doing was considered illegal and definitely were crossing human rights. 
Luckily Sams and Tuckers family were able to come to an agreement with the GIW so they could be exempted from the quarentine (buy themselves a way out). Unluckily Danny like most families didn't have those types of resources. 
But Danny isn't a Fenton for nothing, craziness, gull and genius ran through his veins. So every morning when they were obligated out of their homes and made to sit on the grass of the park square while the agents searched for any 'evidence' in their homes. Danny would use his core to emit a frequency that only other ghost and some metas could hear. But that wasn't what Danny was communicating to no. 
He was sending commands to all the animals he had befriended the last 15 years of his life. You see ever since Danny was a kid he loved how one could be able to domesticate any animal as long as you had food. So Danny when he was a kid applied The Operant conditioning to all the animals he crossed paths with. 
A few weeks after his accident (death) when Danny was making his daily feeding times for the animals in exchange for trinkets and money he realized something. He could understand what the animals 'spoke' and the animals could understand him through the vibrations of his core. When he asked CW about it he only told him that ghost speak allowed him to communicate with anything and anyone if he had a close enough relationship towards them. 
Basically this meant that Danny had hundreds if not thousands of animals (rats, street dogs and cats, pigeons, squirrels ect.. ) at his disposal. The only reason he never used them when fighting Ghosts was obvious he wasn't going to risk the life of his friends. 
And right now his friends were making underground escape routes for all of the Amity Parkers. The plan was already being set in motion. Everyone knew their part. 
One group would be distraction, a group of kids would scream and point in the opposite direction of the escape route and say they had seen a ghost and it was trying to hurt them. The GIW would be guided into a wooded area were they would be attacked by the more predatorial animals. Making them call for back up. 
One group would composed of the most athletic adults / young adults would go into the main base of the GIW (check for survivors and help them get out). 
Another group (the elderly) was in charge of checking that everyone was accounted for. 
Mothers, would be evacuated first with their children, they would be the get away drivers. Different drivers would take different routs. Some left the country other the continent itself. Some when to larger cities for hiding amongst the crowd. But the main goal was stick to your family and preferably if you can go alone. The less people the less likely you are to getting caught. 
And the teenagers from casper high, would ensure all their traces were lost making sure all phones and gadgets were left behind, as to avoid getting tracked down. 
And that's how Amity Park became a dead town (pun intended) in less than 60 minutes. 
This leads us to the present. 
It had been 7 months since Danny had left Amity park. he hadn't seen anyone or contacted anyone from there since. The over all consensus was that everyone had to go no contact with one another as to not raise awareness as to why so many people from different places were constantly calling one another. Danny was certain that Jazz and Dani had been contacted by Sam and Tucker about the situation in Amity. What he wasn't sure of is if they knew he was out of Amity or even alive for that matter. 
Danny was not dealing with what happened well. One of the guys who went into the Town Hall pulled him a aside for a second when they were evacuating to tell him. That he had seen both his parents bodies. They had not survived. Not many who were taken against their will into the Hall came out spared. 
Danny was devastated with his parent untimely death, he only hoped they had a humane one. 
So no Danny was not ok. he knew Jazz would criticize his copping methods. But if taking over a park in the middle of a crime riddled city was sooooo bad then why did he have the support of the Bats. (not the vigilantes the actual cave bats). 
Danny had gotten to Gotham not too long ago (about 4 1/2) months, and decided that the GIW wouldn't dare on their life go into a city were the 'wolds greatest detective and most feared man live'. Danny made an abandoned building overlooking the park his own. he quickly became allies with the fauna there and soon his rein over the part began. 
It started slowly, honest to god not a single local though anything of the bony kid laughing his ass off as he oversaw birds and other critters alike help him build what looked like a greenhouse. They did what any Gothamite would do mind their own damn business and go on with their day. 
It wasn't unlit the trees and torn plants started to build a wall like structure around the park that they started to think that the kid was going to be the next Poison Ivy. Worst of all they some have speculated seeing Pamela and Harley go in and out of the park... both smiling like proud parents. Some say that the kid was an ex Wayne kid that was sent into an asylum, and was kept quiet. Some speculate that the kids a meta that controls all animals. Some state they saw the kid talk to the animals and the animals actually listened and did word for word what he asked. 
But Gothamites weren't that worried if they were honest. The kid (Danny as he was now known) brought more entertainment (of the good kind) to Gotham he fit right in. The only thing that made him stand out was his mid-western accent. When asked where he was from he would only stare at you while an animal (different every time mostly racoons) would chase you away. Other than that the kid was a sweetheart he would often bring the veggies and fruits he cultivates in the park to homeless shelters so that the residents would have a 'more nutritious and full diet'. 
The kid would send animals to keep watch on kids and be alerted if any were at risk he would drop in and help in a very unusual way. And he always traded money for little things and bottle caps anything handmade (especially by kids) was infinitely rewarded with money and an automatic meal. 
Danny was known as the Gotham parks crazy. But he was their crazy and no government (illegal) agency of a brigade of bats and birds was going to take him away from them. 
(waaa this was way longer that expected I only wanted to write a sentence of local crazy Danny, and I just ended up writting mostly art other stuff)
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candles-by-mokosh · 11 months
🔮✨ Empathetic Past Life Regression Tarot Card Readings! ✨🔮
💫🌙 Seeking clarity and deeper understanding of your soul's journey through time? Look no further! Today, I am thrilled to introduce my special offering of empathetic past life regression tarot card readings. Prepare to unlock the secrets of your past lives and gain valuable insights that can guide you on your present path. Are you ready to embark on this enchanting voyage of self-discovery? Let's dive in! 🌌🔮
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🌿💫 What is Past Life Regression Tarot?
Past life regression tarot is a unique blend of two mystical practices: past life exploration and tarot card readings. By tapping into the collective unconscious and the archetypal symbolism of tarot, I create a safe and empathetic space for you to journey into past lives and uncover hidden memories and lessons.
🔮✨ How Does it Work?
1️⃣ Intuitive Connection: As a trained empath and tarot reader, I establish a deep intuitive connection with your energy and soul essence. This connection allows me to attune to your unique past life imprints and experiences.
2️⃣ Past Life Exploration: Through a combination of tarot spreads and guided visualization techniques, I facilitate a journey into your past lives. The tarot cards act as gateways, revealing glimpses of your previous incarnations and the lessons they hold for your present life.
3️⃣ Empathetic Interpretation: With compassion and empathy, I interpret the messages and symbols presented by the tarot cards in the context of your past lives. I offer insights, guidance, and healing perspectives tailored to your specific spiritual journey.
4️⃣ Integration and Reflection: Following the reading, I provide a detailed summary of the past life regression experience, along with suggested practices and reflections to help you integrate the newfound wisdom into your current life.
💫🌌 Why Choose Empathetic Past Life Regression Tarot Card Readings?
✨ Gain Insight: Explore the profound depths of your soul's history, uncovering patterns, karmic connections, and lessons that resonate in your present life.
✨ Healing and Empowerment: Discover unresolved traumas, fears, or limiting beliefs from past lives and learn how to heal and release them, empowering yourself to embrace your highest potential.
✨ Spiritual Growth: Deepen your spiritual journey by tapping into the ancient wisdom and experiences stored within your soul, allowing for profound personal growth and transformation.
✨ Clarity and Direction: Receive guidance and clarity regarding your life purpose, relationships, and the challenges you face, helping you navigate your current path with confidence and understanding.
🌟🔮 Book Your Empathetic Past Life Regression Tarot Reading:
To embark on this extraordinary exploration of your soul's history, simply send me a message to schedule your personalized reading. Together, we will unravel the veils of time and unlock the mysteries that lie within. Limited slots available, so don't miss this opportunity to embark on a transformative journey!
✨💫 Remember, dear souls, that the insights gained from past life regression tarot readings are meant to inspire and empower you on your spiritual path. Trust in the wisdom of your soul as we navigate the vast landscapes of your past lives together.
💫🔮 Blessed be, dear ones, as you embark on the transformative journey of empathetic past life regression tarot card readings. May it bring you deep healing, clarity, and a profound connection to your soul's timeless wisdom. 🌿✨
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