#gifts for december birthday
azzy-the-smol · 14 days
Keep telling yourself that, Casper
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The one he's talking about?
Meet Azrael the axolotl.
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So scary
So evil
Absolutely petrifying
Of course he would name him that.
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Home For The Holidays
Summary: Eddie's band is on tour and can't make it home for the holidays.
Characters: Eddie Munson x Reader (can be read as gender neutral)
Word Count: 2.3k
Trigger Warning: Eddie and Dustin are conniving, per my usual works.
Author’s Note: Happy birthday, Sam (@felteppsters). This is the first part of your birthday/Christmas gift.
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He said, "I'm not going to be able to make it."
When Eddie left for his first headlining tour, he made a promise to you that he would be home for just five days out of the six months that he would be on the road; a short break the week of Christmas so that the bands and crew were able to spend time with their families.
"They added more dates to the tour," he continued after a few moments of silence. He was calling from a payphone somewhere near Kansas City, and he could sense your disappointment even though he was over five hundred miles away.
You knew that it wasn't his fault. Corroded Coffin gained significant popularity after their last tour opening up for Metallica and the demand to see them was overwhelming. There were four new dates; Kansas City, Minneapolis, Denver, and Salt Lake, before the band got a one-day break for Christmas Day and were to be in Seattle on December 26th.
"Y/N," he sighed. "Say something."
"I know how much this means to you, Eddie." You told him, your voice doing nothing to hide the fact that your heart was in your stomach. "I'm so proud of you."
The line went quiet and you could hear the faint sound of static and Eddie's breathing in your ear. Your burning eyes fluttered shut at the sound, forcing a tear to drop to your cheek. You were proud of him. You at least hoped that he believed that. In the ten years that you had known Eddie and the four years that you had been dating, he had never once disappointed you- and the one time that he had, today, was out of his control.
"When I get ho-" You could hear Gareth's voice in the background yelling for Eddie to hurry up. "Shit, I have to go." He said, there was more yelling. "Shut the hell up! I'm coming! Gareth and Jeff need to call their folks."
"It's okay." You frowned.
"I love you," he said sincerely. "And Y/N? Nothing means more to me than you." The corners of your lips pulled up into a small smile.
"I love you, too!"
The phone line disconnected and you felt empty. All you could do was stare at the little Christmas tree that you had put up and decorated yourself and the presents underneath, all with his name on them. You had argued about whether or not you would put up the tree without him, as it had been a little tradition of yours since you had moved into this house with him three years ago. He wanted you to wait, you wanted him to come home to presents under the tree. You remember him laughing to himself over the phone, could practically picture him shaking his head, knowing that it was pointless to argue about it- you were going to do what you want.
A sigh escaped your lips as you wiped your dampened cheeks. It was a little past noon, and you were still in your pajamas. You had cleaned the house spotless for Eddie's arrival, leaving you nothing to keep your mind busy now that he wasn't going to be here.
You picked up the phone and dialed Robin, but her line immediately went busy. So you dialed Steve, but it should have been obvious to you that his line would also be busy. You dialed Nancy and Jonathan answered only to tell you that she was at work. Your head fell back with a frustrated groan.
"I think everyone forgot that it is my birthday." You muttered to yourself. "Even my own boyfriend."
The moment that you had conceded to spending the day on the couch, wallowing in your misery, in the same pajamas you had been wearing for two days while watching VHS Christmas movies, there was a knock on the front door. You hurried to the door and peered through the glass to see a very familiar head of curly hair standing on your front porch with his hands in his pockets.
"Dustin?" You asked as you hurriedly opened the door. "What are you doing here, wait- how did you get here?"
The younger boy looked at you quizzically before holding up a set of car keys. "I'm eighteen and I can drive."
"Shit," you laughed rubbing your eyes. "I sometimes forget that you're not fourteen anymore."
"So does my mom," he replied and shoved past you, making himself at home in your kitchen before you could even say 'come in'.
"Well, what's up?" You asked. "You know Eddie isn't going to make it home this week, right?"
"I heard", Dustin replied from inside your refrigerator. Your eyes narrowed. "I figured you were going to be super depressed since it's your birthday and all, so here I am!" He said turning to you and holding out his arms. "Damnit, all you have to eat is leftovers?" He moved over to your cabinets. "And cereal?"
"Sorry to disappoint you?"
That was when Dustin turned back to you and really took in your appearance. "You really are depressed, aren't you?"
"No, no." You huffed. "I'm not depressed. It's just early."
"It's almost one!" He objected. "Go change out of your PJ's and we can go get a pizza. My treat." You narrowed your eyes once more, wondering when this boy became an adult who felt like he could tell you what to do. "Well, go!"
Not wanting to argue with him, you made a beeline to your bedroom and threw together an outfit. You emerged a few moments later and the younger boy was staring at your Christmas tree and shoving a handful of Froot Loops in his mouth.
"There's something missing." He said with his mouth full.
"I was waiting for Eddie to get home to put the star on top since I couldn't reach." You replied with a frown. "Maybe later I can get the step-stool out and you can put it on, Short-Stack."
"Screw you," he sneered. "I don't see anyone else offering to take you out to lunch on your birthday."
"You're absolutely right, kiddo." You laughed. "Let's go."
Dustin was able to keep your mind off Eddie for most of the day. He had taken you to the brand new Surfer Boy Pizza that had just opened up near the new mall in Hawkins before you both met up with Mike and El for a movie. Once Nancy had gotten off from work, she and Jonathan joined the four of you for dinner at Antonio's. She had asked about Steve and Robin, but Dustin made an excuse for the two of them. Truth be told, you had no clue where they were other than what Dustin told you, "they were otherwise engaged, but wished they were able to make it." The whole thing was odd, but you were just happy to not be alone on your birthday.
Jonathan had the idea to check out Christmas lights in Loch Nora as the sun began to set. You stopped at a gas station for some cheap hot chocolate which probably wasn't the best idea after the fact. Once you had driven through the entire neighborhood and the one over, you mentioned making your way home, but Dustin and Mike had other ideas.
"Why don't we all come over and play a game or something?" Dustin mentioned, inviting the entire party over to your house.
"Dustin, it's getting late, I don't think we have time for a D&D campaign tonight." You replied with a yawn.
"Come on, Y/N." Mike urged. "We're having such a great time, don't you want to end it on a high note?"
At this point you realized that something was up, you could not accept the fact that your jerky friends really just didn't want you to spend any part of your birthday alone, despite what they said.
"What the hell, sure!" You replied, throwing your hands up in defeat.
Dustin decided to take the long way home through another neighborhood because El mentioned that she would like to see more Christmas lights. Jonathan and Nancy followed closely behind in their own car as Dustin made his way through not one, not two, but three additional neighborhoods to see the lights.
When he finally pulled up to the curb outside of your house, you were exhausted. Keeping up with a bunch of teenagers took the life right out of you.
"I don't know how much fun I'm going to be," you mentioned as you unlocked the deadbolt. "But you're all welcome to stay for as long as you-"
The lights flickered on to reveal Robin, Steve, Lucas, Max, Erica, and Will with balloons and party hats and a cake that had way, too many candles on it.
"Before anything else happens," Robin stated. "Please blow out these candles so that they are no longer a fire hazard!"
You were utterly speechless as Steve ushered you over to the cake. "Make a wish!" He said softly as he put his arm around you.
You closed your eyes and made your wish.
And even though you knew that it was impossible, you still wished that Eddie could have been there.
"Happy Birthday!" Max yelled when you opened your eyes.
"How did you guys even get in here?" You said as you wrapped her up in a hug.
"I picked the lock, obviously." She shrugged as you moved to hug Lucas and Erica.
"She did not pick the lock," Steve added. "Because that would be breaking and entering and that's illegal, even if it would have been for a good cause." Max rolled her eyes and went to refill her cup.
"Where have you two been?" You asked Steve and Robin.
"We had to go pick up your gift!" Robin replied, hopping up on your counter and sticking her finger in the cake frosting.
"My gift?" You asked. "You didn't have to get me anything, your company is enough."
"Oh, we know." She replied with a sly smile. "This gift kind of forced our hand."
You looked at Steve for answers but he was looking over your shoulder. Your heart was hammering against your chest as you turned slowly to see Eddie standing in the middle of your living room with a silver bow sitting atop his head.
"How?" You gasped and before he could say anything, you leaped for him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his middle.
"Hi," was all that he was able to say in between the hundred kisses that you placed upon his lips. "I missed you, too."
"You said that you weren't going to be able to make it!" You exclaimed. "You had a show tonight!"
"We were able to postpone it," he replied. "Another band took our place and we're going to honor the tickets on another date." He took your chin in between his index finger and thumb and made you look at him. "I made a promise to you, and even though I have to be at the airport at 6:00 AM tomorrow, I couldn't miss your birthday."
"I love you so much." You told him.
"I love you, too." He replied as he sealed a kiss to your lips.
One by one, your friends filtered out of your home. You thanked each and every one of them for the best birthday that you could have ever asked for and made plans for them to come over on Christmas Eve for dinner and presents.
"You planned this didn't you?" You asked Dustin as you stood at the front door with him. "You knew the whole time." He only shrugged before winking terribly. You pulled him in for a hug and raked your knuckles over his scalp before letting him go. "See ya later, Shorty."
He stepped out onto the front porch and turned back to give you the middle finger. "Happy birthday, Asshole."
You closed the door behind him and locked the deadbolt, turning to see Eddie standing at the Christmas tree. You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his middle, your head resting on his back. If you could just stay in this moment forever, and live in this happiness that you felt, you would. You would never let him go if you didn't have to.
"Babe, where's the star?" He asked curiously, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I couldn't reach it," you replied. "And it didn't feel right to finish without you."
He turned around to face you with your arms still wrapped around him. "You are so cute, you know?" He asked as he removed your arms from him and placed a kiss on the top of your head.
Eddie bent down to the box of Christmas decorations still sitting next to the tree and pulled out the star. He stuck it on top of the tree and plugged it into the outlet and suddenly the living room was filled with a beautiful yellow glow.
"Wait a minute," Eddie said, bending back down to the box of decorations. "You didn't want to put this ornament on the tree? But it's my favorite one!"
"Hm?" You turned to him to see Eddie on one knee with a dainty, diamond ring in his hands. "Oh," the breath was taken right out of your lungs. "Eddie-"
"Y/N," He began. "I wasn't planning on doing this until I got home from the tour, but I couldn't wait. When I said that there is nothing more important to me than you, I meant it. Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"
"I was already planning on it." You replied excitedly, meeting his lips with yours.
Eddie slipped the ring over your finger and laced his fingers with yours. "Happy birthday, Y/N. I love you."
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duskspring · 10 months
Gifts - Dew/Everyone
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Domestic December - Day 10
Summary: Dew gets the pack gifts for the season
Content (do let me know if I forgot anything!): Slightly anxious Dew, fluff, some quick kisses, talk of gender exploration and euphoria in relation to Rain
Word count: ~3.5k
A/N: Some parts of this fic are inspired by some headcanons I've posted before [My Main Masterlist]
The night was loud and unholy. The entire ghoul pack had gathered in their common room, celebrating the end of year festivities. Movies had been watched, board games played and so, so much alcohol consumed. It had, by all accounts, been a great night. But not for Dewdrop.
Yes, he’d been having a lot of fun, but there was a part of him distracted. He’d had an edge of anxiety all night, waiting for the right moment to resolve it. He knew he couldn’t wait much longer, since the night was starting to reach its natural conclusion in those wee hours of the morning.
He sat on a chair on the side of the room, leg bouncing. Two strong arms suddenly came down to lean on his shoulders from behind. He’d recognize those arms anywhere.
“What’s the matter, Droplet?” Swiss asked, “You’ve been a nervous wreck all night.” 
“I’m not.” Dew argued unconvinsingly, before sighing. He knew he needed to just get it over with.
He stood up without another word, moving to his room. Swiss immediately followed him in concern.
“Hey, I’m sorry, man. I didn’t mean-”
“Nothing’s wrong, Swiss. I just need to grab something,” He stopped his stride, turning to Swiss with an almost pleading look in his eyes, “Please just wait here for a second.”
The multi ghoul was confused, but didn’t want to overstep. He subtly nodded a few times, “Alright.” He took a step backwards, his eyes staying on Dew, before turning back to the rest of the pack.
On shaky legs, Dew quickly made his way to his room. He had two plastic shopping bags waiting there for him, as well as a little separate package on his desk and another item off to the side for later. He put the separate one in his pocket before picking up the bags and marching back. He couldn’t stop now. If he just kept walking and got this over with, it'd be done. It wasn’t a big deal. Worst case scenario, the thought was still there, right?
“Ooh, whatcha got there?” Aurora asked the second he walked in. All eyes turned to him and he froze.
Just get it over with.
“Find out for yourself.” He said dismissively, putting the bags down and plopping himself down on the couch.
Aurora immediately crawled towards the bags. Half of the pack came a little closer as well, while the other half sat back, though still curious and anticipating.
Aurora dug through the first bag, grabbing the first thing she could get her claws on. She examined the wrapped package, soon spotting the name ‘Mountain’ written in Dew’s messy handwriting.
“Mounty, it’s for you.” She announced, throwing it over her shoulder without looking away from the bag.
Cirrus luckily caught it, passing it to Mountain. He looked at Dew in pleasant surprise, looking at the little flat square in his palm. The wrapping was messy, even on such a small present.
“Can I open it?” He asked dew.
“It’s your life. Do what you want.” The fire ghoul’s anxiety was getting worse, making him act dismissive as if it would distance him from the gifts.
He delicately unwrapped the package, without tearing the dotted paper. The first thing he was met with was an empty rectangle of cardboard. He turned it around, causing dew, who was paying very close attention, to bring his legs up against his chest.
Mountain looked over the cardboard a second, then third time, wanting to make sure he was reading it all correctly. There was a bit of text on there, next to a shitty doodle of a flower and what he could only assume was supposed to be Dew, all made with black permanent marker. The words were hard to make out.
“Exchangeable for one… at- attemoon?”
“For one afternoon of help in the garden.” Dew quickly mumbled in explanation.
Mountain looked up in surprise, “You hate the garden.” He noted.
“Well, if you don’t like it you could just say so!” The fire ghoul said defensively, his anxiety reaching its peak.
Mountain’s expression softened, “Dew… Thank you.” He got up, awkwardly bending over to wrap his arms around his packmate.
Dew was shaking like crazy, ready to cry at the positive reaction.
Meanwhile, Aurora had thrown a few more packages over her shoulder. Rain, Aether and Cirrus all got theirs. The little multi ghoulette huffed as she reached the bottom of the first bag, quickly moving onto the next. After throwing something to Phantom, she finally reached her own. She squealed in excitement, forgetting the few people that still hadn’t gotten their own and immediately violently unwrapping hers.
She found herself holding a small ziplock baggie. She saw Sunshine’s face, photoshopped onto a sun through it, quickly opening it up to investigate. It quickly became obvious that she was holding a little pile of different kinds of stickers. Apart from the Sunshine one, there were stickers based on everyone in the pack, all shitilly photoshopped in some relation from their element or name. There were stickers further referencing inside jokes, as well as some logos from Aurora’s favorite bands.
“Dewy, these are awesome!” She giggled, happily shaking her hands.
Cumulus came closer to her to look at the stickers, giggling at them herself, “Did you make these yourself?” She asked him.
Mountain pulled away so Dew could answer. He did so with a nod, “Aurora likes stickers. Easy.” Coming up with and putting together all the designs had actually been a nightmare, but he would never admit to that. He had zero regret, seeing Aurora’s reaction.
Based on the ghoulette’s excitement, everyone quickly dug into their own gifts. Cumulus handed out the few that hadn’t reached their reciprocate yet, including her own.
Phantom’s gift has a funny texture, only upping his curiosity. He rushed to unpack his, gasping and stuttering in excitement when he saw what it was. He could barely hold on to it with how much his hands shook.
“Whatcha got there, buddy?” Swiss asked, smiling at Phantom’s excitement.
Dew let out a sigh of relief. He’d been perhaps most nervous about Phantom’s gift, thinking it wasn’t good enough. Too lame or cheap, not personal enough. Seeing the quintessence ghoul’s eyes light up forced every last bit of anxiety to leave him.
The gift had indeed been simple, a little bat shaped fidget toy. You could spin its head around in circles, pull its wings back and forth and squish its little feet. Phantom immediately went to town on it, unresponsive to most outside stimuli.
Cumulus went next. Unwrapping her gift gracefully, much like Mountain had done. Her heart swelled as her hands grasped a book. Not just any book, but a photo album.
“Dew…” She said his name in adoration, flipping through the pages. Most pictures had been made by her. They were all labelled with a date and the place or situation in which they were taken. It was separated into three chapters: tour, home and Cumulus. The first chapter included photos from the stage, backstage and the tourbus. The second showed all the various shenanigans the pack experienced at the abbey. But it was the third that was most meaningful to Cumulus. She didn’t have a lot of pictures of herself, always being the one to take them of others. But Dew had somehow gathered just about every good picture ever taken of her, even some she had never seen before.
Cumulus quickly pushed the book into Cirrus’s hands, afraid she’d cry all over it. She sniffled, still seated on the ground. She made grabby hands to Dew, beckoning him over into her arms. The two entered a crushing hug while the book was passed around to everyone in the room, laughing and reminiscing.
“You fuckhead, really?!” Sunshine yelled in good spirit at Dew, holding up the book on a page containing a very unflattering picture of her napping on the tour bus. Drool leaked out the corner of her mouth, Swiss and Phantom posing next to her, pointing at the lewd drawings they’d made on her cheeks.
“It’s a good picture.” Dew argued with a smile, earning him a pillow to the face.
Sunshine rushed over in his disorientation, straddling his chest and miming punching him in the face a few times. They both laughed, Sunshine getting off of him again.
“Didn’t even get me a gift.” She mumbled, although her smile faltered a little. She’d been one of only two who didn’t have a gift in the bag. She was confused and hurt, but didn’t want to make a scene and risk ruining it for everyone else.
Dew looked at her face, silently reaching into his pocket and sliding her the little gift he’d kept separately in his pocket with a wink.
Sunshine immediately thought she knew what it might be, covering the package with her hand so no one could see. When everyone seemed distracted, she moved her legs up and unwrapped the gift behind them without looking down. She examined it with her hands, having a hard time not reacting. Quickly she let her eyes drift down, nearly screaming when she saw the lighter in her hands.
All the lighters she used to own had been confiscated for… reasons. And she technically wasn’t allowed to get any new ones.
She turned to Dew with a devious smirk, making him regret the gift almost instantly. But when she shuffled over and put her arm around his shoulders and rested her head against it, he knew it’d been a good call. He felt a lot calmer already, excited to witness the rest unpacking.
Cirrus went next. She tried opening it carefully, before just tearing it apart when it was taking too long. Her gift was one of the few in a proper cardboard box, also being the biggest. It carried the name of a clothing brand she was vaguely aware of.
She looked at Dew with squinted eyes. Curious, suspicious.
She opened it up to indeed be met with a sleek deep blue fabric. She picked and held it up, realizing there was another part of the same color in the box as well.
No way.
“Dew.” She stressed his name, putting her arms down again.
“Yes, dear?” He asked with a grin.
“Dew.” She looked again. It was unmistakable. He’d gotten her a suit. A full, fancy, proper suit, “I complained about not having a suit last week, how did you-”
“Guess I just know you really well.” His dismissive attitude came back with a shrug, not mentioning the fact that he’d run around town in a blind panic trying to get it on time during the busy season.
“I…” She struggled to find the words to express her gratitude.
“Well, don’t just stand there. Put it on!” Sunshine hyped her up.
Cirrus’ eyes lit up, throwing the jacket back down in the box and rushing out the room with it all.
“Alright, alright, now I’m done waiting,” Swiss said, looking straight at Dew, “I assume you haven’t forgotten about me.” There hadn’t been a gift for him in the bags either, but he knew better than to assume Dew didn’t get him anything.
The fire ghoul nodded, “One second.” And left the room.
His feet produced quick taps through the hallway, even though he was wearing socks. He hadn’t been able to bring Swiss’ gift in earlier, since it couldn’t really be wrapped.
“Dewdrop,” Right as he was about to pick it up, Cirrus’ voice came from behind him. He turned to the doorway, greeted by the sight of Cirrus in her brand new, impeccably sharp suit.
“I’m so glad it fits.” Was the first thing he said.
The ghoulette took quick strides towards him, hugging his head into her chest. She could be quite reserved sometimes, so she was glad to have caught Dew on his own.
“It looks great. Thank you so much. I love it.” Her voice shook a little with the sincerity it carried.
Dew stood semi awkwardly when she pulled back, “Phew,” He said stoically, though he did mean it and she knew that, “Guess you should show it to the rest then. I’ll be right behind.”
Cirrus nodded enthusiastically, skipping her way back to the rest of the pack.
Dew let out another relieved breath when she was out of sight. He really didn’t know why he'd been so scared to begin with. He knew his packmates well.
He could hear the excited oh’s and ah’s from the common room and knew he shouldn’t keep Swiss waiting too much longer. He waited another half a minute so Cirrus could have her moment, before picking up the gift and making his own way back.
“You did not!” Since Swiss’ gift wasn’t wrapped he could see clear as day what it was right off the bat.
“Maybe I did. Why don’t you have some fun with it?” Dew teased, holding out a very distinct guitar. At least it was distinct to Swiss.
He would recognize that damn thing anywhere. It was the first guitar he’d ever learned to play on, never allowed to take it on tour. When he returned from his first set of shows he was told he wouldn’t need the old model anymore, since it was best for him to get used to what he always used on stage. He’d never seen it again after that and a sentimental part of him had always missed it. But it was undeniable. This was the exact guitar.
The multi ghoul had never stood up so fast, making his way to Dew and practically yanking the instrument from his hands.
He inspected it, as if there was any doubt it was the right one.
“Hey, I know that! I learned to play with that thing.” Phantom mentioned.
“And it’s good that you did,” Dew interjected, “cause that’s how I figured out where they stored it. Don’t tell anyone.” The last sentence was said very quickly, giving Swiss a serious look that revealed that Dew did, in fact, steal the guitar.
Swiss looked at him with the same adoration he’d been shown earlier, but even more intense, “I cannot thank you enough.” The multi ghoul’s voice was low, soft. He’d never meant something this much in this life.
It almost caught Dew off guard, only able to nod and smile in response.
While Swiss excitedly moved to play a song, Aether had made his way to Dew’s side and led him back to one of the couches with a hand on his shoulder. Their legs touched when they sat down, making Dew move his head to Aether’s shoulder like Sunshine had done with him before.
“Should I be scared?” The quintessence ghoul asked half-jokingly, holding up the little box his gift resided in.
Dew shrugged, “Depends.”
“Depends on what?”
“Do you trust me?” Aether exhaled a laugh. Dew knew damn well he trusted him, he just wanted to hear him say it. He played this game a lot.
“Well, alright, alright. I trust you. Let’s see.” He removed the wrapping paper, not afraid to tear it but also not doing so in an aggressive manner.
He thought his eyes would bulge out of his skull with how wide they opened. Whatever he’d been expecting was nothing like this.
The little black ring box felt smooth in his hands, “I didn’t know you were so into human customs.” Aether smirked at Dew. The fire ghoul looked a little confused, until his friend clarified, “Are you asking me to marry you?” He already knew the answer was no, but it was fun to tease.
Dew scoffed, but couldn’t hide his smile, “You wish.”
Aether finally opened the box. The ring was a silver band, with dark purple waves decorating it all around.
“Saw it at a store, back in Cincinnati. It reminded me of quintessence, so I thought-”
The fire ghoul was cut off with a quick kiss on his lips. Aether’s face was so full of adoration, it made them both feel crazy.
“Four months,” Aether realized, “You’ve been sitting on this, and managed to keep it a secret, for four months.”
“I take it you like it.” Dew looked away from Aether’s face for a moment, a little bit of insecurity still lingering.
Aether forced him to look back with a hand on his chin, “It is perfect,” He kissed him again, “I just wish I got you something in return.”
“Please, don’t worry about it.” He nearly begged. Giving gifts had already been a struggle, let alone receiving them.
Aether dropped down, his head resting in Dew’s lap. He smiled up at him, fitting the ring onto his finger.
That left only one. Rain had waited with his gift, wanting to properly see everyone else’s reaction before getting caught up himself.
His was only a little smaller than Cirrus’ had been. He didn’t want to expect anything, afraid of being disappointed if he did. But he had a hunch. He tried not to focus on it, yet he couldn’t help a part of him hoping he was correct.
“Open it up already, I’m tired!” Aurora encouraged him, getting a poke in the ribs from Cirrus.
Rain took a breath, telling himself he'd be thankful either way. Because he would be. His heart swelled at the events of the evening, how much thought Dew had put into each and every single gift, finding things he knew everyone would like. And Dew knew him very well, right? Yes, he did, but Rain still scolded himself for his hope and expectation.
A strip of the wrapping paper tore away slowly, revealing the cardboard box underneath. Rain let out a shaky breath, forcing the rest of it out of the way.
Swiss jokingly started drum rolling with his hands on his legs, the rest of the room slowly joining in. It only made Rain take more time. He felt exposed with all eyes on him. What if he had an unfavorable reaction?
There truly only was one way to find out. He opened the box. His tense muscles relaxed in an instant. He knew exactly what it was. And god dammit he had guessed correctly.
Dew had not been anxious in the slightest about Rain’s gift, already knowing he’d love it. Although he hadn’t counted on Rain doubling over his gift, tears streaming down his face with a quiet sob.
The rest of the room couldn’t see the gift, some stares and raised eyebrows making their way towards Dew. But his face was confident, a small smile reassuring everyone that Rain’s reaction must be of joy.
The fire ghoul got up, knowing Rain would want to hug or kiss or fuck him on the spot. The second his ass touched the couch, Rain clung onto him, his cries somehow managing to sound overjoyed indeed.
The gift may not have seemed like a lot to most people. It was a blue ankle length dress with glitters on the top part and flowers embroidered on the skirt.
But it meant the world to Rain. He’d been wearing skirts more often, mostly in the privacy of his own room. It wasn’t that he feared judgement, he knew the other ghouls, as well as the siblings, would never look at him differently for it. But he just wanted to explore and experiment a bit at his own pace. Dew was the only person he’d discussed this with in detail, having shown him this exact dress. He’d been wanting to get it really bad for a while but always felt like something was holding him back.
Not anymore.
“No pressure,” Dew whispered into Rain’s hair, “but I’d love to see you in it some time.”
The water ghoul looked up, quickly wiping the tears off his face. He smiled, hurriedly getting up and running out with the box like Cirrus had done before.
“What was it? What was it?” Phantom quickly asked.
“Give him just a minute and you’ll see.” Dew responded.
Indeed a minute later, Rain shyly stepped back into the room. There was definite excitement for everyone, some showing it more strongly than others.
“Give us a twirl!” Cumulus encouraged, causing Rain to do just that.
He felt majestic in it. A fairytale princess come to life straight out of a storybook. It was euphoric, “How did you know my size?” He asked Dew.
“I don’t know if you realize, but I’m pretty familiar with your body.” He explained.
Rain smiled wider, walking up to Dew and picking him up right off of the couch. He twirled around again, with him in his arms this time.
“Thank you so much. This really means the world.”
“Everyone say ‘thank you, Dew’.” Aether said.
A big chorus of thank you’s sounded through the common room. Phantom came up to Dew, still suspended in Rain’s arms, and joined their hug. Soon enough it was a group hug with the whole pack.
Dew had already stopped worrying, but the reinforcement of everyone’s gratitude made him feel even sillier for ever worrying in the first place. He loved his fellow ghouls and they clearly loved him back.
[My Main Masterlist | Domestic December Masterlist]
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kindred-spirit-93 · 23 days
life update! and other things
hello everyone :D
im going on hiatus till i am freed of my (mental) burdens and attain inner peace after a feature film length journey of solitude and soul searching complete with several plot twists and a training montage.
goodnight x
hello again :)
i am indeed going on a hiatus for the duration of september to study for 2 major exams i have that will determine the trajectory of my career forever. such fun!
also as soon as i finish said exams ill be starting third year nearly right after so thats another quasi hiatus. ill pop by every now and again because this place is my blanket fort and i love the friends i made on here dearly (ive adopted some of u lol) so yeah ^-^
in other news, today i went on a lil date with my platonic soulmate and we did things. enjoy:
i told her very briefly all about my greek mythology hyperfixation and watched the light leave her eyes as i explained how exactly zeus was a 'family man' lmao
we passed a back to school themed stall thing right as she was telling me how she was trying out & obsessing over drawing with charcoal. we went for a look (famous last words):
friend: ok so this many pencils for this much. count with me me: *blue screen of death* ...this means? friend: this means im buying it >:) ... me: *still processing* friend: the girl math is girl mathing me: XD
(for reference shes an engineering student and im a med student. i do not do the calculations in this relationship lol)
anyway yes thats all from me. have a good morning/afternoon/ evening/ rest of your lives and ill be seeing you whenever x
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whoslaurapalmer · 22 days
holy fuck. the otgw cardigan shipped THIS IS NOT A DRILL
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rainbowwing251 · 9 months
The Other Chris (Wild Kratts Tickle Fic)
A/N: I can’t. Believe. I’m doing this.
Seriously, I can’t believe I’m doing this. I should not be doing this, but I’m doing it anyway.
So uh… yeah, this is… a thing! It’s a tickle fic for the PBS Kids series Wild Kratts!
I know I said I didn’t want to make tickle content for the show, but truth be told… I really wanted to for… almost as long as I’ve been into the show. The only reason why I decided against it was because I was afraid. Afraid of how the Wild Kratts fandom would see me for making this kind of content. Afraid that the tickling community wouldn’t care about tickle content for this show. Afraid that somehow, someway, the Kratt Brothers themselves would find my content.
But recently, two out of my three fears have been proven false. It turns out that there IS a tickling community for Wild Kratts and that the tickling community as a whole does enjoy the limited amount of tickle content there is for it. I’m still concerned about whether or not the brothers themselves will find it, but I guess I shouldn’t worry about that for now…
This is a long author’s note, and I apologize for that, but before I get onto this fic, I would like to mention that this fic is a collab! This is a collab between myself and @kittyfluffies on Tumblr, whom I may have accidentally dragged into the Wild Kratts fandom with me… oops.
Well, let’s see how this goes! Real quick, this fic takes place shortly after the events of the episode “The Other Martins”!
P.S. Interpret this as Krattcest and I’ll get the sniper rifle. That shit is DISGUSTING.
Today was a horrible day to be Chris Kratt.
Everything that could go wrong today did go wrong, except for the appearance of one or more of the villains. But would that have been any worse than falling into a pile of rotten apples, nearly being dive bombed by a Purple Martin (multiple times in fact), finding an American Pine Marten, having an American Red Squirrel steal your Creature Power Suit, getting tickled by said squirrel and your brother at the same time, and falling into a body of water, in that order, all on the same day? All while your brother teases you relentlessly the whole time? Chris would argue that this is worse than anything the villains could throw at him and the rest of the Tortuga crew.
He tried to combat his bad luck by calling it a day early to try and think of animals that shared his name, but there was one problem with this plan: he can’t think of a single animal that has “Chris” in its name. Not a single one.
“Come on, there’s gotta be one animal out there with the name Chris that isn’t me…! There has to be…!” he thought as he laid in a bed in the basement of the Tortuga. He had intended to lie in one of the hammocks that was in the central room of the ship, but remembered that none of those were his. They belonged, from top to bottom, to Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy Z, and as much as he would have liked to be in a hammock right now, he didn’t want to risk being scolded for taking a hammock that wasn’t his. That, and he was already feeling irritated by the events of the day and didn’t want to be angered any further, so he chose to isolate himself to try and calm down.
This worked for some time, but eventually, the peace was disturbed by the appearance of someone else.
The moment he heard those footsteps, he knew who it was. And he groaned.
“Oh no…” He should have known that there was no way he would be able to go the rest of the day without seeing the one who was responsible for half of the troubles he faced today, and yet somehow, he thought he would be left alone.
The door to the basement opened, and in came the reason he was even lying here in the first place: his older, mischievous, and sometimes annoying brother, Martin Kratt.
“Hey bro!” he greeted before noticing the look on Chris’s face. He’s seen him direct that face at the villains and sometimes him a couple of times, but something about that expression in this moment seemed… off.
“What? Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“After everything you put me through today? No, absolutely not.”
That upsetted Martin a little bit, but he did understand why he’d feel that way. It didn’t stop him from teasing him a little bit more, however.
“Awww, come on, Chris! You got to see animals that share a name with your bro! Does that not make you happy? Not even a little bit?” he teased, putting his hand on his shoulder and leaning towards his face.
Chris rolled his eyes at his brother’s actions, “Remember when I said that purple martins didn’t annoy me anymore, but this one-” Chris put a finger on Martin’s chest, “-not so much? I meant it.”
“Awww, you’re no fun, bro. I was just messing with you! I wanted you to enjoy The Day of the Martins!”
“Your teasing didn’t help me get my Creature Power Suit back from that red squirrel.”
“But I still got it back!”
Chris sighed and poked his brother again, “You don’t get it, do you?” He was about to lecture his older brother before he heard what sounded like a mix of a giggle and a squeak, “You’re still laughing at my luck, aren’t you?”
“N-no, just watch where you’re poking me!” Martin explained, grabbing Chris’s wrist and pulling it away from him. Chris looked down to see where he had poked him, thinking he had poked him in the chest again, only to realize that he had accidentally poked his brother in the stomach.
Suddenly, he got an idea. An idea on how he could get back at his brother for his merciless teasing.
If he couldn’t think of any animals with Chris in their name, then he’ll have to invent one. One that can give him the power to take revenge on his brother.
“...Chris?” Martin’s concerned voice pulled him out of his thoughts, “You alright?”
A malicious grin formed on Chris’s face, “Chris isn’t here right now.”
Martin raised a brow at his younger brother’s statement, “Huh? What are you talking about, bro? You’re right here! What do you mean you aren’t-”
“Chris. Isn’t. Here. Right now.” The green brother grabbed Martin by his wrists and swiftly pinned him down onto the bed. “Only his alter-ego~”
Upon hearing that teasy tone in his voice, Martin immediately knew what was about to happen. “C-Chris? Can we talk about this…?!”
Chris let out a sinister-sounding chuckle, “I already told you, Chris isn’t here~ Only…” he brought his hands into Martin’s vision and wiggled his fingers.
“W-wait, nohoho! Don’t-!”
“The TICKLE MONSTER!” The younger brother drilled a finger into the other’s armpits, “But right now, you can call me the ‘Other Chris’~”
To Chris’s slight shock, Martin had already burst into a fit of giggles with a few laughs mixed in for good measure.
“Nohohohoho, Chrihihihihs! W-We can tahahahalk about thihihis!”
“Laughing already? And from a single finger in the armpits, no less~? This will be easy~”
The blue brother was already squirming under the ticklish touch, trying and failing to throw Chris off of him.
“Trying to throw me off, are we~? I think that warrants a punishment, wouldn’t you agree~?” Chris ignored the unintentional rhyme and snuck a second wiggling finger into Martin’s armpits, causing his giggles to rise in volume and his squirming to become a little more violent.
“C-Chrihihis nohohohoho! That t-tihihihihihickles!” Martin cried out, his arms coming down in an attempt to protect his armpits, but unfortunately for him, that only served to trap his brother’s fingers in there.
“I told you, I’m not Chris! I am the Other Chris!” The “Other Chris” protested as he broke through the blue Kratt’s defenses to slip a third finger under his arms.
“Chrihihihihis, I knohohohow you’re in thehehehehre!”
“Nope, Chris is nowhere to be found right now, but I promise, he’ll come back once I give him what he wants~”
“Whahahahahahat? What d-dohohohoes he wahahahant?”
Chris gave him the most evil smirk he could muster. “Revenge~” With that, he skipped the fourth step and slipped the last two fingers under Martin’s arms. With all ten fingers tickling him, Martin went from squirming to thrashing uncontrollably, nearly throwing Chris off of him a few times. He’d also started kicking his legs, desperately trying to distract himself from the tingly sensation under his arms.
“NOHOHOHOHO, BROHOHOHOHOHO! C-CUT IT OHOHOHOHOUT!” Martin seemed to nearly scream out as he kept kicking and thrashing for a few more seconds, only stopping when he felt a hand on his ankle.
“Are you trying to kick me~? How rude~!” Chris teased. He was about to stick a hand back under his brother’s arm before he was hit with another idea. Martin, who had squeezed his eyes shut during his laughing fit, opened them and giggled in anticipation. “C-Chrihihihihs?”
The evil grin his brother had on his face nearly made him burst into laughter again.
“You know, Martin… I’m pretty sure it’s not a good idea to kick another person, and yet you tried to kick me anyway. I think it’s time for me to switch spots and teach you another lesson~” 
“Whahahahat?” Martin questioned through his giggles before he felt his shoelaces coming undone. “Whahahaha- hehehehehey! Don’t remove my shoes, plehehehehehese! Chrihihihihis!”
“It’s too late to beg for mercy now, Martin~” Chris slowly pulled both shoes off before slipping a finger into the blue brother’s socks.
“Nononononono dohohohohohon’t! Dohohohon’t do ihihihihit!”
“Do what~?” Chris asked him, pulling one sock off of his foot, “Take your shoes and socks off? Well too bad, I will not stop until you apologize to me… and to Chris~”
“But yohohohou are Chrihihih- NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!” Martin burst into laughter upon feeling a hand on his bare left foot.
“Laughing already~? This will be easy~” With that, Chris dug in, scribbling his fingers all over the other’s feet. Martin absolutely lost it in response.
“Begging for mercy again are we~? I don’t remember you giving Chris mercy when he told you to stop, so why should I~?” Chris ribbed, leaning in closer to Martin’s face in an attempt to make the teasing worse for his older brother. Needless to say, it worked like a charm.
“And why should I do that~?” the younger brother asked, focusing the tickling on Martin’s arches, a spot he knew was unbearably sensitive to any kind of touch, “Does it tickle more when I tease you~? Does it make you lose all of your strength so you can’t fight back~? Tell me, Martin, does teasing make you weak to tickles~? Even more so than you already are~?” 
Martin’s only response was to throw his head back in uncontrollable laughter before immediately rushing to cover his face with a pillow to muffle himself.
“That was not a response, but I’ll take it anyway~” Chris reacted with a giggle, far too amused by how much his brother was laughing.  “Besides, now that you’re covering your face, you won’t be able to see what I’m doing~”
To prove his point, the younger Kratt suddenly switched from scribbling Martin’s arches to scratching under his toes. Just as he predicted, Martin’s laughter increased in both pitch and volume, though it was muffled a little by the pillow.
“CRIHIHIHIHS NOHOHO-MMMPH!” The older Kratt had lifted the pillow a little to plead for Chris to have mercy on him, but he had to cut himself off by pulling the pillow back over his face because he was afraid his laughter would alert someone upstairs.
“You brought this on yourself, Martin~ All you had to do was get Chris’s vest back without tickling him, but nope, you couldn’t resist~”
Chris looked down to return his focus to Martin’s feet when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bright green disc in one of Martin’s shoes. For the third time that day, he was hit with an evil idea. He slowed the tickling under Martin’s toes to a stop and waited for him to catch his breath.
“Hey Martin~”
“A-are you fihihihinally going to have mercy on mehehehe…?” Martin let out his after-giggles and slowly lifted the pillow off of his face. Chris grinned a little at seeing the bright pink blush on his brother’s face, a clear indication that this was a job well done so far. He nearly laughed when he saw his eyes widen in horror.
Chris let out the most malicious laugh he could muster. “The Pine Marten Power Disc~” He then leaned in towards Martin again. “I think you know what I’m going to do with this, but first, I need to find a pine marten~”
The other Martin tried to snatch the Power Disc out of his brother’s hands, but Chris just dodged each attempt effortlessly.
“Now… how am I going to keep you from escaping…?” Chris pondered, realizing that he had not considered the possibility of using an animal’s Creature Powers to tickle Martin. At that moment, both brothers heard the door to the basement open.
“What’s going on down here? I thought I heard someone laughing…” Aviva walked into the room and spotted the brothers. Martin’s blush deepened into a dark shade of red while Chris’s face turned a bright pink, just like his brother’s face was a few seconds ago. The blush quickly faded from the green brother’s face when he realized that the answer to his question had just caught them in the act.
“Aviva, keep him pinned down for me, will you?”
“Huh…?” Aviva was very confused, but upon seeing the tears of mirth in the corners of Martin’s eyes combined with the blush and residual giggles, she quickly caught on to what was going on, “Ohhh, I see~ Sure thing, Chris~”
“I’m not Chris, I’m the Other Chris!”
Aviva couldn’t help but roll her eyes at that, “Whatever you say, ‘Other Chris’~”
Chris elected to ignore the sudden embarrassment that welled up within him upon hearing Aviva’s teasing words and walked out of the basement to go find his “partner” in crime. As soon as he left, Aviva turned to face the flustered mess of a Kratt brother on the bed.
“Hehehehey Avivahahaha…!”
She couldn’t help but giggle at him, “Chris got you good, didn’t he~?”
“Yeahahaha, and he’s not even dohohohne yet!” Martin answered as the remaining after giggles slowly subsided. “You’ll get me out of here, rihihight…?”
“Hmm…” The inventor pretended to ponder his question before she pinned him down, just as Chris asked her to, “Nope~ Don’t want to get on Chris’s- sorry, ‘Other Chris’s’- bad side~”
Martin’s giggles quickly returned as he realized there was no hope of escape, “Nohohohoho! I mehehehehehean, I geheheht it, but nohohohoho!”
“No what, Martin~? Do you want me to get on your brother’s bad side~? On ‘Other Chris’s’ bad side~? After everything he did to you~?” Aviva smirked at the blue Kratt’s sudden laughing fit, “No way~! If you can’t handle his tickle skills, how do you expect me to handle them~?”
Before Martin could respond (if he would’ve been able to answer at all given how hard he was laughing), both he and Aviva heard the sound of a Creature Power Suit being activated upstairs, followed by the sound of quiet footsteps approaching the door to the basement.
Aviva couldn’t help but let out an evil chuckle as she saw her pinned victim’s eyes widen in horror, “Looks like your time is running out, Martin~”
The whole time Aviva was teasing his brother, Chris had entered the main room of the Tortuga to find a pine marten. As soon as the door opened and he stepped inside, he finally allowed himself to break character.
“Phew… keeping up a fake persona is tiring… but oh is it worth it~” Chris thought to himself, “Let’s see… is there a pine marten in here…?”
Chris looked around the room and noticed that two certain crew members were nowhere to be found. “Koki and Jimmy aren’t here…? That’s a little odd…”
Before he could further question their whereabouts, his eyes landed on a pine marten that was sitting in Aviva’s desk chair. Chris grinned, “But right now, I need the help of my ‘partner’ in crime~”
He made sure to carefully approach the pine marten so as not to scare it away before he put on his Creature Power Suit and took Martin’s Pine Marten Power Disc out of his left pocket.
“Hey there! Li’l Marty, was it?” Chris asked the little creature as it turned to look at him, “Well I’ll need your help to get revenge on Big Marty~”
He put his gloves on. He was finally ready to enact the last part of his plan.
“Insert Pine Marten Power Disc!”
He put one gloved finger on the pine marten.
“Touch pine marten!”
He pressed the central button on his vest, and…
“Activate pine marten powers!"
The suit activated, and within seconds, he had become a pine marten.
“Haha, I finally got the chance to use pine marten powers! But I’ll have to test out the pine marten’s hunting tricks some other time. I have a more important prey to devour downstairs~”
Chris ran out the door and down the steps to the basement.
He made it to the bottom of the stairs, but waited a moment before entering the basement to listen to the pure terror that found its way into Martin’s laughter.
“Did he hear me activate my Creature Power Suit?” Chris wondered before smirking, “Good.”
He finally entered the room to see Aviva holding down a hysterical Martin, but while they did hear the sound of the door opening and looked to see if he was there, they failed to look down towards the floor, where he actually was.
“Look down here~”
Aviva looked down and giggled upon both seeing him and hearing Martin shriek out a “AVIHIHIHIVA, LET ME GOHOHOHOHO!” She just ignored him and greeted Chris.
“There you are Ch- Other Chris!” she corrected herself.
“You see what my plan is now, Aviva~?”
“Sure do~ Want me to stay here, or do you want me to leave you to it?”
Chris tried to think about his response, but couldn’t hear his own thoughts over the sound of his brother’s uncontrollable laughter. Out of playful spite, he decided, “Leave him to me~”
Aviva nodded, “Okay then~ Sorry Martin, but it looks like you’ll be stuck with him for a bit longer~ See you later… if you’re still alive that is~” She released said Kratt from her grasp before walking out of the door and heading back upstairs. The whole time she was walking away, Martin was pleading for her to reconsider and help him escape, but it was futile. She and Chris had already made their decisions.
Martin’s laughter had subsided a little after the inventor left, but he still had a hard time controlling himself, especially when he looked at his younger brother sitting on the floor. Watching. Waiting there. Menacingly.
“C-Chrihihihihihs? Hellohohohoho?”
Chris leered at him, “Are you ready for the grand finale, Martin~?”
“Nohohohohoho, nohohot at ahahahahahahall!”
“Well too bad~”
The green pine marten ran over to one of the legs near the foot of the bed, climbed up it, and ran across Martin’s body to get to his neck. The whole time he ran across his brother’s torso and ribs, he dragged his tail behind him, intentionally tickling him and sending him into another fit of laughter.
“H-hehehehehehey, wahahahahahatch the taihihihihihil!”
“What do you mean? I was watching my tail!” Chris snuck up to Martin’s ear before he spoke again, “I was watching it tickle you~”
He could feel Martin shiver as he brought his now-free hands up to his ears to cover them up. Unfortunately for him, the ears were the last spot his brother had in mind.
While his hands were up and covering his ears, Chris made his way to his neck and stood dangerously close to the collar of his shirt.
He could practically feel the heat radiating off his brother’s skin as he took note of the blush that had managed to spread from Martin’s face to his neck. He saw the tips of his ears through his fingers and noticed that they even had a tinge of red on them. He didn’t know his older brother could get this flustered!
“You ready~?” He asked teasingly, knowing full well what Martin’s answer was going to be.
“N-nohohohoho! Chrihihihis, d-dohohohon’t do ihihit!”
Chris couldn’t help the smug grin that made its way onto his face, though he didn’t turn to show it to his brother, “Too bad~ Here we go~!”
He stuck his head into the collar of Martin’s shirt, slowly inching his way in. He was only a few inches in when he suddenly pulled himself out and began sniffing at the blue Kratt’s neck. Martin was in no way prepared for this sudden change and nearly let out a squeal as he desperately tried to move his head from side to side to get his brother’s face away from his neck.
“H-hehehehehehey, don’t sniff my nehehehehck!” I-I dohohohon’t smehehehell!”
“That’s not what I’m going for, Martin~ I’m just here to make you laugh, and unless you apologize for what you did to Chris today…” Chris moved down to where Martin’s blush ended on his neck and went right back to sniffing, “You better prepare yourself~”
“I-I cahahahahahahn’t!”
“You can’t apologize? And here I thought you knew basic manners~”
The green pine marten stayed at Martin’s neck for a few more seconds before the sniffing came to an end. However, while his brother had his guard down, Chris quickly zipped into his shirt and ran across his stomach over and over again.
Martin’s only response to the sneak attack was a squeal so loud that it nearly stunned Chris. While he knew that the walls of the Tortuga are rather thick, he highly doubted that Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy were unable to hear that squeal, even if they were outside of the ship.
“Huh? What was that, Martin~? I can’t understand you, you’re laughing too hard~” Chris taunted as he kept up the pace and continued to race around on his brother’s torso. He dragged his tail behind him once again, swishing it back and forth to make it tickle even more, and even stopped running a few times to pretend to use it like a paintbrush on Martin’s navel, which nearly resulted in him getting pushed out of his shirt by his hands. It didn’t take long for Chris to notice that Martin’s squirming and pushing was gradually fading, a tell-tale sign that he was nearly at his limit.
“Ready to say sorry yet~?”
The moment Martin said sorry, Chris brought the tickles to a halt and carefully climbed out of his sibling’s shirt, doing his best to not make any of his steps tickle him any further.
“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it~?” Chris teased him one last time before he hopped off of him and onto the floor, waiting for his giggly mess of a brother to catch his breath and calm down.
“T-thahahahaht… that wahahahahs evihihihihil…!”
“Good~ That’s what I was going for~ So next time, when you try to bully your brother for an entire day, remember… I will be here to tickle you until you apologize to him for your behavior~” With that, Chris stood up, said, “Deactivate!” and reverted back to his normal appearance and personality.
“You okay, bro?” he asked and held out his hand, worried that he might have taken his tickly punishment a bit too far.
“Y-yeah…” Martin breathed out, taking his younger brother’s hand and letting himself be pulled up into a sitting position. “Just give me a few more seconds to breathe…”
After two deep breaths, he got up off of the bed and stood next to his brother, “Do you think the crew heard me squeal…?”
“Only one way to find out! Come on, let’s see if they’re upstairs!”
A light pink blush returned to Martin’s face, but nonetheless, he went upstairs with Chris into the main room of the Tortuga. When the door opened, they were greeted with the sight of Aviva waiting in front of the big computer, while Koki and Jimmy were at their desks, having turned to face the brothers.
“So…” Aviva started with a smirk, “Who’s going to explain that loud squeal we heard downstairs~?”
Martin’s blush turned a dark red, while Chris just stood there, trying to look as though he had no idea what she was talking about.
“I’m not an expert on human noises, but I don’t think that squeal belonged to any of us.”
“Certainly didn’t come from me! I’d know my own squeals anywhere!” Jimmy responded to Koki’s comment, completely unaware of the engineer creeping up behind him until he heard a, “Boo!”
“AAAAAAH!” Jimmy didn’t squeal, but he did indeed scream and bolted behind Koki and her chair. Everyone couldn’t help but laugh at his panicked reaction.
“Hehehe, I think that’s enough to prove that it wasn’t him~” She then turned her attention back to the brothers, “Sooooooo~?”
The light pink blush Martin had the entire time turned a dark red again as his embarrassment grew, and even Chris couldn’t fight the faint pink blush on his cheeks as he tried his best to play it cool and pretend that he didn’t understand her.
No one said anything for a few seconds, then the blue Kratt finally spoke up, “I-It was me… and I’ve got to admit, Chris is a surprisingly good tickler if he got me to squeal that loud!” Martin quickly regained his usual energy and peered at his brother, who just looked at him with a confused expression.
“Huh? What are you talking about, bro? I didn’t tickle you!”
Martin gave him a “you’re really doing this?” look and decided to play along, “No, that was totally you, Chris, I swear!”
“No way! I’m not as good at tickling people as you are!”
“I think I remember hearing your voice teasing me into oblivion! I’d know your voice anywhere, bro!”
“I’m not good at teasing, either! Martin, I swear, you’re confusing me with someone else!”
For a moment, Koki and Jimmy thought that they were having a genuine argument over a supposed tickle attack, but when Aviva gave them a knowing grin, they immediately caught on to what was really happening.
“Nope, that was totally you! And you know what~?” Martin’s voice turned teasy out of nowhere as he brought his hands up into Chris’s view, wiggling his fingers, “I was lying when I said I was sorry~”
“Huh? Wha-” The younger brother was initially confused before spotting the wiggly fingers that were slowing approaching him, “W-wait, Martin noooOOOOHOHOHOHO DOHHOHOHOHON’T!” He immediately cracked when he felt his older brother’s fingers on his sides, ribs, and belly. It didn’t take for him to try to fall to the floor to escape the ticklish hell that was unleashed upon him, but unfortunately, Martin had followed him down, never stopping his assault.
“Haha, revenge sure is sweet!” Martin cheered, “Okay, I was sort of lying when I said I wasn’t sorry, I did feel bad for you, but right now, I care more about getting my revenge~”
Chris could only laugh and try to curl up as he felt Martin’s hand close in on the center of his stomach, but he managed to trap his hands there instead, sealing his tickly fate.
Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy couldn’t help but laugh along as they watched the chaos unfold in front of them.
“Hehe, these boys will never change, will they~?”
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caffeiiine · 7 months
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19 notes · View notes
neallo · 3 days
should i open nsfw drabble requests when i hit A Milestone,,, even though i think i only answered like 70% of them last time,,,
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chashmenaaz · 9 months
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پھلوں کے حسن کا نہ رہے گا کوئ مقام
پھولوں کی انجمن میں اگر دیدہ ور نہیں
- صراحت
Phulon ke husn ka na rahega koi maqaam
Phulon ki anjuman me agar diida var nahin
- Sarahat Ahmad
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deityofhearts · 1 month
it pisses me off when rich people give the worst/cheapest gifts they can for birthdays and holidays like listen here you mr krabs ass bitch stop being cheap
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sasha-mexik12 · 2 years
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December 20th, 2022.
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djchik · 3 months
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UTA ?!?! ⭐️ 🎶
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baylardian-1 · 2 years
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some art for a friend's birthday :)
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Someday I want to propose to someone / be proposed to with the "box inside of a box inside of a box inside of a box etc" gag.
Think about it: the suspicion, "haha wouldn't it be funny if the smallest box had a ring in it" growing into mounding tension as the boxes get smaller, and smaller, and eventually what else could fit in this one besides a ring box?
you could even make an Emperor's New Groove reference by putting a tiny little flea figurine inside the ring box and a hammer nearby, then go "sike" and pull the ring out of your pocket
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dragonairice · 2 years
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A birthday present for my friend <3
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marciliedonato · 9 months
It's Christmas and the dash is dead... I cast spell of go on your phones now ‼️‼️🧙🪄✨
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