#giggles isnt that so fun and silly
cconfusedkat · 7 months
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Smiling Critters in my AU that actually got their new smoke other than CatNap to help the children! CatNap switched from Poppy Flower's to having a lavender smell, and the Poppy Flower is special edition on Valentine's day from the company when selling Bobby Bearhug's plush 🫶 the critters can emit the smoke themselves but for the plushies you pull their tails as well!
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ickyguts · 5 months
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couple ah sillies for the soul
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fraternum-momentum · 1 year
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ateez as brothers
genre: brother!ateez x gn!reader, fluff, crack
length: 6.2k
c/w: swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, brothers being brothers?, this is like 80% roasts
a/n: second collab with yumi (@sorryimananti-romantic) because between the two of us we have three brothers but we don’t want any of them so we’re going to pretend that we can replace them with ateez
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a brother?
what is that
he is a dad
nags you about everything
“stop sleeping so late”
“stop drinking so much coffee”
and you’re just like 😃??
because he literally sleeps later than you?
and he says it while holding his third cup of coffee that morning??
definitely says “i told you so” whenever you don’t listen to him and something goes wrong
his communication method is based heavily on sass and sarcasm
he’s the type of brother to say no when you ask for a favour
but then ten minutes later he’ll knock on your door and hand you the cup of tea you asked for
or two days later he’s left your laptop back on your desk with a note saying that it’s been fixed
he also gives you a lot of backhanded compliments 
oh you’re not as dumb as i thought
nice cooking, i think the pigs would really like it
as kids though he’s the brother who has the worst retorts
like when you insult him and say he’s stupid
he’ll be like “i know you are but what am i?”
or he’s the type to block his ears with his fingers and go lalalalalalala really loudly
it absolutely infuriates you
he’s definitely the type of brother to tell you that santa isn’t real
nor is the tooth fairy
the brother who laughs at you when you fall over before he makes any move to help you
half the time he’s giggling so hard he falls over too
it’s really only when you two grow older that something in him suddenly switches
he’s the overprotective brother who will interrogate you whenever you go out
where are you going who are you going with what time will you be back
sends you texts every now and then to remind you of your curfew
and when you walk through the door after getting home, he’ll literally be standing in the corridor waiting for you
“why are you home so late”
“joong, it’s only 9”
he can be overbearing but he just wants you to be safe
you’ll have the most stylish wardrobe because he helps reform all of your clothes
except he will reform it however he wants, your opinion be damned
he’ll be like i don’t care if you want this blue, i’m doing it red
and despite how much you scream at him that you hate red, the end product actually kind of looks really good
like, you love it
but you’ll never admit it and give him the satisfaction of being right
you like to steal things from his wardrobe
because his blazers look oversized on you and they just hit different, you know
except he’ll bite your head off if you touch any of his stuff
doesn’t stop him from touching all of your stuff as he pleases though
and you’re like isn’t that mine?
“iSnT tHAt MinE i made it shut up”
hongjoong will be your sugar brother
when you guys go shopping he’ll whip out his card without batting an eye
or when you guys eat together he’ll naturally wait for you to order too so that he can pay
sometimes you arrive home to a box of pastries on your desk
or hongjoong comes home and throws a bag of snacks in your face
tells you that the store was doing a 1+1 promotion or that he bought too many things while shopping for himself 
he lets you study or do your work in his studio
as long as you’re quiet
otherwise he threatens to kick you out
there’s a super fluffy blanket and pillow in the corner of his couch that he complains ruins the aesthetic and ‘cool vibes’ of his studio
but it’s always nicely folded and stacked together for you every time you go over
sometimes when he’s stuck or having writer’s block except music-wise
? producer’s block
he’ll let you have a bit of fun with his drafts
(he quadruple checks though that he’s saved a new file and it’s not the original track)
you guys make up nonsense raps and silly melodies
and sometimes you’ll record a studio version of it
if he secretly has a playlist of all the songs you two make together that he listens to when he’s feeling burnt out, then nobody needs to know
he takes a lot of candid photos of you
“woah i got a picture of a gremlin”
but inside he thinks that there’s no other person he would rather take pictures of
basically, he’s the emotionally-constipated brother who loves you but never says it aloud
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okay hear me out
he may be the eldest in ateez
but he’s really a baby 🥺
he’s so younger-sibling coded
the type to just come into your room and show you random things
like his new island layout in animal crossing
or the lego set that he just finished building
or the latest star wars figurine that he bought
he just wants praise or compliments or some sort of validation from you <3
and his boba eyes light up whenever you’re like oooh!! that’s so cool!!
when he grows older he still walks into your room like it’s his
mainly to share tmi’s of his day and to ask you about yours
he’ll randomly bring up gossip that he’s heard
he’s also the type to do things to make you laugh
except it’s not funny so you just have to force yourself to laugh so you don’t hurt his feelings
but he can tell and he’ll put his hands on his face and pretend to cry
he definitely gets sad when you don’t play with him
especially when you two are younger
or when you go play with your friends he’s the brother who wants to tag along
“mum said you have to take me too”
when you spend more time with other people?
he pout :(
when you guys do play together though, he will always without fail end up having more fun than you do
doesn’t matter what the activity is
cars? he’s going vroOOM and making sputtering engine noises as he runs the car down the stair railings
dolls? he’s taking their shoes off and tucking them into bed after their tea party
drawing? he makes it a personal challenge to turn the cutest thing into the most unhinged doodle possible
didn’t think anyone could make hehetmon look drunk
he’s the brother who has a crazy collection of figurines in his bedroom
like all his funds go towards lego and star wars merch
while you go up to him with a new haircut or accessory and ask him “what’s different about me”
he’s the brother version of that
drags you to his bedroom after he adds something else to his shelf and asks you “what’s different about my room”
seonghwa’s the type of brother who uses your hair and skincare products
you walk past him one day and he’s like oh you smell nice
and you’re like thanks i got a new shampoo
strangely, he smells just like you the very next day
when he’s younger he definitely mixes shampoo, conditioner and soap together to make a potion
the type to come home real buzzed/tipsy after midnight and barge into your room
and he wakes you up just to ask if you want a cheese toastie
“hwa wtf it’s 2am”
“...but also, yes”
if you two are out drinking together though, you definitely have to drag his ass back home
he gets excited and tries to drink more/party for longer than his body actually can
but seonghwa also makes sure to take care of you, especially if he is the older sibling
constantly texting you
mostly little reminders to bring an extra jacket in case you get cold
or to remember an umbrella because it might rain later
he always wants to give you the best of everything
like the bigger slice of cake or the window seat
but once he realises you’re trying to do the same for him, he’ll be sneakier with his actions
like, when you make him pick which ice cream flavour he wants first, he’ll leave the rainbow sherbet for you because it’s your favourite
even though it’s his favourite flavour too <3
he’s the type of brother to walk you to your classes or drive you to work whenever your schedules line up
always tells you to have a good day
you wave at him to leave
he waves at you to go through the doors
he always wins though and has to see you go in safely before he leaves
if either of you move out, he makes an effort to keep in touch
will ask if you’ve been sleeping well, eating enough
if you have enough groceries or money to spend
he’s definitely the type to make surprise visits to check up on you because he’s worried you’re lying
brings bags of groceries to stock up your fridge
slips a few notes into the pocket of your coat
reorganises your closet for you
steals a few packets of snacks on his way out
in short, seonghwa is the epitome of sibling duality
he’s both such a younger sibling and a mum sibling
you’re each other’s babies honestly
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the brother who makes fun of your height regardless of how tall or short you are
“how’s the weather down there?”
pretends to lose sight of you even when you’re standing right next to him
uses you as his own personal armrest
puts things on the top shelves so you can’t reach
with yunho as your brother, you have to live your life on high alert
because he will use any chance he gets to prank you
especially because he’s the type who is willing to spend months plotting and preparing
he will build up your trust just to set up for one prank
like once he offered you an oreo
and you were immediately suspicious because why is he suddenly sharing his precious snacks with you
he says that he’s trying to diet so he’s sharing to stop himself from eating it all
and at first you’re like hmmm but when it continues for several weeks it becomes normal
and when you’re least suspecting
he swaps out the oreo filling for toothpaste, sets up a camera and then tosses the bait
not only does he never let you hear the end of it, but he uploads your reaction to tiktok
carves out a potato into the shape of a soap bar and puts it in your bathroom
if you fall asleep, yunho will try to put as many fries as he can into your open mouth
or he’ll make the tallest cookie tower possible on your head 
and he’s the type of brother to shock you awake by clanging a fork or spoon against a metal bowl
honestly at this point
napping around yunho and then getting pranked is your fault
when you guys text, the man is incapable of replying normally
you ask him a question?
he replies with a meme
you tell him to do something?
he blackmails sends you a video of you doing something stupid
talks to you irl in tiktok lingo
at one point he definitely tries to teach you how to play video games
but he gets frustrated at you easily and gives up LOL
yunho’s the brother who is everyone’s campus crush and you can do nothing about it
you try to keep it lowkey that you guys are related because everyone always talks about him
and you’re kinda like
my brother is the campus crush?
yunho? the guy who twerks in his pjs at 9 in the morning?
the person who chews his drinks??
and uses a spongebob voice when he answers your phone calls ? ?
but you sort of get it
because as goofy as he is, yunho is the type of brother that you can confide in
he knows when to be serious and offer comfort/advice when you need it
like if you’re having a bad day or if you get into a fight with a friend
he’ll dump a whole mountain of snacks on the table and put on your favourite movie (even if you’ve watched it 20 times and he’s sick of it by now)
or he’ll listen to you ramble while he hands you tissues
yunho is also pretty protective over you
like, physically, because he’s so tall and you just seem so smol to him
his hand hovers over your back when you go through a door first or like when you walk up the stairs
or he keeps a hand on your shoulder as he guides you two through a crowded area
he’s the type to drive you to places when he can such as to your appointments
or especially when it’s nighttime and you’re walking back home
he’ll be like wait for me right there i’ll come pick you up
and if he gets an inkling that you’re being bullied or mistreated by someone?
he’s ready to square up and throw some fists
when you guys go out drinking, he always keeps an eye on you
where you are
if you go to the bathroom
how much you’ve had to drink
it helps that he can hold his own alcohol well
especially when it’s a large group setting and you’re all playing drinking games
he’s definitely the type to start stepping in and taking your penalty shots for you
piggybacks you home if you’re too drunk to walk
he makes fun of you for it the morning after
but you wake up to a glass of water and aspirin on your bedside table <3
overall, yunho’s the brother who pranks the heck out of you but will not sit still if anyone else does it
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you two are like the twins who look innocent but are actually evil
quite honestly?
you guys are probably each other’s biggest bullies LMAO
as kids, he’s relatively more on the quieter side
so he usually finds it most comfortable to stick with you at school and in the playground and at family gatherings
just because he’s quiet doesn’t mean he’s not mischievous
usually you nudge him and whisper him your idea
and he grins at you and is like let’s do it
he drags the chair while you climb up to reach the secret chocolate stash
or you keep an eye out while he doodles with crayon on the wall
he’s the type of brother who’ll take your grudges against someone and make it his personal grudge too
you don’t like this person? okay, i don’t like them either
he doesn’t involve himself in the arguments
but he’s definitely somewhere in the background nodding furiously
occasionally you might hear a “yeah!”
at family gatherings you both sit at the back table and judge all your other relatives together lol
bombastic side eyes
if a relative who you guys aren’t very familiar with comes up to talk to you both
yeosang definitely sits there and lets you do all the talking
while he does his ha. ha. ha. 😀 laugh at the right times
you have the EXACT same laugh
when you two are trying to be polite
or it’s awkward and neither of you know how to react
you guys ha. ha. ha. 😀 in sync
whenever one of you come home from somewhere, you both have late night catch ups to share the tea
yeosang looks sweet and clueless but he’s quiet only because he’s actually eavesdropping on the table of old ladies behind him so he can tell you the neighbourhood goss later
nothing stops him from exposing you though
especially when you’re with friends, he’ll bring up your embarrassing childhood stories when you least expect it
like you could literally be watching a movie
and he suddenly says
hey remember that time when you were six and you choked on your noodles and a strand came out of your nose
you’d think that he wouldn’t be able to recall these things
but no
or he’ll call you by the pet name that you hate
in public
in front of your friends
in front of his friends
he’s also the type of brother who randomly yells out your name
and when you ask “what” he doesn’t reply
or he’s like “nothing”
he gives you that smug look on purpose to make you think that he’s hiding something from you
which drives you nuts and you pester him all day about it
when you rant to him, sometimes he’ll accidentally zone out
and he’s just smiling :D
and you’re like
…i asked you a question
or you’ll say “i’m the cooler sibling”
and he’ll nod and be like “mhm, yes, very true, mhm”
yeosang’s the brother who changes the tv channel and then hides the remote so you can’t change it back
pretends he doesn’t know where the remote went either
gives you that wide-eyed innocent look smh
people always ask whether he’s your boyfriend because you two are always together
and when you’re like ew no, he’s my brother, they ask you for his number
which is the perfect opportunity for you to get revenge
you expose his flaws and tell his admirer that he’s not as perfect as he looks
also because you’re protecting him from girls who are only going after him for his looks
as much as you guys roast each other (and other people)
there’s no greater supporter than your brother
and you’re his greatest supporter too
even if the world is against you, it’ll always be you and yeosang against the world
he always has your back and you always have his
even when your parents are scolding one of you two, you’ll naturally take each other’s side
you two share the same taste in. literally. everything.
you share the same hobbies
you like the same snacks
your clothes are the same colours
yeosang definitely suggests you two swap clothes and dress up as each other for a day
you guys do absolutely everything together
he waits for you to watch that movie you two have been wanting to watch since it came out
you wait for him to be free to check out that new restaurant that’s opened up
you both attend the same college
and relocate to the same city to work
where one sibling is, the other sibling will also be
yeosang is proof that your sibling will always be your original soulmate
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san is the brother who lets his intrusive thoughts win
you hold something out for him to take and he just bites it
will randomly walk up to you and pretend to have a boxing match
throws jabs while making that ‘ss ss’ sound with his mouth
puts you into a headlock for the lols
when he starts to learn taekwondo, he pretends to flip you over his shoulder or roundhouse kick you
most definitely actually kicks you once by accident and makes you cry
he desperately goes shhhh please don’t cry so you don’t alert your parents lol
san is the type of brother who’s super gullible growing up
you convince him that watermelons explode if you shout too loudly next to them
he cries when you tell him horror stories
like if he stares into the mirror for too long his reflection will move by itself
or he only has three seconds to make it back into his bed after he switches the bedroom/bathroom lights off
otherwise the monsters eat him
you always hear him thundering down the corridor after taking a midnight piss
san’s the brother who comes into your room singing the same section of the same song that he’s been singing for the past three days
will lie in your bed and make himself into a blanket burrito
laughs while scrolling through memes on his phone or he just sits and stares at you
might open and comb through the drawers of your bedside table
when he’s had his fun he just walks out without closing your drawers or door
he messes around with your phone a lot too
he likes to take 0.5x photos of his face from real close so it looks fisheye
you have to delete almost 1000 photos of his nostrils from your gallery
you most definitely also have to change your wallpaper back
sometimes he takes it upon himself to customise your device like his device
like he’ll switch your light mode to dark mode, or he’ll rearrange your apps into different folders
it drives you insane as you try to remember which app used to be in that odd gap on your screen
he’s the type to nag you about manners and responsibilities too
like hey don’t talk to mum like that or hey do what dad asked you to do
rules are thrown out of the window when it comes to veggies though
as a kid he tries to slide his carrots onto your plate when you’re not looking
all your friends have a secret crush on him
except it’s not really secret and he knows and basks in the knowledge
he’ll purposely hang around or find excuses to walk into your room or through the living room when you’re hanging out with friends
you tell him to stop being so annoying
that being said, san’s the brother who finds you absolutely endearing
like no matter what you do he thinks you’re adorable
he brags about you to all of his friends
like the project that you finished the other day
or that you bought him the shirt he’s wearing right now
if any of his friends actually start to show interest in you though
he’ll be like
sorry who? no such person exists
san 🤝 gatekeeping
except when it comes to things that you like?
siri, search up ‘antonym of gatekeeping’
san’s the brother who will give up anything to make you happy
he’s so selfless :’((
lets you have first pick for everything
will swap his meal with yours if you don’t like your food
would literally donate both of his kidneys for you
and he’s always thinking of things that will make you smile or things you’d like
if he sees a cute dog on the street he’ll send you a photo
or if he’s walking past your favourite bakery he’ll get you a pastry
if you’re into collecting, he definitely goes out of his way to bring you back a souvenir from whichever place he’s traveling to
stamps, postcards, keyrings, currency, figurines, photocards
doesn’t matter what it is that you’re collecting
he supports your collection
he’s just supportive in general <3
and he’s so affectionate
so many hugs
presses his cheeks against yours
likes to place a hand on the back of your neck or an arm around your shoulders
the only time you mind is when he comes home from the gym
and makes a beeline to your room to see what you’re doing
and you’re like gross go away
he gets sulky and pouty smh
will say that you hate him and you have to be all nO yoU’RE STINKY go sHOWER
basically, san’s the brother who lives off your attention
he’s tinkerbell
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mingi’s the brother who randomly does things to you when he walks by
basically the brother who lets his intrusive thoughts win pt 2
randomly slaps the back of your head when he walks past
messes up your hair by ruffling it
stops suddenly when you’re walking behind him so that you bump into him
knocks the back of your knees when you’re standing to make you lose your balance
whenever you accidentally break something, mingi’s the brother who will automatically yell out “MUM!”
even if you try to cover his mouth and shush him
he’ll create a ruckus to expose you
and when your parents are scolding you, he’s standing in the corner of the room or like, peeking around the corner laughing at you
he shuts up and puts on a straight face as soon as your parents turn around to glare at him though
mingi tries to bait you into shouting for mum
he’ll pretend to curse except he changes the second half of the word into something else as soon as you open your mouth to tattle
“FU-dge cakes”
also the type to pull pranks on you, like yunho
but unlike yunho, mingi’s not very good at it
he sees the oreo prank
shows you the video while he’s dying of laughter
and then the next day he mysteriously comes home with a packet of oreos
because he just so happened to suddenly crave oreos
mingi is the brother who refuses to share snacks with you
you’ll ask him for a bite and he’ll be like okay
but then he spits into it or licks it before offering it to you
or he takes the last one and hands you the empty packet
if he willingly offers you food it’s probably because he dropped it on the floor lol
or trying to prank you
when it comes to your food though, it’s free game
he’s the type to take a bite out of the toast that you just buttered for yourself
or he’ll slurp up the noodles you literally just cooked
mingi's the type to call for you from across the house
and he doesn’t answer when you ask him what he wants so you have to go to him
and when you walk into the room like >:( what do you want
he’s like
on your way out can you pass me my charger it’s on my desk
he laughs so hard when you storm out
but you guys are literally each other’s best friends <3
you both have the exact same sense of humour
so when something funny happens or you watch a funny video together, you’re both leaning against each other as you cackle
neither of you can breathe
when you play games together, it’s a competition of boasting and bragging
you both think that you can do better than the other
it becomes such a chaotic battle
all rules are thrown out the window within the first few minutes
mingi is definitely the brother that cheats with petty tricks
yanks your hoodie over your head so you can’t see the screen
peeks at your cards when you’re getting a cup of water
not that his methods help him win LOL
but you both have so much fun
he’s the brother than you can go wild with
karaoke? y’all screaming until you lose your voices
the arcade? he empties his pockets and wallet for another coin you can attempt the claw machine with
theme park? you sacrifice each other in the haunted house
LOTS of spontaneous outings
“i’m headed to the shops, you wanna come?”
“i’m going to the drive-thru, you coming?”
even if it’s 2am
you guys rock the hoodies, fluffy pants and slippers look
the spontaneous outings are some of your favourite things to do with your brother
and sometimes
they seem to curiously occur on the days or weeks you’ve been feeling down
it just so happens to be the thing you need
but really, mingi’s the brother who is very observant of your mood
he knows when not to take a joke too far
probably also knows when you’re getting sick before you even realise yourself
he picks up on it very quickly when you seem a bit off
physically or mentally
he tries to take you out for a distraction even if just for a little while (he’s so sweet pls)
he never fails to make you smile and laugh
you can just be yourself around him
honestly, mingi is that brother who tries to make you cry but it absolutely breaks his heart when you do cry
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survival of the fittest
doesn’t matter if you’re older or younger than him
his greatest joy is to drive you up the wall
will walk into your room, pick some random thing up, throw it into the void and then walk out like nothing happened
or he doesn’t even do anything he just stands at the threshold of your door
and you tell him to get out of your room
and he’s like technically i’m not in your room ;)
he will fart and smother you under a blanket so you smell it
tells you that you stink even when you just come out of a shower
similar to seonghwa, wooyoung would be the type to text you about everything
except you get texts like
‘lol i just took the biggest dump and now i weigh half a kilo lighter’
‘walked past this today and it reminded me of you <3’
*proceeds to attach a photo of a rubbish bin*
but two can play the game, and when wooyoung is your brother you learn fast
“mum look, there’s a monkey at the window”
“...please let your brother back into the house”
you guys are constantly fighting, but like, over the pettiest things
who has to go take a shower first
why you’re staring at him weird
why he’s sitting on your half of the couch
sometimes the fights turn physical
but when i say physical, i mean biting physical
and if you guys aren’t arguing, then he’s talking your ear off
especially when you’re both driving somewhere he’ll be talking non stop regardless of whether you’re interested or not
so you just zone out and say “yeah” and “mhm” and nod and laugh every now and then
but he knows and yes he’ll bite you for it
he is an ANIMAL
definitely the brother who climbs up the stairs on all fours like a dog
will growl at you when you try to take a bite of his food
the type to pick up a random clothing item of yours that might look a little different from what he’s used to seeing
like some thin, fluffy thing he thinks is a scarf
he wraps it around his neck and checks himself out in your mirror
shits on how short it is
and you’re like that’s because those are my socks
he highkey judges your fashion choices
you remind him that he ain’t one to talk with those ugly black stompers
as much as you two butt heads though, he wouldn’t trade you for the world
except maybe for san, but like, that’s understandable
he loves you more than anything
runs up to you and jumps onto your back
you two topple over when he catches you off guard
which is like, always
he squishes your cheeks together
pulls you into so many crushing hugs
plants wet kisses on your cheeks that you scrub off
wooyoung’s the type to end his phone calls with i love you’s
and if you don’t say it back or you just hang up, he’ll definitely call you again and repeat it with increasing aggression
the man will not give up until you say it back
you can never win against him during an argument
one because the speed at which he talks at just doesn’t give you a chance to even interject
two you can’t hear your own thoughts over his voice
and three because he’s strangely convincing with his reasons
when you two are on the same page though?
y’all invincible
you guys could probably rob a bank and convince the police officers it’s their fault
it’s very useful for talking yourselves out of trouble with your parents
like, mum if you had put the muffins away instead of leaving them on the dining table then we wouldn’t have thought that we could eat them
he definitely uses the time out sign like five times during the debate
“wait, time, time”
wooyoung’s the brother who is surprisingly-
but also unsurprisingly
if physical touch and words of affirmation are his top two love languages
his third is cooking
he wakes up early to cook you breakfast or makes you a boxed lunch for special occasions
like your first day of college or your first day of work
fusses over you if you skip meals
whenever he cooks himself some food he’ll pop his head into your room and ask if you want any
and even if you say no he slices some fruit for you
always breathing down your neck about staying hydrated
in short, wooyoung is an absolute menace but only because he loves you
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acts like the older sibling
“when i was your age…”
before his jokes actually become funny, he overuses the same two dumb jokes
like when you ask him for the time
and he’s like, “time to get a watch”
or when you ask him what’s up
and he replies with “the sky”
50% of jongho’s photo gallery is derps of your face
he’ll use those pictures to make his own custom stickers on messaging apps, like whatsapp or kakao talk
if yunho is the type to reply with memes, then jongho is the type to reply with your own derps
the other 50% of his gallery is video evidence
of you drooling while you sleep
of your head getting stuck in your hoodie
of you about to put a spoon in your mouth but the food falling off
you two will be sitting together scrolling on your own phones when he giggles all of a sudden
and he’ll turn to show you an atrocious photo or video of yourself
he imitates everything you do
will forever reenact that one (1) embarrassing dance move you did in the kitchen when you thought you were home alone
even though it was a decade ago
he still makes fun of you for it
jongho’s the brother who tries to make you laugh during a serious or formal situation
you could be attending an online class
or you guys are at someone’s wedding
you’re on stage presenting something
he’ll make faces at you from across the room until you crack
has loud dad sneezes, particularly when it’s all silent
and you get so embarrassed
jongho’s also the type to peek over your shoulder at your screen when you’re chatting with someone
“ooh who’s tHAt is ThAt yOUR CruSH”
has the most shit-eating grin on his face
he’s the type to fight you over who gets to push the trolley when you guys go grocery shopping
and even when you get the handle, jongho stands at the front of the trolley with a hand pulling it along 
clowns you as he watches you struggle to lift the pack of canned drinks into the cart
calls you weak
makes sure to comment on how light the drinks are when he picks it up instead
whenever you ask for his help with opening a container or jar or sth
he’ll flex his muscles and pose like a bodybuilder
he’s all high and mighty until there’s a bug in the house
he’ll holler for you even if you’re on the other side of the house
and when you arrive he’s literally climbed onto the table or the couch to get as far away as he can
as much as he clowns you, jongho takes his role as your brother very seriously
he is your Big Bad Brother
even if he’s the younger sibling
he’s not very vocal with his love but you definitely feel it in the little things that he does for you
like when he carries all the shopping bags on the way home
or he blow dries your hair for you when you’re too tired after showering
he opens your water bottle for you before handing it over
or when he tucks your collar/shirt tag back in when it sticks out
he’s also the type to make you walk on the inside of the footpath or sit on the last remaining seat
jongho appreciates all the little things that you do for him too
like you always text him names of coffee places you think he might like
whether it’s a place your friends take you to or an insta post you scroll past
he has a little folder in his phone where he keeps a list of your recommendations
and one of his favourite things to do is when you both go and try out one of the cute cafes or brunch spots together
if he goes by himself he sends you pictures of the new coffee that he tries and his review of it
he also gets so shy when you compliment his voice
you catch him singing in the shower
or humming when he’s making his coffee in the kitchen
and he loves it when he hears you singing or humming along with him
jongho won’t admit it but he has a very soft spot for you
he lets you hang off him like a koala
lets you drape over his shoulders in a back hug
even if he pretends like he’s being held hostage
basically with jongho, you get ✨sibling privileges✨
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ribbonswrld · 11 months
clingy bada while shes drunk, yk
idk if this is what u wanted but for now i'll write as if reader & bada arent dating yet although there is mutual pining!! <3
bada lee as a clingy drunk!!
cw: drunk bada, pure fluff!! not really proofread either >_< OH and english isnt my first language so go easy on me <3
so for context u nd bada have been close friends for a while!! and ur both mutually pining ^_^ and ur roomma OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES‼️‼️
anywho, you were all cozy on your appartment couch reading a book when bada came back from her get together with her old dance friends !!
the sound of the door opening made u grin rlly wide and u promptly closed your book!
and then. there she is. looking gorgeous and thoroughly... flushed?
and she just. she just lays her eyes on you and immediately breaks into a goofy smile, a small giggle escaping her lips
and ur just!!! shes so cute!!! but i think shes drunk!!! onno!!!
and before you even have a chance of getting up this tall puppy is clumsily throwing herself onto you!!
and GOD!! ure SO FLUSTERED?$:??).$
because usually YOU'RE!! the one boldly initiating physical affection like this!!
nontheless u cant help but giggle in delight albeit the fact that ur heart is just going WILD!!
"did u have fun!"
she just. hums and repositions herself so that she can look at u... in silence
and god. shes all starry eyed all gooey mushy lovey dovey looking at you, cheeks flushed and shy smile...
ur heart SQUEEZES.
"mh... would'a been more fun with you.." she mumbles, taking back her place in the crook of your neck and she!! just rubs her face there affectionately just like a kitten omfgbsjfh
a little dazed laugh escapes you cuz holy shit shes being so fucking cute?$:! and u just start petting her hair..
"sure, sure, because i wouldve fit in soo well with you dance people..." you joke: u actually cannot dance for shit LMFAO but its ok!!
and then she just she just grunts, curling up on you.. which is kind of silly looking because shes just so long and tall but god if it isnt heart squeezing!
"but i want'd to show my prett' baby off..."
might aswell justve created a new shade of red with the way your cheeks were looking at this point because JESUS.
"im- you-" and then she just hushes you and holds your face in her hands so gently...
"shh. my pretty baby... love you so much..." she mumbles, pressing a fat kiss on your forehead :((
" 'm so sad when 'm not with u... should jus' keep you in my arms always... nev'ah let you escape... sweet angel..." she just rambles, caressing ur cheeks with her thumbs and still holding ur face
her gaze is so sleepy but so warm and loving and ;(((
she gives you one last forehead smooch and goes back to curling up against you sleepily and contently...
u actually feel like crying!!! because how can she be so sweet like);$/?:$-$ 😭😭
oh boy do u both have to talk in the morning..!! but for now, you've got a sleepy giant to take care of <3
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artdcnaldson · 1 month
anyway unrelated.... those wedding pictures of mike… WOOF!!!
need to meet older divorced art at a wedding, one of his old tennis buddies is getting remarried and insisted art come, "it'll be fun! you can meet some people. we've barely gotten to see you since the divorce".
it's assigned seating and his friend had decided to play a joke on him and seated him next to me. a beautiful, much too young for him, tennis fan who's had a crush on him for years. it was meant to be a joke, mess with art a little, maybe get him out of his shell just a bit, but let him stay on the topic of tennis. but we hit it off really well, sitting and chatting the whole evening, maybe he even dances with me, spinning me around, hand firmly gripping my waist or my lower back. he feels dirty and a little perverted for letting himself flirt with a young girl like me. he's really much too old to be indulging me like this. but he can't help it. he hasn't fucked anyone in years, he hasn't gotten to be in control in so long, not since before tashi, not since his own youth. he needs to take control, and he can just tell i would let him, submission oozing from every part of me. big adoring eyes glimmering at his every move. i would do anything for him, he can't help but give in!!!!!
brings me back to his hotel room or maybe even just his house, fucks me stupid and silly till im a drooling, babbling mess. dress probably ripped or at least completely soiled on his floor. need him to get so lost in finally feeling in control, completely intoxicated on my submission. UGH. he's so into it, just completely condescending about how fucked out i am, as if he isnt purposefully fucking me even harder when i start to go dumb on his cock... i need it, need him to talk down to me and treat me like im stupid :( whilst also 100% being the reason for it, and only making it even harder for me to focus on purpose
EXACTLY!!!! exactly <3
Wedding Art <333 Already he feels a little crazy because you're stammering and giggling at every word he says, struggling your way through full sentences because you're so starstruck by him. You're so young, over a decade younger and fresh out of college— one of the bride's work friends. Your dress is slinky and expensive, but it gives him a perfect view of your tits when you lean over to grab your drink off the table for toasts, or when he asks you to dance with him and he's looming tall over you.
You want him so bad he can practically smell your need dripping from every pore. He knows if he were to hike up your dress and slip a hand between your thighs, you'd be wet just from the tiniest amount of his attention. You'd let him do whatever he wants to you— you'd let him fuck you like he's dreamed of fucking since his third year of marriage, maybe even before.
So he takes you back to his hotel room, not caring that his tennis friends were going to give him shit for it in the morning. He was getting tight, young, needy pussy, and they weren't. You're so pliant, so eager— your cunt is soaked, slick smeared down your thighs from how bad you've wanted him. And he can tell you're a little embarrassed, how you hide your face from him and try to close your thighs. He doesn't let you stay embarrassed long. He needs to bury his face between your pretty thighs and eat your pussy until his jaw aches, or you beg him to stop. Whichever comes first.
When he finally fucks you, you're crying— sobbing fat, pretty tears as his thick cock stretches your cunt and slams against your cervix again and again and again. You've already come so much your body trembles with overstimulation— and your eyes roll back each time his cock grazes your sweet spot. All drooly and pathetic and face down on his bed, staining the expensive hotel sheets with your makeup.
It's so pathetic. He doesn't even realize he's said that out loud until you moan in response and babble yeah, yeah— 'm pathetic. You clench around his cock soaking wet and fucking obscene. He fucks you until words fail you and you can only babble and shriek and soak his cock further, until the sheets are soaked and your knees are practically in a puddle of your release. Until he finally cums deep inside your perfect fucking pussy.
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hheartlee · 4 months
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cherrisnake fanfic!!
tw: tickling, light swearing
ler!cherri & lee!sirpentious
please enjoy!
it was a boring day at the hazbin hotel, cherri was visiting and since angel was too busy flirting with husk.. she decided why not go annoy pentious? that’ll be fun
cherri made her way to the hotel lobby where surprisingly only sir pentious was(along with keekee on his lap), cherri walked over and poked sir pentious’s side to get his attention, only for sir pentious to jump and quickly look behind at cherri, the jump making keekee get off his lap and walk off
“o-oh! hello misss bo-bomb.!” - he said nervously, trying to switch subjects
cherri smirked and walked around the couch, infront of sir pentious, cocking her head to the side and putting her hand on her hip
“what was that?” - she smirked, teasing sir pentious about the jump he did.
“I- I don’t know what your talking about..” - he smiled awkwardly
“ya jumped when I poked ya.” - she pointed out the obvious
“y-you ssstartled me! th-that’s all..” - he said, hoping she believed it.
but ofc, cherri isnt stupid. she walked closer to sir pentious, standing right infront of him, her legs touching his tail
“so, if I do it again, ya won’t flinch?” - she grinned slightly, then leaned forward and poked his side again
“pfft- ch-cherri-!” - he let out a small snicker, biting his lip
“ohoho! are ya ticklish, old man?” - she grinned, teasing him once more
“what?! no! ofc not! that’s preposterous!” - he snapped back at cherri, clearly panicking
“then why are ya so anxious all of a sudden?” - she replied
sir pentious didn’t know how to reply.. so instead, he quickly jumped off the couch and slithered away as fast as he could
cherri watched him run off than quickly ran after him
“aye! I ain’t done with you, coward!” - she snickered
sir pentious didn’t reply, he slithered quickly up the stairs and took a sharp turn down a random hallway, not really thinking
cherri followed along, it was kinda hard to catch up since he was a snake.. but luckily the hallway had a dead end
sir pentious quickly stopped before he hit the wall, then slowly turn to see cherri at the other end
“ch-cherri- w-we can talk about thisss!” - he sounded panicked, putting his hands on the wall
cherri slowly got closer and closer till she was right infront of him
“sure you can talk!” - she put her hands to his sides
“I’ll tickle.” - she grinned before her fingers started dancing on his sides
“cheheherri!- wahahahaait!-“ - he began snickering, but surprisingly not falling into a fit of laughter yet.
“damn.. for someone who’s “not ticklish” ya sure are giggly!” - she smirked
“dohont tehehease mehe- KYAHAHAHAHHA!!-“
sir pentious then bursted into a fit of laughter when cherri moved her hands to his stomach, causing his back to arch
“hoholy shit!- ya really are ticklish huh?”
despite his fit of laughter, he still denied it.
“hm, then I guess I’ll just have to keep goin!”
cherri’s hands slid down to his hip’s, causing him to hiss, but also squeal
his laugh was certainly not the normal type.. though cherri found it amusing
“hah! nice laugh ya got there, snickers!” - she mocked him
“DOHONT CALL ME THAHAHAT!-“ - he tried to argue, but his clap back formed into giggles
“what? snickers? whadda bout, giggles? or.. cackles?” - she kept listing off laughing related nicknames just to piss him off.
“NOHOHONE!- CHEHEHERRIIII PLEHEHEASE!-“ - he pleaded, not exactly telling her to get off
“hmm, let’s see.. what other places could ya be ticklish in..”
she took her hands off of him for a second to think
“I- Ihihim nohot tic- KYAKAHAHA!-“
sir pentious hissed and squeaked both at once as cherris hands met his snake tail, which was oddly sensitive.
“what were ya saying, snickers?” - she teased
“STAHAH- STAHAP CALLING ME THAHAHAT- SHIHIHIHIT-“ - he was practically loosing his shit.
“awhh but it’s fun! don’t ya think?” - she tilted her head to the side, acting innocent
“SHUHUSH- KYAKAAHAHA!-“ - he cocked his head back
“oh calm down I ain’t killin ya” - she rolled her eyes playfully at his “dramatic” act
“YOHOHOU AHAHAREE!-“ - his eyes welted up with tears form laughing to hard.
“well ya sure aren’t stoppin me, it’s almost like your enjoying this~” - she teased him once more, which just added onto the whole situation
“SHUHUT UHUHUP!-“ - he didn’t deny it..
cherri smirked then after a few more minutes, she let go, giving him a chance to breathe
“hah.. eugh.. ugh.. y-your.. evil.!” - he fell down to the floor, just sitting there
“I try my hardest!~” - she smirked down at him
sir pentious blushed slightly, looking away to avoid eye contact with cherri.
cherri noticed but didn’t comment on it, after a moment of sir pentious being non verbal.. Cherri felt the slightest bit of concern, though she’d never admit it.
cherri knelt down to where sir pentious was and tapped on his shoulder
“are ya dead?” - she raised her eyebrow
“phisically? yess. mentally? no.” - he answered dramatically
“pfft- drama queen.” - she snickered
“oh silence you!” - he rolled his eyes, laying on the floor
cherri sat down beside sir pentious, and out of curiosity she reached over and placed her hand on the inside of his hood, causing him to jump up and hit her hand out of reflex
“woah- bad spot, huh?” - she smirked at his reaction
sir pentious blushed again, and glared at her
“n-no! I just- dohont want you touching me ahat the moment.” - he came up with a lame excuse
cherri scoffed, then crawled a bit closer to him
“why are ya already giggling? I haven’t touched ya!” - she pointed out the obvious
“I just- uh- I-Iss it hohot in here?? hah..” - he tried changing subjects, blushing even more
“we’re in hell dumbass, it’s gonna be hot.” - she rolled her eyes, not fazed by his sorry ass excuses
cherri then grabbed sir pentious’s wrist and yanked him closer, just making him even more flustered and/or nervous
“ch-cherri?- whahat are you-“ - he was cut off by the sound of his own laughter when he felt her start to scribble her fingers on his hood
“dahaammn.. your hood thing is sensitive as shit!” - she snickered
“STAAHAHAP!- CHEHEHERRI PLEHEHEASSSSE I CAHAHNT-“ - his tail squirmed around and his eyes watered up again
“chill out it’s just tickling! dramatic much?” - she teased, knowing she was driving him insane
cherri’s hand slid down to pentious’s armpit which made him squeal in the highest pitch he could, bursting into loud laughter
“WHAHAHAIT!- KYAKAKAHAHA!-“ - tears rolled down his rosey red cheeks
“wait? for what? hm?” - she lifted her chin and raised her eyebrow while smirking
cherri then slider her hand up and lightly rubs the crook of pentious’s neck
“yeah.. I thought this would get ya goin”
she then scrambled her fingers on his neck, her free hands fingers began tracing up and down his tail, making him begin basically wheezing
after about 2 more minutes she finally stopped for good, sitting beside him, watching him recover
“hah- hehe.. huh.. that- wasn’t.. terrible..” - he was panting repeatedly, looking at the floor while blushing like hell
“oh yeah? ya into that shit?” - she raised her eyebrow and snickered
“what- n-no!!” - his head snapped towards cherri and his blush got brighter by the second
cherri put her hands up
“cahalm down! I’m just fuckin with ya!” - she laughed at him
“yohou shohould see yahah fahace!” - she fell over and kicked her feet while laughing
“it- it isn’t funny!” - he yelled in embarrassment
“ya were sure as hell laughing a second ago!” - she teased
“shut up!” - he covered his face
“hah.. what a silly discovery..” - she shook her head and snickered
(Sorry if it’s bad, this is my first fan fic😰😰)
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much-ado-about-whomst · 10 months
I saw a post abput drunk Ness and I couldn't resist. So @blue-sunflower-bee this one's for you.
Drunk Ness fluff
Ness will swear up in down till the day he dies that he's not a light weight. He can hold his alcohol, thank you very much.
The thing is that's a complete lie. Mike's seen him get tipsy on a Mike's Hard Lemonade. A shot of anything gets him drunker than a skunk. It's not a big deal since he doesn't drink much anyways.
Which is why Mike was suprised to see his boyfriend stumble into their house late one night after going out with some coworkers. Ness comes in giggling at nothing, and wobbling so severely that Mike gets up off the couch to help lead the taller man safely to it.
"Hello Sugar!" Ness's voice is louder than normal.
"Hey Darlin', easy now." Mike cautions as Ness trips over his own foot. "I thought you, Chris, and Jason were going bowling."
"We did!" Crise Ness as he finally made it to the safty of the couch.
"Then why are you drunk?" Mike sat down next to his silly boyfriend.
"'m not drunk." Ness pouts as he snuggles up into the warmth of Mike. "Its Chris's brithday. We had some shots in between rounds of bowling." Mike snorts and shakes his head. Ness is mesmerized by the movement of his hair. He sits up as gracefully as a newborn giraffe and starts to play with Mike's hair.
"Mike. Mike. Mike. Do you want to hear a fun fact I learned at work today?" Mike tries and fails to surpress the smile that makes its way up to his face and camps there.
"What did you learn darlin'?" Ness does a little happy wiggle, excited that someone is willing to listen to his ramblings.
"I learned from Amy that you can cook food in the dryer! She told me that her cousin's best friend did it with stake and it totally worked! Isnt that so cool? Maybe we should try that." Ness babbles as he takes his hands through Mike's hair. He starts trying to braid it, bit its too small to really amount to anything. So he gives up and runs his figners through the hair, enjoying the texture, before trying to braid it again.
"Sorry Darlin', but we are not cooking food in the dryer. No matter what Amy's cousin's best friend says." Mike's hands hold on to Ness's hips to keep him from toppeling off the couch
"But Sugar, think of the learning opportunities for Abby." Ness's puppy dog eyes were at full force and aimed right at Mike's heart. Mike steals himself before continuing.
"You can't use that as an excuse every time you want to do something."
Ness yawns real big and then replies,"I can try."
Mike makes sure Ness is sexure before standing up.
"Lets get you to bed Darlin'." He says in a hushed tone as he picks up Ness in a bridal carry and starts making his way to their room.
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stevie-petey · 5 months
what about a fun silly little mindless blurb w steve robin and bug at scoops before ch 1? like what was the first time bug stopped in to visit steve like ? did robin instantly take to her ? i need to see my precious babies bond
we technically already see bugs first time meeting robin in chapter 9 of season 2, buuuuut i love em and will extend the scene a bit <3
enjoy !
"slow down! youre running so fast and i just biked here!" you try your best to keep with robin as she drags you through the newly built mall.
"keep up, slowpoke!" robin only tugs at your hand and all you can do is follow.
youve known the girl for all of five minutes and already shes become your new favorite person.
robin drags you to an area close to the entrance where theres a fancy fountain. seemingly content with where shes dragged you to, she finally drops your hand and sits against the fountains ledge. scrunching her face, she looks disapprovingly at the statue. "how come hawkins had enough money for this crap but not for new uniforms for the band kids?"
"youre in band?" you ask the girl as you sit next to her.
"yup," robin nods at you, curious to see what your reaction will be. shes heard a lot about you, everyone in hawkins has. youre the towns sweetheart, and robin knows at least three people in her band group that you helped one way or another throughout the years.
you gasp. "dude, i wouldve done band, but jonathan wanted to do choir instead."
"why didnt you just do what you wanted?" robin asks you, though she knows the answer already.
"band wouldnt have been fun without him, and i do like to sing." you shrug, not really regretful over the decision.
robin stares at you, a slight frown on her face. she seems to almost study you. "youre fascinating, you know that?"
"what do you mean?" you wrap your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling very small.
seeing this, robin is quick to correct herself. shes always been horrible talking to other people; shes the worst at making new friends, and she really, really wants to be your friend. "no! i didnt, uh, mean it in a bad way! i just-well, i mean. shit."
robins panic only makes you forget your anxiety and you nudge your shoulder against hers. "hey, breathe. im not going to like, dunk you into the fountain water."
"thank god," robin exhales, relieved that you dont seem too angry with her. taking a deep breath, she tries again to explain herself. "what i meant was: you took choir for jonathan byers, and yet youre here now with steve harrington. the douchebag."
you frown at robins words. you forget sometimes that so few people see steve how you do. hes far from the boy he used to be, but you know that sometimes its harder to heal wounds from cruel words said during your youth. "i know you dont believe me, but steve isnt so bad."
"hes a dick."
"he used to be, but now he isnt."
robin huffs. "and im just expected to believe you?"
"no," you shrug. "while i understand that steve has changed since you last saw him, i also understand that this change isnt mine to force you to accept."
your words leave robin speechless. its almost annoying how rational youre being about this. how you can balance both steves feelings and hers without making either of them feel lesser for it.
youre a goddamn saint and robin truly has no idea how jonathan or steve have managed to snag you for themselves.
its unfair.
"i..." robin tries to think of something to retaliate with, but she cant. youre right and she hates it. "thats a very frustratingly mature way to look at things."
you shrug again. "it sucks being so mature, i'll admit."
then steve runs up to the two of you and hes panting with exhaustion. "christ," he wheezes out, clutching at his knees as he bends down to try an catch his breath. "you two are fast."
"youre an athlete, harrington." you tug at steves hair and cause him to topple onto the ground, which robin cant help but giggle at. "keep up."
"why do i always end up on the ground when youre around?" steve doesnt even bother to get up.
"because im clearly bigger and stronger than you."
robin pokes your cheek, mollified by your conversation from earlier and by the fact that you just knocked steve harrington to the ground for fun. "dont forget more mature, y/n."
"oh, so much more mature." you agree, smiling at her.
steve sighs from the ground. "this is gonna be a long summer."
"get used to it, dingus," robin nudges the boy with her sneaker and he flinches away, displeased, but this only makes you and robin giggle even more together.
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ge · 4 months
Sorry my mind is filled with tang bo returns au and i need to dump it to someone who will take better care of these thoughts
Since the tangs are with us now think about how fun it would be if a reincarnated tangbo came with them and that's how they found each other
They're flirting and bantering on the side like the old married couple they are while jo gul fights tang zhan and the rest of the swords watch tangcheong in horror
That night tang zhan mentiones the 12th dagger thing to Lord Gunak along with the adopted Tang Bo's new "friend" and Tang Gunak walks into Tang Bo's room to ask about that only to find Soso and Tang Bo giggling to each other while tang bo tries on different robes and gushes about CM i am slowly going insane about them your honor ge
BWAHH I LOVE THIS IDEA SOO CUTE... i love the hc that if tangchung both reincarnated they would recognize each other almost instantly even if they looked completely different than they did before, so chung myung striding out of jo guls house to confront the tang party and pausing for a second to take in tang zhan bc of how familiar he looks, then glancing over and completely blanking out for a second seeing the REAL tang bo staring at him w his jaw on the floor is so silly.. both the tang party and jo guls dad just kind of watch them in bewilderment bc this guy just kicked the door of the hinges, fully intent on fighting, is now just staring at the equally dumbfounded tang guy in silence.. so awkward.. it almost feels like theyre interrupting something..
tangchung spending the rest of the evening hanging off each other while jo gul gets wiped is SOO FUNNY..THEY DGAF they just found their other half and couldnt care less about what was going on around them..its free husband.. i love tang bo returns especially bc of the disciples reactions to seeing chung myung act sooo out of character.. their waspish snappy dickhead is staring so lovingly and tenderly into the eyes of some rando from a rivaling sect and ISNT trying to instigate or negotiate something..? has he secretly been poisoned?? is there a needle in his brain..?!?
TANG BO AND TANG SOSO BESTIES...? UR GENIUS IS UNRIVALED R U KIDDING MEEEE would be interesting if tang bo reincarnated into a first cousin, related to the main line but not as important as the direct descendants, but managed to befriend soso and her brothers and just kind of managed to wiggle his way into tang gunak and the elders focus, giving him a little status boost and influence but not much to do anything directly aside from standing beside and slightly behind the main family.. tang bo loves them all dearly though bc theyre his family.. his grand nieces and nephews.. if he cant act paternally towards them then he'll just be the best goddamn cousin in the world, and that includes gushing about his crush to his elated niece turned cousin
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kichikichiko · 2 years
Bento box of love
A/N: Hi everyone! I was cooking yesterday and I thought of this idea for 3 characters teehee
I love writing headcanons now istg
Scaramouche, venti and Itto (seperate) x fem!reader
Reader cooks, being his wife (scara), being his gf (Venti and Itto), modern AU, fluff, headcanon, proofread I think 😃
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SCARAMOUCHE ▪︎ the balladeer
(For background you both kept your marriage a secret when at work because he doesn't wanna deal with people yelling and shouting at him all stunned and confused abt him having a wife)
You started bringing him food from home as you found out that he has been consuming an unhealthy amount of convenience store food
You scolded him at first then the next morning he was met with the sweet aroma of chicken katsu and curry layed out in a bento box on the dining table
He thought it was for you and you worked as well
But got confused when he saw you coming out of the kitchen still in pyjamas and not your formal attire
"Who's this for?" He pointed at the bento while looking confused
"For you silly" you replied "I wasn't kidding when I said I'd start making you bentos" you added before disappearing to the kitchen again.
He was stunned and lost for words but he brought the bento anyways
When it was lunch time in his office, his coworkers came up to him and asked if he wanted to buy some food down by the convenience store as they always did
Scara declined the offer and took out the bento you prepared for him
He got looks from his coworkers "holy shit you brought a bento from home??"
"Damn lets see what you got open it open it!"
Out of all the people in the office, he was the last person they'd expect to bring a bento from home
Scara opened it and revealed the neatly arranged chicken katsu curry.
The sweet aroma of curry made his coworkers drool
"Wow Scara this looks amazing! Who made this for you?" "Your mom?" The other asked
Scara smiled slightly while still looking at the bento "my wife"
From then on he demanded* (begged) you to make him more bentos and make them as creative as possible
They make his day at work more bearable <33
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VENTI ▪︎ windborne bard
He usually ate out with his fellow singers and barely ate at home unless it was breakfast
Which means he was spending loads of money
Not to mention he liked to drink so it was double the money spent
You yelled at him for spending more money than he needs
One day when he was about to leave to his agency you catched him before he opened the door and gave him a wrapped bento box
Kissing him on the cheek while handing it to him you said "for lunch today, have fun at work! Say hi to the rest for me love"
He didnt mind, both you making him a bento as well as giving him a kiss on the cheek
When lunch time came around he indirectly kept on mentioning how his lovely girlfriend made lunch for him and how much he loves his beautiful girlfriend
"Oh how much I miss my lovely windblume, good think she made me a bento box for me to remember her" he loves u so much if u cant tell
Kazuha as well as Aether just nodded and congratulated him
Xiao was annoyed
And Heizou rolled his eyes
He ate the bento while smiling the whole time
Giggling and blushing as well.
Suddenly he started spending less money on food from outside and started appreciatinf your food more
You were happy he enjoyed your cooking
But more happy tht he isnt spending money on food from outside💀
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ITTO ▪︎ hanamizaka heroics
Itto doesnt have money, and he doesn't cook. He usually depends on his gang to bring food for him when they meet up or ask Shinobu, but when they forgot or simply didn't come to the meeting, he was left starving for the whole day
He couldn't ask granny oni as well as she lived far away from the city
And even if she did, he'd feel bad about it
When you started dating him, and found out about how he kept skipping meals you decided to surprise him by whipping up a bento for him
He liked food with meat and lavender melon so you tried your best to incorperate those 2 together
He watched you as you made his bento early in the morning
Peaking from over your head (tall oni) from time to time watching in awe
Practcially gets giddy when youre finally finished and held the bento box like it was the most precious thing on earth
Brags about it to his fellow gang members
"Oh my beautiful gorgeous stunning amazing jaw dropping awesome GIRLFRIEND made me a BENTO BOX for lunch today, she made me a delicious BENTO BOX-" SMACK! Was the sound that came about when Shinobu slapped his head
The gang was hapoy for him though, as they felt guilty when they werent able to feed him
They felt at ease knowing he finally had someone feeding him
That loud ass oni practically ran around the city carrying his bento box yelling chants and praises at you and how much he loves you
When you found out what he did from the rest of the gang you gave him an earful
But flattered that he went to the public to chant his appreciation for his gf <33
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ratatatastic · 3 months
welcome to erods adventures with finnish media electric boogaloo because the first one was so great we had to make a second one but this time guest starring lundy!! now lundy has to deal with roddy shenanigans.
this man is getting pingponged between the finns as they decide who has babysitting presser duties for the day and its beautiful you cant escape him he will find a way to get partnered with a finn just to hear them speak in finnish
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"no way!" he had so much fun last time with mikksy hes gonna do it again oh arent you blessed lundy you got a presser buddy who staunchly adheres to the buddy system!! he wont leave you alone!!! look at him smiling with the force of a thousand suns!!!
erod turns into an absolute puppy and lundy cant handle it, shying away like if he looks at roddy for longer than a second he might get blinded and when lundy glances over erod looks down to his lap-
why are both of you acting shy WHAT IS THIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHAT ARE YOU- YALL SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G OUT HERE???... playground flirting...
mc adding "evan AND anton will be answering in finnish now" yeahhhhhhh thats the stuff lets be a little goofy with it lets be silly make roddy smile with the funsies of it all
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when you have to lock in because lundy actually has a job to do here and you cant just sit there and make him giggle the whole time despite your jester blood screaming to you that its your cosmic duty
first i lol'd then i serious'd
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the wall of "dad is in a business meeting but its take your son to workday so i ALSO have to be at the business meeting too" aka roddy has to sit still and find his own fun that is zoning out and looking over at lundy when he says a word you know (which isnt many in the first place)
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"kiitos" "kiitos!" lundy slipping it in first before erod can and erod waiting and following his lead. excitedable puppy learns manners and patience for the first time ever and waits until AFTER the interview to say it instead of interrupting the reporters oh we love character growth. both of them smiling as they get up from their seats OH OHHHHHHHHH
"youre working on it!" YES! YES HE IS! maybe one day they'll get him to say something other than kiitos that day is not today but soon
post practise interview | 6.20.24 (x)
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crushedsweets · 1 year
I am so curious as to what you'd think about Nina and Hoodie as a duo. They've been two of my absolute favorites (even if Brian technically isn't even a creepypasta) since I was younger and I've always loved them as a sort of big brother/little sister pairing. They are so siblings to me I adore them. What are your thoughts on the sillies..
OHHH this is actually super interesting... but also im worried i do not have a lot to say because they won't mesh very well/very much. but i will try. not super realistic headcanons i think but what do i know... <3
brian isnt very present in my story, partially bc ik some mh fans dont like the crossover very much. and by time ninas in the story, i want him+tim to kinda separate from slenderman as toby and kate take over. he's still involved and coming around since he gets horrible slender sickness(but its from the operator) if he's away too long, but he doesn't live near or befriend most of the main cast..
nina is very present in my story because i love her and she is such a good and fun representation of the fandom yk. but brian is much more realistic and late 30s man, while nina is a very cartoonish early 20s girl. theyre on very different fields character and life wise...
BUUUUUUUUUT they would still meet of course.
she'd be bubbling around the entire cast, meeting people through jeff. people initially think she's in the same vein as jeff, natalie, and toby, with a LONG list of blood on their hands influenced by the operator, so they just don't think much about it. theyre mostly surprised by how cheery she is, but the proxies are the first to find out she's just... obsessed with jeff..... so thats very off putting. brian isn't fond of it.
nina would develop some light slender sickness(again, from the operator) just by being around jeff all the time, but the operator never infected her because he didn't see her as a worthy vessel. so, she would have to come to the proxies about it. if toby isnt in the mood or busy, she'd just have to hope brian/tim are around with some pills that'll soothe the pain
brian is more likely to help. with nina, he'd be quick to take on a more protective role, trying to console her as she cries on the couch holding her head whining about static.
initial convos would go smth along the lines of "do you want some coffee ? or uh kids like hot chocolate huh... maybe tea" "i'm literally in my 20s please tell me toby has weed somewhere" "that does not help with this pain i promise" "how would you know" "haha. water it is."
brian was a major stoner back in his early 20s and nina thinks its fucking hilarious. . . she'll try to get him to smoke with her but he's rlly not interested LOLLLL.... hes like 15 yrs older than her he thinks its weird .
again, he's not around a lot, but she's always happy to bump into him. she'd be squealing n shit 'HIII BRIANNNN how r u :3' and he'd just be like :) hey nina. and then never answer the 'how r u' bc he doesnt actually wanna sit and talk .
its a good change of pace. he's been through hell and back for well over a decade by this point, everyone around him is a sad sack of shit, and he spent a long time just. fighting to be an optimistic, cool guy to hang around . . but .... like.... um..... its hard to be that kind of person after all he's been thru. something about nina just forces that sort of like..... glee out of him . its not a huge difference where he's suddenly bouncing and giggling and whatever, he's still just Some Guy. but he'll be like :) lol .
mayhaps he'd catch her trying on toby's goggles and he'd offer to let her try on his mask. but nina would fake gag and be like 'no i dont want that dirty musty nasty sack on my head' and he'd be like ?????. then he'd say she can wash it and then try it on. which.. as an older sibling.... is the type of shit i'd do just to get my sister to do smth for me that i dont wanna do LMFAOOO. she might fall for it just cuz my dear nina is the ultimate fangirl
i dunno i kinda struggled with this one just cuz in my au, they wouldnt be all that close and the Type of characters they are don't mesh very well, but i am super fond of the concept and would love to try expanding on it more
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whompthatsucker1981 · 4 months
been thinking abt the gay sex cats post again. while the original point of the post is something for shits and giggles i would say to my art classmates after class, in extreme summary it still kinda stands, popular post making me wanna bash my head against the wall notwisthstanding. even if i hadn't put out a wall of text that was fueled by 1. being a few days out of the surgery table and still on various medications, 2. having read billy bat in two days and therefore having a fuck ton of thoughts about art, and 3. being immensely frustrated that people unironically used human soul of art spark of creativity etc as a talking point wrt generative art; the gist of my point is that you can't win any discussion about what gets to be art by appealing to idealist ideas of soul, creativity, or genius. it's been settled for more or less a century now. a tool is a tool, art can be made out of anything, and the medium is part of the message. end of that post.
of course the regret of anyone that has put out a popular post in whatever Discourse there is is that you can't leave a post scriptum disclaimer that yeah. of course this isn't the entirety of the subject. because everyone that has ever written a post never made a second post because the first covered everything. lol. that's why it continued in my askbox. as in, the issue with quote unquote ai art isnt philosophical or metaphysical, but of labor, and that it is as in marxist division of labor, not whatever people with small business owner brain make it out to be centered on copyright and potentially owed royalties that gets called an issue of labor. ai art is a threat as long as it is a tool in the hands of capitalists to hold working artists hostage. it's not the first tool to be used like that against laborers in art (and obviously other laborers too, but since people have bad idealist views on art it's what gets seen as more of an issue and an outrage lol) and it certainly won't be the last. tighter copyright laws wouldn't have saved any individual artist to ever upload works publically online, if anything abolishing copyright, even if just in regards to generative art would make it so the tool loses its leverage against the worker. also copyright as an argument misses the point because it's not a problem of any person uploading images missing out on royalties they could have earned with use of their images, if there's anything we were supposed to have learned from the nft shitshow is that right click saving isn't fucking stealing. art exists in The Age Of Mechanical And Digital Reproduction. what's more damning is that we take for granted that publically avaliable images and data online are able to be bought and sold from third parties to other parties for fun and profit in the first place, data privacy is more of an issue to machine learning than supposedly lax copyright law could ever be
and the things unsaid are the most frustrating; i did hammer home the point that you can't win an argument on art and meaning by appealing to creativity, soul and genius, but it was at the cost of having things unsaid, and that having a post become popular sucks ass in an unbelievable way. i also have regrets with regards to my tone but i was a bit silly from having read all of billy bat in two days, so even if i cringed afterwards i understand why. and with that is also the unsaid matter of taste. unlike the actual political arguments, i'm not mad that it got passed on, and i think it's better to say my two cents now with some hindsight. the gimmick of ai art is getting old now, people without art education are realizing that a program that can output pretty pictures doesn't mean you can get instant clout and a career out of it, especially with public opinion on the subject ranging from people cringing at it or being actively hostile. in the end artisanal artstation/instagram slop is gonna prevail over ai generated artstation/instagram slop in the content machine, especially since the idealistic views on art also include upholding the grindset. i think the only people left that are gonna keep relying on generative art are people with an insatiable fetish, people who think there aren't enough thomas kinkade paintings to use in their facebook posts, people who understand the comedic value of slop, and people with enough patience to mess with with image processing softwares as to get something satisfactory out of it, which is to say, artists.
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jennyanypenny · 8 days
Soo heard ya seen the georgetown palace production of cats with the female munk kinda curious on ur thoughts on whats the production like?
It was fun :o3 Im forgetting stuff already, but I do know that seeing it changed my opinions on Skimbleshanks.
Using this ask as an excuse to write down a summary for myself (not in exact song order uhhh)
Starting numbers were good. Don’t have much to say, but seeing it live and kinda close is def different from seeing 5 pixel bootlegs!! These cats are people sized!! Also you could hear the noise when they pounced on the floor. I think some of that had to do with how small the theatre was. Also Vickys solo was mostly on a pole. I thought that they wouldn’t keep the sensuality of her parts but they did!
The Old Gumbie Cat number was soo good. But that was expected from the best song in the musical. Ive already praised Munku’s actress so :o3 .The gumbie trio sounded wonderful!! But during their part they did stuff with sticks and it was definitely a bit too loud.. The guys were the mice instead of the girl kits. They made a cute little shawl for Jenny out of rope that she wore throughout the show. Rumpel and Mungo may or may not have stolen it later. The beetles tattoo was very good! I think ive already mentioned it but Munkus led most of it. Jenny did lead some of it tho. She also came in inside of a shoe-car?? Oversized light up sneaker that she was riding. Supports my hc that these cats are 3 centimeters tall.
Oki so I missed some of The RTT because im lame and I can never watch this number without looking away for a bit. Anyways, the actor was funny as hell. Made silly faces through the show. Sillabub had a “I ❤️ Tugger” cardboard sign. Very important. Bomba and Tugger were def very close. Munkus and Tugger hung out a lot too! He got a lil crown during the number from his fangirls :3 . The end bit went on for some time but it made me giggle from what I remember so it was good 👍
Bustopher Jones sounded very nice. Very jolly. Wasn’t the full song I think. Some of the cats didn’t seem to like him which lame 🙄!! (Misto and Skimble were very exited tho!). Jenny still had the crush and got a flower at the end¿. (im forgetting stuff already) Also Bustopher Jones existed outside of his song! Win for Bustopher fans everywhere.
Mungo and Rumpel were trying to be funny I think?? But a lot of it came of like those parodies of Cats. Yknow, the ones were the cat role isnt taken seriously and its like “hahah, hairballs”. Was not a fan. Hated it actually. Maybe I just hate fun idk. They were also in front being silly wayy to much. During multiple numbers. There was some dialogue at the start of their song, them asking if it was safe to come out yet instead of the usual Rumpel laughs. The two actually being scared of Mac isnt something I usually interpret, but mmm has u thinking.
Augh during one of the Scares (not sure which one) they (Deme starts and cats join in) say (not truly sing) a part of Macavity, emphasizing the hypnotizing part (foreshadowing💥). Took away some of the mystery but it didnt bother me that much. They could have made it sound better tho 😭
The Jellicle Ball choreo was a bit disappointing, but I don’t remember much uhh. The music was good tho. Misto lifted Victoria btw, if any of the 3 mistoria shippers see this.
GLAMOUR CAT REPRISE!! GLAMOUR CAT REPRISE HOW I LOVE YOU! After it I think it was just Grizz and Sillabub was there watching her from up high in the set. I dont remember if Old D stayed, but he might have.
Moments of Happiness was good I rlly liked Old Ds voice. Victoria and Jemima had a little dance at the end although this could have also happened before/during the Jellicle Ball.
Gus the Theatre cat was wonderful <33 . Such a great Jelly. One of my favorites (although I already have a lot of favorite Jellys :’3). She was sweet and her voice was nice. The number was def a bit less sad and more funny. Mmm something cute is that like 4 cats worked to place and fluff up a pillow on the hat¿ Gus sat on.
Macavity fight was very cool. There wasn’t the reveal bit. He just came in ready to fight. Demeter fought quite a bit. All the other cats (apart from Munkus [who got their ass beat like usual] and Deme) who hit Mac were all played by male actors. Munk did recover and finish it off tho (I think). Deme was also kitnapped. Definitely a suprise! There was this box they were sliding around and stuff and Mac escaped by going inside with her in it after hypnotizing her. They really played into that part. I somehow missed Old Deuteronomy being kitnapped before all this idk how.
Speaking of Macavity I loved Demeters voice. She was really good. I knew Macavity was gonna be good when I heard her in the opening number 🙏. Bomba had a deeper voice and I rlly liked the playfulness the actress brought to her. Ermm I dont remember much else.
SKIMBLESHANKS THE RAILWAY CAT was awesom. Actor was very expressive. Bustopher appears during this song. There was a bit where mungo/rumpel stole Bustophers’ watch, skimble caught them, and then Bustopher came back to get it and found skimbol with it. ‘,:-\ . Very silly I liked that part. There was also like 2 seconds of tap dancing I swear. Instant bonus points. Everybody loves Skimbleshanks for good reasons and I finally understood why.
Magical Mr Mistoffelees was fun! Its always such a happy joyful song! The Conjuring Turns!!! Holy moly. Its another experience to actually be there clapping. He first conjured up Deme at the very start and then Old Deuteronomy. They hugged a lot <33. Mr. Mistoffelees was very kittenish in this production. It was cute :o3
Memory sounded good I will not deny this! But the acting. It wasnt that emotional.. which is what I mainly like about Memory. She mostly just sung towards the audience. You didn’t really get the feeling she was angry/sad/regretful and desperate.
Grizzabella ascended on a boat. The one that is on the right of the stage in the pic.
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Another number my mind was changed on is Addressing of Cats. I think I mentioned it being a least fave in a ask game and yeagh. This is why Growltiger beat it for least fave song. Very awesome. A cat is not a dog.
I enjoyed it! Genuinely never thought I would see it in person until I was much older but I was proved wrong! Also the Cats brainrot was stronger in the weeks leading up to it. (good thing)
According to my mom my dumbass missed when they went through the aisles :’( . I only saw Misto bringing Old D in his arrival. Fave performers where the ones who played Munkus, Jelly, Gus, Old D, Deme and Tugger.
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confusedbuddyboi · 8 months
This is my first fic agere stuff, so I wanted to try espresso and Madeline, cause I can see them in my mind easily. :] btw this isnt edited so spelling errors possible and likely. This is inspired by the winter snow! It's made me excited! Also lmk if anyone's got ideas or such for other stuff! My ask box is always open even memes.
Fic under cut!
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/I'll start this with saying I'm horrendous at guessing ages in general not even regressing. So most of my regression ideas here aren't based on specifics of ages and how they grow, but how a charather generally might act. Espresso seems like someone who even when regressed likes to try and be “a big kid” the main thing is regressed hes more open to offerings of help and general silliness. He also relaxes and is a lot less stressed\
Espresso was staring out the window, distracted from there work for a long moment. It was a gentle flurry, but the snow has been layering like powdered sugar on everything. Espresso realized they hadn't even realized the snow starting, he didn't mind the cold however. Being made with espresso kept him warm so he could really soak in the sight.
He never admit it but the winter weather made him a bit giddy. He always thought of when he would go out and play in the snow with his siblings. Latte would help build a snowman while cappuccino would be found making snow angels. Espresso had been much younger than his siblings but minus snow ball fights he never felt left behind in snowy fun.
“Ohhh espresso!” A joyful voice sang turning the corner seeing espresso turn from their window watching. Normally when Madeline came in espresso would jump, like a bundle of nerves, or scold him for being so sneaky when coming in. However right now espresso simply hummed, tilting his head a bit tired as always however.
Madeline gave a gentle “ah” as he realized espresso was likely regressing. Sometimes it was hard to tell, as espresso tended to fight it off wanting to work. Thankfully for Madeline the snow made espresso more willing to slip to a younger mindset without fighting it. “well, would you like to bundle up for a bit of time outside?” “you just got back from patrol though, your probably freezing” Madeline shook his hand in a ‘dont worry’ gesture. “I'll change into better layers and warm up while we but you in some winter ware,” he smiled “besides the hot chocolate taste better after a winter walk”
Eventually Madeline got his layers on first and quickly. He came back to espresso trying his best to put on the layers himself. He got the shirt and pants on fine, but was struggling with the zipper on coat. He was starting to get huffy as it didn't connect properly at the bottom. Madeline came over espresso likes to try and do big things on his own. “Can I help you buddy?” Espresso pouted wanting to get it done himself, trying once again not answering.
“Hey, you got your layers on. I'm proud of you but even big boys need help. Like I might need you to hold my hand to help me down the stairs, theyre a bit slippery!” it a moment but espresso let go of the zipper “ok”. Madeline knew it was better to tell espresso he was a big boy, or else he might get fussy. Even as a little he was always trying to be self-sufficient.
Eventually they made it out the door “hold my hand till we down the stairs ok? I don't want us to fall!” espresso beamed happy to help. “Here be careful ok! I'll be watching you!” Espresso decided to flop down and start making a string of snow angels, he looked over and urged Madeline over. “Make some too!” Madeline was cold, but with how espresso beamed excited trying to make a big circle of them, he couldn't resist.
Eventually they finished them and espresso giggled. Giddy with the masterpiece they made. Madeline brushed off the snow stuck to him and espresso before letting him explore a bit more. The snow wasn't wet enough for snowmen which made him a bit sad but settled on drawing in the snow with a stick.
Eventually espresso had enough outside, and headed inside. Madeline kept his promise of hot chocolate, letting it cool down before he put it in a sippy cup. Espresso was beaming bringing his coat to Madeline having taken off his layers. “Look! I got it off on my own!” He said excited. Madeline ruffled espresso hair a bit. “Great job! I got some hot chocolate to warm you up.” He was surprised when espresso held out the coat. “Could you put it on the rack?” Madeline smiled a bit and took it, “sure bud. Here yah go” espresso took it and darted to the couch and it's covers. “Thank you!”
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