#gigi priest
madebysimblr · 1 year
Not really related to the lil montage posts, but since it'll be a while until there is a lil infant in any of my main sims lives rn I decided I would pop into Gigi & Zane's household and let Gigi give birth 👀
ANYWAY meet their lil gorl, Ariella
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and VERY fun fact, Ari's full black ensemble is from her Auntie Cordelia & Auntie Raina huehue
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aaronpullinteeth · 6 months
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Gigi knows
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One topic I like to think about and discuss with fellow Skyrim lovers is the Voice's usage. I believe that the Last Dragonborn (and every Dragonborn or Tongue), cannot use the power of the Voice for too long without facing its consequences. In my headcanon, when Jia utilizes too many Shouts in one battle, she instantly becomes extremely weary and dizzy. When she attempts to Shout repeatedly, without maintaining the proper cooldown (as we also see in-game), she basically endangers herself with dying as there's a high chance she suffers a heart attack or a stroke due to elevated blood pressure. I imagine it as though her dragon soul kind of 'threatens' to unleash itself from the confines of her human body—after all, the Thu'um was initially a draconic power. Miraak is an uncommon case of a Dragonborn who can Shout while maintaining a shorter cooldown. I give a more personal explanation other than Bethesda made him like this to be a challenging enemy: Miraak is nearly as powerful in the Thu'um as Alduin. They both are firstborn sons of Akatosh, aren't they?
Some warning signs that the Voice is dangerously overused and its wielder must immediately stop otherwise they will face demise are: blackening at the edges of the eyes and throbbing/splitting headache, rapid pulse, unbearable pain in the bones, nose/eyes bleeding, and scraped/bleeding throat. So, your Fourth Era medic advises you not to overuse your Voice! 👩‍⚕️ 
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dynamitekansai · 1 year
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WWE NXT (July 18, 2023)
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lucienarcheron · 9 months
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The only man who ever dared 🤣
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thirtyminutebreak · 1 month
"i don't believe in God, but i believe that you're my saviour" { newtmas fanfiction, thomas' pov }
{ A/N : possible tw? don't read if you're triggered by religious talk. also if anyone knows how to put italics on this app let me know im struggling!!! title from sailor song by gigi perez. PLS be easy on my this is my first fanfic in nearly a year! }
He was a Catholic.
I was an Atheist.
I didn’t really think of it when we met. We were in class, sat next to each other as the teacher played a video of the biology of a frog. Neither of us were really paying attention. He looked at me.
“This is super lame, huh?” I chuckled. He was charming, blond hair and deep brown eyes. My eyes darted down to scan his figure. I spotted the crucifix on his neck, mentally scoffing. I never understood how anyone could get such comfort from something so unreal. I didn’t say anything though.
“I’m Newt.” His name rolled off his tongue beautifully, accent thick, piercing through my ears. It was odd to me, but again, I kept my mouth shut.
Weeks passed and Newt and I spoke frequently. During class we exchanged phone numbers. I remember that night we texted for hours. We stayed up late. I stayed up much later than him, thinking about the conversations we had, and about his beautiful eyes. His eyes told stories. Mountains surrounded his pupil, a starry night sky as if it were painted by Van Gogh. I shook my head, closing my eyes and trying to sleep, yet all I could think of was blond hair.
One day, Newt and I had a sleepover. I entered his home, greeted his mother with a wide smile, exchanged ‘Nice to meet you’s with her and was escorted to his room. He seemed excited to have me. It didn’t seem as though he had much company over. I noticed he had inherited his mother’s blonde hair. That night, Newt leaned over his bed on his knees. I sat on the opposite end of it. He had a rosary clutched between his hands as he mumbled soft words. He opened his eyes, smiling widely.
“Do you want to try?” I felt conflicted. Praying to a God I didn’t believe in didn’t feel right, but I kept an open mind. Newt walked over to my side of the bed and instructed me to get on my knees. I complied. He placed the rosary between the two of our hands, lacing my skin with the purest intentions.
“I believe in God, the Father almighty…” Newt whispered gently, eyes squeezed shut. My eyes fluttered shut as well. I felt at peace.
Another time, he invited me to Church, and I agreed. Entering a Cathedral for the first time was wonderful. He opened the door and bowed, signaling for me to do the same. He dipped his fingers in the holy water font, signing the cross. I copy his movements. I see women with veils covering their hair, a Priest reading a verse as I’m ushered into a pew. Newt stood beside me, listening to the Priests words and sitting down. I watched as Newt received his communion. I sat down when everyone else did. I leaned on my knees and for the first time, really prayed. I prayed for God to give me a sign that this was what I needed.
The next few sleepovers go the same as the last. Playing some games, talking, praying the rosary.
This was different; too different.
I sit with Newt, hands clasped together around a rosary, softly caressing the beads while we prayed a decade. Newt leans in, making eye contact with me while he prays.
“Hail Mary, full of grace…” I lean in too; we’re breathing the same air now. Our bodies close. Newt closes his eyes, I do the same, except I lean in further. Our lips press together gently, and Newt freezes. I feel like a sinner, like I just ruined our beautiful, sacred connection. Fear shoots through my body as Newt slowly leans back. His eyes are wide with shock, with fear, with confusion.
“I should go.” I state, standing up and running out of his bedroom, past his mother who carried a plate of fruits, past his family dog, past the painting of the Holy Mary on the wall. I slip on my shoes, and I run. I run and run and keep running and even when I can’t anymore, I keep running. I’m a sinner. I started to believe what Newt had preached to me for months. Maybe there is a God out there, but it isn’t one in my favour. I try to forget the blond strands of hair, the brown mountains in his eyes, the cheeky smile, the stupid accent, and the rosary I accidentally ran away with. I pocket the rosary. I keep it forever. Newt texts me a week later, nothing more than a mere:
“Hi.” I felt horrified. I lost my best friend. I hoped he didn’t lose his religion with the loss of me (and his rosary). Religion was the only thing I had left of him. He never even texted for his rosary back.
“Hi” I texted back.
“I think we need to talk” He replied.
“K…Come over?” I typed. He was here in ten minutes, panting loudly with a few beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. It was normally a thirty-minute walk anyway, and he ran it. I had his rosary in my pocket, waiting for him to ask for it back, though I secretly used it to pray for him to come back to me every night. I opened my front door to him, and he smiled gently at me. The same soft, meaningful, pure smile he always smiled.
“Tommy?” He whispered. My heart ached. Was I his first sin? The thoughts wouldn’t stop running through my head, filling me with such deep dread, like I’ve never felt before.
“What you did wasn’t bad, Thomas.” Newt frowned, eyes welling up. I knew this was new for him, to be kissed, especially by a boy.
“We didn’t sin.” Newt nearly choked out. It was like he read my mind. I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand anything about this.
“Your religion is just so...hateful, Newt! Why would love be a sin, why should our love be sinful.”
“It isn’t.” I saw his eyes, full of sorrow. What I said hurt him. His religion was very dear to him. Very, very dear to him. He was very, very dear to me.
“It isn’t a sin, Tommy. It’s just not. God loves us…He…He wouldn’t let this happen if this was sinful. He wouldn’t hurt me like this; He wouldn’t hurt us like this.” Newt sobbed, and I pulled him to my chest. Maybe he was right. It felt wrong, praying to a God I didn’t believe in, but for Newt, I’d do anything. He pulled away from the hug and cupped my face, his eyes full of emotion, more emotion than normal. They were full of woe, but also full of hope. Hope and love. Newt pulled me into an innocent kiss, soft and passionate. It felt familiar, like home. For once I had a sense of belonging, and who better than with Newt?
“ God does love us, Thomas.” Newt said, voice a bit panicked, like he was begging me to believe it. I just stood there in silence, holding onto Newt, hoping that I was comforting him.
thirtyminutebreak on a03
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heartfullofleeches · 3 months
Which Reader should C.C [Incubus Yan] and Gigi [Slime Alien Yan] simp over together? I was thinking Bodyguard Reader, but Priest Reader would be good too. Reader should be human as a middle ground for a demon and an alien.... unless they're a monster of a different kind
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akitasimblr · 10 months
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paulina vidal by @falsetochild went to a "meeting the in-laws dinner" with georgiana priest (nat's mom) and fredric harper (nat's brother).
why, nat?! WHY NAKED?!!?!
once again, mom gigi didn't get a great impression of paulina...
and neither did fredric, our rebel brother... uh-oh...
but paulina enjoyed the irony of it all and cheered to the hosts 😉
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olympic-paris · 3 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
September 23
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Celebrate Bisexuality Day is observed on September 23 by members of the bisexual community and their supporters.
This day is a call for the bisexual community, their friends and supporters to recognize and celebrate bisexuality, bisexual history, bisexual community and culture, and all the bisexual and otherwise non-monosexual people in their lives.
First observed in 1999, Celebrate Bisexuality Day is the brainchild of three United States bisexual rights activists: Wendy Curry of Maine, Michael Page of Florida, and Gigi Raven Wilbur of Texas. Wilbur said,
Ever since the Stonewall rebellion, the gay and lesbian community has grown in strength and visibility. The bisexual community also has grown in strength but in many ways we are still invisible. I too have been conditioned by society to automatically label a couple walking hand in hand as either straight or gay, depending upon the perceived gender of each person.
This celebration of bisexuality in particular, as opposed to general LGBT events, was conceived as a response to the prejudice and marginalization of the bisexual persons by some in both the straight and greater LGBT communities.
In its first year, an observance was held during the International Lesbian and Gay Association week, which occurred during the week of the 23rd. While at first it only took hold in areas with an extremely strong bisexual presence, it is now celebrated worldwide.
It features events such as discussions, dinner parties and dances in Toronto and a large masquerade ball in Queensland, Australia. At Texas A&M University, the week featured discussion panels and question-and-answer sessions. It has also been celebrated in Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
On September 18, 2012, Berkeley, California became what is thought to be the first city in the U.S. to officially proclaim a day recognizing bisexuals. The Berkeley City Council unanimously and without discussion declared Sept. 23 as Bisexual Pride and Bi Visibility Day.
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63 BC – Augustus Caesar (d.14 AD), Roman emperor, born Octavius of the Julii, is the single most important figure in Roman history and one of the two most famous of the Caesars (the other being his uncle Julius Caesar).
In the course of his long and spectacular career, he put an end to the advancing decay of the Republic and established a new basis for Roman government that was to stand for three centuries. This system, termed the "Principate," was far from flawless, but it provided the Roman Empire with a series of rulers who presided over the longest period of unity, peace, and prosperity that Western Europe, the Middle East and the North African seaboard have known in their entire recorded history.
It's a wise child who knows his uncle, and young Octavius regularly performed sexually for his Uncle Julius Caesar, an investment that paid handsomely in the end. He also lured the powerful Roman statesman Hirtius to his bed and received 3000 pieces of gold for his trouble, a favor he returned when he became emperor, by having Hirtius murdered to prevent him from ever telling the tale. His efforts were, of course, futile.
In Noel Garde's book, Jonathan to Gide, he tells how secret the Emperor's secret really was. Reportedly, when Augustus was attending a play, an actor spoke a line about an effeminate eunuch priest with a tambourine, `Videsne ut Cinaedus orbem digito temperet?' translatable as `Do you see that queer's finger beating the orb?' or `Do you see how this queer's finger governs the world?" The audience, reportedly, immediately took this as a reference to Augustus and broke into wild applause while staring at the imperial box.
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Baring's "First Night"
1914 – Markie Baring (d.1999), British artist, in his later years, often said vaguely that he had been "in the theatre" and now "dabbled a bit with painting". Then through his autobiography, Por Lil' Bleeder, his career in ballet and modern dance came to light.
Born in Surrey, Markie won a scholarship to study ballet under Madame Rambert in the early 1930s, and danced for her company at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. He also worked with Lydia Sokolova, and was a principal dancer with the International Ballet. He danced in some of London's biggest stage musicals - including Brigadoon (1949) - and, on screen, featured in The Red Shoes (1947) and Gene Kelly's An Invitation To The Dance (1952). But it was his tales of theatrical poverty and squalor that brought his past into focus.
His first flat was a Drury Lane garret – indeed his 1930s life seems to have been a blur of freezing early morning auditions, daytime bed to keep warm and midnight flits. There were £4-a-week provincial tours with Balalaika (1938) - taking in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool and Dublin - with digs at £1 a week, and Markie often sharing with one of the chorus girls. "Oh," he would reflect, "that my inclinations had been that way"; he would lend her a Woolworth's wedding ring to appease landladies
As a Christian Scientist and supporter of the Peace Pledge Union, Markie found war-time call-up an unwelcome distraction. In 1941 he was arrested at the stage door of the Grand, Croydon. By day incarcerated in Brixton jail, by night he was allowed to complete the International Ballet's Everyman tour. His homosexuality was no bar to army service, until knitting in bed led to his discharge. He then toured Europe and the Far East as a forces entertainer.
Post-war, despite the west end and film appearances, tours with his own shows had disaster writ large upon them. At the end of the 1950s Markie quit the boards and started to produce exquisite oil paintings, which were exhibited at the Mall Gallery and the Rona in Mayfair.
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Bruce Cohen (L) with husband Gabe Catone
1961 – Bruce Cohen is a film, television, and theater producer.
Cohen was born to a Jewish family and raised in Falls Church, Virginia. After school, he moved to Los Angeles where he accepted a clerical job as a Directors Guild of America trainee on Steven Spielberg's The Color Purple, and went on to serve as associate producer and first assistant director on Spielberg's Hook.
Cohen won the Best Picture Oscar for producing American Beauty. He earned additional Best Picture nominations for Milk and Silver Linings Playbook.
Among the other films Cohen has produced is Big Fish, directed by Tim Burton, which was both a Golden Globe and BAFTA nominee for Best Picture. He is currently a lead producer of the stage musical version of Big Fish, now on Broadway at the Neil Simon Theatre, with direction and choreography by five-time Tony winner Susan Stroman.
In television, Cohen was executive producer of the ABC series Pushing Daisies, which won a total of seven Emmys and was nominated for a Golden Globe as Best Comedy. He was also executive producer of the CBS special Movies Rock, and was nominated for an Emmy in 2011 for producing the 83rd Annual Academy Awards.
He is president of the board of directors of the American Foundation for Equal Rights, the group behind the successful Supreme Court case to have California's Proposition 8 declared unconstitutional. He is married to Gabe Catone and they have a two-year-old daughter.
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1965 – Manvendra Singh Gohil belongs to the royal family of the former princely state of Rajpipla in India.
His parents attempted but failed to disinherit him after he revealed his homosexuality, and since then his relations with the family have been in question. He is the only known person of royal lineage in modern India to have publicly revealed he is gay.
In January 2008, while performing an annual ceremony in Rajpipla in honour of his great-grandfather Maharaja Vijaysinhji, Manvendra Gohil announced plans to adopt a child, saying: "I have carried out all my responsibilities as the prince so far and will continue as long as I can. I will also adopt a child soon so that all traditions continue". If the adoption proceeds, it will be the first known case of a single gay man adopting a child in India.
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1970 – Independence and individuality epitomize singer Ani DiFranco. Once called "the thinking person's acoustic punk feminist," she has drawn on an eclectic mixture of musical traditions to create a style distinctly her own. Her music is characterized by an extensive vocal range, percussive guitar technique, and intensely personal lyrics.
In order to preserve her artistic freedom she founded a recording company, Righteous Babe, that has become extremely successful. DiFranco has never hesitated to defy convention or to speak her mind. She has been forthright in expressing her views on political and social issues and has been candid about her bisexuality.
DiFranco is a native and lifelong resident of Buffalo, New York. She got her first guitar at the age of nine and befriended the salesman, a local musician who brought her to his shows. Within about a year he began including her in them, launching her musical career. When DiFranco was fifteen her parents divorced. Not wanting to leave Buffalo, she had herself declared an emancipated minor and supported herself by working at local clubs (although she was under-age) until she graduated from an arts high school. She next moved to New York City to play in clubs but soon embarked on a nation-wide tour, living out of her car as she moved from one gig to the next.
Fans clamored for albums of her work. There being none, she borrowed $1,500 to make cassettes and sold them as she toured. DiFranco put out her first album, Not So Soft, on her own label, Righteous Babe, in 1991, although the company was not officially incorporated until 1993.
By 2004 Righteous Babe had sold more than three million recordings. For a number of years DiFranco was the label's only artist, but she is a prolific one, having produced over twenty albums by 2004. She has also created a notably diverse body of work.
DiFranco has always been open about her bisexuality, stating in a 1994 interview that "in any marginalized community, whether people identify themselves or not affects us all." From the beginning she has written and sung intensely personal songs about her love for women as well as men. As a result gay men and, especially, lesbians have been an important segment of her fan base from the start of her career. Some felt betrayed, however, when she made an opposite-sex relationship the centerpiece of her album Dilate (1996) and subsequently married her male lover, her sound engineer Andrew Gilchrist, in 1998. The couple divorced five years later.
DiFranco spends considerable time touring, but Buffalo is still her home base. She also maintains apartments in New York and New Orleans, a city that she calls "a musical epicenter," adding "I just go there to be fed." That she has achieved recognition as an artist comes as no surprise to her loyal fans or to critics. A Billboard reviewer called her "one of the smartest lyricists in music today" and "the sexiest voice on the scene," and cited her "typical disregard for expectations or the flavor of the month." DiFranco has chosen to use her talent to speak for social justice and joyously proclaim her own identity.
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percervall · 28 days
hi mar 💛 would love to play a bit of ‘this or that’ with you
choose one:
1) carlos stays with ferrari but never wins another race again (podiums a lot!), OR carlos signs with williams and wins his home race every year he is there (does not podium otherwise)
2) gigi follows carlos to williams but they both have to be bald / clean shaven, OR gigi/carlos split but they get to keep their beautiful hair / staches
Know that I am pouting at my screen rn 🥺
Listen, I love Charlos, I do, but I'd rather he win the Spanish GP every year at a team that values him where his teammate's fans aren't going to bribe a priest to perform an exorcism on the factory than him having podium finishes with people cursing and putting a hex on him in insta comments
NOT THE HAIR 😭 Bald!Carlos is nightmare fuel. Wait, is it either bald or clean shaven? Because while I love Gigi's moustache, I'd rather them be clean shaven para siempre than split up. I can't make Carlos lose another bestie 😔 who else will keep his watch safe by wearing it? who else will call him pretty? or beat him at foosball?
these were so tough ives!
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madebysimblr · 2 years
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Some unedited extra from Gigi and Zane's wedding :3 I took so many screenshots and only used sOMe of them
also you never got to see Zane's lil brother Axel in full effect. Is he not goRGEOUS. I had all these taken with an in game camera too so these pictures will pop up in people's houses :33.
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kylefletchersgf · 4 months
Wwe Masterlist♥
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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
If anyone is on this list that is problematic let me know so I can remove them
Men’s list:
Akira Tozawa
Andre Chase
Angel Garza
Angelo Dawkins
Ashante Adonis
Baron Corbin
Big E
Bobby Lashley
Bron Breakker
Bronco Nima
Bronson Reed
Brooks Jensen
Brutus Creed
Carmelo Hayes
Chad Gable
Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo
Charlie Dempsey
Cm Punk
Cody Rhodes
Corey Graves
Cruz Del Toro
Damian Priest
Damon Kemp
Dante Chen
Dominik Mysterio
Dragon Lee
Drew McIntyre
Duke Hudson
Eddy Thorpe
Edris Enofé
Elton Prince
Finn Bálor
Giovanni Vinci
Grayson Waller
Ilja Dragunov
Javier Bernal
Je’Von Evans
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Joaquin Wilde
Joe Coffey
Joe Gacy
Josh Briggs
Julius Creed
Karrion Kross
Kevin Owens
Kit Wilson
Kofi Kingston
La knight
Luca crusifino
Lucien price
Ludwig Kaiser
Malik Blade
Mark Coffey
Montez ford
Myles borne
Nathan Frazer
Noam Dar
Oro mensah
Pat mcafee
Pete Dunne
Ridge holland
Riley Osborne
Roman reigns
Sami Zayn
Santos Escobar
Seth Rollins
Shawn Spears
Shinsuke Nakamura
Solo Sikoa
Tony D’Angelo
Trick Williams
Tyler Bate
Wes lee
Xavier Woods
Women’s list:
Adriana Rizzo
Alba Fyre
Arianna Grace
Becky Lynch
Bianca Belair
Blair Davenport
Brinley Reece
Candice LeRae
Cathy Kelley
Charlotte Flair
Chelsea Green
Cora Jade
Dakota Kai
Dani Palmer
Elektra Lopez
Fallon Henley
Gigi Dolin
Indi Hartwell
Isla Dawn
Ivy Nile
Iyo Sky
Izzi Dame
Jackie Redmond
Jacy Jayne
Jade Cargill
Jaida Parker
Jakara Jackson
Kairi Sane
Karmen Petrovic
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kelani Jordan
Kelly Kincaid
Kiana James
Lash Legend
Liv Morgan
Lola Vice
Lyra Valkyria
Maxxine Dupri
Michin’/Mia Yim
Nikki Cross
Piper Niven
Roxanne Perez
Samantha Irvin
Shayna Baszler
Sol Ruca
Sonya Deville
Stevie Turner
Tatum Paxley
Thea Hail
Tiffany Stratton
Wendy Choo
Zoey Stark
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
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Just realized...
Miraak calls Jia "vahlokraan" which is a word I came up with, a junction of these Dovahzul words: vah meaning 'spring', and lokraan meaning 'bird'. So, vahlokraan basically means 'swallow', since swallows are the birds that make their beautiful appearance in spring.
But what if someone reads it as vahlok and raan? Then, the meaning changes to Guardian Animal, which is just so fitting if you think that Jia is his guardian little creature after all, his guardian angel if you will, for some reasons I've yet to reveal...
Also, the etymology of the word raan seems to derive from the word rah, which means 'god' due to the Ancient Nords' animal totem worship.
That being said, Jia is Miraak's swallow and Guardian Goddess all at once... 🥺
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delilahcalicocat · 5 months
Hi! Who all do you write for?
Hi! I write for a bunch of WWE / AEW wrestlers! You can of course request any that aren't on the lists though (Example: CM Punk)
Seth Rollins
Cody Rhodes (Dashing and or AEW)
Finn Balor
Damian Priest
Jey Uso (YEET)
Jimmy Uso (No yeet)
Roman Regins
JD McDonagh [I'm iffy about him]
Austin Theory
Randy Orton
The Street Profits
Drew McIntyre
Kevin Owens
Chad Gable
Bianca Belair
Iyo Sky
Becky Lynch
Rhea Ripley
Alexa Bliss
Zelina Vega
Tiffany Straton
Liv Morgan
Gigi Dolin
Jacy Jayne
Roxanne Perez
And for AEW:
Kenny Omega
The young bucks
Adam Page
Darby Allin
Orange Cassidy
Adam Cole
Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose
Will Ospreay
And female:
Toni Storm
Mariah May
Thunder Rosa
Kris Statlander
Willow Nightingale
Anna Jay
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cyanidelover666 · 1 year
yesterday i was writing down every artist i listen to in my notes app in a random order and now i want to sort them in chronological order and write down my fav songs &albums of them
this is bc whenever someone asks me what i listen to, i suddenly can’t remember anything, so i was thinking what if i make a list so then i wont have to try and explain anything cuz all this is so fcking random i cant even figure out my vibe myself
The Neighbourhood
Chris Isaak
Marika Hackman
Aphex Twin
Crystal Castles
Memo Boy
n u a g e s
I Monster
Tom Odell
Tom Rosenthal
Dream, Ivory
salvia palth
Alex G
Foo Fighters
Type O Negative
молчат дома
Пошлая Молли
Guerra Fría
Ivan Cornejo
yg h y p n o s.
Виктор Цой
Cigarettes After Sex
Mother Mother
Men I Trust
Nicole Dollanganger
Arctic Monkeys
Ry X
Peacock Affect
bon iver
Bernadette Carol
Current Joys
Yves Tumor
Haley Heyendrickx
Blue Foundation
Черниковская хата
Christian Death
Winter Aid
Montell Fish
Yung Lean
I’m in a coffin
Где Фантом?
Gigi Masin
Thom Yorke
harris cole
Logan Belcher
emi priest
Odd Sweetheart
oscar lang
dandelion hands
(only after 6pm)
insomnia // Nine Paths
lil peep
Mind’s Eye
Dexter Britain
Max Diaz
Lebanon Hannover
Lana del Rey
Witching Hour
Depeche Mode
Your Funeral
Surf Curse
The Mamas and The Papas
Flora Cash
Emma Lu
girl in red
Maribou State
Chakra Efendi
TV Girl
Princess Chelsea
matt maltese
lord huron
Portugal. The Man
Sir Chloe
City Morgue
Baby Bugs
Shiloh Dynasty
Karamel Kel
strawberry guy
High Sunn
Toby Fox
pierce the veil
Marilyn Manson
Depeche Mode
Mac Demarco
twenty one pilots
The Drums
Le Tigre
Mr Floyd Larry
Patrick Nitti
Patrick Watson
honorable mention: AURORA (bc not only do i love her music, but me and her literally have the same name hehe)
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will probably update lol
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Ok, ok, I would appreciate thoughts.
Most of this context setting stuff most will know, but I'm including it anyway. Question is down below, bolded:
So, The Magi is to take place in late 1478, I'm trying to determine what Ficino and Cavalcanti's relationship would have looked like at that time.
Ficino has been a priest for four years, now, as he is 44 in '78 and was ordained in '74 when he was 40 (an unusually late time in life to turn priest). Giovanni is 34. Ficino wrote in a letter kept in the front of the original manuscript of De Amore that he had lived 34 years without knowing true love until he met Giovanni, so he, at least, has been in love with the man for ten years at this point. They've known each other for longer, though.
(Corsi says they've known each other since Gio was 3, but that's apocryphal and rings hollow to me. It seems more likely they first met when Gio was 18/19/20-ish since Domenico Galletti, the man tutoring Gio, used to tutor Ficino and they had remained friends.)
The problem is that Giovanni is such a ghost.
In 1478 through 79 and even into 80, they were living off and on with each other, at least based on the larger than normal volume of joint letters sent from both of them. We also know Ficino wrote quite a bit of Platonic Theology, among a few other works, at Rignano at this time, which is where Cavalcanti's country home was located.
Then there are joint letters from both Celle and Careggi - so Giovanni was staying with Ficino at the house/smallhold that Cosimo gifted him in Careggi and also the family farm down in Celle.
Ficino's calling to the priesthood was earnest and true, I believe. I also agree with Peter Serracino-Inglott in his essay "Ficino the Priest" where he argues that Ficino would have viewed priesthood as the natural culmination of his being both doctor and philosopher, as well as a means to try and understand himself/doctor heal thyself sort of thing (in terms of his mental health, at least).
From the essay:
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And Ficino took his calling very seriously. He attended to the more clerical duties, the boring chore-like ones that most priests would pass off onto others. No, those Ficino would see to himself. It speaks to a quality of his person.
Now, Giovanni was a statesman and politician. Second son of four boys, he was born to an old, aristocratic family which had its own political ups and downs. They had been exiled due to their Anti-Medician sympathies, yet Cosimo was the one who refranchised them and welcomed them back into the Florentine political scene.
Giovanni doesn't really kick start his career until his 40s, not unusual in Florence at that time. Those in government felt men in their 20s and early 30s were all idiots and generally not to be trusted with more senior, serious positions in government (Medici exceptionalism aside). Those in government weren't, necessarily, wrong about men in their 20s and early 30s. Who isn't an idiot at 25?
So in 1478, at 34, Giovanni wasn't yet holding senior or strenuous offices in government and therefore had more free-time on his hands. He was clearly palling around with the Platonic-circle of the Florentine humanist scene since Landino and Poliziano both consider him to be a good friend and a clear, regular attendee to whatever soirees and Platonic parties/dinners that were being held. He doesn't seem to have been close to Luigi Pulci and his crew, since Marsilio complains to Giovanni about how much he hates Gigi and the progress of the Great War Over Lorenzo's Patronage.
Around this time as well, we know he had his third daughter (he had four in total, no sons). Unclear if there was a wife or if it was with a mistress. I suspect a wife, since he was keen for a son which implies the boy would have been a proper heir.
I do not get the sense that he was a particularly devoted or besotted father or husband/lover. Ficino mentions the third daughter's birth and is basically like "a) why didn't you tell me? and b) I know you wanted a son but rejoice regardless because children are good and daughters are gifts from god too" (yay 15th century misogyny)
We have letters from Ficino to friends who were clearly much more devoted fathers and husbands and he will make mention of his friend's children and such. He would reflect the level of care and love that person shows to their family back at them. This doesn't happen with Giovanni.
Granted, Ficino was clearly an over-thinker and probably prone to being nervous about whether or not Giovanni loved him. There's a sense of insecurity that comes through the letters.
The one letter from Gio to Ficino that Ficino printed is very even in tone, very calming. I think Giovanni was the grounded, earthy person to Ficino's madness.
We also know that Giovanni borrowed books regularly from Ficino and seemed infamous in not returning them in a reasonable time-frame. Ficino wrote his more dangerous political complaints to Giovanni about Lorenzo and literally no one else.
(I suspect he would verbally complain to Bernardo Bembo, but he didn't write to him on it.)
Ficino also wrote to Cavalcanti about his medical problems more than anyone else. I think the other person who gets the regular Marsilio Ficino Health Updates is Bernardo Bembo, who was one of his favourite correspondents/friends after Giovanni so that makes sense.
Giovanni knew Ficino well, was the one who seemed to be able to leverage Marsilio out of his deeper depressions. He also seemed perfectly comfortable pushing back on Ficino - something we see in the one letter from him that is printed and also something Ficino references in letters to Gio.
He was not a consistent correspondent. Was this just with Ficino or was it an across-the-board thing? Maybe he just wasn't a letter writer. If it's just Ficino was it because Ficino wrote 500 letters a minute to people or because there was a lack of warmth or, perhaps, too many feelings? (Thinking of Darcy here, if I felt less I would speak more.)
That said, he clearly expected regular correspondence from Ficino and would pester him when he didn't get his due.
He seemed to have had a bit of a temper and maybe a personality that bore grudges and grievances--maybe for himself, maybe just on behalf of others. Marsilio wrote him that big long letter on why Vengeance is Bad Giovanni, Tell Your Cousin to Calm Down.
That said, Ficino valued his opinion and when he wrote letters to people that might have been a bit savage he asked Giovanni to vet them and make sure he wasn't about to piss someone off too much. So Gio had political acuity and a sense of tact that Ficino might have been aware was not his strongest suit, personally. Giovanni also turned to him for advice, so it was a mutual thing of turning to each other when they know the other would have valuable insight.
Giovanni was a bit of a sportsman, it seems. Certainly jousted and did sword play. So he was classically trained as a landed gentleman in that regard alongside his stellar education.
He might have been poetic. We know he was a good public speaker, this is mentioned by people other than Ficino. He is just as well read as Ficino on all things Platonic and Greek and esoteric. Ficino references the conversations they have and the topics are all over the place. Unclear if he was musical or not. Ficino doesn't mention it, and so I suspect not. If Cavalcanti had played an instrument Ficino would be in seventh heaven about it.
All of this leads me to: What was their relationship??
Was it physical or not? Was it returned in equal measure or not? Were they an old married couple or not? Did they go back/forth on these things?
I can see Ficino being very conflicted - not that their love was bad or anything (Ficino did not believe any love that was good in intent could ever be bad. He was "love is love" before that was a thing), but wanting that pure Platonic, non-physical love since he thought that was the ideal for all forms of love. Man to man, woman to woman, man to woman - the ideal love was non-physical.
At the same time, Ficino thought physical desire was helpful in understanding Beauty which would lead a man to Truth then to God. So he really was trying to reconcile these things and struggling. He wanted his love for Giovanni to meet his ideal and he kept having those annoying, distracting bodily desires!
But what were Giovanni's views on all of this? Did he align with Marsilio or did he have different thoughts? If he differed I doubt he would have hidden it - they seemed very comfortable disagreeing with one another. Though Marsilio seems the one more willing to capitulate on things. Did they argue about how they thought they should be performing their love? What shifted, if anything, after Marsilio was ordained? Did the uncertainty of the Pazzi Conspiracy and subsequent Pazzi wars bring them closer together? Put a strain on them? I need to know~~~~~~
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