#gimme a mako
kaihihanto-art · 2 months
roadrat origins in my ballet au is heree ! as always, if you have any questions or if you’d like to add something there, ask away via my ask box or message me for more . the link for the lore is right here & i hope you enjoy the roads & rats <33
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epitomees · 2 years
🎨 - Our muses are getting ready for a halloween party together
(Rise/Chie or Ann/Mako, you pick!)
fall/autumn starters
Just as summer swept Shibuya's atmosphere into sunny skies and unbearable humidity, so did autumn's welcome. Crisp breezes and colored leaves decorated the many parks dotted across the massive concrete jungle, but with it came the citizens' festive spirits. Already many local businesses began advertising for fall lineups and seasonal treats, not to mention building the excitement for October's known holiday.
Which bled even into the city's many schools, including Shujin Academy. Together, the student run events program along with her 'majesty', Miss Student Council President, the school's annual Halloween party crept upon them in no time.
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"Are you...sure? This is a good costume?" Makoto hardly ever attended these events, mostly because no one asked her or many other students avoided her most times in favor of hanging out with their own friends. Ann, however, made the decision without discussing it beforehand, even went as far as picking out several costume options too.
The zombie outfit, while...tattered and stained, suited her best, but the witch costume looked better and more suited for Makoto's figure. Why was it hard to pick out something so simple? "Maybe...the other one is better? I'm...not too sure. At this point, I think staying home is better than embarrassing myself in front of everyone else."
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Which Fantasy AU Oneshot Should I work on
(Lil Info Blurbs Below the Poll Itself & Read More)
Griffin: Superbat with lil baby Dick Grayson as well. Mostly Pre-relationship. And an attempted mauling or two, don't worry, Clark is fine.  (Black Jaguar & Harpy Eagle Bruce) (Liger & Scarlet Macaw Clark) (Caracle & Hyacinth Macaw Dick)
Selkie: Brutalia with reverse robins (Selkies are seal shapeshifters) ... Talia is this close to murdering someone because Bruce with babies is adorable in her opinion (Baikal Seal Talia) (Leopard Seal Bruce) (Baikal Damian) (Caspian Duke) (Gray Tim) (Crabeater Steph) (Ribbon Jason) (Monk Cass) (Harbor Dick)
Harpy: Superbat with begrudging-at-first coparenting of the (literal) Robins. Mostly through the doing of said children.  (Crimson Rosella Clark) (Black Drongo Bruce) (Blue-Fronted Robin Dick) (Hooded Robin Cass) (Red-Capped Robin Jason) (Pink Robin Steph) (Collared Bush Robin Tim) (White Starred Robin Duke) (Olive Backed Forest Robin Damian)
Mershark: Twobats with Harvey about to have a breakdown on why Bruce keeps coming to him with all these kids he just finds, apparently?!  (Tiger Harvey) (Great White Bruce) (Thresher Shark Dick) (Hammerhead Jason) (Mako Tim) (Lemon Steph)
Wurm: Batfam with Big Boi Bruce being a social recluse & trying to be a good dad. It's also Very Hard to get a giant serpentine dragon thing to do things it doesn't wanna do
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diablointercept · 3 months
im actually so much further along on the worldbuilding than i am on the actual writing here that it's embarrassing. spent a truly unfortunate amount of time working around new jaeger names and figuring out who was co-piloting with who ...
but essentially, Max is Mako (prodigy in the simulator, held back by his own inability to even out his emotions in the Drift) and Daniel is Raleigh (burnt out & plagued ex-pilot who has been through the meat grinder and came out the other side almost completely unrecognizable).
“Ricciardo,” Christian said, and Daniel snapped to attention immediately. “This is Max Verstappen, head of our Mark 3 Restoration Program.” Daniel’s eyebrows shot up as he took the stranger in.  The man, Verstappen, had shockingly blue eyes that were narrowed on Daniel, as if measuring him up. It was like being doused with a bucket of ice cold water, a sharp contrast to the Marshal’s behavior only moments before.  Daniel stuck a hand out, wincing at the grime on it, “Daniel. Ricciardo. Nice to meet you.” Verstappen hesitated for a moment and then intertwined their hands in some odd amalgamation of a handshake and a game of thumb wars. Both of them grimaced. “You are Red Bull’s pilot then?” “Uh. Tentatively.” Christian spoke up, releasing them from the quickly building awkwardness. “Max here picked out your co-pilot candidates. He'll be in charge of determining your compatibility with the trainees.” Oh. So Verstappen was already vividly aware of who he was. "You're the one who's been taking care of my lady?" Daniel asked, hoping desperately to change the subject. The Jaeger was a good middle ground. One they were both familiar with. Verstappen frowned deep, pink lips tugging in discontent. "Red Bull is of course a boy. Not a girl."
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kingwuko · 6 months
Late to the game but I love your headcannons as they fit into the characters and the world and so I find your gics one of the best out there of Wuko. So I have to ask. What would be Wukos most explosive fight? The why, the before and after? Who would loose it first and go into shouting? I'm pushing on extreme circumstances here? Gimme drama
You're not late to the game my inbox is always open!!! thank you for the compliments on my hc and my fic!!
I'm always going on about 'oooh they communicate so well, they know how to talk to each other' etc. I mean, that doesn't mean they never argue. It just means they 'fight fair' so to speak. They probably have small arguments over little things—Mako works too much, Wu is messy, Mako bottles up his feelings, Wu makes plans without consulting him, etc. I mean those kinds of arguments CAN turn explosive but I don't think they ever would.
But you want drama and extreme circumstances so lets talk drama i guess? It's part of my sequel fic so I'm gonna hide it... Please bear in mind that the sequel to Secret is fully outlined but not completely written so some plot points are subject to change!!!! I hope this is what you mean, it's a headcanon of mine but it's based completely in the world I've created for my fic, specifically the secret relationship aspect.
There is absolutely going to be a breaking point for Mako where he is fundamentally unhappy with the secret relationship. Under no circumstances will he tell Wu that, because Mako has that martyr complex. But Korra manages to drag it out of him, and he confides in her several things about his feelings on keeping the secret that he has never voiced aloud to Wu. Wu overhears, or maybe Korra oversteps and tells Wu (I like the idea that boundaries are kind of blurred between Wuko and Korrasami because of the dating history), Wu confronts Mako and is angry with him, not necessarily because of their mismatch in what they want regarding their relationship being secret or public, but because Mako didn't just talk to him about it. Wu is upset, but Mako just gets defensive and angry. He's making a sacrifice for Wu because he loves him. Wu should appreciate that! Wu would love to appreciate Mako's sacrifice, if Mako had bothered to tell Wu that he was having a hard time in the first place. The don't resolve this fight right away. I think Wu gets advice from Asami, of all people, before they manage to reconcile.
This is happening on a backdrop of some.... Extreme circumstances I guess I'll say... No more or it's big spoilers!!! I hope you'll be patient as I get this new fic hammered out!!!!
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gnar-slabdash · 2 years
Leverage Mark Showdown Masterpost
2nd Place: Damien Moreau
3rd Place: Victor Dubenich
4th Place: Meredith
What we’re looking for:
The “favorite” Mark out of the original five seasons. “Favorite” here means the mark you ENJOY the most. That could mean you love them, love to hate them, like their style, like the actor, or even sympathize with them. 
So it’s pretty personal and pretty open. But what we’re NOT looking for is like, the biggest baddest mark: the one with the objectively best plan, or the one who does the most harm, or anything like that. It’s not “who could beat up whom.” We’re also not looking for the best episode or con. We’re just looking at the characters themselves.
Other Helpful Posts:
First Heat Contestant Info
Second Heat Contestant Info
If you would like to be added to the tag list to be notified when the polls go up, go to this post and like or comment on it.
If you would like to NOT see stuff about these polls, blacklist “favorite mark poll” 
***MARK DOYLE (The Bottle Job) ***v. David Lampard (The French Connection Job)
Mayor Brad Culpepper III (The 3 Strikes Job) v. ***IAN BLACKPOOLE (The 1st & 2nd David Jobs)***
Mark Vector (The Morning After Job) v. ***GREG "THE MAKO" SHERMAN (The Boiler Room Job)***
***VICTOR DUBENICH (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job)*** v. Judge Roy (The Bank Shot Job)
Gabe Erickson (The Real Fake Car Job) v. ***MARCUS STARKE, CHAOS, MIKEL DAYAN, and APOLLO (The Two Live Crew Job)***
Scott Roemer (The Very Big Bird Job) v. ***JACK HURLEY (The 12-Step Job)***
***MONICA HUNTER (The 3 Days of the Hunter Job)*** v. William Quinn and Tobey Earnshaw (The Juror #6 Job)
***EDDIE MARANJIAN (The Order 23 Job) ***v. Caroline Cowan (The Low Low Price Job)
Jack Lattimer (The Last Dam Job) v. ***JIMMY FORD (The 3 Card Monte Job)***
**DR. ANNE HANNITY (The Inside Job)*** v. Dalton Rand (The Future Job)
***NICKY AND HEATHER MOSCONE (The Wedding Job)*** v. Alan Foss (The 2 Horse Job)
***DAMIEN MOREAU (The Big Bang Job, The San Lorenzo Job) ***v. Henry, Dennis, and Randy Retzing (The Snow Job)
***MEREDITH (The Lonely Hearts Job)*** v. James Kanack (The First Contact Job)
***MITCHELL KIRKWOOD (The Studio Job) *** v. Hugh Whitman (The Gone Fishin' Job)
***LARRY DUBERMAN (The Reunion Job)*** v. Wendy Baran (The Gimme a K Street Job)
***ANDREW GRANT (The Miracle Job)*** v. Irina Larenko (The Stork Job)
***MARK DOYLE (The Bottle Job)*** v. Ian Blackpoole (The First and Second David Job)
Greg "The Mako" Sherman (The Boiler Room Job) v. ***VICTOR DUBENICH (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job)***
Marcus Starke, Chaos, Mikel Dayan, and Apollo (The Two Live Crew Job) v. ***JACK HURLEY (The 12 Step Job)***
***MONICA HUNTER (The 3 Days of the Hunter Job)*** v. Eddie Maranjian (The Order 23 Job)
***JIMMY FORD (The 3 Card Monte Job) *** v. Dr. Anne Hannity (The Inside Job)
Nicky & Heather Moscone (The Wedding Job) v. ***DAMIEN MOREAU (The Big Bang Job, The San Lorenzo Job)***
***MEREDITH (The Lonely Hearts Job)*** v. Mitchell Kirkwood (The Studio Job)
***LARRY DUBERMAN (The Reunion Job)*** v. Andrew Grant (The Miracle Job)
Jack Hurley (The 12 Step Job) v. Monica Hunter (The 3 Days of the Hunter Job)
Mark Doyle (The Bottle Job) v. Victor Dubenich (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job)
Meredith (The Lonely Hearts Job) v. Larry "Doucherman" Duberman (The Reunion Job)
Victor Dubenich (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job) v. ***JACK HURLEY (The 12 Step Job)***
***DAMIEN MOREAU (The Big Bang Job, The San Lorenzo Job)*** v. Meredith (The Lonely Hearts Job)
CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND: Damien Moreau (The BIg Bang Job, The San Lorenzo Job) v. Jack Hurley (The 12 Step Job)
THIRD PLACE ROUND: Victor Dubenich (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job) v. Meredith (The Lonely Hearts Job)
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midknitefox · 27 days
I keep seeing pressure oc posts so here's mine
it's kinda mid but . Meet Nova Bamon.
redesigning her very quickly lmao.
Things that will change: Posture, skin tone, expression, tail appearance
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"Why don't you try... that door? that might end well... heheheh..."
-Nova, instructing an expendable to go the wrong way.
anyways I have a vision for something for her gimme like a week and I'll draw it maybe JSJSKSBDSKSN
info on her under the cut
Nova Bamon is a woman in her 20s. Her father was a scientist in the facility who conducted secret experiments on her in his free time, wanting to figure out gills before the company could. Ultimately he couldn't figure it out, but left his daughter a mess, which he quickly discarded. being kept in a large tank in a corner of the facility, locked by Dr Bamon, she was isolated for a long time before being discovered by staff shortly before the containment breach. She was very thin- underfed- and without being properly raised, and mutated with DNA of a mako shark, she was highly aggressive when first coming into contact with humans. as the breach happened, she escaped from her tank, watching from the shadows, and searching for a particular scientist... one she never found. She's 7 feet tall, and surprisingly fast despite her size, especially under water, able to propel herself with her webbed hands and feet easily through the water.
Now, she prefers staying in her tank, although it's a little small for her, as due to being in it for so long she's become accustomed to breathing underwater, and gets itchy and agitated while outside of it for too long.
She enjoys teasing any Expendables she may come across, and avoids killing them unless they say something that may trigger her. she's not picky, and will eat anything she comes across, including humans if they're dead, and is usually very thin.
She's very good at mimicry, and likes using it to mess with people.
Though generally harmless, if someone pisses her off (shes emotionally sensitive to insults or comments about her features/height) she's known to attack them, using sharp teeth to tear anyone to shreds. the best way to tell if a dead body had been attacked by her is to check what type of wounds they have, and if there's any shark teeth dislodged in them, as her teeth come out fairly easily.
She has a couple small fish tanks scattered around that she might be found sitting in. while they're not ideal for breathing in, she still enjoys the feeling of water over her gills even if she can't breathe it.
Shell be found giving tips or hints to people that pass her, helping them in a way, though shes known to also give false information. It's typically easy to figure out what's true or false, as she has trouble disguising her amusement up on lying.
She has a tendency to instruct people to flash Sebastian with a flash beacon. just for fun. She can be a bit snarky, and doesn't know how to regulate emotions, nor does she understand what is/isn't an appropriate reaction.
She often assumes people know when she points them the wrong way, and if they listen to her lying, she mocks / laughs at them.
sorry this is a bit of a mess this is me throwing my ideas up (I haven't written anything down it's all been stored in my brain)
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chocolate-cringymuffin · 10 months
Amon tries to convince Korra to learn bloodbending, so she could defend herself from bloodbenders and more advanced benders in future. She's against it, but she appreciates his concern. In the similar fashion, she wants to teach him healing, but Amon isn't patient enough. And it would remind him of the few times when Tarrlok or the village healer would heal his wounds when he was a kid, and it makes him sad :(
Korra and Amon love traditional Water Tribe food. Mako, Bolin and Asami don't like it though, and it disappoints Korra. Sometimes Tenzin makes Korra some traditional recipes which Katara has taught him, since it's her comfort food, and she shares it with Amon. And yes, Amon will cook for Korra whenever she wants 💙
Amon always thought he's asexual, but after meeting Korra and getting close to her, he realizes he's actually demisexual. He was just lonely for many years, without any close bonds 🥺 but the whole newly discovered sexual attraction is weird and overwhelming to him, luckily Korra, who is just as awkward like him, is there to help 👀
Korra doesn't want to get pregnant, the whole idea is scary and uncomfortable to her (and she doesn't know how the Avatar state will impact the pregnancy, there's no information about it). Meanwhile Noatak turns out to be infertile, so they both decide to adopt. I like to imagine they would adopt a waterbender, non-bender from Water Tribe and a firebender. And they would settle in Korra's hometown in the South Pole, while often traveling with their kiddos 🥺 and the idea of uncle Tarrlok babysiting his nephews/nieces is funny
Not gonna lie it would be interesting to see Korra learning blood bending, especially with Amon/Noatak as her teacher, but I think he would be REALLY hesitant at first. To me, he would do EVERYTHING in the world before teaching his cursed skill, (thanks to Yakone), and I think he would do it only if it was truly needed, otherwise he wouldn’t… especially with Korra.
The second ABSOLUTELY❤️ to Amon is nostalgic due to his childhood memories and for Korra is everything, I headcanon Asami and Mako enjoy spicy food and Bolin is more into sweets but yeah they don’t share tastes 😅
About Tenzin I am not sure because he could prepare watertribe food yes but I think he follows Aang’s vegetarian life style, so I think he only might prepare recipes that don’t have meat.
About cooking… well I hc Amon is paranoid af and has been cooking for himself for years but is not one of his favorites tasks, he will eat whatever is available in the kitchen (making a revolution takes a lot of time and energy 😬) but sometimes he and Korra will cook together and sometimes something god might come of it <3
Korra can cook too but her food is… not the best, she needs help at first and eventually she gets decent food for the family.
I used to hc Amon as Ace too! Gimme five 🖐😎
Now I hc Amon as bi but I love your hc too! He became Demi for our little Korra 🥹
About the pregnancy… I think Amon and Tarrlok might be terrified by those topics, mainly because they fear repeating the cycle as Yakone did with them and they do not want any little creature to result like them, (actually that’s one of the theories behind the boat explosion, it happened because they wanted to close the cursed blood bending cycle forever ;((
But coming back to the kids I am sure they would get one or another eventually, either planned or not they would become a sweet family ;)
Oh and you are one of the few I who gives them an adopted child love that! I haven’t seen many give them adopted kids but I have one too!
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They have a biological child, (Anoki), and an adopted child, (Nilak), if you investigate a little bit more in the gold era of Amorra Nilak was a pretty common name for Amorra children, so I decided to keep that little detail in honor to the good old fandom?
May I ask if your kids have names yet?👀
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keldae · 10 months
On a small college campus, it didn't take long for rumours to start flying. Naturally, Jonas was the instigator of such things – a little word to Mako that his roommate was seeing a pretty girl, and it became campus news.
Somehow, Xaja didn't notice this. 
If she'd been aware of the rumours starting to swirl around her dorm, perhaps she would have been a little less eager to go visit her cute neighbour across the hall. But in her moment of panic, her dismayed screech stifled as her laptop bluescreened, her mind went fairly blank.
“Shit!” Kira exclaimed as she eyed her roommate's computer and the Blue Screen Of Death. “Weren't you in the middle of a paper, too?”
“Yes,” Xaja all but wailed. “And it's the one for Doctor Shan. Fuck me, I need this thing functioning!”
Kira had a thought of someone else who'd probably appreciate that particular invitation more, but kept it to herself. Xaja wouldn't appreciate the teasing about their cute neighbour while in such a moment of panic. “‘Kay, we have a couple neighbours across the hall who are in computer science. Hopefully one of them is home.”
“God, I hope so,” Xaja groaned, unplugging her malfunctioning laptop and getting to her feet. She hurried out of her and Kira's room, knocking frantically on Theron and Jonas’ door. Please, one of you be home… and please, neither of you with ‘company’... She had no interest in interrupting Jonas if he was in the middle of ‘entertaining’ a girl, and the mere idea of Theron being with someone else made a spark of jealousy bloom in her chest.
The door cracked open, and Theron himself poked his head out, confusion in his amber eyes. A second later, he smiled. “Hey there. What's up?”
“Oh, thank God you're here!” Xaja quickly said. “Help!”
Theron's brow creased in a frown. “What's up–?” Xaja turned her bluescreened computer to face him, and his eyes widened. “Oooh shit. Okay, yeah, I can probably fix this. Gimme.” He took the laptop out of Xaja's hands and retreated into the room, holding the door open for her to follow him inside. “Take a seat, this might take a while. Sorry about the mess.”
“I can excuse almost any mess,” Xaja said, relief making her knees weak as she took a seat on the bed Theron pointed to. “I've got two younger brothers, and you're saving my sanity along with my computer.”
Theron shot her a grin. “Okay, yeah, you get it then. Hang tight.” He set the laptop down on his desk and quickly took a seat in front of it, pushing his own computer out of the way. “What were you doing when it died?”
“Working on a paper for the guest lecturer Professor Din brought in this week, and listening to music in the background,” Xaja answered, anxiously watching as Theron forced her computer to a hard restart. “Nothing too strenuous.” She looked up as the door to the shared bathroom opened and Jonas stepped out, yawning. “Hey,” she said in greeting.
Jonas paused, looking back and forth between Xaja and Theron. “Am I interrupting anything?” he asked, a slow grin on his face. “I can go…”
“Nothing like that,” Theron growled out, although Xaja noted his ears were starting to turn red. “I'm tech support today.” He pressed a key, booting into what Xaja thought was the BIOS of her laptop. “Okay, baby, what's going on with you…” he murmured.
“Tech support?” Jonas asked, tilting his head as he sat down on his bed.
“Blue Screen Of Death,” Xaja answered. “And I have a paper due tomorrow for Doctor Shan!” She didn't notice Theron do a slight double-take at the mention of the guest lecturer.
Jonas winced in sympathy. “Worst timing! Isn't she that guest speaker Professor Din brought in this week?”
“The very same,” Xaja confirmed. “And she's rewarding a bursary for the best paper, and I could really use that bursary…”
“No pressure,” Theron absently said, still fussing with the BIOS of Xaja's laptop. “I'll get your computer back up and cooperating. Don't you worry.”
“Pretty sure he'll put in a good word for you with Doctor Shan too,” Jonas added with a grin. “If he ever accepts that invitation of hers to go for lunch.”
Xaja paused, frowning. “Why would Doctor Shan be inviting you for lunch, Theron?”
Theron looked up from the laptop to scowl at Jonas (who just grinned cheerfully back), then sighed. “She, uh… she's my bio-mom.”
Xaja felt her eyes widen comically. “Doctor Shan is your mom?”
“What, you never connected ‘Theron Shan’ with ‘Doctor Satele Shan’?” Jonas asked with a smirk. 
“In all fairness, ‘Shan’ is a super common name,” Theron pointed out. “And I don't think I look a ton like her.”
“Hmmm.” Xaja looked at Theron (or rather, at the back of his head and shoulders), putting the mental image of his face beside the memory of Doctor Shan's. “She mentioned she had a son attending here, but she didn't say it was you…”
“Our relationship is… complicated,” Theron admitted. “She didn't come back in the picture until I was in high school – my grandfather raised me. She was too busy with all her international work to do more than send birthday and Christmas gifts for most of my childhood.”
“... I feel like I just broached a sensitive subject,” Xaja slowly said. “Sorry – I didn't realize it was a touchy subject.”
Theron shrugged. “You didn't know. Don't get me started on my bio-dad – he didn't know I existed until last year.”
“That was a whole thing,” Jonas agreed. “Nice guy, your dad, but he low-key intimidates me. So does your mom, come to think of it. How did you not inherit ‘mildly intimidating’ from either of your parents?”
Theron flipped Jonas off without looking at him. “I swear I'll sign you up for some obscure fetish email list again.”
“Rude.” Jonas stood up, dramatically throwing a hand over his brow. “I can tell when I'm not wanted.”
“Unless you're helping fix this bluescreen,” Theron growled out, “kindly fuck off with your helpful commentary?”
“Fine, then I will. Maybe I'll go out for lunch with your mom instead.” Jonas pulled his shoes on and started heading for the door. “Since her only son doesn't seem interested in seeing her…”
“You are not going out for lunch with my mother!” Theron snapped. “Can't you go find a freshie to hit on or something?”
“You spoil all my fun,” Jonas complained. “Xaja, tell him he's a killjoy!”
“Don't you go dragging me into this!” Xaja yelped, looking back and forth between Jonas (who looked entirely too pleased with this situation) and Theron (who had turned to give Jonas a murderous glare). 
“Come on,” Jonas cajoled. “Doctor Shan's hot, isn't she?”
“Theron's being nice enough to fix my computer,” Xaja retorted. “Of course I'm going to side with him – no hitting on his mom! Besides, Doctor Shan isn't my type.”
Theron twisted around in his chair to give Xaja a grin, one that made her heart race a little bit. “Knew I liked you for a reason,” he said, winking at her before turning back to the laptop.
Jonas dramatically sighed and sauntered toward the door. “You two are made for each other. I'm gonna go find something to do – have fun!”
Not wanting to admit how her heart sped up even more at Jonas’ comment about her and Theron being made for each other, Xaja watched as the other student left, then looked back at Theron. “If you decide to strangle him, I can help hide the body. I watch enough true crime shows...”
A snorted laugh came from the computer. “I'll bring the shovel and tarps, you get the ropes and scout out a good location to dump him. But the first priority is fixing your computer. We can plot murder after.”
Xaja grinned, then got up from Theron's bed, stealing Jonas’ desk chair and dragging it over to sit beside him. “Sorry if I'm interrupting your own studying with this.”
“Don't worry about it,” Theron quickly assured her. “I'd rather be doing you a favour than working on Doctor Trant's coding project.” He shot her a grin. “I still owe you one for letting me sleep on your floor the other week.”
“We're even now,” Xaja laughed. “At least until the next time Jonas kicks you out for the night.”
“Which will hasten his demise,” Theron muttered. “Okay, I'm going to run a couple of processes that'll take some time, but should recalibrate the glitch that gave you the BSOD…”
For a second, Xaja thought she could quite literally kiss Theron for fixing her computer. But wait, that would be entirely too forward of her to do that. He hadn't said anything that made her think he was interested in her in that way – and a handsome, charming, endearingly awkward guy like him? There was no way he was single. No, kissing him was entirely out of the question. So she instead settled for beaming at him. “You're a literal lifesaver, Theron. Thank you!”
The grin she got back sent butterflies rushing through her stomach. “Anytime.”
Jonas barely waited for Kira's “Yeah?” after he knocked on her door before letting himself into the room across the hall, inelegantly flopping into what had to be Xaja's desk chair. The taller redhead looked up from her textbook. “Theron gets to be the hero of the day? Or is he gonna make Xaja actually cry for her computer?”
“Theron's got an uncanny touch with making BSODs fix themselves. I'm sure he'll get Xaja's laptop fixed up. Maybe she'll kiss him out of gratitude and he'll figure out she likes him.” Jonas grinned impishly at Kira's snort. “I'm a closet romantic at heart, what can I say?”
“You're also delusional. I've known Xaja long enough to know she's so chicken with making moves on cute guys – and she definitely thinks he's cute.” Kira smirked. “Unless Theron charges for his tech support in kisses or dates, she'll never make a move on him.”
Jonas groaned. “And Theron doesn't want to girlfriend-zone a girl he likes as a friend, even if he's pining for her. Maybe I should threaten to hit on her if he doesn't make a move…”
“I think they'd both kill you,” Kira laughed. “I'll keep trying to encourage her to flirt with him. He can't be so oblivious that he misses a pretty girl hitting on him, right?”
“You haven't known Theron long enough if you think that.” Jonas sighed, then dug his phone out of his pocket and texted Thexan. <Can you be a creep for a second?>
Thexan's response came back a minute later. <Whyyyy…?>
<Left Theron and Xaja alone in our room, wanna know if anything's happening.>
<... You're asking me to go listen for sex noises from the bathroom? Are you for real?>
<Come on, I know you're as invested in these two idiots as I am!>
Thexan's response took a few minutes longer. <Invoked ‘older twin’ rights and made Arcann do it. He says ‘fuck you’, and also he heard nothing but Theron trying to explain computer shit to Xaja.>
Jonas sighed in annoyance at his oblivious (or chicken-shit) roommate. <Thanks.> That done, he looked up at Kira and shook his head. “Well, so much for leaving them alone. The twins didn't report anything happening that they heard.”
“You planning on just hanging out in here while waiting for those two to be done?” Kira asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Nope. I'm going to utilize some drastic measures.” Jonas stood back up. “Doctor Shan is still getting meals at the cafeteria with the rest of faculty, right?”
“Yeeeeeessss?” Kira slowly answered, tilting her head.
“Excellent.” Jonas grinned and turned for the door. “Don't tell Theron, but I'm gonna get his mom involved in this.”
“Doctor Shan is Theron's mom?” Kira blinked, then shrugged. “Yeah, okay, I can see it.” She looked over at Jonas as he started opening the door. “You know he's gonna kill you if he finds out, right?”
“What he doesn't know won't hurt me,” Jonas called back, waving over his shoulder and smirking as he left the room. “Toodles!"
“... Did you just say ‘toodles’?” Kira asked incredulously as the door closed behind Jonas, saving him from having to answer her. He chuckled, then started sauntering down the dorm hallway. Doctor Shan was a very diplomatic sort, from what he'd heard and seen of her. Maybe she could help drop Theron some subtle hints.
And if not… well, this would still be entertaining as hell for Jonas, and the rest of the dorm.
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vortexbeyondthestars · 9 months
btw im starting a mako shrine gimme merch ideas. so far im gonna get:
mako funko
mako youtooz
mako figpin
maybe this cool mako shirt i found
and a bracelet i made that has his name <3
any ideas? i wanna make it the biggest most badass thing ever
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years
The Calm Before The Storm Chapter 2: Preparations
Ami stepped out of the shower and dried herself off, with a million “what ifs” about tonight’s dinner swirling through her head. After she was sufficiently dry she wrapped herself in a towel and headed to her room to pick out an outfit for tonight.
“I could wear that new skirt. Heaven knows Mako loved seeing me in it on our last date.” Ami thought with a smile and a blush. She suspected the reason Mako liked that skirt so much was because of how it accentuated Ami’s…
“On second thought, let’s not do that. Wouldn’t want Mako to get distracted while we’re making the big announcement.” The thought caused Ami to giggle. The fact that Mako would get distracted by her was still something she couldn’t quite believe, even after they had been dating for two months. To think there was a time when she had resigned herself to the fact that Mako would only ever see her as a friend, and that one day she would have to watch as some guy (probably one who reminded her of the guy who broke her heart) took her away from Ami forever. But now? Now Ami felt like she had everything she ever wanted. She finally looked forward to the future rather than dreading it, because she knew she would be sharing it with the one she loved. 
There was one final hurdle she had to overcome, however: telling her mother. From what she could tell her mother wasn’t opposed to same-sex relationships as a whole, so that was something. Ami couldn’t be sure if that extended to her own household, however. And she couldn’t very well ask without giving herself away. If she was honest with herself, she had no idea how tonight was going to go. She didn’t believe that her mother would disown her or anything that drastic, but she also couldn’t rule out that this would change things between them. 
For as anxious as she was about the whole ordeal, however, she knew her girlfriend must be way worse. She had tried to hide it, but Ami could tell from the moment she proposed the idea that Mako was terrified of what was about to happen tonight. And while Ami wanted to reassure her… it was hard when she wasn’t much more confident in it going well herself.
Suddenly, Ami was struck with an idea. She picked up her phone and dialed up the few people she knew who could maybe offer her some advice on this front.
“Hello! Tenou-Kaioh-Meiou residence! To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?” Haruka chimed from the other end of the line.
Ami had originally considered going to Haruka and Michiru for advice before confessing to Mako, but they had been so busy with work at the time that it was all but impossible. They had both recently taken some time off, however, to help Hotaru get settled in at her new home after her father’s passing. They had basically shared parenting duties with Tomoe before, but now everything fell on to them. Meaning they didn’t exactly have an abundance of free time, but likely enough for a quick phone call.
“Hey Haruka, it’s Ami.”
“Oh, hey blue! What’s up?” 
“Well, tonight’s the night that Mako and I are telling my mother that we’re… y’know. And I was just wondering if you and Michiru had any advice?”
“Oh wow, that’s a big deal! Yeah, gimme one sec, let me get Michiru in here.”
After a brief period of shuffling from the other end of the line, Ami heard Michiru’s voice, “Hello, Ami? Haruka said you needed to talk to us.”
“Oh, yes, well-”
“Her and Mako are coming out to her mother tonight and she was hoping the previous token gays of the group could give her some advice.” Haruka cut her off over the phone. 
“Well I wouldn’t phrase it exactly like that but… yeah.” Ami said meekly, prompting a chuckle from Michiru.
“Oh, say no more, hon. But honestly it’s really quite simple. Just tell her the truth, that you love Mako and that she’s a good partner. She might be a little confused or surprised, but if she loves you, she’ll understand.” Michiru advised in the sweet, motherly tone that she tended to adopt in times such as this.
“Speak for yourself, it took forever for your parents to warm up to- ouch!”
“That had less to do with you being a girl and more to do with your lack of tact.”
“Details. Anyway, Michiru’s right. Just relax, everything’ll be okay.”
“Oh, but also maybe tell Mako not to put her feet up on your mother’s expensive coffee table.”
“Why would she-” Ami began to ask before being cut off by Haruka.
“Uh… well I’ve still gotta finish getting ready so…”
“Oh, of course dear. Also don’t forget you and Mako promised to come by and visit on Monday. That's all Hotaru has talked about this week.” Michiru said.
“Don’t worry, I’ll remember. Anyway, I’ll talk to you guys later, bye!”
With that, Ami hung up the phone and stood back up to continue looking for an outfit. She finally settled on ol’ reliable, a button up shirt and vest with a skirt. While getting dressed her thoughts drifted back to her green-eyed lover. She desperately hoped Mako wasn’t getting herself too worked up over this but… well… memories of her and Mako’s first discussion of the dinner led her to believe that her hopes were likely in vain… 
“So are you still coming over on Saturday?” Mako asked, looking up from her coffee at Ami, who sat in the booth across from her at the Crown café.
“Um… I actually wanted to talk to you about that.” The bluenette replied, looking out the window at the cars driving up and down the street. “My mother has that night off and we were planning on having dinner together.”
“Oh, I see. No biggie, I know you don’t get to spend time with your mom all that often.”
“Well, yeah, but also… I was wondering…” Ami began, fidgeting with her hands, “if you would join us?” Ami finished, her eyes finally meeting Makoto’s.
“Oh… that sounds… that sounds great!” The green-eyed girl finally squeaked out with a forced smile. If the idea of simply meeting her mother brought this reaction out of Makoto, Ami was genuinely frightened at how she would react to the next part. But there was no turning back now, so she continued.
“And I also thought maybe that would be a good opportunity to tell my mom that we’re… y’know…” Ami petered out while lightly gesturing between the two of them.
“Oh! Well… um… uh… don’t you think it’s a little soon for that?” Makoto said, visibly nervous.
“I mean, it’s been two months. I feel like that’s well beyond when most couples tell their parents.” 
“Okay, but hun… we… we’re not…” Makoto began, clearly struggling to find the right words, “we’re not like most couples.”
Ami sighed, “I know.” the Guardian of Water said, sounding deflated, “And I know I’m asking a lot of you with this. It’s just… My mom is never home. And for these last three years, any rare occasion where we get to spend real quality time together has had to be filled with lies because I couldn’t tell her about… our extra-curricular activities.” 
Ami picked up a spoon off of the table and began fidgeting with it in her hand, opting to look down at it rather than meet her girlfriend’s eyes. “And that was fine. After all, I don’t know if I really wanna have conversations with my mom about how I was almost killed by a monster with stars on its boobs.”
Ami put the spoon in her coffee and began to stir it, despite the fact that the cream and sugar had been properly stirred in by this point. “But now… now I’m lying to her about something I desperately want to tell her about. Something I wanna tell everyone about, hell, I’d shout it from the rooftops if I didn’t live in an apartment.” Ami said with a small smile. “But I won’t make you do it if you’re not comfortable. After all, she is my mother I can come out to her without you there but-”
“Ami.” Mako said while placing her hand atop Ami’s, cutting off both her words and her continuous stirring, “I’ll be there.” The brunette said with a soft smile.
“A-are you sure?” Ami asked, somewhat stunned, “Because you don’t have-”
“I know I don’t have to.” Mako said, cutting off Ami once again, “But I wanna do this for you.”
“I don’t deserve her…” Ami muttered to herself with a goofy smile as she finished buttoning up her shirt.
Unbeknownst to Ami, Makoto too was recalling the events of when she told Ami she would join her and her mother for dinner as she left the flower shop and began to head towards the Mizuno residence.
“I know what it’s like to not be able to talk to your parents.” Mako thought to herself as she walked down the street, “I would give anything to be able to tell them about… well, anything really, but especially about Ami. So there’s no way I’m gonna take that from her too.”
The rest of the walk Mako’s mind simply wandered between different things that could go wrong at dinner.
“What if Ami’s mother doesn’t approve?”
“What if I make a fool of myself?”
“What if she’s somehow seen my test scores and she thinks I’m too dumb for her daughter?”
“What if some food accidentally goes down the wrong pipe and while I’m choking my transformation wand falls out of my pocket and then we not only have to tell Ami’s mom that we’re gay and in love but also that we’re secret superhero space people?!”
“Wait.” Mako thought, bringing a halt to the vortex of thoughts in her brain. “Rei said everything would go fine. And when have her visions ever been wrong? Well… there was that time she saw the Messiah of Silence killing us all- but that doesn’t count! We were trying to stop that one from happening, we’re trying to make this one happen. It’s different.” Mako thought as she made her way up the stairs of Ami’s apartment complex.
“Ami said it herself, the future is what you make of it.” She thought, finally reaching the door to Ami’s apartment, raising her fist up to the door to knock, “I’ve got this.”
So, yeah, while the anime is my favorite version of Sailor Moon I absolutely HATE that they had Professor Tomoe become a good guy at the end of season 3 instead of having Hotaru live with the Outers. But I also want to be canon compliant so... sorry Tomoe, you've gotta die. Probably of an illness related to having an alien demon stuck inside of him for several years.
But anyway, that's all for chapter 2! I know there was no Minako and Rei stuff in this one but don't worry, the next chapter will be alllll about them... (it'll also be a bit shorter than the first two chapters sorryyyy)
But anyway! Please let me know what you guys think! Comments, likes, reblogs, etc. are very much appreciated! And come back next time for chapter 3.
First Chapter
Next Chapter
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kaijuposting · 1 year
Mako Mori's Natal Chart Reading
@jedi-kat-18 requested a natal chart reading for Mako Mori, so here I go! Note that some details about her chart are unavailable due to her time of birth never being provided, so I'm working with what's available based on the data we do have.
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So first of all, did you know that Taurus is a kaiju? See, back in ye old Mesopotamian mythology, Taurus was the Bull of Heaven, a HUMONGOUS beast that grazed on the edges of the horizon. In the Akkadian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh, Bisexual Icon Gilgamesh made the goddess Ishtar Very Very Angry. So Ishtar goes to her dad Anu like HEY DAD CAN I HAVE THE BULL and her dad's like SWEETIE PRINCESS HE'LL DESTROY EVERYTHING and Ishtar's like GIMME THE BULL OR I UNLEASH THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE and so Anu gives her the bull and she releases it on the world and he rampages as a kaiju do, and then Gilgamesh and his boyfriend Enkidu come along to vanquish it - they defeat it and Enkidu tragically dies - and yeah, this really isn't relevant to anything here, I just felt like dropping Big Mythological Beast Lore.
The sun in Taurus, the moon in Capricorn, and Saturn in Gemini set Mako up to be a person of structure and routine, who doesn't care for frivolity or gossip. Rather, we're looking at someone who is goal-oriented and serious-minded, and perhaps more than just a touch morose. Mercury in Taurus and Saturn in Gemini together suggest methodical problem-solving skills - not necessarily slow, but certainly thorough.
Yet with Venus in Aries and Jupiter in Leo, there's going to be a certain craving for adventure and excitement, and a desire to be seen and admired. Perhaps after the kaiju war, when she's hailed a hero by the world, Miss Mori will discover she has a taste for admiration - which she certainly deserves. It's difficult to imagine that she would be happy to go back into the shadows at this point.
Mars in Aquarius suggests that Mako isn't the sort of person who fights only for herself, but for everyone. And with Neptune also in Aquarius, it's safe to say that this is her life's dream. Meanwhile, Pisces in Uranus suggests that Mako is the sort of person who dreams big, and follows her dreams. North Node in Gemini suggests a desire to reach out and share her ideas with others, although Chiron in Capricorn indicates possible guilt over perceived personal dereliction of duty. It's possible that her desire to be seen and recognized may at some point conflict with her sense of duty.
Finally, Pluto in Sagittarius suggests a sort of casual acceptance of things that people might consider overwhelmingly strange or frightening, such as massive world changes or strange alien beings. On its own it doesn't indicate anything as extreme as "latent kaiju groupie" or anything (keep in mind, Pluto was in Sagittarius from 2000-2011, so this placement is shared by everyone in Mako's age group), but combined with her other placements I think it could mean that Mako would be rather likely to lead the charge into the Anteverse if given the opportunity.
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darth-caillic · 2 years
Gimme a eight from the SWOTR ask
Name your top favorite companions (feel free to include reasons why).
Number 1 is definitely T7. He’s friend shape and his speech about how he would help train the Jedi Knight’s future padawans made me let out the biggest aw of my life.
My other favs would be Mako, Bizz and Qyzen Fess.
I also like Gault, but he’s a low teir fav.
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priokskfm · 10 months
#MixOfDay #Podcast #Radioshow #LiveDjset FUNK THE WORLD #76 with TIM OTIS https://ift.tt/RIcS4hO 💣 💣 💣 💣 THE FUNKY BOOGIE BROTHERS: Time To Battle FORT KNOX FIVE: Blowing Up The Spot ft Akil Dasan (Ancient Astronauts Remix) PECOE: Dance MISTER MUSH: Elements of Hip Hop MISTER T: Catch Me If You Can SLUM VILLAGE: Tainted (Soulshack Edit) THE FUNKY BOOGIE BROTHERS: Gimme Some SKEEWIFF: The Queen's Croquet Ground ERIC BOSS: Closer To The Spirit THE BEATLES: Glass Onion GRIZ: Get Down KOKA MASS JAZZ: Play The Game (Valique Edit) FUNKY DESTINATION: Street's Of The Bronx
\ JAMES BROWN: If You Don't Give A Doggone About it (Ferdinand Debeaufort Edit) DR. RUBBERFUNK: Beats Working DJ TRON: Eddie The Eagle JKO MUSIC: Welcome To The Next Level FUNK FERRET: Grande SIRENS OF LESBOS: Sweet Harmony
A.P.E: Cities CESAR FRAZIER: Funk It Down (JR’S Edit) EL PASO: Revenge
BIG L - Put it On (Toy Beats Edit) THE METERS: Just kiss my baby (Kiu-D Edit) AWESOME II: Ahooga GENERAL ELEKTRIKS: Tu M'intrigues BEAT FATIGUE: Slashy Cricket WBBL: What If BADBOE: Hard Times (Suckaside Remix) ARETHA FRANKLIN: Rock Steady (Mako Edit) IKE WHITE: Love and Affection (JR’s Edit) BOYDEX & BASTA: Funky Fresh
MBO: Get It L.A.P.D: FlyBy outro 💣 💣 💣 💣 https://ift.tt/TUvHPQV "Funky Breaks" www.priokskfm.online https://ift.tt/piCbSyD
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rayvenden · 2 years
Ok before I jump into Crisis Core Reunion tomorrow, I want to put my initial impressions on record. I haven’t played Crisis Core, I just know FF7 from watching my fiancé play it, and I’ve just finished FF7R. Also I’ve seen a couple trailers for Crisis Core Reunion.
FF7 spoilers ahead.
So from FF7 I know that Zack is Cloud’s war buddy and also Aerith’s boyfriend (and like, it’s kind of tragic when you know this but neither Cloud nor Aerith knew each other). And that Zack fuckin’ dies. And the Buster Sword was Zack’s and that’s why Cloud has it.
Anyway so my impression is that Crisis Core is basically like how 358/2 Days is for KH2. It’s a prequel where you know the fate in store for the characters, but the story is in the elaboration and dialogue from those characters that came before. My assumption is that it’ll be about some mako infused characters that didn’t make it. My assumption is that yes, Zack dies, but also probably his friendos in the trailers as well. (Maybe even die to Zack if they go off the rails.) Speaking of, I don’t really know them. I think there’s a dude named Angeal (gee I wonder if it’s supposed to sound like angel) and a dude named Genesis? I’m not sure which is which. Also that Turks girl I don’t think is in FF7? So maybe she dies too as a reason she doesn’t show up later?
Sorry I’m killing off everyone here. Honestly my expectation is that the entire thing is a tragedy and I’ll be surprised if anyone -- that doesn’t show up in FF7 -- lives.
I eat up tragedy stories tho so gimme
send asks if you want my first impressions on anything specific
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gnar-slabdash · 2 years
First Round, Second Heat Results
Jack Lattimer (The Last Dam Job) v. ***JIMMY FORD (The 3 Card Monte Job)***
**DR. ANNE HANNITY (The Inside Job)*** v. Dalton Rand (The Future Job)
***NICKY AND HEATHER MOSCONE (The Wedding Job)*** v. Alan Foss (The 2 Horse Job)
***DAMIEN MOREAU (The Big Bang Job, The San Lorenzo Job) ***v. Henry, Dennis, and Randy Retzing (The Snow Job)
***MEREDITH (The Lonely Hearts Job)*** v. James Kanack (The First Contact Job)
***MITCHELL KIRKWOOD (The Studio Job) *** v. Hugh Whitman (The Gone Fishin' Job)
***LARRY DUBERMAN (The Reunion Job)*** v. Wendy Baran (The Gimme a K Street Job)
***ANDREW GRANT (The Miracle Job)*** v. Irina Larenko (The Stork Job)
Mark Doyle (The Bottle Job) v. Ian Blackpoole (The First and Second David Job)
Greg "The Mako" Sherman (The Boiler Room Job) v. Victor Dubenich (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job)
Marcus Starke, Chaos, Mikel Dayan, and Apollo (The Two Live Crew Job) v. Jack Hurley (The 12 Step Job)
Monica Hunter (The 3 Days of the Hunter Job) v. Eddie Maranjian (The Order 23 Job)
Jimmy Ford (The 3 Card Monte Job) v. Dr. Anne Hannity (The Inside Job)
Nicky & Heather Moscone (The Wedding Job) v. Damien Moreau (The Big Bang Job, The San Lorenzo Job)
Meredith (The Lonely Hearts Job) v. Mitchell Kirkwood (The Studio Job)
Larry Duberman (The Reunion Job) v. Andrew Grant (The Miracle Job)
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