#ginger (voltron)
mockingjaylad · 2 months
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Feeling a bit Jason Todd today I guess ^_^
+ Shiro from “Home” by ErinWantsToWrite and alighterwood on Ao3
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vevveanimanga · 1 year
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Coran is the hottest summer gurl💅🏻✨
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soulvtude · 4 months
lance always has sunscreen for keith
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chibi-pix · 6 months
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Well, a friend in discord shared a pic from Vehicle Voltro and I felt the need to redraw it with the updated designs for the blind twinverse au. So! Here are the ladies. Pissed. Never get on their bad side. I don't remember the context of this episode/scene, though. I think it had to do with Twyla and the boys fawning over her. Also! Here's the original screenshot!
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Gotta love a classic scene. But also, gotta really love updated looks.
Ko-fi. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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wasabipicsdaily · 2 years
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✨ 🍏 💚 Daily Wasabi! 💚 🍏 ✨
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sonekwi · 7 months
☆ ⸻ the white paladin, keith x reader
chapter two: the blue lion
characters/pairings: keith, female reader
genre: fanfiction
summary: after saving shiro from the garrison, the universe pieces everything together. you and your friends stumble across the very thing he returned to earth to find: the blue lion.
word count: 3,145
links: previous, next, wattpad, masterlist
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     Keith had brought you all to a small cabin in what seems to be the middle of nowhere. And while waiting for Shiro to wake up, the group lazed about. Hunk and Pidge sat on the floor, going over notes and theories. You and Lance lounged on the couch, your head in his lap while you took a nap. And Keith was pretty much glued to Shiro the entire time, watching and waiting.
     But now, Shiro is awake and taking some time outside to recollect his thoughts. You can only imagine how scrambled he must be after being in the hands of aliens for so long, and the trauma he endured.
     Keith paces back and forth. From where you lay on the couch, your gaze follows him. He chews on his cuticles impatiently and stares down at the dusty old floor. Shiro said he wanted to be alone, but Keith is too protective of his family to listen to him for long.
     Just as you open your mouth to say something, Keith huffs and walks out of the cabin. But it's not long before he comes back with Shiro.
     You sit up and stretch your arms above your head, smacking Lance in the face. He jolts awake and glares at you. You give him a wry smile and say, "Sorry."
     Keith walks over to one of the cabin walls and rips a tarp down, revealing pictures, maps, and articles. Messy red arrows and circles are marked all over to connect evidence and facts. However, one particular spot on a map was circled heavily, the ink bleeding through the paper.
     "What have you been working on..?" Shiro asks slowly.
     "It's kind of... hard to explain," Keith says, looking at everyone. He turns back to the wall, pointing to the spot on the map, "After leaving the Garrison, I felt... lost. But then I was drawn to this place. It was like something, some energy, was telling me to search."
     "For what?" Shiro asks.
     "I'm not sure," Keith says, "But when I did search, I came across a cave system with all of these ancient drawings. Each one depicts a slightly different story about a blue lion, and some... arrival happening," he explains as he points to the photos on the walls. He then turns to Shiro, "And then you showed up."
     Shiro hums, an impressed smile spreading on his face. He turns to where you, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge are clumped together across the room.
     "I should thank you all for getting me out of there," he says. He reaches his robotic hand out to your brother. Your brother, awestruck, grins and excitedly shakes his hand. "You're Lance, right?" he asks. Your brother nods.
     Shiro turns to you, "And you're (y/n)?"
     "Yes!" you smile, shaking his hand.
     "I'm Pidge and this is Hunk," the short ginger says, pointing to his friend who nervously pulls his fingers. "Do you know if the rest of your crew made it?" Pidge asks.
     You look at Pidge. He's weirdly obsessed with Shiro's crew and the whole Kerberos mission. Thinking back, you remember his outburst with Commander Iverson after the simulation.
     "I don't know," Shiro says after taking a moment to dig through his memories. "My brain is still pretty scrambled. But one thing sticks out... I kept hearing the word Voltron over and over. It's some kind of weapon."
     "That's what Pidge was hearing on his space radio," you say and Pidge nods.
     "Maybe those were the aliens that captured Shiro?" Lance suggests.
     "Well, we need to find this Voltron before the aliens do," Shiro says.
     "Okay," Lance raises a brow, "How are we going to do that? We don't even know what Voltron looks like."
     "We have Pidge's artist's rendition?" you say.
     "It could look totally different though," Pidge says with a shrug.
     "Fear not," Hunk interjects and pulls something out of Pidge's bag. "I was looking through Pidge's stuff and–"
     "What!?" Pidge shrieks and snatches his bag from Hunk's hands. "Why were you going through my stuff!?"
     Hunk smiles sheepishly, "Looking for a snack," he says, "But I was looking through his diary–"
     "–and found a repeating series of numbers that looked like a Fraunhofer line," Hunk quickly finishes speaking before Pidge can interrupt him again.
     "A frown-what?" Keith asked with a puzzled look.
     "It's a number describing the emission spectrum of an element, only this element isn't on Earth," Hunk elaborates. "I was thinking this could be Voltron. I could build something to track it, like a Voltron Geiger counter."
     Lance flashes a smile. "Hunk, you big gassy genius!"
     "It's pretty great," Hunk says and pulls a piece of paper from his pocket. He holds it up, and you observe the graph drawn onto it. "The wavelength looks like this."
     "Give me that," Keith snatches the paper from Hunk's hands and examines it closely. He then turns to one of the pictures on the wall, something connecting in his brain. He holds the paper next to it, the spikes of the graph looking uncannily similar to those of the stone pillars and rock outcroppings in the photo.
     The group shares a look, concluding that's where you need to go.
     "Okay, this is freaky," you say, standing before the stone structures. The blazing sun beats down on you, but you have to admit the dry heat feels better than the humid heat back home.
     "I'm getting a reading," Hunk says as he pushes to the front of the group. The small device he holds in his hands beeps, slowly but prominently. You all follow him as he hikes into the desert, tracking down whatever element Voltron is made of.
     Coming upon a cave entrance, the Geiger counter freaks out. Hunk hums curiously and shoves the device into his pocket. Even from where you stand outside, you can strongly feel the eerie thrumming of energy emanating from within the cave.
     "In here," Hunk gestures to the rest of you as he enters the cave.
     Inside, you inhale deeply. The stuffy, damp air within makes it uncomfortable to breathe. You take note of your surroundings, listening to the water drip from the stalactites. And as your eyes wander and adjust to the darkness, they land on the carvings.
     You walk up, placing a hand on the cold stone. Your fingers run along the grooves and ancient paint, outlining the figure of what Keith had described as a blue lion.
     "These are the carvings I was telling you guys about," Keith says, walking up beside you.
     "Those pictures do not do them justice," you say, smiling softly at the beauty of the ancient art.
     Keith glances at you, his eyes wandering over your face. When you turn to him, he looks away and clears his throat. "I am... sorry," he says, "For not reaching out. We just– you always said that we were going to be pilots together, and I didn't know how to face you after everything."
     "Keith..." you say softly. "I'm not mad, I never was."
     That was a lie. The first few weeks after he left, you were angry and hurt. You texted him, sent him videos and pictures of mundane life, and tried calling him. You did everything you could to talk to him again. You didn't understand how he could just leave you.
     Eventually, you got over your anger. The past few months were filled with loneliness and wishing you could see him again. Which, now that you think about it, feels more pathetic than screaming and punching your pillow.
     Nadia kept telling you he wasn't worth crying over. You didn't listen.
     "I know you're lying," Keith says, his grey eyes flicking up to yours. "I'm sorry I hurt you, (y/n)."
     You clench your jaw as an unwanted emotion bubbles up. Why are you still mad? You got to see him again and he even apologized!
     You open your mouth to say something when a strange, glowing blue light illuminates the entire cave. Your eyes immediately shoot towards Lance, who stumbles away from the cave wall.
     "Lance–" you say, interrupted again by the sound of cracking and rumbling. Below you, the ground begins to crumble away.
     You grab ahold of Keith as the ground caves in and you fall into a hidden sub-chamber of the cave. You scream, feeling the cold, wet air rush past you as you plummet further down. And after a few very horrifying seconds, you land on solid ground... in a shallow pool.
     You push yourself up, water dripping from your soaked clothes. Beside you, Keith groans and sits up. "Are you okay?" you ask.
     "Perfectly fine," Keith growls. He stands and holds his hand out to you. You take it, reluctantly, and he pulls you to your feet.
     "What the heck is that thing?" Hunk says.
     You follow his gaze and your eyes land upon the otherworldly machine before you. The Blue Lion. You gasp with awe, "How hasn't this been found? It's freaking huge!"
     "Do you think this is Voltron?" Pidge asks.
     "It must be," Shiro says.
     "This is what's been causing all this crazy energy out here," Keith says and steps closer. "Looks like there's a force field around it."
     Lance hums, "Does anyone else get the feeling this is staring at them?" he walks side to side, feeling uneasy as the machine's eyes glow brightly yellow. "Yeah... the eyes are totally following me."
     Keith places his hands against the force field, ripples moving through the material upon contact. "I wonder how we get through this..."
     You look up at the Blue Lion, then at the force field. "Maybe you just have to knock," you joke as you raise your hand, knocking twice.
     You yelp as the force field glows brighter, the Lion's eyes lighting up eagerly. As the force field drops, the ground beneath the Lion illuminates in a strange alchemic pattern. The Lion growls deeply, a strong wind suddenly blowing all around you.
     As you stare into the Lion's eyes, a vision flashes in your mind. Five Lions fly through space, the Blue Lion among them, and come together to form a robot. It bears a flaming sword, and as it swings it towards you, you are brought back to the real world.
     "Did anyone else just see that?" you ask.
     Hunk geeks out. "Voltron is a robot! A huge, huge awesome robot!"
     "And this is only one part of it!" Pidge exclaims, "I wonder where the rest of them are?"
     Shiro stares up at the Blue Lion, "This is what they're looking for..."
     Suddenly, the Lion begins to move. It rises from its metal haunches and lowers its head to the ground. You're awestruck, the mere size of the thing making you seem like a tiny ant. It slowly opens its mouth, allowing entry. A soft, playful purr rumbles through its chest.
     Your brother smiles and walks inside the Lion.
     "Wait!" you chase after him, "You don't know what's in there, you idiot!"
     When you catch up to him, he seats himself in what you guess to be a pilot's chair. You roll your eyes as your brother clearly has no survival instincts. But, knowing that he's alive, you take the chance to look around the cockpit as it powers up. Various diagnostic screens and holograms pop up, and the interior lighting matches the Lion's color.
     "Woah..." Lance says as the large screen spanning across the entire cockpit displays what's outside, providing a 180 degree view from left to right. "This is fancy."
     "No kidding! You don't have to worry about glass shards getting all over you!" you say, remembering the numerous times during flight training when the windshield had shattered.
     The rest of the group enters the cockpit, the small area becoming crowded very quickly. As Lance looks at the main dashboard quizzically, he goes quiet. Everything seems to be written in an alien language.
     He pauses and his body tenses and his eyes widen, almost as if he senses something the rest of you don't. He then turns to everyone, "Did you guys hear that?" he asks.
     "Hear what?" you say, raising a brow.
     "I think this thing is talking to me," Lance says. He reaches for the controls and presses a few buttons. The Blue Lion lets out a fearsome roar and fully stands. Lance then grasps the levers at either side of him, smiling eagerly. "Alright! Now let's try this!"
     He shoves the levers forward and the Lion crashes through the walls of the cave, emerging into the open desert. He flies the Lion around, performing crazy maneuvers and nose dives. You grab onto your brother's shoulders, holding on for dear life.
     "You are the worst pilot ever!" Keith barks, fighting to stay upright. 
     "Isn't this awesome?" Lance asks.
     "Make it stop!" Hunk gags, the excessive motion making him feel sick.
     "I'm not making it do anything! It's like it's on autopilot!" Lance says.
     The Lion dives towards the ground, its metal claws digging into the dry earth. It begins to run around, almost as if it's excited to be out of the cave. You swear you can even hear it purr.
     Then, the Lion jumps and blasts into the air. It heads further and further into the atmosphere, seemingly heading for outer space. Or maybe another nose dive.
     "Where are you going?" Keith asks.
     "I just said it's on autopilot!" Lance sasses, rolling his eyes. "It's telling me there's an alien ship approaching Earth. I think we're supposed to stop it."
     "What did it say exactly?" Pidge asks.
     "Well, it's not like it's saying words, it's more like feeding ideas into my brain," Lance says.
     Hunk whines, "If this thing is the weapon they're coming for, why don't we just give it to them? Maybe they'll leave us alone."
     Shiro snaps at him, his tone low and serious, "You don't understand. These monsters spread like a plague throughout the galaxy, destroying everything in their path. There's no bargaining with them, they won't stop until everything is dead."
     Hunk looks away, "Oh... never mind then."
     As the Blue Lion enters space, the gravity within the cockpit strangely stays the same. But you decide not to question it.
Then, out of nowhere, a giant alien warship pops up in front of you.
     "Lance, move," you say, grabbing his arm and pulling him up. "Now!"
     "What? Why?" he asks.
     "Just move!" you shout and he does so. You take his seat and grab onto the levers. This is serious, and you do not want to risk your brother failing at this as he did with the simulator.
     You maneuver the Lion around the warship just as it attacks, shooting purple lasers at you.
     "We've got to get out of here!" Pidge says.
     "I know," you say, "But we can't just leave it here. If Shiro's right, they'll destroy our home."
     Quickly, you turn the Blue Lion to face the warship and push one of the levers forward. You simultaneously press the button on the side of the handle and the Lion blasts a laser across the length of the warship. The fiery heat of it explodes the exterior.
     "Come on," you mutter as you turn back around, flying away from Earth. You bring up a rear camera on the dashboard, waiting for the warship to follow.
     And it does.
     "They're gaining on us!" Pidge says.
     "Weird... They're not attacking, just following," you say, pushing the levers forward more to gain some speed.
     "Okay, so now we think having aliens follow us is good?" Hunk asks.
     "Where are we even?" Keith asks.
     Shiro looks around, "The edge of the solar system... There's Kerberos," he says, pointing to Pluto's moon.
     "Seriously?" Pidge says, "It takes months for our ships to get out here! It took us five seconds!"
     "What–" you stop when what looks to be a large wormhole opens in front of you. The cloudy blue and white center swirls, obscuring whatever is on the other side of it.
     "I think this may sound crazy," Lance says, "But I think the Lion wants us to go through there!"
     "Where does it go..?" you ask warily, looking at your brother.
     "I don't know," he says. "Shiro... you're the superior officer hear. What should we do?"
     "Well, it seems like the Lion knows more than we do," Shiro answers. "But we're a team now, we should decide together."
     You look over your shoulder to everyone else, watching as they consider their options. After a moment, Lance places a hand on your shoulder and the group gives you a confirming nod.
     "I guess we're skipping class tomorrow," you say and fly into the wormhole. It closes right before the alien warship can follow you through.
      On the other side, the wormhole opens near an Earth-like planet. You stare at the blue waters and green continents, wondering how likely it is for the inhabitable chunk of rock to exist. All the other planets humans have discovered in faraway galaxies and systems never looked like this, even the ones that could have alien life.
     "I don't recognize any of the constellations," Shiro says, "We're a long way from Earth."
     The levers jerk from your hands as the Blue Lion takes over the controls. You sit back, "The Lion seems to want to go to this planet... I think it's going home," you say softly.
     As the Lion breaks through the atmosphere, it rumbles and shakes. Hunk groans, getting motion sick again. "I am the only one that's having second thoughts about going through a mysterious wormhole? Why are we listening to a sentient robotic lion anyway?" he asks, agitation clear in his tone.
     "It got us away from that alien warship!" Lance says.
     Keith glares at your brother. "I don't know if you noticed, but we're in an alien warship."
     You roll your eyes and tease, "What? Are you scared?"
     "Terrified," Keith sarcastically retorts.
     "Alright, knock it off," Shiro warns, "No one wants to be in this situation, but we're here now. The only to get through this is to do it together."
     "So..." you purse your lips, "What do we do?"
     "First, we figure out where we're headed," Shiro says, then looks to your brother expectantly. "Lance?"
     He shrugs, "I don't know, the Lion's not talking to me anymore- wait! Shh! You guys hear that?" he says and everyone falls silent. For once you do hear something, but it's nothing like the mythical and mysterious whispering voice you imagined.
     "Uh, it sounds like a high-pitch squeal?" Hunk says.
     Lance rips ass and you groan, slapping a hand over your mouth and nose. With your free one, you whip around and smack him. The group says their fair share of insults and complaints, too.
     He laughs, "But seriously, there's a castle up ahead!"
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melsany · 10 months
voltron au where the lions are actually cats the paladins own:
black lion = tuxedo cat (not fully black becuz of his legs and chest so i made the call to specify tuxedo)
red lion = ginger tabbie or alternatively calico (colorations are the closest and they’re traits are affectionate and loyal respectively)
green lion = a tortoiseshell cat (green eyes, tortoises are green, felt fitting)
yellow lion = orange tabbie cat (naturally)
blue lion = chartreux cat (grey with blue eyes, 🤌🏻)
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kukos-satellite · 7 months
Voltron hcs because I can & will! p, 03 - KP. Holt
Finally got Pidge on here after some tweaking and spell checks! I’m going to wait till it’s about 6 pm to post Allura’s headcanons. Hope you enjoy these like you did for Keith and Lance! :)
they/them aroflux nonbinary
autistic , bpd
has chronic (secondary) insomnia and back pains
forgets to eat, only lives off of coffee
always cold because of low iron
stims whenever excited
watches true crime
- mostly watches the unsolved to put the pieces together themself
has dyed their hair, but won’t say which colors
has loads of vinyls and cds
likes to take apart computers, phones, and tablets and put them back together when bored
has a crazy amount of Nat Geo magazines
- shows Allura and Coran them whenever they’re curious about Earth
has a scar on their leg after a shaving incident
never grows out their hair long again
they steal Matt’s old clothes
wears a binder anytime and all time of the day
they drink both coffee and tea
- favorite teas: jasmine, matcha, ginger, and thai
- favorite type of coffee: decaf or an Americano
writes fanfictions and wrote a couple books
- wrote a couple of Klance fanfics in their free time and sent them off to Keith to read
the next part will be Allura’s hcs!
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mixedkid-matchup · 2 years
Cartoon/Animation Bracket!
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you do not know how fucking long this took. anyways. each round is 24 hours we have 16 polls to start (32 characters) the first round will be live let's say like 9AM EST tomorrow (March 19th)
matches below:
Luz Noceda (Owl House) VS. Clawdeen Wolf (G3 Monster High)
Kipo (Kipo and the Age of The Wonder Beasts) VS. Willow Park (Owl House)
Glimmer (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) VS. Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
Keith Kogane (Voltron: Legendary Defenders) VS. Steven Universe
Alex (Totally Spies!) VS. Elisa Maza (Gargoyles)
Finn (Catradora Kid from SPOP) VS. Mako & Bolin (Legend of Korra)
Roxy (Winx Club) VS. Ben and Saoirse (Song of the Sea)
Zak Saturday (The Secret Saturdays) VS. Molly Mcgee
Regean Ridley (The Inside Job) VS. Ezran & Callum (The Dragon Prince)
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb) VS. Bronwyn (Adventure Time)
Jacen Syndulla (Star Wars Rebels) VS. Molly Blyndeff (Epithet Erased)
Elfo (Disenchantment) VS. Lotor (Voltron: Legendary Defenders)
Pumpkin & Pound Cake (My Little Pony) VS. Flurry Heart (My Little Pony)
Sirena Von Boo (Monster High) VS. Melody (Little Mermaid)
The Dragon/Donkey Babies (Shrek) VS. Paprika, Sage, Cinnamon, Ginger (Blues Clues)
Rai (Tai Chi Chasers) VS. Neighthan Rot (Monster High)
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gingerbread-qwq · 7 months
<intro post>
Call me Onion or Ginger
I make art of whatever fandom/media im currently into so dont expect consistency!!
But for reference heres a list of the fandoms/media I enjoy and do/might make art of:
Haikyuu!! (RAAAHHHH)
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (always and forever)
Drawfee/Drawtectives (everybody go watch them I love their stuff so so so much)
Trigun 98, BLR, and Stampede (haven't read Trimax yet 😭)
The Owl House
Over the Garden Wall
Fairytale (my sister's fault)
Seven Deadly Sins apparently? (Also my sister's fault)
Steven Universe
Voltron: Legendary Defenders (I don't wanna talk about it)
My Little Pony
Cars 2006 and 2017 (f u #2 u don't exist)
How to Train Your Dragon 2010 and 2014 (f u #3 u don't exist)
Big Hero Six (Ily big hero six ily 4ever)
Doctor Who (pookie got me hooked)
My Hero Academia (besties fault)
Marvel (spiderman mostly)
I have a few side blogs if you want to check those out :)
Reblog spam: @iloveonionsverymuch
Aphmau *sigh*: @dantes-number-1-fanboy
And a secret third one you have to find on ur own
Also you should go look at my friends' art!! (So so so good! I eat it up!!)
@spiritthemoron (fantastic ocs and Hazbin Hotel art!! (Got me started on Dr who))
@fl1pp1ngart1st (idk the media but I *do* know that it looks delicious as fuck)
And also go follow pookie bc hes funny and writes really good!!! (Hannibal, Falsettos, Resident Evil, etc.)
@elixyzlio (ily bestie makin me laugh n shit)
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psyeince · 1 year
why r there so many gingers
maybe its the various showdown blogs ive followed but there r a lot of gingers in the media and ive taken it upon myself to sort them into the categories of gingers and redheads, this took me an hour and a half and my eyes r physically burning, my bad if i missed a character or two
riley williams (we are the tigers)
ocean oconnel rosenberg (ride the cyclone)
caleb widogast (critical role)
itsuka kendo (my hero academia)
donna noble (doctor who)
batgirl (dc)
beverly crush (star trek)
ginger fitzgerald (ginger snaps)
nami (one piece)
mito freecss (hunter x hunter)
wendy corduroy (gravity falls)
alfredo linguine (ratatouille)
william “dex” poindexter (check please!)
wylan can eck (six of crows)
ichigo kurosaki (bleach)
mafuyu sato (given)
gimli (lord of the rings)
akane hino/cure sunny (smile precure)
daphne blake (scooby-doo)
reisuke houjou (mirai nikki)
fiona (shrek)
risa koizumi (lovely complex)
dexter (decters laboratory)
kim possible (kim possible)
cady heron (mean girls)
katheryn janeway (star trek)
shoyo hinata (haikyuu!!)
himaru kenshin (samurai x)
rosetta (tinkerbell)
amy pond (doctor who)
firestar (warrior cats)
rand al’thor (a wheel of time)
kaoru and himaru hitachiin (ouran high school host club)
asuka langley soryu (neon genisis evangelion)
ponyo (ponyo)
crowley (good omens)
athen cykes (ace attorney)
bloom (winx club)
samael keene (homesick)
kenny luckstar (homesick)
tulip olsen (infinity train)
wanda maximoff (marvel)
max mayfield (stranger things)
christine “ziggy” berman (fear street 1978)
buffy gilmore (scary movie)
theo (scary movie 2)
gideon nav (the locked tombe)
cal kestis (star wars)
hiromi higa/shadow (sk8 the infiniry)
anne shirley (anne of green gables)
hercules (hercules)
vicky (fairily odd parents)
suzuki shou (mob psycho 100)
reigen araraka (mob psycho 100)
rowena macleod (supernatural)
jack merridew (lord of the flies)
raven (theyll never catch us)
polly plantar (amphibia)
jay ferin (just roll with it)
natasha romanoff (mcu)
giselle (enchanted)
winnie sanderson (hocus pocus)
candace flynn (phineas and ferb)
phineas flynn (phineas and ferb)
leon kuwata (danganropa)
childe (genshin impact)
akito shinonome (project sekai)
garfield (garfield)
ruby roundhouse (jumanji: welcome to the jungle)
tasuki (fushigi yugi)
lysandre (pokemon)
monkia (doki doki literature club)
misty (pokemon)
aviendha (wheel of time)
coran (voltron)
ashlynn ella (ever after high)
sparrow hood (ever after high)
holly o’hair (ever after high)
poppy o’hair (ever after high)
futaba sakura (persona 5)
anna (frozen)
general hux (star wars)
kanon tachibana (the world ends with you)
ron delight (ace attorney)
kyo sohma (fruits basket)
rei yasaku (do it yourself!)
diluc (genshin impact)
gren (the dragon prince)
chiyo sakura )gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun)
philip j fry (futurama)
felicia sundew (amphibia)
blossom (power puff girls)
april o’neal (teenage mutant ninja turtles)
junichirou tanizaki (bungou stray dogs)
captain amelia (treasure planet)
rachel elizabeth dare (percy jackson)
emma (the promised neverland)
penny polendina (rwby)
elizabeth afton (five nights at freddys)
orville elephant (freddy fazbears pizzaria simulator)
dana scully (x-files)
atushi otani (lovely complex)
merida (brave)
puss in boots (shrek)
little my (moomin)
quasimodo (the hunchback of notre dame)
sora takenouchi (digimon)
ikuyu kita (bocchi the rock!)
gwen tennnyson (ben ten)
ahiru/duck (princess tutu)
eda clawthorn (the owl house)
shallan davar (stormlight archive)
clary fray (shadow hunters)
keyleth (vox machine)
ms. bellum (power puff girls)
zarine (the pirate fairy)
chuuya nakahara (bungou stray dogs)
subaru akehoshi (ensemble stars!! music)
yuta aoi (ensemble stars!! music)
hinata aoi (ensemble stars!! music)
jenny bennett (monster house)
nick wilde (zootopia)
tomo aizawa (tomo-chan wa onnanoko!)
kirishima eijirou (my hero academia)
hikaru shidou/lucy (magic knight rayearth)
urbosa (breath of the wild)
bowser (mario)
operetta (monster high)
knuckles (sonic)
poison ivy (dc)
starfire (dc)
silver (pokemon)
ranma saotome (ranma 1/2)
will vandom (w.i.t.c.h)
grell sutcliff (black butler)
undyne (undertale)
janai (the dragon prince)
red guy (dont hug me im scared)
wendy (wendys)
ronal mcdonald (mcdonalds)
anastasia romanova (anastasia)
anzu hoshino (romantic killer)
michizou tachihara (bungou stray dogs)
ezra scarlet (fairy tale)
lizzie hearts (ever after high)
shirayuki (snow white with the red hair)
reki kyan (sk8 the infinity)
luna (scooby-doo)
zarzamora (saber marionette j)
jessica rabbit (who framed roger rabbit)
707 (mystic messenger)
kyle broflovski (south park)
souma yukihira (food wars!)
circus baby (five nights at freddys: sister location)
mikoto mikoshiba (gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun
karma akabane (assassination classroom)
kineshi hairo (saiki K)
ariel (the little mermaid)
clifford (clifford the big red dog)
rinne amagi (ensemble stars!! music)
hiiro amagi (ensemble stars!! music)
mao isara (ensemble stars!! music)
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Cree Summer 
Roles: She hulk, Abigail Lincoln, Elymra, Susie Carmichael in Rugrats, Penny from Inspector Gadget, Elmyra from Tiny Toons, Max Gibson from Batman Beyond, Miranda from As Told By Ginger, Cleo from Clifford, Valerie Grey from Danny Phantom, Blackarachnia from Transformers Animated, Witch Haggar from Voltron, Catwoman in DC Super Hero Girls, Princess Kida from Atlantis
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annerp · 1 year
Tagged by @marirah
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of- for whatever reason. <3
First fic I published: To Change His Fate Loki/Steve Rogers. Also my longest fic
Last Fic I published: Only Me Jay/Roy. My newest obsession
Fandom/Ship I only wrote once: So far Only Me. Jay/Roy, but only because this is a new ship for me. I did only write a few fics for Shiro/Lotor from Voltron. My favorite was If It Feels Real
Favorite fic in most popular fandom/ship: That's tough. I have several that I really like a lot from Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes. My favorite is The Best Boyfriend Bucky Barnes Never Had
Fic I wish more people read: Sight Lines It's first person so it doesn't get a lot of love, but I really like it. Dick/Tim
Fic I agonized over: Cut One Off Loki/Steve Rogers. A sequel to my longest fic. Also, my second longest. I struggled pulling all the threads together to finish it out, but I'm happy with it.
Fic that popped out fully formed: Meow Loki/Steve Rogers. Based on a true story.
Fic I'm proud of: Scars that bind Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes. Kind of sad, but with an upbeat happy ending
No pressure and I have so few followers so I'm only tagging @not-rude-ginger and @hanitrash
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chibi-pix · 3 months
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I was in the mood for some Vehicle Voltron, so why not Ginger in my Blind Twinverse redesign? I just adore her. The look feels right and wonderful for her.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one. Chibis like this and more are available for commission on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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lesbian-goose · 3 months
Okay hear me out...
Voltron lions as acctual cats:
Black: black Norwegian forest cat
Red: ginger tortishell
Geen: brown maincoon (big cat for little lion)
Blue: russian blue
Yellow: blonde ragdoll
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year
Ladipoe & Bella Shmurda - Guy Man Lyrics
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Ladipoe & Bella Shmurda - Guy Man Lyrics Intro Aiye n lo ni Soweto Mo gbomo ni Monaco Wo ni Bella leto, leto Verse 1 Last year, flight plans World tour, white fans Fine babes, meet guy man Dem dey feel guys out in Saipan Oya roll one, light am Form Voltron, five cars Clash with the opps like titans Omo that boy so Naija, whoa Ladipoe lele yi kon se Ladipo (Yeba) You know what they say, opolo tun po (Yeba) They say that number one already spoken for (Yeba) But I’ve never been the one to follow protocol Protocol, protocol Tear rubber flow this na follow come Bless king word to Solomon I be feeling like the chosen one Refrain Shey, make I remind you, ooh Oluwa shina emi Rambo, ooh Me, I no dey tango I dey do my thing for the angle Always in demand, oh Pay my money make I come show No more space for the Lambo I be big boy now, I be Rambo Chorus Aiye n lo ni Soweto Mo gbomo ni Monaco Wo ni Bella leto, leto Sofun omo yen ko joko l’eso If you no sure, abegi no show I dey here where I wan go I stand tall all my ten toes Aiye n lo gba mi lago Verse 2 I say Ladipoe lele yi kon se ladipo (Yo) If only you knew where guys started from (Bro) I dey feel myself, I no dey force am (No) ‘Cause these days, self-love is on brand You’ve entered one chance, this one na club jam Ginger promoter, secure the rucksack We no dey too talk, leave am for podcast Nowadays, all the fine babes don dey form gang Siddon dere See the drip, everything here imported I got a tip, no dey trip of the success ‘Cause Afrobeat hit no mean say Hip-Hop’s dead (What he just said) Okay, lost it now (Lost it) Let’s get back on topic now (Topic) Watch my baby buss it down (Buss it) Only came to shut it down Chorus Aiye n lo ni Soweto Mo gbomo ni Monaco Wo ni Bella leto, leto Sofun omo yen ko joko leso If you no sure, abegi no show I dey here where I wan go I stand tall all my ten toes Aiye n lo gba mi lago Aiye n lo ni Soweto Mo gbomo ni Monaco Wo ni Bella leto, leto Sofun omo yen ko joko leso If you no sure, abegi no show I dey here where I wan go I stand tall all my ten toes Aiye n lo gba mi lago Read the full article
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