ginsync · 6 years
I don't know where to start
To try unveil the feelings behind my heart.
Perhaps I can go to the place where I call home
That place in my mind I've always known
The place where all thoughts make sense to me
Where I can be complete-ly free.
There's no other opinion to satisfy
No other option to gratify
There's no limit on this sky
Where I can freely fly,
And let my mind loose
Chase the hare on land and float water with the goose.
Imagine a world where imagination takes hold
Your dream day forever retold
The land where nothing grows cold,
A new reality from which to live
A world where it takes a thought to give
Living life in that reality really would be bliss
Stun everyone with a single kiss.
Behold, alas, it can't be true
My mind wandered
Somewhere I never knew.
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ginsync · 6 years
Darkness hurdles towards every inescapable trace of mind
Are we those that follow
Or those that were left behind.
Bleak bleary outcomes that were but a thought
Are we all happier
When happiness is bought.
Thinking clearer the times treasured are with people
Can't we all just treat each other equal.
Ideas, thoughts, my imagination runs wild
Off in a flurry
Yearning to be a child,
As I grew I didn't realise
The weight of the world
Nor even the size.
Perplexed and puzzled my mind sought to seek
Everything I thought I knew
Changed within a week.
That's why every day you learn
And everyday you earn
The right to wash away
The darkness inside
To give the world some brightness, confide not hide inside .
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ginsync · 6 years
In the age of rage,
Do we turn the page
Or just rattle the cage,
Sit back and witness the carnage.
Spent your life
Searching for a wife
Life in amongst the struggle of strife,
Striving for perfection
Etched within the skin
Soul spread butter bread thin
Over the corpse you call yourself
Health, is important
As is mental wealth
Key to the door
Mind wandering to know more
Sweeping the cranium waiting for someone to adore.
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ginsync · 6 years
I can't be bothered anymore
Can't be bothered to unlock the door
Can't be bothered to get up from the floor
Just can't stomach the outside world
Can't stomach the looks from everyone
Can't stand the look from anyone
Dont want to interact with you
Don't want to interact with them either too
Don't want to have to fake the smile
Would rather walk back home, another mile
Never want to chat
Never want to open myself up to be the door mat
Never want to be seen
Never want to be a has been
Just want to walk away from it all
Just want to jump off a cliff, free fall.
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ginsync · 6 years
The mind does not know
Where it is afraid to go.
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ginsync · 6 years
When thinking of dying
All I can imagine
Is my mother crying.
Not because I chose not to live
But because
I never confided in her
Instead I hid.
Now she looks back with fondness upon memories,
Maybe she'll be happy
Knowing I'm finally free.
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ginsync · 6 years
Eminating niceness
Your smile's truly priceless
Face of a princess
In such a lovely dress.
Eyes so deep
The ocean cant compete
Stare into them and you'll be lost in a swirl
Undoubtedly the picture perfect girl.
She's so sweet and serene certainly the beauty queen
Queen of hearts
And of mind
Seeing her soul
Graceful, never unkind.
Her humour is never what I would have thought
I want to know more
Take her to camealot.
Take her further than she can go
Never let her feel pain, peril or sorrow
Cause I want to see her grow
Potential impossible to gauge where she will go.
She isn't limited to the stars
She's already ahead of mars
Coursing through the galaxy
Floating female ecstasy.
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ginsync · 6 years
Causing an infraction
Contracting the contraction.
Rebel the rebellion
Released from the hell within
Fight fire with the words written again
And be just,
Be free
Solidarity in self
Solidarity within me.
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ginsync · 6 years
Weary, wild and withheld
Why is my world withering within
When what I wanted wasn't wanting to win.
Why is wit worth worthlessness
And why do I wonder wandering the wild
Of my brain
Wanting, waning for when one was a child.
Why we work
Why we want
Why he went
Why she wore
Why do I want for something more.
Knowledge knocking on my mind's door.
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ginsync · 6 years
Couldn't wrap it round my head
How someone went round all those houses
On Christmas night
He visited every boy and girl
Every single soul in sight.
The man with the white beard
The man every child secretly feared
Because they didn't want him to think,
That all year round their attitude did stink.
Instead we want him to believe we're all good kids
Kids that deserve all the treats
Kids that decorate the streets
With snowmen, angels and art
A tribute to you doing your part.
Santa Claus,
Please visit me
You can find the note I left under the tree
And the cookies I left too,
Go on Santa I left them for you.
Santa Claus
You deserve applause,
For the joy you bring
Surrounding absolutely everything
Capturing everything and everyone
Can't wait for this Christmas to come.
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ginsync · 6 years
Soldiers are sold into the cynical shooting of souls, seeming somewhat soulless in the duty they've to unfold.
Why wage war when what we wanted wasn't what we wished, wandering the world with weapons the wasteland where things are perished
And I ain't announcing anything against anybody and a cause, an apocalyptic arsenal awaits you accidently in the ashes before the pause.
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ginsync · 6 years
Can't think
Nor link
My minds thoughts together
Bitterly battered by wish wash weather.
Weary thoughts flood my mind
The ones where my perspective isn't on rewind
I can think clearly
I can see
What you wanted in your inner heart
Was two souls separated, divided and apart.
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ginsync · 6 years
In this new year I never knew how to be
Whether it'd bring with it some new knocking opportunity
It brought a lot
Which led to a lot of thought
It made me wonder
It made me think
Life's too short while we take moments to blink.
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ginsync · 6 years
With the thought of writing words
Forming a current flow of curse
Words weep worried from tongue
Tongue to touch
Do I deserve this much?
Deserve a single thread
Seeking judgement turning to dread
To afford food like bread
From the poetic parrot in his head.
Pirate paradigm of mind
Something I've had stolen; to rhyme in time
Syllables forget me
Forget them too I do
This bond has been broken
PoorViscousityAdhesive Glue
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ginsync · 6 years
It's washed away
Like night turns to day
And the face, bones and body crumble to a decay.
Why is time so precious
Yet we waste time today.
Why do we let moments slip through our fingers
Fading into the fray.
In life
The pendulum never stops, forever an effortless sway.
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ginsync · 6 years
Zig zag and zip
Round the pole
Bottom to the tip.
Hunting through the grass
Fighting for finding flowers
Looking to pollinate the world
Giving it proper powers.
Without the bee,
There'd be no you
No me,
Without him
We'd never stand a chance
Isn't it a story of true unrequited romance
Between the flower and the bee
Going together as well as you & me,
Cause you see,
There'd be no world without the bee.
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