#girl in the quad if you're out there i'm SO sorry if I made you uncomfortable
mccoyquialisms · 4 months
"huh, idk if I'm really 💖💜💙 I don't remember having any crushes on gir--" [abruptly remembers that time I was walking in the quad on campus and saw a girl I found so captivating I nearly full on stopped walking and couldn't stop staring to the point where she NOTICED and I had to hurry away] "--oh my god I'm an idiot."
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mortemtheraven · 2 years
“The Ghost”
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Pairing: Xavier Thorne x Addams! Reader
Summary: Y/n Addams has been keeping secrets to herself lately, emotional ones. When she was asked by a werewolf to a date, a certain artistic outcast found himself burning in jealousy.
Warning(s): Angst, insecurity, jealousy, curses, mention of death (reader's pronouns is she/her)
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"Well, isn't this place cheery?" You looked up at the sound of a slightly familiar voice. It belongs to a guy, the werewolf who you helped find the book he sought in the library yesterday. He has strawberry blond hair, slicked back and soft obsidian eyes.
You were writing in your journal about your usual deep dark thoughts, adding some doodles or sketches here and there to add more vivid gore alongside your choice of words. Other than that, you were hanging out at the back of the school, where the woods of Nevermore extends to a seemingly endless range.
You snapped the black book shut, startling the blonde guy. "Is there a valid reason for me not to leave you here and seek another solitary place?"
"My name's Mason, do you remember? The guy–"
"–who was finding the encyclopedia about Moon Phases, yes." You interrupted him.
Mason smiled in amusement. "Uh, good then. I just wanna ask you if. . . you're free this weekend? I wanted to return the favor of helping me yesterday by treating you out, maybe through a coffee date at Weathervane tomorrow?"
You went dead silent at his bold words, making him anxious whilst you stare at him with emotionless (e/c) eyes. The silence was deafening and he was just standing awkwardly in front of you, stuffing his fidgeting hands into his jean pockets.
After another minute of silence, you spoke. "Alright,"
Mason grinned brightly almost immediately, jumping on the soles of his boots. "Great! I'll see you there tomorrow. Is 9 AM, a good time for you?"
You merely nodded once before walking away and leaving him there alone.
While walking to your next class, you couldn't help but ponder about a certain artist in your mind. Things would be better if he was the one that asked you, not Mason. The werewolf is a nice guy, but you've been into Xavier since you and your twin sister Wednesday were ten years old. The first time you met him, he looked completely different. But his endearing personality and artistic skills made him your friend instead of someone you'd want to murder.
"Y/n! Where are you off to?" Speaking of the devil, Xavier jogged towards you as you passed by the quad.
"My next class." You didn't even stop to look at him, you kept a straight cold face and a quick pace.
"Something wrong?" You mentioned you weren't feeling murderous about him, well now you're taking it back. His constant obliviousness is irritating you to death. "Y/n?"
You suddenly stopped walking and faced him with an unreadable expression. "A boy just asked me out."
Xavier chuckled in disbelief. "Oh, I'm sorry for him."
"Why are you sorry?"
"Well I assumed you turned him down," When you kept silent, Xavier's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, you said yes?"
You nodded stiffly. "Indeed, I did."
Xavier scoffed. "Why?"
"What do you mean ‘why’?"
"Because you're not that type of girl who would date anyone."
"What do you know about what I want?" You muttered quietly.
Xavier nodded in disbelief, his jaw clenching. "So who's the lucky guy?"
Xavier groaned, not him. "That stuck-up werewolf? Why?"
"He asked nicely despite being clearly intimidated by my mere presence."
"Y/n, believe me, Mason is a stuck-up jerk. He's probably up to no good."
"You're saying he asked me out with dark intentions? Hypothetically?"
Xavier rolled his eyes. "Yes, hypothetically speaking. But I'm almost a hundred percent sure that this date would end up badly in his hands."
"Who said he's in control?" You smirked coldly. "And if you know me that well, Xavier Thorpe, is that I'm into dark intentions. Whatever Mason's up to, I intend to find out."
You turned around and left him dumbstruck. Well, at least you have something to look forward to in this date. You're going to need a dress.
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Enid squealed, making both you and Wednesday wince unpleasantly. The moment the word "dress" slipped out of your mouth, the colorful roomie of your twin sister was ecstatic.
"I have a lot of ideas! Since you and Wednesday basically have the same taste of color palette, we're gonna go badass goth on you!" Enid immediately went through her wardrobe, finding anything black she could get her hands on. You doubt it though, considering that Enid's taste of colors basically resembles a rainbow.
"I can hardly believe you're going to this date." Wednesday clicked her tongue in distaste while you sat beside her on her bed.
"I'd like to call it an experimental game, besides, I heard that Mason is up to no good. Who doesn't wanna investigate dark intentions?" Wednesday smirked at your similarities, both curious Addams sisters. Except for the facial descriptions since you two are fraternal twins.
"Found it!" Enid held up a mid-thigh length dress, with leather skirt and a fitting top. Then she pulled out a pair of black leggings, matching black leather jacket and black combat boots. Why she owns such clothes, you don't know, but at least you found yourself satisfied with the style.
Minutes later, you were looking at the mirror with your sister and Enid standing beside you. Last minute doubt washed over you, maybe you just stay here in Ophelia Hall and not go on this stupid date. But you look really well-prepared, with your (h/c) hair tied into a fishtail braid.
"You look purr-fect! Totally ready for your first ever date."
"I suppose I should express my gratitude for lending a hand, Enid. So thank you." You said, turning the face the blonde girl.
"Don't mention it. Just have fun!" You just nodded at her.
"If he turns out to be a disappointment, I'm always up for grave-digging." Wednesday said, the edge of your lips turned slightly upward and you hugged her before leaving their dorm.
You went straight to Weathervane and ordered a cappuccino for yourself, sitting on the booth at the corner of the cafe. Turns out Mason is running late.
Your phone suddenly vibrated, so you dug it out from your black purse. It was Ciara, your witch roommate.
"Any particular reason for calling me?" You greeted.
"Y/n! You won't believe what I saw!" You immediately recognized Ciara's gossiping tone.
"If it's about another affair of two students you witnessed again, I will haunt you in your sleep."
"Worse! It's Mason, I saw him with another werewolf chic. And guess what?"
You exhaled and rolled your eyes. "Does it involve eating each other's faces?"
"Yes!" Ciara squeaked.
"Hmm," You sipped on your coffee calmly, feeling a blizzard of rage form inside your chest. "That explains why I'm finishing my cappuccino alone. Thank you for informing me, Ciara."
The line ended as you hit the red button. Mason Lee, you're gonna regret wasting my time.
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Xavier got bored scrolling through his phone in his room, so he decided to go to his shed where he usually paints and keeps his artworks. Up until now, he still couldn't believe Y/n went with that asshole. But why is he so infuriated? Why is he so bothered by the fact that she's going out with someone who's not him?
Passing by the quad, he suddenly stopped his tracks when he saw a familiar pestilent face. It was that ass Mason, making out with another girl that's definitely not Y/n. Xavier couldn't help it, the immediately bubbling anger drove him to lunge at Mason and hit his face multiple times.
Everyone present at the quad gasped in surprise, and Ajax along with some other gorgons hauled Xavier away from the badly bruised Mason.
"What the actual fuck, Thorpe?!" Mason yelled, wiping the blood from his bottom lip.
"Why the fuck are you eating another girl's face here when you should be with Y/n right now?!" Xavier attempted to lunge at him again.
"Chill out, man!" Ajax hissed, pulling Xavier's arms alongside his friends.
"Why do you care if I don't show up?" Mason asked, his tone cocky and challenging.
"Because Y/n doesn't deserve to be stood up by a worthless asshole like you!"
Mason laughed. "Why don't you just admit it, Thorpe? You're head over heels for her, but she can't even look at you that way."
"Say another word and I swear I'm gonna fucking kill you!"
"Oh yeah? She's just a weirdo, Thorpe, just like her twin. They're both freaks, even in this school for outcasts—" Mason's insults were interrupted by a bunch of squawking sounds.
Everyone looked as the painting of ravens from a wall in a hallway near the quad, peeled off and transformed into actual ravens. They immediately flew and swarmed Mason, nipping and clawing at him. Meanwhile, Xavier just stood nearby, his arms now completely free from Ajax.
"Xavier stop!" Ajax yelled, gripping Xavier's raised hand.
"Now what would my sister say?" With that familiar emotionless voice, Xavier snapped out of his raging thoughts and turned to see Wednesday standing with a look of faint amusement in her eyes. The ravens finally stopped tormenting Mason and went back to the wall, becoming only paintings again.
"Wednesday," Xavier said in shock whilst Mason kept groaning on the ground. Ajax and the others pulled him up, carrying him to the infirmary (probably).
"I must say, Thorpe, you got here first to punish that pompous pest before I could even finish digging a hole." Wednesday simply stated before turning her heels and walking away, leaving Xavier breathing heavily in shock for what he just did.
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You found yourself in Xavier's shed, calmly scrolling through his artworks. When you accidentally spotted a sketch of your face, you resorted to look for other drawings of yourself. Surprisingly, you found a lot.
The door suddenly slammed open and it took three seconds before someone asked. "What are you doing here?"
"Just sulking in self-pity and plotting my next move," You stood up from sitting on a stool and walked towards him. You spotted a little scratch on his cheek and raised an eyebrow, finally observing his frantic state. "What happened? You look like you've seen death flash before your eyes."
Xavier sighed in frustration. "Nothing! Just get out of my shed."
You crossed your arms and watched him take out a clean canvas. "Not until you tell me."
Xavier looked up in exasperation. "Fine, I got into a fight."
"With whom?"
It was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "Mason,"
"Why?" You asked, though you have already have your suspicions.
"Because," Xavier turned to face you with a face of anger. "He stood you up for some random girl!"
"And why does that concern you?" he couldn't believe what you're saying.
"Seriously? I was out there defending you—"
You cut him off. "I didn't ask for your help."
"You don't have to! That's what friends do, Y/n! But I suppose you never saw me as that, did you? You're always so persistent to be alone, you couldn't care less for people who actually wants you to be their friend."
You were silent for a bit before nodding and approaching a table full of his art materials. "You're right. And no, I never really saw you as a friend, Xavier."
You heard him scoff, then exhale as if he's so done. Done with you and everything about you.
"I could not. . . not when I want more than that petty title in your life." Xavier's head snapped up as he heard those words come out of your mouth.
"What. . ." Xavier ran a hand across his face in frustration and confusion. "Stop speaking in riddles, Y/n. What do you mean by that?"
You chuckled coldly. "After all these years, you still haven't figured it out. Back since we were ten years old in your godmother's funeral."
Xavier's chest started beating faster, his breath hitching at the suspense. It couldn't be.
"My whole life I've been the Ghost of the Addams Family, though not as literal as I would've preferred. I'm always so. . . not seen. My sister is exceptional at everything, my mother just as same, and I'm–" You sighed.
"I care too much than I should, care too much than I show. Xavier, I have a. . . certain fondness for you." It was the first time Xavier saw your pale (s/c) face blushing. He swore his heart would just rip itself from his chest by the way its beating erratically.
"So no, Xavier Thorpe, I don't exactly see you as a friend. "
Xavier heaved. "Shit, are you serious?"
You felt a lump in your throat. Maybe this was a bad idea. "If it makes you feel better, rejecting me—"
You were completely taken by surprise when you felt his slender hands cup your cheeks and his tender lips on yours. "—is not gonna happen," He murmured against your mouth, his warm breath mixing with yours.
"Ew, what are you doing?" You asked with curiosity in your eyes, pulling slightly away.
Xavier laughed, his eyes sparkling. "I'm kissing you. Haven't you kissed anyone before?"
"What do you think?" You raised your brow.
Xavier grinned widely. "Then I'm happy to be your first."
You tilted your chin up, eyes still cold and proud. "Do it again."
Xavier just shook his head with a chuckle and pecked your maroon lips multiple times.
"By the way," You said, pulling away. "I've seen your paintings of me, never really wanted to pry into your things but curiosity got the best of me."
Xavier turned red, coughing awkwardly. "Oh, um, yeah. . . I like you, Y/n. Way too much that I couldn't get you out of my head so. . . you became my muse."
"Hmm, creepy," You said nonchalantly. "I like that."
"Look, I can stop if you wa—" Xavier's words were cut short by your lips.
"If I find out you're playing with me, Thorpe," You said, breathing heavily with a threat laced on your voice. "I will personally make sure you die an agonizing death."
Xavier grinned and bit your bottom lip. "Wouldn't even dream of it, Addams."
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exhaslo · 10 months
So I wanted to request ( that I forgot but remembered 😭) a bully!miguel x a nobody/shy!reader (female)
like what I mean by a nobody is someone who’s is shy but is a introvert but do come to party to see if something happens or like to see people crush or goes to party with people if they don’t have anyone. and Miguel is a bully who’s offended involved and invited to party or hang out with his friends also a jerk to everyone. And everyone know him his popular,I mean how could he not when he built like that?! He popular with the female, and the jock? But often tried to ignored them especially the girls. So like one day in the hallway and Miguel is talking his group of friends and telling him “who’s shall we bully next?” But ignoring them as he see you walking in the hallway and see you around the campus like your a new kids (I mean it a big campus but he know everyone except you ?) and going to walk to the library till some other bullies decide to bring them into the game and bully you which make Miguel pissed 😝.(I feel like reader would be bully by many people because she never stand up for herself and Is rather quiet about anything mb it know everything and everyone) so what if that pissed turn into obsessive 🤭? And into making love ?
smut /fluff pls ?
Okie Okie Okie, I gots an idea for this! Hope you enjoy~
Summary: The campus bully wants a private tutor session from you~
Warning: Minors DNI, Smut, bullying, dry humping, fingering, public sex, almost caught, cockwarming
Miguel had started to grow bored of his day to day life. Everyday was like the same clock worth motion. Went to class, picked on some wimps and nerds with the guys, women all on his beck and call and the constant nagging of being invited to parties.
Miguel liked his life at first, but things started to grow old and boring. He needed something new. Something to keep things alive. First, it was changes majors, then it was picking on different people. When those didn't work, Miguel tried dating different women. Nothing seemed to have worked and Miguel was wondering if he needed to do something drastic.
"Hey, why don't we play a huge prank on the freshmen this year? They all have to attend that assembly, right?" One of Miguel's friends was saying. Miguel was laying against the campus grass,
"What were you thinking of?"
Miguel grunted lowly to the idea offered. He sat up, fixing his leather jacket before watching his fellow students run amok. People rushing to class or staying out in the quad with friends. Everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves. Everyone but him.
"Hey, watch this."
Miguel's ears perked up as he watched Ben throw his juice towards the center quad. Miguel's gaze followed the juice and noticed that it landed right on your head. His eyes widen as you looked up with tears in your eyes.
Unsure of what came over him, Miguel snapped towards Ben. He growled lowly and made his way over to you. Tears were streaming down your face as you tried to pick up your paperwork that had fallen. Miguel bend down, helping with the papers and took a better look at you.
"T-Thank you," You sniffled.
Miguel felt like he was in a trance. Your glossy eyes were staring into his. Your cheeks were puffy and slightly pink from your tears and your lips. Your outfit was hiding your cleavage and curves. It was like you were waiting to be unwrapped.
"Sorry about them." Miguel snapped out of his daze and went to wipe your tears away, "Let me help you dry these."
"O-Oh...T-Thank you...but....I-I um...I can handle it." Your voice kept getting lower and lower. Miguel glanced around, noticing the other girls,
"You're in my Physics class," Miguel read the top of your paper, "I've never noticed you before. I'm Miguel,"
"I-I know...I um...sit in the back," You kept whispering. Miguel bit the inside of his lip,
"You got a higher mark than me in the last exam. Mind tutoring me?"
Miguel watched as you looked up at him with a sparkle in your eye. You went to reply, but were interrupted by the other girls. Miguel resisted a groan, getting frustrated. He wanted to know more about you. You were different than the others.
"Migueeeeel, come hang out with us! Not this hag!"
"Yea, she's a nobody!"
You hung your shoulders, gripping your work closer to your chest. Tears threaten to spill once more as you ran off. Miguel wanted to reach out to you. He growled lowly, needing to find a way to get to listen to your sweet voice some more.
"Hey, (Y/N), are you free now?" Miguel asked as the Professor dismissed you for the day. You looked around, noticing that everyone was gone,
"I-I am."
"Look," Miguel fixed the chair in front of you, "I want to get to know you and it's difficult as you've seen. Why don't we meet in one of the private rooms in the library? You help me with this class and I'll help you with everything else." Miguel offered. You noticed him sliding his report card to you,
"Y-You're so smart!" You gasped, "B-But the other girls-"
"Don't worry about them. I want to hang out with you."
You could feel your face turn bright red as you hesitantly agreed. Honestly, you were both nervous and excited. Miguel was known as the campus mad dog; the top bully. Yet, here he was, talking to you so gently and asking to hang out with you. It felt like a cruel dream. One where you knew you were going to get hurt in the end.
"H-Here's my number...I'll see....you later?"
You and Miguel had been meeting for private tutoring sessions for a couple of weeks now. You were slowly getting used to Miguel. Getting a little more comfortable. You were getting closer to him, making your own little jokes. Everything that you felt comfortable doing alone, you shared with Miguel.
Miguel on the other hand felt alive. He enjoyed spending time with you. Miguel loved watching you come out of your shell for him. He eventually found out how truly quiet and shy you were. This fueled Miguel to not only be better for you, but to help you stand up for yourself.
"M-Miguel, s-sorry I'm late," You stuttered, hurrying into the room. Miguel noticed your frantic expression and gently pulled you onto his lap,
"Breathe, tell me what happened."
You trembled softly under his touch, slowly relaxing. Miguel's body was so big and warm. You loved it when he wrapped his arms around you for comfort. It helped ease your nerves. Inhaling deeply, you raised your head, facing Miguel.
"I-It's nothing...Just...Just um...S-Some girls trying to...to get your whereabouts....out of me..."
"Is that why your hair is shorter?" Miguel played with your hair, his head resting against your neck, "It's hard for me to hold back my anger."
"Y-Your turn...t-to breathe!" You told him.
Miguel growled lowly before looking you in the eye. He saw those glossy eyes of yours and sighed. He leaned forward and licked your tears away, earning those soft and embarrassed squeaks from you. He chuckled lowly, his fingers stroking your sides as you trembled from his touch.
Oh, how you already belonged to him. The more Miguel spent with you, the more he tested your limits. He had not gotten a confession out of you yet, knowing how shy you were. Miguel wanted you to scream his name out. Miguel wanted to watch you cry in pleasure because of him.
"W-We should....should s-start...s-studying," You stuttered, your arms slowly wrapping around his neck.
"Why not biology?" Miguel's hands trailed up your back from under your shirt.
"B-But...w-we're not-"
"Right here,"
Miguel licked his lips as he started to slowly grind against you. Your breathing was getting a little louder as you began to whimper. Miguel held your hips down slightly as his hands stroked your back. You whined lowly, your own hips moving with his. Your cheeks were turning redder as you held onto Miguel.
"M-Mig...T-This...T-This isn't-"
"Are you feeling good?" Miguel asked as he kissed your neck.
"Good. Tell me when to stop then,"
Miguel licked the base of your neck as he grinded harder against your clothed cunt. You let out quiet moans, trying to cover your mouth. Oh how cute you were. Miguel resisted a groan, watching you fall apart because of him. Watching his shy little angel come undone because of him.
Miguel lifted your skirt and flipped you over. Your back was now against his chest. Grunting, Miguel took his dick out and started to rub his cock between your thighs against your clothed pussy. You whimpered a moan, feeling a growing heat between your legs. Miguel's hands massaged one of your breasts, while the other reached your clit,
"You know what happens when I touch here, right?" Miguel chuckled as you shook against him, "That isn't the right answer, let me show you."
You kept covering your mouth, moaning into your hand as Miguel started to rub your clit. His cock sliding against your soaked panties, causing you to get hotter. You spread your legs out, moving your hips with his movements. His hot breathe was against your neck as he continued to toy with your body.
"M-Miguel~!" You cried out, arching your back forward as you reached your orgasm. Miguel groaned in response, moving your panties to the side,
"What a good fucking girl you are," He whispered in your ear, his fingers not playing with your throbbing hole, "Do you still want me to teach this tutoring session?" He asked, feeling you clamp against his fingers,
"I need to hear words,"
"Y-Yes, p-please k-keep teaching me." You begged.
You whined softly as he removed his fingers from your hole. Miguel turned your head to capture your lips in a kiss as he slowly pressed his tip against your entrance. You whimpered at first, feeling yourself being stretched out as his dick entered you. He was so large that it made you see stars. His cock reaching so deep inside you and with each squeeze of your pussy, making his shape imbedded into you.
"Hah, look at you. The quietest girl on campus, sucking my dick so well. You were just made for me," Miguel groaned, holding you in place as you squirmed slightly.
"Hey! How much longer do you guys have this room for?" Someone knocked before entering.
Miguel quickly fixed your skirt and held your waist before throwing some random textbooks before the two of you. You squeezed against his dick tighter, fearing being caught.
"Shh, we got another hour in here. She's terrified of failing this class, now fuck off." Miguel hissed.
The person scoffed and left. Miguel let out a sigh of relief and smirked as you whimpered. Your tight gummy walls squeezing the life out of his cock.
"Did almost getting caught turn you on? How naughty." He teased, nibbling against your ear. You whined softly, trying to move, but Miguel refused, "Now, now, I think we actually need to learn something here."
You were hugging Miguel tightly, your head against his shoulder as you whimpered softly against his ear. Miguel had you sitting on his cock for over twenty minutes now. He only moved you once and that was to the currently position the two of you were in. All you wanted was for Miguel to move. His cock felt so hot inside of you. You could feel ever vein of his dick and the little curve of his tip against your cervix.
"Miguel~" You begged lowly. Miguel inhaled at the sound of your moans,
"You've been such a good girl for me. I couldn't help but bully you a little. Are you ready?" Miguel asked.
"Y-Yes. P-Please gimme." You begged.
Miguel groaned at the sound. He kissed you tenderly before thrusting into you. He swallowed the sounds of your yelps and moans as he bullied your pussy. His rough and harsh thrusts, sending you over the moon. You were so wet. So easy to fuck. Miguel knew that he had to prep you before fucking you madly like he was now. Watching the door, Miguel grabbed your panties and stuffed them in your mouth,
"Just cum for me once. It's too dangerous to go all out here," Miguel whispered as he felt you cum against his dick, "Good girl,"
Miguel smirked as he pounded your pussy a few more times. He loved watching your fucked out expression. The wet slapping noises of your bodies every time he thrusted into you. Miguel grunted lowly as he slapped himself deep, filling your desperate hole. Panting softly, he quickly fixed the two of you up, before taking you back to his dorm.
"Fuck, I'm going to fuck you so good tonight, (Y/N). I love you, ya know that?" He groaned, making sure no one saw them. You just held onto Miguel, whimpering lowly,
"I-I love you too...B-But Miguel?"
"I-I don't think you bullied me enough,"
"I'll make sure to bully you for the rest of your life."
Whoops, kind of got a little carried away with this. Hope you enjoy~
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leclvrc · 2 years
rebound girl pt. II | cl x reader
summary: trouble in paradise? (pt. I)
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liked by leclerc_, tifosi55 and 12.281 others
f1gossip over and out? charles leclerc seems to be on the market once again ladies! after a post that made the rumour mill run crazy by @.yourusername implying that she and charles were the real deal three months ago, both have been spotted at different venues and parties getting cosy with other people. their social media profiles seem to support that claim as the driver has been spotted back at home in Monaco and the model in the desert riding quad bikes and ignoring every enquiry about the driver in her comments. what do you think happened?
view all 716 comments
leclerc_ charles once again fumbling the bag what else is new 🤕
charleslechair nah you're so real 😭
tifosi55 ever thought that he maybe doesn't want a gf prancing around on her socials the way she does?
leclerc_ that comment REEKS of jealousy girl
twgf I knew it was too good to be true but some of the people charles hangs with now 😒😒
ynfan GOOD RIDDANCE!!!! onto bigger and brighter things 💖💗
fe44rri ten bucks the gold digger realized there's nothing to gain with him
t16osi time to shoot my shot!!!!
honeybadger is it weird to mourn what could have been.... yes it is but I'm doing it anyway
liked by f1gossip
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liked by pierregasly, yourbestie, ynfan and 51.289 others
yourusername girls trip 🖤
view all 3.291 comments
yourbestie ugh that first shot 💗 hotties
yourusername you're just saying that bc you're in it 😂
yourbestie and I'm right for it!
honeybadger pierre is moving like us 😭 liking the posts of charles' ex
ynfan that entire trip is such a vibe where is my girl group :////
liked by yourusername
leclerc_ ugh the dress and the quad and the attitude and the wine and the EVERYTHING
comments on this post have been limited
f1gossip added to their story
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liked by carlossainz55, pierregasly, f1 and 291.219 others
scuderiaferrari with summer break over, we can't wait to get back on track in front of all of you! to a successful second half of the season 👊🏼
view all 11.291 comments
carlossainz55 let's wow them 💪
liked by scuderiaferrari
tifosi55 I'm so excited!!! summer break is always so dry 🤕
leclerc_ you must have missed all the drama 😭
smoothoperator let's gooooo team!!!
mercmaids did they pull charles out of the gutter 😓
pierregasly 👊🏼🔥
fe44rri FINALLY we can go back to focussing on the actual racing
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liked by ynfan, pierregasly, landonorris and 89.382 others
yourusername antwerp 💫
view all 1.281 comments
pierregasly photo credits?
yourusername you ate half of my waffle ?
pierregasly and?
f1gossip 👁👄👁
leclerc_ pierre in y/n's comments... many thoughts
twgf not 2 be that person but... antwerp... pierre... belgian gp anyone?
fe44rri y/n in her new era. paddock ****
mercmaids what the hell????
honeybadger that's so uncalled for. they're just friends my god
yourbestie send me some waffles if you can 🤕
liked by yourusername
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liked by pierregasly, yukitsunoda0511, charles_leclerc and 103.382 others
yourusername old and new faces around the paddock 🖤 (yes, i third wheeled yukierre today 😒)
view all 8.289 comments
pierregasly and you loved it!
yukitsunoda0511 ^^ 😏
yourusername keep lying to yourself you two
ynfan that third pic... dare I say peak romance
yukierre10 sorry to say but his heart belongs to yuki already 💔
gasly_ pierre in his player era once again
mercmaids charles in the first one ok 👁👄👁 i see you @.yourusername
yourbestie race day fit when!!!!!
tifosi55 everytime pierre sees one of his friends he goes 💗💘❤😙 and i think that's beautiful
yourusername we all are very adorable, so I can't blame him 😉
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liked by scuderiaferrari, yourusername, charles_leclerc and 318.392 others
f1 with verstappen taking a grid penalty, its @.carlossainz55 that's promoted to pole position. congratulations, smooth operator!
view all 11.281 comments
charles_leclerc congrats, mate! 👊🏼
landonorris not sure if he deserves that one 😒
carlossainz55 cabron
smoothoperator amazingly done!!!!
yourusername time to convert that one into a win 😋
liked by scuderiaferrari
t16osi charles storming to the front from the back is gonna be so epic with carlos on pole 🔥
yourusername added to their story
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liked by scuderiaferrari, carlossainz55, f1 and 128.291 others
charles_leclerc P15 ➡️ P6. onto the next one!
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scuderiaferrari 👊🏼👊🏼
t16osi man is so resigned 😭😭
leclerc_ as a tifosi this shit was fucking ROUGH but as a charles stannie watching him get hugged by y/n in three pixels was a highlight
charleslechair never felt more seen by a comment
gasly_ can't lie... that bathtub moment and then that hug before they left made me go 💘💗💖💞
mercmaids next one will be yours charles!!
f1 amazing drive through the field, charles!
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, yourbestie and 182.291 others
yourusername third time's the charm?
@.charles_leclerc 🖤
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pierregasly finally guys
charles_leclerc 💘
yourusername 💘
yourbestie if he fucks up AGAIN... you better watch out @.charles_leclerc
yourusername he's already scared of you girl 😭
yourbestie as he should be!
mercmaids charles finally stopped being messy we love GROWTH
tifosi55 ahhhhh I'm so hapoy!!!!
ynfan if she's happy... we should be too 😓
honeybadger BIG MOOD
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ghostlynachopanda · 2 years
a/n: I'm drowning in schoolwork. anyways,, you guys see lady Nagant?? soo happy she's finally animated. but yeah, lady Nagant and vigilante deku is the only good thing from this week. here's the last part pals, enjoy :)
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
words: 3.7k
To say Wednesday was pissed would be an understatement. Watching Enid force you to talk to others was infuriating, even more so when you actually got along with them. Erebus started following Wednesday about a week ago after you walked out on her. He's there when it starts to get dark, when she's alone, and she isn't quite sure how to feel. He never bothers her, curling himself around her legs in a protective manner or falling into step next to her when she sneaks out. She wasn't sure what bothered her so much until she realized the warmth he gives off could've been yours. The problem was you aren't there with him. You're a coward. 
Wednesday wants to despise you for what you were doing. She desperately wants to make you pay for what you've done, for what you're not doing, and for what you're making her feel. She wants you to suffer in the worst way possible by her hands. Wednesday isn't sure if she can do that though, so she'll settle with acting like she hates you. Of course, Wednesday talks to Erebus about a lot of things. The most common topic seems to be you, and what you're doing to her. What Wednesday doesn't know is Erebus tells you everything.
You had no idea what would've happened when you walked out of Wednesday's dorm room. You expected to walk away and go back to how things were before you met them. Not expecting Wednesday to start throwing glares at you and actively avoid you. You also weren't expecting Enid to get even more persistent with hanging out, this time forcing you to hang out with her friends too. Enid didn't force you to talk to anyone though, just not wanting you to be alone. For her sake, you put in slight effort into the friendships. 
Enid was elated when you started talking to her. Though kind of uncommon, you were making an effort and that was enough for her. Enid had no problem filling the silence whenever you two would hang out, she seemed to always have something to talk about. She also had picked up a habit of blurting things out, random things that pop into her head at the most random times. You never minded though, that made things entertaining. It was funny to hear her say what she's craving for an afternoon snack when she was talking about nail polish just moments before. 
You two were hanging out in the quad after classes were done for the day. She was talking about an argument that happened between her and Bianca. Enid suddenly went quiet, appearing to be lost in thought. "So, you gonna tell me what happened with Wednesday that night?" she asked, trying to sound nonchalant about it.
"Why do you ask?" you responded with a question of your own. Not liking where this was going. 
"Wednesday has been more," she paused for a moment "murder-y and gloomier than usual. A girl can only put up with so much, ya know?" 
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize-" she cut you off
"There's no need to apologize. I just wanna know what happened to see if I can get her to stop threatening me every 5 minutes." Enid didn't care about the threats, long grown used to them by now. 
She watched you closely, her eyes now almost as observant as Wednesday's. You were tenser than you were when she was talking about that fight with Bianca, a hint that things obviously didn't end well. Before you got the chance to answer she added, "Besides, you two were almost attached at the hip. She spent, like, all her free time with you. And, she wasn't bothered by you at all. Which is amazing by the way, 'cause she's bothered by like everyone." 
"Oh," you nervously chuckled "yeah, well, nothing really happened. We talked and I left." 
"That's it?" she inquired.
"Yeah, pretty much," you stated.
"Man, maybe something happened with her family then. Oh, can I ask why, uhh,, what's the wolf's name? The big one that's always with Wednesday." 
"Yeah! That's the one! Anyways, can I ask why he's been with Wednesday so much? He hardly pays any attention to me when he's in the dorm" she pouted slightly.
"Don't worry about that. He just really likes Wednesday and throws a fit when I tell him no. I just let him go be with Wednesday whenever he wants." you explained, not wanting her to know you send him to keep her safe. You also didn't want Erebus' actions to offend her.
"Okay, yeah, that makes sense," she looks at you pointedly "send Tengoku over sometime. I'd love to hang out with him again, I'll even take him on some walks!" she exclaimed, her tone going from demanding to excited. It made you chuckle.
"Of course, I'm sure he'd love to hang out with you again. Maybe if Thing isn't too bothered you can bring him along too," you said softly, excited by the idea.
After that, the conversation goes back to being one-sided, but completely comfortable. 10 minutes pass and Enid claims she needs to go do some homework. A believable excuse on her part, so when she sees you walk out of the quad she starts to talk to her shared dorm. Enid is going to devise a plan to get you and Wednesday to talk to each other again. It might just be the last thing she does since Wednesday might actually kill her for meddling in her business, but anything is better than this. 
Enid is happy to play detective and be a mastermind. Enid's walk to the dorm is short, she needs to know more about what happened. Once she gets there she, not so gently, pushes the door open. Wednesday is sitting at her desk staring at an empty page in her typewriter. Enid decides to act unconcerned, asking her roommate, "Writer's block?"
"No, just starting a fresh page" Wednesday replies with an irritated tone, turning to look at Enid. Wednesday's eyes are sharp, if looks could kill Enid would have died multiple times. Enid decides to ignore the look, "Say, what happened that night?" Wednesday sat up a little straighter, tensing.
"What are you referring to?" There's only a slight bite to her words, it's said ever so slightly quieter than the last. 
"Come on, Wednesday. Our favorite person! The only one in school who can give us our little furry friends. Although, 'little' might be the wrong word since they're both freaking huge-"
"I'm aware of who you're talking about and what you're talking about. I want to know why," Wednesday says, words sharper than her favorite knife. 
"Just curious if you're the reason my fav person is all sad," that confuses Wednesday, lots of questions filling her head. You're sad? Why are you Enid's favorite person? Did something happen while she wasn't looking? Wednesday slightly shook her head to clear her thoughts before replying, "Good, now why would that have anything to do with me? You're interrupting my writing time-"
"I can't seem to shake'm out of it. I'm just worried about my friend, that's all." Enid lied through her teeth.
"It's a good thing your 'favorite' person is suffering. Now, would you shut up so-"
"So it's your fault," Enid said accusingly. 
"It would be a fantastic thing if it was," Wednesday replied evenly, giving up on shaking her roommate's attention. Enid saw her roommate turn to put her typewriter away, a lengthy process Wednesday made look easy. While Wednesday was busy, Enid took a quick look at Thing. Sending him a look to see if he could possibly help her out, he shallowly bowed, trying to be discrete in his desire to help out. 
A small, victorious smile pulled at Enid's lips; she could get the info she wanted now. Quickly wiping the smile off of her face when Wednesday turned around, still sitting in her desk chair. "Roomie, tell me what happened. I wanna know everything," Enid inquired, Wednesday didn't seem as murderous this time. 
"Nothing happened," Wednesday said, back to her monotone voice. Thing crawled his way over to Wednesday's desk, catching her attention and making her look at him in her peripheral. Thing started signing, for both roommates to see. Enid piped up before Wednesday could.
"Yeah, you don't go from being with each other all the time to not, something had to have happened. Just tell us what happened so we can figure it out." Both Enid and Thing looking at Wednesday expectantly. 
"I hate repeating myself, but I'm aware you're a little slow," Wednesday said, offending Enid. "nothing happened. We had a conversation and when it ended she left." Enid knew there was something else, she knew the conversation didn't end the way Wednesday wanted but she needed Wednesday to say it herself. 
"So, what you're telling me is that our resident shadow user just decided not to speak to you, out of nowhere? Yeah, no, I don’t believe that." Enid was starting to get mad, she didn't want to keep asking questions.
"What's not to believe-" Wednesday gets cut off.
"Shade wouldn't do that without a reason-" Enid gets cut off this time.
"Shade?" Wednesday asks, when did Enid give you a nickname? Why did you let her? And why something as stupid as that?
"Yeah, Shade said it was cute so I kept it," Enid shook her head and stared pointedly at Wednesday. "Stop avoiding the question, something happened and I want to know what you did." 
"Are you going to make me repeat myself for a third time?" Wednesday said in a low, threatening tone.
An exasperated huff left Enid's lips, looks like she'll have to play dirty this time. "Fine, I just wanted to try to help out my two fav people but if you want to be alone that's fine." Enid turned, walking to the door. "I don't exactly feel like being around someone willing to hurt my friends anyway," Enid said angrily, slamming the door on her way out.
Wednesday turned to look at Thing, but he wasn't on her desk anymore. She looked around the room to spot him with no luck, turning to face the big window to take some calming breaths. She realized something at that moment, it’s cold. She felt her eyes start to sting and that's when Erebus crawled out from under her bed. She didn't have the energy to greet him though, her mind has been running this past week causing her to lose sleep. 
Wednesday didn't need to say anything, Erebus slowly walked over and laid his head in her lap. A comforting gesture, she hated the fact she unconsciously ran her fingers through his fur. Perhaps I'll speak to Enid tomorrow and maybe Shade too. "Erebus, do you think it would be a good idea to speak to Shade?" Wednesday asked, not expecting an answer. But when he nodded his head slightly another question popped into her head, "Do you think she'd listen to what I have to say this time?" 
She saw him close his eyes, unsure if he was falling asleep or thinking. Continuing to thread her fingers through his fur while she waited, comfortable in the silence of the room. A few minutes pass, and the quiet growl and small nod Erebus made disturbed the still air. A weight settled on her chest. What if you don't listen though? Erebus knows you better than anyone else she's met. Maybe, just maybe, he's right...
The quad had a couple of students in it, not quiet but not loud either. Last night, Erebus told you Wednesday wanted to talk to you. He didn't say about what, and that made you anxious. You haven't been actively avoiding her, but now you’re considering it. Enid had been attached to you all day, hanging out with you more often than she did before. Maybe Wednesday's threats got to be too much? What did Wednesday say to Enid? Is Enid okay- you’re thoughts are cut off by someone standing across from you. 
"Is this seat taken?" You look up to find Bianca. You're unsure if she had resolved her issues with Enid yet. Sure, you've spoken to her a handful of times, but what would happen if Enid shows up and they're still mad at each other? 
"No," the words come out before you reached a decision. You see something akin to satisfaction ghost across her features as she sits down across the table. It was weird, you don't know why she wanted to sit here; multiple tables are free since it's an off period for some students it's unlikely there will be more coming. She doesn't say anything, just looking at you. You've been scrutinized before, mostly by Enid and Wednesday, but this was different. You feel the need to make conversation. 
"Your, uh, eyes are very pretty." a strong urge to cringe comes. That’s not how you're supposed to break the awkward silence. How is she even supposed to respond to that? 
"Thank you, your eyes are pretty too," Bianca replied coolly, causing your cheeks to warm from embarrassment. That's when Wednesday walked in, immediately taking notice of the two of you alone at a table. Wednesday noticed your tinted cheeks, watching as you bashfully raised a hand to rub the back of your neck; something she learned you do to draw attention away from your facial features, usually when you’re embarrassed about something.
Wednesday felt the urge to walk over and take you from her, but she also had the urge to turn around and walk out. Both were in a battle causing her to be stuck in place, watching in horror as the two of you conversed easily. It makes her feel nauseous, an uneasy feeling settling on her chest. Why are you talking to her? Why does the conversation flow so easily? What is it about her that makes you speak so freely? Why can't you just- her thoughts are cut short by a nudge on her back.
Whipping her head around to see Erebus, half of him coming out of a shadow from the hallway. He nudged her again, more forceful with a growl that was loud enough to catch your attention. Swiftly turning your head to see what happened, seeing Erebus bare his teeth on Wednesday caused concern. Without thinking, you excused yourself and walked over to the pair. Completely missing the smirk Bianca wore and the nod she sent a hiding Enid.
"What are you doing?" a scolding question directed entirely at the wolf.
Wednesday froze, you were finally close enough that she could feel your body warmth. Something she didn't know she craved. Wednesday cleared her throat, "Everything is fine," Erebus growled again, his eyes moving back to Wednesday. A threatening look adorned his features, a look that would send most people running.
"Clearly not. I'm so sorry Wednesday, I didn’t think he'd act out like this." you refuted, stepping between them. Your frame almost completely obstructing his view of her, but he still didn’t take his eyes off her. You don’t know what's happening, Erebus wants something from Wednesday but you don’t know what it is.
Erebus and Wednesday seem to be having a staring contest around your figure, neither of them backing down. Erebus replaced his growl with a lower, more threatening one; showing even more of his teeth with his ears back. Wednesday knows he won't do anything to harm her, even if he tried you were here and would put a stop to it. She was sure you'd never let harm come to her in your presence. Wednesday didn't want to back down, but she didn't want you two to fight, "I need to speak to you,"
Erebus finally stopped his aggressive behavior, calming down enough to listen to the small conversation. You turned your head to look at her, caught off guard by what she had said and how Erebus was acting. Surprised written all across your face, "Oh, are you sure?" Wednesday wanted to slap you.
"Yes, I would prefer this conversation in private. Now, come with me," she said, making Erebus completely calm down and retreat back into the shadow. She didn’t give you a chance to reply before she grabbed your wrist and started dragging you in the direction of the woods. Oh boy, you're in trouble.
During the walk to Wednesday's destination, you zoned out. Not exactly caring where she was taking you, just eager to get this conversation over with. You hadn't realized you reached her destination until she let go of your wrist. This whole situation makes your stomach feel like it's doing flips.
"Run away again and I'll torture you in the worst way possible," she started, threats back in full swing.
"I wouldn't expect any less," you replied.
Wednesday took a breath to calm her racing heart. The uneasy feeling settled in her stomach again, but you piped in before she could. "What do you want from me?"
She hates that question, she knows all you want is honesty. Wednesday is worried her honesty would scare you away, just like last time. Her pondering is broken by your next words, "Remember, silence is an answer too."
"I want you to stop being a coward," she speaks quickly, rushing to get it out.
"A coward?" you chuckle humorlessly. "I'm afraid I don’t understand what you mean, Addams" venom laced in your words.
"Putting others before yourself is cowardly. Stop caring about how you'll affect others, and stop making decisions for others," she said, venom is thrown right back at you.
"Listen, I didn’t come out here to argue with you" you sigh, annoyed with how this conversation is going.
"Then stop arguing and just listen to what I have to say," she replies just as annoyed.
"Fine, but do you really think I see things like that?" you asked incredulously
"No, but you should."
"It's ridiculous, a complete waste of time and energy," she explained as if it was the easiest thing.
"Aren't you putting me before you right now? You seemed more concerned for my feelings over anything else," you said, wanting to see if you could get to the root of why she was here.
"No, I'm simply acting to get what I want," she responded, voice even.
"And what is it exactly that you want?"
"From my understanding of my classmates, for some odd reason, enjoy being around you. They might not get the warmth scale you have, but they enjoy your presence. Enid is a prime example, she's been grossly more positive after meeting you." that made you pause. You hadn't really been paying much attention to the others. More focused on keeping to yourself. You figured Enid was the same, just accommodating your silence.
"Is that true?" you asked, not believing what she said.
"I don't lie unless it's for personal gain. Another example would be earlier, Bianca sat with you rather than at one of the empty tables." you feel the need to sit down. This new information has your head spinning.
"Is it true for you?" you can't keep the hopefulness out of your voice. It's quiet, one of the softest things Wednesday has ever heard. But it made her pause, should she tell the truth? Erebus said you would listen this time.
"Yes, not once have I been tired of you." shock covers your features before joy does, all muted but it's there. Wednesday wouldn’t say, but she likes the look of joy on your face; especially when she's the reason. That same despondent look taints your face, the same one you gave her when you worked on the project together for the first time.
"Has it affected you?" you asked cautiously as if you were afraid of the answer. Wednesday isn't sure what you're referring to, but her answer will be the same regardless.
"Not in the way you think,"
"How so?" you're worried now, all your prior happiness is completely gone. Replaced with worry for Wednesday. Unintentionally taking a step back, as if physical distance will give back the warmth you stole. There are a couple things Wednesday absolutely despises, one of them is talking about her feelings, especially to someone alive and responsive.
"In the beginning it was irritating, not knowing what I was feeling. It has nothing to do with your 'lack of warmth'," she takes a step calculated step toward you. "I still don't know what the feeling is, but the one that came when you walked away was worse. I know, for certain, as long as it's you I won't mind." she finishes, taking that last step into your personal space. Your eyes are frantically searching hers, looking for a hint that she's lying.
Wednesday's heartbeat is loud, silencing the sound of rustling leaves. She waits, hoping she said the right thing. It takes a couple moments for your face to relax, looking at her with the softest eyes to date. She releases a breath she didn't know she was holding. The relief you feel at her words is enough to make you feel like crying; it comes crashing down on you but also lifts a weight off your chest.
"Thank you, Wednesday." The words are breathy, soft, and so quiet Wednesday almost didn’t hear. These words were the only ones you were able to get out. Wednesday didn’t need words to understand, she felt the same relief. She's relieved to finally be able to be in your presence, without interruptions or distracting thoughts. She's relieved that you didn't walk away, relieved Erebus was right.
"Will you sit here with me? I don't want to go back just yet," you said, looking down at your shoes, cheeks painted a pretty red. Wednesday didn't need to think before answering, "Of course,"
Settling down on the grass, sitting close enough that your fingers almost brush. Close enough to feel the body warmth from the other. A quiet, comfortable air surrounds the two of you; as if you're in your own little bubble. Soaking in one another's presence, looking forward to more moments like these. Wednesday breaks the silence, her words somehow making the moment more emotional,
"You're warm."
tags: @alexkolax @rainbow-love4ever @o638
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Sup rogue and im back with another request! Tho for now its just gonna be a vanilla wednesday req, no additional power lore added
Wednesday x Reader
One of the students pranked wednesday by somehow slipping a potion that makes you de-age back into a child for a couple of days and Reader and Enid just takes care of her while she is in this state.
Got this inspiration with this pic
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Wednesday x Reader
"Enid! Y/N!"
The two of you are in the quad when you turn to see an out of breath Xavier and Ajax. The two of them immediately grab your arms to try and pull you somewhere.
"Whoa, what's going on?" You ask, stunned by their urgency. "Hey, cool your jets."
Xavier whirls around with wide eyes. "Someone decided to pull a prank on Wednesday and... You just gotta see this."
When you all enter the classroom where Wednesday was, you're greeted by a peculiar sight. Three boys were huddled in the corner on top of a table. The look on in fear as a small child with dark pigtails stands with a knife in her hands.
"What in the..." You manage to get out. The boys' eyes dart over to you and you can see the sheer terror in them.
"Dude, tell her to back off. It was just a joke." One cries.
"It'll wear off in a couple days. We're sorry, please let us go." Another sobs.
The last boy just trembles between the two. You almost feel sorry for them if it wasn't for the fact that they were dumb enough to mess with Wednesday.
Speaking of, you glance at the small child, who was now looking at you with dead eyes. The knife in her hands was nearly the size of her whole arm. Somehow, her uniform reverted to her childhood black dress, which you've only seen in photos. You look at her eyes again and you catch it. The child-like mirth in them from causing pain and torture. You knew how to handle teenage Wednesday. Let's see if you can handle the child version.
"Wednesday," you started, kneeling down to her level. " How long do you intend on playing with those boys?"
The young goth just gives a creepy smile. "Until I'm bored. It's fun to scare them." Her voice throws you off a bit, but little Wednesday wasn't too far off from her older self. Just a little less restraint on her actions. Enid steps up and tries to help.
"Uh... It's really no fun to just stand there. How about we go and play somewhere else?" While the wolf was normally great with kids, she didn't know what to expect at all with her kiddy roommate. Wednesday just ignores her to stare at the trembling boys, tapping her knife on the floor threateningly.
You lean towards Enid and whisper, "This IS fun for her..." The blonde just sighs.
"Why don't you just grab her and pick her up?"
Everyone just turns to look at Ajax. Suddenly self conscious of his suggestion, he just shrugs. You, Enid and Xavier just point to the girl and say "Knife."
"Oh, right."
You sit on the floor and think for a bit before snapping your fingers. "Oh! Thing could help us out. He should know how young Wednesday operates."
Enid jumps in agreement and goes to find him. You in turn move to sit behind Wednesday, joining her in staring menacingly at the pranksters. She glances at you before turning back to her task.
"Dude, what're you doing??"
You give them a sly grin. "I mean, you had it coming, so I'm just joining the fun."
Enid comes back with Thing in tow, much to the relief of the boys. He scurries over and taps a few times towards Wednesday.
"But I don't want to leave. I'm having fun with Y/N here."
He taps another few times, causing the tiny goth to look at you.
"You'll be with me all day?" Those words made your heart swell.
"Death Heart, I'll be with you for as long as you want me to."
You can see a small upturn of Wednesday's lips and she drops her knife. She wraps her arms around your neck and you pick her up. Turning to the pranksters, you give a smirk.
"You'll be okay for now. Can't say how you'll be when this wears off."
They run off, tripping over each other and you take Wednesday back to her room with Enid and Thing in tow. Xavier and Ajax just sigh, glad to not have to deal with the situation.
You had informed Principal Weems about the situation. It would've been near impossible to convince her if you didn't have a tiny Wednesday in your arms. The older woman just ran her hand over her face and took the names of the bullies before sending you off with permission to skip classes for a few days.
Now in Wednesday's and Enid's room, you and the blonde were figuring out ways to entertain the little girl. So far, she was wandering the room with new eyes, taking stock of her side. Thing followed her around, keeping an eye on her. He tapped for a bit, as if thinking before snapping his fingers and scurrying to the crystal ball on the table. He gave it a slight wave then drums his fingers impatiently.
"What are you doing?" You ask the hand as you walked up. Answering your question, you see Wednesday's mother, Morticia, appear on the sphere.
"Oh? What a surprise. I wasn't expecting a call, let alone from you two." It seemed like a pleasant surprise for her. "What's going on? Is something wrong?"
You were about to pipe up, only to be interrupted by a tiny goth wanting your attention. The girl tugs at your sleeve and you pick her up into Morticia's view.
"Oh dear. I see what's wrong now." While a worried look graces her face, there's a fond nostalgia that accents it. "Tell me what happened."
Wednesday hangs out in your arms as you explain the situation. She's as still as a doll as she watches her mother's reactions. The warmth you emanate almost lulls her to sleep as you finish and she jolts awake at the sound of her mother's voice.
"I see. Thankfully, I am familiar with this potion and those boys are correct. It will take a few days, but it should naturally filter out of her system." You nod in response. "I do hope she'll stay out of trouble in the meantime." Morticia looks pointedly at Wednesday and the small girl just smirks in response.
"We'll do our best, ma'am."
You hang up the... crystal ball and turn your attention to the child in your arms. There's an edge of affection in her dark eyes and you just know that you're wrapped around her little fingers.
"Looks like we'll just have to deal with this until it wears off."
A few days have passed and poor Enid was at her wits end. There were several plushie casualties before you managed to head to Uriah's Heap to get a few dolls for Wednesday to play with. The blonde ended up just letting you take the reins on caring for the small child with the caveat that you made sure she didn't lose anymore of her stuffed animals. It was easy enough for you to do, especially with Thing there to help.
Now, you were sitting on the floor with Wednesday, building a miniature guillotine that her parents sent over for her. This was something you never thought you'd do in your lifetime, but it definitely was fun to see how excited Wednesday was about the whole thing.
"Now we make sure the blade is sharp enough before we attach it." She hands you a whetstone with a sparkle in her eyes. "Can you do it for me? I don't have the strength to do it right now."
"Of course." you take the stone from her and set yourself up. Taking a quick assessment of the blade, you glide its edge along the stone. A sharp 'shing' could be heard each time you draw it across. With another cursory look, you pluck a strand of hair from your head and hand it to Wednesday. She holds it above the blade and lets it fall.
it splits as soon as it touches the edge.
With a wide smile, the small girl pulls you to attach the blade to the guillotine. As you did that, she sets up one of her dolls in the stock and rests its head on it. As soon as you were done, you nod to the girl.
Without missing a beat, Wednesday hits the lever and the blade falls, chopping off the doll's head with a smooth cut. She claps her hands excitedly. Upon the last clap, however, a puff of smoke surrounds the child. It drives you into a panic until it dissipates, revealing Wednesday back in her teenage form.
"Oh good. You're okay." You lean close to try and assess her condition. "No side effects? Still wanna torture those guys?"
The goth stands and checks over herself before nodding. "All seems well. Back to normal." Her eyes turn to you and she lets out a frustrated sigh. "... Thank you for taking care of me while I was... Indisposed."
"No problem," you reply with a shrug. "And I won't mention it. You might have to bribe Enid with more plushies though."
"She has more than enough... But I'll acquiesce, I suppose. An apology for my childish impulses."
With a nod, you get to your feet. "I'll help out with that." You let out a stretch and a groan. "For now, are you hungry or do you wanna find those guys and make 'em pay?"
Wednesday just walks up to you and pulls you into a quick, but heated kiss. "A date will suffice for now. I haven't been able to properly enjoy our time together for a few days."
The kiss left you baffled, but a dopey smile appeared on your face. "Yeah, I missed you too."
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midnightsnakesstuff · 2 years
By your side pt1?
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Paring: ajax petropolis x fem! Wolf.Reader
Fandom: Wednesday
Warnings:characters are 18!,teen pregnancy and a few cuss words
Summary: Reader is distant to her boyfriend Ajax until he finds out why.
Part two: by your side pt2
Hi there I'm new to the whole writing thing on tumbler but I hope this is good. Sorry if it's bad I'll try to improve my writing. Anyways I hope you enjoy ❤
.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
No ones POV
Being a wolf at Nevermore academy has its perks. Like having heats and wolfing out whenever it's a full moon. Sometimes Y/N would stay in her room when her heats come along but that changed when Ajax petropolis came into view. Ajax always had a huge crush on Y/N but to shy to asked her out. Enid being a supportive friend set them both on a blind date and since then they were inseparable.
Most of the school wasn't shocked but they were happy for the two. That was until Y/N became very distant. Y/N and Ajax has been dating for quiet a while now which made everyone think why she was avoiding him so much. Did they fight? Or did they broke up? It hurted Ajax to not be close to Y/N. To not feel her hugs and kisses. Sometimes Ajax thought it was something he did but Xavier always told him not to over react.
Ajax POV
I was sanding in the quad with Xavier and Kent when I saw Y/N walking with Enid. I have been trying to talk to her for at least five days but she always said something like "Oh uh no I have homework to do" or "sorry love me and Enid is having a girls day".
"Don't stress to much Ajax maybe her heat came". I heard Xavier say while closing his book. "That can't be Xavier. Her heat just ended I even helped her". I said sighing heavily which made Kent and Xavier look to one another.
"What?" I asked with confusion. "Don't you think it's a bit weird. I mean you helping her with her heat and then she suddenly ignores you. What if she is just using you for sex when her heat comes". Kent says making my blood run cold. That can't be....true. She's not like that. Is she?
"Kent stop it. Bro don't listen to him I promise you she loves you and won't use you for sex. She doesn't seem like the type to do that". Xavier said looking at me. I hope so to. I brushed the thought of Y/N using me away while taking about something else to change my mood.
I was walking down the halls to go to Enids dorm to tell her something important when I saw Ajax walking towards me. Shit. I tried to walk past him but I felt a strong grip on my arm. "Aren't you saying hello?" I heard Ajax asked. "Hello now let go please". I asked not looking into his eyes. "No not until you tell me what is wrong". "Nothing is wrong Ajax please let go I need to get to Enids room". I asked looking him straight in the eyes.
"Why?" He asked frowning. "So that you can have a girls night" "ye-" "Bullshit". He said cutting me off. " I'm not falling for that anymore Y/N tell me what the fuck is wrong". Ajax said pulling me closer. "Nothing is wrong!" I said pulling my arm away. "Then why are you ignoring me!" Ajax yelled back crossing his arms. "I'm not Ajax". I said sighing.
"Yes you are. Is it because your heat is over? You just used me to give you sex so you won't feel pain. Now that you're heat is gone I'm nothing?!" He yelled making me shocked. "Why would you think that? " I asked getting angry by the thought of him thinking like that. "Because it's true. I'm not someone you can toy with Y/N. I have feelings to you know. You know what find someone else you help you because I'm done with this." He said dropping his arms to his side.
"Fine Ajax if you want to leave then leave I'm also done with this". I said stomping to Enids room not looking back. When I got to her dorm I knocked trying hard not to disturb anyone around her dorm. After what felt like hours the door finally opened and a black haired pigtail girl came into view.
" Y/n". She said with a nod. "Oh Wednesday I thought you were out. Is Enid her? " I asked playing with my fingers. "Yes she is". She said walking into her room leaving me outside. " Enid your friend is here. You own me 5 minutes of writing time". I heard Wednesday say before sitting down at her desk. The keys of the typewriter could be heard and the sounds of footsteps walking po it of the bathroom.
"Y/n! Hi how are you". Enid said hugging me. "Not good". I whispered while hugging back. "What? What's wrong". Enid asked while pulling me to her bed. " Ajax broke up with me". I said tearing up making her frown. "What why!" Enid said jumping up.
"Because I keep avoiding him". I said sniffing. "Why would you avoid him. Your like in love with him?" She said confused. "I am! I just don't know how to tell him". I said looking down embarrassed and ashamed. "Tell him what and I'm sure he would understand". Enid said holding my hand making me shake my head.
"No he won't understand it's bad like really bad". I said tearing up more. " Well what is it". Enid asked letting go of my hand. I didn't say anything expect looking down. "Y/n?" Enid asked again.
I let out a sob before lifting my hoodie showing a small baby bump. I heard Enid gasp. "Your....pregnant". Enid said in shock. "Y...yes". I cried out before dropping the hoodie. "I don't knew what to do! I'm scared he'll leave but he already did and now I'm alone and I have no one to help me" I said sitting down while crying harder.
"Oh Y/n". Enid said sitting next to me hugging me tightly. "I swear we used protection I promise. I don't understand how it happened." I tighten the hug while crying harder. "Your quite loud you know". I heard Wednesday say. "Wednesday!" I hear Enid yell before throwing a pillow to her.
"What it's true but I must say even though I don't like saying it me and Enid will help. Well mostly Enid". Wednesday said looking at me. "You'll help me?" I asked whipping my eyes. "Don't make me change my mind". Wednesday said turning back to her writing.
"Thank you". I whispered making Enid smile. "Now let's get you fresshed up before you get sick". Enid said pulling me to the bathroom. I might regret this but at least I will have my best friend with Wednesday to help
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
I get so excited when I see a new story from you! I was hoping you'd do a Marilyn x fem student reader where reader is an identical twin. Reader isn't as strong, smart or as charismatic as her twin, in fact her twin has always been more popular, people had befriended reader just to get closer to her sister, it has made reader feel like she's somehow less than her sister and reader always feels like she can't measure up to twin.
The one thing that reader has is her crush on her botany teacher, Marilyn. Marilyn is so sweet to her, plus, Marilyn is the only one that can easily tell the twins apart, something no one but their parents can do.
I was hoping this to be a hurt/comfort fic, where something happens to cause reader to come into the conservatory for solace late one night to cry thinking it was late enough that Marilyn wouldn't be there but Marilyn comes in to see reader sobbing. Horrified Marilyn wraps her in her arms and reader cries and tells her about her insecurities. Marilyn comforts her and tells her that reader is the twin that makes her heart flutter not the other twin. And maybe some kisses and reassurances?
Yess!!! Here it is!!! I hope you like it, and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))))
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill x Fem, Student! Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of bullying, hurt & comfort
Word count: 4,082
Summary: You were sick of being compared to your twin sister. She’s perfect you’re not. Now you have to face the stupid and cocky attitude of your twin…
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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For you, the best moment of the day was to sit in a corner of the quad, turn on your Ipod, and start listening to music, forgetting about everything. Living in Nevermore was not strange for you, you always studied there with your sister, you were used to werewolves, gorgons and vampires.
You weren't anything like that, you could simply move things with your mind, the lowest and most stigmatized category in the outcasts world.
The tranquility you felt would soon disappear. Divina, a member of the most popular group of students, turned to you with enthusiasm.
“Rachel, I've been looking for you everywhere,” she told you before sitting next to you. You didn't say anything, you took off your headphones and looked at her curiously.
“I don't…” You said.
“Wait, wait, I have things to tell you,” she said, interrupting you. “I came running as soon as I found out. It turns out that what they say about Bianca and Xavier is true,” she told you excitedly.
“Great, but I…” You said, being interrupted again.
“They say that last night they saw them entering the library alone. I can't believe it, what has Bianca seen in that loser? Really, they don't suit at all. Xavier is a very strange boy, always stuck in that shed next to his paintings. He's not on the same level as Bianca, surely he'd be a better match for your sister.”
“With my sister,” you repeated, blinking rapidly.
“Yes. He is just as weird as her. They’re two of a kind, don't you think? Although, well, you told me that she didn't like boys… “ You rolled your eyes and frowned.
“Sure, sure, she's a loser.”
“Honestly, I find it hard to believe that you two are sisters, you have nothing to do with (Y/N),” the siren said, dropping by your side. “No offense.”
“I'm not offended, my sister is a real nuisance,” you ironized. The young woman wasn't smart enough to understand sarcasm, so she nodded smiling.
“Well, she doesn't bother that much either. She never talks to anyone, it's as if she didn't exist,” she said amused, laughing. You played along until you abruptly stopped laughing, crossing your arms.
“Idiot,” you said. The girl stopped laughing and looked at you scared.
“You're an idiot, you, my sister and all your stupid group,” you said, savoring each word. Divina suddenly realized the mistake she had made and stood up with trembling hands.
“(Y/N)…” She murmured.
“Yes, I’m (Y/N). If you're looking for my sister, she's with her boyfriend at the lake. Asshole,” you said, getting up from the bench where you were sitting and leaving the siren speechless.
It was not the fist time that happened. You had a twin sister, identical to you. Everyone confused you, it was inevitable, wearing the uniform there was no way to see any difference. But when it came to behaving it was very easy to know who was (Y/N) and who was Rachel.
Your sister was very lucky to make it to Nevermore. Despite the unglamorous of your ability, she managed to integrate into the most exclusive group in school, along with sirens and silly girls who are dedicated to criticizing others.
You didn't care, you were used to being the silly sister, the weird and quiet sister. You had no interest in making friends. She, your sister Rachel, was the best at everything. The one who got the best grades, the one she won in all competitions and the most loved by everyone. It was very frustrating that all of her friends came to you to tell you her virtues and talk about your flaws if you didn't exist.
Sometimes you wished you were a little more like her. Being charismatic, attracting the attention and interest that people felt for her. They were just fleeting thoughts. Your inferiority complexes couldn't dominate your life the way they were. You just waited until it was time for you to finish high school and go your separate ways, to travel to a place far away from your sister, where you could be yourself, and not some kind of faded reflection.
While you were walking, you saw your sister in the distance, arm in arm with the petulant and cocky Brad, her boyfriend. You remembered the things that her friend told you, the information that was supposed to be confidential that she had revealed to the small elite of Nevermore. You snorted and walked determinedly.
“Hey, you,” you said, drawing your sister's attention. She turned and looked at you with disgust.
“What do you want, (Y/N)?” She asked with a superior pose, very typical of her.
“Stop telling my life to your little friends,” you answered. Her boyfriend smiled shyly at you. He wasn't a bad boy, but he didn't know how to choose a girlfriend, he chose the most harpy shrew in the whole school.
“Your life? Who is interested in your life?” She said jokingly. You clenched your fists and closed your eyes so as not to grab your sister by the neck and squeeze it hard.
“It seems your friends are quite interested. Rachel, why do you have to go around saying that I like girls?” You asked. Brad cleared his throat, surely wanting to disappear from that place.
“I haven't said anything,” your sister defended herself. You laughed exaggeratedly.
“You liar, Divina told me,” you hissed, fighting with your wishes to punch her.
“To you? No one talks to you...” She said ironically, looking at her nails arrogantly.
“She has me confused with you, stupid!” You yelled nervously, causing your twin to raise her eyebrows. “I'm sick of everyone thinking I'm the wonderful dance queen Rachel…”
“Well, change your face then,” she told you, joking. You were red with rage, but you didn't want to put on a show either.
“Change it yourself,” you answered.
“I'm the eldest,” she answered, defiantly. You laughed at the absurdity of that conversation.
“You're older than me by two minutes, don't be absurd,” you said.
“You're such an envious, (Y/N), that's your problem. Anyway, I'm not going to waste time with you, come on, Brad.”
You wanted to scream, to throw anything that wasn't hooked to the ground at your sister. The  helplessness became unbearable. You didn't understand what was the problem that everyone had with you, why your sister was the best and you were just annoying, a ghost that had taken away all the bad luck that she didn't have. It would be better to return to your music, the only refuge you had left.
The days passed with that horrible routine. You distanced yourself even more from people, you wanted to avoid being confused again. But you were in a school, there were times when it was impossible to get away from everything, the classes.
“Who can tell me the name of this beauty?” Marilyn Thornhill, your botany teacher, asked. You raised your hand enthusiastically, you knew the answer. The redhead nodded at you smiling.
“It's a cactus flower,” you said sure of yourself. The teacher nodded satisfied.
“Very good, (Y/N), it is not easy to distinguish a flower without the rest of the plant, many times it has nothing to do with it, but I am glad to see that there are people who see beyond appearances, good job.”
You lowered your head with flushed cheeks.
Botany class was like an oasis in a desert. The teacher, Marilyn Thornhill was the only thing that could make you smile. She was good, kind, and above all, she possessed a virtue that no one besides your parents had. She was able to know who you are. She knew who Rachel was and who you were. Despite dressing the same, having the same hairstyle and the same face, she could tell you apart without any problem.
“That's all, see you tomorrow guys,” the redhead said when the bell rang. They all got up as if their lives depended on it, as if they wanted to flee from that place. You knew that Marilyn was normi, and that some of your classmates didn't agree with being taught by one of those prejudiced people. It made you very nervous to see their continuous contempt for her. “And remember to look for the book I told you about in the library!” She yelled, being ignored again. Marilyn sighed and shook her head.
When she turned around, she found surprised that you were still there.
“(Y/N), aren't you going with your classmates?” She asked curiously, ordering all the material she had taken out in class. You shook your head.
“I was wondering if I could help in any way,” you said shyly. The redhead seemed surprised and she tilted her head.
“It is not very common for students to want to help me, where is the trick? Are you going to write no normis on any of the plants?” She asked. You backed away, shaking your head profusely.
“I would never do that…” You said with pity, realizing that for her you were just another outcast, one who hated normies in the same way as the rest. Marilyn closed her eyes and sighed, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Please, excuse me, I think I'm getting a little paranoid…”She told you with a soft voice. You smiled, not giving importance to that accusation. “Of course you would never do it, I don't know where my mind is.”
“Can I ask you something?” You said, remembering the small detail of her visual acuity with you and your sister. She smiled, nodded, and leaned against her desk. “How can you differentiate between me and my sister? You are the only teacher who can do it...”
Marilyn laughed at that question and seeing her smile made your cheeks blush again.
“Well, if you look at the details it's not difficult,” she said simply, getting a little closer to you. “But what makes me really distinguish you is this...” Marilyn reached her hand towards your hair and grabbed a small lock of white hair that you had hidden.
Feeling the touch of her hand on your face caused thousands of electrical currents throughout your nervous system.
“Oh...” You sighed, being very close to the redhead. “Normally people don't realize it, I usually hide it.”
You could spend hours and hours looking at her, thinking about how good she was, how beautiful she was. You were crazy, you had fallen in love with her hopelessly. Fortunately it was your best kept secret. You couldn't stop thinking about her. Every time you listened to music, you imagined her with you, running away from Nevermore, leaving your sister behind, leaving everything behind. You were delusional. You never tried to find someone right for you, a girl your age. You knew it was impossible, but you lived clinging to the absurd hope that Marilyn's gestures of affection gave you every day. Only with her smile you could forget everything.
“You shouldn't, it gives you a touch of personality,” Marilyn said, letting your hair go and painfully pulling away again.
“My sister pushed me into the fireplace one Christmas…” You said when the horrible memory came back to your head. “That white lock came out of fright.”
Marilyn changed her calm expression to one of horror.
“That's terrible, (Y/N)…” She said looking at you with pity. You shrugged.
“Well, nothing happened to me,” you said without further ado. Marilyn now yes, caressed your cheek affectionately, shaking her head.
“I've always wondered why bad things happen to people like us…” She said in a whisper.
Her hand on your cheek was hot, it made you tender and made your heart beat so fast. You were about to close your eyes to enjoy her caresses.
“I don't know… I wonder too…” You said, with tears in your eyes.
“Well, it's okay, (Y/N), at least we have each other, right?” She told you, giving you a pat on the back. “Anyway, we'd better stop whining. You said you wanted to help me. Alright, help me to move these pots to the back, then to make it up to you I'll invite you to whatever you want in the cafeteria, okay?”
You smiled and nodded excitedly. A coffee with her, it was much more than you thought would happen one day.
From then on, you started staying with Marilyn every day after school. You laughed, you talked about plants... It was just like you dreamed of one day, except for the small detail that it was not the way you wanted to spend your days with her.
One night, after dinner, you decided to take a walk through the Nevermore grounds. After sitting in your usual secluded corner while your sister surrounded herself with half the school, you always needed to get some fresh air, feel the wind on your face to make sure that you were indeed alive, that you were not part of your sister's soul, that you really existed.
“Mmm…” You hummed as you passed under the windows of the rooms. It was the only time you did without music, you preferred to hear the sound of the trees whistling together in the wind.
A rustle behind you alerted you. You turned, but there seemed to be no one behind you. You frowned and continued on your way, shaking your head. You felt like someone was watching you, but you couldn't see it.
You started to walk faster, but it didn't do you much good. A group of guys stood in front of you, led by the worst person you knew, your sister.
“(Y/N), what a joy to see you,” she said crossing her arms. You made a disgusted face and tried to turn away from what seemed to be, without a doubt, a trap. You couldn't, more of your sister's friends blocked your path.
“Hey, leave me alone,” you said, trying to escape. Two of Rachel's friends grabbed you so you couldn't move. “Come on, let me go.”
“You know, little sister? I've been thinking about that little argument we had the other day, and I think you're right. It's not fair that they confuse you with me,” Rachel said, approaching you while you kicked.
“Leave me alone!” You yelled, as your twin approached with what looked like scissors in her hand.
“I wish I didn't have a sister as stupid as you, (Y/N). But since I have it and I can't help it, at least I want to avoid being confused with you.”
After those words, she brought the scissors to your hair and cut a lock. You resisted, surely that's why it was only a small piece. You moved, drawing strength from where you didn't have it, while your sister tried to cut more of your hair.
“Let me go!” You yelled, causing an expansive wave that made everyone back. They should know not to mess with someone with telekinesis, at least your sister should know.
“Let's go, I'm sure your stupid sister will get us discovered,” one of the boys said, pulling Rachel's arm.
“Enjoy your new look, (Y/N)…” She said mockingly, before disappearing laughing. You fell to the ground, on your knees, looking at the lock of hair that she had managed to cut off. It wasn't something flashy, but unfortunately for you the scissors had gone too deep and cut that lock of white hair that Marilyn seemed to like.
“No…” You whispered on the floor, desolate, taking that lock and crying inconsolably. The sound of footsteps made you get up. You didn't want any more teasing, there had been too many for that night, Rachel had gone too far.
You ran aimlessly, looking for a place where you could cry without having a thousand eyes watching you. The old conservatory appeared on your way. It was dark, there was no light, there was no one. At that moment it seemed like a refuge, a place to hide. Surely Marilyn wouldn't be here at this time of night.
It was the place where you felt the most happiness, where you spent the most time smiling. It was the perfect place to vent, a kind of safe place.
You entered the glass building. It looked very different without the characteristic dim light it always had.
With awkward steps, sobbing, you went to a corner and dropped to the ground, putting your knees on your chest and crying desperately. In your hand you held that lock of white hair that your sister snatched from you. If that was the only thing that distinguished you, now it was gone. You were missing a little piece of hair, but you didn't give it importance, you cared about having completely lost your dignity, not being able to trust even your own sister. You were devastated and wanted to run away and not look back.
You jumped when you saw the light come on. You had nowhere to go, and what was much worse, it could be your sister, ready to finish what she had started.
Marilyn came humming into the conservatory and set her bag on her desk. She seemed not to have seen you, at least until she turned around.
“My God,” she said, startling herself, placing a hand on her chest. “(Y/N), what are you doing here?” She asked trying to calm down.
You were embarrassed, you didn't want to answer. Surely your condition was so horrible that it caught the the redhead’s attention.
“Sweetheart, are you, are you crying...” The teacher whispered, approaching you gently. “Tell me, what's wrong?”
You shook your head, having no choice but to get up. Your face was horrible, full of tears and with red eyes. Marilyn stepped even closer and frowned, noting the obvious lack of hair on the left side of your head.
“What happened to your hair?”
You shook your head and closed your eyes, reaching out and showing the white lock your sister snatched from you.
“My, my sister...” You said sobbing and hiccuping, unable to utter a word without making you want to cry more. “She… She has…”
“Your sister? Has she done this to you?” The redhead asked, horrified.
You nodded, trying to stop sobbing like a little girl. Marilyn didn't say anything, she just moved closer and put her arms around your back, pulling you against her body, hugging you lovingly. Your head rested on her shoulder and your arms embraced her as well, clinging tightly to her clothing.
None said anything. You cried inconsolably while she caressed your hair and your back.
“I'm so sorry, (Y/N), I'm so sorry you have to go through this…” She whispered tenderly in your ear.
“I… I never did anything to her… She has always been the perfect one, the best, everyone's favorite…” You sobbed, confessing some of your many insecurities. Marilyn pushed you away a bit so she could wipe away your tears and shook her head.
“Honey, don't say that… Why would your sister do this to you if what you say is true?” She asked while holding your face in his hands.
“She doesn't want to be confused with me... She says that I'm pathetic and that she doesn't deserve to be compared to me... Shit...” You said, kicking the ground.
“What a nonsense, (Y/N). You are a wonderful girl, much better than your silly sister,” she told you, stroking your hair again, focusing on the missing strands. “She is a horrible person and you are the complete opposite... Don't let be affected by her words.”
You nodded, stopping crying a bit and looked again at the white lock that you still held.
“Besides, now I don't have anything that differentiates me from her... Not even you will be able to recognize me...” You said, without thinking that you were saying that out loud. The cut in your hair was showy, but you knew how to make it not noticeable.
“Oh, honey…” Marilyn sighed, grabbing your hand. “Come here.”
She took you by the hand towards a stone edge, which surrounded the largest tree in the greenhouse and she sat you next to her without stopping caressing you.
“Do you know why I distinguish you (Y/N)?” She asked with a smile. You pointed to her lock of hair. “No, darling... Look, come...” She said, laughing, pulling your head to rest on her chest. You didn't understand anything. “Do you hear it?”
You closed your eyes and began to hear constant blows, heartbeats. You opened your eyes and stayed listening for a moment.
“Your... Your heart?” You said in an almost inaudible tone of voice. She nodded.
“Yes, darling. I know it's you because my heart flutters when I see you, do you understand? Not when I see your sister, only when I see you…” She whispered, lifting your chin so that you could look into her eyes.
You stopped crying and stared at her eyes. You had never been able to see how beautiful they were. You were very close, she was very close. You didn't think you heard those words and those rapid beats in her chest.
“Marilyn…” You sighed, placing yourself at her level. She smiled. “I… I…”
“Shh… Don't say anything honey, just close your eyes,” she whispered in your ear, making all your hair stand on end. You looked at her wide-eyed, curious. Marilyn laughed and ran your hand over them, gently closing them. “Listen to me…”
You held them closed and swallowed hard. You were trembling sitting on that stone edge, when you noticed how some lips gently perched on yours. It wasn't a romantic kiss, like the one in a movie. It was more of a touch, a sensation.
You no longer had anything to lose, you were sure of what you were going to do, and you were not going to stop. It was you, it was you who kissed her first. She came closer, but you kissed her, slightly opening her mouth, deepening that kiss you dreamed of every night. The tears were running down your cheeks again as Marilyn caressed you. She didn't turn away, she didn't run away from you. She kissed you back, softly, silently.
“(Y/N), I don't mean to intimidate you…” She told you after a moment. “I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage of you... I... I've been wanting to do it for a while, I don't know if you feel the same.”
“I, yes,” you said, resting your head on her chest again. She laughed when she saw how tender you were, the brutal need for love you had. She caressed you, hugged you, kissed you.
Now everything was different. Nothing mattered to you at that moment. Just the warmth of her lips on yours, the warmth of her hands caressing your skin. But you knew those little moments were just that, little moments.
“My girl… You are wonderful,” she told you between slightly more intense kisses. “I don't want you to be sad, honey, I want to see you always smile...”
“I'll try…” You sighed while the redhead caressed your hands with that tender smile. “But it's difficult. Everyone compares me to my sister and now she is worse than ever… I don't know if I can bear it.”
Marilyn gently pulled you back and she kissed you briefly.
“Of course you will bear it, (Y/N). Now you will be with me, and I will not let anything happen to you. I'm not going to let you think you're inferior to that stupid sister of yours. I promise to protect you and love you as you deserve and when the school year is over... Well... Maybe...”
Your eyes lit up when you heard those words. You really liked where the conversation was going.
“Maybe you want to come with me, get out of here and start a life together, what do you think, my love? I know it's a bit rushed but...”
You didn't let her finish, you came back to attack her lips without mercy. You had the urgent need to pinch yourself, it seemed like a dream, a wonderful and cruel one at the same time.
“Please... I want to get out of here... I want to go with you... Please...” You said begging. She laughed as she hugged you. “I just want to ask you a question, Marilyn.”
“Okay, honey, ask.”
“This is a dream?”
“If it is, (Y/N), I never want to wake up…”
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Fancy Restaurant | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’ verse (OC Kiss Week 2023)
An oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco​ & @super-unpredictable98
Word Count: 3,2k
Warnings: Strong language
a/n: Thank you for being so patient, I'm back with a little special treat for OC Kiss Week. This event is what jumpstarted Timeline Anomaly, and we're so grateful. It's our third time writing together for it, we hope you like our wholesome family fluff.
As much as the quad tried to keep their twins distracted without sitting in front of the TV all day, sometimes a screen was their only saviour. When the girls needed to work composing and the boys needed to do chores or talk to their agents about shoots... the telly was the best babysitter. 
It was a very busy day and the kids were watching Bluey for the millionth time, particularly the Fancy Restaurant episode where the protagonists try to create a romantic night for their parents. Seeing that seemed to give Ellery an idea: 
"Hey, Charlie, it's been a while since Mummy and Mama and Daddy and Dada went on a date..." she said, though it wasn't true. They were out on a date less than a week before this incident, but for a child, it must've felt like forever. "Maybe we should make them a romance night!"
Charlie gasped excitedly. "That's a great idea!" he exclaimed, craning his head to peer at their parents in the other room. "They definitely need some romance," he agreed, nodding.
Ellery took her brother's hand and they ran into the office where on one side the girls were writing lyrics and on the other, the boys were checking their emails. 
"Hey, you lot!" Ellie called, getting everyone's attention. 
"What's wrong, baby? Did you finish Bluey again?" Lydia asked. 
"No, but we do think you need to smoochy kiss! It's been so long!" 
"I gave your mums a smoochy kiss this mornin'," Nate chuckled. "It hasn't been long."
"No, I think Ellery's right, it feels like much too long!" Nats exclaimed, spinning his chair toward her. "I'm never opposed to some smooches."
"Tonight you're havin' a romantic dinner! No kids, just you and the romance," Ellie said as she climbed into his lap. "I mean, we'll be here, 'cause we gotta watch the kisses. But we won't be your children, we'll be the restaurant people!" 
"Isn't it a bit worrying that our children want us to kiss for them to watch?" Lydia asked quietly. "Is this one of those moments we realize we messed up?"
"I feel like most kids think it's gross seein' their parents kiss," Win said, trying to remember how she felt when she was young. 
"I don't think we messed up," Nats argued, wrapping his arms around Ellery's middle. "It just shows how normal we've made physical affection."
"I thought it was pretty gross..." Lydia mused. "But maybe Nats is right." 
"Okay then, little monkeys, but no crazy meals, just make us sandwiches or somethin'," Nate pulled Charlie into his arms. "Y'don't want dada t'get sick like the dad at the end of that episode, right?" 
"But sandwiches are not romantic!" Ellie protested.
"Anythin' can be romantic in the right company," Win said, reaching over to tickle her.
"Leave dinner to us, we promise it'll be good, y'just gotta be there," she assured. "I'll be the chef and Charlie will serve you! I'm better in the kitchen."
"But I wanna help in the kitchen too!" he cried, pouting.
"But you can't cook!" she argued. 
"Your brother can cook if you show him how," Lydia said firmly. "Let him help you." 
"Okaaay... I'm sorry."
"Yay! I promise I'll be helpful!" Charlie exclaimed, squirming in Nate's lap, too excited to get started.
"We'll get everything ready, you better be done with work by then!" Ellery warned, jumping from the chair after giving Nats a kiss. "Oh! And you have to pretend that's your first date." 
"Sounds good, remember our first date?" Nate tried not to laugh. It was far from romantic, it was more like... desperate and horny.
"I think some of our most romantic dates took place in New York," Win said, sighing as she reminisced.
"Yeaaah... Camp, The View, Black Tap," Nate smiled to himself, it felt like it was yesterday.
"Mhmm, that sauna at the hotel," she added, giving him a meaningful look.
"The pool at the hotel..." he snorted. "We were so stoned." 
"Stargazing on the rooftop is still one of my favorites," Lydia grinned.
"Yeah, we were," Win giggled. "Oh, that was a good one!" she agreed, reaching for her wife's hand and bringing it to her lips to press a kiss to her knuckles.
"Do you actually think we've been less romantic lately? With the kids and work and everything? We used to make love all over the house every day, now we make love in our room after the twins are asleep," Lydia frowned. "Nats and I that one time in the living room when they were in school, but I just couldn't do it with the Tinky-Winky staring at us."
"We have been more tired lately, juggling everythin' with work and the kids," Win sighed. 
"Yeah, romance has been the furthest thing from my mind lately," Nats agreed, grimacing. "Maybe it'd be good t'let your parents watch th'kids for an afternoon so we can make up for that," he suggested, offering the girls a hopeful grin. 
"We promised we'd never let that happen, where did my youth goooo?" Lydia cried, letting her head hit the desk in front of them. 
"Don't worry, your folks can take the kids, my mum wanted t'take them next time she goes to Spain with Jeremy... We can still fuck all over the place," Nate took her hand. "Look in the mirror, you're still young, just the same as y'were when we first met." 
"But I feel older," Win sighed, rubbing Lydia's back. 
"I feel older too, we are like middle-aged," she muttered. "I just wish I could feel the way I felt back then. It's not the kids' fault, they are so amazing, it's us." 
Nats shared a look with his twin. If only there was a way to make the girls feel young again...
"Tonight is a start," Nate murmured, rolling his chair closer to the girls. "But could Blossom take 'em for a weekend? We could get a room at that hotel from our first time in New York. We can go to the St. Cloud and Dubliner, all the places we went to back then." 
"I can ask her, they miss Simone a lot."
"That sounds fun," Win cried, perking up.
"Coney Island, zoo... we can fuck at the Bryant like we used to," Lydia finally smiled. 
"Sounds like a dream," Nats exclaimed, remembering the fond memories they had. 
"I'll call Blossom in the morning... Her morning I mean," Lydia made her chair spin and laughed. "We're gonna have a blast." 
"What kind of sandwiches are we gunna make?" Charlie asked as he followed Ellery to the kitchen.
"I was thinkin' maybe roast beef and cheese for the main course and then nutella and marshmallow for dessert. We could get the fairy lights outside and make a beautiful table too," she suggested. "What do you think?"
"Yeah!" he cheered, jumping up and down, his little curls bouncing. "I wanna make the dessert sandwiches!"
"Okay, but remember to make them pretty, it's gotta be romantic," Ellery clapped, also pretty excited. "But we should set the table first, we don't want their dinner t'be cold."
Charlie nodded, his tongue slipping between his lips in his focus, looking much like his fathers as he worked to set the table just right.
Ellery placed the four plates and cups on the table, she thought about getting knives and forks, but she knew they would end up using their hands. "We'll turn the fairy lights on when they come out, you did a really good job."
"Aw, thank you!" he exclaimed, giggling as they rushed back to the kitchen to begin cooking.
"I'm sorry I said I was better, I think you're really good too," she said as she piled the slices of bread for the four sandwiches before passing the loaf to her brother so he could work on the dessert.
Charlie smiled. "Thank you Ellie," he said, setting the bread out and opening the jar of hazelnut chocolate spread. "You're the best sister."
"You're the best brother. You're the only one I have, but even if I had more, you'd still be the best," she nudged his arm before placing the bread with the cheese on the toaster oven and twisting the knob.
The little boy giggled, slathering the chocolate on the bread and grabbing a handful of marshmallows to throw on there before covering it with the other slice of bread. "I hope Mama, Dada, Mommy, and Daddy like our dinner. I hope it makes them feel romantic!"
Ellie nodded, getting the roast beef from the fridge. "I hope they hug and kiss and stuff. Maybe they'll wanna dance under the moonlight!" 
"I hope so too!" Charlie agreed with a dreamy sigh. "I like it when they dance."
"D'you think one day we'll find people we kiss and dance with too?" Ellery wondered. "I wanted to marry daddy, but he's already married twice."
"Daddy's too old for you," Charles said matter of factly. "But I hope so... it looks like so much fun having someone to have romance with."
"Auntie Blossom says age should never get in the way of love, but I guess you're right," she took the four sandwiches and brought them to the table. "I wanna marry a man like daddy then. He's gonna have curly hair like me, green eyes, he'll be tall and silly- oh, can you get their drinks, Charlie?"
He nodded, hurrying to the kitchen with the cups and filling them before running back. In his haste, however, he tripped over the rug and fell, the cups going flying and the juice sloshing out all over the floor. 
"Oh no!" he cried, more upset with himself than hurt. "It's ruined!"
"No! It's okay, Charlie," his sister said. The cups thankfully didn't break, she was able to cover them in a forcefield. They were still learning how to deal with their powers, but usually they worked in emergencies like that. "We just clean up the juice and I'll help you next time. You bring two cups and I bring the other two."
"Okay," he sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. "I'm sorry." 
"Everythin' okay out there?" Win called, hearing the commotion.
"Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes, at least nobody's hurt," Ellie set the glasses down and gave him a hug. 
"Oh my God, are you hurt?" Lydia's eyes grew wide when she saw the puddle. 
"No, I spilled the juice, so I'll get some more," the girl decided to take the blame, it was her fault for asking him to do it all on his own.
"I'm okay, Mummy," Charles said, dusting himself off. "I can clean this up," he murmured, before quickly throwing his hands up. "Wait! You can't come in here yet! It's almost ready!"
"Okay, okay, but if you need help just call us," Lydia pressed her lips to his little forehead before leaving the dining room to wait. 
"Come here, Lollipop, it's not time for our reservation yet," Nate chuckled.
"Okay, Mummy!" Charlie exclaimed, squeezing his eyes shut as he focused on the puddle of juice. After a moment, it dissolved and when the little boy opened his eyes, it was completely gone. "It worked!" he cheered as Ellery returned with more juice.
"You're gettin' good at it!" she placed the glasses on the table. "Can you get the other two? I'll light up the fairy lights!"
Soon they had the dining room all set up and the lights turned down low for ambiance.
"Okay, shall we call them in here?" Charlie asked, practically bouncing on his toes in his excitement.
"Yes!" Ellery fixed her hair and cleared her throat. "Mr and Mr and Mrs and Mrs Young, your table is ready," she called. 
"Right on time," Lydia giggled, using the power Win was letting her borrow to transform her oversized shirt into a green cocktail dress. "Thank you so much," she smiled when Nate pulled the chair for her.
"What a fancy restaurant!" Win exclaimed, changing her PJs into a tasteful little black dress as she followed the others in. 
"Thank you, madam!" Charlie said, copying his father and pulling her chair out for her before Nats could. 
"Why thank you, sir!" she said, fighting back a laugh at how grownup he was acting.
"We don't have a menu, but we're sure you'll like our special," Ellery said, gesturing to the sandwiches in front of them. 
"Oooh it smells delicious, how did the chefs know what we like?" Nate asked. 
"The chefs know everything... please enjoy your romantic evening."
"Thank yeh, chefs! Our compliments!" Nats grinned, sitting down across from Lydia and picking up his sandwich to take a giant bite. "Mmmm!" he exclaimed, taking with his mouth still full.
"They are so cute," Lydia watched as both kids hid in the backyard to observe them. "This is a very good first date."
"They are. Can't believe we raised such sweethearts," Win murmured, taking a drink from her cup. 
"Sorry we've been slippin' with the romance lately," Nate breathed, also taking a bite. "Guess it's hard to stay the same after almost thirty years. Even if we married the most wonderful girls in the whole universe."
"Guess that's why people are always sayin' marriage takes work," Nats added.
"Yeah, it's easy when we're young and have nothing to do besides fucking and loving each other, it's hard to keep the same level of excitement after so long," Lydia mused as she chewed. 
"But I still love you both the same way I did when we were young," Nate drawled. 
"So do I, even more actually."
"Same," Win said, resting her hand over theirs. 
"Course," Nats agreed.
"Look! They're holdin' hands!" Charlie exclaimed quietly, peering through the window.
"If we still have love, that's all we need. We can fix the rest," Lydia leaned against her wife. 
"And they look pretty cozy!" Ellery giggled. "It worked! This is proper romantic!"
"I will always work for you three," Win agreed, smiling softly at each of her lovers. "I love you guys so much." Turning her head, she pressed a kiss to Lydia's cheek. 
"It did work!" Charlie cheered, throwing his arms around his sister. "Look, Mama just kissed Mummy!"
"Yesss! Smoochy kiss!" Ellery joined, celebrating their victory.
"None of you dare to eat anything else until the kids are asleep, I know this isn't enough food, but it'll break their hearts," Lydia whispered. "I can make us some more after they're in bed." 
"There are so many things I'd like t'eat when the kids go to bed..." Nate teased with a wink. 
"We can have th'rest of our dinner in bed, followed by dessert," Nats agreed, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. 
"Sounds good t'me," Win laughed, leaning across the small table to steal a kiss from Nats and Nate.
"So, what'd you say, Lollipop?" Nate bit his lip, starting on his dessert sandwich. "Couple o'drinks too..." 
"Sounds like a good time," Lydia leaned over to steal kisses from them as well, laughing when she heard their kids freaking out by the big glass door. "Seems they're happy." 
"Looks like their little plan worked," Nats laughed, winking at the kids through the sliding glass door.
"The romantic dinner sure helps, but... I'll take any chance to kiss you lot," Lyddie admitted.
"Soooo, how was your dinner? Was it well romantic?" Charlie asked, bursting through the door, unable to wait any longer. 
"It was all that and more!" Win assured him, lifting him into her lap. "You two did so well with dinner. We got a couple of chefs in th'makin'."
"I like to cook, but I wanna be a singing woman in theatre like mommy," Ellery laughed. "We are happy you're happy." 
"You're both angels, we love you so much," Lydia got down on her knees to hug them. "But I think it's time for the little angels to get some sleep, isn't it?" 
"No fair! We wanted t'see you dance in the moonlight!" she protested.
"Oh, y'want us t'dance, huh?" Nats mused, getting up to turn on some music. "We gotta give 'em what they want," he teased, pulling Lydia into his arms and swaying to the music.
"Just one song wouldn't hurt," Nate pulled Win closer as well. "Remember this song? From our wedding?" 
"Mmm, so romantic," she drawled, resting her cheek against his shoulder as they danced. 
"Yeah... but I believe you were dancing with Winnie and I was dancing with Sean," Lydia taunted, twirling before leaning against Nats' chest. "This is much better."
"Much better," Nats agreed, tightening his arms around her waist as they swayed. Charlie watched them, resting his chin in his hands.
"This dance is way cuter than the one from the video," Ellery said as the song ended. 
"Which video, sweetheart?" Nate asked, lifting her in his arm so they could get ready for bed. 
"The one of you dancin' at the party. Mummy was wearin' a purple dress and auntie Blossom too, but she was really young..." 
"You watched the video of us dancing at Blossom's 18th?" Lydia yelped, that was definitely not a video for children.
Nats couldn't help but snort a laugh, despite trying to stifle it. 
"No more videos of Mama, Dada, and Mommy and Daddy for you lot," Win said, lifting Charlie to carry him to the bedroom he and Ellie shared for the time being. They said they slept better when the other was in the room.
"If you wanna see our old videos, you gotta ask, okay?" Lydia asked, grabbing their little pajamas so they could get changed. 
"Okay, I'm sorry, but it was really funny," Ellery laughed, trying not to yawn. 
"One day when you're all grown up, we'll show you all our videos," Nate assured, putting her down. "Well, almost all of 'em."
"Yeah, definitely not all of 'em," Win said under her breath, handing Charlie over to Nats who tossed him into the air before letting him plop onto the bed, squealing with laughter.
"Thank you for tonight, princess," Nate tickled his daughter before helping her undress and put on her little pink nightshirt. "You and your brother are the best kids anyone has ever had." 
"You're the best dada!" She grinned. 
"If your brother has nightmares again, will you let him sleep with you?" Lydia asked quietly and Ellie nodded.
"I won't have nightmares tonight!" Charlie cried, affronted, crossing his arms over his chest. 
"We know, baby, but just in case you do," Win explained, kissing the tip of his nose.
"I know you're brave and so strong," Lydia sat by him and took his hands. "You're the strongest little boy I know, but even the most courageous little boys have nightmares sometimes. Your sister could have nightmares. You'd let her sleep with you, right?"
Charlie looked thoughtful. "Yeah, I would," he answered after a moment.
"That's right, cause you're always there for each other and we're always there for you," Lyddie tucked him in. "If you both get scared you can knock on our door... just remember to actually knock first, okay?" 
"We will," Ellery hugged her Bluey plushie. "Pinky promise."
"Good girl," Nats murmured, kissing her forehead. 
"We love you both so much. Thank you for tonight darlings," Win said, blowing them each a kiss.
"Night night, my loves," Lydia waved, turning on the nightlight. 
"Night night, Mummy," Ellie said, turning towards her brother when they closed the door. "They're definitely gonna do more kissin' now..."
Tag List: @firstpersonnarrator @elliethesuperfruitlover @salvador-daley
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blehcupidd · 1 year
Jealous Girl
Chapter Fifteen
Xavier Thorpe x fem!oc
A/n: Taken from my Wattpad made at the beginning of 2023, some written mistakes and i had a note about what happen with Percy Hanes White, that note will put put at the end of this chapter.
Also ignore mistakes please i wrote this whilst looking at the tv show so if it says that someone looks at something but it didnt state what, ignore it im sorry.
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Parent's Weekend, the days Évangéline hates the most. After seeing the loving families when she arrives after the summer, she hates this even more. Families act like they haven't seen their kids in hundreds of years. Every year, no one came to see Évangéline. She once asked her father why, his excuse was; 'I'm too busy with work.'.
As she leant against the balcony, watching her principal giving a speech. "Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children to learn and grow no matter who or what they are." Weems was met with a round of applause for the oh so original speech. "I realise most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students." She was talking about Eugene. Évangéline had never really spoken to the younger boy, all she knew that he was a loner who enjoyed bees.
Rolling her eyes at the rest of what Weems was saying, she turned going to walk away. Only to be met with a figure she wasn't expecting. "Oh mon Dieu! [oh my gosh!] Xavier!" She held a hand to her chest, steadying her breathing. "What are you doing here?" She anxiously fixed her hair.
"Not sure how much of this family togetherness I can take." He leaning against the barrier of where she was. "Sorry for scaring you." He awkwardly smiled.
"Are you ok?" Évangéline tilted her head, "You look very, red?" Was he blushing? Over her? Was this progress? Going off of what Bianca had said last weekend?
"Oh, yeah." He scratched that back of his neck, brushing over the scabbed over wound. "Just peachy." Just peachy? What is he, stupid? "I just, you know, went on a run." He talked with his hands, pushing his point further.
Évangéline turned towards the quad, looking for anyone that resembles Xavier. "Is, um, anyone here today? For you." Évangéline asked, finding anyway to not makes eye contact.
"No, my dads a no show. Again." Xavier pushed his hands deep as possible into his pockets and scuffed his foot. "I got a text this morning." Then, he looked around. Seeing if anyone resembled his Angel. "Anyone here for you?" He noticed the disheartened look she had.
"My dad has never visited. Always says 'works busy', it gets annoying after a while." Évangéline shrugged, closing her arms around her body.
"That's no way to talk young lady." His voice made Évangéline and Xavier freeze, for two different reasons. Xavier was scared of being told off for being with the girl and being partly the reason she looked upset, and obviously never hearing that voice in his life. Évangéline had a mixture of excitement and resentment. Her dad was here, yay. But also she was having a one on one with Xavier. And he's never bothered to show his face before.
Évangéline didn't know whether she would cry with happiness or run away crying out of frustration. "Dad." She dragged on, awkwardly smiling.
"Whose this young man?" He smiled, an odd behaviour for him, "No wait. You're Vincent Thorpe's boy. Aren't you?" His behaviour was confusing Évangéline. Why was he here? Why is he being so nice? Especially after he's caught her with a boy. Alone! What happened to the "No boys" rule?
"Uh, yes. Yes sir." Xavier nodded, stuttering his words. He was also confused.
"I knew that man when it was our days here, not spoken in a while. Send him my greetings." The smile would not leave his face. "C'est un bon garçon Evie." [he's a good lad Evie.] Her father winked.
Évangéline was immediately was embarrassed by this. "Papa arrête!" [Dad stop!] she whisper shouted, even though she was 99% sure Xavier couldn't understand a word in French; seeing he has a very confused and awkward face.
"Well, me and Evie will be off." At her fathers statement directed at Xavier, she was confused. Off? Off to where? "Hope to see you soon Xavier." And with that Charles had walked off.
"Oh mon Dieu,"[Oh my gosh,] Évangéline cursed. "You heard him, bye Xavier. And, uh, sorry." She walked off, avoiding eye contact. Xavier wasn't mad, he was giddy. He had an irascible smile on his face.
He loved it when she spoke French.
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gothicknightz · 2 years
stuck in my brain — xavier thorpe
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summary: while trying to figure out exactly if xavier is the monster, wednesday finds out that one of nevermore's famed couple didn't exactly end like everyone thought
notes: not proofread, reader is female, reader is a witch, pet names, implications of smut, xaviers dad being a jerk
“And over there is Nevermore’s resident troubled artist, Xavier Thorpe. Rumors have it that he and his girlfriend had a huge falling out last semester, and she refuses to talk to him.”
“That's undoubtedly fascinating.”
“I know, right! They were next to royalty at this school, and everybody loved them. Even I teared up a bit when I found out they broke up. So sad.”
Walking into the center of the quad, (y/n) passed by Enid and Wednesday, hearing a snippet only of student intro as she made her way to Bianca, ignoring Xavier's longing looks from the mural across.
“Look at them! Look at the way he looks at her! Now that's somebody in love.” Enid wiped away a tear, sniffling as Wednesday turned to glance at her.
“Are you crying?”
“And even after the dance, she managed to have his eyes on her, and let me tell you when I say he was n-”
“I've had enough of statistically useless information, Enid.”
“But you haven't even gotten to the best part! The next day he had to borrow a scarf beca-”
The glare that Wednesday sent Enid was enough to keep her quiet, so the braided hair girl decided to go out and investigate Xavier herself.
She was highly convinced he was the monster.
Fresh from the shower, Xavier had on a maroon shirt and black sweatpants, a paint stained hoodie hanging on the edge of his bed.
He was going to grab his sketchbook before someone knocked at the door, and with Wednesday and Thing under the bed, they both were interested in this mysterious guest. Anyone could be an accomplice.
A pair of white shoes were only seen, and the door was quickly closed shut and locked, which inquired a list of questions in Wednesdays head.
“Xavier,” A voice had said, which Wednesday hadn't heard enough to identify.
“Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I was just stressed and angry. Wednesdays starting to think I'm the monster too, so that doesn't help.”
“I think we're all a bit on edge, Xav.”
“I know, but I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have lashed at you like that.”
The person with the white boots leaned forward, placing a hand on Xavier's cheek.
“Xavier, baby, trust me. It's okay.”
Baby? That definitely didn't go unnoticed in Wednesday's head.
An unforeseeable conclusion came about in her head, and a shared exchange with thing confirmed it all. This was the girl that everyone was saying she and Xavier broke up. But they didn't, and the reason why everyone was saying so perplexed Wednesday.
Xavier sighed, “Shit, okay. You got me.” A small smile appeared on his face at the contact, and he looked up into (y/n)'s eyes.
“What did I ever do to deserve you, pretty girl?”
Xavier leaned down to kiss her, smiling in the process, “You're so amazing.”
She looked up at him, a mutual connection shared between them.
With a slight of hand, (y/n) waves her fingers in the air, and instantly the two were floating in Xavier's dorm.
“You know, I love it when you do that.”
“Do what?”
“The anti-gravity thing.”
“You know I don't do it often. Besides, it only happens when I get really emotional.”
Now this really intrigued Wednesday. Although she were trapped in unintentional third wheel hell, she couldn't get out, but finding out more about (y/n) could help her solve the monster mystery.
“Babe. You haven't been reading Enid's blog again have you?”
The pair were laying down in mid air, as if they were on Xavier's bed, with (y/n)'s head on his chest, arms wrapped around him.
“.....Maybe. I'm only sick of it because I want to be able to be a bit more public with you. I feel like I'm hiding a secret being with you here.”
“I know, pretty girl, technically we are. The whole school's believing some bullshit rumor that we broke up.”
“We didn't even get into a fight. All that happened is that some of the press caught us making out by some restaurant and your dad wasn't having it that you were with a witch.”
“I know, it's so stupid. It was all ‘witches are this’ and ‘witches were that’, and nothing about trying to hide us from the scrutiny.”
A witch. So (y/n) was a witch. Could she have possibly conjured up a monster to attack normies and Rowan? No. Wednesday was being irrational.
But it did make sense that she was keeping her relationship with Xavier a secret.
“He had an absolute cow. I wish you were able to be with me for family weekend.”
“I think it's better that I can't. Remember the time your sister almost freaked when she found out that I had-”
Another knock on the door ensued, and this time, the pair shared a panicked look.
(y/n) quickly set she and Xavier down as she went to hide in the bathroom, while Xavier went to answer the door.
It was Bianca.
“You know, you're not so slick as you think you are. Hand over my roommate back.”
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I just read an article about the russian figure skating Coach Eteri Tutberidze and her practices with her trainees. All I can say is that I am disgusted and really sorry for the girls she's training because her methods are extreme and if you ask me, she's a danger to them.
I started to get into it when I saw Kamila Valieva perform one of the best, if not the best, program in the current Olumpics in Peking. The reporter said she is just 15 years old and that caught me by surprise because the youngest I've seen so far in figure skating were 18.
For 10 years, I was in a club for rhythmic gymnastics. Of course, not on a high level, I wasn't really good to be honest, but I know how much age matters. Especially while you're in puberty and when your not any more. Not just your body proportions are different and you are mentally more of an adult, but your abilities are different. You are no longer limited by certain growth-processes. And I don't mean, you should train more, no, but you are able to train different things or more complicated moduls.
So, hearing about a 15 year old girl competing at the Olympics had me shocked because I know the training is very, very hard and it certainly can't be that good for you to be put on such high pressure so young. It's not just any competition, it's the Olympics, we're talking about...
Back to Eteri Tutberidze. I've read she is one of the few coaches who looks for so many young and unexperienced talents. She likes to recruit them, which is not wrong, but the way her training goes, is really harsh.
In the women figure skating, jumps with two rotations are standard and a truple is a special ability you can only reach with much and hard training. Only few women have ever tried a quad and mostly, they are more experienced and older when they achieve this ability. Kamila Valieva is 15 and performed a quad. Eteri Tutberidze is famous for training the quads to the young talents while disregarding that their still growing and not "fully made". The bone structure is different and with some training methods, you should be careful to use on children because they can cause injuries later on.
So, the girls learn the quads which gives them more points and leads them to winning, but the thing is, figure skaters who were trained by Eteri Tutberidze suffered major injuries at the age of 17 and 18 due to repeating certain jumps and movements for too many times. The bones aren't entirely done from growing and the everyday training and landing and stuff can make them fragile. Some even suffer from broken bones because the bones are tired, called stress injury. It's a serious thing because the training is not balanced or specifically coordinated with each trainee. Eteri Tutberidze might have success with her methods but the careers are over far sooner than others because she just abuses her trainees.
And that wasn't all. She is also famous for putting her trainees on extreme diets. In order to be able to land a quad, you need to be pretty light in order to reach a height that allows you to rotate four times. How do you lose weight? Of course with diets. Every athlete does that, so I'm not calling out the general idea, but the diets her trainees are put on cause them to faint out of exhaustion. They starve and starve while training and training. Of course, the body gets more and more tired because of the loss of energy. It sounds like anorexia to be honest.
Yeah, I have my problems with her and I hear many people do as well. I think her methods should really be questioned, but well she gained an award from Putin himself for being so ambitious... so there's that. I hope her trainees leave her or that she doesn't get more. It hurts me in my heart to hear such stories about trainers abusing their trainees because the pressure is already enough, you know. They just put more worries on them.
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onceuponaloonatic · 2 years
So I've been thinking about Jihyo in surrogate AU. We got to see a lot of Minayeon during Sana's pregnancy with the quads. But we've not really explored Jihyo's side of things during Sana's pregnancy with Nico. Only little glimpses here and there. I'd love to see that explored. That dynamic of them just being two bffs that made a baby. But she's still an alpha and she loves Sana. She loves looking at her best friend and watching how she glows while growing their baby. She also is there for her while she works through old traumas that this brings up. Being a mom to this new baby when she knows she has 4 little girls out there somewhere without her. 🦄
so i split this ask into two parts because it ended up being so long. i haven’t finished the second part, but it’s probably about the same length as this. enjoy !!
“Jihyo?” Sana got the younger one's attention, breaking her very intense gaze on Sana’s stomach. Jihyo looked up at Sana, her eyes displaying a level of curiosity Sana wasn’t used to seeing. “You don’t have to stare. I’m not going to immediately appear pregnant.” 
“I know.” Jihyo sighed. “It’s just… A weird thought.” Jihyo caught Sana’s gaze again. “The last person I thought I would have a kid with is you.” “Mean.” Sana pouted. “I don’t mean it offensively or anything I just, you are my best friend and-”
“Jihyo, I'm kidding.” Sana giggled. “You're so tense about all of this already.”
“I know, I know.” Jihyo sighed. “I’m sorry. I just- this is a lot.” “I know.” Sana sighed, taking one of Jihyo’s hands in hers. “And I’m sorry about all of this.” “No, don’t apologize.” Jihyo nodded. “This isn’t your fault. Both of us made the baby.” Jihyo let out a breath. “We’re going to have to tell people about this… Aren’t we?” “I can’t hide it forever.” Sana shrugged. “We don’t… Have to tell people the baby is yours if you want. I’m not dating anyone right now but we can pretend I had a one night stand or something.” “No it’s not that.” Jihyo nodded aggressively. “Really, I want to be a proud sire and all that stuff. I’m just worried about…” “Chaeyoung?” Sana finished for her friend, Jihyo nodding quickly in response. “That one is a little complicated.” “I have to tell her at some point. I assume I’ll take the baby some nights and you can take it others. It would be hard to just call it babysitting if it happens like every other night. Especially with all the stupid sire hormones I’ve heard about.”
“Sire hormones?” Sana giggled. “Is that what we are calling them now?”
“It’s the best way to explain them.” Jihyo shrugged. “I just- what if I’m one of those sire’s who gets all crazy and protective and growls at people when they try to touch our baby or you? What if I do that to one of our friends?” “Jihyo I don’t think you're going to growl at people for trying to touch me.” Sana laughed. “And besides, I think most of our friends would just laugh at you if you did that.” “I’m serious.” Jihyo pouted. “I don’t want to growl at one of our friends. Might I remind you most of our friends aren’t alphas, that could be intimidating-”
“Jihyo most of our friends knew you in middle school, they know you aren’t intimidating.” Sana rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hide her amused smile at the thought. “Who isn’t intimidating?” Both of them jumped when they heard Momo’s voice. Momo had been sleeping in, so they had no idea she was awake. They still hadn’t told anyone else about the baby, not even Momo, but it was a conversation they knew they were going to have to have soon.
“Jihyo.” Sana answered.
“Yeah, sorry Hyo. I don’t think I could ever be intimidated by you.” Momo giggled. 
“Rude. I can be scary.” Jihyo pouted.
“No, you're all bark no bite.” Momo teased. “Why are we talking about this anyway?” Sana and Jihyo shared a look. They knew they couldn’t keep this from Momo for long, and both knew they couldn't put off the conversation much longer. 
“Should I tell her?” Sana asked, looking at Jihyo.
“I don’t think there’s any other option.” Jihyo squeezed Sana’s hand. “Tell me what?” Momo asked. “You guys are scaring me? Since when do you hold hands?” “Momo.” Sana sighed, getting her friend's eye contact before continuing. “I’m pregnant.” “Very funny.” Momo rolled her eyes. “Now seriously, what’s going on with you two?” “I’m serious.” Sana whined. “I’m pregnant.” “Wait like… For real, for real?” Momo asked. “I mean, you were supposed to have your heat last week and that did throw me off cause yours is two weeks behind mine and you haven't restocked the tampons like you said you were going to because your period was coming up right before your heat- and oh my god you are pregnant.” 
“Yes.” Sana nodded.
“Who is the si- I mean c-congrats.” They could tell Momo was trying to force herself to not sound too judgemental or like a bad friend. “I’m the sire.” Jihyo answered. “When you were at your work retreat a few months ago during the… Anniversary… I was in rut and Sana and I both decided to um…” “Fuck?” Sana finished the thought for Jihyo. 
“You don’t have to put it like that.” Jihyo pouted. “But yes. We haven’t been involved since and I promise you are the first person we have told.” 
“Okay I have like a million questions.” Momo looked between the two of them. “But they are mostly superficial and they can wait for now. The main thing is: are you two keeping it?” “Yes.” Sana took a deep breath. “Then congrats.” Momo finally let out a smile. “Nice to know our little group is getting a new addition. Maybe I will finally have someone to go on walks with.” 
“You don’t- you don’t mind?” “No.” Momo shrugged. “I mean, it’s a big step. But hey, one of us was going to take it eventually. Maybe we can say we are dating each other and the baby is all of ours so my parents will get off my back about grandchildren.” “Like I would ever date you nerds.” Jihyo scoffed, faking offense as her hand slipped out of Snaa’s. “Hey! Might I remind you of who has gotten every single moon in Mario Odyssey? Or who has over 100 hours of time in Mario Kart?” Momo accused. “At least I have less than two hundred hours in animal crossing.” Jihyo defended. “Well-”
“You're both nerds.” Sana rolled her eyes. “But it’s okay, nerds are cute.” 
“Shut up!” 
Jihyo smiled as Sana squeezed her hand. She had to admit, she also felt nervous. Being at the doctor's office for their first ultrasound made everything seem so much more real. The baby wouldn’t just be a figment of Jihyo’s imagination anymore. They were going to see it, their baby. She couldn’t help but feel both nervous and excited beyond belief. 
“The baby won’t look like much.” Sana broke their silence. They were the only ones in the waiting room, and Jihyo couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by the pictures of babies everywhere. “Not at this point. It will just be like a little blob.” “What if it’s twins?” The question had been eating at Jihyo since Sana told her she was pregnant. Sana had had multiples before, and even if Jihyo would love both of them, she couldn’t help the fear that filled her at the thought.
“It won’t be twins.” Sana rolled her eyes. “My body knows better than to conceive multiples again.” “I mean- it could be.” Jihyo argued. 
“Jihyo, calm down please.” Sana sighed. “This is terrifying, yes, but trust me. Everything will be fine.” Jihyo took a deep breath. “You're right.” Jihyo sighed. “Thank-”
“Miss Minatozaki?” Sana pulled Jihyo’s hand as the nurse called on them. Sana gave her one last reassuring smile before they went to the back. Once there, Sana talked to the doctor like a pro while Jihyo just sat and watched. She knew this wasn’t Sana’s first time, but it still surprised her how composed Sana was with it all. Once they move onto the ultrasound, Jihyo moves to be closer. “And there’s your baby.” Jihyo did not anticipate the rush of emotions that hit her when she saw the baby for the first time. It was easy to think about being a sire. Jihyo had accepted that ages ago and was more than comfortable with the idea of being a sire. But seeing her baby, their baby, for the first time was overwhelming. So many protective emotions and loving thoughts filled her. She had never really experienced love at first sight, at least until then. “It looks nice and healthy. It’s a good size. Do you want to hear the heartbeat?” “Yes.” Sana answered, giggling at the state Jihyo was in. “It sounds perfect.” The doctor gave them a polite smile. “I would put you at around nine weeks. Which, looking at the calendar, means your due date will be in late December.” “Just like my birthday.” Sana giggled. “Hyo, did you get that?” “Huh? Oh yeah.” Jihyo broke out of her trance to look at Sana and the doctor. 
“When’s my due date?” Sana asked.
“Months away.” Both the doctor and Sana giggled at Jihyo. “What month?” “Uhhh… October?” Jihyo guessed.
“December.” Sana rolled her eyes. “Oh sorry.” Jihyo nodded, turning her attention back to the ultrasound. 
“I’ll get you two a print to take home. Would you like one or two?” “Two please.” Sana requested, moving to fix her shirt after cleaning herself off a bit. The doctor nodded before leaving, Sana giggled at the look on Jihyo’s face as she turned to her. “We’re really having a baby.” “Yes.” Sana giggled. “You know, this is a lot different than the first time I was here.” Jihyo’s face changed at the comment, moving to squeeze one of Sana’s hands. “It feels a lot more… Personal?” “That’s good.” Jihyo smiled. “You deserve to have a baby experience that's personal.” 
“I’m not sure I follow.” Sana giggled. 
“I just mean, you’ve been through enough before. You deserve to be able to look at the ultrasound of your baby and know that it's yours. To be able to smile and not hold back the immense amount of love you carry for everyone in your life.” Jihyo explained. “You're going to be a mom, Sana. This time, for real.” Tears burned their way into Sana’s eyes at the statement. “Are you crying?”
“Hormones.” Sana argued. 
“Baby.” Jihyo teased. 
“This is your fault.” Sana argued, causing Jihyo to erupt into giggles. When the doctor came back and handed them their pictures, they both smiled and thanked her before getting up to leave. The smile on Jihyo’s face is unbreakable as they leave. As Sana goes to the bathroom, she fishes the photo out of her pocket and can’t help the warmth that fills her as she looks at the little blob. Sure, this was not how Jihyo planned any of this at all, but a part of her couldn’t help but be excited about the fact she was going to be a sire. 
That is, until the unmistakable sound of the special ringtone she had picked out for Chaeyoung entered her ears.
Jihyo knew that there were going to be a lot of hormone changes for both her and Sana through the entire process of having a baby. She just was not expecting the changes to be as dramatic as they were. 
The first time it was highlighted was the first night Jihyo slept over at Sana and Momo’s since they had found out about the baby. It wasn’t uncommon for Jihyo to spend the night, especially considering how far her apartment was. But for the first few weeks of Sana’s pregnancy, the need for spending the night never really arose. Until one night a couple weeks after they found out about the baby. It was raining pretty hard, and in the interest of safety, they decided it would be best if Jihyo spent the night. 
Recently, Jihyo had been noticing a change in how she treated her friends. She knew Sana could take care of herself, and that Momo would always be there for Sana if something happened, and normally that was fine. But she had found herself calling Sana or just worrying about her more in general. 
“Jihyo?” Jihyo hummed as she finished up the dishes. Sana and Momo always tried to stop her from doing them when she came over, but she always insisted. “Do you think this still fits?” Jihyo turned to Sana at the question. Sana was standing in front of her in a pair of sweatpants and a white blouse that looked almost a little tight. 
“I mean, what’s the occasion?” “Parent teacher conferences are coming up.” Sana answered. “Ah. It might be… A little tight for a professional setting.” Jihyo shrugged. “We can go pick you up something a little more comfortable this Saturday if you would like.” “I mean- work clothes are expensive.” Sana sighed. “God it’s only been like three and a half months and I’m already so overweight.” “Sana, don't say that.” Jihyo rolled her eyes. “The baby is the perfect size and so are you.” 
“I just, last time I was pregnant with multiples, so I just thought the baby was going to be… Smaller this time.” Sana sighed. “And I mean, it is. But I thought I wouldn't look pregnant at this point.” 
“Sana, you will be four months along next week.” Jihyo argued. “You're in your second trimester, I feel like it's concerning it's not already clear.” 
“I don't know.” Sana sighed. “I guess showing just makes all of this feel a lot more real.” Jihyo completely understood that comment. She felt like the weeks were flying by so fast she didn't have time to keep up with them. 
“I get what you mean. It feels like we still have years, but I know the baby is coming a lot faster than it seems.” Jihyo sighed. “I know.” Sana sighed. “You haven’t even told Chaeyoung yet, have you?” Jihyo sighed in response. 
“I know I have to.” “It’s just, not like you to put something off like this.” Sana moved to be next to Jihyo. “I know. I just- Chaeyoung and I have only been together for like two months, and she’s two years younger, and just all of that stuff. As a couple, we aren’t ready to be parents.” “But you're not going to be.” Sana nodded. “You having a child does not instantly mean you and Chaeyoung are parents. It does make you a parent, yes, but Chaeyoung doesn’t have to be one if she doesn’t want to.” “I don’t follow.” 
“What I’m saying is, you having a child doesn’t mean you and Chaeyoung have a child. Chaeyoung doesn’t have any ties to the baby other than you, and if she doesn’t want to be a parent, I would understand. And I’m sure you would too. She could treat the baby like, a niece or nephew or something. We could introduce her that way too.” “That… Could work.” Jihyo sighed. “I just, it’s a bit overwhelming to be thinking about so far in the future for a two month old relationship.” “That makes sense.” Sana wrapped an arm around Jihyo. “I’m really sorry I put you in this position.”
“This isn’t your fault stupid.” Jihyo nodded. “It takes two to make a baby. And as for Chaeyoung, I know plenty of single parents who make dating work, so maybe it won’t go as horribly as I think it will.” “That’s a good attitude.” Sana smiled. “I really hope it works out for you. Now, can the mama of my child get me something?” 
“What?” Jihyo giggled at the title. “Chocolate.” Sana answered.
“Yeah. I’ll be right back. Do you guys need anything else?” “Nope. Just chocolate.” Sana smiled. “Thanks Hyo.” “Of course.” Jihyo smiled. “Anytime.”
Jihyo groaned as her phone’s ringtone echoed loudly through her bedroom. Normally she was a pretty deep sleeper, so to compensate she set her alert volumes to loud when she was asleep so she would be able to hear them. But right now, she was severely regretting that decision. Because as she looked at the clock, she saw that it was three in the morning. 
“What?” Jihyo grumbled as she answered her phone.
“Hyo.” “Sana?!” Jihyo was instantly awoken by the sound of Sana’s voice. She sounded like she was crying, and given the late hour, she was terrified something bad would happen. “What happened? Are you okay?” “No.” Sana sobbed. “We’re out of ice cream.”
“What?” Jihyo asked. 
“Ice cream.” Sana repeated. “Momo ate the rest of it without telling me.” “Oh.” Jihyo sighed in relief that something bad wasn’t happening, but it quickly turned to annoyance. “Why are you calling me?” “Can you get more ice cream? I tried to go but Momo isn’t letting me go because it’s not safe or something. I asked her to go but she said I would be fine. But now every time I think about ice cream I get sad and I just-”
“Okay.” Jihyo interrupted. “I’ll get you ice cream. What flavor do you want?” “Chocolate?” Sana suggested. “Sure.” Jihyo sighed. “Give me like twenty minutes. Do you think you can survive that long?” “I’ll try.” Sana answered before hanging up. Jihyo groaned as she got out of bed, pulling an old sweatshirt on and looking for a pair of sweatpants that made her look at least somewhat presentable.
“Babe?” Jihyo sighed when she heard Chaeyoung’s voice. “Where are you going?” 
“Sana wants ice cream.” “Okay, so why the hell are you getting ready to leave?” Chaeyoung asked. “Can’t Sana get her own ice cream?” “It wouldn’t be safe.” Jihyo shrugged. “I’ll be back in like an hour.” “Okay.” Chaeyoung yawned. “Can you get some eggs while you're out? You ran out yesterday.” “Sure.” Jihyo nodded. “I’ll be back.” As she kissed Chaeyoung’s forehead to signify goodbye, Jihyo couldn’t help but feel the weight of her cowardice weighing on her heart. xx 
“Chaeyoung.” Jihyo sighed as her girlfriend sat next to her on the couch. They had just gotten back from Momo and Sana’s house and Jihyo could feel the way Chaeyoung had been staring at her the whole night. 
“We need to talk Hyo.” “I know.” Jihyo sighed, massaging her temples. She could already feel the headache coming on. “Ever since Sana announced she was pregnant, you’ve been treating her differently. You go to their house every day, you get all growly when someone tries to touch Sana, you’ve been holding her hand in public. Jihyo, those aren’t things normal friends do. And I know you know you aren’t being sneaky, so please just tell me whatever it is you're holding back.” “I- I’m sorry. This isn’t an easy conversation and I just- wanted to avoid it for as long as possible. I really like you Chaeyoung, and I like what we have. But, before we got together, Sana and I had a night where our judgment… Wasn’t the best. I swear it was weeks before we got together and Sana and I haven't done anything like that before or anything like that since. Well- what I mean is, I’m the sire.” 
“God Jihyo.” Chaeyoung sighed. “Honestly, I could have guessed it from your actions. And well, to be honest, I’m a little pissed you didn’t tell me about this sooner. Sana is five months along Jihyo.” “I know, the timing just never worked out and I didn’t want you to be mad-”
“What I’m more mad about is you keeping this from me for so long.” Chaeyoung interrupted. “This is pretty important stuff.” “I know.” Jihyo sighed. “And honestly, you don’t have to take on any roles with the baby you aren’t comfortable with. You can just be “Mama’s special friend” or an Aunt or something. Sana and I don’t expect anything out of you.” “That’s not what I’m pissed about Jihyo. Sure, the kid thing is… A lot. But I know if anyone is going to be amazing parents, it’s going to be you and Sana. I’m just mad you had to wait five months to tell me that your best friend was pregnant with your sire.” “I’m sorry.” “I know. But I think, for now, we should spend some time apart.” “What?” Jihyo asked, tears rushing to her eyes at the statement.
“I’m not breaking up with you or anything, but I need space to think.” Chaeyoung explained. 
“Okay.” Jihyo took a deep breath. “Thinking time is probably… For the best.” Jihyo agreed. “Take your time, I’ll be waiting for you.” Jihyo just hoped Chaeyoung couldn’t see the tears in her eyes as she walked out of her apartment.
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Ivarello (Modern!Ivar x reader) Chapter 3
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Moodboard by @quantumlocked310
Ivarello's masterpost here
A/N: This is my entry for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Fairy Tale Challenge. It's a retelling of Cinderella. Congrats again, darling 💖
A huge thank you to @mrsalwayswrite , who's a great beta reader and an even greater cheerleader 😂
A massive thank you to @quantumlocked310 , @vikingstrash and @serasvictoria . Thank you for agreeing to collaborate and for sharing your talent with me. Your moodboards are beyond amazing 🤩
In this story, Sigurd is alive. Ragnar and Aslaug are dead, but Lagertha didn't kill her. I took a lot of liberties with the show, I hope you won't mind.
Unlike the tale, there will be no magic involved. Not everything will be realistic, however. It's a fayritale, after all!
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Orphaned five years ago, Ivar and his brothers have been living with Lagertha ever since. Now 16 years old, he wants to attend Harald's traditional Midsummer party, but obstacles stand in his way.
Warnings: description of car crash; orphaned kids; Sigurd being Sigurd; OOC characters.
Words: 3497 (oops 🙈)
Additional note: what you’re going to read is not realistic.
Enjoy 🙂
With his stomach in knots and a frown on his face, Ivar watches closely his godfather, who enters the living-room, wheeling a large trolley case behind him.
"Hello, Ivar." Floki looks around, an eyebrow raised questioningly, "Lagertha isn't here?", before flopping down on the corner sofa.
"No," Ivar shakes his head, wheeling up next to him, "She's out on a date with this English guy... Hammond, Halmund or whatever his name is."
Scratching his ear, Floki tilts his head, "but she knows you're going, right?" He pulls the trolley case closer and then snorts, mumbling under his breath, "don't think I can't see you rolling your eyes!"
"What do you think? Of course, she knows. She said, and I quote," Ivar raises his hands to make air quotes, his voice tinged with obvious annoyance, "'Of course you can go, sweetie, you know I don't want to be the one holding you back. Call me if anything goes wrong. And don't forget to take your meds.'"
"She cares, Ivar." Floki's tone is soft as he places a hand on his godson's shoulder.
Ivar lowers his gaze. "You should have taken me in." His words are barely audible and suddenly he feels like he's eleven again and he has to swallow against the sudden dryness in his throat.
"You do know that back then I wasn't in a good place." Floki's sad sigh almost gets Ivar in tears as memories of his parents and Helga flood his mind. The pain in his heart becomes nearly unbearable but he fights it off with all his might. He never wants to feel broken and lost again.
Ivar lifts his head up and Floki can see the stubbornness in his eyes. "I could live with you now."
"No, you could not, and you know it!" Floki smiles and taps Ivar on the cheek. "Ivar, I live between two flights, today in Norway, yesterday in Iceland and after-tomorrow in Canada. What kind of life would this be for you, huh? And besides, living with Lagertha is not that bad."
But living with Sigurd is! Ivar wants to shout. He keeps quiet, though, shrugging before eventually mumbling. "Guess not..."
"So," Floki starts, eager to change the subject, "where are your brothers, by the way?"
"Where do you think they are, huh, you knock-kneed fool? They're already there." Ivar glances at his watch, furrowing his brow. "Harald's party started twenty minutes ago."
"We better hurry up, then!" Crouching down, Floki slowly opens the suitcase under Ivar's scrutinizing gaze.
"Quick!" Ivar commands, barely able to contain his impatience, his nervous fingers tapping his push rims. "What do you have for me, old man, huh?" He even contemplates climbing out of his chair to open it himself, but the fear of breaking a bone at the worst possible time is stronger than his eagerness.
"You're going to calm down, young Padawan." Floki quips, slowly moving his hand in front of Ivar with eyes full of mischief. Ivar immediately slaps his godfather's hand away, mumbling under his breath, "I'd rather be a Sith Lord." That earns him a loud, hysterical laugh from his godfather.
Ivar grunts, ready to protest, but all thoughts leave his mind as soon as he's able to see what is in the trolley case. The scowl on his face obvious, he doesn't even try to hide his disappointment as he utters, "you made me braces?"
He hates braces with a passion. Along with underarm crutches, he had some, as a child. They were bulky, stiff, painful and walking with them was tedious, agonizingly slow, and exhausting. Ragnar had been adamant that he wanted his youngest to walk, no matter the struggles, no matter the nearly unbearable pain. Ivar had settled his ass in a wheelchair the day of his father's funeral, getting rid of his braces shortly after, a decision he had never regretted. So no, such torture devices were not at all what he was hoping for.
"Have a little faith in me," Floki rolls his eyes. "These," he looks lovingly at the strange contraptions in his hands, "are not braces, Ivar. Have you and your crippled ass ever heard of exoskeleton?"
Ivar's eyes widen. "It's that thing used in rehab that allows paraplegics to walk, right?" As Floki nods, Ivar gives him a puzzled glance. "But, erm, you do know I don't have a spinal cord injury, don't you? Or are you suffering from memory loss? Maybe it's your age?"
Dismissing the remark with an exasperated wave of his hand, Floki hisses, "I'm well aware that you don't, godson dearest," before narrowing his eyes, his voice now serious, "you may have full sensation in both legs, yet they can't exactly support your weight and your lack of motor function can't be denied. Not really different from some paraplegic dudes, what do you think?"
Feeling a heavy lump in his throat, Ivar frowns, not pleased with the idea of him being like a paraplegic. Almost without thinking, he contracts his quads as best he can, as if he wants to make sure he's still able to do it.
Floki doesn't miss the barely-there movements in his thighs, though, and his voice softens. "Look Ivar, you're not a paraplegic, okay? But I used the exoskeleton technology. And since you're not paralyzed, I was able to make a smaller device that you can wear underneath your clothes, and you're going to walk. I mean, really walk, not just like those guys in rehab, between parallels bars and with a PT right behind them."
Ivar, his eyes bright, stares at his godfather, slack-jawed with amazement. "I'm..." He begins to sputter, voice filled with emotion, "I'm really going to walk?" Feeling like his heart is pounding out of his chest, he fails to contain his excitement, drumming the fingers of his right hand on his lap. He'd tap his feet if only he could.
"You are." Floki nods before taking out of the trolley case a pair of dress shoes. "I put dozens of sensors in the insole of these shoes, which will enable the exoskeleton to correct your stance practically every second. Therefore, you won't need crutches, although I would say it's safer for you to use this." Reaching down, he grabs a black derby-style cane, simple and sleek in design. "You know," he shrugs, "just for extra support. Better safe than sorry, hmh?"
Ivar, who doesn't even flinch when he sees the walking stick, just reaches out, his hand grazing the carbon fiber exoskeleton. "Is it really for me?" His eyes filled with wonder, his voice trembling, his lips stretch across his face as his godfather nods. "And you made this in what?... four, five days?"
Letting out his signature giggle, Floki waggles his fingers in front of his face. "Even I couldn't make this in such a short time. No, the truth is, I've been working on it for a while. Let's say your phone call just sped things up. Though I must say, this marvel of technology is not flawless... It has a really low battery life, like four hours of autonomy at best. If I had more time, I certainly could have done better, but for now, it is what it is and you'll have to make do with what you've got." Pursing his lips, he glances at his watch, "So, just so you know, if you put this on now, you'll have to come back around midnight if you don't want to have to crawl around. And if you hear a beep, you'd better hurry, okay?"
As Ivar just nods, his beaming smile never fading, Floki adds, tilting his head, "and now, go get ready, young Padawan, you have a party to attend!"
Sitting on a bench at the seaside, Ivar watches the party from afar, a feeling of uneasiness tightening his chest. It was a mistake. Attending to this party was a mistake. Despite the exoskeleton, despite the fact that he walks almost normally, it was a mistake. He shouldn't have come. He shouldn't be here. Anxiety surges like the swell of a wave, and he struggles to breathe. Sigurd was right: he doesn't belong here, doesn't belong to this life.
A part of him wants to leave. It would be better to run away, to go hide in his room. But he won't. He can't. Because just a moment ago he saw you. Because he's not ready to give up on you now that he is here, eventually close to you.
He recognized you the moment his eyes fell on you. Looking radiant in a polka dot dress, you're as pretty as he remembers. Pretty? Who's he kidding? The girl you were six years ago was pretty. You're a woman now, and one of the most beautiful he's ever seen.
Glowing, smiling at everyone, you didn't even see him. In his head, of course, he makes plans to approach you, even if deep down, he knows all too well he'll never muster enough courage to talk to you. You probably wouldn't want him to anyway. After all, he may be standing tall today, yet he's still a freak, a fucking cripple. He's still cursed with his bony, twisted, useless legs. He's still a burden.
Yet, there's this little voice inside of him, barely audible, whispering that you're not like this, that you never were in the first place; and that's partly why the ten-year-old boy he was when he first met you felt drawn to you almost instantly.
Closing his eyes, he focuses on his breathing and decides to take a little trip down memory lane, bringing him back to that sunny, summer day of his first – and only – encounter with you. His memory so vivid it's like it happened only yesterday.
He can't hear the chirping of birds as his brothers are loudly playing and bickering in the pool. His beloved mother is nowhere to be seen and he's willing to bet she's taking a nap, but not without first making sure he has everything he could possibly need. Lying on a sunbed in the shade of an oak, a glass of lemonade within reach and a thick book on his lap, he hardly notices his father coming into the backyard, Harald Hårfager following close behind.
Since Ivar knows Harald is here to talk business with his father, he pays no attention to the two men, who take their seats at the patio dining table.
He nearly falls off the sunbed when a tiny voice startles him. "Hello!"
Stunned, he turns his head towards the voice and comes face to face with a smiling girl he doesn't know. You. He'd say you're about his age.
"I'm Y/N," you tell him, waving your hand shyly. "I'm at my uncle's for the weekend," you keep going, pointing your finger at Harald, "and I was wondering... May I join you?" You finally ask, dragging a second sunbed closer to his.
His first instinct is to look around, because you can't possibly be talking to him. Why would you? Surely you can't have failed to spot his leg braces, nor his hideous orthopedic shoes. You can't have missed that he's a cripple.
Frowning as he sees that no one is around, he snorts, his nostrils flaring. He can tell you're wearing a swimsuit under your pink dress. What do you want, then? Are you here to mock and ridicule him or what?
"You better get in the pool with my brothers." He knows he sounds rude, not answering nor greeting you, but he doesn't care. He doesn't want to be made fun of and doesn't intend to give you the chance to do it.
Seemingly undeterred, you speak with a soft voice. "No, I'd rather not." Your smile is so genuine he can't help but think you mean no harm. "Actually," you shrug, sitting next to him, "I'd rather stay here with you, if you don't mind. What are you reading?"
Gobsmacked, he just looks at you – and gods, how pretty you are! – for a long time, unable to utter a single word. Are you truly interested in what he's reading? Interested in him? He swallows hard, his heart racing. A small smile dancing on your lips, your kind eyes never leave his as you wait, full of hope, for him to finally talk to you.
And that's what he ends up doing, almost in spite of himself. For the next two hours, he shows you his astronomy book, a gift from his godfather for his tenth birthday, and tells you about the stars, the constellations and the nights he spends watching the sky, when his mother allows him to. And for two hours you listen to him, asking a question here or there and always smiling. He's pretty sure you're not faking being interested in what he's saying.
All too soon, your uncle tells you it's time to go and you stand up with a scowl, letting out a sigh of regret. The next moment, you flash Ivar a grin. "I had a really great time with you, thanks! I'm going back to my mom's tomorrow but I hope we can spend time together again sometime, maybe next summer. I'd love to stargaze with you, you know?" With that, you lean forward and as your lips touch his cheek, Ivar's breath catches in his throat, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest.
Ivar inhales deeply. That kiss... That's when he fell madly and hopelessly in love with you. If he concentrates enough, he can still feel the softness of your lips against his skin, still smell your sweet, flowery scent.
That day, he had watched you leave with a smile on your face, already dreaming of the day he would see you again. You had said "next summer" and even though it was a long time away, he was willing to wait. In the meantime, he would have plenty of memories to recall - your joyful voice, your sparkling eyes, your lovely smile... Sure, he could wait.
And he had waited, hopeful and happier than he had been in a long time.
Not long after, however, his life had been turned upside down, his father being murdered and his mother dying in a car crash. Lost, angry, broken, and infinitely sad, he had gone through the following months as if anesthetized - barely living, hardly functioning, sometimes feeling as if the memory of you was the only thing keeping him from drowning.
Yet, and he doesn't know why – or perhaps simply because Ragnar being dead, Harald had no reason to visit anymore – he had never seen you again.
His whole body freezes and he stops breathing. This voice... Your voice... He'd know it anywhere. Yet, it can't be, right? Did he fall asleep? Is he dreaming? Is one of his brothers tricking him? Why would you talk to the cripple?
"My name is Y/N." He can hear the smile in your voice. "I was wondering... May I join you?"
Summoning the courage he's not sure he has, Ivar looks tentatively toward you.
Gods! You're even more beautiful up close. Fuck. Now that you're here, right next to him, he doesn't know what to say, what to do. Panic seizes his hammering heart as a lump rises in his throat. He attempts to swallow around it to speak, to say something, anything, but the words won't come out and he finally just nods, his hand gesturing to the bench for you to sit on.
"Thanks," you give him a broad smile before taking your seat.
Ivar cannot believe his eyes. What are you doing? Did you recognize him? Why are you here, with him?
"Woul–", he sputters, struggling to find his voice, "Wouldn't you rather be there?" Pointing his index finger at the crowd gathered in front of the makeshift stage just a few meters away. He frowns, tilting his head, "the party is in full swing."
"No, I'd rather not." You shrug and as you turn your head toward him, he breathes in your sweet scent, suddenly feeling dizzy. "The guys are already drunk and really have one thing on their minds. And those who are not are boring." You lower your gaze, as if embarrassed, and it's so adorable Ivar feels like his heart is melting. "I'd rather stay here with you, if you don't mind."
Oh, he doesn't. He doesn't mind at all. The truth is, there's a fucking firework inside of him, and he barely contains the screams of happiness that threaten to escape his lips. "That's okay, you can stay," he says instead, his fidgeting fingers dancing on his lap.
Over the next hour or so, the conversation flows easily as you speak about Karasjok, the small town where you live, telling him about your mother's people, the Sami, their culture and customs.
Ivar shares with you bits and pieces of his life too, speaking about his passion for the Viking culture and about his belief in the ancient gods. The night, his night, is full of your laughs, full of your smiles, full of you. He wants it to never end.
He's still trying to figure out if you know who he is, if you remember meeting him once when you rise to your feet, almost bouncing with enthusiasm. "Walk with me, will you?"
He's about to break the truth about his inability to walk when he remembers that actually, thanks to Floki, he can. His eyes never leave yours as he grabs his cane with a little bit of self-consciousness, wincing as he stands up, but he can't see disgust, contempt, or disappointment on your face and your smile doesn't falter as you delicately slip your hand under his free arm, curling your fingers back over it. Shaken by your sudden proximity, Ivar feels goosebumps rising on his skin.
"It's such a lovely night and I'm so happy spending it with you."
Your words leave him speechless as you lead him close to the water. A bunch of guys can be seen in the distance and Ivar is pretty sure his brothers are among them. He can feel their heavy stares on him and doesn't need to hear them to know what they're saying. "Who's this dude? Do we know him?" Standing tall, with his braided hair and a blue suit, he knows he doesn't look like himself. Yet, as he locks eyes with Hvitserk for a second, he'd sworn he sees a hint of recognition crossing his brother's face. And as the latter gives him a thumbs up, he knows his mind is not playing tricks with him.
"Oh, I love this song!" You clap your hands twice before shrugging shyly. "Let's dance, please!"
Ivar's heart breaks. Scared out of his wits, he swallows hard, his breathing uneven. "I... I can't." It's a painful admission, and he wishes the ground would just swallow him up.
He realizes you pay no mind to his defeated tone, though, as you grab his cane, leaning it against a nearby tree. "We'll go slow, I promise."
Almost in spite of himself, he places his hands on your hips as you wrap your arms around his neck. Gently – cautiously – swaying to the music, Ivar leans in close and, inhaling deeply your delightful scent, he feels like he's going to spontaneously combust. Your head resting on his chest, he's sure you can hear his frantic, pounding heartbeat. But he can't bring himself to care, not when you're finally exactly where he wants you to be. In his arms.
That's why he doesn't hear the first beep, or if he does, he doesn't pay any attention, entranced by your beauty, your kindness and the mesmerizing color of your eyes.
But when you stop dancing, your eyebrows raised, "What's that beeping noise? It doesn't stop," he hears it too, cold sweats washing over him as panic courses through his body.
"I... I must... I must go," he stammers, and honestly he's about to throw up. He can't think, can't speak. All he knows is that he doesn't want you seeing him crawling around. He won't allow it. He can't.
That's why he leaves. He just strolls off. He doesn't see the appalled look you're giving him, doesn’t' realize he's leaving his black cane behind, doesn't hear the despair in your tone as you shout, "wait, please! I don't even know your name!"
He has only taken a few steps when crocodile tears run down his cheeks, blurring his sight. It hurts so much he could scream, and he can barely breathe as the realization starts to sink in. Who was he trying to fool? Sigurd had been right all along. No matter the exoskeleton, no matter the genius of his godfather, he's still a freak. A monster. An abnormality.
He doesn't belong. He's not worthy.
His heart shatters in a thousand pieces.
Ivar's taglist: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @adrille88
Ivarello's taglist: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @hashimily @prepare4trouble @supernaturalvikingwhore @funmadnessandbadassvikings @heavenly1927 @dini73
113 notes · View notes
abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Down The Rabbit Hole, Chapter 4
Word Count:  4.2k
Warnings:  none really
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We stayed up until 4 AM watching the Batman movies. I'd fallen asleep on the couch, my head in Abed's lap. When I looked up at him, he was awake, re-watching one of the films, "you haven't been up long, have you?"
He shrugged, "I've watched one of the films."
"What time is it?"
"A little past noon."
"NOON?" I all but yelled, I sat up and started trying to pull myself together, "Why didn't you wake me up, Abed?"
"We needed a day to ourselves," he said without missing a beat, "You've been so exhausted these past few weeks. You're running yourself into the ground. So, I let you sleep through your alarms."
I pushed myself into a sitting position. His hoodie was wrapped around me, "Why didn't you move me? I must have fallen asleep like that."
"You did," he shrugged, "but I didn't want to move you. You looked so peaceful and happy. I didn't want that to go away."
"You couldn't have been comfortable though."
"I'll live," he smiled, shrugging off the statement, "anyways. If I were in a TV show, the guy always makes sure the girl is taken care of and comfortable."
"Abed,"I cooed, “that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”
He was too sweet.
"We should probably get going though. I have to get some footage of Britta and Jeff for my film, and you need to get your grading done and turn it in to Professor Duncan and Professor Slater."
"Thank you," I said softly, “you’re right…I did need it.”
"You’re welcome. I gotta get going. See you tonight in the study room." He gave me another warm smile and he made his way out of his dorm, not even bothering to change clothes. I stood up and started making my way back to my dorm. After a quick shower and heading back to turn the papers into both professors I worked for, I saw Britta and Jeff arguing on the quad.
"Tawney, I haven't seen you all day," Shirley said, coming up to me. I nearly jumped ten feet out of my skin, “where have you been?”
"Sorry, I was hanging out with a friend, and I lost track of time," I admitted, only telling a half truth, “it was much needed though.”
"You lost track of time alright," she giggled, "sweetie you missed Spanish and Science class. What's his name?"
She laughed even more, "you met a guy, right?"
I felt a blush creep onto my face, "no."
"Ohhhh," she giggled. She grabbed my arm and started leading me to the library, "tell me everything pumpkin."
"There's nothing to tell," I lied, "I was hanging out with a friend, and I fell asleep at their dorm..."
"Did you?"
"Did I what?"
"You know," she giggled in an excited tone, "Sleep with him?"
"I fell asleep on his lap when we were watching movies," I admitted, feeling like a schoolgirl talking about something so romantic. Her giggle fell but she still had a hopeful smile, "I woke up this morning and he'd turned off my alarms. Said I looked peaceful, and he didn't want to ruin that."
"That's it?"
Shirley stopped us at the entrance to the study room where Annie was talking with Troy.
"Is there supposed to be more?"
"Oh baby." she sighed, shaking her head. She walked into the room letting me feel alone.
Was there supposed to be more?  Did I mess something up with me and Abed?
I walked into the room and was greeted by Annie and Troy as they studied for another subject together.
Pierce came in shortly after, and then we were joined by Abed, and finally Jeff and Britta. I looked around the room, not entirely sure on what to do. I tried to get into a conversation with Annie, but she and Troy seemed to have their own little jokes. Shirley kept shaking her head at me every time I looked at her, and Abed wouldn't meet my gaze.
"You okay today?" Jeff asked, in a quiet tone. Everyone else was so absorbed in their conversations they didn't seem to notice he was talking to me.
"Just feeling kind of off," I admitted, “it’s been a weird day.”
He gave me a sympathetic smile, "whatever it is, I'm sure you'll be okay."
"PIZZA'S HERE!" Abed yelled, as the pizza guy came in and sat a large box down in front of us. Troy immediately reached into it as Abed paid the delivery guy.
"Thanks for the pizza, Abed," Troy grinned, "I was starving."
"It's like a picnic," Shirley added, “this is so nice.”
"Or a family dinner."
"It's a study group and pizza," Jeff said in an annoyed tone, "let's not get carried away."
"Are you okay?" I asked in a low tone. He shrugged. Britta cleared her throat loudly and looked at Jeff.
"So Abed, how's film class?"
"Yeah?" Jeff asked, "Did you go to class today?"
I felt a pang in my stomach. I knew the answer. He had stayed in his dorm with me sleeping on his lap. That had caused him to miss his 11 AM film class.
"Not really."
"Not really?" Jeff asked, "Well Britta is paying for those classes. Don't you think maybe you should go?"
"I was shooting my movie for class," Abed said, as if that was an acceptable reason for not going to class,”that makes it okay!”
"Yeah but your movie is for class," Britta said, refuting his argument, “shouldn’t you at least go to it?”
"My movie is more important!"
"Did someone order seven lattes?"
We all looked to the door to see Kevin, one of Vaughn's friends, and a guy who worked at the café, with a bunch of lattes.
"I got that!"
"No, you don't got that Abed," Britta said, in a clearly distressed tone, "I got it. I got everything. What is wrong with you? All I want to do is take care of you. I know you are not stupid. Are you doing this on purpose? Why won't you answer me?"
"This is the scene where you leave!" Abed said slowly.
"You better believe it!" she growled out. She grabbed her stuff and stormed out of the library.
"What do you think, dad?"
Jeff looked at him, "I think you are really weird, Abed...and I think the wrong person just left!"
Jeff got up to leave. Abed smiled, "perfect. That's a wrap."
Kevin looked at everyone, then to Abed, "That guy was your dad?"
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"I need your help," I admitted. Jeff looked at me from his spot in the cafeteria. His brow cocked and he looked amused, “and it’s important.”
"You, need my help?"
I nodded, biting my lip, "yeah."
"Well this should be good."
He moved his binder so that it was on his side of the table, and I sat down.
"Abed has been acting a little odd lately," I began, “well, odder than normal.”
"You know, you should let your hair down," Jeff said, ignoring what I said, "you always have it in a high and tight ponytail. It's kind of got the sexy librarian thing going, but you could amp it up...you know! Are you wearing thick black glasses ironically?"
"Jeff," I said, trying to get him on subject, "Abed?"
"Right," he laughed, "I just assumed that when you said you needed my help, you were trying to do one of those brains to beauties things."
"Wow..."I said, sucking in my cheeks, "I can see why we don't spend a lot of time together...thanks Jeff."
"Well, you wouldn't need to do much," He said, looking me over. By the looks of it, you've got a great body. Long slender legs, tiny waist. Great as-"
"Right," he said, changing whatever he was thinking about, "what about Abed?"
"His film...he's trying to get you guys to understand him," I said quickly, "I need you to get Britta and his dad in the same room."
"Why me?"
This time it was my turn to raise a brow at him, "really? Mr. 'I'm a fancy lawyer who can convince anyone to do anything' really needs a reason on why I'm asking for his help?"
"You have a point there," he smiled, “I am really good at that.”
I rolled my eyes at him, "will you help me or not?"
"Yeah," he laughed, "I guess so."
"Thank you. Abed is waiting in the library."
I got up and started to leave but Jeff caught up with me and grabbed my arm, "where are you going?"
"You're coming with me," he laughed, "no way am I doing this by myself."
"That's fair," I said with a shrug.  I don't know what I had expected when Abed asked me to get Jeff to help him, so I followed along. He let go of my arm and we started off towards the library where Abed was waiting.
"Hey," Abed said, not looking up from his computer, "Tawney convinced you to come?"
"Yeah," Jeff said, less than enthusiastic, "I even brought Tawney with me!"
He looked back, "I thought you had stuff to do."
"This is more important."
He smiled at me before looking back at his computer and continuing to edit. I sat on the table and waited with Jeff.
"Hey," he said after a moment, "you know that professor that you help out?"
He nodded, "yeah. Is she single?"
I laughed.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing," I said, stifling some more laughter, "just, she doesn't date students. And you're in one of her statistics classes."
"So, she's talked about me?"
I couldn't hold back the laughter anymore, as I shook my head, "no."
"Well, you just said you know I'm in one of her classes."
"Because I've graded your papers, Jeff."
"Wait, you grade my papers?"
"Sometimes," I said with a shrug. He got a hopeful look on his face, and I shut it down, "and before you say anything, no I won't go easy on you."
"And I thought we were friends," he said, shaking his head, “Some friend you are!”
"Hey," Britta smiled, coming into the room, “we’re here.”
"YOU LIED!" she said in an accusatory tone, after seeing Abed and myself in the room, "you don't really have tickets for Ravi Shenkar do you?"
"I think it's time you communicated."
"Communicate?" She all but yelled, "have you met Abed?"
"It's not the two of you that need to talk." He said, referencing how Mr. Nadir had walked in.
"HEY!" he growled, "wait a minute. Where's Weezer?"
"They're coming," Jeff lied, "Now the only reason this whole mess got started is because both of you wanted what's best for Abed. And I think that the lesson we can all take away from this is that everyone should always do whatever they want and leave each other out of it."
"Is that your take?" Mr. Nadir asked, "Let me give you mine. You, and your pillow lipped girlfriend got all up in my stuff because you wanted to be cowboys. And then you turned chicken when you found out it would take more than speeches and guided missiles. "
"Interesting," Jeff said, cocking his head to the side, "I didn't see the Iraq metaphor."
"What metaphor?" Mr. Nadir roared, "I'm talking about your speeches and her guide-"
The entire time he was making a gesture to breasts and fake squeezing them. Jeff cut him off, "Got it. The point is that Britta is sorry, right?"
"Abed may not be a good film maker but that doesn't mean he wants to make falafel," Britta said quickly, "you need to let him make his own decisions."
"Make his own decisions?" He asked, "Have you met Abed? You know who he is?"
"I'm finished," Abed said interrupting the three of them. He got up and began pointing at the chairs, "Britta, Jeff, Dad."
They looked at him, and then one another. Britta and Jeff started going towards their seats, and Mr. Nadir stood in place.
When Mr. Nadir started heading towards the chair I walked over to the screen as well. The lights went off and Abed ran back to the computer screen to press play. Then he grabbed my hand. I looked at him, and my heart fluttered.
He gave me a look that I could only describe as unsure. He was nervous.
I gently squeezed his hand and tried to give him the most reassuring look that I could. His face softened enough to let a smile squeak through.
My heart fluttered as he turned back to the three people who was watching the short film he made.
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"Well it's not exactly citizen kane," Jeff whispered to Britta. But it wasn't the reaction Abed was watching. He was staring at his father, Mr. Nadir, who's face was stained with tears, “Seriously?  He’s buying this?”
The two men exchanged words in Arabic and hugged.
"I'm feeling a little out of the loop here."
"My son is hard to understand," Mr. Nadir said to Britta and Jeff, "If making movies helps him be understood then I pay for the classes."
He put a hand on Abed's shoulder and started walking towards the door. When he turned around, he was pointing at Abed, "Falafel as a fallback."
Abed nodded, and Mr. Nadir left. Britta reached out to him, and Abed dropped my hand.
"Did you do all of that to me on purpose?" she asked, "that's not a very nice way to treat your friends."
"Well Britta, it isn't called friend business," he said very matter of fact, "It's called show business."
"Is that a-" Britta started, but Jeff stopped her from speaking.
He pulled a cigarette out and took my hand, "you ready to go?"
I nodded, and with a smile we headed out of the library.
"Abed you forgot your laptop!"
"It'll be there tomorrow."
"You also don't smoke."
"It's fake," he said with a chuckle. He threw the cigarette into the first garbage can we saw, and he stopped on the steps, "would it be too cliché if I kissed you right here? Statistically speaking, after a win, the hero always gets the girl. And then they kiss before the end of the episode."
"I uh-"I began, not entirely sure how to break the news to him.
He nodded, and without a second thought, he dropped my hand, "I'm sorry. I must have misread the social cues. I thought you were interested in me. You pulled all the punches. Hit every mark. I jus-"
"I've never kissed anyone!"
"Excuse me?" he asked, stopping his monologue on a dime.
"I've never kissed anyone before," I blurted out a second time. I felt my face heating up at the admission. My heart started racing. I had just admitted that I've never been close enough to anyone to actually kiss them.
"So, you are interested in me then?  You just are afraid to kiss me because you've never kissed anyone?"
I nodded. I wasn't able to find the words at the current moment in time.
He nodded, seeming to understand me, "We don't have to if you don't want to. I've never kissed anyone either. It just seemed like the right timing in the episode that we-"
He began. But I cut him off.  I reached inside of myself for every ounce of courage I had, and I pulled him towards me by his shirt. Our lips met.
It was clear neither one of us had any idea what we were doing, but we went with it. A first kiss. My first kiss. Our first kiss. And it was with one another.
My hands let go of his shirt, and my fingertips rested on his chest. Our breathing synched up, and then our lips followed. It felt amazing.  I felt an undeniable blush creep along my cheeks and down my neck when I pulled away.
We both stared at one another for a few minutes. Slowly, our breathing both went back to normal.
"I think that the guy is supposed to kiss the girl in those situations."
I couldn't help but giggle at his response.
"I'll keep that in mind next time," I replied, “you know…if there is a next time.”
He smiled.
I mirrored him.
"Please don't," he answered, “keep that in mind that is…I-I’d like to do that again.”
I felt my heart flutter as he said that.
"Hey, do you want to come over tomorrow after study group?"
He nodded, "I'd like that."
"Cool, cool cool," he replied.
I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, then made my way back to my dorm. Feeling like I was on cloud nine.  And it was all because of Abed.  I was pulled from my happy daydreams when I saw my dorm room was open. Inside was Britta Perry. She had the same dreamy look I did.
"You kissed someone!" she accused.
"So did you!"
"Tell me," she said, rushing for gossip, "I wanna know everything!"
"You first!"
"Nope," she laughed, "anyways, mine is stupid."
She patted my bed and I fell back onto it, fully engaged to my dreamy thoughts, "I kissed Abed."
"Wait, what?" she asked. I opened my eyes, and her own were wide as saucers, "You and Abed kissed?"
"Yeah," I admitted, "who would have ever thought. But Abed took my first kiss. It was like a whir-"
"Wait, your first kiss?"
I nodded.
She began to laugh. I felt nausea rising up from the pit of my stomach.
"You're 20 years old, Tawney. You've never been kissed before tonight?"
I shook my head. She began laughing more.
I got up off my bed, feeling more self conscious than I'd ever felt in my life.  I moved towards the door and opened it, "I think you should leave Britta, I'm not in the mood for company."
"Oh come on," she said, getting up. She began to stifle her own laughter, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have laughed. It's just so hard to believe that you just now are having your first kiss. You're so pretty."
"No I'm not," I said, shaking my head, "there's a reason why I hadn't had my first kiss before...but I don't want to talk about it anymore. If you're staying a while, tell me what happened with you." 
She nodded, then sat me back down on my bed, "you'll make fun of me." 
"I won't." 
She sighed, then took a deep breath, "You know how Jeff was gonna flunk Whitmans' class?"
I nodded, "yeah. Professor Whitman said he had to seize the day. That guy is a complete crazy coot."
"I kissed Jeff."
"I kissed Jeff Winger."
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"Come on, Tawney," Vaughn pleaded, "You have to help me out with that blue-eyed goddess. She's like a wild wave running along a beaches coast."
"Wow Vaughn," I said, laughing "while your anologies hit me to my very soul, I can't do that. But she knows who you are. Just talk to her. You're a good-looking guy. You wouldn't have any problems."
"You really think so?"
I nodded, "Yeah."
"But if you help me out, she'd definitely say yes," he said quickly, "come on. I turned in that last assignment on time."
"Are you saying that if I hook you up with Britta you'll turn in all of your assignments for your class?"
"Exactly," he said with a smile, "That."
"You realize that if you don't turn your assignments in it's just hurting you right?"
"Woah," Kevin said, dropping the hacky sack, "are you just gonna let Vaughn hurt himself like that, Tawney?"
"No," I said quickly, eyes wide. Last thing I needed would be a bunch of stoner hippies thinking I would ever let Vaughn do anything to hurt himself, “no…I would never…”
Vaughn smiled, "so you'll help me out?"
I sighed, "sure."
"You are most definitely not a b," Vaughn said, putting an arm around me, "you are a good soul, Tawney Cat."
"Tawney Cat?"
He smiled, and looked at Kevin, "Good person alert, right here."
"YEAH!" Kevin said, holding his hand out for a high five. I obliged him, and the rest of the guys in his clique cheered.
"There she is," I said with a smirk, "she's into super laid back guys. Just say hi."
"Cool," Vaughn said nodding along. He turned towards her, "Britta! Hey. What's up?"
I could see her light up from the sidewalk, "hey Vaughn! How's it going?"
"No worries!"
Jeff and Britta began turning back towards one another, and Vaughn hugged me rather excitedly, "oh my gosh man, it worked."
"Told ya so," I laughed, "I gotta go to class with Britta."
"Alright. Catch ya lates, Tawney."
"Later, Vaughn. Bye Kevin. Marco. Sam!"
"Lates," they chorused, “Peace!”
I walked up to Britta. Jeff had walked off when I got close, but Britta was staring at me and her eyes were wide, "oh my god, you know Vaughn!"
"He cozies up to me because I keep him on track for his Psych class with Professor Duncan."
"You have to spill everything about him," she smiled, "he's so hot."
"Didn't you just kiss Winger the other night?"
"Jeff?" she asked. I nodded and she shook her head, "that was nothing. I was helping him get an A in Whitman's class. Hey I didn't see you in Spanish today. Where were you?"
"Had to run errands for Slater and Duncan. Gave an excuse to Senor Chang. Did I miss anything fun?"
"Well, someone gave him a bad eval, so that lunatic checked it against everyone's hand writing from tests," she replied. My eyes went wide. She nodded, "yeah. We think it was Annie."
"Geez," I muttered, "Well did you at least have fun with Jeff?"
She rolled her eyes, "he doesn't want to walk with Shirley to class so he waited for me. He got kind of upset though when he found out we had to stop walking because we're going to our class, and his is in another direction."
"What's wrong with Shirley?"
"I don't know," she sighed, "I think she's kind of nice."
I shrugged, and we made our way to class.
"So any new developments with you and Abed?"
I felt a new wave of heat creeping up my cheeks, "no."
"You are lying so bad," Britta laughed, "and anyways, Abed is acting weirder than normal too. Did you guys make out more?"
"No," I said, telling the truth, "I invited him over and we watched a few movies then fell asleep."
"You two just fell asleep?" she asked. "You guys didn't hook up or anything."
I shook my head, "you realize I wasn't joking when I told you Abed was my first kiss the other day, right?"
"I really can't believe that still, Tawney," she said quickly, "Abed, the same guy who used me and Jeff to mimic his parents for a film? The same guy who always references television as real life."
"I think it's kind of adorable that he does that," I admitted, "I mean everyone needs a way to cope with life. Reality really sucks sometimes. I remember being a teenager and in high school. Guys would always pass me up. Hell for my prom a few years ago, when I finally had the courage to ask a guy in my class. You know what he did? He said 'no thanks.' Then he asked if he could have the tickets for the girl he had a crush on."
"Tawney!" she sighed, "that's so terrible."
"And I felt so embarrassed, I just gave him the tickets anyways. I skipped out on my senior prom. I was pretty much invisible. I was Annie, but without the Adderall!"
"Well, no girl should ever have to feel like that," Annie said, jumping into the conversation. I nearly jumped out of my skin, “ever!”
"Oh my god, Annie I'm so so-"
"No," she said, holding a hand up, "I know what that's like Tawney. No girl should ever have to feel like we did. I mean I never had a story like that in high school... but that's probably because I dropped out by then."
I felt myself getting more and more embarrassed by the second. I didn't want to be in this discussion, but somehow it had happened.
"What you need is a good old-fashioned makeover," Annie said, rather excitedly, "We can go to the mall, and the salon. It'll be a lot of fun."
"Oh yeah," Britta said, less than enthusiastically, "let's throw a new coat of paint on you. Is that all you think she is? Some mindless pleasure-bot?"
They both looked at me.
"I don't...I don't feel comfortable with any of this. I mean, sure I didn't get attention in high school or anything...but I'm with Abed now, and he seems to like me just the way I am."
"Wait, you're with Abed?" Annie asked. I felt the color drain from my face.Abed hadn't technically asked me to be his girlfriend or anything. So we weren't technically together...we'd just kissed. And hung out.
"I...I don't..." I stuttered, “I mean…”
Chapter 5
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rumor has it [1/2] • jung hoseok
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plot — your best kept secret comes out and it becomes a hot topic around your university. it also brings you and hoseok closer.
words — 3.5K
You are going to lose it.
Seriously. The next person who asks you if the rumor is true, Lord help them, you are going to go bat-shit crazy on them.
You also swore off drinking indefinitely because if you hadn't been so inebriated, you would have taken another shot instead of telling the truth. Well, maybe not because it was because of drinking shots that you ended up in this mess in the first place.
So, yeah, drinking was out of the picture for the moment.
In all honesty, you weren't embarrassed about it. About still being a virgin. You made your choice a long time ago, and you choose to stick by it. You didn't want a perfect first time, or to wait until marriage, but you want to be comfortable with the person and you want it to feel right. You've never felt that with anyone before.
And if that made you a prude in the eyes of society, well then they can go fuck themselves for all you care. You'll wait until the time is right.
You looked up, to see where your feet had taken you and was it was in the Quad. It was just a large patch of grass with picnic tables place in it. For either eating or studying or just taking a break.
You sat down at a table, and barely twenty seconds after you sat down, three guys approached you. The one in the middle opened his mouth, "Hey! Y/N, is it true?"
You sincerely hoped it wasn't what you think it was, so you decided to give the idiot the benefit of the doubt. "Is what true?"
"That you're a virgin. I wanted to know if it's true, that's all." He said with a dirty smirk, making no secret of the fact that he was trying to check you out - the picnic table hid most of your body so it didn't work as well as he hoped.
"Yes, it's true." You snapped, voice harsh as the last of your patience swiftly ran out. "Rumor also has it you're an insensitive moron. So glad we could both confirm the running gossip. Now fuck off."
The guy scoffed, "Now wonder you're still a virgin. No one likes an uptight bitch."
"Now wonder you're still single. No one likes an stupid dick." You smirked up at him, watching in amusement as he stalked off with his two friends that looked a little embarrassed.
Ah, how you love using people's own words against them. Nothing makes a person angrier than that. It's really amusing too.
There was two more incidents - two girls that were curious, and one guy who offered his experience to you. Ugh.
Your stomach dropped when you saw the next person who approached you because you actually like this guy.
"Oh, not you, too, Hoseok." You groaned when you saw him, dropping your head down on your books.
"What?" Hoseok asked, bewildered, as he slid into the seat opposite you.
You peaked at him, cheek laying on your books, "Aren't you here to find out if the rumor is true and then mock me and judge me?"
"What rumor?" He asked, a little confused, as you sat upright. You just gave him a flat look and waited. You saw the dots connect in his mind. "Right. That rumor."
"Yeah." You gave him a humorless smile.
Hoseok shook his head, expression gentle as he looked at you. "Well, no. I'm not. One, it's none of my business. And two, it'd be hypocritical if I judged you."
"Why would it-" You cut yourself off as realisation set in, your eyes widened in disbelief as you inhaled sharply. "No way."
Hoseok laughed, his face lighting up and dimples on display, "It's true."
"I don't believe it." You laughed in disbelief. Hoseok had to be pulling your leg.
"Believe it." He nodded.
"You? Seriously?" You couldn't wrap your head around it.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He frowned at you.
"I don't mean anything by it, it's just . . ." You paused for a moment, gathering your thoughts and then settled with your default setting: brutal honesty. "Well, to be perfectly honest, you're like a wet dream come to life and it's a little hard to believe."
Hoseok's cheeks flushed and a satisfied warmth stirred in your belly, "I, uh, I've never wanted to. I mean, I've had girlfriends before but never enough to want to take them to bed."
"Now that, I understand. I've had two boyfriends and both of them I dropped when they kept pressuring me for more and I didn't want too." You told Hoseok who nodded along with what you said.
"Yeah, I know right. I mean, one of my ex-girlfriends accused me of not loving her." Hoseok actually pouted a bit as he spoke. You giggled at the sight, endeared by him. "She was right thought, I didn't love her. I liked her a lot, but it wasn't love. I don't think I've ever been in love. Not really." He looked at you. "Have you ever been in love?"
"I don't know." You admitted. "I mean, how do you know when you love someone? It's not like you can measure it."
"That's a fair question. I mean, I guess it's something you just know. Like, when you listen to a song and you know you love it after listening to it once. Maybe it's like that." Hoseok said and then suddenly he looked down, seeming embarrassed. "Sorry, you probably think that's dumb."
"No, no, not at all. I think it kind of fits." You said hastily, not wanting him draw the wrong conclusions. "I actually understand what you said more than when someone tries to tells me about how sometimes love is fate or destiny or written in the stars." You pulled a face.
Hoseok laughs and it makes you laugh back.
"Did you want something?" You asked him, when you both calmed down, still smiling.
"Huh?" He asked, clearly a little confused. You thought he looks adorable.
"You came over here," You reminded him. "I assume it was to ask or tell me something."
"Oh yeah." Hoseok's cheeks flushed again as realisation lit in his eyes. "I just wanted you to know that Jae is adjusting nicely to the classes."
A smile automatically spread on your lips at the mention of your nine year old sister. She recently started hip-hop classes and that was actually how you met Hoseok, he's her teacher. One afternoon your mother asked you to pick her up after practice and you and Hoseok talked a bit, and you found out that you go to the same university but just different major's. His is dance and yours is business.
"I'm glad." You smiled wider at him. "You didn't have to come all the way over here to tell me that though."
Hoseok let out a nervous laugh, rubbing at the nape of his neck as he looked at you shyly. "I also wanted to know if I can buy you a coffee sometime, maybe? I wanted to ask you out the day we met, I didn't think it would be appropriate, 'cause I was at work and all."
Now it was your turn to blush, pleasantly surprised by his offer. You had found yourself liking your sister's dance teacher, too, but you didn't know if he would say yes. And he wasn't some random guy could ask out and just forget if he says no.
You smiled, cheeks on fire as you looked at him. "Yeah, I'd like that."
"How does Saturday sound?" Hoseok asked excitedly and your stomach dropped.
"I can't, sorry." You told him, watching as his face fell. "Not because I don't want too. It's just, I promised my mom I'd spend the whole Saturday with her and my sister because according to her she doesn't see me enough." You hurried to explain.
Hoseok smiled again and your heart lifted, "Okay, how about Sunday afternoon?"
You don't think you've ever nodded so fast in your life. "Yes, that's perfect."
That Saturday when you went home, your mom squinted at you as you hopped on the kitchen counter as she made breakfast. "What is going on with you?"
"Nothing." You smiled innocently at your mother. She's been giving you looks since you arrived.
"Am I suppose to believe that all this smiling and the happy sparkle in your eyes is from nothing?" She asked, raising a brow. You decided to tell her because you and your mom have always been close. And you've been wanting to tell someone who won't tease you about Hoseok. Your best friends Minji and Jamie does that enough. You also wanted to tell her before she finds out by herself. You would never live it down.
"I'll tell you, but I don't want you to make a big deal out of this, okay, mom?" You said, grinning excitedly.
Her curiousity effectively peaked, your mom nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, I won't. Promise."
"Okay, so, there's this guy I really, really like and we're going out tomorrow." You gushed, barely holding in a squeal as your cheeks hurt from smiling so wide.
Your mother gasped, a smile of joy spreading on his lips. "Oh, oh! This is wonderful news. Who is this young man that's managed to capture your attention? Is he nice? I hope he's not a troublemaker like your second boyfriend. Why, I heard the other day that he got arrested from breaking into someone's home. Can you believe that?"
You winced at the reminder of your second boyfriend. Not one of your proudest moments but you had a lot of fun with him. Right up until he wanted to get into your pants. The relationship went downhill pretty quick after you said no.
"I can't say I'm surprised." You admitted, because he always liked to skirt at the edge of the law, it was only a matter of time before he broke it. Luckily you got away before it went that far.
"Enough about him, though. Tell me about this boy of yours." Your mom pushed with glittering eyes.
You cheeks flushed, "Well, he's not mine yet, mom. And it's just a coffee date."
"Tell me his name then." She prodded hopefully.
You gave her a sheepish smile, "I can't, sorry."
"Why not?" She frowned.
"Because you know him." Now you smirked at her, knowing she'll drive herself crazy, trying to figure out who he is.
You couldn't remember the last time you were this nervous.
Oh, no, wait. You could. It was right before you went to get your final results for high school. You didn't sleep that night and you barely slept Saturday night. Falling asleep early Sunday morning and sleeping until finally your alarm woke you up at 11:00AM.
You immediately started getting ready. You took a shower, used a hairdyer for the first time this year (air-drying is much easier and more fun) before taking a hair straightner to your unruly mop of curls. You picked a nice outfit but decided to forego make-up. That would be too over the top for you.
Your phone buzzed with a text a little after 03:00PM.
You smiled widely when you saw who it was. You and Hoseok had exchanged numbers after he asked you out and kept in touch over the last week.
See you in a bit.
Can't wait!
You walked to the cafe you two agreed to meet at, nervous but also excited. You entered the cafe and heard your name being called by a familiar voice.
A smile automatically spread on your lips as you walked to the table where Hoseok was waving from. You couldn't even find it in yourself to care about the people staring at you. He stands up when you arrive at the table and goes to pull out your chair but you wave him off with a smile.
"Hey, I'm not late, right?" You asked with a nervous smile.
Hoseok shakes his head, beaming at you. "Nope, I'm early."
You looked at the time on your phone and smiled. 03:24PM. You're both early then. Sure, only six minutes, but it's a good sign, right?
"How've you been?" You ask as you pushed your phone into the back pocket of your jeans.
"Good. I actually caught up on some overdue work, yesterday. You?"
"I'm fine. It was nice spending time with my mom and my sister."
The waitress comes up to your table with a notebook. "Are you ready to order?"
Hoseok's sunny grin dims a bit. "I forgot to give her the menu."
"It's okay." You laughed brightly. "I come here often, so I know what I want." You assured him, then looked at the waitress. "I'd like a bubblegum milkshake and a big chocolate muffin."
"Okay," The waitress nods, repeating your order as she writes and you confirm it. She turns at Hoseok, "And for you?"
"I'd like a hazelnut latte and a waffle with peppermint and chocolate ice cream." He orders. You both wait until the waitress leaves before resuming your conversation.
"Interesting choice. The hot with the cold." You grin at him.
"Mmn, I didn't take you for having a sweet tooth."
You froze for a bit because normally you don't have a sweet tooth, not really, but it's not like you could tell him you're having pre-period cravings.
"Depends on my mood." You said instead, and it was the truth. You ate whatever you were in the mood for in general, not just when you are on your period. But you also like salty food more than sweet, but whenever you crave something sweet, it's usually because of your monthly gift from Eve.
Hoseok nods, accepting the answer. He tilts his head at you, "How's your mom and sister?"
"Well, my sister is an adorable little pain in the ass like always and my mom is starting a list of all the guys she knows, but overall they're good." You told him, laughing a bit as you spoke.
"Do I want to know?" He looked at you, equal parts curious and wary.
"I don't know, do you?" You asked teasingly, smiling at him, wiggling your eyes brows.
He thought for a moment, "Yeah, I do."
"It's nothing bad. I just told my mom about our date, and when she asked for your name, I told her that I can't tell her because she knows you."
Hoseok frowned ever so slightly, "Why didn't you want to tell her?"
"Because I don't want her to bombard you with personal questions until we figure out where we want this to go." You explained, gesturing between the two of you with your index finger.
Hoseok's eyes twinkled with mischief and laughter as he asked, "Ah, so she can ask me the personal questions after we start dating then?"
"Oh, yeah," You nodded, liking the idea of dating Hoseok all too much. "You'll have to prepare yourself to answer anything from what your first word was, to what brand and colour underwear you wear."
Hoseok burst out laughing and you smiled as you watch him. You like the way he laughs, unrestrained and so fully. It makes you feel warm inside.
You talk about this and that until your order arrives. Technically it was dessert, rather than food but eh, neither of you minded. And this was supposed to be a coffee date. It was already better than you two planned.
"Jung Hoseok." You called him seriously, after you finished eating your muffin, fiddling with the straw of your milkshake.
He sobered up, looking a little startled, "Yeah?"
"I adore you." You said, giving him a soft, slow smile.
His cheeks flushed and you realised you like making him blush.
Hoseok looked at you, eyes serious despite his red cheeks. "I really like you, Y/N."
Blood rushed to your cheeks and your heart picked up its pace. You looked down, sipping on your melting milkshake. When both of you were done eating and finished drinking, you ordered another milkshake and Hoseok ordered another latte.
Neither of you were ready to go home yet.
"So, why dance?" You asked him somewhere after your third milkshake, curious.
"I've always found it easier to express myself with my body rather than words." He shrugged, looking a little shy. "It's my greatest passion. When I'm dancing, I'm free."
"I'd like to watch you dance sometime. If you don't mind."
"Yeah, sure. I don't mind." Hoseok shook his head. "Why business?" He asked in return.
"Promise you won't laugh?" You asked first, looking at him seriously.
"I promise."
"And you can't tell anyone and I'll know if you have because I haven't told anyone. Not even my mom, but I think she suspects."
"I won't." Hoseok swore, sitting a little straighter.
"I want to start my own shoe store. Originally I wanted to study something in a fashion direction, I like designing shoes, but the industry is tough to get into. So, I figured I'll start smaller and work my way up." You looked down at the table, fiddling with a serviette.
"Wow. That's like . . .your whole future planned out." Hoseok said, looking at you with wide eyes.
You snorted, "Not really. It's just a dream. It's going to take hard work to make it into a reality."
"You can do it. I believe in you." He said, so sincere that you had no choice but to believe him.
When you finally went home, it was dark and Hoseok walked you back to your dorm room. Halfway there, he brushed his hand against yours and when he slid his palm against yours, you happily entwined you'd fingers.
You opened your door and turned to him, ready to say something but he beat you to it.
"I had a really great time today." He said with that ever present sunny smile that made your heart sing when he directed it at you.
"Me too. It was much better than I expected." You said, only realising after his smile dropped how that might have sounded to him. "Not that I expected it to be bad, just a little awkward because you make me nervous. Really nervous. But it wasn't awkward at all. I was comfortable from the beginning."
"Oh." Hoseok breathed softly, and you could heard the relief in that one syllable. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe we could do it again, sometime?"
"Oh, we better." You told him seriously.
"Well, I should get going. We have class tomorrow." He took a step back from you, clearly intent on leaving. You looked at him with raised brows.
"You're really not going to try for a goodnight kiss?" You laughed.
Hoseok let out an indignant huff, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hey, don't laugh at me. I'm trying to be a gentleman here."
You positively melted from his words, heart speeding up. You gave him a look full of adoration. "Hoseok, you are always a gentleman and I appreciate it," Your gaze turned a bit mischievous. "But you should know that I've been wondering what it would be like to kiss you since the day we met."
His eyebrows rose, jaw going slack as he looked at you in surprise. "Really?"
"Yes, really." You nodded, amused. "So, whenever you're feeling like being ungentlemanly, just know I wouldn't be opposed to it."
"Okay." He nodded dumbly and you laughed.
"Good night, Hoseok." You told him fondly.
"Night." Hoseok echoed, taking another step back and then turning away from you. You waited until he reached the stair case before you closed your door, letting out a squeal of happiness.
You took of your shoes, haphazardly kicking them into the shoe rack, pulling off your baby pink sweater as you padded to your room, humming with a gigantic grin on your face.
It wasn't five minutes since you arrived home when a knock sounded on your door. You threw your sweater on the bed, heading to the door.
"Yeah, I'm coming." You called, and the incessant knocking ceased. Probably Minji or Jamie that wants to borrow a book or some paper to print a project. You opened the door, frowning slight when you saw who was on the other side, "Hoseok? Is everything okay?"
"I'm not feeling very gentlemanly right now." He declared before stepping closer, grabbing you by the neck and kissing you until you were breathless, your socked covered toes curling.
"Good night." He said when he pulled away, then added on, "For real this time."
You laughed a little, feeling so ridiculously happy. You wondered if you could combust from it.
"Text me when you get home." You blurted, still catching your breath.
"Promise." He nodded, licking his lips. You leaned forward to peck them one last time. For now.
You laughed again, practically vibrating with giddiness as you closed the door for a second and final time.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: !!this is not the end!! *pouts* Tumblr told me that I filled all of my 250 boxes, so I have to split it. It's like my fic duet all over again. *le sigh* Idek how people write 12K fics and still fit it in.
part two
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