#girls when calif--
mur-art · 2 years
*Spicy* Historical California Headcanons (Part 1)
I found a book at the used bookstore called “Hellacious California! Tales of RASCALITY! REVELRY! DISSIPATION! and DEPRAVITY! and the Birth of the Golden State” by Gary Noy. 
Needless to say, I had to buy it. 
It includes tons of primary sources and is like, a totally serious historical account of 19th century California. Anywaaaay...here are some silly headcanons about my favorite dumbass elbow macaroni, based on some of my favorite facts from said book. I’m sure there’ll be a Part 2 at some point. 
-California is extremely reckless and impulsive; it’s ingrained in his fundamental personality. As this book points out, hundreds of thousands of people traveled across the world on a reckless gamble: that they would find gold and get rich against all odds. That’s the kind of culture that California grew up immersed in, this “try everything, morality be damned” mindset. Yes, he likes to tell himself that he’s changed and is more rational now, but even today, every time he gets into an argument solely for the adrenaline rush or can’t stop himself from making an unnecessary comment, that’s the impulsiveness shining through. He still finds it really hard to turn down a dare or a decision he knows won’t end well. 
-Related to the first point, he has “died” so many times in really stupid ways. He’s pissed off the wrong people and gotten shot in the chest. He’s fallen off of cliffs while drunk, messed around with rattlesnakes, drowned at sea, and gotten trampled while racing horses. Of course, he gets right back up and recovers and ends up doing it all over again. Because what’s self-preservation when you’re immortal? 
-California taught Nevada how to gamble. California always enjoyed it, and played card games and other games of chance almost religiously. (In the 1850s, playing cards were even called “California Prayer Books,” and the first slot machines were invented in CA.) California gave Nevada his first deck of cards, and taught him all the table games. Nevada rolled with it (literally) and California tried to distance himself from it later during the Gilded Age/late 1800s, when he was trying and failing to be more “respectable” and “mature.” (Gambling was *officially* outlawed in CA in 1872, but that stopped exactly no one.)  
-When he was younger, California was incredibly awkward around girls, and was terrified to even talk to them. This is based on the fact that only 8% of people in Gold Rush California were female. People would literally pay money just to SEE  a woman. 
-Luckily, Cali loved the other 92% just as much as he loved women...
-There’s a section on wine history in this book which further solidifies my HC that California used to not-so-secretly steal communion wine from the padres (the Catholic dudes, not the baseball team, although he would steal wine from the baseball team if he could) and get super drunk to make it through Mass whenever he was forced to sit through it. 
-There’s a really hilarious story in the book about a bunch of California winemakers trolling a “Wine Expert” who was super snobby about European wine being better than California wine. They replaced all the labels on the European wine with California labels, and vice versa, and suddenly the “Wine Expert” was unknowingly complimenting everything about California wine. And THAT, my friends is Pure California-- California would absolutely pull a stunt like that. 
-California has literally always been an annoying little argumentative shithead. I love this quote:
“The Californian [spirit] involved [...] a certain daring,  a refusal to be fazed or be put off by bad luck or circumstances, an unwillingness to give up... But there is still more to the California spirit than a willingness to gamble and accept dares... The Californians promptly acquired rather large chips on their shoulders, and in addition to a certain [haughtiness], the California character becomes notably disputatious [argumentative] and competitive.” 
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Welcome To The Table - Ben Brainard (Web Series), Welcome To The Statehouse (Web Series) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: California/Original Female Character (Welcome to the Table) Characters: California (Welcome To The Table), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: I am so sorry, Vampires, Blood, Blood Drinking, if you’re on tumblr you’d understand, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously Summary:
“I think that’s the same thing that makes girls bite you when they think you’re cute.”
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cazzyf1 · 3 months
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An Article about Lella Lombardi - Nobody makes jokes about women drivers around Lella Lombardi
The sleek Lola T-332 racing car crossed the starting line at the river side, Calif, Grand Prix, hurtled ahead of three cars, and swooped back inside with split-second timings.
"You mean that's really a girl?" Muttered three times indianapolis 500 winner A. J. Foyt, looking on in incredulously from the side liners.
For Lella Lombardi, the first woman in 17 years (and the second ever) to compete on high performance Formula One circut - the big leagues of professionals auto racing - the question is all but invetable. What in the world is a nice Italian girl like Lella doing in overalls and a crash helmet, risking her life at speeds close to 200 miles an hour?
"That's what mama keeps asking me," says the tomboyish 31-year-old Lella, "I guess she thinks I should be home with a good husband and a houseful of bambini."
It was obvious from the beginning, to Lella at least, that she was cut from different cloth compared to most girls. Born in the little Piedmontese village of Furgarolo, she was hooked on auto racing before she was out of diapers.
"The first I remember, I am perhaps 4 or 5 years old," she recalls, "I was making little cars from things I found in my mum's sewing box. When I was 8 I decided I shall be a racing driver. I didn't say anything but I made up my mind."
As a teenager Lella raced motorcycles with boys in her village. The boys were scandalized she beat them - their mothers that she was racing at all. Eventually the village priest came to call.
"He explained why I should be like a girl and what a girl must do," she remembers. "So I told him, 'yes father' but all the time I am thinking why am I not allowed to do as I want."
Nothing if not persistent, Lella saw her first race at 18. Five years later she brought a car of her own, secondhand, Formula Monza 500 that she tinkered with and drove in races herself. Last year, nearly after a decade of coming up through the ranks, she was approached by March Racing Ltd, of England which was looking for a driver for its two-man Grand Prix team.
"Formula 2, Formula 3, Formula 5000 - I raced in them all," says Lella, "I win a lot in Italy - six times women's champion. So when March comes to ask me to try out for them, I say to myself, 'Why not?'"
March's decision to hire her was hardly made lightly. A single Grand Prix car costs $100,000 and putting it through a season of racing costs several hundred thousand dollars more.
"Putting a woman into a Grand Prix cockpit means shattering a lot of tradition," acknowledges March team manager, Max Mosley. "Of course, my wild told me, the only reason I was hesitating was because of Lella's sex, no doubt about her skill, in the end, I guess my wife was right."
Now prepping for this Sunday's Monaco Grand Prix, Lella is given little chance of winning a race this season (although she finished a respectable sixth in last week's accident-shorter Spanish Grand Prix) since March is designing its cars. Some drivers perhaps disturbed by Lella's invasion of their male peserve, doubt the chunky, 5"2, Lombardi has the stamina for long-distance racing. But March chief Roy Wardell, was watching her during a gruelling test of the company's racers, disagrees.
"Thrasing a car about it bloody hard work," he says, "most male drivers would have been bitching and complaining but she drove more than 300 miles flat out without a whimper." Her main fault, says Wardell, is a rookie's understandable caution. "Lella is still a bit afraid that if she spins out everyone will say, 'see a woman driver'" he says, "but her confidence is building. Pretty soon she'll be mixing it up with the best of them."
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petitprincess1 · 8 months
Warning: Hazbin Hotel Spoilers and mentions of SA
I dont know if you've noticed but there's been new drama on Twitter regarding one of Angel Dust scenes that depict him being SAd by Val and people got so mad over it saying it was incredibly disrespectfull, harming and insensitive to real SA victims.
While I agree maybe not everyone will enjoy that scene I dont think they should be surprised when it was announced that Hazbin was much darker than Helluva Boss considering its +18 calification and setting (also it makes sense when you consider Pride is inhabited by the worst of the worst and people got sent there as punishment for their misdeeds but get no regulation/sentence for their crimes and can continue their sinful acts while Hellborns were born there hence why they have a more grey morality-like Blitzø,Loona, Moxxie or Millie-and lower Rings actually have laws to ensure people's safety). The warnings are there for a reason, buddy.
Also people are talking about how bad it is to represent SA as what it is; something uncomfortable for SA victims and are comparing it with stuff that did it for laughs like Moral Orel in S1. Yes, SA is uncomfortable and ugly to watch but I think its important to have the representation as male SA victims (or just SA victims in general) get laughed at and blamed for something that wasn't their fault. And trauma isn't something pretty and people sometimes have not extremly good coping mechanisms to deal with it. It's raw,ugly and discomforting to watch but SA victims can relate to that and actually aive seen oeople saying that they had similar expierences to Angel and honestly it feels good to be seen.
Plus honestly this whe debacle kinda reminds me of how people victim blamed Stolas for also being a SA victim as confirmed in the Circus and went out of their way to villify him by implying that he must have done something to piss Stella off for her to rape him and concevie Via which is essentially the same as asking a girl or woman what they were wearing and blaming them for getting SAd. And also shame them for trying to cope with it however they can, like joking about it or glorifying it in attempts to make them feel not so shitty for what happened to them; like how they're doing with Viv for joking about her past trauma currently.
Idk it just feels like people, especially non SA victims, dont want SA victims to have visibility and go out of their way to say harmfull stuff like SA victims shouldn't be sexy or shouldn't have sex again in their lives which is more harmfull than good as youre basically shaming them into being unhappy with their bodies just for an unpleasant and undesireable expierence they had no say in it instead of healing. I get that its uncomfortable but it doesn't mean we wont to see Angel get better and be treated with the respect he deserves in future episodes.
I kinda find it funny they bring up Moral Orel, considering they did show rape victims in a more serious light in S3, which is what got the show canceled by Adult Swim. But yeah. I dont see what's wrong with showing how horrifying and terrible SA is. If it's because of his behavior, yeah...that's how he copes. Like, hypersexuality is a thing that victims of SA can go through.
Then again, I guess Antis know better than SA victims. I mean.........just look at 'em. /sarcasm
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kaz-playz · 7 months
Flocali headcanons?
The stealing of clothes 24/7
So so so so so so so so so so SO many plushies
They all have names and little crochet clothes
Build-a-bear employees know them by name atp
Cal took a while to get used to the humidifier
He woke up sweaty one night and almost scrapped it
BRACELETS GALORE! So many. Woven, bandloomed, store bought, beaded, kandi you name it
Spray bottle full of distilled water for Florida kept in the fridge
*angered hissing* "WHY SO FUCKING COLD?!"
Florida definitely attacks
Scary dog privilege California
Florida is girls
GIRLS WHEN CALIF- *mechanical wherring and laser beam on forehead" ..nevermind
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batboyblog · 8 months
Transgender teen boys and nonbinary youth who were assigned female at birth are at least as likely as cisgender girls to become pregnant, but they don’t always receive appropriate sex education. A health organization is looking to change that, with help from a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The grant of $698,736 went to the Center for Innovative Public Health Research, based in San Clemente, Calif. The center will take a sexual health program designed to be inclusive of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth and adapt it to reach transmasculine and nonbinary teens. The new program will be known as #TranscendentHealth. “Youth who are assigned female at birth (AFAB) and identify as non-binary or as trans boys are at risk for negative sexual health outcomes yet are effectively excluded from sexual health programs because gender-diverse youth do not experience the cisgender, heteronormative teen sexual education messaging available to them as salient or applicable,” says a description of the program on the center’s website. “This lack of programming is likely contributing to obstacles to sexual health: Data suggest that AFAB trans-identified youth may be less likely to use condoms when having sex with people who have penises and are at least as likely as cisgender girls to be pregnant,” it continues. #TranscendentHealth seeks to address this with inclusive education and support, plus promotion of condom use. The needs of youth vary across the nation, depending on the region and whether they live in an urban or a rural setting, so the program will be tailored to meet those different needs. Such a program is needed more than ever now that some states are preventing teens from accessing sexual health information and gender-affirming care, the description notes. The program will be based on the center’s work with Girl2Girl, a project designed to provide sexual health info to gay, lesbian, and bi cisgender teen girls through text messaging. It was associated with higher condom use in penile-vaginal sex as well as higher use of other types of contraception, according to the center. To adapt this into a trans-inclusive program, the center will convene focus groups to identify the factors that affect sexual health decisions among AFAB trans and nonbinary youth. It will monitor how these young people respond to the material and will ultimately test its effectiveness among 700 teens. The goals include increased use of condoms and other means of contraception, uptake of testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and, where needed, use of pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV transmission. The work began in September and will continue through June 30, 2027.
Boys, please have safe sex out there.
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Hatsune Miku's Past (My Headcanon)
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Miku has been an only child, she lived in a fine with her parents; Keiichi and Amaya Hatsune, whom she did not stop making proud every day, because Miku is a smartly girl who spent her time reading books every day from an early age, preparing for tests and school exams where she always passed with high califications and helped either in home or away to organize things. Miku was very diligent in what she did, but she let herself be carried away by her personal likes, to a degree that she sees as an obstacle everything that for a person being considers "fun" in that...she also applied the fact that she in those times Miku was not sociable, she barely had time to talk to her parents, relatives and even her teachers. That same thing caused half of her classmates to degrade for always being focused on studying, while others simply felt sorry for Miku for being alone.
With the passing of time, it seemed that Miku was clinging more in her "bubble", she no longer had time to spend time with her relatives and she even complained about simplistic things that confused her, which has led both Keiichi and Amaya to not to be convinced that their daughter lived cordially happily like this. Despite this, not everything was lost for the turquoise-haired girl, in her last year of high school, several teachers have managed to convince her to enter prestigious universities where she would only continue promoting what she does best and of course, knowing what Miku is like, she began to investigate them to find out which one would end up going to...it's a pity that it won't happen in the end...she didn't know that after an event, her life would give an abrupt change in her state of life...
One day, after Miku was on vacation waiting for the day she entered university to come, she was walking down the street while doing the shopping sent by her parents, it seemed that day would be practically calm. Until out of nowhere, after paying attention to a song that she heard while walking, Miku without realizing she began to sing improvisedly and when she realized it, she shut up and continued on her own. But conveniently in the same place where she was, she met the very same executive Master of Crypton Future Media, who managed to hear her singing and was amazed by the young girl's voice, offering to join her as a new Vocaloid singer. However, Miku refused the request, because she believed that being an artist requires a lot of work, pressure, stress and above all, she was not attracted to the world of music, but said man did not give up, begging and insisting until the turquoise-haired girl only accepted it, telling her to give more time to seriously think about whether being a Vocaloid was a good idea.
.・゜♪ ・˗ˋˏ 🜲 ˎˊ˗・ ♪ ゜・.
When Miku got home telling her parents about the accident she had gone, she thought that they would know perfectly well her denial of being in Vocaloid since they knew what her daughter really wanted. Only so that in the end, instead of giving her the answer that Miku wanted, they told her that she should explore other interests and not cling to books and study for the rest of her life. What better way to get her into a gigantic company where she would learn about the music to begin with? Of course, also because since there will surely be more people, it would give Miku a chance to improve her status to socialize. She was shocked to known that her parents did not support her, but it was only in order to find an alternative solution for her daughter for her future as a person, still unconvinced of the idea, she accepted as long as she studied and learned about music it would be a kind of benefit to her vast expanse of knowledge.
The day she arrived as an official Vocaloid, Miku was not very happy about what her new lifestyle would be like, it was something that even her new allies noticed, there was also the fact that she did not collaborate in terms of her duties as a star in full practice. Some time after her admission, both the Master and other Vocaloids did not stop self-proclaiming to take her new lifestyle as a singer seriously, but Miku repeated to their faces that she is only there because of her parents' obligation, when in reality it was to change her way of being so focused and distant from others, knowing this, they did not lose patience and faith in her...At least that was what Miku knew about her existence, little by little she already seemed more focused on her duties within Vocaloid and was more sociable with the rest of her allies, sorry I mean, her friends.
But what really made her change was because one day she started reviewing the web pages about how Vocaloid was doing lately, finding positive comments and reviews about her, seeing how many praised her hidden talent for singing and the success she had was starting to have Vocaloid, thanks to her. That made Miku feel with a new emotion that she couldn't even describe with words, she only received praise for her school grades, but since she now receives them from her fans for her beautiful voice and singing, they motivated her to continue in the plan of being in Vocaloid, and more convinced of which she will do without question...and all of this came to fruition in her first concert...where she received applause and great acclaim from the public. Today, Miku is a more sociable, self-proclaimed in music and not as reserved as before, of course she continues with her characteristic taste for reading and learning, but even so, she was happy to be what she is now, such It seems that her parents were right that she accepted new things instead of forever clinging to her common likes.
Happy Birthday Hatsune Miku 🩵🩵🩵
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iwanthermidnightz · 5 months
Not only did Lana Del Rey start her Coachella headlining set early, but her entry was epic.
On Friday, April 12, at 11:16 p.m. the festival main stage screens showed an aerial view of Del Rey and her entourage rapidly approaching. As she neared, it became clear her crew was not rolling up on the expected golf carts that often shuttle stars around the Indio, Calif. fest, but rather motorcycles. And as a snippet of her never-to-be-officially-released song “Jealous Girl” played – with the lyric “Baby, I’m a gangster too” on loop – Del Rey’s motorcade took a lap through the crowd as she smiled and waved to the thousands of fans gathered for this very moment.
“What’s up, Coachella,” she asked casually, after making her way to center stage and offering a small smile before performing “Without You” into a fusion of Sublime’s “Doin’ Time” with “Summertime Sadness.” “I’m so happy to be here,” she added with another faint, and even briefer, smile. But keep in mind, this is Lana Del Rey – sad girl pop president and eternally committed to the bit, whether she’s headlining Coachella or not.
As such, her demeanor matched the elaborate set design that looked much like a dilapidated version of the Gatsby Mansion long after it had thrown its last party. Making it, of course, the perfect imaginary scene for Del Rey to host a late-night shindig of her own complete with a swing band and roaring 20s-inspired backup dancers.
Early into the set, Del Rey noted that she last played Coachella “exactly 10 years ago to the day” (during which she debuted single “West Coast”), before softly speak-singing, “We’re still doing it.” Yet, it’s not the fact that she is still here a decade in that’s impressive, but more so that she is still entirely and unapologetically herself after so many years – or at least, that the persona of Lana Del Rey is still so intact. In fact, across her nine studio albums, Del Rey has seemingly become even more herself, taking bigger experimental swings and offering longer, more eyebrow-raising track titles along the way.
And tonight, her headlining set seemed to be a quiet celebration of such, during which Del Rey sauntered across the stage performing career-spanning hits that, in a festival setting like Coachella, felt almost like underground gems that she was carefully unearthing. Even the expected “headliner stunts” were delivered with a delicate touch: She performed “Ride” while slowly spinning from within a circular, leaf-covered swing; delivered a gorgeous a cappella rendition of “The Grants” alongside her trio of backup singers; and, most notably of all, sang “Hope Is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have – but I Have It” via hologram accompanied by collaborator and close friend Jack Antonoff on piano, who co-produced the track. (Earlier in the night, she was joined by Jon Batiste on piano for an extended version of “Candy Necklace.”)
The hologram – though a bit morbid, especially considering the lyric, “Hello, it’s the most famous woman you know on the iPad/Calling from beyond the grave” – perfectly punctuated the spirit of the set. As evidenced by her closing song selection of “Young and Beautiful” (which was prominently used in The Great Gatsby), it became increasingly clear that Del Rey had come to make a statement.
As she sings on “Young and Beautiful: “I’ve seen the world, done it all, had my cake now. I’ve seen the world, lit it up as my stage now.” All the while, the song’s primary question loomed: “Will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful?”
Earlier in the night, Billie Eilish delivered an affirmative answer.
Following online rumors that the superstar would be making a guest appearance during Del Rey’s set (an artist Eilish has long been a fan of), she appeared toward its end atop the arched trellis to duet on “Ocean Eyes” and “Video Games” with Del Rey. After the two were done, they sat a moment longer, seeming genuinely stunned by one another’s presence. “Get the f–k out of my face,” laughed Eilish, speaking to her hero.
“Yep, that’s the voice of your generation, the voice of our generation,” replied Del Rey. “I”m so f—ing grateful she’s standing next to me right now.” To which Eilish replied: “This is the reason for half you b—-es existence, including mine.”
That simple sentence cut to the core of the evening. Sure, the set was spotty at parts – with moments of darkness and silence in between many songs and a handful of issues with mic volume, all of which Del Rey audibly called out. And yes, Del Rey’s soft-spoken tendencies on and off stage may have not made her the most obvious headlining act to kick-off Coachella. But it’s her impact that remains undeniable.
But don’t take my word for it, take it from “the voice of our generation.” The artist who we may not have had it not been for an artist like Lana Del Rey doing what she has and will always do best: being Lana Del Rey.
As she delivered the final note of “Young and Beautiful,” the band picked up steam and her dancers reappeared with champagne bottles in hand as fireworks exploded into the night sky – all the makings of a signature Gatsby blowout. And as Del Rey rode off on motorcycle, just as she came in, the party on stage continued long after she was gone. And that’s the point.
Her undeniable impact is also unforgettable – and exactly what makes Lana Del Rey the icon she is. And one well worth the celebration.
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my-emily-gilmore-era · 7 months
Gilmores prove life doesn’t end after 40
By Deseret News Feb 7, 2005
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UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. — There's a certain irony in the fact that the WB — the network that targets teens and twentysomethings — has the two most believable, most well-rounded characters in their 60s on television.
And Richard and Emily Gilmore, as portrayed by 61-year-old Edward Herrmann and 60-year-old Kelly Bishop, have been an integral part of "The Gilmore Girls" since the show began 100 episodes ago.
"I know the WB is known as a young network and viewed, I think, a little bit too much that way," Bishop said. "This show is multigenerational. And, frankly, it's not about my own ego, but I wouldn't be inclined to watch this show as a viewer if it weren't for us, because I'm going to identify with an older person. I'm not going to be watching shows about teenagers because I've been there, done that."
In a medium that places such a high value on youth, the elder Gilmores are such an anomaly they're almost alone.
Herrmann replied with humor to questions about his "elder" status. "Let me get out of my wheelchair and dance," he said, affecting a truly elderly voice.
"That's kind of wonderful, too, that we're still alive," Bishop said. "And, what, 60 is the new 30, right?"
Well, maybe, but Richard and Emily have never had to act like teenagers to get airtime on "Gilmore Girls." They're not simply saccharin grandparents, they're complicated people living imperfect lives.
"It's interesting. It's wonderful," Herrmann said. "I mean, these people are lively. You don't die after the age of 40."
The Emmy-winning actor said the show's writers have "done a wonderful job with Richard."
"He's a fellow who's gone through a number of changes. . . . There have been a lot of plot lines for him, which I find true to life. So I haven't been bored at all."
The premise of the show is that their daughter, Lorelai (Lauren Graham), got pregnant when she was 16 and decided to keep and raise the baby on her own. Which, not surprisingly, drove a wedge between her and her parents.
A wedge that remained until Lorelai's daughter, Rory (Alexis Bledel), was a teenager and Lorelai had to turn to her wealthy parents for financial help to send Rory to private school. That reopened the daughter-parents relationship and gave Richard and Emily their first chance to really get to know their granddaughter, but it's a rift that's never been entirely healed.
"What I look for at the end of the tunnel is the reconciliation between (Richard and Lorelai) in some way," Herrmann said. But when he has raised the issue with creator/executive producer Amy Sherman-Palladino, "She said, 'Not yet. We can't. There's a wonderful tension between the two that you want to try to maintain.'
"So it's great fun. And, actually, (executive producers) Amy (Sherman-Palladino) and Dan (Palladino) have given us really good stuff to do this year."
Good stuff that culminates Tuesday (7 p.m., Ch. 30) as Richard and Emily renew their wedding vows. The couple, married almost four decades, have been separated since last season. Not separated by much — Richard moved into the pool house — but their relationship had deteriorated badly.
"I love the idea because I think that those of you who are in long-term relationships will realize that you have, of course, that initial love/lust and all that," Bishop said, "and then it settles down. And then it kind of hits a point sometimes in a relationship where you're really bored with the other person and kind of think, hmmmm.
"And then out of no place and for no particular reason . . . you look at the person one day and you are so in love with them all over again."
It made for some great material for Bishop and Herrmann. Over the 99 previous episodes, they've done comedy, they've done drama, they've had surprises and they've always come across as real.
"The palette is rich. There's a lot of stuff to talk about," Herrmann said.
"I mean, almost to slapstick," Bishop said. "I finally got to do physical comedy climbing out of the basement window. (Richard accidentally locked Emily in.) That was so much fun."
And she loves playing a woman who's not exactly a caring, nurturing mother/grandmother. Emily Gilmore loves Lorelai and Rory, but she expresses that love in a manipulative way that drives her daughter crazy.
She's at it again in the 100th episode, using Rory's father, Christopher (David Sutcliffe), to try to end Lorelai's romance with Luke (Scott Patterson) — a relationship she doesn't approve of.
"I've gotten some really nice, vicious things to say to people," Bishop said, "which I always enjoy. . . . She's a piece of work, but, yeah, I had a lot of fun this year. Amy gave me some really nasty things to say."
Sherman-Palladino is amused at how Bishop — "one of the nicest people in the world" — takes so much joy in playing Emily, who is not. "I just love that she's so excited that she gets to be horrible to people."
But Bishop said she doesn't always understand viewers' reactions to the character.
"I'm surprised. People seem to really like her. And I haven't figured that out yet, because I think she's just horrible," she said. "I love playing her because she's so mean.
"And every once in a while people say they identify with her and I say, 'Why? I'm glad you're enjoying my performance, but you don't have to like Emily. Because I don't particularly like her. I like playing her.' "
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thislovintime · 1 year
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“[Peter] gets frightened by mass adulation and likes to be a private person. When he found out a fan was watching his house with binoculars he got the horrors.” - Davy Jones, Flip, September 1967
On a related note, fan propositions (or, it seems like, threats)...
“P. TORK, M. DOLENZ — 18 & cute, dying to meet you. CHERI, Rt. 2, Box 728, Sonora, 95370, 532-9259. GAIL, Star Rt. Box 1090, Sonora, 95370, 586-4443.” - from the classified ads section, KRLA Beat, May 5, 1967
“PETER TORK… JE T’AIME SHARON” - from the classified ads section, KRLA, June 17, 1967
“To Peter Tork… I was made to love you… Sharon” - from the classified ads section, KRLA Beat, August 26, 1967
“In our show we all play ourselves, with the exception of Peter Tork who plays a ‘thick’ and he’s not. Pete doesn’t really dig the teeny-bopper scene. Some fans wrote to him that they were watching his house through high-powered binoculars and now he has the curtains drawn all day!” - Davy Jones, Hit Parader, August 1967 (x)
“Peter Tork is my fave! I adore him! I wish you would have more pictures on him. By the way, if he doesn’t have a steady, tell him I’m available! Janet A.
 Asheboro, N.C.” - Monkee Letters, Monkee Spectacular, November 1967
“I just don’t understand why more people don’t like Peter Tork! I myself am wildly in love with him! To give you an idea of how nuts I am about him, I even dream about him at night! So he must be fab! Have more on Peter! Peter’s Fan 
New York, N.Y.” - Monkee Spectacular, January 1968
“Peter Tork, I’m going to catch up with you one of these days! You are lucky that your name and address isn’t in the phone book, or you would have been bombarded with phone calls, Chinese food left on your doorstep, or personal appearances in the middle of the night! I’m going to meet you some day if it kills me! Cathy Wagner Palmdale, Calif.” - Monkee Letters, Monkee Spectacular, March 1968
“I’m writing this to the girl who thinks she’s going to be the future Mrs. Tork. I’ve got one thing to say to her: She’d better start looking for a new husband! Peter is mine! This may sound strange, but I can tell by the way he looks at me each Monday night at 7:30! One day he gave me a smile I’ll never forget! That’s why you’d better start looking for a new husband, friend. Peter will always be mine! P.G. St. Petersburg, Fla.” - Monkee Letters, Monkee Spectacular, April 1968
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shefanispeculator · 20 days
Inside Blake Shelton's Net Worth and How Much He Made on 'The Voice'
Blake Shelton went from 'Ol' Red' to major green.
Blake Shelton's net worth comes from a few different revenue streams, but The Voice is, without fail, why most people know his name and the source of most of his annual income—or at least it was. He left the NBC ratings juggernaut in 2023 after 23 seasons as a coach.
Don't cry for Shelton's bank account, though: He's got Grammys, hit songs, a restaurant, a ton of endorsements and even the most hotly contested Sexiest Man Alive title ever.
What is Blake Shelton's net worth in 2024?
Blake Shelton's net worth is estimated at a cool $130 million as of August 2024.
While much of Shelton's earnings came from The Voice (more on that later!), he also earns handsomely from his live performances and album sales. Shelton makes a mint from brand endorsements as well, including deals with Pizza Hut, Pepsi, Land's End, Gildan, Smithworks Vodka and Walmart, to name a few. Rolling Stone also reports that Shelton sold his catalog for a cool $50 million in 2021, which would certainly add to his net worth in a huge way.
Who is richer, Gwen Stefani or Blake Shelton?
At this point in time, Stefani is wealthier than her husband. The former No Doubt frontwoman is worth $160 million—about $30 million more than Shelton. This is because she's had her hand in so many pots: Her work with No Doubt, her solo efforts, her Las Vegas residency, her clothing lines, her fragrances, her cosmetics endorsements, her makeup line, her eyewear line...There is a lot of branding involved with the blond beauty!
How much does Blake Shelton make per concert?
Some reports claim that Shelton grosses as much as $1 million per concert. However, it's important to remember that ticket grosses get divvied up in a lot of ways: Promoters, venues, production staff, management, booking agents and the like all get a cut. This means that while it's an amazing sum and nothing to shake a stick at, Shelton doesn't actually take home a million bucks per live performance.
How much does Blake Shelton make a year?
Shelton's annual income varies depending on what projects he takes on and whether he's touring or releasing a new album. That said, during his tenure on The Voice, when combined with album sales and other income, Shelton reportedly averaged around $30 million. That number will be much lower in 2024 without his Voice salary.
How much does Blake Shelton make for Barmageddon?
In 2022, Blake Shelton, Carson Daly and Nikki Bella joined forces for a new celebrity game show set at Ole Red, Shelton's downtown Nashville bar. The show, which returned for Season 2 in 2023, featured bar-themed games like "Beer Bombs," "Air Cannon Cornhole" and "Four Play." 
We don't know how much Shelton makes for his part in the series, but it's likely a hefty sum as he and Daly are producers for the show. The show has also likely boosted revenue at his bar as it was basically a big ol' ad for Ole Red.
Where else does Blake Shelton make money?
Blake Shelton doesn't flip houses like some stars, but he knows real estate is one way to a woman's heart. In 2020, Blake bought the $13 million home in Encino, Calif., where he and Gwen now live. He also owns a 1,200-acre working ranch in Oklahoma. It's the backdrop for his day-in-the-life Instagram videos and where self-proclaimed city girl Gwen is learning to get her hands dirty. These properties contribute a firm footing for Shelton's stellar net worth.
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mur-art · 2 years
Just for fun, y'all!
For this one, I stuck with the main Table News series, so no Table History, FL Man in SoCal, etc. Might create a separate poll for those later!
Feel free to add other favorites in the tags!
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hibiscuslynx · 2 years
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girls when calif-
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saltygilmores · 1 year
"Could You Date Gilmore Girls' Jess?" (Another Super Duper Old Interview)
Wondering what a date with "Gilmore Girls" hottie Milo Ventimiglia is like? Well, you can start collecting your pinups of the celeb now because this is one chill dude.
The 24-year-old heartthrob who plays bad-boy Jess on the WB series says his ideal date could be anywhere, because he's all about kicking back and having a good time.
"I could go anywhere and find a good time," Milo dished to us. "Put me in a movie theater, put me in a party, put me in a theme park. I'll pretty much take the situation and have a good time."
And while he admits that having a good time is a major requirement for a date, he also has his rules laid down for the nerve-racking first date. "Don't let thing get too serious," he said. "Just try to enjoy yourself."
We all know Jess has been totally crushing on Rory Gilmore from day one, but which gals actually make Milo's list of potential girlfriends? "Honest caring, compassionate, intelligent. Your basic good qualities," he said about what he looks for in a girl.
Over at Milo's new pad (FYI: he's currently putting the final touches on his new crib in Venice Beach, Calif.), you can find all sorts of movies and music.
"The Godfather" 1 and 2, "Goodfellas," "The Matrix" -- those are movies I can sit down and watch over and over again," Ventimiglia mentioned. As for the music scene you can usually catch Milo listening to stuff he grew up on like the Sex Pistols and a lot of classic punk bands. "Things I listen to now are The Hives, The Strokes," he said about his wide range of interests. "I also listen to a lot of hip-hop like De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest and Wu Tang."
However, girls, this laid-back dude has a little bit of a rebellious streak running through him. "There's definitely some of Jess in me and some of me in Jess," he explained about the similarities between him and his on-screen ego. "I used to get in trouble in high school. The friends I hung out with, they were considered the bad apples and played pranks and got away with everything."
Luckily, though, Milo wasn't as naughty as his buddies. "Because I was their friend, I relate myself and say I was a rebel," Ventimiglia continued. "But for the most part, I had a halo and a set of wings in high school." If he admitted having similarities to Jess, something tells us Milo isn't as angelic as he says he is.
As for his future in Stars Hollow, Milo assures us he's willing to stick around for as long as the show stays on the air. "It's an amazing cast and crew," he quickly replied. "The writers are the best."
Season 3 of the "Gilmore Girls" starts shooting in August, but Milo is wary of giving his predictions for the new season because the writers are so unpredictable. "When I say, 'Oh, this might happen with Jess,' it doesn't happen," Milo admitted. "I'm constantly surprised by the writers."
However, what Milo would like to see happen to his character is that he doesn't change too much. "I still want to get in trouble," he affirms. "But I want to see him soften up to Luke a little bit. I have a fear that Jess is going to soften up too much, but I really don't see that happening."
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jingles-miserably · 2 years
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Oh yeah Ronald Erwin McNair, sorry I thought he was on that other space shuttle that fell apart during launch.
Also that program with Nichelle Nichols, I recall a lot of space exploration and travel polices were created to prevent another colonial empires power struggle which gave us the world wars and the eugenics horror show.
So space was showed to be “EVERY HUMAN CAN BE IN OUTER SPACE!” Now of course only humans of peak condition can be astronauts but stuff like Star Trek suppose to show a possible future where we all can coexist with each other.
Of course NASA was like “okay let not pull a Nazi and show that non whites and women can be astronauts too” but when most of your organization made up of geeky white people…
I can see why Nichelle Nichols was chosen as she inspired many people especially in the blacks and women into science with her uhura role.
And the whole racial tension that she of all people understands. So she basically help convince a lot of black people and women who you know grew up in segregation and heavy gender roles so NASA definitely felt like an out of reach idea for them.
Sorry you are a bigger NASA fan than me. I’m just curious how da fuck is math racist when we had a black astronaut that grew up in the Deep South?
He was, that was his 2nd flight, Challenger, Jan 28 1986. That's a day embedded in my memory.
NASA has pretty much always been THE government agency that didn't care about anything other than if you can do the job, obviously politics still showed up and they weren't going to send a woman or black man to the moon, woman bit was less sexist than it was a technology and biology thing, going potty and all, still sexism but it was really more cost effective to not have to worry about the other bits.
Nichelle Nichols thing, I hope she fully grasped how important she was to women in general and black women especially. This is the best anecdote about her, at least that fits the theme.
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Roddenberry knew what he had created already, why else have a black woman and a Russian on the bridge crew, Nichols found out when Dr King let her know what she meant.
She also wrote that she had "a short, stormy, exciting relationship" with Sammy Davis Jr. in 1959.
GIRL!!! lol
>Sorry you are a bigger NASA fan than me. I’m just curious how da fuck is math racist when we had a black astronaut that grew up in the Deep South?
And a physicist at that.
It's not, I think the issue is that people don't like that there's going to be a right and a wrong answer for math, 1+1 will always equal 2 is problematic somehow.
There's also claims that the way it's taught is geared toward white students, which I'm not sure how that works, but even if that's true they're playing to the majority which sure would come out discriminatory but that's a no win situation unless you bring back segregation.
It's reading but, I think we may be in the market for this happening in math too.
As a teacher in Oakland, Calif., Kareem Weaver helped struggling fourth- and fifth-grade kids learn to read by using a very structured, phonics-based reading curriculum called Open Court. It worked for the students, but not so much for the teachers. “For seven years in a row, Oakland was the fastest-gaining urban district in California for reading,” recalls Weaver. “And we hated it.”
The teachers felt like curriculum robots—and pushed back. “This seems dehumanizing, this is colonizing, this is the man telling us what to do,” says Weaver, describing their response to the approach. “So we fought tooth and nail as a teacher group to throw that out.” It was replaced in 2015 by a curriculum that emphasized rich literary experiences. “Those who wanted to fight for social justice, they figured that this new progressive way of teaching reading was the way,” he says.
Now Weaver is heading up a campaign to get his old school district to reinstate many of the methods that teachers resisted so strongly: specifically, systematic and consistent instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics. “In Oakland, when you have 19% of Black kids reading—that can’t be maintained in the society,” says Weaver, who received an early and vivid lesson in the value of literacy in 1984 after his cousin got out of prison and told him the other inmates stopped harassing him when they realized he could read their mail to them. “It has been an unmitigated disaster.” In January 2021, the local branch of the NAACP filed an administrative petition with the Oakland unified school district (OUSD) to ask it to include “explicit instruction for phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension” in its curriculum.
From a different article same subject
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I like that they put the numbers in this one,
But ya, they didn't like the system they had and even though they were getting year to year improvements with it they changed it because why not throw students under the bus.
Maybe they should learn from Ron McNair, but that would be the students taking the initiative and learning on their own, which might require a sea change in the community as it relates to education.
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There's a reason this program has kept going since 1987, but ya colonization of students minds, there's a math one too not sure how good that is.
And there's people who just can't get some math honestly, I know I'm one of them, full spectrum dyslexia is not something I'd wish on anyone.
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