#give him da icecream
stitcheds-sewing-box · 9 months
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thepolysworldau · 8 months
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im sorry i see tom eating random stuff im giving him random stuff to eat- these are the good tasting blinds (dont ask how i know that...)
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a snack for da tom andddddd
im giving you any flavor ice cream you and the gang want as a treat- can be any flavor- if ya dont like icecream gimmie your fav snack a roni. ill get it >:3
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Also, my favorite ice cream is rocky road.
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sebthesnipe · 4 years
Together (My First Anxceit Fic)
Anxceit Fluff was requested... I attempted and failed. Well, kinda. It's a bit fluffy...
They really didn't want to cooperate.
Ship: Anxiety
For Mage_Ofthe_East on AO3 who is vastly supportive of my writing <3 I did my best. I'm sorry if its not as fluffy as it should be. <3 I think you'll still like it though.
Master List
TW: Alternate Ending has Major Character Death, Old Age, Children
“No! I don’t wanna go!” Virgil cried, pulling hard on his father’s hand, desperate to get away.
“Virgil! That is enough!” his father grumbled in frustration as he dragged him along towards the school’s double doors. “You have to go to school. All big boys do.”
“I don’t want to be a big-“
“What happened to your eye?” a small voice asked, cutting Virgil off and pulling his attention to the young boy waiting at the top of the steps.
Virgil sniffled, wiping his nose on his sleeve as his father pulled to a stop in front of the open doors.
A tall man in a dark blue polo and tie stood holding open the door and eyeing Virgil and his father evenly. Next to him stood the boy, only a few inches taller than Virgil, and certainly not that much older.
The side of the boy’s face was discolored with something that looked like an ‘angel kiss’, at least that was what Virgil’s father called it.
“What’s wrong with your face?” Virgil asked in return, the tears that had been running down his cheeks starting to dry up at the question.
“Virgil!” his father gasped.
“It’s quite alright,” the blue polo man reassured before turning back to the boy next to him. “Janus, why don’t you answer him? You did ask him a question first. It is only fair.”
The discolored boy eyed Virgil with a look far too similar to the blue polo man’s.
“It’s called Vitiligo,” he stated in a pompous tone. “It is a skin condition that causes its host to lose pig-eh-men-tation on certain parts of their bodies.”
“Very good,” the blue polo man praised.
“Thank you, Papa!” Janus chirped with a grin, glancing up at the man in question before sticking his tongue out at Virgil.
Virgil rolled his mismatched eyes. “Yeah, well, mine is… is… Heta… Heta-cha-o-nia-“
“Heterochromia, kiddo,” Virgil’s father offered affectionately.
“YEAH! That thing!” Virgil nodded.
“Pft,” Janus scoffed. “Whatever, I’m going to go play in the art room,” he informed his papa, striding into the school with his nose upturned.
Virgil stared after him. Virgil really liked art… And he supposed the other kid was interesting.
“You’re more than welcome to join him, Virgil,” Janus’ papa informed him.
Virgil looked up at his own father for reassurance, earning a slight nod before Virgil rushed after him.
“Wait for me!!!”
“What a nerd!” Janus' deep voice scoffed as he peered out the window.
Virgil glanced up from the magazine he had been flipping through, not that he was actually paying attention to it. His blue and green gaze landed on the two possible culprits of Janus’ current insult.
“Which one?” Virgil asked, with very little interest as he took in the Prince brothers.
Roman’s broad shoulders filled out his letterman jacket quite well, while Remus’ seemed a few sizes too big as he hung from a branch above his brother’s head. They seemed to be arguing about something.
“Does it matter?” Janus asked lazily, giving a shrug, his own letterman lifting and falling with the motion.
“Just curious as to whose heart you’re breaking next,” Virgil teased playfully.
“Shut it,” Janus laughed, shoving his friend out of his chair. “You’re just jealous! It’s not my fault no one wants to date a racoon!”
“Ouch, you hurt my feelings,” Virgil teased back, rubbing his newly bruised. “I’m serious though, I rather not have to avoid them both for the rest of our lives. They live next door to me you know?”
“The rest of our lives?” Janus asked with an arched brow.
“Well, yeah,” Virgil shrugged, climbing back into his seat. “Let’s face it, we’ve been friends this long… You’re kind of stuck with me for good now.” He tried not to flush as he spoke the sentimental words.
Janus stared at him for a long moment, making Virgil shift uncomfortably.
“Gross,” he hissed, though his Vitiligo stretched as he smiled affectionately.
“Your face!” Virgil retorted with a laugh.
“Yeah, well, your mom!” Janus spat back.
“You don’t get a say in it!” Janus spat at him angrily, throwing another perfectly folded shirt into his suitcase.
“I think I should!” Virgil snapped back. “I’m only your best friend !”
“You were my best friend!” Janus growled, moving to back another article of clothing.
“Don’t give me that crap, Janus! You’re just mad because you don’t want to hear reason!” Virgil argued, ignoring the sting of his words.
“Reason?! Ha!” Janus laughed mirthlessly. “The only reason I’m hearing from you is jealousy!”
“Me?! Jealous?! Of what?!”
Janus tossed in one more pair of slacks before slamming the case close and rounding on his friend.
“Would you like the list alphabetically or chronologically?” Janus offered sarcastically.
“Chronologically,” Virgil replied, calling him out.
Janus hesitated before giving a grimace. “How about that I’ve always been smarter than you! It’s not my fault you didn’t get accepted into a good college-“
“I didn’t apply!” Virgil argued, not willing to admit that he had been waiting to find out which college Janus was getting accepted to before following him.
“Or how about the fact that all your relationships end in disaster?” Janus added, turning to zip the case.
“I broke up with them!” Virgil reminded, ignoring the way his heart was pounding painfully.
“How about the fact that I am not content to stay in this tiny ass town, following tiny ass dead-end jobs and spend all my time wasting away with you !”
Silence fell between them.
Virgil’s gaze widened at that, chest feeling as if it had just been cracked open.
“I… See,” he mumbled, feeling his ribs heaving.
“Listen,” Janus sighed, realizing what he had said, his expression softening. “Remus is a good guy. We’ve been together a long time. I mean… he’s the reason I stayed as long as I have but… With Roman gone he’s willing to move and… I can’t miss this opportunity Virg… I’m sorry.” With that, Janus pulled his suitcase off the bed and headed for the door without a backwards glance, leaving Virgil to sink slowly to the floor, tears staining his cheeks as he watched his friend’s silhouette disappear around the corner.
“I know, right?” Virgil laughed, taking another long sip of his drink as he glanced over at his date.
It was a clear crisp night. Perfect for their walk back to his place. How long had they been dating now? Two months? Three?
“I thought he was going to choke! If you saw his face-“ Virgil’s voice cut off.
The silhouette of a man, dimly lit by the porch light, standing on Virgil’s doorstep caught his attention.
“Who is that?” his date’s voice echoed in his ear.
Virgil didn’t register the words.
His cup slid from his hand, hitting pavement and splattering his jeans.
“Virgil?” his date asked, still not receiving an answer.
Virgil paid them no mind, body seeming to turn on autopilot as he strode up the walkway, eyes glued to the outline of the man as if worried he might be a figment of his imagination.
It wouldn’t be the first time…
Virgil needed to know he was real…
Needed to know he was actually there...
“Hey-” Janus whispered, voice dripping with sadness, cut off as the breath was knocked out of him.
Virgil’s arms wrapped around Janus’ slender form, squeezing him so tight Janus felt as if he would break.
A moment later, Virgil pulled back, his multicolored gaze taking in the streaks that split the dirty smudges on his old friend’s cheeks, and the way his pleading eyes met his.
He had been crying? Janus? That certainly wasn’t the prideful image-driven man, Virgil remembered.
Years had passed since their falling out, neither willing to reach out to the other. Virgil had, of course, checked in other man from time to time through social media and family, but he was sure Janus had never known that.
“I assume this is a bad time?” Janus asked, peering past Virgil towards his date.
Virgil paid it no mind.
“What happened?” he demanded.
Janus tensed at the question, studying Virgil’s expression in turn before tears began to well up again.
Virgil didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around the taller man once more, pulling him close as Janus’ fingers curled into his hoodie, sobs raking his body.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Virgil asked, watching Janus examine himself in the mirror.
“It’s just one date, Virg,” Janus reminded with a smirk.
“Your first date,” Virgil countered. “First since-“
“It’s just one date, Virgil,” Janus insisted, cutting him off. “Now, how do I look?”
He turned to face the shorter man, straightening his tie as he did so.
“Like someone vomited yellow on your funeral suit,” Virgil grumbled, grimacing as he sat cross legged on the bed.
“Perfect,” Janus grinned in return. “I’ll be perfectly dressed for when I knock him dead.”
“Just don’t expect me to give the eulogy,” Virgil groaned.
“Like I’d trust you with anything more than handing out pamphlets,” Janus chuckled, picking up a pillow from the floor and tossing it at him.
“For the record, at your funeral, I’m bringing cake and icecream!” Virgil called after him as Janus headed for the door. “Throwing a block party!”
“Oh please! You need friends for that!” Janus called over his shoulder.
Janus was exhausted.
A double shift with no lunch break. He was fairly certain that was illegal…
He stumbled into the house, tossing the keys onto the side table before calling out for his roommate.
“Virgil? I hope you left me some-“ He paused at the sight of the small to-go container sitting on the bar with his name scrawled on it in thick black messy lettering.
A smile played on his lips as he took the box and headed for the living room. Crappy food and some dull documentary sounded like the perfect end to such a long day.
He paused, Virgil’s snores drifting to him from the study.
Shifting directions, Janus peered into the room, catching sight of the cheap ‘Happy Birthday’ decorations strung across the bookcases and the small cake (which Virgil had obviously already began to enjoy) sitting on the table that read ‘Ha- Bir- Janus!’ in bright yellow, the words cut off by the large chunk missing from the sweet.
His eyes fell on Virgil’s sleeping form draped across the large arm chair, party hat covering one eye as he mouth hung open, crumb covered plate still resting atop his chest as it rose and fell.
Janus’ heart clenched and realization struck him as the walls seemed to shake with the sheer volume of Virgil’s breathing.
He was in love with Virgil Sanders!
“That’s not funny, Janus!” Virgil snapped, glaring at his friend.
“You’re right, it’s not,” Janus agreed simply.
“You’re fucking insane!” Virgil accused.
“I completely agree,” he nodded.
“Stop being so agreeable, damn it!” Virgil snapped.
“Only when you state something I can disagree with,” Janus countered.
“What will your dad say?!” Virgil asked.
“Papa will probably agree with me,” Janus offered calmly.
“But I never said that I-“ Virgil cut himself off, flabbergasted by the entire situation, throwing his hands up in frustration.
“You never had to Virgil,” Janus offered, sitting with his legs crossed in front of him as he watched his room mate frantically pace across the room. “I’ve always known.”
Virgil pinned him with a testy glare, his frustration only intensifying at the knowing smirk Janus offered.
“Then you are the one that’s lost their mind!” Virgil accused.
“Or found it, depending on your perspective,” Janus offered.
“No! Absolutely not!” Virgil answered, shaking his head.
“Why?” Janus asked simply.
“Well… Well… Because…” Virgil stammered.
“Because it wasn’t your idea?” Janus asked.
“What?! No! It was my idea!” Virgil paused as he realized what he had said and backtracked. “Well, originally… before… you know…”
“Good, then we’re in agreement.” Janus gave a curt nod, standing and straightening his coat.
“What?! But I never-“
“You did say it was your idea to get married originally,” Janus pointed out, “and I am agreeing with you now. Therefore it is set. October is a nice month to have a wedding, don’t you think?” he asked, already heading out of the room.
Virgil sank into the chair Janus had just vacated, utterly and completely confused… and yet happy beyond belief.
“Are you sure?” Virgil whispered softly, peering over his husband’s shoulder.
“More than I have ever been in my life,” Janus nodded, bouncing the small child currently wrapped snugly in his arms.
Virgil didn’t need telling twice. “Alright then,” he nodded, turning to the desk next to them and signing his name.
“Logan Patton Dee, Fathers: Janus Alexander Dee and Virgil Edward Dee,” he whispered softly.
He slid the paper across the polished wood with a grin.
“It’s official,” the woman nodded with a kind smile, stamping the paper and moving to make copies. “Congratulations, to the three of you. There will be monthly check ins but I am certain everything will be as it should be.”
“Just as it should be,” Janus agreed with a nod, still peering dreamily down at their son’s face.
“I'm a serious Dad! You should have seen her!” Logan laughed, waving his hands in the air. “She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen!”
Virgil couldn’t help but smile at that, gray hair falling loosely into his face.
“You think Papa will like her?” Logan asked, finally glancing up at his father, brows furrowing in worry.
“She sounds like a very smart girl,” Virgil offered.
“Oh, she’s a genius Dad! Way smarter than me! Fiery too!” He went on. “She makes me the happiest man in the world.”
“Then I think he’ll adore her,” he reassured. “Is that right, love?” he asked, glancing over Logan’s shoulder at Janus as the man approached, his own salt and pepper locks groomed neatly down.
Logan started, turning quickly in his seat to stare up in surprise at the man in question.
“Hmph,” Janus huffed, with an upturn of his nose. “We’ll see.”
“Grandpa!” Valerie cried, climbing onto Virgil’s lap, his wheelchair rocking slightly with the force.
“Oof! Easy Val, if your Pawpaw sees you in my lap, he’ll have my head,” Virgil teased, tickling the little girls' sides playfully.
“That I will!” Janus teased, appearing at Virgil’s side and resting a hand on his shoulder. He looked happy to see the young girl, despite his threat.
“Pawpaw! Will you come watch me and Leo swim?” she asked excitedly, peering up pleadingly at Janus and causing his features to soften even more.
“In a bit, dear. I need to take Grandpa here back upstairs for a nap.”
“Who are you calling grandpa, old man?” Virgil growled at his husband playfully, helping Valerie climb off his lap. She gave him a big hug before hurrying off to play with her brother.
“You, grandpa,” Janus teased with a chuckle, “Come on, I’ll even lay down with you if you promise no to snore so loudly.”
“Ha!” Virgil barked. “Good luck with that. A forty year steak isn’t going to stop now!”
The End (of the fluff anyways)...
[[[This is the end of the fluff.
Continue at your own risk. Alternate NON-FLUFF ending in next chapter.
Alternate Ending:
Janus brushed away the loose grass and dirt the marred the headstone, clearing the words
‘Virgil Edward Dee Loving husband, father, and grandfather’ etched in marble.
The dark stone of the plot next to him lay empty, waiting for Janus to join him in his eternal slumber, but the man paid it no mind as he emptied the vase of dead flowers and replaced them with the new ones he had brought.
“There,” Janus hummed proudly. “Much better. You always were a slob, you know,” he teased. “Though I suppose it comes with being part racoon.”
He laughed, the sound falling a bit flat as tears welled in his eyes.
“I miss you,” he whispered, voice cracking. “The kids do too. Logan promises he’ll visit but you know how those things go…”
“I miss you,” Logan mumbled, pulling out the dead flowers from the vase and replacing them with fresh ones. “Both of you…”
He peered down at the double plot.
‘Virgil Edward Dee Loving husband, father, and grandfather’
‘Janus Alexander Dee Loving husband, father, and grandfather’.
“The kids do too. Though, they’re still a bit young to really understand. You know how those things go…”
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mynameseri · 4 years
AHHH atsushi and uhhh hands 🥺 could be either nsfw or sfw 👉👈 i know you just did hands so if you dont wanna do it again then hmm icecream ALSO! you can definitely add aku to this if you wanted to 😊 -ellie
Hehehe ILY!! I’ll do hands cause that was your first choice w a mix of SFW & N/SFW cause !! I’m here to feed you!! If you want ice cream too you can send in a second request I don’t mind doing another, these are fun & you’re da bomb! 🌸✨
Warnings: 18+, N/SFW is sprinkled IN THE MIX
Atsushi has soft hands, making sure to take care of them and keep them nice for you. Before he met you, he had rough hands from his upbringing and everything he went through at the orphanage. He cringes at the thought of touching you with those hands, hands that are any less than perfect. You deserve the best, which includes being touched by comforting hands. He’d get insecure to have rough or scaly skin around you, so he’s always double checking himself, keeping lotion near by at all times. 
Atsushi is quite skilled with his hands. They’re average sized, but his fingers are slender and he knows exactly how to use them to satisfy you. He knows your body so well, he knows all the spots to touch you and make you weak with them. 🤤 Whenever he fingers you, you’re always asking him to add another finger in, but he doesn’t succumb so easily to your requests. He wears you down until you’re begging, only then to give in to your pleas. There’s a special, strangely comforting feeling to the way his hands feel as he grips your hips during sex. He’s strong and the pressure he uses in his hands is always the perfect amount to feel good but never cause you unwanted pain. 
Akutagawa has hands that are a bit above average, with long slender fingers. They tend to be on the rougher side, due to his line of work. Although he tries to keep them soft and moisturized for you, not wanting you to ever be grossed out by him. Much like Atsushi, he would be embarrassed and insecure to touch you with hands that are all fucked up. He would never forgive himself for that kind of careless mistake. You think his hands are perfect, fitting just right with yours, slightly cold but in a good way; you’re always complimenting him about them because you know he can get insecure about them. 
Akutagawa is an expert with his hands, working your body until you’re cumming around his fingers. He loves to use his skills on you, getting you worked up and craving him then making you come completely undone. It’s his favorite sight. His slender fingers feel like pure bliss as they pump in and out of you, barely giving you time to catch your breath. There’s nothing you love more than his hands pressed against your neck, leaving you gasping for air as he fucks you. His hands fit so perfectly around your neck, like they’re meant to stay there forever. You can never get enough of this man or his absolutely perfect hands. 😫
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With Love, She.
Clang! Blaam! Boom! The echoing sounds of the utensils falling down startled her from her trance. ‘Ughhhh, he’s going to be furious again!’, she thought to herself, picking up the plates in a hurry. It was not the best of days for her. Lunch was not yet ready; the maid has not yet come and Nirav has once again spilled rice on the floor. Arun was about to come home and he would not be pleased with this work. And yet another load on her growing and immeasurable life. She cursed her father under her breath and began trotting the 3-way road again. ‘Hey, you! I am working so hard to maintain the house and you keep a petty fight for some rice? Today, it ends! You are going to clean up the mess!’, she exclaimed with suppressed anger. But then Nirav looked back at her, gave her a mischievous grin and ran out of the house in a flurry. ‘One day, that boy is going to get it from me. But what can I do? My heart doesn’t allow it.”, she told to herself. Exhausted, she returned to her usual chores with a half-hearted attitude. Cleaning the house, doing the dishes, is that my life? Don’t I have dreams? Shouldn’t I too reach failure and then work hard to rise? As she fell into the ever-growing abyss of her thoughts, her mind reached out and grabbed a memory. ‘Daddy, when will we go to the museum?’, the little girl cried at the top of her voice. Her father, in an ever-calming voice replied,’ Don’t you worry child! As long as this elephant is with you, he will ride you to the museum, with free lollipops!”, The girl was now laughing and calm with the help of the tickles from her daddy. On the rickshaw, she asked her father, “Daddy, yesterday I heard the 5th class girls cry about life in the corridor instead of studying. Humph, what cry-babies!”. The father burst out into laughter, responding with a question,” What do you thing life is sweetie?”. “Life is when Ms. Rose doesn’t give us homework and gives us ice-cream!”, she exclaimed in an innocent voice.” But what is life daddy?”, she repeated herself, her innocent and childlike mind wanting to know everything and being restless. Her father, now in a graver voice, replied,” Look at those puppies running frantically behind their mother with utmost love and hope that she will feed them. She does feed them, but without herself eating, knowing that her children come first, even more than her life. That’s life. It is the cruelest thing in the world, but when accompanied with a certain something it makes your life meaningful.’ “Ice cream?”, she answered the question diligently. “Haha-ha! No, my precious darling! Its love!”, he told her. “And remember, no matter what life gives you, remember that love always makes it what it is, and you get to decide what’s life and what’s love”. “Then I love love so much!”, she proclaimed to everyone. She continued to lick her lollipop joyously, unbeknownst to her what life was going to make her do. TTRRRRRRIINNNGGGG! The loud ringing of the doorbell startled her, causing her to cut her own finger a little on the skin. She grimaced in pain as she ran to answer the door. “Hey, sweetheart! Today was so stressful and boring! Could I get a cup of water please? And why is rice lying on the floor? Has Ritesh done this? How can he so irresponsible? Why have you not controlled him yet?”, came in the questions as Arun stormed inside the house from work. “I’ll take care of it, I’m sorry, had a lot of work today.”, she replied trying to stop the bleeding simultaneously. “Did you just cut yourself? How can you be so careless, huh? Sometimes I feel like life is so cruel, always doing this to me!”, Arun castigated her. All she could do was give back a fake smile as Arun brought the bandages. She felt a little comfort even though the wound was stinging a lot. “Let me go buy today’s dinner from outside, you take some rest.”, Arun convinced her. As soon as Arun was gone, she was back to cleaning the dishes, wiping an invisible tear off her eye. Damn you, dad! Why did you have to leave me so early? If it wasn’t for that rickshaw accident that
day, you would have been still here, with me, not lying in a hospital bed for 20 long years, she cursed under her breath. She turned off the tap, wound still stinging, and proceeded to clean the mess on the floor. She knew her life wouldn’t be same after that accident, the sounds of the crash still ringing in her ear, even after 20 long years. She had dreamt to be an IAS officer, make a difference to her nation, but that obstacle set her back at least by a lifetime. Her mother, influenced by relatives and peer pressure, got her married off to Arun Apparkumari, a GM at an MNC. He is a good man, but sometimes doesn’t feel the way that she feels. And, 2 children later, here she is, a grown independent woman by society, but a shattered yet dreaming little girl by heart. She did what she only could do about her miserable life, weep, sometimes for long times alone, as she kept on her apparent duty of daily chores. Just a few footsteps away, a door closed, listening to the unheard sorrows. The next day early morning, she boarded the bus to meet her in-laws, for whom she was the only caretaker. As she took a seat near the window, a wave of fresh air flew through her face. This was the only part she liked about the bus ride. She could see the everchanging world in its glow, nature and man working together to create a sustainable and luxurious life. Cars swept past the bus, metros riding over, people in a hurry to do something important, most importantly women rushing to work, trying to bring about a change in the society. Her thoughts were interrupted by a girl, dressed up fashionista style, on a motorbike and smoking a cigarette speeding through the roads, hurling obscenities at other drivers. That brought back a fond memory from her twenties. It was nostalgic time again. ‘Hey Sathya! Come fast! If Mom finds out about this, they’ll throw me out of the house for sure!”, she shouted in excitement as her friend Sathya came running towards her. “Its fine da! Anyways it’s our last day meeting. Who knows what will happen after you get married and sent off? Start cleaning vessels now itself! You will have practice!”, she laughed hysterically looking at a sulking face. “Come on fast! We have no time to lose!”, she shouted as they both started on a rental bike. As the wind rushed through her face, and her skin feeling the true touch of mother nature, she rode the bike as far as the road took her. It was the happiest she had been in a while. Since her father’s accident, her whole house was in chaos as her gullible mother ignored her pleas and, with the advice of the so-called relatives, fixed her marriage. The only way to spend all her pent-up anger was today. She wouldn’t do anything to miss today’s thrill. That day lived up to its name. Playing with Sathya on the beach, teasing and laughing about the men following them, fun with the waves and finally icecream on the rocks witnessing the grandest and splendor sunset. “What is life da?”, she asked her friend, repeating the question for as long as she had known Sathya relishing her ice-cream. “According to me, it would be travelling the world with my love and enjoy doing what I do. What about you? What’s your thoughts?”, Sathya replied relishing her ice-cream too, not knowing the ripples it caused. She began to wonder about her life after marriage. She was in a deep abyss now, with no way out or no one to help her. When will I get this feeling again? What will happen to me? What about my dreams? “Hello, snap out of it! You’ve gone and dropped the ice cream, now you’ve made me go crazy!”, Sathya said sarcastically. But she ignored that and asked her, “But why only roaming around the world? Why not follow your dreams and pursue your passions? Isn’t that supposed to make you happy? Sathya with a calm mind answered her question,” My dear friend. You have confused yourself with life. Life is not always cruel. When I meant the world trip, I was not going to obviously enjoy the trip. It was the person I love that I’m going to enjoy with. That’s what makes
us all happy. Life doesn’t give us obstacles; it gives us the stairs. Now whether you run on it or trod is your choice.” That sentence was stuck in my mind for a long time. “Madam! Please wake up, the stop has arrived”, said the bus conductor carrying out his duty. Back to the stairs once again, she thought as she got off the bus. Back at home, Arun was waiting. To make a difference. She reached home early. In spite of all the things that she did for her in-laws, they never quite respected her and treated her the way she should. But, she did it for her satisfaction, the way her father told her. Anyways she got to eat some ice-cream on her own! As she opened the door, out came a deafening yell. “SURPRISE!!!!”, screamed Arun, Nirav and Ritesh at the top of their voices. “Happy life celebration day, you idiot!”, Arun screamed sarcastically. “What took you so long? Do you know how much time Nirav spent baking that cake? Even with his girlfriend he doesn’t talk this much time with!”, he joked. “DAAAAAD! IM JUST 11!”, Nirav screamed blushing, a pink color slowly rising on his cheeks. “What’s all this going on?”, she asked with genuine astonishment. “I’ll tell you later, but first have this ice-cream cake. And that too your favorite! Pan masala flavor!”, Arun exclaimed. “Papa, I was busy writing the card. That’s why I gave him the wrong flavor. Don tease me!”, Ritesh shouted feeling guilty. And then, that day, she had a blast. Singing songs, going through old photos, charades with the family and a surprise visit from mom. It was the happiest she had been in days. She wiped out the pains of the last few weeks and embraced the day with full hands. “So now that the kids have gone to sleep, tell what does this life celebration day means, Mr. Party planner?” she asked Arun as they sat near the balcony. “Before I say that, I want to say thanks!”, he replied. “For what?”. “For everything. For the days you had to go to raise those 2 kids to keeping up with my atrocities and my mood swings, taking care of the relatives, and for facing everything that life gave you. It’s going to change from now”, he replied staring at the night sky. “I still don’t get it. What are you trying to thank me for now? It’s not even my birthday!”, she replied still in shock. “It’s even more special! Its Mother’s Day. See, when life doesn’t exactly give what you want, it is up to us to make sure that we squeeze the best out of it. And mothers always do it. They have to. And they always. It’s hard, people won’t get the pain, the losses and the challenges that come with it. But what they also miss is the small tiny happy moments that comes along with it”, he replied calmly to her. And that’s when it hit her. It hit her hard. What her father said. What Sathya meant. What she was missing most of her life. Life is not the true pleasure. It is love. Her love towards her family. Her love that keeps her going every single day, making her strive to just see the smile on her children’s face, to always love her husband no matter what. Its love that makes us feel alive, not life. “Nirav heard you weeping that day. And I almost felt the pain when he said it to me. So, as a family we are going to give you the greatest gift we can think of. Or at least to us accordingly. I can’t afford a necklace or something….”. “Just say it Arun”, she laughed. “Our love and support. From now no matter what you do, when you do or how you do it, its going to be your way. Let it be opening a restaurant or trying for a job or even being lazy like me, no matter what the society or any bloody person says, we will support you. Its your life, you apply the love to it, it will reward you back. That is what today’s life celebration day was. From now, you are not just a hardworking woman. For the society, you are the mother”, he said her, meaning each and every word from his heart. And that day she made a decision. It is going to be love that will lead her, not life. That day she understood what the world tried to express to her in different ways. That day, she
understood love. That day, she became her. With all the love from the multiverse, Ragav
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bad-angela · 3 years
So, this guy from... idk, I always think California for some reason. There full of shifty, horrible people, yea? For the government jobs I mean, you normal folk are brilliant wow that sounded so sarcastic I'm sorry, lol. They should have a different text mean *sarcasm*. I'm not aloud to be at home... I'm 40eee something and yet if mom says no cussing there will be no cussing... when she's over. "Isn't she over every day?" yes okay shes mom she can do whatever she likes
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Right, so, far away dude. Apparently in real estate. Gets texts n calls everyday about rentals and property and bla bla business bla de da. Not as successful as hed like, but if the volume of business calls he works the hell out of it. All the time, he gets asked about so many different places. Like I said though, must not be very well-to-do. Wanna know how I found all this out? How this man, implementing the power of his cell to bring home to all who need a home. But hes still such a tool. Anyway, how do I know, yes? Oh, Gery... his name is Gery. Yes, and I know all of this... because... I'm Gery. Oooo, plot twist! Me myself and I have been Gery for some years yet. Sometimes we text, sometimes we call. Well no, sometimes *they* call. Gery is a giant pain in the @$$ the stupid jerk. Who knows what this freaking mans deal is. Must not sell a lot of property, cuz I'm his flipping secretary! It's time to raise the stakes my friends. Maybe Grey's dead tomorrow; a horrific car crash! You know I told him not to buy that... milk truck; they have no doors you'd just fly right out. Maybe that's why he drove in the middle of people's yards all the time; grass beats pavement every time! Although their thinking of calling it a homicide; found little bbs all in his face. Was to worried about his latest plastic surgery instead of looking where he was going. I told him, I'd say "Gery, you cant take it with you". Well, you know, I didnt come up with it myself. It was a... you know what, give me a sec I'm going to look it up so... no, know... I should give credit where credit is due. Oh its nothing I'm looking it up while you... I mean... i... I dont... oh I insist! Cant take credit away from the actuel... hello? Hello? Lol; I should take bets on how long I can keep them on for, lol.
Explosion, torture, massive allergic reaction (didnt know he was allergic to Silica! He would eat anything... it's called something I know. I mean I'd say "Gery it says right on there Don. Not. Eat.. who knew he couldnt read. I mean how sad is that even, ya know? So poor thing ate it all, its a desiccant ya. You know, a drying agent. Thank you Community College. So, he shriveled right up, all dry n dusty. The human body is loads a water ya know; Poor Gery, it just sucked every drop of it like that, like this old shop vac I used to have at my old job; sucks everything up like a fat kid eats icecream. Not that Gery was, oh god no. Oh my... I can only hope he didnt hear that. They can you know... or maybe
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Murderous Love Chapter IV
(WARNING: This fanfiction has themes of Suicidal Ideation, Suicide itself, Self harm, Sexual Assualt, Murder, Extreme Bullying and Humiliation and a lot of Mental Illness related content and is NOT appropriate for children and the faint of heart. If you are under 18 or may be triggered by the content of this fanfiction please do not read this.)
Motochika’s POV
Myself and Mitsuhide were relaxing in our mini studio apartment that his parents made for us so that we can live independently while we are minors.
Tomorrow our fight to get Da Ji charged and convicted of sexual assault and distribution of Child Pornography and Loki and Ares charged and convicted as accomplices to Da Ji begins.
I knew Odin and Zeus would not take us putting those three in jail laying down. Mitsuhide was scared, he knew his life would become worse if those three are acquitted of those charges. Thankfully Dousan, Noh’s father is the best lawyer we have and has given us a no win no fee guarantee because he knew that due to Zeus and Odin being rich bastards, we may not get the outcome we want.
I hugged Mitsuhide tightly while singing to him, hoping that my singing would soothe him. I then noticed that Mitsuhide was not calming down at all, he then looked at me saying
“Hide the blades, medication and long cords. Now.”
When I heard that I let go of Mitsuhide and went to do so. I’m so glad Mitsutsuna taught me what to do when Mitsuhide ends up having a manic episode or a depressive episode. I then looked at Mitsuhide asking “Anything else?”
Mitsuhide nodded “My wallet.”
I nodded and hid his wallet as well. I then walked to my beloved and hugged him “I love you, I won’t leave you, you’re a god amongst men, you’re the strongest guy I know, you’re an absolute badass, you’ve survived so much and you’re still here, I’m so proud of you”
Mitsuhide rested his head on my chest smiling. I wasn’t told to tell Mitsuhide nice things about him, I just added that to combat the intrusive thoughts that might come up as he deals with this episode, such as feeling unworthy of anything great in life. He looked at me smiling
“I’m so sorry for having that episode.” He spoke,
I looked at him weirdly before saying “Don’t be sorry for something that is not in your control.”
Mitsuhide looked down “No one wants to hire me so I can’t get a job and I don’t want to rely on my parents to get my medication…”
I soon became worried. I looked at him before letting go of him “I just need to ask your father when dinner is ready”
I then walked out of our studio apartment and towards Mitsutsuna saying “Hey sooooooo I found out why Mitsuhide is having these episodes. He doesn’t want to rely on you to get his medication, even though he knows that you and your wife are more than happy to help him…”
Mitsutsuna froze “Wh-What? O-Oh my god!”
He then picked up his phone and called Ritsuko (Mitsuhide’s mother).
Mitsutsuna then said “So, Mitsuhide has not been taking his medication for his bipolar and his depression…
He doesn’t want to rely on us to get it for him…
I know we had that conversation with him that we’re his parents and if we can’t get him the medication he needs then we don’t deserve the honour of parenthood…
Please just get the medication for him, I’ll have a chat…
Motochika managed to get him to talk about whether or not he’s getting his medication…
Okay, I’ll do that for you”
He then hung up the phone and looked at me saying “Thank you so much for telling us this.”
I nodded “It’s okay, if we can at least get him on his medication for the duration of the Trial we can manage his condition as the trial goes on.”
I then walked back to our mini apartment, Mitsuhide looked at me saying “You told them didn’t you…”
“I’m sorry honey, I had to, they want to help you, please let them help you.” I replied.
I hugged him tightly before Ritsuko arrived and handed me the medication. “Thank you Motochika, I think you’re the man that my son needed.”
I nodded and accepted the paper bag.
It was the day the trials of Da Ji, Loki and Ares began.
I stood by Mitsuhide’s side as we made our way into the court room. Da Ji glared at us as the evidence was presented.
Soon it was Dousan’s turn to present evidence. He walked to the whiteboard and projector and turned it on soon revealing the Instagram post made by Da Ji that had the photo of Mitsuhide naked lying on the dingy bathroom floor.
Loki, Ares and Da Ji were held back as Dousan revealed the evidence and explained the statements given by myself, Mitsuhide and the school staff who found us in the bathroom.
The trial lasted for about five days and Judge Orochi sent the Jury out to discuss what the verdict is going to be, as we waited for the verdict Loki looked at Mitsuhide saying
“Now you’ve fucking done it, how much attention do you fucking want you whore!”
I blocked Mitsuhide’s ears when Loki opened his mouth to talk.
We then saw the Jury enter the courtroom again and the jury Forewoman Tamamo was asked if Loki was guilty or not guilty.
Tamamo replied “Loki and Ares had the majority vote of not guilty of all charges. While I have voted guilty I believe there has been some form of bribery going on that I do not know about. As a result for the sake of the members of the jury who are sympathetic towards the victim the least the courts should do is grant him the restraining order.”
“OBJECTION BITCH!” was heard, I looked in the direction the voice came from to find that it was Loki, he then looked at the judge saying
“Your Honour, I do not believe that Akechi Mitsuhide should be applying for a restraining order against myself and Ares, the three of us are all minors and there is no need for a kid to be applying for a restraining order against other kids, I believe he is doing this for attention, he imagined everything, that Instagram post is fake and we will take legal action if you allow the restraining order to go through!”
Orochi slammed the podium saying “ORDER IN THE COURT! Mr Loki Asgardian you have spoken enough, do not argue with our jury members again. Tamamo, my apologies for the interruption. Do you find Da Ji guilty or not guilty of the Sexual Assault charges and Child Pornography Charges?”
Tamamo replied “We have found Da Ji guilty of Sexual Assault and Production and distribution of child pornography, however, the majority recommends mercy.”
I saw Tamamo roll her eyes, I could tell that she has tried to get us the justice we deserve.
Orochi looked at everyone saying “Loki Asgardian and Ares Olympus are acquitted of all charges and I sentence Da Ji to four months in juvenile detention” he then grabbed the hammer and hit the hammer puck to make the sentence final.
Mitsuhide soon started crying but these tears are not happy ones, they’re tears of sadness and anger.
Orochi looked at me with a sullen look saying “I’m sorry, this is the best I can do…”
Four months for raping Mitsuhide then taking a photograph of him in the nude without his consent and posting it on the internet is unbelievable! What do we get!? Stuck with the trauma and having those assholes smiling like fucking crazy because they got away with it.
“Mr Chosokabe?” I heard that which brought me back to reality, I turned around still carrying Mitsuhide bridal style.
The person calling out to me was Tamamo. She walked to me and handed me a folder “Here. I have made it a rule that any communication between the prosecution or defence and the jury must be screenshot and sent to me. If you do anything rash that could get you in bigger trouble with the law these might help you justify it. These are all of the messages from the defence bribing the majority of the jury to give a not guilty verdict or if it has to be a guilty verdict to prevent suspicion recommendation of mercy.”
Mitsuhide took the folder while I had tears in my eyes said “Thank you so much, you’re so sweet”
Tamamo giggled saying “Don’t thank me, thank Kaguya, another juror for bringing this up. She was suspicious of the defence for a while and was a bit annoyed that she wasn’t the jury forewoman, I told her that if she needed to talk to me about what was happening in the court I am happy to listen. This was what she presented. Good luck taking matters in your own hands, I will be supporting you from afar.”
I nodded as we walked to the car. I placed Mitsuhide in the middle back seat, he put his seatbelt on as I sat next to him.
Hades was driving us as he was given a note by Mitsuhide’s parents stating that they are unable to bring us to the courthouse. When Hades got in the car he then screamed loudly “FUCK YOU ZEUS YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I FUCKING HATE YOUR GUTS! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE WHY THE FUCK MUST THE WORLD LET YOU BE SO PRIVELEGED THAT YOU COULD JUST FUCK UP A FUCKING TRIAL LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING PERVERTED PLAYBOY ASSHOLE I HOPE YOU FUCKING ROT IN HELL!”
I blocked Mitsuhide’s ears as Hades screamed. When he was finished Hades looked at us with tears in his eyes saying “I’m calling your parents and asking if I can take you two somewhere for icecream and shopping to cheer you up.”
He then did so, explaining the situation, thankfully both my and Mitsuhide’s parents approved of this before we could leave a guy with silver hair and aqua streaks in his hair got in the car and looked at Hades and kissed his forehead saying
“Hey Hades, baby, what’s wrong?”
Hades looked at the guy saying “My younger brother is a privileged asshole Yang Jian… he made my mental health client lose his court case…”
Yang Jian kissed Hades’ forehead again saying “I’m guessing a repeat of us when we were sixteen? Everyone pulled the ‘they didn’t know better they’re only little’ garbage?”
Hades nodded he then said “I have asked my client and his boyfriend’s parents if I could take them out for ice cream and shopping to cheer them up. If you want you can go somewhere else while I do this”
Yang Jian looked at Hades saying “which client is it?”
“Akechi Mitsuhide” Hades replied.
Yang Jian replied “You referred Mitsuhide to the place I work for and they chose me to be his mental health support worker. This is the perfect opportunity to get to know him, even if I spend the entire time with him in silence, building rapport does not require talking at the first instance.”
Hades nodded before turning on the ignition and driving to the next town over. I’m willing to assume to keep us away from Ares and Loki so we can have some time to breathe and be happy before we get thrown through the gauntlet of bullying for trying to throw people in jail.
When we got to the mall Yang Jian looked at us asking Mitsuhide “Hey, is it okay if we just spend time together just you and me? Hades will look after Motochika for you.”
I looked at Mitsuhide who replied “O-Okay b-but if we see those two no ifs, whats or buts, I’m finding Motochika and staying with him.”
Yang Jian nodded “I understand, I want to make sure you’re comfortable and safe.” Mitsuhide put the folder in my satchel, grabbed his Lapras plush doll and his handbag and went with Yang Jian while I stayed with Hades.
I looked at Hades asking “’A repeat of us when we were sixteen’? Are you saying that this has happened before!?”
Hades nodded sadly “Yes. Not to this scale, but my parents never approved of Yang Jian, they acted like Yang Jian was a bad influence on me. I wanted to pursue a career in mental health, so did he.
My parents wanted an accountant. But because of the fact that my parents hated Yang Jian, Zeus gets to be a dick to me and not get in trouble for it.
Which sucked… and it also sucks knowing that he gets to get away with letting his son and his friends do what they want with light consequences…”
I nodded and we went to a musical instrument store because I wanted to get a new shamisen.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers IV (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: Y/N has trust issues and terrible luck.
Remember to leave feedback!
Words: 2,199
Warnings: Blood, a lot of running, cursing, a lot of gross ig??
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Josh steps inside the store and prepares to put his hand in danger, not without whining and groaning, of course, I can’t blame him, putting your hand down someone’s throat must be disgusting. 
The closest thing I’ve seen to this is that time Alex and I were over at Nathan’s and Alex had to pull a plastic cap out of Nathan’s dog’s mouth. The way his hand smelled that day... ugh, totally would not recommend. We had to rush over to the vet to make sure Patty hadn’t swallowed any more plastic items, it’s like a block away from the mall, so we decided to let Nathan take his dog back home and we stayed here.
-Time for another beautiful flashback, sponsored by the terrible image of Josh searching on a ghoulie’s stomach with his bare hand-
“Don’t ever let me put my hand down a dog’s throat ever again.”
“How often do you think it could happen?”
“Dogs are silly, Y/N, I don’t know,” He shrugs, examining his hand with repulsion.
“If you ask me, I think that was pretty heroic,” I offer.
“Shut up,” He whines.
“For real!”
“You’re only saying that so I don’t feel as gross...”
“I say it cause I think it was a brave move. Patty’s a pitbull, she could’ve eaten your arm,” I giggle.
“Nah, she’s an angel” 
Alex is the angel, but I won’t admit that to his face.
“Will you ever take a compliment without shrugging it off?” I roll my eyes, “I’m trying to say that I admire you, bitch.” Alex laughs at my outburst.
“I only do it so you keep complimenting me, isn’t it working?” He winks at me, and I feel the urgent need to push him towards the passing cars. Or hold his hand. Whatever.
“Sure. Tell you what, let’s go to the mall, I’ll get you icecream and you can look for a bathroom and wash your hand.”
“Yes, please,” He sighs and takes my hand to practically drag me on the direction of the mall. Alright then, I don’t mind at all.
Josh got the keys. His hand is covered in something gross and I can’t hide the smirk that’s growing on my face.
“The things we do for love, am I right?” I grin.
“Don’t start, Y/N,” He complains.
“No I mean, fucking respect. Not everyone would do that for their crush.” He shakes his head at my statement, not flattered at all.
“I just wanna find Sam.”
“And I want to get out of here, so let’s go!” I start walking, a new burst of energy going through my veins now that we have the keys.
“I’ll see you around,” He tells Angelica, and I happily wave goodbye while passing.
“Guys!” She says, following us.
“So what’s your plan, then?” Josh looks at me, “You’re leaving too? What about your skates?”
“There’s a store close to my old neighborhood, I’ll get a new pair from there.”
“You can’t wait to leave, huh?”
“Same as you,” I frown, “I’m sure anywhere’s better than with a bunch of weirdos.”
“Hey! Just because you’re not as cool doesn’t mean I’m weird” He replies playfully.
“I don’t think so, mister,” I hold to my backpack tighter, getting ready to go out, “I just need to leave this place, this mall has brought me nothing but trouble...”
And I wasn’t talking about Triumph or the Jocks only, I was also thinking about that day with Alex:
“How’s that hand?”
“Still smelling like crap.”
“Too bad. Here, take it. My treat,” I give him the icecream cone I bought moments ago, hoping it’ll make him feel better.
“Jee, thanks, Vinchi.”
I smile at the stupid nickname; it was the invention of a ten-year-old Alex that saw my drawing of a butterfly and thought  I was the next big paintor, “like that guy, ’vinchi”. He meant to say Da Vinci, but the other name was funnier so it’s the one that stuck. You know how you’re supposed to hate silly nicknames? Well, even that was impossible when it came from Alex. I liked him too much. 
I liked everything about him, or slightly related to him. Yet, I managed to keep my distance. Why? Cause you don’t get attached to things you cannot have. Alex was dating our friend Stuart. 
Unrequited love is not something I personally enjoy, so is better to stay away from it. And just like unrequited love, if a bunch of rowdy misfits is running in your direction, you run faster and hide.
Angelica has been insisting on staying and forming our own tribe. Fucking crazy, right? You’d have to be out of your mind to try to form a tribe with these people. There’s no way I’m trying that.
“Angelica, maybe next time okay?” I look at her over my shoulder, “seriously you don’t want us on your tribe, we’re very dumb and slow.”
“You know that’s a lie.”
“Still, it’s better this way, you don’t need us.”
“Bye-bye Angelica,” Says Josh while opening the exit door.
You know when things are bound to end in tragedy? You get this feeling that it’s going to be one shit after the other, and you’re right, cause that’s all that’s been happening so why would it change, right? Yeah, well I was so excited about leaving that I forgot this was the case.
The same ghoulie that had run off with Josh’s sword on her back was outside the door, she jumps on him and throws him to the floor, Angelica and I jump back in surprise.
“Get off me now! Shit!” 
“Don’t die!” Angelica runs back to get her molotov bombs (because according to her, fire is the only answer) and I’m left with no weapons to defend us.
“Okay! it’s two against one I can do this!” I try to reach the sword but the ghoulie keeps moving and I don’t wanna hurt Josh by accident, “Hold on, I’m trying to get the sword!”
“Try harder!”
“Shut up, I’m saving your life!” I kick the ghoulie’s hip and she doesn’t budge. Josh seems to be having a hard time and I can’t do much without putting myself in danger as well, the sword is halfway out and is dangerously close to his chest. If I make the wrong move, I’ll kill him.
“Fuck! I need a real weapon, hold on!”
I run like hell until I get to the hardware store and my eyes land on the only thing that I feel capable enough to handle. A sledgehammer. Because judging by my record, I’m pretty good at smashing things. I grab it and run back to where Josh is, lifting the tool at shoulder level.
“Here’s Johnny!” 
I swing it hard and hit the ghoulie’s head with full force, she tries to stand up but Eli appears on the other side of the hall exactly where she landed and pulls the sword from her chest only to put it back, this time in her head. She falls like a puppet on the floor.
“Eli?” Josh seems disoriented, I help him stand up.
“You better be worth it,” He replies, handing him the sword and looking at my hammer with a nod of approval.
We run again until we reach the elevator, we find Wesley there, keeping the door closed.
“I can’t hold it!” He screams.
“Let him in!”
Wesley steps back and the door opens harshly, Triumph stepping in like a nightmare. The guys attack but Triumph easily beats them, I swing my hammer but he traps it mid-air and pulls me towards him. I kick his crotch and he barely groans. It’s not enough.
“Hoyles! Man! This does not need to end up in violence!”
Triumph stops and lets go of me, throwing me into the floor. Eli and Josh both pull me far from him, I grab my hammer tightly.
“Wes!” Josh warns him. Triumph is getting close to the boy and I know that he won’t be able to pull it off alone either, Samurai or not, he’s still a kid.
“AHHHHHHHH!” Crumble jumps from the roof of the elevator and attacks Baron Triumph with her bare hands. He easily pushes her away. Crumble stands up slowly, we’re all expectant, not knowing what the hell to do.
And then Crumble raises her hands and starts speaking in what I’m most certain is nonsense in Spanish, but it does the trick: Triumph backs off until he reaches the elevator and closes the gate. Wesley closes the second gate and supports his back against it.
“What the fuck was that?” Asks Josh.
“I wanted to help you,” whispers Crumble.
“How did you get out of the store?”
“I can turn myself into mist,” She explains excitedly, “and then I float through the cracks. Watch!” Then she proceeds to run straight into the elevator’s door and knocks her lights off.
“Outstanding,” I look over to Angelica, “bet you’re really proud of your Ghoulie witch now.” Angelica just smiles back at me.
So... that happened. Thank god it’s over, now I can finally go. But first, I think I’ll take Josh’s word and go shopping one last time.
“Thanks again for the icecream.”
“Anytime, Al,” I smile.
“You ‘going home now?”
“I guess, it doesn’t look like anything interesting is about to happen so...”
“Hey, about what you said...” He scratches the back of his neck, “you really think it was heroic?”
“Patty could’ve died. Of course I do,” I answer with full honesty.
“Thanks... I think you’re very heroic too.”
“What?” I laugh, “Dude, I’ve never done anything out of the ordinary.”
“You call out the jocks on their bullshit even if they annoy you afterwards. When Lily got high and was having a bad trip, it was you who took her to the shower and made her threw it up out of her system,” He puts a hand on my shoulder, applying light pressure to it, “You may not be saving the world, but you take care of your people. That’s cool.”
And maybe it’s the sugar rush, maybe it was the way his words sting on my heart or the way the artificial lights inside the mall made his eyes look so shiny. But my feelings for him went through the roof. Exactly like my common sense.
Whatever it was, all I know is that suddenly we were too close, and suddenly we were kissing outside the icecream shop. It lasted only five seconds though, cause then he tried to cup my face with both hands and the smell of dog’s saliva made me step back in disgust.
“Oh my god, what is that dog eating?”
“I’m sorry!” Alex covers his mouth with both hands and regrets it immediately after, grossed out by the smell, “fuck, I need to put on sanitizer.”
“I have to go,” I mumbled in a hurry, walking towards the exit.
“Wait, Y/N!”
“See you on monday, Alex,” I walk faster, almost crashing against a random boy wearing the ugliest reddish pants on earth, seemingly also running for his life.
Don’t. Just don’t. Whatever you have to say, trust me, I already heard it in my head every night for the past six months. I know it was a shitty thing to do, kiss someone else’s boyfriend. My best friend. Who had been dating my other friend for the past four months.
It doesn’t matter that he kept going. It was wrong. “Y/N, you bitch ass liar, you told us none of you ever made a move!”. Joke’s on you, a kiss is not a move if it doesn’t affect on anything after it happens. A kiss is just a kiss. Mine was a huge mistake for sure, but not a love declaration.
Alex and Stuart kept dating and we never mentioned our incident. Not even after he broke up with Stuart two months before the nuke. Not even when he went with me to look for my sister Katie.
So how’s that for a move huh? That’s the reason why I’m leaving. Cause it doesn’t matter if you’ve known them for a day, a semester or ten years. I thought that the people I hung with during Highschool would be my tribe during the apocalypse. That we were inseparable. Turns out we weren’t.
Love is weak compared to personal interests and I refuse to be the only idiot that gets attached. No one is worth that much pain. I’m leaving. Best of wishes to Josh and gang of weirdos but I’m out. I’m backing up. Stepping back. I’m-
“Y/N, come here quick! Stupid Josh cut his finger and now I need to get bandages and duct tape! Make sure he doesn’t faint!”
I’m coming into a halt and drop my backpack and weapon to the floor as I’m rushing over to the restrooms.
“He did WHAT?”
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caroline18mars · 5 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 54
“How many more shows here in Italy? Because I keep eating and eating and eating, it's been so long since I had food as decent and as tasty as this”, she pushed another piece of bread in her mouth with a sigh “and if I keep at it, I'm well on my way to gaining a whole lot of weight”. Jared took another mouthful of his granola and shrugged “so? Even more woman for me to handle, mmm love it” with a grin, earning himself a kick under the table, “not funny! Oyyy I'm stuffed” she leaned back in her chair holding her hands on her stomach. “Again? I remember you saying that a couple of times as well last night” he flashed her a dirty grin, “can we talk about anything else than sex for a minute?” she rolled her eyes in mock-drama. “Nope” he leaned back, happily chewing “ok, ok, let's talk about your paintings, where will the magic happen? Do you want me to book a seperate hotelroom where you can paint? Or do you want to work at the venue? I guess you don't want to be moving them from our bedroom to another hotelroom to a venue, there'll be enough damage moving them from city to city or even overseas as it is” he leaned in again sipping his coffee. “Damage? Oh darling, Leonardo Da Vinci crossed the Alpes with Mona Lisa rolled up in a bag hanging from a donkey when he moved to France to be with his lover, I'm sure my paintings will survive” she leaned in to him too and tapped his nose with her finger. “Really?” he was genuinely impressed, “really, so one step to the left or right too far and the most expensive, most famous painting in the world would have been no more, sometimes you've gotta take a risk you know?” she nodded. He rested his hand against his cheek “promise me one thing? If we get to Florence tomorrow, you show me around town? Show me Da Vinci and Michelangelo and you tell me everything you know about them, I didn't get nearly enough art history classes as I should have wanted, I love it, and hearing you talk about these anecdotes it's like watching a documentary, which leads me to the next brilliant idea, making an art history docu your style?” he rattled, getting lost in the dream already. “Hold it, wooahh, back up back up, Jared, hun, Jay?” she shook her head as he just kept spewing ideas and grabbed his hand “just let me paint, ok? Besides the fact that absolutely nobody would be interested in the topic, there's no way I want to be in front of a camera, I don't have the need to be in the limelight, I'm quite happy in the shadows” he scrunched his nose, not happy with the answer but knowing full well this was not a woman whose arm could easily be twisted “but you'll still show me around Florence?”, oh silly man you're absolutely adorable “of course I'll take you around Florence, just put on your walking shoes and don't you dare start moping when you get fed up with all the musea we're gonna do”. Harper leaned in to him, pushing a little kiss on the tip of his nose “and if you're a really good boy, I promise I'll buy you an icecream, ok?”, her giggle was contagious “and are you gonna spank me if I'm a bad boy?” to which she encouragingly wiggled her eyebrows.
Strolling through the park on their way back to the hotel, duty called for Jay in about an hour, he held her hand tighter than he ever had, squeezing, letting go, squeezing again, oh yes this was an internal convo with himself “Come to a conclusion yet? I hope so because I think I've already felt a bone snap in my hand”. What? His head whizzed to look at her “what?” he held up her hand to check the damage done, “wanna talk about it?” she raised her eyebrows when she looked into his eyes “just goes to show how dangerous your thoughts really are”. Something was brewing, that much was clear if him biting his lip and the unintentional harder squeezing of her hand was anything to go by, oohhh trouble, definitely trouble, she almost braced for his reaction “it's just..”.  It's just what, Jared? I'm so not ready for whatever this is, “you're scaring me now, ok so what is it? You changed your mind and you want to end it after all? For fuck's sakes Jay” she babbled, getting more anxious by the second. His head shot up again and he took her face between her hands to calm her down “No! That's not it, I didn't change my mind..it's not about us, I just have bad news” his eyes became darker again “I was thinking about how to tell you this, but I guess there's just no right way..Shayla..she's coming back on the road with us” he blurted it out and watched her face go instantly pale like someone had punched her in the stomach. “You're joking, right?” she whispered, ugh why did she feel like the ground was gonna dissapear from underneath her feet? “Jay?” her eyes pierced his, “it was Shannon's idea, there was nothing I can do, I'm so sorry babe” dissapointment, hurt, it was all there in those beautiful brown eyes. “What's next? I mean Sean's back, now Shayla, within a month or so you're probably gonna tell me that Val's part of the gang again too. It just doesn't matter what they do, does it? And I don't matter, and neither does everything they did to me, because I'm temporary, right?” she blurted it all out, the frustration, the pain, just when she thought they could finally get back to being a normal couple, there was always a spanner being thrown in the works.
“Harper, babe? No stop” he followed her as she started walking again “you're not temporary, ok?” and caught up with her “listen to me” he stopped her by jumping in front of her and grabbing her hands “Shannon tried to do good, we really need an assistant and she knows the business, ok? And Val isn't coming back ever, you have to believe me! I swear I don't want this to come between us, you're all that matters to me, not Shayla, not Val, not Sean, I don't care about them, I only care for you, I love you”. Coco took a deep breath and looked at him “I love you too..in my heart I know where I want us to be..but it's always one thing after the other, I just want to have some peace and quiet” she sighed, grabbing his hand “let's just walk back to the hotel, if anything those three fuckers can be an inspiration for a painting and I definitely need a word with Shannon”. So relieved she wasn't angry, he pulled her against him “fuck them all, this is about us not about them” and kissed her lips, god that man's kisses were pure gold, reassuring, firm, hot, tender and demanding at the same time, she wanted a real life with him, settle down and have millions of babies with him..whoaaaa hold on a minute, getting way ahead here, the only thing she wanted right now was a normal, quiet life together, 'quiet' as in out of the spotlights, not like the soap everyone was expecting it to be.
They took their time to get back to the hotel, talking, connecting, “where would you like to have dinner?” he pushed a kiss in her hair as they turned the street of their hotel, glued to each other. “Anywhere is fine really, as long as it is just you and me” she snuck her hand into the back of his pants, just above the curve of his butt “I think this is my favorite part on your body” she squeezed his warm skin there. “Finally someone who doesn't want me entirely for my massive..” he paused for effect, grinning from ear to ear, “that too of course, but in broad daylight I prefer this bit” she smiled at him but it was Shannon who burst their bubble. “Hey beautiful, and I don't mean you bro” he just skipped down the steps and up to them, but when he wanted to plant a kiss on Harper's cheek she pulled back “that's a little hypocrite, don't you think?” she hissed. Shannon looked at Jay with a panic in his eyes, but he just shrugged to show him that this was none of his business, “why don't you and I take this inside?” she let go of Jared and walked up the steps to the entrance. “Is there something you need to tell me, Shannon, or is this your way of showing me how much you really hate me?” she plopped down on one of the couches in the lobby and zipped open her jacket. “Harper..I..” Shannon was crumbling in front of her eyes, he looked like a little boy that was being put in his place “so Jared told you?” he sighed while his brother came walking in as well and sat down next to her. “Of course he did, did he have to wait until she finally showed up here and you'd make it a nasty surprise? You must really hate me” there it was again, her thinking he hated her, “Coco, I don't hate you, really I don't and it pains me that you think I do, we're in a bit of a pickle here..I mean we really need someone to take over all those tasks we don't have time for and Shayla seemed like the best option”. He shuffled uncomfortably in his seat when the waiter brought the coffees Jared had ordered, “both Jared and I know what they've done to you so we've decided to put a special clause in their contract: if they give you even the slightest bit of trouble, they're out”. Coco took her cup and leaned back in her seat, her eyes locking with Jared's for a moment, god he was gorgeous, the way he sat there in that beautiful diffuse light, his cheeks rosy from the cold morning walk, he did need a shave though..mind wandering again, take care of the older Leto first. “It's your show and I do realize that I'm a guest on this tour as well so I'm not the one to interfere but I have to admit it shook me” she sipped her coffee, warming her hands on the cup while she glared at Shannon. “I get that but I hope you can forgive me?” Shannon gave her a careful smile “Nope, not just yet anyway” she shook her head and focused back on her coffee.
”I think you're the only one who can get under Shannon's skin” Jared smiled, sipping his tea “look at him, he's completely shook up”, Harper put her cup back down and nervously ran her hand through her hair “I didn't mean to, I don't want him to think I'm an egotistical bitch who thinks this is all about her because I don't, maybe I should go and apologize..”. Jared pulled her closer and kissed the side of her head “Oh no, you don't! Let him stew for a bit, let it sink in..” while his brother shuffled back over to the lounge “we have to go..uhm..Harper, wanna come along?”. Harper grabbed her bag “no, I'm gonna try out all those beautiful colors, you know..just keeping sane” and stood up, Jared pulled her against him and whispered “you sure? I don't want to miss you”. Her finger ran over his leather jacket “I'm sure, I take it she'll be landing shortly? And I don't want to be confronted with her just yet..I'll miss you too, but at least we'll be doing something we both love to do” why did this beautiful freak have to be so damn sexy? He was talking just now about getting under someone's skin, but damn he, his name, his whole being was already tattooed a million times under her skin. “Ok..I love you, remember that” he whispered, unable to leave her lips alone, “too mushy, Leto, too damn mushy” she acted all tough, but her inner voice wanted to scream that she loved him too, more than he could ever imagine, but to be that vulnerable? Oh no, not in a million years, she had been too vulnerable in the past and look where it got her, nope, she was a tough cookie and she could resist anything. Something as normal and simple as watching him leave almost became unbearable, this had to stop, she hated being so dependent, not being, feeling, definitely feeling, there was a difference! The van that took him away hadn't even turned the corner or her phone bleeped
From: BJLCubbins
To: HCDeRobiano
Subject: Not my first but definitely my last!
Just stop me from popping the question, because I'm about to,  put my feet back on the ground because right now I don't see any reason why I shouldn't just ask you to marry me.
My love for you is scaring me
Your fool Jay
Her heart hammered in her chest, whatwhatwhatwhat? She read it again, he actually did ask..wait no, get it together De Robiano
From: HCDeRobiano
To: BJLCubbins
Subject: Re: Not my first but definitely my last
Oy Leto,
Did you drink paddo-tea? I'm just gonna ignore this because you're probably gonna eat those words by tonight, why? If you're asking me to stop you from asking, then I'm stopping you here and now! Breathe! Think about how impulse marriages don't work in 95% of the time, feeling better? Good!
That being said, I love you too, very much, you adorable fool of mine
Hitting the 'send' button, her heart sank, there was no turning back anymore, did she ever think or want to get married? God no, but with him? Absolutely! Ah well, too late now, what are you thinking, they had known each other a couple of weeks, no ok, done, ridiculous idea!..or not?..paint Coco, just paint!
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edsbev · 6 years
The losers club parent Au?
i got this ages ago and got stuck with it but ive been thinking abt reddie as parents a lot recently so im just gonna do headcanons for them and not all the losers if thats alright? okokok
sO they adopt a lil baby girl and they both burst into tears the moment they see her
shes handed to eddie first. and he’s shaking, tears dripping from his chin as he looks down at this little bundle held in his arms. the wide brown eyes that blink up at him. and he worries for a moment that he might drop her
but then a pair of steady arms wrap him up a warm embrace, the baby between them, and richie is burying his face into eddies hair
“we’re dads, eds,” he whispers in disbelief. voice thick with tears. “we’re parents.” and eddies lets out a little shaky laugh and richie presses a kiss into eddies hair before he rests their foreheads together, looking down at the baby, their baby. their daughter. 
and theyre a little family, standing there, holding each other. a real family.
eddie becomes ‘dadda’ and richie ‘pappa’
when the kids get older (they adopt a little boy when their daughter turns 2) they become ‘da’ and ‘pa’. or, if the kids are feeling chaotic, they’ll call out ‘dad!’ and both richie and eddie will answer. or if richie and eddie are feeling chaotic, they’ll race each other to the kid’s room and whoever gets there first gets to help them
eddie desperately doesnt want his kids to have the same controlled childhood that he did and in not wanting to be strict like his mom he becomes…Way Too Chill
richie: comes home to find their 5 yr old daughter drawing a family portrait on the wall while eddie watches
richie: um…babe?? youre just gonna let her do that???
eddie: yeah?? what are you…the FUN police??
daughter: cackles and draws a cross in red crayon over her little drawing of richie
eddie: ur doing amazing sweetie
richie then becomes the strict parent. and has to stop eddie and the kids from eating icecream together at 1am, and tell eddie ‘no’ when they go out shopping together and eddie wants to buy the kids toys, and literally beg eddie not to let the kids sleep in their bed almost every night bc thats literally the only time he and eddie get alone together and he wants to be able to kiss and cuddle his husband without two little wriggly bodies being in the way dammit
hes still richie tho
and once eddie sort of finds a balance between being strict and fun, richie is allowed to be less stern
and he’s the kind of the parent who makes his kids listen to all his old favourite songs in the car until they know the lyrics and can sing along with him, and buys the kids nerf guns so they can all shoot eddie when he gets home from work, and surprises them all with a puppy for christmas, and teaches the kids swear words in other languages so they can swear without eddie knowing
(eddie knows. and thinks its hilarious)
and eddie is the kind of parent who yells way too loudly at the kids’ sports games and reads the kids bedtime stories every night and always binge watches movies and tv shows with them and tells them the most embarrassing stories of richie he knows
when the kids are little, theyre both real handfuls. especially when theyre babies. pretty much every night you’ll find richie or eddie up in the middle of the night, trying to gently rock a crying baby to sleep
they usually whisper-argue in bed abt who has to get up whenever they hear the baby crying
one night tho, eddie wakes up dying of thirst, his head pounding (he’d been pretty sick the last couple of days) and he slips out of bed and pads into the kitchen, where he finds the lights on
and there’s richie, looking dishevelled in nothing but boxers, his curls a mess and his glasses askew, their son in his arms. asleep at last
“richie,” eddie whispers, approaching him. he smiles softly at the baby before looking up at richies tired face. reaches up to brush a curl behind richies ear. “why didnt u wake me? youve been up every night with him. you look exhausted.” 
“youre sick, eds,” he murmurs. “i figured you needed the rest.”
and eddie feels such a rush of love for him in that moment. reaches up on his toes, cups richies face, and captures him up in a kiss - careful not to disturb the baby between them
he tucks both the baby and richie into bed that night
they get bev and ben to take both the kids from them one evening. bc theyre in desperate need of some alone time. and as soon as the kids are in their friends’ arms, and the front door is shut, they turn each other with suggestive grins
eddie, running his hands up richie’s chest: so...we’re finally alone. no kids. we can do...anything we want
richie, pulling eddie right up against him, nosing the joint between eddies neck and shoulder: god eddie...the things i want to do with you...
 - cut to five minutes later where theyre both passed out on the bed, having fallen asleep as soon as they hit the mattress -
they give the kids to mike and stan the night after so they can finally fuck
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haileykitty69 · 3 years
The Loud House: No Such Luck Alternate Ending
"I'm not bad luck!" Lincoln said in a megaphone, he was done with sleeping outside and eating acorns to survive.
Lynn ran outside and falcon punched him.
"you bad luck, Lincoln!" Lynn said in a goofy voice. "what the fork, Lynn?! he ain't bad luck you son of a witch!" Leni shouted in a low pitched voice. "AY! LENI! YOU MADE ME WHIZZ MY SHORTS!" Lynn screamed as she just wet herself from Leni yelling at her. "ya ned dipers" Lilly said while Lynn does a backflip while getting in the house to change her pants. "you suck Lola!" a Goomba shouted and ended up getting squashed by Mario because he ate Mario's cake that Peach only made for him. "thanks for killing that clod for calling me that!" Lola shouts as she punches Lana for just putting mud in her dress, she punched her so hard, Lana was punched through the wall, breaking it. "YOU SCUMBAG!" Lana yelled as she grabbed a paint bazooka and shot Lola so hard, she turned to an rainbow color.
"get in Linc, you no longer bad luck, just put this on." Lori said as she gives Lincoln a squirrel maid outfit. "what?!" Lincoln yelled in a demonic voice. "put on the maid outfit!" Lori yells in an even more demonic voice. Then Lori gets hit by a car that looks like a boat but she didn't die, SpongeBob was trying to get his boating license, but a banana peal made him run Lori over, then Mrs. Puff got inflated by that car crash and she snapped like a twig. "SPONGEBOB, YOU FAILED THE FUNKING TEST FOR THE LAST TIME! I'M CALLING DA POLICE!!!" Mrs. Puff yelled as she grabbed a phone that's really giant and dials nine, one, one, shouting lots of profanities into the phone and ended up getting arrested for not having the N word pass, the pass to saying Nutcracker idiot, she was sentence to getting bopped by Boog from FBACC and SpongeBob got off scotfree because the justice system in Bikini Bottom is absolutely terrible...AND THEN SANS THE SKELTON JUMPED OUT THE CLOSET AND SAID "WANNA HAVE BAD TOM?!" AND YEETS LYNN OUT THE WINDOW, BUT NOT KILLING HER, JUST PUTTING HER IN A BODY CAST!
"sorry Lincolno" Lynn said in an Italian voice while she was in bed. "YOU'RE NOT MARIO!!!!" Lincoln shouted as he started shooting Lynn with a water gun filled with his spit. "SPIT ON HIM!" Knuckles shouted and got falcon punched by Lilly. "DAT MEME DED YERS EGOOOS!" Then she did a somersault to the icecream truck and got a giant Sundae and ate the whole thing and got a perfect good night sleep. Then Seymour Skinner ran up and hits the pedo bear with a guitar, breaking it all over the Bear's head, killing the bear instantly. "DON'T TOUCH THE CHILD!" Seymour shouted then ran off.
0 notes
writesao3-blog · 7 years
SQW Day 3 “GRANDmothers”
Nothing made Regina happier these days than spending time with her Grandbaby. “FFUU-OWIE!” and of course her big baby Emma Swan. All she was missing was her Little Prince though with a daughter of his own she supposes that he isn’t quite that little anymore. That particular thought always brings her to tears so she quickly tries to distract herself.
“What happened, Darling?”
“Got a da-ng splinter from the bench again.” Failing at hiding her amusement from Emma’s knowing gaze leads her to let a chuckle to escape. “It’s not funny. The kid barely talks as it is, why do I gotta censor myself?”
“Children her age are like sponges, they soak up everything as Henry and I have both told you repeatedly.”
“Yeah yeah, I know but still. Out of all the words we say what’s the likelihood of her picking up on the couple bad ones I happen to mutter?”
“Couple? Mutter? Dear, you swear like a sailor and it’s always ‘loud and proud’.”
“Damn straight!”
“Sorry.” The brunette sighs knowing the blonde really was trying to curb her bad habit, having already caught her more than once catching and correcting herself when alone (or at least thought to be). Her phone begins to ring and she immediately knows it's Henry, she’s nowhere near ready for their time with the baby to be over with but when her Little Prince was a baby she could never bear to part from him for long either.
She takes a deep breath and answers without even looking at the I.D. “Hello, Henry.” Out of the corner of her eye she sees Emma shake her head at her and turn to talk with their Little Princess. “We’re just about to grab some icecream,” somehow she manages not to laugh at how quick the blonde’s head whipped around to face her again at the mention of the frozen treat, “we’ll walk down to the pier to eat them so you can pick her up there if that’s no trouble.” At their son’s approval she gives her farewell and waits for him to hang-up first, just as she always has.
“I still have no idea how you do that.” Emma says, after they’ve picked themselves up and started to head over to get ice cream.
“Do what, Darling?”
“Always know when it’s Henry who's calling you, it’s not like you have any specific ringtones. I’ve witnessed you back in your busy Madam Mayor days when you’d receive at least one call from just about everyone in town and still automatically know when it was him.”
“I don’t know how I know that it’s him. I can just feel it, it’s the same way with you too.” She was too proud to say out loud, that the feeling was of home and warmth but at her lover’s “Awwwe” she knew that she understood what wasn’t said. “I can also tell when it’s your mother as i’m immediately filled with dread,” she couldn't help but smirk at Emma’s “that’s not funny” look, “it’s why I never answer when she calls.”
After they had gotten their ice cream they started towards the pier, walking and enjoying their treats. Regina with her small sized, vanilla and chocolate swirl, baby sized strawberry in a dish (“Babe, you know just cuz it’s fruit flavored doesn’t make it healthier, right?”) for their grandkid, and Emma with her extra large chocolate.
“Did you really need that much?”
“Are you calling me fat?”
“Absolutely not but I’m greatly implying that you still eat like a child.” As the blonde was about to banter back, she tripped and her dessert went flying.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah just tripped.” The ex Sheriff’s lip wobbled, looking back and forth between her ruined ice cream and her girlfriend.
“We don’t have time to go back and get you another one.” Emma pouted at the news, and reached for Regina’s cone, “Absolutely not” the brunette jerked back to protect her treat.
“Buuuuuuuut Giiiinnnnaaaaa!”
Emma turned towards the toddler, “Your Nana is a big meanie. Tell her sharing is caring!” Regina rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop the affection she felt for her childish lover.  
“Shhh” came the noise from their Little Princess.
The brunette let out a chuckle, “See, Dear? Even she wants you to be quiet.”
“Shit!” Both adults froze where they were, hoping they heard wrong. “Shit!” A tiny giggle rang out. “Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!” The grandmothers grew incredibly pale as they couldn’t deny what they both heard repeatedly and clear as day.
“Regina, I’m so so-”
“Emma Swan I am going to kill you!”
“Shit!” Both women flinched at the expletive falling from the young girls’ mouth.
“I can fix this! No problem just gotta- Regina?” A choked sob sounded from the older woman. “Babe?”
“Shit!” The Queen couldn’t hold back her tears and began to cry as her breathing increased. Emma had learned how to help and support her lover during panic attacks she had over the years and thus grabbed onto her hands and began to breath deeply while maintaining eye contact. It took nearly ten minutes for Regina to calm her breathing as each “Shit!” knocked back her progress.
“What happened, Regina? I know it’s more than just her picking up on a swear.”
“What if he never lets us see her again?” She practically whispered her anguish.
“Henry! What if he doesn’t let us see her because of this!”
“Shit!” both women winced.
“Uh one second.” Emma grabbed the purple sippy cup decorated with crowns, and handed it to the toddler in hopes of distracting her. The little girl took it and began happily drinking unaware of the situation and her grandmothers’ relief of her brief respite from the new addition to her vocabulary. “He wouldn't do that. He wouldn’t be happy with me but he wouldn't take her away just because of a silly mistake.”
“Silly? A silly mistake? What part of this is silly to you, Emma? Our Grandchild is on the path to delinquency and you call it ‘silly’!?”
“Sweetheart, I know you’re upset but I think that’s a bit extreme. She isn’t the first kid to pick up on a bad word and it won’t destroy her future.” The brunette took a deep breath to center herself.
“I know. I’m just so worried.” The savior cupped her girlfriend’s face, wiping the wetness away with her thumbs.
“About what?” The blonde whispered.
“Henry doesn’t need me anymore. He’s all grown up and has his own family now. He doesn’t need his mother.”
“Regina, he will always need you, that I know with all my heart. Just because he doesn’t need you to cook his meals, tuck him in, and kiss his booboos doesn’t mean he doesn’t need you. He will always love you, you will always be his mom and nothing can erase that.”
“Though if it makes you feel better we can try to fix this?”
“How? Seems like she found her new favorite word.”
“We just gotta distract her and find a new word that she’ll take to and soon she’ll forget all about this one.”
“Gods I hope you’re right.”
The rest of the walk was filled with trepidation as they drew nearer to meeting up with their son to return his daughter. The ex mayor focusing on her breathing and her lover’s words of encouragement and love, while the younger woman focused on getting their granddaughter hooked on a new, “child friendly” word.
“Well she doesn’t seem as enthusiastic about it as she was before so that’s something.” .
“Dear, this isn’t working. What are we gonna do?”
“The only thing we can do,” The blonde sighed out “tell him the truth.”
The last few minutes of their journey was a quiet affair other than the occasional “shit”. Looking ahead, they could make out their grown son’s profile even with his back turned to them as he overlooked the water and docks. To Regina, it felt as if she were walking towards her judgement day, the final deciding factor to see if the good she accomplished later in her life made up for the despicable acts she committed.
“Hey, Kid!” The young man turned around, a smile lighting up his face at the sight of his mothers’ and Little Princess.
“Hey, Ma! Hi, Mom!
“Hello, my Little Prince.”
“Watchya looking at, Kid?”
“Just admiring the water and the ships.”
“You’ve always loved looking at the ships.”
“Probably stemmed from my time aboard an actual pirate ship.” He chuckled.
“Ugh, don’t remind me, Kid.”
“Uh, Henry Dear there’s something that your mother and I would like to tell you.” The Queen figured it was best to just get it out of the way and have them tell him over hearing it from the source without any warning.
“What’s up, Mom?”
“Well you see, it’s a funny story actually.” Emma jumped in, seeing how it was her fault she should be the one to tell him.  
“Shhhhh” ‘Oh Gods no!’ Both Grandmother’s minds yelled out.
Henry knelt down next to his little girl. “What is it baby? You got something to say?”
“Uh, well Hen you see-”
“Ship!” Once more both women were frozen, holding their breaths and praying they heard correctly. “Ship!”
“That’s right, Princess!” Henry beamed as he lifted her up and settled her on his hip. “Those are ships!” He felt so proud of her as he pointed over to the boats.
“Ship! Ship! Ship! Ship!” Emma let out the breath she had been holding as Regina promptly fainted, luckily right into her Savior’s arms.
“She’s fine, Kid. It’s just been a terribly exciting day and I think it wore your mother down. Just give her a minute.” Picking her up bridal style, she carried her passed out girlfriend to a nearby bench as their son and granddaughter continued to look over at the boats and the sea. Soon enough the brunette opened her eyes and took a moment to gather herself.
“What happened?”
“You fainted.” At Regina’s confused look she elaborated, “The Little Princess switched up her favorite word just in the nick of time and I think you just got too overwhelmed. The brunette immediately relaxed and thanked the heavens for their luck.
“If you ever cuss in front of her again, I’m gonna cut out your tongue.” Emma took a few moments to process the threat then nodded her head.
“That’s fair.”
A few days later, saw Regina and Henry preparing dinner as the toddler sat in her highchair and munched on some tiny pieces of watermelon. Working perfectly in sync, the two brunettes practically danced around the kitchen in their element, reminiscing over memories of cooking lessons. They were laughing over all the food he had managed to burn, when it happened. Watermelon falling to the floor as the little girl became too playful with her food.
Looking over the side of her chair she said the one thing Regina had hoped she’d never hear coming from her mouth ever again. “Shit!” The Grandmother’s mouth dropped open and became completely speechless as her eyes flickered between her son and grandbaby.
Henry’s cheeks turned pink as he took on a sheepish demeanor and started rubbing the back of his neck. “Oops?”
Flabbergasted over his lack of surprise and response had her unable to say anything other than repeat his last word. “Oops?”
“Uh yeah,” He let out a nervous chuckle “about a week ago I stubbed my toe. I guess some of Ma’s bad habit wore off on me as I accidently let loose the s-word. Little miss sponge over here” tickling the little girls feet had her giggling and helped him relax a little before continuing, “soaked it up and now won’t let it go. I don’t know what to do” his shoulder’s slump in resignation “Do you think- Does this make me a bad father?”
Seeing her little boy like this, stuck her to the core. How could her wonderfully perfect boy ever think he could even possibly be a bad parent? “Of course not, Little Prince!” She spoke vehemently. “She’s not the first child to pick up on a bad word. It’ll take time but she will forget it.”
“So, I’m really not a bad father for having this happen?”
“Not at all, after all it was just a silly little mistake.”
“Thanks, Mom” He smiled knowing his mother would always be there for him.
“So uh, Henry you said this happened last week?”
“Before your other mother and I last spent some time with her, when we went for that walk?”
“Uh..yeah, why?”
“No reason.” She said quickly and spun back around to continue working on dinner.
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annashipper · 7 years
V For Vendetta - Well, I read your questions...
V For Vendetta:  And had a couple of minutes to kill so hear are my answers, Anna.
Anna:  Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
V For Vendetta, it’s been such a long time you haven’t taken the time to send me a submission from another IP because I’d blocked you, I thought you’d stopped reading my blog.  Glad to know you’re still a fan!  
I’m truly touched!   :D
Now, fair is fair, so I’m gonna post what you think passes as answers (even though you obviously don’t understand the first thing about photography and cameras, or makeup or how pictures drop into our laps, but that’s OK, I don’t expect you to know and understand anything about anything really).
Sorry dear, but when I said I wanted answers, I meant well-thought-out ones.  Not what you think passes as snark.  Nans don’t do snark well.  Rethink your approach and try again  ;o)
I’m putting your submission under a pagebreak because I can see you’re angry already and the thought of riling you up even more entertains me to no end!
Where is Pilo? - Playing in the grass just out of camera range? Being looked after by someone off to the side? How should I know - I wasn’t there and BTW neither were you so you can’t just say that Christopher (that’s right the boy does have a name!) doesn’t exist just because you don’t see him in either of these photos. And be careful Anna, not too long ago septics were all saying that Sophie wasn’t there because ONE pix was taken that didn’t include her and look what you have now?!?!  Ta-da! Sophie and Ben so that little rant of the Septics backfired big time!  Who knows, there may be more photos of all the family out there somewhere…
Can’t FrugalBatch afford to rent two babies for a family outing? - Non sequitur! You don’t know BC personally in any way so who are you to talk about what he can afford or not? And the question doesn’t make any sense either because he doesn’t “rent” his children!  That is absurd! He is a parent and occasionally will be seen with them on outings. So moving on…
Who took the pics and how did the Nan who ended up posting them on Instagram come about them?  A person in the park took the picture obviously!  Either a pap or a private individual.  The fan could have copied or attained it through the internet.  What does that matter? No matter who took it or how it was attained , it doesn’t make it not real!  It was obviously taken the same day and time that the icecream pix was taken and NONE of you were questioning that photo like you are freaking out about this one.  The only difference - that one you all liked because there was no child or Sophie. This one you don’t like because it obviously contradicts your septic ideas, so now you want to question it up and down.  My question right back at you is - how come NOW you want to know so much about the pix when before it was all right and no questions asked?
If the pics were taken with a medium sized zoom lens (and I assume they were, judging by the fact that they’re taken in low aperture as the depth of field of these is quite shallow and they’re too high def to be taken from too far away), how come neither Ben nor Weirdo noticed someone walking around them with a  relatively bulky DSLR taking pictures of them and their little bundle of joy from different angles? You haven’t got a clue about what lens that pix was taken with!  In fact I have to assume from your use of terms you know nothing about photography at all really! BTW DSLR are not (I repeat NOT) bulky.  Many of them with completely professional aspects are very light and compact - do your research! And it is entirely possible to buy a 70 - 300 mm telephoto lens on a very compact camera that also has a sensitivity range from ISO 100-25600 to suit working in a variety of lighting conditions. With built in stabilizers there would be very little “shake” in the camera and it would be able to take very high quality pictures from a long distance. So it is entirely reasonable to think that someone might not notice the camera person around when they were shooting. Absolutely entirely believable. Your question in this regard is only designed to throw some kind of doubt where there isn’t any. More Septic BS made up to baffle those who swallow your crap without questioning it.
These were supposedly taken on the 12th of August.  A day when we know Ben wasn’t working.  Why was he wearing makeup for a stroll around the Heath with his wife and Rent-A-Pilo-2.0?Who says he is wearing makeup?  You?  Just because there is a shadow on his face?  BTW, I don’t wear makeup very often and yet I have a discolouration on my neck that shows up on photographs.
Where (and who) is blue-shirt-man?  The one who was walking beside Ben on the pic the Fail paid the rights for, but didn’t end up using?  Wass he the one taking the “sneaky” pictures? The blue shirt man is off camera when these shots were taken. Just exactly the same as Sophie and Hal weren’t in the shots in the ice cream pix. And who he is isn’t important is it? You certainly didn’t care about his name before when you thought Sophie wasn’t around! I doubt he was taking the pictures dumbass! He obviously wasn’t - he was enjoying an ice cream and walking in the park. Yeah right - he walked away and decided to pull out a long range lens camera and take a shot of Sophie, Ben and Hal!!!  But not when he was right beside them!  Give your head a shake! That doesn’t make any sense - even to a septic!
Why weren’t these high def pics used in the Fail article instead of the stock picture of Sherlock they used after the ice cream scoffing pic was pulled? Well, it could be for a number of reasons (none of which have to do with any “fuckery” BTW!).  Maybe the Fail wanted to use them in a later story?  Maybe they couldn’t negotiate a price with the pap that was agreeable to both?  Maybe… I don’t know! But just because the Fail used a stock photo instead of these pictures doesn’t mean at all that BC isn’t married to Sophie, that they don’t have 2 children and that they weren’t in Hampstead Heath on that day enjoying a family outing.
And as an ending thought…  just because Septics don’t like that there are now clear, not blurry (except for the baby’s face), pictures of Benedict, Sophie and their youngest child together having a lovely time in the park, it doesn’t mean that these photos are fake or just PR.The Septics better get used to the fact that this sort of thing is going to be happening more and more as the children grow up (and who knows maybe even more kids in the future - wrap your minds around that!!!).  He isn’t going to live his life dictated by the warped imaginings of the Septics.  He already told you people what he thinks of your types - delusional, obsessive and scary!  Move on and go try slagging some other celebrity… better yet just go outside and get some sunshine
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askcherryberry · 7 years
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Time for something sweet.  Cherry and Berry go and watch the sunset at the pier.  It’s slightly breezy so Cherry gives up his jacket to keep Berry warm.  Berry leans in and cuddles into Cherry just enjoying his company.  (For as long as Berries hyper activity lets him.)
30 day OTP challenge for the month of August
This months couple (only cause no one voted and so I saw a pretty bad comic with uf!sans is pretty much not treated good so take this month of sweetness.) Blueberry cherry / aka swap!sansxfell!sans
This list comes from DA!
Cover day!  
01 - Holding hands
02 - Cuddling somewhere
03 - Gaming/watching a movie 04 - On a date 05 - Kissing 06 - Wearing eachothers’ clothes 07 - Cosplaying 08 - Shopping 09 - Hanging out with friends 10 - With animal ears 11 - Wearing kigurumis    12 - Making out 13 - Eating icecream 14 - Genderswapped 15 - In a different clothing style (Visual Kei, gyaru, lolita, ect. ) 16 - During their morning ritual(s) 17 - Spooning 18 - Doing something together (this can be anything from watching tv to having sex.  Just remember to tag appropriately.) 19 - In formal wear 20 - Dancing 21 - Cooking/baking 22 - In battle, side-by-side 23 - Arguing 24 - Making up afterwards 25 - Gazing into eachothers’ eyes 26 - Getting married 27 - On one of their birthdays 28 - Doing something ridiculous 29 - Doing something sweet 30 - Doing something hot (once again, be sure to tag if you make it extremely NSFW!)
So here’s the list.  Now I may do the arts for the different days in different art styles or formats but they should be released by 10PM EST on their given day.  Each art posted will have the list attached and the links to previous arts of other days so you can go back and look.  
Guys while I do this please send me asks.  I have no problem doing my traditional art style with your requests.  though this week I’ll not be taking requests as I’m very busy with family stuff.  a great uncle died recently and I’m handling some stuff with that.  
undertale/ @tobyfoxofficial
underswap and underfell belong to the undertale community
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7. Syyskuuta. 2019
7. Syyskuuta 3/4
Alex cuddled with Till on the couch, drinking whiskey with a straw, Till trying to take it away every moment and other, Alex using his power to pin his hand away. One of the moments where Till submited to Alex lol.  
“Alex you cant just let few glares get under your skin like that. Put the drink away, clear your body and let’s just forget you drank and keep counting the months from where you were left.” Till said, Alex’s answer was noisy suck from the straw.  
“You’ll end up doing something stupid while drunk.” Alex got up and looked at Till. “Well at least I can blame it on alcohol, ja?” Till decided to not contiune and piss him off.
Another 30 minutes pass and the four meet at the hallway again, heading to eat. Alex and Nea look at each other. Nea’s neck is full of soft red spots and lips swollen, Alex’s eyes were almost colorless, lolling around sometimes. Nea had dissaponted look, Alex just grinned, “Lovebirds.”
They headed to the cantteen and took their seats from the same spot, that was actually bit far away from other people, thank satan. (nyt tulee mäkikuja fail moment koska en haluu et tää on vaas säd paskaa)
The food was served and it took a moment to Nea ask, “Allu tää on kalaa?”
Alex slowly put the fork down. “oh...” Alex put the fish away on the plate and started eating the other stuff.  
“You are well aware that you can just tell the waitress and they’ll bring you naything else.” Till said.
“Yes, but i dont want to.”  
Back in Al’s and nea’s room. Cody took the liberty to demolish all alcohol. Alex seemed happier now. “We have the elite meeting for 3 hours. Till could you acompany nea for that while?” Alex asked, bouncing on his ass on the floor.
“Yes of course. Whatshould we do?” Till said, seemed happy to please alex(?).
“Go show her the city. Get some eyescream, because it’s hot as hell when it’s supposed to be 4Celsius. Aaaanddd.. I don’t know.”Alex laughed.  
“Alex you can’t go to the elite meeting like that.” Cody said. Alex’s eyes went black, nea took Cody’s hand, fearing that he will be flung our of the window too. The veins went black and it seemed like a reddish liquid were going thru them. The color on Alex’s face came back and his posture on the floor straighened up. “Better?” Alex asked, going back to normal, not sounding drunk anymore. “Yes.”
Alex and cody left for the meeting, leaving nea and Till alone.  
“As Alex said it’s pretty hot outside. We should change to casual clothes.” Till got up told nea to meet on the hallway in 10. Nea kept the fishnets on, changed to shorts and hollywood undead t shirt. She felt like she wanted something else ontoo, but hoodies seemed too warm. She went to Allu’s bag and digged thru it, untill she found the red black flanel. She threw it on and looked in the mirror. The makeup was bit heavy for the outfit but what ever. Nea finished it by spraying half a bottle of setting spray to make sure it wouldn’t come off if she swet.
“You’ve got some fashion knowledge there.” Till said as they met up. He had a basic black t-shirt and some black thin jacket on, with black jean shorts. “Thank you, cant say same of you.” Nea laughed. They walked out and then to a big garage hall of the hotel.  
“So we are taking a car?” Nea asked. “Yeah, it’s big city and right now we are in area where there is nothing but luxury hotels and big parks with old ladies and their poodles.”
They arrived to a pretty basic but newish black rangerover car and till opened the door for nea, who thanked and got in. They headed out in the car and nea felt somehwhat anxious with a big almost stranger man who is demon in a acar with her.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna do anything to you. I can basicly feel Alex’s eyes burning on my back right now (chuckle).” Till said, giving nea a warm smile that eased her feeling. They drove around for a while and then arrived to Mall of Berlin. Huge fucking place.
“I guess you youngsters like malls?” Till laughed, he seemed bit unconformtable. “Yeah. It’s just the people and masses.” Nea said. She swore she could hear Till let out a big breath.
“So we gonna play a game called ‘dodge the crowd’.” They both laughed.  
“You probably know that Alex isn’t found of using money if it isnt Death Necessary? I thought that we could play with our lives and go shopping.” Till said as they navigated thru the parking halls.
“Yeah. But i do have clothes with me and all? And I really dont need any spare because we have the etiquette clothes. It’s just the weekend.” Nea said, not wanting to piss off Alex and the idea of random man buing her stuff seemed weird.
“About that... In the all members meeting they mentioned that this might be longer than three days.. It’s nothing confirmed yet but... Shit might get wild.” Till said and they stepped into the mall, it was huge.
“Oh.... (kattelee hämmästyneenä kauppojen määrää) I’m not gonna suck your dick for a t-shirt then okay.” Nea said, HALF-joking.
“Oh you don’t have to. Alex does it enough (laugh). I actually enjoy shopping and clothes. Not really for myself, but for Alex. He just doesn’t let me, even tho he likes dressing up himself. So why not to get two flies with one go. I can see you making outfits and you get clothes.” Till explained. He felt bit weird about it too, also he was sure he had someones eye on him already.
Nea agreed and fitted to the situtation and they went to a shop where nea saw some grungeish clothes. Till tried to make nea not look at the prices and almost showed his black eyes to get her eyes off the tags. It started to slide well, nea got few fell outfits from stores and some accessories too. They also went to makeup store because in long run you would get tired on black red smoky eye, right? The hours passed by and they started throwing so good jokes and shit that they didnt notice people staring at Till Lindemann walking around mall with young girl and shopping bags.
“Till! Till! Kann ich ein Foto mit dir machen?” A woman came to them smiling and blushing.
“Ja, absolut!” Till asked nea to take the picture, and she did.
“Danke vielmals. Ist das deine Tochter oder wer?” Woman asked looking at nea.
“Ach nein. Sie ist die Tochter meiner Kollage, die ich für ein paar Stunden babysitten sollte.” Till explained seeming bit awkward, nea had no idea what they talked about.
“Oh ok. Danke für das Bild. Du bist toll.” The woman smiled and beamed happily. “Danke dir auch.” Till smiled and she left.
“What did she ask?” Nea understood from the way of speaking that there was a question.
“First asked for a picture and then asked if you were my daughter (till seemed to have sad and somewhat regretful face). I told you were daughter of my collague who I had to babysit.” Till gave out a awkward chuckle. Nea nodded.
They agreed on getting the ice scream and then going back to the hotel. Nea took strawberry chocolate one and Till passed, as he was driving. Till seemed more quiet after the daughter thing, but nea understood as she heard Alex talk something back in the spring about Till having a lot of children with dif women and some with wifes and he had to raise one as single father for years, then one was taken away because he was accused of puncing wife. Nea had no idea what was true and what not but decided to not mess up on that.  
“Nea my love!” Cody shouted as they met at the hotel entrance. They hugged, awwardly as nea had the icecream. Alex had his arms crossed and gave  Till a hard-questoning look while tapping foot on the concrete.  
“Till you might have something to explain.” Cody laughed looking at the bags that he helped nea to carry. “Your room. Now, Till.” Alex commanded. Cody took the bags and they went inside. Till walking fast in front of Alex, Cody and Nea following the situtation from the back.  
“If Till ain’t sitting right after that, it’s just bruises on his ass.” Cody whispered laughing, making nea to too. “I heeeard.” Alex tried to say angrily, but you could hear smile in his voice. Till got in his room and Nea went with cody to nea’s.
“Are you trying to provoke me on reason? You wanna make me mad so I'll spank your ass or something because you’re too proud of a man to ask it yourself HUH?” Alex pressured him to sit on sofa (argh hirvee flash back ku olin jotai 10-11v ja faija oli kaatokänni ja käskin sen sohvalle istuu ku se ei pysny pystys ja sit se kaatu sen pöydän yli.)  And tried to keep his voice low. Till seemed more horrified than aroused tho.
“NO! I know better than that. You heard yourself that this might be longer than weekend. You and cody will probably be assinged to travel somewhere to do shit and dont get to go home for more than a day.” Till said.
“How the fuck has my and cody’s traveling to do with you spoiling nea?” -a
“Well DUH! She’s coming with us. I’m not stupid, you couldn’t see the heartbroke in their eyes if you seperated cody and nea.” Till
“Well I am not one deciding who is coming and who not. I’d rather see the heartbrake than put her life on death line by taking her with us. We would be back anyway.” Al.
“Cody würde sicherstellen, dass sie nicht von einem Käfer verletzt würde!” Till raised his voice now, speaking german fully.
^Cody would make sure she was not hurt by a bug!”
“a...” Alex was about to answer in hars german too, but remembered that he can’t vocalize german well at all. He had been stabbed from under the jaw upward towards deeper cheek muscels, that you happen to use on vocalazing german and such accented languages. Alex can speak it but it would sound like lil american kid trying to sing rammstein.
“Doesn’t matter! I didn’t take her here to have a luxury vacation but to keep me sane! Her reason is to be my anchor! Someone from my private life to keep me from doing stupid shit. The reason I haven’t killed anybody here, nor went of running my mouth on elite.” Alex
“So you’re basicly saying that she is here just as a tool? Shouldn’t she have nice things too? How does this trip help her? What does it give her? If not a vacation like experience?!” till
“This shit ain’ nice for anyone but those business men with their whores ordering vintage wine and smiling with their gold teeth. We are supposed to be here saving the world from chaos and i hate that art of it is drawn back by this money use and useless shit. Why should we be pampered here, while people are dying.” Alex started to get irritated. So angry he couldn’t really keep calm but neither to do anything else.  
“Alex calm down.” Till pulled Alex to sit down with him on the couch, stroking his back. Alex was shaking as he tried to not cry from anger and dissapoint on himself. He were sure that if nea was here he wouldn’t have gone on rage, but the more he thought of that the more he thought wha Till said about Alex keeping her as a tool. “Am i really that much a of a asshole... Dragging my bestfriend to germany without really giving her a chance, and just taking her from her parents and school.... I-… Should I get her back home?” Alex’s eyes were wet as he looked up at Till.  
“Nea’s a strong girl. She would have told you straight away if she didnt want to.” Till reasured, wiping away the tears that escaped al’s eyes. “I can see that you actually submit to her. Not like you do to me, while having sex or something, you overpwer me all the time. But you haven’t said against her one bit. Haven’t hit her, used your power on her violently. She is the one who could kill you. For the real dead, not just stab you out of your blood and you wont resist but she handles the destiny of your life.” Till said in low and calm voice, knowing it help alex to calm down, and basicly melts him.
“Did you buy me anything?” Alex asked in guilty voice, turning up to look at Till again from where he was leaning on his chest. Alex looked like a child in candy shop who just promised to not ask for candy.
“Of course. But I’m not sure if they are tolerant for this moment.” Till’s voice went back to his normal playfully flirty one and he smirked. Alex smiled, eyes puff. “What does that mean?”
Till pulled a Black leather collar with studs out of his bag.  (joo en jaksanu rajata mut tota.. Varmaa vähä kalliimpi koska parempi laatu...)
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 “I think that know as The Order and we as in general have upgraded on better status of life, so should our tradition.” Till took the metal chain off and placed the collar on alex who smiled wide as till tightened it.  
“No leash?” Alex asked. Till pulled out a matching leash with leather ‘handle’ and clipped it on. “Happy?” He asked from alex who was about o lick his face (?????)
“Ja!” Alex checked the clock. “We missed the dinner... It’s only 15  minutes left?”
“We’ll order pizza and hang in your room kay?” Till proposed and alex nodded.
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kennnysparks · 7 years
WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: 🌞 1.man i just watched this mexiken lady live on on instagram i couldnt understand a word she was saying but just kept pressing da heart button. 2.if u on live on ig & im watching, its me pressing da heart button non stop just in case u was wondering. 3.a bitch could have like 12k #followers but go on live & only have #like 12 ppl watching her 🌞 4.this morning i discovered a new #SUPADEVIL #power, my face is sumhow immune to MACE. MACE in da face what a way to start da day. 5.its a long story man i cant really tell it kuz its kinda incriminating. da sories i cant share on here is always more #epic. 🌞 6.its hard for #me to take myself serious even in da middle of a crisis. 7.id die over ten dollars. and kill over ten dollars. haha honor is pricless 🌞 8.a muthafukka gotta damn near kill me for me to miss a day of work, ima still be early, and still eat #icecream. 🌞 9.just found out that ice cream takes away da burning pain from #pepperspray. 10.just apply ice cream to ur face like lotion to get rid of da burning sensation, haha, remember, pepper spray as oil #water wont stop da burn. 11.water and oil dont mix, but milk and ice cream will do da trick. 12.ice cream da dessert that gives more than we deserve. 13.now after u have used milk or ice cream to treat da burn, now apply dawn and water to get rid of da oil 🌞 14.man this ice cream taste too good to waste putying on my face, cant believe that bitch really pepper sprayed me. 🌞 15.who invented pepper spray? how they think of this shit? they must if been in prison, niggas think of da weirdest weapons in prison. 16.my patna #mack mel told me bout all deez weird ass weapons ppl discovered in prison, da weirdest shit could be used to kill sum shit. 🌞 17.my patna mack mel said on his first day in prison he went ape shit #crazy, it was hella #funny win he was describing it to me 18.i was dying laughing, he said his cellmate tried to check him and dip him and that he started flipping out. 19.da way he described it had me dying laughing, nigga said he grabbed da bars on da cell and just started yelling. 20.im laughing just typing bout this shit.
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